#idk if I should be embarrassed or flattered
fivefunfelonies · 2 years
I was at Walmart checking out, but THEN. I tripped. And fell. And IMMEDIATELY after, a cashier complimented my outfit. I'm?????
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weak-hero · 2 years
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n0tamused · 1 month
HSR characters as dragons
A/N: Hellloo, it is I once more with my dragon rambles. This time we're moving onto HSR a bit more. I do hope you all like how these turned out, and if you'd like any specific character turned into a dragon, please do lemme know in the comments or reblogs. Idk when I'll do the next part, but I do plan to continue this little series.
Content: Dr. Ratio, Luocha and Blade as dragons, x reader, gn reader, fluff, angst(Blade's part)
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Dr Ratio:
-A lot don’t consider him a dragon, and they’d have a point since visually Dr. Ratio does lack in the stereotypical dragon aspects, and he himself would classify himself as a “gryphon” much more than a dragon. 
-Nonetheless, he makes the list of many dragon related magazines and novels and research papers
-Dr. Ratio is huge (doctor- you’re huge!)(not sorry) in this dragon form, he certainly does not lack in mass either, hiding quite the muscular form under all the feathers and fluff which he pays a lot of attention to
-One of the life goals he has set is that search for knowledge and more knowledge and to cure the illness called ignorance and stupidity. This life-long dedication has brought him to a lot of places, and a lot of forgotten where he truly hails from.
-Due to his size, he usually cannot fit in many places, and since he frequents cities, schools and so on, he is more often seen in his human form, handling his business accordingly and swiftly. He is calculated, and sometimes considers his beastly form something that represents 2 things. 2-The future version of what he wants to achieve; dragons and gryphons are often classified as hoarders of knowledge, being one of the wisest species that there is, and if he could achieve that peak form, he might have a better time fulfilling his goal. And 2-A representation of a more negative side of himself, driven more by beastly instincts. Quite the contradiction to the first point, which led Ratio to some insecurities about his form. He doesn’t want to risk being impulsive or acting on animalistic impulse, so he doesn’t take on the form that often at all.
-He doesn’t flaunt it either, but that doesn’t make it any less impressive of gorgeous to look at when he does take on the form of the giant bird-dragon
-Due to his build, he is quite well prepared should a fight arise - but as per his morals and protocol, he would much rather take the diplomatic route. Although if the intimidation factor would have any good use, he may arrive at the negotiation site in his dragon form, showing off his size and big claws before reverting to his human form when he lands.
-Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise, but his fur and fluff is so soft and he also smells really nice. (I could fall asleep in his fluff and never wake up)
-He is really cautious in his dragon form, stepping lightly and gingerly around anything that could be damaged or broken easily, specifically you. Speaking of that - for a dragon his size he really does step lightly. His footsteps don’t echo or tremble the ground like you may expect, and also similarly - he flies very silently. You don’t hear him approaching at all.
-He would let you pet him only after a lot of nagging, feeling a bit embarrassed mentally about the situation as he just sits there and then there’s you, a tiny human hopping around him all giddy and with stars in your eyes as you pet him and maybe even try to climb him. He’s grumpy, but he is flattered- especially since it is you bringing forth all this mirth and compliments for this beastly form, and also him as a human too
-He’s also ambidextrous, both in human and dragon form. 
-.... I'm tempted to say that in dragon form he can also use his hind legs as hands too due to this... like bro is skilled okay, knowledge gave him writing buffs lmao
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-(pretty dragon pretty dragon-)
-A very kind looking dragon, gentle and smelling of spring and reminiscent of a bountiful harvest with his pale gold scales and flowing golden mane.
-It is unknown where exactly he came from, as he sort of just appeared one day and came to exist within the people’s memories
-Some of the jewelry decorating his mane and body were gifts from some youngsters he came across. He accepted these gifts and polished them before putting them on himself, wearing the gifts with pride, earning the trust of the locals smoothly and swiftly with his humble demeanor
-He is well versed in medicinal herbs and has offered his aid to many individuals, even fellow dragons. While he does frequent his dragon form a lot, as it also makes carrying wares easier, he is still human and both dragon and human need to eat. While he has offered free services to those in dire need, he does charge others, and although his prices are not high, the price is still there.
-Some claim he uses magic to grow his herbs, since everyone that got their wares of herbs from him claim that they instantly felt better, after a sniff or a first sip. 
-His front legs are a bit shorter, making his hips stand a bit higher when he is walking on all fours, but he is also able to walk on his hind legs, and his front legs are very flexible. He can harvest and plant his own herbs just fine in his dragon form. His heavy tail gives him a great balance and if need be he can run very fast. He is quite agile, whether it be on 2 or 4 feet and, despite the gentle nature, can fight.
-You can often catch him laying down in some sun-kissed spot near the city, surrounded by kids after his business hours, all kids admiring his form; playing with his mane or claws or scarves on his body, one kid is braiding little braids on one side, and there’s a kid that somehow  climbed their way up onto his forehead, holding onto his bangs for dear life. Luocha lays his head down, huffing as the kids exhaust themselves jumping and playing. Although if the sun is setting he doesn’t hold back on telling them to go home or telling them some ghost tale to scare them back into their parent’s arms. 
-He does love picking you up too if he is feeling cheeky, setting you on his back or his head as he walks back to your shared residence in that place.
A:n: Luocha is one of my favorite designs that I’ve done so far, look at him auhfoisfahofsg
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-Once a young, moon-kissed and pale dragon was now a shell of his former self, with only small patches of pale fluff standing out as a faint reminder of what he once was.
-His illness made spiky protrusions grow from his underbelly and it ruined his maw as well. However formidable it all made him, dark and scary, he was in constant pain.
-He is rarely ever seen, and ever since the ‘incident’ he has become a ghost tale to scare the kids with, a warning to any other long-life species as to what may happen if they follow down his route and what can happen if they're struck with the same illness as him
-Blade avoids any reflective surfaces in which he may look at himself, as that can sometimes make his mara flare up. He often spends his time in solitude, be it doing missions or spending his time in forgetfulness. Forgetting has become a hobby now, staring at the dark walls of some cave he found as he slowly realizes his memories are shrinking. It's as if all his puzzle pieces are being taken away from him, thrown away or hidden from his clutches.
-Blade frequently takes the form of the dragon, the pain seems more manageable when he is huge and terrifying. A lot of people that catch a glimpse of him also stay far far away, and unless they're the object of his mission - he won't go after them either. The sight of him alone is terrifying. 
-Big curled horns that are dark gray like the dark side of the moon, and if you look close enough there's small shimmers in the shadow clad corners of his scales and horns. Up close he is…pretty in his own right, his subconscious struggling to keep the remaining pieces of his past intact through physical attributes.
-His long flowing mane is soft and well kept, even if Blade doesn't particularly pay much attention to it, or the other fluff spots on his body. 
-He doesn't know where the jewelry in his hair came from, but there's something about it that forbids him from removing it. 
-The red sash around him was put there by Kafka and you, and if often maintained by you two. And there's something intimate about tying the bow at his back or putting the big golden clips into his fur. It's the trust he puts into you, and while it may seem like such a mundane action like helping someone button up their shirt, it means a lot more when Blade is in question, someone who doesn't let anyone else touch him or go near him.
-I think it is safe to say that this bad boy can fight. And fight he does. His mara has hardened his teeth further, and if any fall out during a scuffle, another one will take its place soon after. Although he is a bit long, he is quite strong. The only disadvantage he has is the fact that he is flightless. His species might as well fall into some branch of a drake. He can breathe fire though, and that ability has served him before in making weapons - these days though he doesn't use it much. He has teeth and claws, and that's enough. 
-During more easy days, he does like having you around, when his mara is silent and not dragging him under, your presence is comforting. He'll just lay down near you and soak in your presence. He will scoff or huff if you decide to shuffle closer, but he will most likely give in in times like these. Touch him, run your fingers through his fur, the fluff and the mane, he'll close his eyes and sigh. 
Size chart:
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-Listen, I had a hard time trying to figure out sizes for them since they'd almost the same, but in the end I settled with this.
-Dr Ratio > Luocha > Blade
-Blade is huge but he is more long lol, and if it came to a hypothetical fight with either of the other two, Blade is winning no argument there, unless they yank him into the skies and slam him down idk
-There is a little difference in size between them tbh
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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the-offside-rule · 7 months
Max Verstappen (Red Bull Racing) - Embarassing
Requested: yes
Prompt: 3) "His smile gives me butterflies"
Warnings: alcohol maybe idk
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Y/n, the brilliant Red Bull strategist, reveled in the success of another 1-2 finish for the team. The victory celebration echoed through the night, and with each cheer, Y/n's heart raced. As the party reached its peak, she found herself drowning her nerves in a bit too much alcohol. In the dimly lit corner of the party, Y/n sat alone, contemplating the stars above. Max Verstappen, unaware of her intoxicated state, noticed her isolation and decided to check on her. "Hey, everything alright?" Max inquired, concern etched on his face as he sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her to show his support.
"I'm just here, having a moment. You know, thinking about someone." Max, intrigued yet puzzled, sat beside her. "Someone special, huh?" Y/n nodded, a dreamy expression settling on her face. "You won't believe it. I'm head over heels in love with Max Verstappen! Can you imagine? His smile gives me butterflies, and when he races, it's like my heart is on the track with him." Max, amused, played along. "You think so?" She nodded. "And his determination, Max never gives up. It's inspiring. Also, that Dutch accent is-" She paused lifting her glass to her lips. "It's something else."
Max couldn't hold back his laughter. "You seem to know him quite well." Y/n nodded, blissfully unaware. "Oh, absolutely! I have have come up up his strategy like all the time. I wish I could tell him how much I love him." Max, enjoying the banter, decided to play along. "Well, maybe you should." Max looked at her with admiration. She was seen as somewhat of a recluse at Red Bull. Yes, she was lovely but she was serious about her job and worked so hard to prove she was serious, that Max and many other team members were unaware she was even capable of being able to love someone. "I will! Next time I see him."
"Shouldn't be too hard. You're in a huge nightclub with him." Y/n nodded. "Yeah. Oh, and the way he talks about racing, it's so passionate. I could listen to him talk about it all day." Y/n sighed, blissfully unaware that she was talking to the very person she was gushing about. Max chuckled, enjoying the unexpected revelation. "Well, I'm flattered. Thanks for the compliment."
"Wait, what?" She turned. Max smiled and put his hand out. "Max Verstappen." He said teasingly. Y/n's eyes widened, realization hitting her like a sudden gust of wind. "Wait, what? Oh my- Max, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- I mean, I didn't know it was you." Max laughed, genuinely appreciating her honesty. "No worries. It's flattering. Let me walk you back to the party." As they stood up, Y/n, suddenly shy, looked down. "I should probably go. I've embarrassed myself enough." Before Max could even say a word, off she went stumbling away. Max followed, but in the crowded venue, he lost sight of her. The party continued, but Max couldn't shake off the amusing encounter and the even more amusing strategist
The next day in the buzzing Red Bull factory, Y/n immersed herself in her work, determined to focus on strategy and leave the embarrassing incident behind. As she studied data and simulations, Max casually strolled through the facility, inspecting the ongoing progress. He eventually found his way to Y/n's desk, where she was engrossed in her tasks. Max leaned against the edge of the desk, smirking, "Hello, darling."
Y/n's eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I, uh, I think I may have said some things at the party." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Max, still amused as he was the night before grinned. "Oh, you mean the Max Verstappen love fest?" Y/n cringed. "Yeah, that. Sorry about that." She hid her head in her hands as Max simply laughed. He interrupted with a playful grin, "No need to apologize. I thought it was cute, actually. If you ever want to show that side of you more often, feel free."
Y/n blinked in surprise, and Max reached into his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper. He jotted down his number and slid it across her desk, winking mischievously. "In case you need someone to talk to about your Max Verstappen crush." Flustered but intrigued, Y/n managed a shy smile. "Thanks, Max. I'll... keep that in mind." Max nodded, giving her a knowing look, and continued his stroll through the factory. Y/n couldn't help but replay the interaction in her mind, a mix of embarrassment and excitement.
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markiemelon · 2 months
honestly idk if you write anything except smau ( sorry i jst find out abt your blog ) but can you write something with sion ( nct wish ) x absolutely whipped head over heels reader who adores everything he does and he’s always shy because of that ( you can also write a yushi version too 💗💗 )
can’t help myself
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genre. fluff, crack
pairings. sion x whipped gn!reader
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11:11 am ੈ☆˳
you stood just outside the door of the dance studio, peeking into where sion and his members were practicing. dancing is truly his element, and you loved seeing him so passionate about it. after a bit, they wrapped it up and the guys left one by one, greeting you casually on their way out.
saying you’re obsessed with sion would be an understatement. it took everything in you to stop yourself from running in there and jumping onto your boyfriend, but you hate seeing couples get all touchy in front of everyone.. so with that in mind, you patiently waited for everyone to leave before running up behind sion and wrapping your arms around his back. “i missed you.” you squeezed him as tightly as you could.
hearing you say you missed him made him laugh a bit; it really hadn’t been that long.. but he was flattered, to say the least.
you noticed your reflection in the mirror on the wall in front of you. you could see your arms wrapped around him, and your head peeking over his shoulders. your stomach fluttered with butterflies, it was like a scene from a drama.
“i was watching you dance.” you smiled.
“oh. really?” he smiled back, and you could tell he felt embarrassed.
“yeah. you did so well.” you hugged him closer, if that was even possible.
he was caught off guard by your compliment, and you giggled at the way he desperately searched for the words to say in response. he just nodded bashfully, hoping you’d change the subject.
you pinched his cheek to relieve your cuteness aggression. “you’re so cute. i love you.”
it wasn’t hard for you to be honest with sion. saying “i love you” came naturally when you were around him. sion, however, was always left a blushing mess. your confident demeanor made him crumble.
sion turned to face you. you looked at him, eyes wandering over his features, admiring every single detail. when he shyly turned away, he noticed the grocery bag in your hand. “what’s in the bag?” he pointed. “oh. i brought you food!” you remembered, excited to show him. his flustered laugh was adorable. “you didn’t have to do that..” he brought his palm up to the nape of his neck.
“don’t be silly.” you nudged him. “you have to eat a lot after you dance like that.” you grabbed his wrist and led him out of the room to where a couch and table were.
after arranging the snacks on the coffee table, sion sat proudly before all the options. “which one do you want?” he presented two sandwiches to you.
"both are for you," you told him, not paying any attention to the food, instead focusing on evening out the way his fringe framed his forehead, ruffling his bangs in front of his eyes. sion flinched slightly at the unexpected touch. "you should eat something too..." he urged, his voice gentle but insistent.
"i just ate before i got here. so please, help yourself." you gestured politely to the snacks, but he slid one of the sandwiches closer to you anyway. he took a bite, and judging by the way he reacted, it must have been really delicious. “where did you get these?” his eyes widened, inspecting the sandwich. “why is it so good..”
“i’m glad you like it.” you laughed at how cute he sounded, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.
sion was quietly enjoying his food until he noticed you still weren’t looking away from him. he stopped chewing. his side-eye gaze flickered with confusion and shyness.. yet you stared back, shamelessly. you quite literally could not look away.
“y/n.” he stuttered. "why are you just staring at me?" his cheeks glowing a light pink.
"can i not look at my boyfriend?" you teased.
"i'm not doing anything special," he tried to hide his growing smile behind another bite of sandwich.
"well don't mind me," you dismissed his concern, your eyelids fluttering with affection.
he tried not to mind you, but it was hard not to.
"stop staring at meee" he eventually pleaded, the flush on his cheeks deepening.
"okay fine. just keep eating. i won't look at you." you playfully turned your head the other way to make him feel better… but of course, you discretely turned to look at him again. it only took a second for him to catch you peeking, so you quickly looked away, making you scoff at how ridiculous this situation was.
he tried to keep chewing but he had to smile. “stop!!!” he whined, mouth full. the sight of him, cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk, made you giggle more.
“sorry, sorry.” you catch your breath from laughing. “i just can’t help myself.”
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HI ANON I LOVE THIS REQUEST! TYSM 🫶🏼 I hope you like it! Also yeah I don’t just do smau! normally I just write LOL
perm taglist: @i03jae @dummyskirtz @sol3chu @yurikudon @onionhaseyoareumm @lexeees
*lmk if you wanna be added to this taglist to know when I post!
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cherrycherryking · 1 year
i read your model!reader scene and can i just say absolute 10/10 for how you draw and write wally just phenomenonal!!!
may i suggest a sort of reversal where reader tries gifting wally a lil painting they did for him? maybe of him or of a flower that reminded them of him?
thank you so much <3 reader doing (or trying their best) to do a drawing of wally is just so sweet? thank you for requesting!!
wally darling x gen!reader
Making a Drawing for Wally
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✧Wally had drawn you before, you knew from the times he would ask you to model for him or because you would catch little sketches of yourself in his sketchbook.
✧Maybe you're quite good at drawing, or maybe you aren't. Point is that today you felt more than compelled to draw him, could be as a little thank you or just because he was pretty.
✧Julie and Frank (but mostly Julie) had intercepted him to talk about some...case? they were on, something about one of Frank's book going missing.
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✧You tried not to stare too much, Wally was pretty quick to notice people looking at him and being catched while drawing him suddenly felt a little embarrassing.
✧God. Uh. How were you supposed to draw his hair?
✧He pulled the hairstyle surprisingly well, but any time you tried it just looked weird, you closed your eyes to remember but instead your brain jumped to that one time it got completely ruined after Barnaby threw a water balloon to his face.
✧Now you're going down memory lane! That was such a fun day actually, even more so when Sally-
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✧The high pitched sound that came out of your mouth was completely justified and no one could tell you otherwise.
✧You look to the side, Frank and Julie disappeared down the road to keep with their search.
✧In all honesty Wally knew where you were, even if it was for a second he felt your eyes on him and would have come to say hi either way, why wouldn't he?
✧So now he was leaning forward close to your face and making that damn eye contact. Without moving an inch his glance moved down just a tiny bit, and he quickly catched what you were doing.
✧"Aww! You're drawing me?" his drowsy eyes came back, excitement in that calm voice of him. "Well yeah- but is not as pretty as your drawings, or you-"
✧To say he was flattered was the least. With all the joy in the world Wally told you how good it looked no matter what you could say, and before you could ask him he offered himself to be your model.
✧Needless to say, after sitting besides you under the tree you could feel his stare once more. This time though it didn't make you as nervous as usual, maybe because it gave you an excuse to watch him and analyze his features for so long. Wally looked happy and you could swear his cheeks were just a little more blushed than usual.
✧Whether you think you got him right he's going to be over the moon anyways, sitting close to you arms touching as he talks about how you definitely should draw more often, specifically draw him.
sorry it took me so long!! something possessed me to do friendship bracelets for wally and julie and if i'm not stopped probably eddie too.
idk how well i write wally sjdksdf i want to capture that "lights are on, house is empty" and "oh hes a little fucked actually" that he has going on, so any advice would be really helpful :)
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snowyrey · 11 months
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oh my god
they played after hours- they played MY fangame-
idk whether i should be flattered or embarrassed omg XDDD
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passionpeachy · 5 months
Fellow Mexican yearning lesbian here~ sorry if this is not the place to ask, feel free to ignore pls, it's just that I have literally no one in my life to ask. So I'm kinda flirting with this girl who has a super lovely n yummy tummy pouch that makes me crazy and I want to compliment her but idk if I should, I know it can be a touchy subject. I know you've received lots of thirst abt it recently (and honestly deserved, you're so beautiful) but would you like to also receive it like irl? For more context we're already friends and I'm pretty sure we like each other so it wouldn't come out of nowhere I guess??
Regardless of you responding or not I really wanna thank you for your art bc it's always a joy to see it and also for making this little sapphic space, I've found much comfort and validation in it
Yeah, that can be a touchy subject for sure.....I've thought about how I'd feel if someone complimented my stomach irl and it honestly depends on who it's coming from and how they say it. I actually did have someone point it out to me once like "you got a little beer belly - it's cute" and I just felt embarrassed lmao and hunched over to hide it. I guess I was a little flattered my insecurity is something that was cute, but I still got self-conscious. "Beer belly" is not a very pleasant thing to hear. Also, this was back in high school and from a guy friend I wasn't attracted to. I'd probably like it a lot more now and if it was from a girl I'm crushing on, although there still might be some slight shyness there. I don't know the girl you're talking about, but just to be on the safe side I'd probably be like "I'm so jealous of your body/figure" and IF she points out her stomach first, then I'd be like "that's the best part", or something similar
And thank you! I'm glad you find comfort in me just being my gay self ⭐️
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02chois · 1 year
Can u do a reaction of members where the reader is the one pursuing/courting them??? 💗😁 thank you thank you so much 😙
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pairing: OT5 (separate) x reader
synopsis: what they think and how they'd react to you courting them + scenario and headcanons
word count: 2.1k words
content warning: it gets unhinged the more you read, non-idol au, cheesy dialogue and scenes
note: idk what I wrote and it took me some time to do this so I'm so sorry anon 😭 but I hope you enjoy, please tell me what you think! reblogs and feedback is appreciated 🫶🏻
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He's somewhat unaware that you're courting him and it doesn't help the fact that he's oblivious, too. So for him to realize that you're trying to court him, it would have to be something that doesn't require him to second guess. The only way for him to know is for you to be direct with him.
"You've been bringing me so much food lately," he says, opening the bento with a smile. "What's the occasion?"
Your lips form into a pout, folding the cloth that you used to wrap around the bento you made for him.
The frustrations you've felt came crashing down on you all of a sudden. It's either you tell him directly or he will continue to see your actions as nothing but kind gestures. You gaze up at him, watching him happily munch on the food. You find the way he would shake his head out of excitement endearing.
"You know, I've been courting you," you murmur, but it was loud enough for him to hear.
He completely stops and puts the piece of shrimp back on the bento, slowly placing the chopsticks down in case he drops it. Soobin tilts his head, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He couldn't believe what he just heard.
"Really? Like the flowers and…" he trails off, the blood beginning to rush through his cheeks. The realization soon catches up; his face bloomed as if he was a rose, much more crimson than you have seen him ever.
Let's be real he won't even realize it until you say it directly because he doesn't want to assume
But the moment you do say it and he recalls everything you've done to court him? He's going to be so shy and he wouldn't dare look you in your eyes from how embarrassed he is :(
He won't even try to stop you because you've been courting him for so long and he feels bad that he didn't even realize it before, so I feel like he would do something to surprise you
You're so sweet to him too??? Like how could you be the sweetest person ever hjhcbdj
You're giving him a bouquet of flowers? Just get ready because bro is going to be so smiley and cover his face from embarrassment, but please believe it when I say he loves it so much :(( he has never received flowers before so the fact that you gave him one is such a big deal to him!! He might propose to you then and there ngl hHABSJAK
He knew from the start but he's surprised how consistent you are. He never would have expected the amount of effort and time you put in courting him, he's flattered to know that you like him that much to put so much of your time on him.
"Do you want to eat, jjun? I heard there's a new food stand that just opened." You say as you walk beside him, already taking out your wallet to pay.
He frowns, though it was not because he didn't want to, rather he feels like he's taking advantage of you. "I'll pay this time. You've been paying for our food—"
"Ah, ah, we've talked about this, right?" The both of you stop in your tracks, halting in the middle of the hallway. "I'm doing this because I want to. I'll even buy you flowers soon," you give him a smile, "I want to let you know how much you mean to me."
Yeonjun avoids your gaze, bringing his hand to cover half of his face. He coughs out of embarrassment. Why are you so cute? He's not used to this. But you'd most likely say that he should get used to it, and you'd even do more than what you're already doing.
"I'll buy you all the food you want. Just tell me and I'll get them for you!"
His lips spread into a fond smile, linking his arm around yours and leaning his head against yours. "You spoil me so much."
Oh man he would be like ??? as you continue with your courting and don't get me wrong he's grateful for your efforts but he questions it
He's confused and also flattered but he lets you do your thing, but because it's not the societal norm and he hasn't experienced anything like this expect him to feel a little bad
But every time you buy him food, call him all kinds of pet names, support him in every single thing he does, and even give him random gifts, he's so close to spiraling from how flustered he becomes when you do those
He flirts back and gives you gifts as well, but whenever you remind him that you're courting him he shuts up— like almost immediately hbzshs like how dare you
You're the only one who could make him that much flustered and be proud of it!! You know his very few weaknesses and it's you
He's a little confused because you've already proven to him that you like him, and he thinks that you don't need to do such things to get him to like you because he very much admires you a lot. But since you insist, he lets you court him. He's honestly a little insufferable because he couldn't help himself but get this kind of romantic excitement whenever you do your thing.
"You wrote this for me?" Beomgyu blinked, amazed by your skills and the effort you put into making him a song. But what surprised him the most is the fact that you learned how to play it on the guitar.
Your lips spread into a smile, nodding your head. "Yeah, I wanted to put how I feel into a song," you pause, "I hope you liked it."
"Liked it? Are you kidding me, I loved it! Can you sing for me again?" He scooted closer to you, his hand brushing against yours. "I'll play the guitar. I just want to hear your voice again because it's so pretty."
"But seriously, making me a song? I never would've thought about that. You like me that much, huh?" He gave you a teasing smile, raising his eyebrows repeatedly.
You never wanted to wipe off a smile from his face until now. You roll your eyes, passing him your guitar. "Oh, shush, you're making it worse."
"If someone serenades you, you'd think they like them a lot. Don't you think so?" Beomgyu smiles, seeing you nod your head in agreement.
A whole ass smug mf and bro teases you a lot because of it, but don't be fooled because he's screaming on the inside
Ever wonder what he does whenever you send him a message that makes him feel all fuzzy inside? He does those schoolgirl thing wherein he buried his face into the pillow and screams his lungs out and kick his feet in the air
He's all for it after you let him know that you're doing it because you want to, so he's really down horrendous for you honestly
He giggles 😭😭 like full on giggle and bat his lashes whenever you come and take the lead in dates and bro is just nhcbejd hE'S SO CLOSE TO KISSING YOU BUT NO- He's not going to until he says yes into being your bf (he would say yes immediately)
Beomgyu would try to pretend he's cool about it and smile calmly, but it won't take long before he's slamming his hands on the table and smiling widely while laughing uncontrollably because he can't with you,, you're so cute and the way you court him is making him feel things and the butterflies are going crazy in his tummy
He would try to one up you because he doesn't want to take advantage of you, so expect him to do the same things you're doing. You're walking him to class? Well, he's going to walk you home. You're buying him food? He's already by your class door with food so no need to buy more.
"What are you doing?" Taehyun raised an eyebrow at you, watching your every move.
You have something behind you and you could barely cover it with your own body from how big it is, but still Taehyun couldn't figure out what you're holding— and that made you smile. He has no clue.
"You really don't know?"
He shook his head, you took that as your cue to show him your gift. And there you have a bouquet of flowers that you think he would like and a ribbon tied around at the end of the bouquet.
Taehyun froze. You really bought that for him? You shouldn't have but the bouquet is so pretty. The arrangement was beautiful, and it reminded him so much of you. He carefully takes the bouquet from your arms and lowers his gaze, his cheeks begin to feel a bit warmer now that he has it in his hold.
"Thank you, it's really pretty," his voice was low, soft enough that you could barely make out what he was saying. "Just like you."
Bro hE TRIES SO HARD TO APPEAR LIKE HE'S UNAFFECTED BY YOUR COURTING but please he's the one who loves it the most because it makes him feel so special
He makes those cute little noises, right? Taehyun makes those noises even when you're barely doing anything but it's his way of letting out his excitement in seeing you <33
But tbh as I said he tries to one up you- he's trying his best in letting his message across that he likes you a lot as well and courting you too BUT you're courting him so tHERE COULD BE ONLY ONE WHO COURTS WHO AND IT'S YOU
But fr tho he gets very very shy and blushy so please be nice to him <33 courting him in an old fashioned way will make him swoon trust me
At first he pretends he doesn't mind your courting. You'd offer to pick him up? Sure, he's going down. You showed up with a gift? You didn't have to. You wrote him poetry? Oh, so you're in love with him. But as it goes on, he's slowly breaking and his reactions become more obvious and blushy :((
He's the only one who admittedly loves it from the start. I mean the other boys didn't dislike it, but some were hesitant because they're worried if they're taking advantage of you. Hueningkai, on the other hand, loved the way you'd treat him to lunch and be there by his side always. He's so fond of you that everything you do makes him smile and feel fuzzy inside.
Kai tilted his head as he spotted a sticky note on his locker and as he walked closer your name was written at the bottom. It doesn't fail to make him smile, you're always ahead and tend to surprise him with what you do. It's either a box of chocolates or a plushie.
He quickly unlocks his locker and there a penguin plush from build-a-bear sat there, the clothes it has reminds him of his own style— the adidas tracksuit and sneakers that he kept wearing.
He doesn't know whether he should laugh or what.
"You like my gift?" Your voice came from the other side, startling Hueningkai in the process. "It has a little voice thing, too! You can listen to it whenever you need some encouragement."
His lips spread into a grin, nodding his head. "The Penguin is a little bit too much like me. He's so peng."
"Peng Peng, Peng?" You play along, which Kai couldn't resist but let out a light chuckle.
"You're peng, too," he paused, "it means pretty by the way."
Precious Hueningkai, precious boy loves the attention you're giving him so expect his first initial reaction to you courting him to be extremely positive!! He's not surprised at all and he appreciates everything like seriously
He's also courting you in his own way, but it's a bit more subtle than the other guys. He's letting you stand out and lead the courtship because it's not something he experiences everyday
Expect to see him smile a lot :(( he's going to be such a ball of sunshine to you hsbbchsj things won't change much but he'd be more open to you in terms of his feelings <33
But I'm telling you right now that dude talks about you a lot and had talked to his parents, friends, siblings about you and they all know who you are and the fact that you're courting him so technically you're part of his family now
Overall he's such a sweetheart whdbjsks he doesn't get flustered easily bUT WHEN HE DOES OH MAN DOES HE GET SO SMILEY AND GIGGLY LIKE BRO WILL PLAYFULLY SMACK YOU CUS HE'S SO ?:!:??!??"??*
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propertyofwhitney67 · 1 month
How would all the love interests react to being serenaded too. Maybe for school love interests it's like during lunch or something. Avery is during karaoke night at the bar like the one you go to for his dismissal scene. You just put something on the radio for Eden. Idk, maybe you would like it to take it in a different direction. I've always wanted to sing to my significant other, even if I make an ass out of myself, especially if it's to make them feel better.
I would also love it if you put down what song they would sing but it's not necessary. I love your work and I'm sorry about your computer and other shit.
Omg thank you so much 🥺
I know virtually zero love songs so these might be obscure or old. I also might reuse a few of the songs.
(Unchained Melody by Righteous Brothers) Low love Whitney on the roof is not happy. You barely get a few words out before he's attacking you and telling you to shut the hell up.
High love Whitney on the roof is embarrassed and not happy. Why did you choose to do this with his friends around? If he's in a good mood he stops his friends and lets you sing. His friends are laughing the whole time and when you finish Whitney laughs too, "You should be using that mouth to suck my cock, not singing love songs." Tells you to move along. Later he finds you and is as romantic as he can be, which isn't a lot. Just tells you that you have a nice voice and a bit softer when he fucks you.
(Be my baby by The Ronettes) Kylar is confused at first but unbelievably happy once he realizes what you're doing. His face is red and he's shaking, practically vibrating from excitement. You're serenading him and doing it in front of the whole school. Now they'll all know that you're his.
(I want to know what love is by foreigner) Robin chokes on their food from your sudden singing. They are embarrassed, but also flattered that you are showing your love in front of so many people.
(my girl by the temptations) C!Sydney is amused at your sudden display of love and stops eating just to watch you. Claps when you're done and makes sure to kiss you, maybe gets carried away and now you're making out.
(Be my baby by The Ronettes) Eden is surprised when you start singing. He's never heard you sing before, let alone a serenade of your love to him. His smile is soft as he dances around the room with you.
(Something Stupid by Frank & Nancy Sinatra) Avery did not want to go to karaoke, but you insisted. He didn't bother to sing, just let you go up there and have fun while he sipped on whiskey. He choked on his drink when the music started up and you began to sing. Is this some kind of declaration of love?
(Me and Mrs. Jones by Billy Paul) Alex is a little perplexed. A love song about cheating? He shakes his head with a smile and watches you sing under the tree with him. He can't help but love it, your display of affection, even if it's a song of a secret love affair.
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kangen-wanshi · 1 year
300 man, that's a lot of followers congrats!!!
For the event, “We should get married.” + Childe and/or Welt would be fantastic (idk if you're allowing two different characters from different series though, if not feel free to pick between them) congrats again!
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A Proposal ft. Childe, Welt Yang
The question in regards of marriage often orbit the two of you - yet, either of you seems to ever took the question to heart. Or at least, that's what the two of you thought.
Tags: Fluff, separate, marriage stuff duh, no gendered pronoun used
A/N: Ty anon!! Here have some marriage stuff with best boys of the series:))
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Childe, He always asks you
He’s naturally a big family man - both of you are aware of this. And ever since he saw how you’re getting along well with his family, his urge to marry you just keeps getting stronger and stronger each day. He likes to propose to you ‘jokingly’. Throwing the question of “Will you marry me?” as a way to compliment you everytime he finds himself falling in love with you, every time he sees you doing something even remotely small. Cooking? “We should get married so I can taste your cooking everyday.” Bandaging his wound? “You’re so careful in taking care of me.. Let’s get married so you can dote on me all you want when I return to you all bloodied and bruised.”  Just walking around enjoying each other’s presence on a date? “You’re so lovely. Marry me?” Maybe you’re just dense, maybe it’s just his way when he delivers those lines, but you often reciprocate his question with a light “Sure” and a fit of giggles that color your cheek red. And he never said anything after! Honestly his fault for being too busy falling head over heels for you.
It was just like any other day. Visiting Liyue Harbor, taking a stroll when the sky slowly turns to the color of red, fading into night every minute as the air grows colder.
You had ended your walk on the piers of the harbor, leaning on the wooden railing, watching ships come and go - merchants resigning for the day, fishermen going into the night sea. And as usual, in his eyes, you’re as stunning as ever.
“Hey,” his gentle voice coaxed you out of your mindless trance. His gloved hand came to hold yours, as he gave you a gentle squeeze, “Let’s get married.”
You laughed - ah, he could drown in your voice of delight over and over, and he would swim back up just to hear it all over again. He looked at you shaking your head lightly at his request, before finally settling your eyes on his smile.
He waited for your usual answer, ‘Sure’, or ‘Of course’, followed with flattering giggles. But it never came. He was then greeted by your look of surprise. Did his question come out a little odd this time? Was it the way he looked at you so carefully, so lovingly - so gentle, an absolute contrast to his bloodthirsty attitude, that you managed to catch your words stuck between your tongue?
When you looked at him again for sure, you spotted an adoration you’ve never seen before. A hopeful gaze, a loving look, a side he preserved just for you, waiting for an answer.
You mirrored his eyes and crinkled on your cheek when you smiled back at him, squeezing his hand in return with as much adoration, leaning closer to him as you placed a chaste kiss to his lips.
And this time, you promised him about the true meaning behind your answer.
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Welt Yang, He keeps wondering..
It’s a running joke in the Express Family at this point. As much as March and Caelus like to call Himeko their mom and Welt their dad (or sometimes uncle), they kept encouraging you and Welt to get married already. To the point that even Dan Heng has become part of this cheering squad. You always blushed and waved your hand dismissively at their remarks, followed by Welt who also shares a similar amount of embarrassment, sighing before pinching the bridge of his nose.  All their efforts always ended with the two of you leaving the question hanging in the air. Not an uncomfortable type - but the one where the two of you let the question circle in your brain without explicitly mentioning to one another. Welt have thought of marriage - as obvious as it seems. Perhaps it came with age, perhaps it came with his past experience, perhaps it came from a place within his heart full of his love for you, either way, it’s rare to see a day where he doesn’t think about marrying you. He’s thoughtful about these things. Careful planning, watching your reaction every time he brought up the topic subtly, seeing your view on marriage itself, attempting to answer the questions he’s been asking himself through normal conversation.
Both you and Welt had finally managed to step foot in Jarillo-VI, after much much asking Himeko - who, simply giggled at your request and let you go to explore the land of Everwinter.
Both of you had a curious yet fun expedition together treading through Belobog and the various areas around it. Welt continuing to observe the corrupted areas, while you, enjoying the culture and befriending some of the locals you’ve heard so much about from the trio.
It’s only when Welt returned from exploring the Underground to visit you at the Museum, that he found a rather.. Endearing sight. You were walking through the hallways of the Museum, a blonde little girl and another boy seemingly leading you through the various artifacts on display. 
You seem to be highly invested in what they’re saying, even though Welt swore some of those stories couldn’t have been true. 
Either way, he saw how you entertain the children in their stories and guide, providing the truth of your own (that you already know about), but twisting it so that it’s believable for children with high creativity and much, much spirit like the pair.
He didn’t even realize that he’d been staring at you from a distance, watching your cheek and your eyes lit up and softens at the childrens’ antics. 
It was not until a lady with blue hair in white came to your aid to peel the children off of you that he realized he’d been staring - and that you had spotted him from a distance, gesturing him to come over with a smile and open arms. 
“Why didn’t you come over to me earlier?” You giggled as he sink himself into your embrace, burying his face to the crook of your neck with a chuckle, “Sorry, love. I was just.. A bit in a daze when I saw you and those kids having fun,” he pulled away, “You looked like you had so much fun - I.. Wouldn’t want to ruin that.”
“What nonsense, I’m sure if you were given the chance to tell tales to them, they would be smitten with your every word.” You giggled, kissing his cheek before pulling him along to sit on one of the many benches in the Museum, sitting in front of a painting, with your head leaning on his shoulder, hands still intertwined with each other as Welt traced circles on the back of yours.
In comfortable silence, your eyes are stuck on the painting hanging on the wall, while his eyes have stolen few, if not many adoring gazes towards you. 
“If I were to ask you to..” He inhaled, “.. To marry me, will you?”
You giggled, pulling yourself away from his shoulder as you looked up to him with a grin, “Oh? Where does this bravery come from?”
“Just.. A thought.” He rolled his eyes playfully, now holding your hand within both of his, tips of his fingers found their way to your empty ring finger, “If we could.. I would love to tie it together with you.”
His words weigh many emotions behind it. If he were to stay and bind himself to you - what about his home? What about his planet? His final destination? Dozens of questions flashes through your mind and various reasons to not just because you don’t want to trap him with you, but when he looked at you so softly, when his pursed lips held his words true, you swallowed your questions and smiled up to him.
“If you asked me to marry you..” you leaned your head back on his shoulder as one of his arms wrapped around your shoulder, his head resting atop of yours, “Of course there’s not other answer than ‘yes’.”
Welt speaks true with his eyes. And at that moment, you saw your reflection in his eyes - one that shows how he truly sees you.
As his home.
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icarusignite · 1 year
So i have a weird reaquest heheh i just read you finan x reader where they die instead of osferth and the final sentence being about them meeting in heaven SO i got this idea about like in the next life maybe like a modern AU they meet by accident in our time like idk the boys go to a bar or something after a day of work and she is there and Finan just feels like they know each other and something and massive fluff!!!
Thank you<3333
A/N: Heyyoo, I love love loved this request, so cute. Hope you like this fic. I had alot of fun writing the "in another world" vibes lol. This is my first time writing modern AU so apologies if it's abit nonsensey.
Word Count: 2.5K
Pairing: Finan x Fem! Reader (no use of y/n), Modern AU
In this labyrinth of time, our souls entwined
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The bar hummed with an energetic atmosphere, vibrant and alive. Warm, dimmed lights cast a golden glow across the space, illuminating the polished wooden surfaces and richly upholstered seating. The air was filled with the mingling scents of aged whiskey, fragrant hops, and delectable cuisine, creating an inviting aroma that embraced the four men who had just entered.
The sounds of conversation, laughter, and clinking glasses merged harmoniously, creating a symphony of human connection. Patrons leaned against the sleek bar, engaged in animated discussions, their voices rising and falling like waves crashing on a distant shore. Bartenders, skilled and swift, expertly crafted cocktails, their movements a well-practiced dance behind the counter. The clatter of shakers, the clinking of ice, and the pop of corks added a rhythmic backdrop to the bustling scene. There was also the occasional burst of applause that erupted from a corner where groups engaged in friendly games of darts or pool. The walls were adorned with eclectic artwork, vintage posters, and memorabilia, and the music, carefully curated to suit the mood, resonated throughout the room. 
As for Finan, Osferth, Uhtred, and Sihtric, they navigated their way through the bustling crowd, exchanging nods and friendly greetings with familiar faces along the way. Their destination was a cozy booth nestled against the far wall, worn leather seats beckoning like old friends. The table, scarred with marks of countless conversations and camaraderie, stood as a testament to the memories made within its embrace and the friends settled into their respective spots, each claiming their corner of comfort. 
"Now, Osferth," Finan teased, nudging his friend playfully. "Remember, moderation is key tonight. We don't want a repeat of last time, do we?"
"Hey, that was not my fault!" Osferth retorted. "Sihtric was the one who made that stupid wager."
"Well, whatever it was, your girlfriend wasn't too happy about having to drag your drunk ass back home when we called her," Sihtric smirked.
Uhtred rolled his eyes, "How'd someone like you even get a girlfriend Osferth?"
"You're just jealous that our boy here is in an actually stable relationship. Maybe you should learn a lesson or two from him?" Finan threw an arm around the blushing younger boy. 
"What, and deny the ladies all this?" Uhtred spread his arms wide and gestured to himself, making the table erupt in snickers. 
Osferth's face reddened slightly as he chuckled, his eyes flickering with embarrassment, "I'll make sure I don't lose it today. I don't really wanna bother her."
"Awww, he's in loooove," everyone cooed together, making Osferth blush harder.
"Can we-uh-can we just order, please!"
Uhtred raised his hand and summoned one of the waitresses over. She was a confident-looking woman, and when she caught sight of the boys, her eyes sparkled with familiarity and warmth. 
"Evening, gentlemen. What can I get for you today?" she grinned. "Will it just be the usual?"
Uhtred raised a hand to his heart, "Oh you flatter us Amelia, you know us so well."
"It's only right that I remember the order of my best tippers," she winked.
"I supposed it does help that we come in here every Friday night and order the exact same thing?" Sihtric raised an eyebrow playfully.
"I suppose. So yes, the usual then?"
"Thanks, Amelia, you're a doll," Uhtred smiled widely and leaned conspiratorially toward her. "And by the way-"
"Nuh-uh, don't try that with me," Amelia tapped her pen against her notepad. "Cassie from last week was here earlier and she did not look happy."
"Hmm, I wonder what that was about."
"Uhtred..." she warned, equal parts amused and annoyed.
"Oh c'mon, it's not my fault she got attached. It was a one-night kind of thing."
"Uhtred, Uhtred, Uhtred."
"Amelia, Amelia, Amelia, your disappointment in me stings."
Amelia rolled her eyes, "Good. You should learn from Osferth here. Now this is a true gentleman."
She ruffled his hair affectionately, making Uhtred groan.
"I'll send someone over with the food and drinks boys. Have a good time!"
As she walked away, Uhtred leaned back in his seat, a self-satisfied grin playing on his lips, "Did you see the way she looked at me? No woman can resist my charm."
Finan chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, Uhtred, your ego knows no bounds. She's definitely not into you!"
"Hey, but she could!"
Sihtric sniggered, "Leave it to Uhtred to flirt with every pretty face he comes across."
"And besides, there's no way she'd be into you when you go around breaking the hearts of every woman in her establishment," Osferth chimed in.
Just then, their drinks arrived, and Uhtred was saved from responding. He took his glass absentmindedly from the news server, eyes still lingering on the woman who had retreated behind the counter and was now currently issuing orders. 
The four friends were just raising their glasses, toasting to the adventures they had shared and those yet to come, when there was a sudden hush in the atmosphere. The boys turned their eyes toward the commotion along with everyone else in the room. 
A drunken man, fueled by liquid courage, had crossed the line of decency, attempting to grope a young woman who had been enjoying her drink in solitude at the bar. The atmosphere crackled with a mix of anger and concern, a collective discomfort rippling through the patrons. The woman's discomfort was palpable, her eyes darting around for help as she swallowed nervously. Uhtred stood, accompanied by his friends, ready to step in immediately, but then a figure burst through the crowd.
You were fierce and unyielding as you emerged, eyes flashing with defiance. Your voice boomed with a fiery determination as you confronted the perpetrator. 
"Get your fucking hands off her before I cut them off!"
The drunken man, taken aback by the unexpected confrontation, slurred a profanity-laden response "Mind your own business. The whore was asking for it."
The victim, your friend whom you had left unattended for a moment while you went to the washroom, shuddered at his words and it made your blood boil. You stood your ground with unwavering resolve, managing to stare down your nose at him despite being almost several inches shorter. 
"And you know what you're asking for, you pig? A fucking beating?"
The drunk man snarled and the entire bar waited with bated breath. Finan watched you curiously. He had never seen you in his entire life, he knew that much for sure, and yet there was something about you that seemed so familiar. Something about the steely determination in your glare and the way your voice echoed without strain. He found himself worrying for your safety just then, and he told himself that it was just very human of him to be wishing for the safety of a fellow patron of the bar.
"Oh yeah, and who'd gonna give me the beating? A pathetic thing like you?"
The drunkard lunged toward you, his intentions clear. But he had gravely underestimated your strength and resolve. In a swift movement, you dodged his attack, your smaller stature and sober mind giving you the advantage of speed and better coordination. Your fist connected with his jaw in a powerful counterstrike. There was a satisfying crunch and he crumpled with a howl. The sound reverberated through the room, silencing it for a split second before the eruption of applause and cheers.
"Alright, the show's over, get that fucking clown out of my bar!" Amelia finally arrived at the scene with security and everyone watched them throw the man out, returning the familiar buzz of conversation to the environment. 
The aftermath of the confrontation still hung in the air as Finan, Osferth, Uhtred, and Sihtric returned to their booth, feeling quite impressed at your bravery. However, there was something else lingering in the air—Finan's undeniable fascination with you. 
As they settled back into their seats, Osferth's eyes twinkled mischievously, "Finan, my friend, it seems your attention was captured by more than just the excitement of the moment."
Uhtred chuckled, leaning back with a knowing grin, "Indeed, it appears our fearless Finan has met his match. A strong-willed woman who can throw a punch? I totally see the appeal."
Finan's cheeks flushed, a mix of embarrassment and amusement tugging at the corners of his lips. "No, no, it's not that. I feel like-I feel like I know her."
"You seen her before?" Sihtric raised an eyebrow.
"A one-night-"
"No! Nothing like that!"
Uhtred raised his hands placatingly, "Alright, alright. Shall I ask Amelia then? Maybe she's a regular here?"
"Maybe, I don't know."
"Just go talk to her Finan," Sihtric sighed in exasperation. 
"What if she thinks I'm a creep or something?"
"Oh I think she's more than capable enough to handle creeps don't you think?"
"Hey! I don't wanna be handled like a creep!" Finan exclaimed indignantly.
"Well then, you better be on your most gentlemanly behaviour dude," Osferth clapped a hand on his shoulder.
With the resounding support of his friends, Finan steeled his nerves and rose from the booth once more. He crossed the bar, weaving through the mingling crowds until he reached your side. You were still comforting your friend in hushed whispers when she nudged you to turn your attention to the newcomer.
Finan wore an easy confident smile as he leaned against the bar, eyes twinkling with mischief.
"You know," he began, his voice filled with playful charm, "I could swear we've crossed paths before. Perhaps in a previous life?"
You snorted, "Oh wow. That was-"
"Oh, is that your go-to line?" you raised your eyebrow unimpressed. 
"Well, it hasn't failed me yet. But I must admit, it doesn't seem to be working splendidly in this instance," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Well, consider my curiosity piqued, charming stranger."
"Finan, at your service," he extended his hand which you took in a firm handshake.
The moment your palms met, a kaleidoscope of emotions and sensations cascaded through his being, and Finan felt a jolt of familiarity as if the tapestry of time had woven your destinies together long before your paths had crossed here in this bar. Time itself seemed to stutter, as though a forgotten melody had suddenly resurfaced, stirring memories buried deep within him and his heartbeat quickened. He knew you, he could swear it. Within that ephemeral moment, the boundaries of space blurred, and the present moment fused seamlessly with echoes of the past and the whispers of the future. The sensation transcended the confines of the physical world, creating a bridge that spanned eons, traversing the realms of memory and eternity. Finan then pulled away, feeling quite foolish. No girl had ever made him feel this way before but surely it was foolish to be drawn this way to a stranger he had just met. He looked up at you, trying to deduce whether or not you felt a similar connection, or if this familiarity was something on his part alone. 
Your eyes were warm as you smiled at him, but there was no recognition in them. That was all well enough, he supposed. The stressful week must be getting to him. This was the first time he'd seen you because there was no way he'd ever forget someone like you if you had made his acquaintance in the past. 
"So, will I get to know your name, or are you determined to stay an enigma?"
Your smile grew wider as you introduced yourself. 
"That was quite a punch back there," Finan eyed your bruised knuckles in concern. "I must say, I'm impressed."
You laughed, the sound echoing through his ears pleasantly. 
"Flattery will get you far, Finan. But tell me, do these lines usually work for you?"
Finan leaned in, his tone conspiratorial, "I'd say they've got about a 50/50 success rate. Though I must confess, it's never been quite as genuine as it is with you."
"Well, you certainly have a way with words. Perhaps, just this once, I'll let you get away with it."
"Wow, in that case, would you let me buy you a drink?"
"Hmm, I'd like that. Thank you."
Finan flagged down the bartender, ordering your preferred drink. Then, with a worried glint in his eyes, he added, "And may we also have some ice for her bruised knuckles, if you don't mind."
The bartender returned, placing your drinks on the bar along with a small bowl of ice. Finan took a few napkins and wrapped a few pieces of ice in them, reaching out to brush his fingers gently across yours.
"May I?"
You nodded hesitantly, and he pressed the cool relief to your knuckles, making you sigh. 
You smiled, "Thank you. It's not often I find someone who pays such attention to the little things."
After that, the conversation seemed easy, your words flowing effortlessly like a dance. The bar's ambient sounds faded into the background, leaving you wrapped in a cocoon of shared laughter and connection. You didn't even notice your friend slip away from your side, leaving you two alone at the counter. 
Finan's friends observed the scene from their booth, their eyes fixated on their smitten companion. Uhtred leaned in, his voice filled with mischief. "Well, well, it seems Finan has truly met his match."
Osferth nodded, a warm smile on his face as he watched the two of you laugh and engage in witty banter, "He's found someone who can match his wit I guess. It's entertaining for sure."
"How long before he works up the nerve to ask her out?" Sihtric chimed in.
"If he hasn't already," Uhtred pointed out.
"Nah, I don't think he's done it yet. He seems different this time."
"Oh you think you're the expert now Osferth," Sihtric nudged him with his elbow.
"Well, I am the one with the long-term relationship, so yeah, I guess that makes me the expert. We can't very well call Uhtred the expert now can we?"
Back at the bar, you and Finan had continued to share stories, your laughter intertwined with glimmers of vulnerability and shared interests. Finan leaned closer, his voice uttering your name sincerely.
"You know, there's something about you that is so truly captivating. I find myself drawn to your spirit, and I can't help but want to know more."
"My spirit huh? Damn, you definitely have a way with words. So what is it that you want to know, Finan?"
"Everything. I want to know your dreams, your passions, and the adventures that have made you the person you are. I want to know everything about you!"
"If you'll let me of course," he amended quickly, not wanting to scare you off.
Your cheeks flushed a deep red, "I assure you my life has been very ordinary so far, but perhaps you shall hear about it another time."
Finan reached out, gently taking your hand in his, "I eagerly await that time. Until then, may I have the honour of taking you out for dinner?"
"Oh," your eyes widened. "Well...okay yeah, I'd like that. I'd like that very much, Finan."
Your voice tugged at his heart. The cadence of your voice, the melody of your laughter, and the animated movements of your hands, as you talked, resonated deep within him, stirring emotions that defied explanation. The sense of déjà vu enveloped him, painting the air with shades of nostalgia and anticipation. he tried his best to recall the origin of this profound connection, but they slipped through his fingers like whispers in the wind. 
His heart called your name, even though it had just learned the shape of it today and your souls, separated by the veil of existence, recognized each other anyways.
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sempsimps · 7 months
lucifer x (fem)overlord reader
uhm so I've never posted anything like this before and tbh idk how its gonna go but the brain rot is too real and i need this out also i should stop writing in class oop- punctuation? never heard of her (sorry if my writing sucks :] )
eating out / fingering
bites / small cuts
sexual tension obviously
just a small amount of bondage but its mild
edging if you squint
possessive if you squint (well its pretty clear)
Alastor is kinda a cock block sorry not sorry
it was the week after the extermination and i had been called to a meeting by carmilla and when she sets it we all know that its serious so i had to go and no doubt it was about the most recent events
"i don't want you to go"
ah the authority in his voice would be threatening if he wasn't my husband being the 'the big boss of hell' or whatever silly thing he likes to say but i just smiled and absentmindedly passed him off putting my purse into my skirt pocket if i was looking at him i would of seen the look of mischief in his eyes
"i don't want you to go my love, l-love?"
"uh huh..."
i wasn't paying attention to him as he did the same thing every meeting and so next thing i know i felt his claws on my shirt pulling me down to be face to face
"are you even listing!?"
i smile as i calmly raised my self back up and fixed my shirt
"yes I'm listing to you but we both know i have a reputation to uphold and Carmilla herself asked me to this so its obviously quite important"
i calmly say lucifer wasn't allowed at the meetings as he was the king and had little business in the overlord affairs and i always told him what happens anyway but he was being over protective since he learned Alastor was at these meeting but the devil looked quite disheartened at my comment which made me hurt inside but his smug smile appeared right after it
"I'm coming with you"
"luci you can-"
"they wont even know I'm there"
i looked at him sceptically but shrugged it off as he would do as he pleased oh what a showy dick he was i sighed but i walked out of the mansion before teleporting in front of the elevator up to the meeting i immediately seen Rosie and curtly bowed to her which she responded to in the same manner we both smiled and walked in together i sat to her right at the end of the table my chest right at the table as i preferred to have my arms on the surface soon i seen Alastor walk in and we waved at each other in respect and soon the meeting had started i looked around Carmilla at the head of the table talking of the recent extermination Zestial next her as well as her daughters i didn't know the overlords across of me but they seemed.... nice Velvet at the other head to my right she must be here instead of Vox because of the media fight that happened ha classic Vox always a sore loser and Rosie to my left and Alastor to hers i always admired their bond the meeting droned on for a while becoming background noise my mind wandered to my angel and thinking about what he meant no longer did i have to think as i felt a claw end gently tap my knee i leaned back slightly to see my daring husbands hand at my knee i raised my eyebrow at it face not showing much emotion 'the fuck....so that's what he meant be being here with me and not being seen too ooohh i get it aw cute'
"--- are you okay?"
"mh yeah I'm fine sorry Carmilla continue sorry"
i moved myself back to where i was feeling rather embarrassed now but not because i got called out like that even though that was awful but its the fact i now feel lucifer's hands tease me from under my skirt it was long enough as it reached my shins but it also made pretty good cover for lucifer to roam and tease with his hands i thought his intention was quite cute 'cant go one hour without me I'm flattered but seriously now? here!?' his claws lightly brush against my skin the edge grazing across my thigh leaving a feeling like a paper cut i felt his feather light touches moving closer to my core i reached down with my hand under the table to lightly move his hand away in response i had a light nip at my leg my eyes widen in slight shock at this i knew the king was quite risky when it came to this but this was a little far...... but I'm not completely complaining too much i felt his head push between my legs and i just did the same thing reaching to his face and pushing him away lightly to stop him but i felt his smile as a light kiss was placed to my skin i thought nothing of it and placed both my hands in my lap but that was a mistake i felt a light pressure on my wrists i looked down to see a golden glint around both of my wrists 'that handsome prick' i couldn't believe he would abuse his magic in this way but oh well i guess im in too deep now i felt his sly smile on me and he teased me with his tongue now licking some parts and lapping at others i could only bawl my hands trying to act normal in the meeting 'of fuck has anyone noticed this' i glanced around no one cared at all all to busy doing there own thing or listening to Carmilla, lucifer continued the secrete attack and i let him opening my thighs over so slightly and i held in a squeak of surprise when i felt the end of his claw gently move the fabric of my underwear to the side so he could move his fingers inside of me my breathing got quite heavy and my pupils dilatating as i zone out of my vision and focusing on not making a sound in front of my collages or "friends" lucifer's fingers teased my entrance only lightly slipping in to test me his other hand rubbing circle's on my skin while his head rested comfortably on my thigh enjoying the torment i was in i was so out of trying not to make a noise that when his movements twitched and halted i was back into reality and i quickly knew why as i moved my eyes over to Alastor his gaze lingered down for a split second before he spoke in that stupid radio sound
"--- my dear you all there? you seem distracted"
his voice carried a sinister lint to it sending an uncomfortable chill down my spine
"uh y yeah im alright"
carmilla looked at me and i bowed my head in apology
'fuck did he notice what was going on shit fuck fuck-' i was brought out of my panic nearly jumping out of my skin when i felt a particular harsh bite to my upper thigh clenching fists from the pain my eyes going blurry as i try not making any noise lucifer's possessiveness was showing through and i could feel the slow trickle of blood form from the bite lucifer eagerly lapping it up as an apology 'prick there was no cause' i understood the rivalry but my thoughts were directed to another 180 as i felt his fingers penetrate me slowly before ramping up the speed of them being cautious of the sharp ends but as i was starting to feel pleasure they left but soon replaced with his hot breath and forked tongue doing wonders the small licks driving me insane my legs slightly shaking at the contact he was relentless in eating me for all that i had i finally slipped up letting out a small quite strained sigh i felt lucifer's smile from between my legs 'that sweet sly smug fucker aaaa!' the slightest touch he gave to my clit made my thighs close around his face in shock but he just softly opened them again at this rate i wouldn't last i gave another glance around the room and seen Alastors eyes snap away from me his ear hair thingy twitching 'oh fuck he knows' i didn't have time to think as lucifer's relentless tongue kept at my body i was getting closer and closer to the edge his skilful hands tracing patterns along the bites he placed on my skin edging closer to my core coaxing my body to release my nails digging into my palms i was so close to finishing but everything stopped i freeze at Carmilla's voice
"this meeting is over thank you all for coming to listen to this matter we will meet again next week to discuse the same topic hope to see you all there"
my saviour i really didn't want to cum here of all places 'thank fuck holy shit too many close calls' just as i was about to stand up i felt how shaky my legs were all of the other overlords had already left leaving me behind with-
"my dear are you alright? let me assist you it seems your having trouble"
oh that stupid voice again filled with smugness Alastor wrapped his hand around my arm assisting me with walking out of the room
"oh Alastor you don't have to im fine really-"
"oh nonsense and i insist"
his voice got sinister quickly as he led me out of the room i held in a groan i was so close to finishing that it hurt to move so i excepted my fate as he walked us to an elevator but then my stomach dropped lucifer always waited outside for me and his not so friendly rival was basically hand in hand with me 'oh shit' the elevator moved down and i seen my husband waiting i attempted to loosen Alstors grasp but he held firm and the see through door opened to look at a more than pissed of king looking at Alastor with a death glare
"hello my love how was the meeting"
lucifer was acting as if he wasn't there he was talking through his clenched teeth still looking at Alastor as he asked the radio man let go of my arm and i awkwardly walked over to my husband and as i did i could hear him snarl lowly his hand wrapping around my waist
"cant keep your hands to yourself deer?"
"cant keep your nose out of someone's business? wouldn't want your own trick to backfire"
and with that i grabbed a hold of lucifer teleporting us back to our room before he started somthing on the street...again
i didn't really know how to end that but i hope it was okay this is my first ever fanfic that I've properly written so sorry if it sucks idfk
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songchan · 1 year
destined by a contract | l.jn. (t)
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— pairing: lee jeno x fem!reader
[ft. lee donghyuck and na jaemin]
— genre: arranged marriage au, rivals to lovers, past academic rivals, slow burn, angst, fluff, a bit of unrequited love.
— warning: suggestive, cursing, drinking away all sorrows, more warnings in the full fic.
— wc (t): 718
— summary: a dying father's wish pushed you down to the well of dating life, which made you enter into a new wonderland of a contract marriage with someone that has a long-running rivalry with you.
— notes: wow. hello there, uhhh it's been a while since I've been here and idk what to say or do anything rn. But, this fic idea churned in my head after watching a business proposal and I remembered that I used to write, surprisingly. So, I hope I can fully finish this within a short duration and, honestly, great to be back, missed this place a ton!!
Comment/send an ask to be added to the taglist!!
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"This screams desperation."
Your eyes were exposed, filled with plead and desperation despite your face trying to hide it. 
Yes, this was the best solution. 
You are just re-affirming the statement again and again, convincing this is right. You then close your eyes, just wanting his amused gaze to be gone from your vision. This tops the list of the most embarrassing things that ever occurred in your life, even higher than the time you asked a lady her due date when she was not even pregnant. Your intertwined hands grew tighter as the clock ticked by, just wanting a response from him. 
"Did anyone else get this request or was I just the perfect candidate for you?" He spoke. This whole scenario suddenly hits you with a feeling of deja vu. He spoke the exact words when you always wanted to pair with him during any project work. 
There was always the same intention whenever this happened— wanting to be closer to him. 
Well not in the usual way but in the way that friends should be kept close, but your enemies closer. You were interested in how he dealt with academics, was he calm and collected, an extreme genius that he didn't even need to study and just read the material two days before an exam or was he the frustrated and angry kid, forcing himself to get everything right along the way or anything else? 
A laugh escaped from your lips which responded to a confused-looking man in front of you. You finally opened your eyes and your hands felt light again as the air passed through. 
It was always the same response, every time he asked. "Don't flatter yourself Lee Jeno, you remind me of myself, if I just made the worst choices." His expression shifts as he moves closer to you, and a smirk emerges from his lips. You feel his hands just inches away from yours. "Considering what just happened five minutes ago, do you think that statement of yours still applies?" 
His eyes stared into yours, you felt him looking at you with concentration, maybe wanting to get a read of what you were feeling currently. And to be honest, you didn't know if this was the best choice, or was it the best one and your pride seemed to hinder the actual statistics. But you always were known to look before you leap. Despite your emotions hating every nerve you took to decide upon this, logically this ticked all your mental points. You didn't dare show any hint of reluctance upon your decision, you never wanted to give a chance that he may ever win, everything always went to your plan and not even something as life-changing as this would fuck up any of the plans you made for it.
"I look before I leap you know, and considering this seems to be a churning well of hell, if jumping right into it is the best decision, I would absolutely do that and still make myself be on top." You looked at him, confident with your own words. His eyes still linger around, wanting to see any weak point he can hit but with no avail he pulls himself back to his former stance. 
"The immediate switch you have always surprised me when we both were students and safe to say, it still does." You bore no expression, even if this information was unexpected from him. You see his secretary walking slowly towards the table. Jeno stood up from his chair, giving a nod to the older male beside him. "I'll think about it. But considering our history, I'm sure you already know what that means." And with his business smile as a sign of goodbye, he made his way towards whatever business he had to attend to.
You knew exactly what he meant, he started to plan out something, which meant he already agreed upon it. You swished the cold drink with your straw as you pondered upon your thoughts. 
You always ignored that certain emotion whenever you were with him. Was it the feeling of excitement, or entertainment? Whatever it was, you didn't realise your soul was craving it more than you would like to acknowledge it.
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arkiliastuff · 11 months
The Angel of Music - Part Two
Ricky Olson x Female Reader
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N/A : Here's the Part Two of "The Angel of Music" aka "Phantom Ricky of the Opera" xD. Sorry it tooks so long >< I struggled a bit on writting this part, so I prefered to make it a shorter than the first one. But worry not, the third part is coming pretty soon 👀. Hope you'll like this one, though !
Warnings : Some fluff and angst. Romantic tension (idk how to call it)
As your manager was getting close to the stage where both you and Ricky were, you couldn’t help but let out an irritated sigh. Ricky looked so confused about the situation but remained cautious as the gray-haired man, probably in his fifties, was approaching. Yet, his stress was rising in his chest as he was thinking whether to leave now or not. You suddenly, but softly, leaned close to his ear.
“The man walking towards us is my manager” You whispered to him, filling in advance the blank in his thoughts. “He isn’t someone I really appreciate. You’ll soon understand why”.
Ricky listened to you, without saying a word as the manager came to you.
“Y/N ! That was fantastic !” He said joyfully “I think I’ve never seen you perform like that before. You were really into your role, this time ! Should I be thanking this young man for helping you out ? Oh ! But where are my manners ? I’m Alfonso, Y/N ‘s opera manager. It’s a pleasure to meet you, young sir.”
“Hello. I’m Ricky Olson” He replied shortly while shaking firmly your manager’s hand.
As your manager was getting into a monologue with Ricky, flattering his singing, you didn’t say another word. You were too embarrassed by the situation and Alfonso’s eccentric behavior. Even seeing him talking with Ricky was making you cringe. Despite you trying to not take it personally, it hurted you to be ignored by your manager. 
Ricky put a sudden hand on your back to support you, as he saw you felt awkward and in distress.
“But she’s the one who sang the most. If there is someone you should be praising, it’s definitely Y/N. I didn’t do anything.” Ricky kept saying while looking at you “ I just lended a hand to help her during her rehearsal. She did this amazing performance on her own.”
Red was coloring your cheeks as you turned your head to Ricky, not expecting this move from him. You felt your shoulders getting more relaxed though, thanks to his supportive move and soothing words.You looked at him shyly but with grateful eyes, too stunned to speak. You just murmured an almost inaudible “thank you” that you hoped Ricky heard. Your manager arched a brow, with a smirk, while caressing his beard with amusement.
“Well, Y/N, it seems that Mr. Olson holds you in high esteem here. I admit you did an amazing job here. You can be proud” Alfonso said, almost surprising you too until he came back to talk with Ricky. “Either way, I was wondering, Mr. Olson, since I heard you have a beautiful singing voice, will you be interested in joining our troupe to fully play the role of the Phantom ?”
Straight to the point, huh ? you thought to yourself, tired by his sense of business.
“Sir, I think Mr. Olson cannot—” You began to speak, but your manager stopped you in your sentence by raising a hand.
So annoying. Ricky saw that lack of respect towards you, which irritated him more.
“Well, I’m afraid I have to refuse your offer, sir ” Ricky said the most politely possible. “ I’m a band musician and we’re very busy touring, so we don’t have too much free time to stay too long in cities we visit during our breaks”.
“But maybe you could…”
And again your manager started to insist a little too much on Ricky. He tried to convince him about the role and kept flattering him about his singing. He also mentioned the alchemy the two of you had on stage. But no matter what , Ricky said no, he couldn’t do it.
You knew that way too well. As the guitarist from Motionless in White and as a busy man himself, he didn't have time to play a role at the opera. You were well aware of that. You also knew they had a lot of shows that were going to happen soon in October and November and even later in the year. How could he be available anyway ? Deep down, you felt a bit sad. But, come on, you were just a fan like the others. He couldn’t make an exception for your pretty eyes. He did that only to help you and because he’s genuinely a kind person.
You zoned out from the conversation a little but you came back to reality as you saw Ricky picking up his guitar and being pissed off by your manager. Oh no. He was going to leave mad. You had to ease the situation and stop your manager being so forceful.
“Listen Mr Alfonso, he can’t participate in our show. He’s a busy musician and you should respect his decision to refuse” You said bitterly, getting a bit mad yourself.
Your manager looked at you with wide opened eyes, completely in shock you dared to speak against him. You didn’t even dare to look more at him as you shifted on your heels facing now Ricky who was ready to go.
“Need a ride to walk you back ?” You joked.
His face got more relaxed as he chuckled softly to your joke and then he nodded.
While both of you were walking back to the entrance, you looked at Ricky, still worrying about the situation earlier.
“I’m sorry if my manager bothered you just now” You said “He’s very stubborn when he finds the “perfect representation” or “the perfect actors”. He doesn't know how to quit when people are saying no to him, which is very problematic.”
“It’s fine. He was indeed very irritating.” Ricky sighed “I understand what you told me before. He’s for sure a peculiar one.”
Both of you laughed softly until you accompanied him to the doorway. As you got closer to it, you felt your heart was breaking. You feared this moment, wondering if you could ever meet again. It was uncertain but you wished that to yourself. Ricky looked at you with a soft smile on his lips that made you melt inside.
“Well, I guess this is where I leave.” He said “ Thank you for walking me back. It was nice meeting you. I had fun too.”
“Yeah, same here. I can’t believe I got the chance to meet you here. Thank you again for your help. In return, I’ll do my best to prevent my manager from leaking anything about you coming here.”
“I appreciate that.” Ricky replied.
Both of you stood on the stoop, facing each other as an awkward silence was settling between you. Timidly, you took few steps forward, bouncing on your toes.
“Is it okay to ask for a goodbye hug ?” You asked, blushing coyly, already regretting your demand as if you were crossing an invisible line.
You had a feeling you weren’t going to see him soon, so you wanted to give it a try. But was your request even justified ? After all, you weren’t even close to him or you didn’t know him personally. Maybe it was selfish of you to ask that. Even for a second. What were you even expecting ? He was probably going to refuse anyway. That’s all you were expecting in the end.
Ricky stared at you, with so much intensity in his eyes, processing your request very carefully. You felt so embarrassed about his silence, fearing his final sentence.
“It’s okay, you can say no—”
Without saying a word, he opened his arms and hugged so reservedly, you barely felt his touch. He just patted your back few seconds before breaking the embrace. You didn’t expect him to actually agree to your request and make the first move. You were too stunned to speak, your mouth half-opened, realizing what just happened.
“Well, here you go with the goodbye hug” He said nervously and almost stuttered in his words. “I should go now. Goodbye Y/N !”
As you were waving at him, still processing the hug he gave you, you remembered something. The lamp in your mind got lightened as you saw the back of his sleeveless jacket with a key pattern. The key necklace ! The iconic necklace that Ricky always wears. You remembered old pictures of him, wearing it during live concerts.
“Wait Ricky ! Wait for me here ! I’ll be right back !” You shouted at him as he was getting away from the opera.
You just saw him turning around in your direction as you ran fast like you could to your dressing room. You unlocked your locker, full of your outfits from this morning, looking for your blue jeans pants. You searched in its pocket and found the precious key necklace. You squeezed it and held it firmly in your hand before running again. You ran outside, like your life was depending on it, to reach a confused Ricky who saw you out of breath. You caught your breathing back while lending your hand to him.
“I believe this belongs to you, right ?” You exhaled.
He looked at you and then to your hand. His eyes widened, realizing what you were holding, and showed a sign of relief on his face.
“My necklace…” He whispered “I don’t remember when it fell, but thank you so much for giving it back to me. It means a lot.”
He smiled at you with an infinite gratitude in his eyes. You were glad your cheeks got red because of your running so he couldn’t see you were blushing.
“N-No problem” You simply reply.
You bounced back on your feet, saying goodbye again to him, before going back nervously to the opera. Your heart was about to burst and you couldn’t stay outside any longer. You had more than enough time spend with Ricky. You were already very grateful for it. There was no need to run any much longer to him without making it weird.
When he saw you getting back inside, Ricky finally left without being able to unravel his happy smile on his lips.
One month later, this meeting has been on your mind for a while. It gave you a lot of serotonin, sometimes you were giggling on your own, sometimes you were remembering stuff you said and regretting you said it that way. But besides that, it gave you more energy to tolerate your coworkers and manager.
The rehearsals were getting longer and longer as some of the other singers were struggling, and so do you sometimes. Despite the fact you had your confidence back, you couldn’t help but stutter on the lyrics and felt your voice was cracking on “The Angel of Music” part. Plus, your teammate, who was playing the Phantom, didn’t help you focus. He wasn’t taking his role very seriously. He was pissed off by your  performance whereas you were doing your best, and mostly annoyed by the numerous rehearsals you did today.
“Come on ! This isn’t that hard !” He shouted at you, very fussed.
“Well, if you could be more serious and supportive about it, that would be great for me to handle ! This part is very difficult for me to sing with my voice cracking on the notes !” You replied getting irritated yourself by his asshole behavior.
He shrugged, not really caring about how you felt.
“Stop crying about it and just practice more. Ugh... anyway I need a coffee break” He mumbled leaving the stage.
You pinched your nose, exhausted by rehearsing with your coworker all day. You checked the time and saw it was 9pm. Way too late. It was time to go. Without seeing anybody around, you picked up your stuff from your dressing room and left the opera. It was completely dark outside and cold, just lightened by the lamps. You saw Alfred outside, taking a cigarette break and told him you were going home. Today’s rehearsal lasted more time than it should have.
You didn’t see any improvement at all with you and your coworkers' performances. You had no idea what was happening lately but it felt like nobody was really in the mood ? And your manager didn’t help at all, stressing all of you as the day of the representation was approaching. But you still had time though, it was going to be at the end of November, so there was no need to stress out. You didn’t give any more thoughts about it as you walked fast to your home, while listening to your music.
Once you arrived, you threw all of your bags and stuff on your couch and went straight to your bedroom, lying down on your bed. You let out a tired and fed up sigh. Gosh, you were trying your best to not punch your coworker in the face today. You didn’t want to work with him specifically, in the first place. Yet again, your manager didn’t let you have a choice. If only Ricky could have stayed instead…
Thinking of him, you grabbed your phone and started to check your social media if anything new happened. You just got logged on, and you saw a post from Motionless In White’s official account. They have posted pictures from a concert they were in, just a few weeks ago. They were stunning as always. You were mindlessly swiping until one picture caught your attention. One with Ricky on it, playing his guitar, so focused, despite few strands on his face. His visage was enlightened by a blue neon light with an orange neon light as a contrast. This picture was gorgeous. You were in complete awe.
You were too hypnotized by Ricky’s face, losing yourself in your own thoughts. You were remembering your unexpected encounter with him at the opera, also him helping you while playing the Phantom so well… If only Ricky was your opera partner, perhaps the rehearsal sessions would have been better. No it wouldn't have. If Ricky was in front of you again, as the Phantom, you’re not sure if you could keep it cool once more. 
Strangely, last time, you didn’t feel nervous. Even if it was your first time meeting him, unofficially, outside of Meets & Greets that you went and felt embarrassed as hell, this time you were more at ease. Maybe it was the adrenaline of performing with him that helped you stay in your character. Why was your mind playing tricks on you, right now ? Probably because you were tired.
As you were about to log off from your social media,  thinking about which meal you were gonna make and taking a shower after, your phone suddenly buzzed. It surprised you.  You weren’t expecting anyone talking to you that late. You slided into your private message as you saw a new friend request notification.
As you were reading the mysterious unknown’s nickname, your vision got blurred when you realized who it was.
rickyxolson_ : “ Hey Y/N. I hope you’re doing alright. I know it might be unexpected or strange to receive a message like that from me. But last time we met I didn’t dare to ask for your phone number or anything. So yeah.. I tried to find your account here, and you just came in my friend's suggestions. I really enjoyed meeting you and talking to you. So I was wondering if you could accept my request so we could keep in touch ?”
Your eyes widened as you were reading his message.
“W-What in the Tumblr fanfiction is that ??” You let out a scream, shouting at your phone like it could hear you.
Your heart was pounding so fast, you had to breathe very slowly and deeply to calm you down. But how could you be calm ?! THE Ricky Olson you met, at the end of September, was sending you a message ? You had to read his message again to make sure it was real. You even pinched your forearm skin to double check you weren’t dreaming. It hurted you a bit, so guess you were fully awake. This was way too real for you. It didn’t stop you panicking though. You were freaking out. As you were reading Ricky’s message for the third time, you asked to yourself : 
“What should I do ?”
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
A reader x Neteyam or aunong based on Persephone and when she sees her crush bright flowers appear in her hair and around her and tries to hide them even though they don’t know what they mean
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫, 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐎𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫. 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐝 𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ ᴛᴇ ꜱᴜʟɪ ᴛꜱʏᴇʏᴋ'ɪᴛᴀɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ᴏᴍᴛᴀᴛɪᴄᴀʏᴀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ᴀᴏ'ɴᴜɴɢ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ᴍᴇᴛᴋᴀʏɪɴᴀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ꜱᴇᴘᴀʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ)
ꜱᴏɴɢ: ᴍᴀɴᴜ ᴄʜᴀᴏ - ᴍᴇ ɢᴜꜱᴛᴀꜱ ᴛᴜ
Tw: flowers appearing out of no where, reader has powers? reader is also a bit shy, crushes, talks of puberty,
A/N: Idk which Persephone we're talking about, but this idea was cute to do. Hope this was to your liking.
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When you had turned 15, you began to grow all sorts of feelings. It was probably due to puberty, not only that, but also because of you developing a crush on the oldest son of Toruk Makto, Neteyam. Every time he'd look at you or you'd come across one another. All of a sudden, pink flowers would appear, you didn't notice them until you felt the petals touch your bare shoulders and forehead. You'd freak out and would pluck them off as fast as you could.
You thought that was the last time, but no, it'd happen often when you'd interact with the boy. His sisters were the ones to notice how when you and their older brother would look your way, pink flowers came out of nowhere. They'd also notice the small pile behind you, you felt embarrassed every time they noticed.
You had been hanging out with Tuk and Kiri, you were all weaving something and would help Tuk from time to time since she was learning how to weave on her own. You were busy on making a new top for yourself, until you saw Neteyam approached you all. "Hey" he said in a polite way, as soon as you locked eyes with him, pink flowers began to grow out of your hair. "Hey Net! Look!" Tuk spoke to her brother and showed him her work. "That's very nice Tuk, you're getting better at weaving!" he commented, making his baby sister smile more. "Thanks to y/n" she said with a sly smile, seen how the flowers began to appear.
"It's nothing really" you said feeling your face become a purple, and you began to pluck out the small flowers, embarrassed. Neteyam smiled at you, ever since those flowers had began to appear, he believed you looked more beautiful then you already were. "I'll see you guys around. He said his final goodbyes and left. Meanwhile you were still plucking the flowers of you. "You court my brother already" Kiri said, going back into weaving her shawl. Tuk went over to the small pile of flowers, to look at the many shapes and shades of pink. "I don't know Kiri, what if he doesn't like me back?" you asked, watching how Tuk began to attempt making a flower crown.
"Oh come one y/n! He definitely likes you, the way he looks at you." Tuk commented, still trying to make a flower crown. "She's right, he may not have your ability of growing flowers like you do, but he likes you a lot. He gets all flattered when seen you" Kiri teased, now taking some flowers from your small pile and adding them to her shawl. You thought about it first, should you really try though? You thought to yourself.
You had been walking back to your family hut since Kiri and Tuk had to return home due to it being eclipse. You stayed out a bit more, thinking of what Kiri told you, that you should try and court Neteyam. That thought had been on your mind for a while, you weren't much of a hunter, you were still learning how to wield a bow, you had an ikra but had no skills of hunting. So how would you be able to court Neteyam if you can't even haunt, to show that you can be a good provider like he was.
You were too caught up in your own thoughts that you didn't see Neteyam coming your way, until you felt a pair of hands gently touch your arms. "Careful" that was all he said, making your eyes widening. The boy that you had been thinking about was right in front of you. "Neteyam!" you blurted out, great, the flowers began to appear. "I thought you were home since it's eclipse" you said, shyly, now taking off the flowers from your shoulders, letting them drop to the floor.
Neteyam smiled at you, but then he took your hand that was plucking the flowers, into his. "I've been meaning to talk to you" he said, making you stop what you were doing and looked at him in his sun colored eyes. "Really? What of?" you asked, now kind of worried. Seen his playing with your hand a bit, looking at your four fingers, made your face become a deep purple. Neteyam continued to examine your delicate fingers. "I've been thinking about courting you" he was straight forwards with his words, he did not hesitate one bit.
"C-court me?" you asked, now in shock, then flowers began to appear again, but this were much bigger and red instead. "Yeah, I've been meaning to complete my Rite of Passage to prove to you and your parents that I can be a good mate. And now that it's done, I'm ready to court you" he said, bringing your hand into his lip, giving your fingers a light kiss. Where you dreaming? The Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan, the son of Toruk Makto and the Olo'eyktan in training, wants to court you?
You looked away shyly from him, avoid eye contact. "Even if you didn't complete your Rite to Passage, I would of still tried to court you myself" you said, making Neteyam smile at your shyness. "You were planning on courting me?" he asked, making your face go even more purple and the flowers grew more. "Yes" you said with a shy smile on your lip. "I guess I beat you to it" he teased, making you giggle.
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You grew up with the leader's children and Rotxo, you were all a small group of friends, until Ao'nung began to get much older and made his own group of friends. Meanwhile you and Tsireya began to hang out more since you were both girls already reaching womanhood. One thing that you didn't expect to happen, happened. Already Tsireya was beginning her Tsahik in tranining lessons, and you had been blessed with a little quirk that didn't happen to the other girls.
Every time you'd see Ao'nung, flowers began to bloom from your hair and shoulders. You didn't undertand how or why pink flowers would all of a sudden surround you. When they'd appear, you'd pluck them as fast as you could to not get attention from Ao'nung. You felt embarrassed enough. When you asked the Tsahik if something was wrong, she herself couldn't explain it happened, but she believed it was caused as a form to show someone that you love them.
It was just any other day in the village, you and Tsireya were on one of the beaches, collecting some things Ronal has asked her daughter to collect for her. You decided to help and you were now examining the oysters, to see which ones has pearls in them and took them out so that they were used. While you were opening another oyster with the knife you had in hand, you had found another blue pearl. That matched Ao'nung's eyes, you were distracted by the pearl that you didn't hear Tsireya.
"I was thinkin that we can use this oysters for dinner, what do you think?" she asked, placing a pearl in the small satchel that you were both using to put the pearls in. She looked over at you, who was looking at the blue pearl in your hand. "Y/n?" she said, catching your attention. "Oh, sorry" you said, placing the pearl in the satchel and the oyster in the basket. Tsireya gave you a smile. "Thinking of my brother?" she asked, taking last oyster and begin to cut it open. "Yeah.." you admitted, placing your knife back on the quiver that you had hanging on your side.
Tsireya smiled at you, then he had an idea. "How about you come to dinner?" she asked, making you turn to her in surprise. "Me going over to your home for dinner?" You asked, while she had manage to open the oyster and checked for any pearls. "Yeah, since I'm thinking of using this oysters for dinner, and you could help me and my mother with dinner." She commented, placing the oyster on the basket. "Besides, I heard my mother say that a way into a man's heart is through his stomach." She said with a smile. Then you collected the other basket which contained the oysters, while Tsireya picked up the satchel and the quahog scratcher and headed back to the marui.
When you arrived, it was only Ronal that was in the marui, eating a small plate of Yovo fruit. Ever since she found out about her pregnancy, she would mostly eat that purple fruit. Then she looked up from her last slice and greeted both you and Tsireya. You bows your head to show your respect to the Tsahik. "We got what you asked for mother" Tsireya said, showing the satchel to the woman who had stood up from the floor. "Thank you" she said taking the satchel from her daughter and opened it to see the pearls.
You went over and placed the basket with the oysters on the small table which also had other kinds of food related ingratiates. "Mother? Can y/n stay for dinner? It's the least I could do since she helped me with the task" Tsireya commented, placing the scratcher back in it's place. Ronal smiled and nodded her head. "Of course, but just tell your parents that you're here" she instructed you in which you nodded respectfully.
After you told your parents that you were invited over for dinner, they allowed you to go. When you got to the leader's marui, you went over to help Tsireya and Ronal with the food. That whole evening you had been cooking with them, after a while of cooking, Tonowari and Ao'nung had arrived, just in time. When you saw them both, you bowed your head to them, but what you didn't noticed was how the flowers slowly began to appear again.
The whole time you while you all ate, in a circle. You were constantly apologizing for the flowers that kept growing out of your hair. The family didn't really seemed to mind at all. You had been sitting between Ao'nung and Tsireya, the whole time you kept quiet, only speaking when spoke to since you were too shy to say anything, specially since the flowers were almost all the over you. Tonowari had complemented the women's cooking since he had been craving oysters for a while and you all made the best oysters.
After dinner, Tonowari had asked Ao'nung to walk you back home. In which he gladly obliged to. As you both walked by to your marui, you were quiet the whole time, so Ao'nung decided to tell you the news. "I'm training to complete my rite to passage" he commented, making you smile and the flowers appeared again. "That's great news" you shyly commented, but he wasn't done. "I've also been thinking about choosing a mate." He said, making your cheeks turn a lilac purple. "Have anyone in mind?" you asked shyly. Now wanting to know who he had his eye on.
"She's pretty alright, I have to admit, I grew up with her too." Ao'nung explained, seen how you were plucking the flowers from your strands of hair. "And she always has flowers growing out her hair." He finally said, this made you stop in your track, you were a few feet away from your marui, seen that the light from the small flame was off, they must have been asleep by now. You looked into his ocean blue eyes. Then saw that he had pulled out a small pearl anklet. You were too stunned to speak. "I've been meaning to court you once I've completed my rite to passage, but I can no longer wait" he commented.
You looked at the anklet in his hands, then the ones pink flowers were now huge red ones. "You've been meaning to court me?" you asked, seen his cheek becoming a lilac purple, embarrassed. "Yes y/n, but I couldn't wait any longer, I wish to court you now, before someone takes you away from me." He blurted out, you've never seen him this embarrassed, he longer had the 'bad boy' façade. You smiled shyly, then plucked out the biggest red flower from your hair and handed it over to Ao'nung. "I accept" you said, looking away from him. Ao'nung smiled by your response, clearly happy that you accepted him.
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