#idk how to tag this one need to add some sam tags ig
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scoobydoodean · 2 months ago
it's SO funny how crowley latches onto dean even tho sam is the one he feels "sentimental" about. bro was like. oh wow the human blood made me think i was in love with u or some shit, embarrassing. is your brother single? and i think that's why sam hates him
One thing I am noticing about Sam is that he is very anti-demon after season 4, which is understandable. We see this most strongly with Crowley in season 5, but it's not just Crowley—it's Meg too. And Sam and Dean also have many other reasons to hate Meg. But like Sam comments twice about how wary he is about them working with Meg in season 7, even if her only role is to keep watch over Cas at the hospital because they have no other options.
SAM I don't know. I mean, we can't just leave him. DEAN Well, we can't bring him with us. Everything on the planet's out for us, okay? Word gets out, we can't protect him. Not really. This is safer. Every demon who knows about Cas is dead. SAM Not everyone. Look, Dean, this whole "enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing feels kind of like a demon deal. DEAN It's not a deal. It's – SAM It's what? DEAN Mutually assured destruction. Look, man, I get it. She's not our friend. We don't even have friends. All our friends are dead.
It's funny because people often perceive Dean as this very dogmatic figure who can't handle the idea of working with demons and hates Ruby just because she's a demon, but he is the first person to trust a demon (the often forgotten Casey from 3.04). He never trusted Ruby, but he saved her bacon twice (3.09 and 3.10) because he actually does understand the concept "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". He shows this again with Crowley in 5.20 (an episode titled "The Devil You Know" which is rather pointed). Sam doesn't trust Crowley one iota. He tried to kill Crowley in 5.10 right after Crowley gave them the colt, and I actually think that interaction is what makes Dean decide Crowley can be trusted as an ally against the devil. In 5.20, Dean decides Crowley is on their side and agrees to go with him on a solo mission without Sam (because Crowley does not trust Sam not to shoot him) and Sam is so upset about it he vents to Bobby on the phone lol. (To Dean's credit, when Crowley tries to convince Dean to keep the Brady secret from Sam under the suspicion that Sam will fly off the handle, Dean refuses to lie to his brother).
But yeah I mean joking about Deancrowley aside, Sam has a strong distrust of demons post season 4 and has hated Crowley from day one. He 100% connects him with Ruby, and I don't know that his general distrust of demons or his hatred for Crowley in particular ever truly goes away. I mean I think there's a reason season 13 Dean only dares mention losing Crowley in a private prayer to god while shouting to the roof tops over Cas when it's made clear to him that Sam wants to ignore his death. I think Sam's probably at least a little resentful that Dean seems to be pretty good at figuring out when he can and can't trust a demon not to backstab them. Add the "summer of love" and Crowley's gloating about it and the resentment just builds and builds. Rowena didn't need to do any convincing to get Sam to kill Crowley for her lmao.
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justalittlenerdy · 5 years ago
(17) 13 questions
(cuz I just figured I’d pick and choose yk 😂)
Twas tagged by the ever lovely @schofielded 🙌
Name: its a mystery. a secret. truly an enigmma that thou shalt never know
Favorite music/bands?: Folk, Indie, Alternative (which ranges anywhere from soft and chill to ragey and chaotic) and Worship music. I love Lord Huron, The Oh Hellos, Sleeping At Last, The Hunts, The Gray Havens, Avi Kaplan, Lewis Capaldi, The Score, little bit of AJR, NEEDTOBREATHE, and Radical Face. Worship-music wise, Rend Collective is my go to (their album Good News is my favorite 🙌) and I really like MercyMe.
Other blogs?: nah, just me. I do have an IG where I post all my art, but I find myself leaning more towards using tumblr as I don’t feel as much internal pressure to preform on this platform. Idk, I feel like I’ve let IG warp some of my thought processes when it comes to making/sharing art and I don’t want it to just be something I do for likes or shares. So I’m trying to fix that a bit via tumblr cuz it feels so much bigger and easier to just vibe in.
How many blogs do you follow?: 81 my dude
Who are your tumblr crushes?: (I’m assuming this means pages whose content I really like??) @general-grevious is pretty hysterical @thatfunkyopossum has some great sw/cw stuff, as do @suddenly-clones, @wille-zarr, and @i-got-no-bones. @woogwoo-wren finds + posts a lot of good stuff, and then I’ve found a pretty cool nerd friend in @schofielded as of late. OH! And @anderil, @melty94, @suja-janee, and @ken0biz are easily some of my favorite art pages. Melty posts a lot of Star Trek and doctor who stuff too which honestly is the best 👌
What are you wearing right now?: well.. if you must know 👀 a yellow hoodie, sweat shorts, and a t-shirt on my head cuz it’s less abrasive than a towel to my curly head and I just spent all day out on a lake, these curls need to stew in some leave-in conditioner for a while 😂
Favorite food?: Pizza. I’ve never had a non-edible pizza. If there’s stuff you don’t like you can pick it off, and you can add on as much variety of toppings as you want. It’s amazing. (The same applies to sandwiches which are a close second.) Mac N Cheese pizza is one of my favorites 😂 I also really like eggs.
Favorite drink?: Chick Fil A Lemonade👌 which I really miss.... 😔
(Favorite?) Instruments: I’m never not gonna love hearing a violin. I also really like the mandolin and would love to take it up someday. I personally play piano, uke, and like three chords on a guitar.
Celebrity Crushes?: ok so like... crush has a very broad definition for me. It could mean anything from good old fashioned admiration to physical attraction to emotional attraction so bear with me cuz this list is weird if viewed through the normal idea of a “crush”. Peter Capaldi, James Arnold Taylor, Robin Atkin Downes, Michael Sheen, David Tennant, Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Fischbach, Avi Kaplan, Andy Serkis, Ewan McGregor, Sam Witwer, and I know there’s more but I’m so tired rn
Random fact: The darkest part of a shadow is called the Umbra and the lighter part is called the Penumbra. (This is the only solid fact I remember from 1st grade science and I’ve never forgotten it so I figure it must be important 😂)
Favorite eco-system?: I mean the ocean is pretty lit (and also a biome so I guess I technically can’t say it’s an eco-system) so if I really have to break it down I’d say coral reefs. There’s just so much going on in there guys like not to be a VSCO girl on main but save👏the👏reefs👏
Favorite cat?: all and I’ll throw in my favorite dog breed for fun: Samoyed. Oh how I would love to own a big fluffy white cloud of hypo-allergenic floof like a Sammy 🥰
If you’re reading this, consider yourself invited to join in on the fun! Add any other questions you’d like to be asked or remove the ones you don’t vibe w/, idc, do yo thang!
If you were tagged in the tumblr crushes consider yourself loved and appreciated and a very lovely person in my book 💕 if you’d like to make your own post about this, please do! It’s fun to see everyone’s different answers 😁 no pressure tho 😎👉👉
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thepuckishrogue · 3 years ago
eyyy thanks for the tag @scarlettriot!
i’ve been away for a bit and idk if i should be ashamed of the fact that in all that time i didn’t write anything or proud of myself for taking the time to rest. either way, my wip folders (yes, plural because i like ~organization~ lol) are always full to bursting so i’ll just go with what’s in the most general one for the sake of variety...
((also getting rid of some of the reblogs/putting it under a read more so as not to clutter up folk's dash...))
((also, also--full disclosure! there's 44 docs in here and i don't wanna type all that up, so this is just the highlights))
12 days of ficmas || exactly what it says on the tin; multi-fandom (rdr and batboys)
A place where deleted games go to die || it was an idea/prompt-type-deal from some kmeme or another; actually a really cool premise but ultimately more work than i wanted to put in
Alexi works in IT || don't ask b/c idfk; i haven't touched that doc since 2017 lmao
asa-baby || all of my asahi of hq fame related works
AtlasxOC || a bioshock fic centered around the rat bastard himself b/c MY GOD that man's voice... the doc title's a bit of a misnomer as i changed it to a reader insert but yeah. it's p. much done, just gotta write the smut, but every time i try to it fights me hard
BobbyxReader Falling Too Deep || so uhhh, i started playing the love island games and i may have developed another digital crush lmao. what can i say? i've got a thing for sweet boys with massive crackhead energy (tho this fic is more concerned with certain fandom theories--if you know, you know--and is thusly a lot more angsty than most bobby fics). it's the only thing i've worked on and it's been very sparingly done over the course of the past week or so
CullenxOC || a dragon age fic. i actually really like this one, but it's a big project so... yeah. been working on it for years; really one of those 'when it's done, it's done' type deals
dial up sound story || okay, so a friend of mine and i were talking about creepypastas and came up with this idea. i don't wanna give anything away b/c i do plan on writing it, but like... shit's wild lol
Dying is Easy [ErikxOC] || so like most i kinda lost my shit after seeing black panther for the first time. truly an excellent example of black cinema. plus michael bae?? GOD PUNCH ME IN THE FACE WHY HE SO FINE?? ...anyways, i came up with a fix-it type fic since i couldn't accept the idea of his character (possibly) being dead and this is that.
I'll be waitin' [SamxOC] || an uncharted story. idk if i just like guys who i'd know would screw me over constantly or if it's just my voice kink being soothed by troy baker's dulcet tones (yes, even with that accent lol) but i kinda instantly fell in love with sam which meant i had to start up a new fic. the premise is p. good, i just need to crack on with writing it, which ew, gross, why would i want to do that? lol
Kiss Kiss Fall in Love || all the stories from that series. multi-fandom (batboys, hq, and mha even tho i haven't published any of those yet). if you wanna know what characters are on the list or make any requests ig this is the time to ask!
Not with Haste HaldirxOC || so like once every two or so years i get really into tolkien's work--like really into it--and this is p. much the result of that. i really love his lore, esp. that surrounding the elves, and wanted to build upon that (and also add a lil pigment into the mix b/c as it stands middle earth is hella pasty lmao). plus i really do want to write my own high fantasy work one day and this is good practice
SadiexHarvey || okay so i was super into stardew valley when it first came out, and still am honestly lol. i took a special shine to a particular shy doctor and yeah. a fic happened as i wanted my boy to know happiness and unconditional b/c he deserves it!!
Smitten (detroit) ConnorxOC || a dbh story. i have been working on this story since sept. 2020 and it shows lmao. honestly given how often i edit it it's got to be one of my most well written works--now if only i could finish it :/
There's Really no Way to Reach Me [Because I'm Already Gone] John SeedxOC || yeah, i like far cry 5, what of it? lmao. i am soft for one (1) sadist lawyer man with the soundcloud rapper special and i plan on making my poor life choices the internet's problem at some point. maybe. yanno, if i can ever finish this...
alright, that's more than enough i think.
tagging the first writers that pop into my head (sorry to anyone i miss; ya girl has got a bad case of brain fog atm :/), but ofc anyone that wants to is welcome to join in the fun!
@screamin-abt-haikyuu | @ofmermaidstories | @cat-slippered
— @mindidjarin thank you for the tag lovely !! 🤍
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it!
i don’t have a lot of wips😅
• to be or not to be (a coincidence) — matt murdock
• tristan thorn x fem!reader (no title)
• it’s different when [he’s] with me — michael kinsella
no pressure tags: @cellophaine @foggywells @novaresque
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