#idk i'm kinda worried we're cooked
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momentomori24 · 5 months ago
So I only watched a couple of routes for Flipside but now I'm fully convinced that Nicole's characterisation either got handed to someone else or was just changed entirely. I knew she was different in Re-Up and I had an inkling on how but I couldn't 100% place my finger on it until this instalment came out. I'm starting to feel like whoever wrote her here didn't completely get her character in the first game. Is that just me.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 10 months ago
going to format this like a reddit post because it’s the only way. i (transmasc) don’t know if i’m sexually attracted to the girl (transfem) im having sex with. i’ve known for a while that i’m asexual and fuck for fun, and when i see my friend who i’m fucking, i don’t have any immediate overwhelming desire to have sex with her, unless we’re like, in the moment yknow? like i totally forget that it’s even an option bc i could just sit there and talk to her for hours as my friend bc i love (platonic) her dearly and we have a lot of stuff in common. my only quip is that like, is that sexual attraction ???? being in her bed and having our hands on each other and kinda feeling it then? but not at other times? is sexual attraction constant?? maybe im bisexual and aromantic. or maybe i’m regular bisexual and i just dont like romantic relationships. makenzie why are human minds so goddamn difficult to parse the emotions of? i want to be her friend but im confused by my emotions towards her. how am i consistently having sex with someone im not literally sexually attracted to? and liking it? i mean that kinda has to be sexual attraction right? idk. help girl (gender neutral)
hi anon,
have a seat. drink some water. take a deep breath. we're wildly overthinking this.
what you call yourself - asexual, aro bi, bi but not into romance, whatever - that doesn't actually matter.
here are the things I'm worried about here: are you feeling at all pressured or coerced here? given the choice would you want to stop having sex with this person? do you feel comfortable setting boundaries and saying no when you have sex? you don't need to be overcome with raw sexual yearning for your sexual buddy, but do you enjoy and look forward to having sex with her? is this a positive experience for you?
it's fine to have sex even if you don't walk around thinking about it drooling like a horny cartoon wolf, whether it's because you're asexual or just allosexual without a particularly vigorous sex drive. (the line between those things can be pretty blurry and is pretty up to you to define, by the way.) sex can be fun and feel great; it's fine to want to do that even if you don't have a longing in your loins for it.
think of it this way? I don't particularly like most vegetables, but I like how my body will feel when I eat them, so I make a point of doing that as much as I can. and when I cook them they'll usually come out pretty tasty, and I'll enjoy or at least fell neutral about them. and still doesn't mean I like vegetables, or at least I don't particularly identify as someone who likes vegetables, but I did. eat those vegetables.
the sex is vegetables.
I can't tell you if this is sexual attraction. but also it doesn't matter very much as long as you're being safe and having fun.
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iamumbra195 · 8 months ago
The dynamics between the kids and how comfortable they've gotten around each other, especially with how Ashlyn was totally okay with Taylor and Aiden messing with her hair-- which is something I absolutely adore in this chapter she looks amazing and badass. The fact that Logan felt comfortable enough being snarky like that is also everything. Like this kid has been bullied relentlessly and the fact that he knows he can be snarky and mess with Tyler like that without getting hurt because of it shows so much growth. And the little moment of childish delight between Taylor and Aiden at the idea of racing around and the fact that Ashlyn doesn't tell them to focus or be serious but instead tells them they can do it later?? Early Ashlyn would get so annoyed and now she's just chill with it because she knows they all have their own ways to cope and deal with the stress and that's honestly so sweet.
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Also, Ben using sign language and being understood and the others trying to find solutions so he can warn them of danger or something he is about to do is so sweet. They're so accommodating and caring to one another without even having to think twice, it's honestly so sweet.
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Alex helping them with the card without question is really sweet but I have bad feeling it's gonna backfire on him and I don't like it.
And the rules of the phantom dimension are literally so weird. So technically they don't need to sleep or eat but they should because it helps them feel better when they're awake? I knew I was onto something when I made that post about how the fact they're technically living 31 hours a day should effect them more physically.
Also, The fact that the facility has a fucking armory is insane but also works so perfectly for the Mike-centric AU I've been trying to cook up and speaking of Mike, OH MY GOD HE'S IN THE PHANTOM DIMENSION, I REPEAT, HE'S IN THE PHANTOM DIMENSION!!
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Does that mean the other parents are there too? Is it just him? Is Emma with him?
Also, both dad and daughter being certified badasses and having the same instincts??
We also got Mike with facial hair again lol but I'm kinda worried about what the means. Like they probably gave them stuff for basic hygiene right? Did something happen? Is he spiralling? Who was the one that screamed in this moment?
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Oh my god, idk if we're gonna have another hug moment where he's comforting her again or if we're gonna have all the kids hugging their parents but either imma start crying.
Also, if she's crying but she thinks she's the one who dragged her dad into the phantom realm and feels horribly guilty about it again I'm gonna fucking cry.
My thought process is all over the place but if you stayed thanks and here are some of my other favourite panels in this chapter.
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the second one and aiden shooting the guns has some good pfp potential lol
Anyway, the new outfits and Ash's new hair is everything (she looks adorable I wanna squish her cheeks she looks like a chipmunk oml) and I can't wait until next week holy shit.
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shoku-and-awe · 1 year ago
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I am *not* a fan of nameko mushrooms. There are a lot of difficult, acquired-taste, fermented or smelly or slimy or otherwise challenging Japanese foods that I'm good with, but these, I've never come around on. I don't like the smell (fruity, kinda rotten), I don't like the liquid they're packed in, I don't like the slime (it lingers on other foods and coats the roof of your mouth), I don't like the way they roll arond and squish and slide when you bite down. I simply am not a fan.
However! I am even more not a fan of wasting food. And I happen to be a recent recipient of a pack of nameko. So let's go! Let's make them palatable!
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Step 1: My colander is my best friend. I rinse the nameko several times, under different temperatures of water, trying to see if I can get the slime off and turn them into normal mushrooms.
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This is about as good as it gets. It's progress—they're no longer coated in the fucking ooze!—but we're still well far away from normal mushrooms.
(The gossipy mama at the 7-11 will later tell me that slimy food is what I need to heal my back injury. Okay! So maybe this failure is a good thing? I don't know if the slime actually helps, but I understand that it's considered to have an anti-aging effect, skincarewise, so I can see why it might help with old-person-related injuries, and anyway, I'm really enjoying okra in my shrimp and mulukhiyah leaves in my miso soup recently and that's certainly not hurting anyone! I'm still years away from being a nameko fan, though. [OR AM I?])
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I chop and sauté a quarter onion, half a leek, and a couple cloves of garlic. When they're smelling good, I throw the nameko in too.
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I make a batter with flour, water, salt, and a drizzle of sesame oil. If I'm doing it right, I think, I would mix the nameko straight into the batter, but for some reason, I don't. I pour it on top of them in the pan and immediately begin worrying that I've fucked up. I tear up a piece of my husband's sad-person reduced-cholesterol plastic cheese and throw it on top for insurance. Can't go wrong with cheese.
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It might be starting to come together! The key is to start out low and slow so the pancake/pajeon/pizza has time to solidify and cook through. Once it's solid enough to flip unassisted, you can turn the heat up and get it crisping real nice.
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I do the awesome flipping maneuver: cover the pan with a plate, then flip the whole deal over so the wet side of the pancake falls onto the plate, then sliiiiide the wet side back, facedown, into the pan to finish cooking. It's really coming together!
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Would you look at that! It looks like real food!
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I cut it with food scissors and find a dipping sauce. Most people would prepare some kinda soy sauce mixture, but idk; I just use chinkiang vinegar, one of the best things in the world. Which it turns out goes great with cheese!
And it's tasty! It really is. Some of the fruity, fermenty nameko flavor is still there, but between the doughy/crispy pancake, the cheese, and all the allium goodness, it's a very mild, soy saucey flavor! It's not unlike a very, very Japanese white pizza. If you'd told me a few hours ago that nameko could be this good, I wouldn't've believed you! Honestly, I still might not! Good for me.
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dinomite2 · 1 year ago
Male Neo Agent 3 x Male Human reader (Platonic)
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(I Made this gif !)
( idk why I'm doing this I'd just kinda liked this Idea I had)
■ Humanity civilization was starting to grow along with its technology and at a surprising rate and everything looked like it was starting to flourish
■ and at start of your life everything was simple and everything was nice and peaceful you lived a nice young teenager life and had great buddies and friends and had great parents and everything felt like it was a all good
Until Everything was Gone....
■ a war sprung out a massive one, bombs were being dropped, bullets were flying it was brutal for all of you
■ and during this Gigantic worldwide war a random big missle hit the arctic causing The ice there to melt and The whole world to be covered In a gigantic flood
■ some part of humanity including you rushed to their cryogenic pods to pass the time and hope that this worldwide disaster will end
■ but a sudden disaster hit the location of the cryopods and all seemed to perish except for yourself, you survived the entirety that moment and slept and drifted away for what the future could hold for you....
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■ You woke up tired, groggy, feeling a subtle cold sensation all over your body you raised your body up and looked at your surroundings It was all just sand, sun and dust and large foundations made of slightly rusted metal and empty cryopods with survival packs on them.
■ You were worried about of what happened to the entirety of your home planet and to see all to turn into dead wasteland of its former peaceful life
■ But you Decided to not to worry about the now ,your new goal was to find human life and or survivors In this barren sandy wasteland and live to the fullest if you could so that is ,so you took a survival pack and headed off
■ You walked and walked and walked and walked until your legs felt like cooked spaghetti and your feet were like under-frozen jello And just over the far horizon you were about to give up and sit for awhile ....
■ But just right over the sandy horizon you saw ... A Human Head ! It was pure bliss to see another Face in this empty desert you Scream out in pure excitement and curiosity while waving your hands erratically
"Men Uniii!!"
You squinted your eyes but still couldn't see who this lone stranger in the desert thanks to the blowing sand in the horizon, Then you walked up a few steps closer still curious to who's saying these randomized gargled like words
And it was ... wait what is that no seriously WHAT IS THIS PERSON it had two black outlines between their eyes and had yellow tentacles as hair and was wearing ragged white shirt.
"What are you?" You said slightly I fear of what this person is and probably what his intentions are
"Um Ok how do i do this? Ummm" you quickly questioning yourself of what to do in this current situation while the octopus person tilted their head in curiosity
" I " you said loudly phrasing and pointing to yourself
"HAPPY" you made an exaggerated smile by using your two fingers
"MEEEEET" waving out your two arms upwards
"YOUUUU" clasping your hands together Slightly causing the cephalopodic like stranger to be taken aback
"Uh its nice to meet you too?"
"Oh god you speak English too"
■ ok so that was an experience you were so panicked about what was happening around in this dry and sandy place , did you die? , are you in a dream?, is ANY of this real ?!.
■ You talked it out with this ..... Squid? Kid? Whatever this person is About where we're you and what this place and what his name is which was Neo
■But enough about you time to talk about Neo he was marveled about who you were and you pretty much said that you were a Human and he went insane upon you were revealed
■ Turns out that your kind was quite a popular thing around this world in museums and he asked if he could say a few and I mean few as in so much that your brain could explode
■ he asked about what you do , eat sleep or like or watch and anything that would be fun for him to know
"How do you eat? "
"Through my mouth "
"What does your hair feel like"
"fuzzy and .... hairy"
"Can I put my hand in your mouth?"
"No thats gross dude"
■ he also kind of have to hide you cause if anyone else knew about this who knows how this new world to you could react to this so he gave you a disguise and by placing a paper bag over your head and weirdly it worked!
■you also got few weird looks by some inklings and octolings by of course the paper bag and you walking normally but upon that you made it to his apartment
■ Now spending time as new permanent roommates would feel like a weird fever dream and you trying to get your bearings that half squid half human people were now the dominant species in your world
■ if you somehow have your phone intact and still powered on and still somehow have downloaded videos Neo will watch the HELL out of them Family guy ,Tmnt , Shaun the sheep he'll watch it all right
■ Please PLEASE NEVER introduce any squid or octopus related foods to this octoling will think that you'll eat him in his sleep someday and have some nightmares weekly if you even mention a certain ingredient in takoyaki balls
■ Neo will also take any simple thing that you do and take a extreme curiosity to what you do even if it was a simple human function of yours
■But overall you and Neo will be a great friends even with weird questions and high body differences he'll be like the Bro you never even had or knew! .
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And that's it I hope you enjoy this new fan fic and of course stay cool stay safe and most importantly stay on the cool side.
And also two things sorry for the wait I was kinda occupied mostly by school again and should I make requests? soon ill make a poll about it but lemme know what you guys think about it.
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fantomette22 · 1 year ago
Hello there! ^-^
It has been a while since I sent an ask but I miss your beautiful Gehrman drawings and posts
I was wondering if you had any ideas on who Mr. Gehrman’s parents were?
Hope you are well
Smiley anon!!!! :D Always a pleasure to see you're still around! Thank you for the great compliment ��� And I hope you are doing well too!
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Yeah you are right I need to draw our scythe boy man more !
For real I really want & need to draw him more but I have lot to do as well and either don't managed to find the time or don't know what to do... still I managed to draw him a couple of time this year already so that's cool!
Anyway about his family! I'm glad you ask! I still haven't ALL the details (such as names I'm bad with names) but I do have a timeline of events and a couple of more precise ideas. (not gonna share everything here)
I really wanted to draw him and his family since a while as well but never got the occasion before, so thank you!
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And it’s one more picture drawn from the old workshop! (Yeah one day i will draw all my headcanons of the photographies of the old workshop. It’s one of them. I like to think at least one is from his family).
Now, for me his parents are more in OC- Original Characters territory. And I headcanon he got a little sister (around 4+ year younger than him. Born the same year as Laurence. You see what I did here 👀).
They’re a pretty basic XIX/19th century working class-farmer family really. But I mean we're in bloodborne world so with chance, the level of life is a bit better (especially in education) than in real life. So yeah I imagined at the beginning he came from maybe a farmer family living in periphery of Yharnam or Hemwick when he was a child. With his parent, sister, + grandparents, cousins of his parents & his aunt ( a badass lady!) near. Thanks to his family & parents, Gehrman learnt almost everything he needed in life (work, repairing things & craft, surviving skills, hunt, cook, sew etc). I also like the idea that he could have foreign origin from either one of his parents or his grandparents at least. (But compared to Laurence who have half foreign origin too mr hunter actually inherit the tall genes compared to his friend XD)
The only thing missing would be a thirst for knowledge and he only had books & museum (& maybe a bit school too) to help it. Until well Byrgenwerth.
Also Gehrman was quite an unusual kid compared to his peer and that sometimes did worried his parents. Either he got interests far from kid his age or he was straight up out of the norm. (pretty oblivious he liked typical girl toys for exemple but was kind of a loner too. But also mean, one day they found a hurt bird on the ground. And the first thought the kid had was to mercy kills it... instead of just idk letting it here let nature do it's work... well in the end they took the bird in and heal it until it could fly again👍)
But he did fantastic things as well and they are very proud of him for that! He found huge meteorite in a field one day, he saved his dad life (kinda drama too), he killed a sick & dangerous wolf who was attacking cattle and almost lost his leg! No not because of the wolf but because of a trap... yeah he got hurt way too much on his right leg way before losing it...
Then I guess the mom passed away?? And his dad, sister and him moved to Yharnam, when he was a teenager. So yeah not always easy and even if his father probably tried hard at first, the more time pass the more he kinda suck. That lead to lot of yelling and almost fighting between the two men. (thanks god the sister was there🙏 yeah crying if not getting mad at them usually calm them both very efficiently). His father except his kids to basically take care of things at the house and that everything should ready when he's almost never here to help. And when he is, he's generally not in a good mood. So yeah I thunk he missed his mom (and aunt too) quite a lot...she was very nice and very kind and he misses her presence for sure.
Wen he got his majority or close to it, the big epidemic strike and his sister sadly passed away from it... it brokes him, nothing hold him back anymore so he leaved from his dad's and went to find some work. Still, a bit later they did reconcile! You know typical father/son activity! Like hm hunting...
Then I guess his dad passed away?? Yeah it's not very clear for me either maybe he could still be around, but I know that he ended all alone at some point and Gehrman got sick. He went to get heal at Byrgenwerth but they had to cut his leg to save him. Then he leave the region for a couple of years before coming back to study at Byrgenwerth!
I don't have precise names as well. I'm bad to choose them and it's not like I absolutely need them either. Still, on my list of names for OC I might had a few that could work. Hm ok I actually might have a more precise idea for his father. I think it would be very very funny if his father's name is like Herman or a name very similar to his own just for the following exchange :
"Oh that's your dad's name ? I see... he must have been very inspired to name you when you were born then 🤣"
Gehrman : Actually my parents named me after the legend of this guy but ok I guess 😑
but a few months ago i came across this beautiful painting! And immediately it made me thought of Gehrman or his parents back then! Either Gehrman in a very specific AU of mine hehe but i think it could also just illustrate his parents 🥺
In the end you are right too. I should share more ideas / thoughts and headcanons on him as well when I find the time. The ones I could probably never wrote in a proper story so better draw + write some posts about it (such as : conflict with Laurence + with everyone + his grief after Maria passed away ; I swear I'm gonna draw him with his dog I SWEAR it's on my wip list ; I finally got an idea for an halloween costume for him 3 months after halloween 💀 ; hm 🤔 idk some lil shenanigans with the others too; how he got his red scarf 🧣 ; ah and more time while as a student supporting Laurence bullshit or encouraging him).
Thank you again smiley anon, I know I can always count on you! I hope it answer your question, there's a lot of mixt ideas. I'm curious about your ideas as well on our dear mister Gehrman! If, idk one day you wanna share or talk about it more (even on private). It will be my pleasure!
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7ndipity · 1 year ago
Reverse ship game?
Since we’ve been doing the ship game this week, someone asked who I thought I was best matched with, but since I would obviously be very biased, I thought I’d ask y’all!(I guess this also kinda counts as a little get to know me post, lol)
I’m a ‘94 liner, Scorpio x6(I know, yikes), Pisces moon, Cancer rising.
5'4" on a good day, plus sized, short black-blue dyed hair with an undercut, and large blue eyes(I also wear glasses)
I have ADHD, Anxiety and Depression.
I’m introverted, but I’m pretty friendly once I find something to talk about. I'm also very sarcastic and love making people laugh.
I’m obsessed with all styles of music(lowkey want to get into producing/remixing) and I love to sing. I enjoy reading, writing, cooking, baking, and crochet. I also really love animals and wanted to be a zoologist when I was younger.
I’m really into researching and studying the paranormal and folklore, as well as history, languages, different cultures, and art. I want to go back to school to study early childhood education, though I worry I wouldn’t be very good at it.
I’m kinda the parent/grandma friend and tend to take care of others, though I’m not the best at looking out for myself. I don't have the best self image, but we're trying to work on that.
I hate conflict, but I will fight to the death over the stupidest subjects like mint chocolate. I also really don’t like loud noises, darkness, passive aggression, or being cold.
I like sci fi/fantasy, romance, and mystery films and shows(I really love Ghibli films), as well as documentary type shows about science, travel, history, and nature.
My style is kinda boho/grunge, but I pretty much only wear oversized hoodies and sweaters, lol.
Idk what else to write really, lol! Let me know in the replies or asks what you think!💜
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halliescomut · 1 year ago
No Subs watch of My Personal Weatherman Ep 5
There will likely be spoilers but not about any of the dialogue because I don't understand what's being said.
-Talking to....editor I guess?? Not good news 😟😟😟
-Opening credits. God these men are so pretty!!!!
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-Being depressed on your living room floor- relatable.
-Being depressed on the floor in front of your washing machine- slightly less relatable.
-The lighting in this scene is gorgeous though. Reminds me of the aquarium.
-Daddy's home!!! I mean....nah that's kinda what I meant. 😁
-As much as he adores Yoh, I know this silence is bothering him. Were Segasaki a lesser man he would get (visibly) frustrated, but he stays very gentle. 🥺🥺
-Now Daddy's cooking .... the feelings. The hand close ups. 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 (Sometimes I worry I'm a little too honest on this site.)
-Ooooohhhh. Yummy 😋😋😋
-Anyone else feel like Yoh was like a little bit pissed that Segasaki's food is so good? 🤣 That look just felt a little bit like "Goddammit! You got to be good at this too?!"
-Ooohhhh what did Segasaki say to get that response?? (Edit after continuing- I'm going to assume he was 'asking' Yoh about taking a bath.)
-That smirk 😏😏😏😏
-Segasaki's hand on Yoh's cheek. *Swoon* That deserves its own compilation I think.
-Now we're in the tub 🛀 and Segasaki wants to know why Yoh is so sad. (Remember these are guesses, I can't understand unless it's one of about 15 Japanese words I know...or their names.)
-Yes more affection via hair drying!!! One of my favorite things!!! (Surprised it's not a Dyson blow dryer. I keep seeing them in so many shows, even ones where characters are poor and it makes no sense.)
-We've never seen Segasaki's room have we??
-Yoh instigating kisses 🤭🤭🤭🤭 And more than just kisses??🫣🫣🫣~~~Okay I did have to at least Google translate that interaction, because the vibes were very odd to me. Totally makes sense with the internal monologue Yoh had going. He wants to forget....and that would help him forget. But Segasaki knows what his game is and he's not going to let him hide, literally and metaphorically.
-Yoh the sad little homemaker is depressing me.
-There's something so weird to me about drying a shirt on a hanger. I live in a clothesline household, & line dry clothes all the time, but this is just odd to me. It arguably makes more sense, since clothespins will mess up your clothes sometimes, it's just a bit jarring.
-That is why we have clothespins.
-Yummy ramen. I had that for lunch yesterday. Homemade is yummy, but instant hits different sometimes.
-I think I hate the newscaster lady just bc Yoh does 🤣. (sub solidarity)
-Man-san...Yes I still adore her. Her fashion is a VIBE!! Also her eyebrows are so dynamic. I love it.
-OMG she drew them!!! That's so cute!!!
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-IDK what she said, but I imagine it's something along the lines of "See, you make a perfect couple."
-Yoh is so cute. There's a plan for something, though I don't know what?
-They put Segasaki in all of these softly cuddly sweaters at home and I just don't know how anyone is supposed to resist cuddling him.... ykwim?
-I don't know what this conversation is about, but it feels a lot like Segasaki is saying "I can tell when you're lying to me my guy." 😬😬😬
-Did this man just bite him???🤣🤣Well I certainly saw that one, bite confirmed, and it was not a gentle nibble.
-The way Segasaki rubs his head on Yoh like a cat. 🥺😭
-Ope.....well that ended... violently.
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-I have mixed feelings about the keychain 🫤 (attempting to minimize spoilers). I understand it, & based on the dynamic of the relationship, I'm okay with it, but I fear it may cause more trouble in the future....😬
-Segasaki looks so sad. 😢😢😢
-Well the preview for next ep includes more Man-san and Mr. Man-san, which I like. According to the Twitters, we're getting complete backstory of the college stuff, which looks very interesting. Also it looks like next ep. will be two weeks away instead of one 😩😩😩😩
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pacifymebby · 2 years ago
bestie i'm really stuck for money right now and need to think of inspiration, do you have any tips? I'm even considering starting an Only Fans hahaha
Hi lovely, i guess it depends on how stuck and what youve already got in place to get money. Like, I'm very wary of only fans and wpuld suggest trying literally everything else first just because its presented as an easy money maker with no consequences but really it isnt, its quite an exploitative platform, and I think it requires a lot of work and persistence to get any actual income from it.
What I will say, is get on reddit and r/eroticasells, you can make a bit of cash to tide you over by writing erotica for people, but again, u have to be careful, generally get the money before u give them any work u know. So that u arent scammed.
You can do that on fiverr too, but you have to be extremely careful about what you write in your advert because they suspend accounts at the drop of a hat and then u have to wait three months to withdraw your earnings. When I was on there I would withdraw my money the second it cleared. But i still got caught out by them and don't use them anymore. Its annoying though because fiverr was how i found the best clients who were willing to pay.
I don't know if u can do things like take on extra hours at your work (idk this feels like something you'd habe already thought of and lile super patronising to even suggest but idk) i ended up getting a second job and then a third job when i couldnt get good hours. It was kinda exhausting but i guess worth it in the end cause i got to keep my independence.
What i would say is,
Don't be tempted to use a credit card or any kind of loan, i know we're in a cost of living crisis so those loan compamies and credit card men will be out in force trying to prey on people who are short of cash. You can build up credit debt so quickly and its scary and stressful af so don't be tempted!!
I tried (and am going to try again) selling my old clothes on depop. That was a lot of effort too for my adhd ish brain but it could work for u.
Then like other little things like, my dad taught me some good budgeting skills over the years i guess.
But try to plan how much u spend a week on food/travel/everything.
So rn I'm getting worried about my money again and I'm trying to spend no more than £15 a week shopping, so I'll try to plan meals and stuff. If you don't cook from scratch its much cheaper to buy your ingredients for stuff like pasta all seperately ect.
This feels patronising or obvious again though tbh so if its something ur already doing then I'm sorry i couldnt be more helpful.
Times are really really tough and shitty right now an am sorry you're struggling bestie.
Hope some of this was useful, if u want me to elaborate about the reddit thing I'll try haha x
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justoutsideofdoncaster · 2 months ago
00:06 17/01/25
Blog #16
First week back done and dusted. Did I skip my optional module class? Yes, but I was ill earlier this week (as is everyone this time of year) and had tried to stay up all night getting some work done, so I'm not mad at myself. In fact I think I've got better work habits and more energy this term. Although at the same time I literally took two naps today, I was up for about 10 hours in total which is pretty pathetic. Uni in winter is always exhausting, plus not eating much the last few days, but overall I know it anxiety. I've felt sick all week. I know exactly what was making me anxious:
Match day Friday (I'm so so shit)
Severe crush on a boy I don't think likes me that much and I'm scared I'm gonna fuck it up.
Worried my flatmates are mad at me because I'm not spending time with them (I've been busy with uni work but also I'm anxious af at the minute so I'm avoiding them)
I went to see A team play tonight. We lost, but they played really hard and it was a pretty even game. I saw a friend I hadn't seen in ages so that was really nice !! I was so physically anxious watching the hockey, my legs were so tense and shaky, but interestingly watching the A team play kinda mid and loose made me feel so much better. And also I sort of know where I'm standing tomorrow as wing lol. Just don't make any stupid mistakes. Also got my flatmates dishware back finally so that's made me feel less stressed about them being mad at me. And I know I'm paranoid bcs of the past, and I also know if they're mad at me that's their issue... anyway, I'm feeling slightly less anxious now. Also didn't eat as much as I thought I might today (sort of a cheat day, but no bingeing!!!) so that's made me feel happier. It did happen again though obv, he acts like we aren't even friends when we hang out together like just sort of teammates, we spoke like three times. IDK if I'm overthinking everything. He was sat in front of me but IDK, if I was a fit boy I'd be a lot more confident if I liked a girl. And then I go home sort of pissed off, and he messages me immediately. And he actually responds quickly and I know it's because he's sleep deprived and hungry and drunk off two ciders and that's the only time I'm interesting. And again (and again and again) I'm being a bitch, because he literally asks me to hang out, and he doesn't call them dates but I'm not an idiot, and I want to. And I need to. But what would we even do? What do people do on dates?? I'm so anxious about going to new places and restaurants I hate everything. So I guess we're both just idiots then. But I need to tie him down before anyone else does. So wish me luck.
Songs I've been listening to recently:
Fake Plastic Trees (Radiohead)
Jackie and Wilson (Hozier)
The Record Player Song (Daisy the Great)
Constant Headache (Joyce Manor)
Grace (Jeff Buckley)
When I'm Small (Phantogram)
Brimful of Asha (Cornershop, Norman Cook)
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W (My Chemical Romance)
Also while working on my module coursework I managed to finally finish a few series, including Arcane S2 (love u forever, but the ending felt unfinished/rushed), Haunting of Bly Manor, and Midnight Mass! Absolutely love that group of horror series on Netflix, so creative and original (based on books I know)! Hopefully we get a fifth one soon.
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(Alisher Kushakov) (Franz Marc) -> I LOVE Ultramarine !!!
Today we had a workshop on staging and while talking to the tutor I ended up pretty effectively unpacking what my work is about, specifically why I paint men. See I paint portraits, acrylic and oil, ,mostly of my family. In particular I'm drawn to the men in my family, and images of them looking more feminine, maternal, or close. I know partially I avoid painting the women of my family because it's more easily to get offended if I paint them wrong, but also... I find it freeing. I find a sense of gained control over the narrative when I paint men. Men have painted men, men have painted women. For a long time this defined the public perspective on gender. Then women started reclaiming this narrative, painting women as something more than objects of lust and desire and victimhood. I think of Artemisia Gentileschi and Jenny Saville. For me, it's sort of the same but also the opposite. I feel in control of the masculine figures in my life when I paint. I'm able to paint them in these raw vulnerable positions of maternal (yes technically paternal, but it doesn't feel that way) love and it's sort of like a fuck you to the patriarchy that's constantly imposing all this pressure and rules and filters onto women. I can't act a single way without being sifted into some negative box. It felt really nice to sort of put that together. I think this could really help guide my work in the future. So I'm excited for that.
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Going to bed now (at least trying, although I'm pretty wide awake), gonna try get up at a reasonable time tomorrow and do some wood work in the studio, go to the printshop etc... then I can justify having a Monster before the game!! Wish me luck at the game, fingers crossed I don't do anything majorly stupid and maybe get another assist (I don't even hope to score anymore lol). I hate myself! I am unlovable! I wanna cry! Night!
(started this at 00:06, it's now 01:10 lol)
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unfortunatelysadandbroken · 3 months ago
It's been... Going ok I guess... Struggling with ear issues. Did have an infection but last time I went to urgent care (about two weeks ago now) they said the infection was gone but my eardrums seem to have extra fluid so she gave me steroids for a cough and hoped itd help my ears. It didn't. They still hurt. I'm so stressed out about having to move in February and still dunno where tf I can go but my little sisters room mate said I could stay there for a while for 300 a month and some cooking and cleaning. I can still save and try to find myself a forever home going that route. Specially if I get a semi decent job.
Part of me wanted to say fuck it and move to Georgia in a PadSplit to be closer to my boyfriend and figure out a job when I get there.
So much anxiety and fear. Idk what to do and I'm so so so so so tired of moving around so much. I want a HOME. Not a temporary place to stay.
I've never lived on my own. Honestly the thought terrifies me because I get so depressed sometimes and the only thing that gets me to take care of myself and adult is knowing there's other people around and I can't bother them with my bullshit. Gotta try to take care of myself and eat but try not to just binge on crap but not too little or I might make someone worry or I won't have enough energy to fight my demons to pretend to be an adult.
I'm burnt out. I'm exhausted and it's getting worse. All I want to do is sleep, read, and watch anime and tv shows. Mostly just sleep. Nothing to fear or fret over in the soft embrace of oblivion.
My boyfriend is literally the only consistent thing I can look forward to. Not that he's all that consistent. Just that the hope of texting him or maybe he might send one of his rare pictures or want to call. The fear of missing him. He doesn't talk to me a lot.
Easily distracted and the sleepy sort. In person these traits are zero problem but in a long distance relationship it kinda blows.
Especially cause I crave a routine. Especially with him. I want to know when I can bother him or that we can play a game together or watch a movie. I want to know when I can have quality time with my love. His communication needs work and I wish he'd share his thoughts and feelings with me more but I can get that being hard. I have a hard time with it too but he's special to me. I want him to understand and hear me so I try harder to talk to him about my feelings and stuff but it's still very hard.
I still struggle when I want to cry or am stuck in some big feelings. A lot of times I fight with myself till I'm just so tired and feel defeated and like a failure because I couldn't share myself. I couldn't talk to or share with him about my feelings. But I still try.
Sometimes... I manage and he always tries to reassure me and address it and is so sweet. Trying to learn to trust him with the broken vulnerable bits is hard.
But I love him. He makes me feel safe and like I matter when we're actually both undistracted and not busy and can actually text or talk. I do wish he'd be more assertive and stop making me choose or initiate everything though.
I want to feel wanted to., yanno? Ask me if I can call or if I want to or just call me.
Ask if I wanna play a game or watch a movie together.
It's just more stress and makes me feel like I'm bothering you when I'm the one always initiating everything. ..I switched to you like he's ever gonna see this or like I'm talking to him 🙄 I'm not even sure he knows Tumblr exists let alone that I have one and use it like a diary for when I need to unload and process crap a bit. Feelings are so difficult...
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megabuild · 2 years ago
i don't think i'd hate him at first but i don't think we'd really get along like he probably works at a coffee shop or a game store or something locally i go to a lot and the first time we meet i'm asking if they have like a limited edition copy of a game or a pre-order set or something and he isn't unkind but he sort of scoffs and tells me i don't have any hope of getting it now like i'm some sort of idiot or beneath him. and that pisses me off so i'm like well can you go to the back and see if you have any copies please and he does but i can see him like idling just beyond the door pretending to look and i get mad and leave. but we end up meeting more times because the shop is super convenient and we get to chatting about my purchases because it turns out we have a lot of shared interests and eventually one time he's like hey my shift ends in like ten minutes want to grab coffee and i'm like okay i never really thought it would go like this but sure you're not that bad a guy, and we get along fine and he makes me laugh and we end up agreeing to meet again. and this is all well and good and we're both pretty happy but things start to go wrong. like he has this ttrpg group that he's super invested in and tells me about and he loves it so much but when i'm like oh maybe i could come listen in or get involved in another campaign or something trying to appeal to his interests he gets all cagey and weird about it so i end up just dropping it. or one time i go over to his apartment which is sort of messy but like he's made the attempt at least to clear it which i appreciate and i'm going to the bathroom but i can't find it and i end up in his bedroom and he has a floor to ceiling glass cabinet with various funko pops which is a bit scary in itself but when i get closer i realise these are all like custom paintjobs of people i don't recognise not even celebrities or characters just regular people like, maybe store patrons or some shit, and tango comes in behind me and frowns and is like "y/n what are you doing here" and i apologise and laugh and i'm like i didn't know you did this sort of thing haha cause secretly i'm like oh this guy is a freak freak but he's kinda cute so i try to go along with it but he doesn't bite and doesn't want to talk about it so i drop it again and we go back through and eat the greasy ass pizza he ordered in after saying he would cook tonight while watching like idk fucking. you on netflix. and we have loveless sex afterwards but on top of that all the funko pops are still in his room staring at me and the entire situation unsettles me so badly that we start to drift apart and i start going to a different store that has a wider selection of games and i end up with a new boyfriend and the whole fling is like an unpleasant memory but one day i go back to the old store just for convenience and i just so happen to overhear his coworkers talking like hey what happened to tango? we haven't heard from tango recently and i learn he hasn't been showing up to work and they can't get a hold of him. and i'm worried because deep down i don't think he's bad just a bit odd so i go to his flat and the front door is unlocked and something compels me to go straight to his bedroom where all the funko pops are and my heart is pounding and i open the bedroom door and. there is a long police investigation after i don't come home that is inconclusive and neither of us are ever found and there's no signs of foul play no blood or damage to the walls, if i left i wasn't taken forcefully, and they don't suspect tango at all because he has no record. but maybe, just maybe, a week after the investigation is closed my boyfriend gets a knock at the door and when he opens it nobody is there but there's a small box. and when he opens that box there are tiny replicas of me and tango with square heads and blank lifeless eyes
sometimes i feel like people assume when i make big long rambling posts that make no sense but are vaguely funny that i'm like trying to be funny or off the wall on purpose to get notes. but i just had a really long vivid daydream about what it would be like to have a summer fling with c!tango that ended in both our demises so rest assured i'm just like this
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planetsxmore · 2 years ago
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lowkey inspired to make this as i saw a few other blogs - this a short pac that'll consist of complete/incomplete sentences channeled by your future lover/spouse/soulmate- choose your pile carefully! - you can choose more than one pile if you'd like - used intuition and rw tarot deck for this reading - this is a general reading and may or may not resonate for you all - stay positive,and hydrated loves <33
© planetsxmore rights reserved 2022 • masterlist
your likes and reblogs will be appreciated •
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ꕤ PILE 1
you're the sunshine to my darkness
are you okay? because i'm not
stop doubting yourself,you're amazing and complete! i love you for how you are -
i can't wait to have you in my arms but i know that's not possible - even after we meet because it'll take us time to realize how much we love each other
the color blue is our color..
it takes time to heal wounds and broken hearts
you're the best thing that ever happened to me
i'm insecure and i'm afraid you'll run away from the scars i have...
let us dance all night,talk all night - love all night...
i love your smile,it's adorable
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ꕤ PILE 2
stop it,you're tickling me...
we're literally more than friends,more than best friends even....
it's uncanny the way we both understand each other. words aren't even needed to express what we want to communicate with each other
we're weird,and we know it- and frankly speaking we don't don't care *wink*
our love is more like an understanding - it's pure,less of the lust and more of the emotional love - we laugh with each other,cry with each other and do absolutely everything together - if we haven't met,i know it's unbelievable for you but you'll believe me once we meet, darling.
you hate my pet,why tho?
our dates are the best - they're soo secretive yet soo quirky lol
you hate it when i snort/snore/slurp - but i can't help it love xD
i gave you my everything yet you didn't think of it alot. why does it feel unrequited at times?
our taste is very similar..in almost alot of things
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ꕤ PILE 3
i really love the way your body looks or may look,keeps me guessing...
you're a little too sensitive,can you be a little open? i mean c'mon life's about fun - don't waste yourself overthinking most of the time
whenever i listen to love songs,it reminds me of you..
you're jealous of my exes,but what am i suppose to do if i'm soo hot --
i feel as though so much,so much could be better between the two of us. i'm a little impatient in everything and i can't change that,love - i've tried, trust me
idk why you're soo shy,i'm all in for you -
i hope you understand that i'm not the one to believe in "happy ever after-s" - it's life,babe - we gotta understand it's not a storybook
i love it how you listen to me,it makes me feel as you're the one for me for life - but again,i don't believe in story tales - kinda love. i love it fast - and quick -
clinginess is not anything i love neither co dependency
i love it when my gifts make you happy - the twinkle in your eyes are everything!
[ loves,i don't know how you feel about this pile - but for some of you, i feel you're attracting a very toxic lover/fs - if that's the case,and you don't feel good about this pile- please don't worry since this is the future you're attracting at the moment - change your energy and be a little more positive to attract a better future and partner / you don't need to end up with such an individual if you don't want to - however,if you're fine with this,then no prob! ]
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ꕤ PILE 4
close your eyes and imagine - i know you'll feel me around you...
i love how we do homely activities together (cooking/cleaning/working etc.)
you and i are equals. - equals for life
we argue like little kids and make out at the very next moment..
you're my jellybean and i'm your savior.
you always end up in trouble and i always end up fixing it all for you,but i'm with you don't worry
i'll find you but you need to be strong till then! don't let your feelings out for just anyone please
you like my car and i like your lips ...*winks*
it's soo funny how you'll hide your feelings for me and it'll be obvious at the same time..i'll do the same thing.. honestly it'll be a circus and we'll be like two clowns until we confess
please bear with me when i close off. i have past baggages that make me feel isolated at times and opening up can be difficult. just stay with me,i promise i'll open up for you,love.
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ꕤ PILE 5
you're literally my drug - i don't know if it's toxic or not,but all i know is that i feel strongly for you ... strongly.
you love my hugs,i know you do .
i know i'm usually very busy and taking out time can be difficult - but i'll manage i promise,just don't go away with anyone else.
you're my favorite - my utmost favorite
maybe sometimes you'll feel as though i'm selfish - wanting all of your body,time and love for myself while i give you less -- but what can i do,love? it's just the way i am. i crave you... can't see you with anyone,even your work bothers me at times when you ignore me because if it - i'm sorry,i'll try to work in these habits...but habits are difficult to change y'know?
i'm possessive,yes i am. i don't want any third party between us - any !
you love our long drives and dinner dates , and i love them with you too !
i love you. i love you right? it's not infatuation,it's not obsession !
i love it when you smile for me, because of me - i love to be your source of happiness!
just be mine, please. when you crush on anyone apart from me,i feel -- i just don't feel good,even if it's a celeb.
[ loves,i don't know how you feel about this pile - but for some of you, i feel you're attracting a very possessive lover/fs - if that's the case,and you don't feel good about this pile- please don't worry since this is the future you're attracting at the moment - change your energy and be a little more positive to attract a better future and partner / you don't need to end up with such an individual if you don't want to - however,if you're fine with the possessiveness,then no prob! ]
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ꕤ PILE 6
we're soulmates,yes we are.
do you know how much i had to think over before approaching you? why are you always soo - soo intimidating y'know lol
we're opposite poles of magnets. two parts of a heart - we fit perfectly.
listening to music together soothes me..
i can be a little workaholic but trust me sweetheart, whenever i get time - i rush to you,for you. i just want to build the most stable future for us. I see you in my future..
i'm a little inexperienced in relationships - they never excited me until you came in the picture..
i do whatever i can for you, but if something still bothers you - please,tell me. i don't mind you telling me what i can do better.
love me forever.
i'm all yours,love. the good and the bad. just like the raw ..
i'm scared that our families won't accept us but, no matter what,i'm with you. we'll work through this - you just work on yourself right now, don't stress out. we'll be with each other,as soon as the universe thinks it's time
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yaksha-lover · 3 years ago
Hi idk if your writing rn but if you are how about Reader who fully believes that they're going to go back home after a certain amount of time.
The reader believes that as long as the vampires realize we aren't going to rat them out to other humans once we get out that we're free to go home. That about the only thing that's keeping their sanity in check.
So when things happen they just respond with "it's fine. Once I'm home anyways I can forget all about this." pretty often. It helps them power thought that they won't be stuck walking on eggshells for the rest of their life worrying about being murdered just about every straight line or turn.
They're mostly nice and stay out of everyone's way unless they really need to put their foot down. So though the time they stayed they kinda became everyone's friend in hopes of just being able to have an easier time until they realize they're no threat and can go home.
Can you do the first years? :)
Sorry if you don't want to/ if requests are closed. You can just delete it
Thank you so much for requesting, I really loved exploring this idea!
Reader who believes they’re going back home eventually + First years (Vampire AU)
cw: aged up characters, slightly yandere (?)
Ace makes snippy comments that might upset you, but he really can’t help it when he hears about how you want to leave them.
He feels a bit betrayed, more so by how casual you seem about leaving. He knows your situation isn’t ideal, but Ace feels like you should be willing to deal with it for them.
For a long time, it was just him and Deuce. Now that they’ve made the effort to include you and Epel in their lives, it truly feels like a bit of a slap in the face to him.
Ace doesn’t consider that he’s more frustrated than he should be that someone who’s just a friend is leaving, but all he can preoccupy himself with now is trying to shut you down when you make comments like that.
He’ll mock you, with a laughing tone like it’s just a joke and not your future, about how it would really be impossible for a human like you to escape from a practically ancient vampire like Lilia.
He does feel guilty when he sees you upset, but he doesn’t necessarily feel like his statement was incorrect, even if it was harsh.
With Deuce’s help, he will try to make it up to you in his own way, by finding fun things for all of you to do, which he hopes will help distract you from your problems and from wanting to go home.
Deuce feels similarly upset like Ace, but he is much less angry and much more sad. He knows you don’t owe them anything, and that your friendship has probably just been one of convenience do you, but he still hoped that you might care more than it seemed.
He already does all he can to help you make your life more comfortable around the mansion, from making your bed if he sees you’ve forgotten or (attempting) to cook you a dish you’ve mentioned in passing that you miss from home.
Deuce will eventually have a talk with you about how he’s feeling, not wanting to bottle it up and end up resenting you when he knows you don’t deserve it.
He knows the conversation is uncomfortable, but he’ll force himself to tell you how your words upset him. You reassure him that you do truly care about him, and all the others, but you can’t live sanely knowing that it isn’t truly safe for you here, and that you don’t have the freedom that you should.
He does come to understand, he knows you feel trapped and that it isn’t them. He’ll still miss you, and it’s not a small part of him that wishes you could stay, but Deuce wants you to be happy, and he’ll let you go with his full support if that’s what you truly want.
Epel might just be the most hurt by this. Sure he understands, you have a real home to go back to, but is it really that easy for you to leave him?
You’ve become his best friend here, and he thought you felt the same in that aspect at the very least.
He’ll definitely become grumpy when he hears you saying you want to leave and that you’ll forget about everything. That everything includes him, doesn’t it?
Epel will actively discourage you from leaving, even if his tactics are questionable at best.
If when he gets desperate, he’ll start organizing times for you all to spend together, ensuring you have a good time before popping the question on you: isn’t it great here? Don’t you never wanna leave?
While he does want to make you see how the life you could have at the mansion wouldn’t be so bad, he doesn’t shy away from leaning into any guilt you might be feeling, laying on the tears if he needs to.
You might start to get the feeling that Epel is acting strange, really not like himself sometimes, but if you bring it up he’ll tell you that he can’t help the way he’s been feeling knowing you’re going to leave them.
If Epel reaches a point where you leaving is a real possibility and not just your daydream, he’ll resort to extreme measures to keep you with them. Getting you in trouble with Lilia isn’t something he wants to do, but he needs you, so you can’t leave him just yet.
Epel would eventually snap out of his delusion after he sees how he’s been making you suffer, and realize how living here is affecting you. He always knew his wishes were selfish, but when he finally realizes the real danger you’re in at the mansion, he knows keeping you here would be more than cruel.
He doesn’t lose hope in your future together, rather this shifts his idea to one he actually likes even more. The two of you, away from the mansion and all the other vampires seeking your attention, and finally living together like a real couple.
Jack can’t lie and say he wouldn’t miss you, but ultimately he knows that you hate being trapped here. He isn’t delusional like Epel.
He’s sympathetic to your plight, and he won’t say anything to object when you voice your beliefs about returning home.
He’ll try to play along with your thoughts, asking questions about what you’ll do when you’re back home. Jack can tell it distracts you from your reality, and he knows that’s something you could always use, even for a few moments.
He would never dream of asking you to stay, knowing that you would never truly be safe around this many vampires.
If he had romantic feelings for you, he would certainly push them down. Even if they were reciprocated, Jack could never justify keeping you in danger for his own person gain.
Jack would even go against Lilia and help you escape if you asked him. Even if he gets punished, if you’re safe and happy, he’s happy.
Sebek is stuck between “good riddance, now you’ll no longer have a chance to seduce and hurt Malleus” and “how dare you make Malleus sad by leaving”.
Both of these sentiments just cause him to be angry at you, and you’ll find that his verbal lashings are more harsh and frequent than usual.
Living at the mansion this long, you’ve already learned to tune him out, which frustrates Sebek even further.
Although you’re wise enough to not make comments about going home in front of Lilia, Sebek wouldn’t think twice about complaining to him about you.
He doesn’t do it out of malice, Sebek really just wants advice from Lilia, but he does unintentionally get Lilia to keep a closer eye on you, in case you decide to try and leave before he’s deemed you safe.
He ultimately doesn’t really understand why you even want to leave. Lilia is no threat as long as you do what he says, and Malleus is here so why would you ever want to leave?
Lilia will eventually make up an excuse to try and soothe Sebek, telling him that you might be having conflict with some of the residents which has caused you to want to leave, and accidentally convincing him that he’s the one making you want to leave.
Sebek will never tell you that he wants you to stay (he hasn’t quite figured that out himself) but he will make an effort to stop saying negative things to you, meaning that he just doesn’t say much at all in your presence. After all, he knows what your friendship means to Malleus, and he couldn’t let himself be the reason for his unhappiness.
Sure, it doesn’t hurt him to enjoy being met with your kindness after ceasing to vilify you for being human. But it’s not for him, it’s for Malleus’ sake that he’s playing nice. Right?
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linkandorf · 3 years ago
Psst. Hey you. Yeaaaah, yeah you. Wit da face. Stop scrolling for a moment. Lend me your ear for a bit, won't ya? You wouldn't happen to like video games, would ya? You do! What a sweet, sweet coincidence. Well boy oh boy do I have an offer for you. Pshh, what am I saying, an offer? This ain't no offer, this is a charity service. I'm here to provide something to you that you don't even need to think about paying for. On the house! How kind I am, I know, I know, don't make me blush. Listen kid, for you, and only you, I can let you in on a few secrets of mine. Some people in the industry might call them... Leaks. That's right, genuine, fresh off the gosh DAMN presses, home cooked, video game leaks. All for you! What a treat! Welly well, if you "agree" to open your arms and welcome my Very Important Gaming Industry Knowledge, then keep reading, eh! Oh, and if you care about "spoilers" or whatever da heck for any of these here Video Games, there ain't none in here. How am I providing spoilerless leaks you ask? Listen kid, don't ask questions like that. Just show some respect here alright. I am a professional
THATS more like it, welcome to the club pal! Now what kinda leaks are you interested? Do you like Nintendo games? Aw of course you do, who doesn't! Well let's start off with something basic, Pokey men. Me and my team recently got our hands on a not-so-soon to be released issue of Spamitsu that just so happens to reveal some so far unrevealed monsters, and here I am, your ol' pal linkandorf, revealing them onto you. Anchoy!
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I don't know much about these silly things (and by that I of course mean I know everything) but my boys on the inside seem to believe the dumb circle one is called "Bubbubuologughhu" and the other one is like a chinchilla or something idk. Anyhoos, we might as well keep the Nintendo train smokin', and what's more smokin' than Smash Bash Brothers! Yeah yeah I know the newer one is fresh out of characters, but what do you think happens when they stop working on a video game? They make another dummy! One of my inside men managed to snag this photo of Samurai Muscle-Guy's very own figurine drawer, which surely must be the starting roster of the next Smush game!
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Some truly great picks there, big fan of of plesiosaurs myself. Funny story about plesiosaurs, back when my mom still worked at Home Depot, I us- aw you know what we're running low on time, I gotta sweep this show on the road. Still liking this Nintendo nonsense? Ya better, cause I got a real fresh one. Here's a bit of a transcript from my very own rat within the one and only HAL Lavatories. They didn't want me to show their face on camera, but they sent me a little something over Skype.
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"Uh, yeah I got the stuff. One of my greatest partners did the dirty work for me, he's a true thief I tell ya. You can hardly see him coming. He's in and out before you can even blink. He wears an eyepatch but I swear he's got the perception of an Owgulf. Anyways, he managed to snag a picture of some kinda Dream Friend update for the new game, guess they're still pushing the co-op thing hard. So be it, 4-player co-op is my favorite anyways."
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Well well, looks like they got some true icons in there. It's about time we got to get our filthly little hands in control of.. uh..................... anyways is the Nintendo hype wearing off? Well don't worry about that compadre, the fun don't stop there! While I certainly have my fair share of insiders running through the trenches of the console wars, my own technology-based prowess is nothing to be scoffed at if I MAY say. In fact, I managed to pilot my very own advanced spy drone into the house of none other than the Tony Fox. You tumblr freaks love your secret bosses don't you, so here's a photo my drone managed to snatch of Chapter 17.
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Now that's the stu- hey what are you doing! Don't leave don't leave, I'm sure I got something left for you, come on. You said you liked video games didn't you! Well for my grand finale, I have the biggest scoop in the history of scoops, the grand daddy of video game leaks, an image that you will never forget, a moment in your lifetime that will define your very existence. That's right you son of a bi
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rocksanddeadflowers · 1 year ago
Marius's sweet tooth !!!! UAGH!!!! Getting so excited to try fresh high quality fruit and chocolate and stuff ........
Also Toy being a good cook yes love that!!!!! Even after they run away together if finds ways to cook bc it enjoys cooking and wants to keep Marius healthy. While on the run Marius is like "well I had fish roasted over a fire yesterday and I just ate some pine cones so don't worry about me I'm good :)" and Toy will NOT be letting that fucker revert back to old habits and ruin it's hard work to get him healthy. It is definitely stealing a lot but it also murders a woman so who cares really. Then when they finally settle down somewhere and it can just cook for Marius whenever it wants leisurely, maybe even try to show Marius how to do that too. (Toy fully Tiana chops stuff too agreed!! Also maybe used itself as a cutting board in a pinch.)
I do think Marius might be able to show Toy how to hunt/fish too. Marius is pretty good at hunting and everything about it is fun and meditative except the actual killing part. So half the time he's hunting, if he's not that hungry, he goes through doing everything and then backs out on the shooting part. Cause listen, getting a hold of the proper tools and weapons is hard enough for him. The whole process of hunting after the hunting part.....kinda completely sucks. Rambling but I like the idea of Marius being good at survival stuff and hunting, it's just not the same arrogance as Gaston.
Everything with Marius oh my god!!!! Being outrageously queer in response to the homophobia........ Gosh absolutely. You know those monarchs/rulers idk whatever we're calling Nastya and Jonny's parents. They would be so accepting (and with au logic probably insanely queer themselves!!!! On that note- not being able to have biological kids together could easily be bc it's a same sex couple. BUT I still also like the idea of it technically being a straight relationship but both of them are insanely queer. They're just straight passing enough to shock ppl when they actually interact you know.) Marius deserved to have people like that in his life... Still he got Toy :).
Just!! Like idk maybe Marius causally opening up to someone down the road (could be Nastya and/or Jonny, or could be Lyf, etc) about it and them expressing how loving those two were and that they wish he could've met them. He agrees, but he for once has a moment of not being oblivious, and thinks that, what he went through is shit and he didn't deserve it, but it got him here as he is, with his loved ones, and he couldn't picture it any other way.
Rambly silly idea but!!! WAUGH I love the idea of Marius having gone through that.... well I'm not happy he went through bad things but. Like. Narratively you know.
so wait does consequences ts have the same kind of "what the fuck are you" kinda vibe as Brian? since it also is alive through magic, it's not really mortal or fae or spirit it just IS I feel like it must also be kind of uncategorizable. lyf is now double confused cause their friends boytoys crush's MARIUS'S bestie just isn't identifiable like at all
tagging @blazeismyname and @rocksanddeadflowers at the risk of starting another thread it's just the idea is not leaving my head and I want other people's thoughts and also I needed an excuse to call Marius lyfs boytoy
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