#idk if it was meant for that prompt but Im Counting It
twost3ps · 4 months
This boy has been in the drafts for like a month
I'm feeling like I want an Adam sandwich with two slices of Morningstar brothers so you guys are going to hear me out on my LucifurxAdamxMicheal au (and I mean it in a they both share Adam in the end :3 ) In general I'm calling the ship ✨️GuitarStars✨️ boooyaaa I feel like there might be a better name for it but idk
(Also I’ve noticed there is complaint for guitarhero in the adamsapple tag. I'm tagging this post as adamsapple this once of it but post related to this with both brothers will be counted as #guitarstars.
I also completely agree with the complaints. There is a problem with the tagging so this is a very quick reminder to please tag properly!!! Ik it's not meant to be harmful bcz most guitarhero shippers are also adamsapple as well. But i will admit there has been a lot of unecessary tagging (i am guilty of this im so sorry qwq) so please be mindful!!!! Ik this post might go agaisnt that but its just this post i swear sorrryyyy)
ANYWAYS The actual au:
For now I'm calling the au- Angels on My Shoulder (I can't think of a good title rn grrr)
quick sketchs so you get the idea
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General prompt:
Adam respawns as a human with all his memories. He lives a normal happy life until he turns 21 when two angels (Micheal and Lucifer) appear on his shoulders with a mission: try convince him into making certain decisions so that he ensures a spot in heaven or hell.
That doesn’t work out very well because adam hates how theyre forcing their ideals onto him one way or another. He doesnt really want to think about heaven or hell anytime soon. Heaven or hell seems like complete torture to him. The fact that he didn't like either of them before he respawned doesn't help.
A revelation happens and both brothers realize it's not gonna work on their terms so they're gonna have to earn his favor first before trying anything. One of the ways is talking it out beacuse adam had expressed several times over that, while at first it was funny, their bickering needs to die because it's getting annoying.
They talk it out. They make up. It takes a whole but they become close again. They try to earn adams favor in the meantime and between time. Everything is at peace. As time goes on though, the wooing is no longer for just adams favor, its now romantic. Both develop feelings for Adam. And since now they made up both made up they are very willing to share him.
The og goal is completely lost. Gone with the dirt and dust. And now what was once a competition to get Adam into heaven or hell has spiraled into heaven and hell trying to get into Adam. If you catch my drift.
Do they get in there?
God bless they do
(Ps they start off as small little mascots but then later grow into their normal form and an added human form. Adam Prefers the small mascots though)
My in-depth of the au that is very subject to change I just wanted to rant is under the cut o3o
So when Adam had died, he respawned onto earth. Born into a normal family and all that jazz. He lives life as normal and has comes to terms with it. He actually loves his life. He doesn’t have to walk on eggshells anymore and lives as normal. He’s not insanely good or insanely bad, he’s just a guy.
A guy who is very happy with himself. After graduating he becomes a national park ranger.
Heaven and hell both know of adams soul, but contant cant be initiated till he turns 21 (It was recognized because I wanna say 21 would be the age Adam technically was in his creation during Eden, and thats when he can process divinity without his body tweaking as if he were any other mortal. Souls grow along with age and all that drama, adams soul in eden was strong enough to stand the sheer power of a seraphims presence) both sides made it their immediate duty to guide him to their path.
Sera wanted Adam in heaven to clear her mind- to have heaven back to perfection with the original perfection creation (also to have her son back, but she's not ready to unpack that for herself.)
Lucifur wanted adam as he could punish him directly for hurting Charlie and her friends. A little tiny part of him also really wants Adam all for himself grrryrvgrvsgrs
So both heaven and hell spawn a representative guide for Adam to follow once his soul is ready to guide. Lucifur nominated himself and Sera nominated Micheal who agreed.
For some reason (probably amix of earth and god or sumn), Adam's presence nulls the powers of both angels and devils. So the first time they appear, Micheal and lucifur appear as small tiny mascots on Adam’s shoulder.
(Adam has flicked both of them away several times and they can't really do anything about it other than fly back and try again)
Both sides had the same idea and Adam connects the dots very fast on why they are here without them telling him. And he's pissed.
His normal life is now ruined.
Adam actually really hates both Lucifur and Micheal. Lucifur for obvious reasons and Micheal because he's just so nitpickey. Micheal had trained Adam in the past and that guy was brutal. Adam understood part of it was with Lucifurs falling and their brother thing and whatever but god daymn bro needed to chill. If Sera was on him like a hawk Micheal had been on him like a spy camera from space monitored by the secret service. In a way, both devalued adams emotions to some capacity so Adam hated both of them equally. Nothing Adam could do about it though because he was human.
In the beginning, both micheal and lucifur kept it really formal between them. Its strained but neither brother imposes on what the other one advises. That doesn’t stay for too long. The formalities between Lucifur and Micheal die pretty quickly. Under 2 months tops. While both are very old and very much adults, they are, first and foremost, SIBLINGS.
Both begin talking over eachother, butting in, shoving eachother. It's like pre eden all over again between the two on who is better. Most of the time they argue about the most random topics forgetting their og purpose.
After one year of enduring both of their bs, Adam feels like he has a dog and a cat rather than two otherworldly gaurdians monitoring his every move.
He doesn't complain though. After a while he's learned to tune them out. He also finds it incredibly entertaining watching the literal devil fight with the a high angel while being incredibly small. And with no powers it resorts to petty slapping. He's gotten pretty used to it....
Except when it comes to them making him choose what actions he takes.
They're always on him about everything. It sucks so much ass. Everything Adam tries to do something good, Lucifur tells him that it's stupid, that he should be more selfish and blocks Adam. He keeps on telling him that deep down adam really isnt all that, and why should he try and do good when everyone knows that hes not really that. Micheal does the same thing in reverse. When Adam does something considered bad, Micheal raves on how he'll go to hell. That Adam was made in perfection and must reach that perfection. That heaven is waiting for him and is available only if he keeps on doing good.
It makes Adam so mad when they remember what they're trying to do.
Adam doesn’t listen to either angel because after living part of his life as just a normal person, he’s come to realize he doesn’t want to think about living life wondering if he’s going to heaven or hell. Adam does not want to face eternal punishment or be in hell. He still really hates sinners, and while the blood hungry killer part of him died with his second life, he still thinks that the majority of those sinners are disgusting to say the least. But he doesn’t want to walk eggshells to be virtuous enough to enter heaven. Heaven, for all its greatness got tiring after 1000s of years. He's grown tired- already hated hell and grew to hate heaven. He doesn’t want to think about either, he doesn’t want those ideas to deter him from choosing what he wants to do. He wants to make both good and bad decisions without an angel watching over him. He wants to be able to make both good and bad decisions. He makes this very clear after a breakdown.
It becomes less of a competition over making Adam choose and more of getting into Adam’s favor after that because their first tactic is clearly not working.
So both agree that they will have to earn adams favor before making him do anything.
But in order to get adams favor both have to learn to get along because it had become one of Adam's biggest gripes. Funny at first, but the bickering and arguments got tiring after the course of a few years.
So they do attempt to make up. Genuinely. It's hard and its tough. Theres a lot there to unpack. But both jnkw that if they don't do this Adam is not going to listen to either of them because getting along has go go both ways.
And they do make up.
By the time Adam is in his early 30s, the close proximity and a lot of Adam yelling to sort it out, allowed for some slow but needed time to talk it out. They would do it infront of Adam who was the mediator, but they mostly would talk when Adam falls asleep as both watch over his dreams (creepos imo). They begin talking about their decision and their lives. Both brothers do acknowledge that they miss each other and that they have committed several wrongs with each other. And soon the fighting turns to light banter and life is good. They still try to earn adams favor but it's a lot more calmer. Everything's more calm.
Atleast that's what adam thought at first.
While bonding and stuff, they both come to the mutual agreement that they could share Adam. So they both freak it and try to woo Adam together.
And then now it's a matter of Adam freaking out because while before, both his little shoulder angels used to argue, they their bickering distracted them enough that Adam could chill and leave.
Now they're both bothering him and helping eachother try to get in adams pants. They're tag teaming him now.
It doesn't take long for their combined forces to make Adam cave.
The og goal is kinda gone. They still put their input but adams become more open it because they're less demanding and he feels like their goals are more aligned to his wants than theirs. Lucifur and Micheal also come to kinda realize that where Adam ends is where Adam ends. They're going to have to just suck it up when the time comes but they'll enjoy sharing while it lasts.
It gets pretty domestic and slice of life here. So the years following is a mix of sibling bonding and having ✨️the rizz✨️ on Adam.
Lucifur talks about hell and Charlie. Micheal talks about heaven and lucifur and his siblings. (Both Micheal and Lucifur arent permannt shoulder angels, they can actually pop away if they wanted to) Adam talks about his life and stuff.
When Adam eventually dies, his soul is neither here or there (because getting absolutely boned by twin morningstars does not make you virtuous or sinful it just makes you a bad bitch) his soul spawns in limbo. He’s deprived from salvation but doesn’t endure the horrors of hell. It’s basically a decent sided garden with a basic house in the middle where the garden ends is white space. On opposite ends of the garden are two doors, one goes to hell and the other to heaven. Turns out, the doors are connected to Micheal and Lucifer’s homes, but only appeared in them once Adam died. He’s allowed outside limbo into heaven or hell of his choosing for a limited amount of time and visites Micheal and Lucifer when he can. On the flip side Micheal and Lucifer can freely walk in and out of the place. I don’t want Adam to be lonely once he enters limbo so Cain and Abel are there because they died before heaven was ready and when he’ll just started.
So that’s pretty much it :3 kinda
incomplete but doesn't have everything I wanna say
I will reiterate what I said at the beginning. I love you my guitarhero ppl but they are right in the tagging. It comes from a place of love so just be mindful!! Also, this is from me, sometimes the adamsapple vs guitarhero thing gets repetitive. It's a very common post ive seen. And I mean in general not just leaking into the adamsapple tag. That might just be me, but I do see it pretty often. Love it but that with the tagging does get a bit old. Really, the problem is a mix of incorrect tagging and the same trope. There's a lot more to the ship, especially with Micheal being free reign rn, so there is a lot of opportunity to show their relationship besides comparing it to Adamsapple.
I feel like somone who ships guitarhero also had to say something so yeyeye
Again, no offense to anyone guitarhero isbmy love but just please be mindful guys o3o
If you read all that thank you lol
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ihave-atummyache · 9 months
jealousy is a disease
and they signed it with a little orange heart and i feel so bad.
im sorry annony idk what happened to it but😣😣 the general question was like what jealous sex with skz would be like and i wanted to do like a head cannon but then i got way carried away and just went ham.
11.5 k words (im sorry. im sick in the head)
reader lowk toxic asf, cheating, nasty nasty smut, just read it and find out👍🏽
He isn't one to often get jealous. He is very secure in your relationship and knows that you only have eyes for him. So he is equally surprised when he finds himself getting jealous over your relationship with Changbin.
Maybe it was the fact that he was also jealous of Changbin for being able to spend time with you but, he found himself snapping one day when he calls you.
"Hey. What do you want for dinner later?" Chan's voice rings across the phone. He notices the loud noise in the background and realized you probably aren't at home. He also knows that you are definitely off of work today.
"Where are you?" He speaks up again before you can reply to his previous question.
"I'm at the mall with Binnie," you reply and Chan feels his jaw clenching against his will. He sits up in his seat and leans his elbows onto his knees.
"We can. Let's go in," your voice rings across the phone and he assumes you're talking to Changbin.
"Can you answer my question or are you too busy?" Chan's voice is short and impatient but you're too distracted to recognize any hostility in his tone.
"What was the question again?" You ask, a giggle leaving your mouth that was definitely not meant for him. This makes his blood boil even more at the fact that someone else was spending time with you and hearing your giggle first hand.
"Nevermind, y/n. I'll talk to you later," he grumbles and hangs up the phone before you can say much else. You pull the phone off your ear and blink down at it a couple of times before looking over to Changbin.
"Uh oh. I think someone is mad," Changbin speaks up before you can and you shake your head, shocked that Chan is showing any signs of jealousy.
"Channie! We're back!" You announce yourself as you walk into their dorm but get no response. You turn to Changbin and he shrugs at you.
"I know he's here. I checked his location when we pulled up," you mumble, sort of to yourself and sort of to Changbin. You make your way to your boyfriend's bedroom and don't bother knocking on the door, instead just pushing it open.
He's sat on his bed, scrolling through what you assume is social media on his phone. You drop the bags down next to the door and make your way over to the bed, straddling your boyfriend's thighs.
"I'm back," you mumble, wrapping your arms around his neck but he doesn't even spare you a glance, still focused on scrolling on his phone.
"I heard," he mumbles and you pout, twisting the hair at the nape of his neck. You look around the room and see that he seems to have actually been relaxing for once all day. There's no trace of his computer or messy scrawlings of music like there usually is.
"What did you do today?" you prompt him to speak to you, letting your hands travel to the back of his head and scratch at his scalp.
"Nothin'," he isn't even pretending that he wants to talk to you. You roll your eyes, pulling your body closer to him but he keeps his phone positioned between you.
"So you just sat here all day, counting the hours until I return?" you tease and he finally glances up at you, which you take advantage of and put on your best puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah, mate. I sat here bored while my girlfriend and best friend hung out without me," he drops his phone onto the bed next to him and crosses his arms over his chest. He falls back against the headboard, staring you down.
You reach forward and unfold his arms, which he lets you do, and you wrap them around your waist before you lean forward as wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your chest to his.
"Are you jealous, baby?" You ask and start playing with the tops of his ears, which are growing increasingly red at your question.
"N-no," he mumbles out and pulls you tighter against him, pressing you against him through his pants.
"Are you jealous because I stole Binnie or are you jealous because Binnie stole me?" You ignore his answer and a small pout makes its way to his plump lips.
"Don't call him Binnie," he whines and you can't help the laugh that falls from your lips. You lean forward and kiss the pout away.
"You're the cutest," you smile down at him before pressing another kiss to his lips. His arms tighten around you more and your body moves closer to him, grinding yourself down onto his bulge.
"Stop rubbing yourself against me. I'm supposed to be mad at you," he complains but his tight grip on you and his thumbs rubbing soothing circles offer a contrary action to his words.
"You don't have to be mad anymore, baby. It's okay to get a little jealous. I'm always jealous when I see you with anyone that isn't me," you shrug and he chuckles, pulling your hips against him again.
"I just don't like to share you," he grumbles out, his ears growing even more red. Between you rutting against him and him confessing to being jealous, you don't know which is making him more red.
"You don't share me. I wouldn't be sitting like this with anyone else besides you," you grind down into him again and he releases his grip on you, instead grabbing your hips.
"I wouldn't be trying this hard to fuck anybody but you," you speak lowly, placing a kiss to the side of his neck. He lets out a deep groan at your words and you grind down into him again.
"Show me I'm yours?" You ask quietly into his ear and it only take a millisecond for his hand to find your chin and turn it, smashing his lips against yours. His tongue immediately finds its way into your mouth and he easily flips the two of you over so that he is placed between your legs.
He grabs your jeans and gently pulls them down your legs and then your underwear. He rubs lazy circles on your clit while he continues to kiss you. He catches himself rutting against your thigh, desperate for friction and you also notice.
"Fuck me, Chris. Please?" you ask, as sweetly as you can muster, and who is he to deny you when you sound so nice? He pushes his pants down his legs and lines himself up with your entrance before slowly sinking in.
You let out a hiss at the stretch and he drops to his elbows, caging you in, and locking your lips again. Your hands make their way around his back and he slowly starts to speed up when he feels you relaxing around him.
"You're always so tight for me," he mumbles against your lips and you hum when he picks up the pace.
"Nobody can make me feel the way you do, Channie," you moan out and he places another kiss to your lips before he sits back on his heels, folding your knees to either side of your chest.
"You don't think Changbin could make you feel like this?" His jealousy creeps back into him and you immediately shake your head, feeding into him.
"Only you," you breathe out and his thrusts start to hit you harder, making you mewl out and slap your hand over your mouth. He grabs your wrist quickly, pinning it beside your head.
"I want him to hear. I want him to hear how good I can make you feel," he groans out and his other hand comes down to make contact with your clit, making quick work of pushing you towards your orgasm.
"Are you going to cum, princess? I can feel you trying to milk my cock," Chan sets a bruising pace and you cry out when you feel yourself on the verge of cumming.
"Fuck! Chris, you're going to make me cum. Fuck. I'm cumming I'm cumming I'm cumming..." you find yourself chanting as he plows into you and he releases your wrist and stops abusing your clit, now chasing his own high.
"Cum for me, Chan. Fill me up, Channie," you're practically begging for his cum and its all it takes for him to get sent over the edge, letting himself collapse on top of you and locks your lips while he paints your insides with his seed.
"He's probably going to be traumatized," Chan breathes out when he pulls away from you, causing you to laugh.
Lee Know:
"Why do you insist on making me so angry?" Minho's voice in your ear is deep and raspy but still clear over the music thudding around you. You bite down on your lip at his tone and turn your head to face him. Your faces are only a few inches apart and you can clearly see the anger flickering through his gaze.
"What did I do?" You're playing dumb. You know what you did. You were just trying to be nice back to the bartender and it was too late for you once you realized he was actually flirting with you and it probably looked like you were flirting back.
A smirk covers Minho's face and he grabs his wallet, pulling out his card and handing it to the bartender.
"Me and my girlfriend are leaving. Close the tab." He demands, jaw clenching. The bartender blinks between the two of you a few times before you hang your head in shame, not daring to look the man in the eyes again.
"But I want to stay," you know you shouldn't whine, you know you shouldn't complain. The circumstance was far from relaxed and Minho snapping his head towards you further proves that point.
Minho's hand finds its way to your shoulders, pulling your body towards him and he leans down, his breath blowing your hair and sending chills down your spine. His hand moves down to your lower back, holding you in place. From anyone else looking at you, it would look like a sweet gesture but this is Minho.
"You want to stay here and have fun with your new boyfriend? That's too bad. You're not getting your way this time, princess," his voice is sharp and hostile. The nickname is practically spat into your ear and you gulp, feeling heat rush up your neck.
His hand creeps from your lower back to the back of your neck, his hand resting there until you finished your drink and stood. He still doesn't remove his hand, guiding you through the crowd and out of the bar until you get to his car. He only lets go when he reaches down to open the door for you, closing it behind you, and walking to the other side of the car.
He settles in the drivers seat and starts the car but doesn't put his seatbelt on or make any effort to pull out of the parking lot.
"Do you enjoy acting like a spoiled brat?" His deep voice breaks the silence and you can't help rolling your eyes at him.
"You're the one acting like a spoiled brat. Not me. I was just being nice and you got jealous," you cross your arms over your chest and and Minho clenches his jaw again, still looking out of the windshield.
"If you know how easily I get jealous, why do you always make me feel like this. If you want me to fuck you until you can't walk, then just say that," his words catch you off guard and he finally turns to face you.
"What? Cat got your tongue? Nothing to say now, sweetheart?" He taunts you and you huff, turning away from him to face out the window.
"You forced me to leave when I was having fun so lets go. I'm ready for bed," you mumble, staring out the window.
"Speak up when you're talking to me." His tone is commanding and you gulp, still refusing to face him. He grabs your chin, turning your head to face him.
"And stop fucking pouting. Would you rather go in there and spend time with my replacement?" he taunts pushing your face out of his hand and you subconsciously rub your thighs together. You both know how much it turns you on when he gets aggressive with you like this.
"Yes actually," you know you shouldn't instigate him but you can't help it. You reach for the door handle and he can't quite grab you before you're out of the car. He quickly exits the car as well and grabs you before you're even two steps away.
His hand wraps around your wrist, pulling your body into his. You try to wriggle your hand out of his grip but he is much stronger than you. He tightens his grip and turns you so you're sitting on the hood of his car, the vibration from the engine sending chills throughout your entire body.
Minho's hand drops between your thighs and he presses two fingers against your panties before he lets out a chuckle.
"You're pathetic. Why are you so wet?" He practically spits in your face and you bite your lip to fight the smile from making its way on your face before you make your final jab at his ego.
"Must've been from the way the bartender was looking at me," you taunt and Minho freezes for a moment before he lets out a loud laugh. A genuine laugh and you feel your heart drop. You might have pushed him too far this time.
"All you care about is attention, isn't it? It doesn't even matter who you get it from. You just want the promise of something touching your cunt," he spits and takes a step towards you, you stumble back slightly, sitting on the hood.
Minho leans forward and places a hand on either side of your body, his face only centimeters from yours. Your eyes dart down to his lips and his tongue flicks out, wetting them before your eyes meet his again. You lean forward, desperate to meet your lips together but a hand between you two stops you. Your eyes shoot open and Minho has the most smug look on his face, his hand over your mouth muffling your whine.
"You need to stop provoking me, princess," he speaks lowly and the pressure on your mouth increases as he lays you back on the hood of the car and positions himself between your legs. Your short dress rides up quickly and is gathered around your hips.
His other hand makes its way to your core, pushing his way inside of your panties and he inserts a finger into you. His hand is still covering your mouth and you arch into him, my hand stopping the pitiful sounds from leaving your mouth.
His hand exits your panties and he undoes his belt quickly, never moving his other hand from your mouth. He pulls your panties to the side and lines himself up with your entrance before entering you, all in one go.
You cry out at the stretch and it would probably have been close to a shriek if it wasn't for Minho's hand. He finally removes his hand, opting to place his fingers in your mouth instead.
"Suck, slut," he demands you and you immediately oblige before he starts to move inside of you, making your eyes roll back into your head. He removes his wet fingers from your mouth and they quickly find your clit, rubbing circles on it.
Your back arches at his touch and he feels you clenching around him.
"I'm- I'm gonna-" before you can finish your sentence, Minho stops. Your oncoming orgasm quickly dissipates and your eyes fly open.
"What the fuck? Why did you do that?" you complain, anger creeping into your body and he lets out another laugh.
"Do you seriously think that you should be allowed to cum with the way you have been acting today?" he questions and you feel your eyes start to water in frustration. His hand reaches forwards and wraps around the back of your hair. He pulls out of you and steps back, using your hair to guide you to your knees in front of him.
"You need something in your pretty mouth to fix that attitude," he comments and you look up at him. He runs a thumb across your cheekbone, gathering a tear that you hadn't even realized had fallen before his cock is in your mouth.
His grip in your hair tightens and his head falls back at the feeling of your mouth around him. He doesn't give you time to adjust before he's fucking your mouth, making you gag every time he hits the back of your throat. Your eyes fall closed as the tears make their way to your eyes again.
"Look at me," he demands and you obey, your eyes popping open to meet his and as soon as the air hits your eyes, the tears starts to fall down your cheeks.
"Fuck, you look so pretty, baby," he reaches into his back pocket and you don't realize what he's doing until the flash is on your face and you realize he's recording you. It doesn't take much before his thrusts get sloppy in your mouth.
"Fuck. I'm going to show this to your little friend. Make him realize who you belong to," he groans and pushes his cock as far into you as he can, cumming down your throat. He pulls out of your mouth with a pop before forcing his thumb into your mouth and prying it open.
"Open up. Let me make sure you swallowed it all," he speaks up and you sniffle, sticking your tongue out and he moves the camera to your mouth, proving that you did in fact swallow everything he gave you. He turns the camera off and places it on the car behind you.
"Such a good girl," he comments, rubbing your cheeks, trying his best to wipe your tears without ruining your makeup.
"I just don't get it, Binnie! What did I do so wrong? He's actually fucking insane," you rant, still pacing around the room. You and your boyfriend had just gotten into a huge fight about how he thinks you're cheating on him with your best friend, Changbin.
He claims he can sense the sexual tension between the two of you and wouldn't put it past you to be having sex with him behind his back. To be fair, the two of you do have a lot of sexual tension that neither of you have explored but that's neither here nor there.
"What exactly was he saying? You still haven't told me," Changbin looks up at you from the studio chair and the eye contact has you pacing again. A blush creeps up your neck when you realize you need to relay to him what your boyfriend has been saying.
"He..um..." you trail off and Changbin stands from the chair and put both hands on your shoulder, stopping your pacing, and guides you to the couch to sit you down.
"Relax, sweetheart. Take a deep breath. What did he say to you?" He asks you, leaning down so you're eye level with each other. You chew on your lip and Changbin's eyes dart to your mouth for a moment before he makes eye contact with you again.
"He thinks I'm cheating on him," you start and Changbin scoffs, shaking his head.
"Why would he ever even think that? You're with that piece of shit and nobody else so he should be grateful to even be able to have you in his presence," his tone is a bit angry and he releases your shoulders, sitting on the coffee table across from you.
"With you..." you finish the statement and your best friend's eyes grow wide at the rest of the sentence. He blinks at you a few times, obviously trying to find the right words but they never make it out of his mouth.
"He says that we have too much sexual tension to not be fucking each other. I was really thinking about it and I can't tell if he's right or wrong," you suddenly confess and a chuckles leaves Changbin's mouth.
"We can prove him right if you want," Changbin suddenly proposes and you freeze. You're not blinking or even breathing when he makes the confession.
"Wha... Binnie, I don't-"
"Come on. We both know he isn't good enough for you anyways. He's just mad because he sees how much better I would treat you," He leans forward, placing a hand on your knee.
"He sees how much happier you are with me," he leans forward more, his lips only a few inches from yours. "You can tell me to stop and we will never talk about this again," he whispers and leans towards you more. When his lips are only a centimeter from yours, he looks up into your eyes, searching for any uncertainty.
Instead, he sees pure lust and you lean forward, closing the gap between the two of you. You stand, your hands finding a place on either one of his muscular shoulders and slowly trailing down his biceps. You have felt his muscles a million times, but never like this.
His hands wrap around the back of your thighs and he pulls you forward, making you stumble into his lap, straddling him. His hands make purchase on your ass, almost as if they were always supposed to be there. He kneads at the flesh softly, earning a small moan from you.
His grip on your ass tightens and he stands, still holding you before he turns and slowly lowers himself onto the couch. He really is strong and the thought of how easily he can manhandle you has you dripping. You pull away from him, letting your forehead rest against his.
"You feel so good under me," you whisper out and a cocky smirk quickly makes its way to his face. You bite down on your lip and his finger is quick to reach up and pull it from between your teeth.
"You always bite your lip when you look at me. Why is that?" he questions and you're already too turned on to be embarrassed by anything that might come out of your mouth.
"Because I'm always thinking about how much better you could fuck me than my boyfriend," you speak out lowly and he literally growls at the statement, a slap resonating through the room when his hand makes contact with your ass.
"You're mine. You always have been mine. Even when you're with anyone else, you still belong to me," he groans out and locks his lips with yours again. His hand makes quick work of the button on your jeans and his hand is in your panties, rubbing against your leaking slit.
"Fuck. Are you always this wet?" he speaks against your lips and you let out a moan when he  creeps a finger inside of you.
"Only when I'm around you," your confession isn't untrue, which is honestly sad. Your best friend gets you more turned on than your boyfriend ever has.
He sinks another finger into you and your head falls back, exposing your neck to him. He can't resist the urge and leans forward, sucking a hickey into your throat. His fingers pumping in and out of you have you too distracted to even realize what he's doing.
He pulls his hand from inside of your pants and flips you off of him with ease, making you land on your back on the couch next to him. He quickly pulls your jeans and panties down your legs and pushes two fingers into you again, before leaning down and licking at your clit. Your head falls back and you start to see stars at the combination.
"Fuck. You're making me feel so good, Binnie. I'm going to cum if you keep doing that," you mewl out and the thought of you cumming has him seeing stars but he would much rather feel you cumming around his cock than his fingers.
He pulls his fingers from you and sits up. He pushes your legs closed and wraps an arm around your waist, flipping you with ease. You feel his presence behind you and hear his belt unbuckling before he leans over to whisper in your ear.
"I'm going to cum in this pussy. I want to put a baby in you so everyone knows you belong to me,” his husky voice has you letting out a moan and he uses his knee to kick your legs apart and open you up for him.
He sinks into you and you let out a deep moan at the stretch. You almost regret this position because you would have loved to see his pretty cock before he buried it inside of you but that just means you’ll have to do this again later.
He continues to sink into you and he's hitting spots that you are positive your boyfriend has never hit before. Changbin's hand wraps into your hair and he tugs gently at the roots, making you clench around him.
"You're so fucking tight. There's no way your boyfriend is fucking you right," he speaks through gritted teeth and you moan when he finally starts to pick up speed. His cock is pushing against your g-spot every time he slides into you and before long, you feel yourself cumming far harder than you ever have.
It washes over you without warning and the sounds coming from where you and your best friend are connected are absolutely obscene. You cover his thighs and your own, along with the couch in your orgasm. Your legs are shaking and your hands are gripping the back of the couch when Changbin stops completely.
"You just squirted every where. You made such a mess, baby. I'm just getting started and you already can't control yourself," he starts to thrust into you shallowly, making your whole body shake.
"I'm going to show you how you should've been getting fucked this whole time," he grunts out, wrapping his hand tighter in your hair and speeding up his thrusts.
"We're just friends. Stop being so fucking jealous. Oh my God," you throw your hands in the air and you kick your shoes off before Hyunjin turns around to face you, shock covering his face.
"You're joking. You have seriously got to be joking right now," he snaps at you, his voice raising slightly in volume and you shrug at him annoyed.
"If I was friends with someone that I used to regularly fuck, you would lose your shit. Don't try to deny it," he speaks up again and you scoff. Okay maybe be isn't completely wrong. You would be mad, but you and your ex friend with benefit had a different kind of relationship.
"It wasn't even like that, Hyunjin!" you snap and shrug your jacket off, pushing past him towards the living room.
"So he isn't your ex fuck buddy?"
"Well he is but-"
"But nothing, y/n. Think about how the fuck I feel right now. Stop getting defensive and just fucking listen to me," he snaps at you, his voice raising more and you immediately feel yourself folding at his tone.
Your sweet boyfriend doesn't often get mad or even frustrated with you but when he does... it’s like a dam breaks in your panties. You can't help riling him up even more. Honestly you weren't nearly as angry as your were five minutes ago.
"I'm listening, Jinnie. Just calm down," you put your hands up in defense and you can't stop yourself from rolling your eyes.
"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" His voice is back to its normal volume but his tone is much deeper. You know if you push his buttons right, you could get him to fuck you just like you like it.
"And if I did?" You provoke him further and he crosses the room faster than you can even comprehend. He places one knee on the side of your thigh and both of his hands grip the back of the couch. He has you completely caged in and your heart is racing.
"Where did my sweet girl go? I don't know this brat," he speaks through a clenched jaw and you look up at him, letting your head fall onto the back of the couch.
"Mm. 'M not a brat," you protest and your hand find its way onto his thigh, rubbing the jean material gently. He studies your face for a moment before a devious smirk covers his own.
"Do I need to remind you how much better I fuck you? Do I need to remind you that he wouldn't be able to handle your attitude for even an hour?" he leans down, his nose brushing against yours.
"Do I need to remind you of your place, my pretty?" His tongue darts out and licks your lips. Your mouth instinctively falls open and he presses his lips to yours, trapping you between the couch and his body. You wrap your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss.
He repositions himself so you're laying on the couch and he is hovering above you. You let out a deep groan into his mouth when his thigh presses against your core. His hand finds its way down to your hip and he starts to guide you across his thigh.
His lips never leave yours and you feel yourself approaching your high much quicker than you would like to admit. Rutting against your boyfriend's thigh was enough to send you over the edge and just as you reach your peak, he stops your hips and hold you firmly against his thigh so you can't grind anymore, essentially ruining your pitiful excuse for an orgasm.
"Jinnie, you just-"
"Shh, princess," he presses his lips against yours again before slowly trailing down your body. He unbottons your blouse, letting your lacy bra hang out. He presses strategic kisses over where your nipples are before inching all the way to the top of your skirt.
He skips past the skirt and kisses the inside of your thighs before finally letting his head dip under the skirt and pressing a kiss against your soaking panties. You aren't nearly as sensitive as you usually are after your orgasm and you assume its because he didn't let you actually reach your peak.
His fingers hook into the sides of your panties and he pulls them down your legs before he leans back up and licks a stripe up your core. He immediately starts to eat you like a man starved.
His fingers quickly find your entrance and you let out a moan when he pushes two fingers into you, curling and scissoring them just how you like. All the while, he never stops sucking and flicking your clit and all the sensations quickly have you building up to another orgasm.
"I'm- I'm cumming," you blurt out, your hand shooting down to find your boyfriend's hair but suddenly, you're left again. You reach another sad excuse for an orgasm and it’s almost painful, making you cry out.
"Hyunjin. Please. Please stop. I need to cum so bad," you beg, tears beginning to stream down your face and your bottom lip trembling.
"But you are cumming," he has the most shit eating smirk on his lips and you wish you could slap him in that moment. You bring both of your hands over your eyes to try to stop the tears.
Hyunjin rarely ever got mean when he was domming you so it was an overwhelming experience. But also, you did kind of instigate this and you would be lying if you said a part of you didn’t genuinely enjoy this.
"Stop crying. You think your friend would have you crying and begging like this?" he suddenly speaks up and you pull your hands away from your eyes to look at him. Your makeup is completely smeared and you looks so messy and... beautiful.
"No, Jinnie. Only you. Only you can make me cum. Please make me cum," you're pleading again, reaching for him but he sits back on the couch, turning away from you to sit properly and you sit up.
"Come do it yourself if you're that desperate," he scoffs at you before throwing his arm up on the back of the couch and adjusting himself to sit in a proper manspread.
You scramble to sit up and drop to your knees in front of him, palming him over his jeans. He can put up this act all he wants but he is almost painfully hard and you can feel it. You reach up and undo his belt. He lifts his hips as you pull down his jeans and underwear and you straddle him, not bothering to take of the rest of your clothes.
You align him with your soaking and begging entrance before dropping down onto him in one swift motion, your head falling back at the feeling of finally being filled.
"You fill me up so perfect," you begin to catch yourself rambling and Hyunjin hums in agreement, still not touching you and your eyes snap open when your head falls forward to look at him.
His eyes are already on you but he still has this nonchalant look on his face that you can't help getting pissed off over. He's buried in his girlfriend's pussy and can't even be bothered to let out a moan? You slide up, almost letting him drop out of you, before snapping back down onto him. He grunts but still doesn't let a single one of his pretty moans leave his mouth.
Your hands creep up your body and you grab the cups of your bra, letting your breasts fall out. If there is one thing about Hyunjin, its that visuals are what really get him going. The sight of your breasts bouncing in his face would hopefully be enough to tempt him at least a little bit.
"Fuck. You're so pretty. All mine. I wish nobody else ever got to see you like this before me," he confesses, finally folding and placing both hands on your hips, guiding your movements.
"Nobody has. Nobody had ever had me begging like you make me do. Nobody can make me feel as good as you, baby. I'm all yours," you start to babble again as the feeling of an orgasm approaches you.
Hyunjin leans forward and sucks one of your nipples into his mouth which is enough to send you into the most mind boggling and insane orgasm you have ever had.
You let out something that can only be described as a scream and Hyunjin quickly places his hand over your mouth, trying his best to suppress the noises leaving your mouth.
The feeling of your orgasm has him cussing and cumming inside of you with almost no warning. Your hands are wrapped around his neck and your body is practically convulsing as you come down from your orgasm. You feel tears streaming down your face and the feel of Hyunjin's hands on your cheeks snap you back into reality.
"Are you okay, my angel?" his voice is soft and you nod, still catching your breath. Your muscles start to relax and you feel like jelly, falling forward to bury your face into Hyunjin's neck.
"Was I too mean?" He speaks up, his hand gently petting the back of your hair and you shake your head.
"No. Not at all. It was so good," you confess, a blush making its way to your face.
"Y/n. You're insane. You know that?" Your boyfriend, well ex boyfriend, practically yells at you as you pick up a pillow and throw it at him.
"Get out of my fucking house, Jisung!" You snap and grab another pillow, throwing it as hard as you can but he still manages to catch it.
"I'm not fucking cheating on you. Your jealousy is out of control. We literally are in the same company! Of course we’re friends," He defends himself and you slap your hands over your ears. Yes you are being childish but you don't want to lose this argument that it seems you have already lost.
Jisung is right, the girl is part of the company and he spoke to her in passing at an award show. He probably made some stupid joke and she laughed. But the way she laughed at him is what had your blood boiling. It wasn't a laugh, it was a giggle. A fucking giggle.
"Shut up, Jisung," you step towards him, your finger poking him in the chest. A smirk covers his face as he takes a step towards you, challenging you.
"Make me," he taunts you and you bawl your fist up at your sides. His stupid pretty eyes and his stupid pretty smirk and his stupid perfect body pressed against yours had you so confused.
"I'm so confused. I'm so mad at you but you're so... hot," you throw your hands up in frustration and turn your back to him. He still has his hair and makeup done from the award show.
He took the suit jacket off but somehow he looks even hotter. The rolled up sleeves and a few of the top buttons are undone on his shirt and he just looks so fucking good, you could jump his bones.
"Are you done being jealous or are you still trying to break up with me?" His voice sounds from behind you and you storm to your room. You try to slam the door before Jisung can reach you but he's much closer than you thought and he catches the door before it can close.
He enters the room and sits on the edge of the bed, leaning back against his hands. His legs spread slightly and he looks over at you. He really does look so good. The way the pants are hugging his thighs and accentuating his slim waist.
You're crossing the room to him before your brain can catch up with your feet and your lips are against his. You quickly straddle him and your tongues are fighting until your hand finds its way into his hair, tugging gently. He moans and you use the opportunity to take dominance.
You pull away and pull his hair again, exposing his neck to you and you place a kiss over his pulse point. You can see how hard his heart is beating and you grind down gently into him when your teeth make contact with the pulsing vein.
"You're mine, Sungie. I don't even want other people looking at what's mine," you mumble into his neck, continuing to place kisses to the exposed skin.
"I'm yours. I always have been and I always will be," he agrees with you and you push him down so he's lying on his back. You unbotton a few more of his buttons and let your lips explore the newly exposed skin on his chest.
You're shimmying out of your shorts and straddling him again before he even realizes that you are. The silk shirt is probably going to be ruined by the time you're done but you really couldn't care less.
You pull away and push Jisung's arms down flat and moving yourself until you're hovering your soaking core over his face. His hands quickly grab your ass and push you down to sit on his face. Your head falls back and one hand finds its way into his hair as soon as he begins sucking on your clit.
"Fuck. This is my mouth. I can do whatever I want with it," you moan out, grinding down into him and he hums against your core, sending vibrations throughout your body and making you see stars.
"I'm gonna cum, baby. You're doing so good, fuck," you cry out as your orgasm comes washing over you. He continues to lick and suck at you, holding you in place with his hands.
You try to squirm away but your boyfriend is much stronger than you, despite letting you dominate him sometimes. He forces you to stay above his mouth abusing your pussy. By the time he's inserting two fingers, you're already cumming again.
This time, Jisung does let you pull away and you roll off of him before looking over at him again. He is covered in you, his face, his neck, his shirt.
"Mm, I love letting you play dominant. But look who can have you squirting all over their face," His voice is husky and you feel a blush covering your face.
"Shut up," you mumble out, covering your face with your arm.
"Make me," he mumbles into your ear before placing a kiss on your neck.
"Sorry, love! I'm with my roommate right now but I'll come over right after we finish this," you explain through the phone and Felix huffs, a cute pout on his face.
"But you live together. You see each other everyday. What about me?" His tone is just as pouty as his face and you can't stop the smile forcing its way to your lips. He's just too cute.
"You're so cute, Lix. I promise I'll be on the way in like an hour. Okay?" you promise and he groans again.
"Not okay," he replies and sets his phone up so he can dramatically let his head fall onto his desk. You bite down on your lip to try to keep from laughing but it doesn't quite work.
"Okay, okay. You big baby. I'll leave here in a little bit," you reassure him and look over at your roommate who is also holding back a laugh at your sweet boyfriend's antics.
A huge smile covers his face when he sits back up. He's so spoiled and you can't blame anyone but yourself.
"I love you," he smiles through the phone and you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. I love you too. See you in a little bit," you hang up the phone and turn to your roommate who is giggling her head off.
"You wanna come? I'm sure Innie won't mind spending time with you," you tease her and she groans, sinking into the couch. She shakes her head and glances over at you.
"I think he might just be the last person I want to see right now," she grumbles and you laugh while you walk towards the door to gather your belongings.
"I'll see you later, roomie!" you call out and step out the door, making your way to Felix's.
You reach out to knock on the door but it opens before you can and you drop your hand, being met face to face with your precious boyfriend.
"Finally!" he grabs you and lifts you off the ground in a tight hug before closing the door behind you. He puts you back down on your feet and presses his lips to yours.
"Missed you, jealous baby," you tease him and a pout immediately forms on his face, his grip around your waist tightening.
" 'M not jealous. I just missed you," he tries to convince you but you shake your head, dropping your hands from his shoulders and making your way towards his bedroom.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say," you roll your eyes and step into his room, making yourself comfortable on his bed.
"Is it bad that I just want to spend time with you? You literally live with her. You can see her anytime you want! I have to hang out with you as much as possible because there might be months where we don't get to see each other," he continues trying to defend himself and sits next to you on the bed. You roll onto your stomach and throw your arm over his lap, letting out a groan.
"Don't remind me," you grumble out. The thought of not being able to see Felix whenever you want literally makes you sick to your stomach. His hand finds your hair and he starts scratching your scalp, a way of comforting you.
"Can I have a kiss?" Felix's voice suddenly speaks up and you immediately sit up. He's so cute when he asks permission and who would ever say no to his requests?
You place one leg across his lap and one of his hands makes itself comfortable on your thigh while the other one grabs the back of your neck, pulling you closer to his mouth. You lean forward and wrap your arms around his neck.
The kiss quickly turns more deep and his tongue is in your mouth before you know it. You accept, of course, and Felix takes a dominant position, which is a bit unusual for him. When the two of you are intimate, there isn't usually a real dominant or submissive dynamic.
That being said, the way Felix's tongue is exploring your mouth and the tight grip on the back of your neck are telling a different story. He quickly rolls on top of you, settling between your legs and you can't help grinding up into him a little bit.
He pulls away and starts kissing on your neck, leaving wet marks and tiny bruises along the way. His hands make their way under the bottom of your shirt and settle on either side of your waist. You arch up into him, desperate for more of his touch.
"If you had stayed with your roommate, you wouldn't have been feeling so good right now," his low tone sends chills across your body and you audibly moan at his words.
"I know. I know. Can you touch me more, please?" Your words are kind but your tone is definitely showing sign of impatience. You sound a bit demanding and Felix lets out a chuckle when he sits up to look at your face.
"So demanding. Does your roommate let you boss her around like that? It's not going to work with me, love," he leans down and presses a quick kiss to your mouth. He pulls away and has you following him before his hand lands at the base of your neck, pushing you back down onto the bed.
The action has you letting out a gasp and you subconsciously grind up into Felix again, desperate for some sort of friction. Your boyfriend stares at you for a moment, processing how much you enjoy how rough he is being with you right now.
"You're so naughty," he comments, his grip tightening slightly around your neck and your hips buck again. This time, he presses his hips down onto you, letting you make contact with his quickly growing bulge.
"You are jealous, aren't you?" you mewl out and a smirk covers his face while he looks down at you. He wishes he could take a picture of you in this moment, your hair spread around you, your eyes glossy, a flush on your face, his marks left on your neck that are peeking out from behind his hand.
"Mm. What do you think? You see her everyday and still tried to pick her over me," he grinds into you, making you let out a deep moan, "I just don't think it's very fair. Wouldn't you agree, angel?" he taunts you, grinding into you again, catching perfectly on your clit through your leggings. Your head falls back on the mattress and Felix gets an evil idea.
"You think I could make you cum like this? Just through some dry humping? You really are so naughty..." he trails off before grinding into you at the same exact spot again. This time, he doesn't stop and instead keeps the pace going.
He's lucky he has on jeans but even through his jeans, he can feel the friction and has to try to not think about it just so he can prove a point.
"Fuck, Lix. I-I feel so good. You're making me feel so good," you gasp out and he lets out another low laugh at how fucked out you sound and your pants are still on.
"Are you going to cum? Who is making you cum? Use your words, baby," his grinding speeds up and you wrap both your hands around his forearm in front of your face. Your nails dig into the skin and his grip around your neck tightens before he releases it again, which is enough to send you flying over the edge.
"You! You, Felix! You're making me...mm.. you're making me cum. I'm cumming! Thank you," you're blabbering out and you don't even realize you're thanking him and you're not even sure what you're thanking him for but it opens up a whole new side of Felix that he didn't even know existed.
You feel yourself coming back down from your high and Felix is already hooking his fingers into your leggings and pulling them down your legs. His gentle kisses to the inside of your thighs finally brings you fully back to reality.
"Now, I'm going to eat this pretty pussy and you're going to thank me every time I make you cum. Do you understand?" his voice is commanding and dripping with authority. You bite down on your lip before nodding.
"Yes. I understand," you whisper out and before anymore thoughts can be had, Felix dives into your hypersensitive pussy.
"He likes you," Seungmin whispers in your ear, his hand gently grazing your hip. You shake it off and turn to him, a fake smile plastered on your face.
"So?" you prompt, raising your eyebrow and he mirrors the fake smile on your face, letting a scoff fall from his lips.
"So stop flirting with him," he speaks through gritted teeth, trying to make the smile stay on his face for the cameras. You roll your eyes and turn back to Jeongin to keep talking.
"You look so pretty, y/n," a blush covers Jeongin's face when he makes the admission and now a genuine smile makes its way onto your face.
"Thank you, Innie. I think you're pretty, too," you tease, pushing his arm slightly and you both laugh. You hear Seungmin clear his throat on the other side of you and you turn to face him.
"You okay, bestie? Sounds like you have something in your throat. Do you need something to drink?" you put on a mocking tone and Seungmin lets out a fake laugh.
"Yeah. I do. Come with me," he demands and before you can object, he stands from his seat and holds his elbow out to you. You let out a sigh and wrap your perfectly manicured hand around his arm as he guides you towards the refreshments.
His other hand grabs yours on his arm when you try to pull away to head to the table and be guides you behind the table instead and to a door, exiting the main room of the venue.
"Kim Seungmin, this is kidnapping. I didn't agree to this," you snap, trying to pull your hand from his again.
"Well that's too damn bad," his tone immediately makes you snap your mouth shut. Before you have time to muster the courage to talk again, he's pushing you through a door and into a small room, his dressing room.
He steps into the room behind you and you turn to face him. He takes a few quick steps towards you and you back away from him until your lower back makes contact with the vanity that was behind you.
"Seungmin, what are you-"
"Shut your mouth. The sound of your voice is pissing me off right now. Every time you talk, all I can hear is you telling I.N how pretty he looks," he snaps and grabs your face in his hand, forcing you to look at him.
"It was your idea to keep this a secret. Was it not?" you instigate him, motioning between the two of you and his jaw clenches. You're right. He's the one that decided to keep this friends with benefits (but honestly a little more) thing between just the two of you and hide it from everyone, including the boys.
"Exactly. So cut the jealousy before you tell on yourself," you grab his wrist to push it away from your face but he shake it off quickly, opting to wrap it around your neck instead. You inhale a sharp breath at the contact and Seungmin's eyes fall shut. He presses his forehead to yours.
"I can't help it. I don't want to hide it anymore. I need everyone to know that you aren't their's for the picking," his lips crash into yours and you immediately melt into the familiar kiss. Your lips are sticky due to your lip makeup but he doesn't seem to mind.
Especially as his lips begin to travel down your neck, leaving sticky wet kisses in his wake. He reaches just above the neckline of the dress you have on before he lets his teeth sink into the exposed skin there. You let out a mix of a moan of pleasure and pain when he sucks gently on the spot, sure to leave a mark.
"M-minnie. W-we're going to get caught," you're breathless, your hands tangling in his hair. He groans against you before sucking another mark on the other side of your chest, just below your necklace.
"I want to. I want to get caught. I don't care anymore," he grumbles and stands, looking down at you for a moment, before grabbing your arm and spinning you to face the a vanity.
You looked so fucked out already that you felt yourself getting even wetter at the sight. Your glassy eyes take in your appearance. Your lipstick was smeared around your mouth and chin, small traces of the color on your jaw, neck and chest from Seungmin’s lips. One of the spaghetti straps of your dress was hanging off of your shoulder and you had dark purple marks littering your chest and collarbones.
Seungmin presses against you from behind, obviously just as turned on from the sight as you. His arms settle on the vanity, caging you in and he leans forward so you can clearly see him in the mirror. Your lipstick is all over his lips and chin, some has even made its way to the white collar of his shirt.
His big hands grab at your hips as he ruts against you again, letting out a groan. He drops to his knees, grabbing the hem of your dress and pushing it over your slightly bent over frame.
"No panties?" he questions, his finger collecting your wetness before he brings the finger to his mouth and pops it in between his lips. The scene alone has you moaning as you make eye contact through the mirror.
"The dress is too tight," you breath out and a smirk makes its way onto his lips before he drops his hand to your soaking core again and lets one of his fingers push into your hole.
"You're so wet for me," he leans forward and whispers into your ear, lips grazing your earring clad ear.
"Mm, just for you," you speak out quietly and he chuckles, adding another finger into you. A moan falls from your lips and your head falls back onto his shoulder. He retracts his fingers from you and you hear his belt get undone before you feel the head of his cock teasing you.
His fingers find their way to your lips and your sick your essence off of them, making Seungmin groan at the feeling. He pulls his fingers from your mouth with a pop before his hand settles on your hip.
"Just for me? You sure this wasn't because of Jeongin calling you pretty?" he teases the head in and out of you and you bite down on your lip.
"Fuck me, Seungmin. Please? Please? I need it. Please?" you're begging him and he chuckles wrapping a hand around the front of your neck as he eases into you.
"Fuck. This pussy was made for me. All mine," he groans out and you feel yourself clench at the statement. You really are all his. You don't want to admit it, but he's completely right.
He starts to slowly rut into you, teasing you before his hand moves to the back of your neck and pushes you down onto the vanity, your chest pressed against the glass.
"I'm gonna fill my pussy up and you're going to keep it all inside of you. Aren't you?" he questions and speeds his thrusts up, the sting of the vanity against your hips sending you even further into submission.
His hand makes contact with your ass, making you yelp. He bottoms out inside of you, tip touching your cervix and making you whine out as he leans over you, his chest pressed to your back. He stops inside of you, as deep as he can go and you can't help beginning to circle your hips against him. Both of his hands land on your hips, tight grip holding you still.
"I asked you a question," he grumbles into your ear and your eyes shoot open as you rack your brain for what he just asked you. You were so lost in the pleasure that it didn't even register in your brain that he had spoken.
"I-I..." you trail off and he lets out a chuckle, landing another slap on your exposed flesh. You clench around him and he takes a mental note of how much you enjoy being spanked.
"Already fucked your brains out?" he questions and the only sound that leaves your mouth is a moan because of his fingers making contact with your clit and beginning to rub circles.
He starts to slowly buck his hips into you at this deep angle, only pushing deeper, until you can't take it anymore and cum around him. However he doesn't stop and instead sits up, placing both hands on your lower back and roughly beginning to thrust into you again.
The pace sends you into overstimulation quickly and you lean forward, trying to get away from him. He grabs your thigh, keeping you from moving and changing the angle he is hitting you, making your eyes roll back in your head.
"Look at you. About to cum again. You think anyone else can make you feel like this?" His voice is breathy and husky and you can't do anything but shake your head. He places your knee on the vanity and lands another smack to your ass.
"I asked you a question," his tone is demanding and you find yourself tumbling over the edge again
"Nobody else. Only you. Only you. Only you. Fuck. Only you Seungmin," you're babbling as your orgasm crashes over you.
"Mhm. That's what I thought," he whispers before stilling, his hips flush to your ass as he empties himself inside of you.
Little did you both know, Jeongin knew the whole time that you two had been together. He just thought it was time for a little push.
"How do you two know each other?" Jeongin approaches behind you at the coffee shop, making you jump.
"Hi, Innie! This is actually my ex from high school!" You laugh and the man on the other side of the counter laughs as well. Jeongin's hand makes it's way into yours and you accept it quickly, like you always do.
"Ahh," He reaches his hand out and greets your ex. You talk for a few more minutes before your name is called and you get your coffee and sit at a table in the corner.
"What's wrong?" you speak up as soon as your boyfriend sits across from you, nudging him gently with your foot. He looks up from his phone and shakes his head at you, a dismissive look on his face.
"You were late and we had time to catch up so we did. I haven't seen him since... God, I don't even remember when. It's always good running into old friends," you reminisce on the old times a bit and Jeongin looks up at you again.
"You didn't tell him that I'm your boyfriend," he pouts out and your glance at him across from you. He seems a bit hurt but you really didn't intend to make him feel that way.
"I told him I was meeting my boyfriend before you showed up. We had been talking for like 20 minutes," you explain and he looks at the window, annoyance evident on his face.
"Twenty minutes?" He questions, raising his eyebrows at you again and you nod.
"He's the one I told you about, y'know," you add on, oblivious to your boyfriend's bubbling jealousy. He lets out a humorless laugh. He know who he is because when you told him his name the first time, he found him on social media and gave him an effective stalking.
"And I care because? So you were talking to the guy that you claim gave you the 'best sex of your life before you met me' for twenty minutes? Okay, y/n," he was visibly annoyed and you finally were able to pick up on the hints of jealousy
"Ah. You're jealous. Gotcha," you tilt your head at him and he finally turns to face you. You rest your chin in your hand and your boyfriend studies your face.
"I'm not jealous," he grumbles out and you nod.
"So if I say that I was daydreaming about the head that he used to give me... you wouldn't care?" you provoke, squinting your eyes at him.
Jeongin's hand slaps down on the table, the sound of his rings hitting the wood echo into your ears and you jump at the noise. He takes a deep inhale and lets it out before looking you in the eyes again.
"I'm not jealous. I just don't like the fact that he knows what you look like under your clothes," he tries to defend himself but you shake your head, letting a smile form on your lips.
"Yeah... right... doesn't sound like jealousy at all," you tease and lean back, pulling your leg up into the seat. You take a sip out of your straw and notice there's a hole so you stand to get a new one.
"Where are you going?" Jeongin snaps at you, his attention solely on you standing.
"Do I have to tell you before I do everything or can I get a new straw by myself like a big girl?" you mock him. That's something that your boyfriend has told you before especially gets under his skin.
"Don't piss me off, babe," he adds the nickname through clenched teeth and you chuckle, walking towards the counter and leaning onto it. Your ex turns his attention to you and a smile takes up his face.
"May I have a new straw, please?" You ask and he nods, handing you a new straw. Your fingers graze for a second and you smile at him.
"Thank you," you turn to walk back to the table but run smack into Jeongin's chest when you turn around. His hand wraps around your lower back and pulls your sweater down to cover your legging clad butt. A pair of leggings that Jeongin himself particularly enjoys.
"We're leaving. Behave," Jeongin speaks up and you feel a blush creep up your neck. He doesn't even attempt to hide his frustrated tone with you and you're embarrassed to admit that your instinct is to automatically submit to him.
You turn to say bye to your ex but his eyes are locked behind you, looking at Jeongin. You feel your boyfriend's arm wrap around you and he grabs your chin, pressing a kiss to your lips, obviously proving a point.
He guides you out of the shop by your lower back before you have time to process the sudden act of PDA and before you could say your goodbyes. He's speed walking, not letting his hand leave your back until you've reached your place.
"Babe you need to-"
"He was looking at you like a piece of meat. He was probably remembering exactly what every square inch of you looks like... what you feel like. I'm..." he trails off and lets out a sigh, punching your code into the door before opening it and stepping in, locking it behind you.
"You're jealous?" you question, crossing your arms over your chest. He sighs again, running a hand through his hair before turning to face you.
"I'm jealous. So fucking jealous. I wish you were mine all along," he confesses and steps towards you, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I'm your's now, Innie," you reassure him and wrap your arms around his waist. He bring both his hands to either side of your face and his eyes drop to your lips for a moment.
"Say my name. Tell me you're mine and say my name," his tone is demanding and you can't help but obey him.
"I'm your's, Yang Jeongin. Nobody else's. I'm all your's. Forever," you promise him and he nods, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours before pulling back.
"I'm still mad at you," he leans down again and presses a kiss to your neck, making you let out a low groan.
"Mm.. for what?" you breathe out when he finds your sweet spot on your neck and starts to suck. You're surprised there isn't a permanent mark there from how often he leaves a hickey.
"Not introducing me as your boyfriend," he mumbles against your neck and you roll your eyes, although he can't see you.
"You'll live," you reply and his hands sneakily make their way to your ass, gripping it through the leggings.
"You wore these leggings that drive me crazy. You had this cute little sweater hiked up, showing my ass to everyone in the shop. Including that dumbass," he's whispering into your neck before his hands creep up the back of your sweater.
"Don't you want to apologize?" He prompts you again and sits back but you lean forward and press your lips to his instead. He lets you push him against the wall before he retakes control, slowly backing you towards a lounge chair before settling into it and letting you straddle his lap.
His hand make quick work of your sweater, pulling it over your head before reattaching his lips to yours. One of his hand makes its way into your leggings and cups your heat, making you moan into his mouth.
"So wet," he mumbles against your lips before maneuvering you out of your leggings and underwear, leaving you only in a bra while he's still fully clothed. He grabs you back into his lap but instead pushes one leg between yours, making you straddle his thigh.
You slip your hands under his shirt but he grabs your wrist, settling your hands instead on his shoulders and shaking his head at you.
"You shouldn't have made that comment about thinking about the head that that dipshit used to give you. I could make you feel better with just my thigh," He grumbles at you before his hands settle on your hips and he guides you up and down the fabric of his sweatpants, making your head fall back at the friction.
He looks down at the wet patch that you've already left and chuckles to himself before guiding your hips against his leg faster. Before long, he is barely helping you anymore and you're desperately bucking, pleading for your orgasm to wash over you.
"I-I need help. I need more," you whimper out but before you can say anything else, your boyfriend's middle and ring finger are tapping against your lips. You let your mouth instinctively fall open and he pushes his fingers in. Your lips enclose around his fingers and you suck just like you know he likes.
"All I want to hear from your mouth is you apologizing for how you acted today," His tone is sharp and you speed up on his leg, desperately chasing your high. You open your mouth, a moan falling out.
"I'm- I'm sorry, Innie. I'm so fucking sorry. Please help me. More. I need more," you words are muffled with his fingers still pressing against your tongue but he understands you enough.
He brings his other hand down between where the two of you are connected and inserts two fingers, pressing the palm of his hand against your clit. Your head falls back and an obscene moan leaves your mouth when you start riding his fingers.
"Cum for me, baby. I feel you," his voice is husky and sends you over the edge quickly, especially when he forces his fingers back into your mouth.
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envy-of-the-apple · 4 months
ok i like the idea of reader going to shoko thinking she’s normal physician (not knowing she only works for sorcerers) and asks for a checkup. one thing leads to another and reader has to continue meeting her for ‘check-up’s’ frequently…..
how does it feel to be the smartest person in the room bestie????
@mynahx3 hiiiiiiiiii<3
Trust the Professionals
Dark!Ieiri Shoko x reader
Synopsis: Doctor Ieiri has a new treatment she’s eager to try on you
Word count: 2.2k
(Warnings: Dubcon/noncon, manipulation, vaginal fingering, dark content, mc's kinda dumb, self-gaslighting lmaooo, hospital kink? im pretty sure this is some type of kink but idk whats its called)
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For the longest time, you never really believed in ghosts.
You weren't really the religious type. You went to church every so often, but you weren't invested. It's why it took you a while to get around to the idea that spirits were real, and one was particularly attached to you.
Luckily, the Shamans always seemed happy to help.
"It's back again, huh?" Doctor Ieiri asked.
You nodded, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. She doesn't look like a Shaman. You were expecting more bells and bracelets. Traditional clothing. Doctor Ieiri was always dressed in a labcoat, professional makeup that did little to cover lack of sleep. She looks like she just fell out of a hospital drama.
Despite her looks, you knew she was pretty good at her job. She was the only person who'd gotten rid of your spirit problem. At least, for a little while.
You don't know what she meant exactly, but the spirit ("Cursed spirit," she corrected one too many times) was a replicator. It needed to be exorcised multiple times to fully disappear. This has been your third visit so far.
You watched as her eyes followed something right above your head. She hummed, leaning forward on the desk, tapping her perfectly manicured fingers.
"That's strange," she murmurs, "usually, by the third, it's gone."
You wilt at that. A part of you feels guilty for taking so much of the Doctor's time. All of the appointments so far had been free, but you wouldn't blame her if she started asking for payment, or if she turned you away completely.
She straightens her back.
"Clearly, regular exorcisms aren't working." She states the obvious. "So far, they've just been a temporary fix. There's one more thing we could try but..."
For the first time since you've seen her, Doctor Ieiri hesitates. You look at her.
"Not many prefer this procedure." She explains. "It's a little...unorthodox."
Her reluctance should give you a warning, but you've already spent days putting off this appointment, willing for your cursed problem to go away, spending hours tossing and turning in bed, feeling something crawling up your back with too many legs and too many teeth.
"Anything." You say. "Anything to make this go away."
There's a glint in her eye. Something not quite a smile tugs on her face before it's gone. She stands up, prompting you to do the same. In her hands is a neatly folded hospital gown.
"You can put your clothes over there." She mentions to a chair. "Including your undergarments, please."
She must notice your discomfort because her tone becomes less clinical.
"We can stop whenever you want." She tells you. "But stopping in the middle is typically discouraged. Curses are pretty fickle."
You nod. "Okay, Doctor."
"Please, just call me Shoko." She gives a tired smile. "I want you to be as comfortable as possible for this."
You don't feel comfortable calling her by her given name, but Ieir-Shoko looks so pleased when you let her name reluctantly leave your lips, and you feel too bad to retort.
She steps out of the room shortly after handing you the gown. You put your clothes on the chair, she pointed out. When Shoko knocks, you're already seated on the examination table, swathed in the the thin fabric.
"You follow directions well." She's wearing a surgical mask now but looks satisfied with your compliance. You give a shy smile.
"Let's start with a general overlook for now." She says. "It'd be helpful if we can pinpoint where the curse originated."
You nod, but you can't push away the nervousness as Shoko gently pushes past the fabric. She's wearing gloves, but the rubber is a flimsy barrier to her warm fingers. Her hands brush past your clavicle, and the plastic gown easily yields for her touch. You gasp when she touches your tits, fingers lightly brushing over the nipple. The room is so cold. You're so sensitive. You stiffen against her touch.
She notices, pulling back to see your face. "Something wrong?"
"Uh, no." You smile, but it feels watery. "Just nerves." You can't read her expression. The mask hides everything.
She hums, and you're grateful she doesn't comment on how jittery you are. You hold in your reaction when she lightly presses on your breast. Her thumb flicks over your nipple again. You'd call it sensual if you weren't thoroughly convinced that Shoko was a professional and you were the weird one here.
She pulls away eventually, and you sag in relief. It was over. You don't think you could do that again.
"It's not coming from your upper body." Shoko murmurs. "Would you mind if I untied your gown? It'll be better if I can see everything."
You hesitate, unsure, but Shoko's previous words make your rejection waver. Curses are fickle creatures. In the end, you let her unwrap the gown.
There's no real point to it now. You're fully displayed on the examination table, legs spread, leaning back on your hands. It's embarrassing. You can feel yourself heat up at how exposed you are, especially considering Shoko is still wearing her lab coat and that mask.
But Shoko says nothing about it. Right, she's a professional. Instead, she starts pulling off her gloves.
"I'll be able to locate the cursed location more effectively without a barrier." She explains and you nod along.
She starts with your foot, gently squeezing your foot. It feels nice, like a massage. You languish in the touch, only getting concerned when her prodding starts going up her calf.
Shoko rubs circles along your inner calf. Something wells within you, but you're pushing it down because Shoko is a professional. Instead, you lift yourself off the table just to feel more in control.
"Not here either," Shoko murmurs to herself. "Maybe I need to go a little deeper."
Your eyes widen when she rests a single finger at the entrance of your pussy.
"Doctor, I—I don't think that's—" with one motion, she buries her finger inside you.
You're already shamefully wet. Your walls are already clenching down her nimble finger. You can't help it, you shudder, giving out a breathy whine.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" For some reason, you can hear a smile in Shoko's voice as she starts pumping her finger in and out of your sopping pussy. "You can talk. I'm great at multitasking."
"I—I was just saying—saying Doctor, you—" Her finger curls, and you are interrupted by another moan.
"Shoko." She reminds you her voice firm and calm and a total juxtaposition to the way her thumb is circling over your sensitive clit. "I want you to stay calm and relaxed throughout this procedure, okay?"
"Shoko." You keen and you're sure her breath hitches but your brain is numb and she's still wearing that mask. "This—This just feels a—a bit strange and I—"
She coos in sympathy. "It's all part of the process. Just relax, okay? You're doing so well for me."
At this point, you're leaning back on your elbows. The new angle jolts pleasure up and down your spine. It gets even worse when Shoko adds a second finger, stretching your sensitive walls out even further.
"I think the curse is getting closer. We're almost there." Her voice is soft and breathy in your ear and you can hardly understand that she's taken off her mask. "Just a little more. Just a bit further. So so good for me. You're doing so well, baby."
Your orgasm hits you like a train. All at once, you seize up on her fingers, your thighs squeezing together and your moan resembles more of a scream than anything human. Shoko keeps going as the orgasm smashes your broken body like grass.
She stops when you give one last shudder before collapsing onto the examination table. You lie there, breasts heaving, eyes glazed. You're so far out of it that you don't even notice the way she licks her wet fingers.
It takes a few seconds for you to gather your bearings. When you do, you're mortified. You shoot up from the table, covering yourself up with the flimsy gown, ready to apologize when Shoko asks:
"How do you feel?"
It's such an innocent question. It takes you off-guard. Sensitive, is your first answer, but then you think some more and you realize that you can't really feel the dread or the weight on your shoulders anymore.
"You...exorcised it?" No, this felt different from the last two exorcisms she performed on you. Now, you feel five years younger.
She grins, pleased.
"Yes. I found the origin point." She explains. "Even if it ever comes back, it'll be smaller and easier to deal with."
You nod, still recovering from your high as you roll your shoulder. Everything feels so good.
"Wow," you say, "I—thank you! Thank you so much!"
She pulls back, accepting your gratitude with a soft expression.
"We're done for today." She tells you at last. "You're free to put on your clothes. Can't imagine that gown is very comfortable."
You wait for her to leave. She doesn't, sitting back behind her desk, typing away at her computer. There's no real point of you having privacy, is there? After all, you basically just showed her everything.
Still, when you go to put on your clothes, you can feel eyes on you, trailing down your body, your ass. It isn't Shoko. She's always busy with her keyboard, diligent as always. You were feeling things.
One garment was missing, however. As discreetly as you could, you searched around for it, glancing at the floor, underneath the chair. You swore you left it with the other clothes. How could it just disappear?
"Something wrong?"
Shoko's peering up at you, head tilted. You open your mouth. But then you decide they aren't worth the further embarrassment.
"Nothing." You give a nervous grin. "Just nothing."
Shoko can still taste you when Satoru visits her hours after your appointment.
"Get out," she says. Satoru just grins, shutting the door behind him. It was worth a shot.
"I see your favorite little patient had another check-up," he says, "still haven't disclosed we aren't exactly in the personal exorcism business, have ya'?"
Shoko shrugs. "It's a personal project. Don't worry about it."
"Right, you say that buuuuut 'can't help but notice that our lovely non-sorcerer still has a curse swimming around—"Satoru clicks his tongue. "—It's fourth grade, too. This deskwork is making you go soft, Shoko. Maybe I should start dragging you out to missions."
"Did you exorcise it?" Ugh, that would be a pain. Shoko spent so long cultivating that curse to work in her favor.
Gojo grins. "Nah."
"A residual curse." Satoru continues. "Harmless, but pesky enough to be noticed if it isn't dealt with in a couple days. Smart."
By Saturday, to be more exact. Shoko has already cleared her schedule. She can already hear your voice crackling through the phone, sweetly apologizing for such short notice, but would it be possible to book an appointment? She won't tell you that, nor will she tell Satoru. Though, she has a feeling the bastard already knows.
Said bastard is rifling through her drawers. She frowns when he pulls out your panties.
"Aw, these are so cute!" Satoru gushes, shamefully twirling the fabric on his finger. "Are you starting a collection? This some kind of trophy? Hey, I don't judge."
"It's wrong to take things without permission," Shoko says.
"I should be telling you that." Satoru grins. "Y'know, our precious non-sorcerer is kinda' cute. Maybe I should pay a visit—"
Shoko bolts up from her chair. She stares at him. Gojo stops playing with the frills. He's still smiling.
"Easy, easy." He says, but he hands her the fabric anyway. "Damn, I had a feeling, but you're whipped for this one, are n'tcha? Do I hear wedding bells?"
She rolls her eyes. "Get out."
He obliges with a snicker, proving that he only came to mess with her. What did she expect? With a sigh, she collapses back onto her seat.
She dangles your panties in one hand. She refuses to sniff them again, even though your taste and your smell are still swirling around in her head. They must have looked so cute on you. Next time, she'll put cameras in the room, just so she can have a playback of you shyly shucking off your clothes before compliantly slipping on the gown. She wouldn't know what would be more tantalizing to watch; the show or your utter obedience.
Satoru was, unfortunately, right. Shoko was crazy for you, even though you clearly didn't carry the same feelings. That's okay. In this line of work, Shoko knows she has to take what she wants, that letting her desires go is for those like Satoru.
So Shoko will lie and coax and manipulate until you're seated pliantly in her grasp. And maybe if Satoru behaves, he'll get a wedding invite.
And if you still don't yield...well, there's always plan B.
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Can I request a Matt smith x reader where in real life theyre married and in the show theyre hot sibling lovers 🥵🥵 anyways 👀 theyre doing a bunch of press junkets, interviews, games, etc. and its sooo fluffy☺️ and domestic☺️ and I just want to envision my life with Matt smith 😭
+ some star points if an interviewer asks about their 😏 scenes and they get really embarrassed but cute 🥰🥰😫😫😫☺️
I Can't Help It
Matt Smith x (ME PLS I WANTHIM) Actress!Reader
Summary: The tumblr girlies were absolutely wrecked when they found out their resident girlboss was dating their superwholock tumblr boy.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Crackfic, i use y/n im sorry im not that strong, head empty only matt, a bunch of made up stuff because plot!, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: NAH ANON YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I WAS WHEN I SAW THIS I WAS LIKE I GOTTA ZOOM THROUGH ALL MY REQS FOR THIS IASFHASFAS. i swear my anons and i share the same brain fr we all just want the same loser dont we PLSSSSSS [foams in the mouth] Also, idk if you've ever read any of my chris evans fics, but what you want me to do for matt is what i did for him & IM ABOUT TO HAVE A FIELD DAY IM ON CRACK HELLO ALSO ALSO, i get you probably meant they're targaryen sibling/lovers, cause otherwise ALFHKAFA MISS ME W THAT BS, but i decided on doing something different all together so lolol i hope you like it nonnie <3 idk what you feel about matt smith but im still going to tag you anyway holla Tagging: @pinksirensong what do you feel about matt smith HAHAHAHAAHHA
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It all started with this tweet that was prompted during a brief interaction at a movie premiere:
@fannygurl007: yeah but matt smith and y/n interacted for 20 seconds and i want them to get married and have babies [clip attached]
being liked by Matt's mom.
Then all hell broke lose.
And hell hath no mercy.
It lead with intense investigations of:
@ihave100problems retweeted: AWFHASL:FHAH WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY WHISPER TO EACH OTHER?!?!? 👹👹👹 @thedoctorswife retweeted: IN FRONT OF MY SINGLE ASS?? THEY FLIRTED IN FRONT OF *MY* SINGLE ASS??? JAIL @mattsmithbithc retweeted: "Oh, I think you look so pretty ------- yeah, that's great -----" HELP WHAT ELSE DID SHE SAY @mattsmithbithc replied: I THINK SHE SAID SMTH ABOUT HIS SUIT BUT IDK WHAT SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP @tennantsmith1 retweeted: you really can't trust men look at the way he's looking at her. i bet it was love at first sight for him. was anything between us even real </3 @mmmyehs retweeted: what's that? my matt smith and y/n cutouts gon sleep outside? I HOPE YOU KEEP EACH OTHER WARM IN HELL @y/nloml666 retweeted: NAH NAH NAH BUT MY BISEXUAL ASS WANTS TO BE IN BETWEEN THAT SANDWHICH @datass00 replied: me watching that vid like [image attached below]
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Then these things popped up on youtube:
proof matt smith and y/n have been dating all along 🤡🤡
Clip #1
I stick my hand in a jar and pull out a folded piece of paper. "Who's my celebrity crush," I read out the question, turning back to the camera, "I have long list," I refold the paper as I push it beneath my seat, "and the unfortunate king of that, currently, is Matt Smith."
*cut to a bunch of 🤡🤡🤡 and really loud background music*
One of the staff asks, off camera, "why unfortunate?"
"Well," I chuckle, crossing my arms, "if you know me, then you know when I like something so, so much, I end up hating it." I straighten up, "yeah, Matt Smith may or may not have been subjected to verbal abuse as of late."
I chuckle as I hear a few of the staff wheeze.
I raise a hand and cut through the air, "affectionately, affectionately."
Clip #2
There is an abrupt cut to a sound of a crowd cheering.
Matt leans in, scrunching his face as he brings the mic close to his lips, "sorry, love, what was that?"
*The clip is replayed twice and captioned [IM SORRY THE WAY HE SAID THAT WAS JUST SO HOT I HAD TO REPEAT IT]*
The crowd is gracious enough to quiet down, keeping their fangirling internal.
"Is there an actor or actress that you have not yet worked with but always wanted to?" the lucky fan asks her question again.
Matt hums, leaning back on his sofa chair, repeating the words for good measure. He pulls the mic away as he thinks, then brings it back, "you know what, I have been lucky enough to work with some amazing people," he starts, "but-"
The crowd cheers.
Matt smiles and releases a chuckle, waving the mic around, "but," he carefully says, "I have recently watched Vampire in the Locker for the first time."
The crowd cheers again.
"Yeah, and thought y/n was absolutely fabulous in it."
Someone in the crowd says loudly, "same!"
The crowd, along with Matt, laughs. He straightens up and points, "that person gets it!"
But what it really took was this Instagram post to destroy the internet:
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@imthebesty/n: ok but you cant get mad a me, i was there during superwholock. at least one of us won!! ps, he's a horrible cook, i promise you don't want him. i took one for the team 😇
That paired with headlines like:
Y/N confirms relationship with Matt Smith on Instagram with hilarious caption
Matt Smith cooks horribly, according to girlfriend, Y/N, who confirmed rumors with Instagram post
"I took one for the team," Y/N says in Instagram post, referring to dating Matt Smith
Tumblr but all stayed sane:
winchester-pie: Are you normal, or are you losing your mind overthinking one of the superwholock girlies is secretly y/n 369,278 notes dont-talk3me: When I gaslight people, it's bad, when y/n gaslights people, it's taking one for the team? 16,586 notes uowbish: I'm gonna say it: I DONT CARE THAT YOU'RE DATING MATT SMITH YOU SHOULD BE DATING ME [image attatched] 99,345 notes sh3l0ck3D: thinking about how y/n once said that she wrote fanfiction that was popular online. i should have known it was superwholock, she unhinged as fuck. 836,084 y/nb00tyluv: OK but i genuinely think y/n and matt smith talked for 5 minutes then decided to date after that 74,670 notes prettyeyebrows: ok but tell me y/n doesn't look like the type to make memes like this [image attached below] 424,245 notes
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The cherry on top was when Vogue magazine graced the world with this brilliant interview:
I introduce myself and turn to my side, smiling at the man next to me.
"I'm Matt, and today we-"
Matt turns to me, words going dry.
"You're Matt Smith," I correct, blinking at him.
Matt looks at me for a good moment then raises a hand between our faces, turning back to the camera, "and today, we're going to be-" he cuts himself off with a laugh when he hears me laughing.
He drops his hand and gives me a look before continuing, "we're going to be answering some questions for-"
Matt points to me so that I finish his sentence.
"Vogue magazine!" I say, making the man beside me clap his hands.
The most played part of that interview is this scene:
Matt is reading from a card, "if you could have something of the other's, what would it be?" He chucks the card away, turning to me just as I turn to him.
I mutter under my breath as I think, "something of the other's?"
Matt furrows pouts his lips out in thought.
A beat of silence passes.
We then simultaneously trail off as we both whisper, "like a baby."
I wheeze and lean into Matt, dying of laughter. He snorts and beams like a boy on Christmas, dropping his jaw low.
"No," I warn as I raise a finger through my chuckles, "behave."
Matt throws an arm around me as he lets out more deep laughs.
"The fact we both keep answering the same thing means me hang out too much."
He scoffs. "Clearly not enough though," Matt notes, making me glare at him and shake him off. He withdraws his arm, face still awfully pleased.
I give him a look, "your mother has been ingraining that ideation in your head too religiously."
"I mean," he grabs my hand. He looks at me for 3 whole seconds before sighing and saying, "you would make a great mother."
I purse my lips and sighing as well. I lean into him a bit as I softly admit, "and I think you would make a great father."
For a moment, the two of us look at each other.
I pull my hand away from him, moving to grab another card.
Here are a few of the most liked comments on that video:
Jason Stone: I have absolutely no idea who either of these people are and only watched this video because it autoplayed. Do I want them to get married and have babies though? Yes. Yes I do. 88.9k likes kpopinmybloodstream: matt the entire video:😍🥰😘 y/n the entire video: 😍🥰😘 me the entire video: 😍🥰😘 but single as fock 🤡🤡🤡 103k likes sowrr88: if i cant have what they have, i dont want it 94k likes
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itsjustrosee · 5 months
hiiii idk really what to call you bc yeah anyways i have a request fir u but feel free to take ur time with it idm at all seeing as ur blog is relatively new and u probably have a bunch of asks and stuff because ur first two fics were absolute masterpieces like literally anyways im rambling im so sorry uh
(u can skip that part) So my request is basically where minho and fem!reader are really good friends and shes like a track-hoe and basically has a really flirty personality so she flirts with all her friends and minho always gets flustered uh or something like that and one time he sees her flirting with idk one of the gladers and he gets jealous thinking that shes dating (said glader) and then she confronts him about it and they kiss and live happily ever after :D
sorry this is super long and confusing dont rush to do it take ur time !!
Ok I'm honestly getting so impressed with these requests, they are so thought out and unique and I'm literally living for it. Btw my name is Rosalyn so feel free to call me that or sometimes I go by rose but address me however you'd like <3 Anyways thank you so much for the request and all of the praise, I appreciate it sm!!
Anyways, this was a super cute prompt idea I absolutely love it, so I hope you enjoy!
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JEALOUS (Minho x fem!reader)
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Context: pre Thomas, read above for summary ^
Warnings: spice
Word count: 4K
! I proof read but there might still be spelling mistakes !
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When you arrived in the glade being a girl, it was quite a surprise for everyone.
Most of the boys tried to be pretty accepting, and after a while, you managed to get along really well with everyone. But if you're being honest, it was all due to your rather, flirty, personality.
That, however, you can't really be blamed for. I mean, you couldn't help it, it was just the way that you were!
It did, however, prove to be a slight problem during your first few months in the glade. You can't blame the rest of the boys for taking your subtle flirty gestures the wrong way, if you were them, you'd probably take the things that you said the wrong way too. So by no means was it their fault for thinking you liked them. But unfortunately, you never reciprocated their feelings, which only confused them more.
Anyways, the first person to understand this was Newt. He was always okay with your overly friendly personality and never actually got the wrong idea from you. That's probably why he became your first friend in the glade, and why when he said you should become a track hoe, you accepted his offer immediately. He, along with the rest of the track hoes' were rather chill and you enjoyed spending time with all of them.
You would consider yourself the closest with them out of all the other people in the glade, so you often hung out with them during the bonfires and dinner. However, you were relatively close with just about every boy in the glade, given your personality, but regardless, you naturally gravitated towards everyone.
It took a couple months for everyone to come to terms with your behavior and rather flirtatious personality, so after about five months, everything was going pretty smoothly. Under the given circumstances and all. Being trapped in a maze was by no means easy, but you were making the most of it. You had developed a good daily routine, and you can only imagine without the structure you and the other gladers had built for themselves, you all would've gone mad by now.
Part of your routine was waking up early. Alby had made Gally and the other builders build you a hut for obvious reasons, and Gally was happy to do it if it meant getting on your good side. You enjoyed the privacy from the rest of the boys but since you had a hut, you had a bed. A bed that was impossible for you to force yourself out of in the morning. After a couple weeks though, you got into the right mindset and started waking up right when the sun started peaking over the maze walls.
You woke up early so you could get a head start with some of the work in the garden. This meant you just spent a bit of extra time plucking out weeds and getting extra fertilizer from the deadheads. You did this to lightly the load that you and the rest of the track hoes' had to do, and you also did it because you just enjoyed being productive.
But one of the secret advantages of waking up early to tend to the garden was seeing the runners leave right when the maze doors opened. You took the brief amount of time they had before leaving to talk to them because they were all very busy people, and getting any opportunity to have a quick chat with them mattered to you. Especially because it meant you got to talk to Minho.
You never admitted it to anyone, but Minho was one of the only boys in the glade that you actually felt attracted to. You couldn't quite understand why, but you always felt drawn to him.
Maybe it was because he was held so high by all the gladers, even though none of them were ever able to talk to him because of how busy his schedule was. He was in the maze all day and when he finally returned from a long day of working to find a way out of the maze for himself and everyone else in the glade, he would be in the maze room. He was working, constantly. Which is why you felt special whenever you had the chance to talk to him. Even if it was just for a couple seconds.
Or maybe you liked him because he still got flustered whenever you talked to him. You would always try to be as respectful towards him as possible, but your flirtatiousness always found a way to shine through. And he seemed to be the only boy who hadn't gotten over how flirty you were, even though every other boy knew that that was just the way you were.
Needless to say, you had a pretty big crush on him, one that you tried your hardest to deny. But you really couldn't help it, which is why you chose to become friends with him. You decided to settle with that because you were sure he wasn't interested in being anything more. Even though Newt often tended to think otherwise.
But you still couldn't help but think that it was just so cute how whenever you talked to him he would fumble over his words, or get as red as the tomatoes you were tending to whenever you even touched him.
However, whenever Minho acted all flustered like this, he would curse at himself relentlessly, wondering why he was as awkward as he was whenever he was near you.
The truth is, he had been down horrendously for you the second Alby pulled you out of the box. At first, he chalked it up to you just being the only girl and well, he couldn't exactly remember the last time he had seen one of those. But as the weeks went on, his feelings for you only deepened. He never saw a point in telling you because every boy who confessed his 'love' to you got rejected. Part of that made him feel glad though because he knew that just about none of the boys in the glade were good enough for you, and he felt happy knowing you would never like any of them. But the downside to that was Minho thinking that he would never have a chance with you.
That never stopped him from wanting to talk to you though. He would purposely make sure to stop by the garden to talk to you before he headed into the maze. Whenever you weren't in the garden, he would check the deadheads to see if you were there. Once he found you, he would make some excuse by saying he was just taking a walk in the woods to clear his head before going into the maze.
He really didn't know why talking to you mattered to him so much, but it just did. And today was no different.
You were nealing down next to garden beds that Gally and some of the others had just built. It was a relatively new addition to the garden and you had just finished filling them with soil and fertilizer yesterday. So you were eager to begin planting some of the last remaining seeds that were sent up from the box into the beds.
You could always tell when a month would pass by when you ran out. The box always sent up a certain amount of seedlings and by the time you ran out, a month would pass and the box would come back up, providing you with another month's worth. So as you planted the last seed in the pouch, you knew that in a few hours, a new greenie would appear from the box, symbolizing the start/ end of yet another month in the glade.
You stood up, dusting off your knees as you congratulated yourself on your wonderful planting skills. But your eyes wandered away from the garden and onto Minho, who was now walking your way. Your heartbeat quickened as you saw him. He arrived slightly earlier than normal because you noticed that you hadn't seen any of the other runners with him, but you also knew it would only be a few minutes until they came to join him.
Minho mentally prepared himself while he walked up to you, telling himself that he was going to be normal today, and he wasn't going to start stuttering like an idiot.
At least that's what he tried telling himself as he approached you, clearing his throat, "Hey (Y/N)," Minho said while resting his hands on that runner's vest he always wore on top of his signature blue shirt which complimented each of the defined muscles on his chest.
"Hi, Minho." You said with a smile on your face that couldn't help but make Minho blush. "What brings you out so early? The maze doors don't open for another five minutes don't they?" You questioned. You had gotten pretty good at telling time around the glade, even without a watch like Minho.
"Oh yeah, I just thought that maybe I'd get over here a little earlier," Minho said with an awkward chuckle as he tried to smile back at you.
"Ah, I see," you said before continuing, "Is it cause you wanted to spend a little extra time talking to me?" You said with a giggle, trying to make a little light-hearted joke as you stared up at Minho with puppy dog eyes.
Minho however, did not take this as a joke. He began blushing, hard. "Oh no that's not why- wait no that's not what I meant. Like I love talking to you but that's not why-" Before Minho could continue to embarrass himself further, you cut him off.
"Minho I was just joking." You said with a laugh, trying your best to reassure him because clearly, he was mentally freaking out. You couldn't get over how cute he was when he was like this. You were always so used to seeing him act serious and stoic in every other situation, but whenever it came to you, he was a mess.
"Yeah- right. Of course." Minho said awkwardly, trying his hardest to laugh off the situation. He felt his cheeks heat up as you continued to look at him for a moment while taking off your gardening gloves. He couldn't help but take the time to admire you and the features on your face while you did so.
You had your hair tied into a loose braid that was slung over your shoulder and onto your chest. His eyes glanced up and down your body to see that you were wearing a pair of low-rise jean shorts paired with a V-neck shirt that clung to your curves and exposed your chest slightly.
You noticed his eyes drift to your chest and laughed silently to yourself but didn't say anything else to him. You normally didn't mind having the boys in the glade stare at you because, at this point, it was to be expected. But you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach as Minho looked at you, and you couldn't help but feel happy that you decided to wear this shirt today.
"If it makes you feel any better, I love talking to you too Minho." You joked, even though you definitely meant it. Your voice broke the slightly awkward silence that had filled the air while you put your hand on his bicep. No matter how many times you've made this gesture toward Minho, it never fails to surprise you with how firm his muscles are. It also never failed to make Minho physically stiffen and make his mind go completely blank.
You absentmindedly began softly rubbing Minho's bicep with your thumb. You were genuinely curious about how he had gotten this strong. Was it all the running he did? Did they have weights in the glade that you just didn't know about? You weren't quite too sure what it was but you were loving it.
You snapped out of your thoughts though as you saw the other runners approaching the garden. You looked back up at Minho with a soft smile as you took your hand off of him, "Well I hope you have a good run today Minho." You said while trying to snap him out of whatever trance you'd unknowingly put him in.
"Thanks," Minho said. At least he didn't stutter while getting that out, but then again, he only said one word. But it was a new record nonetheless.
You greeted the other runners with a smile and a wave while Minho's feet stayed planted in front of you, unable to move.
"We'll meet you at the doors Minho." Ben said as he and the others jogged past you and him, snickering at the whole situation.
You stared at him again for another moment, expecting him to move but something in him couldn't. "You should probably catch up with them right?" You ask him, hoping that you didn't just cause the glades best runner to short-circuit just because you touched his bicep.
"Right, yeah- yeah you're right," Minho said while letting out a soft chuckle.
"Be careful alright? I'll talk to you later." You told Minho as you patted him on the back while he began to walk past you.
"Okay yeah. Talk to you later." Minho said, still very flustered about what had just happened. He was still trying to process it all because even though you had been touchy with him before, it was never like this. There was something very different about it this time. He thought about it for the rest of the day while he was running in the maze, and even when he came back and ate dinner.
While Minho was showering before heading to the bonfire, he couldn't help but wonder if you also felt it, if you also felt the same energy in the air that he felt. Or if he was just overthinking an exchange between the both of you that hadn't even lasted more than five minutes.
The truth was that he wasn't the only one whose mind kept racing back to that moment.
You couldn't stop thinking about it either and it was distracting you this entire day. You didn't know what was so different about it this time, but you could feel something shift between you and Minho during that simple exchange. You brushed it off as much as you could and decided to turn your focus on showing the new greenie around.
He seemed to have taken quite a liking to you and was practically following you around 24/7, which you didn't mind too much. He seemed like a sweet kid who was around your age, behaving toward you the same way every other boy had toward you in the glade at one point or another.
As the day continued, the bonfire began and you found a seat with a group of about ten people, the greenie being one of them. He chose the seat right next to you and after a couple drinks, he had his arm around you. In your eyes, it really wasn't that big a deal. You thought it was sweet that he was opening up so soon, and you had to admit he was pretty funny. You couldn't help but laugh at a lot of his jokes.
But Minho wasn't too big a fan of how the new guy clung to you. While everyone gathered at the bonfire he couldn't help but notice how the very obviously drunk boy, had his arm around your shoulder and it was driving him crazy. He had been hearing whispers from the other gladers about how you were going to start dating him and the mere thought of it made Minho's blood boil. Even though all the comments that had been made about you and the greenie were jokes because everyone knew you well enough to know you were just being friendly, Minho didn't know that.
You were in the middle of a conversation with the new guy and the rest of the group when you spotted Minho walking in your direction. At first, you got excited, you had been waiting to talk to Minho this whole day. But then you looked at him and noticed the stern, almost angry expression he had on his face. Your confusion only grew as he stopped right in front of you, his build towering over you as you stared back up at him.
"Hey, can we talk for a second?" Minho said through gritted teeth. The amount of anger in his voice was prominent, and you couldn't lie, it was kind of hot. Minho was not a hot-headed person, so seeing him be anything other than stoic or flustered was new for you.
"Uh sure, is everything alright?" You ask with genuine concern. You didn't know what could've gotten Minho this angry so you were relatively worried.
"Yeah, it's fine. Just- can you come with me?" Minho said quickly, and it was obvious to you that it, whatever 'it' even was, was not fine. You took Minho's hand anyway as he helped you up from your seat.
Everyone in the group was staring at you, just as confused as you were while you told them you'd be back soon. You shot the greenie a wave and you could've sworn you saw Minho roll his eyes and scoff as you did so.
Minho led you to the edge of the deadheads and stopped by a nearby tree. There was silence between the both of you and you were waiting for Minho to say something. When he didn't, you spoke instead, "So what is this all about?"
Minho crossed his arms as he began to reply, you couldn't help but notice fury in his eyes as he spoke, "I should be asking you that."
"What?" You questioned, slightly dumbfounded and slightly confused by Minho's harsh tone. He'd never spoken to you in such a way, so now you were really racking your brain trying to figure out what you could've done to piss him off so much.
"Oh don't pull that oblivious klunk with me (Y/N)." Minho sneered.
"I'm not acting oblivious, I don't know what you're talking about, seriously." You said while putting your hands up in surrender, and it was the truth, you really didn't know what he was talking about.
"I'm talking about you and the greenie. How you guys were all over each other. Are you dating him or something?" Minho spits out, venom and jealousy lacing his words.
You couldn't help but laugh as he said this but you quickly realized he was being serious. "Wait you're kidding, right? Me and the greenie? No Minho he's just a friend." You said in an attempt to reassure him.
"Well, it didn't look like you were just friends. Not by the way he had his arm around you." Minho blurted out.
"Are you getting jealous Minho?" You asked with a grin on your face. Minho stayed silent for a moment after you asked, so you spoke again, "Why would you care anyway? It's not like you like me like that or anything." Annoyance in your voice this time. Who was he to act so pissed off about it if he didn't even like you?
"Who said I didn't?" Minho questioned while staring dead at you.
Now it was your turn to be silent.
"You like me?" You said as you just stared at Minho for a moment longer, wondering if you had really heard him correctly. A sliver of hope surged through you as you thought of the possibility.
Minho quickly realized what he had just said and just stared at you. Did he really just say that? Why did he just say that? His words got stuck in his throat and he stayed quiet.
"Minho answer my question."
"Yes, okay? Yes, I like you. So what if I do? Are you going to reject me the same way you reject every other boy?" Minho asked with genuine curiosity.
Before you or he could say anything else, you kissed him.
You hadn't even realized how long you had been waiting to kiss Minho ever since you laid your eyes on him. But as your lips merged into his perfectly, it all just felt right.
Minho melted into your touch as you wrapped both of your arms around his neck and he pulled you in as he placed both of his arms around your waist. The kiss you both shared was gentle yet passionate as you fell deeper and deeper into his warm embrace.
You pulled away for a moment to look Minho in the eyes, "I like you too Minho." You said with a warm smile that almost made him pass out. Minho's heart melted as he heard those words come out of your mouth. They were what he'd dreamed you you eventually say to him, and he couldn't think of anything else to do at that moment than to kiss you again.
The kiss between the both of you deepened and only became more sloppy and desperate as if the both of you couldn't get enough of each other. You allowed his tongue to enter your mouth and taste every bit of you. You could tell that he must've had some muscle memory from his life before the maze because he definitely knew what he was doing as his tongue wrestled against yours.
Minho pushed you onto a nearby tree and moved one of his hands from your waist and to your ass. You moaned softly into his mouth as he did so and you pushed yourself into him further, which only caused Minho to harden against you.
"Oh, there you guys are. I assumed you guys got everything settled?" Newt asked as he interrupted you and Minho. You both pulled away for the second time, breathlessly, and stared at him for a moment.
"Oh yeah- everythings um, settled. I guess." Minho said while turning around to face Newt. Newt gave you a look and you just gave a thumbs up and an awkward smile back to him.
"Alright well, I just wanted to let you know (Y/N) that the greenie was wondering where you were," Newt said with a smirk while scratching the back of his head.
"Oh, well- just tell him I'm busy or something." You replied hastily. You had waited long enough to let Minho know how you felt and you wanted nothing more than to turn all of your attention back to him now. Minho looked at you and grinned, obviously very pleased with your response.
"Will do," Newt said as he began to walk away and back up to the bonfire to join everyone else. You blushed as you put your hands up to your face and buried your head into Minho's chest.
"God that was so embarrassing." You said, your words muffled in the fabric of Minho's t-shirt.
"Oh come on there's nothing to be embarrassed about. If anything it's good that that shuckin' greenie'll get the message." Minho cooed as he wrapped one arm around your back and used his other hand to stroke your hair. He planted a kiss on your forehead as you took your hands away from your face and wrapped them around Minho's waist. You looked up at him again with a goofy grin on your face, which only made Minho grin at you back, "What, what is it?" He chuckled.
"You never struck me as the jealous type." You stated while tilting your head slightly before continuing, "Not like there's anything wrong with that though."
Minho only smiled back at you and brought his lips to yours once more, holding you in his arms as if he found the one thing that he wanted to hold onto for the rest of his life.
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alright yall here is yet another Minho fic
I hope you guys liked it and tysm @minhoshotharness for the request!! It was so fun to write and I hope that you liked what I did with the concept.
plzplzplzplz keep sending me these requests guys, I literally LOVE writing them
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simp4konig · 1 year
"Can't sleep?" König x Gender-neutral Reader
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Word count: 3704
Having flashbacks about the battlefield and unable to fall asleep after an exceptionally draining mission, you go seek the comfort of your Colonel in the middle of the night.
*Slow burn
*ANGST!!💔... dw it gets wholesome at the end i promise ❤️
*Thanj you to Azzy!! (My No.1 Fan...🥹🫂💘) for this request !!!🙋🏼‍♀️💫💞💞✨Love u too🫶💕,, I kind of 🥺slightly🥺 maube a littke bit🥺🥺🥺went off prompt and König isnt affected by the mission per se BUT i have fulfilled the CUDDLING part!!! ☺️☺️pls dont show up to my fhome with pitchforks and torches im sry it just sorta happened ok😱
Also i rhink i have dementia bc I thought someone else rqsted König comfortinf rreader in a storm???😰😰Turns out nobody did so maybe i hallucinated it or smtj idk🤷🏼‍♀️Anyways I thought to merge these two ideas together so lmk what u think abt this lil (by "lil" i mean WAY too long🤪) drabble🙏💕
*Reader is pining for König
*Events loosely take place in the KönigxKing (as in, reader's call-sign is "King" storyline) mini-series. This serves as a slight backstory for King (reader). Again, this is by no means in any chronological order in relation to the series, so this can also be read as stand-alone! :)
You couldn't sleep.
It was raining relentlessly outside, the pitter-patter of water droplets hitting your window. Storm clouds boomed loudly outside, and despite the blinds being pulled tightly shut, lightning occasionally flashed through the cracks, elongated shadows of buildings forming on the walls.
Counting down the seconds until you'd hear the rumbling thunder, it would only be a few kilometres away, and you'd shudder at the sound, shivering.
While tossing and turning in bed, you had kicked off your covers and were staring at the ceiling, still wide awake. Normally, a storm like this would be like a lullaby to your ears, yet now it did nothing in helping lull you to sleep.
Even if you wanted to sleep, how could you when those corpses haunted your nightmares?
Laying in bed, your mind replayed the same scenes like a movie reel, the same screams like a broken record:
Lifeless, unblinking eyes with mouths agape and an expression of fear permanently engraved on their pale faces; flies swarming in hordes to harvest the soft tissues of the irises and tongue, eating the human mush; limbs contorted in unnatural positions, arms and legs crushed by the force of detonated mines, bones broken under the weight.
Rumbling roaring of machine guns and the deafening explosions from hand grenades meant that the high-pitched ringing would drown out everybody's yelling, muffle all noise from your surroundings, and you'd only be pulled out of your daze when you'd find yourself stumbling on unstable ground, on bricks and cheap concrete that had all crumbled.
Bodies would drop so fast it'd take at least seconds for you to register whether it had been an enemy or an ally.
You'd pull the trigger, but seeing a bullet go through someone's forehead and the exaggerated shock stamped on their face — a permanent expression in their final seconds remaining forever in death — left you wondering why you would ever sign up willingly to do this.
Disorientated, you'd struggle to pull yourself together, would enter far too many close calls for a soldier to count, and would only get a grip once you saw a familiar face, a reminder that you weren't alone in the warzone.
Even now, the sonorous sound kept echoing in your head, and, if you listened closely, it resembled hundreds of hoarse shouts, so many people screaming at once in collective agony.
You flinched as a bolt of lightning suddenly struck the sky.
Sparing an absentminded glance at your digital alarm clock, your eyes widened slightly at the time: 1:56am.
Damn... you thought. ...it's that late already?
Drills would begin at 7 o'clock, and you had to have woken up at 6 to brush your teeth, get dressed, eat, and mentally prepare yourself for the day, so you kissed a good night's sleep goodbye, and accepted the telling off from your superiors the following morning for under-performing.
...Still, how could you sleep after what you had experienced? What you experienced and would continue experiencing?
Accepting high-pressure missions and a demanding workload once you had enlisted, you thought that your ability to keep calm under pressure and stay composed would mean that you would have been unaffected by the shooting by now, and be taking everything in your stride. Calm, composed, and unaffected, is what you had thought you'd be. Surely you'd be able capable enough to cope with it all?
Yet, you weren't any of those things. Never getting used to the stress that would persist even while on supposedly "low-intensity" extractions. You'd always be on edge, always recoiling at hands that would reach over to tap your back as encouragement or hold your shoulder in reassurance on base.
You believed you could never familiarise yourself with the panic and unpredictability of missions and being hyper-aware of something, anything, everything going wrong, with the adrenaline that would course through your body and take over your senses in times of fight or flight, with the nerves that would keep you on edge hours after landing safely on base.
But, most of all, with the nights you'd lay in bed, unable to fall asleep: nights like these, when every time you closed your eyes, you saw the eyes of dying comrades; when every time you walked along the corridors, imagined yourself diving across the floor and felt shattered shrapnel breaking under your feet; when every time you sat in an empty room, heard ear-piercing blasts and the ricochet of discarded shells just missing your head.
Whereas the other operators seemed to be completed unmoved by any of their deployments and would shrug their shoulders off of the events, the anxiety for you lingered, trauma deep within your soul consuming you whole.
How could you ever get over the fact that you were shooting real people? Losing real soldiers?
...Losing yourself along the way?
All this work took a toll on your psyche, but comparing yourself to the other soldiers made you feel like such a coward, and second-guess ever enlisting in the first place.
...Well, you did so because it had been your only option all things considered, but looking back on it, you thought that maybe it would have been better if you hadn't chosen anything at all.
Accepted the grave nature of your failures in life, the same life that would have had inevitably ended with you pre-maturely in a grave.
After all, you had no job prospects to look forward to, no dreams to strive for, no aspirations to achieve.
Failing your school exams time and time again until you had finally achieved a result that was good enough didn't earn you any security, as you weren't exactly employable with grades you had just barely managed to claw to even pass.
Really, it was hopeless. You were hopeless.
To say your family was disappointed in you would have been an understatement. Out of three children, you were labelled the disappointment child, the underachiever and failure.
Your two siblings worked as a lawyer and an engineer respectively, while you had never even been able to grasp the basics in education, never spoke with your teachers of anything other than the worrying results of your exams, never came home to share a thing with your parents you had accomplished with a smile of pride stretched on your young face like your siblings did.
Never. Because you weren't ever good enough.
At the dinner table, your siblings boasted of promotions and of revolutionary research, of trials and of successes, of their brilliant breakthroughs, as you sat on the side of the table, listening from the sidelines, excluded from all of the grandeur that you couldn't relate to.
Still, it was always better to keep your mouth shut than to make a dent in the conversation, further embarass yourself and prove how lowly you were, than to have so many pairs of pitying eyes talking down on you in patronising tones, of the subtle condolences from your parents and their regret with triumphant smirks and condescending attitude from your siblings.
In a last ditch effort to make your parents proud, you made the decision of joining the military. You were young and impressionable, under the impression that your parents would finally be impressed.
...Of course, they weren't. In fact, your decision made them even more disappointed, shaking their heads sympathetically with strained smiles stretched on their lips.
Maybe that was the reason you couldn't handle the pressure of the military, you thought. You were weak, incompetent. Pathetic.
Although no one told you explicitly or made you feel that way directly, somehow, you always had felt inferior. Somehow, you felt that no matter what you did, how much you did, how well you thought you did, you wouldn't ever come close to the others's level.
That, despite your effort and dedication, you would never be good enough. Would always be inferior no matter what, because you always had been and would always be so.
...Your Colonel never made you feel that way, though, and you never quite understood why.
After all, your interactions were few-far-and-inbetween. It made you wonder what made you feel this way, and what spark ignited the warmth you'd feel when he was around.
Although a man of few words, the words that he did say to you would matter, though. His praise, his acknowledgement, his always being there made you want to keep going and prove your worth to him.
It started off as sporadic encouragement:
Your skin glistening with sweat, an accented voice would say "Gute Arbeit," over your crumpled body on the gym mat.
Offering you a gloved hand, you grasped it gratefully, and he pulled your tired body with ease. "Good job, King."
A lopsided smile from you as you'd wipe the sweat from your forehead and brows after sparring with someone else, limp limbs barely keeping you standing. His eyes were betrayed no emotion under his veil, yet a thin-lipped grin was behind it.
"Thank— you— sir!" You'd manage to breathe out, still panting for breath. "I did— my best, but— I didn't win."
"That does not matter," he'd say, speaking in a tone you couldn't quite recognize. "Very good job. Keep it going. Soon, you'll be able to pin even me down."
You'd laugh weakly at his words, yet would immediately feel a surge of motivation to keep working hard, and would train up to the point of exhaustion behind closed doors. Thinking you'd be alone, you'd punch a dufflebag with grunts of effort, missing the tall silhouette observing you with crossed arms in the corner, satisfied.
Then, those became casual greetings;
"Guten Morgen, soldier. Nice day, ja?"
Turning around, you'd see your Colonel walking towards you, frame visible even from a distance.
You smile broadly, eyes crinkling up in genuine joy, before you caught yourself and coughed. "Y-yeah!"
"Always a nice day whenever you're around, sir," you'd tease, playfully winking at him as he approached you, yet you were yet to master it without blinking both eyes.
He'd chuckle heartily, flattered, then shook his head to hide how his face flushed under his veil, and held up a hand.
"Thank Gott I have you here. My day would have been ruined."
"Have a good day, sir!" You'd call after him brightly, and he'd turn around for a final time with a two-fingered salute. Strange, since he was your superior, not the other way around, but you shrugged this off as a friendly gesture.
Until it developed into a sort of mutual connection.
In your eyes, at least.
You didn't want to assume that you two were friends, as the man was way out of your league. Strong, muscular, and a disciplined soldier — a Colonel, no less — a man of influence.
Besides, he, conversing with the only-recently-recruit-turned-soldier that was the slowest to understand a joke, did not comprehend complicated terms, and was the least bright out of the entire faction was not something you wanted him to be associated as, didn't want to tarnish his reputation.
You reasoned that you didn't want to bring down the Colonel down to your low level, so you kept your relationship as just that; associates. Aquaintances. Nothing more, out of respect for your Colonel.
Little did you know, the Colonel had developed a soft spot for you.
It seemed as though the storm had gotten worse, as the rain was unrelenting, and the tapping on the glass increased with force. Booming thunderclouds made your room shake.
A sigh as you turned to your side again. 2:07am.
Your thoughts moved back to your Colonel, and you started missing him, longing for him. The warmth that radiated off him made you wish he'd take you in his arms, hold you close to his chest, and you suddenly felt so cold. So lonely and cold.
Maybe it was childish of you to be feeling this way — he was your superior, after all, and you had no reason to be so attached — yet your daily encounters made you gain feelings for the man. Made you feel things when he was around.
Somehow, he brought you security. Made you feel protected. Safe. Like you could always count on him for having your back.
Made you forget that you were so useless, and was the reason for the fuzzyness within your chest, the buzzing feeling you'd feel as you'd be grinning from ear to ear after speaking to him.
Made you feel like you weren't pathetic. Weren't a wasted wishing star. Instead, you were appreciated, seen, even.
You wanted to see him. You wanted to be with him.
...Would he want you, though?
No. Of course he wouldn't. You weren't good enough.
A deep sigh. 2:15, the digital alarm clock displayed.
...What if he actually did want you? Not even as a partner, but just to be around him? Breathe the same air as him? You thought you weren't worthy of his time, but maybe, just maybe he wouldn't see it as such a waste.
Another crash of lightning brought you to your senses.
Finally making up your mind, you huffed in exertion as you pushed yourself off your stiff mattress, not bothering to organize the mess of blankets on the floor.
Walking with certainty, before you realised it, you were at König's bedroom door. Standing behind the door, hand hesitatingly reaching for the handle, you bit your lip, confidence wavering.
Should you really go through with this right now? What if he was asleep at that moment and all you'd do is disrupt his slumber? It wouldn't be fair of you to disturb him so late in the night, especially when he had so many responsibilities.
Still, you inhaled deeply, and, as quietly as you could, knocked twice.
You almost jumped out of your skin at the familiar accented voice of your Colonel.
"Come in," he said hoarsely. His tone was almost warm, inviting, yet you shook your head at the idea, and pulled the handle.
Entering inside, you slowly closed the door behind you. When you turned around, König was sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows resting on his knees, seemingly deep in thought. Wearing a tank top and cargo pants, his head was hung low, his veil hanging loosely over his head.
The blinds were drawn open to reveal the sky dominated by darkness, the grey curtain of monochrome on the nearest buildings cast down by the clouds, the raindrops that remained on the windows and the rhythmic echoes against the pavement as they dropped in syncopation.
The sight, his presence, were both so... relaxing. In a way, your anxiety was relieved by the tranquility of the scene, and it made you forget the internal turnoil you had been going through for the past few hours, made the tension in your body fade.
"Ah, King," his arms dropped to his sides and he raised his head to meet your eyes in the dark. "I had a feeling that it would be you."
You fidgeted nervously, not knowing what to do.
"Bitte, schön," he said, patting the empty space beside him on the mattress. "Please, sit down. I insist."
Slowly lowering yourself to his side, you sat at a reasonable distance away from him. With the both of you sat down, the size difference was still very noticable. His height made him hunch over you, and one of his thighs was like the two of yours combined.
So nervous, you didn't even notice how his back slumped so you'd be both at a similar level.
He cleared his throat. "What brings you here so late in the night?"
An awkward tug of your t-shirt collar.
"Can't sleep," you stated simply.
"I see." He was quiet for a few moments. Then: "And you decided that my room was the place to go?"
Your face heated up, and you averted your gaze. "Well, sir, it's j-ju—"
"—Nein," he cut you off, holding up a hand to stop you. "I have told you so many times not to call me that. Call me König."
"But— but you're my superior," you gasped, mouth agape. "You deserve to be addressed with respect! I couldn't possibly—"
The protest died on your lips again as the man shook his head, the loose material of his veil following his movements. "Nein. None of that matters. I want you to call me by my first name."
A heavy silence lingered over the two of you, words left unsaid by you both.
"So," König prompted, "what brings you here, King?"
Pausing to think over a pretence, the best you could come up with was: "The storm scared me."
"Ja?" Even with the fabric covering his face, you could almost see the skeptical smirk on his lips.
"A soldier like you afraid of loud clouds? Some rain?" He chuckled.
"Really, I'd have thought you better than that, King." If you didn't know him well enough, you'd have thought he was mocking you, yet despite the sarcasm his eyes held a genuine concern for you.
An bashful laugh escaped you as you rubbed your arm, nails slightly digging into your skin.
"Okay, tell me the truth, King," Leaning forward, his tone became serious. "I know for certain you aren't scared."
He searched for your eyes, yet you avoided his gaze.
"Something is troubling you. Is that it?" He cocked his head to the side, fabric falling loosely over his shoulder. "You can tell me, King. I am your superior, you know. You should tell me these things."
"Well... it's j-just—"
You bit your lip, willing the tears to stay in your eyes.
Don't cry. Don't you dare cry.
König watched you, patiently waiting for you to continue.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, vulnerability showing in your eyes. "—This recent mission, it was— it was really, really difficult. And I just..."
König shuffled towards you until your knees were almost touching, watching you intently. As your body trembled, a hand hovered in uncertainty by your shoulder.
Sniffling, you wiped the wetness on your face with your arm, voice breaking.
"I-I just think that I'm not strong. That I'm... weak. Not— not good enough to be working with people that are so much better. So much stronger—"
Your breath hitched in your throat, voice coming out in a broken sob. "—I-I mean— I'm so pathetic. I shouldn't be so... weak. I should — I should be better. Wh-why—"
Tears flowed freely down your face. "—Why can't I be better, König? Why am I so— so useless?"
Without saying anything, König wrapped his strong arms around your body and pulled you against his chest, pulled you close so you could let it all out. For a few moments, he let you cry, ever-so-gently stroking the back of your head, fingers running through your hair. Weeping into his chest, his steady breathing soothed you.
Once you recovered enough from your emotions, you pulled away, downcast. Face red and blotchy with tears, eyes puffy and pink from crying, lips quivering and voice hoarse, you felt so pathetic. So, so pathetic.
"F-fuck, s-si— König—" Trembling. "I'm so so sorry. I'm too emotional, please, I'm sor—"
"Nein." His tone was soft, yet firm. Definitive. "You have nothing to apologise for, King."
Both hands cupped the sides of your face, tentatively tilting your face upwards. His expression was forlorn, and you felt tears brimming in your eyelids again.
"...You're not weak. You're not pathetic. You're not useless. I see you always trying so hard, King, always giving it your all..."
He paused for a few moments, deliberating over how best to put his thoughts into words. "...Maybe... maybe your best isn't the best out of anyone's bests, but it's the effort that counts." He rubbed the back of his neck, then let out a mono-syllabic laugh. "Scheiße, did that make sense? Sorry— I'm not good with words—"
You glanced away. "—Hey," his hand reached to hold to side of your face. "Look at me, King."
"You're not weak, not pathetic, not useless," he repeated, voice wavering.
"You're none of those. You're better than you think you are. Your inner strength," a finger pointed at your chest, "your heart, it's so full of goodness. So full of so many good things that don't define you, but instead changed you for the better."
"Maybe... maybe you aren't the aren't the best, haven't been the best, or never will be the best, but it's not your fault. You try so hard, and the odds... the odds are stacked against you. And, sometimes... sometimes it's okay to not be the best. You don't have to be fearless, the strongest, perfect. You can just be... you."
His eyes were pleading in the dark. "Please don't doubt yourself. You're so— so much better than you imagine."
A shaky breath. "So much stronger than you tell yourself. I can promise you, you are your own person. Other people's successes don't define you."
König turned around to glance at his alarm. 2:36.
When he turned back, your face had slowly regained the colour on your cheeks, eyes sparkled, chest rose and fall at a steady pace. You said nothing, yet König knew you listened to every one of his words.
"Looks like it's too late for you to fall asleep in your own room," he whispered, gently caressing your face. "Stay here with me, King."
Eyes immediately widening in surprise, you were about to protest. "B-but— I couldn't possibly, König—"
That protest died on your lips as König's arms engulfed you again, and brought you down against his mattress so you were laying on his chest. Cocooned like a protective blanket over you, you didn't need him to say anything more. You felt so... safe. Loved.
The storm outside seemed to calm down, and lightning no longer crashed against the window. Rain faltered, and some clouds were separating in the darkness of the sky.
Before you knew it, your eyelids became heavy with drowsiness, feeling a wave of calm wash over you, cleansing away your sorrows.
Just before you fell asleep, you heard König say something in German, barely above a whisper, but you did not understand:
"Schlaf gut Schatz. Ich liebe dich."
I don't know who needed to hear that, or if anyone even did, but I stand by the words I wrote. Although you are reading this, and are likely a stranger, and I'll never face you in real life, I want you to know that you *are* good enough. And if it takes a person on the internet using a fictional character to tell you so, then so be it. You are still valid. 🫂
Note: i rhink some of the ppl that read my previous fics will be able to tell that i went tryhard mode on this one 💀💀
Its mostly bc im back in school and were going over all the stupid fancy shmancy literative devices and figurstive language (god why cant u call it literallt anything else i swear why does it have ro be so unnecessarily overcomplicated just call it sentence structures or writing techniques istg.man😭)so i unconsciously chanelled all of thise boring technicalities into this 😬
With me writing as a hobby you'd think I'd have the highest grades in English? No💔I wish LMAO
I NOW HAVE 130+ FOLLOWERS!!! Which is unbelievable if u wsk me bc etf why wre eo mwnt people following me i don't deserve this qt ALL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 THANK YOU ALL 🥹🥹🥹🫶🫶🫶💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
I still remember when @puff0o0⭐ began their self-aware au with König and Ghost qnd ive qlways veen cheerint for her from the sidelines ☺️☺️come to find out shes been mentioning ME in THEIR podts and writing on their blofs thwt my CoD blog is good and i.????😭😭😭cant????????😭😭😭😭😭 Literally -99999 damage and an ARROW 🏹 STRAIGHT thru the HEART 💘🥹 I LOVE U B (platonically ofc dw)😽💕💓💓❤️💞💞💕💞💕💞💞💞💕
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in-amor-veritas · 1 month
Hey hey,
Idk if you are still taking prompts but I thought I'd shoot my shot as I missed that you were participating. I absolutely understand if you aren't taking more though.
"No, no, no, please no!"
Hiii I am still taking prompts :)
This is some kind of silly arts university AU where Wille and Simon are both dance majors (Wille is ballet and Simon is modern/street/hiphop idk what’s the exact term for what im imaging I just know he wants to be a choreographer and run his own studio) also idk why but Wille has s1 hair bc ballet Wille to me always had longer hair 🤷‍♀️
"No, no, no, please no!" Wille stares in horror at the four letter word greyed out under the stupid text message he’d meant to send to his best friend, Felice, and instead sent to the insanely attractive, intimidatingly outspoken and extremely talented boy in his dance history class.
He had sent it to Felice, moping about his crush and hadn’t expected the message to be read so immediately after sending it, so it had been with a horrified gasp when he realized after rushing to unsend that it was no use because Simon had already seen the stupid message talking about how distracted he gets sitting behind him and how badly he wants to get to know him better.
Fighting the urge to throw his phone across the room he lays back on the mattress, staring with some kind of masochistic fascination as the typing bubbles appear, fingers running through long strands of his blonde hair, twisting and pulling the ends in anxiety as he think about what Simon must have thought when he read it, what he’s writing back right now.
Simon must think he’s weird, after-all he’s always been socially awkward and quiet and they’ve barely exchanged more than a few words since the start of this class together, someone as social and popular as Simon Eriksson probably has plenty of people interested in him, Wille can just imagine the other boy showing his friends the message and laughing at how weird that Wilhelm guy is.
He almost doesn’t want to look when he feels his phone vibrate, but he’s too curious and when he see opens the notification he has a slight panic attack as what’s written there, sitting up and pushing his hair out of his eyes he reads it again.
sorry for being too distracting for you to pay attention in class…guess i owe you one…why don’t we get together and study or something sometime….for the record ive watched you in rehearsal and you’re pretty distracting yourself ;)
Wille grins, feeling his cheeks flushed and a sense of curious wonderment bloom inside of his chest—holy shit Felice wasn’t going to believe this.
this is technically 6 but ive decided im not counting the text message as a sentence 😌
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cryscendo · 4 months
for the kiss prompts, klaine and "kissing your lover to show you forgive them"? <3
omg i loved this prompt!!! it gave me a chance to write something a bit sweeter than i usually write so i hope you love it! idk how long a drabble is typically supposed to be, but im sure i exceeded that here whoops
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Word Count: 1152
Rating: G
if anyone would like to send me a prompt, check out the prompt list here!
fic can be read under the cut <3
Blaine still harbored a lot of guilt, Kurt knew. He wasn’t such a fool that he didn’t realize that the sudden proposal was Blaine’s effort to show how devoted he was. And Kurt really did believe him, regardless of how aloof he tried to appear to be at times.
Upon Blaine’s whirlwind proposal, the two of them hadn’t had much time to discuss anything between each other. They were busy having their attention pulled every which way by family and friends alike. And make no mistake — Kurt was grateful for it! He missed his friends dearly ever since moving to New York, and his family even more so. But Kurt was well aware, given their previous struggles with communication, that they would need to talk. It was an inevitability, really.
So that’s what eventually led them to the Hudson-Hummel household alone. “Carole and I are just gonna go see a movie. Maybe also get dinner or something. You boys don’t wait up,” his dad had said, but Kurt knew what he was really saying. The words hidden underneath sounded more like You and Blaine ought to talk about this. And like with most things, his father was right.
It was only seconds after the door closed behind his parents that Blaine started kissing him. And Kurt… he missed this. He really did. Kissing Blaine was something that he could never grow tired of, and after having gone so long without the contact, it felt like home. Sure, he had Adam for a time, and there was also Mr. Schue’s wedding, but those were so different. Kissing Blaine like this; it was with the knowledge that they belong to one another. More so now than ever before.
Which is why they needed to talk about this.
“I can’t believe we’re engaged,” Blaine muttered against Kurt’s mouth, quiet giddiness dripping from his lips and intoxicating Kurt like an aged wine. He couldn’t believe it either, honestly. He had the weight of it around his finger and still couldn’t believe it. He could stay kissing Blaine like this forever, just existing in this rush of gentle joy.
They needed to talk about this.
“It’s everything I ever wanted,” Blaine continued, carefully carding his fingers through Kurt’s hair. He leaned into Kurt, eager to experience closeness that he no doubt had been craving for so long since their break up. “You’re everything I ever wanted,” he whispered then and Kurt could easily see himself slipping into the fantasy that everything is perfect and there’s no loose ends. It was easy with Blaine. He was so charming and genuine, it was nearly second nature for him to cave beneath it.
They needed to talk about this.
“Blaine,” Kurt uttered finally, nudging Blaine away with a light press of his hand on Blaine’s chest. “Why did you do this?”
It’s not the words he meant to say, but they had already spilled out of his throat before he could even think about stopping them. Fine. He guessed his brain wasn’t going to be diplomatic about this.
Though, with the look of confusion that spread across Blaine’s features led him to somewhat regret speaking up. Blaine pulled away from Kurt, but kept his fingers nestled in Kurt’s hair. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, why did you do this?” Kurt questioned, redirecting to the silver ring that wrapped around his finger.
This time, Blaine did let go of Kurt, his anxiety betraying him and fully replacing the happiness from earlier that evening. “Because I love you, Kurt. And it’s important to me that you know that,” Blaine said and it was so obscenely sincere that it tugged at Kurt’s heart. Then, Kurt watched as tension built inside Blaine as he spoke again. “Oh god, you’re not changing your mind, are you?”
“No, no, not at all!” Kurt reassured quickly. He took Blaine’s hand in both of his, holding them close to offer some sort of security and warmth. Blaine, Kurt has really begun to learn, is driven heavily by emotions. He needed to tread lightly. “This just all came very suddenly, that’s all. Blaine, I love you too, but if there’s something else going on, I need to know about it. No more secrets, right?”
It seemed like Kurt had said the right things, because Blaine nodded, and sag in his shoulders indicated that he was a bit more relaxed. He couldn’t really blame Blaine for being emotionally turbulent today; a lot has happened in the past few hours. “You’re right, no secrets,” he agreed and followed up with a soft sigh. Kurt held securely to his hand, silently encouraging Blaine to continue. After a brief moment of reticence, he spoke again. “I’m just so scared, Kurt. I messed this up once already, and I feel terrible everyday for it. I wanted to do this to show you that I’m really serious about us — about you. I never want to make you feel that way ever again. Cheating on you was by far the worst mistake of my life and I’ll regret it forever.”
Kurt listened quietly as Blaine poured his heart out. He had figured that it had something to do with their break up. It was too big of a roadblock to just ignore.
Keeping one hand holding Blaine’s, Kurt reached up with his other hand and played with one of the loose curls that had sprung free from Blaine’s hair gel at some point throughout the day. “I think you should start forgiving yourself.”
The look of confusion returned to Blaine’s face. “But I-”
“I know what you did,” Kurt interrupted before Blaine could self-deprecate further. “And I also know that you apologized no less than eight-hundred times since it happened. I won’t lie, Blaine, it broke my heart when you cheated. But you’ve said you’re sorry, and I do believe you. We wouldn’t be here now if I didn’t.”
The hand that was toying with Blaine’s hair slid down to instead cradle his cheek. Blaine’s eyes were glassy, but under that, there was undeniable love and devotion. Blaine loved him so much; it was impossible to not see it.
With as much intention as he could hope to portray, Kurt pressed a kiss to Blaine’s lips. It was a simple kiss; chaste in comparison to many of the others that they had shared throughout their relationship. But there were words written all over the kiss — words that Kurt didn’t feel were necessary to verbalize, and could only hope that Blaine could feel them like a brand to his skin.
The peaceful sigh that Blaine released against his mouth was all the confirmation that Kurt needed.
Kurt allowed the kiss to linger for a few moments longer before pulling away slowly. His eyes met wet, brown ones that shimmered in pure adoration. “I have long since forgiven you, Blaine. It’s time that you start forgiving yourself.”
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Im glad you enjoy all the Morgie male fans (idk why we're so many😭 bro is a boy magnet)
And im just dropping a small idea for a part 2 of "In Another Life" where maybe the reader now back in the future meets morgie again who is now like- 22 or 21 years old instead of grown up like the others due to his family having a long life span or a slow growth, maybe his serpentine/snake(?) genes and we get the fluffy ending we deserve
(the requester of the prompt is mean for wanting a sad ending thats why i wanna fix it /hj)
I like the concept of Morgie not aging "properly" due to his magic (and also fell in love with Morgie and his German Prince Boyfriend) so Thank you second anon, I'm absolutely giddy that someone wants a second part to something I made
I Would Be Yours
Find part one here.
Morgie le Fay x Fitzherbert! Reader
Pronouns used: he/him/his
Summary: Who would have thought that the lips that lived in his mind for the last three years would show up in front of him on a rainy Tuesday afternoon?
Warnings: Technically an age gap but its fine because the supernatural element makes it okay (Twilight/tvd/dbda rules around here), Morgie is short for Morgan the way Mal is short for Maleficent propaganda
Word Count:2.3K
(Peder gif because your girl is running out of Morgie ones)
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    He wasn’t wrong, the lips of Morgie le Fay had haunted him for the last three and a half years. His dreams were littered with the laughter of the boy he was blessed to hear in the hideout next to him. Or his half lidded adoring eyes that he looked for in the face of every boy who gave him an ounce of attention since he returned. And they did, (Y/n) had grown into his looks in the time between sixteen and nineteen, now at almost twenty he’d gone through his fair share of suitors. None of them felt right though, they couldn’t radiate the feeling of home he was looking for. He’d felt it once before, back when his life was all swords and shields and study hall. But now, as his life has fallen into exam papers, late night red bulls, and coffee shop shifts he’s fallen for the mundane. If the feeling of home was meant to find him, it would come to him in his sense of calm, nothing about the way he used to run around wild was him anymore. He’d grown, if you asked his parents he’d grown beyond his years. He felt like it was simply a side effect of time travel, not that he let himself harp on that much. It would do him no good.  
   Sea Salted Caramel lattes and lavender honey matchas had become his escape from class. There was something in the way the espresso machines buzzed and  the smell of dark roast that came to be relaxing to him. He loved the regulars who babbled to him about their days, the excitable kids who told him too much while their parent ordered. Everything about Briar Roast had become a safe space to him, free of calculus exams and the plaguing what ifs. There was no place to wonder what would’ve happened if he just stayed in the past when he was busy, he liked that. There was no need to dwell, he knew that. And if it wasn’t raining so hard, maybe he wouldn’t be. 
   Storms always brought slow business, no one would be in this part of town other than busied employees who sat in their office jobs or cleaned up around retail stores. Ready to get to their dinner plans or their waiting couches, minds far away from the idea of getting coffee. Tuesdays already brought slow business after nine a.m. and the rain meant the day would bring none. Which he was fine with, poured over a textbook for his “Introductory Law” class that was splayed out on the counter. Exams wouldn’t study for themselves, he should be thankful for the quiet time. And if he could just focus, he would be. The boy sighs, closing the book and grabbing an espresso cup from under the countertop. He just needed some caffeine, it would focus him back in. It always did. He places the tiny cup under the machine, pressing a few buttons as the bell above the door rings out. 
    “Welcome to Briar Roast, I’ll be right with you!” The footsteps of whoever came in are soft, shoes barely dragging the tile floors instead of thumping against them. “Right, take your time. Do you have wifi here? I have a work thing to do.” The voice is almost familiar, a ring similar to one that lived somewhere lodged in the back of the Prince’s mind. “Yeah, it’s not password protected, should come right up as ‘Briar Roast Guest’. What can I get for you?” He’s yet to look at the man, eyes focused down on his screen as he starts a new order. “Oh uh, a Rose macchiato with almond milk if you have it.Oat milk is fine otherwise, I just can’t really do dairy. They’ve got you in here alone, huh?” “Yeah, it’s a Tuesday evening though, and you’re the first person to walk in here in the last hour and a half so, I’ll live. Just in case though, can I get a name for the order?” He looks up as he says it, eyes locking with a pair of hazel ones that make his breath catch in his throat. There’s a moment, with locked eyes that neither of them can get a word out, fondness in the baristas while shock sits in the man’s. 
   “Mein Sonnenschein,” it’s whispered on a sigh, his hands gripping the counter beneath him as if the prince would tumble over. “Excuse me?” He has the ghost of a memory on his tongue as he hears the name. Something he’d looked for everywhere when he’d first heard it four decades prior. It took him forever to find the definition, luckily the Isle had nothing but time and few people went to the library, giving him plenty of time to find it. “My Sunshine” it was German. He never thought he’d hear the term of endearment again, let alone from a college kid who bared a striking resemblance to the first person he’d ever heard it from. He watches as the boy’s face twists into one of shocked panic, staggering back from the counter ever so slightly. “Sorry, you just, you look like a guy I knew moons ago. He, well I mean, there’s no way he’d look like you do now. Probably would be old enough to be your father nowadays. And I am,” he looks down, letting out a pathetic laugh, “I am rambling like a madman. Can I get a name for that macchiato?” “Morgan,” the slightly stiff man’s shoulders relax. His own name sounded almost wrong on his lips for the first time in twenty years. “Morgie” almost slipped through them, the only people who still called him that were Hook and his three kids, why would he introduce himself in such a way? His name elicits a quirked brow and a hum from the barista. The boy going to move his own espresso off of the machine and start the man’s drink. 
    The moment, whatever it was, had clearly ended. He saw that, forcing himself away from the counter and over to a booth in the corner. Morgie’s laptop makes its way out of his bag, setting it up on the table in front of him to start a dreadfully boring spreadsheet. Not that he can focus on it, his mind is running through the conversation they’d had moments before. “You look like someone I knew moons ago.” How long is moons to this boy? Perhaps, no, that's silly. There was no way that he could be the prince from his past. But he did say that Morie couldn’t be the man they knew. Something about how he’d be old enough to be his dad. Maybe he did age slowly like he did. What if it was the mysterious hero from his youth? 
    Glass makes a sweet and gentle clank against the wooden table beside his laptop, dragging the man’s focus up to the boy. He’s smiling softly, “Order up.” It’s soft, nearly flirty as he turns away, headed back to the counter. Morgie watches with soft, needy eyes, taking in his every movement. The boy is leaning over the counter, reading something and sipping slowly from his little espresso cup. “Hey,” his voice startles himself, eyes widening over how loud the sound is. It catches the boy’s attention all the same, his eyes flickering up from the textbook before him and over to Morgie. “Is everything okay? Do you need something?” He laughs, shaking his head as if to shake off the question as a whole. “No, I’m fine I just,” Morgie runs a hand through his hair with a nervous laugh, “I was wondering if you wanted to come join me? I mean it’s not like you’re busy and you’re obviously studying or something. Wouldn’t a table be better for that?” 
    A soft smile flickers over his face, hands softly grasping his book and the little mug beside him. It’s a wordless transition from the counter to the seat in front of him, a gentle nod of thanks being the only thing the boy does before he turns back to his work. It’s dreadfully not enough. Morgie fiddles with his fingers, looking at the boy, “So uh, you from this part of Auradon?” He laughs, thumbing over thick pages, “No, I’m actually from Corona. What about you? You don’t seem to have the right accent to be from here.” Corona, that explained why he knew German, they all spoke German there. Morgie chooses his next words extremely carefully. If this boy knew he had spent time on the Isle he was sure he’d go running for the hills. “Oh, I am but I just moved back, spent a while, away. What are you doing out here then?” He laughs, cutting him eyes from his text book, “You’re the inquisitive type, aren’t you? I’m enrolled in Auradon Academy, my parents wanted me to be well educated before I take the throne.” Morgie nods, leaning forward to look at the words in the book in front of him. “So you’re studying law before you become King? I respect it.” 
    “Actually,” he laughs, shaking his head, “Oh this sounds awful. Actually I started studying law because of someone I knew once. He, uh, he was sent to the Isle and I don’t think he deserved to be there. Not that I got to know him well but I knew well enough. That boy was sunshine on Earth, he was playful and nervous and giddy. And I have thought about nothing but him since we met, there’s no way a guy like that deserved to be caged away in a barrier, you know?” “He was sent to the Isle? It’s been thirty-three years since anyone was sent there. I should know, I was there. What, what was his name? Maybe I knew him.” The barista looks up to him, a look of panic on his face, “Yeah uh, Morgie le Fay, Morgana’s son. I didn’t get to know him well, really I only knew him for a couple days so maybe you know him better than I do. You look a lot like him if I’m honest.” 
    When he looks up at him, Morgan’s face is pale, mouth gapped and eyes bulging as if he saw a ghost. “What,” he swallows, blinking rapidly as he stares at the prince, “What did you say your name was?”  “(Y/n) and if I remember right, I don’t think you ever asked.” Morgan shakes his head, reaching a hand out to touch (Y/n)’s face. It startles him and yet, he doesn’t pull away. “How did you stay so young? It’s been four decades, you’ve aged slower than I have. I didn’t think anyone aged slower than us except maybe Maleficent. What are you?” 
   “I thought it was you,”  his hand comes to cover the one on his cheek, a smile pressing across his lips, “I have thought about you every single day.” “How have you stayed so young?” The question is repeated, more urgent this time as he stares. He’s searching the boy’s face, nearly desperate for answers. As if he could read them off of his face. (Y/n) looks around before standing up, walking over to the door and flipping the open sign around. “Come to the break room with me?” His better instinct says not to follow the boy. For all he knows, that’s a vampire who’s planning to feed on him and there was no way that Morgie would be able to fend that off. His magic had grown so weak in the past three decades, he could get himself hurt. Yet, he finds himself nodding, rising up from his seat and abandoning his work. (Y/n) grabs for his hand and he lets the boy take it, dragging him back behind the counter and into the break room. The door slams behind them, the prince’s back pushing against it. 
   “This is, god this is crazy. It’s crazy and I need you to listen to me and believe me despite how crazy it is. We never were meant to meet. I was born a little under two decades ago. I, well not me but my friend who wasn't really my friend at the time, had this magic pocket watch. Her tutor built it and it could take you back in time to help you get what you want most in life. She accidentally brought me along when she used it and I never meant to meet you. While I was going to Auradon Prep I’d hide in that old hideout in the black lagoon. I didn’t ever really think about who used it before me. But you did and I did meet you. It was so wonderful and I was some big idiot who kissed you. God, you have plagued my thoughts ever since we met, I mean seriously I have been thinking about kissing you since you walked in. There hasn’t been a single kiss that felt like yours since, which is unfair.” Morgie laughs, stepping closer to him, “You’re rambling.” “Sorry.” 
    Morgie shakes his head, grabbing his cheek, “I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I find it kind of endearing. Especially since you’re rambling about me.” His thumb rubs over the boy’s cheek, eyes flickering between his lips and his eyes. He leans up towards his lips and the man moves back, eliciting a whine from the boy. “Morgie, please.” “I can’t, do you know how much older than you I am?” “No older than you were last time,” he’s nearly whimpering as he says it, eyes set on the boy’s face, “And it’s not like you look it. You’re physically what, twenty-two? Mein Sonnenschein, please.” He knows he shouldn’t, everything in Morgie’s brain screams at him to let go of the boy. But (Y/n) isn’t the only one who’s been thinking about their kiss for years. So he leans in, feeling that same gentle spark he’d felt all those years ago. It’s soft, gentle, adoring. Warm as the sun, their lips were built for each other. And for the first time in years, they feel at home.
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asherloki · 1 year
supp :) im the person that requested the 12 & 35 prompts a bit ago
ofc u can do fluff and/or dom sherlock omg!
dom!reader is just my pref and idk the prompts were low-key giving beginning of smut to me, but i fr dont mind, u have full creative freedom and u obviously kno more than me bc of ur previous (amazing) writing :)
tysm for considering my request and have a great day/night! <3
My saviour
Bbc Sherlock x reader
Word count:- 3k
Warning:- light smut, but mostly fluff.
Prompt list here !
A/n:- ah finally I'm back! And I hope you like it!
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" I'll take it" I said entering detective inspector lestrade's office. He and his whole team was clueless when it came to the mysterious disappearance of Mr Hazelwood. Even though I wasn't the first choice for the case, one can never be, when the greatest detective of the world is inspector's closest acquaintance. Well, acquaintance is past, now he's closest friend. Can you even imagine, the brilliant genius being his friend meant, almost no case for me to solve. I don't even have an assistant, there's definitely less opportunity for me to show I'm capable of solving mysteries too. Maybe not as brilliant as him, the one who stood infront of the inspector as I walked in, he turned to me and I must say, being a detective myself, it always made me like the wise people, and that meant... I fancied the detective, yes the one who's my professional rival.
"you don't understand," lestrade said looking at me, "I want Sherlock to solve it". This stupid comment made my blood boil, again, another oppertunity lost, ofcourse he can't let this interesting case go.
"no, I'm not taking it" I was stunned as Sherlock Holmes stated this, 'why not' I wondered but lestrade said it out loud,
"and why not?"
Sherlock sighed in response and rubbed his forehead with his fingers as if he was disturbed with lestrade constantly urging him to solve a case he doesn't want to, "it's too boring, rather easy for me Gavin".
'Same old genius' I thought as he mis pronounced lestrade's name again, I must say lestrade's frustration made me kinda giggle but I controlled it.
"If it's that easy then solve it" he still requested, almost begged him.
"you must use some of your brain too inspector" replied Sherlock and I agreed, "or" he said turning to me and my heart started to beat faster I could hear it in my ear, "this young lady is willing to take it, give her a chance".
What did I just heard, Sherlock siding me?
"ugh fine" saying so lestrade turned to me, "I assigne you, for the case now I want it to be solved in two weeks".
"TWO WEEKS?" I asked loudly enough for my voice to echo through the office, "isn't it too.. less inspector?" I asked as calmly as I could, you have to when you're still struggling to get known.
"yes, it's easy as Sherlock said, solve it, and if you need help I bet he can, he's already solved it in his fucking mind palace". I see where the anger was coming from, it was inspector being frustrated by the rejection of Mr brilliant.
"here you go" said Sherlock as he was about to pass by me, I wanted to thank him, or say something sweet infact nice but me being me, I regretted what I said, "scared?"
He raised his brows at my comment, I deserved it, then shaking his head he said, "we'll see how you solve it in two weeks without my help young lady".
I squinted my eyes at his challenge. But he went out of the office. I took the challenge in my mind, however I was unsure, I knew it's gonna be difficult, but I can't lose. It's my only chance.
As I checked my progress after one week, I knew I'm gonna lose this challenge terribly. First, I had this rush which messed up my method and second, this Mr brilliant challenging me, that I can't do it on my own. Which was slowly turning out to be true. I got up from my sofa where I was lying and thinking, and grabbed my coat, my intention was to go to spot from where Mr Hazelwood was missing and inspect it thoroughly. So I took the bus, I know, poor little detective and went to the spot. While inspecting I felt someone watching over me. You know the feeling you get when you're being watched. I turned around and there were no one looking at me, yet again there was this feeling,
"told you, you need my help". I was startled as the heavy (sexy) voice said it, from behind. And no wonder I found Mr brilliant standing.
"what are you doing here, it's my case to solve" I knew I should've been a bit nice but it just came out to be very..
"rude" he replied, "very rude, I'm trying to help you".
"and why the fu..."
"gosh, kids these days" he said shaking his head.
"did you just called me a kid?"
"have you seen your height?"
"I'm sorry I'm not as tall as you and that doesn't mean.."
"as me? you're not even tall..AT ALL" his face remained expression less.
"who's being rude now, and how come you found me?"
"tracked your phone."
He said what? "you're spying on me?"
"a little girl, solving mystery on her own and at night, I must take care.."
"why do you care?" I might've said that but in my head I asked, 'you care? about me? why? who am I to you, genius?'.
"nothing," he got frustrated with me I knew, "if you change your mind, then... Baker Street" he pointed to the way he headed off to, leaving me on the street, alone, rather I pushed him away. I didn't want to, but it's me, why do you think I don't have an assistant? I work alone, so I don't look weak. Yet my phone's calendar told me it's one week to go, and if I can't solve.... No no I can and I have to... alone.
And then there left three days, till now I've matched some dots and it confirmed, he wasn't kidnapped, no one conspired against him, so whatever happened to him he was involved. Now this second part of the mystery held lots of troubles, and to solve them in three days was near impossible. My mind kept telling me to reach to him, you know, Mr brilliant. But it was embarrassing, however I had no other way,
"okay, time to throw my self respect" I said to myself gesturing with my hand as if throwing trash bag, "here I come, Sherlock Holmes".
All my way I just wished, "please stay at the flat, please stay at home, please detective" and there I was at his door.
I inhaled a deep breath and tapped my knuckles on his door.
"it's unlocked" replied a different voice, from inside.
'Oh no, John watson is there, I'm fucked' now I had to be embarrassed to both of these men, anyway I have threw my self respect away.
I opened the door and entered, the scene was... well... interesting I believe, John Watson was on his laptop and detective was sitting on his sofa, eyes closed, hands clasped.
"may I?" I asked Dr watson, because he looked a little sane.
"yes" he replied me and turned to Sherlock, "she came".
"who?" he enquired, his deep voice even deeper, eyes still closed and hands still clasped together, touching his chin.
"young lady". Replied John watson and Sherlock's eyes were flung open.
"is that what you call me?" I couldn't help but ask him.
"any problem?" he asked.
"I'm not here to argue with you, I want.." shit! now the embarrassing part, "I need, your help".
"oh I see, Mr Hazelwood?" I nodded, "still on it? wasn't it easy?"
"if it were then why would I ask your help?" he was getting on my nerves I tell you.
"fine sit" he said and I checked around me.
"where?" there wasn't any place near him but a sofa far in the other end of the living room.
"oh there?" I said pointing to it.
"no here" he brought out a rusty chair for me to sit.
"but it's for the clients" objected Dr watson, he's really sane.
"you know what? I'm fine just help me out". I need help from him and nothing else. Well sometimes I think if I could have something else but hey, professionalism.
"yes now let me explain, before that tell me how far you've got". I explained him everything and out of my utter surprise he got up from his sofa to his work board and offered me to sit there. Why's he being so... kind?
"now let me tell you what exactly happened" and he explained it was all Mr Hazelwood's plan, he intentionally disappeared, he's not dead but roaming around disguised.
"woah!" I couldn't help but praise him, it's not like I don't admire him. I do more than that, I respect him and perhaps... I like him a little too, "so how do we catch him?".
"it's not your duty to do so, you give all the evidence and theories to Scotland yard and order them to find him" he suggested.
"order them? me?" I am not very... influencial am I?
"yes, look they insulted you by not respecting your potential, now it's your time".
His motivational speech filled me with self respect again, the one I threw for him.
"yes" I said with such confidence and then I lost it again, "would you come with me... please?" now still cringe at the thought of me actually giving him puppy eyes and pleading but he agreed.
We entered lestrade's office, one day left till the deadline for me and I explained everything to him.
"seems like Sherlock helped you" said sally, stupid bi... no control yourself.
"I didn't, we met at the gate, I came here for the case I'm taking care of" lied the detective, I must admit, his lying skill was pretty good.
"anyway " said lestrade, "if you really did it on your own then.."
It felt so bad, to be taking credit of Sherlock's work, I didn't solve it all, I don't lie, so I,
"Sally is right" I admitted.
"no she isn't " Sherlock warned me.
"she is, she is lestrade. I solved half of it, it was solved by Sherlock Holmes himself. Yes he helped me, but I could've done it on my own, if I had some more time."
They were all silent for some time, I feared looking at Sherlock, he'd be fuming at me by now.
"I guess we were putting unnecessary pressure on you" said the inspector softly, "fine, you'll solve another one for us".
This second chance made my lips curve into a smile and Sherlock approved with a nod.
We both went out of there, and we laughed and talked all our way to his house, why was I going there? I don't know, I kept on walking with him and he never pushed me away. In between he'd often brush hair off my forehead or take my hand while crossing the road. I wonder why, not that I mind though.
We even went straight to his living room and it was awfully quiet.
"where is Dr watson?" I enquired.
"he's out, he messaged me, he's picking Rosie from school". Then he told me everything about john and his daughter, even his deceased wife Mary.
"Mary sounds like a wonderful, brave, strong woman" I replied.
"she was, she was strongest and absolute boss of us" he spoke in way that showed how much he admired her and how much John Watson and Rosie means to him.
"if only I were capable of doing things on my own" I didn't want to say so but it just came out, it sounded sad.
"why not? if you were weak you would've been living with your parents, you have family, house, friends in here yet you chose be on your own, you don't have any assistant, you solve cases by yourself too, how much more strong do you wanna be?" his words felt good didn't they?
"you helped me" I reminded him.
"only this time" accompanied by his beautiful smile.
"if I need help again in solving mystery? will you help me?" I was starting to let my guards down, I may have started to trust him.
"if you want me to, ofcourse" His smile never left his lips but my phone rang and it indicated it was time to leave his flat, for now.
"I have to go" I kind of asked his permission before going.
"if you have to then... be careful okay?" ain't he little too careful for me? I liked it, I like being taken care of, perhaps he's not wrong I really am a kid.
Days turned to months and one case turned to three. I took his help for three cases, call me dumb but I enjoy his company, for some reason I've noticed he does too.
After solving the third one I first went to his flat with him, both of us giggling at the fact that sally was so disappointed that I actually got recognised for my consecutive three wins, ofcourse with Mr brilliant by my side.
"it's late Sherlock, I have to go home" I said checking my watch.
"John's gonna be out tonight he has some patients to take care of, Rosie is with molly, so you can stay here tonight."
He might've said casually but it's HIM saying to ME. I already liked him, after these eight months of solving cases together I think I can say I... I'm in love with him. He's so caring for me, or maybe for all but I liked it.
"will you?" he asked again, popping my thought bubble.
"oh no nothing I was just ... fine I'll stay" I agreed, with my heart in my hand, he might spare his room for me but I wanted something else, a little kiss maybe... I think I fell in love, with the great detective.
"good" and with this he went inside, and came with his dressing gown draped over him, if I were a cat I would've drooled visibly, but I drooled, just no one could see it. He looked incredibly... domestic and it was hot. I just wanted to cuddle him, play with his hair, kiss him... oh! that was hot.
"Sherlock?" I asked.
"yes?" he answered, offering me something. It was a chocolate, I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not a kid" I complaint "I'm a grown up adult in my early twenties."
"I know, but I thought you may like it." well I do like chocolates, so unwrapping it I took a bite. And it was a bad idea told by Mr brilliant's laughter, the chocolate melted and it covered my mouth.
"funny?" I teased.
"very" he said between laughters.
"don't laugh, I bite people" I joked, yet I do have this tendency to bite my close ones,
"oh do you? that's... unique". he replied.
"I'm gonna wash my lips wait" as I got up, I felt his arm catching me by wrist. My heart gave me a signal, it's your chance.
"what?" turning to him I said, I little seductively.
He said nothing but took some of the chocolate from my lips with his finger and put it in his mouth, licking his finger clean.
My senses went wild. I stood frozen.
"you know what?" he asked me, and my mind told me, 'say something, don't look dumb'.
"wh-what?" I said.
"I've always wanted you this close. Never knew if I'd ever have you. I'm.." he trailed off " you're young and beautiful, I'm just an old detective"
'youre anything but old, actually even if you are older than me, I like it, I love it, you're older and sexier, caring as well" I thought.
"I just wanted to make sure you're taken care of. and I..." he trailed off.
"say it" I wanted to hear the words he couldn't let himself speak.
"I love you, with all my heart, have always loved you, and will always do, I sometimes went to Scotland yard casually for maybe to get a glimpse of you, coming to the office, smiling, all jolly, like a ray of sunshine " his lips curved into a smile reminiscing it perhaps, "since the day your eyes fell on me I have loved you, for who you are, you never had to be anything you're not, I love for all the things you are and all the things you're not, I'd see you noticing me too and you're disgust was clear".
"Sherlock" I started, "it wasn't disgust, a pretence, so you don't find out I like you too, infact now I can say I love you and not for your intelligence I admire that but I love you for being a good human to me, I can see, you love me, you care, you protect and you even adore me."
"you know?" he was surprised, "well then, I'm glad, may I kiss you?"
I nodded, and he crashed his lips on mine, letting the kiss go hungrier until he pulled away and asked,
"should we? you want to? with me?"
I understood what he meant,
"yes, I do"
"I'm not that experienced" he replied.
"neither am I"
we giggled at our lesser experience, we both are so engulfed into mystery solving that sex or love barely crossed our mind. I know not how he pulled me and I wrapped my legs around his waist, but we did and we went to his room kissing still.
One can say I was nervous and I knew so was he but he didn't seem so. The way he marked my neck and the way his fingers worked the buttons of my shirt. I was all red being naked infront of him but it melted as he put off his shirt too, I couldn't help but run my hand all over his chest, bringing him closer to me.
"bite me" he ordered.
"I thought you'd never ask" with a smirk I pecked his bottom lip, his moan said he liked it. That hour of him being inside of me was wonderful. He was sweet, gentle, he knew I was absolutely inexperienced. And my first time turned out to be the beautiful one. "I can stay like this forever" I said in between whimpers.
"I wouldn't mind" he replied, fastening his pace and us reaching our climax together. As we layed down on his bed I kept on thinking about how he said he loved me, and he always will.
"what's the matter?" he asked seeing me lost in my thoughts. I knew he cannot actually let himself love someone, maybe it was a moment of weakness for him, but if only he knew it was more than that for me. It was not just sex for me, I made love with him.
“You’re all talk. Why don’t you show me what you really mean?”
I said getting up a little aggressively. He looked confused at my behaviour.
"But It was the truth, why do you think I'd help you, care for you, love you?"
I think he does have a point.
"and sex never amazed me, I don't bother about it, and my past experience was no strings attached kind of sex but now..." he trailed off, "now after you came, I resisted as long as I could the urge to kiss your pretty face, because I know what people could think, that the great detective found a young girl to sleep with, the young lady detective slept with Sherlock Holmes to get recognised, that's why I never opened up about it". His eyes were teary and so were mine, he cared about me as much as he cared about himself.
"if I say" I spoke, "I don't care, and that I love you, I want to be with you Sherlock, then?"
Sherlock came a little closer to me, trying hard not to cry, "then you're gonna get me as your assistant all my life."
Saying this he hugged me and we both cried, tears of joy I'd like to think. But since then I moved in with him, and john and Rosie, I love this family and our parents may have thought this marriage is a little... never mind, they accepted, the age gap wasn't a barrier at all. And we lived happily ever after.
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k4shixe · 1 year
Prompt 4 with nanamiiiiiiii pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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CW; reader is 17, character is 28, age difference, strictly platonic, complements said to character, type of flirting (its teasing/joke tho), shouting at reader, kinda swearing
Pairings; rich!fem!reader x bodyguard!nanami (platonic)
Summary; After getting caught too many times, your father decided to get you a body guard. In an attempt to get rid of him, you go it the mall with your best friend.
Word count; 3k+
Prompt: “that’s enough.”
A/n; aaah here it is! Worked 2 days on this and ngl I never did watch the anime so he might be a little too formal. BUT I did enjoy writing this so please send any requests along! And I hope you enjoy! :)
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12 minutes.It took them 12 minutes to find where you were. It’s worse that there are things that you shouldn’t be having at the party, especially at a party with teenagers. And you thought escaping to go to the party was easy. Oh how you knew you were going to get it. Your father stood in front of you with guards blocking the way out.
“Y/n I expected better. I told you that, you, explicitly, couldn’t go anywhere until we finish the meeting. You could’ve been kidnapped or worse”
“But dad I was bored! What was I meant to do wait?”
“That’s exactly what your meant to do! You leave me no choice but to take your credit card and get you a bodyguard”
“Okay fine my card is understandable but a bodyguard! That’s crazy! I don’t need to a baby sitter! I’m 17 for god sake!”
“It’s too late. My decision is final. Now go to your room, your grounded until you show me you can behave.”
You left for your room, sitting on your bed and sulking over the fact your going to have a babysitter. Or as your dad called it a “bodyguard”. You wished your mum was here, but tragically she died in a car accident when you were still a toddler so you knew how precious you were to your father. He loved you but you couldn’t blame him since you managed to get past everything he tried but that also didn’t change the predicament you got yourself into. You decided to texted your best friend telling her about what happened.
Bestie <33
I got caught ;(
Now my dad got me a babysitter
Oh cheer up,is it a guy or girl?
And are they hot?
Oh shut up.
And he didn’t even tell me so idk
Ok fine, how about
you just try getting rid of them?
Ooo, now your talking!
Just come to the mall tomorrow,
I need more outfits
Didn’t you buy some last week?
Yeah but I already wore those
Okay whatever you say
After chatting with your friend you started realising that you actually didn’t know who it was going to be. It could be some scary homeless dude your dad found on the street. You started praying it was atleast a girl, maybe you 2 could be friends. And with that you fell asleep.
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“Honey wake up. Sweetie please get up” Your father shook you lightly.
“So early in the morning though” You slowly sat up on your bed,rubbing your eye to try get the tiredness out. You squinted your eyes seeing a tale, well-built man who was wearing a suit with blonde hair styled with a neat part next to your dad.
“Dad who’s this?“ you say visibly confused as you regained your eyesight.
“This is Mr Kento Nanami, he’s your new bodyguard.” Your dad sounded oddly proud for his accomplishment of finding such a well groomed bodyguard.
“But Dad he’s like 50! People are gonna think I’m dating this weirdo!”
“That’s no way to talk to your bodyguard y/n!”
“Im 17 I shouldn’t have some babysitter! I should be able to make my own decisions!”
“Sneaking out to go to a party at 3am shouldn’t be one of them!” He took a deep breath to calm himself down “Y/n, you are having him as a bodyguard and that’s final. Now if you need me I’ll be in my office” Your dad walks off leaving you and this “weirdo” in your room.
“So… your what now?”
“As your “dad” stated I’ll be your body guard. I’ll have to watch over you and make sure you don’t do anything reckless”
“Okay old man, I know my dad told you to do this but aren’t you annoyed you have to babysit me? You can just quit right now and blame it on me. I won’t mind.”
“Nice try but I already got paid so orders are orders until said otherwise. And I’m not your babysitter, I’m your bodyguard”
Man, this guy was going to be hard to convince. You thought as you looked at Nanami who was looking around the room, analysing it.
“Okay mr bento ninja could you leave my room?”
“It’s Mr Nanami to you, and I can’t just ‘leave’ I was ordered to stay”
“So what your going to watch me change then?” You say raising your eyebrows while starting at him awaiting his answer.
“Of course not, don’t be childish. I’ll leave if you had told me why.” He says as he left the room and closed the door behind him.
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After getting changed into a sleek bodycon dress that really complemented your look, and with some makeup,heels plus a matching purse, you were all good to go. Now to only convince your dad. Shouldn’t be hard right? Walking down the staircase with Nananmi behind you (you couldn’t help be a little disgusted), you went to your fathers office and opening the door when hearing a “come in” by him.
“Dad could you please give me my credit card back? I promise I won’t spend much” you say with a pouting face and batting your eyes. You knew he couldn’t say no.
“Sorry sweetie but rules are rules. Until I can trust you again no credit card until then.” To say you were shocked was an understatement.
“No buts,ifs or ands. Rules are rules.”
“Can I atleast go out with f/n?”
“You can but you must take Nanami with you. He must know anything and everything you are doing, and he can and will be able to check your phone if necessary. That’s the only other rule”
“Fine.” You groan and glare at Nanami who couldn’t care less and walked off, after he nodded to your dad he followed after you.
You pull out your phone, making a quick call to your driver when you heard Nanami clear his throat. “You do know your under my care, so I should be a able to do everything for you. Ms l/n.”
“Ugh don’t call me l/n, brings back memories. Just call me y/n. And I’m just calling my driver, I need a lift to the mall.” You have gotten your mother’s last name when you were born, since your parents felt like you’d like it more, especially when you’d become someone of more importance.
“If you insist Ms y/n, and you know I can drive.”
“Yeah…no thanks I’d rather take my own driver.”
“Very well. Whatever you want.”
The car ride to the mall was quiet. Too quiet. You wanted to listen to music but kind of over thinking that the music would be too loud and Nanami would judge you. He sat on the opposite side of the car, sitting still and quiet. Why are you overthinking something you would never think twice about? Is this bento dude that intimidating? I swear he’s staring at me from the side of his eye. Ugh snap out of it. You leaned your head back and let out a small groan. This was so nerve wracking. You pulled out your phone and just opened it to check the time. The lock screen showing a picture of your mother, father and you just a happy family. You stared at it with a small smile, the picture always made you calm and relaxed. Nanami noticed and decided some small talk would be better then silence.
“Is that your mother?”
You jumped a little at his words. First not expecting him to talk and second to ask that question. “Oh uh yeah…”
“Where is she? I never seen her around before”
The fact that sentence stung was a whole different type of pain. It felt like he was making fun of you just like the kids did to you when they found out in middle school. You tried putting a fake smile up but it hurt a little too much and an ich in your throat to cry came. You quickly tried wiping away the forming tears but just opted to looking the other direction when that wasn’t working.
“She uhh, died when I was younger”
And for the first time you got some emotion out of Nanami. Surprise and more of a regret for asking that question. “Oh, sorry I wasn’t aware.” He noticed the tear on the side of your face still visible to him and got a handkerchief from his suit pocket and handed to you.
For the rest of the car ride it was more awkward and silent then before. You managed to calm down but now you were thinking what Nanami thought of you. Some spoiled brat? Probably. I mean he isn’t wrong. You zoned out looking at him and didn’t even realised till he looked back at you. “Is everything alright”
“Oh sorry! I zoned out! I tend to do that a lot.” You looked back out the window blushing from embarrassment. He shook his head and went back to his seating position.
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Finally you had made it to the mall and the drive opened the door for you with Nanami fixing his suit while walking up to you. You entered the mall looking for your friend and found her at the Gucci store shopping for some shoes.
“Hey! F/n!” You quickly walked over to her giving her a hug like always.
“Who’s the old guy?” She whispers to you looking behind you to exactly point him out.
“It’s the dumb babysitter my dad got me remember?”
“He is kinda hot though.” You hit her lightly.
“Shut up. Now let’s go to Sephora, I heard there selling a new makeup pallet!”
“Quickly then! We need to get it!” She grabbed your hand as you both rushed off with Nanami keeping an eye on you both, mainly and specifically just you. You reached the aisle with just a few pallets left when you realised.
“Crap, I wasn’t allowed to get my credit card. I can’t pay for it.” You say disappointedly.
“It’s fine just take my emergency one. It has a budget of like 50k though so just be a little mindful.”
“Omg did I ever tell you that your the best?”
“No but you should start” you and f/n laughed as you went to pay before
“Not so fast. Do you think your father would let you pay with your friends credit card? There is a reason he took yours away from you.”
“Yeah but this is different. So don’t try put your reason into this. Besides if he doesn’t know then who cares.” You say and your friend nodded her head in agreement.
“Fine. If you really don’t care, I’ll call him right now” He says getting his phone out his pocket.
“Hey! Wait! I won’t use her card” you mumble quietly as you put the make up pallet away upset about it.
“Let’s go to the restroom I got to tell you something.” F/n whispered and you nodded. You both began walking, Nanami close behind. When you reached the door you both quickly entered saying something to Nanami about fixing your make up and hurried in.
“That was easier then I thought.”
“Yeah but what would he do? Enter the girls bathroom?”
You both burst of laughing, Nanami could definitely hear you both from how echoey the bathroom was but you didn’t care right now.
“We need to get rid of your babysitter. Even though he is kinda hot at all”
“Agreed, except for the last part. But atleast we know we won’t be fighting over the same guy in the future.” You say as you both laugh.
“Ok we could go clothes shopping next and since we’re basically the same size just look for everything you want and pretend it’s for me.”
“Got it, now let’s try the make up pallet you got”
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“Yess!” Let’s just say you guys spend at least half an hour in there just gossiping and doing each others makeup. F/n was telling you the juiciest gossip ever when it was interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Who would be knocking to enter a public restroom?”
“Beats me” you shrug.
“Are you ladies done in there?” Of course it was Nanami who was standing the whole time just waiting for you to leave.
“Would’ve thought security took him away for being a perv”
“Same!” You both burst out laughing again before another knock stopped you. “Well let’s just go clothes shopping!” You both get up and leave the restroom after packing up. Entering the first clothing store and looking for clothes, you both went to the swim suit aisle and poor Nanami had to stand there looking at the ground while you both giggled and tried them on. You swear you could see a tint of pink on his cheeks from the embarrassment. You smirked, your plans working. Now just a matter of time. I mean what would people think of some grown man following two girls trying on bathing suits. After picking out a few you headed to the dresses and picked out a few to try. Finding one you particularly liked but didn’t know if you should get, you decided to play a little joke on Nanami, and your friend encouraging it just built up your confidence.
“Oh mr Nanami~”
“Yes Ms y/n. What is it?.”
“Do you think this dress looks nice on me?” Expecting some sort of reaction, you can certainly say you were disappointed when he just nodded and looked back to where he was looking. You frowned and rolled your eyes, “whatever”. Your friend and you finish shopping and managed to get Nanami off your back about you trying on the clothes even though your not supposed to buy anything. “It’s just for fun! It’s not like we’re hurting anyone. Besides shes going to buy them anyways” your friend agreed with you.
Of course you guys went a little overboard and bought way too many clothes to hold them all. After a good 4 hours you waved your friend goodbye and she gave you half her bags insisting you “hold them” for her and she’ll pick them up next time. Your friend secretly handing you a credit card, not having as much but enough to get you a few extra things. Nanami still swift and quick to catch up with you, you decided to try something on him. With a little bit of a dramatic effect (thank god you took acting classes).
“Oh Mr Nanami sir. Could you please hold my bags? My arms are sooo tried, I don’t think I can hold them anymore” you say looking up at him with ‘puppy dog’ eyes.
“No. I’m your body guard, not a mall porter”
“Oh Pretty please~”
“Thank you!” You say delightedly as you hand him your bags and quickly rush off to another store. Using the card your friend gave you managed to buy at least 3 more bags worth of clothes, 3 with shoes, 2 with purses and accessories and that was just the starting. You kept handing Nanami bags, and he was just silently taking them and holding each one. You could tell he was getting tired and fed up with you though. Slowly and surely you noticed him getting slower from carrying all those bags and the anger was just building up. The last straw was when you showed up with another 2 bags just hanging them on his arm when suddenly
“that’s enough.”
To say that didn’t scare your soul out of you was an understatement. You were mortified.
“Enough. You are going home this instance and you will carry your bags on your own.” He was practically death staring you, leaving you speechless.
“Yeah okay…” yeah okay? Why did I say that? I should’ve told him to shut it and listen to me. What am I doing? A little too scared to say anything back, you picked up as much bags as you could, struggling to pick up some as the weight of them was way more heavier then expected. Nanami sighed and picked up the rest, escorting you out of the mall. After following you for around 6 hours and having to go through the most embarrassing things ever. He still took your bags and watched over you, maybe because it was his job, but maybe, just maybe, he actually did care.
Nevertheless, the car ride back was silent like before, even being able to hear a pin drop was possible. You got your phone out and opened a food delivery app, scrolling through the food options. Yes, you did have a personal chef at home but you wanted to eat out today. Especially being forced to eat a models diet was tiering. You felt a little bad for Nanami so you sucked up your pride and turned your head to him.
“Uh Mr Nanami, would you like to eat something?” He looked over at you before shaking his head.
“thank you Ms y/n but no.” And with that the car when quiet again.
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Getting home with all those bags was a trouble waiting to happen. You should of thought of it, oh how your brain was mentally screaming at you. But thanks to mr snitch, he called your dad beforehand telling him about everything. Your were no longer allowed to hang out with your friends, they could come over but that was it. After a shouting match with your dad, you slammed the door to your room with tears in your eyes. Your almost an adult and no freedom. What was the point? Nanami on the other hand, probably doesn’t know what a slammed door means and knocked on the door before opening the door. You quickly composed yourself, opting to just wash your make up off instead of looking like a clown you and went off to your bedroom’s bathroom. You had to push Nanami out of your room to change as he wasn’t believing you, thinking you’d run off. You began doing some homework, being homeschool was easy but the homework you got was something else. Struggling on one question in particular, you didn’t notice Nanami leaning over your chair looking at the question.
“No, your doing it wrong. Here.” He scribbled a few things on the paper which somehow made perfect sense to you. You mumbled and quiet thanks “Thanks…” which he simply acknowledged with a nod.
“Mr Nanami could I tell you something?” Nanami nodded his head for you to go on.
“I’m sorry about today, and thank you for watching over me. Even though it’s your job and everything but uhh…” Here comes your dumb phase! You were sure he though you were as stupid as you sounded.
“What I’m trying to say is thank you.” You keep your eyes on your homework, scared he’d just look at you with disappointment. But you looked up and you swear you saw a teny tiny smile on his face. You smiled back as you noticed he wasn’t mad at all. Maybe things with a body guard wouldn’t be horrible after all.
Request here ;)
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wooahaes · 2 years
you’re my savior (and it’s a pleasure)
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pairing: non-idol!seungkwan/vernon & gn!reader, background non-idol!dino x gn!reader
prompt: ive never seen an episode of ITS but ive seen that gifsest of seungkwan + vernon being scared of a moth. relatable tbh but also i could save them bc its a moth... i will gently trap it and release it outside
word count: 1.1k~
warnings: moths & bad writing. also maybe excessive profanity? idk its more than usual. intentional lowercase, no proofreading.
daisy’s notes: i forgot about this tbh. honestly u could also potentially interpret this as a poly relationship if u want. im not even gonna tag anyone on this one, its just silly silly bad writing i finished up after having to catch and free a moth from inside my own house.
anyway google play savior by shinee--
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this was probably the worst moment in seungkwan’s entire life.
all he meant to do was come back inside to get utensils for the four of you. this was meant to be a small trip between the four of you out of the city, and yet he was pretty positive he might die if that fucking moth moved. he had backed up, shoulder bumping into the edge of the door. he let out a gasp of pain, carefully keeping his attention pinned to the huge moth that had been sitting across the room.
he sat there for a moment, watching it carefully. if he moved, it might move. all he wanted was to get utensils, and he knew the three of you were sitting outside waiting on him...
seungkwan let out a yelp as he turned, immediately shoving vernon when he laughed. “it’s not funny! there’s a moth!”
“dude, it’s just a moth--” vernon leaned in, looking to where seungkwan was pointing. “oh, shit, that thing’s huge.”
“i know!” seungkwan pouted, tucking himself closer to the wall again. “kill it.”
“dude, i’m not gonna kill it.”
“someone has to get rid of it and i can’t do it!” seungkwan pouted, slowly moving so that he could hide behind vernon. “the window’s open! it should just go out!”
the moth, clearly with an agenda, took off from the coffee machine toward one of the overhead lights. seungkwan immediately took off with another scream, vernon following closely behind as they looked back into the kitchen. seungkwan pressed his hands onto the dinner table, letting out a sigh as he looked back inside with a frown.
“it’s huge,” seungkwan mumbled. “what are we gonna do?”
vernon had drifted away, heading back to the open doorway to see where the moth had landed. it’d continued flying around one of the hanging lights, landing and flying over and over. “you could just... go for it. it probably won’t kill you.”
“it’s a moth,” he shrugged. “just grab the utensils and my drink and come back--”
“then you go!”
the pair slowly edged their way back toward the open door, seungkwan trying to locate the moth again. vernon continued toward the fridge, glancing around as he went to grab his drink. he watched where seungkwan was making his way toward a drawer, and slowly made his way over to him.
and then the moth flew in again, and both screamed before booking it back out of the room. the two regrouped again outside the kitchen, watching inside as the moth continued its reign of terror.
“we need the utensils.”
vernon had nodded along, watching. “right.”
“so...” seungkwan looked back toward the door outside, where he could see you and chan idly talking (flirting, he and vernon both think, but he was doing badly at it--not that you’d think the same because you laughed anyway). you were leaning toward him with this sappy look on your face, only to laugh again at something chan must have said.
flirt later. save them from moth now.
immediately, the two of you looked up when both of them yelled for chan. the two of you shared a confused glance, and chan rose to come to them--telling you to stay behind. yet you followed after him a moment later, the concern too clear on your face that something was wrong.
“there’s a moth,” seungkwan said, “go get it.”
chan looked between the two of them, “you’re... stuck out here because of a moth.”
“dude. we might literally have mothman spawn in there,” vernon said with a nod back toward the kitchen. “it’s big.”
with a roll of his eyes, chan turned back to you. “i’ll take care of it,” he said, before heading into the kitchen.
the three of you came to the edge of the doorway, watching as chan grabbed the shopping list from earlier and began to slowly make his way around the kitchen in search of it. he turned back to the rest of you, raising his brows as he gestured a little around the room. where the hell is it?
he waved an arm around to see if the motion would spook the moth out of hiding. when it did nothing, he sighed, throwing his hands up, “it must have left--”
the moth, clearly with its own motives, bolted from the lamp it’d been perched on. chan let out a yelp, immediately bolting out of the kitchen and into vernon as he looked back inside.
“what the fuck is wrong with that thing?!” he held onto vernon’s shoulders, using him as his own shield, “it’s fucking huge!”
you rolled your eyes. “oh my god. i hate all of you,” you stole the paper from chan, heading into the kitchen. you had narrowly missed seungkwan reaching for the back of your shirt to stop you, ready to throw in the towel and just leave it for the night. maybe it would just fly out during the night if you all left it alone.
they watched the way you walked into the kitchen, shoulders back in confidence as you found a dry glass from the rack next to the sink. you looked around, scanning to see where it had landed this time, only to see it was tucked close to the wall near another lamp. wordlessly, you inched closer and closer to it, encasing it in the glass quickly. slipping the paper between the glass and the wall, you carefully pulled it back to reveal you had successfully trapped the moth. inching toward the window, you nodded for one of them to come over to it with you. chan shoved vernon forward, and soon enough he was by your side, one hand on the window in order to close it as soon as possible.
you lifted the glass, the moth took off outside, and the window was slammed shut. easy as could be.
you sighed, setting aside the glass. “it’s not that hard--”
only to get cut off by seungkwan tackling you, arms wrapping around you tight. “thank you,” he mumbled over and over. “if it wasn’t so big, i could have done that--”
“don’t lie to them,” chan rolled his eyes. “you would have shut the kitchen doors and let it have the house if it wanted.”
“it’s a moth!” seungkwan countered.
you pulled yourself free from seungkwan, heading over to the utensils drawer. “all of you,” you said, pointing chopsticks at them, “are going on a dessert run after this.”
for you? they’d go anywhere if you’d continue to be the one saving them from huge moths.
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devondespresso · 1 year
<< Asks temporarily turned off so i can try actually getting through all the fundraiser messages, I'm sorry >>
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Hey babes and non-babes alike, I'm Devon (or Dev, or Devi, or whatever fun nickname comes to mind!!) (Devonias on ao3) and I'm working on actually posting my writings! Any anti and nsfw reblogs get tagged accordingly, have fun and thanks for dropping by!! 💕
(non-screenshot) dividers by the awesome @/saradika-graphics!!
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(currently under revision?? idk im working it out)
#devon's writing rambles - aka: shitposting
#devon's steve henderson au - for snippets of (and occasional rambles about) this long-fic specifically!
#devon's writings - for actually posted fics
#devon's drabbles - for fics under 500 words
#devon thinks sometimes - original post tag for anything that comes from my brain
#devon creates sometimes - a tag i genuinely forgot i made, for artsy craftys
#shit you can use if you wanna - screenshots, dividers, and whatever else I've got that i think would be useful
#devon's random fic recs - stranger things fic recs shared "randomly" as i stumble across them! plus a Masterlist here!
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Chaptered Fics
• more than 10k words •
We'll Be Alright (aka The Steve Henderson AU) - | ~90k so far | Mature | ao3 link (to be added once posted)
Light of my life, the peanut butter to my jelly, my favorite project, and yet: no chapters officially posted. BUT you can find all the little snippets and rambles about it under the tag. i have a longer explanation of what it is and why its not posted here but basically i can promise you that there will 100% be content posted no matter what (so that entire word count, updated regularly, exists and will be shared eventually 💕)
• between 500 and 10k words •
My Sunshine - | Steve Harrington & Claudia Henderson | 815 words | G | ao3 link | cw: referenced dysfunctional family and child neglect, mild blood
Steve isn't eight years old. And he definitely isn’t 8 years old. He's nineteen, too close to twenty, sitting in the doorway of a room that isn't his, in a house he didn’t grow up in, stopping himself from getting comfortable leaning back on a door frame despite the current strain in his back, because it would only hurt the wound there more.
Ficlet for the stwg prompt "Sunshine" that turned out better than I could have imagined! Quiet, serious, and emotional, it's definitely my favorite posted work so far!
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Just Let Me Come Home - | Stomarol | 2850 words | T | ao3 link | cw: very minor implied child neglect
Steve opens his eyes, glances towards Hopper and finds him looking out into the dark ahead, warily. Steve follows his gaze, and his stomach turns. There’s a powder blue convertible stalling in front of his house—roof uncharacteristically up and hiding the interior—haphazardly parked half off the road. The people in the front seat are arguing, and there’s smoke billowing out the back still like they’re ready to take off at any second. Hop rolls closer, headlights lighting up everything. Steve leans forward to get a better look, and Tommy’s face turns around in the driver’s seat to look back at them.
A very late gift fic for the lovely @/momotonescreaming following the STWG prompt "Home"! Serious hurt/comfort with a sweet and hopeful ending, I ended up spending over three weeks getting this just the way I wanted and now I'm super happy with it!
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I Can Only Hope Now (Claudia Henderson Drabble) - | Claudia Henderson; Steve & Dustin | 1269 words | G | ao3 link | cw: absent father, brief references to Steve’s absent parents
Claudia Edine Henderson never wanted to get married. Not really. But she wanted kids, so that meant either getting married or seeing if the daycare was hiring. Anthony Laurence Goldman wanted a family. She thought that meant the same thing, so they married. And it was good. They had a beautiful baby boy, Dustin Clarence Goldman, healthy save for a defect with his bones. No collarbones, and the high chance he’d need a little extra medical attention down the line, but he’d still be living long and happy, and she couldn’t ask for more. 
short and sweet ficlet for the stwg prompt "Claudia", because how could I refuse Claudia?? Sweet, relatively light, half-backstory with a cute and hopeful ending, it didn't take as many hours as My Sunshine, but I still love it!
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Mr. Crayola Henderson - | Steve & Dustin | 1791 words | T | ao3 link | just swearing and super mild ableism? a side character is a little too pitying but shes also kinda just a general worrier
Steve went over to the media room and dug through the little bin of batteries under the phone, pulling out an opened pack that had just enough left. He took both aids off, changed the batteries, and put them back on to make sure they worked. He heard a strong thud from his bedroom, followed by muttering.
so far my silliest ficlet, using the prompt "Tell a story to stay out of trouble", set in an au where Steve is hoh from canon events and was adopted by the Hendersons! featuring brothers goofing off, cousins getting up to trouble, and the titular Mr. Crayola Henderson!
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Since We're Alive Now - | Chrissy Cunningham and Eddie Munson | 5843 words | T | ao3 link (soon) | cw: referenced/implied self-image issues, swearing, brief references to physical injury, strong self criticism, and canon typical tone in some areas but with happy ending
summary and little spiel at the bottom coming eventually soon eventually
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Never Again - | Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington (post s1 stancy) | ~3k | Explicit for a little on-screen sexual content | ao3 link | cw: implied past SA
Never Again (Mature) - | ao3 link |
Nancy is trying to have a good time with her boyfriend after their November from hell. It would be a lot easier if the last time they did this wasn't the same night her best friend died, but she needs the break to avoid those thoughts, even just for a night. Apparently, she doesn't get a choice.
My one and only Explicit fic for the foreseeable future because I really wasn't actually ready to write this one anyway. For anyone that doesn't want the sexual themes, the M version replaces the opening sex with barely a makeout, with everything else nearly identical! Also my first fic posted like ever! yay!
• fics less than 500 words •
cause idk im the kinda guy that doesn't really scroll blog tags, i find masterlists helpful so I'm using both and you can pick your poison.
all drabbles under #devon's drabbles and listed out here. the tag is chronological and the pinned list is with blatant favoritism
Chicken Noodle Oops! - | G | Steve & Dustin | 126 words | ao3
Sweet and Spicy | G | Steddie | 384 words | ao3
Restless (Ed, go to fucking sleep) | G | Steddie | 431 words | ao3
Surprise, Bitch Babe! | T | Steddie | 691 words (i know it breaks the "drabble" category im sorry its just got drabble vibes) | ao3 pending
(all ao3 posts are archive locked to avoid scraping, sorry for the inconvenience)
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raysletters · 1 year
get to know your fanfic writer!
i have to be honest, the lovelies @14carrotghoul and @suseagull04 tagged me for this like a week ago and i have incredibly bad memory, but here i am anyway (thanks for the tag and sorry for being late lol 💀)
when did you post your first ever fanfic?
oh my god,,,,,, i think it was 2015(??
first character(s) you wrote for:
before i say this, i need to explain i was a child with a very early access to internet. also, i am, as a great mind said once, a pathological people pleaser, and my sister was a directioner,,,,,,,,, so yes ofc i wrote a fanfic about harry styles for my sister, even though i never published it, and it was just a dumb y/n story,,,,,,,, (this was like 2012). though, since harry styles is a real person and not a character like my 9yo self thought, then i assume the next one would be,,,,, damon salvatore (it was posted on wattpad and absolutely horrible, i had an hyperfixation and created an oc and everything)
main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
alex claremont-díaz, henry fox-mountchristen-windsor, beatrice fox-mountchristen-windsor, june claremont-díaz, nora holleran, and percy "pez" okonjo have all had their points of view written or worked on at some point on my docs. between that and them seeing the light of day is another thing.
character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
i- i guess, since they haven't been posted yet, bea, nora and pez will get their time to shine (soon, hopefully) on my next fics. ive also been trying to write a bit of catherine for the diabetic!henry au,,,,, but its been really hard bc its all just too close to home.
fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
red, white & royal blue
platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
at this moment im obsessed with writing alex interacting with both bea and pez, bc we didnt get enough of that on the book and fics always show june being besties with henry and i kinda wanted to pull an uno reverse on that trope. also, im really interested in writing some henry and nora, bc they're besties on the book that gossip about drag race and stuff,,,,, but i want to maybe dive into it a bit deeper.
romantic pairing(s) you currently write for:
firstprince and junopez, and ive already have two wips where i give bea a girlfriend,,,,,, so theres that
your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
i literally went to my dashboard to look it up, the first one is my different alterations of the tag "not beta read", but we're not going to count that one. next we have (surprisingly to no one) "angst", "mental health issues" 💀💀, and lastly "songfic" jskssjsksjsksjsksjskswjsksjsksjsks
your current platform where you post your works:
you can find me on ao3 as raysletters
snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
i am working on SO many wips rn bc ive been sick and that has meant being in bed and not doing shit most of the day bc it hurts to breathe sjsksjsksjsksjskssjsksjkssjsksjsjsjajkssj
here, i give yall a snippet of the musician!alex au yall saw on the wip title game (that can be alternatively called "fulfilling most of smut saturday prompts in one single fic bc i wanted to try writing smut and it quickly got out of my hands")
so, idk if this would be nsfw bc it is not the smut itself, but more like smut-adjacent narration, but still putting the break so y'all can decide if you want to read it or not
This exact moment, though? It might not only embarrass him in a very public setting, but might also make him combust and collapse from sheer lust.
The entire place is crowded to the point of asphyxiation, the fans are spinning at their limit speed on the ceiling, and Henry feels like this is probably how hell feels.
That is, if hell ever had the pleasure of getting Alexander Claremont-Díaz on his knees, making the most obscene and erotic guitar solo known to mankind, thrusting his hips to the rhythm of She by Harry Styles on his guitar while the lights focus on him; his open white shirt shows the chain he now knows contains the key to his family's home at Texas, his glistening chest and the sweat that rolls over his collarbones, his pectorals, his abdomen and then disappear on his navel behind the guitar. It makes Henry reminisce of that first video he ever saw of Alex, and can’t help but compare the performance to seeing it live after more than a year, while knowing how excited he had been at the rehearsal, jumping and moving around while refusing to practice because of his own jitters.
Of course it paid off, Alex, the bloody show-off, has the entire place entranced under his spell, not even the clients sitting on the bar stools, who had shown little interest in the performance through the night, could take their eyes off of Alex.
Henry absolutely gets it, but can't help the feeling of jealousy that courses through him. He desperately wants to drop to his knees to show Alex how marvelous he is, hoping he thrusts in his mouth like he does on his guitar.
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alienaiver · 2 years
Hiii~ Nohr!!! 💜
I saw your post and was hoping to join, please?
Can I have Hinata with "That's more whipped cream than pudding!" Please?
deru deru !!!! <!!333333 [insert emojis here since im on pc KHDFN]
of course, that was such a cute prompt !! i had real fun writing it - i hope you like it too !!! <!!3333 idk a lot about tiktok but i know my friend sometimes tells me of recipes from there so!!!
thank you for sending in a prompt my beloved !!! <!!333
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You shrug off your jacket with a groan – Hinata will probably argue it’s more of a whine but it doesn’t take away from the fact that the cold weather is wearing you down tremendously. Did you remember to take the vitamin supplements that Hinata leaves out for you? You shake your head in exhaustion and toe off your shoes before entering the entrance properly and calling out to your boyfriend. You hear the music from his cooking playlist and fear grips at you – did he forget that you’ve already eaten dinner today? An almost inaudible hum rings through the living room as you make your way to your kitchen. With his back hunched and turned to you, he stands with his face almost level with the kitchen counter. You huff out a small laugh before walking to him, letting your hands touch his neck. He flies up with a yelp from the temperature change and a laugh leaves you at succeeding. He’s about to reprimand you when he gets a better look at your face and instead smiles warmly. You raise an eyebrow, “what?” you ask and reach out to feel if there’s something stuck on your face. “Nothing, you’re just really adorable, you know?” he replies, that lovesick half-smile still plastered to hisface. You clear your throat before hugging him, “you too, Sho.”
He chuckles and kisses the top of your head. Your eyes travel to the counter to see what he was bending over to make, “are you making dessert?”
He clears his throat and lets go of you to continue his handiwork at decorating the puddings, “yeah, I figured you deserved something sweet after such a long day!”
You laugh tersely, “they’re… pretty?” you wince at your inability to compliment him with a straight face. He lightly punches your arm, “be nice! It’s my first time making this pudding – I saw them on TikTok and thought I wanted to make them for you!”
The pudding in question seems to be of vanilla taste – based on the beige-white color on the bottom of the glasses. On top there’s a.... moderate layer of whipped cream and sprinkles. The sprinkles seem to have meant to shape a bear but you’re actually not entirely sure. you bite your lip to suppress another laugh at his obviously very adorable attempt to woo you.
You turn to him and wrap your arms around his shoulders and kiss his nose, “that’s more whipped cream that pudding,” you state and kiss his lips, “you are aware of that, right?”
He sheepishly looks between you and the whipped cream monstrosity he’s created and laughs, “the thought counts, doesn’t it?”
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send me a sentence + character and ill write a short scenario where the sentence’s included!’
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 day
I’m taking what you said about your inbox to heart because I didn’t wanna wait to comment and I’m also scrolling rn LMAO (if you change your mind and prefer otherwise lmk though I don’t usually have a preference between multiple asks and one big one)
Holy shot itoshi invasion…….oh….my…..that’s a LOT of sae…………..maybe that person who put seabird on their rec list amplified the effect too omg wait also LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO MISSINGNO IM CRYING
Ok but also NOEL NOA??? I wasn’t expecting that one tbh I’m hyped though
- Karasu anon
HAHAH DON’T WORRY I MEANT IT ‼️ and omg there’s sm sae i had to be like “ok seabird request will not be event related” because i wanted other characters on there plus a couple of people have asked for it so i’m like okay ig i’m going to have to anyways 😭
THERE’S NO POKÉMON THAT ARE ROCK NORMAL SO I HAD TO MAKE DO 😭 ngl i thought it was kinda funny/cute since missingno doesn’t exist and is a glitch so it makes sense hehe idk it was the best i could come up with 😰
I WASN’T EXPECTING NOEL NOA EITHER gang we got a noel noa req before a nagi req…gulp…but the prompt for the noel noa one is actually really really cool plus as you know that one panel of him CONVERTED me so i can’t wait to write it i’m going to go so so hard (hopefully) that’s def one where i can sense a crazy word count occurring
wait also it’s so funny we were talking abt how rin nation has to lock in at the last second and they literally did like as soon as i reblogged saying one spot left someone sent me a rin req HAHAH they always come through in the end
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