chosos-husband · 22 hours
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Caught in 4k
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chosos-husband · 23 hours
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rip to those people he killed but he came in clutch when needed 🙏
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chosos-husband · 2 days
Comfort fic for the win
Choso with a Depressed Reader!
‼️Cw‼️ Talk about mental health and mentions of s*icide
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-If you are like me, you tend to convince yourself that everyone around you honestly just doesn’t like you.
-Choso likely wouldn’t exactly know what to do really. He hasn’t handled many things like this himself. While I wouldn’t be surprised if he struggled too, he just ?? with other people
-But, this doesn’t mean he isn’t worried. When you don’t respond to messages or cancel plans over and over again to be alone, he is very worried.
-Might ask Yuji for advice, but let’s be real Yuji has no better ideas than he does. Yuji mostly just asks if Choso did anything to make you upset.
-Choso does ask you what is wrong. He isn’t stupid and won’t take “there’s nothing wrong” as a legitimate answer.
-He wants to support you. I don’t know if he would fully grasp what depression does. But, is scared of losing you. In a permanent sense as well as your mental health ruining your relationship.
-Choso would leave you alone if that’s what you asked of him. But, he checks up on you a lot. He is scared you might not respond at some point. He asks relatively frequently if you two can hang out yet.
-If you don’t let him back in your life in a relatively soon period, maybe a couple weeks, he is stressing. He wants to ask someone for advice, but doesn’t know who to go to.
-He is more pushy about seeing you. Choso would likely be more explicit about his worries and why he wants to be there.
-If his partner still refuses, he may seek help from some of the teachers. Likely not Gojo, but maybe Nanami. Nanami tends to take things more seriously.
-If you asked to break up because you have convinced yourself he doesn’t like you, Choso would sob. He would sob and ask you over and over again to stop saying such irrational things.
-He would tell you over and over again how much he loves you if you believe him or not. He tells you that he isn’t leaving because of this and would likely seek to find a solution right then and there.
-If his partner does let him come over willingly, he is so happy. Choso asks over and over again if there is anything you want. He is happy if you actually want to go do something. But, he is just as happy laying in bed listening to your comfort playlist or show and sleeping.
-He would be much happier being around you. Choso feels much better holding you and making sure you are safe and taken care of.
-Does whatever you want. Once in this stage, he is much more patient. He still gets really worried if it drags on too long. But here, he can make sure you are safe.
-Worries about you so much, and likely would want to sleep in the same bed each night to make sure you’re safe.
-He would do anything to make you feel better and smile more.
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chosos-husband · 3 days
Actually love this man so much. Curse sorcerer is a little bit more angsty
Nanami with injured! Reader
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Non-Curse Sorcerer s/o:
-Even the most simple injuries, Nanami is wanting to help you address it.
-Man tells you how to clean cuts and stuff as if you haven’t done it a hundred times beforehand. However, it does completely come from a place of love.
-I feel like most sorcerers would have some sort of training in first aid? So, he is very knowledgeable on what to do depending on the injury you got.
-He would be a little hesitant to put you in a position to repeat these injuries. For example, if you cut yourself chopping whatever for dinner, he may just offer to do it for you for a long time.
-Is very attentive to make sure that it is healing right 💓 sweetheart of a man.
-More serious injuries, like car crashes, he would act very chill. He wants to be calm so he doesn’t freak you out more.
-However, the second he is away from you, he is a bit panicked. Nanami is noticeably more irritable around others and is high key stressing.
-He would let the doctors do whatever they needed to do, but does call Shoko to make sure it sounds like the best option.
-Nanami would likely be very hesitant to leave you for any period of time. Would take paid time off just to make sure that he is there for however long you need him for.
-Amazing during recovery phase. Remembers when you need to take any medications, if you need to rest a certain way or amount. He is amazing at remembering all the details that your doctor tells you. Nanami also would send plenty of reminder texts to make sure you complete them when he goes back to work.
-SO. MUCH. ATTENTION. He is very soft and afraid of hurting you! But plenty of soft kisses and a lot of verbal affection about how strong you are
-Also exempt from doing any household chores for awhile more than likely. Nanami loves you sm
Curse Sorcerer S/O
-With small injuries, he does have a bit more of a “get over it” mentality. Not that he doesn’t care. He does! But, expects a little more strength from a sorcerer partner.
-He also wouldn’t worry as much about helping to bandage any cuts you have.
-He does feel the need to check it though to make sure you did it right. He does this in a very discreet way to make sure he doesn’t offend you but man he is still worrying a little. He still would wanna make sure it is healing right.
-I think Nanami would interrogate a sorcerer partner a bit more on bruises. Because a normal person like okay you bump into things or fell. But, with a sorcerer partner, he has to worry you were fighting something by yourself.
-Speaking of fighting‼️Deathly injuries from fighting curses get him very worked up. He would definitely feel more guilt about your injuries. There is only so much he can do about traffic. However, this he could have prevented. He could have gone with you.
-Definitely asks Shoko so many fucking questions help her.
-If you’re knocked out, he doesn’t leave. He will not leave until he sees you have woken up. It doesn’t matter what is happening.
-Again, takes all your injuries kinda personally.
-He is very similar in care for more serious injuries though. Man is so concerned and does put it on himself to make sure that you are taking all the steps for the best and most efficient recovery.
-Nanami apologizes to you for not being there/fast enough to prevent you getting hurt. It is COMPLETELY genuine.
-This would also make him more likely realize how fast he can lose you. It kinda freaks him out. Sometimes, he’ll stay up and watch you sleep, thinking about better ways to make sure you are safe. However, you can only be so safe when fighting curses.
-you guys need a vacation.
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chosos-husband · 3 days
Hi! I am starting a new blog. Rn, I write for jjk. However, I’m hoping to get into more fandoms qwq
-Only writing x readers for characters that are 18+. Some characters don’t have like an exact age, like Choso. However, I’m inferring he’s older than 18 based on his appearance and the way he acts.
- Characters that don’t have an explicit age/don’t look at least close to their age, I will call on a case by case basis.
- Characters like Yuji, Megumi, etc. I will simply write in a platonic sense. They are minors and I don’t feel comfortable writing them anything but platonic stuff. Feel free to send platonic requests tho!!
-With this said, I likely won’t write Sukuna much. Like yeah he’s thousands of years old or something but he’s in a 15 year old’s body and I just can’t 💔
-Please don’t spoil things for me. I have finished the anime for jjk. However, I haven’t read anything in the manga. PLEASE DONT SPOIL I BEG 🙏
-R*pe/noncon/subcon. ONLY exception will be if the reader has trauma with s/a like in a comfort fic or something. However, none of my fics will be the active act or anything. Hope that makes sense!
-Yan fanfiction
-Angst(the more I cry writing the better!)
-A lot of AUs!
If you have any questions about what I will write, just ask me! I have no issues with genuine confusion and I will do my best to update rules if there is any confusion!! :)
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