#idk its been really nice talking to an old friend n being 100% comfortable u know?? it made me realise how much i missed deep connections
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#starting to believe that maybe all this while i've been punishing myself by isolating myself from people who care abt me#like there have been times when i felt that friends just didnt care. also been times i felt too ashamed to ask for help or seek company#but i think i just gotta give myself grace like . i'm human. it's fine to seek platonic connection n a listening ear. it's Normal#anw so!! i met my best friend for yoga (for the first time!) yday n we talked SO MUCH!! we talked about life careers sexuality relationshi#i also told her about smth that has been plaguing me for two days. specifically my ex ahgkhgjgjns n . talking about it really helped me#what a shocker!!!! that talking about your worries n feelings helps!!! ksggfjsnjkgnjkndg#n i learnt so many new things about her... we usually meet in a group n it's always just a roulette of quick life nuggets#but yday i realised that i never really found out what she's really been up to. i've not had a one-to-one conversation with her in ages!!#thats crazy considering that we're such good friends.... omg. n so it really made me see how much i craved that connection#n how much i'm tormenting myself by isolating myself and depriving myself of the joy that i tend to get from deep social connections :(#n i think maybe it's time to start putting that past self who was too ashamed to reach out for help behind me#idk its been really nice talking to an old friend n being 100% comfortable u know?? it made me realise how much i missed deep connections#my point is i've missed this!!!!! maybe i should do it more!!!!!#personal
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replying to some anons under the cut so i dont spam ur dashes with like 10 asks in a row!
Anonymous said: How can you be so in love I’m jealous (But in all seriousness Its so nice that you’ve found someone that makes you truly happy)
being in love with haz is very easy because she is perfect
Anonymous said: In my head Tiziano and Squalo have a private mentality about their job so their s/o doest know their team (but, unfortunately, their team knows their s/o) and for that i think it would be funny their reaction if by mere coincidence their s/o meet someone of their team, like imagine that they are coming back from a mission and s/o calls telling them "hi loves, i found one of your friends, he told me he knew you both and looked kind of lost so i brought him back to the apartment" and to their surprise they see s/o feeding cookies to Secco who is very comfy in their couch with s/o. Worst if s/o it's like "he told me to call someone, who it was? cio, oh, Ciocolata, but he lost his phone, do you have his number? also we need more sugar, i kind of use it all in his cookies". The bad part it's that now, Secco likes their s/o in a friendly way, so he keeps coming back for cookies and friendly pets, the good part it's that if Cioccolata gets weird Secco kind of distract him or get defensive of his "new friend".
honestly if your team includes cioccolata and secco would YOU introduce your lovely s/o to your team? i wouldnt either. secco is definitely taking advantage of their s/o’s lovely nature and their skills at baking cookies but at least it’s JUST secco and not cioccolata. YET.
Anonymous said: Hi i just wanted to tell you that i think you are amazing, very kind and that i love your writting. Also you and Haz are a very cute couple 💕
thank you so much anon!!! ;_; i hope you are having a nice day! <3
Anonymous said: I’m obsessed with the faerie prince gojo au you proposed the other day would love to see more about that
i just fucking LOVE faeries. i think they are so cool and their mythology is so interesting. when i was thinking about that au i was getting back up to date with one of my favourite ongoing internet series, how to survive camping on nosleep on reddit, and they had a plot going with a faerie knight that stirred up my brain (i 100% recommend how to survive camping if you like cool worldbuilding and horror btw it’s SO GOOD). i may very well write a full-length piece for faerie prince gojo or maybe even some other faerie series pieces, but rn i wanna work on my requests and finishing a well-rounded education! after that . . . who knows >:3
Anonymous said: Omg you are a godsend nat, you’ve made me fall so much more in love with tiz and squalo AND sorlato 🥺please don’t ever stop I love your content but also don’t ever feel pressured to write anything you don’t want to (embrace the self-indulgence! :3) ❤️
ahh thank u so much anon! i am always here to spread the word of Sorlato Nonsense. i appreciate it when u guys tell me to be self-indulgent fdbghvnfgn
Anonymous said: Hello! I just wanted to know if you got my ask about Gojo and reader who is usually sweet but decides to "punish" or act out cuz shes annoyed with Gojo?? Alot of my asks have gotten eaten by Tumblr and I just wanted to make sure you got it!! >.< Thank you!
i did anon! <3 honestly tumblr is a barely functioning website but on this occasion we have been blessed by the tumbeasts
Anonymous said: Rehead Formaggio and blue-grey Formaggio feel like two different sides of the same coin but ultimately gove off two completely different vibes and idk how to feel about it (in a good way)
i guess it’s all of the extra red in his colour scheme but redhead formaggio just seems like Slightly More Of A Pal. also more of a thot, i cant believe that david pro said ‘no we will give him a full shirt’ instead of letting him have his weird little cut-out hole grid thing. idk something about manga formaggio just is more appealing to me Visually fgnjkbjngf
Anonymous said: I saw someone asked for your requests of Choso, but what do you have in your inbox for Nanami? 👀
NANAMI REQUESTS: - nanami with a clumsy s/o - jealousy sex n aftercare with a chubby reader - comfort scenario with nanami and a transmasc reader - nsfw scenario that turns into fluff - nanami teasing and edging a fem s/o - gojo and the students arrange a surprise date for mutually pining nanami n reader - poly gojo/nanami relationship hcs - nanami receiving a lapdance from his s/o (but i have reqs for lapdance headcanons in general for jjk men so i might combine them!) - also hc requests that include nanami: confident and headstrong reader who turns out to be shy in bed, gojo and nanami helping crush through a breakup, how they react to s/o getting injured whilst fighting beside them.
Anonymous said: Ahh Nat thank you for allowing me to scream into your inbox abou jjk! And this is not /really/ a theory but a confusion/rant! You know, since Jogo, Hamani and Dagon (I hope I wrote their names right) got introduced I was confused as to why they aren't older. I thought each of them represent nature/natural disasters and humanity has feared them since the dawn of mankind! Also why did Mahito only recently gain self-awareness if humans have always been horrible to each other? Shouldn't he be v old?
honestly i kind of got the impression that especially hanami was pretty old! afaik mahito’s the only one who’s described as being specifically ‘new’, maybe they’ve just been hanging around waiting for someone like getwo to appear who they think can actually make a difference/combine them!! i think maybe it’s also to do with the ‘rise in power’ that we’ve been hearing lots of talk about in the last few chapters, that there’s just A LOT of cursed energy flying around and it’s making everything happen all at once? humans have always been horrible to each other i think but i wonder if it’s also to do with how much more the earth is populated now and how much easier it is to be horrible and hear about horrible things other humans have done to one another?
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1-50 bitch
well since u asked nicely how could i resist
1. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? paint/draw or the like, or knit maybe,
2. What’s your favorite piece of clothing you own/owned? MY HOT MOMS SHIRT THAT I LOST ;n; also the big grey hoodie i have & a pierce the veil shirt i borrowed from my gf that im never giving back :)
4. How often do you play sports? never
5. What fictional place would you most like to go to? The Digital World
6. What job would you be terrible at? probably anything involving extensive memorizing and maintaining information for long periods of time. so basically a lot of things…… or maybe like. working at starbucks cos i cant make coffee OR remember lots of drink recipes omg
7. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning a medal for? playing kingdom hearts 2 on easy mode. i would have a good chance at winning because all the people that are good at playing kingdom hearts are gaming elitists that think playing on easy is for losers and if you dont play on critical mode you arent a real gamer :)
8. What skill would you like to master? making an omelet OR knitting
10. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on? some out of town adventure with my girlfriend where money and time dont matter
11. If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would you change and why? uh i’d like to be less haunted by my traumatic past maybe! or be a few inches taller that would be cool i feel like both of these are pretty self explanatory
12. What’s your favorite drink? W A T E R or milk tea
13. What do you consider to be your best find? my girlfriend
14. Are you usually early or late? way too early. too mcuh time i dont know what to do with it
15. What pets did you have while growing up? hm lets see i had a couple turtles, some fish, i had a gerbil that i got from a friend, an african grey named solomon, boston terrier named Tiny, two white boxers named Floyd & Lloyd, a mix named Macy, 4 chihuhuas named Dude, Pooty, Flout & Chief, and now we have a cat named Schrödinger :~), oh and an amstaff/dalmation mix named EL
16. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? anything and everything but never really asking for advice i guess? its more of them talking about a problem cos im easy to talk to and then me trying to help them come up to a solution if they need it
17. What takes up too much of your time? S L E E P I N G
18. What do you wish you knew more about? cats!!!! also dogs cos i know a lot but i want to know more
19. What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years? why am i still alive?
21. Who’s your go-to band or artist when you can’t decide on something to listen to? seventeen or monsta x, exo’s LMR repackaged album
22. What shows are you into? the office, lost, honestly nothing thats still running on tv, i havent watched a show in forever, oh god wait does anime count cos i could write the longest list of anime i love: haikyuu, nge, digimon, noragami ,,,,,,
23. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished? Seventeen (Hangul: 세븐틴), also stylized as SEVENTEEN or SVT, is a South Korean boy group formed by Pledis Entertainment in 2015. The group consists of thirteen members divided into three sub-units,
24. What age do you wish you could permanently be? a dog mom & i hope i can make that wish come true
25. What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend? napping on and off in bed with my girlfriend and then going to town for sushi & milk tea and then uhhhhhhhhhhh coming back home to nap some more and then go out for noodles for another date :} oh and a dog would be involved if possible because cuddling dogs is best
26. What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way? physically writing and sending cards/letters in the mail i guess? i dont know if that really counts as doing something the old fashioned way but i definitely dont get as many cards or anything in the mail anymore. i also like to keep physical hand written to-do lists & schedules and stuff
27. What have you only recently formed an opinion on? how bad exo are at dancing turtlenecks and scarves. they are good
28. What’s the single best day on the calendar? october 10th my dogs birthday and also narutos birthday
29. What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of? asmr???
30. What is the most annoying question that people ask you? “did u have a little lamb?” OR when my grandpa asks me anything about his iphone
31. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on without absolutely no preparation? my dogs or seventeen. OR a half ass presentation about kingdom hearts, trying to explain it while getting around all the plot holes and not nailing down my arguments cos i dont really get it either and theres a lot i dont pay attention to but i could come up with 40 mins of info im sure
32. If you were a dictator of a small island nation, what crazy dictator stuff would you do? no waking until 10am. no crime or anything will be allowed ill figure out some way to make everything perfect so women can go out alone at night and not be afraid. no discrimination !! all the poc, lgbt, disabled, any minority will be welcome and have safe spaces and any hate will be punished by law. also everyones allowed to have pets in their homes and no home goes without food or power. am i doing this right
33. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? travel out of your comfort zone. like physically travel somewhere and make the most of it but do it with someone cos the buddy system is important
34. What’s worth spending more on to get the best? jackets. i will pay up to 100$ for a good jacket and wear it forever cos itll be confirmed long-lasting and also most likely very comfortable!!!
35. What is something that a ton of people are obsessed with but you just don’t get the point of? i just want to point out that its not that i dont get the point of it because everyone has their likes and i have my own that other people dont i like that people are into whatever they want to be its just that i am Not into it. and that thing is yuri on ice
36. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years? being able to wake up every morning next to my girlfriend and out pets :~)
37. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? corning museum of glass was super neat……. , dollywood, gatlinburg, chicago chinatown, idk i havent been to many interesting places
38. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to? i wana get a tattoo !!!!!!!!
39. What’s the best thing that happened to you last week? getting a job interview at barnes & noble because now i have a job there!!!
40. What piece of entertainment do you wish you could erase from your mind so that you could experience it for the first time again? diamond edge chicago
41. If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have? all i really want is that job where im paid to sleep
42. How different was your life one year ago? tbh not that much different?? other than i was in school and now im not. i didnt have a job and now i do. i was a year further away from moving
43. What’s the best way to start the day? talking to my girlfriend and also let me just say that first pee in the morning. perfect
44. What quirks do you have? what are quirks exactly i looked up examples to help me think of some but all im thinking of is…i cant have the volume on my tv or radio on an even number it has to be on an odd number??? i have to sleep with a fan on. idk dude
45. What would you rate 10/10? [MV] 몬스타엑스 (MONSTA X) _ 걸어 (ALL IN)
46. What kind of art do you enjoy most? abstract w lots of colors and shapes. geometric stuff
47. What do you hope never changes? my ability to collect myself (unless it gets better which then i hope it does), my passion for art of any sort
48. What city would you most like to live in? anywhere except charleston and somewhere thats not extremely highly populated
49. What movie title best describes your life? Scooby Doo 2 - Monsters Unleashed
50. What’s the best way a person can spend their time? sleeping or hanging out with their pet
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NSFW Ask Game. Here we go ^^ 12 14 and 15 I know for sure but you can make it a list as if you were hashtagging 22. Kinda random but interesting XD 33. Non-conventional things are always intriguing. Especially in this case since you both write smut, half of which that may involve your kinks 48 72 76 Always a "fun" experience lol 93 INTERESTING 94 A bit heavy but I like that it's honest on a personal level 96 My questions may be a bit boring compared to the rest. Thanks anyway ^^
12. Have you ever been fisted (anally or vaginally)
No; I’ve come close a few times, and I’ve always wanted to try it, but I feel like there’d be more working up to that than me and most of my partners have ever been willing to really put into it. :s Maybe someday, lmao.
14. Do you have any kinks?
Nope. None at all. No kinks. I’m soft and innocent uwu.
15. Are you into anything under the BDSM umbrella?
I mean, like…. Most of them? I’m Not a sadist, and my masochism only goes to a certain extent, but like… Everything else, yes good pls.
22. What’s the most unusual thing you’ve done nude?
Uhm…. ??? I honestly don’t know? I’m not super comfortable just casually walking around naked? Like, if I’m ‘nude’ i’m usually either showering or having sex, so like… I guess one time I was probably walked around ‘naked’ at one of the dungeons I used to frequent? I don’t remember honestly, but that was probably the case.
33. Describe your masturbation routine, technique, etc.
Uhm… Honestly I have toys, so if I’m by myself, it’s very little teasing? I’m going to basically either fuck myself or else just hold a vibrator to my clit. Sometimes I’ll turn on porn, but a lot of times it’s more… functional than that? I don’t masturbate a lot unless it’s just to let off tension. I much prefer sex with other people.
48. Are you turned on or off by foreskin, or don’t care?
I’m 100% ambivalent. It’s just a thing?? I don’t think it matters to me either way?
72. How many rooms of your house/apartment/etc. have you had sex in?
The current house, just the one. Our old apartment, probably like… 3? It’s very hard when you share living space, lmao.
76. Have you ever been caught masturbating/having sex?
Listen, I will never Stop apologizing to Ashly for having sex in her bed? But mostly no? I’ve been caught making out or groping a couple of times, but never during actual sex or masturbating.
93. If you had the opposite set of genitals for a day, name 5 things you would do.
Uhm… probably freak out a bit, honestly? Like, let’s be real, it’s a cool thing to think about but also my body randomly changing shape during the night? Super freaky. After I chilled a little though, like… jack off, figure out how a prostate works, probably see about finding a way to fulfill some of the fantasies I’ve talked about with an actual penis instead of a strap on… That’s four, I think? Idk, what do people with dicks do?? Glory hole, maybe??
94. What’s something you like about your body?
Hoo buddy, that is not a good question for me rn. I’ve been having some, uh… body issues lately,, :s So I don’t really… Yeah.
96. What body parts do you find the sexiest?
On other people?? Uhm… I think it depends on the person? I mean I’m pretty stereotypically attracted to like… chest, legs, etc. But also, like… collarbone/neck areas sometimes, and sometimes it’s just little things? Idk how to explain it, but I’ve always been one of those people who just like… once I care about my partner I think they’re gorgeous, like… always.
On like… strangers/celebrities and stuff, I go pretty stereotypical though. I really like nice thighs, I guess?
12. Have you ever been fisted (anally or vaginally)no,,m Rlly rlly tight like..even one finger hurts dgkhjf but the Thought is #nice
14. Do you have any kinks?ur resident innocent boy has only (3) main kinks !! daddy kink, praise n petplay........also i guess u could call it size kink? just im rlly small n i like Being small? pidked up n put in laps n just,,like being small otl also petnames make me weak..esp kitten n baby (boy)
15. Are you into anything under the BDSM umbrella?im....the biggest sub fsdjkh i dont like pain or anything though fgkjdh im just..A Big Soft Sub
22. What’s the most unusual thing you’ve done nude?uhhhh nothing? i hate...the way i look so i try not to be naked Ever skfdjhfdskj except when showering ofc
33. Describe your masturbation routine, technique, etc.uhhhhh there is None bc i dont masturbate fsdkhj
48. Are you turned on or off by foreskin, or don’t care?i dont think id care? ive never seen A Live Dick so ill let u know if that changes sdfkh
72. How many rooms of your house/apartment/etc. have you had sex in?none and immmmm not rlly planning on changing that dfjkh
76. Have you ever been caught masturbating/having sex?uhhhh kind of got caught fingering my friend so hkfjsd thats a thing
93. If you had the opposite set of genitals for a day, name 5 things you would do.o Wow okay id jerk off a lot.......thats probably it jfkhfgd
94. What’s something you like about your body?i like how small i am dfkjsh everything about me is just Small like im 5′1 n barely 100 lbs n my hands are tiny tiny tiny too fdfjkhg its nice
96. What body parts do you find the sexiest?stereotypically....chest n arms sfdhjk lips and tongue are nice aesthetically n so are necks/collarbones
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Good shit good shit this took me ages holy hell enjoy you meme loving fucks Q's for you to A Do you have a favourite sweater? I actually do, it's that kinda folded over stretchy grey one I always wear, y'know? I wore it to The 1975 and, from what I hear, it was awesome. (Although I can't remember bc I was Gin Drunk) What’s your middle name? Lawrence...no judgement...Do you still talk to the first person you kissed? I don't, I wonder how's she's doing. Heard she was studying History from her friend I met in a bar one time. Glad to hear, she was nice. Do you get on with your grandparents? I did! Sadly it's been a few years since they passed but I very much did. What was your favourite cartoon as a kid? Hmm, it's a tough one, between the 90's X-Men TV show they played on repeat on Fox Kids or Ben 10 when it wasn't absolute shit like the remake. Yeah I'm bitter. What’s your favourite cartoon now? Archer lol Do you read the news paper? Yeah pretty much every day...I swear I'm not an old man. Who was the last text you sent to? My friend Laura, asking if they'll still be at the park when I finish work. What does the last text you sent say? "Y'all still gonna be there when I get away?" If you could have any hair colour what would it be? Idk I like the one I have. Do you like nature documentaries? Not really my cup of tea to be perfectly honest. What is your aesthetic? Climbing a mountain at a 90° angle in Skyrim on a horse. When did you last pet a dog? ''Twas yesterday. Whose friend’s parents do you like the most? The twins'! They employ me! I literally get paid to hang out with friends some days that's the good shit! Have you ever been on a road trip? I've been on a couple, longest was a drive to Southern Spain from Scotland! Was awesome! Tell me about someone you know called Emma? Went to school with her, cool gal, she saw HP in London and I'm jealous, shoutout to @weewildelassAre you reading a book in english class, what is it? Oh god I'm old. I haven't had or attended an English class in over 2 years. Do you have a favourite Aunt? Well considering she also employs me...hell yeah, shoutout to my Aunt K you legend! Baths or showers? Baths for comfort and treating yo self, or sharing...😏...Showers for quickness and weird snapchats at 3am...😂 Skiing or sun bathing? Sun bathing my dude. Do you kill spiders? Sometimes, sometimes not. Have you ever made an ice pop? I have not. Are you wearing shoes right now? I'm not wearing anything rn. Tell me about you favourite primary school/elementary school teacher? Let me tell you about Mrs. Mary "The Bonecrusher" Highland, and how she was such an iconic, legendary, influential and inspiring woman that she was the person you sent into the bad fucked up schools in movies and have them all pass with straight A's, she ran a tough ship and was slow to praise but when she did, she went all out, and made you feel like what you had achieved was truly a feat. Oh and she encouraged children to learn and think for themselves, genuinely encouraged you when you said you were interested in something even when it went above and beyond the curriculum. She was charitable, friendly, and spoke to you like you were an equal, and a worthy one at that. Mrs. Highland was literally so influential in so many people in my class being successful, free minded, hard working adults that she deserves a goddamn award. And let me tell you another thing, at the end of my First Year in College, I went back to my old Primary School for a teaching assistant internship because I knew the school was becoming a bit run-down and out of control and I wanted to help the way that Mrs. Highland had, and who had they just asked to come out of retirement, come back for TWO WEEKS, sort shit out and then walk away into the sunset like some goddamn Old Lady Teaching Avenger who appears when needs were greatest? MARY FUCKING HIGHLAND, I GOT TO HELP ONE OF MY CHILDHOOD HEROES BE AN ABSOLUTE TEACHING LEGEND AND REALLY INFLUENCE SOME GOOD IN A KIDS LIFE, THAT IS THE SHIT! Seriously though, she truly is one of the good ones, they don't make em like Her anymore. Who was the last person you hugged? I think that would be my mother actually hahah. Do you wear glasses? Occasionally. Do you have a cat? I sadly do not. Do you have a favourite pair of underwear? Not a favourite pair exactly more like a favourite kind?? Next All-Black, that's the good shit, makes my ass look great among other things. What was your last tweet? "How the fuck do you work twitter" about 5 years ago and I haven't used it since. Do you still use Facebook? I do, rarely. Do you like birds? Aye pal birds, blokes, the lot. Who was the last person you called cute? That genuinely would be my niece, or you lol Who was the last person that called you cute? This is a strange answer but a regular in my work. Long story. How did you meet your best friend? I literally turned a corner and ran into a group of emo's in like Fourth Year at High School and I haven't looked back since. Escalators or elevators? Nah m8, trick question, I'd rather take the stairs. Does wonders for the thighs. Are you named after anyone, who? Ahaha yeah my dad, both my granddads, and Saint. Christoper (Catholic mum yo) What was your first url? I have no idea. Autumn or Winter? Winter I can't lie. Do you win at scrabble? I do not lol Put your ipod on shuffle , who is the first song that comes up by? "American Idiot", Green Day. Classic. Have you ever drunk from a mason jar? I have not. Can you draw? Barely even write m8 let alone draw. What was your first profile picture? I think it was Kenny from South Park. Favourite t-shirt? God I have no idea. Best tumblr friend? Shoutout to @bepizzazzed and @double-dorks-beanie and @hesitant-butthole When did you last run? Tonight when as a joke my friends took my jacket and tried to get it on top of a climbing frame? lol I had it back in seconds and decided to get some payback ahah Do you like to paint your nails? Not particularly fussed, not a look I could pull off. Did you ever do something as a kid that got you into loads of trouble? I did more things to get me into trouble as a kid that anyone should ever do. And I still did it. Who is your favourite dog that isn’t yours? Trick question, all of them. Have you ever been drunk? Literally so many times. So many. Have you ever done something you regret while drunk? Some-thing? Some-one? Getting into a slutty dance off with a professional dancer? Stealing a mannequin? The exact words "I can easily make this jump..."? The exact words "Watch this lads"? The exact words "Shots won't do me any harm"? The exact words "Another Venom? Aye no bother!" The exact words "You can crash at mine if you like...?" You get the picture...I do messed up shit I'm drunk, and yet, I continue to do so. Do you want to kiss anyone right now? Ronald McDonald ngl for the sweet sweet invention of double cheeseburgers. Do/did you like you math teacher? I had a crush on both of my maths teachers, Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Hendry, both of which contributed to me turning up to class, but also contributed to me failing said classes bc I was too busy looking at them and being a hormone ridden, horny 16 year old boy, than I was doing maths. Do you often ride the bus? I do, everyday I'm in College. Do you have a fireplace in your house? We do actually it's getting renovated right now. Are you violent when you’re angry? God no! Do you cry when you’re angry? No, I rarely get angry and when I do it can only be described as dry anger. Favourite Harry Potter book? It has to be OotP, fight me. Can you remember your last dream? I can, and let me just say, Chris Pratt, thank you. Do you go to bed early or late? "Do I go to bed?" would be a better question. Do you speak a second language? I speak various levels of different languages. Some if you dropped me in their respective countries I could find my way about, albeit difficultly, and others I can ask for the bar and the bill and that's about it. Who was your first ever best friend? A boy called Dean. Have you ever had an operation? I've had a couple yeah. Tell me about your favourite cousin? His name is Reece and he's a meme loving shit and I love him the whacky bastard. Do you have a piece of clothing that doesn’t even fit you anymore but you can’t bare to throw away? During what can only be described as the Greatest Summer of My Teenage Years; the Legendary Summer of 2014, I wore on my feet almost EVERY DAY a pair of Classic Chuck's, they cost my poor wee mum like £60 the Christmas before but they were too big and when it finally hit summer they fit perfectly. I wore them every time. If you've ever read the book Me Before You or watched the film you'll know what I mean when I say they were my bumblebee tights. Have you ever been in a musical? I played the Cowardly Lion in my school play as a kid. Do you have a porch? I do not. How many times have you watched your favourite movie? At least 100 no joke it has to be. Empire Strikes Back. What do you order at McDonalds? Plain double cheese , small fries, Oasis Summer Fruits and maybe a coffee. Do you get on with old people? Worryingly well. Science Fiction or Romance? Sci-Fi m8. Do you take naps? Anytime I can. How many classes do you/did you take in High School? In my final year I took 3 classes. At its height I think I was doing 9 classes. When did it last snow where you live? A few months back. Does it ever snow where you live? It's Scotland...hahah it very much does. How many months until your birthday? 12 m8. How much charge does your computer have right now? 42%What is your favourite Disney Channel Original Movie? I don't actually think I had one. Sorry. the City or the Sea Side? Jokes on you fool, you can have both. What is your least favourite colour? Beige. Who tf likes being beige. Do you have homework to do? Nah. Are you still friends with your first best friend? I am not. Do you have/are you the gay cousin? I have an asexual cousin, bug more often than not I'm the gay cousin. Do you own dungarees? They can look cute on peeps. Do you like to play sport? I do, not to the extent I used to but yeah. What was your favourite ever Christmas present? My baby nephew. How old are you? Ugh I'm 20. Do you ever use Internet Explorer? Not for s long time. Have you ever had blonde hair? I haven't no. I wanted to but sadly I was a kid. When did you last see the person you have a crush on? Well considering I fall deeply in love with strangers who are nice to me on the train, that question is crazy. Who did you last talk to on the phone? Laura. Pants or Dresses? This question is a lot funnier in the UK and even funnier in Scotland where a man can wear one, but to do so, he's not supposed to wear the other 😉 Do you read fan fiction? Not anymore y'know. What is you’re favourite blog? @mauridianhallow is a pretty cool blog you should check that shit out Do you write poetry? I HAVE written poetry before. Drama or Comedy? How dare you insult The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt by suggesting you can't be both. Have you ever had a hickey? Perhaps...perhaps I have. Perhaps I cannot remember how I got some of them. Perhaps I should stop buying the ENTIRE bar a round of shots knowing all too well that almost every one of these people will offer to buy me drinks all night and then I won't pay shit for another drink until the night is over. Perhaps I should...I won't but I fucking should. And perhaps this has on certain occasions resulted in hickeys I don't know.
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omg thanks answers under the cut bc this is going to b long
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
tbh dont even remember but ive never like, held hands w anyone ~romantically~ or w/e
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
SHY but i have my more outgoing moments every once in a while
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Quinn!!! and my other friends and my sister back home :-) and my cat
4. Are you easy to get along with?
uhh idk? i guess?
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
tbh dont know
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
nice ones. cute ones. ones interested in the same stuff as me ?
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
my friend did a tarot reading for me a week ago and when i asked if id have a gf this year the answer was not good lmao so doubtful
8. Who from another gender is on your mind?
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
im p indifferent
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
tbh my memory is garbage idk
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“signing tomorrow at 3:30″ cryptic out of context
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
the traveller- beach house (just walked to it in a fashion show! its good), boyfriend--best coast, sleepover--hayley kiyoko, forever (pt II)--snakehips, and a variety of tennis songs i cant choose from
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
not particularly
15. What good thing happened this summer?
last summer i got to do a bunch of fun stuff w different friends!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
ive never kissed anyone before LMAO (last “person” ive ever kissed was my cat on the head and ya id do that again)
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
I MEAN like the universe is so expansive theres no way theres NOT some other form of life out there
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
lmao no
19. Do you like bubble baths?
nah i dont like baths
20. Do you like your neighbors?
at home yes (QUINN!!) and no (dont talk to anyone else)
21. What are you bad habits?
nail picking, a lot of other stuff im too tired to list rn
22. Where would you like to travel?
would love to road trip it across the west
23. Do you have trust issues?
maybe? idk
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
tbh feeling p good abt my body rn.. maybe my shoulders.. ive always disliked how square they r..
26. What do you do when you wake up?
p much immediately get in the shower
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
never thought abt it
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my close friends
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
i dont have any exes
30. Do you ever want to get married?
maybe someday but not for a loooong long time
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
im ace so like,, none of them
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
nope. used to play tennis tho
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
probably tv. love music too much
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
HA ofc living that life rn
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
uh probably nothing
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
nice, supportive, is willing to dance around to/sing along w 70s/80s/2000s music w me
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
thrift stores probably.. never know what youre going to find
40. What do you want to do after high school?
well rn im in college and thats p much what i was going for in high school so
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
probably just that i dont feel like talking? or im tired
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
outer space theres some whack stuff in the ocean
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
46. What are you paranoid about?
a looot of things LMAO
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
sometimes but usually just in like a ‘they look rlly cool’ or ‘i rlly like their style’ kind of way like just kind of envious
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
probably like, throwing my depression out the window
53. Favourite makeup brand?
dont wear makeup enough lmao
54. Favourite store?
tbh dont rlly have one also this is rlly similar to previous question?
55. Favourite blog?
i love the househunting blog but idk if i rlly have a favorite
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
chicken bc theres so much good stuff u can do w it
58. Last thing you ate?
mini twix bar
59. First thing you ate this morning?
eggs on toast
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
yea won a couple different ones for art related stuff
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
platonically ya romantically no i dont think so
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
a short one: never happened
65. Are you hungry right now?
no ive been snacking all night lol
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
my tumblr friends p much are my rl friends so,, no
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
71. Craving something? What?
the sweet warm embrace of my bed
72. What colour are your towels?
one is pastel blue one is black/white/grey stripe
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
yea. i have a big pusheen plush and at home a mini dino pillow pet n a cat plush
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
like.. 3 i think? i used to have a L O T
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
once i had cardamom n it was rlly rlly good
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
white w blue stripes
80. What colour pants?
jean overalls
81. Favourite tv show?
OOGH rn the getdown, stranger things, parks n rec, x files, downton abbey, charmed, a lot,
82. Favourite movie?
jurassic park
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
dont have one
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
idk maybe nemo? never rlyl though abt it
87. First person you talked to today?
my mom
88. Last person you talked to today?
my sister
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
all my friends
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
not anyone i kno personally
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
like one pair and i never wear them lmao
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
a couple
95. Last movie you watched?
ella enchanted
96. Favourite actress?
no one comes to mind ?
97. Favourite actor?
idk jeff goldblum?
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
yes!! two cats
100. How are you feeling?
tired but ok
101. Do you type fast?
i think so yea
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
im ok
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
kind of but i know we’re so different now we probably wouldnt even get along.. its not a miss i feel all the time tho more of a ‘we knew each other for so long its kind of sad we grew apart’
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
i want to say yes but it wasnt like a party party
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
not that i know
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
my homework
109. Is something irritating you right now?
school. im ready to get out of here
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
i dont think so
111. Do you have trust issues?
wasnt this question already asked
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my friend steph i think (over the final fantasy ending LMAO)
113. What was your childhood nickname?
i dont think i had one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
not a lot no
116. Are you listening to music right now?
yep (rn its 0 to 100 by drake on shuffle)
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
not really. i like the broth tho
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
i try not to be
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
NO LMAO i have a bad habit of standing on my own feet my white shoes r so gross
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
not rlly
127. What makes you happy?
my friends, cats, pink, good food, nature, making my own art, old houses n rooms, lots of stuff
128. Would you change your name?
never thought about it
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
not rlly
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
im p sure this ? was already asked
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
134. Can you count to one million?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
dont remember but lots of em
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed. i cant sleep w them open
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
i have straight hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
im blonde? i dont kno if theses r refering to me or what i prefer on other people?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
tbh a tie
142. Favourite month?
dont have one!
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
it was ok
147. Mars or Snickers?
no preference
148. What’s your favourite quote?
dont have one
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
i mean i dont not believe in ghosts
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“Grant said “what did you think?”” -Jurassic Park
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-- aurulentHuntsman [AH] 8egan pestering decastichAmazifier [DA] at 17:38 --
AH: Greetings, Kavi! ~}==>
DA: o hey
AH: How are you faring this fine afternoon? ~}==>
DA: lmao uh like ngl im p much blastd
DA: so i mean its a thong
DA: 8thing
DA: wow
DA: charasistic typos
DA: fuckin noice
AH: Hmm???????? ~}==>
AH: It seems a little early in the day for drinking! ~}==>
DA: hey listen
DA: friend
DA: man
DA: len me ur ear
DA: consider this
DA: concept: its night in at least 5 places rn
AH: A fair point... Time is relative! ~}==>
AH: And perhaps that is a social construct that we put too much weight into ~}==>
AH: But traditionally, early drinking is something of a red flag... ~}==>
AH: I beg your pardon if I'm being presumptuous, but is everything alright? ~}==>
DA: uh lol i mean hello no
DA: well yeh but no
DA: idk its complicated
DA: so
DA: shrugmojis
DA: jus think about me like the fun winemom on Facebook
DA: or like those old sitcoms where its funny
DA: and not a issue like yah kids w/e
DA: u n your bottlerockets and blowin up hotdogs in microwaves
DA: i'll go get my xanex and gin
DA: laughtrack
DA: or Karen
DA: you saucy bagel u
DA: fuckin #relatable #classic #same #mood
AH: I see... So, if it's purely recreational, then the fun would only be doubled with company, correct? ~}==>
DA: oh uh....... yah gimme
DA: 45 mins
AH: Certainly! ~}==>
AURYHN: *exactly 45 minutes later, there's a little CLUNK at his window... followed by another a few seconds later.* ~}==>
KAVI: *Shitpissufck now he's gotta... he's gotta... SHOWER. And clean up. He can't be a mess anymore that's enough of that. He got all gross and pathetic on Nellie and he doesn't think he can take looking like a goddamn fool in front of another one of his friends. He quickly got showered and stumbled about his room. Now he only SLIGHTLY smells like vodka. NICE.*
KAVI: *Jumps at the window clunk.... o fuq. He goes to the window and opens it*
AURYHN: *on the ground, waving up at him with a big stupid grin on his face* ~}==>
KAVI: *WOW that's far.... also he's a smiley guy.... lays right against this window sill... Leans and lays, sliding down to chinhands at him..... casually* hhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeyyyyy *calls while sliding*
AURYHN: If you would please stand aside so I can climb in through your window, that would be much appreciated! ~}==>
KAVI: yah
KAVI: *flumps back.... but at least he didn't see that*
AURYHN: *scurries up the tree like he had the night he slept over until he's swoocing through the window, landing gracefully on the other side.* I've arrived! ~}==>
KAVI: *Stays right here on the floor... WHY? HE DOESN'T KNOW..... but his leg is on the wall*
KAVI: *peace sign* sup
KAVI: hey
KAVI: ur sup
KAVI: is was up
KAVI: for me at least
KAVI: wbu
AURYHN: *stands over him, hands on hips, for a moment... before he drops down next to him with his feet propped against the wall as well.* Oh, you know! Exploring the city and what not ~}==>
KAVI: *Hello mountainous man tiddies, oh, hello the whole Auryhn* o... yeah sounds fun
KAVI: still gogogoin
KAVI: none naps n shit
KAVI: s'not good
AURYHN: *chuckles a little, turning his head towards him* I've managed to find time for sleep in my busy schedule... At your behest ~}==>
KAVI: *grins a lil* hah really? well damn... good yeah
KAVI: that's good, i'm glad you r
AURYHN: It was sound advice! After all... Early to bed, early to rise... Makes a man strong, wealthy and wise ~}==>
AURYHN: *grins cheesily some more, but then looks back up at the ceiling... not without a little side eye, though* I do hope you're exercising similarly healthy habits... ~}==>
KAVI: ............. *Feels the side eyeing and sweats mildly* i mean
KAVI: lol
KAVI: so
KAVI: i can
KAVI: i have some off dayz
KAVI: zzzz
KAVI: ss
AURYHN: Ah ha, so you are having an off day! ~}==>
KAVI: ...... *oh gdi* uhhhh
KAVI: alternattitvely.....
KAVI: what the fuck are on days even???????
AURYHN: Kavi, PLEASE ~}==>
AURYHN: You must know, I don't fuss over others often... ~}==>
AURYHN: I only wish to know if you're alright ~}==>
AURYHN: And if you aren't... then I would like to offer you comfort in whatever way would best help you ~}==>
AURYHN: You're my friend! And a very important one ~}==>
KAVI: *Makes a face... why does everyone have to be so supportive... why can't he just be sad and miserable and he kinda feels like shit for just dancing around it when Auryhn DOES give a shit. Even still it makes him sad to talk about and just the friendfection and the sad feels his face gets a little red.. sighs*
KAVI: *rubs his face up so he doesn't start crying again. So he just.... rubs the tears back in his eyes with his palms. Ace strats* me and.. Den, broke up. guess i'm bein a pissbaby about it idk w/e w/e
AURYHN: *oh... now he feels bad prying so much, but maybe he would have felt bad no matter what kavi said. he only knows this wasn't what he expected to hear, and he gazes at the other boy sympathetically* Oh... I... am sorry to hear that ~}==>
AURYHN: Kavi... It's only natural to feel so hurt over something like that, isn't it? ~}==>
AURYHN: *offers him a hand to hold* I certainly can't blame you ~}==>
KAVI: *Looks at the hand then at Auryhn, his brain still going way faster than his mouth can currently keep up but he looks incredulous? And definitely teary* how can u be so sure? how, how do you know i didn't fuck everything up? i can fuggin blame me easy,
KAVI: gee Kavi, maybe you can't shut the hell up about how goddamn gay you are for p much everyone??
KAVI: or maybe ya try so fuckin hard for the approval of others that you backflip off the fuckin deepend as far as people close to u are concerned
KAVI: oh, oh, here maybe you just plain weren't fuckin good enough to handle anyone on an intimate level because you're too wrapped up in your own shit to connect really?
KAVI: or just that you THINK relationships can fix anything and everything and that's myth goddamn busted because look at you!
KAVI: you can definitely blame me, i can blame me and it's deeper than that and why the fuck does anyone GIVE a shit for a fakeass dumbass when they just DON'T. KNOW. *And he's being hysterical... nice. Good job. Just. Gurgles and puts his hands back over his face, get back in there tears. Maybe it was for the best Auryhn kept seeing him like this. An Ass. His final form* i'm, fuck
KAVI: i'm sorry i, ffffffuugghhhh *gibberish and just rolls over, good bye forever*
AURYHN: *stares at him stunned for a good long moment. he doesn't have that much experience dealing with high emotion coming from other people... but listening to all this, he did understand one thing: how it felt to be critical of yourself, the need to always be impressive, the self preservation... he knew those pressures, even if he always denied them. seeing how they effected someone he cared so deeply
AURYHN: for, it sure put things into perspective for him.* ~}==>
AURYHN: Perhaps I don't know you quite as well as I think I do... As well as I would like to ~}==>
AURYHN: *flexes the hand kavi didn't take, deciding to place it on his shoulder* 8ut I have seen your compassion... When you treat me with kindness, do you mean to say it's out of selfishness? I dou8t that very much ~}==>
AURYHN: If you've made mist8kes, that's all that they are! You are not defined soley 8y your worst moments... Nor are you defined soley 8y your 8est ~}==>
AURYHN: I only mean to say... You should allow yourself this heart8r8k, Kavi ~}==>
KAVI: *While he tries to hide his shame and cry lowkey. super lowkey like... no one would suspect. He listens to Auryhn's words. Quietly sniffing and trying to keep his breathing even. They made sense.... which was good but he also didn't feel like he deserved those kind words. Like he's dropping this plate of Hot Mess(tm) that's his own damn self and no one is backing up with their hands in the air*
KAVI: ....why're u so nice..
AURYHN: *scoffs* You know, not many people would agree that I am... I know that for a F8CT... ~}==>
AURYHN: *sighs* But it is easy to be kind to someone who has been kind to you, I believe ~}==>
KAVI: *that's so.. cheesy but also.. it helps. He loves cheese. Sniffs again and wipes his hands on his shirt, trying to calm down* cheddar... pure... 100% milk gdi, ugh... i'm so gross rn
KAVI: you came here for a good time and now idk ur nice you probably don't feel attacked rn
KAVI: it's like playing the floor is lava and we're laying in this shit right now
KAVI: because we're on the floor
KAVI: no imagination required on that part
AURYHN: *snorts* Then what are we doing on the floor? Allow me to rescue you from a fiery demise! ~}==>
AURYHN: *rolls to sit before scooping up kavi with no real warning* I used to play "the floor is lava" when I was a wriggler ~}==>
AURYHN: And I would pretend to be a wise dragon sentinel in my castle upon a volcanic mountain! ~}==>
AURYHN: Which I later went on to insist upon a hive of my own... Though I could not find a volcano, the snowy Avalon mountains suited me just fine ~}==>
AURYHN: *carries kavi over to his plush pile and sets him down. there. he's safe here.* ~}==>
KAVI: *Oh he got scooped. His face is all red from the crying as he looks up at Auryhn while he talks and walks with him. The story is a cute one, he breathes out a short laugh then looks away. Not now dokis gdi* wow... hah
KAVI: yeah they, they did you good *sniff* that's pretty cute tho
AURYHN: *kneels in front of the pile, grinning at him* A young Auryhn would disagree... It was quite a noble pursuit ~}==>
AURYHN: But present Auryhn has the insight to agree that, yes, it was rather adorable... ~}==>
AURYHN: Also, are you comfortable? ~}==>
KAVI: its cute and noble lol he'd have to deal with it *settles back in all this gd plushness*
KAVI: also
KAVI: hell yes
AURYHN: Excellent! ~}==>
AURYHN: Would you like anything else? A blanket, perhaps? A pair of strong arms to cry into? ~}==>
KAVI: .....
KAVI: yes
KAVI: *lifts arms*
AURYHN: *here he comes, leaning in for the snuggles. welcome to his STRONG embrace.* ~}==>
KAVI: *This is a nice embrace..... He cuddles into it. Nice.... :'S :') :'S *
AURYHN: *squeezes him close, resting his cheek against his head. the closeness makes his face flare with heat, but... that's hardly appropriate right now! he ignores it as best he can.* There there... ~}==>
KAVI: .....*SNRK*
KAVI: where is my broom?
KAVI: where are my pets
KAVI: i need my awkward distant pets
AURYHN: Your broom???????? I thought you were a wizard, not a witch ~}==>
AURYHN: *LAUGHS. he might not get the Reference, but he thinks he's hilarious...* I can provide you with sincere, close range pets, however ~}==>
AURYHN: *rubs at his back* ~}==>
KAVI: lol i'll take those..... and also i'll show you memes later *snuggles into him*
AURYHN: Memes, hmm? Well, I look forward to it... ~}==>
AURYHN: *rumbles a little in his chest. he tries not to chirr much, but... now seems like a good time to break out the comforting bug sounds.* ~}==>
AURYHN: For now, you relax ~}==>
KAVI: you'll regret it... but we're makin it happen *laughs softly and cuddles up here against these bug noises... he does like him some bug noises...* kk i'll do that
KAVI: you're cozy
KAVI: great cuddlemate
KAVI: a plus plus smiley face
KAVI: and thanks lol
AURYHN: You're welcome, Kavi... You're welcome for my comforting embrace... ~}==>
AURYHN: *gentle snickering, but he's starting to get relaxed enough to nap himself...* ~}==>
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