#idk i know literally nothing abt this character or the source so i apologize
modawg · 3 months
im bored let’s dissect “alison”
firstly this is what i’m talking abt incase anyone doesn’t know:
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this is so far the ONLY news we have abt this character rick hasn’t said anything about it the official pjo show insta/twitter hasn’t said anything abt it this is it
and this is a fan account which is smth i feel like many ppl don’t know; here’s that account
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here are some other accounts:
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both the actual along with another pretty reparable fan account both have stayed silent abt this which seems a little sus to me
you might be wondering “but mo that original pic has screenshots of interviews/articles!! they have sources!!” this is true however the source has no source lmao
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from the article the original post pulls from they simply said “we’ve heard” girl heard what and from who
this article was written by nexus news point which idk abt y’all i’ve never heard of
so i took my ass to twitter
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this is the only post i found “but mo it’s verified!!” that’s what i thought i thought “well shit there’s the end of that” but when i was looking at the account i realised three things
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rick does not follow this account
who’s that linked in the bio? oh wait is that..is that nexus ???
anyone can pay to buy a verification
here’s the actual pjo account
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followed by rick
not verified bc why would they have to when rick literally follows them
has said nothing abt this
after all this i don’t think alison is real im gonna be honest however if she does show up in season 2 i will be apologizing with tears
unlike nexus however i will be tagging my sources and will also be adding that rick hasn’t updated his website since may which is the exact opposite of what he did when he was looking for the cast of season 1
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lmk y’all’s thoughts bc this is kinda wack if they just made this shit up LMAOO
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kittyandco · 4 years
💫 You have a couple f/os from like, slasher movies or something? Idk who they are or what movie/s, so please tell me! (thesquidship)
@thesquidship (yes i got ur other ask! i haven’t been around to answer them) 
OH NO.......... OH NO. sigh. yes, my biggest mistakes 
so... if you’ve never seen scream, you have to right now. i declare it law as of the time this is posted - it’s one of my favorite movies ever now... and only means that much more to me that it gave me one of my main f/os. but i also HATE IT SO MUCH FOR THAT 
of course i f/o the literal two only people in the whole damn thing you SHOULDN’T LIKE...... literally the actual slashers...... but...... it’s me. it’s kitty. what do you want from me 🤡 not my fault they were literally everything i wanted... at least one of them. i like them both but ONE. ONE. HE is the love of my life and i hate it... so i think i’m just gonna talk about him? because i can’t stop myself from singling him out sorry 
so... it’s pretty simple slasher formula, but it’s also kind of a mystery. ‘cause in most of those movies, you know who’s doing it. they aren’t part of the society they’re targeting. obviously spoilers i’m talking about who it is right now but. -w- that reveal was so DELICIOUS AND IT STILL IS... otherwise though, it’s some guy goes around killing a bunch of ppl in a small town. typical stuff, but this one just... it feels different. it feels so good i love this movie please
so about billy. where do i go... why did i go in the first place. he’s kind of the whole mastermind of this stuff, and lord help me he’s annoying but i can’t stop loving him... he seems pretty normal at first (kind of? he’s still got this weird energy that you’re like ok something is Not Right about that guy but he’s hot and seems chill so i’ll let it slide)... and actually... ughg? nice? like he would really be protective over a select few people he loves (like all 2 of them) and to hell with everyone else (and yes he is like that with me. so. ;3), and kinda gets a kick out of playing with people’s heads (i mean he does though. he REALLY does, as we come to find out. it’s not just a playful thing.) but. nope. this boy has got no remorse, no self awareness, no apologies, NOTHING AND HE JUST... drives me nuts ok. this movie really makes me need extra therapy
so send me a 💫 and I’ll tell you something about my f/o’s source or f/o’s character! Feel free to specify what f/o you want to learn abt
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