#idk man I struggle with middles and endings of stories as much as the next man but I feel that I'm learning a lot from BAD middles and endi
brown-little-robin · 7 months
one key to my writing is getting into stuff that compels me but is also so, so bad, and thinking okay I can pull off A Concept in a way that is at least better than that. It's about confidence.
Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Pratchett and Suzanne Collins and Megan Whalen Turner and similar write amazing stories that are works of masters and fun to read, but they don't give me confidence, they give me something to look up to as "things hypothetically achievable by humans". Naruto on the other hand? Naruto gives me hubris <3
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teecupangel · 9 months
Hi Teecup, hope everything's going good! Here's yet another Desmond becomes an animal AU, but with a twist! :D
So Desmond gets reborn as a horse. I also imagine it somewhat modern setting, with Ezio being 17 and Altaïr being 16.
Desmond feels the unmistakable sensation at being born and to his suprise he is not a human, but a foal. Born at Auditore Farm. Where Ezio is the new manager after his father retired and Federico was in a bad accident that leaves him unable to ride the horses anymore. And first thing that happens after he takes the position is that the prized mare of Masyaf Ranch breaks into a stallions pen and gets pregnant. After the two ranches struck a deal about the mare that might finally save the struggling Auditore farm from being sold. The mare that was Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad personal, very dear, horse. So, Ezio is not having a good time and Desmond feels bad and blames himself for it. Because he couldn't even die properly, so why should his re-birth be anything other than a huge fiasco and mistake.
Until Ezio takes a look at the foal the next morning and sees the newborn foal just sitting in the corner, not caring about his mothers attempts to get him stand up. It wasn't the foals fault it was born and their farm had always prided themselves in the care and love their horses recieved. So when the foal refuses to nurse, Ezio takes it upon himself to hand raise it.
When Rashid and Altaïr comes for the mare, Rashid looks in disgust at Desmond, but Altaïr looks.... sad. While everyone moves the mare over to the transport, Ezio goes to feed Desmond and finds Altaïr in the stall. Desmond is playing with Altaïr and the teen is smiling, which Ezio thought him incapable off. When Altaïr realises he's been caught he tries to play it off as curiousity at his prized mares offspring, but Ezio of course doesn't buy it. Especially when the offer to try to bottle feed Desmond is recieved with a very enthuastic nod. Sadly Altaïr has to leave and Ezio is left with having to juggle the responsibility of the stable, of raising Desmond who refuses a foster mother and his duty as the middle brother. Life is stressfull, but Desmond certainly brightens any day.
Just a very self indulgent AU with the excuse of having Ezio and Federico in tight jeans and cowboy hats. XD And ofc Desmond causing chaos everywhere he goes, though rarely causing harm. Maybe Leonardo could be a vet that works at both stables for EziLeo or you could even do a rare pair of EziAlt(idk what the ship name is XD) once Altaïr realises that Al Mualim never had the horses in mind, only profit.
Ratonhnhaké:ton can remain largely unchanged if you want him included. Haytham works at Masyaf Ranch and both Auditore and Masyaf border a native american reserve where he met Ziio. Ratonhnhaké:ton prefers to play and eventually help out on Auditore Farm, much to his fathers chagrin. But Haytham does try to be there for him, despite their differences(i've recently gone into a fix it Father-Son fic dive, so i want a Haytham that will at least try for his son).
Full disclmainer: i have only watched/read a few movies and books about ranches and stables, not to mention having no idea how native americans do things, so i apologize if anything is grossly wrong. I don't mean it, i just want a feel good story about a man and his horse overcoming odds and everythin ends well at the end. ^^
Full disclaimer: The only thing I know about ranches and stables are from … well, majority from fanfics where one dude goes to a ranch to work and falls in love with the ranch owner and… the movie Nope and that horse-heavy episode of Leverage. XD
So my immediate idea is that Altaïr ran away from Masyaf Ranch and asks Ezio to employ him for board and food. That’s our setup for AltEzi if you want XD
Or it can turn into Ezio being the older brother and caring parental figure that Altaïr desperately needed.
I don’t know why but I kinda imagine Federico having to use a cane in this one as part of his accident. He still helps out in the ranch but he’s relegated to light work and mostly budgeting and stuff. Altaïr’s employment is a definite godsend.
Federico is also the one who cooks and he cooks a lot when he’s stressed. Even makes his own jam from the garden they have (which Ezio tends to most of the time).
It would be funny if this was set in Desmond’s POV the entire time so the whole EziAlt part is right there but Desmond just assumes they’re becoming such close ‘friends’.
Ratonhnhaké:ton and Haytham works as stable hands and Ratonhnhaké:ton is around Altaïr’s age so they become close.
If you still want this to be EziLeo then the beta couple could be AltCon instead? That’s an even rarer pairing hahahaha
Leonardo is a family friend and the vet to their town (which has a lot of ranches) and he’s close to the family that he sometimes joins meal time whenever he’s there on a job and he has the time. If this was EziLeo, this would be a slowburn friends-to-lovers kind of deal with Federico working overtime to get Ezio to realize that Leonardo has a crush on him. Altaïr gets roped in later on much to his dissatisfaction.
Claudia and Petruccio are both living their own lives with Petruccio away for college. If this was summer time, he comes home to help out and he can be Altaïr’s friend.
Throughout this entire thing, Desmond is just trying to live his horse life while trying to get use to his horse body with his greatest problem being his instincts to move like a human.
He finds love in eating the strawberry field Haytham is in charge of.
His archnemesis is a bird that always tweet so loudly in the morning, waking him up and having the galls to land on his back because it knows Desmond sees him as the bane of his horse existence.
In other words, this is a feel good story about two men finding their own happiness while taking care of the strangest horse… while overcoming odds and everything ends well in the end.
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lewmagoo · 2 years
dona nobis pacem | rhett abbott
latin: [ˈdona ˈnobis ˈpatʃem], "grant us peace."
description: in which one man's determination to protect his family nearly costs him everything
warnings: 18+ only, angst with a happy ending, whump, plot divergence (i mean, OR has no cohesive plot so does it matter?) mentions of death and murder, violence, blood, brief and nondescript mention of childbirth/fertility issues, physical altercations, stab wound, mentions of hospitals/surgery, rhett's daughter witnesses him getting hurt (necessary warning), talk of trauma, please let me know if i missed anything
characters: rhett abbott x wife reader, together you have a daughter named belle
notes: this story is quite long, and pretty intense, so read at your own discretion. if you are unfamiliar with the storyline of outer range, this might be a little confusing to you, idk. also, i encourage you to listen to dona nobis pacem 1 by max richter while reading this.
Rhett Abbott was a fool to think he could keep his family safe. 
He never wanted any of it to touch you. The mess his brother had caused was not meant to sully you. It was all he was certain of, in a moment otherwise full of fear and uncertainty. Whatever happened, this couldn’t touch you. You couldn’t know. 
But how could he ever think he was capable of protecting you? How could he ever think his wife, and his precious baby girl, would not be dragged into this turmoil?
Those were his thoughts, grim as they were, as he lay bleeding out against the front seat of his truck as you begged him not to leave you, pleading with him to hold on just a little longer. 
But as his consciousness faded, much like the quickly setting sun, he knew this was it. Nothing would be the same ever again. Life as you knew it was seconds from spiraling out of control, torn asunder all because of the foolish actions of one man. 
It was never supposed to end like this. But as his eyes drifted shut of their own accord, he was powerless to stop it. Rhett had fought so hard not to lose his family, but he’d neglected to take into account that his family was going to lose him. 
He should’ve known it was all going to fall apart the night he came home, Perry in tow, clothing stained with another man’s blood. They were quiet as they crept into the house, but not quiet enough, because you were pulled out of your fitful slumber by the headlights of a truck shining through the window, and the whir of an engine. 
You knew it was your husband. Rhett had gone out that night with Perry. He usually didn’t, preferring to spend the evening with you and your five-year-old daughter, Belle. But he’d been struggling as of late. His bad shoulder was bothering him. The one he’d injured countless times throughout the course of his rodeo career. And though he didn’t verbally express it, you knew the pain was nearly unbearable for him. He favored the shoulder often, and sometimes struggled to lift things. But he was too stubborn to ask for help, so he suffered in silence. 
When his pain grew to overwhelming magnitudes, he would pop some painkillers and nurse a beer or two, just to take the edge off. That was why you weren’t surprised that he’d gone out with Perry to their favorite bar.
He had slipped into your bedroom just as you were putting Belle to bed, kissing you both on the head and informing you that he’d be home later. 
“Be careful,” you told him. 
“I will. Luh’ you.”
Now he was standing in the middle of the kitchen, hands trembling with an anxiety he’d never known. He should have heeded your warning. Be careful. But it had all happened so fast. One moment he’d gone to bring the truck around, and the next, he was watching his brother standing over the lifeless body of Trevor Tillerson. 
Panic had seized him. What were they going to do? This was murder they were dealing with. Not some petty crime. Perry had finally let that blinding, unhinged temper possess him like a horrifying demon, and he’d killed someone. Snuffed out a life just like that. 
Rhett’s first reaction was to help his brother, as he always did. He couldn’t just leave him to deal with it by himself. But the moment he asked, “what do you want to do?” He should have known that it was going to change everything. There was no coming back from this. 
Foolishly, he thought it noble to protect his brother. But why on earth should he expect that same protection in return? Perry was so muddled in his own mind that he was going to drag everyone down with him. Even if it resulted in a young father being taken away from his family. 
Rhett considered this as he drove home with a body in the back of his truck, blood soaking the bed. His chest was tight, and his mind was spiraling. He had a wife and a child at home, for God’s sake. How could he be so foolish as to aid and abet his brother? 
And more importantly, how could he protect you from all of it? 
But he knew it was futile when saw you as he pulled the truck onto the Abbott property. You were at your bedroom window, peering out because the truck pulling in had awakened you. 
His stomach sank with dread as he pulled the Sierra into the barn. He knew it was only a matter of minutes before you came down to see what was going on. And how could he keep this a secret? You would find out, because he could never keep things from you. He told you everything, and couldn’t even attempt to lie to you, because you always knew when he was. And he had pledged to you on your wedding day that he would always be truthful to you. 
Even if that honesty threatened the very foundation of your lives. 
It took everything in him not to double over and retch once he jumped out of the truck. He focused on taking deep breaths as he walked around to the truck bed, terrified to look at the body of Trevor Tillerson, because that would make it all too real. 
“What are we gon’ do, man?” He asked his brother. “You got us into this mess. What the fuck are we supposed to do now?”
Perry’s eyes, soft and dark like a goddamned calf’s, blinked slowly at Rhett. The younger Abbott grunted in frustration and stepped forward to say something else to get a response out of Perry, but he stopped. 
The sound of footsteps made them both freeze. They shared a look of pure terror. Moments later, their father appeared in the doorway, idling there for a moment as he eyed his sons. Both boys held their breath as he approached, wondering what he’d say, what he’d do. 
His boots crunched against hay and rubble. One step. Two step. Three step. Then he reached the truck, and his face remained stoic as he took in the sight before him. 
Royal looked at the body, and then back up at his boys. His jaw tightened. His eyes were bleak. Then he took a deep breath, seemingly about to speak, when suddenly, a voice Rhett knew all too well called out into the cool night air. 
“What’s going on?”
Your husband’s eyes darted to you, standing in the doorway of the barn, and he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. But it was the raw terror in those sky blues of his that made your heart drop to your stomach. 
He stepped toward you, holding out his arm. “Baby, don’t—” 
But you were already rushing forward, wanting an answer to your question. Rhett caught you before you could look into the truck, his hands firmly holding your shoulders. “Stop,” he said, voice low, desperate. 
“Rhett, what—”
“Don’t want you seein’ it. It’s not for your eyes.” He was adamant. He didn’t want you to have to live with the sight of death. 
You grabbed his forearms, holding on tight. “Tell me what happened.” 
His chest heaved. He opened his mouth to speak, but Royal placed a hand on his shoulder. “In the house.”
Rhett simply clamped his mouth shut and nodded. His hand found your own, and he squeezed tight, though there was a tremor in his grip. The sickening buzz of anxiety hummed in your chest as you followed Royal back to the house, your hand still clasped in your husband’s. 
Someone was dead. You just knew it, that was the only thing you could think of that would result in this much upheaval. And the more you considered it, the more dread welled up within you. 
You had so many questions. Your mind was reeling. What did this mean for your family? Whatever was about to happen would change the trajectory of life as you knew it. And the entire walk to the house, all you could think of was your daughter, and how this would affect her. 
When you all made it to the house, you ended up in the kitchen. Rhett leaned back against the counter, eyes ahead, darkened with fear and anxiety. You stood beside him, body leaning into his. His breathing was rushed. In all the time you’d known him, you’d never seen him like this. He was always so steady, your anchor in a time of storm. 
Now he was the one in the midst of a storm. 
“Trevor Tillerson’s dead.” It was Perry who revealed the truth. “He…he made a comment about Rebecca, and I-I-I lost control. Next thing I knew he was on the ground, not breathin’.” 
You stared at him. Long and hard. Royal said something, but you couldn’t hear it over the rush of blood in your ears. This was all Perry’s fault? And he’d pulled your husband down into the miry clay alongside him? 
“Do you just have no thought for how your actions affect others?” You spoke up, tone dripping with venom. Heat was blossoming in your chest. The early signs of a rage that would not easily be contained. 
“It happened so fast,” he weakly defended. 
“I don’t care! You didn’t once stop to consider your daughter?! Or your brother? Or his child?!” Your voice was growing louder. 
“Alright, enough,” Royal interjected, holding a hand out toward you. “We’re not wakin’ the whole house over this.” He snatched the phone off the wall, seemingly ready to call the sheriff. 
Rhett sucked in a sharp breath as he watched his father pace. He was waiting for his signal, waiting to follow his lead. He had to know what to do. Right? 
“His brothers know?” Royal asked, voice tight. 
“No. They were trashed,” Rhett answered. “W-we thought, if we brought him back to his place, he’d have a better chance of—”
“Then why is he here, goddammit?!” His father hissed, jaw clenching. 
You waited with bated breath. There was no quick and easy way out of this situation. Your husband was likely going to jail, unless Royal pulled a magic solution out of his ass in the next few minutes. 
Then, suddenly, “alright, let’s fix this.” He slammed the phone back down onto the cradle, stepping over to Perry and tugging him out of his seat. 
Beside you, Rhett tensed.
“You’re not calling the sheriff?” Perry asked in disbelief. “Look, I fucked up, okay? Don’t make this your problem.”
“We dial that phone, both of you go to jail. Not just you! You get that, right?”
Your stomach turned at your father-in-law's words. He was right. Perry was going to drag himself and his brother down into a pit in which they would never be able to claw their way back up from. The thought filled you with a rage you couldn’t begin to describe. How could he have been so foolish? 
You didn’t even realize you were stepping toward him until Rhett gently caught your arm. He knew what you were about to do before you did. “Don’t.” Pleading. Serious. Your eyes locked with his, and you nodded, reeling yourself back in. 
Deep breaths. In and out. 
Your vision cleared as Royal moved on, instructing both boys to remove their bloodied shirts. “Me and your brother are gonna figure this out,” he said. “Go upstairs and to Amy.” Then he pointed at you. “You go back up to Belle.”
And then he was pulling Rhett after him, and you were stricken with an ice cold shock of fear, instinctually reaching out to grab your husband’s arm. 
He stopped, glancing back at you with an anguish you could not bear to look at. “We’ll figure it out. Go be with Belle.” He pressed his forehead to yours, only to pull away seconds later when Royal sharply whispered his name. 
You watched him grab a hoodie off the peg by the door, and then he stumbled out into the night, and your chest ached with an agony you had never felt before.
What did this mean for your family? Rhett was an accessory to murder. There was no way he would get off scot-free from this. This was going to turn your lives upside down. But above all, it was going to turn your young daughter’s life upside down. 
Perry’s footsteps were what tore your gaze away from Rhett’s retreating form. Your brother-in-law made his way toward the steps, but you caught his arm as he passed you. 
He wouldn’t make eye contact with you, and it sent scorching fire through you. “Look at me,” you hissed through gritted teeth. Your grip tightened on his bicep as his guilt-ridden eyes met yours. “Don’t you dare let my husband take the fall for this, Perry.”
“I-I won’t,” he responded. 
“Swear to me.”
“I swear.”
But whether or not he would make good on that promise remained to be seen. Letting out a breath, you released his arm, and let him ascend the creaky steps to the second floor. 
You closed your eyes, still reeling from what had taken place. How were you just expected to go back upstairs to your daughter when her father was in the process of disposing of a body? 
The thought sent a wave of nausea through you, and you shuddered, pushing the feeling aside. It was best that you went back upstairs before Belle woke up and realized you were gone. So up you went, slipping back into your bedroom, where your daughter still slept soundly. If only you could remain as undisturbed and peaceful as her. Something told you that there would be many sleepless nights ahead for you now. 
Out in the dark of the Wyoming night, Rhett dutifully followed his father, his mind racing as he pulled his hoodie over his naked torso. He had no idea what Royal had planned. He wasn’t even sure if it was a good idea to follow that plan.
“Look, there ain’t a clean way around this,” the Abbott patriarch explained, his walk determined. “Your brother’s been through enough. There’s not a chance in hell I’m lettin’ Amy lose her dad, too. You agree?”
But Rhett recoiled like he’d been slapped. “But what’s that mean for me? For my family? I’m just supposed to take the fall for his fuck-up, and my wife and daughter lose me?”
Royal stopped abruptly, gaze hard as he stepped into his son’s space. “Nobody’s losing anybody, alright?” He gritted, chest heaving. 
“So what are we gon’ do?” Rhett asked, voice wavering. His limbs burned from the anxiety coursing through him. Was he going to lose everything, because of one foolish decision? 
“C’mon,” Royal simply said. 
Inside the house, you’d just slipped into bed, when you saw another set of headlights shine through your window for a second time that night. 
Panic seized you, and you sat up, swinging your legs over the bed and padding over to the window. Your heart sank like a stone in your chest, the weight of dread pulling it down. 
It was the Tillersons. Luke and Billy jumped out of the truck, and you stumbled back from the window so they wouldn’t see you. Wordlessly, you hurried across the bedroom, but you didn’t even make it into the hall before the loud, incessant pounding of a fist on the front door made you freeze in your tracks. 
The pounding grew louder, and behind you, you heard a soft whimper come from your daughter, who’d been asleep in her bed, but was now awakened by the noise. 
“Mama?” She called out. 
Cursing under your breath, you turned on your heel, creeping back into the room. “It’s okay. Try to go back to sleep, okay? It’s just someone here to talk to Uncle Perry.” You soothed her by running your hand over the top of her head. The pounding made you both jump again. Her fearful eyes met yours in the dark. “I want you to stay here. Don’t come out of this bedroom until either me or Daddy comes in. Understand?”
“Okay,” she whispered. 
You kissed her forehead and then you slipped away, closing the door behind you. When you made it to the steps, you caught sight of Perry creeping toward the door. 
His hesitation filled you with an anger you could barely contain. You were quick to scramble down the steps, light on your feet. “Answer it, or I will,” you spoke out. 
“What the hell do I say to ‘em?” He hissed, eyes slightly wild. 
You threw your hands up. “I don’t know! This is your mess! Get yourself out of it!”
As he moved to answer the door, you slipped into the kitchen, gazing out into the night, your heart thudding erratically against your chest. You searched for any sign of Rhett, hoping he was out of sight. There was no telling what would happen if the Tillersons got ahold of him. 
But then your ears tuned into what Perry was saying to Luke and Billy, and your eyes moved from the window to the door. You couldn’t see the boys, but you could see your brother-in-law, leaning against the door. His hand was against the opposite wall, fingers flipping the light switch that controlled the barn lights. S.O.S. 
“Where’s Rhett?” 
Your chest tightened at the mention of your husband’s name. You waited for Perry’s reply, and for a terrifying second, you were certain he was going to throw his brother to the wolves. And essentially, he did. 
“I don’t know.”
Your eyes went wide, and you almost lurched forward to intervene, but you thought better of it. It might cause the situation to escalate. But if Perry didn’t protect his brother like he was supposed to, you were going to have no choice but to step in. 
But then you saw a shadow out of the corner of your eye. And when you looked back out the window, you spotted Rhett, creeping low in the darkness, quick on his feet as he made a beeline for the back door, out of sight of the Tillerson boys. 
Acting instantaneously, you quietly rushed to the door, reaching it just as Rhett crept onto the porch. He caught your eye through the screen, and you held your hand up, signaling him to wait. The door had loud, squeaky hinges that would surely alert the men that someone was coming into the house. 
So Rhett waited. Both of you did, unmoving, as you listened to the exchange. Then, suddenly, they were storming off the porch, and Perry was running after them, lying right through his teeth as he tried desperately to keep them away from the barn. 
You took that as the opportunity to pull Rhett into the house, right into the shadows. His breathing was rushed, his chest heaving. When you took his hands in your own, they were trembling. 
“Shh,” you soothed, leaning into him, crowding his space. He needed to calm down before you even attempted to ask him any questions. 
His eyes drifted shut, and he focused on the feeling of your body pressed into his, grounding him. When he opened his eyes again, he found you still looking at him. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, voice hoarse. “We shouldn’t have brought this mess home. I…I didn’t know what else to do. Perry wouldn’t fuckin’ tell me anything. Just sat there staring straight ahead. So I panicked.”
“No, you shouldn’t have been in this situation in the first place. But what’s done is done. What is your dad going to do?”
“He said he’d take care of the body. I don’t know what he meant by it. He took off with his horse toward the west pasture. Told me to go back inside.”
“So Luke and Billy won’t find anything?”
“I don’t think so, no.”
“Not unless your brother fucks up and opens his mouth when he shouldn’t,” you hissed through your teeth, shaking your head. “How could he do this to us? To you? Doesn’t he realize what’s at stake?” 
“He wasn’t thinking,” Rhett tried to reason. But even he knew it was futile. 
“He’s never thinking!” Came your bitter, whispered exclamation. “He’s out of control. And I’m not going to let his stupidity tear my family apart.”
Your husband locked eyes with you, and even in the darkness, you could see how deeply this had shaken him. But there was also a burning determination in that cool blue. “I’m not going to let anythin’ happen to us, you hear me? No matter how bad this gets, none of it will touch Belle. I’ll protect that baby with everything in me.”
You knew he would. He was fiercely protective of his child. Not only for the fact that she was his flesh and blood, but also for all you’d gone through to have her in your lives. Her birth had not been an easy one, and you’d nearly lost her as a newborn. Five years later, she was healthy and happy as could be. But she was also your only child, because that was all your body could take. And you’d be damned if you let her be sullied by the mess her uncle had just plunged all of you into. 
If Rhett swore to keep that child safe, he would make good on that oath. Even if it cost him his life in the process. 
“I know you will, Rhett. I know,” you assured him. 
He sighed, pulling you close, his large hands cupping your face. “I’m so fuckin’ terrified, baby.”
“Me too,” came your trembling reply. It felt as if you’d just been thrust into the frontlines of battle, completely exposed with no weapon or armor to protect yourself. 
“I’m gon’ follow my dad’s lead on this,” he informed you, “if we do what he says then maybe we’ll be okay.”
You lifted your hands, placing them against his chest, above his racing heart. “If that’s what you think is best, then I’ll stand by you. But I’m telling you right now, if your brother so much as thinks about letting you take the fall for this, so help me God I will fight tooth and nail to take him down.” 
Rhett simply nodded, because he knew you meant what you said. He knew that you only remained civil with his brother so as not to cause a rift in his family. Sometimes it was better to remain silent, even if it pained you to do so. You had no desire to cause strife, because you knew it would negatively affect your daughter. And part of you feared that if you pushed Perry enough, he might snap altogether and forbid Amy from playing with her cousin. You couldn’t do that to your precious girls. They were inseparable, and forcing them apart because you couldn’t remain civil with your brother-in-law was the last thing you wanted to do. 
So you held your tongue. But over the last six years of your marriage, you had watched this family wear your husband down. You knew that it was only a matter of time before you decided that enough was enough. In fact, you already would’ve uprooted your family and moved elsewhere, had it not been for your financial situation. 
You were doing what you could to put money into savings, but it had not been easy. You’d had your eye on a quaint little house not far from the Abbott property, but someone had outbid you, and ever since then, you had been unsuccessful in finding another place you could afford. So, in your in-law’s house, you lived, in Rhett’s old bedroom. 
Your daughter slept in a little bed in the corner of your room. The situation was less than ideal, but it was all you had. Now, however, you thought living in a cardboard box might have been a better option than staying under this roof, where your entire family had just been put in danger. 
Now here you were, shaking with fear and rage in your husband’s arms, wondering how you were going to get through this. Nothing would ever be okay again, you sensed. 
Your private moment in the darkness of the kitchen was interrupted when Perry came back inside. Rhett kept you from blowing up at him with a gentle hand pressed against the back of your neck. A wordless plea to wait. 
But it was only a matter of time before you let that rage bubble to the surface. 
Until then, there were bigger fish to fry. Like the fact that Cecelia had just come downstairs to see what the commotion was. Her boys shared a look, and she let out a huff when they didn’t immediately respond, a hand on her hip. 
“Well? Out with it! What kinda trouble did’ya get yourselves into?”
And that’s how you all found yourselves seated around the kitchen table as rain poured from the sky in buckets outside. Royal had not yet returned from his supposed disposal of Trevor’s body. The wee morning hours had given in to a gray dawn, one that appeared as bleak as the situation you were currently in. 
Cecelia had put a pot of coffee on to brew. Rhett had poured you a cup, made just the way you liked it. You couldn’t stomach a single drink of it, however. You were too anxious to do much of anything. 
The minutes ticked by. You looked at the clock on the wall and you finally decided that if your father-in-law didn’t return within the next ten minutes, you were excusing yourself from the table and going upstairs to get your daughter ready for school, because someone at least had to keep a sense of normalcy in the household. 
But suddenly, the back door flew open, and in walked Royal. Disheveled. Bloody. His shirt mysteriously missing. All four of you stared at him as he stood there in the middle of the entryway. Just when you thought he wasn’t going to say anything, he finally moved forward. 
“Gonna put on a shirt.” And then he was gone. 
You glanced at Rhett. He truly thought it was a good idea to trust his father? You weren’t sure if it was a good idea, only because Royal had been a little…disheveled, as of late. Would he be able to hold it together long enough to see his sons safely through this?
When he returned to the table, wearing clean, dry clothes, you all looked to him in silence, desperate for guidance. Rhett grabbed your hand under the table and squeezed. You squeezed right back. 
The silence drew out for a long time. Too long. Then, Cecelia spoke. 
“What happened to your leg?” She asked, acknowledging the blood, and the limp Royal had sported when walking into the house. 
“Don’t worry about that,” he answered. 
“You’re bleeding,” Rhett added, leaning forward in his seat. 
“I’m fine,” his father insisted. 
“Alright then. Where’s the body?” Perry asked. 
Your gaze snapped to him. Before you could even say a word, Rhett was speaking. “Don’t tell me that. I don’t wanna know that. If this all goes to shit, it’s on me too, pal,” he muttered. 
You tensed beside him. 
“If it does come to that, I’m taking all the blame,” Perry responded. How noble of him. 
“Perry, stop,” Cece firmly interjected, her gaze hard. “We’re all in this.”
“We wouldn’t be if it weren’t for him,” you snapped, tired of remaining silent beside your husband. 
“Can’t change what’s already been done,” your mother-in-law said. “You and I both know that.” Then she looked at her husband. “Royal, look. You tell us everything you think we need to know.”
That prompted a heated discussion in which everyone tried to speak over one another. Demanding answers. Trying to get something out of Royal, who refused to share any more details than necessary. 
It was Rhett who was finally the voice of reason. “If you’re askin’ us to go all in on this, then we gotta be on the same page. I have a family to think about, Dad. I need to know I can keep them safe from all this.”
Royal opened his mouth to reply, but all of the sudden, Amy’s voice startled all of you as she strolled into the kitchen in search of breakfast. “What are you guys talking about?”
You looked at Rhett, and he at you. 
“Amy, can you give us a minute?” Perry asked, voice wavering. 
“I have to eat breakfast before I go to school,” she answered matter-of-factly. 
Her statement prompted you to glance at the clock again, and you abruptly stood from your chair. Your brother-in-law looked at you, brow furrowed. 
“Where are you goin’?” Came his demand.
“To get my child ready for school,” you simply replied, tone sharp as you rose to your feet. 
And just like that, the tense family meeting was adjourned. You walked out of that kitchen, and as the silence met your ears, you found yourself stopping in your tracks at the foot of the steps, anxiety tightening in your chest like a boa constrictor. 
You clamped your hand over your mouth and squeezed your eyes shut, suddenly so overwhelmed you couldn’t take another step. 
How on earth were you going to get through this? You didn’t see how there could possibly be any light at the end of the tunnel. 
But life had to go on. You had a child to care for. So you threw yourself into being her mother, because it was the only thing that kept you from falling apart completely. 
You forced yourself to trudge up the stairs and to your bedroom, where you found Belle already awake, getting into her school clothes. 
“G’morning, baby girl,” you greeted her. “Sorry I wasn’t in here to wake you up.”
She beamed sleepily at you. “It’s okay, Mama. I got up all by myself without you waking me up!” She was very proud of her accomplishment. 
You stepped forward and reached out to cup her little cheek before you leaned down to kiss her head. “Getting to be such a big girl. You finish getting ready. I’ll get your breakfast. Would you like Cheerios?”
She nodded vigorously. “With bananas?” Came her hopeful question.
“Of course. I’ll go get it ready.” As you turned to leave, you took pause to offer her one more instruction. “Don’t forget to brush your teeth. I’ll fix your hair when you come downstairs.”
“Okay Mama,” she happily replied. 
Your heart warmed at her sweetness. That was your girl. She was as easygoing as the day was long. After your initial scare of almost losing her when she was born, you found that she was an incredibly easy baby. She didn’t cry very often. She was always happy. She usually slept through the night. You remembered thinking something had to give. That there was no way a baby could be this low maintenance. 
But she was. And as she grew, her pleasant disposition grew with her. She was so eager to please, and her joy was contagious. That wasn’t to say she was perfect, because she wasn’t, but it was to say that you or your husband couldn’t quite take credit for how good she was. It was simply how she was born. 
She was your pride and joy. And as you walked away from the bedroom, leaving her to get dressed, an intense ache blossomed in your chest. Would the peaceful childhood she’d always known be ripped away from her? 
The thought weighed heavily on your mind as you descended the squeaky old steps, your body on autopilot as you headed back to the kitchen. 
You looked up to find your husband leaning against the counter, his back toward you as he gazed out into the stormy morning. The kitchen was quiet now. Everyone had gone their separate ways, leaving you and Rhett the only souls in the room. 
“Belle awake?” He asked, having heard your footfalls. 
“Yeah,” you replied, already moving to grab the box of generic oat cereal from the cabinet. 
“She know anything about last night?” 
“She woke up when the Tillersons tried to bust the damn door down. But I think she went right back to sleep after that.”
“Good,” he mused with a nod. He turned to watch as you prepared your daughter’s breakfast. A sad, wistful look clouded his eyes. The bitter taste of regret filled his mouth. If only he hadn’t decided to go out with his brother. If only he wasn’t such a coward, turning to alcohol to numb the physical pain he was in. If only he’d decided to just grit his teeth and bear it, and slip into bed beside you the night before, where he belonged. 
But it was too late to go back now. His bed had been made, but not of his own design. Perry had turned down the covers and dragged him under. Now Rhett had no choice but to reap the consequences of another man’s foolish decision. 
His reverie was interrupted by the sound of little feet running down the stairs. He lifted his head just in time to see Belle scurrying into the kitchen, smiling widely up at her father.
“Morning, Daddy!” She exclaimed, rushing toward him. 
Rhett knelt low, opening his arms and allowing her to throw herself into them. “Mornin’, little chick.” He held her tightly to his chest, squeezing his eyes shut and relishing in the precious moment. 
“You’re gonna squish me!” She squealed, giggling wildly. 
He hummed, releasing her from his hold. “Sorry, I just missed ya after you were asleep all night.”
She smiled, lifting her little hands to hold his scruffy cheeks. “I miss you too when I go to sleep.” 
“Alright, c’mon, baby girl. Let’s get some breakfast in you before we end up being late to school.” You got her settled with her bowl of cereal and banana, and as she ate, Rhett sat at the table with her to keep her company. 
You could see the pain in his eyes. He was cherishing every last normal moment he could with her, should everything come crashing down. 
But all too soon, the quiet morning had to come to an end. Rhett glanced at the clock and sighed lowly. “Alright, little chick. It's time we mosey on outta here and get you to school.”
While Belle ran to grab her backpack and coat, Rhett was quick to retrieve his hat off the peg on the wall. He caught you watching him, and he stepped toward you, leaning down to kiss you deeply. 
When you parted, he spoke. “Anyone knocks on the door while I’m gone, don’t answer it.” He kept his voice low so only you could hear. 
“Okay,” you replied, intending to follow his instructions. You were going to be alone in the house for a little while that morning. The thought of having to deal with the Tillersons all by yourself, or worse, the sheriff, was enough to have you wishing you could burrow under your covers and hide forever. 
But that seemed to be what Rhett had in mind. “I know you probably won’t be able to sleep, but try to get some rest. I know ya need it after being kept up all night.” 
You tried. You really did. After Rhett left to take Belle to school, you climbed back into bed and hid yourself from the harsh world outside of the four walls that surrounded you. 
But sleep would not come. Anxiety crept in, and you felt like you were suspended in a pit, invisible fingers clawing at you, ripping your clothing to shreds, pulling at your hair, slicing into your flesh. It was overwhelming, all-consuming, paralyzing. 
It forced you to jump out of bed and busy yourself elsewhere. If only you’d been scheduled at work that day. It might’ve proved to be a better distraction than sitting in an empty house, staring at the clock, waiting for the minutes to tick by until your husband returned. 
It was agonizing. And it went on like that for the next few days. But Royal had instructed everyone to continue on like things were business as usual. You tried your best, but it all weighed heavily on you. The only thing keeping you together was that precious little girl of yours. 
You were adamant about keeping up your normal routine for her. Wake up for school. Breakfast. Out the door, seated in the truck, right between her mama and daddy as he drove you to work and her to school. 
But it wasn’t long before the walls started closing in. Everything came to a screeching, grinding halt when Amy was out hiking on the property and proceeded to stumble upon Trevor Tillerson’s body.
You weren’t home when it happened. It was Saturday, which was the day you always went into town with Rhett and Belle to get breakfast at the quaint little Wabang Diner. Neither of you were in the mood to be upbeat and pretend like everything was fine, but you forced a smile onto your faces and treated it like any ther Saturday so Belle wouldn’t suspect anything. 
Halfway through your breakfast, Rhett’s phone began to vibrate in his pocket. He paused, not one to check his phone during a meal, but pulled it out anyway, just to see who it was. His brows pinched together, and he caught your questioning gaze.
“Perry,” was all he said. 
The bell above the diner door jangled. Your attention shifted to the front of the diner, and your blood ran cold. Rhett saw the look that passed over your face, and he discreetly turned, following your line of sight until he, too, saw who you were looking at.
Deputy Matt was making a beeline toward your table. Your heart quickened in your chest, and you fought to keep your expression neutral. Belle had suddenly started patting your arm, trying to get you to look at the picture she’d drawn with crayon on the paper placemat in front of her. You hardly acknowledged her, too fearful of what was about to happen. 
Matt’s shadow darkened the table, and you and Rhett both looked up at him. Rhett immediately stood up, his back turned to you, in an attempt to keep the attention on him and not you or Belle. 
“Mornin’, Rhett,” Matt greeted, then nodded at you and your daughter. “Mrs. Abbott. Belle.”
“What can I do for ya?” Rhett asked. His shoulders had gone tense. 
“I have a few questions regardin’ Trevor Tillerson, if ya don’t mind.”
Rhett nodded once, and attempted to lead Matt further from the table. Beside you, Belle had forgotten all about her picture. “Why is Deputy Matt talking to Daddy, Mama?” She asked.
“I…I don’t know, baby. Stay right here, okay?” You made sure Belle stayed put before you stood, stepping toward your husband. 
“Where did you go after the fight with Trevor?” Matt was in the process of asking.
Your breath caught in your throat. They knew something. New evidence had come into play. That had to be what it was. Rhett’s phone vibrated in his pocket, and he reached for it, realizing what was happening. You were at his side then, eyeing Matt.
“Rhett, don’t answer that phone,” the deputy warned, holding out a hand. 
People around you had started to quiet down, intrigued by the situation, and you felt all eyes on you as you stood in the middle of that diner. Rhett was frozen, opening and closing his mouth, his mind at a loss for an answer. You had to step in, and fast.
“He was with me,” you spoke up.
Matt glanced at you, confusion creasing his brow. “Amy said he wasn’t home that night.”
She had? Fuck. Either way, you stuck to your guns. “That’s because the two of us snuck off.” 
“...to do what?” 
You raised a brow. “Are you sure you want to know the answer to that?”
Matt narrowed his eyes. “Yes, I do, because it’s pertinent to this case.”
“We were fucking in the barn, Matt. That what you wanted to hear?”
Rhett’s eyes went wide, and you saw his head snap toward you out of the corner of your eye. Matt sputtered, looking to your husband. “Okay, um, is that true then, Rhett?”
Rhett ran his tongue over his teeth, nodding his head. “Yeah. It’s true.”
The deputy let out a sigh. “Alright then. That’s all I needed.”
And then he was gone, leaving you to hurriedly pull Rhett back to your table so everyone would stop staring. You’d surely be the gossip of the entire town, but your family was already under scrutiny as it was, so it really didn’t matter.
“You couldn’t have come up with something a little more creative?” Rhett whispered in your ear.
“I panicked,” you hissed back. “Besides, you weren’t doing anything to help yourself.”
To your relief, it seemed that Belle hadn’t heard any of what you had said. But you were still jarred from the encounter. It made you realize just how serious this situation really was. Your husband was now a prime suspect in a murder he didn’t even commit. And in your heart, you knew that if it came down to it, you would reveal your brother-in-law’s guilt to protect Rhett. You weren’t letting him go down for this.
But that encounter in the diner was just the tip of the iceberg. After that, everything began to spiral out of control. The pressure was building, building, and building, like a whistling teakettle that was about to blow its top and send scalding water everywhere.
Everyone began pointing fingers at your family. Namely your husband. As everything came to a head, he was brought in for questioning. So were you. And so was Perry. You remained stoic as you answered Joy’s questions. You refused to give anything away that wasn’t your carefully rehearsed story, an alibi for Rhett.
Maybe it was foolish of you. Maybe it was the most idiotic thing you’d ever done. But the entire time, all that was going through your mind was your daughter. The child you’d carried in your womb for months. The child you had almost lost. And you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you had to protect her. 
They say a mother’s love knows no bounds. But they don’t always tell you the harrowing lengths that love will have you willing to go to. If it came down to it, you would sacrifice yourself just to see to it that she was protected, that she was safe, that this never touched her. You would rip your own heart out of your body for her. You would die for her.
Rhett was just as determined to protect her, to keep his family together. His story matched yours, and he maintained his innocence. But it was Perry who nearly fucked it all up. He couldn’t keep it together when faced with a barrage of questions from the sheriff. 
He cast the blame on Rhett. Said he wasn’t actually with you. That he didn’t know where his brother had gone the night Trevor was killed. He froze up, and in a moment of desperation, tried to make himself look like the innocent party. 
“Perry says Rhett wasn’t actually with you that night,” Joy informed you. “Do you know why he would say that?”
Your eyes snapped to hers. “I have no idea why he would say that. He’s lying.”
“Are you sure about that? There are a lot of things that don’t add up here, Mrs. Abbott.”
You held her gaze, your heart pounding within your chest, rage swelling in you. You couldn’t let this happen. Couldn’t let Rhett go down for his brother’s wrongdoing. It was on the tip of your tongue. The confession that would change everything. Perry did it. Perry killed Trevor and tried to blame Rhett.
But before the words could even leave your mouth, the front door of the station slammed open, and in walked Royal with the family lawyer in tow. And then it was over. You were free to go. 
Your body trembled as you walked out of that room. You refused to look at Perry as you did so, because you knew you would lunge for him. Rhett grabbed for you, his hand closing around your arm. He was shaking, too. 
But you said nothing to each other as you walked out into the night. Your breathing quickened. Your chest went tight. There it was again. That pressure. Building. And building. And building. 
And then, Perry said something. You didn’t hear what it was over the blood rushing in your ears, but it set you off nonetheless. Your head snapped up, and you let out a guttural wail, yanking out of your husband’s grasp. 
“How DARE you?!” You cried, and before anyone even realized what was happening, you’d slapped him right across the face. 
Rhett caught you, pulling you back against his chest. Royal stepped between you and Perry, hissing something about keeping it down, and not drawing attention. 
You didn’t care. You couldn’t do this anymore. You couldn’t lose your husband. You couldn’t let your daughter’s father be taken from her. 
“Stop,” Rhett pleaded as you fought against him. He’d pulled you off to the side. You were sobbing. Clawing at his shirt. Begging him to let you go. “Stop!” Finally, it was his gruff tone that silenced you. 
His hands were clutching your arms. His eyes, blue as the Wyoming sky, were pleading. “Not here! Not in front of the fuckin’ police station!” He hissed at you. 
You looked at him, finally, as your tunnel vision cleared. Then you blinked. Once. Twice. And suddenly, you were crumpling into a fit of sobs. “He can’t do that! He can’t betray you like this!”
Rhett was vibrating. He was as angry and hurt as you. It took everything in him to hold it together. He was reeling, unsure of why Perry would so easily let him take the fall for this. But this wasn’t the time or place to go off the rails. 
“I know, baby. I know. We’ll figure it out, alright? Just not here. Let’s go home. Let’s go home to our baby.”
The mention of your daughter brought you back to yourself. He was right. It was nearly her bedtime. She was with her grandmother, but she would be expecting you to tuck her into bed, not Grandma. 
“Okay,” you whispered, relenting. “Okay.”
You let him guide you toward the truck, and as he did, you didn’t miss the way your father-in-law was berating Perry for shifting the blame onto Rhett. “Don’t you dare let him take the fall for this,” he snapped. 
But he was already letting it happen. 
The next few days were difficult, to say the least. It felt like a spool of thread was being unraveled, faster and faster and faster. And there was nothing you could do to stop it. 
Rhett was a mess. He was trying his best to keep it together for you and Belle, but he was struggling. Cecelia was on the verge of falling apart. Royal seemed to be slipping. And Perry? It appeared that he was succumbing to whatever madness lurked in the corners of his mind. 
Your family was falling apart at the seams. And although you’d fought tooth and nail to keep Belle out of it, you knew she sensed something was terribly wrong. There was no way she couldn’t. 
It had begun to manifest in her as a form of separation anxiety. Now, whenever you or Rhett had to leave her, she would begin to cry, pleading to go with you. You weren’t quite sure exactly what had triggered this anxiety in her, but when you gently asked her why she was so afraid to be apart from her parents, she told you that she didn’t know. That she was just scared. That she felt like something bad was going to happen. 
You realized it was likely because she could sense the distress in all the adults around her. Her grandparents were distant. Her uncle was unstable. Her parents were scared. And to a little five-year-old girl, it all seemed so terrifying. 
She’d started having a difficult time in school. She couldn’t focus. She wouldn’t participate during recess, opting to sit beside her teacher the entire time, too unnerved to play with the other kids. Your usually bubbly child had been reduced to a timid, fearful mess. 
It made you want to kill Perry with your bare hands. It got to the point where you could not stand to be in the same room as him. So you avoided him as best as you could. And the entire time, you were at war with yourself, considering putting an end to all of it. You were so tempted to march into Sheriff Joy’s office and tell her everything. 
But you never got the chance. Because the Abbott family wasn’t the only family coming apart at the seams. Perry wasn’t the only older brother on the verge of insanity. 
Luke Tillerson had begun spiraling out of control the moment his brother died. And he was only getting worse. You hadn’t personally encountered him, but you’d heard that he was coming unglued. He firmly believed that Rhett had killed Trevor. And unbeknownst to you, he was on a mission to prove that. 
His obsession with proving Rhett’s guilt gave way to something much more sinister. Finally, it all came to a head one night when he decided he was going to take justice into his own hands. If the sheriff wasn’t competent enough to take care of things, he’d just have to do it himself. 
So, fueled by alcohol, and unhinged rage, Luke decided to target that which was most precious to Rhett Abbott. 
You’d decided to go into town that evening. You couldn’t bear to be under the same roof as Perry, and it was clear that Belle and Amy both needed a change of scenery. So you and Rhett decided to take the girls into Wabang for dinner. If only for an hour or two, you could pretend that life was as it should be, and not about to shatter into a million pieces. 
At the prospect of going out with her parents and cousin, Belle was overjoyed. It was the first time she seemed like her old self in a while, and you cherished every moment of it. 
You went to the diner in town, like you always did. Belle and Amy sat across from you and Rhett, talking and giggling and coloring pictures on their placemats. 
Surely people were whispering about you, but you didn’t care anymore. Neither did Rhett. With the walls closing in, all you wanted was to enjoy one last night of domesticity with your daughter. 
And enjoy it, you did. In fact, it was the best night you’d had ever since the whole mess started. You held your husband’s hand under the table like you did when you were first dating. You watched your daughter laugh with her cousin and your chest ached with love. For a fleeting moment in time, you felt okay. 
But it all came crashing down when you left the diner that night. 
As you strolled out into the evening air, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. You headed right for Rhett’s truck, Amy and Belle holding your hands as you walked. 
But when you reached the vehicle, Rhett stopped, suddenly patting at his pockets. You gave him a questioning look. “What is it?”
With the roll of his eyes, he shook his head. “Think I left my wallet inside.” Then he tossed you the keys so you could start the truck. “Be right back.”
Thinking nothing of it, you turned to continue leading the girls to the truck. 
“I hope nobody stole Daddy’s wallet,” Belle announced, concern in her voice. 
“I’m sure he just left it on the counter,” you assured her, squeezing her shoulder. 
“Yeah, don’t worry, Belle,” Amy echoed, always happy to comfort her cousin. 
You smiled at her efforts, finding it perfectly sweet of her to look out for your daughter the way she did. But that fond smile soon gave way to a frown when you were alerted to another presence nearby. 
You heard a man’s voice behind you, just as you made it to the truck. 
“Look who it is.”
The voice made you stop dead in your tracks, and a chill of dread began to creep down your spine. Slowly, you turned around, only to find Luke Tillerson approaching you. 
He looked worse for wear. You were used to his clean-cut appearance and neatly styled hair. But now, fair blonde stubble lined his jaw. His normally clear eyes were bloodshot. And he appeared to have been drinking. So this was what everyone meant when they said he was on a downward spiral. 
Immediately, you pushed your daughter and niece behind you. “Can I help you, Luke?” You asked, tone sharp. 
Luke hummed. “Yeah. Where’s that man of yours?” 
“Across the street. Why?” 
“I wanna talk to him.”
“Well you’ll have to wait ‘til he comes outside.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, but soon grew distracted at the sight of the two girls behind you. “Hey you two,” he greeted. 
“Hi, Mr. Luke,” Amy responded. 
“Girls, get in the truck,” you spoke up, voice clear and authoritative. You had a sinking feeling that something was about to happen. And you didn’t want the children to witness it. 
Luke locked eyes with you. “Why? You afraid I’m gonna tell them the truth?”
“Get in the truck. Now,” you desperately repeated when they made no move to do so. 
The girls scrambled for the door, scampering up into the truck at your command. But Luke continued, even as they climbed inside. 
“You afraid I’m going to tell little Belle here all about her father being a goddamn murderer?” 
“That’s enough!” You cried, whirling around to face him. Rhett wasn’t a murderer. You wouldn’t stand for such an accusation. 
But he was already out of control. He surged forward, and you took a fearful step back. “Is it?” Then, he leaned in closer. “Your daughter deserves to know the truth! That her daddy killed a man!” He shouted it right at the truck window, where the girls were huddled. 
“Leave us alone!” Came your plea. You were trembling, vibrating with adrenaline and fear all at once. 
At that very moment, Rhett stepped back out of the diner, having found his wallet and tucked it back into the pocket of his jeans. But the sound of raised voices caught his attention. 
His head snapped up, eyes traveling across the street, where the truck was parked. His breathing quickened, heart thudding against his chest. It was not the sound of raised voices that jarred him. It was the sound of your voice, laced with distress. It made the hair at the back of his neck stand on end.
Without a moment of hesitation, he was walking, boots crunching against gravel as he crossed the street, quick as a flash. He couldn’t see you from this vantage point. You were hidden by the other side of the truck. But he knew someone else was with you. 
His feet broke into a run, driving him to your aid. Whoever was bothering you had picked the wrong fucking time to do so. Rhett was seconds away from knocking their teeth out.
When he rounded the truck, he came face to face with Luke Tillerson. You gasped at your husband’s sudden appearance, feeling relief and fear all at once. You knew he’d take care of the problem, but you were afraid of the outcome. 
“What’s goin’ on?” Rhett asked. There was a barely checked edge to his tone. His chest heaved. His eyes darkened. 
“Just the man I wanted to see!” Luke slurred. 
“You bothering my family, Tillerson? Because that’s what it looks like.” 
Luke shrugged, taking a swaying step toward Rhett and pointing over at you. “I was just telling your wife here that your daughter deserves to know the truth about her daddy.”
Rhett’s hands twitched at his sides. His body had gone stiff as a board. “Leave her out of this. She doesn’t know anything.” Rage bubbled beneath the surface. 
You watched him like a hawk, just waiting for his signal. If Luke pushed him any further, it wasn’t going to be pretty. You didn’t want this to escalate, but it seemed unavoidable. 
Rhett moved to step away from the truck, hoping to lead Luke away from his family should anything happen. 
“Lying to your own kid, huh? Wonder what she’ll think of you when she grows up and learns what you did.” 
Just as Rhett was hoping, Luke followed him. “You’re drunk. Go home.”
Luke scoffed. “‘m not that drunk, Abbott. You’re just trying to get me off your trail.”
“You’re scarin’ my girls. So I’m gonna tell you again, go home.”
“No.” Then, the blonde lurched forward, arms shooting out to shove at Rhett. 
Your husband’s eyes locked with yours for the briefest of moments. “Get in the truck,” he gruffed. 
You didn’t stick around to argue. Quickly, you climbed into the passenger side, slamming the door shut firmly behind you. 
“Mama,” Belle whimpered from the backseat. 
You turned around, meeting her tearful gaze as you reached your hand out to touch her cheek. “It’s okay, honey. I want you and Amy to get down on the floor, alright?” You didn’t want them to witness the fight that was sure to ensue. 
Both girls crouched down against the floorboards of the truck, and you turned back around, your eyes fixed on the altercation taking place. 
Rhett wasn’t usually one to start fights, but he could finish them. He’d calmed down considerably since your daughter had come into the world, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t defend himself, and his family, when it came down to it. 
While the girls hunkered down in the backseat, you watched through the window, anxiety thrumming in your chest. The two men were talking in raised voices, growing more and more agitated with each passing second. 
Luke shoved him again, and that was it for Rhett. “Told you not to put your fuckin’ hands on me,” he hissed. He lunged right for the second eldest Tillerson, landing a solid punch to his jaw. 
But Luke could hold his own. He merely stumbled slightly, and then came right back at Rhett. But the right hook he aimed for him was blocked, avoiding its sure blow to Rhett’s face. 
The scuffle escalated, and you clutched the door handle, prepared to step out there if necessary. To do what, you weren’t quite sure. You knew there was no reasoning with either of them in this moment. If you tried to insert yourself between them, you would get hurt. 
Rhett was sober and could hold his own, while Luke was drunk, leaving him less coordinated than usual. You were pretty certain your husband would be the one to end this fight. 
But then you saw it. A glint of silver in the light of the street lamp, and it was as if your entire world had stopped turning on its axis. 
In what seemed like slow motion, Luke surged forward, a hunting knife clutched in his hand. Driven by your need to protect your husband, you cried out, “no matter what, you stay on this floor, and you do not get up!” to the girls. 
Then, you were jumping out of the truck, dashing around to the back, where you knew Rhett kept a tire iron. Hoisting yourself up, ignoring the pain that flashed through your ribs as you slammed against the edge of the truck bed in your haste, you grabbed the large tool and took off running. 
But you were too late. 
Just as you neared the two men, you watched in horror as Luke found a weakness in Rhett, and took advantage of his moment of vulnerability, plunging that knife right into the front of his body. 
Rhett breathed out a strangled grunt as searing pain flashed through his midsection. His eyes flickered down to the knife embedded in his body, then back up to Luke. He knew this was it. He was going to die, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. 
“Tell my brother I said hi,” Luke rasped, trembling with his rage, fully intending to yank that knife away and sink it into Rhett’s heart. But all of the sudden, a brutal, blood-curdling scream ripped through the night air.
“NO!” And then, a resounding, sickening CRACK! Within seconds, Luke Tillerson was on the ground, out cold. 
His knife clattered to the cement, and along with it, Rhett stumbled back, letting out a pained growl, similar to the wail of a wounded animal. Instinctively, his hand came up, pressing over the wound as crimson soaked through his shirt. Shit. There was a lot of blood. More than there should’ve been. 
He locked eyes with you. Then, he stumbled forward, already woozy on his feet. 
You dropped the tire iron with a loud, metallic clash, scrambling to Rhett’s side as he careened forward. “H-he stabbed me,” he gasped in shock. He pulled his hand back to stare at the blood that had stained his skin. “He fuckin’ stabbed me.”
“Let’s get to the truck,” you said, your voice wavering. It took everything in you to keep your panic at bay. 
It proved to be a difficult task with all his weight leaning on you, but somehow, you managed to get him to the vehicle. He leaned against the side as you opened the door, and when you turned to help him into the truck, you realized how pale he’d gotten in just that short amount of time.
Your heart hammered wildly in your chest, and you began to shake as terror ripped through your body. The hospital was an hour away from where you were. How on earth were you going to get him there in time? The amount of blood he was losing was alarming. Surely he would bleed out before you could get him help.
Inside the truck, you could hear the girls crying. Belle was inconsolable as she watched her father struggle to climb up into the seat. 
“Daddy!” She shrieked, frightened out of her mind. 
If you hadn’t been entirely focused on getting your husband into the truck, you would’ve mourned the fact that your daughter had to witness this. But now was not the time. You had to get help. Had to save him. 
You yanked your jacket off, lifting up his shirt before you pressed the coat to his abdomen. “Hold this tightly in place,” you instructed him, placing his hand over it. Then you slammed the door shut and sprinted around the truck, hopping into the driver’s side and starting the engine.
As you gunned it down the road, all you could hear were your daughter’s terrified wails, and Amy tearfully asking you if her uncle was going to be okay. I don’t know. I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know.
Beside you, Rhett was focused on holding the fabric of your jacket over his wound. He squeezed his eyes shut, tears spilling from the corners at the sound of his baby crying. There was nothing he could do to stop it. He’d fought so hard to protect her, and now here he was, bleeding out in front of her, effectively traumatizing her. 
“I’m sorry,” he whimpered, “I’m sorry!” 
You could hardly hear yourself think over the chaos taking place within the truck’s cab. You tried your best to comfort Belle and Amy, even though you could barely keep it together. “I’m taking Daddy to the hospital, okay? The doctors will be able to help him. I need you to take deep breaths for me, baby. Can you do that? In and out, through your nose.”
Fighting to calm your child down in that moment was one of the hardest things you’d ever had to do. You longed to hold her in your arms. To cradle your little girl to your chest, as you’d done when she was a wee babe, and tell her that it was all going to be okay. But you couldn’t. You could only use your voice to comfort her, and it tore you apart. 
Because how could you be of any comfort when the love of your life was bleeding to death beside you, and your daughter and niece had no choice but to watch it? 
And then, Rhett was trying to speak. “I’m s-sorry,” he repeated, head thrown back against the seat. “Baby, I’m sorry. I tr-tried to keep it from her. Tried to keep her safe. I-I failed her. I failed you both. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t!” You cried. “Please. Just save your strength.” You weren’t sure how much of it he had left.
You sped the entire way to the hospital, racing against the clock. Please don’t take my husband from me. Please. Who were you even asking? God? It seemed that He’d turned His back on you. He wouldn’t help you. You were alone. Forsaken. 
That drive to the hospital was the longest forty-five minutes of your life. By the time you skidded to a halt in front of the emergency entrance, Rhett was barely conscious. As you threw the truck into park, you turned back to look at the two frightened little girls in the backseat, holding one another for dear life.
“Stay here. Do not move until I come back out for you, okay?” You sharply instructed. Then you jumped out of the truck, feet pounding against the ground as you dashed into the hospital, throwing yourself through the doors.
There was no way you’d be able to get Rhett out of the truck on your own. You needed help. So you cried out for it. “Help me! Please, my husband was stabbed! He’s going to bleed to death!”
At your desperate pleas, a few orderlies sprang into action, grabbing a stretcher and sprinting outside with it. You followed them, watching as they tugged Rhett out of his seat and placed him on the stretcher. There were voices around you. Shouted commands. Mentions of a dangerous amount of blood loss. 
They whisked him away as you blindly followed after them, watching as your husband was ripped away from you. Is he going to be okay? Is he going to survive? Help him. Help him. Help him!
You didn’t realize you were shouting until a kind, gentle nurse was in your line of sight, cautiously holding onto your trembling shoulders. “We’ve got him, honey. He’s in good hands. We’ll help him as best as we can.”
You looked at her, nodding your head. “O-okay. Okay.”
“Do you have anyone you need to alert? Any family that needs to know about this?”
“My…my, um, in-laws.”
“Alright. Why don’t we just set you up in the waiting area and you can call them and let them know?”
“N-no,” you said, as she tried to lead you away. “My daughter…my niece. I need to…I have to go get them from the car.”
“Do you want me to help you?”
You barely even remembered saying yes, but soon, your girls were at your side, and an orderly had kindly volunteered to park the truck for you. The sweet nurse from before, whose name was Angela, led you to a quiet corner of the waiting area and informed you that she’d be nearby in case you needed anything. 
As soon as you sat down, Belle was grabbing at you, tearfully begging to sit in your lap. She was what brought you back from the precipice of hysteria. Your baby needed you to take care of her. So you shifted into that nurturing mode, focused solely on protecting and providing for her. 
You called Cecelia while you sat there, informing her of what had happened. Beside herself with emotion, she assured you that she would be there as quickly as she could, with Royal and Perry in tow. 
And then you sat there. And sat. And sat. Belle remained huddled against your chest, her arms around your neck. Amy burrowed into your side. And you held them both, comforting these poor little ones who had just experienced so much trauma. 
Everything had changed in a split second. One man’s decision had led you to this very moment. The moment in which you held part of your entire world in your arms, while the other half lay bleeding out on an operating table as doctors tried to save him.
You would learn that the knife Luke had stabbed Rhett with had gone deep enough to cause an internal bleed, and some organ damage. Surgery was necessary to repair it. He’d lost a lot of blood. Too much blood. He needed a transfusion, or he would not survive.
The girls were right there with you when the doctor told you all of this. Belle started weeping against your chest. Amy tugged at your arm, her owlish eyes fearful. “Is Uncle Rhett going to be okay?”
You lovingly stroked her cheek with your hand. “The doctors are doing everything they can for him.” But you didn’t know if your husband would pull through.
You had no time to dwell on it, because that was the moment that Royal, Cecelia, and Perry walked into the room. At the sight of her father, Amy sprang from your side and ran to him, falling into his arms as she hugged him tightly. 
You stood, still holding Belle in your arms as you stepped toward your family. Cece reached for you, placing a hand on your back. “Honey, I’m so sorry.” Her eyes were glimmering with unshed tears. She was barely holding it together. 
“They know anything yet?” Royal spoke up. 
You began to relay the information the doctor had given you, your voice wavering with emotion and exhaustion. You were at your wit's end. It was all catching up to you. The stress you’d been under. The constant scrutiny your family had been subjected to. The suffering your own child had just endured, after all you’d done to protect her.
And that was what did you in. 
Perry asked a question. “Do they think he’s gon’ pull through?”
You locked eyes with him. He stood there, and he had the nerve to look like he was about to cry. Wide, dark eyes shimmering under the fluorescent lights. And you snapped. Without a word, you set Belle down, sending her to her grandma. Then you looked at Cece. “Take her to get a snack, please,” you instructed, eerily calm. You weren’t going to subject your daughter to any more trauma.
“I don’t think–”
“Take her,” you pressed. 
Your mother-in-law clamped her mouth shut and nodded before she gathered up Belle and Amy and led them out of the room.
Then, you turned back to Perry.
“You did this,” you growled, jabbing your finger in his face. “My husband is dying. My child is traumatized. And it’s all BECAUSE OF YOU!”
You were blinded by a rage you had never known. A burning, churning, all-consuming rage. Red clouded your vision. And you lost yourself. You lunged at him, wailing with your own kind of agony as you tried to hurt him the way he’d hurt your family. 
You landed a jarring punch to his nose before someone caught you from behind and yanked you back, even as you fought wildly against their hold. Perry stumbled back, clutching his nose as blood gushed through the spaces between his fingers. You vaguely registered Royal as the one who held you.
“Enough!” He hissed in your ear. You were drawing the attention of the hospital staff. 
“You broke my fuckin’ nose!” Perry exclaimed through his hands. 
“That’s what you get! He shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this!”
It took Royal shaking you roughly to finally shut you up. “I said ENOUGH!”
You’d never heard him yell before. But it silenced you immediately. Your vision cleared, and you finally looked into his face. 
“You need to control yourself,” he lowly commanded you. 
“Don’t you dare speak to me about controlling myself. The reason we are in this mess is because he,” you jammed your finger in Perry’s direction, “couldn’t control himself.”
“You causing a scene in the middle of the fuckin’ hospital ain’t any better!”
“Is there a problem here?” A member of the hospital security team had finally stepped into the room.
“No,” Royal gruffly spoke up.
The guard looked at Perry. “You should probably seek medical attention, sir.”
“I’m fine,” he snapped.
“You sure?” The man reiterated. Then, “I can get the cops involved if need be. Or are we going to behave like civil adults from now on?”
“We’re fine,” Royal insisted. “Sorry to disturb the peace. Won’t happen again.”
“Better not.” Then he walked away, leaving the three of you alone in the waiting room. 
You stared at Perry, your chest heaving. “Perry, either you confess for what you did, or I’ll do it for you. I’m done playing this game, trying to protect a man who doesn’t deserve protection.” You crowded his space again. “And if Rhett dies, there will be no place safe in heaven and earth for you. I’ll put you in the goddamn ground.”
An eye for an eye, after all. 
Then you walked away, holding back the bitter tears that had begun to blur your vision. The adrenaline was wearing off. Your fist was throbbing from the punch you’d thrown. It would likely be swollen after the fact. But it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered anymore, except your daughter and your husband. And at the rate you were going, you might only have one of them left. 
You stumbled into the nearest bathroom, careening forward as your hands shot out to grip the sink. You bowed your head, letting out a broken sob. You were spiraling out of control. Your life was falling apart. You couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t speak. The tears had begun to flow and you couldn’t stop them. 
But you couldn’t lose it now. Not when Belle was depending on you. So you simply turned on the faucet and splashed cool water on your face, swallowing your sobs before you dried your face. When you exited the bathroom, you found that Cecelia had brought the girls back to the waiting area, their snacks in hand. Perry was nowhere to be found. Likely taking care of his broken nose.
When Belle saw you, she ran to you, and you took her into your arms again. As you took a seat on one of the uncomfortable vinyl chairs, she turned to show you what her grandmother had bought her from the vending machine.
“I got Goldfish,” she softly informed you. Even in the midst of a frightening situation, her childlike wonder still showed. She was only five, after all.
You tried to smile at her as you reached up to touch her round cheek. “They look yummy, baby.”
She sat in your lap and munched on her snack. It proved to be a welcome distraction for her. But she didn’t want to be separated from you. Even when Cece pulled out a small notebook from her purse and set it out for Amy to draw on. Belle loved drawing, but she refused to leave your arms to join her cousin.
So you held her, allowing her to stay close to you, because you needed this just as much as she did. 
And then the doctor walked into the room. Royal stood immediately. You leaned forward in your seat, your heart quickening in your chest. The doctor’s expression was unreadable. What was he going to say? Was your husband gone?
Please, no. No, no, no.
But then, hope. “There was considerable damage, and a lot of bleeding. But we managed to get it under control. He’s stable now, but he’s not awake yet. It’ll probably take him a bit to come out of it. This kind of trauma takes a lot out of a person.”
“So y-you’re saying that–” You started, but couldn’t get the words out.
“As far as I can tell, your husband is going to be fine, Mrs. Abbott,” the doctor assured you.
Immediately, you fell into a fit of sobs. You held Belle tightly to you, and you cried, rocking your baby back and forth. “Daddy’s going to be okay. He’s going to be just fine,” you told her. She cried with you.
A little while later, you were permitted to see him. Maybe it was selfish of you, but you longed for it to only be you and your daughter to be the ones to greet him first, and no one else. But thankfully, Cecelia sensed that, and she gently said, “you go. We’ll come in and see him when you’re ready.”
You squeezed the hand she’d placed against your arm, and then slipped away, Belle in tow. As you walked to the room they’d placed Rhett in, a tremor ran through your body. You weren’t sure if you were prepared for what you were about to walk into. But you squared your shoulders and walked into that room anyway.
There was your husband, that strong, steady, immovable force of a man, laid out in a hospital bed, vulnerable and weak. You were overcome with emotion, and it welled up within you, threatening to spill forth like a waterfall. You couldn’t believe you even had any tears left to cry. 
“My girls,” Rhett murmured, attempting a sleepy smile as you approached. 
“Daddy!” Belle exclaimed, pulling out of your grasp and rushing toward her father. 
“Be careful, baby,” you warned her so she wouldn’t jump on top of him. 
But she was very gentle with him. She reached out a little hand and closed it around his fingers. “That was so scary,” she whispered. 
His cerulean eyes welled with tears. “I know. I’m sorry you had to see me like that, little chick.”
You reached for him, taking hold of his free hand. “I thought…I thought I was going to lose you,” you whimpered. You ran your fingers through his hair, brushing it away from his forehead. 
Now his bottom lip had begun to quiver, and he squeezed your hand. “I’m sorry.”
You didn’t say anything in reply. You couldn’t, because you were too verklempt to do so. You sank into the chair beside his bed, still clutching his hand, and you cried. As did he. Belle scurried around to your side of the bed, squeezing her way between you. So you held your daughter, and you wept. 
You wept for the trauma that she had endured. You wept for the harm that had been inflicted upon your husband. And he wept for you, and for his child. He had tried so hard to keep it all away from her, but his failure was evident, and it broke him. He could not protect his family. He never could.
No words were exchanged after your tears slowed. Nothing could express the magnitude of what you were feeling, so you said nothing. Instead, you sat in that hospital room, and you cherished this intimate moment between you and the two loves of your very life, as painful as it was. 
You didn’t know what the future held after this moment. You didn’t know what awaited you beyond the four walls of this hospital room. So you drank in the rare moment of peace before the floodgates opened and all hell broke loose.
All too soon, that moment of serenity was broken by a gentle knock at the door. You turned to see Royal, Cece, and Amy in the doorway. Reluctantly, you motioned them into the room. It wasn’t right for you to keep them away from him. But you knew if Perry so much as attempted to set foot in the room, you would forbid him from doing so. 
You couldn’t bear to look at him, not after he was the reason your husband was laid up in this hospital bed. You would protect Rhett with every fiber of your being, and if that meant barring his own brother from seeing him, then so be it. 
But unbeknownst to you, Perry had left the hospital grounds, and was already headed for Wabang. There was a piece of paper thrown haphazardly onto the passenger seat of his truck. A sheet of stationary with the hospital logo. 
And on that sheet of paper was a confession. Written in detail, describing everything that had happened the night Trevor was murdered. In that letter, embellished as it may have been, it absolved your husband of all guilt, save for him landing a few punches. 
I’m the one who killed him. His blood is on my hands, and mine alone. 
He was going to leave the letter for Sheriff Joy, and then wait it out. 
He knew if he would have simply manned up and taken responsibility for his wrongdoing in the first place, none of this would have happened. His brother wouldn’t have been gravely injured. His family wouldn’t have been torn apart. 
He was a fool. And he was reaping the consequences of that foolishness. But it was too little too late to fix it now. And somehow, in his heart of hearts, he knew that. Knew that even this confession would not fix the mess he’d made. There was only one solution he could come up with in his muddled, unstable mind that would even come close to repairing the damage that had been done. He just wasn’t sure if he had the courage to do it.
Back at the hospital, the time had come to head home. Rhett desperately needed his rest, it was evident in the way he could hardly keep his eyes open, or barely lift his hands from where they lay at his sides. 
His body had been put through the wringer, and his recovery would not be easy. It would be slow and painful. He wasn’t sure if he had the strength to get through it. 
“Alright, I think it’s time we head home,” Cecelia finally said, squeezing Amy’s shoulders. “Uncle Rhett is exhausted. He needs his rest.”
“But I wanna stay,” the little girl protested. “Please, Grandma?”
“No ma’am. We’ll come see him another day. I promise. Now let’s go.”
Reluctantly, she took her jacket from her grandmother’s hands and shrugged into it. Then, Cece reached her hand out toward Belle. “I can take her home and get her tucked into bed.”
But the thought of leaving either of her parents was unfathomable to your little girl. She gasped, immediately whirling around and hiding herself against your side. “No!” She cried, holding onto you like she used to do when she was a toddler and something had frightened her. 
Your heart broke at her fear, and you wrapped a comforting, protective arm around her shoulders. “I think it’s best if she stays with me. Thank you, though.”
Cece nodded, and instead, reached out to hug you. “I’m sorry it came to this,” she whispered. 
“Me too,” came your reply. 
A few moments later, the trio was heading out the door, and soon, the room was quiet again. You gazed back at Rhett, and found he was already beginning to nod off to sleep, unable to keep his eyes open any longer. Your heart ached in your chest at the sight. He looked like a frail little boy. 
“Can we stay with Daddy all night, Mama?” Belle asked you, after she’d calmed down from her initial upset. 
You cupped her chin as you looked at her. “I don’t think so. The hospital will probably want us to leave. I can get us a motel room close by, how does that sound?”
“But I don’t wanna leave him,” she continued to protest, her bottom lip quivering much like her father’s when he cried. 
You knelt in front of her, taking her hands in your own. “I know, sweet girl. I don’t either. But I need you to be brave for me, okay? Daddy needs to get some rest so his body can heal. We can’t be with him the entire time. We’ll go sleep at a hotel, and then we’ll come right back tomorrow morning. I promise.”
She sniffled, glancing from you to her father. Even though he could barely keep his eyes open, he mustered a smile at her. “I’ll be okay, little chick. Go with your mama. She needs you.”
Tearfully, Belle nodded. “Okay, Daddy.” Then she scurried forward, leaning in so she could kiss Rhett’s cheek. “I love you.”
He hummed tiredly, eyes drifting shut. “I love you too.”
You moved to his bedside again, placing your hand over his own. The hands that had held your face as he kissed you on your wedding day. The hands that had held your unfathomably tiny daughter when she was a premature newborn. The hands that had calmed spooked horses, and built fences. The hands that held you together. 
“I love you, sweet man,” you whispered as you learned down to press a kiss against his forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
And with that, you took your daughter’s hand in your own, and led her out of the room. You fought tears as you went, entirely overwhelmed. Half of your heart was lying in that hospital bed, and leaving it behind was more agonizing than you’d been expecting. 
But you put on a brave face and left the hospital. Your child needed a warm place to sleep after the events that had taken place. You weren’t sure if you could make the hour long drive home. It seemed much too daunting, and you feared you might pass out from exhaustion if you attempted it. 
So, a nearby motel it was. You chose the cheapest place you could find, one that also included breakfast, and that was where you ended up for the night. No sooner had you made it to the room and gotten Belle in bed, than she was asleep, succumbing to the weariness that had plagued her.
You slipped into bed beside her, wrapping your arms around her little body. You were certain you would end up crying yourself to sleep, but you realized that you quite literally had no more tears left to cry. 
So you held your daughter to your chest, and you drifted off into a fitful, restless slumber. Every time you let sleep overtake you, you were plagued with the nightmare of watching Luke run your husband through. 
It was torturous, and soon, you gave up on sleep altogether, choosing to stay awake until the sun began to rise high in the sky. And as its first rays shone through the window, Belle stirred in your arms, and then sleepily looked up at you.
“Morning, baby. How did you sleep?” You softy asked her.
“Okay. I was really tired.”
“I know you were.”
“Can we go downstairs and have pancakes for breakfast?”
“We sure can, little one.”
“I wanna take some to Daddy, too.”
“We can do that, as well.”
You got up for the day, and you helped Belle get ready, getting her into the shower and giving her the motel soap products to use. She made a small fuss about having to wear the same clothes she’d worn the day before, but you gently reminded her that you had no other options, so she dressed without complaint. 
Before long, you were downstairs, hurriedly prepping and eating a quick breakfast before you were out the door, a box of pancakes clutched in Belle’s hands. She’d even use a pen to write for Daddy.
Then, to the hospital you went. When you arrived, you were overwhelmingly relieved to find that Rhett was awake, but he was very clearly in a world of pain. You heard it in the strangled groan he let out when he leaned forward to hug his daughter.
“Ahh,” he hissed, jolting back as he placed a ginger hand against his abdomen.
“Are you okay, Daddy?” Belle fearfully asked.
“I’m fi-fine, just a little sore, is all,” he assured her. This was more than just a little sore. He was in agony.
“When was the last time you had a dose of pain meds?” You softly asked.
“Haven’t gotten ‘em yet.”
“Oh, baby,” you gasped. Without a second of hesitation, you pressed the nurse call button, determined to have things taken care of. Before long, Rhett finally had his pain medicine, and he was soon happily eating the sub-par motel pancakes while Belle sat beside him on the bed, content to just be near him.
This journey you were about to embark on would not be an easy one. Rhett had a long road ahead of him. But you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were be with him every step of the way. You would support him, protect him, and love him, just like he had always done for you.
You learned that he would need to stay in the hospital until he was strong enough to go home. The doctor was hopeful, and assured you Rhett’s wound looked good, as far as severe injuries go, and that it should heal fine, granted there were no unexpected complications. 
However, while his prognosis appeared hopeful, there was still your family situation to be dealt with. While Belle sat on the floor, your headphones in her ears as she watched a movie on your phone, you explained to Rhett what had happened.
“You broke my brother’s nose?” He asked in disbelief. You hadn’t expected him to be so amused, but he was smiling.
“He had it coming,” you simply replied. But you quickly grew serious. “Rhett, this has gone on long enough. He nearly tore our family apart because of his stupidity. I know he’s your brother, but he isn’t worth losing your life over. I’m done protecting him. If the cops come asking questions, I’m going to tell them the truth about him.”
Rhett nodded, his face grim. “I know. I’m just sorry I didn’t give him up sooner. You have to understand where I’m comin’ from, here. I thought I was doing the right thing by following my dad’s lead. I thought if I did, it would save Amy from suffering any more heartache. And I thought it would be the best way to keep you an’ Belle safe. But I…I couldn’t even do that. And now my sweet little girl is…” he trailed off, his emotions welling up so intensely inside him that he could hardly speak. “Now my little girl is traumatized for life, all because I couldn’t just man up and turn my brother in.”
“But the thing is, you shouldn’t have had to protect him. But you did, because you’re expected to just do whatever your family asks of you. They put everything on your shoulders and I’m ashamed that I didn’t stand up for you a long time ago and put a stop to it. I’m in this just as much as you are. We both have to live with what happened last night, knowing it could have been prevented.”
“I’m scared of what comes after this. I don’t know if…if I’ll be a free man or not. But I’m willing to pay my dues, if I need to. I want to be a better man. Want to be an example to Belle and own up to my wrongdoings.”
You nodded, squeezing his hand in your own. “Whatever happens, I’m with you.”
Maybe it was too little too late to make things right. But he was going to try his damndest to do so. And you were going to support him in that plight. 
Later that day, Royal and Cecelia showed up to the hospital with Amy, which you had already expected. Belle was happy to have her cousin’s company, and you wouldn’t deprive her of such a thing. She needed all the support she could get. 
But what you didn’t know was that Perry was on his way to the hospital at that very moment, with the intention of speaking to you, and only you. He had something very important to tell you. He just wasn’t sure if you would listen to reason.
You were preoccupied with speaking to Cece when he arrived. You didn’t notice him at first, until you were suddenly made aware of a presence darkening the door of Rhett’s room. You lifted your head to look, and the moment you saw who it was, your body went tense. 
“What are you doing here?” You demanded, already stepping toward him. You weren’t going to allow him near your husband or child. 
“I need to talk to you,” he replied. He most certainly looked worse for wear, with a bandage over his nose, barely hiding the bruising and swelling you’d caused. 
“I have nothing to say to you, Perry. Not after what you’ve done.”
“You don’t gotta say anything to me. I just need you to listen. You’re gonna want to hear this, believe me.”
You weren’t sure what made you follow him. It was as if your feet were moving of their own accord. You let him lead you out into the hall, just out of earshot of everyone else in the room. When he turned to face you, you took a step back, taking in a steadying breath so you wouldn’t fly off the handle.
“Wanted you to know that I confessed. To everythin’. Left a letter for the sheriff last night.”
“You what?”
“I left Rhett out of it. It’s all on me. Figured I’ve caused enough suffering as it is. So I’m puttin’ an end to it right now.”
You were utterly speechless. You could only stare at him in disbelief. He’d really done it. After the weeks of hell he’d put you through, he’d simply written a letter and left it at that. “I-I don’t know what you want me to say to that.”
“Don’t have to say anything. Just wanted you to know.” And then, he turned to go. He walked away from you. Walked away from his parents, his brother, his daughter. He walked out through those hospital doors, and he didn’t look back.
You were left in the middle of that hospital hallway, reeling. You didn’t know what to think. Didn’t know how to feel. Part of you was relieved. The other part of you was so enraged you could hardly stand it. You wanted to scream. Wanted to cry. Wanted to destroy whatever was in your path. 
But you didn’t. You turned on your heel and went back to your husband and daughter. You acted like nothing had happened out there in that hallway. But that couldn’t be furthest from the truth.
Life went on. And you had no choice but to let it. Rhett was released from the hospital a few days later. He had strict instructions to take it easy and not do anything strenuous for the next four weeks. 
In those four weeks, you took care of him around the clock. And with each passing day, he grew stronger. He was well on his way to healing. But the emotional damage that had been caused had yet to heal for any of you.
And the very man who was responsible for that turmoil? He went missing a day after he confessed to the murder of Trevor Tillerson. He was just…gone. Without so much as a trace. No note. No explanation. He’d seemingly vanished into thin air.
The only one who seemed to know anything about it was Royal. He never admitted as much, but you could tell that he knew something. Perhaps where Perry had gone. The cops settled on telling the public that he was on the run, and currently at large. A heft reward was offered to anyone who knew of Perry Abbott’s whereabouts. 
They never did find him.
That left the rest of his family behind to pick up the pieces. Amy was now, effectively, an orphan, even it the fate of her parents was unknown. Cecelia and Royal took her in, vowing to raise her in Perry’s absence. The poor child was never the same after the disappearance of her father. Her spark had vanished along with him.
Perry’s disappearance was what pushed you over the edge. You knew that you could not spend another minute in Wabang. Not after all you had endured. So, as soon as Rhett was strong enough to travel, you decided together that it was time to move on. If not for your sake, but for your daughter’s.
It was time to head out in search of the peace you had so desperately been longing for. 
You chose to settle in a peaceful town another state over. While money was still tight, you made do with what you had. You enrolled Belle in an entirely new school. And together, as a family, you sought out therapy to cope with all you had been subjected to.
The healing process after leaving Wabang was no walk in the park, to say the least. You and Belle were both plagued by nightmares. Knowing you were suffering in such a way tore Rhett apart. But you fought your way through it together. Until the nightmares lessened and the fear gave way to peace.
Rhett carried a scar on his torso, a permanent reminder of the knife that had nearly taken his life. But every time you looked at it, you were filled with gratefulness that he was still here, with you. That he was still able to be the father your little girl needed.
The bond the three of you shared had grown deeper still throughout this grueling process. It was a bond that could never be broken. And while it had taken a lot to get to that point, you realized that it had shaped you into the person you were always meant to be. The mother you were created to be.
You watched your daughter flourish in a new place with new friends. You watched your husband come into his own and find a way to provide for his family, just like he’d always dreamed of doing. And together, the three of you found peace and healing. 
It was no easy feat, but that was okay. Because you had each other. And that was all you’d ever need.
lmk if you'd like to be added!
@thedroneranger @rosesvioletshardy @bradshawsbitch @wkndwlff @damrlova @bigassnocash @endofdays56 @rhettabbotts @milesmillergf @alylikethecat @marchingicenotes7 @blindedbythelightt @cherrycola27 @fantasias-creativebubble @pullmans @sebsxphia @thesluttyarchivist
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itsasainz · 2 years
Heyy, welcome to the club (I’m a red too),
I wanted to request some Kylian fluff, where there at a party or a wedding and their relationship is accidentally exposed because in a story, they’re caught dancing together, and it’s all cute and always and maybe at first reader is scared of her relationship being public but Kylian calms her down — idk I just got inspired from the song bébé by dadju, so if you could include it in some way, ☺️🥹 thx again
hehe I love wedding fics lmao, this got a bit longer than I thought it was gonna be but anyway!! I'd literally never heard the song before but I listened to it while I wrote the dance bit <3
also I just used a random photo of him I found on Pinterest lol
"Kylian, we're late, and we need to leave time to check in!" you called, struggling to pull your heels on as you checked the time, groaning at the thought of him turning up late to a wedding where he was literally the best man.
"Bébé, it's fine!" he says, coming out of the bathroom, fully dressed up in a suit and smart shoes, looking handsome as ever. You pause slightly when you see him -- him in suits would well and truly be the death of you, you thought, fixing the buckle of your heel. He winks when he sees your eyes follow him across the room as he gets the car keys and wedding present.
You get one of your smarter coats -- it might be a wedding, but it was also the middle of the winter, and you weren't prepared to die of hypothermia. He takes your bag for you, sticking it in the boot as you get in the passenger seat, texting the groom's sister to tell her you were on the way.
"I love weddings." you confess on the motorway, seeing the photos your friends are sending you from the venue.
Kylian hums, "I love the free alcohol."
Frowning, you close your phone. "There's more to weddings than free alcohol, love, we're seeing all our school friends and the food sounds like it's gonna be great, plus two of our best friends are getting married."
He chuckles, "And that's all good, but they take forever."
"You're infuriating, y'know?" you tease, letting him know he had to take the next exit. The venue isn't far from Paris, but you'd agreed that rather than getting a taxi back to your place in the middle of the night, you'd rather just stay the night at the hotel, an old Chateaux overlooking the Seine that had been renovated in the past few years to be the perfect wedding venue; picturesque and charming.
The closer you get, the smaller the roads are, but you spot the venue long before you find the adjacent street, excited at the majestic architecture and the rows of cars already parked outside; he finds a space in the carpark and you check in, splitting ways so you he can catch up with the groom and you can go to find your friends before heading to the chapel.
As it turns out, the ceremony is delayed anyway, and you end up sitting on the bride's side of the audience with an old school friend, Amélie, even though you're technically here with the groom. Kylian's stood at the front with the groom, smiling and laughing at something he's saying, pausing his conversation to wave when you sit down.
"God, you guys are cute." Amélie mutters she settles beside you. "How much d'you wanna bet you guys'll be the next to get married?"
You roll your eyes. "We haven't even gone public yet, Ams."
"It's a matter of time, trust me." she chides, shushing you as the ceremony starts.
Hours later, after a prolonged meal and, eventually, the first dance, you're laughing with Amélie about the time you got suspended for smoking in the field during school, having lost track of Kylian a long while ago. Just when you're starting to get concerned about his whereabouts, you feel his arms around your waist, pulling you into him and kissing you on the temple. "Dance with me, please?"
You sigh, "Only because you asked so nicely." you tease, letting him pull you into the dance floor as the song starts up, a poppy ballad that you've danced with him to a thousand times before. Teasingly, as he spins you round, he sings the lyrics to you, laughing as you get flustered. pulling you close during the bridge, hands on your waist, your arms around his neck as you kiss him, smiling into it, happy to feel so relaxed about being with him in public, knowing it's only really family and friends seeing it.
He kisses you again, peppering you nose and cheeks as you giggle, squirming from the ticklish contact. You dance for another couple of songs before he goes to get you another cocktail, leaving you to check your Instagram. There are a few stories about the wedding -- photos from the ceremony and meal, but the one that catches your attention was posted by Marc, one of Kylian's friends; the photo is of him and his girlfriend, but you can see yourself in the background, laughing as Kylian spins you around, his face also clearly visible. Telling yourself that fans are hardly going to notice him in that background of the story -- especially since it would take some really deep digging to even know he's friends with Marc -- you put your phone away, seeing Kylian returning, Mojito in hand.
You sip the drink, sticking to his side as another guest, the bride's aunt, comes to greet him, denying you the opportunity to tell him about the photo, even though you know he'd just remind you of what you already know -- fans don't even know who Marc is, they're not going to see the photo.
It's only as people are starting to head home or up to their hotel rooms that you see all the notifications; within a matter of hours, your Instagram followers have shot up by nearly ten thousand people, and your DMs are full of people asking about Kylian; confused and more than a little panicked, you check Twitter, only to see your concerns are correct. Kylian's name is trending, with 90% of the tweets featuring various screenshots from different photos from the wedding, different angles of your little dance with him and his hands on your waist as you stand at the bar. You look across the room at where he's telling a story to the bride's parents, Amélie catching your attention as she rushes across the room to you. "
"Oh my God, have you seen the photos?" she asks, a little too tipsy to be genuinely concerned.
"Yeah, just now -- I'm totally freaking out." you admit, fighting the urge to bite your nails. "This is awful -- I'm getting absolutely spammed on all my socials."
She sighs, offering you a sympathetic look. "Talk to him. Oh, and if you're public now, that means there's nothing stopping him from proposing."
You roll your eyes, bidding her good night as she goes to leave -- seemingly in tandem with one of the bride's cousins, not that you say anything. Instead, you make a beeline for Kylian, hesitantly pulling him away from his conversation and saying your goodbyes to the other guests.
"What's wrong?" he asks, immediately catching onto how fidgety you're acting and how quickly you're ushering him to your room.
"'What's wrong?' Kylian, your entire fanbase has just found out about us!" you practically squeak, thrusting your phone in his face. "I am being bombarded with shit and I'm freaking the fuck out!"
He takes your phone from you, seeing the mass of notifications and frowning deeply. "Shit."
"Yeah, 'Shit', Ky." you groan, sitting down on the bed.
"Are you okay?" he asks, sitting beside you.
"No." you say, blunt as ever. "This is crazy."
He takes your hand. "We'll make it work -- there's nothing we can do about hiding it now, but we can control the narrative at least."
You look at him, at his worry-stricken face, at the cogs turning in his mind. "How?" you sniff. God, this was so embarrassing -- you were crying now too?"
"Cherie, don't cry, okay? We can post some photos from tonight and announce are relationship but leave it at that, okay? Confirm the rumours so that there's nothing more for them to say. Like, yeah, I have the most stunning, beautiful girlfriend ever, so what?"
You giggle. "Okay. yeah, okay."
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k.mbappe l'amour de ma vie
view all 54,895 comments
yourusername mon amour <3
k.mbappe je t'aime
achrafhakimi It was about time
psg 👀
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wiccawrites · 2 years
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AU where kinnporsche are sons of two of Thailand's most affluent families!! The Theerapanyakuls are old rich but recently struggling -- they've got a good name but their business isn't as flourishing as it once was and it's steadily shrinking. On the other hand, the Kittisawats are new rich. They made it big in the software industry just a decade ago and now they're easily one of the richest families in the country.
Kinn and Porsche are both next in line to inherit their respective businesses but the way they were raised are night and day. Kinn was raised under Korn's iron hand and he's a middle child to top it all off. Meanwhile Porsche is smart but generally unserious -- he's outgoing and a free spirit!
They grew up as rivals. Porsche has gone out of his way to tease Kinn ever since they were little. Kinn is one of the few people that can get Porsche to take things seriously -- mostly because Porsche likes competing with Kinn and trying to see if he can ruin Kinn's day by winning.
Anyway Something Happens™ (idk what, let's say the gay stars align for now) and they end up switching bodies with no way of switching back. 
This is a problem because Kinn's engaged to be married in a week and there is no fucking way Porsche is sleeping with Kinn's blander-than-hotel-wallpaper fiance. He's adamant about it and he doesn't understand how Kinn could throw his whole life away for a business. 
Kinn honestly didn't like his fiance as well but Korn had been breathing down his neck about getting married for the sake of expanding the business for literal years now. And his fiance was from a really good background. If he breaks off the engagement, especially this late in the game, he'll disgrace the family name. He tells Porsche as much. 
That's when Porsche gets the idea. 
Since they're in each other's bodies, Porsche can just break the engagement off as Kinn. He thinks that if he delivers an impassioned speech standing up for himself (well, for Kinn technically), Korn will eventually have to understand.
After all, Porsche knew he had a way with words. What could go wrong? 
A lot, apparently. 
Porsche does as planned during Kinn's engagement party and Korn is livid. He's never seen the man turn that shade of red before. Korn is a breath away from publicly disowning Kinn until the real Kinn takes Porsche's hand and apologizes for not being brave enough to do the right thing. 
Suddenly, Porsche catches himself looking at Kinn. He's grateful they can see each other for who they truly are because it would be weird if Porsche looked at Kinn and instead saw himself right now.
Because Kinn is making up a story about how he and Porsche have been secretly dating on and off for years and throughout Kinn's engagement. And he's being loud about it. People are staring. In fact, Porsche is sure the only reason no one is doing anything is because the story is, well, it's juicy.
"Please believe me when I say it's all my fault for being a coward," Kinn says in a tone that has everyone hanging onto his every word. He turns to Porsche, and then he gets on one knee. "Kinn, I'm sorry for taking so long to realize that you're the person I've been waiting for all my life. You're the one who loves me, and I'm the one who loves you most. Will you marry me?"
Porsche wonders how the fuck Kinn came up with all this shit on the spot. 
Because it's genius.
The Kittisawats were currently the third richest family in Thailand. Korn would be a fool to force his son to go through with his existing engagement now. Not to mention, the press would eat the whole romance angle up. And being engaged would give Kinn and Porsche the chance to cover for each other while they figure out how the fuck they can go back to their own bodies.
God, Kinn was brilliant. Porsche could kiss him.
Porsche blinks. Actually, that wasn't a bad idea at all. Everyone was watching. The better they sold this lie, the more time they'd get to fix things.
Throwing all caution to the wind, Porsche kneels so that he and Kinn are eye-to-eye. A relieved smile breaks through his face as he loops his arms around Kinn's shoulders.
"Yes," Porsche whispers before he seals their lips together.
If his heart skips a few beats, that's only because he's never been into public displays of affection.
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hey-haven · 1 year
Ranking TWST Books from worst to best part 2!
Number 5: Book 5
While I do think the writing in Book 5 is leagues better than Book 2, it still very much had a lot of issues.
Once again the main character of the Book, Vil, is given very little focus. I’ve said this before, but it very much felt like Epel’s and Deuce’s story with those two having their own arcs reaching a beginning, middle, and an admittedly satisfying conclusion within the book. However, it leaves Vil’s whole story completely entirely unexplored with only getting small snippets into his psyche.
Here’s my hot take: Vil was not actually an asshole or some diva throughout the book. Yes he was strict, but as someone who did marching band with fellow annoying teenagers, it was a necessary strictness ahdsgs. Especially with so much money on the line. The exercise, the reasonable diets, it’s all a necessary and very common practice for a physical competition. To me, there was no actual buildup to his attempt at literally poisoning someone.
Mix that with the execution of his backstory being very shallow leaving a lot to have to be interpreted and you have a character who either is hard to sympathize with and/or one that can be easily villainized. I’ve met a lot of TWST fans who just outright strongly dislike him, and a part of it comes from the fact that Yana simply did not put in the effort at fleshing out his character in a way that can be sympathized, that should be sympathized as is the whole point of all the ‘villains’ of TWST. It’s not until the release of Book 6 does Vil become a more 3 dimensional character that he should have already been by the end of Book 5.
But because we spent too much time with a bunch of other characters, we don’t get that. Speaking of, another important part of the books is having the antagonists from the previous book come in and serve as protagonists in the next, which helps further develop their characters and be able to write them under a more heroic light.
Kalim and Jamil don’t really get that. There are hints of something bigger coming for not only the conclusion of their arcs but their “friendship” (and I use that term very lightly) as a whole. But we never actually reach the climax, just the conclusion. The supposed climax was during Vil’s overblot where they kinda work together along with the other SDC team members to stop Vil, but there is no actual connection to the previous buildup. Just a scene post boss battle where Jamil says Kalim basically doesn’t suck all that much and Kalim being overjoyed to hear that annnd that’s it.
Literally right after the book that touches their complex relationship, we don’t actually see the natural build up to them reaching mutual friendship status (which I’d argue shouldn’t happen until Jamil’s contract as a servant is terminated entirely. They literally can’t be equals unless that happens). In other words, Yana greatly fumbled the back of gold that she had from Book 4.
All of these problems would not have happened if they just stopped focusing on Epel as much as they did cause really Book 5 was Epel’s story. We focus a lot more on his struggle with his views on masculinity and the question of what it takes to be a man than we do with Vil’s struggle of idk playing the villain in movies all the time. Again there is something more interesting there with Vil’s whole thing, but the fact that you need to heavily read between the lines is just not good storytelling.
And then add Deuce’s struggles being thrown literally in the fucking middle and it’s ahhhh!
THE POINT IS! Book 5 suffers from a bloated cast and unfocused writing that leaves so much to be desired!
Part 1
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sercezgazety · 1 year
2, 9, 11, 16, 20 from this ask game
2. Is there any specific ritual you go through while/before/after your writing?
Honestly, no. There were some cases when I sat down and was able to write an entire fic in one night instead of sleeping just because it was from Lilith's point of view. And there were cases when I struggled with fics for months (just because they weren't from Lilith's pov, let's be honest). I write on the train, before giving a lecture, instead of working, or as a treat because I’m finished with my tasks. Two chapters of The Deal were written on my phone, and so was one chapter of Inhale, Hold, Exhale, because I was restless in a waiting room at a doctor’s. Eda’s entire testimony before the court in A Potter’s Field? Written on the phone during an awkward Christmas eve at the workplace and on my way back. But some other stories were written solely on the laptop during a deserved day off.
I guess there are two constants: 1. I start with collecting vocabulary and useful phrases that have the right vibe, I list them, and then I build the sentences and events around them (yeah, seriously); 2. when I’m near the finish line, I refuse to eat, sleep and whatnot until I reach the end of the story. That’s most often the moment when I finally know how the story’s supposed to end. Only after the last sentence, I fall asleep, sometimes still fully clothed.
Then comes the editing, though, which means the story usually gets twice as long in the process. But the frame, the, uh, skeleton is already there, so it’s much easier.
9. Do you ever have plans to write anything other than fic?
Papers. I have so many freaking papers to write and publish. I’m supposed to be writing one right now.
Back when I was younger, I actually believed I could be able to write a fantasy novel (then it turned into an SF one). I can’t, though. I don’t have enough ideas of my own. What I can do is deconstruct and play with the ideas of others.
11. Weirdest thing you’ve ever written/thought about writing/etc.?
Erm. Back when I was 14 and used to dwell in the cellars of FFN, there was this Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends fic of mine. In which Frankie was so fed up with Mr. Herriman, she murdered him with a chopper. Then, she served him for dinner. Yeah.
idk, man. I was going through a phase (she said, still going through the same phase)
16. Do you have structured ideas of how your story is supposed to go, or make it up as you write?
As per my answer to question #2, I have no idea what I’m doing. There are some very rare occasions when I know how I want the story to end (once again, The Deal), but then I have no idea how to reach that ending, so I work backwards. But mostly, I have snippets of dialogue, a word I want to use, a problem I want to make worse, and I build around that.
I know what’s going to happen in the next paragraph, but not the one after that. That’s why I never publish multi-chapter fics before having finished writing the fic's entirety. I might get stuck in the middle of nowhere (this happened with some of my Star Trek wips), I might change the character’s motivation by the end of the story, and then add or delete some scenes in the beginning. I might need to completely re-arrange the material. I don’t know how people who publish chapters while not having the entire work as a context do it  (I mean, they do it very well, it’s just something that sounds too difficult for me).
20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of
[context: Philip opens Caleb’s coffin and sees the worms inside]
These things might have their purpose, but Philip doesn’t enjoy watching them crawl. Frankly, it’s quite disgusting, and even looking at them squirm makes him gag at times. There’s just something naturally repulsive about them being blind, trying to find their way in the ground by touch, wriggling and making little nauseating movements that cause the soil to collapse and bog. These parasites are equally horrid when they crawl out, finally ripe, or when they cower in the middle of the throne room, trying to repent not because their conscience tells them it’s necessary but solely because they’re frightened of the punishment they justly deserve.
[that’s from The Emperor’s Two Bodies; I don’t rememeber any other fic giving that much of a hard time]
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werewolfashton · 2 years
2022 writing evaluation
darling @igarbagecannotevenoteven tagged me to do this, honestly unbelievable, thank you megs <3 your answers were so interesting btw!!
i’ll also include all my works in this bc i haven’t written much in 5sos this year lmao. the other stuff can mainly be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/villainous_intentions
number of stories posted on ao3: 4 for 5sos, 20-30 in other fandoms, mainly stranger things (this is such a vague number bc i’m including drabbles)
word count posted for this year: ~53.332
fandoms i wrote for: 5sos, stranger things, the iliad/tsoa, [redacted]
pairings: lashton (2), malum (1), ot4 (1), harringrove (like 20+ and some platonic pairings), patrochilles (1), [redacted]
story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: for 5sos it’s but underneath we had a fear of flying in all regards
for other fandoms in kudos and bookmarks it’s don’t that man look pretty and in terms of comments: i was far too scared to hit him, but i would hit him in a heartbeat now and into the deep
work i’m most proud of and why: i’m really proud to have written 4k in one sitting for a wild and an untamed thing, and really all i wrote for the harringrove harvest probably
work i’m least proud of and why: ngl i really don’t like any of my 5sos fics very much except maybe the 2 song fics and some horror aspects so
share or describe a favorite review you’ve received: i got and still get so much love for one of my drabbles for st, those always make me smile and then recently i got the funniest review of my life tbh but that stays between me and the unfortunate souls that have my insta
a time when writing was really, really hard: the only time writing was not hard was during the writing challenges in june and october. or well it was still hard but i was putting out words like an insane person anyway. blessed days.
a scene or character you wrote who surprised you: still surprised to be writing in the first place. certainly wrote a lot of stuff towards the end of the year that i did not expect. wrote about a shitload of trauma. OH i wrote crack. did not expect to be able to do that. 
a favorite excerpt of your writing: i mostly like some of the one liners in my fics and this is one of them from into the deep end: "Fear spreads through [Steve] and he rushes forward, half expecting a monster in the middle of the bed, but when he moves behind the others to look into the room he stops as well. It’s not a monster, not really. At least he doesn’t think so. 
It’s just a mullet wearing asshole that’s supposed to be dead."
and i wrote this baby of drabble that’s one of my fav pieces of writing idk i struggled with this point of the review
how did you grow as a writer this year? i have become more open to just writing what i want. especially recently i’ve stopped really caring? like i still look at numbers too much but at least i write what i like now. i’ve also started writing longer works (at least sort of)
how do you hope to grow next year? i wish i had more time to write which isn’t really something i can force so i think i’m just hoping to not care about statistics as much. as to writing itself i wanna just expand my vocabulary.
who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? alright so, idk. i often feel very uncomfy speaking to people about my fic bc i think i annoy them and they only put up with it. i certainly have some lovely people who have been supportive (like em) and have been kind enough to beta for me (e.g. helen) and especially noah has been helping me with ideas. but yeah overall idk i shy away from talking about my fic bc it just ends up making me feel bad. thus i think the only overall actually very positive influence was the stranger things fandom, lovely feedback, actual engagement with fics, all that stuff has been helpful.
anything from real life show up in your writing this year? haha. y’all don’t need to know how much i projected this year thanks!
any new wisdom you can share with other writers? stop! fucking! looking! at! the! stats!
any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? @pixiegrl birthday fic. like 30 harringrove drafts. much [redacted]. we shall see though i’m trying not to stress myself
tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: aight idk what’s going on here anymore so i’ll leave this as it is
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idolapollo · 3 days
Dedicated DEV LOG #1
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hey!! it's apollo/nyarl!! this'll be a first in a series of posts that are basically indie game development logs filled with a shit ton of rambling
i'll maybe try and post these monthly or bi-monthly, but it's mostly for me to motivate myself to make progress to have something to show off and to archive the process of making a game!
this month's dev log is dedicated to—well—"Dedicated To..."
(i may keep saying this for future projects and games so bear with me) "Dedicated To..." (abbreviated as DT from now on) originally was an idea i had in middle school!
it was really edgy tho and i'd honestly kms if it ever got leaked to the public but it was essentially an angst piece for when i was discovering my own sexuality as a gay cis man
staying somewhat true to its gay angst origins, this game is a story based psychological horror rpg maker game! maybe you can add it's a story based gay psychological horror rpg maker game lmao
it won't be a long game, and it'll have 4 routes determined by one early game choice and 5 endings!! the 5th one is considered a secret dont tell anyone
i did change the protagonist's name and design bc it was literally just a self insert for me lmao even had clothes i often wore fucking lame
BUT ANYWAYS!!!!! you'll play as tybalt, a college student majoring in english literature or something as he struggles to create a fairy tale as his capstone (don't think about it too much)
here's a preview of his full art and draft of his portrait as thanks for listening to me ramble so far i will continue to ramble!! (i have yet to turn it into pixel art and plan different expressions)
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i really wanted to make a gay character with these kinda cat eyes whatever you call em lol
and the man he'll be pinning for is reyn!! i didnt give him a major bc it doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things!!! he's probably a finance major!!!!
also idk why i named him reyn, it was something i kept from the original middle school stories
ig it was because i was watching chugga's lets play of xenoblade lmao
i've taken some time with working with rpg maker mz before since i had the chance to use it in a game dev class (after splurging most of my financial aid on plugins lmao), but unless i can figure out javascript on my own and break the engine, i'll be focusing on using rpg maker vx ace since it has more plugins!
for now, i'm still focusing on the story and full body character art before diving into programming and learning how to make pixel art _(:3」∠)_
btw i forgot to mention that part. yeah i'm an absolute newbie when it comes to pixel art so i have to learn that too cries
even though i'm making it in rpg maker vx ace, i'm aiming to recreate the feel of rpg maker 2000/2003 because i was SUUUUUUPER inspired by end roll, okegom's games, and specifically for this game charon's works!! so now i gotta bust out the pixels
there will be 4 routes with 5 endings! there was another route + ending but i scrapped it because i only had an idea of the ending (more on that in the future) and nothing else lol
so far i've drafted 3 of the 4 routes! even though there is no canon ending, the 4th one is the one that has the 5th ending and can branch off into other works (once again more on that in the future lmao)
i'm starting to write the dialogue for the 1st route and it's going okay!! tbh i wish i worked on it more over summer break while my college classes aren't gonna kill my ass and classes start next week (´;ω;`)
but i spent a majority of summer break testing out medication for my adhd, and i still am!! it was a really rough process and i'm glad i didn't go through mania-like symptoms while classes were going on _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
i'm better now tho and i say i'm at a semi good spot!! now time to treat my horrid anxiety lol
i'll end it here for now before it gets too long!! sorry and thanks to listening to me ramble! i'll leave you with a snippet of the intro!
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sleepy-dreamers-inc · 4 years
Going to School with Ranboo!|| 📌
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[i was going to answer this but i was a big dummy dum dum and accidentally deleted the ask bUT I REMEMBERED YOU DEAR ANON]
irl / in-game
Genre| fluff and (minor) angst
h e a d-c a n n o n s||
You and Ranboo go to school together, so have some scenarios and thoughts about it!!
Artist| grapeichie on twitter!!
warnings| bullying, stress, swearing
Note: you are a streamer in this!! You are also in the SMP!
optional platonic or romantic!!
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- so going to school with Ranboo is both amazing and weird. You two have tons of stories of the dumb shit that happened there.
- Nobody will ever find Y/N and Ranboo far apart, even if you guys dont share classes one of you will randomly appear and at this point no one questions it
- Both of you meeting up at eachothers classroom/locker to walk together to your next destination
- Both of you helping eachother with schoolwork, Ranboo would totally tutor you in any subject you struggle with. Both of you go to his house but you two end up getting bored, so he does a Facecam stream with you in the background vibing. (It was so much fun)
- You guys are both the teacher’s favorites and least favorites. You both add so much life to the school but thats the exact problem.
- Y/N: haha look at that high waisted man he got feminine hips!!
That Poor Teacher:
- I can totally imagine some kids in your school being invested in the SMP and both of you just nervously sweat in the background. Bonus points if ya’ll’s friends are into it so its just absolute panic
- You trying to help him not be awkward, especially when it comes to talking to new people. I can totally see like a new girl trying to talk to him and he just panics, so you have to step in and explain and help the poor boy out.
- You two are like,, inseparable. Like literally rarely does anyone see you guys apart. So this kinda urks some people who have crushes on him, or literally just your stereotypical bully.
- So one day while you we’re grabbing things for your next class, someone slammed against the locker next to yours, slamming yours shut in the process.
“Well well well, if it isnt the clingy one. Im surprised your not with that dork, you two practically don’t function without the other.” The guy snickered, leaning forward directly in Y/N’s face.
“And how is that any of your concern? And why does it matter?” Y/N said, standing straight up staring at the guy. “Because your fucking pathetic, thats why. Your useless without him and both of us know it.” He spat, pushing Y/N to the floor with a thud, they’re books crashing to the ground around them. Snickers could be heard from around them, as well as gasps and ‘oh-no’s’.
“Awww whatcha gonna do now, freak? You gonna go cry to that loser? Because i have a better idea. Your gonna shut up, and if not, he gets hurt.” The boy said, picking Y/N up by the collar of they’re shirt, and soon slamming them back into the lockers. All he did was laugh and walk away, muttering “pathetic, good for nothing freak.”
- You went home by yourself that day, usually Ranboo walks you home so you two can hangout, but you were nowhere to be seen. This went on for 2 weeks, and you practically avoided him at all costs, not wanting him to get hurt.
- But when he walked into school one day and saw Y/N being harassed by a group of people, he surely wasn’t the one hurt.
“Awww, cant move?” One said, twisting Y/N’s wrist even more, bruising they’re arm as they whimpered in pain. “Awww i think they’re gonna cry!!” Someone else chimmed in, one girl quickly said “better take a picture of this before the moments gone.” As she giggled, snapping a photo of you in the middle of being bullied.
“Delete it, and leave.” Ranboo said, looking down at the three who were currently tormenting you. You looked so sad yet happy, but you knew what was about to happen. “I thought i fucking told you not to tell him, guess your getting it.” The guy said, kicking your stomach and slamming you against the lockers.
You never in your wildest dreams expected Ranboo to punch someone, he was so sweet and charismatic, very passive and neutral. But now, your bully laid on the floor, a bloody nose, and Ranboo towering over him. “Dont. Touch. Them.” Ranboo snarled, leaning down and looking at the bully directly in the eyes.
- A fight soon broke out, leaving one guy with a black eye, bloody nose and a bruised arm and shoulder. Ranboo got suspended, but you left with him, not wanting to be at school and instead with him.
- While walking home he stopped, pulled off his white and black hoodie, put it on you, and soon enveloped you in a hug. Y/N return the favor, and all he said shakily was ‘i love you’
- God no one ever fucked with Y/N again everyone was scared spineless
- The entire SMP had a ‘bruh’ moment when you two told them. Of course Techno was very happy about Ranboo beating some kids up.
- But like back to happy stuff,,
- Kahoot? Idk if you guys play it in school but i do, and both you and Ranboo are such a power duo in Kahoot games
- Trading each others lunch because thats what duo’s like you two do, share with the homies
- Both of you being referees in sports because if other wise someone is going to accidentally get hurt
- You having to walk Ranboo to the nurses office after he got hit in the face with a basketball.
- The librarian does not like the fact you two cannot be quiet. You both are constantly cracking up and can never keep it down
- I know for a FACT one of you got your hands on the teacher’s computer, and i know one of you are playing memes during class while your Teacher is screeching
- All your teachers think both of you are cheating because you have synced brains and get every single answer the exact. same.
- Pulling some kind of huge end of the year prank
- Both of you speaking in zoomer language and not even your classmates have any idea what your saying
- I can see both of you accidentally writing/typing ‘pog’ into a essay/class assignment and your teacher being VERY confused
- Blasting fan-made songs about both of your guys characters and everyone liking them, and both of you are just giggling and smiling because they dont know
- Your friend group see you two doing something and they’re just like “ah shit, here we go again”
- Both of you going to school events only to ensue chaos and be idiots
- On the first day one of you getting lost and the other having to go fetch the other one
- Both of you crashing at the others house to study but it probably didnt go well
- You two are honestly just encased in your own little shared bubble, just vibing and being yourselves
- i feel like this is going on forever and most of it was just angst so I’ll go ahead and cut this off lol
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Okay but in all seriousness i hope this was not total shit and actually pleasant to read. Idk i just feel like this bad
Anyways I promise I’ll get to working on pt. 2 of dad wilbur but i have some other requests i need to work on. But in the meantime simp for Ranboo and Wilbur okay bye
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un2-verse · 3 years
BILLY — Kim Taehyung (1)
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》 News of a Sadistic Serial Killer nicknamed “Jigsaw” is spreading around town like wildfire… the nickname stemming from the puzzle piece he cuts from every victim’s body. No one knows who he’ll trap next but in a town full of delinquents and criminals, it could never be you. Right? 《
pairings: john kramer!taehyung x female reader
warnings: dark themes, angst, yandere, murder, torture, self harm, suicide, stalking etc.... (will add more when i know lol) although it is rather innocent in the first couple chapters(?) so idk it could be slow burn but i guess we’ll find out as i write it >< ,, it’s my version of saw if saw was a fucked up love story lol. Please don’t read if any of the topics mentioned trigger you!! 18+
this fic is exactly that, fiction!!!! the au does not represent the characters mentioned irl......
synopsis: you end up lost on the other side of town, where you cross paths with a handsome stranger, kim taehyung, only.... are you a stranger to him?
[a/n: daffodils represent; love me, sympathy, desire and affection returned...]
word count: 3k
series masterlist
part two
Hiding behind a mask was something you were accustomed to. Your friend group and family were clueless to the torment you endured from simply existing. You were confident your masking had convinced the world you were happy with yourself. Unbeknown to you, one other person saw straight through your façade.
You wanted to end your life.
He needed you to cherish your life.
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Nothing looked familiar. The café you frequented was nowhere to be found. Your usual hangout was most definitely not on the side of town you found yourself in. You felt anxiety slowly curl its way around your body, you were frigid. You tried and tried but couldn’t find it in yourself to run.
You lived in the more friendly part of town (so to speak) – where houses were colourful, gardens pristine, warm-hearted neighbours who would treat you like family and white picket fences are what surrounded you. That was your norm, sure, you weren’t exactly loaded but you weren’t exactly poor either. It was a healthy balance in the middle. That’s not to say you hadn’t lived or seen this side of town before.
Your Mother and Father had grown up on this side of the fence. Two young people brought up in the rougher, more unfortunate areas. Your Mother was tough; she looked like a naïve, weak girl, albeit that was not the case. She was strong willed, used to life on the streets and doing anything she could to get money to make sure there was at least some food on the table. While your Mum was the leader, your Dad was more of a sheep. He was easily influenced and was dragged into the wrong crowd (had his fair share with drugs and street racing). That was their life for a few years till they crossed paths and your Mum helped your Dad get back on the right track.
They didn’t tell you much about their childhood and adolescence but they told you enough to make you appreciate what you have and to always work hard for it. To stick with the right people, be wise and conscious of your decisions. Be kind to those around you.
Your family owned a garage; your Dad was the head mechanic. This was the sole reason you were here. You knew it wouldn’t be simple when you agreed to go to this side of town to get a few bits for your Father’s shop. However, you didn’t expect it to be this difficult. How could you be so stupid? Why didn’t you just ask Hoseok and Yoongi to come with you like your father told you to? Or at least tell them where you were… yet you decided today of all days to be stubborn and venture on yourself, knowing full well how unsafe the area was. There were rundown businesses on either side of the road, beggars at every doorstep; drug dealings happening in broad daylight, no one even trying to hide it.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, you took it out and sighed a breath of relief once you’d read the texts.
14:37— From Papa: U ok munchkin ??? Did u get the stuff ?
14:39— From Papa: its ok if u didnt. Yoongs rang said hes got majority this morning lol so be safe n get home soon . Love u
14:40— To Papa: ohhh ok pops, i couldn’t find the shop anyway lol i’ll head back soon, love u too x
“Fuck, trust me to forget to charge the bastard.” You rolled your eyes as you stuffed the phone back in your pocket.
Muffled shouting was heard around you. People ran across the street, bumping into you as they ran past. You gathered yourself and moved further down the path. “Great!” you exasperated, “honestly I’m so fucking stupid! Yoongi’s gonna kill me for this, I knew, I knew I should’ve told him I was coming over here but no,” your head was hung low as you dragged your feet across the pavement, “maybe I could tell Hobi, he wouldn’t be as angry right? I’m sure he’ll come,“ A sudden scream ripped you out of your chuntering. You whipped your head to the right, you could make out some figures bustling about in front of you, a group of men were quite clearly fighting… your anxiety struck you and you held your breath as you saw a man pull a knife from the waistband of his sweatpants. All thoughts and common sense seemed to leave all at once. Statue like, feet stuck to the ground. You watched on as the group rushed towards the brown haired man, you scanned his figure: tall, broad, confident… he exuded an intimidating aura even when you were this far away from him.
How could someone be so sure of themselves? It was one against five, surely the loner had no chance?
The glistening of the knife brought you back to your senses. Fucking hell. How do you always end up in these situations when you’re alone? Why me? Why? Good Lord, I need to run. Just as you were about to leave, the group who were arguing charged past you; one gripped his side as another supported his weight. Holy fuck, did he stab him? you stood frozen, yet again, your mind raced a mile a minute. Panic bubbled in your chest.
“You okay there Doll?” His voice was deep, velvet-like. It flowed so smoothly you doubted it was real, it was so soothing like it had wrapped itself around you, embracing your body. You heard his footsteps before he planted himself beside you. His shoulder reached the top of your head, his hand brushed yours. Swallowing your nerves you dared a glance up. He was fucking breath-taking, like a fallen angel. The stranger shot you a small smile that you would’ve easily missed had you not been staring at his features… a blush crept up your neck as you nodded. His smile slowly twisted into a smirk.
Cute, Taehyung thought to himself. Couldn’t help but adore the way you slightly trembled under his gaze, the way your hands gripped and twisted your sweater paws. Almost like a puppy. He cleared his throat and reached his hand to yours, “Sorry, I should’ve introduced myself. I’m Taehyung.” you took his hand into yours, apprehensively you greeted him, “I’m Y/N.”
“Ah, Y/N. I haven’t seen you round here before, you new or something?” Taehyung cocked his head to the side, his eyes seemed to stare right through you.
“Uhm, I don’t live here. I live over the other part of Town… I was just grabbing some stuff for my Dad but, my phones about to die. I have no idea where I am or how to get home, I’m sorry, I promise I didn’t see anything!” a deep chuckle cut you off, Taehyung smiled and beckoned you to follow him.
“Come on Y/N, you’re not suited for this side of Town, I’ll walk you back. A pretty little thing like you, you’re easy prey to these guys.” your feet fell into a cautious pace behind him, he glanced over his shoulder, “hurry up Buttercup, I don’t bite.” Taehyung flashed a boxy grin in your direction, which caused you to speed up ever so slightly.
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You were unsure how you felt about letting a complete stranger walk you home, Yoongi would definitely kill you for this. Especially with the recent news of some serial killer named ‘Jigsaw’, Yoongi and Hoseok had been very stern and their usual, overprotective selves when the news had broken out. “It’s on every headline Y/Nie! No more leaving the house on yourself, you need to go anywhere you ring either of us. Got it? Don’t talk to anyone you don’t know either. There’s some dodgy fucks about recently.” Although, you loved them dearly, sometimes their protectiveness was a...little overbearing. You already felt suffocated from your parents (you didn’t need it from your best friends as well). They were happy and believed you to be too; but that was exhausting, faking happiness. You had a constant façade, acted like a happy normal teenager with a happy family; when that was far from the truth.
Drowning. That’s how you’d explain the way you felt. Breathing was difficult and brought you more pain than it was worth. Growing up was tedious, you had grown differently to your peers which only brought ridicule and embarrassment for you. You had struggled with your speech (sometimes you still do), you often stuttered, mispronounced words, the list was endless. That was one of the first reasons you were a castaway. As you grew, the ridicule worsened. Verbal abuse turned physical from your classmates. They made you feel like you were a waste of space. The names they called you, you soon started to believe them. Ugly. Weird. Freak. Stupid. They took root in your brain, slowly they grew and grew till your head was overgrown with twisted, rotten weeds.
Eventually, you sought comfort in blood. You didn’t care that it hurt you; you were almost happy to feel pain. Like you deserved to.
By age 14, you had started to skip school. Only ever there for exams and a couple of art classes you had with Jeongguk. He was what you would’ve called a best friend, he supported you and was by your side till you left school. He went away to college and like always with school friends, you drifted apart. Nevertheless, he still texts you now and then to check in.
Although you were (once) close with Jeongguk. He never knew of your inner demons, the same with Yoongi and Hoseok. You didn’t want to feel like a burden and worry your friends when they had shit to worry about themselves.
Why devastate flowers that flourish beautifully with weeds that manage to twist their way around every crack?
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You had walked for a few minutes now, having chatted absentmindedly about anything and everything. The roads still didn’t look familiar to you and you just wished they did, you didn’t want to be away from your home any longer, your feet were starting to ache, your phone was on 10% battery and it was fucking cold. You just wanted to be back in bed tucked up watching Lady and the Tramp or 101 Dalmatians for the millionth time. You felt safe and content when you indulged in your comfort films. Far away from the real world and wrapped up in the false reality. They easily distracted you and that's when you truly felt at peace. Your mind was always too busy thinking about how cute it was when Tramp calls Lady, Pidge or how in love Pongo and Perdy were.
Majority of the time you fantasised about having a love similar, but then again, why would you wanna make yourself vulnerable like that? Is the risk of being hurt (more than you are now) any good? Of course it’s not. Fuck that, life isn’t nothing like those shitty romance films or novels… It’s real and painful.
As you and Taehyung rounded the corner, a little cafe caught your eye, a dainty blue and pink building. Fairy Lights strung up around the windows, you could see a handful of people inside, busy sipping their drinks and chatting away to one another. ‘Aroma Mocha’ hung above the doors. It looked so cute and simple. Your previous thoughts left your mind as quick as they had come. You wanted to go inside, it had an enticing atmosphere.
Taehyung hadn’t realised you’d stopped walking until he couldn’t hear the soft thud of your footsteps behind him, he turned as he called out to you, your eyes still fixed on the cafe. He chuckled to himself, “Fucking adorable, like a kid at christmas,” he walked back over to you. “Hey Doll, you wanna go in?” He felt his heart quicken when you looked at him with those pretty eyes, “We’ve plenty of time to get you back before it’s dark angel.” You answered him with a nod as you turned your head from Taehyung to look back at the alluring little cafe.
Not a second had passed before Taehyung grabbed your hand and pulled you across the road to the entrance; you ignored the warmth of his hand as it intertwined with yours; you ignored the way your tummy erupted with butterflies. Taehyung had stopped to hold the door for you, you murmured a small, “thank you,” looking up at him, the heat that crept up your cheeks making your face resemble that of a doll’s he thought to himself. Once he ushered you fully inside, he placed his hand to rest on the curve of your waist as he guided you to the back corner of the room, where a quaint table for two was unoccupied, a little pot of Daffodils sat atop. How fitting...
Taehyung was quick to pull the chair out for you to take a seat, you pulled it in as you sat down and sent a shy smile his way, “I’m sorry, I know we just met Taehyung but this place is so fucking precious! I hope I’m not bothering you, if I am we can just carry on walking or, I could ring a Taxi? Is this weird? Oh god, I can’t believe--”, Taehyung threw his head back as he laughed, a sound that seemed to wrap its way around your soul, twisting around your heart in the nicest of ways, it was almost like a killer to the weeds taking over your body. A temporary release. You felt like you could really breathe in those short seconds of his laughter.
“Angel, if you were bothering me, I’d have kept on walking. That, or I would’ve called you a Taxi myself, it’s no problem honestly.” You ducked your head as he sent a wink your way, fuck sake Y/N get it together! Why are you acting like a fucking schoolgirl?
“Well I uh, appreciate it so, yeah thank you?” You don’t know what to do, you’re here with the most gorgeous person you’ve ever laid your eyes on… yet you have no clue if what you saw was real, did Taehyung stab someone? Could someone have had the knife who wasn’t Taehyung? Was he even the person you saw in that altercation? Did you imagine everything that had gone off?
Before you had chance to overthink it, a light bubbly voice greeted your ears, “Hi! Welcome to Aroma Mocha, I’m Jimin and I’ll be your server today. Is there anything I can get you?” Jimin held his gaze on you as he flashed you a friendly smile, Taehyung turned around at the sound of his best friend, “Oh, Tae! I wasn’t expecting to see you today, what are you doing here? And who’s this pretty little lady?”
“This is Y/Nie, she was in the neighbourhood so we thought we’d nip in for something to drink before I take her back to hers.” you sent a warm smile to Jimin which he gladly returned, “I’ll have my usual and can you get Y/Nie a Strawberry Iced Tea? Thanks man.”
Once Jimin had disappeared to make your drinks, you shot your eyes to Taehyung, “Uhm, how’d you know I like Strawberry Iced Tea?” Taehyung didn’t even look in your direction as he scrolled through his phone, eyes glued to the screen. A minute passed by and he’d still not acknowledged your question so you let it slide, it wasn’t that big of a deal right? Your mind drifted. Your fingers rested atop of your lap, hidden from the sight of onlookers, picking around your nails as anxiety flooded your body. You felt like you were about to suffocate. You shouldn’t be talking to anyone, you shouldn’t let anyone close. You were only going to fuck everything up in a heartbeat. It’s only natural. Self deprecating thoughts devoured and made their way through your veins, poisoning yourself further; your whole body felt as though it was alight.
Jimin brought you your drinks, placed them carefully in front of the pair of you as you both said your thanks.
The click of Taehyung’s phone being locked and the clearing of his throat brought you back to your senses. “The drink I ordered for you is popular here so, I assumed you’d like to try it. You wanna talk about what’s bothering you?” your eyes shot up to meet his, your head tilted a little to the left as your tongue wet your lip, so puppy like...
You stared incredulously, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Taehyung.” You leant forward slightly as you wrapped your lips around the straw and took a sip.
Taehyung saw the way you sucked your drink up through your straw, his eyes darkened. Thankful to have worn sweatpants that day, he shifted himself discreetly, “I’m not stupid Angel, I know what you’re doing under the table. I’m here, so talk to me. I’ll listen to whatever you gotta say.”
You stuttered as you wracked your brain for something to say, “I-I only met you like forty minutes ago, I don’t even tell my friends what’s wrong. Not that there is, everything’s fine.”
You met me just short of an hour ago, he thought to himself, “You don’t have to lie to me Y/Nie…” he grabbed your hands that were laid near the cup of your Iced Tea. His thumb rubbing circles onto the back of your hand. You looked small and fragile, like the Daffodils on the table; one little pluck and you’d be ruined. He wouldn’t admit it to you just yet but, Taehyung fucking loved how delicate you seemed as you sat across from him.
How easy it would be to take your life away. How easy it’d be to pull those weeds up that are poisoning you, torturing you every single day. He shook his head, as he cleared those thoughts. No, only Y/N can make that decision. I’m just going to help her choose.
Live or Die.
You visibly winced, “You don’t know me. Think whatever the fuck you want about me, it doesn’t matter.” your eyes flashed hurt as you went back to picking your skin. You knew it, this whole encounter was too good to be true. A complete stranger (well acquaintance technically) had just presumed shit about you, the fact he was right is what hurt more. You didn’t want anyone to know how you were feeling. Or how you were dealing with it.
You couldn’t exactly tell him to piss off, you still needed his help home and so you tried to distract yourself from the unsettling gaze that watched your every move. You let out a breath as Taehyung went back to his phone. Your eyes drifted as you picked up the local Newspaper, your eyes skimmed over the headline, ‘Jigsaw Traps Continue’. Taehyung noticed you staring at the front page, and chuckled, “you scared of Jigsaw Angel?”
You shook your head, why would you be scared of some nutjob who’s targeted criminals and drug dealers? You’re a nobody. “Of some psychopathic puppet?” if anyone did anything to you that would threaten your life, it would be you. Taehyung just laughed in return as you skipped the article and skim-read the other pointless stories.
You were fucking clueless as to who he was while he knew every little thing about you. He had watched you for months… His precious little Y/Nie… Oh how silly you were, taking your life for granted.
You hated yourself that much, you were willingly marking yourself up. Tainting your skin… oh your skin, how fucking beautiful and soft it looked, even with all the scars it still looked perfect… Taehyung wanted nothing more than to whisk you away and lock you inside with him. Forever. He didn’t want anyone touching what was his.
He knew you wore a mask when in public, too afraid to show your real self. Little did you know, he wore a mask himself...only he wore it to better other people.
He had a plan.
And you’d soon find out.
Let the games begin.
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jimlingss · 3 years
It's B from @bang-tan-bitches and I would like to request a yandere fic. It can be BTS OT7 x reader or BTS member of your choice x reader. Similar to your amazing isekai story i would like something similar(a long one shot or a multi-chapter, your choice). Whether YN transmigrates to a game or a novel (not as a villain but maybe as a cannon fodder side character that has little importance to the story and just wants to lay low) but YN captures the attention of the love interest(s) and shit starts getting weird, intense, uncomfortable. Maybe it causes the supposed female lead to turn into the villain, maybe it causes the love interest(s) to turn into the villain(s). Maybe YN realizes that something is wrong with the story/game but can't figure it out. Idk. Time period doesn't matter. Modern. Ancient. Fairytale. Fantasy. Whatever.
If you can do this great! If you can't or don't want to, that's okay too. You're an amazing writer with so much talent and I'm really appreciative of all your work. Thank you for taking requests from your fans, I'm sure you've received a lot.
Take care! 😘💜💜💜
at the start of the pandemic, I was getting back into manga and manhwa and then after a few months, I dawdled off but recently, I’ve been getting back into it again haha so this request came at a pretty good time. Hopefully you won’t mind that I’ve taken some creative liberties with this request lol I think it’s more fun if I keep readers on their toes, including the requester.
On another note, I really shouldn’t be writing all my isekai’s with Taehyung as the main lead but he’s just so fitting asdfghjkl
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↳ The Fox Bride
2.6k || 99% Light Fluff, 1% Angst || Kim Taehyung || Isekai!AU, Slight Yandere!AU, Nine-Tailed Fox!Taehyung
You are a tutorial character.
But you weren’t always. You still remember being a career woman in the twenty-first century, struggling with overtime and paying bills while trying to keep yourself fed. The success of that ranged from month to month. But more importantly, you still remember that night too.
It was rainy. Your car blew a flat tire. You pulled to the side of the highway and got out.
The last thing that registered was the deafening honk of the semi-truck. 
Then you felt yourself flying upwards.
But when you landed, instead of colliding with the concrete and dying upon impact, you fell back onto your ass in the middle of a market on a dirt road. Transported back a thousand years ago.
Your purpose was fulfilled in the next two minutes. 
“Are you alright?”
The male protagonist had stretched out his hand and helped you up. The hero. The main character. It was obvious with his bright red hair, shining eyes and bronze armour. He was so starkly different from the rest who were gray and drab, including you who was suddenly in a brown shapeless dress. He was practically a neon billboard in the middle of a graveyard.
“Are you Y/N?”
You looked at him, befuddled that he knew your name. But before you could even respond or provide a line of dialogue, he said, “This is a delivery from Baker Jeon. He gives you his thanks.”
The protagonists handed you a loaf of bread. Undoubtedly his first ever quest. 
You looked down, not sure what to do with it.
“Do you know where the blacksmith is?”
You had absolutely no clue. But there was the deafening noise of hammering steel literally ten steps away. You would have to be blind not to see the gruff man shaping a sword at an anvil right on the road and deaf not to hear it. As if that wasn’t enough, the literal sign of the shop read: ‘the blacksmith’.
So you pointed.
“Thanks.” And he trudged off.
You were utterly confused until a background character who said they knew you waved you over. You shared your bread with her, brushed aside when she asked you what was wrong, and you followed her as she walked up to your supposed cottage.
All the while, you saw yourself in the background of the hero’s main quest as he ran through the town.
And that was that.
It wasn’t so hard to figure out where you were or what the hell this was when you put your mind to it. Without much of a job or a family, and no technology but the candle that you had to conserve when night fell, there was ample time.
So you spent it thinking and you eventually solved the mystery.
You were in Beast Boys Harem: A Forbidden Embrace. AKA. a dumb yaoi otome game app that you downloaded on your phone when you were sixteen and bored. You remember because you were too cheap to buy the routes, so you played the tutorial, prologue and read the summaries of the routes online. Now you regret that you didn’t just fork over the goddamn five dollars. 
Even more than that, you regret that you even downloaded the game in the first place.
But at least you’re just a tutorial character. You’re free from the storyline and the plot—
That’s what you thought.
Turns out living a thousand years in the past in a fantasy realm as a woman didn’t bode well. It was probably no different from how it would’ve been like in the medieval ages. You had no trade skills. No one was willing to accept you as an apprentice when you were a woman. You found that you were essentially illiterate with a reading level of a preschooler, no one was willing to teach you, and you had no power or wealth when you were without a father or a husband.
And you’re certain what the landlord and tax-collectors are doing is illegal.
But in this world, in this unjust realm, there is no such thing as the law.
“We know you’re in there!”
You jolt from the heavy pounding on the frail wooden door.
“It’s time to pay up!”
Your hands tremble as you set the candle down that’s still billowing of smoke, the flame smothered out mere seconds ago. As much as you want to hide and pull the blanket over your head, you know that door won’t last. They’ll find you if you’re trapped in here.
“If you can’t, spread those legs of yours!” a low voice spits and there’s chortling from the men.
Someone adds, “Sell your body already!” 
“Open up! Damn whore!”
Without a single possession but the white nightgown clad on your body, you open the latch of the back window. You cringe at the squeak, trying to keep your movements quiet before the door gives way.
You hoist yourself up onto the window ledge. The door bends with the strength of multiple clenched fists against it. Your feet touch the soft grass outside your cottage. The men shout.
And the door finally slams against the wall, hinges broken. 
But by then, you’ve slipped into the shadows.
“Where is she?!”
The blanket is ripped off the bed, curtains are whipped back, every drawer dumped onto the ground and cupboards yanked open. The floor shakes with the weight of their boots and you press your palm to your mouth to silence your panting breaths, slowly stepping away.
“That damn whore slipped through us—!”
But as your shitty luck would have it, a sudden crack has the whole world coming to a standstill.
Shit. You look down at your feet, realizing that the snapping noise came from you stepping on a twig. And it’s exposed your hiding place.
“There she is!” — “Out the back window!”
You grab fistfuls of your dress and bolt. 
“Get her!”
With your cottage on the edge of town, there’s nowhere to run but through the dense woods. It’s shrouded in the darkness, no doubt filled with wild beasts creeping through the thicket. The rustling canopy of the trees doesn’t allow the dim, waning moonlight to illuminate your path.
So you’re left blind. Struggling up the high incline of the forest, feet slipping on dirt and mud. But you keep sprinting with all your might, even when the pointed, coiling branches scrape at your calves until blood sheds and the hem of your dress tears in the underbrush.
“Run, little rabbit!” one of them mocks, “Run!”
The four men continue to give chase, gripping onto their roaring torches, shrieking and howling after you. One of them is manically laughing as if your efforts to flee only adds to the thrill. Their greased hands reach out to snatch you, but the tips of their fingers graze the ends of your hair.
Your teeth are sunk into the bottom of your lip, sobs breaking through your aching chest. Your lungs burn, dying for a break or moment of relief. But you don’t relent and luckily, you manage to build distance between you and the men. Only, that luck comes crashing down by a fucking hole.
A hole in the forest floor that you don’t see. That has your footing all wrong. That makes you scream and fall.
You twist your ankle in a direction it’s definitely not supposed to be in and cry from pain. 
A second later, you force yourself to get up and keep running with tears flooding your eyes and dripping down your cheeks. But it’s more like limping than running, akin to hobbling on one leg and every movement has pain shooting from your swelling ankle.
The effort becomes futile. They surround you within minutes.
“All finished?” The tax-collector’s head cocks with a spreading grin. “You’re not going to keep running?”
Why couldn’t you just fucking die the first time?! Even if it was an awful death where you didn’t have time to prepare yourself or say goodbye to anyone, at least it would’ve been the end. At least you wouldn’t have to suffer.
But there’s no time to grieve. Or hate the new life you’ve been given. This is it. You have to keep going. You have to survive. By any means. You’re about to pick up a branch and uselessly wave it around at them, shout at them to stand back. Anything that you could do to save yourself—
“Who dares come onto my mountain?!”
There’s a deep timbre behind you. A husky voice that quivers the very core of the forest.
As if the wind has swept through, the trees and thicket rustle and it goes silent.
The men fall back onto their asses, some torches clattering to the ground. Their eyes have grown double in size, nearly falling from their sockets and their jaws have dropped to the dirt.
“I-It’s the nine-tailed fox!”
The man scrambles back.
Another barely manages to get onto his feet. He turns around and lurches away while shrieking.
They all run. Scattering away as frantically as cockroaches when the light is flickered on.
From your spot on the ground, you turn around with wide eyes. 
Amber irises meet your gawking and they practically glow in the darkness of the forest. He is dressed in a loose, white robe that’s draped over his frame, open to the middle of his chest. And over his honey hair, on the top of his head, his pointed golden ears twitch. By the torch fire still yet to die out, he is illuminated and his shadow is casted on the ground. The blazing flame warms his cold, sharp features. 
He is the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen. In both worlds you’ve lived in.
And you know who he is.
Taehyung. One of the love interests of the hero. A seductive, sly creature that eventually coaxes the hero into selling him his soul to grant one of his wishes. But Taehyung grows to become an obsessed character that wants to do nothing but monopolize and possess the hero for himself.
That same Taehyung approaches you with his lip curled as you teeter to your feet.
“Run away, girl.” He leans close. “Before I eat you.”
On sheer instinct and adrenaline, you push him back. Your palm shoves against his firm chest.
Taehyung stumbles back with his eyes becoming rounded. He looks down to where you had made contact against his body. “Did...you just touch me?”
Taehyung’s head darts upwards and he captures your wrist in his hand, squeezing tightly. He tugs you in and on your swollen ankle, you stumble into him. Bodies flush against one another. Your face pressed to his warm chest. His arm coming around your waist to break your fall.
He is aghast. 
“You’re not from this world.” Taehyung’s yellow eyes swirl as they gaze into you. “Where did you come from?”
It’s been three days.
“Wed me,” he begs for the seventy sixth time. 
You don’t know why you’re keeping a count.
You’re hugging your knees for warmth. The rice paper-paneled doors are slid open and letting in the chilly air. He doesn’t seem to be affected by the cold, but you don’t look at him for long. 
You turn into the corner of his home while sitting on the tatami floors as if you’re putting yourself into time out. But you’d like to say it’s your privacy corner. It’s as private as this abode, which was basically one room, could get. 
Taehyung sighs in frustration, placing his hand on his forehead. His teeth grit. “You’re only making this harder for yourself.” Your silence angers him more. “You can never leave.”
You turn over your shoulder to glare. “Even if I married you, you’d never let me leave anyway.”
Taehyung narrows his eyes on you and then smirks. “You’re right. Wed or unwed, I won’t let you out of my sight. You should feel grateful, girl. You’re the best human I’ve ever treated.”
You quietly scoff.
Maybe you should feel scared. Maybe you should tread more lightly. After all, he’s not a character to be trifled with.
But you know he needs you. That alone gives you power. 
As a beast, Taehyung’s been trapped on this mountain by priests for centuries. The only way he can be free is by feeding off of sexual energy and breaking the barrier. But of course, they also cursed him to be unable to touch any woman in this universe. 
You aren’t from this universe.
You jolt when you realize that while you were lost in thought, Taehyung’s crawled closer. He has a foxy smile, amber eyes searching your expression. “Maybe….maybe I’ll grant you a bit of freedom if you would just give into the temptation and let me have a taste of you.”
As cold as he looks, he is beautiful. He is mischievous when he smirks and sly when he speaks. You are utterly spellbound as you look into his irises. And the temptation he speaks of flickers in the warmth of your belly.
But you turn away.
“I already said we only do that kind of thing after marriage. And I will only marry someone I love.”
Taehyung draws back with an unamused scoff. “What a prudish world you’re from.”
He wanted you the moment you were brought to this house. With the intensity of his stare and your captivated state, you had let him pin you to his floor and you liked it. But then clarity came and you blurted that such an act only happens after marriage. A lie just to buy time.
You didn’t expect for the hero to arrive at Taehyung’s house the next day. With his red hair and bronze armour, he had gotten lost in the forest and knocked on the door. Before you could limp over and answer it, Taehyung jumped off the roof and confronted him.
The guy was thrown off the mountain within five minutes.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. They were supposed to have a steamy rendezvous. Taehyung was supposed to get the sexual energy from him! 
The story was going off the rails. And you’re not sure what you’re even buying time for anymore.
The both of you know it’s only a matter of time before you break and succumb to his mesmerizing seduction.
Taehyung is cruel, ruthless, obsessive.
But what’s the most bewitching thing about him is the jarring contrast of when he’s clumsy and nurturing. It’s what he regards as his own weakness. What he hides from others. But you felt your heart waver two nights ago when you were shaken awake in the middle of twilight. When you peeked open your eye to see him gingerly wrapping your swollen ankle with bandages.
He looked beautiful in the pale moonlight, ears, tails, sharp features softened—
“Ow!” You wince as he squeezes your ankle, right on your injury.
“You think too much in your head,” he says and looks at you. “What’s wrong?”
“It hurts.”
A sadistic smile tugs on Taehyung’s lips. He lets go, but only to lift your chin with his fingers. His plush lips are inches away, his breath warm on your skin and he gazes deep into you. “I won’t let you return to your world. I won’t let you run away. I won’t let anyone harm you.”
“You’re mine now.” Taehyung swears, “You’ll fall in love with me eventually.”
You gulp and he smirks.
The two of you know it’s only a matter of time.
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ghostietea · 3 years
Furuba autistic headcanons
With it being April, or autism acceptance month, I wanted to finally drop my list of characters from Fruits Basket that I read as autistic! This is based a lot on my own experience, as well as that of other autistics I know or have seen talk online. I hope some people can get something out of it, feel free to tell me what you think 😊, though please refrain from getting upset that I would dare suggest your fave is autistic.
Before becoming able to better control her powers, she would be constantly overwhelmed by the things she heard to the point that she couldn't even really go out in public. This reads a lot like sensory overload.
Constantly picked on in school because other kids thought she was weird. Eventually reclaimed this weirdness and turned it into a whole persona.
Seems to talk usually in a relatively flat tone.
Had trouble socializing with no friends outside her family until middleschool.
Has a very funny, dry sense of humor that I find very similar to a bunch of autistics I know, including myself.
Listen. You have seen the funky little man, you have seen the way he talks, the way he acts around others. He is, and I mean this in the best way, a weirdo. I do not know how you could look at him and see a neurotypical.
Once again, like Hana, Haru is funny in a way that feels very autistic.
Very flat, dry, tone delivery. Sometimes just Says Things that make everyone else go huh??? Suuuuper blunt. Doesn't emote facially a lot of the time.
When this man sees a social norm he doesn't get he WILL NOT follow it. Pierces his ears just because his hair got flak, defends Momiji wearing whatever he wants because sometimes y'know the social rules are just dumb and don't make sense. Especially dress codes.
Sometimes says things not befitting the current tone of the situation.
Represses (masks) a lot of his emotions, leading to outbursts that seem uncharacteristic.
His main childhood trauma revolves around adults branding him as "dumb" and ridiculing him. Haru, however, is super smart and wise!! Just in an offbeat way that not everyone may get.
Reads as very "flat" emotionally to the point that others would call her boring. Also has a flat vocal delivery.
Relies on specific habits or ways of doing things or else she gets super upset (her hatred of imperfection.
Has trauma surrounding adults completely misconstruing her intentions and thinking she's doing something malicious when she's not.
Generally behaves in a way that's hard for others to understand, one of her formative moments with Yuki was him saying he wanted to "see how the world looks" through her eyes.
Once again, trouble socializing.
Tries super hard to please her parents but in the end they still see her as somehow inherently "defective."
Listen. A lot of this one and the last two are mostly vibes, hard to verbally define. You just have to look at them and trust me.
Displays behavior very reminiscent of masking throughout the story, a huge part of her arc is about how she hides a lot of herself and has a very controlled persona. I think it would fit very well if she had other autistic behaviors that she suppresed also it helps explain why she is relatively socially adept, it's learned behavior to make people like her more.
Yes she is very good at saying what others need to hear, but especially early on she is pretty blatantly imitating her mother's words. She only gets better at getting through on a more personal level later on (see her with Rin and Akito v. early series Tohru). She does this by relating her own experiences, a very autistic way of showing empathy that often gets us written off as self centered. The way she relays things her mom said could also be seen as this, and she even worries at a few points that she's being insensitive for going on about things like that.
While emotionally repressed she is hyper empathetic and feels other's emotions so strongly she cries.
Her speech patterns are all imitated from her father and she often copies verbal things from others (see Ritchan-san). Noted in canon that people think her way of speaking is slightly off/not befitting of someone her age. Additionally, her father was polite more sarcastically, while she plays it straight and sometimes takes things very literally or fails to get the message, indicating trouble with reading tone. Has numerous strange verbal tics, including saying parts of her internal monologue out loud without context.
Very expressive with her hands including waving them around and flapping them up and down.
Does have a bit of trouble with accidental insensitivity in social interactions, like how she constantly fixates on her mom and realizes that might bug the Sohma.
Has trouble paying attention in school since it doesn't have much to do with her interests
Her only friend until she was a middle schooler was her mom
Has a pretty unique outlook on things compared to others, people seem to think she's pretty eccentric. There's always a "this girl is nice but in an odd way, she's our weirdo and we love her" vibe.
Sometimes has an "inappropriate" emotional response to situations
Has a lot of trouble with change, similar to Akito. Which oh, look at the time, next hc coming up.
But first, a disclaimer. It is cathartic for me to read Akito this way, but with that reading comes the baggage that she would, mayhaps, be showing a more negative side of things... It doesn't bother me since it's a joint hc with other characters and she does develop at the end but yeah, general villain hc baggage. This is in no way me trying to excuse her being The Worst being autistic doesn't absolve you of being able to do wrong . Also, a lot of these points can and do have other explanations related to her upbringing, but things can be for more than 1 reason. With that said, she really strongly comes off as autistic to me, in a way that's sorta hard to explain. I wrote a lot more for her than the other, both because I felt I needed more to convince people and that this headcanon was more sensitive and I needed to be careful in my explanation. Also hey! She's my special interest within a special interest.
Shown to have a dislike of summer weather due to heat and brightness, could be due to sensory issues in tandem with sickness things. Also covers her ears when people raise their voice sometimes which is partially her trying to shut down opposition but also 🤔 can read a different way. She'd also avoids louder Juuni like Ritsu and Ayame because she can't handle them.
Wears pretty much the same outfit every single day. Said outfit is also pretty loose fitting.
Always seen sitting in a pretty unconventional way. Evidence:
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Of course this is also the isolated in a cult thing and there is a level of her purposefully doing things to intimidate but: doesn't follow a lot of social rules (overly touchy with strangers, legit doesn't get that what she's doing is wrong, ect.). Repeatedly confused when people indicate she should act otherwise without explanation. Has a breakdown when this comes to a head and approximately says that "they" shouldn't expect her to know "common sense" if "they" never explained it to her, that the way that she was was her "common sense."
Often talks in a way uncharacteristic of her age when shown as a child in a more faux mature/pretentious way. Might just be the translation and idk how to explain it but her speech as an adult also seems off from what one would normally use in conversation. Additionally, when she tries to fake being friendly in her intro chapter, it comes of as extremely stiff and unconvincing.
Generally displays behavior that could be thought of as childish as an adult, but a lot of this behavior could also read as autistic (covering ears, emotional deregulation and meltdowns, ignorance of basic social norms, ect.). It's also important to note that she knows that this behavior makes her seem younger and more helpless to the older zodiac and uses it as a manipulation tactic. Has issues regarding people treating her like a child or only hanging out with her because of pity. While she does weaponize it, we can tell that this grates on her, as seen with her finally blowing up on Kureno, which is partially triggered by the maids saying some sorta infantalizing stuff about her. Irl, a lot of autistic adults and teens struggle with being infantalized for our behavior generally or treated as little babies that can do no wrong. Even in fandom, you see people doing stuff like jumping to call autistic adult characters, such as Entrapta from Shera, "minor coded." It is also common for us to have at least one bad experience with someone hanging around us out of pity. This is something that really gave me a similar feeling in Akito's arc. She's not a baby and she can understand and do better if she is given the chance to learn and break from all the freaky cult indoctrination she's been subjected to instead of just being constantly enabled. In the end, a lot of her growth is represented by her showing that she is capable of changing and being independent.
Shows particular difficulty with socialization, often sits by herself spacing out at social events. A lot of her fear is rooted in the fact that she doesn't know how normal relationships work, becoming overly reliant on the curse because she doesn't know how to make friends.
Clings desperately onto the notion of being "special" and in some way superior to others to be worthy and to make up for perceived inherent "flaws." It's the nd gifted kid burnout vibes for me.
Easily bothered by things that don't bother others. Feels emotions very strongly to the point of getting physically ill and has bad emotional regulation.
Relatively good at reading others in an analytical sense (though has more trouble when it comes to seeing how they feel about her since she's wildly delusional) but brings up her observations in a very cold, detached way and hurts people even on the rare occasion she didn't mean to. Has extreme trouble connecting to others and understanding their point of view. This makes her come off as pretty unempathetic even though that might not fully be the case. Also thinks that people like Momiji are trying to look down on her when they try to empathize with her. A lot of why Tohru can get through to her is that she manages to convince Akito that she's not condescending by relating shared traits and experiences. As I said earlier, autistics often empathize by sharing their own experiences with someone, and I know I often have an easier time confiding in other autistics because of a fear of being seen as lesser by those that don't understand me. I think the connection between these charachters and the way that Tohru manages to reach Akito like that while others couldn't makes a lot of sense through an autistic lense!
Additionally, when Akito herself gets around to trying to help others instead of just projecting trauma, she tries to reach out to the old maid by relating back to her own experiences. This however, doesn't work.
Has "cold" emotional reactions sometimes even to things that do make her upset. For example, how sort of calm and detached she acted after her father's death can make her seem uncaring. However, we know that this event did mess her up a lot and she is still (poorly) dealing with a lot of grief from the death of her father years later.
Copies mannerisms from others, the most blatant example is with Ren, who she directly parrots lines from as a child to Yuki.
Partly just her posturing, but gestures a lot with her hands when she talks. Also seen several times clutching her hands in her hair.
Deals extremely poorly with the idea of things changing to the point that it is a driving force of the story.
Does not understand when people tease her.
Ect. Ect. Ect. Listen, I could go on for ages but just trust me, the mean gremlin lady is autistic.
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neon-junkie · 4 years
Could we please have some more Flaco? Maybe Y/N gets snowed in the cabin with him and they spend a romantic night together (idk do whatever you think would go best, you don’t even have to take this request) I just really love the Mexican bby 🥺👉👈
hnnggggg i can’t resist Flaco requests, obviously. Here’s some gender-neutral reader smut for you <3
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Yes, maybe you should have left when your gut was telling you to, but Flaco's still rambling on about his younger days, and he always puts on a show whenever he talks. He's theatrical without realizing it, with large hand movements, and a deep voice that can easily reach the back of any theatre. How can you not be captivated when Flaco is talking? It's impossible! The sound of the heavy snow outside soon disappears from your mind, and you're sat on Flaco's bed, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders, watching as he strides around his cabin, telling you exactly why he doesn't get along with Jim boy Calloway. But Flaco's story is soon interrupted when both of you hear a thud in the distance, and Flaco is quick to wander over to the cabin door and peer outside.
  "Oh, it's only a tree," Flaco comments as he quickly shut the door again, his hat almost blowing off from the heavy draft. How he is so unfazed by this harsh weather is beyond you, but you begin to panic, knowing there's no way you can ride through that white hell, especially considering the snow is so thick that you can't even see the stairs.
  "My horse," you whimper, concerned for your mounts safety, but Flaco calms you as he assures that your horse is fine, that they've gone to find their own shelter.
  "My horse does it all the time, there's a cave not too far from here, an empty one... well, it's not now there are two horses in it," he explains with a laugh. Flaco has a horse? That's new.
  You allow him to brush your concern off your shoulders, but a shiver quickly replaces it. You realize how the temperature has dropped even more now there's a fresh, thick coat of snow surrounding the cabin, and blowing in through a few gaps in the wood.
"Come, sit," Flaco beckons you as he sits on the floor in front of the cooking fire after placing another log on.
  You sit beside him, watching as the flames begin to pick up, consuming the log Flaco has generously fed, and warming up the cabin within no time. Flaco begins to talk again, and as always, you sit and listen, unaware on how much your minor gesture means to Flaco.
  It's lonely up here, his men are usually out doing their own thing, and Flaco can't risk leaving the cabin for long, not with the price on his head and the Pinkertons on his tail. So, the sight of you tilting your head slightly and batting your lashes innocently, as Flaco continues to talk warms his heart. He knows your full focus is on him, and usually it feeds his ego, but tonight he blushes for once and quickly looks away, his words trailing off for a brief moment before he picks them up again.
  "Are you warmer?" Flaco questions, his eyes on the flames.
"Getting there," you reply.
  Flaco looks at you briefly, opening his mouth to say something, but turns away again. He keeps his eyes forward, watching the fire consume each log, before finally speaking.
  "This... this is nice, you know? I haven't had anybody to talk to in so long. I don't get many visitors, apart from the odd bear or a Pinkerton scout. But to have somebody... to have you sit and listen as I talk away... I really appreciate it," Flaco confesses, his voice soft and warm, but there's an obvious heartbreak in his words.
  You can't help but reach out and rest your hand on his arm, the thick but worn fur of his coat pressing against your palm, entwining between your fingertips. Flaco gazes down at your hand on his arm, and the rosiness returns to his cheeks again, only this time he doesn't hide it as he looks at you.
"I'll keep you warm, if you want," Flaco offers, and you nod in agreement as you shuffle close to him. He's a little hesitant at first, not wanting to cross any boundaries, but soon scoops you up and settles you in his lap. You curl up against him, your side pressed to his chest, your head in the curve of his neck, your legs tangled up with his. Flaco's hands wrap around your waist, cosily meeting in the middle. A gentle kiss is placed to the top of your head before Flaco rests his cheek there, his eyes falling shut, enjoying the feeling of finally having someone to hold, someone who cares, someone who will sit and listen, even if there wasn't a snow storm outside.
  There's silence for a while, yet it's peaceful. Sure, you can still hear the sounds of thudding snow around you, but it soon fades from your consciousness. All you're focused on is Flaco's deep breaths hitting the top of your head, his chest rising and falling against your body, and his heartbeat echoing in the distance.
You could have fallen asleep, if it wasn't for Flaco speaking up again.
  "I... I appreciate you coming to see me so often," Flaco confesses.
  "It's alright, you ain't gotta thank me. I like visiting you," you tell him, your eyes still shut.
  "No," Flaco sighs, and gently moves his hand from your waist so he can cup your chin. He tilts your head up, your eyes opening as they make contact with his. "I, uh, I really appreciate it..."
  Something in your gut tells you that he's trying to confess something important to you, something that needs to be said, but words are failing him. Can you be surprised? Spending all this time by yourself must really start to take a toll on your wellbeing.
  Flaco looks away again, but follows his gaze back to you as you gently cup his jawline and lead his head. He looks down at you, his brows not furrowed for once; this is easily the most relaxed you've ever seen him, and you know you're the cause behind his calmness.
He's mesmerized, softly smiling at you. You both know what's coming next, and you're happy on the unspoken agreement to meet in the middle.
  You've always hoped you'd end up like this, or at least end up curled on his lap one day. The kiss is a bonus, a bonus that makes you shudder as he moves his hands to hold you tenderly, his hat brushing against the top of your head as he moves, and his facial hair is a lot softer than it looks, you barely feel it brush over the sensitive skin above your upper lip.
  Flaco breaks the kiss so he can remove his hat, placing it on the floor beside him, and meets your lips again, only this time, he's hungry. His hands are trailing over you, soon settling on your thighs and tugging at them. You know what he wants, and you move your body to straddle him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulls your chest against his.
  His kisses are both tender and lustful at the same time, knowing exactly when to sigh against your lips, and exactly when to deepen the kiss. Flaco's large hands are trailing over you once more, only this time he's picking at all the fastenings on your clothes, picking at buttons, pulling at laces, guiding the fabric from your body.
You've only managed to unhook his bandoliers and gun belt by the time you're nude, and you seem to have forgotten about the chill outside; if anything, the cabin suddenly feels boiling.
  Flaco breaks the kiss as you finish fiddling with the fastenings on his coat, shrugging it off and taking a hold of you again. "Hey," Flaco softly calls out, "are you sure about this? I uh, I'm not quite the man I used to be..."
"Quit doubting yourself," you tell him, cupping his jawline and placing a kiss on his forehead. "I'm sure."
Flaco softly laughs, "alright," he confirms, and continues to massage and knead at every part of you. Flaco's admiring you, gazing and gawking over your body, then dips his head to kiss your neck as he keeps one hand firmly on your hip, the other moving down to your crotch.
His hand is roaming over you, getting a feel, exploring your body; he's attentive, noticing what touches make your knees go weak, and which ones you shy away from. Flaco moves his hand away so he can dampen his fingers, and then presses them against your entrance, slicking you up before slowly inserting a finger.
"Good, good," Flaco coos as he works his way in, slowly pumping his finger in and out, picking up a little more speed with every thrust.
Once you're ready, and Flaco knows you're ready since you're now a babbling, whimpering mess, struggling to stay upright over his lap, he slips another finger in. He's praising you once more, kissing along your collarbone and moving up your neck, his other hand gripping you firmly in an attempt to keep you upright. "Just a little more," Flaco mutters as he continues working you open, scissoring his fingers, stretching you to the best of his ability, ensuring you won't be in pain when he finally slides in.
You only have to say his name once and Flaco knows you're ready. He's grinning as he slips out of you, moving to his pants and unfastening them. You almost pounce onto him once he pulls out his cock, thick and flushed, pre-cum dribbling from the tip; he chuckles when you move his hands away to replace them with your own, pumping his shaft, getting him ready and earning beautiful moans.
"Come on," Flaco says as he rushes to unbutton his white shirt, tossing it onto his bed, and laying back on the floor. His coat is spread out perfectly, acting as a padded layer from the wooden floor.
You shuffle up his hips and find the right position, holding Flaco's cock steady and at your own pace, you slide down onto him. Flaco's grunting and groaning as you sink down, letting his hands rest on your hips. He swears once you're seated, and rolls his head back against his coat, shutting his eyes and sighing deeply. "It's been so long," Flaco comments, and you allow the larger man to have a breather.
Flaco's eyes are on yours again, and he's waiting patiently for you to take the lead, letting you ride him when you're ready. Once again, Flaco's moaning, watching in admiration as you ride him, your hands resting on his thick, broad chest, fingers entwined with his layer of chest hair.
You're slow at first, focused on how Flaco's length feels inside you; finally, you're making love to the man you've had your eyes on for so long, the man you trail up the snowy mountain for just to see under the excuse of work, the man who's been soft on you the second you stumbled into his cabin. Flaco has stars and hearts in his eyes, watching you explore him, and encouraging you to go at your own pace.
Once you're ready, you speed up, and Flaco's a moaning mess beneath you. It's not hard to miss the way his hips and thighs keep twitching, eager to press you against his chest and buck up into you, but he's a respectful man, one that has a big soft spot for seeing his soon-to-be-sweetheart on top of him.
Flaco eventually lets out a soft "come here," and beckons you to move your body forward, his arms wrapping around your waist. You can feel his legs move beneath you, propping his body into the right position, and he begins to buck up into you.  
The air is pushed from your lungs, Flaco's hard slam taking you by surprise, and he hums pleasantly at your reaction. He goes a little softer, rolling his hips up into you, holding your waist firmly, occasionally moving down to knead your ass. Flaco's now grunting and groaning, sending a flow of praise your way; when his eyes aren't scrunched shut, he's looking up at you, taking in your debauched reaction.
Eventually, you find it hard to stay propped up, and fall limp against Flaco's chest, your head snuggling into the curve of his chest. "Too good, huh?" Flaco asks in a cocky manner, laughing at the end of his words, and keeps his grin on his face when you nod in agreement.
Flaco speeds up his pace, bucking up into you, loving the way you've turned into a whimpering mess on him. You soon manage to peel yourself off Flaco's chest, propping yourself back up, only because your orgasm is on edge and you need to touch yourself. Flaco sighs when you reach down to play with yourself, sending words of encouragement your way, "close already? good, so am I."
You almost forget how to breathe when your orgasm hits, letting out a choked moan and clenching around Flaco's length. He's grunting and moaning, panting heavily as he slams up into you once more and holds himself there, spilling his load inside you. The cabin is almost silent for a while, just the both of you catching your breath and coming to terms with what's finally happened.
Flaco is the first to speak, patting your thighs and going "let's get cleaned up." Before you can slide off him, he sits upright, stealing a tender kiss from you; it's obvious that Flaco adores you, just from the softness yet eagerness of his kisses, and the way he gazes into your eyes before kissing your forehead sweetly.
Flaco helps clean you up, both of you pulling on some light clothing to sleep in, and Flaco is in bed before you, getting it warm with his coat spread over him, acting as an extra layer of warmth. You're pulled against his chest as you join him, snuggling up to the larger man, his body providing more than enough warmth to keep you toasty throughout the night.
"It's a good thing I ramble some times, huh?" Flaco softly comments.
"Yeah, and it's a good thing there's a snow storm outside."
"Mhmm," Flaco nods in agreement, his eyes falling shut. "We're snowed in, you might need to spend some time here."
"Oh, what a shame," you sarcastically reply, making Flaco chuckle.
Flaco places a kiss on your forehead, and you curl up to him a little tighter, falling asleep in his arms.
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baby-blossoms · 4 years
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1696
Summary/Request: could you possibly do a sam x reader fic where sam is really protective to the reader even with dean or cas idk why i just love really love protective relationship tingz but please take your time and focus on your school work, I hope your have an amazing week ❤️
Warnings: None really, Sam is just protective
       You, Sam, Dean, and Cas all sat in a diner near the motel you were staying at during your upcoming hunt. Sam was typing away at his laptop, not stopping his research on this particularly hard case for a moment. Dean and Cas chattered to each other off and on while Dean practically made love with a huge greasy burger, and you sat and watched people walking by outside of the window. People watching was something you did often when Sam was busy. You usually didn’t get along too well with Dean, so people watching kept you thoroughly entertained for the time being. Conversation between you and Dean wasn’t worth the struggle and inevitable disagreement, and trying to talk to Cas with Dean near him was like trying to get a puppy to listen while someone else was dangling a treat in front of them.  
    “You okay?”
Sam asked in almost a whisper. You jolted out of your thoughts, bringing your focus to Sam. You had strained your neck and left shoulder pretty badly fighting off a vampire during your last hunt and Sam kept continuously checking to make sure you were really okay.
    Your heart always jumped at the sight of him. His wide hazel eyes were warm and filled with love and concern.
    “Yes, I was just watching people walk by.”
You responded quickly. Placing a hand on top of his, you smiled as he took it and gave it a soft squeeze before letting go. 
    Years ago, Sam had found you half-dead in a witch’s house. He and Dean hadn’t thought twice about saving you. Sam had nursed you back to health himself, and being a stereotypical romantic story of the two of you coming together, you fell in love with him fast and hard. It was almost amusing how surprised and slightly offended Dean had been when you didn’t swoon over his cheesy pickup lines and signature smile once you were up and hunting with them. Your attention was always drawn back to Sam, even in the middle of conversations with Dean. Sam was so soft with you, often reassuring you that you were the only girl he had eyes for, but his mood would quickly change the moment any man tried to take you home. A very protective side of him came out, and they were met with glares and sharp replies as Sam practically carried you away from them.
    “What do ya’ say we go to a bar tonight?” Dean asked abruptly. Apparently, his and Castiel’s conversation had ended, and he glanced eagerly between you and Sam, practically begging you to say yes with his eyes.
You asked, genuinely confused as to why Dean was inviting you anywhere when the both of you said no more than often.
    “Come on sweetheart, you both need some loosening up. Maybe you won’t be so uptight if we get a few drinks in you.”
    You glared at Dean for a moment. Dean seemed to love throwing that word around, especially because he knew how much it got on your nerves. 
    “I’m not uptight.”
You replied before taking a sip of your drink.
    “Then come to the bar with me tonight.”
Dean challenged with a smirk. You took in a deep breath, trying to keep your language in check in such a public environment, but your response was cut short when Sam slammed his laptop shut. 
    “First of all, Dean, don’t call her sweetheart. Second of all, she doesn’t have to prove anything to you by going to a sleazy bar just to get hit on by every man in the damn place.”
You held back a laugh, simply taking another drink of your coffee. 
    “How about we make her wear a big flashing sign that says ‘Property of Sam Winchester.”
Dean said, shaking his head at his brother. 
    “Dean.” You said sternly before Sam could reply. You could see genuine anger igniting in his eyes. “I’ll- Sam and I will both go tonight if it will shut you up for once.”
Dean gave you a delighted smile, then quickly got up from the table.
    “Oh, you are not ready for a night out with me, toots. I’ll get your sign ready.”
    You heard Sam huff angrily as Dean left with Cas following awkwardly behind. 
    “Look, I know you don’t like bars that much, but this will shut him up for at least a little while. Plus we’ll be there together, so it’s not like anything bad will happen.” 
Sam hummed, acknowledging that he had heard you but still wasn’t very happy about going to the bar.
    “Come on, baby,” you sighed, getting up and kissing him softly on the cheek, “it might be fun, you know?”
    Sam looked at you, his expression softening before he gently kissed you back. He shook his head with a slight chuckle and got up from the table, getting ready to head back to the hotel with you.
    “I just hate how people talk to you when we go out. It makes me uncomfortable, so I can’t even begin to imagine how you feel…” He trailed off, eyeing you for a moment before letting in, “Being around you is always fun, though.”
You quickly replied,
    “You’re damn right it is.”
    You had changed into a y/f/c dress that fit you in all the right places, and you stood checking your appearance in the mirror when Sam walked in.
    “Hey, beautiful.”
He greeted you with a smile. You grinned back at him, laughing as he took your hand and slowly spun you in a circle, leading you with the arm that wouldn’t hurt your shoulder. He pulled you back into his arms and peppered your face with kisses, making you melt into a fit of laughter, your heart filled to the brim with love for him. 
    “Well hey there, handsome.” 
You purred, returning his kisses softly. 
    The sweet moment between the two of you was interrupted by the abrupt appearance of Castiel.
    “Sam, Dean sent me to tell you…” he cleared his throat, saying the next few words in a questionable impression of Dean’s voice, “hurry the hell up lovebirds.”
You laughed lightly, responding lightheartedly,
    “Thanks, Cas. Next time can you just knock before you come in though?”
Castiel looked to you and glanced back toward the hotel room door.
    “Oh. Yes… Sorry.” He paused for a moment, watching silently as Sam walked toward the bedside table to grab his phone, then looking back to you. You watched his eyes trail down your figure for a moment, then reconnecting your gaze.
    “That dress is very beautiful on you, Y/n. I’m sure you will get a lot of free drinks tonight.” 
    He said. You laughed, thinking back to when Dean had explained the free drinks that kept appearing before you the last time you all had gone to a bar.
    “Thank you Castiel, that’s very sweet of you to say.”
You replied, holding back further laughter at the compliment. Cas nodded, closing the awkward distance between the two of you so you weren’t talking across the room. 
    “I could also ease your pain if you would like.”
Cas said, smiling softly. 
    “Oh, you don’t have to do that, Cas. It’s just a little bit of a sprain or something, I’m fine though.”
Cas tilted his head at you, expressing his doubt clearly before stating.
    “Y/n, you have obviously been avoiding using your left arm, and you can barely turn your head. Healing you would be more of a convenience than a hindrance to me. You can’t defend yourself in this state.”
You frowned, knowing he was right, and nodded slightly, flinching at the pain that stabbed at your neck when you did.
    Castiel softly placed two fingers on your forehead. You closed your eyes, sighing in relief as the pain nagging at you washed away easily. 
    “Is that better?”
He asked, moving his hand to gently press at the muscles in your neck. 
    “Yes, thank you so much, Cas. You really didn’t need to use any energy on me, though.”
Cas chuckled, smiling in amusement.
    “Y/n, that isn’t necessarily how healing works, but either way, you are welcome.”
You smiled at him, nodding.
    “You think her shoulder is fine, Cas? Or do you wanna keep rubbing it?”
Sam’s voice interjected sarcastically. Cas’s hand shot away from your shoulder and he looked to Sam quickly.
    “I’m sorry if I offended you, Sam.”
He said without hesitation. 
    You laughed, shaking your head at Sam. 
    “Cas please go tell Dean we’ll be right there.”
You said softly, gesturing to the neighboring room. Cas nodded, disappearing a short short moment later.
    “Sam, I’m pretty sure Cas means no harm. You don’t have to get so protective with him and Dean.”
Sam let out a small cynical laugh.
    “Y/n, I know my brother. He wouldn’t help you cheat, but I know how he thinks and how he looks at you when he thinks I’m not looking. I absolutely need to be protective of you with him.”
Sam said quickly. You raised an eyebrow at him.
    “Okay fine, but Cas?”
Sam frowned, avoiding eye contact for a moment.
    “Okay maybe it was a little unnecessary. I’m sorry, I just love you and it sounds stupid but I’m always scared someone’s going to steal you from me, or worse, hurt you when I’m not around to protect you.”
You smiled softly at him, 
    “Sam, I’ve been beaten and bruised and scratched and bitten by every huge, ugly, smelly, disgusting, and outright dreadful monster you could imagine. Do you think I couldn’t handle some run of the mill horny asshole? Do you really think any man could steal me away? I’m in love with you, Sam. There’s no need to worry about me.”
    Sam walked toward you, giving you a soft kiss.
    “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
He said with a soft sigh, pulling you into his arms.
    “You saved my life.”
You replied softly, leaning your head against his chest. Sam held you tighter, kissing the top of your head.
    “No, I think you saved mine.”
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kingdomtual · 3 years
Okay I just finished watching Imitation and I’m gonna give a review, idk why but I have a lot of feelings LOL gonna write this without giving away big plot points so no spoilers for you if you wanna know if you want to watch it or not (probably everyone already has but whatever I’m usually late to the show)
Things I liked about it:
- Imitation was a really interesting drama because it didn’t focus on all the fun stuff of the idol world like a lot of idol dramas do. It’s main focus ends up being more on the struggles idols have to deal with, mainly pertaining to the dating issue but instead of putting it fully on the labels for keeping their artists from dating it also focused on how sasaengs think, talk, and react about their idols dating which I thought was a nice touch because that SURE IS REAL LIFE. (unfortunately they kinda drop that plot point as it goes on, but whatever) 
- It also had plot points pertaining to mistreatment of idols by the industry and their labels, which was another thing that I liked about it. It’s a tough world, and it should be more mainstream that we know about and find ways to help idols as they’re dealing with all of this. Idk it’s just something that should be talked about more, so I’m glad they did. 
- The cast was beyond fantastic. I think that’s honestly what made the show for me. Obviously the casting director knew the draw would be having actual idols in their show, but even those who were just actors were absolutely fantastic and did a great job in each of their roles. Dojin and Hyuk were obviously my favorites, but I think they’re everyone’s favorites LOL their acting chemistry was spot on and it really felt like they had been bffs for years.
- LA RI MA. Queen, icon. Absolutely in love with her tbh. What I really loved about her is that she started off being a rival for Ryeok to Ma Ha, and I thought to myself, ‘Great. She’s gonna end up being a flat character.’ but I think she ended up having the most character growth in the entire story, besides maybe Ryeok. The way she is so confident, knows her worth, and takes care of those around her makes her such an enjoyable character to watch. Every scene she’s in she totally steals, I love her LOL 
- The last two episodes definitely make the entire show worth watching. They’re really full of heart, you get so excited, and watching them perform is really cool. I won’t give away any of the ending, but it is worth it!
Things I didn’t like:
There are a few things that made me feel ‘meh’ about the show. It kinda felt like there were a lot of plot points that dragged on a bit too much for me. This is totally a personal opinion so like obviously you might feel different! Cool.
- So, the idea that the story starts out with a love triangle didn’t appeal to me at all LOL I hate that trope, but even after that ends it starts going through the whole ‘we’re idols that have to date in secret’ and all that angst that comes with that and I have to admit there were a few mid series episodes that had me so bored because it felt like I’d already seen this to some degree before. I ended up mostly enjoying whatever subplots were going on instead of the main plot. It’s not that I didn’t like their romance, but sometimes it was just SO uncomfortable because they were uncomfortable LOL idk, romance plots are not usually my jam, but there are enough other elements to make the show enjoyable for me.
- Struggles would come up and then immediately not be an issue by the next episode. I know this is only a 12 episode drama (which I think is a shame, I think if it had been 16-20 episodes then it actually would have fared so much better but alas) but I feel like...I mean if a massive contract issue comes up and can be resolved with a quick call or an article being written, then it wasn’t an issue...and yet the fact that two idols are having angst over dating can be drawn out over the course of 4 episodes just didn’t make sense to me LOL like you’d think the dating issue would have been resolved faster than a contract issue? idk maybe it’s just me. 
- Eunjo’s plot, which is essentially a subplot until the end of the show, is far more interesting than most of what goes on LOL I almost would have liked to have that mystery be woven more thoroughly through the show instead of it being sprinkled in occasionally and then BOOM at the end it all comes together. I just think it might have had more impact.
- GROUP DYNAMICS. Bruh! This is what I really wanted okay? LOL I mean obviously the focus is mostly on Ryeok and Ma Ha but god I would have loved having more scenes with group dynamics and seeing how they actually all get along instead of making the other members all side characters until the very end when we see that they actually all care about each other. I didn’t even know Jaewoo was the leader of SHAX until the end of the show, man LOL like it would have been nice to see more from him, and all of the others, especially since Jaewoo was essentially a snitch to the their label owner for so long and ending up having so much guilt over it, but we never saw that until the last episode. 
I also think I would have preferred to have seen more of the past SHAX with Eunjo, because Ryeok was apparently his bff and yet we don’t really get to see any of that, you know? We just hear about it. This show does a lot of telling instead of showing and I do think that’s because of the episode limit, but it’s just a shame. I think the ending would have been more impactful if we’d gotten to see them altogether more at the beginning.
- If you’ve decided to watch Imitation solely for Seonghwa and San, I’d advise against it LOL they have like two lines per episode they’re in (which isn’t all of them, Sparkling is barely in the show aside from Yoojin(Yunho)) and basically they don’t get to say or do much of anything until the end LOL I get that Sparkling is a secondary character group, basically, but it would have been nice to have seen more dynamics from them, too. I think Seonghwa and San could have honestly been like Dojin and Hyuk, the comedy duo of SHAX, but they just didn’t have the time or whatever, I suppose. Like I don’t even know Seonghwa’s character’s name LOL the only reason I know San’s character’s name is Minsu is because they said it once at the second to the last episode. LOL so, just a warning. But you atinys will be fed by seeing much Yunho and Jongho, I promise.
 I also would have loved to have seen more group dynamics from Sparkling, as I said, because until the 11th episode, I think, I don’t even see them really being like, “guys! I love you all, let’s stick together until the end!” which really confused me bc my dude Hyun Oh was literally causing property damage and giving them a problematic image but apparently they were good with that LOL idk idk
- The whole sasaeng issue gets dropped right before the ending and I thought that was rather strange since up until that point sasaengs had been one of the main roadblocks for the romance plot and they had been rather vile and annoying LOL unfortunately the show often had to skip over or completely drop or quickly resolve a lot of the large ongoing issues in order to come to a conclusive end and I thought that was a bit sad but I do understand why. Can only do so much with 12 episodes.
Overall opinion:
I really enjoyed it. I know I have some critically things to say, but as a writer I just kept seeing plot holes and had to talk about them briefly LOL (or not briefly because idk how to be brief) I think that the tone of the story was good, and that what they were trying to convey through this story was also good. I think it does give an idealistic image of idols freeing themselves from the oppressive evil labels and living the way they want, because unfortunately that’s not always a viable option, however it did remind me of Hyuna and Dawn’s story in a way and that warmed my heart! Love conquers all, my dude, we love to see it.
I would honestly love to watch more idol dramas like Imitation that star idols and therefore we get some sick performances and awesome music and it tells an interesting and somewhat realistic story! I think it’s something anyone can enjoy, even if for me it did get a little long in the middle with all the romance stuff LOL the ending was totally worth it for me, I think it’ll be worth it for you!
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