#idk man i miss being around a big chinese/indian population so much
emeraldgreaves · 10 months
turns out meeting people you work with is really good for making you hate job things a little bit less
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
1 • favorite dried fruit? >> I find most dried fruit abhorrent, but dried mango is okay.
2 • do you wear a ring every day? >> Not every day. I only wear rings when I go out.
3 • would you rather wear a dress or a suit on your wedding day? >> I wore a suit.
4 • if you chose dress, will it be long or short? >> ---
5 • if you chose suit, will you wear a bow or a tie? >> I wore a bowtie. It had gold skulls on it. :)
6 • have you ever wanted to be a police officer? >> Fuck no.
7 • favourite insect? >> Moths, mantises, anything funky-looking.
8 • Chinese or Indian takeout? >> Indian, all the way.
9 • do you have a nut allergy? >> No.
10 • favorite dog breed? >> Pit bull.
11 • if you had to dye your hair lilac purple, baby pink, or mint green, which would you choose? >> Lilac, probably.
12 • do you accessorise with chains? >> I used to do that a lot when I was younger, but I just can’t really be bothered these days. I still like the way it looks, I’ve just gotten a lot lazier with my personal style.
13 • how often do you cook dinner? >> I don’t usually cook dinner.
14 • how do you entertain yourself while copying a long text? >> Huh?
15 • order these things from most to least important: >> ... Where are the things?
16 • better too much or not enough of (thing)? >> Depends on the thing?
17 • what have you given up on recently? >> I haven’t given up on anything recently. Surprisingly.
18 • favourite condiment for fries? >> I prefer sweet potato fries to regular fries, which are flavourful enough on their own for me. I don’t really eat regular fries anymore.
19 • ever had bangs? >> No.
20 • do you know any Italian people? >> I mean, probably.
21 • ice cream or ice pops? >> ---
22 • which farm animal would you like as a pet? >> Why would I want a farm animal as a pet?
23 • which zoo animal would you like as a pet? >> ^
24 • have you ever dated someone lgbt+? >> ... This is a laughable question when you’re not cishet.
25 • how many hours do you wish there were in a day? >> I’m fine with how many are there already...
26 • if you were at Hogwarts, which pet would you want (out of cat, rat, toad, and owl)? >> I would never go to a fuckin boarding school lmao
27 • what color would you like your future bathroom to be? >> I don’t care what colour it is, it’s more the arrangement and size and what kind of fixtures that matters to me.
28 • do you add sugar to plain cornflakes? >> No. I like plain cornflakes just fine.
29 • are skeletons cool? >> Damn right, they are.
30 • favorite Selena Gomez song? >> ---
31 • do you like coffee flavored cake? >> I don’t think so. Doesn’t sound attractive to me.
32 • do you still watch your favorite kid shows/cartoons? >> I didn’t have any favourite shows as a kid because I wasn’t even allowed to watch most of them. I do like watching cartoons now, they’re fun as hell.
33 • do you like going on walks? what's your favorite thing about them? how far do you normally walk? >> I like going on nature walks and walking trails and stuff. I hate just... walking up and down the sidewalks around here, it’s so utterly boring. But I make myself do it sometimes because it’s decent easy exercise. I don’t walk very far -- maybe a mile, mile and a half -- on walks around here, but put me on a nice trail and I could definitely go for 2.5+ miles easy.
34 • last time you had a hot drink? >> I don’t remember... but that reminds me! It’s cooler now! I can make tea again! :D !!!
35 • last time you went to Pizza Hut? >> I don’t go to Pizza Hut.
36 • do you listen to Cher? >> No.
37 • what's your favorite thing that you're wearing? >> It’s all the same amount of okay to me.
38 • would you change your hair color if you could? >> No. It’s pretty easy to change one’s hair colour, so if I haven’t done it, it means I don’t want to.
39 • how could I cheer you up if you were sad? >> You’re a stranger, so you probably couldn’t, no matter what you did.
40 • have you ever lived in a city? was it crowded? >> I lived in a city with the highest population density of almost any city in the world, so, yes, it was crowded.
41 • would you prefer to live in a big city or the woods? >> The woods.
42 • have you ever climbed a mountain? >> Yes. Not all the way, but.
43 • have you ever pet a donkey? >> No.
44 • do you hear owls or crickets at night where you live? >> Crickets, sometimes.
45 • ever run away from home? >> I’ve tried.
46 • are you scared to ride public transport alone? why? >> Hell no, lol.
47 • is marriage on your mind? >> No??
48 • do you miss the 2000's? >> No.
49 • did you own a dollhouse when you were younger? >> I did. It was a talking dollhouse -- the dolls all had these magnetic sensor things on their feet, and they fit into slots on the floor of the house, and you could arrange them in different ways so they’d have conversations. Like, you could put the man in the entryway, the woman in the kitchen, the children in their bedrooms, and the man would be like “I’m home!” and the woman would say something about dinner being almost ready, and the children would yell greetings or something. Some things I had as a child, I have no idea where my father even found them, tbh. I’ve never heard anyone else talk about a dollhouse like this.
50 • does the room you're in have a tiled floor? >> No.
51 • would you rather have claws on your knuckles or sharp teeth? >> Neither of these sound particularly practical.
52 • how many pairs of earrings do you own? >> One, the pair I’m wearing.
53 • what's your favorite cooked vegetable? >> Roasted veggies of any kind.
54 • ever had a crush on a book character? >> Sure, probably. It’s definitely not an odd thing to imagine happening to me.
55 • lastly, is your washing machine in the kitchen or the bathroom? >> We don’t have in-unit laundry in this part of the complex (some other units might have it, idk). There’s a laundry room downstairs for the building.
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