#idk hahahahah im satisfied with this
zhongrin · 11 months
ok yeah he's really fun to use
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wiverly · 1 year
Hi if you are a fanfic writer can you make one where shanks centtic where he is gatps nephew rouger brother ace uncle dragon cousin and what ive said before on my other account on the post with boa and shanks uhm idk i just need a shanks centtic fic may it be on rogership or redhaired pirates he just needs to be loved and apreciated
Heck you can even write a female shanks because there are only two and i love woman okay uhm all in all a one-shots with in each chapter shanks gets loved bc I love him
And uf you are not a writer and a rtidt instead can you maybe draw female shankd for the fanfic im writing I imagining that female shanks wears her hair in traditional viking braids since i think its canon shanks is scandanavian so maybe some viking tattood and ear silver piercing smokey eye and dresses like elisabeth swann like that but with a hint of viking armot or sum
Oh, thank you so much for all the comments here in the question box and under the various posts, as well as the various kudos. I'm really pleased that you like what I post. ❤️
I'll answer everything here, hope it's not a problem for you.
I'm honestly not a fanfiction writer but I was thinking of starting. I already have some work in progress and others planned but it is very complicated for me since english is not my first language. Not only do I have to have the ideas and implement them, but I also have to translate everything. The times are practically biblical and this is also one of the reasons why a lot of time passes between one post and another, ahahahah. I still intend to produce Shanks-centric content, both relating to the Monkey D. family, Rocks D. Xebec, and other characters, even if it's not fanfiction. Also here on my blog you may find image sets and aesthetic moodboards but no drawings, at least not in the near future, sorry. So I hope my follow-up posts go some way to satisfying your desire for more Shanks content, even if I'm not what you asked for.
Thanks again and if you or others would like to write to me again here in the question box I would be really happy, it's always nice to be able to share your passions with others.
P.S. I hope my english didn't suck too much, hahahahah. 😂
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likeadove · 6 years
Anonymous said: just wanted to tell u that i finished wcpah on a train and the fic almost made me miss my stop it was THAT good had to run off the last second hahahahah
Anonymous said: holy fuck bethany you have no idea I'm so sad about this book ending bc for real its gotten me through a lot these past few months (been reading since chap 6 baby) and honestly my only source of happiness after this will be nest of salt. From the bottom of my heart thank you so much for everything youve doen with this story. Its magnificent. (and you wrote the smut wonderfully don't even worry)
Anonymous said: I just can’t. So good. I already want to start begging for one shots.
Anonymous said: That was fkn stupendous and I am so grateful to be able to read your stories <3
Anonymous said: I actually screamed when I saw the lyrics for this chapter. Thank God none of my roommates are home because the whole thing had a me screaming/sobbing. Like how did you manage to make that so beautiful? I cried? They love each other so much and you showed that in the way they did it.
Anonymous said: ben and rey crying after doing it is the most canon thing ever canoned
Anonymous said: I just wanted to let you know that the most recent chapter of WCPAH is amazingly beautiful. it made me sad because ive never had that good of sex lol. your writing was fantastic, everything felt so real and i think you waited until the perfect time in their story for this to happen. you did a fantastic job! Thanks for sharing it with us! :)
Anonymous said: that ending killed me oh my gosh. im smiling like an idiot
Anonymous said: I can't believe it's almost over. It's so amazing and I love it so much and I'm just so sad and happy and idk man. You've done it, like really done it, knocked it out of the park. I'm experiencing such a wide array of emotions and I seriously don't know what to do.
Anonymous said: Me right now: 😭😃😥😍😖🤯😵😏😱😫😘😞😁
Anonymous said: literally one of the most satisfying things i have ever read. you did it. you gone dun it. cannot remember why i wanted them to get down when she was 18 anymore haaa. This is oh so very right. All equal parts sexy, sweet, hot, beautiful. Thank you from the bottom of my reylo heart. what will i do without these two and your updates!!?! excuse me while i re read this chapter for the 4th time. because duhhhhhhhh
Anonymous said: lemme just say my thoughts on the last chapter- aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH im telling you now im gonna cry like a baby when WCPAH is over bc it's been such a wonderful ride and ive been around since chapter 1 was posted and i stumbled across the then baby fic and had never listened to the music Ben and rey do until recently and i found chapter 1 to be cute so i thought id stick around for chapter 2 totally unaware that almost 60 chapters later i myself not wanting it to end. Thank you for this❤
Anonymous said: literally cried when I saw you updated. woman you have done it. you wrote possibly the best smut/fan fiction these eyes have ever read. blown away from the way you lived up to hype for this sex scene- like surpassed my wildest expectations&gave us perfection. ben was so eager, aggressive&gentle all at the same time. we could count on rey to take matters into her own hands. girl knows what she wants. cannot wait for them to fill the house with their art, memories, milkshake machine, dogs&kiddos.
Anonymous said: So, it took me about half an hour to read through this chapter (56), because I had to stop to internally scream, or digest the fact that IT(!!) was finally happen like every two words. Words cannot describe the satisfaction that this chapter gave me. FUCKING FINALLY!!!!! You killed it, as per usual, and I am continuously in awe of your skill. I’m not ready for this to be over, but thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for letting us come along on this ride with you, and Ben and Rey. ❤️
Anonymous said: Idk if this is gonna sound really fucking lame to you, but your story gave me a reason to look forward to a new day, thank you for this! I am so glad i found your story, you had me at "90s grunge Ben Solo"
Anonymous said: First of all, I love you. Second of all, you are a master and a bloody wizard. Third, the last chapter from Ben's POV would make me die and go to heaven. I want to know his thoughts and feelings during *the scene*. Is that on the horizon? If not, that's ok - I'm happy with anything you give us! My brain keeps going over all the saucy details and starts fluttering when I think about what might come next. Sorry for being weird but I FEEL SO MANY EMOTIONS AND IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU.
Anonymous said: That was some pretty dope as shit smut Bethany like holy fuck
Anonymous said: that was literally the best sex scene I have ever read. so real and complex!! favorite fic of all time for sure
Anonymous said: your story came out on week two of my multi month bed-rest-ploza. i have been reading and healing along with these two ever since. thank you for the fluff, distraction, angst, music suggestions and companionship from your story and the world you created. this last update was everything i could have wanted and more. so sad that this story is wrapping up soon. excited to see where you take these two and reading more of your stories. <3
Anonymous said: I just wanna say that 'we could plant a house' was such an important story for me. It actually inspired me to write again IT WAS JUST THAT GOOD. I love you and I want to thank you for sharing this beautiful, heartbreaking fic with us what a fucking blessing honestly you're a goddess, never stop writing ❤️ And like yo when's the next update I'm dying
Anonymous said: Okay so I’ve been here from about the beginning and omg what am I going to do without this fic?! This is definitely my favourite reylo fic and what am I going to read once it’s gone?! I love it so much!!
You are all beautiful, wonderful people. Sometimes it overwhelms me (in a good way) when y’all say that this story helped you through a rough time or inspired you to write/do art again, because it’s so surreal that my silly fic I started in January to get out my Reylo angst and give me an excuse to listen to a lot of 90′s music could possibly have this effect on others. I’m so glad my work means this much to you guys, that you guys have continued to read despite how many times I came for your feels or made you cry. You guys mean the world to me; it’s been so lovely getting to go on this journey with you all. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do once it’s finished. Be very depressed, I expect. We can all send each other virtual hugs and cookies <3
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chahchani · 7 years
WannaOne When You Tell Them They Weren’t Your First Love.
Minhyun: Mannn he would give you a sweet look and just laugh about it, chuckling as he ruffle your hair softly. “I don’t mind babygirl, as long as I’m your lover now, I’m satisfied.
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But Deep down inside yo boy’s really gonna take it to heart about how you used to fancy Guanlin back in the day and you still might like him again later. Ends up looking depressed for days in his mind thinking “What if she likes him again. That kid is way younger than me and he’s got lots of potential plus he’s youthful and I’m old and aging..”
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Jisung: Oh? You used to Like Jinyoung??? Hahahahah of course you did baby, it’s totally fine sweet cheeks, my sugar bun now loves mes and that’s all that matters, I’m totally cool with it, that kid is like my little brother! 
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But the petty ajjuma would eye Jinyoung for about a week, wondering to himself ‘since when did she start having a taste for younger kids’.Jinyoung knowing all of this would just smirk back, having the time of his life knowing he can tease Jisung about it. Most likely tell him to stay away from his girl but Jinyoung probably won’t take it seriously 
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Daniel: Alittle stunned and shooked. “I mean...cool.” Would laugh softly and shrug afterwards, looking seemingly cool about it but his expression wouldn’t be that great. In his mind he be like Holdup..did she just say she used to like Jisung..whaaat
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Would carry on as if nothing has ever happened, messing around with Jisung like usually and being cute, doing things like punching him softly and Jisung would just play along thinking it’s cute but actually Daniels really like “How could she-and how dare you attract her-this cant be happening. Out of all people she like grandpa jisung im not her first bias oh my go-
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Guanlin: “what...you used to like Jihoon? But that’s my ultimate shipping from the fans...” 
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Yanno this boy ain’t gonna sleep correctly after today, worrying one day you might like Jihoon again. He was always a Jihoon fanboy so he knows exactly all the good points Jihoon has and how he is very charming and can get any girl he want, so the kid’s basically counting down days to when you’ll leave him even though everyone is telling him he’s just being paranoid including Jihoon himself.
“She said I’m the only man she sees in this world. What is the truth.”
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Jinyoung: This boy cannot believe it but damn right you know he’s gonna fake it till he makes it. “HAHA YOU LIKE DAEHWI? IM FINE BABE, IM GUCCI, ITS ALL GOOD, WHAT A JOKE THAT U USED TO LIKE HIM HAHA
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But would sit down eventually with Daehwi and have a deep conversation on how he feels about you liking him and if Daehwi knew.  “Did you have any idea she liked you back then?” “Yes I knew..” “It’s all in the past now but there are no feelings towards each otherstill right, at least not coming from you?” “Nope not at all....can I go now?” “Promise to never like her again?” “Yo chill Jinyoung, I never did... “..............” “I promise.”
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Seongwoo: Inside he be like this:
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Outside he would just make a joke about it and tease the shit out of you. “HEY EVERYONE DID YOU KNOW MY BABY USED TO HAVE AN ITTY BITTY WITTLE CRUSH ON JIHOON HOW ADORABLE BUT THEN U DECIDED U WANTED A MANLY MAN NOW RIGHT? TOO BAD IM EVEN MORE IMMATURE THAN MY AGE~(self diss because he’s that petty? idk..)
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Jihoon: Would be a little taken aback but would just laugh it off to himself. “HA, you used to like Woojin..I see..Isee.” In his mind, not really processing what the heck you just told him until it hits him and the only thing he can do it laugh about it, telling you he doesn’t care that much
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But One thing Woojin says ever Jihoon will be like -
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Would probably never confront Woojin about it but anytime he gets a chance to play fight, yanno the boy’s inner thoughts would be like “Hmph How are you seduce my lady I oughta slap you forreal.”
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Daehwi: Aint having yo shit “So you’re telling me you used to really like Jinyoung, but now you like me even though most girls would kill to be with him? Interesting.”
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Would end up resenting the hell out of his best friend, but not saying  word about it because he still wants to stay friends with him. Would often zone out looking at Jinyoung, thinking about how he is ever gonna 1 up this guy almost forgetting that he’s the man you love and that the past doesn’t matter. *thinks* fuck, Jinyoungs totally hotter than me.
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Sungwoon: You what now? You used to like Daniel? Ahhhhhh Wouldn’t know how to react because he knows thats just someone you used to like and would try to just laugh about it
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But would bully the hell out of Daniel for a month straight till he gets over it.
“Daniel would you mind sitting up straight, noones likes slouchers, oh also fix your collar its a bit crooked noone likes a crooked collar and would you mind breathing the other way, your breathing too much into my private space.”
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Woojin: “OH my god, you used to have a thing for Jaehwan? I can’t believe it” He says with not much emotion, obviously being sarcastic where you can easily detect that he doesn’t really mind nor care.
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But will never look at him the same.
“Woojin lets pla- “F out my way boi”
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Jaehwan: Babe, it’s even an honor for me to have someone like you fall in love with me, it’s totally cool and I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove to you I am the best for you.
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And yup. Hes totally cool about it LOL.
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bichippy · 7 years
Tfw someone yells an yells at you about how youre so rude and hes a manager at another branch and he'll be speaking to your manager and the district manager and you genuinely didnt know what you did wrong to the point where while hes yelling 'im going to tell them about this' youre asking about what?? and ur left scared that you might lose your job or at the very least come out looking like the blames all urs and you didnt even get to defend urself cus hes one of those 'im going to yell over you' guys 8'))))
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