#idk it’s just been getting to me recently
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alllgator-blood · 2 days ago
Hey! Idk if you'll see this but it's already been a while since I started to play cotl and when I searched for fanart I absolutely FELL IN LOVE with your artstyle and your stories!! The way you interpret and draw the bishops (who are my favs) is just so awesome and unique and I cried a lot while reading your comics but it was really worth it!! I saw some posts saying that you weren't doing good so I sure hope you are doing better and that you get all the love you deserve because you are awesome!! Thank you for feeding us with such incredible art you're the best!! (Sorry for the very long message and also if some parts are not very understandable i'm sorry.. english is not my native language but I hope you understood it!) You're doing great!! (Ps: I want to hug and smooch all the bishops they are so aofnapwqkslqlwlsl)
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[HUGS AND SMOOCHES ACQUIRED, kallamar even offers one in return!]
Thank you so much, I unfortunately can't reliably respond to all asks but I see this one!! Your english is perfectly understandable btw, don't worry about it! I'm really happy my art can resonate with you like that, I think I said recently that if I had an "end goal" when it came to drawing, it'd have to be to make people Feel Things. Mostly sad things apparently. But any time I hear that somebody was moved by an angst comic or even just laughed at a shitpost, I feel content with the sheer amount of time I spend drawing these same four idiots over and over.
I appreciate you wishing me well, things are rough but that's what drawing sad stuff is for! I'm not sure if it'll get better but the hyperfixation on cotl is still going strong, so I'm still filled with joy and whimsy when I gaze upon these cartoon cult leaders <3
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charrfie · 1 day ago
I recently had a clinical trial related dream and wanted to draw some moments from it. Below the read more I've included my dream journal entry of it and another bonus sketch!
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The dream takes place after the events of the game itself, where angel and lee had been living together for roughly a year now. They settled into a schedule and were well accustomed to their daily rhythms. Angel, however, had used this time to start considering what they wanted to do with their life. Now that they weren't reliant on a paycheck to paycheck life, they could consider options and career paths that actually brought them joy, weren't detrimental to their health, and weren't too demanding of them. And so, for the first time in a long while, angel considered going back to college. Lee was quick to encourage them! They didn't know what they wanted to do quite yet aside from being in a creative field, so they planned to go in for general courses and eventually settle into a certain path. Unfortunately for lee, the college they would get into was states away (a couple days drive), and so he missed them terribly but still cheered them on in following their passions.
At first, they had some difficulty making friends. They weren't eager to open up and were afraid that if they did make friends there, they would eventually get burnt out from school a second time and leave them behind. Their favorite class in the first weeks turned out to be a film class! Their roommate also ended up in this same class, and so as luck would have it, they became fast friends despite angel's worries. She was a very adri-equivalent character.... though she WAS someone else in this dream. Unfortunately though, angel would also go on to make enemies with a girl in the same class that was incredibly rude to them for no reason, sabotaging them throughout the semester, tripping them, talking smack about them in front of their face, etc. Even going so far as to spread rumors about angel that almost got angel suspended from the school. It was probably transphobia or something idk; there's no other discernable reason for the random hatred campaign she was running. Thankfully, angel was still well-liked by their classmates and teachers. But it did wear on them.
Lee calls to check up on them often, always offering to make the drive up there in case angel needs anything, though angel is quick to assure him things are working out. They do confide in him about their bully, which he can tell is bothering them, even if they brush it off. He's worried sick about them being so far from home and having to deal with that.
As the semester nears it's end, and angel is getting ready to go back home in a couple weeks for break, they begin making a breakthrough with their bully. Again, for no discernable reason! All of a sudden she's nicer to them, even if there's traces of malice in their interactions with one another. Maybe school WILL be alright, they think. If this works out. If it's all settled. Maybe she's starting to see me as a person instead of a freak to harass.
With the closing of the semester comes two things: one, finals are due. In angel's film class, they're meant to bring in a final film they've shot to present to the class. As these presentations are happening, they're set to have a party in class, with everyone bringing different foods to eat while the watchparty happens! Two, after finals are completed, the last two weeks of the semester will be spent on a field trip where everyone will stay at a fancy hotel and get to go on museum trips to learn about art/film. So of course, angel excitedly speeds to class the morning of the watchparty, only to stop in their tracks when they see a very suspicious looking lee that is painfully aware he is not doing a very good job of hiding. As angel walks up to him, he visibly deflates, trying to excuse it with "I just wanted to make sure you were okay, I was worried." Angel gives him a hard time about it, saying "you couldn't have waited two more weeks?" Despite their teasing though, they feel bashful about the fact that he drove all that way with the intention of just checking on them in secret and driving back home immediately after. So they tell him that they have to go to class, but once they're done then they can let him stay in their dorm room, he only needs to busy himself in the meantime.
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They make it to class at the last minute, film hard drive and brownies in hand. Considering that they've been talking about lee all semester with their classmates, they're eager to mention that he's visiting the campus today, so everyone's free to meet him if they want. They do note, however, that their bully isn't in class today, and they're admittedly a bit relieved because- even if they've been making progress with her- they still would rather not send out an open invitation for her to hang out after class. As they settle down and the first films are being pulled up by the teacher on the projector, somehow (AND DON'T ASK ME HOW, ITS JUST DREAM LOGIC) the projector screen at the front of the room suddenly lights up with security camera footage of a random hallway at the school (WHY DID THE TEACHER HAVE ACCESS TO THIS AND WHY WAS IT THE COMPUTER DEFAULT????), and on it is lee chasing down angel's bully into a stairwell. The teacher does not make note of this because she's having too much difficulty figuring out technical problems with plugging in the students' hard drives, so angel darts out of the classroom unnoticed, along with other class friends that follow them.
While I don't remember the exact details of the conversation that followed, angel explained to everyone that they needed to find those two before anything bad happened, and the group split up. Cue running around the school montage! Angel kept trying to call lee in hopes that they could distract him and find out where he was, to no avail.
Out of breath and awfully dizzy after 15 minutes of sprinting around the campus, angel shakily walked out onto a random balcony to get some fresh air and sit down, only to find lee sitting out there already. A lee with........ blood on him, they found. It wasn't a lot, just enough to notice it on his face and a few drops on his shirt. But it was enough to get angel mad enough that they forgot about their dizziness. As soon as lee noticed them, he looked at them silently like a sad, wet puppy who knows he's about to get in trouble. And he was. Bc angel was fucking pissed, not frozen and terrified like the last time they found brandon's body. Not only were they furious over the fact that the day they had been so looking forward to got interrupted by this, not only were they furious that lee had done this AGAIN after promising he wouldn't ever, but the fact that they had been making actual PROGRESS in the relationship they had with this girl and had other ways of addressing it was really the cherry on top. So they fully let into him for it, getting angry enough that they were brought to tears.
Again, the details of the conversation are fuzzy, but I do remember at one point lee said "the people that have passed me on this balcony keep asking ME if I'm alright because they think I've just had a nose bleed," kind of cluing angel in on the fact that he very intentionally didn't clean himself up because he knew he wasn't supposed to do this again and wanted to self sabotage by getting caught before angel could see him. Angel doesn't know what to say or how to handle the situation at all, so they tell lee to just go back to their room, exasperated, and they'll figure out what to do about this later.
There's a bit of a time skip after this point. I know angel returned to their room at some point, only going back to class to tell their teacher that they weren't feeling well and needed to leave early. I can't recall what happened to any evidence of the murder, but it was never an issue. And for the next few days angel makes lee follow them around EVERYWHERE, even on their field trip, bc they don't trust him not to go off and do something stupid (either to someone else to himself). They even make arrangements for him to come on the field trip with them because they don't want to let him out of their sight.
The rest of the dream is the fuzziest (and also I'm tired of writing), but it revolved around the two slowly trying to repair their relationship. Even after the field trip was over and break had started, angel said that they didn't want to go back home and wanted to spend more time away from the house, thinking that maybe their distance from lee at college had perhaps allowed him to spiral into his unhealthy thought patterns again, which he never mentioned over the phone since he wanted to make room for angel's grievances, considering how much they are dealing with. Maybe being on vacation might help. And despite how heavy everything in the dream was prior to this, it eventually lead to some especially cute moments between the pair. Also I remember tammy from anthology of the killer being there at one point for some reason. The end that's all I'm writing. Thank you.
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ghostieboy28 · 2 days ago
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
one of my friends probably
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
my friends on sunday
4. Are you easy to get along with?
i'd like to think so?
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
i think so yeah
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
kind people? idk
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
no but i wish smh
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
nobody smh #lonelycore #ihavefriendsiswear
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
depends on with who
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my friends or my counsellor
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
‘fire sex song’
12. What are your 5 favourite songs right now?
toothache - james marriott
i dont want to live like this - james marriott
 undone (ep version) - station six
rhiannon - fleetwood mac 
i just learned the f word - SARIAH.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
i guess so
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
no but i believe good things can always happen
15. What good thing happened this summer?
road trip w friends
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
maybe? idk
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
absolutely, maybe not in this galaxy but the next.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
my first real crush yes
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbours?
theyre fine? idk
21. What are your bad habits?
phone usage, messy room, and being a dick.
22. Where would you like to travel?
everywhere but especially europe (italy, france, spain, england, germany) and america (for the food)
23. Do you have trust issues?
i dont think so
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
going to bed 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
all of them
26. What do you do when you wake up?
try to not go back to sleep
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
no, i like my skin tone
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my close friends
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
30. Do you ever want to get married?
maybe one day if my partner wanted to, otherwise no to save money- marriage is just a title not a declaration of love.
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
a very small stubby one maybe
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
none of them! 😭
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
basketball and tennis
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
all the time
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
‘so, the economy, huh?’
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
someone kind and funny
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
countdown and second hand shops (alone or w friends)
40. What do you want to do after high school?
not sure- maybe a drama teacher, a y1/2/kindergarten teacher or a counsellor
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
yeah absolutely
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
im never really quiet
43. Do you smile at strangers?
yeah a lot i think
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
as much as i love the ocean i'm also terrified of it so space
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
the thought of seeing my friends
46. What are you paranoid about?
loved ones dying or being kidnapped
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
haven't we all?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
yes, a man
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
become a man
53. Favourite makeup brand?
don't have one
54. Favourite store?
didn't you ask me this before
55. Favourite blog?
dont have one
56. Favourite colour?
deep green
57. Favourite food?
butter chicken or hard shell tacos or cookies
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
i won a diversity award out of my year group if that counts as an award?
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
no 😔
63. Ever been in love?
i think so
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
HAH no
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
my tumblr friends basically are my real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
.. neither
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
no i'm writing these stupid answers
70. Names of your bestfriends?
all of them? no way jose
71. Craving something? What?
72. What colour are your towels?
lots of different colours- the one i'm using now is dark blue
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
yup- six of them, bacon the stingray, patches the cat, no name the sock cat, edgar the reindeer with a christmas hat (yes it is march), tsuno the sock frog, and no name the sock monkey
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
like 15 maybe scattered throughout my room? i can see 11 right now
75. Favourite animal?
elephants stingrays whales and frogs
76. What colour is your underwear?
i am NOT telling you that
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
cookie dough 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
dark purpley black (pj pants okay)
81. Favourite tv show?
the rookie or tetro pink
82. Favourite movie?
heathers the musical? if a jack whitehall comedy special counts then that?
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls tf is jump street
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
idfk maybe karen?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
dory my bbg
87. First person you talked to today?
my mum
88. Last person you talked to today?
my dad
89. Name a person you hate?
idfk hitler??? 😭
90. Name a person you love?
most people
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
no not really
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
2 pairs
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
only 3, aka not enough
95. Last movie you watched?
maybe all of those voices?
96. Favourite actress?
emma stone is very good i liked her in cruella
97. Favourite actor?
dont really have one maybe ryan reynolds?
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
a cat!! her name is fifi
100. How are you feeling?
like this is a waste of time
101. Do you type fast?
not really
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
lots of things- it would be weird not to itk
103. Can you spell well?
pretty well- i say after i just wrote ‘wep’ instead of well
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
my nan
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
new years eve one w family friends when i was like 7
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
i hope not
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
sleeping smh
109. Is something irritating you right now?
my arm hurts and my leg is itchy but thats it
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
itk you asked this before too
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
probably my friends when watching a sad as shit movie
113. What was your childhood nickname?
i am NOT giving you that its awful
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
been to bali so yep
115. Do you play the Wii?
116. Are you listening to music right now?
nah im locked in
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
absolutely not
118. Do you like Chinese food?
some of it im a bit picky tho
119. Favourite book?
the many half lived lives of sam sylvester
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
jokingly mean but mean regardless
122. Is cheating ever okay?
on a partner? no
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
personally no but its a thing you can do
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
hah yes
125. Do you believe in true love?
kind of?
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
128. Would you change your name?
already have
129. What is your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
tell her i don't like her back sorry?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
im [pretty sure you asked this too
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
‘theyll tell you that youre special just enough to keep you boring’
134. Can you count to one million?
if i tried yeah
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
that i can count to 1 million
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
open dark scare
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
milk duh i have taste
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
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149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closet book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
‘He’s singing “space oddity”. billy’s favourite song.’
yes i am this bored yes i will be going to sleep now. maybe.
150 questions - You must be curious about one of these things!
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3amfanfiction · 2 days ago
idk if you’ll think this is OOC for simon in the darling and doll series but can you write moments where he was actually kinda sweet/loving to doll? the recent chapters made me feel bad for doll, she doesnt get enough love 😔
feel free to ignore if u dont want to write him a bit ooc
Hi nonnie, this is the best I could do without pulling him so far ooc that we would be talking about a different story. Shoutout to gouge for brainstorming help. I couldn't have done it without them
cw: aftermath of rape, lackluster first-aid, icepacks and haircuts. It's assumed that reader has shorter hair in this.
Simon x reader, part of the Doll and Darling series (this is a dark series, hurt/no comfort, so be aware before you dive in)
You jerked back as something hit the bed.
The packaging crinkled. You stared with uncomprehending eyes, trying to figure out what was just thrown at you.
"I know I was too rough with you last night. So. There's an icepack," the man standing over you grumbled. He was frowning down at you, expression put-out that you needed medical attention at all, no matter how lackluster it was.
Your fingers trembled as you reached for it, pulling it in.
He huffed an exasperated breath as the seconds ticked on and you fiddled with it, trying to hold it gingerly to hinge of your hip to help with the pain only to flinch away when you pressed too hard. "It's just a fucking icepack, how do you not know how to use it?" He pulled it from your hands to press it firmly against your body, ignoring your wheezed gasp of air at the pressure against your tender ligaments.
He'd had you in all sorts of stress positions the night before. Pushing and pulling you this way and that. When the morning light had come, you'd barely been able to walk, having to content yourself to wallowing in bed in pain.
You were surprised at his gesture. This wasn't the first time he'd hurt you but it was the first time he'd done something about it. You were hesitant to look a gift horse in the mouth but at the same time you were wary of this kindness. Surely he would expect recompense. Something further he would take from you that you weren't even aware you still held.
"Thank you."
It was best to stay on his good side while he had one.
You sat there awkwardly as the pain in your hip slowly cooled. It had dulled to a low throb when Simon shifted, bending down to tug you up and over his shoulder.
Well, that was short lived, you thought bitterly as you hung upside down, staring at his back. You wondered what new horrors he had in mind now that he had adequately 'repaired' you.
He sat you down on the bathroom counter, the hard surface cold against your bare thighs. Watching as he bent over to rummage through the drawer, you wondered at your life. You never expected to end up here—held against your will by a man you now knew far too thoroughly. Life was supposed to work out. It was supposed to be this great adventure that you were on, something exciting and full of hope. Not exhausting and full of pain.
You flinched when he stood up. You couldn't help it. A minute twitch that he was sure to have seen. Because he saw everything. There was no hiding from him. And it was constant. An ever-watchful eye over your shoulder that never blinked, never slept, always seeing.
You were the watcher this time as he straightened and stepped closer to you, spreading your knees (slower when he saw your wince at your hip being moved) and stepping in between them. Your spine went rigid when you saw the pair of scissors in his hand.
"W-wait, what are you doing?"
"Hold still," he grumbled, grabbing your chin to keep you from jerking away. "Unless you want these scissors to end up in your eye, you won't move."
Your muscles locked up, spine rigid as you froze at the threat.
"That's a good pet."
Your eyes clenched shut involuntarily as the scissors got closer to your face, leaving you to twitch in surprise at the snip near your ear. You felt strands of hair fall, brushing your bare shoulder on the way down. You sat as still as you could, cradling him in the V of your legs as he looked down on you with a slight frown of concentration. Your eyes cracked open to take a peek at him.
"Why are you doing this?" you whispered through strangled vocal cords.
"Noticed you kept messing with it. Know you don't like your hair this long."
That's right. You'd almost forgotten the time he'd spent stalking you before he kidnapped you. The hours he'd spent outside your house or following you on your errands. He would've seen everything you did. Cataloged everything about you. Including personal appearance preferences.
It was almost sweet in a way. Not really but you could delude yourself into thinking that way. You could pretend that it was care and devotion that had him helping you with your leg and your hair. A concern for you welfare and emotional state. A desire to keep you happy.
You knew it wasn't true but it was fun to pretend. To sit still and let him cut your hair in this musty bathroom, strands falling all over the counter and floor. Shedding more of your DNA around this hellhole to be found if the police ever bothered to look. If they were ever pointed in Simon's direction.
His grip on your chin gentled as he turned your head this way and that. Tilting it as he checked his work.
You sat still, careful to only move in the way he wanted. Eager for this to be over but also thankful for the small kindness he was showing. It was still a relief when it was finally over. You took deep breaths for the first time in ages, filling your lungs and shifting.
Simon took a step back to look at you, "Good as new."
He picked you back up and moved you to the couch, throwing you down onto the cushions with a slight bounce. You winced and readjusted the icepack that was slowly warming against your leg.
Simon sat beside you, pulled you into his lap and turned on a footie match, reaching out to twist a pinch of hair back and forth between two fingers. If he would've been anyone else you would have snapped at him about putting knots in your hair. But it wasn't someone else so you stayed silent, letting him fiddle to his hearts content.
You found yourself slowly relaxing back into his heat, the warmth soothing on a fundamental level. But it was the steady rise and fall of his chest that finally lulled you to sleep, hopeful that this strange mood would continue. This softer Simon that you hadn't seen before. You hoped he stuck around.
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joannerowling · 1 day ago
I'm thinking about applying for a job offer i've been sent that would probably be more interesting than the job i'm doing right now, but there are caveats
The plus:
The missions are more interesting and challenging, i'd have to learn a ton and fast which is something i love
It'd be a good opportunity to renogotiate pay, since otherwise i'm gonna be stuck with the same salary for two more years
New contract means i'd be employed up to 2028 which is great security for my personal projects (i have a Big One that i already know is gonna need a lot of money)
I've been asked to apply for the position, so i know i'm not wasting my time
I'd never have to work with that one annoying colleague (not that i can't handle her but i'd love to not see her face at all as opposed to once every other week)
The minus:
I've technically only had my current job for a year and i feel like maybe i still have some stuff left to learn / prove to myself
If i leave now i'll be leaving the team and my manager that i like well enough in a difficult situation, since we've just had two colleagues (maybe three) leave recently already
I get along fine with everyone here, you know what you lose not what you gain
If i somehow get the job, there's bound to be a lot of toxicity, jealousy, rumours etc.. Also i wasn't particularly planning on staying this long at this company, i don't want to be *that* involved with them
I have a suspicion that the man who asked me to apply has a crush on me but that could be paranoia (i'm pretty good at sniffing them out though :/)
I know a lot of the points in the minus category are the female socialisation speaking and there's no harm in trying but idk i'm still not sure :/
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carcassolie · 7 hours ago
Well idk about you but as someone who's been into astrology and all things related to human behavior for 10 years, I appreciate the people who at least try to understand themselves and the people around them but not all of them are gifted with emotional intelligence. Even when they're wrong, it gives us a reason to understand why they made such a conclusion and why they are stuck somewhere.
The ones you're speaking of are probably those TikTok ones that migrated to Tumblr these recent years. They probably don't even know that astrology isn't just the sun sign, or don't even know that Hellenistic astrology exists.
As for those people with pattern recognition, they exist, they're the type of people to see life in cycles, how history repeats itself, they're not rare nowadays but I assure you, it's confirmed that 99% of them are spiritual (even when they don't follow a spiritual path). Many different typologies confirmed this and I've seen them around here (including you). In the daily mundane, these people aren't common and possibly seen as "stupid", but when it comes to philosophies, astrology and all, they're the best.
I understand your anger, but you really can't do anything about it☹️ because not everyone thinks the way you do, not everyone will agree with me also. Instead, we should basically just encourage people to learn at least the basics. I'll remind you that most people that are interested (not practicing) astrology all come here to learn about their future spouse and if they're gonna succeed or not. instead of insults and focusing on the problem, we should take it from another angle and get the people to ACTUALLY appreciate what astrologers do, how they read, and it's not just non sense but an actual study with its rules and applications. What you're saying is something akin to stop using ai art, but only the minority will listen. It's a sad reality tbh but the only thing we could do is have these types of people (most of them, young girls) not get too brainwashed by the superficial.
There are two types of people here in our community, those who are realistic and honest, the others superficial and generalize everything. I believe we must see both sides, because if you wanna solve such a problem you gotta understand why those people make such biased views, it could be their trauma, or they're just a hater, or more.
It's like this with every other community that studies humans, let it be tarot, typologies, palmistry, even those silly pseudoscience, probably medical too. You can't change how people think and process their logic, but you can certainly CHANGE what they think about.
Tbh your feelings are so valid, but these events are happening everywhere, not everyone will respect what you fully believe in nor practice, you should focus more on those who want to actually believe and make a change🥲
Astro observations are so funny cause you can tell when certain "notes" are just vent sessions about specific people with random placements slapped on the title.
You didn't "observe" anything, you're just mad at a specific Scorpio Venus.
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wyllzel · 2 days ago
get to know your tumblr mutuals tag!
i was tagged by @nfly5, thank you laura!! :))
1. what's the origin of your username?
i think wyll ravengard of bg3 fame and lae'zel also of bg3 fame should kiss and fall in love and ride dragons into the sunset (or, rather, the astral plane) together :)
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2. otps + shipname
wyllzel 🥰 and vivwall (vivienne x blackwall dai) at the moment for sure!
i'm trying to think of more, but honestly i'm p easygoing when it comes to ships haha i'll take a peek at almost anything that seems compelling 🫣
3. song stuck in my head
"purple lace bra" by tate mcrae for uhhh no reason 🤫 and "feel it" by d4vd for also no reason LOL (🎶 you told me once that i was crazy i said babygirl i knooooowww but i can't let you gooo (away!) 🎶)
4. weirdest trait/habit
i have a growing aversion to cold drinks lol it's starting to feel odd drinking something that isn't hot... that's not that weird though, i think i'm just becoming a grandma LOL
5. hobbies
photoshop!! i like making gifs and edits and such :) i've also been writing a lot more recently which is crazy, i haven't felt this inspired or productive in forever :'D thank you DA lol 🩷
i am also v much a webtoon enjoyer (my all-time fave is "trash belongs in the trash can!" but i'm currently v invested in "nevermore," "i'm the queen in this life," "sisters at war," and "momfluencer"!), but i'll read manga (tatsuki fujimoto my GOAT) and comics (invincible also my GOAT)
6. if you work, what's your profession?
i write internal software documentation which means it's architectural, high-level design stuff... not so much code-specific, but the reasoning behind why software components are organized the way they are. it's not very fun, mostly mind-melting... i work closely w engineers and it's kind of a toss-up whether they'll be nice/patient or think i'm stupid lol
but my brain now contains so many company secrets :^) if you ever have any questions about data storage/virtualization i can possibly help lol
7. if you could have any job you wish, what would you have?
funny story—i applied for grad school, and i've been accepted to an english m.a. program that starts this fall!!! 🥹 we'll see where i go w that, but i'll likely enter education!
8. something you're good at?
uhh i suppose BG3 LOL i beat honor mode twice! 🎉 (i'm still trying to figure out how DA works 🤔 DA2 hard mode is chill idk if i'd ever do nightmare tho 😬)
9. something you hate?
ok it's not rly a "hate" thing but it does irk me when i see fandom claims/arguments that don't cite specific quotes/screenshots/instances lol (the english major in me activates and i am consumed by the thought "🚨‼️ where do you see this in the text 👁️👁️🫵" LOL)
10. something you forget?
the grief 😂🖐️ it creeps up on me! almost cried in my cubicle multiple times this week. haha.
11. your love language?
receiving is probably words of affirmation? giving is probably gifts, i like making silly things for my bestie (eg. fenris keychain lol) and finding weird stickers for my brother 🤡
12. favorite movies/shows?
my letterboxd top 4 are:
everything everywhere all at once (2022) (saw it twice in theaters and sobbed thru both times)
nope (2022) (BRILLIANT movie, so smart)
challengers (2024) (so fascinating!)
lust, caution (2007) (i need to rewatch this one expeditiously)
as for shows, i love succession (2018-23), invincible (2021-), and the twilight zone (1959-64)!
13. what were you like as a child?
apparently very friendly, outgoing, and extroverted! i would just run up to my fellow kids and yap at them?! i do nooot do that anymore lol
14. favorite subject in school?
15. least favorite subject?
oh man, i was so bad at science, especially biology/chemistry... i could scrape by in physics bc i was decent at math, but it was still awful...
16. what's your best/worst character trait?
worst...??? according to my last annual review, i need to be more confident in the workplace LOL 💀 + sometimes i let my anxiety get the better of me... i think that's just a lifelong struggle thing though, but i know i can improve to be a better friend and such 💪
best... multiple reviews from mom-aged women say that i am a "nice" and "sweet" person so hopefully at least that means i can leave a good first impression haha
17. if you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
i'm not a huge fan of what-if-ing personally, but i do wish i were on vacation 😆
18. if you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
i'm currently very curious about my paternal grandparents... it's hard for me to conceptualize why they got married... and how my dad grew up... i guess i would want to witness some of that??
tagging: hello again haha!! @creaking-skull @andrewknightley @coolseabird @genderdotcom @bladeweave @grey-wardens @maironsbigboobs no pressure again :))
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inevitablyuncertain · 3 days ago
recently did an EMT pickup in a jail, I'd love to know more about what it's like to be a librarian at a prison
- a moot (i think)
Hi okay so I worked in public libraries for about 7? years? but the pay in public libraries is notoriously not good :v I've been working in a prison for just coming onto three years. The prison I work in is level three or level four security, depending on who you ask (?), with five being maximum security.
Some bullet point thoughts as they come to me
Some people have been surprised that the prison's set up kind of like a campus, just with like. guards around to make sure nothing stupid happens and people go where they're supposed to, but yeah if someone's scheduled to be somewhere they take their pass for it and walk themself to the building.
Also like college, the catty bitching at each other is both funny to listen to and deeply annoying to be involved with.
In the library, there's me, my supervisor (sometimes, our shifts only overlap a few day of the week), and 7 inmate workers who do the day-to-day checking books in and out, helping guys navigate their legal research, we have a desk with resources for guys that are going home, etc. My job is a) paperwork b) supervise and c) so there's someone to yell at when things go wrong
This is definitely specific to the library (because starting major shit like fights could jeopardize their access to the legal library resources), but the behavior problems are noticeably fewer than in the public libraries. I don't doubt that there's crazy things happening elsewhere in the jail, but frankly I don't even carry the pepper spray and I have not yet felt as though I needed to.
They have access to newspapers and tv etc etc so it's not like the outside world is so foreign to them, but the inmates do sometimes hit you with that reminds you of the culture divide. ("Have you heard about this thing, it's when you send someone a video of Rick Astley's music as a prank. When you do it, you're 'Rick Astley-ing' them."
Also often deeply surreal to hear from like. 20-year-olds who "technically don't have a life sentences, but just like 3 consecutive 40-year ones" or 60-year-olds who ponder that "I think I've adapted to jail so well since it's basically all I've known. I was in juvie since I was 15, and in here after that."
Do kind of miss the public libraries for being allowed to actually talk properly with people. Things I'm not supposed to talk about with inmates: what I do outside of work, anything about my family, where i'm from (especially where i'm from). I get it, but it does wear on you, especially since I have odd hours that don't line up with a lot of the other staff in my building.
idk there's probably more like. Insightful things I could talk about if I gave it some more thought but like. idk they're just guys. Even knowing about why some of them are in here, they are still just guys. They read Johnstone westerns and manga and encyclopedias and Business Planning for Dummies and more of the Twilight series than you'd expect.
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transfemme-shelterdog · 8 hours ago
Maybe this is such a weird thing to complain about and I'm definitely wording this in the worst way possible but I'm so tired of hearing about t4t. Obviously I've got no problem with it, even tried it myself, but it seems like the vast majority of people who are strictly t4t preach it like it's some sort of fix-all for every single problem a trans person can and will ever face.
Unfortunately I've been cursed with a genital preference, and I'm strictly gay, so cis men are really my only option (yeah, yeah, post-op trans men too, that's not the point). I'm just tired of the rise in t4t coming with a ton of "down with the cissies"/"ew cissies" and the like. It gives the same vibe as "kill all men." Like why are we generalizing and hating an entire group of people based on something they can't choose?? And why are we acting like anyone outside that group is incapable of harm??
The amount of times I've told other trans people I date cis men and been met with "I'm so sorry" or "t4t is better" or "just date trans people" or even "just date women/trans women" (even though I'm gay???)...like??? I won't even be complaining about the dating scene, I'll just mention dating cis men in passing bc it's relevant for whatever reason (sometimes even sharing a positive story!) and a ton of t4t people dogpile me. Like I'm happy y'all found something that works for y'all but you (generalized, not you specifically Lilith) sound like a Christian preacher.
It's just. Fucking annoying. I'm tired of t4t be treated like gospel and like dating cis people is the equivalent of willingly contracting and spreading the bubonic plague. Do people forget we NEED cis allies?? Never has a minority group secured their rights or safety without help from allies in the majority.
Idk where I'm going with this. I'm just angry and annoyed. There's bad apples in EVERY group and I'm tired of being treated like I'm gross or wrong or diseased or impaired for liking (and LIKING that I like) cis men.
(On another note, I keep getting trans fems hitting me up despite saying I'm strictly gay and when I tell them I only like men, I keep getting hit with "I have a penis though." Like?? Okay?? Still not a man?? Why are you misgendering yourself?? It's like a recent rise in this too, idk what's going on. Also just makes me feel like... icky. Like I just told you I like men and now you're insisting upon women bc you have a dick??)
Unfortunately I've been cursed with a genital preference, and I'm strictly gay, so cis men are really my only option (yeah, yeah, post-op trans men too, that's not the point).
I mean, it certainly does seem relevant. You're gay, and only like dick. But yet you won't date a transmasc/man who got phallo? That hits both your criteria my dude. Or, is phallo dick not "real" enough for you?
It most certainly is part of the point, because your whole basis for not wanting to date a trans man/masc is because you like dick... and transmascs/men who got phallo have the type of dick you want.
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maidenofcrows · 2 days ago
Aw, thanks for the tag! I’ve been working on this little by little throughout the day lol
What's the origin of your blog title?: I had an oc what feels like forever ago now. Her middle name was Imogen and her last name was Crowe. Imogen means “maiden” and, well… crows. It was really funny later to discover that there’s an Imogen in Six of Crows
OTP(s) + Their shipname; Kaz x Inej (kanej), Odysseus x Penelope (odypen), Genya x David (genyadavid)… those are the main ones
Favourite colour?: A sage-y green that I can pair with either black or lavender depending on how much whimsy I’m feeling
Favourite game?: Oh idk. I don’t really play video games. Or board games. Or card games. I do sometimes give hollow knight a try, so I guess that one
What song is currently stuck in your head?: Neverland by TE/MO
Weirdest habit/trait?: I’m a creature of habit to the point where I feel immensely disregulated if the routine changes
Hobbies: I’ve got a fairly long list, so I’ll just give you the recent ones. Sailing, archery (though it’s been a hot minute), sewing, circus, and sometimes traveling
If you work, what's your profession?: I’m a seamstress at a local theatre. Not professional, not community, but somewhere in between. I make and alter costumes, mostly :)
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? Realistically?: I keep looking at job postings at Cirque du Soleil and sometimes they do need more costume workers. I think that’s my dream job
Something you're good at: I know I’m good at sewing and I like to think I’m pretty good at trapeze lol
Something you're bad at: Time management :(
Something you love: My cat <3 He’s my baby, my boy, the sweetest joy I’ve known and I love him so much
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: I once spent two hours talking about the Odyssey (it was PowerPoint night), and I think I could do it again
Something you hate: Most textures, tbh. Anything sticky
Something you collect: Lol, mugs
Something you forget: Most things, actually
What's your love language?: Quality time :)
Favourite movie/show: I don’t watch a lot of movies or shows, so that’s tough. I like Studio Ghibli movies (I’ve seen two) and Shadow and Bone
Favourite food: Dolmades. Chickpea salad. Also anything tangy
Favourite animal: I really like animals that have been historically perceived as omens. Black cats, crows, etc. But also I just love animals in general :)
What were you like as a child?: Probably not dissimilar to Alice from Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but shy and quiet
Favourite subject at school?: English, easy
Least favourite subject: Ugh, math
What's your best character trait?: See, I was originally going to say my best trait is that I’d make a great emergency contact if not for the fact that I don’t answer calls from unknown numbers. Then I overthought that answer. Then I dealt with some unkind drivers. So I’m changing my answer to say it’s that I let other drivers merge in front of me and I don’t tailgate :)
What's your worst character trait?: I cannot maintain a state of organization. I’ve tried, it just keeps unraveling
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be? I’d get rid of my celiac disease
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet? Oh. Uhm. I’m not sure. Maybe Agatha Christie? I have read much of her work, but she sounds like a pretty cool individual
No pressure tags: @daughter-of-skylark @reinanova @mydnyteraven and even though they were already tagged @lunarthecorvus
Get to know your mutuals Game
Oooohh thank you for the tag @holy3cake
No pressure tagging @gwalch-mei @beginning-writer + OPEN TAG FOR ALL to answer these 27 random questions, I'll put a blank version in the comments!
What's the origin of your blog title?
Originally, "OnCrimsonWings" is my Ao3 username, which was a poetic kinda reference to Dante from Devil May Cry because his demon form has red wings. When I made this blog I knew I wanted it to include a reference to Lancelot/The Weeping Monk, so I just added "Lanced" to the Ao3 name.
It works on so many levels- as I also like winged Whumpees as a trope in general, and the name to me brings an image of a winged creature or person pinned by something sharp through the wing. It also works more as a poetic angel metaphor for Lancelot, as he's referred to as a dark/avenging angel in the role he's been molded into by the Church in Cursed, a role which is ultimately his downfall, like a fallen angel with crimson, or bloodied wings...
OTP(s) + Their shipname;
Lancewain; Lancelot (The Weeping Monk) x Gawain (The Green Knight) from Cursed
Melvik; Mel x Viktor from Arcane (also Jayvik; Jayce x Viktor, and Meljayvik; Mel x Jayce x Viktor)
Zaundads/Vanco; Vander x Silco from Arcane
BuckyNat/WinterWidow; Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) x Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier) Marvel
Gwaenyra (Gwayne x Rhaenyra; House of the Dragon)
Colonel Everett Young x Dr. Nicholas Rush; Stargate Universe - I actually never really saw a shipname for these guys or I've forgotten it if I did know one
There's a bunch of others but that will do for now lmao
Favourite colour?
Favourite game/s?
The Witcher 3, Skyrim, currently enjoying Monster Hunter, though the thing I have most hours in might actually be Fall Guys...
What song is currently stuck in your head?
In Maidjan by Heilung, I'm excited to see them live again soon!
Weirdest habit/trait?
I sit like a goblin in any and all chairs. (Except for when I'm physically tattooing, or in a formal meeting. Otherwise? If there is a chair I will be perched on it like a bisexual ass Goblin 100% of the time).
Uhhh and I can bend the first knuckle (closest to the fingertips) on my fingers whilst keeping the second/middle knuckles perfectly straight/locked.
Playing piano, making cosplays, making chainmail, listening to music, playing D&D, keeping snakes and also doing Archery, as of late!
If you work, what's your profession?
Tattooing- for the next two weeks anyway. I also volunteer at my local zoo and do commission pet portraits!
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? Realistically?
Tattooing but at a studio with a working toilet, repaired roof and decent non falling apart floors, where I am NOT the sole member of the studio 😂
Otherwise, doing something arty like making things or running my small buisness full time. Or if all goes well with this insane Uni plan I have, then working with snakes in some way shape or form. Not sure how, yet but. I dunno, it might be cool.
Something you're good at:
I'm a really creative person and I come up with a lot of really cool ideas!
Something you're bad at:
Maths, I mean I just struggle with numbers in general. And telling my left from right 😂
Something you love: 
Daniel Sharman. I mean. Look at him man's stunning
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Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: 
Snakes! And I did that when I took the snakes in to Scouts and taught them about snakes with not much prep time at all 😂
Something you hate:
People trying to control other people or put their views on them. (Eg. Very religious people that try and force you to believe their religion. Or Antis that hate on a fictional trope or ship or theme and think no one is allowed to read or write it. That sort of thing)
Something you collect: 
Books! I have several hundered, at this point, and that's after having to bin about 300 due to severe damp in a previous house.
Something you forget: 
I dunno. I forgot
What's your love language?
Giving gifts, I think, but I also like touching/leaning on people who I love (only when my skin doesn't feel bruised, which is basically always, and honestly most of the time I'm touch averse lmao). I'm not really sure.
Favourite movie/show: 
Movie; Labyrinth, Lost Boys, Avatar I & Avatar II: the way of water, LOTR Trilogy
Show; Arcane, The Witcher and Cursed
Favourite food:
I really like homemade stew and mash, but I can't make it (thanks fatigue) so I haven't actually had it in years. I love roasties (roasted potatoes) with copious amounts of butter on.
Favourite animal:
Snakes! Specifically I love Dumeril's Boas, Madagascan Ground Boas- and have one of each myself- and I have a soft spot for Boelen's Pythons and European Adders!
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What were you like as a child? 
Always daydreaming in my own little world, shy, but also I had anger issues at the age of 4... so a bit of a shitbag lmao.
Favourite subject at school?
Art or Science, though I also liked music!
Least favourite subject: 
Maths. I always used to get yelled at for refusing to do homework, and for drawing in my book and putting my headphones in to listen to music. (It was actually helping me focus, but the fact I had ADHD was completely missed so I just got yelled at for it. I still got a B in my GCSEs though so fuck em!)
What's your best character trait?
I'm incredibly organised (because if I wasn't my life would be an absolute shambles as my memory is shit), and I'm very good at problem solving! If character trait more means "personality" then it would probably be that I am a very caring person.
What's your worst character trait?
I can be very stubborn and headstrong paired with the fact I am a control freak and like things organised, then that tends to frustrate both the people around me and myself...
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
I'd cure my disabilities. Just so I could continue tattooing and take on the studio- or just open my own elsewhere, or I'd go get a career out in the field with snakes and not have to worry about fatigue, collapse, pain or dietary issues wherever I went!
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
Chester Bennington, 100%. I miss him. It's one of the biggest regrets of my life that I was meant to go and see him live on that final tour and I couldn't afford the tickets thanks to an unexpected bill. He was, and still is my hero.
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heartorbit · 9 months ago
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searching for a star that's still unknown to anyone!
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ruporas · 2 years ago
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captain's warm hugs! (id in alt)
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swampybogg · 7 months ago
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snarkspawn · 1 year ago
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some KoD/Spirealm sketches
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empyreansentinel · 2 months ago
thinking about it. nisha was really the only person who walked out of hyperion unscathed. wilhelm lost himself to his cybernetics. angel was bound within the control core. timothy lost his entire sense of self and was abandoned in the casino. rhys was used as jack's vessel and even jack himself was digitized and parodied after his death. his office got turned into a fucking tourist trap. but nisha lived and died on her own terms because of her connection to pandora. yeah, the vault hunters still kill her in the end, but the fight itself was for her own sport, not for hyperion. if it was just about protecting jack's interests, she would have never let the vault hunters touch lynchwood's bank or the mines. she would have killed them the second they stepped foot into her town, but she didn't. its why i think the ambush is such a miss on her character. she would have done it herself, win or lose. but i also think it was only a matter of time until hyperion got her too. if jack had won in the end he would have turned on lynchwood as well. there are no exceptions to fascism. and nisha would have fought back because, like jack, she holds her personal ideals above whatever love they might have had.
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jadejasiones · 1 month ago
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the idea that the boys have matching animal hoodies plagued me and I had to really quickly doodle it because ARGHHHHHH
their animals are based on this personality quiz thing (answers below)
I did the quiz with friends and tried to see what results the boys would get and like lowkey.... kinda fits them. the results are in the order of pje
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