#idk if there's a typo or not I tried and that's what really matters
gabrielisdead · 4 months
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my vampire lore iceberg, open for criticism and suggestions
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ladycaramelswirl · 3 months
definitely not old
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
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A/N: Did I create an extremely improbable scenario just to suit my need to create another highly improbable scenario? Yes. Do I care that it’s unrealistic? No. Please forgive any typos/ grammatical errors. 
CW: suggestive content, but not explicit (like 15+?). Use of y/n one time. (Technically this would probably warrant one of those hostile workplace environment seminars like they had for Derek and Penelope. But it’s funny? Idk this isn’t serious.) Sassy Hotch. Crack plot tbh. 
Also I know the timeline doesn’t really make sense, because JJ is a profiler and Emily and Rossi exist, but I imagined Season 1 Spencer while writing this! I guess it’s 2005? Btw I do not know how tapes work, so just pretend it makes sense please. This is so unserious. 
Summary: reader wife and Hotch are private people; the BAU team is nosy. Spencer is just constantly in the right place at the wrong time. 
The screen in front of you depicted horror - just not the kind the BAU was used to. The UnSub had confessed to leaving a message in an old tape. He had already been arrested, but you were all hoping it might contain something that might help the conviction stick. Only he was extremely paranoid, so not only had he left the message in a code, but he had spliced it into a tape he thought people were least likely to watch. His p***. It was the last thing to do for the case and everyone was trying to help. You all sit at the round table, and Spencer shifts in his seat, clearly uncomfortable. Derek laughs at his shyness and Emily laughs at the very unrealistic movements. She and JJ tilt their heads at the shape the two on the screen have put themselves into. 
“That does not look comfortable”, JJ mocks. 
The words are out of your mouth before you think. “Trust me it’s not”. 
Everyone at the table snaps their heads to look at you. 
“Damn Mama”, Derek laughs. “Who are you doing these moves with?”
You try to hold back a laugh. You were not ready to share about your sex life with your colleagues, no matter how close you were. Plus you’re pretty sure Aaron would not appreciate it. 
“That is inappropriate workplace conversation”, you say, pausing the video. “And you’re going to miss the next series of code”, you tell him, trying to get him to revert his attention back to the video. Emily grins at your attempted evasion.
“We already got all the code. She just doesn’t want us to tell Hotch she’s capable of all that. Doesn’t want to make the old man feel bad”.
“He’s not old. He’s only 5 years older than you”, you remind her. She puts a hand on her chest in mock offense like you’ve stabbed her. You roll your eyes. “And this is still inappropriate”.
“So it wasn’t Hotch”, Derek laughs. 
“You’re just annoyed because you haven’t tried it yourself”, you deflect, moving to sit next to Spencer who seems to actually be doing his job. 
“I’ve seen her do yoga and she’s very flexible, so if she couldn’t do it I don’t think you can”, JJ tells Morgan. 
“Oh you have no idea what I’m capable of”, he teases, which earns laughs from around the table. “I’m better than the old man for sure”. They all start laughing and talking about you and Hotch. 
You roll your eyes. “Wasn’t old in bed last night”, you mutter under your breath. You startle at the sound of a book hitting the floor and see Spencer’s bright red face. JJ, Derek and Emily look over in curiosity at what they might have missed, but you ignore them, attempting to give Spencer an apology for making him uncomfortable. He moves to drink his coffee in an attempt to avoid more of the conversation. Only he chokes on it because Hotch enters the room. 
“Have you finished working out the code?”
Everyone’s heads snap to him - JJ, Emily and Derek wearing matching grins. Hotch eyes you patting a coughing Spencer’s back.
“Are you alright?”, he asks. 
“Yes! Good! I’m good!”, Spencer squeaks, afraid Hotch is going to ask him why he’s so nervous. Aaron looks to you for some answers but before you can tell him it’s nothing, Spencer suddenly stands up.
“Got the code! Going to call the local PD. DA is waiting”, he warbles before you all watch him run out of the room. Hotch turns back to the rest of you. 
“Well then that wraps it up. Go home now, get some rest”, he instructs. Everyone starts packing up. You and Hotch walk towards the door when he realises there’s only 6 of you in the room. 
“Where’s Dave?”, he asks.
You’re about to tell him Rossi went to the bathroom when the Italian walks back in. Rossi immediately notes the paused video.
“Wow that looks uncomfortable”, he remarks. Everyone smirks in your direction. Hotch snakes an arm around your waist and looks at the screen. Then at you. 
“It was, wasn’t it?”
He smiles at the jaws dropping to the floor. 
“Good night everyone”.
A little bonus scene:
In his office later:
“You heard us talking before you came in the room didn’t you”, you question your husband. He was so private, he wouldn’t have said something like that otherwise. 
“They called me old”, Aaron grumbles, but his tone is amused. “Just wanted to shock them a little”.
You make your way over to his side of the desk, pulling him to stand up beside you. 
“Well Agent Hotchner, I have to tell you, there’s been some speculation about your performance”, you taunt. “Care to prove them wrong?”
“Last night wasn’t enough proof?”, he laughs raising an eyebrow. You run your hands up his chest and behind his neck, pulling him close. 
“The results were inconclusive”, you tease. He grabs your hips and traps you between himself and his desk, his mouth trailing kisses down your jaw. 
“Well I can’t have that kind of speculation going around”, he murmurs into your skin. Your breath hitches from the sensation of his lips on the sensitive spot on your neck. But instead of continuing, he pulls away and meets your eyes in a conspiratorial grin. “We should do an in house evaluation as soon as possible”.
You open your mouth to reply when the door swings open, Spencer finding you sandwiched between Hotch’s thighs and your blouse rumpled. His mouth drops open and suddenly all 187 iq points mean nothing when his brain loses function.
“Oh- I- um- sorry!”, he manages before running away. You stare at the slammed door then back at Aaron and burst into giggles. He drops his head to your shoulders and sighs. 
“I feel like a teenager”, he groans.
“At least you don’t feel old.”
Bonus bonus: 
Still in the conference room: 
“I want to go back to 10 minutes ago when I didn’t know this information”, Emily moans. 
“I think I need 5 more minutes before I can form a coherent thought”, JJ laughs in disbelief. Spencer walks back in.
“I finished my report. Where’s Hotch and y/n? Can we go home?”
“Probably doing it in his office for all we know”, Derek mutters.
Spencer’s brows furrow in confusion. “Doing what in his office?”
Rossi raises an eyebrow at Emily. “Is this kid serious?”
She shrugs back at him. 
“Spence, Hotch says we can go home. But you should probably report about what local PD told you before you go”, JJ tells him.
Spencer nods and makes his way to Hotch’s office. The rest of the team watch him walk away.
“You think we should have told him to knock before going in?”
The sound of a high pitch yelp and the slam of an office door echo down the hallway. 
thank you for reading :)
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seresinhangmanjake · 3 months
Come Back Together
Benny Cross x reader 
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Summary in bullet points:
Now that Benny is back in your life, he is trying to be a better husband
Benny is insecure about his relationship and a barfight ensues
Reader is pregnant (three months)
Benny does a bit of pining and is emotionally vulnerable
Part 2 of Come Back Knockin’
Notes/Warnings: *Spoiler free*, angst and fluff, relationship struggles, physical altercations (fist fight), mention of blood and injury, mention of pregnancy, mention of alcohol, cursing, kissing, happy stuff, typos. I think that’s it. This took me forever to write for some reason and I was weirdly stressed about it. tf is wrong with me, right? Anyway…
Words: alright no one freak out…it’s 4300. Idk why it’s a lot longer than the first part but I always do that. If you’re willing to venture onward, I appreciate it :)
Benny Cross Masterlist
Part 3: Together and More
He stares at you incessantly. Which isn’t out of the ordinary—he used to stare at you all the time—but there’s something else to it now. He stares as if he thinks you’ll disappear the second he takes his eyes off of you. Like you'll slip through his fingers. Ironic, really, since disappearing in the blink of an eye is more his thing. 
“Can I make you something?” he asks, staring at you from his chair while you pull a carton of eggs from the fridge. “You should be sitting instead of me.”
“You don’t know how to cook, Benny,” you state matter-of-factly, turning your back to him as you switch on the stove and set a pan on the lit burner.
Cooking has always been your responsibility. It was one of the things you brought to this relationship. And you liked being the one to keep Benny fed, never chiming in when the other Vandals’ wives and girlfriends mentioned how exhausting it was to satisfy their man’s grumbling stomach. You liked that Benny appreciated you for it. 
Now you wonder if subconsciously you believed that as long as you fed him, he’d stay by your side, regardless of his wild nature. Kind of like a puppy. But Benny Cross is no puppy.
“I should probably learn,” he says. “You know, for the kid.”
You hum, cracking an egg on the edge of the pan. “Maybe you should stick to learning how not to ditch your family,” you retort, and immediately your features twist in a wince.
You can’t believe you let those words out of your mouth. You’d been doing so well at holding in the little jabs and remarks, no matter how hard they’ve pushed at your sealed lips. Not to say a few of them haven’t slipped through in the last month, they have, but each time they did, you received instant punishment in the form of Benny’s heart crumbling right before your eyes.
He’s never tried to make you feel guilty about your slip-ups, but he can’t seem to hide his expressions around you anymore. Ever since Benny returned, he’s been different. Your husband who was once so stoic has untethered his emotions from the piece inside of him that, for years, refused to let them show. His affection is more outward now, but unfortunately, so is his pain. So you made a rule to stop doing that to him; stop catching him off guard with words of hurt during a time of pending forgiveness. What he did was damaging, yes, but it’s unfair to pick at him when he’s been doing everything he can to show you he has value to this family; things he never would have done before. 
He wakes earlier than you to clean the most-used areas of the house—a poorly done job; you still find dust in spaces dust should have easily been wiped up, but he tries. He found work at a mechanic’s shop not too far from the house, and surprisingly, he has yet to complain about it—a decent job was always something he physically and mentally shunned. He got rid of everything in the spare room and has begun painting the walls from the deep brown left over from the prior owners to a soft, light green that matches the baby blanket he brought you. It’s cute, and significantly better than you would have done without him. You would’ve been too stressed to put together a nice nursery.
Benny awkwardly clears his throat, breaking up your thoughts and bringing you back to the present. The lingering discomfort from your snide tone is palpable, heavy, just short of physically formed, and you can’t escape it. 
“I didn’t mean that,” you tell him as you flip the egg. 
The sizzle in the pan is louder as uncooked egg hits the heat, but you can still hear his deep breath, easily picturing the weak smile on his face when he softly says, “It’s ok. I deserve it.”
You’re about to protest, but he doesn’t give you the chance. 
“I was thinkin’ about goin’ to a meeting tonight,” Benny says. “You wanna come with me?”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“Oh…” he says, dejected. “It's been a while since you've been to one. I know you stopped goin’ when I was…away, so I thought…”
You set the spatula down and turn to face him, crossing your arms. “I wasn’t going to go without you. And considering everything, everyone just would have pitied me. I'm sure they still do.”
His blue eyes fall to the tiled floor. You know he hates that such a thought would enter your mind, but it’s not as if you’re capable of stopping it. He put you in a pitiful situation, and were the circumstances placed upon another woman, you would have felt those same feelings for her. 
“No one pities you, baby. I promise,” he says. “They miss you.” His head lifts so he can meet your stare. “But if you don’t want to go then I'll stay here with you. We can watch a movie or somethin’.”
Your eyes widen. “No!” you yelp. Benny’s head jerks back at the sudden outburst and you swallow to buy yourself time to sort your thoughts into words, but the best you come up with is: “You’re right, actually. We should go.”
“But you just–” His brow raises in skepticism. “Are you sure?”
If your options are club meeting surrounded by a large group of people or movie-watching with you and Benny alone, then yes, you are absolutely sure. The movie channels have rallied against you lately. Out of the five times you and Benny have watched a film since he came back, all five have been romances. All of them!
You don’t know if he scours the TV Guide without you noticing or if the television channels have simply rallied against you, but sitting beside your husband who you are trying not to give in to is made all the more difficult when watching Audrey Hepburn fall in love with George Peppard or Cary Grant or Greggory Peck for God's sake. You see them and it makes you forget things. You forget that you’re as upset as you are, and with Benny so close, your heart starts to pound and you can’t focus on anything else. You want to crawl right into his arms, let him hold you and kiss you and take you on the couch after what has felt like an eternity apart. But you can’t do that. It’s too soon. So no movies. 
“Positive,” you nod. 
An easy smile slides onto his face. “Well that’s great, baby. It'll be fun.”
“Yea. Sure.”
“Alright,” he says, standing. “I gotta get to the shop.”
He pauses as he passes by you, and you hold his gaze as he squashes the instinct to press his lips to your forehead. 
You weren’t married to Benny for long before he panicked and left—only a handful of months—but it was long enough for the two of you to develop your own set of rituals. And by the consistency and ease with which Benny performed those rituals, anyone would have assumed they’d been in place for decades. 
A kiss on the forehead after breakfast was one ritual. As was the bedtime cuddling with your leg slotted between his. And the way he’d stare at you in the mirror, his arms crossed and body leaning against the doorframe as he watched you brush your teeth with a grin on his face. 
But the one you miss the most is the hug from behind that you'd receive once he’d decided to come home for the night. He’d circle his arms around your waist and place a kiss on your neck, and then he’d chuckle because he was so determined to sneak up on you and give you a little scare but was never successful. You could feel him before he touched you, you could smell his cologne, but you didn’t want to ruin his fun, so you let him have hope that one day he would finally surprise you. 
Benny blows out a long breath through his nose. “I’ll see you tonight,” he mutters with a brief hint of a smile.
As the front door closes behind him, a carbon smell grabs your attention and you look over your shoulder at your breakfast. It’s charred, inedible, and you don’t even care, you just knock the pan off to the side to keep the house from burning down.
“Well, thank the lord,” Betty’s voice travels across the bar as she and Kathy approach you and Benny. “We weren’t sure we’d ever see you again, honey.”
Kathy draws you into a tight hug that rips you from Benny’s side. “Things have not been the same with you gone,” she says as she leans back, rubbing her hands up and down your arms. She smiles so sweetly and you breathe a sigh of relief. These women were your friends and you feel guilty for abandoning them just because Benny abandoned you. “Come sit.”
“Benny Cross, we are stealin’ your wife,” Betty declares, “And you don't get to whine about it.” There’s a dash of vitriol in her tone that nibbles at your gut and you hope it’s simply an effect of the alcohol she must’ve had prior to your arrival. 
“Oh,” Benny says. You glance at him, at the disappointed look on his face—subtle, but there. He wanted you by his side tonight, but he’s not going to force you to deny their offer. “Ok.”
Kathy and Betty each take one of your hands and lead you to a small rounded table. It’s the centerpiece of the room, and as one of three surrounding it, so are you, unfortunately. As Betty sticks a cigarette in her mouth and Kathy takes a sip of her beer, your eyes scan the low-lit space. 
Stares from the men lining the walls burn your cheeks. You recognize only half of them—the Vets, as they’re known—and they give you their smiles and nods in a ‘welcome back’ gesture, Johnny, in particular, sporting a rare grin.
The others—the Newcomers; out-of-towners who came specifically to join the club—look at you with something else in their eyes. Amusement? Curiosity? They seem to know exactly who you are and enjoy a little too much putting a face to the name. You, however, don’t know a single one of them. They’d arrived shortly before Benny left, and while some faces, those with distinct features, you can recall from nuggets of your memory, you’ve never spoken to them. You never got their names. 
“Why this table?” you ask your friends.
“Best view of the pool table, obviously,” Betty chuckles after snapping Johnny’s lighter shut. She nudges her head in that direction. “Nothin’ wrong with lookin’, I say.”
Flanking the table are Cal, Wahoo, and Benny; Wahoo watching and chattering from the sidelines as Cal and Benny alternate between shots.
Benny edges from one side of the table to the other, sizing up his options. Then, cue in hand, cigarette dangling from his lips, he bends at the waist and lines up the shot. 
He’s so stupidly beautiful. The lamp hanging above the table illuminates him, defining his muscles by highlighting the hills and casting the valleys into shadow. A haze of smoke coats your view, but his pure essence and magnetism break through it like rays of sun through parted clouds. 
Benny’s eyes flick up to yours and he winks as he shoots, driving two balls directly into their nets. 
Your mouth goes dry. You swallow sandpaper, leaving your throat all raw and scratchy.
“So, how’ve you been, honey?” Betty asks, and you turn your head. “How've you been feelin’? How’s that nausea?”
“Yea,” Kathy adds, leaning in close as if seeking out a secret, “and how’s it been goin’ with him? Any trouble?”
“Um, I'm fine,” you say, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind your ear. “Nausea’s manageable. 
As far as Benny goes, there's no trouble,” you tell them, “It’s just–” You pause. 
What can you say? That you haven’t fully forgiven him even though he’s working so hard to be a good husband? That some of the things he’s doing around the house are swoon-worthy compared to what most men you know would do but you’re too stubborn to express the depth of your appreciation? Any woman would look at you like you’re insane. 
When you think about it like that, maybe you are insane. 
“I don't know,” you say with a shrug and a shake of your head. “It's hard to explain.”
“Well, according to Johnny, Benny’s worried each day in the house will be his last,” Betty says, blowing a stream of smoke off to the side. “That boy’s so afraid he’s gonna mess up and let you down again that I'm surprised he hasn't lost his marbles. I read in Life that bein’ that anxious wreaks havoc on the body and mind.”
Betty’s always reading something in Life, and a good portion of the time you are hesitant to take her seriously. Not necessarily because you don’t trust what the magazine reports, but that Betty tends to exaggerate for kicks. 
You have a feeling she’s not exaggerating this time.
Your face falls. 
“Don’t you feel bad about it for one second,” Kathy scolds, placing her hand on top of yours. “You’re well within your rights to make him earn his place.”
“I know, but I don’t want him to be scared that I'm going to–”
You’re cut off by a male voice slipping through a brief lull in the cacophony of noise.
“If she don’t want Benny no more, she can bring her sweet ass right on over to me,” a Newcomer says in a slurring mess. “I’d sure take better care of her than he did.”
Every soul in the room falls deadly silent—the only remaining sound being the melody of Elvis's Baby Let's Play House from the jukebox—and the world around you freezes.
Cigarettes are held over ashtrays, their ashes yet to be knocked off. Beer bottles are raised to lips without the satisfaction of a sip. The bartender’s rag has only wiped up half of a drunken man’s spill. No one is breathing and everyone’s eyes are glued to either the Newcomer or your husband. Yours are on Newcomer, watching his features shift and tick as he soaks in the weight of what he just said, and what it’s about to cost him. 
Kathy sighs. “Oh, god.” 
The whole bar hears her—impossible not to; you could hear a mouse skitter across the floor—and her words seem to carry with them the wave of a green flag, because a moment later, Benny rushes the guy and tackles him to the ground. 
Chaos erupts. All at once, shouts, curses, and hateful name-calling explode like the impact of a bomb. Nearly every man in the club is taking sides in the war between Newcomers and Vets. Fists fly into faces. Faces are shoved against walls. Walls are cracked from bodies slamming into them. There’s the distinct sound of bone meeting bone. Blood splatters across your table.
“Jesus, fellas!” Kathy snaps as she and Betty hop up, dragging you out of the danger zone. 
In a panic, your head whips in all directions. You can’t find Benny, but you need to find him and you need to find him now. 
You’ve seen him throw punches at races and members’ houses but this is too public a space, and if the cops are called, he can’t be caught fighting again. Nor can he risk having fingers pointed his way for instigating. He already has a record, and though you didn’t know him during his few stints behind bars, you know he has exhausted the sheriff's leniency. If you leave now, Johnny will come up with something to excise Benny’s participation should questions arise. 
You take a step forward but Kathy’s grip is tight. “Where do you think you’re goin’?” she shouts.
“To get my husband.”
Betty gapes. “Are you crazy? You're pregnant!” But you ignore her, shaking Kathy off and heading into the storm. “Johnny! Johnny, grab her!”
You weave through fight after fight, stopping short when a body lands at your feet, but he’s up and out of your way in an instant, and you continue dodging and ducking until you spot a blond head. From what you can see, there’s hardly a scratch on him. The same cannot be said for the drunk guy beneath him. 
Before you can move another inch, an arm circles your waist and jerks you back. 
“Hey!” you snap. “Let go!”
“Not a chance, sweetheart. You stay out of it,” Johnny says, lifting you off the ground and setting you down in a safer area. He puts his hands on your shoulders and dips his head to your eye level, locking on to your gaze. “I’ll get ‘im, ok? I’ll get ‘im. Stay right here.”
You nod in agreement, your brows knitted and teeth chewing on your bottom lip. 
From this location, you have a better view of your husband and the friend who is trying and failing to break up the fight. Johnny yanking on Benny’s dominant arm is not enough to stop the attacks. Neither is the forearm locked around his neck. 
When Cal notices Johnny’s struggle, he pushes his opponent into a table and races over to take hold of Benny’s other bicep. Together they pull him off the man whose face no longer resembles a human’s. It’s a bloody mess. His nose is dented in, eyes swollen shut, lips split and mouth hanging open to reveal an empty space where a tooth used to be. 
Benny’s chest heaves. Murder is in his glare. He jerks against his restraints but struggles to break free with the force of two men weighing him to the ground. 
Then Johnny mutters something in Benny’s ear that immediately halts his thrashing. His breathing slows. The fire fades from his irises, returning them to their soft cerulean, and his eyes tear away from the beaten man to dart around the room in search of you. 
As Benny spots you, Johnny's lips move, seemingly forming the words ‘Get outta here,’ before he pats Benny on the chest and lets him rise to his feet. 
Benny comes to you and without stopping grasps your hand and leads you out of the bar.
“You think you fractured anything?” You ask as you slide the key into the lock and turn.
Benny stretches and flexes his fingers. “No,” he answers, trailing into the house behind you and shutting the front door. “Are you upset with me?” 
He’s been wanting to ask that question since you left the bar. As he'd placed the helmet on your head and clipped the strap under your chin, you'd observed his lips, how they were parting as if to speak but unable to get anything out. And when he'd helped you off the bike in front of the house, his expression was far away, his jaw shifting, teeth clenching—the look of your husband in intense thought. 
At least he finally spit it out. Normally, he would have run his fingers through his hair and sighed, opting not to bother you with the question; a behavior that used to drive you crazy. It took weeks after you met for you to accept that while Benny was willing to share a lot with you—things he didn’t intend to share with anyone; a life, for instance—there were things best not to pester him into revealing. 
So you’re a patient partner. If it needs to be said or asked, it’ll be said or asked. And you're glad he decided this was one question that needed to be asked.
You sigh, hanging your jacket on the rack, and Benny follows, selecting the hook closest to yours. 
“I mean, you nearly killed him,” you say as you make your way to the back of the living room and open the closet that houses the first aid kit. 
On tippy toes, you can barely brush your fingers along the metal tin, and you grumble each time you unintentionally push it a little further back on the shelf.
A muscled arm reaches above your head to grab the kit. Benny places it in your hands before stepping back into the seating area and dropping down onto the footstool, his standard perch when you’re fixing him up. 
Blue eyes are glued to your body as you take a seat on the couch. 
You pull the lid off of the tin and riffle through it for the small bottle of alcohol—you’ll have to buy more soon, it’s getting low—and a clean rag. With the alcohol-soaked fabric at the ready, you slip your fingers under his warm palm, bring his hand close, and get to work dabbing the wounds and wiping off some of the dried blood. He doesn’t so much as hiss at the shot of pain that makes any other human groan and pinch their eyes tight.
“He was out of line,” he tells you.
“I’m not saying he wasn’t out of line, but I really don't need you getting in trouble and being taken away from me, Benny.” You’re focused on his injury, but out of the corner of your eye, he winces in shame. “Besides, he was just mouthing off.”
“Mouthin’ off about my wife.”
With a huff, you drop your joined hands onto your lap and shoot him a look. “I know, but do you honestly believe what he said could ever happen? Do you think I would leave you for some other man?”
You ask with the full expectation of a whip-quick reply—‘of course not, baby’—but Benny adam’s apple bobs, and his teeth clench as his eyes flit to the undoubtedly less interesting carpet.
He runs his uninjured hand down his face and looks up at you. “C'mon, baby, it's not that wild of a thought. Not after what I did to you,” he says, his thumb slowly running over your knuckles. “You are so much better than anything I should be allowed to have. But me? You could throw a rock in any direction and you'd hit a man better than me. One that wouldn’t have panicked and left you pregnant and alone for six weeks.”          
You shake your head. “That’s not true.”   
“It is true.”
“It is not, and even if it was, I don't want another man,” you confess. A beat passes as you exhale heavily to stave off the stinging of oncoming tears. “It hurts that you left, but I am working through it, we are working through it, ok? You’re not going to lose me, Benny Cross. Not unless you leave me.”
“I'm never leavin’ you,” he says. 
You place your free hand on his cheek. “Then you’re never losing me.”
Benny swallows hard and scans your face—each and every feature—lingering on your lips before meeting your eyes. As your thumb strokes his cheekbone, he wraps his fingers around your wrist, turns his head, and presses a kiss to your palm. 
“Baby, I miss you so much,” he mutters, his brows pinched in anguish. “I miss touchin’ you. I miss holdin’ you. I miss sleepin’ next to you.” He lightly shakes his head. “I know I don’t deserve you, and I sure as hell don’t deserve our baby, but I fuckin’ miss you.”
The unit that is your heart and body and soul feels as if it’s being cleaved in two. This isn’t what the past month of your lives was meant to be about. It was supposed to be about building trust, not dishing out punishment. And yes, you’ve messed up before, said things that weren’t fair, but keeping him at arm's length is more than that. It’s a deeper pain. Stronger. More potent. Not just for him, but for you as well, and now you can’t quite see the point anymore. Staying away from his touch does not help anything if what you want at the end of the day is to be together. And that is what you want. 
When you touch your lips to his for the first time in almost three months, you whimper. You whimper and you melt and the tears want to come back because it’s so much easier to resist desire when you haven’t entertained it in a while. But now you’ve given in. You’re tasting him like you used to, tasting the remnants of gin and cigarettes and the blueberry pie you made for dessert, and it’s all Benny. Benny, who is so shocked that you’ve kissed him that it takes a handful of seconds before he kisses you back and becomes the Benny you know. And then he’s curling his arm around your waist and pulling you into his lap, and his hands are everywhere. Squeezing your thighs, sliding over your ass, tracing up your spine, holding the back of your neck to guide you closer so he can kiss you harder, and yea, you are never depriving yourself of your husband again.
Benny stands, taking you with him, supporting your weight as he keeps kissing you and you keep kissing him. He blindly turns and settles into the comfort of the couch with your legs on either side of his hips. 
You lean back, breaking the connection of your lips. “Benny.”
He’s staring at you like you’re hypnotic, mesmerizing. Like he’s drunk on kisses. His fingers trace the curvature of your face. A thumb ghosts over the swollen pillows of your mouth. 
“Yea, baby,” he says, voice gravelly, just above a whisper.
“Do you want to be back in our bed?”
Benny stiffens and he blinks away that glazed-over expression. “You mean it?” He asks. You nod. 
“Are you gonna be in the bed too?” he says, sifting his fingers through your hair. “We're not just swappin’, are we?”
You smile. “No, we aren't swapping,” you promise him, your forehead falling against his. “I'm making room.”
A/N: I kind of want to do a time jump Part 3 with lots of Dad!Benny stuff. Let me know if you’d be interested in reading that. Thanks :)
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writeandsurvive · 7 months
Author's note: this is not proofread, there are probably typos. I hope my teasing didn't get you disappointed with the finale result! Tbh, I didn't know where I was going at first, but once I was in, I just kept adding. Maybe I'll write a little sequel to it, idk. Let me know what you think ❤️
Warnings: hospital, gun shot wound, surgery, complicated family, breakup, cold!Alden, evil!Vivian, secrets and reveals (I don't mean to make Alden's parents as bad people, just very concerned parents who can not not get involved in his life?)
Words count: 5.6k
@novamariestark @mandy426 @sarakafarrah
Never too late ~ Alden Parker
Alden felt stupid. He knew it was a trap but he still went in, head first. And now, he was in a hospital bed, waking up for surgery, his arm strapped and completely useless. He felt groggy and nauseous. He opened his eyes just slightly, seeing two people in the room. He recognized his father's white hair, as it almost blinded him. And a few feet to the left, he thought he saw you. But before he could tell himself it was the anesthesia and drugs that made him hallucinate, he fell back to sleep.
"He fell back asleep, it'll take hours before he actually wakes up. Are you sure you want to stay here, sir?" You asked Roman.
"I'd prefer to talk to him before going home and sleeping."
Not that you wanted to kick Alden's father out of the room, after all he was more legitimate to be here than you were, but it made you pretty uncomfortable. Roman Parker never liked you, or at least, he never accepted you as his son's girlfriend. Clearly, he wanted his son to get back with his ex wife, and no matter who Alden was dating, he wasn't going to accept her. So, he never gave you a chance to win him over, to show him how much you loved his son and how serious the relationship was. Unfortunately, the ending and the breakup was probably the proof he needed that he was right and you were fairly sure that he told Alden 'I told you so'. You doubted Roman knew the entire truth.
You never imagined you'd find yourself in this situation, back by his side, worrying about him, caring and feeling all those things you thought were gone. But when the hospital called to inform you about Alden being rushed into surgery, you didn't think twice before getting on the road. It was a good thing Philadelphia is only three hours away from DC.
And there you were, sitting by the bed, checking up on him just to make sure he was breathing. Roman didn't have much to say and neither did you so the room was silent except for the machines attached to Alden. His team - whom you had never met - stopped by several times, one of them gave you his number so you could call when Alden was awake. Their case wasn't over just yet, so they still had a lot to do. But you could tell they really care about him, and you were happy he had some nice people around.
His eyes finally opened again. He was grumbling, and whining, and it took several attempts for him to focus on where he was. He saw his dad again, asleep in a chair across the room. "Dad," he called out with a raspy voice but Roman didn't move.
"He fell asleep not long ago," you said, getting closer to the bed and putting your hand on Alden's. He turned his face to look at you, confusion written all over it. "Hey, are you feeling?" You asked softly.
He blinked a few times, looked around, to his dad, the machines, and back to you. "I'm dreaming," he whispered. "Dad!"
"You're very much awake, Den." You pushed some hair off his face. "I'm here."
"You left." He said. You tried to figure out the emotions in his voice, but it was like there was none. It was just a plain statement, and unfortunately, it was true.
"Let's not do this now, okay? Do you need anything? Water?"
He shook his head no, and tried to move but he instantly growled in pain. "Stop touching me." He told you and you pulled your hands away.
"Want me to go get a nurse?"
"If you're insisting on doing something for me, wake up my dad and drive him home." His tone was cold, but could you blame him?
"I offered him a ride several times, he didn't want--"
"Wake him up."
You moved to Roman to wake him up. After the Parker men talked for a moment, his father finally agreed to be driven home by you. The entire ride was silent, except for his directions to the new retirement home. You didn't try to make conversation, the old man was clearly exhausted from spending very long hours in the hospital, worrying about his son's life. Before he left the car, you gave him your number and told him he could call the next day if he needed a ride. You were relieved that he took it without any hesitation.
You drove back to the hospital, but stopped to get some comfort food for Alden. He'd probably not want it, or at least not yet, but you wanted to do this for him. When you got into his room, he was drinking some water and the TV was on. He looked at you like he was seeing a ghost. "Hey," you softly said, putting the food down, "I got you some of your fav snacks."
He looked at the bag and then back to you. "Why are you here?"
"Where else would I be?" You answered, getting closer to his bed.
"Literally anywhere else but here." He paused, taking a deep breath. "How did you even know? I highly doubt my dad called you."
"I'm still your emergency contact."
"Thanks for the heads up, I'll change that in the morning. Look, I'm alive okay? In a few weeks, my arm will be like new. So, you can leave now."
"Alden--" you tentatively tried to grab his free hand but stopped yourself when you heard him say, "No! You don't get to show up like this, after all this time, just because I got shot. You don't get to be nice to me, and try to take care of me. I'm a big boy. So you can do what you do, and leave. No need for a stupid note this time."
You stared at him for a short moment, tears threatening to fall. He was clearly avoiding your eyes, just looking at the ceiling. So, you simply grabbed your purse and started to walk towards the door. As your hand reached for the handle, you took a deep breath and turned around. "Believe it or not, but leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I didn't do it because I wanted to but because we were making each other miserable. All we did was fight, we couldn't agree on a single damn thing. Your parents--"
"Don't talk about my parents." He warned you.
"I'm sure they are nice people but they were mean to me, Alden. As much as you could argue with your father, you never had my back when it came to your mother."
"I said, don't." You saw the tears in his eyes at this moment.
"I'm sorry for your loss." You whispered softly, feeling for him and knowing just how much he loved his mother.
"Are you?" He finally snapped and looked directly at you. "Where the hell were you when she passed? Huh? You didn't call, you didn't send a single fucking text!"
"That's not true!" You defended yourself. "I sent you a care package and a long letter!"
"Oh, did you now? Must have gotten lost in the mail." He said, ironically. Clearly, he wasn't believing you. So you gently grabbed his chin and forced him to lock eyes with you again.
"I did." You assured him, knowing it was the damn truth. "I put some snacks in it, your fav bottle of wine, some flowers for your mom and a plant for you. I even put my Metallica hoodie that you always wanted to steal. Did you not get it?" It took him a moment to process before shaking his head no. "Well, have you moved since we--? Cause I sent it to the apartment on--"
"I didn't move."
"Then, I don't understand. I was informed it got delivered."
He stayed silent once more, and you knew he was trying to figure out what happened to that package. "There was no way I would learn about your mom and not do something, Alden. No matter how me and her didn't get along, I know she was the person you loved the most and I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you. I'm sorry you thought I didn't care or--"
"Not your fault for this one, I guess." He sighed. You noticed the tear that was rolling down his cheek and you couldn't help but to dry it with your thumb. Alden closed his eyes at the gesture, and you let your hand rest on his cheek for a moment. You leaned over and kissed his temple softly. "I never stopped caring," you whispered. "Your dad has my number if you want to reach out, otherwise I'll go back to Philly tomorrow night. Take care of yourself and please be careful next time."
You were hoping he would say something but he didn't. So you just left.
As you drove back to the motel, you wondered if you should've told him about everything that was in that care package and in your letter. You remembered every word that you wrote, how you explained why you didn't tell him about the pregnancy - cause he didn't want kids at his age and with his work, and that he was convinced you were having an affair, you were scared he'd think the baby wasn't his - but regretted it every day. Little Noah was still a tiny baby when you sent the package and the pictures, so told Alden he wouldn't remember not having his daddy the first three months of his life. Everything could be set on the right track. You'd come back to DC, do the co-parenting, or whatever. You poured your heart out in this letter, offered countless apologies, and solutions. Since you never got an answer, you figured Alden didn't want to know his son.
In the room, you found your two years old son sleeping on the big bed like a starfish, and your sister by his side, scrolling through her phone. When she saw you, she immediately got up and hugged you. "It didn't go well, did it?"
You told her everything since the last updates you gave her as she made some tea. Noah was deeply asleep, as you softly stroked his hair. "So, he still doesn't know about the little guy?"
You shook your head no, whipping your tears away. "All this time I thought he just didn't care."
"That's crazy. But what the fuck happened to the package?"
You shrugged. "Beats me." Noah moved in his sleep to get closer to you. "I guess I have to tell him again, now."
"Yeah. Face to face this time."
In the morning, Noah woke you up a little before 6am, which meant that you had barely slept for two hours. "It's too early baby, let's sleep a little more okay?"
"'Kay" he answered, but all he did was laying next to you, looking at you like you're the most wonderful thing in the world, and played with your face and hair. But eventually he asked for some milk, and neither of you went back to sleep. Around 9, you went to get breakfast to the diner with Noah and your sister. Your son was very curious about this new place, until he had some pancakes in front of him. Breakfast was going fine, until two people approached your table.
"Agent McGee, Agent Torres, hi!" You greeted them.
"Good morning, you can call us Tim and Nick."
"Alright, um this is my sister Jane, and um my--"
"Mommy! More syrup please?"
You couldn't lie, could you?
"My son, Noah." He barely said hi even after you asked him to, too focus on his food.
Tim started to tell you that they had just visited Alden and he was physically okay, while Nick added that for someone who can never shut up, he was extremely silent that morning. They also said that Jimmy Palmer went to pick up Alden's father to bring him to the hospital. You did your best to remain neutral to that information until they left with their order.
"What do you know about Nick?" Jane asked as soon as you sat back down. You laughed despite yourself, knowing that Nick Torres was exactly your sister's type.
You spent the morning walking around DC, or more specifically around the hospital where Alden was. You answered a phone call from your parents, let them talk with Noah for a bit, who was very happy about being with his mommy and his auntie and not at daycare. As you found a park for Noah to play, you and Jane sat on a bench. "They probably figured it out, you know." Jane said. "I mean, Noah is like Alden's clone. And what's the deal with the Parkers' hair anyways?"
You giggled softly, looking at your son from afar and yes, his head full of hair was all you could see.
"He's almost 3, J. They lost three damn years. Do you think Alden will forgive me? And--"
"Girl, that's not your fault that package didn't reach him! I bet some evil hands got on it!"
"What? Who? Who would do that?"
"His dad was pretty harsh with you--"
"No! I really don't think Roman would do something like this. The only way to know it was from me, was to read my letter. Roman wouldn't have opened the box in the first place."
"Fair enough. Then, was he dating someone back then?"
"How am I supposed to know?"
You looked at each other. You had to visit Alden again.
Your anxiety was so high as you reached for his room, you thought you may faint. Your heart was pounding so hard and fast, but there was no turning back now. You had to tell him, cause he never knew.
You walked into the room after Alden said to come in, breathing heavily. Alden had his bed on a sitting position, and he seemed more alert than the day before. Roman was in the chair next to the bed, and he did give you a slight nod, which you returned. You asked Alden how he was doing and he just mumbled that he was fine. You noticed some of the snacks you brought had been opened and it warmed your heart just a little.
"Why are you here again?" He asked.
You opened your mouth to answer but the door swung open - without a knock first - and the person you really didn't want to see was right there.
"Wow, I thought I was never going to make it!"
Completely ignoring you, Vivian circled the bed to give Roman a hug, before focusing on Alden. She leaned over to kiss his cheek, not earning any kind of reaction from him. You just stood there, staring until she finally looked up to you, “Oh, you.” she said. “What are you doing here?”
You tried to shut all of your thoughts and questions going through your mind and looked at Alden, “I need to talk to you,” you told him.
Before he could answer, Vivian spoke up, “Yeah well, it’s gonna have to wait. In case you didn’t notice, he got shot and–”
“Viv,” he exclaimed.
“What? She doesn’t have anything to do here, does she?”
You heard your name from Roman and looked at him, “I think you should leave.”
You looked at Alden again, hoping he’d say something, that he understood that you really needed to talk to him privately, but he just stayed silent. “Nothing changed.” you whispered before leaving.
You found the first restroom on your way and locked yourself in there to cry. Things were still as they were, he wouldn’t open his mouth to defend you, or at least ask his father to stand down and not get involved. And what the hell was Vivian doing there? Were they back together, or on their way to? You figured he’d eventually find someone, but if that someone was Vivian, that felt like a huge betrayal, as she was one of the reasons things didn’t work out between you and Alden. She was always there, his family never accepted the divorce and it always felt like she needed to have a hold on him. You remember one day when she cornered you and basically said the only reason Alden was dating you was because she let it happen, “If I ask him to get back together, trust me, he’ll leave on the spot.”
Once you had a hold on your emotions, you texted Jane to let her know you were on your way to them. Noah immediately rushed into your arms, asking if you could get some cupcakes, like his auntie promised.
“You have a serious problem with sugar, my love.”
“I love sugar!”
“Yeah, I got that.” you giggled.
It was late in the afternoon when you got a text from an unknown number. ‘You can come. -A’
You told Noah that you needed to visit your friend again, but this time, he was not having it. “Wanna come!” he kept saying, holding onto your neck with his tiny arms.
“You can’t, baby. But I won’t be long, okay?” he shook his head no in your neck. You still started to walk towards the hospital, trying to negotiate with your son.
“I got an idea,” Jane said, “What if you and I go to the shop and find a gift for mommy’s friend? And maybe you’ll find something for you too?”
Noah looked at his aunt and then you. He wasn’t very convinced about it but with one little push, he did agree to let go of you.
You were relieved to see Alden’s room empty except for him. He was standing with some casual clothes on him, a bag was at the end of the bed. “You’re being discharged already?”
“Yeah, I’ll not spend another night here.”
“Alden, are you sure it’s the right thing to do? What did your doctor say?”
“What did you want to talk about?” he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.
You sighed and sat next to him.
“That package I sent you when your mom passed– there was a long letter with it.”
“Longer than your note?”
“Alden, please.” you looked up to him, with tears in your eyes.
“Sorry, but that–really hurt me. More than you know.”
“I can imagine,” you took a deep breath, “And I’m willing to hear all about it, even if you want to get angry at me and insult me, but right now, there’s something I need to tell you.”
“About that letter?”
“I told you a lot of things in this letter, including one very important thing.” You took your phone out of your pocket, unlocked it and went to the gallery. The last picture was one of Noah that you took a few hours early at the park. Eventually, you showed him the phone. He grabbed it with his free hand and stared at the picture of a moment. “Wh–who is that?”
“His name is Noah.” tears fell down your cheeks but you didn’t care. “He’s my son. And your son.” you said right above a whisper.
Alden’s head started to move left to right, tears were forming in his eyes but he didn’t take his eyes off the picture. He couldn’t believe it and you didn’t blame him. “Alden, I’m sorry.” you kissed his injured shoulder without thinking. “I was telling you in that letter about him, there was pictures too, and since I never heard from you, I thought you didn’t–”
“That I didn’t want to know my own child?” you could hear the hurt in his voice. “Did you seriously think that about me?”
“What else was I supposed to think?”
“My mom passed away a year after you left. Why wait that long? He was already born!”
“I know, I– I explained everything in the letter and–”
“Yeah well, I didn’t get that damn letter, okay? So why didn’t you tell me when you found out?” he stood up from the bed, and whined a bit as he uncontrollably tried to move his arm.
“You were so clear about not wanting kids and why, we couldn’t be around each other without fighting and I– I thought you were back with Vivian. Look, I made this decision out of heartbreak and I regretted it, okay? Which was why I reached out when your mom passed. I realized that anything could happen to you or to me, and Noah needed both his parents–”
Your phone, which was still in Alden’s hand, started to buzz. “Your sister,” he said, handing you the phone. As soon as you picked up, you could hear Noah crying, “SOS!” Jane said.
Alden was staring at you, and you knew he was able to hear. “I’m on my way, sis.” you hung up.
“They, um, they are down at the gift shop.”
“Your sister and–Noah?”
You nodded, standing up next to him. “Look, there’s no rush, we can–”
“Does he know? Who I am?”
You put your hand over his, the one stuck against his chest.
“He’s not asking deep questions yet, but he did ask about his daddy a few times and I couldn’t lie to him. He’s seen pictures of you, so he may recognize you.”
Alden took a few deep breaths, taking to stop himself from crying. “What did you say about me not–being there?”
“Daddy leaves away from us and can’t visit for now.”
“Better than ‘daddy doesn’t know you exist’.” he said, coldly.
“Alden,” you whispered.
“We have a lot to talk about, but– our son is crying.”
You couldn’t believe that you were on your way to your son with his father by your side. Noah was going to meet his daddy. Alden was going to meet his son. You didn’t think it would go this fast, even though you figured Alden would want to waste any more time. As you approached the gift shop, you uncontrollably grabbed his arm. “You should’ve let me hold your bag.” you said.
“My right arm is fine. Is that him?” You listened and heard little whimpers and a little kid’s voice.
“Yeah.” you breathed out.
As soon as Noah saw you, he ran. You picked him up, holding him tight in your arms. “What’s wrong, baby? What did auntie J do this time?”
“Hey, I didn’t do anything!” your sister interjected. “Alden,” she greeted the man who was staying a couple of feet away. He briefly looked at her but immediately got his eyes focused on his son again. His eyes were full of tears, threatening to fall again.
“She said I could take just one teddy for your friend.”
“I said he didn’t need two of them. One was enough, wasn’t it, Alden?”
It was only then that Noah looked at his father. He stayed silent, just staring at him before looking at you and back at him. Then he approached his mouth to your ear, “He like daddy.”
“Cause it’s him, baby.”
Noah looked at Alden again. “You hurt, daddy?” he answered softly, like it was the most normal thing. Like it wasn’t the first time they were meeting each other.
It took a moment for Alden to answer. “I am, but it’ll be okay. Soon it’ll be like nothing happened.”
“What happen?”
“Huh, I fell and hurt my shoulder.”
“Need a hug?” He offered, since you strongly believed that hugs can solve a lot of things and it was something you were transferring to your son without doing it on purpose.
“I’d love a hug.”
Noah extended his arms, so you moved closer to Alden. “Careful with his shoulder, okay?” you warned him, but he was very thoughtful, only holding on his father’s neck. Then he kissed his cheek and rested his head on the right shoulder. You could see that Alden was fighting the urge to cry, just as you were. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there before, buddy. I’ll never leave you from now on.”
It was nearly impossible to take Noah off his dad after the initial meeting. Even in the car, he wanted to sit on his lap and only agreed to let go as long as daddy sat next to him. Your sister drove to your former apartment, but she needed to get back to Philly and work the following day. “Don’t worry, she’ll take my car if needed.” Alden told her when Jane asked how you’d get back home. You grabbed yours, Noah’s and Alden’s bags from the trunk before your sister said goodbye to the three of you before driving off.
Inside the apartment, Noah wanted to see every room. He asked a million questions to Alden about everything and nothing, and you had to translate a few times as daddy wasn’t familiar with Noah’s own language. His phone rang a few times but he completely ignored it, only focusing on his son and telling him everything he wanted to know. What you were feeling was indescribable.
When you told Noah that his dad needed to rest, he agreed to settle on the couch with him. “Is it okay if I make dinner now?” You asked Alden, “This little guy woke up at 6, and didn’t nap. Won’t take long until he gets grumpy.”
“Go ahead but I’m not sure my fridge has what you need. I can go get something?”
You looked inside the fridge as you heard your son asking his dad if they could watch Paw Patrol. You heard Alden’s confusion when he said sure, and giggled. “Where Netflix?”
“Oh, here.”
“Well, your fridge is indeed very sad. What do you want to eat, Nono?”
“Why do I even ask?”
You grabbed your phone and settled next to Alden, placing the order while Noah explained Paw Patrol to his father.
A couple of hours later, both Noah and Alden were asleep on the couch. You obviously had to snap a few pictures, before picking up your son and bringing him to the bed in the guest room. “Put him on my bed, it’s comfier.” Alden said, half sleep.
“Okay, but I have to stay next to him, he could roll over.”
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
You placed Noah in the middle of the big bed, got rid of your jeans, socks and bra. Alden got in before you could get under the sheets, and clearly checked out your legs. “Could you be more subtle?”
“I know and remember your body like it was yesterday.”
You chose not to answer, “Do you need to keep the sling?”
“Yeah, for at least a week.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I took the entire week off work.”
“Doesn’t matter, since you’re gonna quit anyway. You’re not going back to Philadelphia.”
As Noah slept between the two of you, Alden asked many questions about your son; his birthday, favorite food, what he likes to do, if he has allergies or health issues, etc. You answered everything, gave him as much info as possible. “And um, does he have a father figure in his life?”
“Is this your way to ask me if I'm dating someone?”
“Maybe. Are you?”
“No. His only father figures are my dad and my uncle. Are you dating Vivian?”
Alden chuckled. “Are we doing this again?”
“Considering what I saw earlier–”
“I'm not dating her or anyone else. I'll admit I hooked up with her a few times over the last few years, but–”
“Great!” You sighed.
“You're gonna tell me that you haven't been with anyone since–?”
“The last time I had sex was probably the night we conceived this tiny human.” You looked down at Noah and played with his hair.
It was silent for a moment. Alden wanted to get on his side, play with Noah's hair too, reach out for you, but with his arm, he could only lay down on his back and that frustrated him. “What was your breaking point?” He asked, eventually. “Why did you leave that day? And not talk to me?”
“I knew if I talked to you, I wouldn't go through with it. And it was something in particular that made me leave, I was–exhausted. Of the fights, the arguments, the jealousy, and suspicion. It was like we didn't trust each other anymore, for anything. And–” your voice broke. “Maybe it's stupid, but you didn't want to marry me, you didn't want to have kids with me so I just thought – I was temporary.”
“We lived together. That was a huge commitment for me.”
“Exactly. It was huge for you, while it was just natural for me.”
“Okay, I get that. And I'm sorry I made you feel this way.” He turned his face to look at you. He could only make out some of your features. “I was truly and madly in love with you. But I guess I only realized it once you were gone. And then I was so mad at you for leaving.” It was his voice that broke.
“I can't blame you for that part.” You cried. “Do you think it's too late?”
“Too late for what?”
“It's never too late.”
Eventually you both fell asleep, exhausted physically and mentally.
Of course, you were both awakened by Noah. First, he cuddled and called out for you. “Hey, baby, good morning!” You said, eyes still closed, holding him against you.
“Daddy's snoring.” You listened closely and indeed Alden was snoring. Crazy as it was, you missed that sound very much. “Like pop.”
You giggled, “Not as loud as pop, though!”
“No! Wake him?”
“Hold on,” you grabbed your phone to check what time it was, 7:30am. Alden probably needed more sleep, so you convinced Noah to help you prepare breakfast for daddy and wake him up after. Luckily, there was some eggs and bacon, and pancake batter in the kitchen and in the end, you prepared breakfast while Noah logged on Netflix by himself. It was almost ready when there were some knocks at the door. You opened to find Roman and Vivian, holding what seemed to be breakfast.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, shocked.
“Making breakfast,” you gave her your best fake smile. “Good morning, Roman.”
“Is my son awake?”
“Not yet, I thought he needed–”
Vivian practically pushed you out of her way to get in. You obviously let Roman get inside too. “What is that?” She said, pointing at Noah.
“My son.” You all heard. Alden barely walked into the living area that Noah was running into his arms.
“Morning, daddy!”
“Good morning, buddy.”
“You snore!”
“I do not!” Alden laughed.
The boys didn't have more time as Vivian raised her voice, asking what was going on. You noticed Roman sitting at the kitchen counter, staring at your son, his grandson. “Go watch your show, baby, and we'll have breakfast, okay?”
Then he told everyone to follow him inside the greenhouse. “Don't act so shocked, Vivian.” Was the first thing Alden said. “You knew about Noah.”
“What? You're crazy, how would I–?”
“I remembered a few days after mom passed, you bringing me my favorite snacks, wine, a plant, and flowers.” The exact content of your package. “What did you do with the hoodie and the letter?”
“I don't– I have no idea what you're talking about.”
“The only reason I'm staying calm right now is because my son is in the next room, but look at me and listen to me. I never want to see you again, so you're gonna disappear from my life and my father's. Meaning that from the moment you walk out that door, you will not text or call him, or any other members of my family. And if I learn that you didn't respect that, I'll be far less gentle. Am I clear?”
“Alden, listen–”
“Get the fuck out of my house.”
She was crying and trying to get Alden to listen to her, but he only grabbed your waist and held you close to him. When she turned to Roman, hoping he'd listen and defend her, the older man simply told her to leave. Eventually, she did, using the greenhouse's door.
Alden held you tighter, kissing your temple softly. “Dad,”
“Can I meet him? What's his name?”
Noah was very happy to have another grandpa. And it was amazing to see how Roman was doing his best to give him a very good first impression. You all had breakfast together, and you mostly stayed silent, just being overwhelmed about the Parkers boys getting to know one another. After eating, Noah wanted to show Paw Patrol to his grandfather, and Alden took this opportunity to take you to the bedroom. He didn't waste any second before kissing you deeply and intensely. You returned it immediately, holding onto his hair. Feeling like you were breathing again, you only stopped kissing when you heard him making a sound of pain. “My shoulder,” he said.
“Oh god, I'm so sorry baby. I didn't–”
“It's okay,” he smiled. “It's worth it.”
He kissed you again, trapping you between the door and his body. “Fuck, I missed you.” He growled.
“Missed you more.”
“We can't do this right now, can we?” He chuckled, out of breath.
“Oh baby, it's gonna be tricky for us to have some privacy now.”
“It's fine. I'm taking all the pros and cons.” He kissed your forehead, “I'm taking you and our little boy. I'm taking it all.”
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ironwitchau · 1 month
So, hello. I'm alive. Before I get started, this is a minor project I've been working on because the brain rot has been... intense. I'll probably also post this to ao3 at some point with some more edits, so if you see it here first and then on ao3 it might be worth a re-read. Idk. Anyway, here's a one shot of an AU that immediately took over my brain and refused to let go. If you see any typos, no you didn't.
The Beast in the Woods:
It was the closest thing to a normal morning as one could get on the TARDIS. Mostly because things like ‘normal’ and ‘morning’ weren't relevant on the TARDIS. But things were calm in the alien ship, and Rose Tyler had just finished a human’s average sleep cycle and stepped into the control room where the Doctor fiddled with the panel, readying the TARDIS to leave the vortex.
They went about their usual banter for the day, if not a little more strained than in days past. The Doctor couldn't really blame the human though. She had been more… restrained after their visit to 1987 London. But anyone would be if they had just watched a member of their family die, even though they tried so hard to save them. So he tried not to think too much about Rose being quieter than he was used to. There was a moment of silence between them as the Doctor debated on where to take them. He was pondering taking her to the universe’s largest library when Rose gave a suggestion.
“We should go on vacation.” She said, leaning against the railing.
“Vacation?” He repeated. Because, was she not already on vacation? A break from her mundane little life in the estates?
“Yeah,” she smiled that one smile, the one where her tongue stuck out just a little, “take a break from all the danger.”
The Doctor hummed. He quite liked the danger. Danger made life interesting, danger meant he could help others. Danger meant he could fix his broken promise. But humans were different, he had reminded himself. No matter what, humans couldn't run forever the same way he could, couldn't keep going head first into the life threatening situations with the same ease he did.
“There’s this great spa planet in the 31st century.” He told her, already moving around the console. “I’ll set course for a few years before it gets popular, avoid the crowd-”
“No. I don't want any aliens.” He tried not to take offense at that. “No distant futures either.”
“What do you want, then?” The Doctor huffed.
Rose moved closer to him. “Someplace where nothing happens. No alien threats, no experiencing a historical moment. Just a place to relax.”
“Sounds boring.”
Fine, if Rose wanted boring, he’ll give her boring. Although, as he thought over the given criteria, she never said anything about the place having history. A grin found its way onto his face as the Doctor danced around the control panel.
Luz Noceda decided that she hated Gravesfield, Connecticut. For one, it was a small town and incredibly boring. Even worse, it was a small town where everyone knew everyone and everything. People stared at the Nocedas, whenever the family went anywhere, like they were about to commit a crime or something.
Then, there was how Grandpa couldn't move with them. Back home, Grandpa would come over for family dinners every Friday night, where he would put Luz to bed and tell her stories about when he was young. Now, he lived 3 hours away and, even though her parents promised they would still visit, Luz hadn't seen Grandpa at all in the month since they moved there.
Although, Gravesfield’s biggest offense against her was it took her Papi from her. Sure, he was busy back home as an ambulance driver, but he still had time for her and Mami. He would spend his weekends with them, doing whatever they wanted. Now, days he weren't working were spent at the big fancy hospital that was nearby. Luz really did try not to be bitter about it, the hospital was supposed to help Papi get better, but she missed how her family was before they moved.
Luz was contemplating calling Grandpa as she walked down the empty streets. It was still summer, maybe she could convince him to come pick her up and take her home. Mami would probably be mad but Grandpa said it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Besides, Mami and Papi had talked about having her live with Grandpa before the move. They didn't know Luz was listening in on them at the time and they ultimately decided not to, but maybe it was still an option.
She took out her phone, a flip phone because Mami and Papi said she wasn't ready for a phone phone, and had gotten to her contacts when she heard it. The sound was hard to describe, a mix between a ‘whoosh’ing sound and a ‘vroom’ was the best she could think of. The curiosity she felt was overwhelming, so she really couldn't be blamed.
She ran up the street, just barely putting her phone away safely, to find the sound’s source. It had ended when she rounded the corner and all she found was a blue box, a few feet away. Luz was about to keep moving, when two people stepped out of the box.
The first person was a man with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He had large ears that seemed to stand out more thanks to his buzz cut. He wore a battered black leather jacket, a dark colored V-neck, dark pants, and boots.
The second was a blonde woman, who seemed much younger than the man, with brown eyes. She wore a plain white shirt, a pink jacket with a hood, faded jeans and sneakers. Luz wasn't sure how the two could be wearing jackets, considering it was on the warmer side today. She pushed those thoughts aside as the two began talking.
“Gravesfield, Connecticut, 2015.” The man said, stressing the year the same way Mami did when Luz got the date wrong. Then there was his accent, while similar to some she had heard, it didn't sound quite American to her. British, maybe?
“And what happens?” The woman asked with a similar accent.
“Absolutely nothin’.” He told her. “Gravesfield’s ‘bout as borin’ as it gets.”
Luz frowned. She didn't understand why someone would want boring. Boring was the worst. It was just so… boring! No, Luz would much rather adventure.
She was going to listen in more, maybe even go up and ask them questions (like who on Earth would want boring), when her phone rang. She took out her phone to find ‘Mami Calling’ in bold blocky words staring up at her. She slid back around the corner and answered.
“Mija, where are you?” Mami asked as soon as the call connected. “It’s almost dinner time.”
Shoot. She hadn't realized it was that late. Although, in her defense, it was hard to see the phone’s clock with the numbers so small. “Sorry, Mami, I got distracted.”
She heard Mami’s exasperated sigh. “Just hurry back, ok?”
With the blue box and strange people forgotten, Luz made her way back to the house.
In the dead of night, a loud roar echoed through the quiet town of Gravesfield. Most people ignored it, slept right through the disturbance, but three people tensed. One was a little human girl that had woken up to get water. The other two were time travelers, an alien and his human companion, who were on their way back to their spaceship.
“Maybe it's a bear?” The girl from 2005 suggested.
The Time Lord shook his head. “That was no bear.”
Luz stood just outside the forest near the house. The sound from last night sounded like it came from here and it terrified her. Because what the heck could make that noise? No animal that Luz knew of, and Grandpa made sure to teach Luz about all kinds of wild animals while Mami did the same for pets.
She could still run, get back to the house and pretend nothing was wrong. What could she do anyways? She was just a little kid.
“Sometimes you've got to do the scary things, because it means protecting your family.” Grandpa’s words echoed in her head.
If she left this alone, whatever it was, there was the chance it could leave the forest and enter the town. What would it do to the people? Would it leave them alone or attack? Would Mami and Papi be in danger?
That thought alone spurred Luz to grab the largest stick she could find, giving it a swing. She wouldn't let anything hurt her family. She would be like Grandpa and protect them. She marched into the woods. Thunder rumbled over head as storm clouds seemed to swirl and a cold breeze tried to make her shiver.
Luz came to a stop as she came across an old house. It was a, clearly abandoned, two story house with white walls and a brown roof that had a large hole in it. The door was in the middle of two broken windows to either side of it. There were four pillars at the front of the porch, acting as support. The stairs up to the porch were worn from years exposed to the elements.
Luz had never seen this place before. Then again, Luz hadn't gone this deep into the woods before. She turned to keep moving, when she saw it. The creature.
It was big, maybe the size of a bear or car, and had an animal body with a horrifyingly human face. It had completely black eyes, grayish yellow sharp teeth and long orange fur protruding from equally long, pointed ears. Its body was covered in burnt orange fur, or maybe those were feathers, and it had two dark brown wings and black feet that resembled a bird of prey’s.
Luz yelped and stumbled back, to put more space between the two of them, as she raised her stick. Ok, so maybe this wasn't her best idea.
The Doctor was a bit too confused to really listen to whatever Rose was going on about. He just didn't understand why something was happening now and here. The only truly eventful thing that was supposed to happen in Gravesfield should have already happened in the decades following the town’s founding. The town takes part in the witch trials and two brothers go missing, that was it.
But now, they had some strange creature making a ruckus, which led the two time travelers to the edge of a forest.
“There’s a residential area nearby.” Rose pointed out.
“The Wittebane cabin should be in there.” The Doctor said in response.
“Why are we checking a cabin?” She asked.
“‘Cause it’s thought to be a hot spot of weird things.” There and the old graveyard but that place was flooded so it was easier to check the cabin first. Honestly, he was doing Rose a favor.
“Do we really need to do this? Might not be anythin’ at all.”
As if to prove her wrong, a shriek emanated from the forest. It sounded young, and that was all the Doctor needed to know to start running. He didn't even bother to look if Rose was following him, he just ran.
The shriek led them to, what the Doctor was sure was, the Wittebane cabin. A large creature had cornered a child on the cabin steps. The child held a jagged stick in one hand and looked terrified.
“Rose!” The Doctor turned to his companion to see her bent down and picking up a rock.
“On it!” she told him.
The Doctor was on the move again. He was about halfway there when the rock flew by him and hit the creature. Rose must have a good arm because there was an audible thud and the creature reared back. The Doctor took his chance to scoop up the child and kept running. Rose would catch up to him, he was sure. He held the child to his chest, their chin resting on his shoulder.
He didn't know how long they ran for, only that he stopped when he came across another clearing near a small stream of water.
“Are you ok?” He asked as he put the kid down.
“Mhm.” The kid looked up at him in awe before seeming to analyze him. He took a chance to do the same to them.
He didn't trust his knowledge of human ages enough to guess but they were definitely young. They were tan-skinned with brown eyes and dark brown hair that went down to her shoulders. They wore a pink short-sleeved collared shirt with a blue overall skirt on top and a pair of muddy yellow rain boots. The child seemed fine with the exception of a small scrape on their right knee.
“Good. That’s good.” He sighed. The scrape might not have anything to do with the creature, could just be a consequence of them being young. The child stared into his eyes intensely.
“You looked like my Grandpa.” They said suddenly.
They said it so suddenly all the Doctor could do was let out a meek, “What?”
Because what? What did they mean he looked like their grandpa? That shouldn't have been possible, he hadn't even been thinking about the earth or a person when he regenerated into this face. No, he had been thinking of war, regrets, and how badly he never wanted another travesty on par with the Time War.
Sure, there was always that small possibility that there was a human out there that looked like any of his faces but running into their family was less likely. And the possibility percentage just kept lowering as he narrowed it down in time.
There was only one person out there who could recognize him as a grandfather, someone who’s mere mention of a thought of them could cheer him up, no matter how grumpy his face was. Susan, his actual granddaughter. Susan, who always seemed to recognize him.
But the Doctor wasn't even sure if Susan was still out there. Much like himself, Susan got called back to Gallifrey at the start of the Time War, and, even though he had tried his best to keep them away from her, she answered them. The last time he had seen her, in his 8th face, where she had been running from Daleks and he dropped her off on Kasterborous, was still during the war, before The Moment. He didn't know if she was still on Gallifrey, fighting in the front lines like himself, when he ended it all. By the end of the war, he was too scared to go look for her. If she had, could this young child be her? It wouldn't be surprising if she regenerated. They all did, eventually. But would she really have regenerated so young?
“Yeah,” the child continued as if she wasn't causing him an internal crisis, “you have the same look in your eyes that Grandpa has.”
“Oh.” The Doctor wasn't sure if he should be excited or disappointed. On one hand, they weren't Susan but on the other, they weren't Susan.
“I’m Luz.”
“I’m the Doctor.”
“Doctor who?”
The Doctor couldn't help but smile at that. Such a response never got old.
“Doctor!” Rose ran up to them and had to take a moment to catch her breath. “We need to get out of here, that thing wasn't too far behind me.”
The Doctor and Luz looked in the direction Rose came from and, sure enough, there was the creature. It stood at the edge of the clearing, glaring at them, but not moving.
“Why isn't it attacking?” He thought out loud.
“What?” Rose turned to look at the creature. “It's just standing there.”
“But why?” There was no reason as to why it wouldn't attack. The three were just standing there.
“Could we maybe figure that out somewhere away from the giant thing that wants to kill us?” Rose tried.
“I suppose.” No matter how much the Doctor wanted answers, there was a child with them. He couldn't put them at risk like that. He turned to Luz. “Let’s get you out of here.”
“But what about the monster?” Their voice wavered enough that he knew they were scared.
“Me ‘n’ Rose’ll take care of it. No need to worry.” The Doctor picked Luz up and help them to his hip.
“Yeah,” Rose chimed in, “we do this kind of stuff all the time.”
“Really?” Luz looked at them with child-like wonder.
“Yup! So you can go home, watch some telly and leave this to us!”
It was rather easy to get Luz back home after that.
It was when they had made it to her house that the thought occurred to Luz.
“What if it was protecting its home?” She asked, her keys left in the lock.
“What?” The blonde, Rose, looked confused.
“Yeah! Mami says that some animals react poorly to people in their home.” Luz snapped her fingers together. “She said they were terri- terr- terre-”
“Territorial?” The Doctor suggested as she struggled with the word.
She pointed at him. “Yeah, that!”
“That is a possibility.” The Doctor agreed.
“But then, what is it?” Rose crossed her arms.
“It definitely doesn't originate from Earth.” The Doctor said instead of answering.
“Like an alien?” Papi would be so jealous if it was and she saw it before him. He loved anything to do with space.
“Most likely.”
“Pretty mindless for an alien.” Rose quickly added, “Compared to the ones we’ve seen.”
“You've met aliens?!” Now she was a little jealous. Meeting aliens sounded so cool.
The Doctor chuckled at Luz and patted her head. “And you have too.”
“Oh, yeah.” She guessed if the creature was an alien, she technically had met an alien.
“As for the creature, it's likely around the same level as Earth’s wildlife.” The Doctor told Rose.
“Does that mean those animal cop people can take care of it?” Of course Luz didn't know if Gravesfield had those but they should, right?
“Ya mean Animal Control?” The Doctor asked and Luz nodded. “I doubt it. They dunno what it is.”
“Do you, Doctor?” Rose repeated.
He shook his head. “I've never seen a species like that.”
“Wouldn't be the first time.” The blonde sighed. “Can you figure out where its from? Like with the Slitheen?”
“Slitheen? Is that a kind of alien?”
“Maybe if we went over what we knew.” The Doctor shoved his hands into his pockets.
“If you're gonna do that now,” Luz turned the keys in the lock and opened the door, “would you like some chips?”
“God, I would love chips.” Rose gave a toothy smile.
Turned out Rose did not love chips, Luz found out as she dumped a few of the small chip bags Mami sometimes gave her for snacks.
“What are these?” Rose asked, sounding a little offended.
“Chips.” Luz took one of the bags for herself. She halfheartedly hoped that Mami wouldn't notice the two extra missing chip bags. She, also, really wasn't supposed to have people over without a family member there.
“These aren't chips.” She said, taking a bag and holding it out, as if Luz didn't know what was in her own house. “These are crisps.”
“What are crisps?” Luz asked genuinely.
"But those are chips."
Rose was about to say something when the Doctor raised a hand.
“Rose, remember, this is America. Crisps are chips here and chips are fries.” He took a bag as a light bulb turned on in Luz’s mind.
“Oh! You wanted fries? I’m pretty sure there’s some in the freezer I could make.” She then added after a moment. “But someone will have to turn on the oven. And put them in. and take them out. And turn the-”
“It's fine, Luz.” The Doctor patted her head. “The crisps work. Right, Rose?”
“Yeah, was just a bit confused.” The blonde gave an apologetic smile.
“Ok!” Luz opened her bag.
“So,” The Doctor put his bag back down, “what do we know?”
“It walks on all fours?” Luz tentatively offered, a chip in hand.
“Right, that narrows it down some.” The Doctor nodded. “What else?”
“It’s big.” Rose said. “Maybe the size of a bear?”
“Narrows it down. What else?”
“It's that terri-thingie.”
“Territorial.” The Doctor corrected. “Narrows it down. What else?”
“It's got wings.”
“Narrows it down.”
Luz looked into her chip bag. Only crumbs were left. She shrugged, lifted the bag to her mouth, and shook it.
“The face looks human.” Rose added.
“Narrows it down.”
“It’s light sensitive.” Luz flattened her now empty bag.
“What?” The Doctor straightened.
“How do you know that?” Rose asked.
“It’s eyes.” Luz grabbed some stray papers and a pencil that were used to make grocery lists. She made a quick drawing of the creature’s face the best she could. She filled in the eyes completely. “They're all black. Grandpa told me that animals with these kind of eyes are sensitive to lights, so they only come out at night or on really cloudy days.”
“Why does your grandpa know that?” Rose asked.
Luz shrugged. Neither Papi or Grandpa really ever explained how Grandpa came to know such things. Luz asked once about it and then didn't ever again when Grandpa got a far away look in his eyes.
“That’s really helpful, Luz.” The Doctor told her. “Maybe this way, we can deal with the creature without causing too much injury.”
They kept talking, trying to figure out where the creature came from, with varying success. They didn't have too much to work on, which according to the Doctor made it hard to really figure out where the creature came from. That being said, the Doctor was confident he had enough information to try and deal with the creature.
“So, what are we going to do now?” Luz dusted her hands after throwing away three empty chip bags.
“Me ‘n’ Rose are gonna deal with the creature and you stay here to watch some telly until your mum and dad come home.” The Doctor said firmly.
“But I can help!” Luz argued.
Rose bent down, so that she was eye level with Luz, and put a hand on her shoulder. “Look, Luz, what we do can get dangerous. And the Doctor just doesn't want you to get hurt.”
Luz huffed and crossed her arms. “I found it! I should be able to help you.”
“And you have!” Rose looked to the Doctor.
“If not for you, we wouldn't know about the eyes.” He told her. “And that alone is a massive detail that changed things.”
She pouted at them but stayed quiet.  Rose pulled her into a hug, which Luz returned despite her annoyance. It was nice. The blonde pulled away and gave her a smile. “Everything’ll be ok.”
“I know.” Luz tried to hide her resentment at that phrase. She had heard it a little too much recently.
The Doctor gave her shoulder a squeeze and then the two left. Luz watched as they made their way back into the woods and wished she could join them on their adventures. It would be a nice break from dull, boring Gravesfield. Then Luz remembered the blue box that was too small to comfortably hold two grown people. She barely waited before running out the door to act out her impulsive thoughts.
Luz made it to the box and took it in. It was a dark blue wooden box with dirty yellow windows. Near the top of the box was a black sign with ‘Police Public Call Box’ in white. The worn white sign on the left door with a bunch of stuff Luz really didn't care about. The most important thing was the ‘Pull to Open’ at the bottom of the sign.
She pulled the door open and had to blink. Luz stepped into the box and stopped about where the box would have ended. Unsure, she took another step, expecting to run into a wall or something. That didn't happen. Nothing stopped her.
“Magic box!” Luz gasped and ran around the room.
The best way Luz could describe the inside was, having a coral theme, with coral support beams. The walls were colored gold and had small hexagonal impressions. There was a raised platform in the room’s center with some kind of six-sided console filled with so many random devices Luz wasn't sure what to mess with first.
Luz had to smack her cheeks to bring herself back into focus. She came here because she wanted the Doctor and Rose to take her on an adventure, like what they denied her. She was sure the box belonged to them and so she’d use it to ambush them into taking her. To do that, she needed to hide.
Too bad Rose and the Doctor took longer than Luz originally thought. By the time they got back, Luz had fallen asleep in her hiding spot.
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sparklingpax · 2 years
“Don’t be scared” with Optimus saying it to someone please
From this!! (Requests still open actually....^^'')
HIIII ok ok so, I'm not exactly sure if this was what you were looking for, but after ages of thinking and contemplating ideas, this popped into my head all of a sudden!! So....I hope you enjoy???
And of course, I am deeply sorry for the wait..............idk if it's even good at all *sobs* but I enjoyed writing it in the sense that it was like...something I needed to write. Something meaningful to me. So...yea.
-Set in canon
-there are DEFINITELY typos and weird stuff like that.....I'm really really sorry 😭 I'll see it at a later date when I do a read-through editing session days from now I bet 💀 anyways yea.
-We definitely needed more moments of Optimus interacting with the kids. He definitely would be like a gentle, comforting, fatherly figure idk
-Also touching on the HC I have & love, that the kids all think of the base as their home more than where they actually live.
Miko flicked a pencil to the edge of her desk, then back again, staring off into the distance. In front of her, one kid was passed out and snoring, and another two were trying to have a conversation made entirely of discrete (not really) gestures and facial expressions. The elderly teacher overseeing them was hidden behind a huge newspaper, and Miko wondered if, after this past half hour, he was even awake anymore. 
Bulkhead’s like, apparently too busy to come get me, so…I’m stuck here. 
The multiple calls she tried to make behind her physics textbook had all gone to voicemail, so she could only guess he was out on a mission or something at the moment. She sighed and abruptly swiped up the pencil, switching to tapping its point on the desk as she let her mind drift to other things. 
Like how boring detention already was, and how it was somehow even worse when she actually sat the full duration of it. 
It’s not fair! It’s not like I committed a crime–I even did the damn vocab test! What else do they want?!  
Another huff and she folded her arms, leaving the pencil alone on the desk. 
She could guess the teacher probably hadn’t appreciated her artistic endeavors on the back. Sure, it was a unflattering depiction of half the teacher in the school in unfortunate situations, but it was still funny, quite well-drawn, and deserved! 
A loud snore and the sound of folding paper sounded from the teacher’s desk. 
Is he…? 
Miko looked up at the teacher’s desk to see their overseer was in fact, dead to the world at present. His paper hung limply from his hand, jaw open just a little. 
Who wouldn’t be bored in a place like this? 
The other kids seemed not to notice or care, only one briefly blinking up at Miko, then putting their head down again. It didn’t matter if they shouted anyway, cause Miko made her way out quick. Grinning, backpack strap in hand, she slipped out into the hallways, and promptly bolted. 
As she jogged down the front stairs and into the sidewalk, she was glad to find no one in sight. With a triumphant laugh, she nodded to herself and resolved to simply hang around town until someone returned her calls. 
It couldn’t be too long, right? 
That meant her only job now was to keep busy until then. No biggie! She knew the town, had a couple dollars. 
It was about dinner time, anyway. 
Maybe Jack’s working his shift at that K.O. Burger place! I’ll go bother him while I get dinner, she thought, smirking. 
She turned and practically skipped down the sidewalk. 
‘The number you have dialed is not currently in–’
Miko jammed the ‘end call’ button with her thumb, swallowing. 
The sky was no longer a pinkish blue hued with orangey glow, but now a thick tarp of navy and black. The moon was not out tonight, and everything was closed. 
As she exhaled, Miko's breath formed soft white shapes in front of her face, before delicately drifting up and fading.
“Eighth time,” she muttered, huffing sharply. “Pick up, dammit.”
It was something of a mix of both frustration and apprehension stiffening her motion. She felt her heart pounding louder and louder with every passing moment, her mind just barely keeping itself at bay. 
Deep breaths. Breathe in, breathe out, in, out, in…..
He’s not coming. He’s not picking up. Bulkhead forgot. He…
No, he couldn’t. That was irrational. 
She started to shift weight from one side to the other, staring at her phone, then the open road in front of her. Miko opened her phone again, thumb hovering over the keypad for a moment before her hand fell to her side and she thrust her gaze to the barren sky above. She tried again to breathe deeply. 
He’s busy. They’re busy.  
She slid it into her coat pocket, but kept her hand in the pocket, gripping the device. Somehow, that seemed to calm her nerves a small amount. The jitters making her movements so sudden seemed to lift, only by a little. Uneasiness still hovered its fingers around her, as if to strike again when she least expected it.
It’s only 2 am. I can manage. Why do I care?
The sound of a voice shouting in the distance followed by a loud clang gave uneasiness its chance almost instantly. 
With a groan, Miko felt her bones ache with fear and her breath grew so short her stomach started to hurt. Dreading the loss of her cheap but delicious dinner, she backed away from the road and leaned against the brick wall of some antique shop before sinking to a crouch. 
She found herself trying to keep a relatively flat look on her face, as if aiming to maintain some composure. 
But she was alone. Why did it matter how she looked? 
Her situation wasn’t impossible—probably a lack of communication on different accounts; Jack hadn’t been at the burger place, so he was probably busy somewhere. She was supposed to go home with her host family after detention, but…well, that was the past. And now, no one would pick up, not even let her leave a message. 
What if something had happened? And then, what would it be? 
Calm down, Miko. You can’t act like this. You’ve seen zombie-cons and the guts—cables?—pulled right outta guys Bulkhead fought. You’ve almost been killed, crushed…you’ve been in the dark, you’ve been alone before! 
But perhaps that was it, she realized, dropping her head and clenching her fist methodically—open and closed, open and closed—sucking in shaky breaths, trying to calm down. Trying to steady it all out, while her mind seemed to bump up the speed to the max. 
Maybe it was too much all the time, all at once, disregarding the part of her that had already had enough when Miko thought to push on. Put on a laughing face, brush it off like it didn’t matter—nothing mattered. 
That was what she always did, right? Wasn’t consistency important? Was she a liar for being so scared? It wasn’t exactly being alone in the dark that scared her. Not even being in this sketchy part of town by herself…
Where are they? Where is everyone? 
Maybe it was also the suddenness of this fear, the seeming culmination of so much she hadn’t quite considered as deeply—every single thread of thought demanding her attention and her body simply ceasing proper coordination and control. Something she hadn’t anticipated because it was always there in the background, but kept tightly under lock and key. 
Where was the lock and key? Why was this happening? The questions only darkened the feelings bounding about inside like sparks of electricity. 
The darkness and emptiness of the town seemed to press at her, tightening her nerves and causing her arms and legs to feel like jelly all at the same time. She was shaking. 
And regardless of how much her sensible, conscious mind reminded her that if she was alone, it meant alone, her subconscious breathed over and over, over and over….
Someone’s there. Someone’s coming. Someone…no control…you have no control of what’s coming for you…no one remembered you, did they? 
Then, as if fate’s answer to the question, she heard a horn honk down the road. 
At first, her heart skipped a beat—sudden noises in the silence when she was having a low moment weren’t so helpful—but her mind registered instantly. 
And as quickly as it had overtaken her, the fear left, and she felt the shaking in her body intensify—probably out of muscle exhaustion this time. 
Suddenly, the cold ache left her, replaced with a trickling warmth. Maybe it was relief, or something else…Miko wasn’t sure. She watched the semi draw closer, letting her mind go blank for a bit. 
The vehicle rolled down the road rather quietly, coming to a gentle stop across from her, letting off a little hiss as the lights dimmed a bit. Miko could make out that it was indeed, the Autobot leader himself, even though something in the back of her mind had already let her know it was him.  
Optimus…what’s he doing out here? 
She could barely stand, swallowing again before pushing off the ground and unevenly making her way across the road and to the door to the passenger’s seat. She felt like she couldn't control her coordination as well as she’d like, but wasn’t too worries as much as glad to have a warm seat to sit in for now. 
Optimus rumbled softly, gently, her name. He sounded as if he was going to say something, so she plopped down in the blue seat, waiting quietly. But he seemed to choose silence for the moment. 
After a moment, the headlights brightened and Miko felt the start of the engines. They began down the road, and looking out the window, Miko could see they were headed home—not her house, but home. 
She smiled, letting her body go limp in the seat, eyes wide open and trained on the outside view as it flitted by. Letting herself lie there as the hum of the truck filled the air, she dared not move or else she’d start shaking again. 
Drowsiness lurked in the background somewhere, but before that, she was curious. 
“Ne, Optimus,” she murmured, shifting her gaze to the front window. There was not a soul on the road, only Optimus’s headlight illuminating the navy dark surrounding them. “You were gonna say something, right?”
A pause. 
“I was.” 
“What was it?”
“Well…” Optimus seemed to be searching for words, then spoke again. “You were alone tonight.” 
“Yeah…no one would pick up. Did you get my calls?”
“No,” the mech responded. “But I did realize your absence. Rafael and Jack were having a…schoolwork review session–”
Study session.
“—and the others are scouting a mine in another country.”
That’s why he didn’t pick up. Something funky with phone regions, I bet. 
“Ratchet was otherwise engaged. I asked the boys what had happened to you that you were not there, and they mentioned you were in…detainment again.”
“Yea, detention,” Miko sighed. “Ditched it early though.”
Optimus was silent again, so this time, Miko thought to fill the silence. 
“Hey, Optimus? I’m…sorry if I made you worry,” she murmured, dropping her gaze a little. “I was doing alright…woulda found a way home or something.”
“Miko,” his voice sounded serious. “Are you certain of that?”
The teen thought to answer, then pressed her lips together, unable to respond again. What would she have done if he hadn’t come by? 
“I sense you are troubled,” Optimus continued more softly. “Are you alright?”
Miko felt a flash of indignance, so she masked it with a scoff. “Are you kidding? I’m always good!” But her tone wavered a bit, and she felt herself grow smaller in her seat. But she continued. “What makes you ask?”
“To answer your initial question, we Autobots are always worried for you three. We realize you are individuals, and that you have time and again proven strong in the face of terrifying circumstances. You especially show much strength.”
There was something else to that, so Miko waited, quietly. 
“You show so much strength that…I feel as if perhaps you carry too much inside.”
Miko swallowed, feeling emotion well up inside her. Not fear, not apprehension…something stronger, deeper…raw. 
“Miko, you were alone tonight. We were unaware of what you needed. For that, I am deeply sorry.”
“N-nah, it’s not…”
“It is. Did anything happen to you?”
“No, I just…” she found herself speaking without thinking. “Seemed like…everyone forgot about me. I’m used to being alone though, I guess…”
“You are not alone, Miko.” Optimus spoke with firm gentleness that seemed to level out the feelings threatening to bubble over the brim. She quickly looked out the window to her side again. “I respect what you wish to tell or not tell me. But something tells me, you were afraid tonight.”
She bit her lip. 
Someone noticed. Someone saw. 
But it was a relieved voice that whispered in her mind. She remained quiet, biting her lip harder. 
“Are you alright, Miko?”
She knew what the question really meant. 
“I was…scared, like…” she swallowed, steadying her breathing as best as she could. A tear slid down her cheek, which she quickly rubbed away. “...I dunno, something…I didn’t know what was happening, it was so…strong. So…bad…”
“I know well the emotions you speak of.”
“Yes. I know it well even now. Especially now.” 
He deals with so much too…but he’s so…well, I guess we all put up some face. I laugh, Optimus shuts down…whatever keeps the monster at bay. 
“Don’t be scared, Miko,” he finally said gently and simply—yet with so much intent. “You are never alone.”
Miko inhaled sharply, as if debating to control it or let it happen…but only for a moment. She exhaled heavily, her face twisting as she started to cry quietly. But even as she sobbed, a smile peaked through, shimmering in her eyes. 
She needed to cry, she realized. Not light tears of stress, but also the tears that she had pent up every time her heart had pounded so hard her bones hurt. The tears she pent up when she did cry and then bite her tongue to swallow them up. And it was alright. 
It was freeing. 
And as if reading her mind, Optimus remained quiet. But she felt his presence–more than simply knowing he was there. They didn’t really need to say much more, and spent the last of the ride to HQ in silence. 
Because even if Optimus wasn’t using the same words she’d use, she knew what he meant. She always knew what the others meant to say. Robot or human, alien or not, Miko could feel it. 
She knew that he wasn’t ordering her to can it, like she knew she ordered herself to. 
‘Don’t be scared,’ or rather…‘it will not win. You will.’ 
I will. 
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snarkythewoecrow · 1 year
So a writing update, I opened the doc I started last night, and it's coming along, some real angsty shit, folks. The theme is pretty much self-harming buck, so I'm actually putting a readmore here, so those who don't want to see can avoid this post, though nothing explicit is beyond it, just me rambling about what I'm doing and thinking of doing.
(There is a snippet included at the end, too)
So this will definitely be hurt/comfort, with lots of the comfort, both physical and emotional hurt/comfort, but will primarily be emotional, I think?
idk, dudes, just rolling with it, I mean, sort of feeling some non-sexual bathing-washing, too? Just all the soft care, ya know?
And also, this isn't the type of setup where a catalyst is causing sudden issues for Buck, like some horrible thing happens. It is more of a slip-up in recovery where sometimes shit just happens, even when your life is going great, and you have everything you need. Sometimes, you just get intrusive and shitty thoughts, and they can get the best of you, especially earlier in the recovery stage of things like self-harm, before you get a better handle on your coping skills, but even then, shit happens.
So yeah, in this, Buck has a hiccup in his recovery, and it's that hiccup that acts as its own catalyst, sparking a lot of shitty thoughts to run loose in his head, sending him spiraling a bit, and Eddie isn't home quite yet to catch him, and Buck isn't reaching out, not wanting to be a disappointment.
So overall, very angsty, very soft, and a technical sequel to this story, though 100% standalone.
And since I'm always up for sharing, here's a snippet, though apologies for typos and things, as it hasn't really been looked over:
Time got lost in his too-noisy breaths and the thump of his heart against his ribs, but he couldn’t set the scissors down, no matter how hard he tried, knowing he didn’t want to fuck things up like he always did.
The truth was undeniable, though, that cutting and disappointing everyone, himself and especially Eddie, for no reason, when life was sunshine and rainbows, was just so on brand for him, a true and epic Buck Special—a classic failure that only he could pull off.
So yeah, maybe this was part of what his therapist had been trying to get at lately. The self-sabotage he did at times out of fear when things seemed to be going too right, triggering him to fuck things up on his terms rather than allowing it to crumble in a painful way, one outside of his control.  
His gaze flicked to his phone, and he had to swallow the flood of saliva, the sour guilt pooling in his stomach, almost forcing him to turn and heave into the toilet.
But instead of taking his churning stomach, that guilt, for the warning it was, he gripped the scissors tighter, feeling the textured rubber grips press into his palm as he glanced between them and his phone. 
Meanwhile, all the things his therapist had told him to do faded as the itch under his skin grew, his mind chanting for him to do it just this once. What could one time hurt?
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scorchieart · 1 year
Hello! For the fic reader ask game: B7, B9, C3, C10, D9, D10 ❤️
Hello there! Thank you for the ask, there are quite a few of them here O.O
B7: Which character is your favourite to read about? Why?
At the moment, Clavis Lelouch. He's such a malleable character with so much potential, and I love seeing how others interpret his actions and toss him into random situations.
B9: Who is your OTP?
🤷‍♀️ Idk buddy. Cosmo and Wanda, I guess?
C3: Is there anything that makes you nope out of a story? What is it?
So... my definition of "safe for work" is more conservative than the internet's, and many times throughout the years I've opened stories that I ended up not finishing for one or more reasons. My list of nope-ing out of a story is very long, so I'll just pick a few that come to mind:
Too many typos or grammatical errors. I do them all the time too! But if I can't understand what I'm reading, I can't continue.
Private/intimate scenes that make me feel like an awkward third wheel. It's like looking away from the TV when a yikes scene comes on.
Excessive foul language or vulgar behavior. Just no, expand your vocabulary, please.
Problematic relationships depicted in a good light. I know fandom is escapism, but I'd rather stick to reality.
If it's just one line, I could probably let it slide. But if it goes on for paragraphs and paragraphs I nope outta there. And I'm not shaming anyone for enjoying any of these, not by a long shot. They're just not meant for me.
C10: What book could you just never get into, no matter how hard you tried?
The Divergent series was pretty big when I was in middle school, but every time I started it someone in my class would look over my shoulder, see the chapter I'm reading, and say "Oh! Is this the part when [insert giant spoiler]!" I've grown more resistant to spoilers now, but it does still ruin the mood.
D9: Who do you discuss fandom-related things with most often? 
These days, it's the tumblr moots ❤️
D10: What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
Since I've been thinking about it a lot today and Cybird refuses to deliver, Bloodstained Rose Day. I have at least 5 wips on the subject, but I'm skeptical anyone else wants to read them, so I need to see at least one story posted to confirm I've got a kindred soul out there. (But nothing too gory, I'm a sensitive kindred soul)
Reader to reader, let's share some questions.
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staceymcgillicuddy · 1 year
10, 18, 25 for the meme!
Thank you, pal! I'm sorry I caps-locked an entire comment back at you today... but not THAT sorry. :D
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I honestly did not expect Soul to go anywhere! I was an unknown writer posting my first fic in a brand new fandom and I fully expected it to just sort of sit there and maybe have a few regular readers. Then the opposite happened, and it was a very pleasant surprise and I am endlessly grateful for the kindness of Hellcheers!
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
From Trudge On Home to Celebrate:
Eddie opens his mouth. Closes it. Shakes his head and does that thing where he tries to hide behind his hair. “You’re so pretty, Chris. Can I eat you out?”  She giggles. She can’t help it. He’s just so… yeah. She likes him a lot. Might be falling in love with him, actually. “Okay, Casanova.” 
IDK why I like it so much, but I just felt like I hit a rhythm with their idiot banter, and I love the idea of Eddie being like "welp, fucked that up. Sex now?"
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Yes, but probably not in the way this question means it? I tend to get way too invested in how things are turning out in a fic, and if it makes sense, and if people are going to like it, or get it, or care about it. So I'll drive myself up a tree, fretting, and get upset if I discover a typo like... ten years later.
But when it comes to actual heavy subject matter, not really? I don't know if it's because I can usually keep myself at a pretty healthy remove when I'm writing it, or if it's just some weird dissociative thing I've mastered, but I've had people tell me about things I've written that wrecked them, and I'm always like, "was it that bad!? It didn't feel that bad!!!"
Ask Me About Fic!
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summerwritesfics · 2 years
⛓️So Come And Taste The Reason, I’m Nothing Like The Rest
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Hanzo Hasashi Length: 5609 Words Rating: Explicit 🔞 Warnings: Flexibility, Rimming, Power Dynamics, No that relationship tag isn’t a typo, Game!Hanzo Hasashi, 2021 Movie!Hanzo Hasashi, Game Hanzo is referred to as Grandmaster Hasashi, Threesome (M/M/M), Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, First Time Topping, Spitroasting, Hand Jobs Kinktober Day 12: Flexibility/Contortionism + Rimming + Power Dynamic
Kinktober Masterlist
Notes: “Oh, Summer, you’re writing something related to the 2021 movie? Did you finally watch it?” Hahahaha no. No I havn’t. 🙃 I do know in the Movie Hanzo only really speaks Japanese but uh, well, I need him to speak English so now he does, don’t question it okay? IDK if the power dynamic prompt comes through, it was meant to more be between the two Hanzo’s, with Movie!Hanzo struggling with the fact that Game!Hanzo is technically him, but also technically his superior (Being Grandmaster). Still sick, but still did my best on editing :) This fic makes reference to two OC’s of a sort from some of my past fics, Weena, Kuai Liang’s Dachshund and Lady Vykra, Goddess of Sex and Fertility and Patron Goddess of the Cryomancers. Title is from “Love Bites (So Do I)” by Halestorm.
This timeline was a dark one indeed.
On the surface everything seemed good, the dark did not present in an obvious way. This world’s Hanzo Hasashi had fought adversary, and come out on the otherside. He was alive again, no longer bound to the Netherrealm as a wraith. He had rebuilt the Shirai Ryu, becoming Grandmaster and leading with honour. He had even healed enough to take a new spouse.
But that was where this timeline got dark.
Kuai Liang. The current Sub Zero. Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. Younger brother of Bi-Han.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing if Hanzo ever saw one.
How Grandmaster Hasashi had not realised this was all Lin Kuei trickery was beyond Hanzo. No Lin Kuei would have good intentions. And it did not matter how many times Grandmaster Hasashi claimed Kuai was different to Bi-Han or that other circumstances had lead Kuai to an honourable path. Hanzo wanted to slap his alternate self, remind him what Bi-Han had done to their family, and that if Kuai shared his blood, he was likely just as evil as the elder had been.
He held his tongue only because the two Hasashi’s had gotten into a rather nasty fight over it. Only broken up by Cole and Emily stepping in to stop it. He had promised little Emily that he would drop the subject. Instead, he would just sit and stew in his hatred and disbelief that any version of him could be so moronic.
He sat on the steps of the Fire Gardens, looking out across the yard. Kuai Liang was stood in the courtyard with some Shirai Ryu children, who seemed to be requesting him to make sculptures out of ice. The fact Grandmaster Hasashi trusted this man around children unattended was yet another point of annoyance. If no one else was going to monitor the man, Hanzo certainly would.
What spell does this Lin Kuei temptress cast on him? Hanzo could not understand it. Kuai was handsome, Hanzo could give him that. But he was never the one to fall for just a beautiful face. There had to be more. The Lin Kuei had to be using some tricks or manipulation to wrap Grandmaster Hasashi around his fingers. Playing him like a puppet, before eating the Shirai Ryu alive from the inside.
“Might wanna calm down a bit there, Grandpa,” Cole’s voice called out from behind. Hanzo looked over his shoulder to glare at him. “You’re gonna set the place on fire if you’re not careful.”
Cole gestured down to Hanzo’s hands, which did indeed had small flames surrounding them. Hanzo extinguished them, bringing them to rest on his lap instead. He heard footsteps approach, and seconds later Cole had let himself drop down to sit beside him.
“I know you don’t trust this guy. Hell I’m not sure I do after what his big brother tried to do to my girls.” Cole’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the Lin Kuei. Currently he was helping one of the children skate on a small patch of ice on the floor. “But right now, I’m just gonna have to trust Grandmaster Hasashi’s opinion of him. Maybe he’s right, and he really isn’t anything like the others.”
“He is Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, he is like the rest of them,” Hanzo spat, anger raising at just how easily the children were laughing at Kuai’s antics.
“Maybe,” Cole sighed, leaning back on his hands and tilting his head. “Either way, I’d like to know how the hell they ended up getting married. Like, what does Grandmaster Hasashi see in him?”
“That is exactly the problem,” Hanzo explained. Kuai had returned to solid ground, and was now listening intently to what one of the kids was telling him. For some reason a little girl was kicking her leg up. “There is something more to this, he has seduced my alternate self, but for what gain?”
Kuai nodded toward the little girl, clearly she had been requesting something from him and he was about to oblige. Hanzo watched in anticipation, waiting for him to do something that Hanzo could use as evidence for his bias. Kuai Liang lifted his leg, up, and up, and up, and…
It was practically perpendicular to the rest of his body.
Hanzo felt a strange heat flush over his entire body. He looked down to check he hadn’t set himself on fire, but there was nothing. He looked back across to Kuai Liang, casually just standing there on one leg. How the hell was he able to do that? Hanzo’s groin ached just watching him. He’d never really thought about flexibility as something he found titillating, but clearly he was because otherwise he would not have reacted like this.
Had Kuai Liang used this weakness to seduce his alternate self?
“Oh god,” Cole said, wincing and crossing his legs. “How does he do that without hurting himself?”
“I do not have an answer for you,” Hanzo replied, feeling relieved that Kuai dropped his leg back down, although given that the children were still egging him on, Hanzo had a feeling he wasn’t done just yet.
He was proven right when seconds later, the man slowly began to part his legs, slowly dropping down under he was doing the spilts. So low, his crotch and legs were fully on the floor. It was impressive, and just seemed to invite more of that infernal heat.
“Well, I do believe we just answered the question of what the Grandmaster sees in him,” Cole claimed, still looking slightly horrified despite being clearly impressed.
Hanzo could only grunt in agreement. He really did not need Cole knowing that this was effecting him. He let out a breath when Kuai finally moved his legs and pushed himself to stand up. An adult across the other side was calling the children in to dinner, so it seemed Hanzo could finally stand down his protection.
“We should probably join them,” Cole stated, pushing himself to stand up. Hanzo followed him, although he kept his eyes on Kuai, waving the children goodbye.
He shook his head, following Cole through the corridors and putting Kuai to the back of his mind.
Well, that was what he wanted to do. But as he sat, eating amongst the rebuilt Shirai Ryu, he realised his gaze kept landing on Kuai Liang. The image of that leg going up and not stopping until it was pressed against his chest. Him down on the floor with his legs split. He just couldn’t get the memories out of his mind. He wondered just how flexible Kuai was, wanted to push it and see just how far the man could go. Could he get his leg around his neck? Could he completely double up on himself, both feet about his head?
This was how his other self had fallen, he was sure of it.
And he hated he was falling the exact same way.
The thoughts didn’t stop, even when everyone retired for the evening, and Hanzo was sat alone on the end of the bed, and all he could see was Kuai Liang and his stupid legs. He couldn’t just sit here and stew on this. He had to do something about it.
He crept through the dark hallways, making his way to where he knew Grandmaster Hasashi’s quarters were, and where Kuai Liang would be. He wasn’t surprised that the door was locked. It made sense, even if the idea of being locked in a room with a Lin Kuei made his skin crawl. He let flames consume him, and the next thing he knew he had materialised in the room.
Only Kuai Liang was in the bed, curled up on one side. Where Grandmaster Hasashi was, Hanzo didn’t know, but he wasn’t really concerned by him right now. He made his way over, trying to make as little noise as possible. He did not want to wake the Lin Kuei up. Standing next to the bed, he stared down at Kuai. It would be so easy to kill him right now, break whatever curse was being cast here.
He didn’t though. He grabbed the duvet and threw it off. Underneath Kuai was wearing only a tank top and a pair of sweatpants, and Hanzo hated that the casual sloppy look was a good one on him. He wanted to grab Kuai’s leg, lift it and force it up and just see how far he could make it go.
He reached his hand forward to take Kuai’s ankle in his hand.
The rooms lights suddenly came on.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing?”
Hanzo looked over to see Grandmaster Hasashi, standing in the doorway to what looked like a bathroom. Oh. That was where he was. Hanzo hesitated, unsure what exactly he could say that didn’t make this situation look as bad as it actually was. Any panicked response he could give died on his tongue when he heard Kuai stirring beside him.
“What is who doing?” Kuai asked, voice full of sleep as he flipped onto his back. Even with his eyes closed, he frowned, most likely at the feeling of Hanzo’s grip on his ankle. His eyes slowly blinked open, lifting his head just enough to take in the scene in front of him. He stared silently, before letting his head fall back down. “I won’t lie, this is probably one of the weirder things I’ve woken up to.”
“This- This is not how it looks,” Hanzo directed toward Grandmaster Hasashi, who did not look convinced.
“And how exactly does it look?” Grandmaster Hasashi growled, taking a few threatening steps forward.
“I wasn’t here to kill him,” Hanzo tried, and then immediately realised that was probably the worst thing he could have said.
“You expect me to believe that?” Grandmaster Hasashi snarled, now almost in Hanzo’s face. “You havn’t exactly hidden your contempt for him. You think I’m stupid enough to believe you wouldn’t try something when my back is turned?”
“This is a misunderstanding-“
“Honey,” Kuai called, getting both Hasashi’s attention, although he was still laying back on the bed. “I think if he was trying to kill me, one he’d have weapons, and two I don’t think my ankle would be the part of my body he’d take hold of.”
Hanzo’s eyes trailed down to where he was still gripping that ankle. He looked back up at Grandmaster Hasashi, who seemed to be considering what had been said.
“Speak,” Grandmaster Hasashi ordered, and despite effectively staring in a mirror, Hanzo still felt that twinge inside to obey the Shirai Ryu Grandmaster’s orders.
“Your attachment to him troubles me,” Hanzo began, trying to ignore that it was only Kuai’s interference that had allowed him to explain himself. “I was trying to figure out what it is about him that draws you in so.”
“By sneaking into my room at night?” Grandmaster Hasashi questioned, head tilted and looking at Hanzo like he was stupid. The Grandmaster’s face screwed up slightly. “But- Why are you holding his ankle?”
“I-“ Hanzo hesitated, suddenly realising there was no way he came out of this looking good. He either looked like a creep at best or a complete pervert at worst. He could not win.
“If I might add in my theory, based on my expert knowledge of men named Hanzo Hasashi,” Kuai began pushing himself up to sit up just enough to rest back on his arms. Despite talking so clearly, he still looked half asleep. “I am going to assume earlier when the children were asking me to show off my flexibility, that our esteemed guest was watching and had the same sexual realisation you did when you saw me do it the first time.”
There was pure silence for a minute. Hanzo wanted to deny it, but no words were coming from his mouth. Kuai smirked to himself.
“That is what I thought,” Kuai continued, and Hanzo felt himself shudder at how those words were practically purred. He really was starting to fall under the same spell, wasn’t he?
“I- I am so sorry,” Hanzo replied, shame taking over. He wasn’t sure if Kuai’s chuckle helped or just made it worse.
“You know all you had to do was ask, right?” Kuai questioned, his eyes half lidded, and a smirk on his face. “I’m more than happy to show off my flexibility, especially to Hanzo Hasashi.”
“Really?” Grandmaster Hasashi huffed, looking at Kuai with a displeased look. It didn’t seem sincere however, more playful. “You’re really flirting with him, while I’m right here?”
Kuai pursed his lips. “Are you seriously getting jealous of yourself?”
Grandmaster Hasashi opened his mouth as if to argue, but quickly shut it. A few seconds of silence later, he muttered, “shut up.” He folded his arms in front of his chest. “Didn’t think Kenshi was serious about your first thought upon seeing him.”
“Hm, what?” Kuai suspiciously asked, although his eyes were wide and innocent looking.
“Oh, don’t even try to pretend your first though wasn’t “I could take two of him”. Kenshi’s already told me.” Grandmaster Hasashi’s statement took Hanzo off guard and he returned his full attention back to Kuai, who looked mildly annoyed.
“I’m really starting to dislike Kenshi,” Kuai said as he let himself flop back down onto the bed. “Anyway, unless you both want a spontaneous threesome, please can I go back to sleep now?”
Hanzo didn’t really know what to say to that. There was a strange part of him that wanted to take Kuai up on the offer. He still didn’t trust the man, but it was undeniable at this point that he was attracted to him. If Grandmaster Hasashi believed his Harumi would forgive him for sleeping with Kuai, then why shouldn’t Hanzo believe the same in his?
His eyes met Grandmaster Hasashi’s, and they just stared at each other for a long moment. Grandmaster Hasashi gave a snort of a laugh.
“Well, Hanzo, what do you want to do?” Grandmaster Hasashi questioned, like he already knew the answer, but just wanted to torture Hanzo by making him say it. Hanzo didn’t reply, but Grandmaster Hasashi gave a cruel grin as if he’d just thought of something. “You know when your Grandmaster asks a question it is expected you give him one, right?”
Oh gods. That wasn’t fair, this man was him, and just because he was in a position of power Hanzo didn’t acquire didn’t make that fact null. Yet, there was that part of him, still loyal to the Shirai Ryu and forever would be. In a weird way, Grandmaster Hasashi was his Grandmaster, and that fact was making his head spin.
“Doubly so when you still have your hand on his husband.”
Hanzo looked down to see he really was still holding Kuai’s leg. He let go, using his hands to straighten his yukata, before looking Grandmaster Hasashi dead in the eye.
“I would like to have sex with your husband, Grandmaster.”
Kuai made a whine from the bed, “Why do you people hate sleep?”
“So you don’t really want a passionate threesome with me and my clone here?” Grandmaster Hasashi asked in Kuai’s direction. There was a beat of silence, before Kuai’s eyes opened and glared at both Hanzo’s.
“I’m starting to dislike you too, by the way.” He yawned and finally pushed himself to sit up straight. He rubbed a hand over his face, while muttering, “Lady Vykra give me strength.” Kuai took a deep breath, holding his hands out in front of him. “Okay, but just know, that if this isn’t the most mind blowing sex I’ve ever had in my life I’m going to have Weena lick you to death.”
Grandmaster Hasashi’s eyes flicked over to Hanzo as he clarified, “Weena is his dog, and that sentence wasn’t as weird as it sounded.”
“Even with the context, that sentence was still strange,” Hanzo replied, “why would you not have the dog tear him apart?”
“Mostly because she’s only about so big-“ Kuai gestured to measure the rough size of Weena, from the bed to his hand was only a few inches. “And the most vicious thing she’s ever done is wake me up by jumping onto my stomach as I slept.”
Hanzo briefly wondered why the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei would have such a small and effectively harmless dog, but he supposed she could be a puppy and he was still training her to be an attack animal.
He was so caught up on the issue of the dog, that he had barely even acknowledged the fact that all three of them had come to the agreement of sex. He felt his stomach flip. He’d always realised that he had some attraction to men, but he’d never actually had sex with anyone outside of Harumi. He wasn’t entirely sure what this would require.
“You look a little lost,” Kuai suddenly chimed up, giving Hanzo a look he could only describe as sultry. He help up his hand, and with a single finger beckoned Hanzo to him. “Don’t worry, we will be your guide.”
Hanzo followed the order, feeling strange about following the command of a Lin Kuei. He approached the side of the bed, crawling over to where Kuai was. Kuai’s legs were open but Hanzo just sat between them, not entirely sure what he was supposed to be doing. He kept his hands balled up on his lap.
“You can touch me, you know,” Kuai informed him, tilting his head and laughing. “I don’t bite, that’s Hanzo’s job.”
Hanzo felt himself balk at that, hating the way both Kuai and Grandmaster Hasashi began to laugh. Grandmaster Hasashi was on the bed now too, sitting next to Kuai, placing a hand on the mans chest and pushing him to lie back down. Hanzo somewhat took it as the confirmation he needed that touching was fine, and he knew immediately what he wanted to do.
He grabbed one of Kuai’s calves, lifting the leg off the bed. Grandmaster Hasashi looked at him as if trying to figure out what he was trying to do. Kuai seemed to already know, and even helped by making it easier for Hanzo to push his leg all the way up. He didn’t stop until Kuai’s foot was practically behind his head.
“You are really caught up on this, aren’t you?” Kuai giggled, biting his lip as he did.
“How does this not hurt you?” Hanzo questioned, baffled by how casual Kuai seemed in what must have been an uncomfortable position.
“I’m lucky, I guess,” Kuai replied. He reached a hand up to brush some of Hanzo’s hair out of his face. His fingers were cold, yet somehow it didn’t bother him. “You’re so handsome, no matter what timeline you’re from.”
Hanzo felt himself falter, looking over to Grandmaster Hasashi, fearful that he’d be envious that his husband was complimenting him. He didn’t look all that bothered. Hanzo wondered if this was not the first time they’d had a third member in their bed. Who else had come before him?
“What is it you want from this, Hanzo?” Kuai asked again, running his hands through Hanzo’s hair.
“I-“ Hanzo felt his mouth going dry. “I don’t know. I have never been with another man before.” He’d heard how how same sex partnerships worked from others. He wasn’t sure, but he knew one party tended to be the receiver, and he wasn’t sure if that was what was expected from him. “I know enough but-“
“You don’t know what position you are going to be in?” Grandmaster Hasashi guessed, and Hanzo nodded. “Which do you want to be in?”
There was a part of him that considered asking to be the receiver, just to see what it was like, but the more rational part told him it was too much for a first time. Maybe if this lead to something more, he’d build up the courage, but for now, this was probably for the best.
“I would prefer to be the one to give?” He hadn’t intended that to come out as a question. He was sure there had to be some better terminology he was not familiar with.
“That would be what’s called topping,” Grandmaster Hasashi informed him, “and if that is what you would prefer, it’s how this will go.”
Hanzo felt Kuai pushing to try and put his leg back down, prompting Hanzo to finally let go. Once it was down Kuai arched off the bed slightly, pulling his shirt up. Hanzo watched in fascination as the item of clothing was removed and discarded. Hanzo looked Kuai up and down. Aside from a few scars that broke up his skin, his body was beautiful. Hanzo touched Kuai’s stomach, raking his fingers down Kuai’s skin.
Grandmaster Hasashi on the other hand was reaching down for Kuai’s bottoms and beginning to pull them down. Hanzo somewhat followed suit, grabbing the other side. Kuai lifted his hips just enough for them both to begin pulling them down. His legs lifted so he could remove them without Hanzo having to move. Once the pants were completely gone, thrown off onto the floor, Hanzo took a moment to take in the other man’s fully naked body. His half hard cock lay on his stomach, looking quite pretty and inviting.
“Do you want to know how to make him feel good?” Grandmaster Hasashi asked, and Hanzo swallowed because he did. Grandmaster Hasashi reached for both Kuai’s legs, pulling and lifting until only his shoulders and head were on the bed. Grandmaster Hasashi lent forward, adjusting his grip so he was holding Kuai’s ass in both hands.
Hanzo was absolutely shocked when Grandmaster Hasashi lent forward, and swiped his tongue against Kuai’s hole.
And even more shocked at the loud lewd moan Kuai made at the action.
“That-“ He paused, watching the way Grandmaster Hasashi’s tongue circled the rim. “That really feels good?”
“Y-Yes,” Kuai moaned, as Grandmaster Hasashi pulled away.
Hanzo cleared his throat, and shuffled closer. He had no idea what he was doing but he guessed he had to try. As his head got close enough, he hesitated. Grandmaster Hasashi chuckled.
“Use the flat of your tongue,” He commanded, and Hanzo once more battled with that feeling of wanting to obey VS the mirror of his face. Still he did as he was told, lightly lapping against Kuai’s hole. Kuai made a humming sound, and he felt disappointed that it wasn’t like the one made for the Grandmaster’s tongue. “Keep at it, harder.”
Hanzo nodded at the order, licking across while pressing his tongue a lot harder. This time Kuai made a sweet sound. For some reason, it spurred Hanzo on, as he continued to work his tongue across. Grandmaster Hasashi was watching him critically.
“Now, work your tongue inside,” Grandmaster Hasashi told him. Hanzo just decided that in this situation, he didn’t have much other choice but to do as he was told.
He pressed the tip of his tongue against the rim, trying his best to push inside. The ring of muscle was quite tightly wound, but his saliva seemed to help him glide in a little easier. He wasn’t sure how far to go, and stopped at just the tip, swirling it around and that earned him another loud groan.
“Alternate between that and licking around the outside,” Grandmaster Hasashi guided, reaching for Kuai’s cock, and starting to give it a slow long stroke.
He followed the instruction, pulling out and lapping around Kuai’s hole before plunging his tongue back in. As Hanzo began to start a pattern with this, Grandmaster Hasashi pulled away and reached for the drawer beside his bed. He pulled out a small bottle of something, but Hanzo wasn’t sure what it was.
“Next,” Grandmaster Hasashi began as he gestured for Hanzo to pull away. As Hanzo did, the Grandmaster undid the lid of bottle. “Hold out your hand.” Hanzo gingerly held out his hand and Grandmaster Hasashi squeezed the bottle, a thick liquid squirting onto his fingers. “Now, work one finger inside him.”
Hanzo frowned, but tried, pushing a single finger against Kuai’s hole and working it inside. Kuai sighed, and Hanzo instinctively began to thrust the finger in and out. It was curious, whatever the liquid was seemed to lubricate his finger, helping it have a smoother entrance. Still despite this, Kuai didn’t seem to be making any noises to indicate he was enjoying this.
“Why exactly am I doing this? He doesn’t seem to be finding it pleasurable?” Hanzo questioned, feeling a little bad about talking about Kuai as if he wasn’t there.
“This is more to prepare him.” Prepare him? He supposed he understood, it wasn’t like a vagina that would self lubricate but was the finger necessary. “You need to stretch him first so he can take you.”
“Oh.” Hanzo felt embarrassed that something like that never crossed his mind.
“A second finger, now,” Grandmaster Hasashi said, either oblivious to or ignoring Hanzo’s awkwardness.
Hanzo did as he was told however, slipping another finger inside Kuai Liang. As he worked, he understood better what Grandmaster Hasashi meant. The more he pumped his fingers, the more the muscles loosened. Soon he was being instructed to put in a third finger, and then a forth, and by that Kuai was once again making those noises.
“Alright, he’s ready for you,” Grandmaster Hasashi informed him, and Hanzo pulled his fingers free. As he did, the Grandmaster slapped down against Kuai’s ass, make the man jump slightly. “How do you want him?”
Hanzo was feeling bolder, he guided Kuai’s body back down, letting his back rest against the mattress again. He wasn’t going to let those lets down however, pushing them up so Kuai was practically bent in half. Kuai automatically hooked his arms under his knees, keeping his legs up against him. Grandmaster Hasashi handed him the bottle, and Hanzo took it. He could guess where he was supposed to coat with it.
He reached for his trousers, pulling them down slightly, just enough for his cock to be free. He squirted some of the liquid onto his hand, before using that to coat himself in it.
Once satisfied, he rutted up against Kuai Liang, grasping his cock in one hand and trying to aim it for his entrance. When he could feel it against him, he began to push forward, Kuai gasping as it was pushed inside. He was slow, not sure how fast he could go least he cause pain or damage, but eventually he had bottomed out.
He reached his hands forward, grabbing Kuai’s ankles to use as leverage. He risked a thrust, trying to see what the reaction would be. Kuai moaned, his grip on his legs tightening ever so slightly. Taking that as permission to continue, he began to jerk his hips, fairly shallow at first, but he soon found his ability to hold back quickly being eaten away.
Something about the way Kuai was looking up at him with doe eyes, in such a vulnerable position was spurring him on. Maybe it had been so many years of solitude and celibacy in the Netherrealm, this the first taste of sexuality he’d had since Harumi was taken from him and his own death. Maybe it was a vindictive part of him that saw the man below him as the only remaining family of the man who murdered his family, that made him want Kuai to cry and scream his name in pleasure as a way to spit in Bi-Han’s face.
He hadn’t even really registered how swiftly he’d rocked into a fast rough pace, pistoling in and out of Kuai Liang. His fingernails dug into Kuai’s ankles, and Hanzo knew that there would be marks but in that moment he didn’t care. Kuai’s insides practically clung to him, and Hanzo had forgotten how pleasurable this could be.
Grandmaster Hasashi brought a hand down to Kuai’s face, stroking his hair out of his face, and asking “So, how is he?”
Those innocent eyes turned mischievous for a second as Kuai got out between his pants, “he’s better than you~”
Grandmaster Hasashi rolled his eyes, clearly very used to Kuai being a little shit. He hated to admit there was something exciting about that. Grandmaster Hasashi, signalled for Hanzo to let go of the ankle closest to him. Hanzo did so, letting that leg drop slightly. Then Grandmaster Hasashi was reaching into his trousers, pulling his cock out with one hand with the other twisted Kuai’s face slightly into his direction. The Grandmaster repositioned himself slightly, patting his cock against Kuai’s lips.
Kuai shot him a bored look, before opening his mouth, and Grandmaster Hasashi unceremoniously thrusting his cock inside.
“Fuck him as hard as you like,” Grandmaster Hasashi informed him, like Hanzo wasn’t already doing that. As if the way his movements weren’t causing an audible slapping sound every time his pelvis hit Kuai’s ass. “He only ever learns not to provoke when he’s being fucked hard.”
And with that, Grandmaster Hasashi began to thrust himself, his hand grabbing the back of Kuai’s head to keep it in place. With the position he was in, Kuai could do nothing but let the two Hanzo’s have at him, and yet again something about that lit a fire inside Hanzo. He didn’t think he could have been more rough, but he was becoming desperate now. Seeing Kuai’s cheeks go red as Grandmaster Hasashi repeatedly fucked into his throat was just all the more satisfying.
Hanzo looked down, watching Kuai’s cock bobbing neglected and red, a pool of precum on his stomach. Hanzo reached down, taking it in his fist. Kuai squealed at the touched, trying to look over at Hanzo from is position. He began to stroke, trying to keep up with his own speed. He could see Kuai’s eyes rolling back in his head ever so slightly.
It wasn’t long after Hanzo had taken hold of him, that Kuai came, white painting his chest in an impressive display. As he did, he clenched down on Hanzo and with a final thrust and a primal scream, he was also coming, deep inside Kuai’s ass.
He continued to move his hips, chasing the aftershocks of his pleasure, while using his hand to milk Kuai until he had nothing left to give.
Grandmaster Hasashi continued for a bit longer, and as Hanzo softened inside Kuai, he just sat and watched the other version of him go at it. Kuai’s eyes were hazy, lips clamped around Hanzo’s cock. Hanzo suddenly wanted to know what that mouth felt like. Fuck it, when he was returned to his own timeline, he was going to have to find his worlds Kuai Liang, and he would do everything within his power to seduce the other man. Try all these things and sate every curiousoisty he could think of.
Grandmaster Hasashi suddenly pulled out, just as he was cumming. His cum splashed across Kuai’s face, as Grandmaster Hasashi took hold of his cock and made sure not a drop wasn’t on the Lin Kuei’s face.
When he was finally finished, Kuai looked up at him with an unimpressed glare.
“You are such a prick,” He grumbled, trying to push his other leg down and prompting Hanzo to let go. Hanzo also took this as an opportunity to pull out. As Kuai sat up, Hanzo thought to himself that the other man looked oddly fetching with cum on his face.
“Well, I figured you were going to have to clean yourself up anyway,” Grandmaster Hasashi said in a smug tone. Still his face softened after a few minutes, “So, was it the most mind blowing sex you’ve ever had.”
“It was up there,” Kuai drawled, but when he looked over to Hanzo he winked. Hanzo actually found himself laughing at that. “You are safe from Weena’s wraith for now.”
“Well, that’s good.” Grandmaster Hasashi lent in to give Kuai Liang a kiss, far too tender for what they’d just done. It made Hanzo’s heart ache, but in a good way? Like maybe, after all the shit he’d been through, there really was hope for him to find love again. “Do you need anything?”
“I am going to clean myself up,” Kuai matter of factly stated, and flipped himself over the edge of the bed. “And then, I’m going to fucking sleep at last.”
And with that, Kuai was sauntering across the room to presumably the bathroom. Hanzo felt bad that his eyes were lingering on Kuai’s ass, especially with how red it was from the abuse it had suffered. He looked away quickly, already feeling bad but feeling worse when he saw how lovingly Grandmaster Hasashi looked at him.
“So, is your curiosity sated?” Grandmaster Hasashi asked, once the door was shut behind Kuai.
“My initial curiosity, yes.” He stared at the closed door for a few seconds, before looking at the Grandmaster. “It appears to have inspired more, however.”
“Yeah, Kuai Liang has that effect on people,” Grandmaster Hasashi absentmindedly agreed, stroking a hand through his hair.
“Out of curiosity, how exactly did you win him over?” After all, if he even had a chance with his timelines Kuai Liang, he wanted to get an idea of the best approached.
Grandmaster Hasashi gave him a dark smirk, “maybe we can discuss that tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow,” Hanzo agreed, smiling to himself.
Maybe this timeline wasn’t as dark as he initially thought.
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tranceykkoneko · 2 years
what do I like
I've kind of had a hard time articulating, even to someone I am actively planning to have submit to me, what I like. its obviously very frustrating to be a sub going, "mistress how can I please you?" and for some reason she's going, "hmmmm I don't know maybe if you like drink some water or give me some money?" right in the middle of a scene. its confusing and stupid and no good.
negotiation is important. its easy to think that because you aren't doing anything physically dangerous then why even bother, how bad could a mistake even be.
I've had so many problems from not setting up expectations properly, and not thinking enough ahead of time how I want to do things.
for example, when I was in school, here's something that might happen.
I'd think something like, "ah, I kind of want a stupid slave to buy me a new sweater tonight", and then not plan it properly.
I'd text someone at like 3pm during class indicating that I want something, and then its like, what time do we do it, do I need to have my whole self available to you or is this one of those things that is more fun if I'm trying to play a video game during?
I'd then proceed to go get food and then to work and run around catching buses to classes and then going to my part time job, and then walking home from school, etc
and maybe I'd text him some sexy stuff and rile him up during all this but like, its now 7:30 and I haven't come up with how I'm going to put him in trance, which sweater I want him to buy, and haven't even thought about what time I want this to happen.
we'd end up calling at like 2am and I just do the normal thing where I brainwash him a little. which is good, we both like that but what the hell lmao, I didn't get my sweater or the money or any sleep. and then we're both exhausted all day tomorrow.
I honestly struggle with planning and negotiation a lot, its not good. people have had to like apologize for not helping me plan more because in my scrambling I've accidentally guilt tripped them into thinking that its their fault for not putting in the amount of work to get brainwashed.
I'm better at it now. now that I think of negotiation as simply tallking with a friend about my plans in order to firm them up a bit better.
Anyway, because the vast majority of my experience of this kind of play are hypnotizing someone through a text chain and occasional photos, I think I'm pretty good at it. I haven't always found mind control hot and didn't even know hypnosis was actually possible until I made a friend who turned out to be really into it. He walked me through the type of stuff he likes, and I tried a couple things, and then a couple other similar things with other people.
the actual mind control flavoring part is fun and cool, but my fun comes from successfully putting someone in a trance and then them coming up from it to tell me I did a good job. is that service domme behavior? maybe? some rude person actually in the middle of a trance once said, "why must you insist on subbing from the top? it doesn't matter what I want, properly order me to do stuff." that really hurt my feelings because I just wanted to do a good job making someone feel good, you know?
yeah idk if that all made any sense. I'll do a sweep for typos and then post it.
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kavaeroexe · 2 years
I'm very curious , what kind yandere type Kevin Kaslana is ... This man need attention.
Actually... I maybe have an idea bout this
ice’s burning desire
Yan!Kevin Kaslana x reader
warning: typos, bad grammar, very short I’m sorry idk a lot abt this man-
attention! please do not try to repost my works, I only post my works on Tumblr, if anyone see someone stole my works please inform me through the comments, tag me in the works, or message me!  
well for starter
let’s look around him
lost many people he loves, lives on a dangerous side of the world, where he could lose everything that he loves again
I believe his yandere starts with he’s having an attachment issues
not really like clingy, etc...
but more like just basically not wanting you to go away from him
that also means by his rules that he made to keep you safe
you’re lucky you’re still alive until now
so why don’t following his rules that will make you safer?
Don’t go outside your place, stop thinking about the outside world, and stay in your room.
and also, never even thought about contacting someone you know, they could just trap you someday
and basically, locking you up with some restricting rules.
if you tried to escape (Basically it’s a daily attempt) he’ll find you no matter how far are you
he’ll usually knock you until you faint and tadaa you’re back again
he doesn’t like to use violence, but you give him no choice
but he never uses his honkai power tho
it’s just his physical power just that
be grateful, I guess?
hehe :D
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neptune-midheaven · 3 years
The Third House Placements and Their Handwriting Styles ~💖🌺🐚
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Welcome back babes 😁🙏✨ I’m back posting someee bit but anything nonetheless ! This was a post I wanted to do for a while, this really intrigued me💫
I’m going to be talking about third house placements and their unique to the placement writing styles. Third house rules hands, arms, fingers and writing, correct !😄🎶 There is a correlation between handwriting and third house in astrology as it literlaly rules over it, so components in your third house astrology will dictate how this will look. Use all of the possible combinations you have in your chart ! 🙂☝️
For generational planet ruled signs, use whatever works better.
🔆Sun/leo ~
May have a gift in being very dramatic and showy whenever they express their ideas or in their communication they can be very bright and charming. They’re very talented at absorbing knowledge and facts, they usually are the types of people to dish out random facts about anything whoever you’re talking to them, they have so much random knowledge kept in their minds it’s almost funny. They’re silly and a bit childlike people,
Handwriting style 🦁
Regal, nice looking. They have a confidence to their writing, if the whole class wrote on one piece of paper, theirs would stand out more, maybe a “I can trust what they write is the best there is here” is what people reading over theirs would think.
🌙Moon/cancer ~
Loves sentimental things, talking about the past and family makes them feel good and safe, attachments to the mother, most likely missed her or their family whenever they had to go to school, homesickness at school
Handwriting style 🌝
Soft, homely words. Shyer? They write with a grace and their words are poetically beautiful. It looks like something out of a movie. Nostalgic, their ink is softer and lighter, their curves are soft, their lines and o’s are soft and so sensitive. SO gentle and calm. It’s sleepy?
💫Mercury/gemini/virgo ~
The wittiest, most social people ever. They’re all definitely extroverts, I am one with my gemini in 3rd house ova here 😘, they love talking, and never stop talking and love chatting about anything and never stop chatting about anything, they love walking up to random people and never stop walking up to random people and staring a convo with them out of nowhere 😀. My friends bully me all the time for this. I understand. The one kid in school with like all the answers, they just knew the answer to things and easily got good grades. People asked them for answers all of the time since they are so smart and intelligent, they absorb what they’re being taught so quickly they don’t ever let the teacher finish talking. They’re fast and versatile.
Handwriting style 🤸‍♀️
Fast writing, so many words. They write super fast and probably have so many typos in their essays and papers. Handwriting can look like crap 🤨😐. Like there’s no rush, you’re gonna get your paper done on time! You can’t read what they write al of the time because they rush through writing everything. Their letters and words look fancy somehow, like they were written by the scholar of all scholars, they’re just unintelligible words and sentences. Teachers may need to ask what the student with this placement writes because they can’t read it. Scribbles, jumbled and mixing up things all over the page. You can tell they write fast with the jagged lines and crooked n’s and t’s ajakksks.
💕Venus/taurus/libra ~
Very sweet and charming way of talking to others, they have strong persuasive powers with their honeyed words, they can almost charm you into doing anything, they seem so innocent and sweet. These people are very kind though of course! They love giving others compliments, strangers, their friends, their family, they’re such sweet people to have in your life. They attract partners and relationships by doing their daily tasks, lovers can show up suddenly when they’re running errands or they can attract a lot of interest at their school.
Handwriting style 🍓
The most pleasant, aesthetic handwriting i have ever seen, even if their handwriting is bad it still becomes an art style somehow, i don’t really know how else to describe that. It’s like no matter how bad it could possibly look or how incoherent it is, their script still manages to look NICE.
💥Mars/aries ~
Very loud voices, a bit like sun, but it’s more like their power and strength is used whenever they talk. They could be meaner or aggressive classmates, angry talkers, I know so many people with this placement who talk so mad, so much cursing, ranting and screaming. We love it all.
Handwriting style 🥵
Very rough and fast handwriting, similar to mercury; however, it has more fervor, the messiest and most impulsive handwriting out of all of the other placements.
🐚Jupiter/sagittarius ~
Loud and expressive communicators, similar to the sun here, but they’re louder and bigger. You can hear their voices from across the room and they’re usually the know-it-all’s in the classroom. Very friendly and fun to talk to, they talk about so many exotic and interesting things. They love to crack a joke or two. Also, it’s something about these peoples voices are just FUNNY. Like how they talk is like hilarious and jolly in a good way. It make you wanna crack up and feel good. They make you feel good and BLESSED when they talk to you.
Handwriting style 🍀
Larger letters, I’ve noticed they have bigger “holes” and like to expand their letters over the pages, their words go over the lines and it could be messy usually, sort of like mars fashion but it’s just wider words on the paper.
🪐Saturn/capricorn ~
Very punctual people with perfect punctuation. They hate it whenever their thoughts are messy or unorganized, it makes it hard for them to think thoroughly like they are expected to. They’re the smarter most mature minds in the room. Very deep, daddy voices. IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT. THEY SOUND LIKE THEIR DADS. ITS CRAZY. They talk with so authority and sureness, their diction is so perfect it makes everyone mad.
Handwriting style ✏️
Perfect handwriting, they hate it when their sentences look off or unstructured on a page. The most rounded o’s, the straightest lines and perfect length for every letter they write. Correct punctuation once again, their words look like they were printed by a typewriter.
🌪Uranus/aquarius ~
Very different minds, they could feel strange or odd in school, like they were just the oddball learners, had weird interests, or was a huge nerd over so many subjects. Crazy coffee drinkers, the ones with monster drinks and twenty textbooks that are about to fall out of their open backpacks because they rushed to get to school on time. The craziest people actually, their minds are like on drugs, they can be hard to keep up with.
Handwriting style ⚡️
Weird ways they write certain styles of their letters and their words can “come out” of the page. They write SO fast this is usually why they take harder classes in school with more work just solely on the fact they can write much faster than anyone else. Maybe comic-book looking writing? They’re dynamic and crazy like harsh lines and crazy o’s, there’s something unique about the way they write.
🌊Neptune/pisces ~
Such idealistic thinkers. They want to see the good in their surroundings, they do need to be careful with this because surroundings and things can be deceiving. They can absorb such much of their surroundings, they can be quieter communicators because of this. It can be taken advantage of since they’re overwhelmed by conversations or they can be easily fooled by the wrong people. Like they believe things that aren’t even true? Or they like tell a lot of white lies when they’re talking that make people go like uhh is that even true?😀😀 But they play it off when they’re caught lying, it’s very deceptive. The quietest kids in school that either did drugs or tried to escape class by doing some illegal stuff, or they just left. Some were never seen at school.
Handwriting style 🌀
The sleepiest handwriting I’ve ever seen. It’s provably hard to read what they write. Faded words maybe? Faded words on faded paper. So poetic though, it’s pretty but not in a venus way, it like captivates you. It’s hypnotizing they way they draw out their e’s and their a’s have a dreamy tail that connects to their next letter.
🥀Pluto/scorpio ~
Obsessive minds, they want to know everything possible, they want to reach the deepest depths on information and knowledge. They are motived and driven to know as much as they can, and they always seem to succeed. They’re very smart. The kids in school who would keep to themselves or would obsess over what the teacher taught them, the way they communicate is like they’ve read the same page over and over again for days. Obsessive.
Handwriting style 🖤
Darker, hard to see words, they can have obsessive writing. It’s perfect but fast writing, maybe a bit scary that they have the ability to write so much with so much power? People can be freaked out with just how much they know already. So their words can be very persuasive, so the letters would be magnetic, you love their writing once you read one of their essays. You’re obsessed, just like they are.
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mizunetzu · 3 years
heyo 👉🏻👈🏻
you asked for a drabble, so
if you’re not busy, could you maybe write something for bokuto with a male classmate who always helps him with homework and always brings him food you know, but one time he gets sick and bokuto misses him so badly and understands how he’s latched onto him so he spams him with messages in the evening, and they text the whole evening and night and bokuto ends up confessing him through messages 🥺
just some fluffy texting drabble 👉🏻👈🏻 thank you very much, but please don’t force yourself 🤍 have a good day
This drabble was so bad KWNDJWKD but I THINK ITS CUTE??? ENOUGH?? LWMEKWKD
Drabble - Bokuto x sick!reader
⚠️warnings - none
Pronouns - male, he/him
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No response.
Bokuto pouted, and looked up from his phone he was hiding in his lap, to the empty seat two rows in front of him. Usually, (Y/n) would be sitting there absorbing whatever the teacher was saying, so he could explain it in a much simpler matter during lunch, but he was nowhere to be found. Bokuto looked back down to his phone.
‘HEYYYYY :(((‘
‘WHERE R U :,((‘
‘༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽’
Bokuto sighed. With the way his neck was craned down, looking at his lap with a depressing frown, it was probably obvious he was on his phone when he shouldn’t have been. He just hoped the teacher wouldn’t take away his phone before (Y/n) had a chance to respond.
Just as he was about to thunk his head on the desk, a small thought bubble with three flashing dots appeared at the corner of Bokuto’s phone screen. His eyes noticeably lit up, as he tried to contain his excitement.
‘You always pick the ugliest emoticons, Bo’
Bokuto smiled at the loving insult. He typed at his screen hurriedly. With the expense of typing too fast for autocorrect to fix his typos, Bokuto pressed send at the speed of light. Where was his friend today?
‘Bo, I’m sick.’
Bokuto guiltily typed. He was about to type out a ‘SORRY :((‘, but decided against it. The teacher was looking in his direction, anyways.
Bokuto rolled around in his bed until he was on his stomach. The three little thinking dots appeared on his screen in less than a second, followed by a:
‘I’m doing better. Idk if I’ll be back at school tomorrow tho :(‘
Bokuto’s mood dropped. It was hard enough not seeing what goodies his friend brought him for lunch today, or not knowing what the fuck was going on in class because (Y/n) wasn’t there to help him, hell it was hard just not seeing his face today. But for another day?
‘I did smh I still feel sick Bo’
‘R U OK NOW :(’
Bokuto didn’t care that he was spamming. He didn’t even care that he was misspelling everything he typed. But he didn’t really notice why he felt that way until he found himself typing:
His fingers froze on his phone’s keypad. The blue cursor flashed at the end of ‘MUC’, waiting for him to finish his text and press ‘send’.
He lay there in the dark of his room, silent, staring at his screen; until he backspaced everything he typed, and replaced it with:
‘I love you’
And pressed ‘send’.
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bitterrsweetss · 4 years
haikyuu boys when their girlfriend stays up late:
fem! reader 
ft: tsukishima, nishinoya, oikawa
note: y/f/s: your favourite show
a/n: what better time to write this than at midnight? 
although he may not act like he cares, he actually does
so when he notices that you are sleeping much later than usual, he is really concerned
just wants his baby to be healthy :<
which means getting enough sleep 
at around 1 am, he was online and saw that you were too
he got worried because he thought you were stressed and staying up late to study or something
he’s literally a hypocrite lol
calls you
“why aren’t you asleep?”
you were binge-watching y/f/s
“you need to sleep”
tries to persuade you too sleep
he definitely says “told you so” when you come to school super sleepy the next day
he tells you to sleep after this episode, but obviously, you don’t
i feel like he would be the type to secretly worry about you
doesn’t wanna show it though
he also buys you a hot coffee the next day
y’all go to his house to cuddle and nap the next day
please, let’s be real, he would stay up later than you
would call you
y’all would talk until really late about really random things
or maybe watch y/f/s with him
i feel like he would be super high at like 2am
you would laugh a lot
you just enjoy his company a lot, so it doesn’t really matter what y’all are doing
i think that you would fall asleep on the call before him
he would do that really cliché and cheesy thing where he talks to you and tells you sweet stuff while you’re asleep
only you’re actually asleep and don’t hear anything he says
he says something like how happy he is to have you in his life
and how much he appreciates you
tells you all the things he loves about you in detail
admires you in your sleep
he loves you so much awh
he also takes screenshots of you sleeping cos he finds it super cute
maybe he sets it as his wallpaper, maybe he does not
falls asleep a bit later
your phones die haha >:)
another one that would stay up with you
he would take cute pics with you on facetime
which he sets as his wallpaper
he definitely sleeps earlier than nishinoya though
can’t stay awake for too long
posts on his story about it
y’all would talk deep stuff
you really enjoy talking to him though
he also really loves talking to you
i guess when you love someone you will just enjoy their company
i feel like y’all would jam to songs
he’s the type to make you a playlist of songs that remind him of you and send it to you
y’all would do your nighttime skincare routines together
a lot of jokes
he tells you about his day
if anything happened today that upset you, he tries to cheer you up by making a joke about it
y’all hang up at like 1am? 
idk i feel like y’all won’t call super long at night 
a/n: sorry, this is short,, hope you like it anyways. i attempted to edit it, but i’m not very good at editing my work and its late, so if u see any typo u can just tell me!! my back hurts lol its late and so i’m gonna sleep
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frogtanii · 4 years
hq boys as the crimes they’d commit
warnings: CRIMES, crackfic, probably many typos idk i’m so tired lmaooo, cursing, drinking ??? idfk 😩💦
an: and i did this for what?? inspired by hq hcs royalty @sugardaddykenma @hina-wit-da-glock (AJSKSJ SORRY FOR TAGGING Y’ALL IF YOU SEE THIS, IT IS DEF NOT UP TO PAR W Y’ALLS WORKS ILY)
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sawamura daichi- insurance fraud!! somehow this is such a dad crime to commit?? dadchi didn’t try (dumb excuse, how do you accidentally commit insurance fraud smh) to commit insurance fraud but at one point in his late-thirties, he was very very broke and was already working as much as possible so, he decided to fake an ankle injury, as you do, and filed a bunch of claims which made him bank. daichi kept doing it until he was able to quit one of his jobs and buy himself a really nice suit and a rolex (uhhh 🥵). he somehow never got caught tho and to this day, none of his friends know how he was able to afford a tesla on a cop’s salary (sorry daichi but acab 😔✨)
sugawara kōshi- child abandonment!! ok you can try and fight me on this but i feel in my bones that suga absolutely despises children. he can tolerate ages 10+ but anything younger than that, he will punt them into the next dimension. the thing is, people just assume he likes kids because of how good he is with his team which is why his aunt begged him to babysit his nephew taro. taro was being an absolute brat when suga took him out for the day and he was 👉👈 this close to snapping. he put taro down for like 3 seconds to pay for their ice cream and when he turned back, the demon spawn was gone. he panicked, running around the park looking for taro when it turns out, taro was just bent down behind the bench. some random karen called the police and suga has never craved murder more.
nishinoya yuu- arson!! you CANNOT tell me nishinoya doesn’t have a ~murder~ playlist that he listens to to get himself hype (me too noya, me too). one night, he got a lil too hype listening to start a riot by duckwrth and watching demolition videos on youtube. he snuck out of his house to an empty shed like 30 minutes away and maybe... lit it on fire while genocide by lil darkie played on a speaker nearby. what he did NOT anticipate was the absolute size of the fire so he freaked out and called the firefighters who promptly called the police. he didn’t want to get grounded so he called daichi to bail him out. daichi still told noya’s parents 😔.
tanaka ryūnosuke- vandalism!! tanaka had been on alt tiktok and saw a group of cool friends spray painting an abandoned building. he thought “that’s cool, lemme do that!” but then he realized he had no friends (AHDGS JK I LOVE TANAKA). he asked nishinoya who was grounded from the arson incident and he knew he definitely couldn’t ask daichi, suga, asahi, or enoshita so he decided to go it alone. that proved to be a MASSIVE mistake. he got the supplies, arrived to the building of his choice (thanks saeko :3), and decided to spray paint a huge p3ni5 in bright red paint. he finished “successfully” and zoomed back home. what he didn’t realize with his two-and-a-half braincells is that he signed his glorious piece with his full name. the cops were at his house the next morning...🧍
hinata shoyō- forgery!! hinata did NOT think that forgery was even a crime. how was he supposed to know that he wasn’t allowed to copy his mom’s signature on a permission form! all he wanted was to go to an overnight training camp 😿
kageyama tobio- attempted murder!! kageyama swears it sounds worse than was and he is absolutely incorrect. what happened was so much worse. he and hinata were having a competition to see who could hold their breath the longest underwater (you can’t tell me they haven’t done some dumbass shit like this) and kageyma lost almost instantly (he has the tiny lungs of an asthmatic). he didn’t want hinata to notice so he held hinata’s head under the water for like 10 seconds. suga walked in though, saw hinata thrashing around in the water and immediately called the police. kageyama never forgave him.
tsukishima kei- cyberbullying!! first of all, i had no idea you could get arrested for cyber bullying!? that being said, neither did tsukishima who spent 80% of his time making fun of people online (and on his real account!! bold). eventually one of the people he bullied (hinata) reported him on instagram and his very lame account was deleted (pls don’t bully people online 😤).
yamaguchi tadashi- shoplifting!! andjksh this is so funny because this scenario has happened to me and i can just SEE this happening to poor tadashi. yamaguchi gets super late night cravings (and usually tsukki will walk with him at like 3 am 🥺 nEWAYS) so he’ll sneak out and walk to the mini-mart near his house. one night, he was so tired but also super hungry so he went onto his nightly routine and basically sleepwalked into the store. he picked out his favorite chips and candy bar (which are sour cream&onion lays and milky ways in case you were wondering 😌✨) and just... walked out the store without paying. the store clerk was mysteriously missing so yamaguchi made it all the way home, ate half the bag of chips and passed out without realizing what he’d done. once he did, he cried for 2 hours straight.
kuroo tetsurō- telemarketing fraud!! kuroo originally did telemarketing fraud as a joke?? like he was trying to prank call someone pretending that they had lost their information and they actually gave it to him??? he was mildly concerned but even more excited. he did it over and over again but he never used the info for anything. to this day, kuroo literally has a notebook full of credit card numbers and bank account passwords but he refuses to use it because he believes it’s ✨wrong✨(but it isn’t wrong to take all that information in the first place under false pretenses, not realizing that once people find out, they are forced to close credit cards and accounts but go off self righteous king). once he brought the book up to kenma and he offered to sell it on the dark web. now kuroo feels less bad about what he’s done! :D
kozume kenma- computer crime!! pfttt this one seems kinda obvious but what do you expect from kenma :). he spends so much time on the internet, he’s definitely picked up some less than legal skills that still help him now 👀. kenma did little mini crimes like getting into other people’s wifi but his crowning achievement was when he hacked into the minneapolis pd website and had it so when you opened the page, a black lives matter screen came up. he never told anyone that it was him who did it but he thinks it’s the best he’s ever done.
yaku morisuke- racketeering!! yaku, the feral king, ran an underground gambling ring in the basement of nekoma (do they have basements?? who knows! i don’t!) during his third year. the only reason it didn’t get shut down was because coach nekomata took a portion of yaku’s profits whenever he won (which was literally all the time). everyone on the team has lost money to him which is why they never play with him anymore. they won’t even let yaku play monopoly 😔.
haiba lev- indecent exposure!! poor lev’s head is so empty, he tends to fall for whatever pranks his senpai’s do to him. this time kuroo had somehow convinced him that in order to grow his schlong, he had to run outside naked for 10 minutes because the moonlight had special growing properties. lev was a lil scared ngl because he was already superrr tall and didn’t need to grow his height (or his dick ((boy is hung)) but poor lev is insecure) but he did it anyway. long story short, an old woman saw him parading around the neighborhood naked and called el policia. 0/10 dick did NOT grow and had to spend a night in jail naked 😿
aoba johsai
oikawa tōru- prostitution!! KAKKAKA iwazumi made fun of oikawa for being so shitty and said that he couldn’t pick up anyone if he tried. flattykawa took this as a personal challenge and went out onto the street, asking people if they’d have sex with him. with the way he was asking (and the way he was dressed), people assumed he was a paid w h o r e and someone eventually reported him. iwazumi had to pick oikawa up from the station- he never let him live this one down.
iwaizumi hajime- battery!! it wasn’t technically battery but oikawa is a lil bitch and overreacts (at least in his words -_-). the amount of times iwa-chan has beat the absolute shit out of oikawa is uNREAL. he just can’t handle the stupidity sometimes so he just smacks the crap outta him. not for real for real but the way oikawa reacts, you’d think a murder was occurring. one time, shittykawa screeched so loud, they got a noise complaint -_- hajime hates it in these streets.
matsukawa issei & hanamaki takahiro- conspiracy!! issei and hiro have a secret blog where they discuss conspiracy theories and such but one day, hiro found an article that explained how jfk’s death was an inside job. he sent it to issei who began to theorize how HE’D do it. that devolved into a massive thread on their blog of how’d they murder a president which blew up and caught the attention of the cia who sent the a letter telling them to quietly delete the blog. they did because they were terrified but they kept the letter and now it’s framed in issei’s apartment.
kyōtani kentarō- assault!! baby is an angry little boy but for all the right reasons. he was at a bar (when he’s all grown up, duh) and he spotted an absolute drunk creep hitting on a girl who clearlyyyy did not reciprocate his feelings. kyōtani, being the respectful king that he is, went over to the guy, pulled him by the jacket and beat. the. shit. out of him. while the bartender was happy with the fact that the creep was out, he was not impressed with the damage to his bar. he just sent kyōtani out who casually adjusted his leather jacket and rings, and hopped on his motorcycle to ride away into the night. i am the FATTEST simp for this man ONG 🥴
ushijima wakatoshi- stalking!! poor ushijima has no idea how intimidating he can be. he was on a train late at night after practice and the woman sitting across from him left her purse sitting on the seat. being the gentleman that he is, he took the purse and followed her to return it. the only problem is that the closer he got, the faster she ran and when he tried to speak (yknow with his scary, deep, baritone voice), the woman screeched and called the cops on him because he was a “strange, big man who was following her home.” when the police showed up, ushijima was painfully confused and just held up this tiny ass purse in his massive hands. the cops laughed.
tendō satori- ???!! no one knows what crimes (or how many 😳) tendō has committed but each of his teammates have different ideas- ushijima: “i don’t believe tendou is capable of committing any sort of felony. well, maybe murder”; semi: “of COURSE he’s capable of crimes??! do you know how many times i’ve seen him come into the dorm with a suspicious stain of red on his sweater?? *shudders* if i end up dead, tendō did it...” in actuality, the only crime tendō has committed is ~drugs~ but he’s not bouta tell his friends that.
goshiki tsutomu- would be a VICTIM!! my baby tsutomu would NEVER commit a crime!!! i love this man with my everything and the only crime he’s committed is being too damn cute 😤🥺
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