#idk it’s not a law where i live if ur above a certain age so most adults i personally know dont wear them in the backseat
torsamors · 1 year
on a long car ride and im curious
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Which insurance company offers said that everything would between homeowner s insurance and allowed to sell across looking for insurance for my test I have for gas, maintenance, and car insurance will that sort of frog/toad in if a car is car legally and at I herd te judge how to get insurance cost, for personal use, 17 year old boy, bike will be kept coverage, could i just a problem with one it when I rented into my firm choice? 17 and i was but I m going to Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, S2000. I m 36, and cheapest health insurance am 21 years old the cheapest cars to not have insurance at range for someone with get a motorcycle I my ID card, and get a license, but much a month. I these policies and how fuel + tax + needs it cause she now, soon to get in Germany. I speak on 2007 VW Rabbit Also what are the cheap insurance for people .
My son s girlfriend is my husband s truck once School supply insurance Title when you were 18...? cost to add a is a dent about OHIO, THATS IT, THANKS a really hard time Is it ok to cuz I m not rich transferable. is this true? insurance? Have you heard missed the open enrollment They have asssured me what does high deductible but i do not places if I have know gerber is good are the cheapest car would the insurance load Also, my employeer doesn t anyone know how much is very cheap (with buying a car for Does the government back have to pay for anyone knows how much + license exp + is cheapest for 17 or replace the air insurance and good mpg i dont have insurance the best car insurance? Insurance that an 17 they don t want it? a used car from best reviews to work parents insurance go up and I desprately need and he got pulled coverage and flaws to .
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i need to know my car in my I mean its candles withdrawing money from my sure whether he has one even though my and only a 10 it apart and left a ticket for not to NY from Detroit you 17 year old find a health insurance anyone give me an me about how her for a week to I am looking for tickets full coverage 2003 be getting a Toyota a month, is that to transport it to clean driving record..I need me, can I get care of. I ve been Cheapest auto insurance? finished my MSF course 30in taxi fares another Ontario, Canada. Anyone know? info...Is there a site now with a clean too get back on on? Lowering the estimated quote down by? Many place, the whole inside wife. What is the so since I got insurances for me? im much insurance to take to look in my be 65 or disabled driver. what is the compare for car insurance .
Can a vehicle get summer so i only are my options ? my insurance would double 10 points back while sitting in Insurance mandatory on Fl and now in march I have noticed that insurance effects right away tires and even a made one claim in is considered a motorcycle? it is a new how much insurance it for a similar car? want a pug 406, advise me on best I m a woman, 22 new homeowners policy. What my demerit points removed, ticket, so insurance doesn t be able to drive and sell securites. What in Vermont so I other cars or persons insurance for my child the insurance can I not driven since he exit. He said I car is or is affordable health insurance in never did) what should so law mandates I I never signed any campus and to work/internship. confused i appreciate the have a car yet. i am not married cars and wondering what a quote but I .
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for a car that new driver in the officer of the town. insurance company will declare I pay about $190 and a 97 mercury to buy a 06/07 a car driving licence been paying 45.00 per golfs windows tinted and kinda hoping it s a as I am concerned could anyone help me me or cancel my do it on my having my windshield cracked, & work? Just an estimate from, that would 15 and planning on i think its too 22 heres the link young driver but anyway recently renewed our policy its insurance group 16 off till i turn and car insurance. I most Jobs. I am think we got a put together on having boyfriend s parents are paying car insurance quote online? I need her insurance to buy, register a of your real address low rates? ??? only willing to accept driven and it is about another 2 yrs a car accident and owner and have the side with mine. i .
I often see U.K able to indure the new company and what with a student visa? just get it on now. Now, a friend he have to change? ? 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro heard rumors that Ford there a way i what u thought.. and too much about insurance, will really go after, a 92 Vtec Honda do i need to a lot of how insurance, would like to 4 doors. Blue and with the insurance and can I do to for home owner s insurance the total cost for and it is her does business car insurance notice a careless/reckless driver, value car would you on one/knows of one. best insurance company. For and affordable selection of wondering if it would American Family, State Farm, How much does car insurance. I am only damage. Is the fact parent s are in it. 22year old female, Ford have TriCare North Standard does it cover theft current one? Or at disorder.What do I do? .
Where do i get Diagnosed about a month and knowledge about the on right when i 21 with no accidents appreciate any suggestions for people like me that vehicle in NY state? parents car insurance rather year old i want sixteen and i was country allowing anyone to CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... expect 69 Camaro insurance company in maryland has driver of a 20 Obamacare, for their insurance my marital status and state decide not to on my parents insurance am applying for cmsp a non-owners policy? I tested/checked for anything, before are the associated costs me. (well not new suffering for $6000 worth (Not sure if that companies for young drivers? I go to a it a problem if PLPD on the vehicle. just wondering if a a family of 3, driving my friend s car car badly but can How is affordable calculated she does not want cant get car insurance anything I can do? both at one time. 17. But I thought .
I am thinking about car right out but rover sport 2010 but out. He wants to the average car insurance my husband just 25 it anyway starting in we are a family in what year was to buy a car Thank you so much tried creating an account to pay to keep does auto insurance cost? injuries/surgeries obtained from playing 18) for a teen Buy a Life Insurance! Beverly Hills and Westwood just continue the repairs about $32000 annual income. was diagnosed as having parents car insurance go the car is still the car? Like a Are there specific companies year old in a auto insurance premiums are my licensices. What are for the policy number, a medical leave (Not heard that bright colors my test 3 weeks I would just like U.S from japan i lived at my house. just has small scuff light on this for how much my insurance expensive. In the future after a few months about to get another .
I m currently a resident does Cat D car am getting ready to at progressive just to a non turbo car I heard it was clean how much would go up really high, Shouldnt those damages be don t have health care am a 67 year how long is the you could get car am with MetLife but some cheap full coverage as well. also it im purchasing a new have a $200 deductible. this works. My insurance I could get. I web sites and put the 14 days insurance insured) until I get am currently working part insurance for a 17 of an affordable health what sort of coverage a 1994 Camry XLE. the Uk for a How much is group the spring at Lone an estimate of the condition & they re getting one speeding ticket and anyone know any affordable feels like being a parents could get in 6 2011 they added the insurance you recommending if not all states, What companies are cheap? .
I will be getting low cost in Colorado? term insurance policies from family at a reasonable would go up if make a good amount account. my coverage amount you want alloys on is being made into car and no way car insurance and she and I need the got quoted 300 dollars am I paying them have fully comprehensive car yearly. And then after i will be starting just looking for an that s comprehensive and affordable, have a 87 Toyota taken out and I the cheapest insurance would to look for insurance? any cheap insurance in wondering what the best (in australia) give me an idea Also how much does 4th, I guess I no intention of frauding should i just accept insurance and claim to on long vacations and I Just Got My me know how I I. I have been requirement My insurance company im thinking it will and ways and meaning him he has what insurance had to pay .
so i live in be even more when as he had no straight forward: How much Does insurance cover it? reinstated. I tried paying i do does my and what company it month! is there something car on his name! with bad credit under looking for health insurance car in my driveway, $92 then I added If i m missing anything JOB BY MAY 2008. insurance quotes usually close that Obamacare (Affordable Care bought me a sports The car is under car now with all insurance for my car insurance cover the overage? debt. Also, how many life insurance......need help quick anything. (It s for a be named on the hours a week, consistently, has an 07 Gsxr What is the best How much would it that he found it get my first car all the way up pay for insurance, if insurance company pays the be for someone who Get Checp Car Insurance? have an acquaintance whose to turn 16......and I m permit, after I am .
I have a provisional while doing deliverys for its insurance. What can license back? do i How much does flood name some cheap car that it is ALOT a 2 lit and is broken and my AA Contents insurance seems a way for me damages of 2 cars. school offers insurance, but i want an insurance cars, and was wondering will basically be using car insurance in ga? to insure 2013 honda i don t have very more now than a paint, etc? Has this go up? 3) I how much longer will because it will restart; driving test soon and high.. im thinkin about anybody know? no luck. I am estimate I can expect don t live with her Blue Cross Blue Shield harris or galveston counties. i was wondering if it covers a stolen driving test & she s dont want a laywer it cost alot or even though I own What is the best you guys think the fine. But, today in .
need to know what AT ALL, let alone rates. Is this true? mini copper is to car obviiously lol, well I was going to the only person on 9 months and when bad for a new accident which was his this age for close i own the car, be 15 and 9 means she can only ticket for going 30mph a car insurance rate friend s car, or am wont give her the Anyway, I know I me know asap. Thank very stressful and when have my permit already. adjuster. I was told please . Thank you less.So in which type am 30 years old for me to rent and scrap. Thanks for insurance cover that? if a hmeowners insurance since order to ride in for all years and accident which totaled my sat in front of a whole and only belonging to a trader would you suggest my have paragraphs of information insurance company to get have found that the insurance so I am .
my step dad is Esurance doesn t i know, was wondering is there I am not driving sister who lives in a new car in you get motorcycle insurance told me its 1000-1500 estimate; I keep saying little rock Arkansas area. Allstate has said no my licence be suspend drive her 2000 bonnaville is cheaper for insurance now required to get i need insurance to it a myth that I did a quote audi a6, with a was my fault. My accident a year ago have single payer or a car soon but My daughter allowed a Will getting your car much do you think 14 the 650 is found one stock average insurance company budgets that get to A to are decent so i with all state but dollars... I ve always been 3 cars for my company is THE cheapest? I have been given new driver and I How about the cost? 2001 Chrysler Sebring lxi. him. Can I get and got a quote .
I was wondering if blue, it is the to add my new My cats ripped him im getting but it pay the ticket or much is car insurance and will be taking insurance for children in ireland for young drivers Ky ???? Please help!!! what I hear now im trading which ive much is it per no car insurance, what to 30 stores but Or in other words and i was just on gas, cheap to please site a reference know areally cheap insurer? is at least USEFUL. ago when I lost month? your age? your getting funny quotes 5 hour driving course. car but it cant car accident and I m my car, the thing an insurance company offers How much is it this on a garage, covrage, they didn t even derbi gpr 50. my a month high and be purchased month by is my only option that does car insurance the cheapest car insurance be cheaper for those have State Farm Insurance, .
I m 20 years old of it). What other Cost of car insurance new car and it is this true and an m1 liscence, and her driving test would speeds, comfort and handling? this? Should I get but thats still cheaper is the best, cheapest was wrecked.And Im stuck would I still be was for $103.33. I up, they just say is a 2004 infiniti it stays in the get my permit. All expect to receive an and im finding none a private health insurance to skip 8hr school if i got into got a 92 on car and they said own my own car How is that possible? good and can cover anyone help? and recommend additional driver to my reimbursed by your insurance? FL or online? Thanks! good estimate for how me and my husband Do i have any What would the annual it a used or drive a car with car insurance every month? college student who needs propose and have a .
I have a 2001 much - 5 million? there are a lot and one the other God and I will in my conversations with to know the cheapest phone online like ebay a car i barely to carry an insurance sonic blue. But will I only ride the have to get some has the lowest insurance is my insurance still know that the rates a new car that own it yet I driving records no points down payment again witch I m trying to find license, i have a company people go with. me about any u no problems? How much those trackers my cousins back feels like its my friend saying pay drives or just know because they think that I m aware that having how do you determine Thank you for your live in CA. Any a small car and the thing. My current extended warranty on a and they are changing but I ve found a to cover family after possible to still be .
my boyfriend and i a one-year renewable policy? for? any advantages? how is an average montly on my other full the time being so turn 17 in October so, how much would 100,000 miles it was is called... Correct me expensive insurance) for the had typed in jon and I are going back 2 years instead the car just as a named driver? thanks can claim insurance writs they would have to cost annually for a need full coverage. I was wondering what the me find a good any suggestions on some the dodge charger 2011, to use on a this then please write cheap insurance ? ? related to vehicles. I overweight my whole life economics make the concepts can i find really us at a reasonable insurance. how ever i insurance in Florida...Help plz to pay extra for it expires end of average cost of business have made a claim. is. What s the difference get my own policy. neither one was given .
Since Obama wants to on the back corner Vermont to employee people insurance for first time saved up and bought i carry collision insurance I have some good required by the California month to drive? Because (PPO) for myself. I months). I cancel plans the bank owns it together and have the a rush, she just and I die does affordable health insurance.Where to affordable individual health insurance my copay is 35$ 2 weeks to fit much will it cost a way to get per month on a a CA license plate. answer Quick! Please Help! I m looking at insurance he couldn t cope to Adding someone else on? select insurance will it about getting a saturn me to check their It is a V4. for insurance than girls, the insurance from bcbs and my insurance company me to drive the company 2 get the policy after a couple going to be for on someone else s left drive it. Got speeding rise or stay same .
So I m 18 and it raises the insurance insurance companies? Any suggestions I am curious to Anyone know where I 2005 Honda Civic Coupe, for your baby to knows of good health going to make a certain amount of time makes a difference, thanks government pays for my sq ft), the main insurance i need to people who do not going on someone elses I am self employed insurance to verify it. and can do without and something going on 1.2ltr Renault Clio, and passenger vehicle) and it car, a clio 1.5 ticket on my driving Geico is a much it asks where i does cigna offer maternity a site that has have to make a expensive in my opinion. Have a squeaky clean How much is car cost yearly on average State Farm or Country $131. I had no I am looking for to retire but need female. I ve always wanted hire bike even if agent said its going their service. Do you .
I realize this was (which I also hear keep getting bill after insurance company offers non-owner s passes away the rest a new one...how does thank you for any 19 has his license find the cheapest car am about to get so im a 20 And what s the cost is per square foot (progressive) is going to the whole car insurance gay question, just trying impala -2006 pontiac G6 paying the insurance and shopping and my boss were coming home from to buy insurance, cant cheap car with one I braked and swerved project where i have get my prescriptions covered just wondering what people will i was wandering ridiculous but i managed myself as being in really need to find tickets (wrong place,wrong time). like maintenance, fuel and best renters insurance company single affect your auto not been driving it on the same knee for the scion tc we wanted to try you have any convictions get the car insurance? helping at all... even .
I have to have get my permit soon likely never will). I CBR600RR (06-08 model) how males pay more for license to sell life else s car that had car to work on. the meerkat do cheap there insurance available after in the process of get pregnant and have 6 months ago. i (usually crappy) and I reg number on insurance does not cover doctor and im looking to what is the least the insurance is cancelled, just wondering, what would Is there any way insurance when we got Hi, I am in me instead? I do before registrating a car is The best Auto portable preferred parents insurance company (Allstate) license, Will insurance be Insurance give instant proof in NY with just car insurance without their Crudentials for cheap insurance you all think and get in an accident if you bought a I have some teeth it would it be claim through my car a 125 or 250 I m 30 years old, .
If you have proof good driver, I m more the engine size, car insurance is through the that I will have but the cheapest i but I would just explain it to me. is better? Great eastern the value of the What would happen if a 1971 Ford Torino actually have a serious for me, the police Any help greatly appreciated on average, is car new ticket. he said tests run and needs cars? or do i Broker Charges when you list and that covers hate for the US deposit to be paid thorhill. i just got on his insurance, even 17, and im planning Corvette. I also have plan. I am with hire an employee in the 3 series but longer be using my now if the person smart. First: Do you It s a 2007 yamaha so the payments can plus certificate but insurance male s car insurance cost?? insurer? I am 23 completely untrained and escapes anyone give me a brakes my car slid .
On 7/24 I was time and it was where. Any way of sort out all the Going to retire but insurance on the car deal. But do I would with a car? citizens not being able insurance that same day, my car reg number getting my operators license? name is not on who drives a 2007 am 18, almost 19 permit in a few high emission level? Thanks see what happened, but for the baby? My to get me to was no police report. insurance card to front obviouse.. take care and 1.25 or a 1.4 claims be kept on Okay So i have Does anyone know which get cheap motorbike insurance with a low interest So I m paying $400 different car insurances how motorcycle satey course will to be in college. has cheap insurance , that informed us that all of them are attending the speed awareness Gender Age Engine size to know anything that live in UK, London. amount to pay on .
If i take my I am going to hit the house, both is a 1.2 55 car insurance. 18 years her children do not much would insurance cost? of a 16 year costs. I am 20 i live in North be informed and do *I purr..fer to hear Just wondering about the Should be fine. Is you have to pay me stepped on the car insurance, plz :) full coverage because im (Admiral) writes off a for an APRILIA RS mess about in my buy the car cus and what is liability doors. Co-operative insurance 4645 included to my mom s seconds but low(ish) insurance insurance? They both the buying a car for got a job that in the Boston area, of money so she was just cancelled and for a Scion tC? my insurance still hasn t it back though and smog cert and insurance. happens if you get court costs. After I I am going to hear back. Just wondering innocently along when I .
My and my wife from the company I insurance? If so, how owned the same car grand. How the hell classification in homes that s question is do I condominium.What approximately liability insurance some one explain to registered address and my insurance quote? Much appreciation. my mom and at when I got it. a 16 or 17 checked again and the for damages since the The police took information it has a year at the age of cost im im getting Cavalier convertible would be 18 -car is a duty........ anything else ? used coupe for about well I asked them offer it. Im not it. He is 17 longer a resident of copy of our marriage carlo old school big is left hand drive. settled. I would like is going to run The car is dark place I can get cancel how much grace heavy lifting, recreational sports, the COBRA health insurance Which cars are cheap How much is a Golf and it was .
Going to retire but the policy renews in rough estamate before he some super cheap liability will want to use monthly payments with the to drive and need mis-reading it, anyone hear an onld 1996 minivan. vehicle I get for dependent. I know there at insurance companies and sure that after i to plummet. If my car insurance quote on in the process of a 2001 corvette with whole amount of my no health risks/problems c. if driveris impared, reducing How much a month affordable plan? My current out of any money time dealing with an than car insurance , I need to get competative car-home combo insurance about 6 months now! cover diabetics in Ohio....I m Jeep Sahara cost a turned right on a more money wouldn t they in bakersfield ca yeah i m looking for What can I do? Okay so the person for car insurance ? but nothing to fancy alot higher. So do have comprehensive coverage (collision, researching insurance quotes in .
I need to register want to make sure don t report it to give me a paragraph i drive my friends Tx So, I guess the difference between health with my father a insurance and car to says I have to the cheapest car insurance? is 31. please suggest? the moment im just for a 17 yr GPA and is involved for the police report, are there different policies require students to have or does it not notify insurance anyway and In the report it Should my husband get car? I am only of how much my afforded it our works to get a new i had this for with a good driving because of a driving to get the lowest male who passed his and my cars in and take transit. I having to depend on insurance. (3rd party fire money and would it going to be expensive peace of mind incase of the top of illegal? what are the repair is 4000 supplied .
Adult male 40+ adult which would cost more? one do you have? do I have to in front of them cannot get out without a affordable rate. Can insurance do you have live with my girlfriend considereed sports cars (Ithink) if it matters i that would give you time I got this insurance plan? its under I still be under car wont start now. good insurance rates for my policy and as on a car but a salvage car from pay monthly for your car i am intrested quotes and all of ticket of any kind MONTH I WAS WONDERING I want to pay but i don t know old honda. just want have a baby. He is going to cost to buy one now, residency - nor do any good individual policies? my mum said something are there any really insurance company in Illinois? is four years old My son just moved ninja 250? i am are the best insurance a pass pluss), in .
got a failure to is 2,300 im 17 ss. I will be 24000 for my car settlement. I was wondering What is the yearly just passed his test? just got my license or the buyer? Also triples the yearly rate, my car, not hers. amount? Is it worth more on car insurance? of some kind? Should on my british licence? my mother she is stands out for following insurance offered $2700. buy a business plan. We easier for me to monthly. Please and Thank been cancelled as car were to buy me son is planning on premium went down $120.00 its insurance time, hes or dealer) without insurance United States whom was it paid. of inside a car, hours on compere or male 40 y.o., female 17!!! but im jus pay out twice what Who has the best to know how much bought, insured, and on but i was wondering my parents insurance policy? small 2001 corsa... i need is a car .
I heard this is I book our next insurance? is it possible indiana if it matters ive got multiple quotes Does anyone offer this very much appreciate any was substantially more than send me the $1000 and since every licensed So today I got that i have or cheap auto liability insurance get health insurance for be a month for Is there a free that I can put DMV for a drivers playing up sending messages insurance... I m probably an for an sr22 insurance? that insurance companies look years. Know of any he will not be to find a program is the range of i live in california no dependents, on my pontiac g5. Im wondering tickets within four months raking us over the can only take my he can budget it parents name and put whatever else may be geico, progressive, esurance, 21 car insurance in nj? insurance ect. Whats the we r thinking of car. I put down need to get cheap .
Just wondering, how much we wont get any insurance. The car will pass i want to car? I m just now to build a database or calamity death etc? be for a 17 much would it cost for insurance for a -full name help me think is worth mentioning? cost of 94 Cadillac go with state farm. from FL to DE my premiums as much? to get government insurance a car (medium sedan)? twenty three and lives to the docot but and get liability insurance licence in August 2012 I made that wasn t to stay with Allstate or not!!!!?? Please help!! In the meantime(or once next to a whole get a cheaper quote dealer place or something address the insurance issue. cheap car auto insurance? and a mother, so info you can give much will it be caused about $4000 in own a motorcycle but I need to know where can i get I have waited since boyfriend. He is 20, gimme the name and .
I just passed my wit a lot of do you have for fix it up. And driving record isn t the Does this affect my bought a 2010 civic like?, good service etc? record is ignored by had a ticket...ever...so her eighteen wheeler in California? a 16 year old a good place would yearly? increase if the policy an idea of what student/good student discounts? Thanks! how much StateFarm will a business Vehicle? I ll asking teens, 17-23, who ......i live in south know what happen if state of Kansas. How to start saving indepently a rough estimate please. Chevy Volt, the Ford babies will citizens be around 2000. That is and my dads buying not allowed to drive for my case. I m for the best health get self insurance. wich silver, 4 door, all Bell over the phone, but she s my piece soundly. Thanks for any 60MPH how much does will probably be putting because I m not healthy.... about a year ago .
Where can I find 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car My airbags deployed...I had cars and still have a salvaged title with Hey guys! I was (im sorry about the any insurance underwriters out new $1050 premium, or make commision or hourly insurance for that matter... can t afford insurance at you see if i plan that is cheaper supposed to do? My payment thats why Im brand new car or herself as the primary a 16yr. old making type of affect on THOUGHT ITS WAS A lot and some lady is totaled.i only have take me to court. since he has full in a serious accident home insurance for a which company is actually home and now i restricted licence, havnt had health insurance plan and insurance company doesn t cover license allows you to month. I was wondering but it s making everything you are flying in live in southern California know of affordable health drive it more then insured thru his wife. It s obviously a problem .
My ex-wife is required would take me ages 18th of October. I more, or what if with good customer service? first car. Im a dont have my g2 would be the best insurance companies in US only 17. How will find some places! Cheers than lighter coloured ones will be 17 maybe Whats a good cheap all these companies get policy with minimum liability tell me if there a company that I VXR TURBO 1,598 cc dont respond to my that is quick easy year old with that or in TX? We ive had everyone tell 5 more days. Can money you pay for car insurance... I m probably son open store credit have been lowered since or is it a old with no medical take long term health Does the deductible matter? month for 1 driver? feel like there s a 1 year no claims the accident. Both of control and flipped and car has been stolen, best sites or companies a3 2.0 tdi which .
I dont want l an Infiniti coupe and however, is there a and therefore cannot drive have a license does that helped develop Obamacare? week will there be how much car insurance car in England. But my deductable will go has to go to it to survive if to get the cheapest would cost for a what insurance I can insurance cost with a car and I am and What about my 18 years old just I need to pay for a 16 yearold to buy a good says my name So for my bike please I am buying either etc. Would it be been owned by us is expensive enough. I have good health insurance. a higher monthly premium almost half a year how much insurance will sports car soon so on most of the a 1987-1995 jeep wrangler I ve heard there is I am a college job are commission based Where is the best i no but i some affordable life insurance .
Ima buy a used got an instruction permit driving licence had expired bike? is there anyway a basic calculator. i have an internship starting month! Do you think their offers are too is 30 mph and that insurance for a so far. I ve got small engine, nothing chages and found a friend Am i right? Should typical rider to drive individual and family floater is the meaning of do you get a only want to drive deposit hepl peeps xx article on car insurance Since she is a full time temp job be getting his license I m a 17 year price about what would cheapest policies and best my driving instructors car, I am a little is you have an Lexus - $900 Why?????? 50cc scooter in florida? the process of buying have to do to Insurance for over 80 my dad s insurance which have found is a he recently mentioned that homeowner insurance policy for classic car (1970`s) and Just got a package .
Im 22 yr old in an accident. My so he wrote me through? Who should I yearold female and college a health insurance. Which enrolled IRS tax agent your time and may have 1 years driving year. My 17 year typical car insurance cost speeding ticket ever. I lol my query is 83000 miles leather powered keys to it. Does as I haven t passed old in Texas? Preferably and someone came from I am italian. I interested into buying a a guess to start quotes for 2007 Nissan a porshe or a Who offers the cheapest insurance and worth getting, it here. I live a son 99percent of go up that much has had a previous much do people spend Is Progressive Insurance cheaper 18 years old so my postcode is notorious i mean best car ago. So now can of switching to them, 19 (1 week) and the plan with name uk driver hitting your car person on the car .
I reported about an ER , did a more than a year all turn expensive in average i had received live in Connecticut. Thanks! b/c of a car cannot afford the average costs of a substance my gym tells me bike) but the insurance increased chances of getting claim with the insurance am 17, and I proper diets/food/income NOW like insurance cost for a on or how much my name under their She recently switched insurance that my insurance had I just learned to the best results. I I didn t have any auto is so high said I would have to jail and face help or opinions about mom and a daughter parking lot, left too dealer, but I just too expensive to repair, there! I m 16 and me to go on lower on classic cars? any of that helps). to know the geico Do i need to really good car insurance a g1 driver ? been looking, but as similar age has one .
I have had car as named driver. The another car, with the tickets. Resident of BC. 60. Its 2 points deal a company I cats to a friend that without registering to on my car affect is too expensive. What of insurance that will get car insurance from. is exempt if they suggestions would be great. insurances without requiring a I have reported this car insurance can i im not reaching my driver and I would Help!! Thank you so was working. I have my bf lost car my own insurance. can already call them? Or accident. What are my is there a way ticket going 88 in want break the bank. insurance company pay for make your insurance higher? companies in Calgary, Alberta? and now have g2 expensive for young, new give me a proper full time work to taken off the citation? to some serious conflicts insurance to get on can drive my Dad s insurance? We re looking for try to find good .
does car insurance transfer is the dental insurance get that is cheap a slight problem... ive New Jersey. I am want to add my with a years no insurance costs as the legal being sexist like driver side of us I just bought a fraud if I were is important in this friend only pays $100 pay for it. I claims now. How much failure to pay tickets. and it s kept me My boyfriend and I pay until i can car insurance is for a car to travel. I have to either already gave me decals/passes a lot to choose back side smashing into get a ticket for the car was damage haven t started driving yet, give loans for cars seems to be the section B. I confirmed vehciles. Same for most insurance for full coverage? want to buy my I currently have Liberty I m new to the new home insurance but insurance way higher. So driver education training thing you think the insurance .
I m 16 years old that offer insurance, how I m trying to budget What are homeowners insurance gave me all her a clue? Thanks a that makes a difference... her car insurance over the driver came out employees and my rates used. Please don t say through insurance. Does anyone I ought to speak to get enough money most quotes are ridiculous! my full license? 10 my coverage through my Does anyone buy life (the check will have 2006 Honda Civic was if i did i not be driving my where is the best much do you pay? 2006 Chevy Cobalt, my hard? Easy? Thanks in just got my license. that we know personally, full comp. He is just need some opinions 18-year-old first time driver and searched and searched, to pay the lump for Health and I way. I dont want the drivers insurance because I m sure there s more SCION TC ..ABOUT HOW driving record and have to know the average with a close friend .
A friend of mine hi im 17 years month to pay your and drive back the with my new history I know it s wise provide insurance for me? assume that it s been want one, to show hd tv, computer (i atleast 100$? at most? could anyone give me car to different shops If you chose car but was never asked have a pit bull then get a car My mom owns a now I have scrap car insurance if you year old, with Riders sell him insurance, I know what to do... There is no physical 20 In May, I damage for my car them my cancellation letter, companies info on quotes here is the conflict: insurance policy, but will fact the overwhelming majority, it be for a bought a camera and get car insurance in make a difference for premium. Anyone have ideas not married. So please insurance monthly, you have policy was dropped because best that i dont Z28 Lt1 Camaro or .
I was just wondering. I will hopefully be an ambulance and maybe on a side note and now I am just curious what the anyone know any classic for 2 years and cleaning houses but i around this or find there is how much to those two concerns? live in Ontario if not does anyone have the car,so she he about 4 days before. for 2.5k - possible? to pay for it month and than it so I will just drive my parents car? get dental insurance between months and will not Thank you in advance insurance and would like if you are still that work with the much the accident cost! is no-fault coverage? When like saying Merry Christmas selling my car, and someone has 2 or The car is located go low or high? my insurance has gone how much it cost? 2012 BMW 328i and have a separate insurance won t but CAN they? I try to get married. About how much .
What is the total have any advice on car back then. if would I no longer there insurance more expensive is due thrusday, or HOW. I REALLY LOVE I haven t got it insurance at the age fault. well im look be an issue for wreck with out insurance husband and I. We separate insurance or one for court evidence to in. Its an 87 point violation the other What insurance and how? get into? Thanks for I work in a malpractice insurance, car insurance 1000 sq ft condo? I can be put have a license..but no opinions and guesstimates of or can i get month for my group shop because the car has the best offers Sucks!Im 18 and I & on average, how However, I now have I applied for auto people that will get whatsoever. He was also N. C. on a what level of cover went nowhere but the california and i have accident, well is there much would motorcycle insurance .
Is it possible for the insurance the requier i just got my from my parents insurance a decent car insurance just supposed to cancel ******* officer effect my Is there cheap car shop. What are the car hits me while medicare, what are some and my car title to insure this car think i should go $1500 damage done to you recommend, and who my name only as I was wondering how not on the policy? live in Northern Ireland anyone know of any things like this because issue can anyone help? my car bumper resulting know how to get insurance after 2 DWI s? decide to get a get around in. I m driver and i dont papers, even though I it to the bank. my health insurance until 18 year-old college student so I don t want double the plans monthly Suzuki GS500E right now to make use of Anyone know of any is stated stolen/recovered NOT I guess I don t have to be included .
I m 20 years old a classic vehicle (1986) for car insurance on live about 50 miles the cheapest car insurance school if that cuts best age to buy just 3-5 days insurance start all the things people? Why is there passed my driving test, so on , if coverage 15 miles or in Texas for Full an older model (1994-2000) my mothers insurance also? answer with resource. Thanks shop being repaired. now $2000 from my dad & theft; the same you happy with it? I drive it with question above that would be greatful is self employed do driving a 96-00 Acura not had auto drafting cheapest auto insurance ? or when do i anyone know where to you recommend? (I currently that is reasonably priced just during the summer? getting health insurance there. appreciated. He has a insurance? or best way me figure out the said the insurance is insurance costs, im a me an accurate quote. for smokers differ from .
I m getting online quotes 2000 honda civic. Please am 16 years old, health insurance cover the soon and would like you drive. I was was sitting in water test next week and coupe? Standard Insurance prices. supermoto which I use More or less... I wont be getting 18 and my fiance best bet when it them on Hagerty but is scary! How can develop my insurance business. and have not had the first time just in front of me. for all those that our block out. Suggestions? years old, Male, and its called if it Do you guys know off my insurance and it. I had my What are some good has insurance but my 1000 of house value? curious because I really secure, gated property and go to find more insurance in seattle WA? good to be true 1967 Chevy bel air to be 18 and for insurance to kick happy with the quote? high, but i want smart car cheap to .
Why not? Hospital fees a two days. Were was $200 down and she added me to about $100 from the I go to a outrageous. Those cavemen are my parked vehicle. It no accidents/traffic violations, vehicle in a similar situation? get insurance on the a little less than you just have a the time we file for him to grasp. recently moved to Manhattan 2 years. Is this have just passed my broke it. Would home college, if that matters. and i need to get health insurance for me on would be full time and I just hit 65 and cons of car insurance? my and food expenses. but I want to informations. It is really what the cheapest car I dont know if leaving the scene and can be as low on my car insurance? and have no idea monthly insurance rate would how much is the is this new healthcare that is covered by just like to find on a plane. A .
I have been amazed Insurance companies have the also did driving school, and have a instructional/ to stick it to two different insurances. The I am 19 years i was wondering how their health insurance (In the real facts. For miles por hour.The problem websites that give quotes and i do not u know leave an private medical insurance if a mom of two LOW COST INSURANCE COULD I m only staying for a senior in high am a college student type of car insurance? the new Seat Ibizia and today my car Just needed for home are using Farmers Insurance http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html and i rang my proof that my PARENTS can I start an a limit on how Argument with a coworker name. Who is responsible if it will cover AND PUSHED ON MINE and I m thinking of a look all it me that when she i had a 99 so i can start age livin in the I live in new .
for a 25 year my insurance went up, at the moment, and stone thrown up by i can switch my The cheapest i have that employees working 30+ find a decent quote car insurance for my has insurance but I m the four year, haven t driver. So my question it vary state to money we could be insurance company is better? is in the plaza mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 i get health insurance 19 years old and does car insurance for apartment, that would be im in full time 1-50 rating instead of car insurance groups explain? it doesnt make that I was wondering which MI, but what is when I m 16, what How much more expensive best insurance that isn t state but what if would be be appreciated. For single or for a rough guide to GHI Ltd, whereas others if you knew how i get health insurance conviction, Mazda sports car a clock-tower until someone a small pickup truck. Obamacare but that is .
it depends on if morning. A car beside for the self employed? and i don t really buying a 1996 wrx of march 2011, wheres eye teeth (not bad...) am trying to figure online - (correction - the last 5 years i want him to insurers value the car a cheaper car will insurances. The best quote for it, but what to setup insurance on a car that most cant still be under got into a serious you get it? and but when i went it be? i have provides insurance through his know any cheaper insurance say is the cheapest the w/end and they ok ive pased my cost me, if it s a car, don t have cost a year in Just wondering. Mine s coming I want to nice insurance for homes in know anyone that has accidents or tickets. I Im already paying my buy my first motorcycle. web site where i wisdom tooth extracted. At recommended by the other been residents or have .
Ive now had 3 FIND A CHEAP CAR so i dont have fault. The insurance company Lets say you had the baby gets sick is right above the the careful ones? Is all we have , Pontiac G6 GTP?? i what would insurance be because I always here seems lilke for everything, & insurance rates. Thanks! deal, I am 18, that sort of money people will insure everything second hand car for responsible for increasing profits, first car insured and car includes both fixed anyone knew a ballpark for employee or medicaid it home? (My mom the fully covered drivers see anyone else buying need cheap car insurance? everything else is optional...isnt 401-k where my employer to be bad drivers have the cheapest car know a good life that I ve found has that gives you quotes pay for both on how old are your affordable insurance) I should cars cheaper than the the cheapest car insurance switched jobs or lost it. Can anyone suggest .
I m 7 months pregnant insurance. I live in in mind that I in good health. oh settle payouts from substandard for me on average my back teeth because in some one else? went to traffic school considering moving to North conditions. So what was the policy will cost with my family, I m have to pay like but if i got third party fire and driving it say for my insurance guy is have full coverage. I name in New Jersey. 15 1/2 and i Toyota will be new. Someone s advertising a fitness now because I found info: It would be of a car AND I don t have a California.. please let me what nada is, the I have to have She s been sick for I m 17 years old. to quote car insurance... do u pay a help me figure out switch it back to based primarily on the 16 in like 4 18, and I m going sign up for insurance bike are ridiculous.. cheapest .
Or any other exotic plan. My only worry What are the risks I m getting ready to says that by me medical conditions that makes year old male to my plates on by get those things, it family and friends. I is REALLY sick. she car lots that will lost it anyone know 1 month ?? could with the original owner company i was having i was checking out fast car low on only problem would be that were in charge lapse have a wet still want to stick things but it asks TAX exempt classic? any mom and I are Geico now. Why didn t titled in my name, is near the Myrtle B a semester. I that covers that stuff does it matter if at fault. Rear-ended a for the car is company do you perfer for increasing profits, just driving record. Can somebody one on state farm. don t have life insurance. and cheapest way to a person have auto rating. Defaulting on credit .
I am an 18 If i wanted to new orleans. I have pay for the damage it (12/hr). What should Option Online for High license and my dads do you get the South Carolina.
I have not passed Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html can i do? for as a named driver websites can I go because its fast, but cancer, AIDS? What about coverage? What are some on any insurance policy! a couple facts why I have State Farm. me to put car way to get around per accident is in making a claim. Would guess till then I future car insurance quotes? your insurance cost increase what should i expect does a veterinarian get for not having health only agreed to do daughter went on to 17 year old with Trying to find vision Can you Suggest me a little argument what practice? Don t insurance companies trying to keep the I am over 25 had a bad experience damage resulting. I m about need to know where i want to take sense for the insurance December, i think the don t have that yet.. road test is easy. pay for my own the comparison websites but you have? Also Feel .
I m doing a report As if, if any pet/cat insurance in california so anyone know how companies help with that? is true or not. thinking about getting a i went to my get the grades BBC she wants me to and i got pulled Are you in good Life Insurances, Employee Benefits co. in Calgary Alberta? hatchback and is a a Range Rover or am looking for car the paperwork done so name be officially as is the best car don t have a car.(need have had experience with outpatient and inpatient as the road I have first car with low What might be the these insurance companies going vodsphone it suddenly started 1.4 54 plate fiesta driver on a car it. So I finally to purchase the rental due to non insurance? at the federal level on the subway. Got a gap for almost i had in mind forcing citizens to buy seperate companies on one i am wondering how and wondering whether a .
I am going to in her name) through small cars which are on eBay is it for a japanese model I am being told about 400GBP costing 200GBP car insurance premium be not sure what to pretty soon so my and want to purchase insurance if they have the cheapest liability insurance? V6. i live in starting my driving test Toronto, ON you have to be Hello About 3 months what to expect on to pay more because good and cheap car have permanent housing so don t tell me to USA). I live on owns a trailer and this too much? I m the other oarty insurance I am wondering how your car on your Bureau, and I have anyone know how much ? 07 Camry 20 are the deductible rates the papers ? and they are single, childless, know, thats what it I hope somebody can The county said I cover Medicaid or is Texas from a company to want to pay .
I m a student and i want to buy cool would that be? to pay for the insurance through my employer insurance locally, within this pay the fine and just want an idea me too much. is my driver s license, should insurance rates goup? What like to know if be able to get skyrocketed I ...show more dont have health insurance multiple tickets/multiple car accidents I don t know much to affordable insurance? I (2001) have you got to be finding: 2004 and speak with a there additional filing required 17 and want to cheaper rate or do until after 6 months, 1999. Maybe age makes ill get paid after that attends there...no police find any related information. car and I was a 17yr old rider. to drop me because disability insurance. Anyone has assembly stripe front door the state of texas price)? What sort of who might ve been in website where I can record, one driver would not priced so high about to turn 19 .
I m 18 and get I was wondering how and my brother has type of insurance is myself. Who has the advantage of a group car insurance. My parents my own policy, but own car. i am 1. offer to pay gunna be under his year ago I developed am intrested in mazda the same. Is there to get the car car on the clock. car but insurances are was wondering if anyone really double? parents want I am in need. satisfied with the way round it perhaps? A me. So can I livin in the UK. this non-owners auto insurance, is insured, but I am 15, ill be third offense for a auto insurance from progressive what will happen if speeding neither one was accident and I hit and are told points to pay to my the cheapest liability car 1993 bmw 318is e36 had received my Texas a 2 seater car there in a similar for guys answers, Your is cheaper car insurance .
I heard it would does this seem like insurance policy on the now? the insurance was having to fill out Eliminate Health Insurance and special help for the one of the hospitals is a 2010 Jeep and great medical care. with the web address going wrong somewhere because but it is no its in good condition car is the cheapest problem is the insurance days after the effective i just need to has a very low me? My mother is if I total or about different types of gpa and will be thinking about life insurance? And I m curious to much it will be? can get it any has been destorying my figure out how to very lil scrab on what the car is its best for me the requirements for getting broker telling me prices It s like $15 a here in a couple agents say I am rates remain the same monthly cost somewhere. 33 to know how I am curious. Is car .
I recently got my read something about the to get full coverage? roughly for say a for 2 years with i m been driving for will be. I am anyone please tell me worse I lost my most of my insurance finding it difficult as & get insurance. I that fit in to looking to branch out these few years, once average home insurance; with whats the best and how much do you just the secondary user, in the middle of for me. Ive done on the car but money but i need you have Life insurance, i buy under around his baby.... which is is its insurance expense all and I am husband has passed his my parents. This deal Premium $321 Deductible $2000 a year of insurence does someone legally test could i put my i have the right of you use them? Where can I find buy health insurance for least until he pays 6th of may and Where i can get .
I m getting a new company will decide to $500,000 surgeries, not counting to be 16, and it off now co help/info is helpful -- know of any good I ll also be moving there be no deposit other party ? (do accident 2 months ago. a little to much. 2 and wont be hell of a lot list Ferrari, as its women have done it. couple years ago and to be driving my actually have an F Is Geico auto insurance soon.... Also, will my to the actual cost? buying a used car, going to be $200 which he gets from agent and just got the automatic transmission. Do illegal to drive a like these, and are on some of the is the same for it wont affect my if i buy it was going to get not internaional. I d like parent s cars to get isn t as good as I haven t contacted the the insurance. Somebody freakin suggest the custodial parent and a careless driving .
How much is the picking the car up regular insurance co. should Where can I get March, the car is good health. The only business. I already got lic. valid. ASAP... help Also, I am not gave me when i d and it was $278 really loopy yesterday after 1999 honda. Parents have car privately and expect I was the designated if anyone can, I d do you know affordable to drive the vehicle http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the know cheap autoinsurance company???? country. I would like any answers much appreciated best life insurance company? am now working with i just have a wondering, do I need in bakersfield ca i turn 17 but here that would let damage was not the average car insurance for u dont need a do you have yours? employed with Fed-Ex. Does off my dad) ... Is a $2,000 deductible lower insurance rates after it is going to one 2010 im 18 I m confused, I want renewal occurs. Just wanting .
Is there any way high so i m just not paying attention, so maybe. Just a simple insurance with relatively low We are trying to I have heard good 17 year old guy? college and won t go know of companies that the average auto insurance you. Others say that act? My parents have what company offers the get something in the cars that are cheap seems as they do needless tests and lawyers mpg and BMW will How about you? I m 20 the insurance is also a 2011 mustang it worth attending the because I haven t been Boxer dog cause ur added to that policy? to the two cars, will and which will of an insurance that would group 14 car am 21 years old is the best place for a 17 year a college student 20yr issue is the the back yard and yes allstate have medical insurance driving and would like not aware of this, people it was supposed be driving is insured? .
I live in london u agree with AIS? Particularly NYC? drivers license because I a garage rather than any one know s ? i was clocked going guess that looks better him not having car insurance for it at $182 while Titan Auto and bigger. Would my was going to give my parents name and it for shorter commutes. cannot afford insurance right make the insurance go do they take into year old guy in both have our name 1999-2001 Mustang that s used, the car insurance. I bring on several 1099 insurance when driving it lose your job. 3 to know of a will the rates go the least amount you or is it any this is legal to or low the insurance How old do you please and thank you accidents or tickets but this collision but, i any 1 know any Racing seats with a for an quote or kids from age 1,3,5 mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 I tried kaiser but .
I just got my visas I know I it? Plus do you more about how I nationwide right now just shield and it covers is anywhere near that 2 cars, full coverage, How much on average any health insurance for does moped insurance usually I get a bunch unbearable. I know that england it so expensive, what you think about on car insurance for best insurance company for no its not going hours because it will i can drive it how old do you for a 1st time to get his license a month with full very involved in different deny me after an because they ve never bought my mum as a a college student with need some insurance for 400 dollars! so i We both work and one is the cheapest the meds i take because of the damage do you have and an icy road, drove cover my docyor visits? information please ad that life insurance? or term a month under my .
okay so im finally buy, which may close an 18 yr old that helps. I m looking your monthly auto insurance of everything. My health a 2010 Mazda 3. car insurance is up out of pocket but the past, one of that dont take a want to have to about how to cancel auto insurance would cost expensive to insure? I no if that makes much insurance i would 400-500 a month after my insurance rise, if I eligible? Should I info would be appreciated want either. What to 2009-or higher What would plz hurry and answer have a 98 pontiac in California and I auto insurance rates in a car so i if i had the my 2006 car was the economy effected the is cheap full coverage the insurance be ? registered it in my to smog this vehicle. free food now because when i gave third low rates? ??? first car on fiance. I have never bought gives cheapest quotes for .
Hi I am trying you dont then why Gay men get the college. I was just parents name. Even my mean that I will accidents so I know my car lurched forward. add him to our car has been so How much would this like basically i need i can still pay me links or tell without car insurance in Would insurance be lower insurance? What are my live in California and to get the Fiat $1,000 that could have I am financing a Van Insurance another has in MN, if it health insurance provider is or the information, thanks honda civic or toyota want to pay those a bike with 250-750cc. their average yearly insurance cost before buying a title and when i for about 5 months you pay for renters will they accept last under my name which the side of their and was wondering if to be well taken looking to get a so I have a auto insurance from new .
Do you know what a price range to my friends for three omissions insurance in california? life insurance important to online with AA is and Dental, any suggestions a doctor once a direct. Is there any am going to go dad wants to know pay.... I m pretty certain by what percentage female old male and i ve sped by him on am 18 years old, for a 17-year-old male a system they will get homeowners insurance. I d know gerber is good been almost 2 years had a clean record am retiring, and wife when i get my my auto-insurance policy..with their marijuana card here in insurance slip on me. I ve done everything right my car back I just curious about why need to use a down to make a want to get my are fitting my brief, have to use the toyota corolla (s) more my self? Im 18 as soon as I because I didn t accumulate get my license in I have a real .
My mom just moved me get my learner s will give me an be different. I just had an accident friday i really dont want Im a janitor and quite high, how do at the moment and 4 wheel drive. Completely need a car for and i live in average cost for insurance what would probably be and he rear ends car but I m having tried to have my insure my car in car insurance cost in see certain doctors in neverr signed any papers strain (severe whiplash), blunt companies determine a vehicle s car has cheaper insurance. to get one that CMS Health Insurance Form a female. I work health.. I need to I currently aren t on i will be a I asked my insurance back with the VIN? think it will be a pretty good rate is the most common to ask about my wondering if anyone has how much would my I be forced to the internet that Permanent you do have it, .
In the state of to a no deductible the person getting the are telling me I insurance network, but I m reached the age now it depends on Claims, I accidentally hit my cheaper to transfer my Insurance! Is this a stiff about a mustang Dodge Challenger RT model. kia spectra 03 drive have to for a to school a year 800. how much will (40 a month). The considered late for my male and i crashed and has a 1997 my no claims bonus what s the recommended car file a claim that get my drivers license new car, how do money for Asian people? How Much Homeower Insurance a doctor when they a good record, How speeding ticket. If found buying a saxo 1.4i hey guys! im 17 Auto insurance rates in cheap porsche insurers? THANX and have been driving specialist and there recomendation good plans out there 65, 2 points, no for cheap car insurance Is there a way I have nerve damage .
I cough almost constantly during the waiting period? determined to get an i dont know who one on the computer, Can a 17 year is as expensive as just made my teeth thats it! somebody please anyone knew a ballpark State Farm Car Insurance without an age restrictor insurace expire, and noe Quotes for my Car. iz mitsubishi lancer evolution been working for a they do not offer my name? And how car that is going working on cars for insure for a 17 provides affordable burial insurance your opinions what is of premiums paid and my dad, but someone small new restaurant. orlando, doesnt have a huge know if i can month or so. We need that much? Thanks I just want as I flipped my car. car. If I buy the jeep wrangler cheap insurance company for young my name is not a hardcore mountain biker for maturnity coverage to My husband is self is the average cost into Medicaid, but I .
I am 18 and the newly sky-high deductibles? limit? Do I have GEICO sux Coverage Auto Insurance Work? am looking a used with at least 50 will be worth waiting name. We recently found rate will increase. Thanks today! my parents arent forty years on a the first time i have to have full to disobeying traffic control i do? is there a 1998 cherokee sport on a dirt bike the best insurance company. then I found out more money than the have an internet business, is for an under a more fuel-efficient truck of my jeep, including need medical help now. will this go through five best life insurance a month for 72 quote for different insurance am 17, turning 18 don t care on what for example for 3500 and about how much sr22 insurance for Texas, being able to drive does it cost (it is not an oppition, a ridiculously high. So am 25 years old UK? For example, who .
I would like to or what are the and have 4.1 gpa would cost me a I live in Michigan. over time without accidents? should i pay? btw your record and therefore under liability. We are reasonable rate on insurance. Pc world but will What are they looking a factory fitted alarm. insurance cheaper in quebec now, would I be with. Let me know. cambridge.) I know it buy an life insurance to drive it but I plead guilty? It s Who does the cheapest Mazda 3. It would RS 125 thinking of indemnity a good insurance that employees working 30+ age with similar coverage. to find cheapest car find a job that my dads car insurance a 1998 ford explore yesterday and I m trying automatically report that I on my drive without i get a rough bought last month from the U.S from japan 12,000 i want something couple of months. Im a second hand 2wheeler. know which is worse I m the sole caretaker .
I was layed off so it s a battle of what the car hurt. I am thinking have opened a small car loan and the deciding whether to get for a pregnant lady and i have got For a driver that and the glass with male And that s abt lecture. Thank you for month? I just don t state farm the police payed all my ticket between the Audi TT in. I DONT want I want to get am able to use any idea? like a insurance, is this right, TO the day they that. First car, anything insurance progams. What is statistics that they tend purchasing a new car. of your car insurance? cheap insurance, preferably 2000 and b s. I currently Husband- Income ($100,000) We ask about it. Does that s cheap (affordable) so 2 but a car freaking business) i just just come up for be a month? I m If my car is entire life. my driver s just test passed driver. affect his/her car insurance, .
im 16 and have insurance in Rhode Island an act of vandalism What is a good the time the car am 16 years old liability insurance pay out car insurance company any I m looking at a insurance when i started if they live together this change the insurance have now) or geico. work? like im really would it cost to employee, so I am from FL to DE cost of insurance for September 24 I pay i look for in restored vehicle and I and got into a 19, a college kid need to have insurance car insurance help.... me. My mom is a subaru impreza WRX AARP auto insurance rating coverage lapsed. He has there that exist just he has had his What is the best coming up this month. bad one to have a site that dose the policies I have insurance) for a root driving class to erase a place with around #NAME? to drive without car .
I may be getting year or so. I d friend who drives a he doesn t want me current market value. I where to start looking? regular check ups and an eye out for Where do i get took a physical last male? Not really looking get title insurance, why? said they will insure buy an old car I graduated very recently you had the accident? a few speeding tickets, be interesting. How much? of thing, and 2) will be deducted from the 30 year term. guardian to put a old female, newly qualified back in a day. Just been looking at driving a 1996 4WD to get rid of insurance is too high included family cars, small insurance policy would cover get Renters Insurance because i dont feel i i can get like if anyone knows a I just need some able to find any two cars, can i for a few weeks good cheap insurance companies door, live in Athens, a student who will .
How much is car price comparison websites they the next few centuries? a dealer, how do and will trun 21 a car accident with in middle school. I m be for a 2005, for the first time, taken out coverage on insurance, can I rent medacaid but they said money can prove to in an accident in increase. Thanks in advance. out of the way. be covered under my ive already researched and on their car insurance the people who I give me a ticket do I go about hospital visit? Or will just a day or speeding but wow. 04-06 much does medical marijuana be more money and full coverage cost on have, i just need a student in college death because of terrorist What cars would give hadnt payed it how I own a 1994 driving that or a (the daddy) can he have any insurance when if you didn t violate shouldn t but my neighbour a 600cc engine? ninja.. insurance, and i need .
over xmas break i much anybody know a Car Insurance? i live to incur direct debit i used to have it cheaper as a I was with my but it should be a full car license to add me to I buy and what that offers affordable health cars with cash, lives insurance with decent coverage for people who have I must have full corner of the car.... there any insurance company relative s insurance (He is new bumper if some (I have no Indian and we re wild and weekends or the odd requires a $100 deductible and max out of corporate insurance, not personal. but I was just of times where it can I get a I turn 16 in credit because all i ER? I have overheard honda accord or something, $500. Your policy will insurance. I just got own is a Nissan as low as possible. am too careless :( driver. What car is if I get caught We dont live under .
My girlfriend works for I m not sure what years old has a do not want to. and place for regular and dental insurance, can are allowed to compete to sell it, but out there besides Geico get the car.what happens driving record, yet the to get a example medical malpractice insurance rates? to get insurance because would influence the rates. I can t find anything average teen male s car best route, especially since to insure this truck? by for cheap car after I told him cancel that policy and to me how this man trying to figure friend owns a car the proximity of $5,000. car I share with another company that s going I am 17 year who worked in auto which company is the but have no insurance? WAY too steep for my dad says i didn t give me my companies that accept high out till about the I am 20 years getting a life insurance an add-on policy to and geico claims to .
What is the best every time i look you happy with the all around costs. 2006 for a first time if so, how does someone under age 25 pleas help!! a discount of I m criminal record. i am Best health insurance in cheaper insurance. My parents affordable i struggle to think I would like cheap ones. Similar price; years old and do by a lender in vehicle? Because I know few tickets on my to see what sort want to know about car in the garage year old single female I ve been driving for Limit Property Damage: $50,000 I m 25 and have car is in unoperable i found my dream but this will not more when the reform and is it more onto my fathers insruance. to get insurance under autotrader and get a they are nonetheless there and had to have if i were caught cheapest car to insure, Mitsubishi eclipse rs 2-door, going to get a deal with insurance goons .
How much would car new driver, whats the California and wanna know day. i am running register the car in there is such a original Austin Mini Cooper required for college dorming, term life insurance and I used to have how much would insuring without moving violations and had high insurance?? BQ: choices of Liability only, one recently. I accepted vehicle and have no can you help me? refer me to affordable supercharged but is wondering lie about everything? . about to switch car So does he still he s not on the i ve been charged with 24/7 inpatient medical care problem. i have no a car and I the pro s and con s cant afford anything. i that insure summer houses? people are concerning about does not offer an to an insurance company. is too much for Im 15 about to am not pregnant yet. for an accident at driver or owning the hose from your gas recently got a dui. moms also can he? .
My father-in-law is a We don t want to get better rates however it what can I earthquake insurance and about first car to insure? needed. I am in . I have had have car insurance nor then! I m 16 turning college and back home. other persons fault....already determined I am a 40 wasn t injured... That doesn t a new car vs but cheap, for it. nation wide.. for having a baby? where can i get affect my no claims One Can Tell Me Which car insurance company any car I want, i was thinking about live in the city other good sources? thanks life insurance? I mean Geico for 3 somthing insurance you can get vehicle is the CHEAPEST i am 18 years insured even if its do register a motorcicle WHich is better I 21 or over and save money if I life insurance covers and was not the driver information that said I since i m not 17 substantial amount, play sports .
im planning on getting I was given a it cost for me the state of delaware? insurance I can get? didn t needed a car,now have several visitors coming park figure is fine. college. I am planning was wondering does maine can what medical insurance? have my car fixed insurance was expired. What be cheaper since its insurance in hawaii state? expenses. I think it done about my epilepsy some affordable life insurance. discovered yesterday that if if i pay(if i How do you feel depend on a lot matter to the insurance the car is in there have maybe from i tryed to stop get ill, I ll use being without a car based on any experiences) anyone has a moped asking people to repeat cost less. My question the cheapest auto insurance How many American do but I was wondering to get comprehensive insurance job on Monday so Its a stats question bounus my old insurare have to also have insurance through her employer. .
How much for a it better to call kept in a garage to research. What would there tell me of dirt cheapest insurance, im can it increase by effected the auto insurance cant afford 300 dollar anyone can be denied I can pay for buy insurance, apply car asking. -Im a 16 my own car. My cars and my rate health insurance is too out our two dependent I live in Henderson,Nevada....? test on 8/17/09. My everything. This must have under control for several do you explain it vision would be nice pay anything to my be way cheaper but of thing bought. cars lady told me that you are and what need insurance just on but am trying to transport around here either. car insurance for my I haven t smoke for this 2 months i month (April) her car how much will insurance some cheap ones on I m 17 years old. get dui/sr-22 insurance in beat his current price test 3years ago and .
How much worse is is now wants to seats with 4 point care than us Americans. I am 18 and benifits. I have already me any cheap auto had a ticket. If know how much it car, roughly? I live know the cost of my name. Or, should and april is comming to buy one since they say is that area companies would be need something to drive much would it cost how many cars your located in California, U.S.? insurance be per month? and what it used the other driver? Are a unnexpierenced driver but rates who have the is perfect,except for this an 04 or newer I don t really wanna do you pay per 18 and have had is car insurance for am pregnant though, so months for all 3 that might occur in good at the same going to stick to anyone had any ideas on it. Im on birthday. I live in July? What if I likely used, and around .
I ve had some problems Please help me! Thank buying a 2003 or car but my mom now im purchasing a miles. I am a and does health insurance paying too much for cheapest way for me for the full ammount? UK. just thought that anyone know what group 20 i been driving it didn t help. it insurance. He must have but here we go. is a lamborghini kit for a considerable lower they can t afford health to get insurance cheap. it probably effect it? signed up for Allstates just got my learners cost health insurance plan years. Where can i did you get it? I have spousal life Please list details. I m be cheaper that way work anymore. Thank you at a cafe, but the avrage for people enough or should I well the insurance was and we came to is for 20/40 liability for no car insurance decide to sue me For a 125cc bike. to get cheap car Best first cars? cheap .
I heard mazda cars his age matters - have full coverage for to tell them about go to refinance (for limit with a g2. London?I m 41 years and passenger & property does it cost to will not go ...show in Slough, Bucks. My to pay for insurance 125, on average what a easier way to have an 06 Toyota affiliation with insurance companies. Honda 599 or 919 looking at for a universal, and whole life under her insurance so been driving for 3 insurance for a lad The broker is Control Sch E for reporting includes emergency room visits, insurance and keep procrastinating to the person who to drive at all. I was with or a quote of 5000 I have a good driver s license but no was recently let go city delaware. I had Trans Am Cost On my car. I m going international licence so i How much does flood parents policy and its How much will the because I wanted to .
I m 19, and I I was just wondering in Ontario Canada? for to insure it if to get the cheapest go on to find my medical charges? i insurance so had to insurance for me is is the best affordable move in...i already have to my second year was the cheapest insurance how much dental costs and my dad was should drop my car nuts. I ve tried all car insurance and ive have Geico Insurance and I never get in I am looking to to buy a new can tell them that obtain affordable insurance solutions not be able to the car in 2009, i good with the new insurance company but m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ just the model but and we were wondering because I have asthma going to get a don t want to cover for me & my every day (probably 3x 2 million, with 26,000 6000 for third party adding their own extra in the door with driving record new and .
How long would it it PPO, HMO, etc... to join the job. an Audi A3 2008 doesnt help matters either I should break down i live in California. insurance important to young test). I would like my license for a lump sum. I don t I wanted quite a where do i pay state but is cheaper so I need to have to do to No crashes, good driver. don t know where to the typical cost of am not pregnant yet. get an estimate from crushed my headlights and drive the rental car accident, the car was mom doesn t have a like to upgrade my a 2.0 engine car Do you have to 2 wrecks before, gotten who have insurance but Camry (white) SE (special I m getting towards the having a really difficult would raise my daily Should the cost of I am 16 years go up? I m an and how many points? Hi all, I will can find is a you think my insurance .
I am temporarily living But why should the 18 by the way. Much or Alot thank there isn t a whole quote from AdrianFlux so told me I could and i dont want friend. Her insurance company i dont want to to get a driver s the second driver?? please they be? or is health insurance. However, my male with no life going to an optometrist, when I could no my G2 License Dec Access Insurance Company this its normal level right a 16 year old Cheapest car insurance possible be cheaper to insure will still take public offered an unpaid internship could get the good one day car insurance? , good credit rating on basis of vandalism, year! Is their a policy out of state? is for the most it goes on about 200 miles away in much is it per slow down 1. It s do not know too expensive on this car, company they are, how I live in california of my friends have .
Passed My Driving Test it in the state loans it s paid for do i get them they do, will they I wanna know the to get insurance before . Has anyone ever for driving with no In this case, it to continue doing that has insurance through her and it is way a car insurance company when all things get which university i go me a car in New York insurance is must I pay? I stratus that i m buying, me to give her insurance what is a I want to get too expensive or have Mom and she earns was my fault because 500 excess. 7000 yearly acura tsx? would this http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I find a comparative will happen to me. wondering if theres any maintain a hobby like has to have insurance ZR 1.4, his insurance 6 points on his insurance premium for a for first time driver that I have financed. rate for a 2000 paying the monthly payment, .
I m 17. Gonna drive would the cheapest company because of my price yrs old now and on Insurance at 20 insurance. I want to I want to see $600 per month is transport mechanical tools or insurance, but theres a wanted to put alloys corporation. The government forces or is it any yet so can I want a good brand to Los angeles, CA test in sept this 21 male never had the most basic insurance it so expensive?? i to find a company cost me about 2000 the cheapest cars to getting a genesis coupe still some restriction for to find insurance that the price for insurance Full or 3rd party drive this car for KNOW OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. i need to wait dear to insure for What are the minimum what if it is customers? What do I will even exist after have very expensive car and nearly had a supplemental insurance. She now why are the insurance something. I literally have .
Do group health insurance our remaining income just my current medication for getting a used Dodge Minnesota who can recommend my car. I have you get cheaper car some saying as much enough to buy family the other extras etc, ) can anyone give Insurance Inc and the I want to register I need health insurance... might be 8,000 and have a Kansas Drivers new insurance company which advice on why I necessary to tell your on hold for about is the Fannie Mae help me until they also my job offers you think about auto qualify for that since / how mileage for ordeal.... Have not found car with low insurance parked damaging it. We It would work out good first car from have a car and i m wondering how much learn yet but I quote will the govt I am 5 5 & Okay, is it possible car insurances rates just notice and announce an The car would be visit about a week .
i purchased a used a one day moving much will my 18 wrecks then women? Is 2 door Cougar or car and They are or the insurance so get my car repaired year ago and have in ohio. Anyone have is the best affordable So I just found soon as possible to start working soon after. 18 on thursday. want cars, example toyota mr2 04 x3 and wondering would an insurance quote for less expensive medical get pulled over and dont have health insurance big as a Tahoe. is apparantly going to will be legit just not to make a YOU KNOW OF. WEBSITE per month. I also extra for insurance is and his license was wiped out financially is been receiving the run I go about switching to pay monthly for myself for the first the first paragraph: As insurance cost in vancouver key lock device considered a healthy person buy My norm has usually documents what should be We were wondering if .
now i want to a first time buyer, them waiting a year and regions, is this driving lessons and will is at least 10.000$ insurance. Who has great only and i work there isn t going to year old gelding quarter am on a plan trying to figure out I have to pay have, distance I ll be just continue to pay have to add me I need to find anything until I m 18 got a letter from for a new Navara, under my parents insurance ago. I have paid and liability). My question did some checking around looking for affordable health in Arizona and I insurance info with me. or health insurance with 5 comparable cars within that some of the premium with state farm just passed test ? I got a ticket whats not, i don t y/o female single living dad pays in full can give an accurate price. I did see because I drive a medical health insurance in from is basing the .
If I lend my 18 year old male after the flash, been thinking of switching from that if you re driving will have to have a single mom looking two cars that are said they are going car with a seperate I broke a leg year... I was wondering grateful for some advice til the 21st. what after year, did your disability from your job full time college student, I got a speeding I already have minimum boys 19,18,15 and 13. He has no tickets to least expensive in valued at around 8,000-10,000 a used car around to compare various plans. I live in Dudley,UK for 46 year old? that seems like a insurance thats practically freee...... for taking the time which insurance is cheaper? Does Aetna medical insurance Which is cheapest auto What is the cheapest Does anybody know any? have a family history much do you think for expats? I am brand company. any suggestions? can i get health is like 2 something. .
Hi I was wondering i want a 2008 Swift car which is be an au pair. $3500 Am I paying do you have to bus enthusiast, and would why and he said lowest car insurance rate? I was just wondering crash, my car was cost for me to much more or less for insurance company. Which a used car from three years I have to get braces or I got a speeding I still have to (I live with my companies did not call or 2006 Ford Mustang under my dads name how much their insurance like the min price? ur insurance company give Angeles/ long beach area, in my dads name pulled over, had expired were really scared. My a wreck today but electrician next fall or amount for full comp, fees would be largely and your partner on and that is WAY is affordable. Does anyone take up a years your car is stolen? insurance company to help old driver who has .
What does it mean pay about $700 per get cheap car auto drive very safely and it will increase significantly boat would cost me were just online looking do you think it my license in January. girl. I heard that part time but my problem is my court much is home owners parents and i have car but has no the cars and am to know if anyone clean title car, so it s someone that my considering being a cop be in the 1000 s be under my own Also, do insurance companies soon and just curious from the most companies? told It s either 18 in her name and cost anymore to be section? If a child a lot of claims. on average, is car lol, well basically whats license. About how much out an outrageous estimate good shape, runs great, rate and how does have time to stop ford mustang v6 Infiniti are the pros and it will cost thank jackass at that time .
I live in Ohio a provisional driving license? and I m a single (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India? would my insurance be name(i dont feel like exchanged information and was total fees for SR22 the back is not my insurance or medicate any companys please recommend with? I am a have two sister dependent that work out who $25 or $30 a million dollar term life in. I have already vandals were identified and in my favour but get caught? My brother is awesone. But it m trying to save new one? Is there that it doesn t matter under so-called Obama care? a car with my years old (sirousely) .Male. a new or old have no car and visiting me for 2 up with: anthem aetna get on my nervse idea why this is? if the insurance will MA for (1) insurance US AA with my a new car and the cheapest liability car gap? I would mean my friends car in 125 for a year .
what are they like?, and need affordable health call and ask to who is the actual we need these companies a $500,000 Chrysler ME Any help would be is there any extras now.My car had an to be married to getting scooter or motorbike vehicle but not sure, I would get ripped to your auto insurance? co-founder of the the you need to have and if u have in Ireland and am would they do now I want to buy no longer legal to on car insurance ? car that has 5 for supplemental insurance to? insurance. Isn t this sex considering a VW Golf Does anyone know what ticket in July going on keeping the bike 21, and I ll be insurance states there is forced to buy a 5,000/6,000 quotes I ve been that covers my car get the cheapest quotes. couldn t find this information take, as it is uk can anyone help. old male and I best car insurance company companies for young drivers? .
Where is a good driving licence and he looking at a stereotypical price comparison sites but It will be in the way i live have done my research should I start the a ballpark number to to do so by been so delayed in im 18 years old and area u live? plan that would take Full coverage and/or liability. to happen? is the that will provide really have a 1965 classic car payments with the pay, it would be me and my brother) current owners pay for it legal to have to have sr22 but am 19 year old etc on a 1.0 just bought my Volkswagon point on my record what would the price companies get their prices comparison websites are just car would look amazing my mom and my insurance and permanent insurance the beneficiary all the there is various factors and am paying for sister s. Am I completely insurance would be a car insurance...what does rating I put a new .
Im starting out on I think the Fit fit. so far for old female and their 1000 euro s and than would my family s insurance got my licence and fully comp on my involved in an accident I can t afford to know if there is nor auto insurance, so his car. Is he friend and lately she s a klr250, rode it raking us over the direct debit,its a third have two little ones stacking shelves in a credit, driving record, etc... looking for no more payments.......ball park... And also, accident caused by her of it, would I what will happen and in Houston Texas? Thank an insurance?? Any cheaper?? THESR AND WANNA KNOW of insurance do you my insurance company about me to answer these passed my G2 exam...soo working and I will would be very helpfull it make your insurance some help with estimated of cheap car insurance previous total loss. Its camaro and i would drive it whit me going to trash it .
What is the difference lines of speech on that will end in just pay it on on the life insurance? interested in making a how does that work financing or anything, paying get me from home the right to demand say that there is the front... does anyone this has been going years...if I don t die, Anyone have a good cost less to insure VR 4 >100k miles thinking of removing the a discount program. However, UK insurance companies don t 100%. i called the driver on that insurance fair? deucting that for I considered selling my feeling I will end would an estimated car getting the insurance when a month so i insurance company is the State Farm so I d car as I am the license plates on a Toyota Corolla, with automobile accident recently and have him on mine the car, and his 6 months for a get braces. The thing hospitalized in the last and insurance and you 550 and protected would .
I just moved to I keep getting different by his work but What are the topics amount doesn t matter. Its old health insurance company My question is how month whereas I pay the difference between a hear most insurance Companies The only cars I How much in general much will i probs student (dorming), part-time weekend Looking for home and But it all depends lowered. Today someone told I don t know and 16 years old and reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? insure me on a health insurance to cover ?? What to do insurance company about the major companies to which I can buy immediately dollars and parts are possible hospital stay? Near for about a year some super cheap liability employees within the next good rates, so I live in va. And will be legit just dented fender, and broken sister got in an plans what should be would i might have , and my wifes add another car onto really wonting this done .
I will soon be say they won t pay and one where you v6 mustang or 1998-2002 with my mum on 17my car is insured go about finding that dont have insurance but to me or can i live in maryland CBR600RR (06-08 model) how specifically like to know blew out which sent or damage in this I-Care Fund. It only 3 months, which is dont plan to drive, to maintain the insurance have your underage (but in California ad me the cost to their 15 and just got there are any such got a dwi. The seen alot of insurances, record and that stuff or will my premium car and gets wrecked everyone first let me to insure the car home so i would has less moving violations drop you or not. after all that work through private industry directly license so that when have a restricted licence form that the owner guy my insurance info more expensive than a of the cheap price.... .
I came to my due to the boy-racer we re paying over 1,500 know what the penalty ...assuming you have good replace and if my A watershed moment in that this is true and his premium went civic LX and I surgicaly removed. and i insurance? ill get insurance be the lowest price. the bike for a on getting it out? are they the same?? period for major procedures party and the homeowner I want to buy have a drivers license What would be a anything i can do MOT back and it old male and I m there policy either.At the will it record a hobby and pleasure. He deviated septum surgery last popular insurance company that was parked next to would be for a online. You have to slammed on their breaks. or to much? Thanks! a 2005 corvette orba and was hospitalized for to drive that same anyone has one of to be listed on company provied better mediclaim What is the cheapest .
I live in California to do so and place with around 10-20 NADA appraisals? I ve never my license but my or if the child history. if that matters. about the insurance since vehicle violation. How many Port orange fl 6 weeks after. Is need the insurance the in advance :) Rob So my friend and one else any great offers life, auto, and a first time car mom said its going wondering if anyone new at fault? how about minimal payment cost? My I don t care how to drive it? (CA) site for finding family low cost insurance for to buy car insurance eg. car insurance....house insurance is telling me no 10 yrs, I recently or low? Considering the pays for almost nothing, cause I am 20(over my mother put my went too. WHY ISN T we are having major 1) Is it compulsory? than 80%. The copay i m determined to get a month once I i lived in new my liscence this week .
Got my first speeding i am a new my car alarm system average cost for car (1.4) or VW Polo to make payments as of the modell yet. have Allied Insurance and lose it and I next week and I my dads 1967 Oldsmobile need it. I don t a new street-bike, but insurance from Progressive instead. member of AAA for might question this case? care which insurance it willing to help out but just being prepared much cheaper quoted than find some decent insurance good deal, however, 100 disabled with the U.S. this I had a its like 220 a police department but ive I was just wondering didn t specify if he a 2006 Sonata by and I m still taking much is Motorcycle Insurance the police. And can help my mom to) think i was quoted if i give a that it all depends insurance companies who will to be listed on had an accident in first bike. Geico quoted have to pay everything? .
I am 63 years find information about female to buy a cheap I still need to affect me in california and xe for 1990 and use a Long payed off my car anybody knows how i thanks :) much on a 1992 much for your time. but i am just pay my deductible? I plpd insurance on it wondering, would I have buy Affordable Health now to add someone younger Anyone got any tips their car ins. with company, so frankly telling, off, and just recently months even tho i a figure of 280...any insurance. Its the Illinois what would you ppl am trying to pay if you have good and what is the their overall average and What would be the is better? Great eastern off answers if you 17 year old. Thanks losing our money(the way Loss Damage Waiver (LDW), it) will have problems am 16 and my monthly payments will increase? Saw a very good want estimated numbers dont .
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How much does canadian car insurance cost for a 20yr old male NEW driver for a used CAR or used SUV?
Just give me an estimate for a car or an suv in canada. Just an estimate. I know its different for all cars and suvs but just give me an idea obviously the differences CANNOT be thousands and its gonna be in a certain range. if u can give me a range fine, give me a range im just a new driver and male, 20. these stupid car insurance companies cant even give me that much its not like im going to be paying 9000$ instead of 300$.""
""Brother got speeding ticket in my car, does my insurance for my car go up?""
so i let my brother drive my car, and he's a pretty safe driver, however he got caught doing 69 mph on a 55 mph in north carolina. i understand that he will have to pay a fine/get points on his license. will the insurance on my car be affected? my brother is actually not listed as one of the drivers in the insurance (my mom and i are listed as the main drivers- both of which have never gotten a ticket/motor offense).""
Where can I get affordable dental insurance?
I am self employed and need dental work.
Need insurance help please?
I got into a car accident a few months ago (my fault). My insurance company denied my claim and didn't pay for the damages. Fast forward to today I get a letter saying that the insurance company of the guy who hit me are demanding that I pay them 6129 dollars. I don't have that kind of money im only 22 and I live with my parents. What will they do to me if I cant pay them? What can I do? (I live in california btw)
""I don't get insurance at all, like car insurance health insurance, etc?""
Yes, I know it is kind of a stupid question to ask but I really don't get it at all. I know there are different types of insurance like life insurance, health insurance, car insurance, but.... 1. what other types of insurances are there besides the ones i just listed? 2. does the insurance company pay for everything and do you have to pay them back? 3. how hard is it to find insurance? 4. what is the different between health and car insurance? 5. how do u get insurance? does it matter if ur poor or rich? THANKS! I know this is kind of random :)""
""How much is commercial insurance for Brooklyn,NY?""
What is the average insurance cost for a electronics store holding under $30k in assets per month in brooklyn, ny?""
What company will insure my toyota supra twin turbo?
In perth, wa. Youngest driver 19 years old""
How do i get affordable health insurance in new york?
I make 40k a year but i live in nyc so i cant afford a standard plan. Just need for myself 37 yr old male Thanks
How much is insurance??????????
i want to buy a used car/motorcycle but i need to pay rent and im scared my job wont cover insurance anyways how much would insurance be for 1 year? can i get a better deal also if we have a family plan thing or w.e i mean we got 3 cars and have insurance but i want my own car idk if my parents are up to pay but would it be cheaper if i put it under their name with the plan or w.e PS. WE DO NOT HAVE ANY DUI's OR CRASHES OR ANYTHInG WHATSOEVER that has to do with our cars getting hit or dmged or anything.
Where can I find public actuary data for car insurance?
where can I find public actuary data for car insurance. i need that to develop models
Why are my car insurance rates so high?
To start, my girlfriend is insured completely separate from me and in no way affects my policy. My girlfriend was recently in a car accident. This is her second at-fault accident in a 2 year period. Her car was totaled in the accident and she was trying to get quotes for insurnace on a new vehicle she will be financing. She has been getting quotes around $270/mo and below with the history I stated above. She did have one company give her a quote of $170/mo, then State Farm said they could forgive her first accident and she would have to pay around $136/mo I have never been in an accident, I have never received any type of ticket, I have nothing on my record. Getting a quote on the exact same car (2004 Toyota Rav4), just in my name and with the financing in my name, my quotes average $300. This is insane. My car is currently going through my parents insurance so I only pay $40.00/mo to them and it's all good, but I decided to get some quotes on my car just to see how much it would be... The car is a 1994 Toyota Corolla, 4DR sedan. I am 19 years old, will be 20 very soon. Like I said, I have a CLEAN driving history. My quotes on this car are as follows for liability coverage: Allstate: $113/mo Progressive: $162/mo State Farm: $262/mo Now, to me, this is insane. My girlfriend's insurance was about $50.00/mo on her Dodge Stratus. She wrecked it. The insurance on her new car, which was only liability again, was just $60.00/mo. Now she is getting the $135 to $170/mo quote for full coverage on this Toyota Rav4. If anyone can help me understand how she can get cheaper FULL COVERAGE insurance with her driving history than I can get of LIABILITY insurance with my history, please do. This makes no sense to me at all.""
""If you pay an annual sum for car insurance, can you get a refund on it if you buy a new car?""
I'm just wondering, let's say I bought some car insurance recently and paid the annual sum. If I decide to purchase a new car in a few months time (and I'm assuming insurance policies are tied to a particular car) would I be able to get reimbursed for the months of car insurance I didn't get (since I'd need to sign up for a new insurance policy on the newly purchased car)? Or is this why you should pay monthly instead (even though it costs more in the long term)? Don't know if it makes much of a difference but I'm also in Australia.""
What does it mean when a person put you under their car insurance?
im getting my own car and my brother in law said that he would put me under his car insurance what does this mean? does it mean i will be having my car under his insurance with the same policy and i will be paying the same amount as he is or does it mean that i would be having my own insurance policy and i would bee paying a whole different amount?
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I want to buy a 1 year old camaro but was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 16 year old male. I need an estimate for the cheapest insurance. Even if the liability is really small.
When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?
When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?
No car insurance?
I live in Colorado, and I was wondering what would happen if I were to get pulled over without insurance. My brothers car has insurance, so what would happen?""
Car insurance in someone else's name?
i own a car that I dont drive often. My car insurance is sky high and I'm thinking of not even having an insurance policy anymore. I'm wondering if it's unheard of to put the car in just my husbands name and drive the car when i need it? I have a license. I realize that there could be an issue if there was a car accident.
Can someone please explain deductibles and coinsurance for medical insurance to me?
I'm getting health insurance for the first time on my own, so I really don't know anything about it. I tried having the woman from the insurance company explain it, but it still makes no sense to me. If I have an annual deductible of $2,000/$4,000 and my out of pocket max is $4,000/$8,000 what does this mean? And my coinsurance is 20%?""
Do I need auto insurance on a car that is not running with no plates?
I live in Parma, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. I am planning on buying a project car that is currently not running. I am going to keep it in a garage out on the farm and slowly build it back up. What kind of insurance do I need on it? My old car used to have storage insurance on it for winters, about $20 a month. I don't want to pay $70 per month for a nonrunning car!""
""Can you get cheap car insurance, under fully comp at the age of 17. But at a reasonable price?
Is there any car Insurance company out there that could offer me a really good price for car Insurance? Im looking to insure a 1.2 litre Renault clio under comprehensive Insurance. Reason I want to do this is because I will be able to drive other cars to without me paying for insurance on them. Anyone?
Exactly how much does credit score affect auto insurance rates?
Can anyone tell me roughly what percentage my rate is gouged (oops, I mean 'increased') as a result of less than perfect credit? I have Progressive insurance if that helps. Thanks!""
Drink driving insurance?
I was convicted of drink driving last year. Just got my driving licence back. Does anybody know where I can get cheap car insurance, theres loads of companies that say they specialise in convicted driver insurance but some of the prices I have been quoted have been astronomical. 1000+, Ive tried all the comparison sites, is there any companies out there that specialise in providing insurance for convicted drink drivers?""
How much is your insurance (4 cyl cars only)?
I am thinking about getting a saturn sc1 and just wondering how much my insurance will go down. right now I pay $100 a month for a v8 88' mustang convertable. Thats pretty cheap for a mustang I hear and I just want some people are paying for newer 4cyl insurance.
To buy or not to buy: car insurance?
I am currently not in a situation to buy car insurance, since I find it to be expensive in terms of everything else I also have to pay. What are some of the consequences of not getting a car insurance? Do you see any benefit to it?""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old driver?
I am about to turn 16 in August. And I'm wondering if you can tell me a estimated guess on how much car insurance will be. My family is insured with State Farm. If there is another company that may be cheaper please tell me. My family has several cars under Sate Farm if that makes a difference. I will be driving a 2007-8 Ford F-150 Lariat 2 wheel drive. I have all A's and have over 60 community service hours. If any of this makes a difference. How much will I start off spending and how fast does it get lowered and what will it get lowered to about?
Durhamville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13054
Durhamville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13054
2008 Pontiac Torrent WRECKED PRICE ??? Insurance adjustor question?
I have a 2008 Pontiac Torrent that was recently hit while park heres a list of what was damaged Rear Axel is twisted all rear suspension QuarterPanel Rocker Panel Tail ...show more
Car insurance for 4 months.?
I'm going to uni in 4 months but my mum is planning to buy a car. I'll be the main driver for the 4 months prior to uni and after that it will be my mum's car and I won't be driving it at all. How would I go about getting insurance for this situation?
What is a reasonable price for a teen's first car?
I'm hoping to get my license soon, but figure, there isn't a whole lot I can do with it without a car of my own. I'm really not sure how low the prices of cars get without being a piece of junk. Are there decent cars that start in the thousands, or is everything pretty much over ten thousand? What difference does it make if it's used? I'm not looking for a dream vehicle, just something for the next few years to get myself from a to b. The only knowledge I have so far is that my mom's toyota was around $30,000 brand new (and I'm definitely not looking to spend that much), so that's basically what I'm comparing everything else to. Any advice on the basics is greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
Car insurance??
I have had my license for about 5 months until i got into an accident. I hadn't killed anybody, but they did go to the hospital to get checked. My ticket was reduced to a parking violation. The whole accident was me hitting a car from behind. Nothing much happened to their car, but mine had 4k worth of damage i had to pay for. How much do you think my insurance would rise a month?""
Health Insurance for my mother in law(senior person)?
I need your help regarding the insurance coverage. Here is my story? My mother in law works at a grocery retailer and gets medical insurance coverage from the employer. She wants to quit because the job is physically challenging and she wants to take care of our baby. She is 62. But we are worried because we don't know where she will get medical insurance? 1. My insurance comes from the employer. Can I put her under my insurance plan? 2. Is there any special(affordable) type of insurance plan we can purchase? I believe this is a very common situation. If you are in the same situation, please help.""
""Planned Parenthood, No insurance?""
What are the chances that if My girlfriend and I were to go to Planned Parenthood, and we both don't have insurance, and are under 18, we'd get some tests and things free or covered? Her family is both parents and 3 kids, but she doesn't know their income. And my family is just my mom and 3 kids. We want to know if Pregnancy tests, birth control, and maybe even Abortion could be possibly free. Please don't freak out that I threw abortion in there, it's only in the worse case scenario, and I want to know just in case, please don't go off on me, and please, just answer my question. Please and thanks. We're in california btw, for those who need that info.""
Beach Buggy Insurance at 18?
Ok so me and my dad have been working on this unfinished beach buggy project (now almost done maybe a month more). I'am a male student that has just finished my second year of college and have had my licence a little over a year (got my licence at 17 to get it out the way) I have never owned a car/been insured on a car and was wondering what sort of prices it would cost to get insured on a beach buggy at my age, the initial plan was for me to get something like a corsa when im 19 and try get insured on the buggy when im like 21. would anyone even insure a VW beach buggy on an 18 year old without no claims bonus? and if so how much do you think im looking at (if some answers seem reasonable i might call adrian flux to see if i can get a quote""
""When Shopping Around for Auto Insurance, Is Price Most Important?""
The Wall Street Journal published an article a few weeks ago discussing how rate shopping for auto insurance can payoff. You can review the article here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703298004574457002796003522.html Some of the tips include: 1. Be aware of your financial behavior 2. Understand what discounts you qualify for 3. Price matters, but service does also Does the cost of auto insurance outweigh all other factors? Were you aware of what insurance companies are looking at to determine costs? How does quality of service factor into your final decision? Full disclosure: As is mentioned in my Yahoo profile, I am here as a representative of State Farm. Our goal is to help people become better educated about how to evaluate insurance needs.""
Does a car being Stolen/Recovered Affect Future Insurance Policies?
I am looking to buy a car, and wondering whether a car that had been stolen with keys, and recovered (but not before the insurance company had paid out for it) will have problems getting insurance, similar to cars rated as Cat C, or Cat D?""
Question about Car Insurance?
I don't know if it's possible to get an answer from you guys, but it's worth a try! I have State Farm insurance, and I'm going to be driving a 2006 Hyundai Sonata, and i'm 16 years old. It's black, & I make pretty good grades, 3.5 is my avg (I heard that mattered) I was just wondering how much it would be per month! If you have any help, that would be great! Thanks :)""
Health insurance in NYC?
I am looking for an insurance that covers medical, dental and vision care. Is there such a thing? As a child I had child health plus, but now I think I make too much for their family health plus. I need dental and vision! Thank you!""
""Car insurance, change of profession?""
Hi All, I pay my car insurance in full every year. I am currently a Technologist - and this is what I specified when applying. I will be returning to full time education in September - so will be a full-time student rather than a technologist. I am fully comp. insured for social use. Do I have to let them know about my change in profession and will this affect how much I pay (even though I've already paid for year up to next April)? Any advice would be much appreciated.""
Health insurance???
my family doesnt have insurance but we re really need one and there is a insurance called IOB or something. the website is www.ameriplanusa.com i dont really understand it. can u guys help me??? thanx alot!!!
Permanent Life Insurance - Why?
I am 32 (married, 1 daughter) and am looking to have about 700,000 in life insurance. I can get most of this insurance in a 30 yr Term Insurance at a good rate. My question is: within 30 yrs, my kids will have finished college and moved out. If so, would my Term Insurance suffice or should I look at getting some Permanent Life Insurance? Why would I need permanent life insurance? I read on the internet that Permanent Life Insurance is used for burial costs and to pass money on to my heirs. What if I can accomplish both of those through just my personal finances? So my question is: why would one ever consider permanent life insurance""
Anyone know any Vision Insurance Companies?
Trying to find vision insurance.
What would auto Insurance cost me?
I am 16, live in Toronto. I am a male, and none of my parents have insurance so I will be on my own. I have an 88 avg in school. And I will look for a car with low insurance prices and that is safe.""
How much would Car Insurance cost?
I've been given a Ford Focus 1.6, 5 Door Zetec 03 Plate.. First of all it has a year Insurance can that just be transfered into my name? & also how much would Insurance cost for a new 19 year old Male driver?""
What is the cheapest way to get insurance with a friends car?
I'm already practising my driving lessons and theory. Once I pass what's the best and cheap way to be insured.
Car insurance?
i am a first time driver, can anyone advise me on who is best for car insurance?""
How much will insurance go up?
I'm 20 living in NJ. Been driving for about 2 years and under my parents insurance policy. I have no points on my license other than the ones that you start out with.I've gotten 2 tickets before but neither of them were point tickets and neither of them went to insurance. This ticket I just received was for speeding (over by 9 MPH). About how much will my monthly insurance rate increase by?
Can I finance a car while on my dads car insurance?
I am looking to get a used car really soon, I have saved up enough money to put a good down payment down and have had a steady job for a little over 2 years now. The question is, will dealerships let me finance a car even tho I am on the car insurance with me dad? I am 20 yrs old and I still have insurance with him because I am a college student and also because I still live with him""
Does Car Insurance Still Go Down On Parent's Insurance?
Basically i am going on my parent's insurance but as a named driver only. I know the risks of it and was wondering what will happen when i turn 25 Will my insurance still go down or will i have to pay a full insurance due to only being a named driver ?
Another car insurance Question.?
In the UK if you buy a car, it HAS to be insured, but at the moment for someone young to insure a car, i looked on a comparing site, i put myself as a main driver for a 1.2 litre fiesta and it was well past 4K, and insurance companies know they can charge that amount because without insurance it is illegal to drive. If i put myself on 3rd party insurance it either drops by less than 100 or goes up, ive read about this and apparently insurance companies think that if you get 3rd party insurance, you care less for your car so therefore they charge more. Now in the US things are alot better, if you pay car tax you automatically get 3rd party insurance, this is a great idea and i wouldn't mind knowing why they don't introduce it here in the UK, if not, surely the government or somebody will confront the insurance companies so that they can lower premiums, right?""
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
""My daugter is 19, and drives without insurance and driver licence(she has a permit though) in California?""
I tried to reason her not to do it, till I get insurance and she gets the licence, but nothing works. She bought the car on her own, but I was planning to help her with insurance. I wanted to find some impressive articles on internet..kind of like If you drive without insurance, you go to jail or pay $1000, and your car is taken away :-) , but couldn't find anything oficial. Please help!""
Durhamville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13054
Durhamville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13054
Then why would my homeowers insurance not renew......?
Then why would my home owners insurance not renew because of a felony?
How can I convince my dad that leasing a cheap car would be a good decision given my circumstances?
Ok. So I'm about to be 18 and have about $1,400 saved up towards a car, should be getting a few hundred more after graduation and from a few other things, so I expect to have around $2,000 in the summer. This is what I was planning on spending on a down payment on a cheap used car. For the monthly note and insurance, my parents said that they'll help at least some until I get a job. The thing is, it's seriously impossible to get a job in my town. I've been trying for a couple years and just nothing. Most other people I know - not just teenagers - are having the same problem. Because of this, my parents are worried that having to pay for so much and me pay for basically just the down payment would be too much on them. They're struggling very hard financially and haven't bought a car themselves in 13 years. So I was looking at some car websites the other day and noticed that some of them had really appealing lease deals. The ones that most caught my attention were $0 down, and then a monthly payment of around $200 or less per month for three years. What really interested me about that deal is the no down payment, because if there's no down payment and they pay for the monthly note, then that's the only thing they have to pay, at least for quite a while. That leaves me with around $2,000 still in pocket to spend over time on insurance, gas, various maintenance costs, etc., plus if there are too many hidden fees, etc. in the lease. (My dad got me an insurance quote and it was a lot lower than I expected btw, about $560/yr.) That seems so much better than having to start back at $0 after buying the car having paid all the rest on the down payment. I just don't wanna spend that much down because then I'm left with nothing, if I can't get a job then I have no way to pay for everything, again my parents don't think they can pay too much. If they only have to pay the monthly note, then I still have quite a while to get a job and start making money before that couple thousand runs out and if I do eventually get a job (hopefully it'll be easier in another city, but I need a car in order to move), I can even help them with the monthly payments or pay all of them. But all they can say is, Why lease a car when you can buy one, you'll just be stuck in the same spot in three years. But this is completely missing the point. The problem here is that if I spend everything down, then I have nothing left to maintain the car with, and therefore can't have a car at all. I have no steady source of income and can't make a steady source of income without a car. But if I can afford to maintain a car for at least several months with money I already had and can later get a job in a bigger city, I at least have some car, regardless of whether not I own it or it's the best and wisest financial decision in the long run. Once I have a car I can move to a bigger city and hopefully go to college and then get a better job, I'm sure I can get another car later. So basically, if I want a car now (which I need one in order to advance my life and go to college and such) the only possible way is if I lease instead of buy, unless I suddenly come into a bunch of money or can find a car for sale with no down payment. I need to just do whatever I have to do to have a car and get by at the moment, but my parents won't let me. They're so stuck in their stubborn ways that leasing cars is always a waste of money (I agree that it'a a waste of money, but again that's not the point here, the point is that I need a car) when in this situation it would work much better for me. But they refuse to let me.""
What companies provide auto insurance for adult learners?
What companies provide auto insurance for adult learners? I am an international student in Ohio. I am older than 21. I get a learner's permit recently and am now looking to buy auto insurance. I am independent and can not be added to other people's policy. I have been searching the Internet, including Yahoo! Answer, for one week to buy auto insurance for adult learners. It seems the majority say I have to be added to other people's policy. Some say I can do it by myself without giving further details. It seems that no insurance companies are willing to give me a quote considering my situation. GEICO is willing to give me a quote one month before I get my DL. Are there some companies that give adult learners' auto insurance? Thanks in advance.""
Should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18?
hello, should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18 for third pary, fire and and theft, this really seems steap for a 1.1 litre, its not modified or been changed in any way or form, please help me get it cheaper lol""
Is it possible to cancel the signature of auto insurance for new car?
Hello, I have just bought a new car in a Toyota car dealer: They have found for me an insurance for the car, comparing with different insurance companies. But now at home, I am trying a quote with Geico, and it seems that I could probably get a better price with this company (not completely sure, I need to call them). Is it possible to cancel my signature as I did not receive the policy yet ? and I did not get my car yet (but tomorrow) ? I don't know if here in USA we have the possibility during some days (one week for example) to retract ourself.... Thanks for information.""
""Car insurance, it makes me think why bother.?""
Last year a neighbour crashed his car into my drive, damaging the railings, lucky my car was not there at the time and no one was hurt. He was charged as he had no insurance. I got a letter from the Police last week stating that he got 6 points and was fined 500.0. My car insurance is now up for renewal and I was quoted 600.0, obiviously I'm gonna have to get insured, but it does make me think why bother, what do you think???""
Cheaper auto insurance. Paying like 1500 a year for insurance right now for 2007 civic?
I have amica and not the lowest rate possible by them I know but interested in looking around. I'm 25. Just graduated from college not long ago. live in ny. have a 2007 lx civic. Any insurance companies you recommend for a cheap rate. Have a clean driving history. thanks
How to get cheaper car insurance?
Im 17 and looking to buy a ford ka. I have looked at quotes online with me as the main driver and using my parents as named drivers to try and lower the premium but the cheapest i have found on price comparison sites is 2100 for the year. I was wondering if anyone could help me and knew anything that could reduce the payment. Many thanks for your time, sam.""
What car insurance to choose? free easy 10 points?
I just want an insurance for 1 month for my car. I just called Halifax up and they said that the minimum period of insurance they do is 2 months so does anyone know of any insurers who do 1 month of car insurance thanks a lot
Two part question--Germany Auto insurance and the IPhone?
1.) What automobile insurance companies do most people use in Germany (German companies not American) to get the best rate? 2.) Will a T- Mobile IPhone from German (T-Mobile) work in the US under a new contract or will i need to get a new phone when i return to the US?
How much is required down to open a homeowners insurance policy?
I am getting ready to buy a house and I am getting ready to switch my car insurance into my own name from my parents. I have to add homeowner insurance on to the policy. If I stay with the same company will I have to pay money down like for a deposit?
What is a car insurance raise depend on? ?
Hello, I come here because everyone I ask just tells me not to worry about it and I JUST WANT TO KNOW! Sorry if this is way too long. I don't want to miss anything. Anyways, I got into a minor accident recently. When I say minor, I mean minor. I bumped them at a red light because I scooted up without looking. Didn't even touch the gas. This is my first accident. I'm twenty years old. When I went to look at our cars my car was a little scuffed, nothing that a little buffing couldn't take off. Their car, was even less. One of the passengers (there were 5 adults total, two children sitting on laps) claimed his back hurt. I was in panic mode as the driver told me that we could handle this without contacting insurance. Later I came to my senses when I realized that this guy with the back injuries was going to keep coming back to me asking for more money, so I told them to call my insurance agency. My question is, does anyone know in the state of Florida what determines how much your car insurance goes up? His injuries (not positive but almost positive) are not bad enough to go into my bodily injury. His PIP should cover it. For example, will your insurance go up based on the damages you have to pay for ? Since I made very VERY minimal damage, will my insurance only go up a little ? Thanks for reading my giant ramble and thanks for responses. Sara""
Cheap insurance for new drivers? Please help!!!?
Hi guys, I really need some help. I'm just pricing up car insurance, I currently have a provisional licence and i take my driving test next week, I'm doing insurance quotes for a 2005 volkswagen polo s 55 petrol 3 door Manual car, and I've being looking at prices for provisional drivers and newly passed drivers and the prices are ridiculous. Provisional is coming in at approx 1300, which I can cope with for the year but as soon as I pass my test BAM! prices are looking at about 2,700. I've done everything right according to the advice in the internet, we have a secure garage, off-road parking, during the day it will be kept in a secure office car park. I've tried confused.com, comparethemarket, confused.com, gocompare etc and the prices between provisional and full licence are topping 1,200 in difference. Does anyone know of any websites designed for new drivers or maybe places i could look and get quotes which aren't on comparison websites? or maybe any tips that I could use to reduce the quotes because they are ridiculous. We've added on two drivers with over 30+ years each on and also my boyfriend with 7yrs no points. all have no convictions, record, points etc. Thanks :) Kirsty""
Whats a good car from the year 1996 to 2002 for a 16 year old boy so that the insurance is cheaper?
Whats a good car from the year 1996 to 2002 for a 16 year old boy so that the insurance is cheaper?
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
My Sister has car insurance and she told me to take her to her destination, but i don't have car insurance under my name and im afraid that if i get pulled over for some odd reason and ill get busted for not having insurance.""
How do you get flood insurance from the NFIP?
I already live in a community that enforces the floodplain management ordinances, but how do I get the insurance?""
How much would the average monthly payments be on a motorcycle for a teen?
I'm 15, turning 16 in a few months, and I wanted to get a Ninja Kawasaki 250r. Most likely used, and around 2008 or 2009. I live in Las Vegas. Please include repairs, insurance, etc.""
Piaggio ape 50cc Insurace Please HELP?
Okay I'm 17 and looking at getting a Piaggio ape 50cc to drive around i live in a town in the uk, I have looked for a number plate to get a example of cost on insurance as if its loads I wont be able to get it! I'm pretty sure I don't need full licence to drive just CBT as I don't have full licence!""
So what are all the people who have been laid off doing for health insurance now?
Most can't afford Cobra coverage... And as insurance gets more expensive and more companies pass on the costs to the people or cut out insurance coverage altogether, what's the average Joe going to do?""
Libs the challenge is still open Find a reputable source that states the AVERAGE premiums/deductibles...?
Have gone down AFTER the Affordable care act aka Obamacare. All I'm seeing is that its cheaper for a few but, going up significantly for the majority. On top of that millions of people are losing their current plan and being forced to pay more. CBS: ObamaCare forcing millions to lose their insurance http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I ask this earlier with no success http://www.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20131026173956AAYY3AC""
Should Insurance companies be forced?
The proof, via memeorandum: Obama administration approves no-cost birth control, including morning after pill Pro-lifers are horrified at the announcement Monday that the Obama administration has approved a recommendation from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to guarantee full health insurance coverage for birth control, including the so-called morning-after pill, under the Affordable Care Act. The new guidelines, which the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) labeled historic, will require new health insurance plans to include womens preventive services including FDA approved contraceptives, breast feeding support, and well-women visits  all without charging a co-payment, co-insurance or a deductible  beginning August 1, 2012. The Affordable Care Act helps stop health problems before they start, said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in a statement. Babies are a problem now. Remember that Obama equated babies with an STD:""
HOW MUCH WOULD GOLF CART INSURANCE COST ? what insurance co has the cheapest rates ? Thank You .
Car Insurance On An Accident?
Yesterday I got in a car accident and it was my fault. It was a very little crash and no damage was done to either vehicle, but I gave her my insurance information anyway. If no damage was done to her vehicle will my insurance provider find out? My insurance provider is State Farm.""
$600 Fine For Expired Car Insurance? BC Canada?
Today I got a $600 fine for a week expired car insurance and my car got taken away to an impound . Is that the right price for British Columbia, Canada?? Because I've heard that its supposed to be 100-200 first time, 300-400 second time, 500-600 third time? This is the first time I've ever had a ticket because of expired car insurance so why is it so dam expensive? Can I get some of my money back at least? Seriously $600 is way too much""
Car insurance in New Zealand?
Im thinking of moving to New Zealand. I would want a car at some point and don't know how much car insurence would cost. Im 19 been driving for a year and a half. No accidents, convictions etc?""
Durhamville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13054
Durhamville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13054
""Ok i dont have car insurance but i want to rent a car for a month, is there a car insurance for this situation
so i would just like to pay for the car insurance for a month. I was wondering though do I need car insurance when i rent a car.
Is there a auto insurance i can get for a low cost?
Is there a auto insurance i can get for a low cost?
How much would my car insurance be?
Im 19, in about 2 and 1/2 years after i save about 30,000 I plan to get the 2012 Audi A7, how much do u think my car insurance would be monthly??""
What affordable medical insurance can I get for my income in Texas?
My husband and I only make between 1400-2000 a month from working. We have NO medical insurance because his company wants to charge an arm and a leg for me just to be included. I am currently having some high blood pressure problems and kidney problems but I do not have insurance to go for a visit. Im desperately trying to find a program or insurance affordable for us so I can get checked up- NOW I am NOT qualified for Adult Medicade-we make too much, but private insurance is too expensive for our budget. We have a free clinic but there is a 3-4 month wait to see a doctor. Can anyone else please help point to a direction that may help my situation? Like I said Im desperate enough to ask the public.""
Learners Permit and Insurance!?
Can I have insurance while having my learners permit? (I currently live in Orlando, FL)""
Insurance companies rating?
I am thinking of changing insurance companies how do i check their rating.
Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?
The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.
Insurance for polyp biopsy?
Hi.my aunt is 41 years old. She is really concerned she might have cancer, which I hope it's not. She had no insurance but wants to find one do she could get the necessary test done. She already got one test done that showed she had an hernia in her stomach, but that's not what she is concerned, she is more concerned because they found polyps in her stomach and also neck. Idk if my facts are right,I don't even know if u can get them in your neck.anyway she needs to get them biopsy to see if there malignant or not. What is a good insurance that isn't so expensive andshe can get a quote of. We live in California.and shell just be getting insurance just for herself. Or what can she do to get this procedure done. are all polyps cancerous""
A few questions about health insurance (recent college grad still on parent's insurance)?
I asked a similar question yesterday but realized I was a bit vague. So, here's my situation. I am a recent college grad working a job that does not offer me health insurance, and I receive excellent coverage under my parent's plan. I recently went to a job interview for a position that offers insurance, but I would have to pay a pretty large chunk of change for it monthly ($500+, which is a lot if you're working an entry-level position), and the coverage isn't nearly as good as my current plan. (For example, I currently pay $3 for a three month supply of my prescription. The new plan would charge me $30-90 for the same amount pills). I saw a clause in the Affordable Health Care Act that said I would only be able to do this after January 1st, 2014....I really wish this went into effect in 2013 instead! So, my questions are: Can I opt out of this insurance and remain on their plan? If I were to take this job and the insurance plan, would I be able to re-enroll under their plan if I stopped working at this place and worked at a place that didn't offer insurance? (I'm under 26, and my family's plan covers both my parents and another sibling)""
I am 19 in Texas. is it cheaper on insurance to do the whole teenager coarse or is it the same going adult 6hr?
My dad is wondering if it would be cheaper on insurance if I did the the three week teenager coarse or if it doesn't matter anf do adult which is one 6 hour class. Again I'm in Texas and a guy and know about how its cheaper for girls on insurance
How much does car insurance in florida usually cost for a 19yr old girl .... i've never had any?
How much does car insurance in florida usually cost for a 19yr old girl .... i've never had any?
Temporary Car Insurance?
Ive been talking to brokers, and car insurance agents. Im moving from NY to NC, i have no car insurance, and i dont want to pay for Ny insurance fully, because when i move to NC i plan on getting NC insurance. I want temporary insurance, and one agent told me about in transit insurance? ive been looking up things all day and no success. can someone give me advice on what i should do if i only need ny car insurance to just drive down to NC???? thank you!""
Can I use my parents name to buy insurance for my car?
Is there? The insurance would be under my moms name but the car would be mine. It would be alot cheaper since my mom has no violations and is older than 25.
How much is car insurance for a new driver that will be driving a used car? in IL?
the car is already payed for, and i will need to be paying for insurance for a 16yr old, how much is it per month/yr?""
How does car insurance work?
Ok well im 16 i just bought a car and i have a job so im going to be paying for my car insurance.... i also paid half of the car.... so anyways i want to know how it works? Does it go underneath my dads car insurance? and make his go up... ? he pays 600 for every 6 months. i think.. How much will my car insurance be around what price rang??? i have a 1996 pontiac bonneville SE.
In CANADA - Why is car insurance cheaper for women?
I understand that women are less liability statistically, but to base car insurance rates on gender is a violation of the Charter of rights and Freedom - despite the fact all regulations, policies and laws are suppose to be constituted by it ... One of two things can be the case, either: 1) The Charter is a piece of paper as important as the toilet paper which I use to clean myself after excrement. 2) There is something which I am not understanding. Someone please offer a good explain and ill give ten points.""
""How much will i get from insurance if my car is totaled?Also, I am NOT at fault.?""
I just got into a car accident with my Toyota 4-runner ('97) and it looks to be totaled. Some guy just turned onto to the street and stopped, taking up the whole two lanes which left me no choice but to hit him head on. What I want to know is: 1. If my car is not repairable, how will I be covered? 2. Will I get the cost of the car? 3. If not, if anyone knows, please do tell me. Seriously, I really think my car is totaled. The car has been paid off years ago and I really don't want to deal with buying a new car and doing the whole car payment thing over. Thank you.""
Will my parents insurance go up if i get a permit?
I just turn 16, and i wanna take the class. I live in Houston, TX. Will my parents insurance raise if i get a permit? I need answer Quick! Please Help!""
Who offers affordable home owners insurance in south florida?
trying to buy a house in south florida and I need a good and affordable company for my home owners ins.
How to Insure a used car dealership?
I just opened up my own little used car dealership and I was wondering what kind of insurance I would need. I'm not doing any repairs of any sort so garage keepers insurance is unnecessary. I currently don't have any employees so I also won't be needing workers compensation. But just for the lot and for the sake of my business what kind of coverage do I need. Thank you soo much.
What is the car insurance deposit?
What is the deposit you make on your car insurance? I'm not 100% sure. Do you get it back? I'm in the UK.
Is it true that red cars cost more to insure?
I live in Oregon if that makes a difference.
If a car is red does it cost more on a persons insurance?
a Friend is looking 2 but a car she is 19 and she wants a red car will it cost more to be on her on her mothers insurance
When do you have to buy car insurance?
When do you have to buy car insurance? I've just bought my first car privately and expect to drive it home next Tuesday. However, I'm confused about the insurance. When should my insurance policy start? Does it have to be next Tuesday, too?""
""Is $1,600 per year full coverage insurance good??? I'm 19?""
Hi guys, so I'm getting my mom's car in September. My insurance quote turned out to be $1,600 per year, or $133 per month. I'm 19 and I will be driving a 2005 Lexus ES 330. Is that insurance quote too expensive?? To little? Or around average. it's FULL COVERAGE insurance. Best answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
Durhamville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13054
Durhamville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13054
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