#idk how to draw his hair in my style so have like 0 consistency-
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fenori · 6 months ago
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peri-weri! 💜
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poppymadness · 7 years ago
asks bby 😚 i love u
@alwaysdrowninginfeels said:100 questions is fun
hopefully 100 questions is fun to read, love u guuyysss
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? soundcloud or spotify if i actually used any of these
is your room messy or clean? meesssyy
what color are your eyes? brown
do you like your name? why? uuh sure, i like that there’s a stone called amber idk it’s Nice 
what is your relationship status? 0 + 0 = 0
describe your personality in 3 words or less dumb, silly, somethin
what color hair do you have? brooownnn
what kind of car do you drive? color? don’t drive
where do you shop? i don’t consistently shop anywhere ??
how would you describe your style? i don’t have a consistent style i like multiple things fdhja, i rlly dig bomber jackets n ripped jeans tho bitch idk
favorite social media account idk if this is asking an account i love or what social medIA i prefer n just. the latter is twitter idk what to put here 
what size bed do you have? queen..? i think… idk bed sizes well..
any siblings? nope
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? mm don’t know
favorite snapchat filter? that fall one!! givin me the damn glasses and freckles n leaves falling idk why i like it so much dfjgad
favorite makeup brand(s) can’t answer….
how many times a week do you shower? …depression is a bitch averagely once or twice
favorite tv show? the walking dead, i guess
shoe size? 10 ½ i believe but that’s bc my feet are wide soo
how tall are you? 5′2″ a fuckin short ass
sandals or sneakers? sneakers
do you go to the gym? lol no
describe your dream date ok we can’t lie we know visiting a wolf sanctuary would be The One my dudes
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? i have no wallet and no money
what color socks are you wearing? i.. am not wearing socks ok
how many pillows do you sleep with? one or two usually
do you have a job? what do you do? nope
how many friends do you have? ultimately one hi ashley dhja love u cj i’m just goin with irl 
whats the worst thing you have ever done? iiidk i block out bad things i do and i also can’t remember anything before this morning lOL that bad
whats your favorite candle scent? ooh shoot idk, i’ve never had candles often anyways
3 favorite boy names ASHER, …brandon, uuumm idk david is nice
3 favorite girl names i don’t care as much.. djha imma skip it oops
favorite actor? bob morley is the go to my dudes
favorite actress? honestly?? danai gurira is precious 
who is your celebrity crush? dkja steven yeun fuck ya’ll he’s cute as shit
favorite movie? i guess i should still say manchester by the sea, i looove it
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? does the dream thieves count… can i say the dream thieves, second book to the raven cycle series. is that vALID
money or brains? brains but this is dumb
do you have a nickname? what is it? not rlly 
how many times have you been to the hospital? it’s been so long since the last time, i don’t think i’ve gone for anything major rlly ever
top 10 favorite songs imma just put the ones that are my recent obsessions instead and maybe u listen to em cuz they’re Good mm
letdown by nothing, nowhere
all the kids are depressed by jeremy zucker
lovely by billie eilish w/ khalid
dream by bishop briggs
dark side by bishop briggs
warrior by aurora
all i have by nf
10 feet down by nf ft. ruelle
mansion by nf ft. fleurie i think
outcast by nf
do you take any medications daily? no
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) uh dry
what is your biggest fear? i’m honestly like tired n a bit numb i can not comprehend fears
how many kids do you want? this is a future question for a future me if i think i want kids Later
whats your go to hair style? i’m more often in a ponytail than anything else ever
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) small thin-walled apartment pls help
who is your role model? i honestly don’t think i’ve ever had one 
what was the last compliment you received? um probably ashley calling me cute at some point in time Recently
what was the last text you sent? kjdfa rp. for rp
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? fuck if i know probably around 10 or smth.. i could be way off
what is your dream car? if i drive a fuckin jeep wrangler bitch
opinion on smoking? mmm gross and just.. don’t smoke round me and we cool
do you go to college? gonna be lol fuck
what is your dream job? forensic dna analyst.. i guess
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? no
do you have freckles? yeeaaaah
do you smile for pictures? occasionally Now
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 273
have you ever peed in the woods? ….no….
do you still watch cartoons? no
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? mcdonALDS holy shit i haven’t had wendys in years
Favorite dipping sauce? sweet n sour
what do you wear to bed? usually whatever shirt i wore for the Day n pajama pants 
have you ever won a spelling bee? fuck no
what are your hobbies? …video games?
can you draw? ……..questionable……..
do you play an instrument? oh hell no
what was the last concert you saw? crown the empire/warped tour july 2016.. sigh
tea or coffee? coffee !
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? i’ve literally never had anything from starbucks
do you want to get married? um, debatable? depends on the person??
what is your crush’s first and last initial? i don’t have a crush rn
are you going to change your last name when you get married? if i do yh probably will
what color looks best on you? red doesn’t look bad? blue??? i don’t fucking know
do you miss anyone right now? ashleeey
do you sleep with your door open or closed? cloSED
do you believe in ghosts? not reeeaaalllyyyy but it’s.. a Concept dkjfa
what is your biggest pet peeve? i get really bothered by the sounds of someone eating dkjfa idk
last person you called? my mom, for 20 seconds, apparently
favorite ice cream flavor? i guess vanilla with chocolate chips iddkk
regular oreos or golden oreos? i. what the fuck are golden oreos?????
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainboooow
what shirt are you wearing? a crown the empire shirt…
what is your phone background? my lock screen is adam and my home… is zen…….
are you outgoing or shy? lmao shy
do you like it when people play with your hair? not like it happens often but it’s kinda uncomfortable bc most ppl try to run their hands through it like it’s straight haiR?? like that hurts pls dkjfad
do you like your neighbors? i don’t fucking know my neighbors
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? ,,,
have you ever been high? nope
have you ever been drunk? not like piss drunk naw
last thing you ate? STEAK
favorite lyrics right now i think i actually have one but i can’t remember what song it’s from dkjfa
summer or winter? winter
day or night? NIGHT
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk but i like dark too…
favorite month? i don’t have one? march? june? november? dhfa choose from those
what is your zodiac sign pisces bitch
who was the last person you cried in front of? iiiii have no idea prob my mom from like Years ago, two or three years ago maybe 
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tofusoups · 5 years ago
omg ur so valid i'm the same i've only actually consistently listened to svt ever since i started listening to kpop LOL. my first mv was mansae too,, just a year later lmaooo. also like u i saw my boy (jeonghan) fell in love n he's still my bias to this day but now i am also dino biased too 🤩 the fact that u got into him from his mushroom hair is so funny omg oh another svt q! what’s ur fave song/era of theirs :0 mm also what other artists do u like! oh n also thoughts on their cb? (1/3)
also yeah i think when i did the age range thing last time i kept it as any age n my anon n the person i anoned for were nice i liked them a lot but like.. it's not the same as doing it w someone the age u know? also the amt of parallels we have is so funny my carat anon last time didn’t reveal themselves either LOL i promise i will reveal myself though i got u 😌 ur art is amazing omg i was honestly shocked urs was literally identical to the ref i would not b able to tell them apart (2/3)
i’m so excited for u i will be cheering u on if u do get around to drawing this summer 🤩 omg pls i will b so excited if u draw me Anything i will treasure it forever 😭 also pls don’t worry abt talking too much i have the same problem i wrote like. a whole essay back to my anon’s one ask n it was literally just one question ;;;; (also a little obvious since i have 2 literally split this up into 3 pts omfg…) (3/3) - carat anon (should b fine i think? or maybe 🍊 bc i love oranges LOL)
this is gonna be long BHSJBJF hope u enjoy my 🍊 🥺
OK the fact we have sm in common <3 helllooo im so excited to talk to u more seriously!!! T_T thats so funny tho lmfaoo yeah like i listen to other groups sometimes but ive never gotten into them as much as 17 like... ive been phasing out of being a “kpop stan” (that sounds so funny) for a bit, like im definitely not as big of a fan as i was at like... 15 LMAO i was cray zee.... anyways my POINT is that even tho im not into kpop as much anymore 17 will literally always be there for me like ill see a photo of a member and b like.. “oh.... right i love these boys so much 🥺 AND their songs bang...” and relisten to like ... boys be or going seventeen.
JEONGHANNN !!! jeonghan in mansae was a cultural reset like him n mingyus hair i loved the most in mansae.... i really miss his long hair tbh im always annoyed thinking about how he never has longer hair bc of all the fans being weird and making him out to be a mom (or just making him more feminine bc he had the hair) like stop <3 thanks! whats ur fave looks of his? like eras or styles that rlly stuck w u :O also dino? a king a legend in every way he really is the future of kpop as carats are saying lately... 
hmm my fave eras of 17.. i feel like i tend to like the older eras bc i got into them at that time.. n i think their songs were better tbh 😌 Boys be has a big place in my heart bc it was my first kpop album n i got it for my birthday, i remember listening to mansae on my ride to school every day like it really was such a big part of my life its crazy kinda reflecting on it rn u know...🥺 i also really love pretty u + aju nice  bc that was the era i Witnessed? like i watched the live performance of pretty u with my friend n we were both crying akjdkajdks. other than that i loved going seventeen era AND oh my ... i kinda fell out of 17 after clap/teen, age bc i just wasnt interested in much of the music anymore.... but then oh my/YMMD happened and rocked my world <3 
i literally listed like 4 eras omfg. i cannot choose one im sorry KJDKSFKSFHA 😭
hmm other artists as in like kpop or in general? for kpop idk i listen to loona sometimes... NCT day6.. a lot more kindie like hyukoh and adoy! in general i listen mainly indie/alt and R&B, if u want i can show u some of my recent playlists ^__^ id love to see some music ur into as well (kpop or nonkpop :] ) 
i havent really listened to their CB LMAOOO im a fake carat... i mean i know left and right bc of all the vids baha and i just watched it randomly the morning it released but other than that idk much!! i do like the look of this one it kinda reminds me their An Ode era? what did u think of the CB? do u have any songs u rec from the album??
n OMG stop why am i excited for u to reveal urself hehe!! ok ik i was sad i didnt get to see my anon reveal themselves but i also didnt reveal myself to the person i was sending anons to KSJKFSF i kinda forgot to send asks. and they were also a kpop fic blog and not to b rude but i wasnt into that... sdkjjfk 
and thank u so much that means a lot T_T i do enjoy drawing w refs bc i feel like i can focus on the colors and understand anatomy and light a bit more... but i wanna try doing freehand to strengthen my style too ToT
N LMFAOOO no its totally fine i enjoy the multiple asks but im realizing how long this reply is im SO sorry ... this is longer than some of the essays i wrote in school <3 fjskajfdksfhk
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