#idk how they would explain her not being voiced by ben meredith but honestly it’s whatever i like this idea too much to think abt semantics
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the reason why transfem elias is my favourite theory for gwendolyn is because think about the implications.
so let’s say this alternate universe reveals that elias is actually transgender, and would present/identify as female if they had the opportunity to figure themself out and transition (elias was reportedly very young when jonah possessed them)
as a trans person myself, even though the real elias was dead the dysphoria that idea gives me is absolutely unreal, and really creeps into serious body/existential horror territory which i think would be really interesting and very in-character for a writer like jonny to explore.
#idk how they would explain her not being voiced by ben meredith but honestly it’s whatever i like this idea too much to think abt semantics#it’s just so horrible#the freaky friday trope was never something i could even entertain happening to myself#because someone else looking at my body!! and having control over it!! and potentially wearing feminine clothes and makeup and aaahhhhhh#i hate it#it’s a very interesting and nasty horror concept to me#transfem elias is real if this doesn’t turn out to be canon i will probably write it#the magnus archives#tma#the magnus protocol#tmagp#elias bouchard#gwendolyn bouchard#jonah magnus
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14x08 watching notes
This episode is the Worst I had to lie to my mum when I came downstairs trembling and tear-stained to get a cup of tea to recover, and play it all off as cold symptoms, and now I feel complicit in some sort of deceit with the episode and like Meredith broke the fourth wall through sheer pain.
Good morning, I slept in until seven after they started digging up the road outside at 9pm at night, so I still kinda have a lingering headache from that, but I'm pretty sure Meredith is about to make good on the Dean n Jack murder pact or something else of that level of awfulness so... *deep breath*
YAY it is Lily!! I mean it was pretty obvious from the costuming because wow she's a distinct person but idk maybe some people thought it was her mom?
Anyway getting a recap just of how terribly Jack is doing and then also a reminder of Lily Sunder is just.. Good recap. *kisses fingers*
(*curls up in agony*)
In all the drama I never noticed Rowena being among those who yelled "Jack!" when he went down and to be honest she knew him five minutes and I'm crediting all that panic in her voice to his absolutely ridiculous powers of being the most adoptable creature in the cosmos. You take one look at him and you want to make sure his shoelaces are tied properly and he has a glass of milk.
Anyway he totally caught Rowena off her guard and made her express an Emotion(TM) that was not spite and a good chunk of that is new and improved Rowena of the last year or so, but also just... She bonded HARD :P
Ironically I left the spoon in my coffee in my haste to get up here and start watching so now I will drink it like that and possibly exit the episode also wearing an eye patch
I watched a second and tucked the largest, most comforting stuffed toy this family owns under my arm. Yes, not my personal stash of friends, the family heirloom squishy guy who has been with us through all the worst stuff D:
The framing is Sam sitting at Jack's bedside, Dad no.1 as season 13 firmly established for us, and the dad with the closest traditional relationship of father/son to Jack. Then Cas hovers nearby, struggling to be as close but still Dad no.2 with the ongoing and uncomplicated connection to Jack in the sense that both just sort of accept they're now father and son without any debate or internal wrangling, and that's always been Jack's in with the family and the way he inadvertently got Cas to vouch for him from beyond the grave when he said Castiel was his father and Sam immediately just flipped to Team Jack, not, of course, that he'd not been giving him a huge chance and trying to reach out to him already, but that was his "oh shit this is now my son because Cas is dead" moment.
Finally, Dean fills the foreground, face in shadow, the conflicted Dad no.3 who can't even face his dying son, taking it personally because this is literally the fourth smol child he's taken under his wing who he then lost, from Sam, Ben, Emma, a truly tragic collection of lost children. He resisted adopting Jack because he couldn't be a parent again, not after what Sam put him through as a parent, and yet Jack, the most adoptable boy in the cosmos, eventually wormed his way under Dean's skin too, and by the end of season 13 Dean was acting fatherly towards him and by this season Dean's been opening up the doors and letting Jack be his son. And. Whoops. As SOON as you took him on a hunt for one on one father son bonding time, look what happened.
And so Dean will lurk in the foreground, not looking at Jack, peering moodily into some dark empty box that metaphorically is his soul or his remaining ability to cope with losing children or some such nonsense. The pandora's box of parenthood. He's full on dark romantic hero brooding.
I need our family to retroactively adopt a larger, squishier friend to hug in this trying time
Having archived every single one of my watching notes ever between last episode and this episode, I'm more than usually pained by Dean's "not meant to be crap" line because he's been resisting it the entire frikkin time, when Sam kept, even long long long before they knew their real destinies, musing if HIS own personal angst was meant to be and Dean was like don't give me that destiny crap. I swear there's lines about this back in season 2 or 3 when Sam is musing on his powers and the grim lot fate had dealt them. This is a callback line to Dean dealing with his own sense of unravelling control and pure panic about what was happening to Sam, back when that was a thing in the very early seasons and he was having to face the kid he raised from a baby amongst all that tragedy now recklessly declaring all sorts of horrific things about not being able to resist his destiny. Oh, also, in season 2, while under a murder pact from John about killing him if he couldn't save him.
Honestly, it's barely a relationship worth mentioning if you don't have a murder pact going with Dean. Ben is literally the only one of all 4 children AND CLAIRE who hasn't had one with Dean.
If this episode involves Dean bringing any of his records in to play for Jack I'm gonna go out in my pyjamas and take a long walk to the sea and then keep walking once I reach it
Dean you did not walk nearly far enough for Jack to not hear you thump the wall outside his room
PS: totally figured the promo scene was an early emotional beat between Dean and Cas which utterly delights me because the earlier that came in the episode the better as it meant less and less chance it was about anything other than Dean and Cas having an intense relationship over this whole thing.
Jack is the absolute worst about dying. He's this saintly angelic little boy from like, no later than 1900s literature, who exists only to bravely suffer and love with his whole heart. He's snatched out of an era when kids needed morality tales about how to die politely of consumption with the least amount of fuss for their parents and 300 siblings.
How dare you fucking die selflessly. Humanity is at its Bithc This Isn't Fair stage. Throw a fit. Go walk into the sea out of protest.
Okay you're in Kansas I understand how that is an unrelastic option and I grew up spoiled by the immediate location of the sea should I ever need to walk into it.
This show has never made me cry before the title card before.
This is the Pippin and Gandalf scene from Return of the King with the whole Into the West thing that they wrote for a sick fan who died before the movie came out and literally Annie Lennox sings what would be Jack's THEME for this scene.
Sam is horrified that Jack didn't even live long enough for a LotR marathon to explain the reference that's making him bawl.
I LOVE that this scene with Dean n Cas is just about Dean being a wuss about watching his son die because that's so much worse than Jack having asked for a mercy kill or anything. And this all before the title card. Cas tearing Dean a new one about going in and watching your son die smiling beautifully like a little cherub who can't wait to find out what happens next.
Jack's gonna be dead before the title card, isn't he?
Hey, Dean, one more reason to hate yourself :) :) :)
Also robbed Cas of watching him go.
But I think tbh they could have done this if Dean wasn't being a coward about watching Jack die that they would leave Sam to sit at this side in the last moment.
Ugh, my eyes are leaking too much to type. What the hell is all this wet stuff coming out of them.
I've never seen a TFW shot where Sam was the shortest but he is slumped over like someone cut all his strings.
"Your brother's in pain" AND WE'RE NOT? YOU'RE NOT? CAS ISN'T?
Dean stopping Cas going after Sam with just a catch of his shoulder... Ugh. The two of them are still connected through all this in a way where Cas and Dean are connected whether Dean's in the most obvious pain or Sam is.
Cas, pls be selfish and in the most obvious pain at some point this episode.
Oh please don't make me watch Dean telling his mom that Jack died
I beg you
They put a photo of Kelly next to Jack's bed D: Or has he always had that?
That's not even the photo that Cas had pinned to his board in 12x10 and yes I went and checked, I'm leaking tears too much to watch because Cas is standing over him and this is going to be the worst while Dean's answerphone message lays over the top.
I'm so not here to watch TFW mourn their son.
They had him for like a WEEK this SUCKS.
ALso I said "please don't make me watch" so they cut away to Cas mourning silently while Dean talks to Mary's answerphone because Meredith is an evil fairy who whimsically takes your wishes and twists them into even worse options.
*takes my glasses off and throws them aside angrily when Sam emerges carrying a duffel over his shoulder and wearing the fucking orange jacket he first met Jack in*
God, I don't even wear them for focus, just lack of headaches. Why was I bothering.
7x10 and this episode are probably going to be unholy companions in this show's canon
"She's come down with acute Tear Duct Blockage. The only option is head amputation or we make her cry, NOW" "Don't worry, I have just the thing."
Dean this answerphone message huuuurts
Also explains the Buckleming issue of not calling Mary, to just say, yeah, it escalated, rapidly.
Your brother is storming off and Cas is broken.
If I have to see Cas see a set of PB&J crusts and a glass of milk identical to what Dean saw in 9x10 I'm - well, I'm still here instead of walking off into the sea so my threats are starting to look a bit performative. BUT I'M THINKING IT.
Cas watches Sam go, while Dean is being dwarfed by the bunker and obfuscated by its maze of corridors.
*presses my hands over my eyeballs* STOP. STOP IT. GOD. You're not even sobbing or anything you're just lEAKING. This is so annoying! I'm gonna dehydrate and they'll find a shrivelled skellington here and I'll go with just a few quiet sniffs and a dumb smile on my face like fucking Jack did.
Now I'm just distraught about the first time ever in canon we see Cas drive, it's in his dumb blue car and Dean's broken and not up for driving even if Sam presumably hadn't stolen the car for his errand/driving until he finds the sea and walking off into it mission. All my myriad fantasies about Cas behind the wheel of the impala and Dean grinning at him like yeah that's my baby (which one is he talking about?), and nope we're getting Cas's little partymobile and Dean's mute expression of grief.
I need the tissues why were they not here in preparation for this episode
I need to avoid my mum all day on the ground of spoilers because my face is a walking spoiler
"TELL ME YOU DIDN'T MAKE A DEAL" "wha- no, I'm trying to make a pyre"
Making a pyre doesn't usually involve curling up on the floor.
Cas is getting an accidental glimpse of 13x01's emotional landscape, not that anyone will tell him this was what it was like for Dean, that we now have Sam in the spot of. We're getting some mirror image missing moments, like we just saw Dean get the axe out but did see him begging God... in this one we see Sam go take it out on a tree.
Incidentally I re-read all of Terrible Coffee AU two days ago for Reasons and the scene where Sam is whaling on a tree while screaming into the sky is pretty much this. Which is fucking hilarious that 2 years ago I decided Sam taking out his feelings on the local trees was a Thing when he was depressed.
(I wrote that scene the day Eileen was murdered on the show and honestly at the time he was mostly just angry on canon!Sam's behalf and I figured I'd come up with plot reasons later.)
Oh, they weren't driving the party!mobile, they were driving something else. I'm not even gonna ask where they get these vehicles
Yeah I'm harping on Dabb vs cars because Cas is talking about Jack's story ending like this and certainty of death for angels and this is just... the worst.
the story line - Cas deciding how their stories go. Dean resisting the how it's supposed to be of Jack's death. TFW want to take the narrative into their own hands. We KNOW in this world deaths are stored in notebooks, potential ways to pass that you skate past until one claims you. They're free to write their own stories but the ending is always pre-written for them... It's just a matter of which one. But Cas especially... Jack was supposed to bring paradise, and maybe the emotional landscape between season 12 and 14 is a gulf of difference in their openness and bonds, largely facilitated by Jack's presence in the narrative and relentless open love for everyone who was nice to him and even those who weren't in Dean's case. He breezed through their lives, manic pixie dream girl'd them to emotional health, and mayfly'd out. But that's THEIR stories. That's not JACK's story. That's not the epic destiny something as cosmically powerful as him was due, and the potential he was shown to have... It abruptly gets into the territory of Dany having her whole Stallion That Mounts the World prophecy for the son she lost... I've not watched the TV show since it diverged so wildly I couldn't hack it any more, but the books with everyone wondering if, like, Jon Snow was this guy instead, etc, picking this that and the other guy... what if Dany's lost child WAS the only one it applied to and the prophecy just fizzled out? ASoIaF looms over Jack's narrative... He's literally been framed against an Iron Throne in the past, and his character arc for parts of season 13 was a sort of anti-Joffrey in many ways. And then in death, GRRM's unromantic look at fairytales and heroic narratives comes for him too, that maybe it doesn't always happen like the stories say...
... but of course, he also has LotR coding, and in THAT regard, Sam Gamgee has his good old speech about the heroes in the stories and how we relate to them and are inspired by them and become them. The stories that matter. And Jack's was supposed to be one of those. In a way, their lives have been so epic that Jack mostly having a personal impact rather than a cosmic one seems wrong to them. That he didn't become the great hero of his own story, but was a tragic hero who ran a dramatic but personal arc and burned out because his asshole father killed him and his asshole uncle presumably finished him off with an experiment in grace transfusion. At least if my dashboard is to be believed :P It's inconcievable to TFW, the "making it up as we go" people who tore up the script and threw away the pages, that they can't just make this happen or that Jack didn't serve some great purpose. Even men as weary of Destiny as they are, struggle. Just because that was their lives, so how could the son of all three of them not follow in all his fathers' footsteps?
"Jack being taken before his time... Being taken before *me*" Cas shut the fuck up.
But that is the speech from Theoden, and once again Sam is Gandalf, which is fucking hilarious that Sam's been Gandalf TWICE this episode.
Ever it's grown on the tombs of my forebears...
you have four bears???
God dammit that joke didn't stop me crying as they go knock their glasses together and hold Jack's lil 3 dads wake
3 Dads Wake is a great name for a whiskey
God, Cas is drinking.
They need to give him like one bottle to every finger of whiskey they drink but dammit if they don't get Cas loaded.
Letting them talk privately about how aweomse Jack was and not letting us hear it is a crime
Listen you don't even know me if you didn't think as soon as the nougat appeared on screen I didn't hit pause and sob for a whole minute with my hands over my face
Officially worse than bobby and the goddamn licorice conversation
Cas laughing with caramel hanging out of his mouth is the worst thing the sho whas ever done and I'm suing for emotional damage
Imagine being one of the bitter stans who hates one or more of TFW or Jack right now watching this scene. God, are you even human. They're eating Jack's secret nougat stash they all pretended they didn't know he had.
I can't believe I'm now thinking that Lily showing up will probably be a lighthearted way to bring up the mood of the episode.
Cas is offficially wobbly! We have Cas tipsyness!!
Sam tapping out first. Oh no. Don't leave. Don't.
Fuck you Sam Winchester how dare you canonically be the most lightweight of TFW consistently for the entire show and need to go crash off the side of your bed and sleep on the floor while Dean n Cas are still drinking together.
Did Dean seriously outdrink Cas.
Well that's... something.
I am gonna cling to that like a rock in the churning sea I have walked out into.
Also I managed to calm myself down with walking around my room taking deep breaths so I could go downstairs pretending not to be a wreck, so I could get tea, and my mum made me finish the sudoku for her. I don't have the heart to show her this episode. She loves Jack more than anyone in this god damn fandom and maybe more than Cas does. Maybe I'll lie to her and say the show ended last episode and Jack was fine hahahahaaaa
OH FUCK I hit play and there was a single line of dialogue for the whole wake. Dean drunkenly slurring to Cas, I think, you know we did everything we could, right?
*walks further out into the ocean*
"Here's to you Jack, wherever you are" I am not okay.
Oh fork you Meredith we did not need to see the boy in Heaven eating burgers.
Oh fork you Meredith we did not need to see the boy in Heaven eating burgers while on a case with all of his dads.
Oh dear, Heaven is broken. Who was the ashhole who was saying that Jack should die so that he can go to Heaven so he's well-placed to help deal with all this nonsense.
LOL Jack would be the sort of person who goes to Heaven and doesn't need more than a second of prompting to be like oh wait I am dead and in Heaven, and just, like... Go open the door. Just pop his head out like cooee I wanna hang with my dads anyone here to replace the bulb in the sun so I can carry on hanging out here for eternity?
Like, seriously, I'm dead, this is when I am supposed to catch a break.
Let The Boy Say Fork.
Listen, secondary to his power to be adopted by everyone on sight, Jack is uncanny also with just walking into trouble.
And to try and be clam for a moment, this is Jack getting pulled back into the story, but not just by unfortunate happenstance, because he was the one with the sharpness, the cosmic awareness even on this level that Heaven just doesn't quiiiiite work for him in the way it's supposed to even if say it was at full power, that he is the one who voluntarily not just understands instantly that something is wrong, but then is fully snapped back to his old self, and chooses to open the door, and that is the moment of choosing to continue his story, at least for now.
It's like how the last time we saw Bobby chronologically was in Inside Man and Cas and Sam woke him from his repose and got the fighting spirit back into him enough to open his own door and rejoin the story for one last hurrah... And it was a choice there too, a moment of once more telling the natural order to screw itself, Bobby could step outside the proscribed ending of his narrative one last time.
Unless Jack finds him and is adopted on sight today.
Sam looks way too healthy.
Invigorated by having a Plan
Lils. Finally getting to see the Bunker filled with all her stolen research notes.
And no that wasn't canon before, but boy am I hoping she recognises her research amongst all the bunker's angel lore.
Men stealing fuckin everything
"We've never looked through Kevin's angel tablet translations"
And every forking time something comes up where they might be useful I say, HEY WHAT ABOUT KEVIN'S ANGEL TABLET TRANSLATIONS?
and the show says
hey so we don't have the angel tablet but we do have the demon tablet
and I'm like I'm sure that won't have any dumb side effects that could be avoided by having the angel tablet translation just on hand in your archive
did Meredith hear me screeching
because I screeched very very loud after 13x14
13x13 sorry
that was Bucklemming handing her the wrong fucking tablet
this is bitter vindication but feels even better than her and Bobo remembering the grace extracting needle in 12x19
Glynn is a fucking gift.
On the other hand this episode now is pulling on 9x06 and 12x10 at once and that makes me feel woozy
I can't deal with a Glockeybo combo
Also waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Kevin's handwriting. I can't deal with that AND Bobby memories AND FUCKING NOUGAT DEATH
Which I mean I do feel instantly better about once he opened the door and let himself back into the story and I stopped crying at once and cheered up and Lily is indeed providing much needed relief, wild as that all sounds.
Lily trying to explain her soul magic to Sam and Dean, rubes who haven't done a single enochian calculation in their lives.
Wait, no, Sam has done one, in ... 12x19 ...
But yeah, a rube and a completely self-taught asshole who knows like one thing about it.
And she's like oh yeah just use his soul and they're like AAH WTF LILY and she's like er this is the most obvious thing in the world what is the problem here
where are my cas reaction shots
Jack wearing an eyepatch for the rest of the show would be adorable and hilarious
"it won't cost much... he'll never miss it" trust me his soul is enormous and boated with sweet nougat love, he can spare it, guys.
Dean being able to say "Jack's dead" one day later, when he couldn't say it about Cas practically until he was BACK
Nice trade. TECHNICALLY nothing dodgy about it at all, at least in the sense that aside from resurrection consent issues from Jack, once he's back the choice is still on him to choose to grow old and die as Lily has done, or even to stop using the magic to sustain himself and die again immediately if he is squicked out by it... Or it all comes from trading on his OWN soul power.
Definitely better than demon deals or having any favours looming over them etc
And with Heaven in the state it's in, honestly sending Lily there might be easier than they think if NO ONE IS LEFT TO RUN IT.
Er, imminent ghostpocalypse issues aside.
We're in ghostpocalypse territory as of a minute ago show time, btw.
Cas has quietly observed all this chatter and we get back to him when he says, "Don't you think Jack should decide for himself" so honestly Cas is right there with me, and I always like when me and Cas are the ones agreeing on a thing in the episode.
Obligatory reminder that Sam is more aware than most about soul stuff
*takes another piece of coal off the pile I was going to send Meredith for ruining christmas*
Don't tell him about what they did to Osiris
Unless that would amuse him
Wait never mind Meredith is literally throwing in amusing snark about 7x04 which I think when Adam Glass disowned that episode (despite how I actually think it's really good and he was too hard on it) he never expected anyone would ever want to throw in amused references about it in canon ever again.
"When God left - sorry, long story - " Lily is one of the few people who seems able to conceptually roll with the nonsense TFW deals in all day.
She should join the squad. Always room for a 100 year old badass with deep enochian lore knowledge.
I'm sorry has Jack crashed Kelly's heaven or is this a rando little girl. I immediately thought she was Kelly in the long shot and they substituted a lil girl for POV when we got closer and actually had to go back and look again and she was the little girl all along.
This also conceptually looks so much like Cas's eternal tuesday afternoon.. A rainy, flower-filled garden.
Roosevelt looks SO much like the doggie in 11x20 aside from anything else
This is horrifying since they never ever got to meet ever until now and I'm suing Meredith
I mean I'm already suing her but I'm just adding this to the list of complaints. My laywers are working overtime on this episode.
Can Kelly and Jack go on a rampage around Heaven to fix things?
Her hair is suspiciously darker from the back which I think is her Legends look from the gifs I've seen
Wait, Bobby had a forking dog called Rumsfeld, and Kelly has Roosevelt.
"Hi mom you're dead"
".......................................................... NOooOoOooooOOoo No no no baby no"
Dean resisting the spell and complainging "gotta happen, no other way" is making me feel like the Heaven Drama is going to smack them right before they can get it all done and give them a LOT MORE to worry about than Jack but also give them a roundabout way to see him again and also, of course, mean Lily might be useful for an entirely other purpose while she's here...
Dean right now is rationalising this through the lens of that all their terrible deals have been terrible and that this is just one more step on the Winchester life and death merry-go-round, and of course that Jack is about to get the full family treatment he deserves. But that's the Winchester lens of looking at things that even when deaths are brutal and lives cut unfairly short, there's going to be a way to bring them back if they haven't finished their stories. John finished his, in 2x22 seeing Dean get the revenge he needed to be at peace, but everyone else...
Is it ethically right to put Jack on that merry-go-round when he smiled sweetly and died with as much enthusiasm as he gave pretty much everything in his life?
The table lamps are out in the bunker D: them being dark is so ominous
And Cas shows up like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit something worse going on guys
They're so casual about just summoning gods into their front room these days
Of course they're doing it in the spot in front of the door with the war room behind in one direction... The opposite end of the library to where they opened the rift.
Sam picks his way through the wet paint but Dean stands right in the centre of this circle for SUMMONING THE GOD WHO DECIDES WHO LIVES AND DIES AND WHERE THEY GO to have this lil chat with Lil?
And now Dean steps out of it and corners her with the obvious question - what's wrong with your magic and why are you risking going to Hell to stop using it entirely?
I'm so sorry you have to look at more dead angels, Cas
I'm also so sorry they were killed by black slime because wow after season 7 that was a laugh and a half for you
... Can you swear in the hallways of Heaven?
(probably "for now" though hopefully longer than that)
Ma'am are you aware you have a Nougat on the loose too
I'd love it if Cas is like hi what's happening also have you seen my son
This actress needs to come back for a 3rd time to follow Dean around in a crisis moment.
OH NO now Cas is coming to the heaven memory and seeing what Jack considered his best memory
YEAH. I knew Naomi would show up, I just didn't know when :D
(She wasn't in the credits as far as I could tell but I already sort of knew they were leaving people off? Or maybe I was thinking lol I bet Amanda Tapping is in this episode and they won't tell us... On the other hand she mAY have been in the credits but I was WEEPING MY EYES OUT so didn't clock her despite my efforts to hold myself together and see who was coming up on screen)
Naomi doesn't have the most dramatic entrance on the show but she sure is racking up points for good entrances one at a time each time she appears. She never just, like... toddles onto screen normally.
"Perhaps the angel side of him knew he was in Heaven" honestly the most tragic thing I was trying not to think about is that he knew the entire time but he was willing to play along and enjoy hanging with his dads for eternity despite that.
Oh man it's another dispute over who owns Jack. Is this kid never going to be allowed to just sit and eat burgers and nougat? (Hopefully not at the same time)
Also based on last episode where it seemed like the Empty was awakening but had Lucifer's eyes and we were all NOOO fork that!! is there some more complicated forked up aspect to what's going on or is it just itself and awake and coming for Jack?
I love how Naomi just casually knows how many people are in Heaven
"What's one nephilim boy against all that?" "But he's MY nephilim boy!!"
We better get an answer on her state by the end of the episode because she's my fave villain bar Metatron on the entire show and devouring her in shadow is just... yikes.
"give it a sec" *POOF* Anubis is prompt, okay.
He probably honestly is somewhat slighted that they're 14 years into their career and he hasn't clapped eyes on them.
"Yeah, we've died." "A LOT."
I honestly, at this point, do not blame them for their lax attitude towards the permanence of death. They need a lot of counselling they're not getting and until they do they really are going to always be terrible at this.
A brief moment where Anubis is like, am I going to get Flirty Banter with Dean Winchester?? and he looks at him and Dean's eyes are all dead and "my son is dead" and Anubis sighs like welp not today oh well better luck next time, if I survive this...
Getting flirty banter with Dean is a sign of high honour and takes you to some very interesting places.
Into Dean if you stick with it like Crowley did
And Lily's been standing there this whole time like wow these boys suck up all the attention in the room and I kinda hate them
Oh I LOVE this abacus. Is this some nerdy ass research that meredith did to know better than most what to expect here? Even I haven't heard this one, though I haven't really revisited Egypt lore after the expected Egyptology phase as a kid...
Anyway the half white half black beads are super interesting in a wider show symbolism way.
Oh deeear, Lily.
Of course that instantly makes you fascinated about what would happen if TFW stuck their hands over it.
What a good line on the show's philosophy about making your own fate - it's not destiny or a choice from above or anything like that. Your individual actions get you sent to Heaven or Hell in the natural course of things and it's weighed in such a way all he can do is use his equipment to read which way you're going... Everything else is down to you. Free Will, write your own story.
Of course, if Lily did some huge sacrifice I bet she could change things.
ugh this episode should be banned.
If you hug Kelly I'm rioting.
Everyone who ever hugs Cas slaps their hands firmly on Misha's broad shoulders like it's law and digs in and I don't know if it's because Cas has this wonderful presence about him that even when you're around Misha acting him in the moment you get swept up in it, or you just want to hug Misha like that, but Cas hugs look like the most amazing hugs in the universe and everyone just GOES for it.
Also I am typing this nonsense because I literally used up my box of tissues earlier and the next option is stealing a roll of toilet paper. So I will snark and try and ward off the sobbing.
"I'm so sorry. I failed you." Kelly, who has spent about 5 minutes in Jack's presence and understands his nature even beyond her blind faith in him from before but now gets to see the evidence of it: "You didn't. You didn't."
Yes, please can more characters tell Cas that he did a good job even when things don't quite go to plan. Dean's drunken slurring about how they did the best they could, this...
Kelly tells Cas how wonderful Jack is like Cas doesn't know and Cas breaks up.
And you know what this looks like and I'm not going to survive typing this and can already feel my eyeballs filling up with water... 10x20 and Jimmy and Amelia talking about Claire at the end of the episode oh god I hate it take it away from me.
Oh good Cas telling Jack we need you alive to fix Heaven but just in a passive way where you not being dead means the Empty backs the fuck off rather than you having to DO anything
Ooops the Empty is here as Dumas. I suspect she's not surviving this episode but MAYBE Naomi survives.
I am saying with full wishful thinking after seeing her completely consumed by black goo
I do like the concept of "THERE ARE MAJOR STAKES TO RESURRECT THE BOY. BRING HIM BACK THIS INSTANT. LITERALLY SAVE THE UNIVERSE BY BRINGING THE NOUGAT SON BACK TO EARTH." because that makes it so much different from "hey bring me back and maybe accidentally unleash some terrible evil in the process but we'll deal with it later because that's what we do"
"HE'S OUR KID" Sam snaps
I hate it, thanks
For the love of god appeal to her more as a fellow parent.
Hold me
Equating no soul to not being human in front of Sam aka our no soul test case. Owie. Another reminder of just how hard Dean took it in season 6 until he got Sam back, all that skin crawling feeling of being around him...
You know what? Jack reminds me of the sort of example nice ensoulled Sam stuff we saw in 6x12 when Jared was allowed to play over the top sweet and uncomplicted for a few scenes, just to be a total contrast to how he'd been acting thus far in the season. Of course, we saw him for like 3 scenes of Dean smiling in pure relief when Sam did Nice Things before it all got complicated again, and Jack's been a long-time character :P But Sam does have a sweet street that when it emerges in the rare times it can be uncomplicated, is I think the closest equivalent to where Jack's innocent sweetness is drawn from. He's the son of Sam's puppy dog eyes specifically.
But yeah I think Lily just needs to have this resistance and anger about it all to make it so much more of a flip if she were to decide to do the spell, so that it counts as an even gooder good deed to MAYBE flip her chances. By giving her a good work to do.
And hey maybe if she meets Jack for a minute she'll love him and then be changed by the experience and go out and do more good things etc etc.
Misha hammed the FORK out of being the Empty and now she has to live up to it and she IS.
CAS don't fight the Empty by trying to stab it, fight the Empty by humming this is the song that never ends.
*makes a disgruntled sad noise about being forced to see Jack laid out on a table in his cute lil PJs with his cute lil socks*
Wait, if Lily does this spell does this mean she's using up the last of her soul to do it and going to the Empty anyway?
I've just paused after her yelling "STOP" but whatever happens next, she leaped in when Cas was getting kicked around and that's BAD ASS.
Hitting Kelly is like... probably a rage button Jack didn't even know he had so I would like to see how that goes over, but we cut to them trying to resurrect him.
I forking love how this is 2 seasons in a row where the message seems to be that you live to spite nihilism and the bitter end of death.
D'aw even though Sam said they'd pray it was Dean who used prayer to reach out to Cas in Heaven to give him that heads up. Like, totally practical rather than the sort of prayer he's made before to Cas that was all emotional appeal, but, let's save our son, huh?
The Empty might also really want to think about that because it knows you forking suck to keep around so trading yourself for Jack is like... really? do I really want that? :P
"Not for years. EONS, MAYBE." Cas, bud. I love you. I want you to stay alive that long. Do you really forking think that with the life you lead you have eons left? I mean it's really heartening to hear you talk about yourself this way. But I have to ask.
The Empty telling Cas that it'll come for him when he finally lets himself be happy is forking hilarious. Cas hasn't been happy once in his life and he doesn't plan to start now. Eons, maybe.
Just like that, he's unlocked eternal, grumpy life. Take notes, Lily.
I mean on a practical level this is basically like, yeah, this is why Destiel isn't canon, because as soon as Cas allows himself to be happy, he's ALWAYS known he gets punished for it. In 4x20 he rebelled for Dean and was instantly dragged back by Naomi... This sense of another mission, never belonging, always being on the outside and not getting the emotional resolution he needs, and actively running from it at times or throwing himself in the way of danger to make Dean be happy without him... it's interesting honestly that the Empty is here as Duma and not Naomi as she's been the agent of hoiking him back from happiness enough times in canon... And that fear of losing everything as soon as you're happy? That's what first kept Dean from Jack and then as soon as he really truly fathered Jack, happened to him. Like, that's Team Free Will's entire life story, starting with Jess, to date, here with the Empty making this threat.
Duma survived!!
Cas... really could have just bought a few minutes to do the spell rather than given himself that burden >.>
But he's determined to make a more lasting sacrifice, one that ensures this won't happen again with Jack, that he can always die whenever he wants and go to Heaven and not be bothered here.
Oops Jack's angry now. Now he's seen a dad sacrifice for him, he's suddenly got a case of the Winchester Angsts. Dean in season 2, for starters. Not a good place to be D: Dean in season 2 is proportionately his worst season.
I'm not crying because I think I already died earlier in the episode, but that was... truly awful... to watch Cas tell Jack he's at peace with it and he loves him and everyone loves him and then Kelly butts in like I LOVE YOU TOO and mom him a bit with straightening his jacket and hugging him and... UGH.
Lily has either the start of a heart attack or loses her soul entirely in the background and wanders into a corner to die? Er.
Nope, she just dieded.
Let's hope she went to heaven and we get a super corny young Lily surprise Alicia Witt return moment at the end since this episode is just throwing everything at it.
It's Anubis' office!!!
Wow, that's a noisy annoying place to work
Still, I LOVE these visualisations of where the cosmic forces of the universe work
I called it super corny but I'm DYING to see Lily's fate change.
"Say hello to your daughter for me" DOn't make me cry about Lily please I beg you I am run dry
OH THANK GOD NAOMI SURVIVED. Hooooooraaaaay!!!!!!! Oh this is a wonderful ending to a perfect episode to not have to deal with her having being consumed and left dead off-screen somewhere.
LOL that slam as he realises what's up and even though she obviously can do what she wants, he's still protectively closing Kelly's door to put a barrier between her and Naomi.
"I'm here to thank you"
Oldest trope in the book, but I love when they look over their shoulder to see if "you" is someone else, and Cas, unflappable Cas, in Naomi's presence, still checks the infinite empty corridor.
*double checks*
"...... you're welcome?"
Wheee unlocked new plot for altrusim!
Ahahaaaahaaaaaaaaa Jack wrapped in a fluffy grey robe. Listen. I am
Jack with his burger and Dean's dead guy robe, spitefully living...
I bet Dean made the burger
WHY did I type that when I knew how likely it was to make my eyes burn.
I did not cry at the last scene of them all at the table so I am going to eat extra cookies at lunch as a reward.
And Jack and Cas sharing a little glance, knowing what Cas did. Father and Son's first dire family secret! :')
And gently roll the camera away to credits to leave them to their happy little scene.
Presumably with a slow fade so you can fumble for some more tissues.
#14x08#season 14 spoilers#I am angry about how in the last 3 seasons multiple episodes have wandered around like hi I am the new best episode of the series#make up your MIND#remember when Baby felt weird like it was the first in years that had smashed the season 5 barrier of where all the Best Episodes were#and like aside from 6x11 and 7x10 we'd long passed the episodes that were utter stand outs in their field?#and now you have a like 50:50 gamble you're just going to walk into the Best Episode of the Show#it's fucking annoying#my stuff
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