#idk man i just never draw anything in order my mind jumps all over the place
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trekkerac · 3 months ago
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Winning is just doing better than your competition
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Prince Lee? Zuko the Tea Server
@fyrelordzuko i got some inspiration from your post. It sounds adorable. 
I decided as writer that I wanted more homosexual pining/tension. So I edited events to make it so! (Also Jet’s accusation was hard to find. Like, seriously you’d think there’d be more clips of it but noooooo)
Warnings: There’s some switching of perspective and names. ~ <- means a change in perspective (--) <- means time passes. When Sokka is the focus, Zuko is Lee. Otherwise I think I called him only Zuko?? IDK
“Uncle, that’s one of the avatar’s friends” Zuko tugged on Iroh’s arm, pointing to the customer who had just walked in. 
“Yes, so?” Iroh sighed to himself. He’d just gotten Zuko to stop obsessing over the group. 
“So, do you think he’s here to attack me?” Zuko’s voice was so scared and raw, and Iroh wanted nothing more than to just hug him. The banished prince acted so much older than his 16 years that hearing him just be 16 was good. Iroh wished it were something other than fear, but he’d take it as it came. He settled for calming his nephew’s nerves for now. 
“It’s broad daylight. He won’t do anything, and besides he hasn’t confronted you. He seems like the type to use the others for witnesses, so if he hasn’t said anything, you’re fine. Now, go take his order before he starts to get suspicious” Iroh gently pushed Zuko towards the table where the other kid sat. 
“What can I get you?” A quiet voice interrupts Sokka’s thoughts. He looked up and his mind went completely blank. There was another boy around his own age, with black hair that looked so fluffy. One of his eyes had a burn mark over it, and Sokka immediately trusted him. It looked like the fire nation was no friend to this guy either. 
“Recommend?” Sokka croaked out after a second. That stupid face crinkled in the cutest way. 
“What do you recommend! I’ve never had much..tea” 
“Oh. Jasmine tea is my favorite, and my uncle is the best at making it in my opinion” Sokka nodded and the boy started to walk away. 
“Wait, what’s your name?” 
“Oh, I’m Lee” The boy moved too quickly for Sokka to introduce himself. Lee comes back half an hour later bearing a teacup, placing it in front of Sokka. 
“I’m Sokka” 
“I know” Lee acknowledged that fact with an almost familiar smile. Sokka couldn't place it, but it set his heart on fire. Lee retreated once more, and barely reappeared until Sokka paid and left. 
“Zuko, are you alright?” Iroh asked after the shop was closed for the night. There was a small smile on his face, but it looked like he had aged several years. 
“I’m fine Uncle. Just....tired” Iroh pressed a hand to his nephew’s forehead worriedly. No sign of a fever. 
“Well, get some rest. I’m sure it was a one time occurrence” Iroh soothed, getting their apartment tidied for the night.  
----It wasn’t----
“Uncleeeee he’s baaaack” Around the same time the next day, Iroh was interrupted by Zuko tugging on his arm. Spirits, was this going to happen every day now?
“Well, go ask his order. This is a tea shop after all” Iroh was far less gentle pushing Zuko out from behind the counter this time.  
“What can I get for you today?” Zuko approached the water tribe kid awkwardly, repeating his standard customer greeting automatically. 
“Lee! you were right, the tea was amazing” Sokka visibly brightened the moment he heard Zuko’s voice. It was nice for once to see him not react defensively. Made Zuko smile a little wider. 
“Yes, like I said, Uncle is very good at what he does” 
“Well, can I get the same thing” Zuko nodded, turning to deliver the order. When he came back, Sokka was hunched over a map and a schedule, muttering to himself. 
“What’s that for?” Zuko asked, leaning over as he set down the tea. He had some time to just sit and talk, long as it remained this quiet. 
“Huh? Oh. I’m trying to get in to speak to the king, but we have a deadline. Plus, we haven’t seen Zu-someone in a while. And Appa is still missing.” Sokka was too distracted to notice the nervous half-stand Zuko dropped into.
“Maybe the person you’re looking for is on vacation? And the King is uh...private. So good luck with that” Zuko eased down again, glancing towards his uncle. The former general gave a slight nod, face uncharacteristically serious. 
“Maybe he got his honor back at last. It was restored by Azula!” Sokka huffed a laugh, shifting to pay attention to his companion. Zuko was gaping, his mouth open like a fish’s. After a moment he started to laugh from the sheer ridiculousness. His sister restoring his honor? She was the one who’d driven him to come here. Though his uncle was so much happier now, and it was nice without the pressure of being Prince Zuko. 
“...Perhaps-” he tried to suck in some more air “-anyway, you mentioned someone named Appa is missing?”
“Yea, my buddy’s air bison. It’s how we’ve gotten around since I left the south pole” Sokka shrugged, not realizing the mess that was Zuko’s mind. Because, first of all, damn those muscles were fine. Second, the avatar didn’t have his spirit guide and the bison had a name. 
“That’s-that’s ummmm”
“I have to get back anyways. See you Lee” Sokka stood up before Zuko could do more than stammer a vague response. 
He came back every day after that. Sokka lit up Zuko’s entire day, and he never wanted to go back. Iroh began looking forward to closing time since that was when his nephew truly lived. It was, to put it simply, the best thing for his heart. Until it wasn’t. 
“We’re making plans to invade the day of the black sun. We’ll have the advantage, especially if I can figure out this last piece” Sokka was busy writing situations in his messy shorthand as Zuko leaned over his shoulder, listening and pointing out flaws. He’d figured out they planned to attack the fire nation capital, but he found he didn’t care. For the first time in his life, he felt happy and there were no strings attached. He and his uncle had found a place to carve out a life, free of the fire lord. There was the problem of who would take over, but that was a problem for future Zuko. Then that hotheaded prick walked in. 
“That old man is a firebender! I saw him heat up his tea!” Jet yelled, glaring at Iroh. All of the patrons swapped glances. A pair of soldiers were the first to speak up. 
“Kid, he works in a tea shop. That’s his job” 
“He heats the tea with firebending! I saw him” 
“You’re confused. How about you come with us...” the other soldier said, rising slowly from his chair. 
“No! Fight me old man, and i’ll prove it to you” Jet drew his swords, ready to fly at Iroh to prove his point. 
“You want a show? I’ll give you a show” Zuko straightened completely, drawing the closest soldier’s swords. 
“Lee, be careful!” Sokka called, drowning out Iroh’s cry of “Zuko, no!” Sokka tried to jump in and help, but the pair were moving too fast and too precise. He didn’t dare jump in and risk Lee’s life. And damn was it hot. Lee ignored all of Jet’s taunts, using those swords as if it were his only weapon. Finally some more guards intervened, taking Jet away. Lee returned the swords and slipped into the crowd. 
“Uncle, can I get some of your special tea? Seeing him again was nerve-wracking” Sokka heard Lee say. He sounded so conflicted and tired. Sokka wanted to run in there and hug him. 
“Of course, we’ll close the shop early today. We both need to lie low for now. Hopefully that’s the end of it, but we should pack just in case” The old man’s voice was muffled. Sokka couldn’t remember his name. Wait, they knew Jet? Was...could Lee have been an old flame of Jet’s? Before he became so...back-stabby. Sokka decided now was not a good time to run to the other boy. He’d think over this and process whatever was sitting so heavily on his heart. 
“Uncle, I haven’t seen Sokka in days” Zuko paced the floor a few days later. After what had happened with Jet, Sokka hadn’t returned. 
“Maybe he had to go do something. You said he was looking for the avatar’s sky bison. Or is it buffalo? I can never tell...” Iroh mused, a cup of tea in his hands. 
“Uncle, this is serious. He hasn’t been here in a week! He never misses more than one day!” Zuko’s pacing increased as his panic rose. 
“Zuko, take a deep breath. We just got through a scare about someone figuring out who we were. I’m sure you’ll get a letter soon saying he had to leave for his invasion” Iroh beckoned the teenager to the table. he sat reluctantly, taking his uncle’s hand. Iroh guided him through some de-stressing methods. As they were finishing, a knock came at the door. Iroh stood to answer.
“The king has requested your presence. He would like you to serve tea to him. He wishes you to come now” A soldier stood there stiffly, his face expressionless as he delivered his message.
“Serving tea to the king? What an honor. We will be ready in one moment. I must grab my good pot!” Iroh beckoned Zuko over, handing him the pot and leading the way after the soldier. 
“Zuko, get out of here! Make sure the Avatar does too!” The old man pushed his nephew towards Sokka and his friends. Azula had taken over the castle and they needed to get the king and get out now. 
“Follow me. I know a way out” Lee, no Zuko, pulled Aang after him. 
“No! We need to get Katara!” Aang pulled back, stopping the escape. 
“Fine! But stay close to me” The prince turned around, running deeper into the compound. “Uh, Miss-, whatever I need you to see if you can find her with your earthbending!” 
“Turn left and then I can dig down!” Toph yelled, pointing towards a patch of grass with flowers sprouting out of it. 
“Hurry! I can hear pursuit!” Sokka yelled, pulling out his boomerang. 
“Twinkle toes! Help me dig a hole!” Toph yelled and Aang began pushing dirt out beside her. 
“They’re coming from the opposite way now. Azula won’t be far behind, Uncle’s only one person and she seems to have an army” 
“You would know, wouldn’t you, Prince Zuko!” Sokka yelled, turning on the prince. He didn’t miss the way his expression crumbled. Not the time Sokka, not the time!
“Get in! Now!” Toph yelled, breaking up their fight. Zuko hesitated as the rest jumped in.
“Go, I’ll hold them off. I can do that at least” Zuko’s face had that sorrowful smile that Sokka had gotten to know so well in those first few weeks with Lee. 
“That’ll give them a hint. Get in idiot!” Toph yelled and Sokka grabbed Le-Zuko’s arm by instinct. He pulled him into the hole and Toph covered them again before digging again. They finally reached Katara a few minutes later. It was too late, Azula had beaten them to her. 
“Oh Zuzu, I thought you were better than this” She sneered. 
“...go. Sokka, please. Take your sister and run. Run far away and do your plan. Make it the best damn plan. Wipe the whole group out. Start all over” Zuko turned to Sokka, eyes already tearing up. Katara didn’t hesitate, and ensnared her brother’s arm to drag him away. The last view of Zuko that Sokka got was him fighting desperately. He dodged every lightning bolt his sister threw at him. One bounced off, hitting Aang in the back. Sokka turned away to make sure he could get Aang out alive. Zuko could rot for all he cared. 
“This entire time, he was PRINCE ZUKO?” Sokka yelled, tempted to crawl into a hole and die. He had flirted with Prince ZUKO. 
“His scar’s pretty distinctive Sokka. Who else looks like someone tried to blind them?” Katara groaned, totally done with the whole ‘I like the guy whose been chasing us around the world’ thing. 
“Lee! Who I guess is just an alias for Zuko” 
“Ok Sokka, we’re done. Time to move on” Toph groaned, stopping her vigil over Aang for a moment. He had barely stirred. They knew he was alive, but who knew if he’d last long enough. All they could do was keep him healthy, and hope. 
(To Be continued?)
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #364
“you wanna know what zeus said to narcissus?  /  ‘you’d better watch yourself’“
Do you change your type of music regularly? Nah. I've ben all about metal and rock since middle school. Would you want to visit Tokyo, Japan, someday? It's not actually on my bucket list or anything, but I'd do it. Do you curse like a sailor? Sailors are better than I am, aha... Do you hear trains pass by where you live? No. Ever been in a race? Haha, no. Last time you’ve eaten a taco? I hate tacos. Do you like horses? Sure do! Do you like Starburst? omg YES. What is your favourite wild animal? MEERKATS!!!!!! :') Do you like hamsters? They're very cute, but I've never met a nice one. Do you eat bananas? Yeah, I like bananas, but I'm VERY picky with how ripe it is. There's like, barely a two-day span where I'm willing to eat them. What is your favourite bookstore? I don't have one. What is your favorite fast food joint? Sonic. Do you sweat easily? Ugh, you haven't the slightest idea. As a side effect of one (or two?) of my prescriptions, I have I N S A N E hyperhidrosis. I can stand outside for a millisecond in like 70 degree weather and I'm already sweating. If you could move (and SERIOUSLY think about this) where would you move? All factors considered, being entirely realistic, the mountain-y region of western NC. Why would you go there? I want to stay in NC to at least not be a massive ways away from my family, and I loooove mountains. Plus, there's a lot of cool places on the other end of the state. Do you want to travel? Yes. I want to see so much more than this boring 'ole state. What was the last vaccination you got? For Covid. Have there ever been any forest or grass fires in your area? There have been wildfires towards the beach, I believe? Any time it happened we would always get the smoke all the way where we live. Are you Italian? Not to my knowledge. Do you own an acoustic guitar? No. What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? My physical health. When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? Recently. Can you roll your own cigarettes? I've never smoked, so. Are you mentally strong? I think so. I hope so. Are you physically strong? I am like, comically weak. Are you heartbroken right now? No. Do you ever get complimented on your eyes? What color are they? It's happened, but it's definitely not a regular thing or whatever. They're grayish blue. What facial feature do you like the best on a person? I'd say I'm most attracted to pretty eyes. What is the weirdest animal you’ve ever held? I helped hold a massive snake as a kid (I don't remember what it was), and I've also held a rose hair tarantula. I can't think of any truly strange animals by my opinion, really. Do you get extremely hyper when under the influence of sugar? No. Sugar seems to have zero effect on me, probably because I'm over-exposed to it thanks to soda... What about caffeine? Not at all, likely for the aforementioned reason. Have you ever tried any drugs? If so, did you regret it? Besides alcohol, no. I don't regret having drank as it was never a lot. Do you have any pregnant friends? A high school acquaintance is pregnant. I THINK she's the only one now? I swear I see a new pregnancy announcement on Facebook like every two days, and mind you I don't even have all that many "friends." That being said, I may definitely be forgetting someone. When ordering food, what do you usually get as a drink? Depending on whether they have Pepsi or Coke products, either Mountain Dew or Coke. When drawing something, do you try to be super precise or do you not care? I am so, so, SO obsessive over getting everything right, but things never come out as good as I want them to/imagine them. Have you actually read Twilight? I haven't. What about Harry Potter? Never read any of those, either. I started one in elementary school, but didn't get very far at all. Out of the two, which is better? I have like no interest in either, so. How often do you read books? It various. I go through like reading episodes, and then I don't read for months. Are you the jealous type? I'm not like, an insanely jealous person, but it's still the worst it's ever been at this point in my life. I hate it. Are you the type of person who gets jealous of people’s pasts? Nah, no reason to. Do you know anyone who faints at the sight of blood? Not blood, I think, but needles and drawing blood, yes. I know my dad's fainted at least once at the doctor, and Jason fainted when I was getting blood drawn at the ER. What colors are the eyes of your family members? Just about everyone has brown eyes but me, I think my maternal grandpa, and my brother. Are you related to anyone with red hair? Not to my knowledge. Were you a chubby baby? No, I was pretty average. What’s something that makes you incredibly nervous? Social situations with strangers especially. Asking for things. Public speaking/presenting. What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish homework/a project? God, I remember there was this one night in particular where I stayed up SO late, but I don't remember the exact time. I think I actually cried because I was so stressed and tired. How many vegetarians do you know? In my personal life, I don't believe I know any, but I could be wrong. Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? I never did, even though I was always tired. Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? No. Favorite episode of Spongebob? The pizza one, probably. Or the Hash Slinging Slasher episode. What bug frightens you most? Wasps, probably. Are your parents supportive of you? Yes. <3 How often do you take the train to go places? I've never been on a train. Have you ever participated in a mock trial, or a real trial? No. Do you own a pocketknife, or any other kind of multi-tool? No. What was the last thing you took a video of? Hm... I honestly don't remember. What’s something that used to really stress you out, but doesn’t anymore? Thunderstorms. Have you ever had famous neighbors? No. Pick your three favourite vegetables. Broccoli, green beans, and uh... I'm blanking... Habitually I wanna say "corn," but I know it's not technically a veggie, but starch. Have you ever broken a movie or game disc? I think I have? What is your favourite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. Can you rap freestyle? Or at least sing raps from songs? Ha, no. Have you ever shared a house with a significant other? Yeah. Do you scream at scary parts in a horror flick? No. I might jump a bit, but not always. What do you spend most of your time doing? Watching YouTube. Do you really care what’s going on in celebrities' lives? More like the YouTubers I watch. Have you ever broken a plate/bowl? Accidentally by dropping them. When was the last time you felt like you didn’t have a care in the world? I couldn't begin to guess. Has anyone ever drunk called/texted you? No. Can you do a backwards london bridges? God no, I'd bust my back. What smiley do you use the most on the computer? (: maybe. Or :') Are any of your pets “overweight”? No, but why is "overweight" in quotations as if overweight pets aren't a real and serious issue? Has anyone ever bought you a ring? Yeah. On a scale 1-10, how funny are you? I honestly don't think I'm funny at all, so I'd put myself at a 1. Pretty recently though it was very surprising and flattering to have my dad and older sister point out that I'm "hilarious" with my wry sense of humor. I don't see it, but I mean, it was surely appreciated. What’s a song that is overplayed but you still like it anyway? I barely ever listen to the radio, yet I still know "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen is played a lot, but I could never get tired of it. Are you excited for Christmas? Christmastime is my favorite time of year nowadays, mainly because of how excited my niece and nephew always are, and we spend most of Christmas Day and usually Christmas Eve with them. I love the weather, the focus on togetherness, all that. What are you thankful for? Man, a lot. I try my best to never overlook all the truly amazing things I do have, like a loving and supportive family, a home, food and safe water, Internet haha, access to medical care (regardless of the complaints I have about American healthcare)... I've got a lot of bad going on in my life, but I've also got a great amount of good things, too. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up on? Internet. What’s your favorite color combination? Maaan, don't do this. I really don't know. Probably two pastels, idk. Do you have any internet friends? I have more Internet friends than I do "real life" ones. What was the last song you listened to? "Deep Six" by Marilyn Manson earlier. How are you feeling right now? My arm is really sore from my second Covid shot, and I'm also having trouble breathing thanks to the dog (apparently, I'm allergic to whatever she is). I know it sounds bad, but I cannot wait 'til she's gone (from this house, no we're of course not euthanizing her). What color is the shirt you’re wearing? Burgundy. Do you play video games? Yeah, just not as much as I used to. Have you ever been to a club and had someone slip something into your drink? I've never been to a club period, and I don't plan on it. Do you know anyone who’s done ecstasy? Not to my knowledge, anyway. Are you on birth control? Yes, but only to regulate and soothe my menstrual cycle. My cramps were insufferable prior. Does your sibling have a significant other? All but my younger sister. Like she's in contact with who she calls "contenders," haha, but she isn't officially dating anyone. She's MEGA picky with who she dates. Have you ever cried at a real wedding? Yes, because it was very triggering to my PTSD. Any idea what you want for your next birthday? That's quiiite a whiles away, so I have plenty of time to think about that. I don't know if I'll be employed by then and thus able to buy some things myself, but I'll just say I won't be (because I'm I think rationally fearful that's where I'll still be). For Christmas I plan on just asking for a new terrarium for Venus plus better materials for it (like a proper temp gauge and hygrometer, etc.), and with that taken care of, then I might be interested in asking for a hognose for my bday, but idk. I'd want to ensure (s)he starts out with a perfect terrarium, and seeing as I want a hoggie morph, that's a lot of money in one go that idk if I'd be comfortable asking. So I'unno, maybe I'll go for a tattoo again. Wow, this was a lot of rambling for something so far off, pardon me haha. Are there any gadgets of yours that need charging right now? My Nintendo DS Lite, actually. I can't find the darn charger for it, and I really need to so I can bring it to Ashley's again for the kids to play the Pokemon game I have that they love. Aubree especially is really into it, and she adores Pikachu and Eevee. :') Which awards show would you wanna go to the most (e.g Oscars, Grammys etc.)? I don't even know what most award shows are for, if I'm being honest. I'm not really interested. What colour is your keyboard? Black, but each key glows red. Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress? No. Are you a fan of acrylic nails? Not for myself; I think they'd drive me insane. I do, however, think they look nice on others.
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babbushka · 4 years ago
Hi,Z ✨from the 40 questions for fic writers would you please answer if you’d like of course #4,7,8,15,&16 ☺️
Hello my dear anon! Thank you so much for asking :) 
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Oh my gosh in terms of chaptered fics, 9 or 10, I think! Lol. I have lots of plans for the new year, and I can’t wait to get cracking on some of them. There’s a lot of fun in just thinking about and daydreaming about the ideas though, so even if 1 or 2 of those actually turn into something, I’m still grateful for the time to mull over new AUs or ideas. 
Currently the one that’s on my mind is Beyond Reasonable Doubt, which will be a Lawyer!Kylo AU chaptered fic in which Kylo is wrongfully accused of murder and needs you to represent him. Classic slowburn, enemies to friends to lovers, murder mystery court-room drama, lol. 
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
For this question I’m going to choose this scene from Each Eye, my Mob!Kylo Ren x Reader fic: 
You were hunting, hunting him down. On your way to rip him apart limb from limb, on your way to gouge out his eyes and yank his heart straight out of his throat.
The man who had ordered your beloved to kill his father, which he had done! Which he had done so well, so deservingly – it hadn’t been enough. Not enough for Snoke, not enough for him who lured him into a trap for his sister to strike him down. The wretched old man, the monster who had taken your Kylo away from you, who had warped and twisted him into a puppet who had to obey.
Well, he didn’t have to obey any longer, not anymore.
Kylo was passed out, blacked out in your bed. You had found him had saved him, had sewn the chasm of his face back together with ugly fucked up stitches because you didn’t know how to do any better, you didn’t know. You had never done anything like this before, had never even seen it done. Nothing but sheer force and willpower had pushed your fingers forward, nothing but blind determination and fear had given you any sense of calm.
Were you calm?
For context, this story is about how Kylo Ren deals with the apparent news of a traitor within his family of organized crime moguls. The entire fic is shadowed by a sense of underlying tension between literally every character (other than Kylo) and you, but for the majority of the story there isn’t a clear reason why. The paragraphs above are the beginning of that why. 
I’m proud of this whole setup because really it’s something that is set up through the entire story leading to this point. There’s a curiosity there -- why does everyone fear her? Why does everyone blindly respect her? Even Kylo submits to her, and he doesn’t submit to anyone. 
Well, in the scenes that follow, you find out exactly why. It also unveils another layer to her character that we don’t see in the present. In the present, she is perfectly put together. In the flashback, she is absolutely unhinged, and that is a sort of simmering dichotomy that everyone in the story -- and now at this point, the audience -- knows can flip at any moment. 
She is capable of sheer brutality, and you see that firsthand. 
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
You know what I’m also going to choose a scene from Each Eye for this question lol, which as a matter of fact follows shortly after the scene mentioned above: 
“Do you remember? Remember what I did to him?” You asked softly, removing the napkin from your lap, folding it and placing it on the table. You knew there was one last course coming, some sort of ice cream, but you didn’t care.
You wanted to go home, you needed to plan.
“Yes.” Rey said, voice barely above a whisper, because she did – she was there.
“Remember how I spared you?” You asked, snapping your finger and drawing her attention so that she could look at you, so that you could look at her, really look at her.
“Yes.” Rey answered, terrified.
You were no longer all smiles, all warmth. You were no longer sunshine and charm as you had been, as you tried to always be. No, no now you were angry, now you were impatient, now you were offended. Your eyes were cold and hard when you regarded her, when you bore your gaze into hers as you leaned in ever so slightly, leaned in just enough to make her lean in too.
“I’m starting to regret that.” You whispered, before pulling away.
The waiter arrived then with the ice creams, and you returned to your normally cheerful disposition, checking your phone and collecting your belongings.
“Shit, would you look at the time!” You laughed breezily, apologetically to the waiter. “I need to get going, Kylo will be expecting me back home soon. You know how he gets if he’s away from me for too long.” You said to Rey, who was stunned.
“Of course.” She said, mind racing, pulse jumping.
The waiter nodded, handed the ice creams off to someone else passing by so they wouldn’t melt, no use in wasting them on people who wouldn’t eat it.
You eyed the little piece of newspaper that was still on the table, and picked it up.
“Oh, would you mind holding onto this for me? He doesn’t like it when I fill in the puzzle without him, gets all sour.” You winked, folding it up and handing it to Rey.
“Did you finish it?” Her voice shook as she accepted the paper.
“No, there’s one left, I was hoping you could solve it.” You smiled warmly, standing up and putting on your coat, “It’s got me stumped I’m afraid. Forty-two across.”
There’s a lot of dialogue in the Tea Room scenes, because there’s a lot of unspoken truths being revealed. But I like this moment a lot, because it’s the moment that Rey realizes she is completely and totally fucked. It’s the moment where, without saying anything at all, you tell her that you know what she’s done, what she’s doing. 
It’s also an example of that switch I mentioned above being flipped, how thin the layer of her patience is. It was all in all, just such a fun scene to write, that whole tea moment. 
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
This is such a fun question!! For those who may not know, I’m actually a spec screenwriter, and I use many of my chaptered fics as the base/starting point for some screenplays. So do keep an eye out, because there’s actually quite a few in the process of being tweaked and adapted into scripts. 
But to pick just one for this question, the answer is definitely Two Doves, a Flip Zimmerman/Reader fic I wrote which gives us a glimpse of Flip’s time in Vietnam. 
There are so many movies about the war in Vietnam, but in the updated for-screen version of Two Doves, that movie is more about veterans grappling with death and grief, humanity, morality, and what it means to be human. It’s very much an anti-war film that talks about the treatment of veterans after the war and how that’s a parallel to the treatment of vets today, as well as a commentary on the imperial militant industrial complex that has such a grasp on our country. 
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Oh hands down Flip & His Darling Jewish Wife. I just have so much invested in that version of Flip, and there’s so so much that I could write about with them. Probably because that AU is also the personal AU put into prose lol, but idk. I’m just always very interested in seeing where they go, and how they handle the things life throws at them. 
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aot-humanitysfaith · 4 years ago
Can i request the promt? With erwin
19 21 30..... Idk how n why...its up to u :3 but i just want reader to end died HHAHAHAHAAHHAHA
Feel free to ignore this 😅
-💍 anon
Finally got around to answering it! It was kinda hard to figure out the direction to go with it. But here you go anon!
You Gave Your Heart!
I knelt on top of the wall looking over the area that was once Shiganshina, we made it through Wall Maria, Erwin comes up to me, and I smile, “We’re here...so close.” I sighed, he puts his arm around me and I‘m vividly reminded, this could very well be the end of us. I remembered the day he lost his arm, the day I thought I lost him. I grab his hand, “Erwin Smith.” I said, calm and at ease, but also worried, “I know I can’t command you-”
“Y/N, you can command anything of me.” He promised and I smiled, knowing him to be a man of his word.
“I don’t care what you have to do, you need to promise me you’ll come back to me. Alive.” I demanded and he kissed my forehead, “That’s not a promise.”
“Then here’s one. After this mission, you will be my wife. That I promise.” He whispered in my ear before ordering us to search the walls for Reiner and Berthold. I smiled and propelled down, searching the wall with the others as Eren sealed the first breach in Shiganshina. We found nothing, but Armin found an old campsite with evidence there were three people, who had some idea we were coming. So, Erwin gave him control, and under Armin's orders, we search all over the district again till Armin shot off an acoustic round and told us to search inside the Wallsan argument ensued but the resolution came with help from Erwin.
We looked and looked but found nothing till someone shouted they found the spot Armin talked of and was quickly slaughtered by Reiner. With quick movements Levi lunged for the kill, only managing to wound him, triggering his transformation to the armored titan. And with a thundering crash, the hole in wall maria was sealed by a bolder, launched by the beast titan.
“Looks like this isn’t just to retake Wall Maria, it’s a true fight for humanity. Erwin, got a plan?” I asked slightly nervously, I honestly thought Levi would have killed him, but I didn’t give Reiner enough credit to survive.
“Bait. Let them choose whether or not to go after Eren or kill us. That should at least limit our enemies.” I nodded and delivered the message, Eren jumped from the wall and shifted, steam gushed around as Eren ran back to the wall, his friends with him as Levi stayed with us.
"Levi, the beast titan is yours. You are the only one I trust to take him out. Y/N, join Levi’s squad. Your instincts and Armin’s mind, I trust you to help bring him down." Levi declared looking at the Titan. I grabbed his arm, “I remember my promise. Just know, it’s your promise too.”
“Yes, sir.” I jumped from the wall, swinging over to meet Armin as erne went toe to toe with the armored titan. We watched as I latched a spear to both my arms, “Take the eyes first."
"That's the idea." I nodded as Eren grappled Reiner and was thrown, Reiner pinned him as Eren rolled, "Now!" Hange shouted as she and Mikasa launched, driving the poles into Reiner’s eyes, the rest of us drove the weapons into the nape, moving out of the way as they blew the armor to bits. Reiner's body emerged from the Titan, head blown off and dead. I laughed, shearing a single tear, "YN?"
"We won. Maybe victory isn't that far off?" I missed as I kicked a pebble, but our victory was far off indeed, cause the Titan roared and shook the very building I stood on, "You have got to be fucking kidding?!"
"Above, the colossal is coming from above!" I gasped and ran, leaping in the air and swinging away from the impending explosion. But it never hit, I looked back and saw Bertholdt talking with Armin. All I could think was how easy it would be, to end the threat.
I launched the hooks and sped towards him, I could end it, we wouldn't have to worry about the Colossal, "YN No!" Bertholdt turned around and In a split second, I managed to cut his ear, but he blocked the second blade and kicked me off the roof as Mikasa came in for the kill he managed to fend her off. They back off as he ran, I pulled myself back up and sat beside them.
"Was...was that…"
"That was the real Bertholdt. The one we knew...that was a facade." I sighed, watching as he went up, "Shit, get down!" I shielded the two younger cadets as heat blasted from the transformation, before it could register, someone said it.
"Hange squad...they were right next to it…." It didn't sound right, I didn't want it to sound right, but...that was the truth.
"Captain." They looked at me and all I could see was the terror under that mask of courage and anger.
"As of now, he doesn't realize where we are right?" Armin nodded, "We use that to our advantage. From the looks of it, the Armored Titan is still out of commission. Which means, we only have one opponent for the time being."
"A battle of attrition is our only viable option, we cage him here in Shiganshina and regroup with the Commander, let him decide." Armin sighed as we watched the sea of fire grow.
"No." I decided.
"To be fair Hange placed Armin in-"
"She's right. That bastard can set anything in his reach alight. We'd be leading him to the horses and trapping everyone between the Beast Titan and him." Jean supported as I kept my eyes on Bertholdt.
"We stick to script. Wear him out, but keep him to the outer wall. Everyone on Eren, take us to the river and keep your heads down." I demanded Armin nods and looked down, "Armin, listen to me, I've known Erwin for years, I've followed his orders countless times and have come back alive each time, and because of that I trust his judgment. So if he thinks you can think of a way to do this, I trust you can too. Now, quit pouting and start plotting.
The Colossal kept inching his way towards the wall, getting closer and closer to Erwin. I growled as Jean spoke up, telling Eren to scream and draw him back in. But the son of a bitch ignored us.
"Rat bastard.  Eren, stop him, the rest of us jump ship. If these two get into it we're dead meat. Connie, your spear, I'm getting closer, we have to find a weakness to take him out now." We rushed him, Jean, Connie, and Sasha charged the front as me and Mikasa launched attacks from both sides. As we got closer a gush of hot steam blew us back, scalding and burning all of us.
"Damn it... Armin, tell me you've got something for this bastard." I begged as I stood, blood trickling down my cheek from landing against the roof. The kid stayed silent and I worried, 'Was he frozen? Are we putting this kid under too much pressure?' 
"Guys! Reiner's back up!" Jean shots and suddenly our one opponent became two. And I knew that some of us wouldn't make it.
'Its your promise too…' I looked to the wall, where just on the other side, Erwin was fighting to come back and make good on his promise to me. But now I might not be able to...cause I couldn't let these kids die. 
"He's thinner." Armin muttered, "I got it! Everyone, draw the armored titan away! Leave the Colossal to me and-"
"No! As of now I'm taking command. And this has nothing to do with your skills Armin, Jean. You two...you did well. But I'm pulling rank to make sure you see that world you've talked so much about…" I sighed as I stood, "Tell me the rest of your plan, Armin."
"C-Captian…" Armin stuttered before he nodded and quietly explained to me how exactly my life would end.
"Alright, kiddos...let me make this simple, under no circumstances am I to be made a titan, if I die so be it...there are so many others who are better suited for it." They saluted and I smiled, "Take care of Reiner but don't you dare die. And yes, that is an order." They took off as Armin went to wake Eren up and I took a breath as I came to terms with what my last act on this earth would be.
"Erwin… please forgive me…" I whispered and launched myself at the Colossal as Eren fell, that was the signal. I flew up into his face, "Armin, get outta here!" I shouted but all he did...was smile, "You goddamn brat!" I screamed as steam bellowed out. I burnt and I began to lose sight, but I managed to plant my foot into the cadet's side and kick him away as Bertholdt pushed more heat out.
I don't know when but I stopped feeling pain, and all I could picture was what the wedding could have been like, what the ocean looked like, and...what it would have been to be a mother.
“Captian!!” Armin screamed as your body fell from the sky. You were badly burnt, your once flawless skin was now scorched black in places and your uniform was burn scraps, but even though the burns, you were recognizable.
 Mikasa caught you and laid you gently on the roof of a house, “No, No! Please don’t...Captian, Y/N.”
“She’s...gone,” Eren whispered as they took in the brunt form of their captain, everyone gathered there as Eren held Berthold by his neck.
“She did it to save us...for us to see the ocean,” Armin told his friend, “She knew and she…”
“We’re going to end this. Now. For Y/N, for all of them.” Eren growled, tightening his grip on Betholdt’s throat as a shuddering cough came from your throat, “Captian!”
“Mikasa! Armin, get the serum!” They shared a pained look and Eren stared, “Now!”
“No.” Mikasa decided, “She gave us a direct order to stop anyone who tried to inject her.”
“I don’t care! She’s our friend-”
“That’s why I won’t let you disrespect her!” Armin shouted as he pulled Eren away, “She knew this was it, and decided to do it. To save us! Me! So no.”  Eren nodded and they knelt down, as Levi made it back, commander in tow.
Erwin took in the sight of you as Mikasa gave her report to Levi, who nodded and drug the other two away, “Levi-”
“No, Erwin. She already gave her wishes to the others. She said,  ‘under no circumstances’ that includes you ordering it.” The short captain left him alone with you, barely breathing.
“S-sorry…” You breathed as he took your hand.
“Reconsider.” He begged softly, “Please. Don’t leave me.”
“Watch...them…” You coughed, ”They...were...worth it.” He watched your chest relax and knew those were your last words, the last words of the woman to who he gave his soul too.
The funeral was just after the medal ceremony, where Erwin accepted yours posthumously. The few surviving scouts gathered as they paid respects to you, but slowly they left till it was just the remaining members of the 104th cadets, Levi, Hanji, Molbit, and Erwin.
“She told me to watch you, that dying for you was worth it. And after reading the reports...she was right, as always.” Erwin announced, “Armin, you and Levi fought to respect her wishes, to give the injection to someone else, that ended up being Molbit. For that, I must thank you.” He sighed as he hung the medal on the grave, “She gave her heart, will you give yours?” They answered with a salute to the headstone that marked your grave.
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haikyupid · 5 years ago
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Order from Lunatrix B,
Hey there! First of all THIS IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA! I can only imagine the time and dedication it took you to think this through and make the orders! (Also I am lowkey so shy doing it off anon like AAAAH) May I please order a Dalgona Matchup Latte? (If it's possible to go with more than one drink then it would be nice to have the Strawberry hearts frappineccino as well!)
So I am an ENFP capricorn and my enneagram is 7w8! My behaviour with other really depends on my mood and on their personalities so other's image of me goes from "wow she is so friendly" to "wtf she is so conceited and manipulative". But most of the time people describe me as crazy, outgoing and bubbly! Since my height is on the shorter side and my cheeks are always red and freckly, I look younger and more innocent than I actually am.
I'm adaptable, super spontaneous and hate overthinking stuff. Also I am shortsighted lol but I don't really like wearing my glasses in public, they make me look so serious and studious when LOL no. I don't really care now but when I was younger I hated the 'honor student' label it gave me. I am a TROLL, super sarcastic and my sense of humor is hard to understand for some people since it's super ironic and kinda dark sometimes.
I have many hobbies and love learning new skills but the most important ones to me are definitely drawing/painting, cooking/baking, piano, reading, acting, swimming, travelling and learning new languages (I am fluent in 5 and learning 2 more). I used to be super passionate about martial arts and reached a black belt but had to stop due to health issues 😭. I'm ambitious, mischievious and cunning. I laugh super easily and smile a lot! I laugh at really inapropriate times, and since I don't cry easily my friends and family call me insensitive oupsii.
I have a super flirty personality but since I do it unknowingly or ironically sometimes, when people take it seriously I freak out and run away. I am hella oblivious to people flirting with me though like even if I notice I go nah there is no way they are serious, so when cute guys confront me about it and say it straight out all my confidence crumbles I BECOME SO SHY and speak in tiny font (and deny it like haha wow you're funny).
 I am really honest about my 'positive feelings', like I compliment people a lot and am the type of person to text others saying that I am happy to have them in my life, that I had a great time hanging out, etc. But I SUCK with my negative feelings?! Like I just ignore them and never voice them out. Friends and family sometimes blame me saying that since I never confide they feel like I put a wall between us and that our relationship is kinda unequal since they tell me everything (I am a really good listener) but I really don't do it on purpose... I kind of feel obligated to be the 'strong' one who does not really feel anything...
I am sorry this is so long, thank you for taking the time to read it! Good luck for all your other orders i'm sute you'll do great!)
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Thanks a lot for sending in your order here at Kyupid's Love Shop. One Dalgona Matchup Latte coming right up!....... where’d the side effec— oh, here it is! I matcha with ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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➞ this relationship thrives on the fact that you’ll both feel like you’re on top of the world when together; but honestly though, boring is not a part of this couple’s vocabulary like whew— (lemme be a part of this, ples, like i’ll third wheel)
➞ don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean that you and nishi are immature (it’s actually quite the contrary) it’s just that you both don’t feel that societal pressure that most do, you’re both just so free and that’s not something the majority of the population can afford
➞ so to say that you’re both beyond lucky to have found each other is a huge understatement; this be the type of relationship that iconic romance anime movies are based off on 
➞ nishi will be the first one to make a move for sure, like bby did not even hesitate for a second — i want it, i’m gonna try to get it typa man
➞ it won’t even matter if you push him away or if he has to court you for a year or so, he’ll only stop if you actually say that you’re not interested but i mean WHO in the world would reject him?! 
➞ your looks will definitely remind him of a tropical paradise he’s visited, which is what he feels whenever he’s around you, so best believe this man won’t let his walking paradise go; he’ll probably also call you his lil’ firework
➞ he values the fact that you both can view the world the same, but if there’s a difference in your viewpoints, it doesn’t lead to arguments like most do, but instead having each side doing their best to understand one another — nishi is the type to be very open-minded and always fights for what’s right, i also get that vibe from you
➞ nishi is up for anything; so when he found out about your abundance of hobbies, he will bombard you with questions about them, your advice to get the hang of them, and always asking if he’s doing them right 
“look babe, i tried to draw something for you!”
“aww, yuu, this cow looks so cute.” 
“...it’s a baby bear, but thank you so much, baby, it’s definitely an improvement from the last one. i love you!”
➞ he has a very innocent type of humour... maybe sometimes perverted, but that’s not the point— so if he does find one of your jokes to be too dark, he will ask if you’re okay, but he definitely won’t be like ‘wtf is wrong with this betch?’
➞ you two would always be traveling whenever your schedules allow you two; and you guys would always be learning something new! surfing, atv riding, bungee jumping, hunting, fishing (durh), learning some catch phrases in the place’s native language, cooking their national dishes, and so so much more
➞ with nishi, there’s never a time where you’ll be bored, everything will just be perfect when you’re with him; literally you’ll both be the couple who probably doesn’t even plan their days unless it’s like something so important
➞ ‘there are some flowers you only see when you take detours’ type of life motto/vibes
➞ oh, and you always complimenting him and telling him how much he means to you? mans could die from to much heart palpitations... uwu, just pure uwus
➞ he’s not very romantic all the time, so most of the compliments he’ll be giving you will be like:
“baby, you’re way cuter than this. you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever laid my eyes on. you’re perfect!”
“...but you’re holding a fish i— y’know what, thank you... now can you throw it back in the water, please?”
➞ loves, and when i say loves i really mean it, when you wear your glasses, but he definitely will be cheeky and say, ‘oh, sorry, i didn’t know this was the library. i was looking for my very beautiful girlfriend... oh, that’s you? well you look a lil’ too gorgeous to be her’ but foreal, pls wear you glasses more often, he literally melts when you do
➞ he’s always telling you that he loves you; and when he’s in another country, expect photos and vids from him that look like those tinder fish-boys (idek if this’ll make sense to you) but he has the most beautiful smile a man could ever have and such a sincere paragraph of how much he misses and loves you to follow along with it, that it doesn’t even matter anymore that he looks like a dad
➞ a relationship that make the people around you, whether they’re strangers or not, go ‘they’re the main characters’ — to them you two were in your own beautiful world, and no one would ever dare to interfere with a love so magical and true
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Kyupid hopes that you enjoyed your Dalgona Matchup Latte! Here’s the view from the top of the world with your out-of-this-world relationship with Nishinoya Yuu: he always does things that end up turning you as red as a tomato, but he doesn’t even intend to, mans is just naturally smooth... so you either malfunction or just straight up push him away; when he wants you to listen to his 3 AM thoughts/honestly just some weird shet he probably does all the time with you; when he tries to make you talk about how you’re feeling when he knows your ‘i’m fine’ reply is a straight up lie; and when he finally comes back from one of his trips around the world, just wanting you to be safe in his arms again.
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Thanks very much for ordering — Kyupid hopes to see your cuteself again at the shop in the future! Have a magic-filled day ⁀➷
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an: henlo, i hope you didn’t mind too much that i bombarded your dm’s with questions 😅 thank you so much for being patient with me!
i didn’t know what to do about the url thing, so this was what i resorted to in a short amount of time, i hope that’s okay with you. i almost lost your submission twice, huhu. also, is the gif working??? tumblr’s being a bitch again, so idk if it’s working and i’m freakin out.
btw, now i can’t stop being jelly over this ship like— this is too cute and i feel like this kind of relationship only exists in movies 😔
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 years ago
Winx Club Season 2 Thoughts (4kids) Part 1
I already posted some thoughts on season 2 last year when I legit just clicked through he episodes rather than actually rewatching them so I am back to give a more in-depth look on this season! (And, hopefully, it won’t end with disappointment for me.)
- Eww, why voiceover? It just seems so unnatural since we’ve never had it before. Not to mention that Bloom told us what each of the other girls has done during the summer but she didn’t tell us anything about herself. Like, she set out to find out more about her origins back in the first half of season 1, and I know that she did learn about being the princess of Domino but she still has no fucking idea who her parents are as individuals apart from them being the rulers of Domino. Considering how big of a plot that is later on, it just doesn’t sit right with me that she doesn’t seem remotely interested in it currently and didn’t mention anything about it. It’s like that plotline is closed for her which we all know is not true. So I am having some issues here, not gonna lie (not with Bloom but with her inconsistent writing).
- Aww, am I the only one who thinks that Stella buried herself in fashion rules all summer because she didn’t want to think about her parents’ divorce? Poor baby has been going so hard with no rest to keep herself from grieving over it. But at least she did something! (Proving she’s not lazy and spoiled; she practically had a job. Her dream job. You go get it, girl! (but also take care of your mental state, please.))
- Why is Bloom so eager to learn her fortune? Has she not read Greek Mythology? Bad idea, hon. Bad idea. (The thing with the magical reality mirrors was cool, though!)
- (Is that a new secret library or is it the regular library? I’m confused. Does anybody have a handy layout of Alfea for me?)
- She just fucking told her everything! I’m not a fan of knowing your future tbh. It really messes with your head and you start thinking “Will my actions have a negative impact on it? Will I somehow change my own destiny for the worse?” and then you go and do exactly that. Not to mention that it would be so weird to stare at Layla and just feel the pressure of being told that you’ll be best friends. Like, what if it doesn’t work? And what if it is just the fact that you were told so that pushes you to seek the friendship of that person? I don’t know. It’s just not my thing.
- Layla is awesome, though! Climbing those rocks with no equipment, not to mention with so little power left. She probably couldn’t even transform and fly if she fell. That was dangerous but did she care? Nope. She was there to save the pixies! Brave little soldier. Too good, too pure for this world.
- Ugh, Darkar managed to annoy me with his very first sentence ever. Nice job. You are a loser, loser. So deal with it! God, how will I take all that narcissism for 25 more episodes? Oh god, oh no, please, no! Whyyyyyyyy?
- Ugh, Bloom, that diadem is doing the opposite of wonders for your hair, please! At least Stella had the common sense to remove it.
- Speaking of Stella, that moment with the multiplying beauty was so cute! I love how she complimented the others while complimenting herself! But guys (Stella & Bloom), you’re not discreet with the groping. Seriously.
- Oh, hey! Riven won! And Sky only came in third! Nice! But lbr here, Timmy is the real victor! The others came in on hoverbikes while he had an entire ship that he modified himself. I mean, idk about anyone else, but I would definitely go for the ship.
- Of course there’s Diaspro drama. God, can they not for literally five seconds? And also, “we’re just friends”? Wtf? Did you fall on your head this summer, Bloom? You were calling him your boyfriend last time I checked. And you were fawning over the romance in your future. Can you just drop the pretense already?
- Ooh, Layla is so smart! She managed to outsmart all the monsters and win even when she barely had any magic left! You go, you absolute badass!
- Did they even make any changes on that new wing at Alfea? I mean, besides the name.
- How did Tecna know that Layla was the princess of Andros? Did she hack the interdimensional FBI system? Wtf.
- They could’ve showed some other things we hadn’t seen that Layla had to go through but, of course, why would they do that when they could just use the same footage and draw less animation, bruh?
- And we’re getting to the opposites. Right on schedule when the Shadow Phoenix has shown up. You gotta love how convenient those school lessons are (not to mention that Bloom suddenly started feeling her opposite out of nowhere. Nice!) At least we got a cool magical lesson. Though, idk how to feel about the ying-yang symbol. I mean, it is a perfect representation of what they’re talking about but kind of weird to see something so earthly in Alfea. Though, Earth did have magic so... Hmm. Okay, anyway. Moving on.
- Um, question, why do Stella and Layla not know each other? And in the first season Stella and Musa and Sky didn’t know each other even though they were all royalty (I am still unclear on whether Musa is a princess or not btw but anyway). Don’t they, like, have royal meetings with other kingdoms? (which they even did in season 5 when Domino was back. What, is Domino the center of the universe and they can’t function without it? I mean, come on!)
- The talk about love is getting on my nerves and I literally have “love” in my url and it is my fave word. So what is wrong with that? I do love that guard there. Heck, yeah, it’s a prison (it’s worse than that tbh). And the fact that they’re trying to make it out not to be is extremely fucked up and sickening if you ask me. Not to mention “You can force people to be happy. It just takes time.” I really hope whoever had the idea of that place (in-verse) is going to hell.
- They legit just kept recapping season 1 for a solid minute? Aaaaaaaand... SKIP.
- Can I say that a 30-page report is an actual living nightmare. Thanks.
- The girls are all friendly with Layla (well, outside of a slip-up or two). That’s cute. But where the hell is Tecna? Can the animators only animate five Winx girls at a time? What the hell, you guys?
- So the Pixie village is on Andros (if Layla found it accidentally. I don’t imagine she realm-hopped at will)? Why don’t I remember any of that? But hey, finally some flashbacks that we haven’t seen before!
- Oh, look! My guy Kerborg is here! (the only good part of this whole Darkar thing tbh)
- The Trix finally thought of trying to pretend to be happy in order to get out of there. Well, better late than never. Though, watching how it’s going I can understand why they didn’t try before that. It is, in fact, hopeless. (But at least Darcy is handling it! She always was a bit more controlled.)
- I am so majorly creeped out by Darkar. He just met them and he’s like “You belong to me! Mwahahahaha.” Ummmm? Can you calm down? But I loved Icy’s response. Though, it didn’t stick. And he’s at it again. Seriously, this is really giving me some major off vibes. He said they were going to be the queens of Shadowhaunt which, considering he’s the king, would imply they were his wives. Now there’s a mental image that I am not even going to let inside my head, thanks. Although, having in mind that he just kept buttering them up, I would say it was just him stroking their egos to get them to join him. Not to mention that his later treatment of them supports that theory. And of course, he had to test them first and see how they’d do.
- Please, tell me that they’ll tell someone about the Pixies and won’t just go to Shadowhaunt on their own initiative.
- O!M!G! They actually told Faragonda! I can’t believe this! Finally doing something smart, I can’t! And of course she wasn’t going to just let them go. Though, did she really think they weren’t going to want to take the test?
- Shouldn’t Stella be weakened by the darkness of Shadowhaunt? I kinda wish she’d stayed at Alfea if that would’ve spared us from the arc that is coming. (Why?)
- Okay, but it was kind of rude of Layla to just overtake Riven’s hoverbike like that. I wouldn’t appreciate it if I had to give someone a ride and they shoved me out of the driver’s seat and occupied my car, thank you. I’m surprised Riven agreed to let her drive.
- I don’t really have much to say about this episode tbh.
- It was cute that Stella jumped off the cliff for Brandon but it was not the smartest course of action. It probably would’ve been easier for him to save himself if he was alone and they may not have ended up being brought to Amentia. God, I hate this. I don’t want to be bitching about this every other sentence so just know that I absolutely despise this arc from the very bottom of my heart and that will never change.
- They have no powers and Darkar knows they’re there. Sounds like a great situation, doesn’t it?
- That amazing moment when you either have to marry a person you’ve just met or watch the one you love die and then be forced to get married anyway. You gotta love that! I hate this so much! (And this is different from my previous point. Or at least has a different angle.)
- Wow, Riven is absolutely handling being a boyfriend. Somebody get him a manual, the man is failing spectacularly.
- I am not quite a fan of Flora’s “Must be nice to have a shoulder to cry on”. Like, you have your friends???? No, I get that she wants a boyfriend, nothing wrong with that, but it came out like she has nobody. Which is absolutely not true.
- What a lucky save that Stella just arrived when they were about to become toast. Can anyone tell me why she didn’t just teleport them where the Pixies are? Or anywhere closer to them if she could do that all along?
- Am I distracted or is there nothing to talk about in these episodes? (Both. It is both.)
- Seriously, why didn’t they at least mention the option to teleport using that gadget from the beginning?
- Aww, Brandon was trying to be noble and get out of the marriage but it backfired. Poor him.
- Why are the Pixies bickering like that? Is it Shadowhaunt’s influence or just the fact that they’d been imprisoned together for so long?
- Wait, did they just... kill a pixie? (Off screen of course, but still. Damn!)
- So Bloom and Stella did... interestingly with the boarding.
- Why is Stella afraid of heights? Also, that’s never been mentioned before. Especially not when she jumped off a fucking cliff! Wtf. They just keep throwing in new stuff without setting it up properly and I am getting annoyed.
- What happened to Tecna’s computer?
- Oh, look! Chatta lied to Darkar to protect Pixie Village.
- It’s the Trix! Finally some action! And they are harder to defeat now that they’re stronger! Nice!
- Damn! Layla was really determined to get the Pixies out of there. (Which wouldn’t have helped if Darkar hadn’t let her but she still gets points for trying.)
- Oh come on! Do I really have to deal with fake Avalon so early in the season?!?!?! Dammit! Also, wtf is up with Bloom and Stella? Like, you both have boyfriends. At least Layla’s not affected.
- “Stella returned a compliment. What is that about?” XDDD One of the funniest lines ever! And look at Amore! She is so cute!
- But yeah, seriously, just go get Brandon, please! (Also, good that they noticed something’s fishy.)
- Aww, Stella is absolutely furious and determined to get her boyfriend back. She should’ve gone for a plan tbh since it could’ve helped them get to the palace faster.
- I love how Stella’s known Layla for a week (half of which Layla was unconscious) tops and is already making her her bridesmaid. Am I the only one who finds this weird? Like, this friendship train is moving way too fast for my trust issues.
- Poor Brandon. She’s going to stretch him, wtf? These episodes are a horror show.
- How bad can a guard worm be? Hm, gee, I don’t know, Layla. Enough to stop you perhaps since it is a “guard”, y’know.
- And Brandon is talking to a parrot now. I am losing it just like he is. How much longer will this torture go on? Please, tell me this arc is coming to an end.
- Okay, so the plotline with Amore’s magic is less problematic than I remember it. I thought she was going to make Amentia fall in love with the flower pollen but it only leads you to your soulmate. That isn’t problematic, actually. Nice!
- Wtf do you mean they’re going to eat Brandon if he’s not a good husband?!?!?! I am getting nightmares over here. Just feeling them forming in my head. Thanks.
- It must be horrible for Stella to be standing there and watching her boyfriend being forced to marry another woman. How are these people not psychologically scarred anyway?
- Aww, they’re back together! I love how Amore is just sitting in Stella’s lap! It’s cute.
- I was not ready for the Kiko angst even though I knew it was coming.
- Faragonda really thought she could just dodge that question without them noticing, huh? Yeah, well, no.
- Oh, look! The Shadow Fire is sentient. This reminds me of LotR tbh but anyway, moving on. So Darkar is a man who is possessed by the Shadow Fire? I so did not remember that.
- Oh, no! Is it really time for Avalon already? Dammit! I was just getting thrilled there was no Darkar in these last two episodes and now I get Avalon. Uggggh.
- I get Bloom’s annoyance with this but why does she keep blasting it when that obviously doesn’t give results?!?!?! This reminds me of that quote by Einstein that madness is doing the same thing and expecting different results. “I feel tired.” You think? You’ve been out there blasting that thing for hours. Get inside and get warmed up, oh my god! Seriously, how are they even alive? They don’t take care of themselves at all.
- This might be my more advanced knowledge of what the future holds for them speaking but I absolutely do not get what is Avalon’s appeal.
- Oh, how convenient. He’s teaching magic connected to their origins. Amazing.
- “I don’t want to seem obsessive” *proceeds to spy on girlfriend* At least the show is framing it well.
- Ugh, I really hate these Bloom and Avalon scenes. They just leave a bad taste in my mouth.
- Ugh, I’m gagging at Bloom’s obsession with Avalon. I get he promised to help her learn about her origins but she’s downright lovesick. I am so with Sky on this and I understand his frustration.
- Aww, Brandon immediately revealed his own nickname to help Stella calm down. That was so cute! I love them!
- I love how the fairies are always invited, of course, but the witches are only invited because they helped. I mean, yeah, they do cause trouble, but like, they’re witches? I think the show should have done a better job at specifying what exactly being a witch is because currently it’s like “hey, they’re evil but they can legally learn how to be evil in the legitimate school for witches!” How does that make any sense?
- Ewww, seriously? On the one front I have Bloom and Avalon and on the other Icy and Darkar. What is wrong with this season?
- Oh, hey! It’s Helia! Now only if we didn’t have to wait half a season for Flora to confess her feelings, that would be great! I love how she got mad at Stella for introducing herself to Helia. Don’t just glare there, Flora. Do something about it! (About Helia, I mean.)
- So Saladin is also a dramatic bitch. Good to know. XD But hey, the new Red Fountain looks so much better. Before I started the rewatch, I didn’t even remember the initial vision. I only remembered the one from season 2 onwards.
- Poor Timmy! But what was Tecna’s problem? Like, you dreamed of him. That’s cool. I mean, you like him. What’s the problem? I guess she’s just not used to emotions like that, though.
- “I think it was Darcy” Jeez, really? Why is the fact that she ran away not enough proof that it was Darcy? Why would she run away if she was just a random girl? But I guess it’s a good thing Musa recognized her voice because people can actually do that unlike what movies would have you believe.
- It’s Kerborg time. Nice!
- Oh, yeah, “let’s leave Bloom and Sky in charge here”. Now you trust her. Last time she was there he blamed everything on her but hey, whatever.
- I loved Sky being supportive of Brandon and then the team up with all the rest. And Riven showing a better side of himself. That was really awesome.
- Oh, I think Helia’s got his eye on a certain fairy too! ;)
- But seriously. Literally an entire army of Specialists can’t hold the monster down while Helia did it on his own. With his glove. Wtf?!?!?!?! Though really, why am I expecting anything to make sense at this point.
- Okay, but as annoying as Darkar is, he at least knows how to steer the witches to do exactly what he wants.
- Really, Tecna, I think your facts are wrong. You aren’t completely grown up at 16, wtf.
- Who else is completely creeped out by Avalon? He really just gave all of his very female and very young students flowers. And he’s teaching them all individual things (which is just a cover so that his interest in Bloom doesn’t stand out, of course, but still). He knows they are all crushing on him and he’s exploiting that and doing his best to lead them on and reinforce those emotions. That is absolutely disgusting, thank you.
- Seriously, even Faragonda is falling victim to his “charm” (not)? I can’t with this episode anymore and it has just started. And here I thought Darkar would be the problem of this season. How was I so wrong????????
- Oh, he wants them to trust him as much as they trust themselves? How about they throw you off a cliff instead? Oh, wait, that won’t work because he has wings. Crush him with a boulder then? (This is getting very anti Avalon and I am so sorry for all the negativity but I don’t think I can stress enough how much this is upsetting and angering me.)
- Why do I feel like Avalon is the one who planted the book there so that Tecna could do all of that and embarrass herself so that she wouldn’t try it again and he could proceed with his real plans?
- Well, we finally got Bloom’s parents’ names and a very unclear peek at them. Though, props for having their designs figured out from the beginning, though I guess that is just thanks to the comics.
- Oh, hey! Palladium is back. (Why is no one crushing on him? He is so much better and more handsome than Avalon tbh.) Glow up time, bitches. XD
- Amaryl is being Amaryl, of course. But Palladium is having none of it anymore. And he saved Stella. Nice!
- The others trust Tecna, that’s great!
- (Honestly, Griffin is the only thing saving me from losing my mind in this episode tbh, Also the fact that she believes Tecna and that Tecna was suspicious enough to dig in the first place. At least someone hasn’t lost their common sense.)
- Oh, hey, how did Bloom get that medallion? Did she pull it out of the past? Pls, tell me that’s not what happened. It can legit mess the entire timeline.
- Wait, didn’t they start chasing him before midnight? Why is it suddenly morning? Wtf? You can’t tell me they chased him all night. Why is everything so wrong?
- Poor Wizgiz! Another invention is destroyed. I feel his pain.
- At least all parts of the episode came together nicely. The writing was actually good but I absolutely hate this episode, thanks! I still appreciate the effort with the script, though.
- Seriously, why did Bloom instantly decide that Diaspro was involved in this? Ugh. Both she and Sky need to calm down with the jealousy.
- Omg, Griselda is so savage, I can’t! Her magic is so awesome. (Since when is Stella up for cooking? Or was it just because she wanted to see the cute guy that would teach them cooking? Ah, and she’s tired of take out.) I really loved how she used different methods to deal with the different powers of the fairies. Finally we’re getting all the magical lessons and it is absolutely glorious.
- (Btw, seeing Stella openly critique classes schedule makes it clear to me why she’s always been my favorite. That is such a me thing to do. I still can’t understand how teachers liked me since I was always arguing with them.)
- Of course. Sky wants to talk and Bloom immediately decided he wanted to break up with her. Why don’t you hear him out first maybe? (Sidenote: Stella and Brandon went on a date with unicorns? That is really cute!)
- Brandon is in his role of the wingman again. Considering he’s the only one having a steady girlfriend (and they’ve said “I love you” already), the rest should just listen to him.
- Mayhem globe? That’s really cool actually.
- Helia is here. Nice!
- Poor Stormy. She looked really hurt. I thought Darcy was the one with the illusions and riddles. Why did she get it wrong and why was Icy the one to solve it (through a detail that not only has never been shown but has been pretty much disproven by what we’ve seen)?
- Yeah. Tecna and Timmy were also knocked out, Bloom. Just in case you care about that.
- Kindness spell? And non-agression spell? That’s kinda cool actually. But problematic... again.
- I am not quite sure what Bloom did but I am actually glad to see they went with a hug there (and it was cute). But how many times are they going to become a boyfriend and a girlfriend? I thought we were over this.
- Brandon is at it again. A true specialist... in dating tips. XD
- Wow, Flora. Nice Helia spell you got there. (Btw I am so loving that we get to see them in different classes and learning things! Yes, this is what I’m here for!) But Layla was so ready to help! And I also love that Flora went to Layla instead of anyone else. It’s really cute that they got so close so fast. (”He’s crazy if he doesn’t like you.” Perhaps Layla is the one who likes Flora. XD)
- Shoulda listened to Brandon, Timmy. (But Tecna so boldly went for the “us”. You go, girl!)
- Idk but to me “The Archaic Spells of Spheria” doesn’t sound any good tbh.
- Of course Stella is all about the romantic movies. But poor pixies. They had to imprison them to save them.
- Why did all of the boys know about the Codex in the previous ep but the girls have no clue about it? Why is Faragonda keeping it from them if everyone at Red Fountain knows about it?
- What was Faragonda doing? And why did she make Bloom look for the spell? Couldn’t she do that herself? (Also, she just threw the book like that on the floor. I get why it prompted her derision but damn, really?)
- Flora and Helia are such romantic dorks. And they’re bringing their A game there. Poems and flowers... A beautiful romance blooms. (I’ll stop now.)
- This convergence talk is giving me all the friendship feels. Not just for Winx but also for Faragonda and Griffin since they have been spotted doing convergence too. Ugh, my heart!
- Wow, Riven sure has a lot of pictures of Musa, considering the way he’s acting.
- “Kind of involved”? Mhm, sure.
- So I understand Musa’s frustration with Stella’s meddling but on the other hand I can see Stella’s point. I love Musa x Riven but Riven doesn’t seem exactly present and Musa herself stated that she’s not really sure what the status of their relationship is so...
- Okay, but there is no way in hell that it is Darcy’s birthday. It is fall currently and Darcy’s birthday is May 5 according to Wiki. So yeah, no.
- I am getting a bit sidetracked again but can we talk about the fact that Bloom and Stella couldn’t do convergence after a simple disagreement even though they’re together like 24/7 while Griffin and Faragonda managed to do it seamlessly at the end of season 1 after not speaking to each other for years and kind of getting into a fight the last time they spoke at the Day of the Royals. Friendship goals (well, besides the silent treatment.)
- Okay but I think it wasn’t right to blame Stella. She didn’t say anything that was inherently offensive. She suggested that they try to get closer. That isn’t bad even if it upsets someone indirectly. There was no need to blame her. They should’ve just focused on making Layla feel better.
- Why do I feel like none of them really had friends before they found each other? But hey, they are this big found family now and that is awesome! (I am getting all the feels again.)
- And Darcy is messing up the magical reality chamber again. Didn’t we do that already? Also, why didn’t they try to... idk, take precautions and put better security on it considering how dangerous it can be? Like, those are simple things. Please, be responsible.
- Better not play Truth or Dare with Stella. Unless you wanna be kissing ogres. XD
- That was a good save Layla pulled off there. Also, I love how the girls are mad at the “technical” issues. Tbh they are right to. How many times are they gonna get stuck in the wrong world when sent into the magical reality chamber? Like, get your shit together teachers. Also, why don’t they simply do a test run before they get anyone inside it? You’d think they’d learn their lesson.
- Damn, they can be deleted if the program is turned off? Why didn’t Darcy just have Jarred unplug it then? Winx are erased forever. Boom, problem solved. For the Trix, I mean.
- Aww, the pixies were ready to go in. That was cute.
- I LOVED that convergence! It was such a cool idea to have them make a figure. Also, they just created life. Damn! I am impressed.
- Poor Layla. She has all those nightmares. But at least Piff helps! That’s really cute.
- I see Flora still hasn’t solved the Helia problem yet.
- They just ditched school to go to a club. What chaotic dumbass energy, I can’t.
- Aww, Layla is sharing about her harsh childhood. At least she has friends she can talk to now. But damn the difference between Andros and Solaria is very striking in scenes like that.
- Layla totally nailed that improv. Nice, you go, girl!
- I love the difference between Griselda and Faragonda! XD
- I loved that convo between Bloom and Vanessa! Yes, thank you for that. I am a little confused as to when Bloom learned Daphne was her sister. Did I miss something or did the writers miss something? But aww, Vanessa can’t see Locket. That’s making me sad. :(
- They did go to the club, though, huh? Nice one, you guys.
- How will Faragonda learn if they use magic on humans but not otherwise? That doesn’t sound very logical to me. (Speaking of logic, where is Tecna? They didn’t show her in this ep.)
- Oh, no! Poor Layla. But damn, she’s powerful. And the others are there to help her. (The pixies can cause so much trouble considering how small they are.)
- I love how Faragonda and Griselda just showed up to get them. It was cute. Though, now they’re being punished. Well, technically, Bloom didn’t break any rules because she had permission to leave but I guess she’s also in this because she shouldn’t have taken the others with her. (Cheeky to welcome Faragonda and Griselda to Earth.) At least Faragonda managed to get them the permission for music back from Griselda. XD
- Aww, babies! They are so tired from cleaning the whole school, they fell asleep. And the pixies helped, too.
- I’m not sure how Flora got that Helia is “the one” from talking to him for half a minute, but damn, wanna share those powers with the rest of us so that we can know immediately when we’ve met the one as well? (It was so cute to see Flora lean on Layla to sleep with her. And Piff, too. If she weren’t just talking about Helia, they would’ve been like a picture perfect family.)
This got very long so I decided to split the post for this season in parts. Part 2.
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justmewoo · 6 years ago
Legacy [ Avengers x Male Reader]
Male Son Reader x Steve x Wanda x Tony
A/N: So this is about steve having a son with peggy lets just pretend they did it before steve got frozen and not knowing about it until decades later. I just came up with it today so idk if I should make a second part or continue it. So please comment or message me and let me know if I should continue it or not. Enjoy!
Unedited because dont know if people will like it.
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I never expected in meeting my father ever. After all I was produce from a wonderful love that both had for each other. At least that's what my mother used to tell me. That I wasn't a mistake but a blessing because she now had a little piece of HIM. 
 Not to mention how much I look like my father. She told me about having similar interest as him. But when I uses to ask her about him she said he had disappear before she ever got the chance to tell him about me in 1945. I wasn't born till XX XX 1946.
She had given birth to a little blond baby boy. My grandparents had helped her raised me. Due to her job in S.H.I.E.L.D it was a bit difficult because she was always busy attending work and traveling.
Sometimes she would take me with her to work and meet the people who worked there. I became close with Howard Stark the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. He was like a father to me. 
"[Male Reader] can you please stay still like a good little boy while mommy  goes to a meeting with Howard?" I was only about five years old when I got a chance to go with her that day. 
I nodded. "I promise i'll be a good boy mama." I said giggling as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. 
"I won't take long so please finish doing your homework so we can go back to your grandparents house." She opened the door of her office and left me sitting alone. I grabbed my school bag from the floor then went to take a seat in her chair. 
I opened my bag to take out my school supplies and homework. I read through the paper to realize it was math and history homework with some coloring drawings of Captain America. I clapped my hands in happiness as I decided to work on my dad's homework first. "I'm going to color you Papa." I said outloud smiling. I suddenly got up and walked over to the corner where she had a small radio and turned it on to hear music. Then returned back to continue working on my homework and trying to whistle on my own. 
Once I finished doing my homework I had an idea of going to look for mom and show her my drawing of dad. I quickly got up from my chair with paper in hand and opened the door. 
I left the door half opened and ran down the hallways looking for her. In one hand I had the drawing while the other one I carried a picture of dad that my mother gave me. I turned a few left and right before finding the room where they have their meetings. I opened the door to find it empty. "Where's mama." I asked to myself before shutting the door and continue to run looking everywhere for her. 
It wasn't till I accidently bumped into something hard. It caused me to drop the picture and homework on the ground. I had landed on the floor with my knees injuring them. "Ouchie that hurts." I murmure to myself. I looked up and saw a figure standing in front of me. 
He was wearing a black jacket with black pants. He's left arm was made out of metal. He had a red star on the same metal arm. He bent down to my height and extended his hand out to me. I took his hand in mind and stood up. I stared at him for a few minutes feeling a bit uneasy and confused because I have never seen him before.  
"I'm sorry I didn't see you there you alright bud?" The stranger said. I nodded my head before turning around looking for the pieces of papers but, I could only see the drawing and not my dad's picture. "Looking for this." I turn around to face the man again to see the picture of my dad in his hand. 
I tried jumping to grab it from him. "That's mine give it my papa." I said as tears where on the verge of falling. I retreated the picture from his hand and protected it on my chest hiding it from him. He smirked before retreating and walking away leaving me alone I could only watch as he disappeared that day. 
I never told my mother about that day. It's not that I didn't want to tell her it's just something about him made the guy look dangerous. Growing up I tried my best to distract myself and forget about that memory. So as I continued to grow up. I got more and more involved with S.H.I.E.L.D at age twenty four in the year 1970 I was able to sign up for the military. But my mother wasn't very found of the idea that her only son would join the war. She simply didn't want me to disappear in the middle of a battle like my father.
"Come on Ma, nothing bad will happen to me." I said talking to my mother inside her office. 
"I don't want you to put your life in danger [Male Reader] why did you go behind my back and join the military." She yelled back. 
"THIS. This is the reason why I went behind your back because I knew you would react this way. Nothing bad will happen to me you i'm twenty four years old for crying out loud." I turned around walking towards the door turning my back to her waiting for her to say something. 
"If you walk out of this office in this very instant you can't forget about having a mother young man." She yelled once again. 
I glanced behind my shoulder before opening the door taking a step forward. "Then I guess you just lost a son... I apologize for following my father's steps, have a good day agent Carter." I said closing the door after me.
I'm furious that she doesn't support my idea of wanting to follow my father's steps. I'm a Rogers it runs through my blood. I walked in silence passing by people with my hands inside my pockets. I ignored people's stares and walked out to find Howard Stark holding flowers and a can of something with Jarvis getting inside the car.
"What's the matter [Male Reader] did your mother find out?" I walked feeling annoyed not making eye contact with him. 
I made my way over to them nodding my head. "Yes Sir my Ma, found out about it I mean Agent Carter because she no longer has a son at least according to her. You think I can be adopted by you and your wife. I promise to be a big brother to your baby." I said joking around. 
"Real funny [Male Reader] but you know she doesn't think that. She just doesn't want her only son to leave and have something bad happen to you. You will understand what a parent has to deal with when you have your own kids some day. But you're welcome to come visit and meet the baby when my wife gives birth." He patted my shoulder and got inside the car. I closed the door after him. 
"Hey Jarvis, take good care of Mr. Howard and his family. And take care of that baby too who knows maybe if it's a girl i'll date her in the future." I laughed earning a slap from Jarvis. "Woah, I was just kidding." 
"I heard that [Male Reader]" spoke Howard. "Win that war against the Vietnamese." I nodded. 
I watched as the car drove away.
Dear Mom, 
I know the last time I saw you was over a week ago. But I just had to come and fight in the war. Maybe I shouldn't had been harsh on you. So I apologize I didn't mean to hurt your feelings mom. The situation here has become difficult with the new orders from Nixon its going to take a while to get home. There's a pair of dog tags I recieved please give them to Howard's kid I want them to have it. But I promise to get home save I love you Ma.
"Rogers! Hurry up we need you in the front lines. Finish writing that letter later come on son!" The sargeant yelled. 
I quickly put the letter away and placed it inside the envelope. "Yes sir!" 
The war against Vietnam lasted for the whole month of July. At least that's what we where told but in reality it lasted for five years. It was complicated in the beginning because it took a lot of time to get used to been out in the woods. It was hard seeing innocent people killed when we passed through the villages. The first time I had to shoot someone took a lot of me to be able to pull the trigger. Not having anything warm to drink or eat during the winter was something I had to get used to. Not being able to sleep was the one thing that I wish I wouldn't have to adjust too but it was a must. Slowly though I was able to get used to it. 
As each year passed I continued to write letters to my mother. Each month I would also recieve her response with a care package. I left for the war at twenty four now after five years i'm now twenty nine. But the conditions in the jungle made situations worse. Sometimes it would rain or the conditions in the jungle where to much to bare. Seeing many soldiers die has opened my eyes and made me realize how precious life can be. And also left me thinking about the things my dad had went through.
The second year my mother continued to sent me letters and care packages. From cookies to a small piece of my favorite cake. She even sent it me my favorite snacks as a kid. What suprised me was when Howard had sent it a big care package with a letter to me. 
"Woah, look at that fellas Rogers ove here got a package from Mr. Stark himself." Evan a soldier who became a good friend of mine over the past two years shouted grabbing the attention from the rest of the group. Everyone gathered around me looking at what I had recieved.
I had to use all my force of in order to open the big box. Once I opened it tons of good food was placed in clean silver plates. Some contain good amounts of fancy food. Some that I haven't seen in my life. Underneath where pairs of socks and combat boots. 
I grinned. "Looks like there's good amounts of food for everyone come dig in." I shouted. Everyone gathered each grabbing their own food. While everyone ate including the sageants I looked inside the envelope to find a letter from him. 
Dear [Male Reader] Rogers. 
I haven't heard from you for quite a while now. Your mother has told me about the situation of the war so I decided to sent you some supplies along with food you can use and eat. I have also recieved your military dog tags but I can imagine you getting in trouble for losing them. Not sure if your mother has inform you but your a big brother to my son Anthony Edward Stark. So make sure to get back safe here's a picture of him. 
See you soon Rogers. 
I looked inside the envelope to find a picture of a little boy who looked like Howard and Maria. "This must be him Anthony." I smiled to myself. I folded the picture and put it inside my pocket. I digged in to the delicious food and ate with the group. 
As the years continued to pass by we where slowly winning the war. But unfortuately many soldiers where taken hostage by the Vietnamese or dead. During an operation to rescue them a lot of them got wounded or killed. I was fortuante to be alive and carried out the plan But thankfully when we where able to get them out we had already won. 
It was the longest five years of my life. We where on our way home on April 30, 1975. Five years of my life was spent out in the battlefield. What finally felt like ages we where back in New York. Our air plane had finalled landed. Evan and I where some of the few who made it out alive. We took our bags and exited the plane along with the rest of the troops.
As I walked the small stairs from the plane I could see my mother along with Howard and his wife standing with her. And a little boy being carried by Jarvis. They slowly began to speed walk towards me. I ran until I had finally reach my mother and hugged her. Tears of joy where spilling from my eyes. Feeling the warmth of my mother gave me the feeling of secure and safety. I kissed her on the cheek. "Welcome back son I've missed you so much." She said in between sobs. 
"You're a giant [Male Reader]." Mrs Stark said from behind us. My mother and I pull away from the hug. I looked at Maria and Howard and hugged them. Maria gave me a kiss in the cheek while Howard gave me a hug. 
"It's good to have you back son. You've gotten taller and stronger look at all those muscles." Howard joked around. 
"Thanks. But both of you look great as well everyone does. Even you Jarvis come here and give me a hug." I yanked him and gave him a huge hug. He was carrying a little boy in his arms. 
"Big brother [Male Name]." The little boy clunged to my neck. I carried him into my arms and ruffle his hair with my hand. "We finally get to meet Anthony. I'm guessing you told him about me after all." I said turning to them. 
"Of course. You made a promise don't you remember. Plus Tony show him what your wearing under your shirt." Howard said. Anthony took something out from his shirt. It was the dog tags I had sent the first year I was away. 
"It looks like we are brothers little Tony. Big brother [Male Name] is going to always keep you safe I promised. Now let's go home i'm starving I can really go for some cheese burgers." Everyone laughed and made our way to the car. 
"It's good to be back."
Should I continue it and do part 2?
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kissingnamjoon · 7 years ago
Mafia!Hoseok  [Arranged Marriage] Part 2 
Summary: However, Hoseok really should have trained Y/N on how to protect herself better, because everyone knew you weren’t supposed to do anything that blocked one of your senses while you were alone. You had to see, hear, smell, and feel whatever was going on around you. Being alone  and not aware of anything of those things was making yourself a target.  And that’s what Y/N was tonight. A target.
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
Words: Ayeee 2,082
Genre: A lil angst, A lil fluff, A lil mafia stuff  
Warnings: Violence, cursing, death, someone getting drugged, IDK 
A/N: I’m in love w/ my own series.  Also, sorry Got7 fans. Jackson’s name just popped into my head jadgsdfkdk okok ok enjoy bby’s!!!!!
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She thought things would be different after that night. Her wedding night. They should have been, right? She just got married, for heaven’s sake. She should have been enjoying the honeymoon stage that all couples go through.
 But she couldn’t help but feel disappointed in herself.
 Disappointed that she thought her marriage or Hoseok was going to be different. Hoseok was involved in organized crime, what made her think that he knew how to act anything else but cold and emotionless? She thought maybe the words Hoseok said to her on their wedding night were just for show. They stayed together all through the night after that, but after all the guests had left they had went home in separate cars.
 To make her feel even more disappointed, Hoseok didn’t even want to sleep in the same room as her.
 She remembered when they got home that night, in separate cars. Hoseok had left and went into the house without acknowledging you. All your stuff was already here, but that didn’t make it feel like home.  She remembers walking inside and admiring the beauty of the house. It really was like a piece of art, marble staircase spiraling to the second floor of the house, with shiny rails and a grand chandelier hanging in the center of the ceiling. Sure, her family’s house was nice, but it was nothing compared to this. Everything down to the walls looked like they cost a million bucks.
 She  had lived like that for a couple weeks, in her own room, minding her  own business most of the time.  Most of Hoseok’ s men and their wives lived on the property, as there were a couple of guest’s houses scattered around. Since she was  married to Hoseok now, he deemed it to much of a threat for her to go back to her regular job where she could be considered an easy target, so she stayed behind and  worked more with Hoseok’ s team. Most of the wives weren’t allowed to go out on “missions” or “deals” as Hoseok referred to them, but they always helped them prepare.
 Currently, Hoseok and his men were getting ready to go out on a deal.
 “The shipment is coming in at 8 P.M sharp, so we need to leave soon. Jungkook, you’re going to guard the back entrance, and Yoongi, I need you to hack the system in the main office to erase any sign of the shipment coming in at the dock. Jimin, you’re coming with us, but you need to stay logged into the security cameras for the house. Jackson knows that our house will empty. I don’t think they’ll try anything, but you never know. ” Hoseok said, looking each and everyone of his men in the eye while he gave them directions.
 She wishes he looked her in the eye. She wished he gave her a soft kiss on the lips and promised to return home in one piece like his men did to their wives. She wishes she got to sleep in the same room as her husband. Hell, she wished he even talked to her.
 She knew deep down inside she couldn’t lie to herself and say she didn’t have feelings for Hoseok. And that really was such a weird thought for a married woman, but that was her life now. She didn’t even really know the person she was married too. Hoseok was extremely hard working, and you can tell he tried to protect his people at all costs. He cared about his empire, but he cared about his team even more. He was also precise and clean, never leaving a trace of a deal.  From Y/N’s perspective, Hoseok was an extremely intelligent and passionate man.
Just not towards her.
Hoseok was very cold towards her. If they were passing in the hallway, he would pretend he didn’t see her and keep walking, not saying a word.  He never kissed her goodbye or promised to return. He never asked how she was. He just left her to do her own thing, with Namjoon guarding her.
 She didn’t know it was because Hoseok didn’t know how to show his feelings.
 That he was secretly falling for her.  She was bright eyed and very diligent, always getting any task done that one of his men asked her to do. She also got along well with the other mafia wives, almost leading them and making sure everything was done sharply.
 Y/N sighed as she went back to her room. She had been feeling down but watching how Jungkook’s wife Youra kissed him and hugged him protectively in front of everyone, sparked a flame of jealousy inside of her.
 She wanted to be like that. She wanted to be in loved and loved by her husband. But she was nothing but a business deal when she thought about it. Why would she even think her and Hoseok could be like that?
 She decided she was going to relax a little bit and put some music on. She wanted to block out her feelings and have a stress-free night for once. She turned on her playlist and put her earphones in, not hearing a single sound around her. She decided to start drawing in her notebook, which she hasn’t even done since she was married. Y/N used to draw in her free time, drawing anything and everything that came to mind. None of her art was perfect, but she did it to relax, not to be perfect.
However, Hoseok really should have trained Y/N on how to protect herself better, because everyone knew you weren’t supposed to do anything that blocked one of your senses while you were alone. You had to see, hear, smell, and feel whatever was going on around you. Being alone  and not aware of anything of those things was making yourself a target.
 And that’s what Y/N was tonight.
 A target.
 You see, everyone else in the house was asleep and Y/N couldn’t hear, so she was obvious when someone broke in through the window and snuck into her room. She didn’t hear anyone behind her until it was too late and there was a needle stabbed into the side of her neck. She soon realized what was going on but felt something overtake her body. She couldn’t form a sentence or cry out for help, it was almost like she was paralyzed. She didn’t remember falling over onto her bedroom floor, or someone picking up her lifeless body and trying to sneak out of the window.
 You see, Jackson and his men were fast.
 But Hoseok was faster than all of them combined.
 Just as they were finishing up and getting ready to go back home, Jimin had alerted Hoseok that the security cameras had caught someone breaking in the house.
 “Boss, the security camera is showing movement on the east side of the house, outside of the cherry blossom tree.”
 East side of the house.
 Cherry blossom tree.
 Hoseok’ s eyes widened in shock as he realized your room was on the east side of the house, and the cherry blossom tree was outside of your room.
 “Fuck, I should have never let Namjoon come tonight!”
“Guys, we have to go back to the house right now, I don’t care if you leave the equipment.”
“Jimin, take the front entrance. Taehyung guard the east side entrance of the house. Jungkook you’ll guard the back, the rest of you just follow me.”
 Those were just a few of the sentences Hoseok let out before they all made a run for it, back to the house. Hoseok couldn’t believe that the first time he left you alone, was when you were attacked. It made sense though, he just didn’t expect for you to be a target so soon.
 Hoseok busted down the front door and the rest of his team were surprised. Namjoon and Jungkook just gave each other a knowing look. Namjoon could tell right away that Hoseok was falling in love with Y/N. If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have followed her to the bathroom that night. And the fact that Hoseok assigned Namjoon, the best guard and fastest fighter out of all them, to protect Y/N and not Hoseok anymore, said everything.
 Namjoon had made it to her room just as one of Jackson’s men were dragging her out, immediately jumping him and kicking him to the ground. Hoseok’ s eyes flared up in anger and he was almost glad Y/N was  passed out to witness was he was about to do. You see, once you pissed off Hoseok there was no turning back. It was like a switch was turned on in him and he would become the most cold, brutal person you had ever met. Hoseok didn’t want you to see that side of him. He was already distant towards her, what would she think if she really saw him in action?
 Hoseok pulled out his knife pushed Namjoon off the man, immediately stabbing him in his jugular vein in just one attempt. Blood immediately spewed out of his neck and down his chest as he collapsed to the ground. It was almost like he was dead in an instant, but this wasn’t enough for Hoseok. He pulled out his handgun that was tucked underneath the waistband of his pants, shooting him multiple times before taking a picture of the dead body and sending it to Jackson.
‘Try touching Y/N again. I dare you.’ Was the accompanying texts Hoseok wrote out?
 Hoseok immediately assigned their personal doctor Seokjin to take care of Y/N, and make sure she was alright. Jin carefully removed the needle from her neck and inspected the liquid inside. He gave Y/N some medicine to counter-effect the drug that was in the needle. After Jin assured Hoseok and everybody else that she was okay, a look of surprise spread over everyone’s face when Hoseok ordered Jin to carry Y/N to his room.
 “You want me to take Y/N to YOUR room?”
Hoseok just looked at him dead in the eye, with a blank expression. “Not my room. Mine and Y/N’s room.”
“Taehyung………Yoongi, clean this pile of shit up.” Hoseok said as he walked past the dead body, kicking the dead man in his ribs and walking off to his room. As he walked down the hall and reach his door, he turned around and face his men. “Namjoon, stay on guard tonight. Outside our door. Sleep in the hallway if you have too, just made sure nothing is in harm’s way for Y/N.”
 Y/N’s head hurt, and her neck was incredibly sore. There was some sort of bandage on it, she was sure of. Her eyes started to flutter open, but she just wanted to go back to sleep.
 She shot out of bed in panic as she remembers a man dressed in all black and a needle going through her neck.  She had never seen this room before, where was she? Tears welled up in her eyes as she got out of bed and tried to stand, her legs wobbly.
 “Woah woah woah… you need to lay down.” Hoseok said as he came out of the shower, catching Y/N and laying her gently back down on the bed. Y/N looked up at him, admiring him. He looked so good right now. Wet hair hanging in front of his eyes, skin glowing and dressed in a simple pair of boxers and t-shirt. No fancy suit or shoes, no gun in his hand.
 “A rival gang member attacked you. I’m so sorry I left without making sure you were protected, it won’t happen again. We’re going to sleeping in the same room from now on. God, I was so stupid to let you have your own room, you’re my wife!!” Hoseok sat down on the bed next to her, wrapping his arms around her and  pulling her close to his chest, an action that surprised her. “Namjoon is going to be your personal guard. He’s the best and quickest out of all the men. I know it’s annoying, but you can’t be left alone. I have too many enemies.” Y/N looked up at Hoseok with soft eyes, opening her mouth to speak but nothing came out.
 Hoseok shh’ed her and laid down in the huge, cozy bed with her, pulling blankets over their bodies. “Just rest, my queen. Go to sleep. You’re safe from now on, I promise.”
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makeste · 6 years ago
BnHA Chapter 126: Introduction
Previously on BnHA: We caught up with the villains for a spell and shit was wild. Twice brought in a new guy by the name of Overhaul who apparently has yakuza roots. Tomura’s group was under the impression that he wanted to join them, but Overhaul informed them he had grander intentions -- now that All for One is gone, he intends to make himself the new ruler of the underworld. In other words, he’s a challenger to Tomura’s as-yet-not-very-established throne. Tomura’s group predictably didn’t take to this very well, so Overhaul fucking blew one of them up by way of persuasion. Tomura in turn disintegrated one of Overhaul’s own men because why not, it’s been a while since we had anything really gruesome and shocking in this manga so hey! So in the end it was kind of a draw, and Overhaul left after telling Tomura to give him a call. Back at U.A., Deku and Mirio dropped by to chat with All Might, presumably to set up an internship for Deku.
Today on BnHA: Aizawa announces that the first year students will be allowed to do internships. Deku asks All Might if he can introduce him to his former sidekick, Sir Nighteye. All Might says no, partly because he thinks it’s too dangerous, but mostly because for some reason he thinks it will be awkward. But after some imploring from Deku, he gives in and asks for assistance from Nighteye’s current intern, Mirio. Mirio agrees to introduce Deku to Nighteye. A few days later the two boys travel to his office. Mirio warns Deku that although Nighteye is famous for his stoic demeanor, he actually has a hidden side that prizes humor above all else, and Deku will have to make him laugh in order to win his favor. Deku meets Nighteye and promptly contorts his face into some bizarre All Might impersonation. But Nighteye seems less than impressed.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 155 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
so we’re opening with Aizawa talking about the possibility of the first year students doing internships
he says that the majority of the faculty, including the principal, were like “nah that’s crazy”
(ETA: oh so now y’all care about the safety of your students, huh)
so all the kids are like “what?!” because they were just starting to get really into the idea
also Kaminari is playing with Ojiro’s tail. just cuz it’s there and he can
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meanwhile Bakugou is like “HAHA SUCKERS” because he wouldn’t have been able to do the internships anyway lol
(ETA: Bakugou is in like three scenes in this entire arc, and one of them is a flashback. I’m just gonna enjoy this while I can. here’s his obnoxious shit-eating grin.
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but now there’s a “however” coming from Aizawa’s direction!
oh snap
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sorry Bakugou
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you’ll have your license in a few months and then you can go back to Best Jeanist’s agency (PLEASE??!) or wherever else you want to go and you’ll be all caught up in no time
I’m glad the teachers gave it such careful consideration, too. this seems to be an unusual amount of deliberation from a school which until now has mostly stuck with the philosophy of “just throw ‘em right into the deep end and see if they sink or swim”
so now over in the staff room, Deku’s asking All Might if he’ll introduce him to “Sir Nighteye” for an internship
Ectoplasm is in the background thinking about how he wants to go to karaoke. just making a note of that. this man is clearly pent up and he wants to sing some damn Journey songs goddammit
(ETA: this was mentioned in his bio back in the extras for chapter 61. “favorite thing: karaoke.” I’m so curious about this. why does he love it so much. who does he con into going with him. Hounddog and Vlad, probably)
oh shit look at this man not playing any favorites
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damn. harsh
he says he’s not doing it just to be mean, and of course not. All Might doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. so why, then
apparently there are three reasons!
reason one, he was one of the teachers that were against it. he thinks it’s too dangerous right now with the recent resurgence of villains
(Midnight’s in the background saying that internships have always been risky, though, and that the school should support the students who still want to go. fuckin’ love Midnight, man)
reason two, he says Deku should strengthen his shoot style first
now Ectoplasm and Cementoss are also chiming in with their two cents, in addition to Midnight (and Thirteen) from the previous panel omg. and All Might’s face loool
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oh my god
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I love this man so much
haha. all of these reasons actually suck though. he’s just feeling overprotective at the end of the day isn’t he. and also that last one. awk
but we all know Deku has been extremely fired up recently, and this appears to be why:
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(ETA: “honestly, if Bakugou told you to go jump off a bridge would you do it?” “pshh! no. that’s ridiculous. ...how high a bridge?”
heh. is that too similar to the roof thing to be funny. should I just shut up. whatever I love them)
my god I love their relationship so much
and since they’re in a room filled with other U.A. staffers, all Deku says is “my quirk is very similar to All Might’s” (HINT HINT. WINK WINK), and he thinks that if he works under Nighteye he’ll be favorably compared to All Might
and he’s bowing imploringly and says he needs to become stronger
special attack: Guilt Trip Smash omg
All Might looks to possibly be having a change of heart. but he says he still can’t be the one to give Deku the introduction
he can’t, but...
so I assume this is where Mirio comes in
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Mirio is REALLY PSYCHED to have been summoned by All Might himself. such an honor oh goodness
did All Might not have classes with the senior students before? I’d think that would have taken some of the mystery away from it. but hey, maybe he’s just pumped to actually be able to do him a favor
meanwhile Deku is like “I don’t really understand this situation” and Mirio’s like “HAHA ME TOO”
obviously Mirio is Nighteye’s current intern Deku you boob
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so apparently he’s been his intern for the past year already
Deku’s really impressed by this
All Might’s asking Mirio if he thinks Deku is up to working under Nighteye
oh my god
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Mirio is such a good fucking bro
(ETA: the best bro on god’s green earth)
he’s asking why All Might doesn’t just ask him himself though. he says Nighteye would be thrilled to hear from him
...but All Might says he’s too ashamed to show his face? :(
“in the end... things turned out exactly as he forewarned they would”
I don’t like All Might feeling awkward or ashamed about having lost his powers damn it
should I be mad at Nighteye?? idk right now
(ETA: honestly I can’t really be mad at any of them. which is a bit exasperating for me as a reader having nowhere to direct my frustrations, but also that’s some damn good writing though)
anyway so he’s asking Mirio what he thinks of Deku
Mirio is asking Deku what kind of hero he wants to be. ah, this one’s easy!
oh snap what a great fucking answer
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ladies and gentleman, our fucking protagonist. the GOAT
and he was unconsciously clenching his fists in determination while saying it
Mirio’s like wow that’s crazy dude
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Mirio you’re definitely knocking on my top ten here. I’m not even sure who it is right now honestly. there have been a ton of great new characters recently. ugh it’s hard dammit
(ETA: if you really want to know, the top six are the same as before -- Bakugou, All Might, Izuku, Aizawa, Ochako, and Todoroki -- followed by Momo, Toga, and then yes, this bright-eyed fella. and then idk. Kaminari, Kirishima, Jirou, Best Jeanist, Iida, Mina, and Sero are all vying for that tenth spot. this series has a problem with its characters being too good.
but seriously it’s Best Jeanist)
anyway, he adds that he’d been thinking about it already since their training session earlier
All Might’s looking pensive :/
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what’s on your mind dude
he’s flashing back to his meeting with the Rat Principal that we saw a little bit of back in chapter 121. when RP was telling him he had someone in mind who would be a good successor
and naturally it was Mirio
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and now All Might’s watching him and Deku, and thinking about how Mirio would have been the successor if he’d never run into the latter
in hindsight we owe quite a lot to that sludge villain, huh. but those are the kind of little fateful coincidences I fucking love in stories like this. so many what-ifs. what if All Might hadn’t chosen that day to come to Deku’s hometown. what if Katsuki hadn’t delayed Deku’s walk home that day by blowing up his notebook. what if Deku hadn’t fucking grabbed onto All Might’s leg like a crazy person and caused him to drop his villain bottle. what if All Might hadn’t already been close to his limit at the time. what if the bottle hadn’t landed exactly where Kacchan was walking with his stupid middle school lackeys. all these little things that came together. I like it, because when you think about it all it feels like destiny
anyway. not only did I go on a nostalgic tangent there, but I also went back and reread the entire first chapter just now whoops. I’m so easily distracted
so now it’s the weekend!
and the other boys are hanging out lazily having breakfast, but meanwhile Deku’s like
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meanwhile these two are also up early, and Todoroki is trying to be friends, but Bakugou doesn’t want to be awake yet omg
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(ETA: and off they went, never to be seen again)
haha. I love them
I really really really really really love Kaminari’s bedhead
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I want to ruffle his hair and never stop. power him up. static quirk. worth it
now Mirio and Deku are arriving at Nighteye’s office
it’s really nice. Deku is intimidated
Mirio’s reminding Deku that Nighteye has very strict standards. but it appears that Deku is already aware
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but Mirio says there’s another side to him that he doesn’t show to the media
he says if Deku doesn’t want to get turned away, then he needs to make him laugh at least once. lol what
apparently Night respects humor above everything else. in spite of his stoicism, or maybe because of it
Mirio says all he can do is introduce Deku and then the rest is up to him
well it sure is a good thing Deku is such a naturally funny guy. always crackin’ wise, that Deku. we’re not fucked at all, no sir
now Deku’s asking Mirio why he’s doing this for him. it’s because he’s just a nice guy, Deku!!
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damn, he would have been a great successor. Deku is still the best of course. but wow
there’s a page of Nighteye having a weird conversation with some girl named Bubble Girl who’s only wearing about one third of a shirt
he’s chastising her for not having enough enthusiasm or vigor
damn it’s just like Mirio said huh
holy shit he’s hooked her up to some kind of weird bdsm-y tickling machine what the actual fuck
wowwwwwwwwww okay let’s skip right on past this. just. wow
(ETA: I feel like I know way more about Horikoshi’s fetishes than I ever wanted to. this is easily the single most uncomfortable panel in the entire series and I wish it never existed)
so now Deku is being stared down. and having a dramatic moment where he’s intensely thinking about how far he’s come and that he needs to show him some damn humor!!
Deku just show him your collection of t-shirts with weird shit written on them
or. you could try this I guess
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this is apparently his All Might face. this is his best shot
he says a sense of humor is the thing he lacks the most. goddamn, it’s true. EXCEPT FOR THE SHIRTS
lol this response
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and now Deku is sweating and Mirio’s thinking “it bombed!” but I actually don’t think it did omg. I think he fucking nailed it
(ETA: boy was I wrong on that one)
but this is the end of the chapter. wow
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“the quintessential Japanese to All Might’s quintessential American”
I don’t even know what to think. I’m still trying to retroactively erase the tickling machine from existence by sheer willpower alone. but it’s not working dammit
(ETA: it really was not a good introduction. he makes a much better impression in the next chapter coming up.
I also just noticed that he doesn’t have a real name listed here. is it supposed to be a secret?? why
also is this fucker really going to die. fuck Overhaul so goddamn much. this arc is going to give me trust issues from here on out. any character who’s introduced with too much of an OP quirk is on borrowed time. fml)
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smollandtoll · 6 years ago
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TITLE | IDK Spooky Stuff aka the Buzzfeed Unsolved AU WORDS | ~4960 WHY | ask @sidgenophotochallenge TAGS/WARNINGS | uh...fluff, spooky times, ghost elements, Geno’s bad American accent SUMMARY | Sid never thought he’d be stupid enough to make one of his biggest fears a cornerstone of his career, but here he was, going to dusty, dirty, old and abandoned places week after week trying to find proof of the supernatural. Adding Geno into the mix made things a little more complicated, but also good. Good and terrible.
Sid dropped another motion detector and set it with the help of his flashlight, held between his teeth. It was just starting to get dim enough that he couldn’t make out any of the text without a proper light. Fifteen feet away on the other side of the tracks Geno was doing the same thing, looking focused as he placed another device down and waved over it to check it was working. Sid pulled the light out of his mouth and shined it over at him.
“Have you ever thought about what it would be like if we weren’t constantly cold and dirty while doing this?” He called over and Geno smiled but didn’t look up.
“Your show Sid, you want.”
“Yeah. My show.” Sid snorted. It’d been at least a year and a half since it’d just been his show. The leaves rustled around him as he stood and took a few steps back to survey their trap.
If anything was going to move in this area they’d see it immediately.
“No ghost trains get by tonight.” Geno said, appearing at his elbow.
Sid jutted out his chin, pressing his lips together flat. “A full train apparition has never been seen, you know that. Let’s just get our footage and back to the house, we’re losing daylight.”
“Eager to go sleep in haunted house? You feel okay? You possess?” Geno mocked, making like he was going to check Sid’s temperature with the back of his hand. Sid ducked out of the way and fiddled with his handheld phone rig. He knew Phil was filming the wide shots of the tracks from a ways away, and their mics were recording. Geno had a dumb sense of humour, it was expected.
He ignored Geno’s genial chirping and started his own recording, speaking to the audience directly, he turned the camera to catch Geno, already watching him. He had an unreadable look on his face - Sid looked up from the camera for a moment to make real eye contact - Geno’s poker face in places like this was impeccable, he had no idea what the other man was thinking.
The case they were on was just outside of Pittsburgh, chilly but beautiful this time of year. There was an old colonial manor house and grounds that were said to be haunted by various spirits carried there by the train that had once run straight through the extensive property. Though the train hadn’t run in years the tracks were still there and visitors to the house said they regularly heard the train whistling as it passed by at night.
“Getting cold out, Sid, we done?” Geno tucked his hands deep into his jean jacket pockets. He cut a tall, sharp figure where he stood, broad-shouldered with his toque tucked low and his jeans rumpled casually over his hiking boots.
“Yeah, I think we’re good here for now. We’ll come back tomorrow and shoot some EVP questioning.” They turned and walked down the tracks, steps noisy in the leaves as they headed back to where Phil was waiting.
“No ghost box?” Geno extended an elbow and jostled him. Sid rolled his eyes.
“The ghost box provides results. The fans like it.”
“Is loud and stupid. Make no sense, not English.” He made a disgusted face at Sid that was as familiar and warm as an old sweater.
“How would you know, eh?” He grinned as G scowled harder, “C’mon Phil is getting that look on his face like he’s going to be late to Skype with his dog again if we don’t hurry up.”
Sid never thought he’d be stupid enough to make one of his biggest fears a cornerstone of his career, but here he was, going to dusty, dirty, old and abandoned places week after week trying to find proof of the supernatural.
As far as Sid was concerned, ghosts, spirits, and various other malicious beings were as good as proven. He’d always been a fairly superstitious kid, refusing to wash his jerseys when there was a big game coming up, doing all of his daily tasks in a certain order according to him or else melting down for a whole day feeling out of whack.
His mom used to just call him particular.
But he’d really had his mind made up when he was a preteen attending a boarding school that looked like a castle and was once used as a makeshift war hospital. Some of the shit that happened over his years attending Shattuck just could not be explained.
Students had items go missing when they’d turned their backs for a moment, shadowy figures vanished between the library stacks and Sid himself had had a distressing event with a tube of toothpaste that he preferred not to dwell on.
When injuries made a career in hockey impossible to follow through on, he turned to his second love - filmmaking. Watching stories about people helped him understand the world around him and let him explain himself in turn.  
Film school led to small projects which led to big projects and eventually a job making ridiculous Youtube videos for an internet company in California.
Pretty soon he found himself being coaxed to make videos about things he felt passionate about…and that lead to jumping at every bump in the night and giving his first co-host (an unamused and perpetually exasperated Tanger) a lot of chirping fodder for the rest of time. It was kind of like Youtube catnip apparently - humiliatingly, but seeing his own videos with millions of views made every minute of discomfort worth it.
Adding Geno into the mix made things a little more complicated, but also good. Good and terrible.
“You need me go first?”
Sid shot a glare over his shoulder at where Geno was standing just behind him, phone cradled in his hand, pointing the camera attachment right at him. He was probably capturing an incredibly unflattering angle that was all nose - because Geno was a dick. A few steps behind them Phil was holding their proper rig, looking as unimpressed as always.
“I hate you.” Sid muttered and took another deep calming breath. There was nothing to be afraid of, it was just a house, a big empty house where nothing could hurt him. He crossed himself quickly with his eyes closed and then threw open the grand front door of the Pittsburgh Manor House.
“Looks nice!” Geno was crowding him now, peering over his shoulder and shining his flashlight into the depths of the house, “kill for place like this in L.A. Worth fortune.”
“Don’t talk about killing,” Sid hissed, stepping gingerly into the manor - he didn’t like the vibes of this place at all, the hair on the back of his neck instantly stood on end. He could feel his pupils dilating to take in whatever scraps of light were lurking in the shadows. It smelled musty - mostly like a house that hadn’t been thoroughly cleaned or lived in for decades, which was exactly what it was.
Geno slipped around him easily, sailing into the drawing room across the creaking hardwood floors and taking stock of the place as casually as a new home buyer.
Phil flipped on the lights in the grand foyer and set his camera down on the nearest side table, sending a puff of dust off the intricate wood inlay.
“I’m going to start bringing our gear inside.” He disappeared out the open door and Sid suppressed a shudder. He refused to look into the yawning expanse of darkness that lay waiting at the top of the large staircase dead ahead of the doors - there would be plenty of time for that.
Unfortunately, there was no real safe place to look instead, the previous owners had clearly liked mirrors - they lined the walls of the space, every few feet another one, their elaborate, gilded frames dulled with more dust. Every shadow and bit of light seemed to bounce back and forth, making even his own movement startling in his peripheral. Sid was already starting to feel the history of this place sticking to his clothes, getting jumpy as shadows loomed in every corner.
“You okay?” Geno had lowered his camera, no longer recording, and was giving him a shrewd look. Sid shook himself, he really had to work on his game face - but then again they paid him to do this because of how piss-his-pants scared he got every time.
“I’m fine. The usual.” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked around again. He counted the mirrors this time and acted like he had a handle on his shit. Geno was an old hand at seeing through all of his most patented bluffs though and clicked his tongue chidingly at him.
“Serious Sid. Is just old house. No one here but us.” Geno was close enough now that Sid could feel the heat from his body all along his right side. Sid refused to look at him, heart throbbing traitorously in his chest.
“You always say that.” He always tried to comfort Sid when it mattered, his normal bickering, stubborn persona giving way to the marshmallow soul underneath.
“Because that always truth!” Geno grabbed his shoulder to jostle him until he cracked a smile up at him. “Beside, nothing happen to you, if was ghost. Too pretty.”
Sid’s stomach turned over, one part helpless reaction to flattery and one part thick disappointment. Geno was a terrible flirt and he was definitely just joking, the fans always loved it when they teased each other.
Running a too-successful-for-what-it-is Youtube series with someone you’ve been in unrequited love with since the beginning of time was absolutely garbage, every time.
Sid and Geno had met one dreary Monday afternoon in a conference room full of a cobbled together group of producers, writers and editors. They were put into teams to experiment with whatever content creation ideas that came to them.
Geno was all legs in terrible jorts, a graphic tee proclaiming something about beer, and a backwards snapback. He had a sly look on his face like he was trying to figure out who best to play dumb foreigner with.
(It was always the interns, always.)
It was probably the very first day that they’d had their first argument about ghosts. Sid had staunchly defended his position (“Just because there isn’t evidence yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist - you can’t count out that many witnesses!”) and Geno stood by his (“No. Stupid. No ghost.”). They’d had their coworkers in stitches and tossing around the words “chemistry”.
When it was clear he and Tanger - while still great friends - just didn’t spark together on camera, Geno was the natural replacement. He had an unshakeable ability to believe nothing could possibly be scarier than real-life in-soviet-era Russia and a knack for funny, if weird and distinctly Russian flavoured, quips.
Ever since they’d been stuck spending an excruciating amount of time together in the darkest, creepiest places imaginable. Just thinking about the dolls and spiders on that island still gave Sid chills; not to mention their demon encounters.
They taped together, edited together, answered questions together, traveled together, planned together and explored together. As much as they played up animosity and competition in the show they actually got along really well. Sid had met Geno’s adorable little parents multiple times, and his sister, Taylor, could be regularly found sending Geno Russian cat memes to translate for her.
It had just been a crush originally, but the nature of the show had them working in such close quarters so consistently. The constant contact was like steroids for Sid’s treacherous heart. Somehow Geno became his best friend, and the first person he wanted to talk to in the morning and the last person he wanted to see at night.
The walkthrough of the manor dragged on.
There were so many rooms full of disturbing little totems left by fellow ghost hunters; weird dolls and pentagrams drawn in the dust on the floor. Geno of course, totally ignoring how creepy everything was, seemed to actually like the place, commenting cheerfully on how nice the house actually was with its high ceilings, how many rooms there were, how a big family could live there comfortably.
They set up their case introduction in the music room, with the derelict piano behind them, mirrors once again all around them. Sid read Geno the history of the house for his reactions, so that they could then intercut his voice over and through other relevant footage. It was routine, something they did so often it usually calmed Sid down, but this time he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. He found himself fighting the nagging urge to look over his shoulder while he was reading.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise then, that the following room tours left him startling regularly, spooked by Phil, and Geno, and his own shadow. Nothing in this house was sitting right with him.
“-Wait. Did you hear that?” Sid stopped short behind Geno on the staircase. Phil’s camera lens redirected its focus on him, Sid ignored it.
“What?” Geno was never tired of his ‘delusions’ or short with him in annoyance. He was always open, welcome to suggestions and ready to talk him off every supernatural ledge.
“I thought I heard- ” Sid looked up at him and managed a crooked smile, “you’re not going to believe me. I thought I heard a train.”
“GHOST TRAIN!” Geno exclaimed and then turned to continue up the stairs, unconcerned, “I hear nothing. Wind probably. If actual ghost train we get footage on motion capture.”
“Yeah,” Sid checked his phone, squinting at its brightness after the dim lighting of his GoPro. “It’s 11:35 right now, for the time stamps.”
Geno hummed in agreement and continued climbing, the old stairs creaking under his weight.
The grand chandelier that was supposed to hang in the stairwell was missing, supposedly used in a hanging many years ago that caused its structural failure that then lead to it falling and crushing another person decades later.
This house had seen some serious shit.
Geno reached a limit with the silence, clearly bored, and started doing a weird approximation of an American accent to talk to the ghosts. His nonchalance never failed to baffle Sid.
“Yo to the ghosts! Are you very well going to give a chat to us?” He always sounded hilariously like he’d been fed through Google translate too many times when he tried to do an American impression. The actual accent was decent - it was his choice of words that was so ridiculous, adding as many extra words as he could fit into any sentence.
“We are the very nice best boys!” Sid began to giggle at that, all of Geno’s words over-enunciated, “You can trust us with all your talk, ghosts.”
“Is there something so funny or wrong about our time here, there, Sidney?” He turned to Sid wearing an expression of absolute serious inquiry which caused both Sid and Phil to start losing their shit together.
“Ghosts are the most serious of businesses.” Geno planted his hands on his hips but before he could say anything else, a sharp floorboard creak rang through the space around them although none of them had moved. The levity of the situation broke immediately. They all looked around in silence but for their breathing for a minute, two. Part of Sid wanted to think it was just the house settling, but some part of him was sure it was something much worse.
“It’s getting late.” Phil murmured just as his camera beeped that its battery had 25% life left. Sid steeled himself for his least favourite part of their on-scene cases.
“Let’s finish up and find a place to camp for the night.”
The campouts had always been tough for Sid, but worse yet was when they actually had a bed instead of just a floor to sleep on. The first time Sid stared down at a sole double bed for both him and Geno to sleep on for the night, he didn’t know what to think. Everything mostly condensed down to two distinct kinds of dread:
The feeling of knowing you’d be spending a night in an inherently dangerous and unknown situation while likely feeling too tense or fearful to feel comfortable sleeping at all,
Being forced to be in such close and intimate proximity to the object of your affections who is fully oblivious to your feelings about them.
Geno, of course, took one look at the bed and dumped his things to the right side, claiming it for himself. He then immediately stretched out across the entire expanse of the mattress. His ankles hung off the end of the bed, exposing his ‘In Bigfoot I believe’ patterned socks. When he’d found them he’d proudly sent Sid a selfie with them like he was getting on the #Crosboo bandwagon or something.
Sid loved him from head to ridiculous toe and had been suddenly stricken with the conviction that he was definitely going to ruin everything in one way or another that night.
Luckily, nothing really out of the ordinary happened. Sid hadn’t liked it one bit and barely dozed all night - snapping awake every time Geno breathed a little too hard or the building creaked in the wind. He had survived though, and hadn’t even spent the long small hours of the morning thinking about how he even kind of liked the way Geno buzzed as he slept, somewhere between a snore and a purr. Okay, that was a lie, he’d definitely thought about that a lot, mind racing in a screeching loop between their imminent haunting and how soft Geno’s features were in sleep.
If he grew too agitated at any point in time in their spooky campouts, breathing hard with anxiety or turning over and over again to try and settle down, Geno would gruffly - but with genuine concern - always rouse himself enough to check on Sid. He’d make sure he actually still wanted to be there and then usually dropped his head back to his pillow and called him bad names in Russian, muttering about interrupting his beauty sleep.
Sometimes he just rolled over and threw one incredibly long leg or an arm over Sid to keep him still, his warm breath fanning over Sid’s shoulder, heat from his limbs seeping into Sid’s skin and settling his fears. It was always during the calm after those moments that Sid thought maybe, maybe he could love me back.
They settled on the master suite for their campout. It was perched at the top of the house with its own access staircase and beautiful architectural elements like the dark beams that ran across the ceiling and large paned windows that overlooked the vast property. It would have been lovely if he hadn’t been told it was haunted by several of the manor’s former owners.
Once all their tripods were set up they walked Phil back out to his car where he - the lucky son of a bitch - got to drive back to the motel and meet up with them the next morning with breakfast from in town.
They climbed all the stairs, back to their waiting nest of camera equipment and settled in for the night. Side by side in their sleeping bags on the ground, lights switched off, Sid felt the familiar dread of anticipation settle in as Geno began to snore.
Hours passed, or minutes. Tree branches waved strange moving shadows across the floor and the gentlest wind rattled the glass panes of the windows. Sid was almost lulled into a nervous doze when the footsteps started.
It was just one at first, easily explained by general creaks and shrieks of the house settling, but then another came, and another. A slow, purposeful climbing of the stairs that filled Sid’s belly with dread. His eyes snapped open but there was only darkness around him and he refused to look over at the opening to the stairs in case he actually did see someone who didn’t belong there.
The footsteps ceased when it sounded like they got to the top of the stairs and that was almost worse, thinking perhaps whatever was with them was just watching, or maybe now gliding soundlessly closer to them.
“Geno,” Sid hissed, squirming a little closer to where heavy human breathing had been regularly coming to his left. Geno murmured indistinctly, face mashed casually into his pillow.
The temperature felt like it was dropping around them, chillier by the moment and Sid’s heart, which had already jumped at the first footstep, began to race. He could barely hear anything over the sound of his pulse thundering in his ears.
“Geno! Do you feel that? D-did you hear the footsteps?” Was he imagining things or was his breath actually fogging in front of him a little.
“Just house, Sid.” Geno muttered and reached out to touch him, probably what was meant to be a friendly pat but Sid managed to catch his hand. He clutched Geno’s hand like a lifeline, warm and alive and real.
The heavy scent of inexplicable perfume tickled his nose, and Sid gulped for air, shutting his eyes tightly, not wanting to see his imminent death. He knew he was holding Geno’s hand far too tightly, folded into his chest.
“Heart beat strong.” Geno finally shifted more, sounding like he was turning onto his side and sliding closer to Sid, “you really scared?”
“Don’t you smell that?” He scarcely wanted to whisper.
“Smell house,” Geno replied, like he had every time they were in one of these situations, “come Sid, need sleep.”
“I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon - I really don’t think we’re alone up here.”
“We alone.” Geno said firmly, “don’t want to share. Any ghosts can fuck off.” He raised his voice almost like he was calling out a dare to anything listening. Sid swore he heard a distant door slam. His eyes snapped open but all he could really see was darkness and Geno’s eyes shining in front of him.
“Shut up, what was that?”
“Nothing. Come. Sleep.” Before Sid could react, he was being dragged closer by the hand he still had a death grip on. Geno’s body was warm even through both of their sleeping bags and some of the tension drained out of Sid’s spine at the feeling of being close. All he could hear was Geno breathing now, moving, tucking Sid’s sleeping bag close and wrapping his arm around his waist. All he could smell was the scent of slightly sweaty Geno - no perfume at all.
A large palm cupped the back of his head, encouraging him to tuck his face into Geno’s neck which he gladly did.
“Good. Sleep now. Let me protect. Nothing get you.” Sid took several deep breaths, “Don’t know why you always do this, work self up, stress not good. I’m worry you know.”
Sid huffed a hoarse laugh into Geno’s collar. Geno’s throat bobbed against his cheek as he swallowed.
“I do. Most worry, always. Not want to do if you’re not have fun.” his voice was incredibly soft and Sid blinked into the darkness created by their bodies.
“I do have fun. When we’re together it’s fine.”
“Not fine now, Sid.” He sighed heavily, “sometimes wish we can just prove ghosts real so we stop doing this.” He shifted his legs closer to Sid’s, nylon sleeping bag rustling, “but selfish also. Want never prove ghosts, do this with you forever. Keep close, love always.” he stroked his hand over the soft hair at the back of Sid’s neck.
“Come Sid, need sleep.” he repeated quietly almost sadly, pulling him even closer. Sid let himself lie there for a little longer, tucked into the bubble of warmth that Geno created for him, thinking over his words. Finally he pushed away and sat up, grabbing his phone and flipping on the light immediately.
Geno squinted at him, hand coming up to block the brightness as best he could.
“I don’t want to do this right now.” He swallowed, refusing to look outside of the pool of light that Geno was in, his bright spot in the darkness, “I don’t want to tell you that I’m in love with you and it doesn’t matter what we’re doing as long as we’re doing it together - here, in this haunted fucking house. So I’m going to turn off my light, and we’re going to go to sleep and tomorrow morning when the sun is up and we’re on our way home we can talk.”
Geno blinked at him owlishly before a smile started to curl the corners of his lips.  He then nodded. Sid turned the light on his phone off and immediately regretted it, the darkness rushing in. He put it aside and slid seamlessly back into the circle of Geno’s arms.
“So brave Sid.” G teased, voice rumbling in his chest. Sid didn’t need to see his face to know he was smirking.
“Shut up.”
Morning broke as it always did, not soon enough, but welcome relief after an uncomfortable night on a hard floor.
They lazily packed up their gear, shooting texts to Phil about what they wanted for breakfast. Geno looked puffy and tired behind his glasses, and pulled his toque and jacket and boots back on in his usual thick morning silence.
Sid was starting to doubt his own sanity, wondering if what had happened in the middle of the night was actually just a psychotic break brought on by fear. But then as he was struggling into his backpack Geno was there, in his personal space and straightening out the straps for him, carefully righting Sid’s jacket and then meeting his gaze meaningfully.
“Come on, let’s get the fuck out of this shitty place and get something to eat.” Sid said, maybe too loudly, but Geno just grinned in reply and motioned for him to lead the way out.
Somewhere in the middle of his second hash brown patty, scarfed down in their rental car, Geno started speaking English again and began complaining loudly about his work emails piling up while scrolling through his phone with greasy fingers.
Sid smothered a smile, looking out the window in the back seat while they drove the winding path down to where they’d left their motion detectors for the night by the tracks.
Everything was more or less exactly where they’d left it. Phil set about checking and packing up their low light cameras and Geno and Sid crunched down to the tracks to gather up all the detectors they’d laid out.
Geno shot Sid heavy looks as they packed each device carefully back into their padded camera bag compartments - he was clearly waiting for their conversation about as patiently as a lab waiting for dinner.
They were shoving all their gear bags back into the car’s trunk, struggling to Tetris in the tripods when Sid heard it - the train.
He snapped upright out of the trunk and turned towards the tracks below them - Geno and Phil had apparently heard it this time as well, as they paused what they were doing to turn and look too.
Before he could take more than a couple steps back towards the tracks, the leaves started kicking up in a great wind and a steam engine came barrelling through the wooded corridor. It looked and sounded and behaved as real as any other train Sid had ever seen, and in a flash it was gone as soon as it’d come.
“….Did you see that?” he turned to them with breathless wide eyes. Phil was swearing at his phone, he hadn’t been fast enough to catch it - Sid hadn’t even thought of recording it. Geno anticlimactically shrugged.
“Guess tracks not as abandoned as thought.” Sid turned to face Geno squarely, not believing what he was hearing.
“Seriously G? That’s what you’re going with? You just saw a ghost train with your own two eyes and-”
“Saw train, yes. Saw ghost train? No.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“How can you even say that? You know that these tracks haven’t been used in decades!” Sid could hear his voice climbing higher and higher but couldn’t stop it.
“Maybe someone pull prank.”
“A. Full. Sized. Train.”
“Maybe was illusion, make us think we see something that not there, like mag-” Sid grabbed either side of Geno’s face, careful but firm, pressing his cheeks until his lips pursed and he couldn’t continue.
“I love you. But if you don’t shut up I’m going to leave you here with the ghosts. Let me have this for at least ten minutes.” Geno pulled Sid’s hands away from his face by the wrists, already smirking down at him.
“Oooookay. I don’t even want to know what happened in that house last night.” Phil unlocked the car and climbed in without looking back at them.
“Love me?” he looked smug and sleepy behind his glasses. Lips chapped, and hair a mess, continually and frustratingly skeptical about things that mattered.
“You already know that.”
“Want to hear again. Am science man, like repeated result.” Sid rolled his eyes and pulled Geno’s snickering face into a kiss, his glasses getting wedged awkwardly against their cheeks before they separated.
“Are we going to argue about that train for the rest of the week?” Sid pulled back just enough to let Geno fix his glasses and look down at him, impossibly fond.
“Think we going to argue about train for rest of our lives.”
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starwriterulia · 6 years ago
Reviewing Brea's Stuff - BTS Soulmate AU (1/2)
PART 1/2 (Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin)
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HI! \(OwO)/
I want to draw ya'll's attention to one of my friends: @jimin-jungshook-over-literalbae. She's a k-pop reaction/scenario/text writer, and not only have I missed her as a friend so much during my long hiatus, I've also missed her writing. Thankfully, there's a lot for me to catch up on! She asked me to give my opinions on her BTS AUs, and with her permission, I've turned my reviews it into a bit of advertising! If you wanna read the stuff I did, ya'll don't have to scroll super far to find it all. I'll be reviewing each AU from a Reader's Standing (silly, sometimes improper sentences; sO MUCH swearing; caps lock) and from a Critic's Standing (second reading; at least one paragraph). Let's get into this! >o<
Written in Order of Whichever Came up First While Scrolling
Taehyung AU (Reader's Standing):
Man, I can't relate with being abandoned at a club 'cause I don't drink, and there's no club in my town, but I love how Y/N is essentially abandoned, ha ha ha! Also, poor Y/N, the only person among their friends who hasn't found a soulmate yet and feels so damn lonely about it. :'(
'...soft masculine voice'—bless you, Brea, for describing this scum as feminine.
'It makes you want to scoff, honestly'—All right then, this Y/N is a bit of a bitch, when it comes to meeting strangers in a club. I like Y/N, already. :D
'...back hitting a wall'—Aw yeah, good going, Y/N. Cornering yourself, good shit.
Strong Tae is hot, like that whole wrist grabbing sequence, ooh.
'Excuse me, sir'—My inner Englishwoman accent has been summoned.
Bitter chocolate on Y/N's tongue?? Where did this come from, hm... HM... hm.
Oh wait this is the soulmate bit. NEATO, I LOVE CHOCOLATE!! Milk is cool too, I mean, I'm vegetarian. If you bring meat into any of these AUs I will riOT.
Internal screaming holy shit it's the gang they're here hi Jimin my baby TwT
Yas to fun dancing with the puppy that is Taehyung
'Your back is pressed against his chest and his hands rest on your hips'—AERUNAWERAWENURAWO cute yes thank you
More chocolate taste, mm, yes. *w*
Holding hands on way to friends = classic, love it.
scREAMING HE CALLED Y/N HIS SOULMATE YES BLESS THIS AU I mean I don't usually read them, but my friendo-burritos are special occasions, OK??
Physical manifestation?? All right, sure. I'm so confused about this because, as I just said, I don't read soulmate AUs.
Love how the flavour of chocolate changes, it's kind of romantic.
*Sees typo at second last paragraph for 'had' instead of 'hand' and holds breath* Save it, Grammar-Nazi alter-ego, it's just a typo.
Super cute paragraph though awoureraelr
'As though he's meant to stay there forever'—Is just too cute, oml.
It's over? ;w; It's over...
Taehyung AU (Critic's Standing):
I'll say this here so I don't have to repeat myself, but I don't tend to read Soulmate AUs because I honestly think they're a very basic and beginner's way to write fan fiction. But they're also a great way to practice, so no, I don't hate them, I just don't tend to read them. As you know, I've made an exception for my friend. The first paragraph set the atmosphere very well, and easily stated how Y/N was feeling about not having found their soulmate, yet, and how they're just forced to watch their friends, who already have. The creep insertion, while a common trope, was well executed—I especially approve of how Brea described the wrist grabbing and the little struggle Y/N had.
And then there's Taehyung to the rescue, and for a moment I forgot I was reading a soulmate AU, I was confused about why Y/N tasted chocolate for second. Like the subtle inclusion of Jungkook, Jimin and the other guys, and the dancing section where the taste of chocolate changes according to Taehyung's emotions was really neat. I also loved how Taehyung took Y/N home, and their little kissing moment was the cutest. Not the mention the killer one-liner Y/N delivered, at the end. This was a brief AU, but that's often a good idea, for these kinds of scenarios. If I could improve one thing about this, I would have done... nothing. I seriously can't find anything that I would change, in this. Great job, Brea!
Jungkook AU (Reader's Standing):
Ooh, a Big Bang concert!
OOH, bells to signal soulmate status, that's really cool! Also, cute stumble is best stumble.
'bunny teeth'—Yes, Jungkook is a bunny in disguise, I knew it. *w*
YouTuber Jungkook is a concept I would sell my soul to Satan to see IRL
Ey yo, Seungri! \(>w<)/ Feels like a real concert, lol
Oh boy, whispering...
Awwww group waving to Jungkook's camera, how nice. ;w;
Oml Jungkook must have been so embarrassed, standing on stage like that, as a mega-fan. Lucky dude.
Never mind, boy was hyped as hecc
Happy Jungkook is best Jungkook, that was so cute to read.
Ye boys and girls, let's go with Jungkook and see what happens next oml this is too cute aaa
Hi Jimin I love you ;w;
Riot for Jimin? Yes, very possible.
I approve of Y/N's choice of Daesung as their favourite member
Thank you Jimin for approving of Y/N's choice
Jungkook shooing because he's secretly a possessive puppy, cute
'pretty damning evidence'—This is suddenly a detective AU? Nice.
'princess'—Aaand now I'm trying not to squeal.
Good choice of bar over apartment there, Jungkook.
Clasped fingers are cute, yes, thank you
More bells, aaaaa
Soft kiss ;w; Ow my heart
Evolving bells? YES.
Seriously this was really cute, I loved it. I love everything Brea writes, tbh.
Maybe that's just a friendship thing, idk.
Jungkook AU (Critic's Standing):
When the story began at a Big Bang concert, I immediately started to recall every bop they ever made, and it made me so nostalgic and happy. Really nice concert vibe, felt pretty alive, for being described in one paragraph. The first occurrence of the bells stole my heart, I'm a winter fanatic and bells are such an iconic symbol of that season, so I really enjoyed finding out that the little soulmate signal for this AU was bells. Not to mention the little confused looks that Y/N and Jungkook gave to their surroundings before introducing themselves with yelling (because concert, makes total sense) was really nice. I also loved how Jungkook was a YouTuber, that's totally something he could be, if his life went a different direction.
Seungri noticed Jungkook, told the guys about him, and they all gave Jungkook's camera some love was neat, too. They got him onto the stage and Jungkook fulfilled his mega-fan dream of performing with the big boys, that was ultra sweet of them (and Brea, I guess). And the excited Jungkook after he returned to Y/N was so easy to picture, it was great. As I said in the Reader's Standing, is this the same bar Y/N in the Taehyung AU was taken to? It was nice to see Jimin again though, hee hee, and I really liked how Jimin and Jungkook talked about why Jimin wasn't with Taehyung—the struggles of being a famous idol, right?
Jungkook shooing away Jimin was also cute, and how Brea mentioned that Jungkook and Y/N just sat with a couple drinks and talked with a little buzz was nice. Jungkook's explanation of how he and Y/N are soulmates was a nice touch, I really can't get enough of picturing how those bells sound. Small kiss from Y/N to Jungkook was super sweet, and yes, YES, I would love it if those bells evolved into like, an entire little melody, ah. This one was somehow very relaxing to read, I enjoyed it.
Jungkook isn't even my bias wrecker and I want to punch him with a pillow for being so cute in this AU, dammit.
Jimin AU (Reader's Standing):
For some reason the picture of Jimin wouldn't load and I'm immediately a little sad because I don't get to see his pink hair and those amazingly adorable cheeks of his. Not to mention his gorgeous eyes and just AERNUOEWATO Jimin is great. ;w;
Y/N is legit me, but I'm reading hentai manga instead of an 'actual book'. Just kidding, I'd be reading Piers Anthony.
Cool cafe, would definitely go there.
But reading sometimes stresses me out, so... I just stick to Piers and other fantasy others who don't write about female leads, sorry, but I really fucking love men. >w<
Aw yes look at that, his pink hair is peeking through, I wish I could reach into this story and touch it, fuck
The Chim just keeps getting closer... and closer... God that's cute, it's so like him, I love that.
'marches his way right over to you'—AEUROOAEUNCOWEASNLU thank you Brea, I'm dying a little
Soft speaking is so cute, good Lord, bless this AU
I'm just excited to read this for a second time, I love Jimin so damn much, aaaa
Just reading with Jimin would be so nice, that one paragraph had such a quiet feeling to it, ah.
Oh no, he went back on tour </3
I would totally jump up and hug Jimin, sorry not sorry, that man needs so much love for being so cute and... A N D *heavy breathing*
Oh right Y/N does it anyway
Awww yes he hugs back ;w;
Ooh, familiar scent and a long hug, that's definitely romantic.
bOOK HANDING OVER INCEPTION. Thank you for that little nod, ah.
I would probably fit in his suitcase tbh I mean I'm 145cm and he's what, 165cm?? It would totally work out, guys.
Sneaky Jimin putting his number in Y/N's pocket. Wait he's also part of the pervert line, BREA ARE YOU SURE HE DIDN'T TAP Y/N'S ASS A LITTLE? Lol just kidding, but still, nice move, Jimin.
He smells like books, bless
That note was so sweet holy shit
Good ending oh my God that was such a nice ending
Jimin AU (Critic's Standing):
How do I write a formal review, again? I loved the book cafe, that was such a natural place for this to happen. Y/N and Jimin meeting week after week, and Jimin inching closer and closer until he literally comes right up to Y/N and all I could think of was a fluffy puppy running, and it killed me. I really liked how Y/N and Jimin established a quiet relationship, that's like, friendship, and friendship is so nice. Then Jimin left and I felt a little empty with Y/N, and I'm just sitting here thinking about how easily you were able to make me relate to Y/N. He came back blond (I refuse to add the 'e' for a male; I'm Canadian, that's just how the French do things, nothing wrong with the more modern/American way >w<) and had to tap Y/N's hand to get their attention, and then there's that adorable hug that just warmed my heart.
Then there was a very well executed explanation of how Jimin knows he and Y/N are soulmates and how he slipped a note into their pocket when they hugged. And I'm completely serious when I say that I would love to just stuff myself into Jimin's suitcase, ha ha ha! The kisses were also a really nice touch, the note was very sweet, and again, Y/N's last say in this scenario as they gave in to temptation and texted Jimin was adorable. Jimin's explanation and the note really did it for me, heh. I enjoyed Jungkook's the most, out of these three, but this was also really relaxing to read.
OK, that's it, for the maknae line! Onto the hyung line. Thanks again for reading, everyone.
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surveys-at-your-service · 5 years ago
Survey #233
lalala song lyrics i’m about to go home so copy/pasting time.
What subject do you seem to struggle with the most? Various forms of mathematics. Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube? Noooo. I don't have that dedication. What’s the worst feeling in the world? Specifically? Giving someone everything you have physically and emotionally with full force and finding out you weren't enough. Who do you think is the easiest to talk to? Sara, probably. What is your favorite genre of movie? Horror, probably. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? Being told I don't have strep throat. Do you have a favorite metal band or do you not like metal? Metal is my favorite genre. I claim a lot as "favorites," but the reigning king will always be Ozzy Osbourne. What’s your favorite kind of science? Genetics. What’s your homeroom? We don't have those in college. If you had to move, where would you move to? Well, my only choice would be to move in with my dad, his wife, and her son. I'm not financially independent. Who did you last go to the movies with? Dad. I think. Have you ever read anything written by Shakespeare? I'm not going to include things assigned in schools because everyone had to read like, Beowulf or something similar at some point. I once started to read the full Macbeth (we read a condensed version in school) during a hospital stay, but I didn't finish it. Who’s the cutest person you know? Have you fuckin SEEN Sara when she's excited because- How about the funniest? Girt's funny as fuck. What is your current desktop picture? An adorable meerkat pup looking at the camera al;sdjfal;kjwerads If you could be reincarnated into anything you wanted, what would it be? I don't know if I'd even want that, but let's just say I was. Maybe... I was gonna say a lioness, because they're high on the food chain, beautiful, and social animals, but yeah I'd prefer to not be poached. Perhaps a house cat. What talent would you like to have? I wish I could draw hyperrealistically. What New Year’s resolutions did you make? I don't make those. What are three songs that mean the most to you? "Pretty Woman" by Van Halen, "The Only Exception" by Paramore, and probably "It's Alright" by Mother Mother. What do you think of your parents? I love them. What is one thing you would do to make the world better? I wish with a snap of my fingers I could just make all litter disappear or something like that. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? ... Wow. I actually thought about it, and the first thing my mind drifted to was "go to Jason's just to see he's okay," and I don't like that. We pass his house every day to go to school and come back, and I think it's only natural that I get curious, particularly when his car is there, but I don't want to care. How much cash do you have on you right now? Just a few dollars from Mom to get something from the snack or drink machine from school if I need to. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life? Move on. Let go of people. Forgive. How do you measure intelligence? I dunno, how do you? Define the *type* of intelligence. What cartoons do you watch? None actively. Have you ever used drugs? Not illicit ones. Are you into tattoos? *blinks* Do you like photography? I fucking read this as "pornography" first aslkjweoaider. But yeah, I love love love photography. What’s the biggest celebrity you’ve ever seen in real life? The only celebrity I think I've ever seen is Alice Cooper, and it was at a concert. What person in history do you admire most? I don't know enough about any historical figure to really answer this with passion. What is the most daring thing that you have done in public? I don't know considering I'm not that daring. Probably a kiss momentarily going too far or something. Are you afraid of anything that most people are not afraid of? Whale sharks lmao. But pregnancy is the biggie. Well, maybe most are to a mild degree at least, idk. Have you ever watched someone struggle with addiction? Yeah. Who do you look up to for your style? I don't look up to a certain person. If you were to invent something, what would it be? I don't know off the top of my head and I don't feel like sitting here- OH NO WAIT! Remember that one year deviantART's April Fools prank was that it produced some sort of technology where you could visualize a drawing, and by scanning your finger or some weird shit while you envisioned it, it could produce it on the screen? Yeah, something like that. I'd pay big bucks for something that could put my ideas on paper. Who would you like to get to know better? One of my RP partners that I've known since childhood. She's just extremely private online. What’s your favorite thing to order at a Chinese food restaurant? Pork fried rice is my jam. In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge the world faces today? Greed, probably. What have you achieved that you once thought was impossible? Getting over Jason. What have you tried to quit, but weren’t able to? Meat. Not for lack of motivation, but health needs. What was the last rumor that you heard? I don't know. What country star would you most like to meet and why? I'm not interested in meeting any. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeah. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? Overdose. What is the meaning of life? I don't pretend to know anymore. I think everyone gives their life its own meaning based on values, goals, beliefs, etc. Do you prefer cupcakes or muffins? That's hard, man. Depends on the kind, I guess. What is the funniest movie you’ve seen in your whole entire lifetime? White Chicks never fails to get me. What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had? My dad about to molest me. What’s your favorite amusement park ride? Merry-go-rounds lmao. Who are your musical influences? This seems like a question for an aspiring musician, which I'm not. What’s the best pick-up line that’s ever been tried on you? I don't know if anyone's ever tried one on me. How many drinks can you handle? I wouldn't really know as I've never reached the point of being drunk, but seemingly quite a few. Weak ones, anyway. If it has a high alcohol concentration, I'm not drinking that shit. What was the longest phone conversation you’ve ever had? Idk, most of the afternoon or evening. I think one occasion with an old best friend went past five hours. Do you know where you want to go to college? I'm happy at my current college. They care a lot about their students. Are you satisfied with the picture on your ID card? Permit, fuck no. School ID, it's alright. What fruit did you last eat? An apple. Aside from yourself, who was the last person to see you naked? My mom. How many classes are you taking? Four, currently. Jumping up to six next semester... though not really by choice. My adviser wants me to have like a safety net by having two classes I CAN drop if I need to, but she's realistic in pointing out that the school path I visualize doable for me will be a VERY slow one and ultimately cost so, so much more money, so she wants to nudge me along as best she can while keeping my limitations in mind. I'm definitely going to try the best I can to do this in four years, but yeah... unlikely. But that's okay to me, so long I get there in not TOO long of a time. Have you ever lost anything down a toilet? I don't think so... but I do recall when my older sister was tiny she flushed a little toy truck down the toilet. We had to get a plumber to save it lmao. I think my mom has kept the truck. Are you someone’s best friend? One of hers. Do you have any goldfishes? No. Have you ever had a pet that you disliked? I absolutely hate my sister's dog that for whatever fucking reason lives with Mom and me. Why we keep a dog that does nothing but annoy us and piss us off is a subject of more than frequent arguing. When was the last time you saw hail? I don't know, a long time ago. What color eyes do you prefer: Green or Brown? Green. Have you ever given a nickname to your pet(s)? Oh yeah. Of my living ones, I call Venus "Miss Venus" and "pretty girl" a whole lot, while Teddy has a whole lot, but mostly "booga," "bub(by)," "boogie," and "Teddy-boo." I just call Roman "butt" a lot, lmao. I don't really have a common one for Mitsu, but I sometimes use "baby girl," I think. Ever been on a boat before? Like, fishing boats. Which is better: Skiing or Snowboarding? I wouldn't know, never tried either. Can you change the oil on a car? I have no clue how. Ever ran out of gas? Not while I myself was driving. I don't even know if I've ever been in the car while that's happened. Favorite kind of sandwich? Most of the time just an 'ole pb&j. Best thing to eat for breakfast? mmmmmmm cinnamon rolls are the GOOD SHIT. Are you horny? Nah. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope. Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Lincoln logs or GET OUT. Are you stubborn? Yeah, most of the time. Are you afraid of heights? YEAH. Ever used a gun? Nooooo and I don't want to. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Idk if the guy who did my school ID card was an actual photographer? I dunno? Ever eat a pierogi? I hate those goddamn pockets of disgust. Favorite type of fruit pie? I dun like pie. I used to be okay with apple, though. Do you believe in ghosts? 110%. Ever have a deja-vu feeling? Yes because our world is just a simulation and it's a glitch- (I'm only semi-kidding btw idk I kinda believe it) Why do you think others get deja-vu? Because our world is just a simulation and it's a glitch- Take a vitamin daily? No. I need to, though. Wear a bath robe? No, I get dressed right after the shower. What do you wear to bed? Pajama pants and a tank top. First concert? Alice Cooper. Outside. During a thunderstorm. Shit was badass. Peanuts or sunflower seeds? Both are ew. I can handle a little bit of peanut better, though. Ever take dance lessons? I grew up taking a lot through middle school and some of high school. I tooook... clogging (I was embarrassingly good at that omg), jazz, modern (my fave), lyrical very briefly 'cuz I am NOT graceful, and hip hop. I always hated the music, but the dancing itself is fun. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? No. They can do whatever they aspire to. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yeah. Own any record albums? Not anymore, Mom sold them. I wish I had them now, ahhhh. I love 'em. Own a record player? No. Who would you like to see in concert? I am seeing Ozzy next year or I will fucking riot, Metallica, and Rammstein. Many others would be cool, but those are the biggies. I'd love to see Manson and Otep, but their shows are... yeah. They do gross and/or really disrespectful shit. Hot tea or cold tea? THERE ARE SO MANY TEA OR COFFEE QUESTIONS IN SURVEYS but they tend to be different so I just keep them in alsdjf;awe. The usual: I hate tea. Can you swim well? I guess I swim fine? DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ. I want a variety of music. Ever won a contest? A few, don't feel like trying to remember 'em. Ever have plastic surgery? No. Which are better black or green olives? Olives are fucking gross. Best room for a fireplace? Living room. Who was your high school crush? My first was either Sebastian or Kyle. Or Girt. Then Juan, though that crush was questionable if it was serious or not. He really flattered me a lot, but I've told the story before plenty. Idk if the emotion was romantically reciprocated, though honestly I think it was mostly because of his reputation? I only knew him as extremely sweet. BUT ANYWAY, after that, do I even need to say "Jason?" When he came along, whether or not I really liked Juan was totally forgotten. What do you believe happens to us after death? Hell if I know. Have you ever cheated on someone? No. Does the thought of growing old frighten you? More like the thought of my body deteriorating does. Have you ever hurt someone for your own entertainment? um the fuck. I've done it out of heartbreak and pain, but never for my entertainment. What is your favorite song of all time? Of all time, probably "False Flags" by Massive Attack. Has anyone you’ve known died on a holiday? Possibly, idk. If you could write a book, what would it be about? Sometimes I wish I could make a series out of the meerkat RP I engage in, but I don't have the motivation or dedication for that. And I wouldn't be comfortable revising our "tribute" characters for the sake of legality and just respect in general. What are some lyrics that speak to your soul? "For such a little thing, you sure are in your own way" from a Mother Mother song. I'm not exactly small for a human ha ha, but in the scope of the universe perspective, we're all less than microscopic. Have you ever been in love with more than one person at the same time? Not in love, not. Attracted to, yeah. What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to you? I remember, though it's a tad blurry, the occasion I was having a serious "grieving session" for Jason at Colleen's house, and her sister was there alone with me. She was talking me through it and grabbed my shoulders at one point, looked me dead in the eye, and told me so firmly yet gently how beautiful a person I was and that I deserved the world and more. I won't forget that, like ever. Do you have any taboo fetishes or preferences? No. What is the thing you are most ashamed of? I've talked about this enough. Well, that or just being a general "this is all your goddamn fault and I am the only victim here" cunt to Jason following the breakup. Actually, yeah, I'm probably more ashamed of that. What is the emotion you seem to feel most strongly? Hm. Embarrassment? Heartbreak? Love? Idk. Do you think of yourself as a unique person? Yeah, honestly. I mean not incredibly, but unique, yeah. What is a movie from childhood that you loved? I've talked about TLK and Finding Nemo and that kinda stuff a lot, so here's a STUPIDLY underrated one: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron. That movie is fuckin beautiful wtf. Are you afraid of death? Aren't we all at least to a small degree? What are your top three biggest fears, actually? Losing my mom, being raped, and all those I love just abandoning me. Do you have an accent of any kind? You can detect a Southern one sometimes. What do you want to be remembered for? Sending a message of love, especially to animals. Are you currently sad about anything? I am literally permanently sad about my weight, though it's not like, an *active* sadness at this very moment? Have you ever changed your spiritual beliefs? Three times now. Catholic to Christian to theist. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? MARGARITAS gotDAMN Do you ever talk to yourself? Sure. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep in your adult life? Oh yeah. What do you think is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone? "Thanks for sending me to the ER again." Fucking bitch. Do you have a favorite book? If so, how many times have you read it? Johnny Got His Gun and The Outsiders. Only read both once. I almost never read a book more than that. Have you ever wished you were from another country? Half the time, especially as an adult, I wish I lived in Canada. What are you thinking about currently? My throat is absolutely killing me and I'm ready to leave school. What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable to speak about? I'm more uncomfortable talking about sex than I used to think. Do you have anything you are extremely particular about? When I'm in the passenger seat controlling the music? Oh my god, Mom, DON'T turn the volume down manually. I can do that on my iPod myself, but can only turn it back UP but so loud as it gets lower by the car itself. She knows I turn it down when we're talking, she is, or we slow down, but she does it anyway sometimes and I get unreasonably annoyed by it. Have you ever seen the ocean? Only the Atlantic. What is your most fond memory of your current S.O, if applicable? THE FIRST KISS Y'ALL it was fuckin CHEESY but I LOVE IT Do you find yourself confused often? Oh hell yeah. What was the best time of your life? It's so funny to me how I can answer "2017," the very same year I OD'd. That's rapid growth, my friend. Have you ever been on a cruise? No. Do you miss any of your exes? I only miss the memories of him. Are you religious? I mean I believe in some ultimate creator, but I don't really like calling myself "religious" anymore. I don't worship it, I don't pray to it. I'm thankful to exist, but that's. It, I guess. ANY entity I would respect wouldn't demand me to kiss its feet. Do you think you are attractive? HELL NO. How many people have you slept with? Do you mean like, as in having sex? One. Slightly fooled around with, two, including the previously-mentioned guy. Do you consider yourself a catch? Besides my looks, I do think I'm a good girlfriend. What kind of sauce do you eat your chicken nuggets with? Honey mustard, actual mustard... that kinda stuff. What do you think you could do to improve your life? Get a goddamn job, I'm just really not capable right now. What song is playing right now? "Hag" by Otep. What is your LJ name? I don't have a LiveJournal. I don't even want to EXIST on the same site with a particular fat-headed, bigoted fuck of a bitch. Holy shit I've nearly made an account multiple times JUST to talk that cunt back to Earth. What was the most recent movie you watched? UHHHHHHHH I don't remember actually. How many times have you got stitches? UHHHH twice or thrice? What are your pets’ species and names? I'm excluding the dog I hate because he's not even "mine." Teddy is a beagle/cocker spaniel/probably something else mix. Roman is a cat mix; he seems to have Siamese or something similar in 'im. Mitsu is a fancy rat. Venus is a champagne ball python. What is your most recent musical crush? Mark is a fucking singer, DON'T EVEN @ ME ABOUT IT. Which is better; immense heat or extreme coldness? God, the latter. I literally can't handle like anything above 70 for even like 10 minutes. It's not just that I find heat uncomfortable, but I sweat to a disgusting degree and get extremely weak, dizzy, and sometimes nauseous. Do you have a disease? Just mental ones. I have at least one physical disorder, but not a disease. Do you like gore? BITCH yes. Especially in art. It's the smell irl I can't really handle, as well as seeing like, human gore, but also exclusively in the real world. It feels too personal and close to home, y'know? Do you stutter? YEP. Name a cool person you have lost touch with? Megan, particularly. Who was the friendliest person you have met on the internet? MAN, I don't know if I could pick!! Maybe uhhhh... Megan again? She was nice to like... everyone. Or Connie for the same reason, and she's also chill as hell. I really don't know, I've met a load of great people. Name a song that is overplayed. I don't listen to the radio, so. What websites do you visit frequently? Kalahari Manor, deviantART, YouTube, Facebook, the Silent Hill wiki to make sure it's not exploding from mental cases again to not make it to fucking video game and horror sites/blogs again, and especially lately, Tumblr. There's more, but those are the regularly frequent ones. Does counting sheep help you fall asleep? Never tried. What is the biggest mystery? Where the universe came from and why.
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glowrioustrash · 7 years ago
Wellness Violation
Summary: The result of your wellness test doesn’t go as you planned. What will Baron think when he finds out?
Pairing: Baron Corbin x Reader
Word Count: 2400+
Warnings: I’m boring lately... no warnings.
Author’s Note: Idk... it’s cute? I had a silly idea and it grew into this.
Tagging:@castielscamander / @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury / @kakakatey / @thirstiswet / @calwitch / @dirrrtydeeds (who never asked to be tagged, but it’s Baron so I’m tagging her)
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You looked up from tying your boots as your name was called through the women’s locker room, the man’s voice echoing loudly from the door - he dare not enter - and cutting through the high-pitched tones of the women.
“Yeah?” You called back curiously.
“Wellness test. Trainer’s in five.” The order came.
You rolled your eyes and shouted back your acknowledgement.
You finished lacing your boots and threw a hoodie on over your gear. You’d stolen the hoodie from Baron months ago, but it still smelled like him. You couldn't help but take a deep breath as you zipped it up, inhaling the smell of his aftershave. It fell down to the tops of your knees and you were pretty much swimming in it. It made you feel tiny and fragile but protected by your big, bad boyfriend - it was a nice feeling to have every once in a while, working in an industry where you make your money by fighting other women.
You were following the signs backstage that would lead you to the trainer’s office when you heard Baron’s laugh bounce down the concrete walls. You couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on your face when you heard it. You turned the corner and weren’t surprised to see he was sitting with Corey, the two of them laughing as Baron gave him a playful shove.
“Hey, watch it. They need him for TV tonight.” You teased as you approached the boys. Baron wrapped an arm around your waist as soon as you were at his side, pulling you close.
“Yeah, Corbin. Listen to your girl, we both know she’s the brains of the relationship.”  Corey teased.
“Damn straight she is.” Baron smiled down at you. Even with him sitting on the road case and you standing, he was still the taller one.
“Although she’s choosing to be with you, so really…” Corey trailed off as you scoffed, smacking him in the chest with the back of your hand. “Hey, they need me for TV, remember?”
“I’ll make a call, get Booker to replace you.” You smirked, making Baron laugh loudly.
“That’s cold.” Corey laughed.
“Where you headin’, babe?” Baron asked you, adjusting how he was sitting so he could pull you between his legs.
“Trainer’s. Wellness test.” You replied with a shrug.
“Oh shit. Guess I shouldn’t have put all that meth in your smoothie this morning.” Baron sighed.
“Funny.” You deadpanned, ignoring Corey’s chuckling.
“I’ll miss you during your suspension,” Baron lamented dramatically, burying his face into your neck. “Have to find someone else to curl up with at night.”
“Like you could find someone to put up with you.” You shot back playfully.
“Damn, your girl is savage.” Corey piped up.
“Mmm, just the way I like her.” Baron hummed before nipping at your neck, making you squeal and try to jump away. He held tight, not letting you go.
“Baron, I gotta go.” You reminded, petting the back of his head. “I’ll come back as soon as I’m done, okay?”
“Fine.” He huffed, dropping his arms from around you.
“See you in a bit.” You promised with a quick kiss.
“Knock ‘em dead.” He told you, smacking your ass as you started to turn. You stalled in your movements, shooting him a look before you continued on your way.
“Later, Corey.” You gave the other man a wave as you left.
“Where’s my kiss?” Corey called after you. You didn’t have to look back to know what was happening next, hearing the two start to play wrestle as Baron warned him to stay away from you.
You made it to the trainer’s office, seeing Dash Wilder sitting on a chair outside, waiting.
“Hey Dash.” You greeted as you sat next time him. “Wellness test?”
“Yeah.” He nodded, looking bored. “Not like I have anything better to do, right?”
You huffed a laugh, grinning at him as the silence fell over the two of you again. You looked up and down the hall, making sure no one would overhear before leaning in closer to him.
“Think they make Lesnar do this?” You scoffed quietly.
Dash didn’t respond, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. You chuckled, feeling the same way.
“Alright Dash, you’re up.” The doctor called as he opened the door.
“See you ‘round.” Dash told you as he entered the room, door closing behind him.
You took your phone out of your pocket, wasting time on Candy Crush while you waited for your turn. Luckily, it didn’t take too long before you were being called into the office. You went through the motions quickly, used to the test by now, and the doctor told you the results would be in shortly.
You were sitting in catering with Baron about 45 minutes later when word made it back to you that they needed to see you in the trainer’s office again.
“Again?” Baron asked with a frown, wiping his face with a napkin.
“Maybe they need to draw blood again? Something went wrong?” You wondered out loud. “I’ll be right back.”
Baron mumbled an “alright” around his mouthful of food, making you roll your eyes fondly at him.
You knocked on the doorframe to the trainer’s room and stuck your head through the door.
“Oh good, you’re here.” The doctor waved you in.
“Yeah, is everything okay?” You asked, entering the room.
“Um… yes. Everything is good.” He answered hesitantly. “You… may want to sit down.”
“Okay, you’re kinda worrying me.” You drawled, sinking into the chair.
“I’m afraid I can’t let you compete tonight.” He finally let you know. Your blood ran cold as your body went numb. “There were some unexpected readings in the test results, so we ran a few extra tests…”
“E-excuse me?” You stuttered.
“The test-”
“There must be some mistake.” You rushed to cut him off, starting to panic. “Doc, I don’t take anything! I never have! I take advil and midol, that’s it. I’m not on anything!”
“I know, it’s okay.” The doctor tried to calm you down.
“Then what is it?”
“The test showed signs of HCG.” He explained. “Also known as the pregnancy hormone.”
The room span for a moment, and if you thought your blood had run cold before, it was nothing compared to the shock dousing your system now.
“Pregnancy hormone…” You parrotted in a daze, making sure you heard properly.
“Yes. By the levels, I would guess about a month along, maybe a month and a half.” He explained.
You sat silent, in a complete daze as you absorbed the information. You were pregnant. With a baby. With a human baby. With your baby. With yours and Baron’s baby. Baron.
“G-get Baron. Please.” You mumbled your request. The doctor nodded and stuck his head out of the room. You heard him ask someone to find Baron before he came back, crouching in front of you.
“Are you okay?” He asked, resting a hand on your knee.
“Pregnant…” You muttered.
“Yes.” He nodded, watching you closely with concerned eyes. “I’m guessing this is not exactly planned.”
You shook your head. You wanted kids of course, but thought maybe in 5 years, 10 years. After you were married at the very least. Not now.
“Is there anything I can get you? Water? Do you need to lie down?”
You shook your head in response. The doctor stopped trying to talk to you, you were clearly not in the right mind frame to absorb any information. Your thoughts were swimming.
“What’s going on? What’s wrong?” Baron’s voice cut through the fog as he ran into the room. You reached for him and he dropped to his knees beside you, hugging you closely. When you didn’t answer him, he turned to the doctor. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“The blood work from the wellness test…” The doctor trailed off, realizing through Baron’s stern glare that he was less interested in the details. “It appears the two of you are expecting.”
“Expecting?” Baron snapped. “Expecting what?”
“A baby…” You whispered.
“A ba-” He started to question before the shock started to hit him. “Did you just say…”
You nodded in response, pulling back far enough to look at his face. As scared as you were, you needed to know how he was feeling. With the news being so fresh, there was nothing but absolute shock on his face.
“I’ll leave the two of you for a minute.” The doctor, who you had honestly forgotten was there, bowed out of the room, closing the door to give the two of you privacy.
“You’re pregnant?” Baron asked, his voice so quiet. Baron wasn’t a quiet guy, his booming voice usually dominating whatever room he was in. It felt wrong to have him sound so small.
“I guess so.” You breathed.
“But we always…” Baron trailed off, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Nothing is 100%.” You shrugged. The silence sat heavy in the room while the two of you tried to figure it all out.
“What do we do?” You finally broke the silence.
“Well… what do you want to do?” Baron asked.
“It’s easy for me to make a decision. It’s not my body or career on the line.” He pointed out.
“Are you saying…”
“I’m with you, whatever you decide.” He promised, a burning passion replacing the glazed look of shock in his eyes. “I fucking love you, and I’ve been pretty sure for a while that you’re it for me. I want to have a family with you but if you’re not ready, it can wait.”
“Baron…” You breathed, feeling the tears pooling in your eyes.
“We don’t even have to decide now. We have time, right? That’s how these things work? Let’s think about, okay?” He continued, running his hand through your hair. “It’s heavy… holy fuck, it’s a lot…” His eyes wandered away from you, the wheels in his head clearly turning as he thought about all the responsibilities that came with having a child.
You brought his attention back to you by cupping his cheek. “I love you. I love you so damn much right now.” You gushed, feeling the tears spill over. He pulled you into a deep, soothing kiss.
“We’ll figure it out.” He mumbled against your lips.
“We’ll figure it out.” You agreed.
“Daddy!” The little boy shrieked in happiness as Baron appeared through the curtain. The angry scowl he’d had on his face for the cameras melting in an instant.
“There’s my little man!” He crouched down, holding his arms out. You let go of Ryan’s hand so he could scurry into Baron’s arms. Baron scooped him up easily, holding him on his hip as he walked towards you.
Since Ryan’s birth you had made various random appearances, both in ring and backstage. You’d been a surprise entrant to two Women’s Royal Rumbles as well as appeared in promos as a part of a few of Baron’s storylines. THe WWE Universe knew the two of you were together, although they were beginning to compare you to John and Nikki: together for years with no wedding in sight.
Baron had proposed when you were 6 months pregnant, but you denied it. At first he’d been devastated, but you felt like he was proposing because you were pregnant. He understood and warned you he’d ask again. He did, the night of Ryan’s second birthday party. You were so exhausted -  the normal day-to-day of a mother, plus Baron being back on the road, and adding on the party planning - you outright refused and called him selfish for asking. You felt bad after you’d gotten some sleep, but still didn’t feel like it was the right time.
“What’d you think, babe?” He asked you, pressing a kiss to your lips before you had a chance to answer.
“Yuck.” Ryan stuck his tongue out as he watched his parents kiss. Baron laughed and pressed a kiss to Ryan’s cheek in retaliation. The four year old laughed and tried to push Baron away.
“Well, don’t hate me but…” You trailed off, biting your lip. “I kinda missed the match.”
“What? Why?” Baron looked disappointed, a frown taking over his face.
“Wellness test.” You shrug.
“The joys of returning to The ‘E.” Baron joked.
“Well, that’s the thing…” You trailed off, fighting to keep the grin off your face.
“What are you trying to say, babe?” Baron asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
You couldn’t stop the smile as you purposely glanced at Ryan, then back at Baron. “What do you think I’m trying to say?”
“Again?” He breathed in disbelief.
“Again.” You nodded. Baron laughed and pulled you into a deep kiss, Ryan protesting and making gagging sounds the whole time.
“You gonna be knocked up everytime they test you?” He questioned you, a wide smile on his face.
“It takes two to tango mister, this isn’t just my fault.” You scoffed, batting him on the chest.
“I do love to tango.” Baron agreed with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“What’s a tango?” Ryan asked, tired of being ignored.
“It’s a dance, sweetie.” You told him, ignoring the glint in Baron’s eye.
:”I wantsta tango.” Ryan declared.
“Not until you’re 30.” You joked, kissing your son on the temple.
“16.” Baron scoffed.
“You gonna stick to that rule if this one’s a girl?” You challenged, holding a hand over your stomach.
“40.” Baron corrected. “Maybe never.”
“That’s what I thought.” You grinned, shooting Ryan a silly look as he rested his head on Baron’s shoulder. The boy was clearly getting tired.
“You know,” he stated, catching your attention. “Two kids… I think it’s about time you let me put a ring on that finger.”
You rolled your eyes good naturedly, but then you took a second to think. Here you were, pregnant with another child, putting your career unexpetedly on hold for the second time. Maybe there wasn’t a ‘perfect time’ in the cards.
“Maybe you’re right.” You shrugged, smiling brightly when you saw the surprise on Baron’s face. He’d clearly been expecting you to deny him again. “Make a proper proposal of it and we’ll see where it gets us.”
“I already wasted two good proposals.” He pointed out, adjusting Ryan on his hip. “You’re not gonna make me waste a third, are you?”
“I could tell you, but what’s the fun in that?” You teased lightly, knowing you would say yes. You were damn ready to be married to this man. “Third time’s the charm, right?”
“Better be.” He grumbled, smile still on his face. He tilted his head towards Ryan, whose eyes were staying closed longer and longer every time he blinked. “Let’s get this one to bed, then we can celebrate.”
“Celebrate? I haven’t said yes yet.” You pointed out as the three of you made your way through the halls.
“Yet?” He smirked.
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morallygreyyn · 2 years ago
my 2022 anime list
disclaimer: please don’t make assumptions about me and my taste in anime based off of this list. this is literally just watch i watched this year.
so i’m really just making this for me to keep tabs on what i watched throughout the year so feel free to ignore this! if for some reason you do read this and see anything here you like i’m always down for a chat about anime!
this is all the anime (new and old) that i watched in 2022 (in order bc i’m that bitch):
the case study of vanitas (6/10):
a solid anime. loved vanitas and noe and their designs were gorgeous. deffo want to get back into it as i fell out of it a while ago
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demon slayer (7.5/10):
favourite character(s):
giyu tomioka and zenitsu agatsuma
nah bc the way i was so skeptical of this bc of all the hype so i put it off for aggeess but then i got sick and binged the entire thing within a few days. literally became my life for a solid month and i can’t wait for the next season
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blue period (4/10):
such a chill anime that touches on some heavier topics about identity. not the most mind-blowing or groundbreaking anime to ever exist but definitely enjoyable and it did make me want to start drawing even tho i can’t draw for shit
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your name (movie) (7.5/10):
i *think* this was the first anime movie that i ever watched and it did not disappoint. animation was absolutely gorgeous and the characters made me want to weep
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a silent voice (movie) (7.5/10):
your name kicked off my love for sad anime movies and i’ve never been to close to crying over anything in my life than i was with the main pairing in this damn movie
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black clover (9/10):
favourite character(s):
asta, noelle and zora
bro...this one took me by surprise ngl. i thought this was just gonna be another run of the mill shonen jump anime (and don’t get me wrong, it is) but man oh man i wasn’t expecting it to be so funny. literally my sense of humour in an anime. also asta is so inspiring “as long as i don’t give up, i’ll get there eventually” may seem so basic but it struck a chord ngl
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bubble (movie) (2/10):
wtf even happened in this movie. the animation was pretty ig
spy x family (7/10):
this deserved the hype, it slapped. unfortunately tho it reminds me of my ex as i used to watch it with them so my memories of it are kinda tainted
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neon genesis evangelion (7.5/10):
favourite character(s):
shinji and kaworu
the living aesthetic that is this show. literal perfection until the last three episodes, wtf happened. i also need shinji and kaworu to get together like asap
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the way of the househusband (6/10):
sooooo funny. kinda similar to saiki k in terms of humour and short episodes. definitely a comfort anime
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to your eternity (3/10):
such an interesting premise! it has a low score bc i dropped it a while ago (idk why) so my memory of it is kinda hazy. will deffo pick it back up again in the future
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cute high earth defensive club love (1/10):
don’t ask
one piece (100000/10):
favourite character(s): sanji and then every single other character to exist on the show (apart from the celestial dragons...man fuck those guys)
I was so apprehensive to start this bc it’s over 1000 episodes long but my brother eventually wore me down and oh man, i’ve never been more pleasantly surprised. easily my favourite anime now (which i never thought anything would beat my top two and i’m only 550 episodes in). it’s so funny, the characters are so lovable and the story and world is incredible. it made me cry over a boat. a freaking boat. now that’s a strong story. g8 is canon you can’t change my mind. literally ready to set sail across the seven seas rn. it’s a pirates life for me
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idolish7 (tbd):
favourite character(s):
sogo, iori, riku, tenn
started this as a joke but ended up really liking it. haven’t finished it yet which is why my rating is tbd but it’s shaping up to be above a 6! the only con is nagi...god i hate nagi. also secret night by trigger was my third most played song on my spotify wrapped so yeah, this show has some bangers
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heaven official’s blessing (it’s chinese but i don’t know the official term) (8.5/10):
favourite character(s):
xie lian, hua cheng, nan feng, fu yao
ah, the show that started my mxtx obsession. hua cheng is my literal aesthetic and i’ve made it my mission in life to dress like him. also him and xie lian are literal perfection. the only downside to this show was the banyue arc/backstory - it was kinda boring ngl but the scene where san lang jumped into the pit.....10000/10. also got covid for the second time a couple of hours after i finished this so it’s memorable for that too lmao. second season when?
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the untamed (cdrama) (9/10):
favourite character(s):
xue yang, wei wuxian, lan wangji
riding on the high of mxtx and down bad with covid, i binged this entire series (and read the manhua) in like a couple of days. i didn’t sleep. my only thoughts were wangxian and xue yang. this also made me want to learn chinese....i even bought chinese language textbooks. now i just need to find a teacher and i’m set lmao
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classroom of the elite (dnf):
ummm...so this wasn’t for me. decided to start it bc of all the hype but it missed the mark for me unfortunately. the main character is sick as shit and the premise is really cool so maybe i’ll pick it back up again in the future (i probably will) but for now i’d rather watch one piece (pls let me know if this show gets better - i really do think the premise slaps but some of the characters suck)
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cherry magic! thirty years of v can make you a wizard? (drama) (7/10):
decided to watch this as i had just read the manga and oml i loved it. the romance between the main pairing is soooo sweet and the actors did such a great job
sasaki and miyano (9.5/10):
fell down the bl hole and decided to watch this.....bro....the way i fell in love with these two is not even funny. i literally adore them. no.1 comfort anime
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blue lock (10/10):
favourite character(s): chigiri, isagi, bachira
never thought i’d get so hype about football but here we are. have caught myself saying “i need to watch that goal again” and then reacting in horror as i realise i’m turning into my football loving mother. but can you blame me? their monster modes? isagi and chigiri’s respective goals? literal crack for your eyes. this anime is such a unique premise for a sports anime. fuck team work, it’s kill or be killed in blue lock and i liiivveee bitch
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obey me! (7/10):
favourite character(s): levi, satan, belphie
decided to watch this one as i started playing the otome game and fell in love with the characters (levi, satan and belphie specifically) and oh man was this anime hilarious. watched it all in one night. the music in this is also fire. it’s my party, sinful indulgence and on your way? absolute bangers. the bunny boy episode is my favourite for obvious reasons
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fruits basket (tbd but shaping up to be a 8/10):
another one i haven’t finished yet but oh lord i don’t know why i put this one off for so long bc its so good. gives me all the fuzzy princess vibes that i want from a shojo and i couldn’t ask for more. yuki one chance please
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and that’s it! i didn’t watch as much as i usually do considering one piece is a thing that i started but it’s still a record of everything i watched and what i thought of it! i honestly had so much fun making this - it’s so nice to recap on what i’ve watched throughout the year
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makknays · 8 years ago
what’s mine is mine.
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requested by anon.
Can i please have a rough smut where one of the members get extremely jealous 🙈🙊🙊
genre: smut smut smut
a/n: it’s 6:51am as I'm posting this and idk why I'm posting this early but oh well :)
You were some fancy dinner with no other than Taehyung, it wasn’t just the company, it felt as though the whole world had been invited. These big, fancy parties were never your thing, nor Taehyung’s but the two of you had to attend for the company’s sake. You had to wear formal clothing and had assigned seats - now that wasn’t too weird, the weird part was that Taehyung was acting 103% serious which was highly unlike him, even if this was some big thing Taehyung would still joke around with you to make you feel more comfortable.
“Babe, are you alright? You seem a bit tense.”, you told him as you sat down in your assigned seats, where you found other BTS members and their partners. “I’m good, just Mr. ‘I Think I’m The Best’ over there keeps staring at my girl. I want to teach him a lesson or two but this is a really important dinner.” “You’re jealous?” “Sure, whatever you wanna call it; just don’t go near him? Please, it’s not that I don’t trust you, I just think he’s gonna do something to you if you do.” “Don’t worry, I’ll avoid him at all costs.”, you chuckled at his jealousy but knew deep down that it worried him when other guys looked at you, he was afraid of losing you to someone else.
After an hour at the table and many glasses of water and some champagne you really needed the toilet. “Tae, where’s the toilet?”, you asked him as you got up. “It’s over there, honey. Do you want me to take you over?” “I’ll be fine, just stay here with the others.”, you said as you stroked his cheek and left. Soon after you left the toilet Mr. ‘I Think I’m The Best’, as Taehyung called him, walked over to you and wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Can you remove your arm? You’re making me really uncomfortable.”, you told him as you tried to push him off. “Aww, but don’t you wanna go home with me tonight?”, he smirked, you really wanted to wipe the smirk off his face but you didn’t want to draw any attention to you. “I have a boyfriend, get off me.” “That’s what they all say.”, he chuckled as he continued to grip your waist. “Please, get off me. I really don’t like this.”, you said as you struggled to get out of his grip. “Why would I do that? You need to be taught a lesson or two.”, he smirked. Before I could reply someone had shoved him off me, “Don’t touch my girl.”
“You actually have a boyfriend?”, he said in shock. “Yeah, why would I lie about that? Especially when it’s him.”, you said as you gripped Taehyung’s arms. “Leave my girl alone, I don’t want you looking or even breathing in her direction.”, Taehyung growled as his arm wrapped itself around your waist. “I’m sorry, I thought she was alone.” “Bullshit.” “C’mon Taehyung, let it go. Let’s just go back to the table.”, you told him as you tried to push him back but he wouldn’t budge. “If I see you anywhere near my girl again I won’t be this nice.”, he told him as he left with you.
“I thought you were gonna avoid him.”, Taehyung pouted as the two of you made your way back to the table. “He jumped out of nowhere and I tried to get him off me, he’s such a creep. How would anyone ever want a guy like him?”, you said as you shook your head in disapproval. “Well, you’re lucky I came over to save you, who knows what he might have done to you.”, he said as he pulled out your chair for you. “Thank you, I’m glad you were there to help but I could’ve gotten out of the situation alone.”, you told him. “I know that, but while I’m around I’ll be here to protect you. Do not ever go near creeps like him. They’re all over, in that corner, this corner, over there, over here.” “I got the point, Tae.”
Later that night, when the two of you got home to your home, you headed towards the bathroom and ran the bath. The day had been quite hectic and you needed to relax every inch of you body and mind. You had thrown in your favourite bath bomb and really cherished the silence surrounding you. However, Taehyung was still annoyed at the situation that had happened today, he wanted to beat the guy when he saw him try to get in your pants. The thought of you being with another man scared him to death and he felt that he would need to somehow prove this to you.
When you left the shower, Taehyung was sitting on your bed, right hand keeping him upright. “Come here, baby.” he said, making it sound like an order but you followed. “Everything okay?” you asked him as you sat down beside him. “Yeah, I just need to make sure you know that I’m yours and you're mine and there's no getting rid of us anytime soon.” he said, in an even lower tone than usual, as he tucked a few wet, rogue locks for hair behind your ear. “Taehyung, is this about earlier? Are you jealous? You defended me from him and there was nothing to get jealous over and you're here, jealous as hell?” you chuckled at how cute your boyfriend was. “I just don't wanna lose you, so lemme show you how I'm better than any man you come across.”
He leaned into a slow yet passionate kiss, simple to many, but this kiss was sending many messages and emotions to you - anger, confusion, hurt, passion and love. He really didn't want to lose you, he would do anything to keep you, no matter how selfish that sounded, he loved you too much to let you go. Despite the start being slow, the kiss escalated and soon he was placing sweet kisses on your neck and pulling you onto him so that you were straddling him. He began grinding against you and you felt yourself getting turned on by his actions. Your lips were connected again, in a fiery and passionate kiss. He reached down to tug at your shorts and panties so you could remove them as he unbuttoned his own trousers and pulled them off. The sight of his growing erection through the material of his boxers was not a sight to miss. You wanted to stop with the foreplay and skip the the best part, but Taehyung clearly was going to take his damn time.
He lied down on his back and pulled you onto his face, unprepared for this you let out a small squeal, causing to Taehyung to chuckle lowly as he placed his face below your heat. Starting slowly, he rubbed your sensitive bud, making sure to take his sweet time. “Taehyung…” you whined numerous times but he paid no attention to your words. “Please, do something!” you almost screamed out of frustration. “What do you want me to do, baby?” he asked you as if he had no idea what he was doing. “Just fucking eat me out!” “Your wish is my command.” he replied and soon enough his tongue was playing with your clit and juices. Your hands were placed above his head in order for you to be stable as the situation unfolded. Before you know he had inserted one of his long, slender fingers into you as he continued to use his tongue. “More, I, need, more.” you managed to get out in between much needed breaths. “More? I'll give you more.” Suddenly two extra fingers were added, Taehyung was not playing around tonight and wanted you as ready as possible for him.
He curved his three fingers in the way he knew would get you to scream and as much he was pleasuring you he just, stopped.
“What? Why did you stop?” you asked, feeling betrayed by him. “Did you forget about me?” he chuckled as he reached for his hard-on. “Oh my God, I did. I'm sorry, baby. I'll make it up to you.” you replied as you climbed off him. “Don't worry, I'm gonna make sure you do.” he told you as he removed his boxers that were constricting him and scooted his body so he could lean against the headboard. “Go on, don't just stare, suck it.”
You don't know why but you did as he said, something about commanding you really turned you on, so you complied to his every command. You took his length into your hands and started to pump him, ever so slowly, too slowly. “I said suck it.” he said as he grabbed you hair and forced you onto his cock. “That's more like it.” he moaned as he moved your head up and down on his cock. Soon enough, you were doing it by yourself and he let go off his grip on your hair. Taehyung let out many grounds and growls as you sucked him off, he was experiencing something close to euphoria. However, before he could come he stopped you and you got off his cock. “Now, do as you're told, okay, princess?” he smiled as he stroked your left cheek and left a soft peck there. You nodded frantically, desperate for this touch, desperate for him to be in you.
“Good. On all fours, babygirl.” he commanded and you found yourself exactly where he wanted you. Before his cock came into contact with yours, you felt his hands smack you cheeks, with every spank came a moan from you. “You like that?” he asked you, in which you replied with a moan. “There's my dirty girl.” he chuckled as he grabbed his shaft and teased your entrance with his tip. “Do you want me babygirl?” Once again, you nodded frantically. “Should I let you have me in you?” he teased, “For fuck’s sake, Taehyung! Just fuck me!” “As you wish.” he chuckled from the slight victory of being a painful tease. He rammed his length into you and left you no time to adjust to his massive size.
He started off quickly and was consistent with his pace as he thrusted into you. He grabbed your hair and pulled your head towards him, as you felt your high coming on, he thrust harder into you, due to you clenching around him. “Are you gonna come for me, babygirl? Are you?” you moaned as a reply as he continued to fuck you. “Aren't you gonna answer me?” he asked as he smacked your ass with his spare hand. “Yes!” you screamed as you you felt yourself coming undone. “There's my girl, but you're gonna have to wait a bit longer for me.”, he growled as he thrusted into you, your sensitivity was high enough and the over-stimulation was getting to you, you had no idea how much longer you could go through with his but as soon as he let go of your hair and instead, tightened his grip on your hips, you knew he had come undone inside you. “Fuck.” he groaned as he came into you and thrusted into you to ride out his high.
He pulled out of you and collapsed beside you on the bed. “Fuck, I'm sorry, did I hurt you?” he asked as he pulled the duvet over the two of you. “No, I quite enjoyed it, although I wasn't expecting this tonight.” you confessed. “I'm sorry, it's just I had so many emotions and thoughts that I didn't know how to deal with so I kinda just, you know.” he said, clearly turning red at his actions. “So you can fuck me like a madman but can't talk about how you feel? Nice one, Kim Taehyung.” you joked as you shuffled closer to your lover. “I'm sorry, there was nothing to get jealous over, my mind just went crazy at the thought of you with someone else.” he told you as he pulled you even closer to him. “Don't you worry, I'm here to stay.”
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