#idk how to explain the correlation but im certain thats it
doebt · 4 years
bruh also im so insecure lately. am i............self centered. do i...........have...an ego complex...am i..... overbearing.......etc
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gg-astrology · 5 years
okay so idk how to really explain but is there any compatibility in sister signs + opposites in the calendar year?? Like would a Taurus born on April 24 be compatible with a Scorpio born on October 24?? Is there any correlation with birthdays exactly 6 months apart with compatibility?? Thank you and I absolutely adore your blog 💕💕
Hey there!! ❤️💕 
Musing on Sister Signs + specific time-frame, generational construct (loose) ⬇️
🚫long post🚫
*not even sure if i worded the title right for this read more but its basically me looking at sister signs + shorter time frame of around 6 months instead of years (shortest time-frame for this) and how it might? affect us in our peer groups idk but its fun!!! i had fun!!!❤️💕
Sister signs are very valid uwu ❤️💕 Just in general/across the board as well (I know thats probably not what you asked but let me just start with this) – sister signs across different ages/generations can often bring various insights and work at specific points in their life, that may/may not uplift each other– just depends on how well you get along with that person as well tbh ❤️💕 
In terms of having the same calendar year 🤔just like those you share similar generational planets with + social planets too, certain things can pull you closer to one another ❤️💕It’s not to say we’re completely the same as our peers, but think about how sometimes certain individuals born during certain transits – can benefit from different configurations in their chart. 
Say we have a generation of those born with Sag Jupiter, Cap Saturn, Aquarius Uranus + Neptune and Cap Pluto (right now) and person A is a Cap Sun. Whilst person B is a Cancer Sun. Person A might find themselves having conjunctions to the Cap Saturn/Pluto. Whilst person B might be in opposition to their social + generational planet instead. 
I say ‘might’ because you can be born degrees apart from it, which can in turn not have it in conjunction/opposition. But it is something to think about– like just in terms of sharing these placements but how it could affect different groups of people tremendously, shaping their experience from one another just looking at a focused group – your peers of the same age as you y know? 
Separately it’s also interesting to think about transits, particularly ones that may be slower moving or indirect. Sometimes we may find ourselves separated between those born at the beginning of the next year over or maybe feeling closer to those born at the end of the year earlier. 4-6 months transits that affects us in term of this *wriggly hands* time-space is also very interesting to think about. The constraint and construct around it.   
Other than that, it would also be interesting to figure out someone’s house divisions. The time we shift through the houses can be irregular (*there are time-based house systems and space-based house systems we can technically use, but placidus is usually categorized as a time-based system)– so it’s not always a guarantee that those born categorically 12 hours after us would always be our opposite sign asc. This is more to do with the house system we use, but it’s so cool to think about. 
I made an entry to be the opposite of me born in the same calendar year on astro.com. It turns out that fortunately this metaphorical person (anyone born July 10th 1995, at 4.18am close to where I was born) would probably be a gemini rising (im a sag rising) with cancer sun in 2nd (im a cap sun in 2nd) gem venus in 1st (im sag venus in 1st) sag moon in 6th (im taurus moon in 6th). Interestingly, they would have their Virgo mars in 4th and Pisces Saturn in 10th. Whilst I have my Virgo mars in 10th and Pisces Saturn in 4th instead.
I’m amazed at the similarity in the result, but that’s also because I live near the tropics and the placidus system prefers that. We don’t have intercepted signs/houses – the more you move apart from the equator, the more the house division gets a little wonkier. 
Also, although it looked pretty amazing for me – I don’t think its the same with everyone else. House divisions especially can be pretty tricky. Whilst this person doesn’t have Pluto in 12th like I do (conjunct to my 1st house stel) they do have a 6th house stel instead (Scorpio/Sag in the 6th). Pick a poison in this case, but it’s interesting to see how the sky shifts/moves through space during a specific time frame (6 months apart).
… I just realized I completely got into beepity boopity-ing over the hypothesis you brought up and forgot to actually answer the question. But um!!! yes!! ❤️💕 compatibility for sister sign is usually focused on balance, since they’re opposite signs. The idea here is that because in your overlays– your sun signs would occupy the opposite houses for each of you. In the case that you don’t share the same asc – it would mean you’d have oppositions in up to 4 different houses (you together). Thats 4 different affairs. Just from the sun signs alone. And that can be interesting to look at and think about, just like– differences but also similarities, and how you handle/manage that as well.
But i’d advise to probably look at your other stuff as well, not just sun signs. Your Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars –even your outer planets + social planets so what you can do together or see who’s which/where/what. Aspects that it makes to each other and maybe even space/points/asteroids i.e. lilith, eros, Juno can be good to check too. Sun sign astrology can only do so much for synastry, but hey anyways. Composite charts might be good too? It’s kinda like your relationship chart in a way. It’s usually the mid-point between you two together, which is really fun to see. But yeah ❤️💕 I hope I didn’t make this too long and rambly ;; ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕 Thank u for asking!! ❤️💕❤️💕  
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yuissamidare · 5 years
@ba1ka HMMMM... you seem to have a type that you kin so that makes it a lil hard to pin down who fits you the most for tkoh... bc there are A Lot who'd fit into that... but i narrowed it down to two
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OKAY FIRST!! this white haired fuckwad disaster man. no2.... is not a bad person. he's smart and funny and sweet. i think hes an incredibly bright and charming person but he does dumbass things that cause trouble for everyone bc he has so much love in him for a certain person he's blind to the harm he causes everyone bc he refuses to see that the person hes ruining himself for had no affection for him anymore. but he still has a lot of people who love him n want to help him and im :'). i love no2 so much but he is. Him.
the other character is unlucky! his name is appropriate hes the unluckiest man in the entire world. thats his superpower too... being unlucky and the amount of bad luck he experiences correlates to how unhappy he is... he's a bodyguard and hes used to attract all the bad luck in the area....... so. you know. eventually his ability mutated so he would be able to protect himself and he causes Others to be unlucky if they touch or upset him... hes really sweet and kind and in my opinion hes the strongest person in the world to be able through the Most Awful shit and still have it in him to be so kind and care and love others the way he does.
for y.ttd.... i dont have any pics of them on my phone rn sorry but! hm.......... im not so sure!!!! at first glance i would think sou or safalin but i feel like i dont have strong enough opinions on them n theres still so much mystery around them.... thats what my heads saying but for some reason you remind me a lot of kai??? idk i cant explain it
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televisionoperator · 3 years
(same anon from earlier) YEAH YEAH ive seen a big thing in stuff getting internet popular is just like. sorta how relatable/easy to project on it is so you get a lot of stuff where the writings super shallow and ppl will like expand on the story/characters themselves way beyond what the source material ever did (which sucks when the original material just sucks/has bad writing but can be cool for like video games and stuff like i cant think of any examples off the top of my head) and then also one thing ive seen is that a lot of things that get absolutey HUGE beyond what they deserve tend to be things where the worldbuilding has some sort of like. system of Groups where the Groups are distinct and have some correlation to what their members tend to be like (like with steven universe gemsonas, a lot of media that have any sort of magic system where different people have different types of powers, theres a few more specific examples i can think of but theyre too horrid for me to want to list) and like. basically im rambling forever but what im saying is that like if its really easy to say "oh if i was a character in this fictional world i would be [whatever] and i would have [whatever ability]" + things that give people a lot of freedom to sorta interpret things and write them themself will make it 1. WAY easier for people to get attached to the world / the media as a whole and 2. people are WAY more likely to want to share about it with their friends which both contribute a lot to popularity. and like a more contained story with more strongly-established characters can be a lot harder to project on if you dont relate to any of the characters. like ofc this isnt exact ive seen a lot of things that should be popular bc of this and arent and theres a ton of things popular for other reasons / a lot of other factors to whether stuff gets popular but i think its a big deal. AND SORRY FOR THE BILLION WORD LONG ANON ASK IM JUST LIKE REALLY FASCINATED BY WHAT MAKES CERTAIN MEDIA GET SOOOO SUPER POPULAR (ALSO I HATE HARRY POTTER/ETC AS MUCH AS THE NEXT GUY I REALLY DO LOL)
THANK U SO MUCH for this little mini essay i agree wholeheartedly. i think that there is a problem in a lot of media wherein characters will pointedly have so little development bc people tend to. idk relate to them more?? sympathize? whatever. i feel like the whole ‘fandom experience’ should ALWAYS be a backseat to like genuinely enjoying a piece of media. like this is just my opinion and i mean i guess its not a problem if the piece of media we’re referring to isn’t actively harmful but it still really takes away from it. or even in something really innocuous like what happened with gaster in undertale. where people who were in that fan-space were so.... intrinsically obsessed with developing and explaining gaster to a mollecular level and ignoring a lot of the other character development. and more pointedly ignoring the canon wlw couple in favor of wanting to bone sans (no pun intended) but thats a completely different matter. its just so. idk if fascinating is the right word for it but it really is. how people consistently favor media that they can twist to their specific ideals of shipping and fandom culture rather than media that they can enjoy.
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chasing-rabbits · 5 years
I dont think the monetizing on your mentally ill page is a bad idea, IF you do it the right way. I think the idea behind spreading the word of mental illness, raising awareness and destigmatizing it is what we need to do. If selling buttons or stickers or shirts or what have you to sell accomplishes this goal then go for it! I would buy a pin that says " __awareness" I would NOT buy a pin that says "SOS my girlfriends bipolar" BUT ur smart and you get it so I doubt you would do that anyway lol
Well considering I have bipolar and bpd and am currently battling stigma from MH professionals yeah I just i see on redbubble the site i use for my vegan designs. Like I looked up bipolar some of it was just horrible like there was these his and hers tops and it was basically correlating bipolar gf w/ crazy etc and i just...idk i find it in v. bad taste especially since i found no evidence to suggest this person has bipolar or any mental illness that is heavily stigmatised. I understand using dark humor to cope but i feel if you are going to sell on the nose dark humor related merch it should be about a disorder you personally have. You know? Also i would not sell even dark humor stuff that uses the word crazy in reference to bipolar. Like when I say dark humor and stuff i mean like i used to follow a blog called self harm shark and some ppl sent it hate saying it glorified it and such but honestly it helped me on tough nights not to cut/not to feel less alone i actually felt less crazy because many user submitted stuff I could relate to and its one of those things where you might think youre alone in feeling this or that and you realise youre not and that is sad sure that someone else experiences it too but it is relieving to know youre not the only one it makes you feel less crazy bcos u realise its not just you so its almost like not normal but its not like youre the only one who experiences it therefore you just idk im not good at explaining it just makes me at least feel less crazy etc. But yeah i mean..idk i just think yeah certain things shouldnt be joked about and i feel like if youre not suffering with said mental illness or dont have a relative or partner or anything with said mental illness you shouldnt really even consider making dark humor or on the nose jokes/humor/memes to sell etc. Cos it comes off as more well..do you actually think that? Are you stigmatising us or thinking these things? Are you trying to make a buck off mental health but you dont care about the mentally ill? You know you just never know someones intentions. I know like for example i woudlnt want to buy vegan merch off someone whose not vegan who doesnt believe in the vegan lifestyle..when I could buy a vegan pin or magnet or coaster set etc from a vegan trying to work hard to make a living its just yeah... I have some designs in mind actually that i have already created for bipolar and mental illness. I actually have one saying my mental illness is not your adjective or something like that. I do have one i created that says ‘bipolar af’ i created it when manic and now ive come out of mania im not entirely sure if its a good idea to sell it or not? I mean im not sure if that is like idk if the as fuck bit makes it sound bad or if it could be misinterpreted and seen as like..the whole using it as an adjective thing like what if people buy it who are like buying it to like use bipolar as an adjective in that terms like you know how people say the weather is so bipolar or quite often bipolar is used to describe someone who just has mood swings or someone who people might define as highly strung or ‘crazy’ idk im not sure if the AF bit makes it seem like thats how its gonna be viewed. I mean to me idk I guess it was just an idea of a shirt or pin etc saying hey im bipolar and you know im not ashamed but in less words...idk if youve noticed but im extremely like anxiety riddled and so worried of being seen as what i despise and that..like worried my designs or words might be misinterpreted or that i might have like a dark humor post or something and maybe it is abit too on the nose or that people might be upset about it or so on. I dont know because no one can police how someone copes with their illness but it is different when that person it putting it out there for sale on pins and stuff you know? Oh btw I am going to be making pins and magnets and other stuff. I am currently working on deciding if i do it through Teepublic/Redbubble or if I use this local manafacturer I found in Leeds (im from good old britland lmfao or brexshitland)  Which might be more costly because Idk that i’d be able to afford to bulk buy the products..i mean I could always do like a uhh thing where whats it called where you have a campaign and you set a limit/target so you say once i reach 100 sales i’ll buy the product and ship it out kinda thing? But idk because i mean what if it takes literally a year to reach 100 sales and people dont want to wait that long. So im not sure...i mean I could do a gofundme maybe but idk how that works..or how to set it up. I really want to focus on my Mental health blog and socials and that combines with my poetry as much of my poetry is mental health related and so recovery related too. So my poetry is less of something i really need to worry about maintaining because i write when i want to when i get inspired or when I need to vent to keep my mental health in check. So i just do it off the cuff as and when and post it to my poetry tumblr. I  have over 500 pieces stock piled that I just need to schedule to my WordPress site. So thats not an issue. So I guess right now I need to work out where to focus iike Mental Health stuff or vegan designs for my Rb or what I could do is just dedicate a day a week to the vegan designs on redbubble as its not very time consuming to create the designs. And then I can upload them like as and when maybe just spend an hour a day uploading designs and making a new instagram post and sharing that on facebook and here.  So then I have 6 days minus an hour a day to work on my mental health stuff which is my main focus and passion tbh. I guess ive been delaying it because ive been strugglign so much lately ive felt like a fraud or felt like i’d be a fraud preaching happiness and recovery and talking about things to help yourself during depressive episodes etc when i was just mooching around watching tv and just feeling blah...you know? I just..I dont know where to start with the mental health stuff and im so afraid of failing and fucking up or being judged and people thinking i suck or like recently i got accused of faking my mental illnesses from a guy in a UK businesses networking group..he sent me a tirade of hate and how he was gonna shame me for being a fake and claimed he had borderline PD and bipolar too and how hes learnt most people fake it and take advantage of the system put in place to help people really mentally ill luckily the admins removed him from the group..but its just..it really got to me you know. My biggest thing is being told im faking it because so many people think borderlines fake their mood shifts because we change happy to suicidal in seconds or at least i do sometimes at my worst..its just hard..i get it can seem attention seeking because we over react to minor issues and arguments but thats literally the definition of our disorder. we are emotionally unstable and we think and like evrything to us is in extremes i love to the max i get angry over reactive to the max i ahve extreme fears of abandonment triggered by slight changes in my relationships w/ people things others might not even pick up on.. idk i got a lot to say and dont know where to start! haha but thank you I will definitely look more into creating mental health based merchandise..
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