#idk how to tag them lmao the fandom might be small
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oakcaballero · 11 days ago
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I’m FINALLY done omg
(each chart took about 14 hours fdhDgxdyfs)
Ever since I found out about mbti, I’ve been really interested in it and I found that I’m really drawn to the personality types that Green and Yellow are! Soooo I wanted to draw those characters that I know of that match :>
I know there’s a huge difference between fictional and real life depictions of these personality types (since I think that usually it’s stereotypes for fictional and it’s much harder to know about a fictional character than real life people lmaoo) (people’s personality obviously don’t fit a single mold, we’re all so different and unique in our own way(with some similarities sprinkled here and there)) but I do notice a pattern at least in fictional media that feels like these types and I’ve loved them for so long haha
I’m not an expert on mbti, but I feel I have a jist on it (I’m no professional, purely for fun) so I mainly got their typings from the personality database (thank you database ahaha)
And I love connecting other ships with Feelingshipping, so I was so excited to see that a few that I love do match mbti with them :D (especially Commonershipping since I always had a feeling that they were so similar to Feeling <3 and I love pairing them together as my favorites <3)
anywho thanks for reading this! I love to explore all the dynamics of Feeling and this is one that I enjoy exploring ^v^
(there are definitely some other characters that I could mention, but I decided to stick with 10 each)
(sooo many tags ooops)
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WIBTA if I posted my art from a zine early?
I (23nb) joined a zine for a semi obscure 2000s manga/anime as a page artist with two of my friends. I enjoy this media but I don't really consider myself in the fandom, I only joined because one of my aforementioned friends is a huge fan of it and the other friend is also a casual enjoyer and we thought it would be fun if we all did a zine together.
Most zines have a timeline of around 9-10 months from beginning to publishing but this one's been in production for almost 2 years. I've been in a few zines and this one has the worst organization I've ever seen in any project. The timeline on the discord only covered the first 5 months and had no estimate for how long the production would be, but a year and a half for publishing is pretty unheard of. The only check-in for progress that I remember didn't even require sending in your piece, you just had to say if you were finished or not and only a handful of the 30ish people on the discord responded lmao. Both of my friends ghosted at this point and the Singular mod (there might be two mods. I can't really tell) didn't dm them to see if they still wanted to participate or anything. Since there is only one person doing everything me and a few others have asked if they need any help and every time the mod(s) say that they're fine. every month or two someone will ask how the production is going and the mod will answer, and then another month goes by and the cycle repeats. I think the zine has finally gone into its “preorder interest check” stage (so not the actual preorder) but judging by how long everything takes i estimate that it'll be another 2 months at least before it actually goes into preorder. Its also never been clear if this is a free zine or if the sales will be donated to charity or distributed among the contributors. Since there's Allegedly going to be a physical copy it's gotta at least use the sales money to pay for production and shipping costs, but I have no idea if I'll be compensated with a physical copy or any money, especially if I do the thing that I might be TA for.
So here's my actual question. WIBTA if I posted the art I made for the zine before the mod says it's ok to do so? A big part of zine etiquette is that you do not post the final piece until the zine is finished, and the repercussions for someone who does range from a mod dming them to take it down or being kicked out of the zine entirely or in the absolute worst case, called out and blacklisted in the fandom and zine circles (I don't think anything that serious will happen to me but I have anxiety so I'm always imagining the worst thing) Most of the people on Tumblr in this fandom are kind of annoying fandom mom millennial types so I don't really want to deal with any possible backlash from them lol. If I just posted my art on Instagram idk if any of them would see it, but they Definitely would if I posted on Tumblr since the zine originated on there and it's such a small tag. I'm also so frustrated with the experience I kind of want to write something cunty in the description about how it's a zine piece for a zine that probably will never come out but I know that's just being petty and would probably invite drama. Also since I drew this thing a year and a half ago it's a little busted looking so I might redraw parts of it, so posting it would still be kinda shitty but it would technically be a different piece from the original one I submitted to the zine.
What are these acronyms?
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cookinguptales · 2 years ago
I will say, though, that sometimes you try to talk yourself out of your feelings for a long time and then you talk to someone outside of the situation and they're like "what the fuck" and you're like OH okay I have a right to feel weird and bad and stressed out.
I guess it's easy to feel stupid because you actually are affected when people are actively trying to affect you, especially when it's something like writing on the internet, which is just... always going to get harassment. Like when I say I've gotten messages about how people like me should be euthanized in the past over tumblr posts. :')
So you're like "oh, random shitty people is just something that everyone deals with, I should shut up and stop being a baby about it" and then you actually show the messages you're getting to someone and they're like ???? what????
Like I shared my inbox with my hairstylist when we were chatting a few days ago, and he was like ???? This man is not in fandom, so when he saw the kind of shit I was getting over not liking a finale of a tv show, he was shocked. Which... was kind of gratifying. It made me feel less crazy. lmao
Kind of reminds me of when I wrote this really personal essay about disability a few years ago and it won a contest. The people running the contest gave me uhhh quite a bit of money and asked me to keep writing for their site for more money. Like when I tell you I was literally on IRL conference calls with these people asking me why I stopped writing for them.
And I was finally like "...well, there's this feature on your site where you can tag other users in your essays, and after I won people kept writing their own essays about how much I didn't deserve to win, about how "lucky" I was to have a sob story that was attractive to the judges, about how whiny I was, people questioning my disability, etc. And since they tagged me, this was filling my email inbox and it really stressed me out. But if you look at the actual comments on the story, you don't see any of that. So it was kind of invisible harassment."
And the rep was horrified. She had never even considered that someone might use the feature like that. She was like WE'LL INVESTIGATE THIS and I was like. sure, okay. But getting that taste of the spotlight was already enough to make me peace out for good, tbh. Even though I knew that a lot of it was just sour grapes because they wanted to win themselves, and I knew that a lot of what they were saying wasn't valid, the sheer force of the animosity against me was overwhelming.
Like... it's not a crime to have your feelings hurt when someone is actively trying to hurt your feelings. It's natural, I guess, even if you feel kind of stupid about it.
I guess it's kind of wild to me that we just take it for granted that anyone who speaks up is gonna get yelled at online. Any prominent writer or activist you see is probably getting daily cruelty, if not outright death threats. And you just -- you have to have such a certain temperament to deal with all that. And I don't have it. I get easily overwhelmed and stressed when people are mad at me and I know it's not ideal but it is who I am. I joke about it, but I really kind of do feel like a small nervous dog sometimes.
And I wonder, sometimes, how many great voices we never hear from because of this expectation of harassment. Someone says something, gets some shitty trolly comment, then goes back in their hole and never talks again. Or they see the way other people get treated and they never speak up in the first place.
idk, I don't mean to be a martyr about this and I'm sure other people are getting the kinds of messages I am but like. God, it is so weird and disheartening to realize that a few people have been sending you nasty messages for literally months when you block an anon from your inbox and you see what else disappears. There are people who are so mad at me that they've sent me angry messages for months. Because I don't have the same opinions they do about a tv show.
It kind of makes you want to never talk about anything ever again. :(
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oakashthorin · 8 months ago
I got tagged by the wonderful @ithilienns, thank you!!!❤️
How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR?
I want to say 5 or 6, but the first time I honestly paid attention to it and fell in love with LOTR was when I was around 12.
Favorite LOTR character?
ohhhhh that's hard.... Probably Samwise or Goldberry, they are just angel sweethearts and I would kill and die for them.
Books or movies?
Books, all the way. I love the movies, but nothing comes close to the books storytelling wise. Tolkien was a master with words and world building.
Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit?
The Shire, the blue Mountains and Edoras, I don't know why, but the descriptions of each of these make me feel so at home. I just want to see if I'm right, haha
Favorite movie?
The Two Towers, I'm Sam's-Speech-Pilled. Back when I first borrowed the DVDs around 13 years ago I rewatched that part 30 times in one day, and I'll be honest I'd do it again that tiny man shaped my personality more than anything
Favorite scene?
See previous question haha
Favorite quote?
i'll be honest I know I might have a problem but that speech is etched into my heart
"Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam?
Sam : That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for"
Do I have to elaborate? No. This gave me so much hope and strength in dark times, and it still does. It's true, and it's down to earth, realistic, it acknowledges how hard it is to be good and pull through, not even necessarily having to be brave, but having faith in why we endure all the pain and darkness that we have to go through.
What Middle Earth race would you want to be?
Either a dwarf or a hobbit. I'm built and hairy like both lmao (only partially kidding)
Favorite LOTR ship?
I will be honest, I barely ship anything aside from the canon pairings, I got introduced to it before shipping was of any interest for me. I do have ships for the hobbit tho, but for lotr none. It may sound weird but i just never viewed it like I do other fandoms, maybe because it is so special to me, maybe because I'm ace... who knows. I think gigolas content is cute tho, so maybe that?
Again, same as the last Idk if you have done it already, and don't feel pressured! @thorins @bllbabaggins @sonofarathorns @aramblingjay @a-sneaky-bagginses @mirkwood @osakateto @thesleepyhermit @buttercup-bard
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decaf-mother · 9 months ago
[Twenty Questions For Fic Writers]
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
None. Yet.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
RE, COD, TEW, Until Dawn, The Quarry, DBH, A Couple of X-Men, Creepypasta, Some Slashers, more coming soon.
4. Top five by kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely. Sometimes I might not if I don't know what to say or I miss seeing it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oooh... I'm not sure. Probably one of these two [∆] [∆]
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most have happy endings so here's just a random one that I think is sweet [∆]
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often. I have received hate but I just delete and ignore. No point in stirrin' anything up or giving hateful people the validation of a reaction.
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah. Not very well but yeah.
10. Craziest crossover.
Idk... I haven't really done any yet that I can think of.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of anyway.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I'm chill with someone doing it though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. Not sure I'd be good at it.
14. All time favorite ship?
I cannot choose. You will not make me. I am a die hard multi-shipper who is in too many fandoms. I love too much.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Jesus Christ... A lot of em'. I start series and then abandon them. Abandoning my stories is more of a hobby than writing at this point.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Shit. I don't know.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The mere moment I lose even the tiniest bit of motivation or interest - I will never return to that story. Sorry to my readers - I'll go get the ukulele. Lmao. There's other things too but I don't wanna poke at it too much or I may get insecure and stop posting.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Occasionally I'll use words from another language but it's difficult for me. I mostly just write in English and only occasionally throw a pet name from another language in there or something. I'm just super afraid of messing something up.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
First fandom I ever posted for was Creepypasta. First fandom I ever technically wrote for was MLP when I was small. Take that as you will.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Do I have to choose? Most of my stuff for Gaz are my favorites.
[Thanks for the tag @femalefemur .]
No pressure tags: @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @kneelingshadowsalome @silverzoomies @sky-is-the-limit @sofasoap @a-world-with0ut-dr34ms @deadbranch
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kohakhearts · 11 months ago
7, 9, 12, and 33 for the fic writers questions!
thank you!! <3
7: any worldbuilding you're particularly proud of?
i mean, the obvious answer is asld. i put blood sweat and tears in that world, lol. but since these questions are technically about fic, i've gotta shout out sinner's serenade. i don't think making mahiru a siren was really my idea, but god it worked so well and going back and reading this fic like...i did some really cool and fun things with the world. it's so obviously removed from canon in a lot of ways, but the nods to canon work really well, and tbh the whole dynamic between guren and shinya and mahiru like...that wouldn't have worked for any other characters, lmao. like the au is just such a love letter to all the things i loved about these characters And It Shows. 16 year old me made some points!!!!
my other answer is mors tua vita mea, because let's be real - hp is RIDDEN with plot holes, and i think i did a really good job of patching those up. will the fic ever see the light of day? idk. unfortunately i don't do a lot of writing for the fandom anymore, and i didn't want to post the first fic until the first three books were finished. but i've wanted to do my own full rewrite since i was like...14, so it'd be a shame if all my hard work on that never got out tbh :') (i think i did some pretty galaxy-brained stuff to explain soul magic and horcruxes...since the small amount of explanation in canon are bad and stupid<3)
9: how do you find new fic to read?
ok i admit, i...mostly don't. i go through periods where i read a LOT, and in those periods i'm usually looking for a very specific kind of content and i will use every ounce of researching knowledge i acquired at the stupid top 30 university i attended to find it. and then i don't read anything for like, six months. i try to keep up with my friends' fics when i can, but i am very busy and a very slow reader (and on top of that, very unaware of the passage of time lmao. so if i've ever promised to read anything...just know i wasn't lying. i just might take a year ot two to get to it. i WISH that were an exaggeration lol)
thinking about it though, when i was younger and not like. a full-time student with a job and groceries to buy and rent to pay and all that shit, i generally found fics via recommendations (if the fandom was big). if the fandom was small, i'd just sift through the entire relationship or character tag until i'd read everything. wish i could go back to that tbh. i was living the life when i wasn't too exhuasted to use more than 5% of my brain at a time for leisure activities like reading fanfiction :')
12: are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
i don't know why but this is always such a hard question for me to answer??? i think it's largely because i have an awful memory but also like...i'm pretty much willing to give anything a try, idk. all i can really think of is that i used to categorically refuse to read a/b/o but now sometimes, if it's all there is...i can accept it. but it's still not really one i enjoy.
33: if you write chaptered fics, what’s your ideal chapter length to write? is it different from your ideal chapter length to read?
i am a very long-winded person in general and that definitely tracks into my writing. that being said, when i'm not like...actively trying to make them a certain length, my fic chapters tend to be around 6k-7k. which is not bad imo? that's pretty average i think? but i also firmly believe that things like chapter length are really relevant facets of style. i've written things with chapters all less than 1k words and things with chapters that are 25k words. it all depends on the story! so for that reason, i don't really have an ideal chapter length as a reader. as long as it feels well-paced for that specific story, i'm good with it.
questions for fic writers
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🍓 :)
honestly so glad yours was the last one of these to come in my inbox because doing it now is gonna cheer me up on yet another picard depression thursday lmao
here we go!
-- you always cheer me up just by being yourself (i know that sounds so corny but it's true!) like even when i'm not sad (cause i don't tend to be sad most of the time) and just neutrally experiencing life, your jokes and commentary on just whatever make me laugh everyday, and at this point i'm pretty sure that without them i would backslide from neutral to sad a lot of the time.
-- i'm always trying to convince people that i am chill and stoic (dear reader this is partially true, i swear! irl i am way more lowkey than on here) but am still filled with anxiety and take some things Way Too Seriously, and your uss indifference vibes have gotten me through more times than i can count at this point. you just have a very smart and healthy way of looking at things that i really need (in fandom especially but in life generally!) somehow at your very small age you are more mature than like 2/3 of the people i know period (+ easily 99% of the people i am vaguely acquainted with in fandom) 🫡
-- you're such a good friend! i'm saying this not just from personal experience but from knowing how loyal and supportive you are to all of your other friends. we are all so lucky to have you (i really hope the others know that...if not i will maybe kick their asses idk 🤨)
-- you have great taste in so many things and are also very open-minded re trying new things, so i feel like we get to have this wonderful exchange of stuff all the time...truly a testament to my love for you that i'm like "thank you for introducing me to trek" instead of "why did you ruin my life"...and you drink manhattans now! i just really enjoy how we have a lot of overlapping tastes but also a lot of different stuff to share with each other. also i get to pretend to be Young and Cool and Know Things by association. but also get to have fun meltdowns whenever i realize some major life event happened for me before you existed. 🫠 it's fun!
-- you have infectious enthusiasm for the things you love (give me all the deep-dive stream-of-consciousness nerd texts forever) and then also lend it to others for things they're already enthusiastic about to hype them up (see, e.g., incredible tags on gifsets that absolutely delight the people who made them, getting super into fiona overnight and finding interviews of her that i never had that greatly improved my life)
--cutting myself off cause this post could just go forever and i don't want to be excessively self-indulgent BUT tl:dr fandoms come and go, but if you're really lucky you might meet someone because of them who changes your life, who you assume will always be in it, and you are that for me. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💕💖
@mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
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softranswolves · 2 years ago
In the Teen Wolf fandom, it seems like peeps only love the big-names, the ones who regularly return to post content versus people who joined in the last few years.
As someone who has been here a while, what's your take on this? Should new people stop trying? Because that's what I'm feeling.
Hey friend!
I just wanna say, before I really get to my answer, I'm kind of touched that you see me having been around for a while!! I'm definitely not what I'd consider a big-name and I know my blog is mostly just my little corner full of stuff I curate with my own creations or reblogs of other people's but you see me 😊 I'm also for sure not tapped into the fandom itself like some folks I follow. I just doot my snoot in my little archive of teen wolf shenanigans and try to maintain friendships with anyone who wants to interact with me (via asks, messages, or tags, good golly I wanna hug anyone who interacts in tags lol and I for sure recognize when ppl come back).
I typed a way longer response that you may not have wanted, all to just say I would hate to see new people stop trying!! I adore that teen wolf is still pulling people despite it being off air and potentially not getting more movies (whether or not that's what most people want). I think fandoms need fresh air continually too. No two people will experience the show or content 100% the same way and have every single response be the same. Just with the two cakes mindset of creation, there are multiple cakes for how we all digest the show and they're all delicious. I carved out my own little corner here because I wanted organization for myself, and I create largely for myself. Any interaction I get, I fucking adore, I cannot impress that enough lol. I just never really expect it bc I know I do my own thing here with stuff like Multiamory May moodboards. Rarepairs and polyamory and trans headcanons just aren't everyone's cup of tea and I stopped trying to be recognized for what I "target" when I know my quality isn't 100% and I'm just vibing to my own weirdness instead of being super put together about it. I've definitely flickered in and out of the fandom when it comes to engagement too - like how last year (or year before? idk, time is confusing) I was running regular events but currently I just don't have the energy/passion in the same way.
If you really want to be seen more, esp if you make your own posts/content, utilize tags, even if you're hella lazy with it like me. I try to always use #twedit no matter what, in addition to #twfemslash and #twrarepair when applicable. Those go on the radar of people who fill the queues of some "big" blogs that do a bunch of reblogging just to have continual content out there. I also feel like I got a foot in via a couple of my discord servers, mainly Teen Wolf Legacy, and making a couple too (one for Scott shipping, one for teen wolf femslash; others i know of included pecific Derek-positive ones, a Stiles shipping one). That absolutely increased my reach, because I could share my stuff with people who specifically wanted to get pinged for, say Allison/Stiles content as an example. Idk that my following blew up or anything, I'm still a relatively small teen wolf blog. But it did make it easier to grow into my niche here. It also made me realize how big the fandom is. Some might only watch for or engage with a particular ship or character, while others like me do so for pretty much anyone.
This was still lengthy, I'm sorry. You caught me after work when my brain is like solely focused on decompression via fixation and tumblr is often a source for that. Please don't be discouraged from trying, and if you feel comfortable coming directly to me I could possibly point you in the direction of some other teen wolf blogs with similar interests! Big-names are hella daunting and it still blows my mind some of the ones I always sort of looked up to also just have some nerd behind them that I can talk to (even if I feel like im annoying them lmao). Feel free to talk with me more either on or off anon too, I'm pretty much always here to some extent. I love new people so fucking much, I'm just not engaged enough to always see you 💜💜💜💜
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castlebyersafterdark · 6 months ago
Question! I've been debating making a spicy byler Tumblr for a bit, and I was wondering if you suggest making a side blog or a whole new account? I'm a little afraid of something happening where someone tries to report me and it gets my whole account banned lmao idk how likely it is but it's on my mind. And the other thing is wanting to interact with other blogs, especially some that might not have anon asks on. Logging out and into another account every time I want to use it does sound like a hassle though. I don't know what I should do!
I would suggest a separate blog account if you're interested in really interacting. That way you can leave likes and send messages off anon if desired or chat via DM easily. I know logging in and out can be annoying but it's that or keep your main name attached somewhere. I guess that's the risk too just having the side blog, I'm not sure if a sideblog gets nuked does the whole account? Which is why I save copies of my longer drabble writing posts here so I don't lose them (honestly more worried about getting nuked from my 🌽 sideblog existence but it's a risk I'm willing to take hahaha). I mean, I only log into my old account about twice a week if that these days, but my situation is different because I personally don't care about any other fandoms at the moment and the smaller list of curated accounts I follow here has been a positive change, but if that's not the case the logging in/out thing could be the biggest hold up. Though, I feel like you could use a browser for one and the app for another if on a phone but I'd be worried about posting to the wrong account if doing that hahaha. My advice if making a spicy blog too regardless of decision is to try to really avoid tagging your posts with popular main tags. If people want to interact and follow, they'll find you. Especially if you start interacting with others in the corner, we find each other. You have to reconcile with the reality of a smaller audience and small engagement. It's certainly not lonely, but for example if you are someone who posts writing or HCs, 25 notes probably feels like several hundred on main. Hahaha
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mystic-myrtille · 20 days ago
"Imagine if a character did a bad thing, the fandom would be so mad and bash them!" ... yeah no shit?
Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but have you seen the salt tag these past days? It's filled to the brim with Marinette salt and bashing and whatnot. Last week I blocked 5 people because they made a bunch of posts about how Marinette is the worst person ever and I was getting tired of it. There's even a whole community dedicated to salting/critizising Marinette. People are angry at how weird she was about Sublime, how she broke Adrien's ring and probably poofed him out of existence (or not since Astruc said something about Adriens amok being fine because LB didn't intend to free the amok... idk makes no sense lore-wise), how she tried to mix a friends movie night with a romantic date yada yada. We don't need roles reversing, we see the fandom's reaction.
Everyone and their mothers fucking complain about how she sucks.
It's everywhere.
And it's not like I don't understand where this is coming from, her portrayal this season is... yeah... you've probably seen it yourself. It's bad.
Meanwhile Adrien didn't do anything this season, he just stands around, is all lovey dovey around Marinette and apparently doesn't make any mistakes in the relationship ever. He's just crazy chill about it. Like... there's clearly a bias here. Why does Adrien know how to act in a relationship but Marinette doesn't? Why does Marinette always have to be the butt of the joke because she doesn't know what she's doing, and Adrien isn't? Why isn't this season about both of them doing small mistakes and finding out together how to handle their relationship instead of just one person doing the most unhinged shit ever while the other is suddenly a relationship expert? Wouldn't that be nicer and a good way to bring the two to grow closer and ultimately become better people and a stronger couple as a result?
This is the point of the post and I really don't see how bringing a gender-reverse discussion into this is supposed to help. If Marinette acts stupid she gets salted on. If Adrien acts stupid he gets salted on. If both act stupid both will probably get salted on. It's always been like this in the fandom.
The new season just reinforces what the writing is like for thew whole show: Marinette makes a mistake in every episode, no matter how cringe or ooc or unlogical it is, and Adrien is just too damn perfect and every flaw he might have is actually the world around him being flawed (which I think is also the reason he doesn't do much in general. If a character doesn't do things, he can't do them wrong lmao).
But if we really wanna bring gender in, here's a take: If Mari was a guy the writers wouldn't make him/her act this way in the first place.
Marinette being the one making all the mistakes in their relationship so far is kinda notttttttt giving me the best vibesssssss
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froggy-day · 2 years ago
tysm for the fic rec 🙏🙏🙏 holy shit i just finished reading it and ouuuggghhh i am on a kurogiri fic kick now im on my way to read everything in the tag. if you have any fic recs (kurogiri centric or otherwise!!) i am All Ears!!! im on a journey to read a bunch of mha fics since i got into the fandom like. a month ago. but if u have any shigaraki fics u like in particular … 👀
Hi anon!! I’m so happy you liked it!!
As for fic recs: hoooo boy I got into bnha 5ish years ago (I’m not proud of how long I’ve been here lmao) so I could go on and on. However, I only really started saving my favorite fics post-Kurogiri obsession, so these will mostly be about him! As for Shigaraki-centric stuff, I actually don’t have much, so sorry about that.
I’m going to try to keep this a reasonable length. I’ve already had to take out so many of my favorite fics from the list, just because otherwise it would be horribly long.
Still, this is about to be a Very Large Amount of fic recs, so just pick and choose based on what sounds appealing!!
Multichapter Kurogiri-adjacent:
it’s plain enough to see, but some of us are living in the past by AllISeeAreKingsAndThieves: Shiggy gets sent 2 years into the past and now has to figure out what to do differently. (Incomplete - 44k.)
Breaking through the storm clouds by Alana_Me: Kurogiri wakes up in the past, 17 years old all over again, back when he was still Shirakumo Oboro. This time around, he promises he’s going to save the League. (Incomplete - 17k.)
Just Shy of Tangible by pretentiousashell: an incredible erasermist fic that is absolutely overflowing with yearning. (Complete - 5k.)
Amalgamations of Ghosts by pretentiousashell: also an incredible erasercloud fic, ft both dadzawa and dadkumo, along with middle-school shindeku. (Complete - 23k.)
Single chapter, Kurogiri-centric:
hide your face, bury your grief by achievingelysium: oh man I have never been more obsessed with a person’s writing style. Aizawa-centric (but mainly about Kurogiri) erasercloud soulmate/hanahaki au. (Honestly, major rec for every fic ever by this person, especially their kurogiri/oboro-related ones.) (3k.)
we've all got nowhere to go by PitViperofDoom: a kurogiri-centric fic written pre-Kurogiri reveal. Years after AFO kicks the bucket, Shigaraki finds Kurogiri and forces him to reconcile his morals. (8k.)
stay with me (and be a ghost tonight) by YetAnotherGhost: Villain!Mic not only meets Kurogiri, but also learns how he was created. Emotions ensue. (2k.)
Single chapter, Shirakumo-centric:
Honestly, I’m just going to rec you these authors to check out: immaplatypus, dontartichoke, kumogiri, Maebee. All of them write only bangers.
Jangle by Tippytap: idk what it is about this fic that makes me scream with joy, but this is one of my favorite rooftop gang friendship fics. (1k.)
General BNHA:
don’t you just want to go apeshit? By kkachis, MargaritaDaemonelix: crack fic where Todoroki decides he does, in fact, want to go apeshit. (15k.)
Civilian Besties, Professional Enemies by katydid: AFO and All Might become online friends. It goes about as well as you’d expect. (7k.)
Passaggio by kashinoha: the most perfect mic character study ever. I don’t even know where to start with this one besides just: AAAAAAAAAAA. (5k.)
gaze into the cracked mirror by h1lo: this one’s a collection of fics spanning basically the entire cast of characters in bnha. It’s a goldmine full of incredible takes on usually under-developed characters, all in small, easy-to-digest pieces. (The Koda one is my favorite).
Though in my opinion, the best way to get fic recs is to check out ppl’s ao3 bookmarks and then filter those based on what you want to see (here’s mine!). There’s also moderated collections like Behold the Sacred Texts that are full-on goldmines.
Sorry for this being so long. There was an attempt to keep it short. Happy reading!!
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olderthannetfic · 3 years ago
I'm going insane trying to read gen submas fic on AO3 because legitimately 90% of the content has giant SHIPPERS I WILL HUNT U FOR SPORT DNI tags on it and even only reading non-DNI tagged works they'll just spring that on you in the bottom author's note ranting about 'gross freaks'.
i just want to shake some of these people. you posted in the gen tag, you don't have to tag '#this is not shipping them!' or 'i can't believe i have to tag shippers dni on here apparently?' (that last one made me legit facepalm. no, you literally do not.)
in fact i have seen multiple people say they started spite-shipping the pairing because of all the dnis annoying them, or even just introducing them to that small side of the fandom.
(i have never once seen a comment on any gen fic about ships, but damn do the antis come out in force whenever even a whisper of blankship appears. it's just so damn performative i want to scream)
I'm also curious where the line of threatening DNI tags is? like i feel fine reporting 'i will kill any shippers on sight' but 'shippers are freaks' or 'i will eat your toes if you dare ship them' feels more grey in terms of falling under something reportable? also the fact I've seen people literally bragging on tumblr that their tags were so aggressive that they were suspended 'for hurting the freaks fee fees' and how stupid AO3's mods must be to cater to such "horrible people".... >> makes it harder to even talk about this stupid circus show.
(this turned into a vent more than an ask, sorry. it's been a long week lmao)
I'd say report all the ones with threats, even if they're dumb threats (toe eating or whatever). If they just call people freaks... idk... I might not bother.
I mean, you can report anything, but maybe try reporting just one that's fairly nasty but not directly threatening and see what response you get to gauge whether it's worth reporting others.
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Thanks for the tag Reese <3
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
I have 30 works on ao3!
2. what’s your total ao3 word count? 139,522 which is uhhhh wow
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Play It By Ear currently! Also dnd fanfic, but like that doesn't go on ao3
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
A Touch of Impropriety - Emma (2020) post-canon one shot about protective Mr. Knightley
No Chance, No Way, I Won't Say I'm In Love - The Rookie How the love languages outed Chenford's secret relationship
a soft place to land - The Rookie
Angela perspective on the Chenford pining era
a post is worth a thousand words; a like is worth a thousand speeches - The Rookie
Isabel and Lucy being weird not friends on Instragam, plus more outsider pov on Chenford
she was never the princess in your story - The Rookie
introspective look on Chris realizing he was just never going to the one Lucy loved. I genuinely don't think this character was a bad guy, so I wanted to humanize him I guess?
Also shout out to my Rookie era, I will not be returning ever.
5. do you respond to comments?
If they have questions about the fic, or if they say something with cool interpretation yes! I love all comments though
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Wrote a fic called Bad End for my dnd campaign, where it was all bad. Nothing on ao3 has ended angsty.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Literally all of them? But I guess maybe seasalt and driftwood? It ends with a wedding.
8. do you get hate on your fics?
Not that I'm aware of? I mean maybe. I would be fascinated to know about what.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Not publicly <3, if you're interested in that I guess dm me?
10. do you write crossovers?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
The audience on my fics is so small
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, with my bff in grade seven, it was Teen Titans, and is stil up on fanfiction.net lmao. Still proud of us for writing that.
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye? If I had to answer
15. what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Pride and Prejudice Carnivorous Carpentry AU I think, there's not enough character overlap? who knows
16. what are your writing strengths?
I think I'm really good at writing horror, and ephemeral feelingsy introspectives. queen of the character study.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
action and dialogue probably? idk
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Like doing it myself? I'm bilingual, so like I could? I don't know if I understand this question.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Twilight? Night World? back in the wattpad era.
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
stained glass or The Dark Tower. They are my magnum opuses, and you should read them. Who know one of them might be getting a sequel in a spooky month.
Tag: @spacetime-storytime @aquastranger and literally anyone else who wants to <3
20 questions for 20 writers !!
thank u to @localdisasterisk for tagging me in this! i honestly do not know how many writers i follow so um. ill tag my pibe fic besties @wheelsupin-azarathmetrionzinthos @angelwiththeblue-box @fatestitcherr @incorrect-play-it-by-ear and the rest of u can fight amongst yourselves
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
48. i don’t know if its more concerning that almost half of them are from the past five months or that almost half are play it by ear. its the same almost half but still
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
143,389. woof
3. what fandoms do you write for?
obviously play it by ear. everyone knows that. also d20 occasionally and project sekai. unfortunately
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
toya and mizuki’s step by step guide to romancing a shinonome — i will be so real with you guys i specifically crafted this one to be popular. and then i fell in love with it along the way. but it did start as a science experiment
let me take you with me (just like this) — WHY. this is my second pjsekai fic and my fourth fic ever posted. it’s not at all reflective of my current style. help
kiss it better — yeah. same issue as the other one. this one’s better though lmao
say you miss me (say you want to kiss me) — honestly? just impressed a honakana fic made it up this high. love my girlies
the moon is crumbling (but that’s okay) — yeah everyone pretend to be surprised the ruikasa fic got this high up. it was a new concept for me, though, so i’m pretty proud of that
5. do you respond to comments?
i used to, but not really anymore unfortunately. to be fair, i will point you all to the fact that most of my recent fics are pibe, and then to the discord where we all scream about them together
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t usually. write sad endings. bc i don’t like them. okay that’s not true i just usually don’t. i guess the moon is crumbling?? if i had to choose?? it’s more bittersweet than anything, but people did say they cried, so…
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
99.9% of my fics are getting together fics. it’s just the same ending a million different ways. you tell me
8. do you get hate on your fics?
not publicly!
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i would simply be too powerful if i could. this is for your safety actually
10. do you write crossovers?
in the sense of characters across universes/media interacting? no. in the sense of “i am going to put my blorbos in every single other setting i slightly enjoy”? absolutely. putting them under a microscope. researching and recording how they react to their surroundings
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i simply do not think there is a demand for my fics in other languages. not in like a depressing way, it’s just that i’m writing for like five people including myself, so. yknow
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but if someone wanted to… 👀
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
i’ve never written for them (yet, at least), but by sheer volume and span of time i have to say souyo persona4. my silly boys. i’ve never scoured the entire tag for a ship multiple times on ao3 like i have for them. i have so many thoughts about them that have never seen the light of day but they exist!!
15. what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
stares awkwardly at feed your anger like fire… i’ve tried!! but it turns out that sometimes you get stuck on clothing designs and stop writing and then lose passion for the project and then stop updating for three years because you were too ambitious and also you hate your old writing style. not that i would know anything about that
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m really good at dialogue, or at least banter. unfortunately this makes me very judgmental but that’s not important. also i can create a vibe well i’ve been told
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
in general? i SUCK at character description, or at least knowing where and when to place it. i also always worry about characterization and if my characters sound too similar
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i used to read so many fics that centered around using another language (shoutout bmc fandom when i was. in that. a dark period of my life, but alas) and honestly if it’s done well i think it’s cool!! i’m not going to get into the intricacies of bilingualism on account of being an english only speaker but it is rad to me
19. first fandom you wrote for?
wrote for? probably warriors. yes the cats. i had a whole fanfic for my oc. shoutout to… honestly i don’t remember her name but she was a real one! wrote for and posted is another story, by which i mean i don’t remember At All. probably bandori tbh, bc i don’t remember if i posted fanfic on my wattpad
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
either the venn diagram of curses and crushes (which is still my favorite fic title ever) or soaking in the glory. one of them is a 3k word expedition into the play it by ear canon space and the other is a 7k word fever dream i went into a fugue state to write in two days. honorable mention to the like the sweetest cup of chai series which i hold so close to my heart. silliest besties of all time
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firelxdykatara · 4 years ago
Please don't reblog SessRin. She was 13 when he got her pregnant. When he first adopted her, she was 8.
Oi vey.
No, she wasn’t.
It’s really funny that somehow I know more about the source material than people who are actually in the fandom, despite being much more of a casual viewer, but like, it’s not that hard to look up??? And realize that Sesshomaru never ‘adopted’ her (fuck, I know that and I’ve only seen like three seasons of the show), because literally all their relationship consisted of was Rin following Sess around for a year (one (1) year), while basically taking care of herself (he didn’t even feed her ffs), occasionally with Jaken’s help. All Sess himself did was keep her alive, which.... man, if that’s what y’all consider a father/daughter relationship, I’m genuinely concerned. Especially since, after that year was over, Sesshomaru dropped her off in a human village so that she could be raised among her own kind and then choose, for herself, where she wanted to be. If that kind of relationship when Rin was young makes their relationship after she grew up off-putting to you, that’s completely valid! What isn’t valid is claiming that your feelings are the only valid ones, and that Sess must have had romantic feelings for her when she was a child, which is never suggested anywhere in canon.
Secondly, there’s no reason to believe she was thirteen when he got her pregnant, what???? Everyone looks weirdly young in Yashahime’s art style, for one thing, (though notably, she just doesn’t look that much younger in the birth scene than Kagome) but I’ve been over the timeline (more for curiosity’s sake than anything else) and, quite apart from the fact that Rin had no canon age in the OG series (idk how the fandom settled on 8, but that was never actually stated, and she could easily have been a few years older--she was small but also uhhhh she’d been living like a feral child and pretty constantly malnourished before Sesshomaru found her so she would have been tiny for her age anyway), at the youngest she’d have been 16 or so. Which you may not think is great, and that’s fine, but it’s not the worst thing to come out of canon pairings in shows, so I fail to see the issue there.
Sess is supposed to be physically/mentally 19, the way Inuyasha is meant to be physically/mentally 15. The show wasn’t great about conveying this, but no one yelled about 150 year-old half-demon Inuyasha falling for a high schooler, so??? (Nevermind that this is a staple in shows with immortal protagonists. Which isn’t everyone’s cuppa, and that’s fine, but I get the appeal. I kinda have to, Bangel being one of my ultimate OTPs.) They are demons. They don’t view human lives and mortality and morality the same way we do. They don’t have to! It’s actually really interesting to think about that juxtaposition, how demons view humans but then some of them fall in love and those views change, and how half-demons bridge the gap between those two worlds... it’s fascinating. And for Sesshomaru, famously disdainful of humankind, to have fallen in love with a human woman and had half-demon kids of his own??? That’s even better.
I really gotta ask, though, who y’all even thought that human might be before the reveal lmao.
The thing is, I’m not even really in this fandom. I have a passing interest, I’ve seen a good chunk of the show and enjoyed it, I don’t really ship anything except inukag and a bit sesskag because I’ve seen some artwork and fanworks that really intrigue me, but I thought that piece of art was cute and reblogged it. I don’t have any real opinions on the ship itself, except that people are losing their minds for no reason, because it’s easy to blacklist tags and block content and also if the show itself disgusts you bc of its canon pairings then don’t watch it??? There are plenty of shows I don’t watch because I hate the things they do in canon (see: why i never got into Game of Thrones) but I’m not about to ask people to not reblog things from those shows just bc I don’t like them. If it bothers me that much, there’s blacklisting and tumblr’s filter system. Also blocking, if it’s really that huge a deal.
But I’ve never had patience with this kind of argument where, like, people who really hate a ship have decided that it MUST be pedophilia, despite their insistence on information that isn’t even canon, like. It happened to me, not long back, when a group of atla blogs decided that Jiang was an adult, despite there being no canon basis for that belief (and a lot of canon basis for her being a teenager, since all her crew were around the gaang’s ages), and so if I shipped her with Katara I must be a pedo. I hated it then, and I hate it now, and if you don’t like my particular stance on this, you don’t have to, but I’m not budging.
For the record, I always tag ship things, and I tagged that post, so if you hate sessrin, I implore you, please blacklist or filter the tag. It’s genuinely not that difficult. And I’m not even in the fandom, but I’m also not gonna go out of my way not to reblog things if I find them cute or the art good or whatever, so I can’t promise I’ll never reblog sessrin again lmao
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justanalto · 3 years ago
ao3 stats, 2021 edition
was very entertainingly tagged in this by @aleksandrachaev and i say entertainingly because...well, you'll see
first of all, i want to say thank you to everyone who read, kudos'd, and reviewed anything i wrote this year! even if it was just a sentence it warmed my heart like nothing other. ily to the furthest reaches of the galaxy and back <3
What are your five most popular works of all time?
i think the biggest irony about this is that this list will never change because i'm pretty sure it's the same as last year:
May's Golden Dragon
can i have this dance
this is my home (you are my home)
black coffee mornings
move on the path, but keep the flame
really hoping i'll write something that knocks one of those out of the park this year but we'll see, LOL!
What are your five least popular works? (starting with least kudos)
i think this might be a crowded fight between my star trek: discovery fics, lol. it's a small fandom to begin with, and I live in a very niche corner of it LMAO.
sleeping beauty and the flower girl
i never meant to be the one to let you down
of emails, slack conversations and overdue reunions
i'd tell me (run)
i fall in love with you all the time
Are you surprised about any of these lists?
by the most kudos list, not really! I think it's just about the same list as it was last year -- most of those fics were published in 2020 in the height of the last season of agents of shield, so there was a lot of fic being consumed them. may's, while my baby, has also been running for four years, so there's definitely something to be said about accumulating kudos, LOL.
by the least kudos list, not really, although i'm a little sad to see some of them on there. i'm a really big fan of i never meant to be the one and i fall in love with you, especially the latter because i am absolutely screaming about a whole kid jola au
Optional, if you want to calculate it (remember that ao3 will count all the words in a multichap towards the year it is completed, regardless of how much was actually posted that year): How many words did you publish in 2020?
please hold while i find a calculator because i think that'll be easier
175,331, give or take, because I think I updated may's a few times this year! definitely not as many as last year, but this year's been difficult, and finding a muse has been a little tougher than I've wanted it to be. here's hoping for more words this year in 2022!
What’s a favorite fic you published this year?
that's a tough one, because i have favorites for different reasons! i have favorite longer shots, favorite angsts, and favorite drabbles. i think at the end of it all, it's probably scuttlebutt squad because of the humor, the dual pov, and just. it's very sapphic. and of course, the group chat format is one i get down with all the time.
How do you feel like you’ve improved as a writer this year?
there's a lot more sapphism in this year than there has been in previous years, first of all. but I think I've really learned how to write in the present tense this year, because there's something about star trek: discovery fics that calls for it? and that odd half-formal tone that comes with writing its characters while they're on duty. as someone who started the year not even thinking she'd venture into star trek, i feel like that's the biggest learning curve I mastered :)
What is something new you did writing-wise in the past year? (new fandom, pairing, setting, genre, collab, etc)
*looks at the 16 keyla detmer/joann owosekun fics I published last year alone* idk it's kind of hard to tell
but it's really writing for star trek: discovery! as someone who started 2021 with a foot halfway out of the fandom/writing fanfic door i'm happy to report i'm lost in the sauce now...again. it's been a challenge, learning to write for a whole new type of universe, but I like to think I'm doing well, LOL.
What is something writing-related you would like to try in the future? (check back at the end of the year and see if you did it!)
my goals from last year:
Finish May's. I don’t think I’ll get that done this year, but barring that, I’d like to try collaborating – or producing a cool moodboard!
oh god i decidedly Did Not Do That. I really didn't do that, huh...
we're gonna blame @aleksandrachaev for this one. by all means, guess who dragged me into star trek land
goals for 2022 include the following:
clear out my tumblr inbox by responding to every ask with snippets
get to the heartbreaking scene in may's
finish boots
get down every single idea that's bounced around in my head onto paper for at least a start
write a ship i haven't written for before!
600,000 words. I'm currently just shy of 500k so I'm hoping this is an easy one!
Today’s date, so you can see how your results might change if you do this again in a year:
January 1, 2022
tagging: @tomatobookworm @apathbacktoyou and anyone else that wants to talk about their 2021 writings!
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teaveetamer · 3 years ago
Have you seen that one recent Twitter thread about the FE3H AO3 analysis? There are some obvious issues with the representative quality of some of the numbers, but I still thought it was interesting. I haven't seen any Tumblr posts about it (at least not in These Circles™) and I thought that you might be the most appropriate person for something like this, but apologies if this is an annoyance. twitter (.) com/castamyre/status/1552034998643048449
Very interesting, thank you! Not an annoyance at all, though if you told me a year ago that I'd be the one people send statistical analysis to I probably wouldn't have believed you lmao. I'll drop the clickable link here so people dont' have to copy+paste
Some of these numbers are just fluff, like new words/authors since last year, and I would have liked to see a little more in depth comparison (e.g. how many new authors were there from 2019-2020, 2020-2021, and then 2021-2022) because just saying "there's x number of new authors now" doesn't really mean anything for comparison sake... if you leave something like this long enough then yes it's absolutely going to see an increase in word count/number of authors/etc. 1000 new authors sounds impressive but if it's compared to, idk say 6,000 in the first year it's a lot less so. The more interesting info to me is "how many authors is that compared to last year?"
Same deal with kudos. I'd love to see a comparison like "here was the median kudos for fics posted in 2019 vs the median for fics posted in 2021". The average and median here is going to be heavily skewed by early fics which naturally would have gotten much more kudos because there was much more activity. A median kudos stat for each ship would have been cool to see as well, because the kudos environment for different ships is so completely different it's really not fair to compare them. You're never going to post, like, a Dimitri/Balthus fic and get 50 kudos without some outside factors (like having other more visible ships tagged as well or being posted to an event/kink meme/whatever). Or kudos broken down by rating??? A G or T rated fic is not going to pull the same numbers as an E rated fic, that's just fact. As is, median kudos is basically a neat number, but it doesn't really tell me anything.
Also funny how the charts start out with "THE FANDOM IS NOT DYING" but aside from a small spike in February and an uptick in July the graph literally shows only ~20 new fics per... what is that, month? Week? On average. I wish the graph was more finely grained, it's hard to see what's going on when it only marks every third month. Assuming I'm even reading the thing right, because honestly it makes my brain hurt a little to look at it
I probably would have used the date posted instead of the date updated too, or I would have done one chart for each. Date updated naturally favors the latter half of the graph because longfics, multichaptereds, etc. could have been posted early but not finished or updated until months or even years later. It might also catch fics with only minor updates (since I believe AO3 does mark them with a new update date, even if it doesn't move it to the top of the archive). Date posted would be much more descriptive of when new fics are actually being added to the archive.
I'd say the rest of this data isn't really that surprising. I do honestly doubt that Shez is going to be moving up into the upper eschelons of characters written about though, considering Three Hopes is a spinoff and at least from what I've seen the fan reception has not been all that great. Maybe it's better in the more transformative minded fandom, buuuuuut IDK.
Also yay, Dimidue isn't in the top 30 least horny ships! And LMAO at Catherine, Shamir, and Rhea being the top three gayest ladies. And Dedue sliding into second for gayest dudes.
Obviously it doesn't really mean much (I mean, of course Catherine is the gayest chick when her only two ships of note are with Shamir and Rhea, and of course Ferdie is the gayest dude when his biggest ship is with Hubert and that ship makes up like 90% of Ferdie ship content) but it is hilarious.
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