#idk if this is the reason other people stick to bland foods but i get bored and disgusted by repetitive foods so easily that consistent but
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unidentifiedfuckingthing · 9 months ago
i dont think theres any one food that can bridge all autistics preferences and sensitivities but if i could beam a thought at every new-food averse autistic to try its lentils........ i kept seeing people picking out mexican and indian food specifically as difficult to try/find safe foods because they both tend to be spicy/intense/complex and i think part of that is probably sampling bias that in america people just arent as likely to go to a restaurant for more mundane foods so youre less likely to find or be suggested these simple comfort food style things but in my eyes lentils are like the next tier down from like, rice, for easy & palatable & highly extensible base ingredients
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yarrowleef · 4 years ago
Daffodil, Laurel, Lily, Sunflower, Violet, and Wisteria? Also Begonia but I'd like to know your favorites of the old covers and the newer/reprint covers. And the Russian Warrior Cat covers too! Some of their art is quite pretty.
laurel, violet and sunflower answered previously
Daffodil: When did you first start reading the series?
Start of third grade when I was 8 years old, which I believe was 2007!!  .......so like literally most of my life I have given to these cursed cat books. I remember The Sight was the most recent release. It was the first real book series I ever read, and I think I went through the first 2 series within a couple months.
Prior to that I just read stand-alone books and I only read because I wanted to win “accelerated reader” points....i couldn’t do sports, so reading was the only thing I could win at AND I DID WIN. but warriors was the first thing I read that I was actually like...into. and realized I could read for reasons OTHER then winning the most points.
Lily: If your five favorite characters were foods, what would they be?
asdfghgfdxs I honestly have no idea how to answer this question, in part because I don’t think I even have 5 favorite characters. I suppose Firestar is doritos out of obligation. What else can he be?? I mean ok flaming hot cheetos maybe seems more fitting on the surface because ~flame-y~ but lets be honest, Firestar is a bit too bland a character to be spicy. He is one of my favorites for nostalgia sake, I mean it’s Firestar, how can I not be fond of him?
I also have a soft spot for Scourge just because of the sheer ridiculous audacity of him. I wish he’d come back as an evil ghost. Anyway, when I was about 9 and going through my brief (incredibly unfortunate) twilight phase (I was just jumping on the popularity bandwagon tbh) I went to Hot Topic right before one of the movie premieres and they had this...edible bag of blood? it wasn’t actual blood obviously, but I remember it was advertised as being really high in iron to mimic blood, but it was really this sickly sweet mystery juice packaged inside of a fake hospital blood bag. I of course bought it because I went through my edgy phase early, and for some reason thought it would look cool to pretend I was drinking blood. It was the most disgusting liquid i have ever consumed but hey it did also have the unpleasant metallic tang of blood because I guess they were going for authenticity over edibility, so it’s not like I didn’t get what I paid for (or rather what my mom paid for, because i was 9)
Anyway, Scourge is that. He’s awful fake blood juice from the Hot Topic in the mall.
 That's all I got.
Wisteria: Are you looking forward to the Warriors movie?
don't get me wrong, I fully expect it to be terrible. Embarrassing even. I expect they will try to change it for a wider audience appeal, and of course it will end up bad, BUT IT WILL BE SO FUNNY!! I have this inescapable morbid curiosity about it, like I really want to see what they try to do. Like watching a train crash. I can't help it.
Warriors is a silly series. I have a feeling this is why a movie hasn't been made yet, even I would have no idea who to market it for. Yes it's violent and touches on very dark topics, but the fact that its about cute little cats with very dumb names coupled with those dark topics in a way makes it look even MORE silly. I don’t think Warriors will ever have wide appeal outside of its fanbase, the concept looks too ridiculous if you’re not someone already into animal xenofiction like this, but a movie is inevitably going to try to have wider appeal anyway because that's what movie studios feel they need to do. They will either water it down, or worse, try to go a more family friendly comedy route since that’s how general audiences are used to seeing animated talking animals and they think that's the only “”safe”” way to market an animal movie, which will 100% ruin it either way. The second one is more likely, I mean why else do you think they hired the guys who wrote kung fu panda, and the recent alvin and the chipmunks and Spongebob movies to make the script?? [no shade to kung-fu panda, it’s good in it’s own way, but it is not the same vibe as warrior cats at all]. For me, this is simultaneously the absolute best and the absolute worse scenario, because like, it’s horrible, its an insult to everything I love about the warriors world, i have surreal nightmares about it, but it’s so horrible it f*cking hilarious ya know? how can you not be a little curious to watch that train crash (and the outraged reaction posts that will inevitably follow)????
A warriors movie will be bad, I can't see any way that it won't be bad, and honestly? I think that's ok. I don't need a good movie, I simply need a good laugh, and then I'll go back to watching fan animations which will always be more interesting anyway because they don't feel the need to have ~mass appeal~
Listen, we don't actually need a good official adaptation. In some ways, a good adaptation might be bad for the fandom. The fandom is cool because of how wildly different and creative it is, the series is so bare bones with no consistent official art that people can go nuts with it. I worry on the off chance we get a really good adaptation, it might take over the books. People might be less likely to draw/create with their own wild bonkers interpretations of canon in favor of sticking closer to what the official adaptation presented us with, and idk if I want that. I also def don't want to deal with searching "warrior cats" for the rest of my life to only bring up gifs/discussions of the movie/tv show, rendering material and fan creations for the books almost impossible to find. This is something i've suffered with when other books i like get popular adaptations, where as series with bad adaptations (like percy jackson) I have less trouble finding content about the books. 
Begonia: Which book cover is your favorite?
So of the old covers I admit i have a soft spot for the darkest hour, it was my favorite as a kid and I know I tried to redraw it several times. Warrior covers have a tendency to blend together, there’s only so many ways to draw mysterious cats fighting, but I think this cover is one of the most memorable for me, if only for the center art (shout out to the old Fire and Ice cover though, I also really like the center art on that. I wish the box had kept being used for more than just a single cat face in the later series)
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but now that i’ve gone and looked, I really really like the full cover art for Tallstar’s Revenge, the colors just look super nice and match his eyes and everything. Tallstar having a fun and more unique looking design gives it extra points. Maybe I just like warm tones idk. And shout out to Wayne for also imagining the moor as a golden-brown field even though it’s probably supposed to be green.
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out of the new covers, I like the vibe of Dark River, it just looks spooky and mysterious......and I think this artists cats look better from the side, they are always a little crooked from the front (honorable mention to Place of No Stars cover, I really like the colors and the ominous vibe, it definitely had an impact when I first saw that cover, I just don’t love the look of the cats faces blown up close from the front. The more I look at it the more off it becomes, but the colors are cool)
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and I definitely agree the Russian warrior cats art has a very charming look to it, I like seeing it whenever it comes across my dash, but unfortunately I’m having trouble finding a catalogue of it to look at so I can’t pick a favorite
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purplesurveys · 5 years ago
Have you ever done drugs and were able to quit for good? I’ve done milder drugs, like caffeine and nicotine... I don’t have like a dependence issue on them so it’s nothing I have to ‘quit.’ Are you against weed, or do you think it should be legalized? I honestly don’t know much about them since they’re normally shunned in our culture and is barely talked about/explored. I’ve heard they have medicinal purposes though and I’m finding it hard to find excuses as to why it can’t be legalized for that reason. Have you ever been taken advantage of while drunk? No. Is there any medication you refuse to take? (Like for ADHD, etc.) No, and I’m not familiar with the types of medication either. Ever watched an Above the Influence commercial under the influence? I haven’t. We don’t have commercials like that.
Have you ever or do you have an abusive significant other? Nope, just abusive family members. Are your parents too involved in your life, or do you feel forgotten? Uhh I get the feeling they want to be more involved partly because they’ve realized I’m getting older and it’s only a matter of time before I live my life on my own, so they’ll sometimes drop hints like wishing they got to know more about my love life, mental health, etc. But because we’ve been emotionally distant my whole life, it’s hard for me to open up at all so I refuse or get reluctant whenever they ask. How do you feel when it comes to love? Well I mean these days and for the last few years I’ve been optimistic about it. It’s been a while since I haven’t had a significant person that my life revolves around so my perspective is pretty biased, though. Do rainy, cloudy days affect your mood? They make me feel better. I thrive in bleak weather, and I absolutely hate sunny, humid days. Have you ever wished you could just move away and start over? No. I’m still pretty young so there’s still opportunities for me to do exactly this once I graduate. For the meantime I go through a bunch of shit, make mistakes, and learn from them so that I know better once I have to be an Adult. Are you impulsive, or do you overthink? I’m both. I overthink on my downtime but am impulsive when I feel pressured.
Are you or have you ever been addicted to any substance? No. Do you think beauty goes more than skin deep? Duh. It’s 2020, I think we’ve covered that a million times now. Do you remember your first date? How was it? My legit first date was at a nearby mall and we only had enough to afford Bonchon for lunch. We had just graduated high school so there wasn’t any reason for our parents to give us allowance anymore so we just relied on whatever we had saved in the last few days of school, which wasn’t a lot. But it was our first date after getting back together so we were simply happy spending time together in that simple date. Have you gotten caught in a HUGE lie to your parents? No, I’ve never gotten in trouble specifically for lying because I hate doing that to begin with. I’ve been in deep shit for other stuff, like getting caught cursing on social media when I was 10 or failing a test/class. Are your relationships unstable, or do you manage to keep friends a while? They’re mostly stable and I have friends I’ve kept for a very long time, but I tend to be very particular about actions. That means to say when someone does something I have on my blacklist (like breaking my trust or making fun of me directly) I’ll have no problem cutting them off in seconds, which some have been confused by cos it’s not really that common to do something so abruptly. Don't you hate when people have the nicest parents & treat them like shit? Yeah of course. Why wouldn’t that piss me off? Are your moods stable or do you never know how you're gonna feel? They’re stable for the most part. I can tell when my mood is about to shift and even then I have ample time to adjust for it and warn others if possible. Have you ever been on probation or arrested? If so, what for? Nope. The most/worst that has happened has been getting pulled over. Do you think that without drama and problems your life would be boring? Not that I exclusively thrive on drama lmao, but it’s sometimes nice to have it around just for the spice of it. I can definitely live without it, but yeah I’d say life would be a *little* bland. When you've had a bad day, do you seek an escape, or do you just face it? Depends on what problems I have. If it’s something I know will be sticking around for a while – like my anxiety toward my thesis – I’d rather have a quick, brief escape like eating out or having a few drinks. But if I’m bothered by something more pressing, something I know I’d lose sleep about, I just face the music. Do you think the bible's hypocritical, or do you live by it? Oh I dunno dude. I stopped paying attention to it when I finally didn’t have to read it every morning for school, so I’ve forgotten most of the lines. I have some memories of raising my eyebrows at some gospels though – like the one where Jesus flips out at seeing a marketplace near the temple, when these days a bunch of malls – public areas designated exclusively for shops – host masses of their own. Most churches are also situated near markets or have clothing or food stalls nearby for people to flock to after mass, so that bit confuses me to this day. Have you ever thought you were or actually BEEN pregnant? No, this has never been a concern of mine. Have you ever guilt tripped someone into something? LMAO just my parents, because I’m the most spoiled out of their kids. That’s not to say I’m spoiled rotten, I’m just a bit more expressive about what I want.  Do you actually care about other's problems? UP has opened my eyes to the plight of the poor and the working class, and so I mostly care for their struggles. When it comes to the opposite sex, do you fall for them faster or slower? I’m demi. My concept of ‘falling’ is the same for everyone. Have you ever had or been part of an intervention? Never. I wasn’t aware of the concept either until I saw it being done for Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad. If you could, would you go back and change the way things ended with someone? No. Can you manipulate someone into getting what you want? I can probably do it but I never want being manipulative to be a dominant trait of mine. Does the type of music someone listens to tell the type of person they are? Sometimes? Idk, you’d be surprised at some of the music people listen to. I’m as basic as basic gets lmao but I know people would be surprised to see Rancid on my playlists. But then again, music is a form of expression and it’s still a good indicator of someone’s personality or aura. Have you ever felt like you know a person just from their survey answers? Several people I follow have said that their surveys serve as their journals, so in a way it is an avenue to find out who they are. I don’t wanna assume I know them 100% though because after all, I’ve only known them through Tumblr. Are there any problems within your family? If so, what? Land dispute problems primarily, as with all Filipino families. Another issue I’ve heard of recently is what to do with one of the houses we own – who’s in charge of selling it, how to divide the money once it’s sold, etc. Apparently my grandma wants some of the money to be given to one of her sons (my deadbeat uncle) which has pissed my mom off and she’s currently pushing for him not to get any of the money cos he hasn’t done anything to contribute to the family haha. It’s all honestly fun to watch and has taught me to take it easy on my sister when we get older. If you're in a bad mood, do you take it out on others or do you hold it in? I try to hold it in and handle it responsibly, but there are times I’ll snap towards other people. Most days I act fake and convince everyone I’m doing fine so that they don’t need to worry, though. Have you ever seen cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, or acid? Have you done it? Nah I’ve never seen any of these in person. Do you like a lot of attention or does it make you uncomfortable? Oh man I hate it. Once I start feeling there’s too much on me, I try to shift it to someone else. Have you ever wanted to help someone, but you just couldn't? I don’t think I’ve ever had to care for someone who was just too far down. In one way or another I’ve always been able to offer help to my friends who needed it. Have you ever contemplated suicide or talked someone out of it who has? Just the former. I doubt I’m mentally capable of handling the second one all by myself, so I’m a little relieved I’ve never had to do it. I’m sure I have friends who can do it much better than I would. Have you ever been homeschooled? Why? No, I’ve had traditional schooling all my life. Have you ever woken up somewhere and not known where you were? Nah it’s never been this bad. I’ve woken up confused for a few seconds, but I’ve never been completely clueless. Has someone ever laced/slipped something in your drink? No, that’s awful. Have you ever had a party when your parents went outta town? Get caught? I don’t throw parties at my own place, and that’s not very common here either. Is there something you really wanna tell/say to someone but can't? Nah, I’m good. I do want to hug Angela because I’m sure she still feels bad about her grandmother passing away. Don't you hate when someone texts you and you're expecting someone else? Hahahahahaha, yes. That’s why I gave my girlfriend a separate ringtone.
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skzchuu-blog · 7 years ago
kim seungmin ➵ eat up p.1
 word count: around 600
point of view: first person - kim seungmin's
genre: fluff, romance, love, idk
group: stray kids
member: kim seungmin, hwang hyunjin
pairing: kim seungmin x (female) reader
storyline: seungmin's crush loves food but can't she find the space to live him too?
a/n - This was just a introduction basically the next part will be longer and the story will be longer and the story will start. I'm not sure how I'm doing this yet but I hope you'll stick around for it.’
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   I didn't expect to fall for her. I was set on being alone for life when I met her. Little did I know it was impossible to escape my destiny. Destiny was (y/n). 
    I had seen her around campus before we formally met. That time it was through mutual friends in both our classes. A friend of hers had recently started a relationship with a friend of mine. Kim Eunbi and Hwang Hyunjin. Hyunjin was some one I admired for many reasons. He was attractive, friendly, and adored by many people at our school all at the same time. Most of all, he was practically bulletproof. No one had the power to break him down, whether it was a rude comment on one of his post or a broken heart from a girl he loved, he always stood right back up. He trusted people with his life but didn't blink at all when they pushed him off a cliff. 
    Hyunjin was like a brother to me so when I heard he had gotten himself into another relationship I was both happy for him and worried about him for many reasons. I knew Hyunjin would be a perfect boyfriend to anyone but I worried the girl he decided to date wouldn't be perfect for him or he would become so infatuated in the girl he would forgot about his life long friends for her. Naturally, my worry made me curious, so like any good friend I wanted to meet the girl. So I agreed to go with him for a meal with the two of them, and (y/n), who I assumed was in the same boat as me. As Hyunjin put it, it was a double date mixed with a blind date for me and a first date for him. In conclusion, Hyunjin was nervous about the first meal the two would have as a couple and offered the idea of a "double date" to drag someone to see the awkward mess it would end up being. How pathetic. He was lucky I was full of curiosity at that time, otherwise I would have never went.
    When we met up with the two girls In front of the late night sea food restaurant I couldn't tell who he was talking about. He described the girl as "so beautiful it's blinding, like a sun" but they both seemed rather pretty and they were similar as well. Hyunjin ended up being with Eunbi, thankfully, as I was no longer interested in getting to know his girlfriend. As we eat out meals and had conversation that night my curiosity moved towards the other girl, Eunbi had seemed pretty bland compared to the other girl, (y/n). 
    She was full of energy, while Eunbi seemed embarrassed about a lot of questions asked, (y/n) answered without hesitation and said whatever she could, almost as if she didn't even know what the word embarrassment meant. Eunbi was shy, sheepish, and quiet whilst (y/n) was out spoken and lively. (y/n) had cuter features than her and all together I found her really beautiful, I didn't want to admit at that time though. She could have been an idol like Hyun A or Jessi with the attitude she showed. 
     One thing I noticed that intrigued me the most that day was her love of food. Anything editable she seemed to be able to put in her mouth and enjoy. 
     We didn't exchange numbers that night or anything like that, after eating we said our good byes and the four of us went our separate ways.
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loumauve · 7 years ago
@aimofdestiny tagged me
long ass, rambly response under the cut:
1. Are there any tropes you’d like to see more of in pro fic (aka… traditionally published books)? If so, which ones?
tbh, I haven’t really picked up any books lately. whenever I feel like reading I feel like a v specific set of characters and setup, and fanfic is perfect for that while traditionally published fiction is not.. but ??tropes?? idk. are they all tropes? who ever cares. STUFFS I love include: 
COFFEE SHOP/BOOK STORE AUs (geonncannon has some p cool published fiction with similar content; also Ferry Tale... dudes and dudettes... pls read that. I know I say that every year but I really do mean it), CROSSOVERS of any kind, when I feel sentimental SOULMATE AUs (but mostly the less traditional ones. like.. friend soulmates are v cool too),  anything SUPERNATURAL like GHOSTS!! or vampires/werewolves (teenage me was v into those and sometimes still gets to run around and play), ANYTHING KINDA TWISTED AND MESSED UP tbh (don’t ask me to explain that pls omg.. imagine dub-con, ppl fucking themselves up bc they’re messed up and need years of therapy, all of that. I’m a terrible person, lol....but then also THE HEALING PROCESS!!!), if done right - PIRATE AUs, ANYTHING POST-APOCALYPTIC, PRETEND RELATIONSHIPS (wherein all parties harbour feelings for the other(s) but think they oughta keep it to themselves), HURT-COMFORT (of course! I mean.. you get it, right??!?), REINCARNATION (esp the kind where it takes them a looooong time to get it right, and they keep DYING and messing it up and killing each other time and again... I just love it all. make it hurt, lol), TIME TRAVEL (again, IF DONE RIGHT), ANDROIDS/ROBOTS with self-awareness and feelings,  anything to do with SPACE and travel therein, FOUND FAMILIES!!!
tldr: all of them, but mostly the above.
2. What art and/or craft would you like to pick up but haven’t for whatever reason?
anything I’m into and haven’t picked up is bc I tried it once, wasn’t good at it right away and promptly decided to give up on it, lol but if we’re talking as if I could do it, and do it well - hm.. I guess I’d love to be better at building things from scratch (think furniture, houses, the like) and also engineering abilities... I admire people who can do that shit and make sth cool, even if it’s shitty robots (SIMONE, YOU PERFECT JELLY BEAN - ILY)
3. What is your favourite cold/iced beverage?
there’s this one non-alcoholic cocktail... Mosquito I think? that’s p dope. but if we’re going all basic then it’s prob a tie between vanilla coke and cocoa idk
4. What is your preferred spice level? How hot is too hot for, idk, chili or curry or hot sauce or wasabi?
look, I so pale... I like spicy foods, but my body hates them. and they make my mouth burn and my eyes water and it’s nice when I’m sick, but otherwise I think I’m prob p bland in my choices of spice. the whole stereotype of white ppl and pepper+salt being their only spices doesn’t exist without reason, lol. I wish I could tolerate them more, bc I like chili and curry and loads of pepper, but it just hurts and I’m all about keeping my body (and asthma) on safe levels.
5. Rec me a youtube channel you like. Can be anything. Go on, I know you have a fave.
FUCK!! don’t make me pick, you jerk! I’ll give you a few options, cool? cool!
Kati Morton - for mental health stuff and just having a caring person talk about stuffs Peter Draws - bc he does what he says and he’s a p cool, p weird guy but he also cares about you and wants you to do you, and I dig that. (also his voice is super calming and sometimes I watch his stuff so I can doze off when I’m having a hard time falling asleep) Cooking with Sros // Rural Life (I think that’s where I first started watching her videos) - bc it’s calming to watch her cook super neat dishes that are traditional where she lives (also - sometimes she walks around in her garden and just PICKS STUFF UP bc IT GROWS THERE and I just think that’s the coolest bc you couldn’t even get some of those ingredients here, so like... that’s an entirely different thing I’ll prob never know enough about Simone Giertz - bc she’s awesome and so FUNNY!! and cute and awkward and hella smart, and... before the whole brain tumor thing I would have said I’d love to have a peek around in her brain, but now.. if all goes well she’ll have an actual picture of it to look at, and maybe it’s not cool to be excited for her..?? but yeah, she builds stuff WITH HER OWN TWO HANDS, and she has to know SO MUCH to do it, and just... DAMN CRUSH MATERIAL right there. like, I’m so weak. but also I just want her to have everything. I want her to be able to do to space. fuck
6. Do you keep mementos of old relationships? Why/why not?
HAH! FUCK. I do. have. will? sometimes I ask myself why I keep them and don’t just burn them or whatever (throwing them away wouldn’t be nearly cathartic enough an experience for me), and maybe this is still the grieving part of me that’s looking to haunt itself? idk
all I know is that so far I’ve kept letters. I’ve kept hoodies. and.. idk what I kept out of that one relationship.... can’t remember atm, but that one hurt far too much to keep a lot of reminders around.
7. What sort of music do you put on when you do chores, like dishes or laundry?
my go-to song used to be Eye of the Tiger, but these days it’s mostly podcasts or the music of the mood/day/week (those songs you listen to on repeat for hours after you’ve (re)found them.)
8. Is there any scent you particularly love? Which one?
it used to be musk, like.. those scented burning sticks..(that’s prob not the right English name for them, lol) but I guess... the good rain smell maybe? (not the bad smells-like-snails-and-slugs-and-dead-worms rain smell). also some roses and some paeonies.. I’m picky tho. and forever fave LAVENDER
9. Do you like to cook? What’s your signature dish?
I do, actually. when my kitchen doesn’t look like shit bc my emotional state and therefore life has derailed
and eh.. it’s like a paprika bellpepper tomato soup.. with salami and feta cheese and sometimes corn, sometimes rice, sometimes minced meat. always depends on the mood and what I have lying around. not so much a signature dish as it is what I make most often, mostly for myself. 
10. What’s your fave ice cream flavour that you can’t get in most places?
it’s gained in popularity, but - after-eight. for sure. anything minty with chocolate is amazing to me.
11. What’s your current favourite outfit?
uhm.. I don’t really have favourite outfits, I just have favourite articles of clothing (THEY’RE MY FAVOURITES. THEY’RE ALL MY FAVOURITES. ALL OF THEM) and I tend to mash them together without a care in the world... well, mostly I care about temperatures and sun exposure bc I burn like a crisp in the sun, it’s not pretty.
but lately I’ve been wearing the european tour shirt from the My Favorite Murder live show bc I WAS THERE AND IT WAS THEEEEE SINGULAR BEST THING OF THE YEAR (aside from getting through my final exams). also, I love my old pair of Chucks, the blue leather kind, and the soles are falling apart and it’s all kinds of battered and worn out, but I love them. they make me happy. also there’s some striped black and white socks and some white dotted black underwear and some super comfortable black shorts. but what really is just LOVE still. and prob always. until death do us part - I have this super soft, super floofy, sways around in the wind, lets all the wind through the knitted structures of it, blue-ish, button-able long swishy swooshy ...jacket? apparently it’s called a cardigan, AND YES I HAD TO GOOGLE THAT. I DON’T KNOW THINGS!! JEEZ LOUISE
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chaospirations · 5 years ago
A man leaves his house in the early morning and sees an unexplainable sight. A white stick figure runs in front of his vehicle leaving him bewildered.  The figure is as thin as a stop sign post, pure white with no hands, feet or facial features.  This faceless “Stickman” encounter is described by the witness in the video below.
Reported by Jim (James)
Location: small subdivision Northwest of Springfield, Ohio.
Date: June 11, 2018
Time: just after 5AM
Watch the video above, or read the full transcript at the end of this article. 
Before I take a deep dive into this bizarre whirlpool of high strangeness let me just make something clear. I will provide no definite answers here.  There is no amount of scientific evidence that could lead one to the conclusion that there is a population of “stick people” that roam the shadows of the United States or elsewhere.
As far as I am aware, there is no creature in documented science that fits the profile of what the witness described, or others that have claimed to witness these unusual “stick people.” So for the remainder of these NCS notes I’m going to present you nothing but stone-hard opinion and speculation, with a smattering of additional alleged similar sightings.
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Most of these “Stickman” reports are of black or dark creatures and have a tendency to describe them in terms of being of a supernatural origin.  Although it is EXTREMELY unusual, the description by the witness makes no reference to something that would not defy the laws of physics.
Biologically on the other hand, this or any of the “stick figure” humanoids do not share physical characteristics of any known animal with the exception of perhaps a stick insect (or walking stick if you will).  These creatures for the most part are absent of some very critical physical attributes common to… well… let’s say creatures that are bipedal in nature.  Just looking at some of the most important features, many of these Stickmen lack hips, shoulders, hands, feet and even faces. The humanoid described above had no observable hands to grasp and no feet to balance themselves when running.  What strikes me as odd about this thing is that it had no observable facial features; no eyes, nose, mouth or ears.   Aside from terrestrial organisms requiring at least a combination of the above to make their way around in the world, the total absence of a mouth or nose would mean there is no normal way for this creature to consume nutrients in the way of food, and respiration without an observable way to breathe in air is possible, but usually on a small and slow scale (many amphibians can respire through the skin). However, running takes an awful lot of metabolic energy, even in small bursts.   If this thing did have lungs, they would have to fit in the incredibly slender torso that was described to be the width of a stop sign post. Then again, just because the witness did not observe facial features, hands or feet does not mean that this thing may not have had them.  The encounter was only a few seconds at the most and it is entirely possible that the focus was on the most observable portion of the subject darting out in front of the vehicle.  The way I am dealing with this sighting is as if it is a biological creature of some sort, although it in no way resembles any earthly animal, and I’ll explain why. As I stated before, in the case of the Clark County Stickman there is no reason to think that there is any supernatural, ghostly, extra-dimensional or magical qualities associated with this creature.  The behavior of this thing resembles what an animal would do when it runs out in front of a car, then finds cover and glances back at the vehicle it for whatever reason decided to run in front of. If the thing would have stayed still, there is a good chance the witness would have never had their attention drawn to it.  
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So, when I think of this encounter, I assume that the “Stickman” had some sort of survival instinct that kicked in after it ridiculously stepped out onto the road into oncoming traffic. And that is what interests me about this sighting vs other “Stickman” encounters, as there was no stalking of a witness, no evil, foreboding feelings, and no hint of supernatural speculations.  
The thing ran out in front of the witness’s car.  It ran across the road and hid. The witness lost sight of it.  It left some kind of imprints on the grass. That’s it. If this story is fictional or embellished, there’s very little creativity to it… which IS NOT A BAD THING. 
And as mundane and boring of a sighting you think that might be, in my humble opinion the blandness of the encounter (although it was bewildering to the witness) does lend some credibility to the account.  Sometimes a sighting does not have to be elaborate to be straight-up unsettling. 
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It was difficult to find a sighting that described a subject similar to the Stickman of Clark County Ohio.  As I said before many “Stickman” sightings are of dark, black shadowy figures in which many of the themes lean toward a supernatural vibe. 
However there were two somewhat similar encounters I was able to look at, both being witness accounts and neither verified. The first comes from a commenter on a Reddit thread I posted seeking similar encounters like the Clark County Stickman.  Here is their comment:
“In 2017 I was at Ohio University and around 1-2 AM I decided to go to “The Ridges” with some friends (haunted asylum on campus). 
We walked… which was about a 45 minute to an hour walk and once we got there we got a really bad feeling, I’ve been there before and never felt the way I did so we turned back. 
We noticed on the way back we were being followed by a car so we had to try and figure out how we were going to lose the creepy guys that were following us. 
We got turned around and we’re in a courtyard and all the university help phones were all out so we couldn’t call for help and our phones were dead. 
So we peeked around to see if the guys were still following us and all we saw was something that was taller than a stop sign, [two-dimensional] and didn’t really have a face and it was running across the field as fast as a car could drive. 
I’ve never been able to find any paranormal thing to compare it to but this is the closest yet.
Every time I talk about it I tear up.”
When we posted the video on our Reddit page, one responder made this interesting comment:
“So this might be a coincidence but there is a native American reservation in Yakima Washington.
There is a tribal legend about stick who come out at night and try to trick people into following them. 
They talk to each other with whistles, and you can hear them giggling. 
They have the ability to sound like people to help lure their prey.”
A related encounter with a “Stickman” comes from the Reddit page Humanoid Encounters:
“Okay so. Where do I start? I was walking up to my local park with 2 of my friends. 
It was about 9. 
There is a path when you first walk to the park that leads to this elementary school that I used to go to. 
There is a fence on the side of it, its gated and on the other side of the path is just a hill leading to the park. 
There is then a street light on the path. We were walking past this and one of my friends said what’s that? 
We looked and kept walking toward to seem like a dog. It was just frozen and staring at us. 
I got closer and It ran away then and I saw its spine and it was nothing that I’ve seen before. 
It had short legs but was weirdly long. That’s not where it gets interesting tho. We just walked up to the park. 
When we were leaving (about 10 mins later) we were walking and wondered if we would be able to see it again. So we stopped and stared down the path. It’s more like a concrete path. 
Then me and my one friend saw this stick-man like thing running down the hill towards the woods! 
It was going mad fast, it hit the feet. It was about 7 ft tall maybe a little shorter. Point legs and arms… I didn’t really get a good look at its head.
I saw it for maybe a good 4 seconds. It wasn’t really black it was like black and grey, I saw it clear it went in the view of the street light. 
It was just running then before it got to the path it vanished. 
It was terrifying and I got the chills. 
I explained it and then my other friend said he saw the same thing. My other friend didn’t tho, idk why. 
We are going tonight again, at the same time, and to do the same thing and see if we can get it on video. I’ll post a picture of where I saw it later and hopefully a video of proof. 
That was extremely disturbing. I researched it a little last night and came and saw “the black stickman phenomenon”. 
I saw another story like this one on reddit. He said him and his mom saw it run across the road and his dad didn’t.”
Unfortunately, the person who posted this encounter did not update with photos or video.  However, another commenter did reveal that they had had a similar experience before.
“So, I just happened to stumble into this subreddit but thought I’d mention this while I’m here. 
There was one of these lingering around my house when I was 14-15. 
I saw it a few times at a distance but never really got close enough to it to ever see any features. 
It always showed up around twilight hours or just after dark. 
I haven’t seen it in over 10 years at this point though.”
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These sorts of encounters with Stick Men can be extremely unsettling for those who experience them, and can really cause people to reassess what they thought they knew. One good example of this is a commenter on True Ghost Stories Archives who is a self-proclaimed skeptic and seems to be having a hard time reconciling his own brush with a Stick Figure, of which he explains:
“I honestly thought I was crazy.  I’m 33, level headed, and while I won’t rule anything out I generally don’t think much of the paranormal. 
The other night (morning maybe, I keep odd hours) I went outside for a smoke. 
My lawn has a low retaining wall, about bench-height, and a long, sloping road down to the creek, noted for its malfunctioning street lights. 
I saw something walking down the middle of the road. 
I have a neighbor who walks at all hours day or night, I didn’t think much of it. 
As it got closer, it looked like a pencil drawn picture of a man done by a kid. 
It wasn’t black, so much as it was nebulous, like the static on a TV channel. Grey and black moving in a blur, in the shape of the sign that lets guys know which door to go in. 
The street lights flicked on and it stopped, “looked” around (I assume as much, all I saw was its head move) and saw me. 
As soon as it did, it took off down the road faster than my eyes could follow. 
I didn’t tell anyone for a few days, then did the “promise you won’t think I’m crazy” with my girlfriend. 
She said she had heard of similar stories, and asked it I’d googled it. I did, and here I am. 
At least if I’m crazy I’ll have company.”
From “The Truly Bizarre World of Encounters with Real Stick Figures”
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that there are certain tales of “Stickmen” that are ENTIRELY fiction.   One such story I found on the Reddit forum r/nosleep from 2015, and some may liken “Stickmen” encounters with the Creepypasta meme “The Slenderman.” Also recently, an encounter tale was removed from the Reddit forum r/humanoidencounters after the individual was called out for writing fiction, and the post was locked by moderators. However, many of the stories from sources mentioned above are elaborate and the “entities” are evil and intend to do harm to individuals. 
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Other links concerning “Black Stick Men”
ObscUrban Legend Wikia: Black Stick Men
Cryptid Wiki: Black Stick Men
Paranormal Kativity [YouTube] Black Stickman Phenomena
Blogtalk Radio: The Mothman of Chernobyl & Black Stickman Phenomena | Peck Report Ep.218
Beyond Creepy [YouTube] “The Black Stickman Phenomenon”
The Fortean Slip: The Black Stickman Phenomenon
Mysterious Universe: The Truly Bizarre World of Encounters with Real Stick Figures
Mysterious Universe: Extremely Bizarre Encounters with Truly Surreal Mystery Humanoids
Phantoms and Monsters: The Stickman Entity
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Related NCS Case Files: 
“SLENDERGUMBY:” Humanoid Figure Leaps Through The Forest at the Same Time on Consecutive Nights in Florida NCS Case File #23: Slender-Limbed Shadow Creature  (possible Black Stick Man) NCS Case File # 3: Unknown Pale White Beings in the Midwest
Full Transcript of the Video “Stickman of Clark County Ohio”
[Jesse] can you tell me what your general occupation is?
[James] I am a truck driver
[Jesse] okay how long have you been doing that?
[James] about 16 years.
[Jesse] do you wear eyeglasses or corrective lenses?
[James] no had laser surgery about 20 years ago very good vision.  I get my eyes checked every year.
[Jesse] this sighting occurred in Clark County Ohio, is that correct?
[James] yes
[Jesse] and this was June 11th 2018 is that correct?
[James] yes
[Jesse] and could you tell me the time approximate time that this occurred?
[James] it was 503 a.m.
I was heading to work morning of June 11th 2018 rural
subdivision area low traffic pulling out my driveway… went down the street turned left
at the stop sign.
As I turn left I’m there very short distance I noticed something
running from my right to my left…
as it got to my headlights it was a brighter white, very bright white [it] ran very fast covering probably close to 100 yards in 3 to 4 seconds…
it had a long abdomen a long head I believe it didn’t look like a neck… a long top / head… ran like a person… the legs and arms equal-sized… did not see feet or hands… it ran beside…  it passed a stop sign as it went by and was a little bit shorter than the stop sign…
…got brighter as it was in my headlights, faded out… not as bright as it went by. 
It had rained 2 days, the day before and the day before that so the road was a little damp
and the grass was wet so as it went by… by up in the grass into… behind a pine tree.
As I was turning right on the road it ran down… I could see it behind the tree as I was turning looked over at it… startled obviously not really staring to get a good look but i drove by and did look over there.. as I turned by to head on that road it came from looked in the rear view mirror I didn’t see anything.
My first thought as it started happening was that a car might have been behind
me out where I live in the country. 
There’s very few cars on the road that time of day… would have been behind me I did not see any there was no car… there was no cars in the road anywhere.  no reflections anywhere. 
I went to work that day as I came home I came back the same path the only way in the subdivision… as I came to that stop sign I looked up where it had run and there were long
almost like footprints where the glass had been pushed down and drug maybe three or four or five maybe footprints… as I drove by, I looked at that.
[Jesse] What’s the prevalence of wildlife in that area like deer raccoon I know I live in a […]
South of a suburban area out in the country we do have we have deer we have raccoons
we have all sorts of stuff that crosses [the road] all hours of the day and night and what
were the prevalence of wildlife coming in to that area specifically?
 [James] I’ve seen a few deer and the subdivision trash cans been knocked over by raccoons in the past. I’ve never seen any around I do hear coyote mostly in the fall in the winter but that’s about it really nothing more than that.
[Jesse] have you ever… has any of the other [neighbors] spoken about something seeing
something strange like this? 
[James] couple that I do know and one of them I did really say anything about it they just never seen anything like that…
[Jesse] so what is it what what do you think you saw I mean do you have any ideas?
[James] I don’t know I’ve looked online for stuff like that and the closest thing I can see that somewhat resembles it is all those little stick figure things out like in California and Arizona…
[Jesse] Night Crawlers 
[James] yes… yeah I mean that kind of resembles with the color but I mean those just have
like… they don’t look normal this thing… almost look like a person running that’s the closest thing I can say that resembles it I mean I don’t even know because I’ve been looking all over trying to find something… figure out what it is…
[Jesse} okay ould you describe [the motion] as a person… a person running and would you describe them as just completely unnaturally thin?
[James] like a stick figure I mean it ran by the stop sign… there’s a stop sign there and it was like pretty close to the same width as a stop sign.. oh and just a little bit little bit shorter and just like the the abdomen and the head there wasn’t a neck the abdomen and the head and head were long like longer than a person would be and really the arms and the legs were about the
same length… I mean they’re really short not really short but I mean shorter proportionally than a person would be 
[Jesse] now when this thing ran did it did it run like a person (James: Yeah) or did it have a different gate… okay 
[James] yeah it was just like it was like a person but I didn’t there were no feet or hands or you know… I don’t know the head was just… really long
[Jesse] Was there any facial features on this thing? 
[James] no, it was a it was white and as I ran past my headlights it was brighter it was like a now once I realized you know what I saw… when it went past it was… it wasn’t as bright, but it
was still light and ran behind a pine tree actually and stopped and like as I was going by it I could see it was kind of like still there behind the tree.
That’s that’s when I was the closest to it and as I drove away… yeah I didn’t see anything 
[Jesse] okay… there was no… there was no eyes that you could tell (James: no) no mouth (James: Nope none of that)
[Jesse] when you say the head was longer was the head generally shaped like a person’s head? (James: no) or was it about him a long long oval or… 
[James] I would describe him more like a pencil [laughs] all the whole thing, I mean it was like body, head… I mean they’re all just straight lines and I didn’t see a head… 
My first impression was you know like if you’re sitting in a house on the car drives by you see that light go by in your house or somebody drives behind you and turns? My first thought was I glanced in my rearview mirror thinking it was crazy to see a car at this time of day because I just you know went by… that like that reflection would go by. Obviously there’s no car back there but it just again moved like that… just straight. 
I was expecting to see a car behind me and kind of in disbelief from what the heck I just saw.
[Jesse] so is that why you remembered there was no other traffic is because you checked… because you saw that creature first you thought the crea… the.. the thing… the whatever it was… was a flash from another car’s headlights? 
[James] it was like in between… and I noticed it was going and it got brighter as I got in front of my headlights and as it was going by I looked up in my rearview mirror quick because where we live there’s no traffic at all… I mean I’m actually sitting in my driveway right now I just pulled in and there’s no… no cars around, especially at that time in the morning. That’s why I kind of caught me off guard and I glanced in my mirror thinking that’s weird because I thought it would
have been a car turn exactly the way I just did to be the headlights like that that would have gone that direction.
I wasn’t like scared of it… my first thought was like a… that like a like a person as as something else I mean that was my kinda… my thought i guess… almost you know like when it ran behind the tree it uh you know I was like cuz I could almost see it like peeking through the tree as I was turning right it was in the trees right there because that a person? 
My wife thinks I’m crazy!
[Jesse] you’re not alone… a lot of people see weird things
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