#idk how to use effects effectivly
dust-tastic-1983 · 25 days
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Villain killing the shit out of someone x guy just standing in the corner shrugging
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calliecat93 · 4 years
Star Trek Episodes 34-37
Metamorphosis: It was fine. I like having it be a mainly Kirk,Spock,and McCoy adventure with them stranded with a diplomat and bejng found by a giy who should be long dead. The concept of The Companion is fine and the themes of love is a perfectly fine plot to play out. But... the execution is kinda... ehh. Mainly at the end with Cochren being upset at The Companion being female (I’d also be annoyed at how Kirk assumed it was female cause of the voice but 60’s), The Companion posessing Nancy and the trio just... leaving it that way. I guess that Nancy was more or less dead by then, but it still feels wrong. And if she wasn’t dead, this BETTER have given her consent cause dear Lord NO. Then Cochren choosing to stay in his guilded cage with a being forcing him to remain cause... love I guess despite neither he nor Nancy knowing each other at all. Yeah, this is kind of a mess. It’s not bad, it had aspects Ilimed like McCoy trying to care for Nancy due to her comdition, Kirk feeling guilty because as captain whatever happens to his crew is his fault, Nancy’s sadness at having focused somuxh on her job she never found love as she’s dying is legit sad, and the trio overall working effectivly together with even Spock and McCoy not bantering too much. Heck McCoy gets concerned for Spock twice (albiet the seocnd time was also concern for Kirk). So nice bits of character and ideas that made me like the watch, but still has questionable elements that make me tilt my head. 3/5.
Journey to Babel: It’s time to meet Spock’s parents, yay! So I knew about this one cause avoiding spoilers for a 50+ year old show isn’t really on my list of priorities as my reblogs have shown. Needless to say I had expectations going in... and they were very much met! I really enjoyed this one! I like Sarek and Amanda as charcters as well as Spock’s feelings about them being ont he ship no matter how much he hides i. He understandably isn’t happy to be aorund his father who clearly didn’t approve ofhis life choices, though there doens’t seem to be any genuine hate between them. But sitll cutitng off from your own son for 18 years... dude I know yu’re a Vulcan and I know about the third movie, but that’s pretty crappy. We also see Spock, depsite using the usual ‘I’m a logical Vulcan’ card, clealry holding in storng feelings, concern, and regret hroughoutt he whole episode. Seriously, Leonard Nimoy did such an amazing job in this episode and did so many little things with the protrayal here. Though honestly McCoy may be the MVP here for successfully saving Sarek and keeping Spock alive, finally getitng the last word against Kirk and Spock, and his huge ass grin when he finds out about the tddy bear is the greatest thing int he world and Spock triyng to make it sound less embarassing made it even better. The ending was suspenseful as well. We don’t see Spock necesarially resolve his issues with is father, but it does feel like at least some progress was made... also them teasing Amanda int heir own Vulcan way made me laugh. That poor woman XD Overall, great episode. 5/5.
Friday’s Child: I think that the alternate title should be ‘McCoy’s REALLY Awkward Day’. It was good. We get the Klingons again, we’re on a planet with customs very different from Earth, and we have our trio on the run due to what is essentiallu a coup. They also get stuck with a pregnant woman who hates being touched... well until McCoy smacks her after she does it to him twice, then she’s ALL into him. Poor guy, and it only gets more awkward when he accidentally gets her to say that the child is his because he wans’t careful with his wording. But hey, he still fulfilled his duty as a doctor whether the woman liked it or not and he tried to get her to take credit for her own child since she’s the one delivering it, so good job doc! It was also hilarious with FAR too many moments to note, though most of them involve Spock being uncomfortable/annoyed as Hell XD There’s also the B-Crew dealing with their own issues, and it was nice to see them heading things without Kirk or Spock around. They’re all awesome, Scotty esecially continues ot be a badass when in commad. It was a good watch. 4/5.
The Deadly Years: It was...okay. It had some okay elements like Kirk’s aging affecting his mind, but it’s otherwise a meh episode. Metamorphosis at least had ideas I thought could be interesitng, this one is ‘let’s rapidly age the cast and roll with it’. IDK, it just ddn’t feel that storng. Admittedly some stuff was fun, like DeForest Kelley getitng to go into full-on cranky old man mode and Chekov complaining about all the examinations that he’s forced to endure, but there’s nothing notable. It doesn’t even really go into how aging and the effects on their mentality makes Kirk or the others feel like I know that The Wrath of Khan does. So yeh.. not much to say here except decent idea, but bleh execution. 2/5
Weak episode to end on, but the other three were enjoyable even with my issues with the first one.
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