#idk if this'll leave drafts
no-tengo-ojos · 1 month
Harlan should stop pissing about and give Arthur a horse already.
He's already half way to disney princess status because Arthurs maxed out his animal affinity base stat. To close the deal he just needs to marry oh idk... a king? maybe in yellow?
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passive-nightmaresans · 2 months
AU AU AU!!!!!! >:D
Multiverse where it's in some type nuclear explosion then they all live in the aftermath. Ink may or may not have taken part in the explosion and has been missing since. First big change I have is basically you can freely leave and enter any au and most aus are empty and have been raided for any supplies left. Bad guys first because they're my favorite. Horror went back to his au and has been missing ever since. Dust has gone solo and doing surprising good but I wouldn't approach him as he's now being feral honestly lol. Killer who in this au had been swapped so instead of Killer it's Chara and now instead of Chara being a ghost it's Killer! But the same pitch black drippy eyes and soul thingy stay the same (and their design is different but idk how yet lol-) but they still work with Nightmare. And Nightmare who is slightly in his passive form. Almost half his skull is broken from the apple incident and negativity drips from it a lot and quite often. He still has his tendrils but they are weak and goopy and often drip. The corruption is barely there and the only thing keeping him alive currently so he cannot experience positive emotions because positivity = no corruption and no corruption = death. So he mostly relies on Killer/Chara to do his dirty work still while Chara treats him like the old grandpa he is. And I'll figure out the stars and Error later because this is already so long
You like friends??????? I might not post a lot today so I hope this'll keep you entertained!! Hehehehe this is still just a rough draft of the concept plus I just really wanted to do Killer/Chara and Nightmare! Create theories on how the explosion happened >:3
Part 2 <-
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idolapollo · 3 days
Dedicated DEV LOG #1
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hey!! it's apollo/nyarl!! this'll be a first in a series of posts that are basically indie game development logs filled with a shit ton of rambling
i'll maybe try and post these monthly or bi-monthly, but it's mostly for me to motivate myself to make progress to have something to show off and to archive the process of making a game!
this month's dev log is dedicated to—well—"Dedicated To..."
(i may keep saying this for future projects and games so bear with me) "Dedicated To..." (abbreviated as DT from now on) originally was an idea i had in middle school!
it was really edgy tho and i'd honestly kms if it ever got leaked to the public but it was essentially an angst piece for when i was discovering my own sexuality as a gay cis man
staying somewhat true to its gay angst origins, this game is a story based psychological horror rpg maker game! maybe you can add it's a story based gay psychological horror rpg maker game lmao
it won't be a long game, and it'll have 4 routes determined by one early game choice and 5 endings!! the 5th one is considered a secret dont tell anyone
i did change the protagonist's name and design bc it was literally just a self insert for me lmao even had clothes i often wore fucking lame
BUT ANYWAYS!!!!! you'll play as tybalt, a college student majoring in english literature or something as he struggles to create a fairy tale as his capstone (don't think about it too much)
here's a preview of his full art and draft of his portrait as thanks for listening to me ramble so far i will continue to ramble!! (i have yet to turn it into pixel art and plan different expressions)
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i really wanted to make a gay character with these kinda cat eyes whatever you call em lol
and the man he'll be pinning for is reyn!! i didnt give him a major bc it doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things!!! he's probably a finance major!!!!
also idk why i named him reyn, it was something i kept from the original middle school stories
ig it was because i was watching chugga's lets play of xenoblade lmao
i've taken some time with working with rpg maker mz before since i had the chance to use it in a game dev class (after splurging most of my financial aid on plugins lmao), but unless i can figure out javascript on my own and break the engine, i'll be focusing on using rpg maker vx ace since it has more plugins!
for now, i'm still focusing on the story and full body character art before diving into programming and learning how to make pixel art _(:3」∠)_
btw i forgot to mention that part. yeah i'm an absolute newbie when it comes to pixel art so i have to learn that too cries
even though i'm making it in rpg maker vx ace, i'm aiming to recreate the feel of rpg maker 2000/2003 because i was SUUUUUUPER inspired by end roll, okegom's games, and specifically for this game charon's works!! so now i gotta bust out the pixels
there will be 4 routes with 5 endings! there was another route + ending but i scrapped it because i only had an idea of the ending (more on that in the future) and nothing else lol
so far i've drafted 3 of the 4 routes! even though there is no canon ending, the 4th one is the one that has the 5th ending and can branch off into other works (once again more on that in the future lmao)
i'm starting to write the dialogue for the 1st route and it's going okay!! tbh i wish i worked on it more over summer break while my college classes aren't gonna kill my ass and classes start next week (´;ω;`)
but i spent a majority of summer break testing out medication for my adhd, and i still am!! it was a really rough process and i'm glad i didn't go through mania-like symptoms while classes were going on _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
i'm better now tho and i say i'm at a semi good spot!! now time to treat my horrid anxiety lol
i'll end it here for now before it gets too long!! sorry and thanks to listening to me ramble! i'll leave you with a snippet of the intro!
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star4ever-n-ever · 1 year
thoughts today!! ^o^ (9/23/23)
my affection speaks louder than my mouth ever could, i hope that my silence as i hold your hand speaks to you.
i have never had the problem of not knowing who i am when surrounded by others - by example, i know who i am not.
to compensate for not being loved in the way that i love others, i love myself just as much, as that is the kind of love i will never regret, (which says admittedly nothing, as i regret nothing i have loved).
i cannot express enough how glad i am to be a human being. if i were born as an animal, i would live in a constant state of frustration due to not being able to express what i feel inside in a non-guttural manner.
is it better to speak or die? easy, speak. you will not die from your words, but from the materialization of the rebuttals people cannot or will not form. though, the value of some words are subjective, as are some truths; at times, it may be best to remain quiet. the words you die with might not be as valuable as the thoughts you live with.
i am a loving person in my soul, and i understand that the root of all anger i feel is sadness. sorrow is less volatile, i will gladly weep for a little while if it means that i can spare anyone of discomfort or hurt. i also consider myself to be an understanding person - i will consider the reasons behind one's actions, and though i may not agree with them, i never feel that it is my place to perform punitive acts. i will never abandon my moral values to be petty.
i entirely understand why some feel that podcasts are useless. that very well may be true, some podcasts could have realistically no use to certain people. however, i personally see it this way: this (hypothetical) speaker may have a way of seeing this world that is so very different from mine, so why should i not learn their perspective? i can easily take what resonates with me, leave the rest, and if nothing proves to be of importance to me, at the very least i will have an understanding of how someone else thinks.
there is such a massive difference between being blunt and being flat-out insensitive. if you find it fulfilling to 'humble' other people, then that reflects badly on you, not the person you are attempting to humble.
it feels so healing to have friends that understand my heart and mind. my taste in music, my values, the ways in which i show affection. i feel so grateful, and my heart feels so full in the presence of the people that my soul seems to have known for lifetimes.
i love singing, i know what i would do if i decided against becoming a child psychologist.
yeahh, that's all!! idk what to put on my blog, this'll suffice for right now :-p (can u tell i avoided contractions when drafting all of the thoughts above) (anyway if u read all of that, woahh i appreciate it!! take care, improbable audience)
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