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18Any pronouns Genderfluid BiromanicSee pinned! Requests open‼️
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chosos-husband · 2 months ago
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lil moira piece while i work on another one as we speak lol ✨
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chosos-husband · 4 months ago
The masculine urge to start writing holiday head cannons for my overwatch favs
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chosos-husband · 5 months ago
Can you do a junker queen X fem reader an angst but loving story so something like they get into a big fight but later that day or a few days later they talk it out and make up?
I love junkerqueen so much. Idk, I'm also just a certified tall woman enjoyer qwq. So obligatory tall women fluff at the end
As mentioned in my last post, I can write the reader as any gender. But, I'll stick with neutral just because :3 though, the reader is gonna be shorter than her definitely. I don't think any of you guys are over 7'(if you are pls hmu)
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You were, by nature, a pacifist. Which made living in Junkertown quite hard for you, almost bordering impossible. Everyone that could did take advantage of your kind and trusting nature.
You let in someone who said that they just needed to use the restroom and ended up kicking you out of your own shitty apartment.
This was how Odessa found you. You were teary eyed and embarrassed that you allowed yourself, once again, down on your luck because you were trying to be nice. Usually, Dez was used to seeing people being cruel. So, to see someone crying without being beaten before, was unusual. Emotion was often foreign in Junkertown, as it was a weakness. She found your unprovoked kindness unusual.
Odessa, though, understood the desire. She grew up around here. In a way, all those thieves were here community. However, she knew as good as anyone how cruel these people could be. She knew changing them was impossible. Therefore, she adapted to the environment that she was given.
You just wanted to change that environment.
When she asked you why you were crying, you weren't sure whether or not you should answer honestly. But, she was the queen and you feared further trouble. Therefore, you explained your situation to her.
At the end, she smiled and placed her hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry about them." She shrugged. "They're all boneheads. Come on, you can stay with me."
You tried to insist that it wasn't necessary. But she insisted. It got to a point where it would be disrespectful to not take her offer. Therefore, the plan was for you to stay a week. But a week became two and two became three.
Your relationship with Dez spiraled from there. She was a protective lover. She hated seeing you hurt, emotionally or physically. You gave her someone that could ground her. She knew that you wouldn't bring her anymore chaos or stress. Rather, someone to help her calm down.
And she found she recovered from nightmares better with you sleeping next to her. It reminded her that everything was, in fact, okay. Dez would just pull you a little closer, make sure you were breathing, and go back to bed.
However, your nature caused a lot of issues. You had issues with how Odessa handled things. Her hot-headed approach frustrated you and you often wished that she handled things more gently. She couldn't understand how you were able to have a passive view about everything. But luckily, it usually worked out for you two.
Dez handled something quite abruptly. Once again, leading more with her temper than her thoughts. Though Dez would more kind than previous rulers of Junkertown, that didn't mean you approved of how she managed things.
You heard about it through some mutual friends. Another raid that Dez led instead of trying to reason with her adversaries first. It annoyed you. Dez noticed something was off with you as she was tinkering with something she found. You were sitting next to her on the couch, but you weren't watching her fiddle with the metal anymore. Rather, you were spaced out, thinking about Dez's actions.
"What's wrong with you? You look like you got some bad news or something." Odessa frowned. She really didn't like seeing you upset.
"It's nothing, Dez." Though, your tone said something completely different and she knew that.
"Don't try to lie to me. I know you too well." Odessa moved closer to you. She wanted to know so she could fight with whoever made you upset.
"I just hate how you manage things. I mean, can't you try to reason with people before going crazy? Does it always have to be violence, Dez?" You frowned. Your girlfriend was immediately quite defensive.
"Hey, I give them more than enough chances to apologize."
"That isn't reasoning. You have to try to see their perspective. Maybe you're wrong too. It's hard to tell until you try to talk to them." You insisted.
"You know as well as I do that isn't how it works around here." She crossed her arms.
"But why can't we change that?"
"You really think you are going to change the people out there?" Odessa stood up. She was getting frustrated with you. She only lived because she fought. She only got to where she was because she fought and was unforgiving about it.
"I would at least like to try!" You stood up too. The height difference between you two became apparent.
"You've been here so long. How don't you get it?" She was raising her voice at you, but not recognizing it.
"I don't wanna just accept that maybe some people are just bad." You explained, but she largely wasn't listening.
"Is that why you ended up kicked out of your own house? God, where do you think you'd be? You still think you'd be fine?" She sighed "You're being so fucking stupid!"
She wasn't making eye contact with you. Odessa didn't see you tear up. She only saw you turn around and leave. Her thinking wasn't clear, if it was, she would have gone after you.
You went to stay with someone that you and Dez both trusted. They listened to you ramble about your argument with Odessa. They sided with your girlfriend. They experienced the same life she did. They saw how much you struggled because of your nature.
But they still listened to you and understood where you were coming from, and they let you sleep in their small guest room for the night.
Dez went to bed angry. She thought you were being completely irrational. She told herself that she didn't care where you ended up. But, when she woke up from a nightmare, she panicked without you next to her.
She looked for you, she yelled your name. Dez couldn't rationalize with herself for a solid minute. Rather, was consumed with the worry that she lost you.
Once she calmed down, Dez sat back down on the bed. Her breathing was irregular, and her thoughts scattered. She ran a hand through her hair while she tried to figure out what to do.
She was angry at you. But she knew that there was a reason she loved your calm demeanor. She loved how calming you were especially in moments like this. She needed it. Most importantly, she had to know that she wasn't losing you.
Dez thought about where you would have ended up. She knew you well enough to know that you would have been too scared to venture too far. She also knew that you weren't bitter enough to try to fully move out.
She figured that you went to a friend's house. Odessa knocked one door after door before reaching the friend that you chose to stay with. Of course, she was immediately let in.
You weren't able to sleep that night. You kept thinking about your fight with Dez. You worried about if this was going to be the end. Thoughts like that made it impossible to sleep.
The Queen knocked on the spare bedroom door.
"Come in." You said just loud enough to be heard. She immediately opened the door.
"y/n, come on. Can you come home please?" You sat up. It was the most desperate that Dez ever sounded.
"Are you still mad at me?" Your voice was soft.
"Can you please just come?"
The walk home was silent. But she did watch over you. Luckily there weren't many people out at this time of night. If they were, they recognized the Queen from afar and tended to stay away. She was just centered on getting home.
She opened the door for you. You assumed that the rest of the night was going to be quiet too. But, as soon as she shut the door, she grabbed your arm.
"Babe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude to you." Odessa frowned. "I just was upset. I didn't think you were wanting to understand. I grew up where my personality means not getting taken advantage of. It means getting what you need and getting access to what you want." Dez shook her head "But I like how you are."
"It's okay, Dez. I wasn't being the nicest either."
"But you didn't call me stupid." She stepped forward, the height difference between you and her became apparent once more. "I like that you talk soft and always try to see the best in others. It's cute." Odessa shrugged. "But if I'm not the way I am, you are going to get hurt again. I just wanted you to get that this isn't me being mean. It's just the say it is.
There was a long pause before she spoke again. "Are you gonna be mad at me?"
You looked up at her. You realized you are likely the only person that the Junkerqueen Queen would ever apologize to.
"No. I understand that you didn't mean it, Dez." You smiled. Odessa put her arms around you and picked you up. She carried you like this back to your shared bedrooms. She slightly threw you onto the bed. But you both shared exhaustion.
She laid next to you and put her arms around you. You smiled, feeling better that you had the queen to protect you while you slept. She pulled you close to her. Odessa observed that you were breathing and that comforted her. She gave you a kiss on your jawline.
"I love you. Even when I don't show that the best."
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chosos-husband · 5 months ago
Would an angsty jealous fem reader x lifeweaver fic be doable? Where shes jealous bc lifeweaver likes to flirt around with the others and it ends in her wanting to quit working with overwatch bc she gets hurt watching him with others? Happy ending please! One where they get together hwheh thank you!
Ugh Lifeweaver my BELOVED. Literally love this man so much. Thank you so much for requesting qwq!! Also sry this took forever! I am in college, and it has been screwing me over lately lmfao. Hope you enjoy it :3
I also forgot that I will be writing the reader with neutral identity unless otherwise stated. Thanks!
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Niran, in general, was a flirtatious person. He always made cute comments towards the people that he was closer to. Even to those he had just met, he would give the sweetest remarks about something he saw in them.
He had a talent of seeing the best in those around him. Everything living had beauty and value to him. Niran had a calling to protect this inherit beauty.
Of course, this did not end with you. Every message from him was signed off with something just to make you smile. It was impossible to not love him, even if it was just a little. It was hard to not love someone who made you blush every day.
As time passed on, you did learn to love him, a lot actually. You made excuses to visit his office and made reasons for you two to work together, even if there was no logical explanation for that decision.
You learned to admire Niran in the same way he did you. You appreciated him as a being. Physically, he was stunning. Anyone could agree with that. However, you feel in love with him entirely, a large component of that being in his words and actions.
It was easy to feel special with him. It was as natural as breathing to love him.
It's why it burned so much to see him talk that same way to others. For awhile, it was just you. He would only really speak to you in this way. But, quite suddenly, he started talking like that to others.
You analyzed what those peers had that you didn't. You didn't know what Niran's type was, as it kinda seemed like everyone was.
He would compliment their outfits and style. You couldn't help but wonder if that's what he would have preferred out of you. It was simplistic to fall into the trap of what he would have preferred. What would make him adore you as much as you did him.
As more time passed, you grew angry with him. It was cruel. That he would give the impression that you were special to him. Just for him to run around and talk to other people the same way. It just wasn’t fair for him to do this to you.
You couldn’t look at him without him being angry. You couldn’t stand for him to compliment you anymore. You knew how he would be talking that way with just anyone else. It didn't mean anything. It wasn't special to him.
You started just ignoring what he said to you. You would roll your eyes or not respond. Niran tried asking if he was doing something to upset you. But you never answered him, you would simply walk away.
It got to the point where you just didn't want to see his face anymore. Even if he only spoke to you again, it didn't matter. You didn't want to see him anymore. As, all it did was hurt.
You grew with frustration when Overwatch didn't accept your request to transfer departments. They stated that your work with Niran was important and that you two already agreed to work on that assignment together.
Niran looked by as you were putting things into a box. Everyone else had already left the building. You didn't want to make leaving a big scene. You didn't want anyone to question you or try to talk you out of it. It didn't even come to mind how Niran tended to stay later than everyone else did.
"y/n, what are you doing?" He frowned. He knew that you were angry with him. However, Niran still loved you and he didn't want to see you leave.
"Why do you care?" You snapped back. You continued to pack things into boxes.
"I care about you. We've worked together for a long time now. Why do you think I wouldn't?" Niran stepped close to you, which just made you more irritated.
"Don't even try to pull that with me anymore. If you care about me, you wouldn't talk to me like that. You wouldn't flirt with me and then act like I'm nothing the second I step away and there is someone else to talk to. I'm not special to you." You rambled. If you were thinking rationally, you would have seen the hurt in his eyes. That, he hated the idea that he was hurting you this much and didn't even know it.
"That's just the way I speak, it isn't personal, y/n." Niran tried to explain, but you weren't really listening.
"It doesn't matter. I'm leaving Overwatch anyway. You can tell them that when I don't come in tomorrow."
"You can't leave! Our work is together. I work with you and that's the only way it will continue to grow. I can't continue this project alone. "
"Why should I care now?"
"Why are you angry?" Niran was starting to get frustrated with you. Though, he was very good about keeping his anger in check. He just didn't understand how he was supposed to know you were upset without you talking to him.
"Because I loved you and it felt like you loved me back. But I don't mean shit to you. Do I, Niran? Aren't I just some other person in this lab to you?
Niran's eye widened a little bit. The confession was sudden, but provoked. His normal confident, charming demeanor fluttered. He was blushing.
Your confusion grew as you could see him looking for any implication of sarcasm.
"Are you serious?" Niran smiled a little bit. His tone was soft and no longer defensive.
"Why lie now? I'm leaving anyway." You shrugged. There was a level of embarrassment to it. That you are confessing to someone just before running away.
"I do love you. I have for quite a long time really."
Your entire expression softened. Now, you were trying to figure out if he was being sarcastic.
"You don't act like it. I don't really believe you, Niran."
"I have. I wasn't sure how to talk to you. I tried. But I wasn't sure you were interested at all. I only started talking to others to get over it. But I can't say that I ever did. I never stopped thinking about you in that way. I just didn't want to say it and ruin our friendship." He paused. "But I guess I did that anyway, didn't I?"
You stood there, looking into the box that you had on your chair. Maybe this was all just a silly misunderstanding. Perhaps you were just being jealous and refusing to talk to him about it.
"Are you willing to give me another chance?" Niran asked, making you look up. You hesitated for answer for a moment.
"I think I will."
A few months later, you two are cuddling in his room. He definitely appreciated showing his affection through actions. You were laying on top of him, your head resting against his chest. Initially, you were counting his heartbeats, but he kept talking to you and making you forget which number you were on.
"Thank you for giving me another chance y/n." Niran put his fingers through your hair.
"I wouldn't if you weren't so pretty." You were just teasing and it made him smile.
"Then, I'm glad that I am. I don't want to imagine a life where I'm not with you." Those stupid words again. You could feel your face getting a little hot.
"Hush now, I'm going to bed."
Niran was awake a little longer than you. He couldn't stop thinking about this. He was scared that he almost lost you. That him not being able to say it made your relationship almost never happen.
But, he had you now and you had his complete, unforgiving attention.
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chosos-husband · 5 months ago
Overwatch Requests Open
Idk why I didn't have them open before I just have a chronic case of stupid.
PLEASE ask about my love venture I'm begging.
I also love moria. Tbh just most of the Overwatch women. Just please look at my rules before requesting thank you <3
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chosos-husband · 8 months ago
Hey!! Hope you're having a great day/night!!
I was wondering if I could put in a request of Gojo just confronting reader on like eating disorder issues and even giving some comfort
If you find this uncomfortable to talk about don't worry!! If it's too uncomfortable for you to write then just Gojo being all cute with reader and like not wanting to get up in the morning and just wanting to hug and cuddle and sleep in and readers just like ugh you're lucky ur cute :((
This is absolutely an okay ask! For future reference, eds are fine to ask about. I did include varying eds because you didn't specify which one and ofc there are many different ones!
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-I'm ngl, I don't think he would question it for a really long time. Thinks it's just part of the way that you do things.
-Even once he does start getting concerned, I think Gojo would hesitate to say something because he just isn't sure how to approach it.
-Though, because he is quite straightforward, I imagine Gojo just directly asking why you are doing certain things. I don't know if he would assume a disorder, maybe that something is just temporary wrong.
-If you lie, he will likely believe you ngl. He just trusts you to tell him what is going on. However, he wouldn't accept any bs the second time. The second time he asks, he's way more concerned and feels like it has to be a lot more than whatever excuse you came up with.
-If you struggle with not being able to eat certain foods because of something like AFRID, Gojo wouldn’t pressure you. He does want you to try different things. However, if you have to eat safe foods, that’s what will happen. Gojo wonders if you have some trauma that makes you afraid of choking or poison or something like that. He will just try to make sure you’re getting essential nutrients.
-If you did try new foods, Gojo does his best to assure you that it is safe!! He is trying his best.
-If you struggle with restrictive eating, he would peer pressure ngl. Is a bit more pushy I think because he thinks your fear of your body is silly. Gojo thinks you are attractive no matter what.
-Man canonically likes sweets and is always trying to make you have at least some. He would notice whether it is easier for you to eat in front of others or away from.
-He is very vigilant with physical activities and making sure you are strong enough to be doing whatever you are doing.
-If you struggle with binge eating, he is so sweet. If you told him something in particular triggered binges, he would do his best to keep that away from you.
-If you are an emotional binger, he will have 101 things you guys can do as a distraction.
-Does make sure you do eat. Plenty of people with binge eating feel like they don’t deserve regular meals because of their binges. However, he is insistent and knows it might help you stay away from it.
-He would encourage you getting help from others. He isn’t best with the psychological reason why you do what you do. Gojo just has killer symptom management.
-Will always think you are attractive and says that quite frequently. Will always support you and would tell someone off for any rude comments about your disorder or body.
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chosos-husband · 8 months ago
Hi! I’m here to put in a request 🥺👉👈
Could you do one where Nanami is out at work or on a mission and he returns home to find someone trying to rob his place, and they’ve injured his spouse/partner? I had a thought about that the other day and I wondered how it would play out.
Nanami is such a good husband in my heart I love him so much :3 Thank you for the ask! I do have an earlier post with other hcs about Nanami with an injured reader if you are interested! <3
Nanami with an Injured! Reader pt. 2
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-Nanami's #1 priority is making sure that you are okay! No matter what was stolen whatever is broken. His first priority is making sure that you are okay and receive any medical attention that you need.
-He is also very curious about how the robber got into your apartment and what exactly was motivating. He wants to know as much as possible about the incident, so it doesn't happen again.
-Nanami would start texting you more throughout the day just to make sure that you are alright. Although it isn't his fault, he does still take personal responsibility. Nanami does want to protect his partner and it bothers him that he didn't.
-Nanami would be quite hellbent on trying to figure out who did it. Whether you have a description or not, this man will find out. The results will not be pretty for whoever decided to rob your apartment.
-He would tell you that there is no reason to worry about this person doing it again. However, would not bother you with the specifics on how he beat this person up. Thinks that you shouldn't worry about that and just worry about your recovery.
-Asks everyday how you are feeling and if you feel like you are getting better. If there are major injuries, he is looking at them every day. As I mentioned in my last post, I would think that Jujutsu sorcerers would be required to have some basic understanding of medical issues. Therefore, he would know whether it is becoming infected or anything like that.
-Very gentle as well. Very cautious about not making any injuries worse!
-Does get you special little things on his way home from work <3
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chosos-husband · 8 months ago
omg AU where choso is a mafia boy and the boss kidnaps you because he thinks you’re a distraction?
Hi anon! I didn’t really understand this request qwq. I didn’t know if Choso was the boss or if Choso was the one who thought you were a distraction. So, I just did some general hcs for this au!! I did not proof read this nor is my brain functioning great so I hope this all makes sense.
Choso Mafia Au Hcs
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-Though in illegal activity, he has very good morals. He wouldn’t ever want to use influence to manipulate people who are innocent.
-However, I could see Choso more than willing to do anything when it came to the people he felt the need to protect. This, of course, being his brothers and partner.
-Choso would avoid his partner knowing too much about it I would think. Mostly because he is worried about his partner seeing him differently because of it as well as a protection thing.
-Because of this, I don't think he would ever directly discuss finances with his partner. Like, spoils them but would never really want to talk about what he does for work or how much he specifically makes. I don't see him as the kind of person to get expensive stuff just to have it so it isn't obvious tbh.
-I think you would be mostly likely to find out through an accident. Maybe he got confronted in front of you or something similar to that.
-After that point, he would be more honest with you about what he does. However, I still don't think he would be super open about it.
-He would take more comfort the less you know for the same reason he didn't tell you in the first place.
-Choso wouldn't like talking about it and likely would avoid questions if he could.
-Choso joined moreso out of desperation than wanting to do illegal things I think.
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chosos-husband · 9 months ago
if y’all ship gojo/geto/nanami/sukuna/toji x yuji/megumi y’all are gross that is a straight up child and adult pairing like don’t do that? that’s disgusting. ew. 0/10 i am judging you. don’t do that. ew.
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chosos-husband · 9 months ago
Y’all seemed to like Nanami last time and I have many ideas for this guy 💔
This is for all my homies who worked in fast food(maybe this one is too specific)🫵
Nanami with a partner in the food industry
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-Iykyk, but work sucks. Especially if it’s a job you just have for the paycheck.
-However, it sucks extra when the paycheck is not that grand for the sucky hours you are forced to work.
-Nanami knows all too well about long hours and having no passion for your job. He understands dreading clocking in and staring at the clock for the minutes until you can clock out. Or, if you are closing, avoiding the clock to not know how late you are being forced to stay.
-When you come home late, Nanami does make sure you’ve eaten something. Man gets mad if he clocks out after 5. Therefore, it is very common for him to be home hours after you are.
-Either that or you both come home late and are crabby. One of the two.
-Nanami is an absolute legend about letting you vent about your sucky day. Any annoying coworkers or costumers, he is more than welcome to listen to you ramble.
-Nanami is definitely caught up on all the work drama. Idk if it was just my work but there was LORE.
-If you are upset about costumers yelling at you, Nanami is also very understanding of that. His corporate job more than likely had a lot of higher ups constantly barking at him about deadlines and things of that nature.
-Nanami gives shoulder rubs idc
-He makes sure you take care of yourself. He gets that sometimes it’s hard because of how late it is and how tired you are. But, he finds it extremely important.
-If Nanami is tired as well, he pushes for you both to get a good night of sleep.
-Sometimes Nanami gets a little mad towards you when he is stressed from his job. He doesn’t mean to and always apologizes. Because of this, he is understanding if you are a bit snappy because you are stressed from work. He does want you to apologize though.
-Nanami might offer to get you a different job because he can tell how miserable you are. However, respects whatever decision you make about keeping your job or not.
-Nanami is so reassuring. These jobs are emotionally exhausting. He is very much there for you. Telling you that you are doing very well. That you are smart and a very hard worker.
-Husband gives many kisses after long shifts 💓
-I’m ngl he thinks your uniform is cute more than likely
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chosos-husband · 9 months ago
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Caught in 4k
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chosos-husband · 9 months ago
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rip to those people he killed but he came in clutch when needed 🙏
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chosos-husband · 9 months ago
Comfort fic for the win
Choso with a Depressed Reader!
‼️Cw‼️ Talk about mental health and mentions of s*icide
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-If you are like me, you tend to convince yourself that everyone around you honestly just doesn’t like you.
-Choso likely wouldn’t exactly know what to do really. He hasn’t handled many things like this himself. While I wouldn’t be surprised if he struggled too, he just ?? with other people
-But, this doesn’t mean he isn’t worried. When you don’t respond to messages or cancel plans over and over again to be alone, he is very worried.
-Might ask Yuji for advice, but let’s be real Yuji has no better ideas than he does. Yuji mostly just asks if Choso did anything to make you upset.
-Choso does ask you what is wrong. He isn’t stupid and won’t take “there’s nothing wrong” as a legitimate answer.
-He wants to support you. I don’t know if he would fully grasp what depression does. But, is scared of losing you. In a permanent sense as well as your mental health ruining your relationship.
-Choso would leave you alone if that’s what you asked of him. But, he checks up on you a lot. He is scared you might not respond at some point. He asks relatively frequently if you two can hang out yet.
-If you don’t let him back in your life in a relatively soon period, maybe a couple weeks, he is stressing. He wants to ask someone for advice, but doesn’t know who to go to.
-He is more pushy about seeing you. Choso would likely be more explicit about his worries and why he wants to be there.
-If his partner still refuses, he may seek help from some of the teachers. Likely not Gojo, but maybe Nanami. Nanami tends to take things more seriously.
-If you asked to break up because you have convinced yourself he doesn’t like you, Choso would sob. He would sob and ask you over and over again to stop saying such irrational things.
-He would tell you over and over again how much he loves you if you believe him or not. He tells you that he isn’t leaving because of this and would likely seek to find a solution right then and there.
-If his partner does let him come over willingly, he is so happy. Choso asks over and over again if there is anything you want. He is happy if you actually want to go do something. But, he is just as happy laying in bed listening to your comfort playlist or show and sleeping.
-He would be much happier being around you. Choso feels much better holding you and making sure you are safe and taken care of.
-Does whatever you want. Once in this stage, he is much more patient. He still gets really worried if it drags on too long. But here, he can make sure you are safe.
-Worries about you so much, and likely would want to sleep in the same bed each night to make sure you’re safe.
-He would do anything to make you feel better and smile more.
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chosos-husband · 9 months ago
Actually love this man so much. Curse sorcerer is a little bit more angsty
Nanami with injured! Reader
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Non-Curse Sorcerer s/o:
-Even the most simple injuries, Nanami is wanting to help you address it.
-Man tells you how to clean cuts and stuff as if you haven’t done it a hundred times beforehand. However, it does completely come from a place of love.
-I feel like most sorcerers would have some sort of training in first aid? So, he is very knowledgeable on what to do depending on the injury you got.
-He would be a little hesitant to put you in a position to repeat these injuries. For example, if you cut yourself chopping whatever for dinner, he may just offer to do it for you for a long time.
-Is very attentive to make sure that it is healing right 💓 sweetheart of a man.
-More serious injuries, like car crashes, he would act very chill. He wants to be calm so he doesn’t freak you out more.
-However, the second he is away from you, he is a bit panicked. Nanami is noticeably more irritable around others and is high key stressing.
-He would let the doctors do whatever they needed to do, but does call Shoko to make sure it sounds like the best option.
-Nanami would likely be very hesitant to leave you for any period of time. Would take paid time off just to make sure that he is there for however long you need him for.
-Amazing during recovery phase. Remembers when you need to take any medications, if you need to rest a certain way or amount. He is amazing at remembering all the details that your doctor tells you. Nanami also would send plenty of reminder texts to make sure you complete them when he goes back to work.
-SO. MUCH. ATTENTION. He is very soft and afraid of hurting you! But plenty of soft kisses and a lot of verbal affection about how strong you are
-Also exempt from doing any household chores for awhile more than likely. Nanami loves you sm
Curse Sorcerer S/O
-With small injuries, he does have a bit more of a “get over it” mentality. Not that he doesn’t care. He does! But, expects a little more strength from a sorcerer partner.
-He also wouldn’t worry as much about helping to bandage any cuts you have.
-He does feel the need to check it though to make sure you did it right. He does this in a very discreet way to make sure he doesn’t offend you but man he is still worrying a little. He still would wanna make sure it is healing right.
-I think Nanami would interrogate a sorcerer partner a bit more on bruises. Because a normal person like okay you bump into things or fell. But, with a sorcerer partner, he has to worry you were fighting something by yourself.
-Speaking of fighting‼️Deathly injuries from fighting curses get him very worked up. He would definitely feel more guilt about your injuries. There is only so much he can do about traffic. However, this he could have prevented. He could have gone with you.
-Definitely asks Shoko so many fucking questions help her.
-If you’re knocked out, he doesn’t leave. He will not leave until he sees you have woken up. It doesn’t matter what is happening.
-Again, takes all your injuries kinda personally.
-He is very similar in care for more serious injuries though. Man is so concerned and does put it on himself to make sure that you are taking all the steps for the best and most efficient recovery.
-Nanami apologizes to you for not being there/fast enough to prevent you getting hurt. It is COMPLETELY genuine.
-This would also make him more likely realize how fast he can lose you. It kinda freaks him out. Sometimes, he’ll stay up and watch you sleep, thinking about better ways to make sure you are safe. However, you can only be so safe when fighting curses.
-you guys need a vacation.
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chosos-husband · 9 months ago
Hi! I am starting a new blog. Rn, I write for jjk. However, I’m hoping to get into more fandoms qwq
-Only writing x readers for characters that are 18+. Some characters don’t have like an exact age, like Choso. However, I’m inferring he’s older than 18 based on his appearance and the way he acts.
- Characters that don’t have an explicit age/don’t look at least close to their age, I will call on a case by case basis.
- Characters like Yuji, Megumi, etc. I will simply write in a platonic sense. They are minors and I don’t feel comfortable writing them anything but platonic stuff. Feel free to send platonic requests tho!!
-With this said, I likely won’t write Sukuna much. Like yeah he’s thousands of years old or something but he’s in a 15 year old’s body and I just can’t 💔
-Please don’t spoil things for me. I have finished the anime for jjk. However, I haven’t read anything in the manga. PLEASE DONT SPOIL I BEG 🙏
-R*pe/noncon/subcon. ONLY exception will be if the reader has trauma with s/a like in a comfort fic or something. However, none of my fics will be the active act or anything. Hope that makes sense!
-Yan fanfiction
-Angst(the more I cry writing the better!)
-A lot of AUs!
If you have any questions about what I will write, just ask me! I have no issues with genuine confusion and I will do my best to update rules if there is any confusion!! :)
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