itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
//complete blog redo
Hey guys. I recognize that I haven't been an active part of the giant rpverse I was originally a part of in months, and I've decided to make this blog an independent one. You guys are still welcome to interact or email, this is just no longer part of the same canon!
It's going to be a pretty standard ask-style blog, but I am still happy to do regular rp too, or talk to other characters! It's also going to be canon era, which I've wanted to do for a while.
Hope to see you around! I'd love to hear from people!
- C
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
//if anyone has feedback i'd really appreciate it!
//as a heads up, as i really try to get this blog more off the ground again, i might change some stuff around - while i’ll still gladly rp with email blogs and stuff (you guys are all so cool!) i might try to do more stuff with aus and canon era, if anyone is interested in sometimes joining in? it wouldn’t have to effect other people’s blogs outside of interactions with this one. i’ve always sort of liked non-modern settings more, especially here since rping as a disabled gay kid from 2019 is pretty much just rping as myself (i rp as crutchie a fair amount, but usually in canon era). if i’m going to rp here, i personally think it would be more interesting to mess around with different time periods and a whole lot more canon era, i’ve always loved history so i think it would be really fun!  i’m not completely sure yet, i definitely prioritize rping with all you wonderful people above anything else, and if i’d lose that by changing the primary format i don’t want to do that! so if nobody else thinks it’s a good idea, i won’t, but i thought i’d sort of run it by you guys anyway.
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
So uh,,, I might be starting a business?
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
The whole vet school thing wasn't really working out, but I've talked to some people and I've taken some night classes for baking and I might be able to start a cat cafe!
So uh,,, I might be starting a business?
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
Still, I'm sorry.
Morris Delancey, at your service.
//@million-dolla-bill @katherinesspace @sister-jacobs @thekingofsantafe @jojodlguerra @finch-is-here @blinky-boy @editorofwords @anyone else who wants to interact! (Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged.)
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
Oh, I'm ...sorry to hear that
Morris Delancey, at your service.
//@million-dolla-bill @katherinesspace @sister-jacobs @thekingofsantafe @jojodlguerra @finch-is-here @blinky-boy @editorofwords @anyone else who wants to interact! (Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged.)
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
What's that supposed to mean?
Morris Delancey, at your service.
//@million-dolla-bill @katherinesspace @sister-jacobs @thekingofsantafe @jojodlguerra @finch-is-here @blinky-boy @editorofwords @anyone else who wants to interact! (Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged.)
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
My friends joined so I joined with them
Morris Delancey, at your service.
//@million-dolla-bill @katherinesspace @sister-jacobs @thekingofsantafe @jojodlguerra @finch-is-here @blinky-boy @editorofwords @anyone else who wants to interact! (Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged.)
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
Um. What brings you here?
Morris Delancey, at your service.
//@million-dolla-bill @katherinesspace @sister-jacobs @thekingofsantafe @jojodlguerra @finch-is-here @blinky-boy @editorofwords @anyone else who wants to interact! (Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged.)
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
So uh,,, I might be starting a business?
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
Um. Hi?
Morris Delancey, at your service.
//@million-dolla-bill @katherinesspace @sister-jacobs @thekingofsantafe @jojodlguerra @finch-is-here @blinky-boy @editorofwords @anyone else who wants to interact! (Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged.)
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
I dunno if you'll have any leftovers once you're done, but I know some kids who'd probably take 'em if ya do!
Okay so @honey-ima-bee is here at my dinner party… But where the heck is everyone else?!
// @sister-jacobs, @frostinthegrass, @ anyone else in this mob au who wants to eat Cuban food.
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
Uh, okay!
I’m the Romeo the boss mentioned, in case you didn’t know. If any of the men give you trouble, let me know, and it probably won’t happen again. -@hellohelloromeo
Alright, I will.
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
//as a heads up, as i really try to get this blog more off the ground again, i might change some stuff around - while i'll still gladly rp with email blogs and stuff (you guys are all so cool!) i might try to do more stuff with aus and canon era, if anyone is interested in sometimes joining in? it wouldn’t have to effect other people’s blogs outside of interactions with this one. i’ve always sort of liked non-modern settings more, especially here since rping as a disabled gay kid from 2019 is pretty much just rping as myself (i rp as crutchie a fair amount, but usually in canon era). if i'm going to rp here, i personally think it would be more interesting to mess around with different time periods and a whole lot more canon era, i’ve always loved history so i think it would be really fun!  i'm not completely sure yet, i definitely prioritize rping with all you wonderful people above anything else, and if i'd lose that by changing the primary format i don’t want to do that! so if nobody else thinks it’s a good idea, i won’t, but i thought i'd sort of run it by you guys anyway.
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
I’m the Romeo the boss mentioned, in case you didn’t know. If any of the men give you trouble, let me know, and it probably won’t happen again. -@hellohelloromeo
Alright, I will.
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
I am aware of no serious debt owed to me by you. I request descriptions of these men be referred to me at once.
Alright, but it’s nothin’ serious, they just tell me to do little things like deliverin’ packages or messages to each other. They always pay me extra when they buy papes.
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itscrutchiemorris · 6 years ago
I trust you're aware most of them answer to me.
I guess, they don’t say a whole lot about anythin’ though. Just that I’m gonna be in trouble ‘less I do what they say.
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