#idk everyone gets offended really easily here but thats okay
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tvdfan23 · 1 year ago
I'm probably gonna get my butt kicked tomorrow 🙃
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armillary-spheres-lover · 3 years ago
Idk if you ever got the answer to your thing. But I’m a person who is queer but regularly uses the term lesbian to make things simpler. I can tell you why I hate the phrase monosexual- it feels transphobic to me- I am not attracted to men at all, but I am attracted to women, non-binary folks, gender queer folks, and agender folks. If I was with a partner and they transitioned to be a man I would still love them. That wouldn’t change. Sexuality is fluid and calling someone monosexual seems to erase that and really put people in boxes. Everyone has exceptions. And as someone who has identified as bisexual and pansexual in the past and find those not to suit me and fit right (especially since I am not sexually/romantically attracted to people physically/based on appearances- it’s more about personality and what I could do with a person)
I don’t mean this in an antagonistic way, I really hope it doesn’t come off that way(I’m bad expressing myself sorry).
(I’m sorry, I know you’re not trying to be rude. My answer, however, will sound rude and upset because you touched upon some stuff that needs a lot of unpacking to me lmao. Just know this anger is not necessarily directed at you but at biphobia in general.)
Why do bisexual people may need to use the term monosexual?
A. It is descriptive
I see what you mean but as you said you're queer and lesbian is a term to make things simpler, right?
So I wouldnt call you monosexual because you’re clearly not attracted to only one gender (but if you want to who I am to stop you?). Monosexual is someone who is almost exclusively dating/is attracted to people of one gender. There are plenty trans people that are straight or gay that would NOT date a partner if they realized they were a different gender. For real: kat blaque made a video (here it is if youre interested) on youtube about this - she’s trans and she wants to date men and wouldnt feel comfortable on continuing dating if a partner of hers realized they were actually a trans woman all along. She wants to date guys not girls and that's FINE it just means A. She actually recognizes the girl gender, obviously B. She's straight af and that's wonderful! It’s not a box if that’s how her experience is and she likes it that way!
Also how is being monosexual transphobic? Cant a girl just like guys exclusively (both cis and trans) or like girls exclusively (both cis and trans)? It's not even enbyphobic since you dont need to be attracted to a person to support their rights. (Gay men arent attracted to women but can be 100% feminists.) Being open to fuck somebody is not the same as supporting their rights: fetishization is a thing. Again, I refer to the video Kat Blaque made.
Sexuality IS fluid but to some people (like me and you) it is more than others. Some people don’t feel comfortable dating people that dont fall into the gender theyre usually attracted to and thats 100% okay.
B. It helps in talking about biphobia and panphobia in society
Biphobia and panphobia are for the large part based on the assumption that you cant be attracted to more than one gender (not even non-binary and so on) and that if you do you're weird/disgusting/mentally ill/a sexual predator. I can tell you 100% that's the narrative both straight and gay people can and may perpetuate since I struggle w this kind of shit every single time Im attracted to someone no matter their gender (YES, EVEN IF THEY'RE A GUY, BECAUSE THE OTHER DAY I WAS ATTRACTED TO A GIRL AND NOW I FEEL LIKE A FUCKING ANIMAL THAT CANT CONTROL ITSELF, even though it makes NO sense because if it was two girls or two boys the actual number of people my hormones activated to wouldnt change, but it would make my experience not subjected to biphobia!). I’m not saying gay people are the same as straight people. But I do feel alienated BOTH from heteronormative society AND from (subtly biphobic) gay spaces because of my bisexuality. I costantly feel like I’m outside both of those worlds and you know how humans are: I just need a term to encompass it all easily, to say “I don’t identify with any of this” (which is both straight and strictly gay spaces: ie, monosexual). To me is literally the same as saying non-bisexual/non-pansexual.
I dont mean to say lesbians or gays have it easier or are just like straight people. But we do have different experiences and I need terms to express that. It honestly doesnt matter to me if you identify as lesbian or queer (though I think you’re implying you’re more queer than anything). But I do need a term to talk about how society at large treats sexuality; ie, as a monosexual thing. Another concept that’s been thrown around is bi erasure. A strictly monosexual society is bound to view a girl dating a girl (or girl presenting) as if theyre both LESBIANS and erase a queer person the moment they’re in a m/f relationship, because people cant COMPUTE that it may not be the case and that the girl dating a cis straight dude isnt betraying her queerness.To think so is basic biphobia.
In some ways, I think it’s the same as when transgender people started using the term cisgender - which is applicable to both straight people and queer/gay people. They simply needed a term which meant “not-trans” as they were saying “I dont identify with this” (ie the cisgender experience). Does it imply that cisgender people, no matter if queer, have something in common? Yeah, yeah it does. Does it imply that queer people are just the same as straight people, or face no oppression? Of course not. Seeing people being offended upon being called monosexual feels like people being offended upon being called cis to me.
Also, saying that the terms bisexual people use are transphobic is almost implying that bisexuality is inherently transphobic? Or reeks to me of that kind of rhetoric. I use the terms I need to use, just like any other marginilized group does, and nobody outside of that group has any right of denying me that. It’s like I’m trying to create a safe space for myself and people like me and yall come around to judge us YET AGAIN. And I'm just tired of hearing this bullshit. I could accept this kind of criticism only if it came from a trans person themselves, I guess? But it’s not usually trans people who accuse us of being transphobic, in fact, many trans people identify as bisexual and use bisexual terminology lmfao.
“Hearts not parts” rhetoric
Finally, about personality being superior to physical appearance. That's amazing but I do want to note that, not you necessarily, but many people who are into the “hearts not parts” rhetoric are, how can I say this. Slut-shaming people? I’m not sure if you are doing this but I feel it needs to be said just to be sure. A lesbian trans woman can be just attracted to a girl for her physical appearance and just want to fuck her - and THAT'S OKAY. That's fine. I am a sexually attracted to people and that doesnt mean I have to form a deep bond first. Sex positivity is about accepting that people can feel like this and not shame them for this. "Hearts not parts” rhetoric has in the past infantilized, sanitized or outright shamed other queer experiences. It's fine if you feel that way but dont start acting like you're morally superior because of that. That's catholicism with extra steps. My bisexuality its not the symptom of some predatory and animalistic thing that should be purified into something more palatable and less sexual. That’s the same thing they used to say about gay people and now gay (biphobic) people are using this against us. That’s also the kind of thing trans women (especially if they’re sapphic) constantly hear every fucking day. Queer people have a good part of their discrimination rooted in the shaming of purely sexual desires. Forcing ourselves to be more palatable and less sexual is just respectability politics. I’m tired of it. (This is obviously different from being on the asexual spectrum: but you dont see ace people going around pretending they’re morally superior than everybody else, and many are actually very sex positive)   You would still love your partner if they were a different gender: that’s great, but that’s not how some (most) people feel, and they aren’t superficial because of this, just different from you.
Also, I think you’d really benefit from hearing a trans person say they don’t care if someone has genitalia preferences. Here it is. This obviously doesnt mean that every trans person will feel like she does, but it does mean that we can’t generalize trans experiences/preferences/what they feel transphobia is. Just like straight people dont get to say what’s homophobic or not, cis people dont get to say what’s transphobic or not. The definition of those terms relies entirely on the community that is targeted by these things.
I hope this wasnt excessively confusing but I wanted to make my point clear.
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outofcontextsimsmachinima · 5 years ago
I truly think you should reconsider featuring Youth so much on this blog. The series has featured blackface and other racist imagery before, it's really not a good look for the Sims fandom to promote this stuff, especially seeing how racist EA themselves have been in the past.
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Hello, thank you for approaching me with your concerns. I in no way want to promote racism. You have every right to feel how you do and leave my blog to not see her posts (all tagged under #1998sims and #youth, which you can blacklist) and not watch her content. Its not my place to apologise on anyones behalf. However, although this may be an out of context blog, I think its unfair to make a statement as such without the context of the episode. This opinion may come from this post I uploaded a while back, or from breifly seeing her episode. Or even watching it all the way and either not understanding the message OR simply put, being offended by the imagery (which you have every right to feel offended by) 1998sims is a very close friend of mine. However, what I say is not as a friend as I will, and have, quite easily dropped anyone who is racist, homophobic, a pedophile, etc. I’m not afraid to lose friends or family over morals. That being said, I also want to mention that if you’ve met 1998sims and properly got to know her, you’d also know she has a no bullshit attitude and she herself cannot stand those actions. Shes always trying to keep up to date on human rights movements, sending me updates on the currently BLM protests, complaining about racists and homophobes and wishing people wouldnt support the racist billionares and companies (EA included) of the world. I also want to mention before i start jumping into this unbiased, that as 1998sims’ friend, I see a lot of a specific group of people trying to attack her every month or so. She’s used to it and doesn’t let it bother her, often tells us not to say anything on her behalf (which is interesting considering how many times people say she’s going to get her “groupies” to defend her. Not once have we defended her because we respect her wishes for us to not get involved.) and that she can fight her own fights. Its upsetting watching her put up with people nitpicking her in the most toxic community out tbh, the shit that could be said about the people who ?? I actually dont know what their goal is tbh, take her down?? idk its really weird. Like, I think people who try to come at her do a lot worse than her and often times are trying to come back at her after she openly stated her opinions about the community (usually its her asking that creators had more representation in their series. Which I can agree with, the sims community is flooded with stories of straight white couples). The sims community is shit, I wont deny. So, with this context in mind, I do struggle to take the rare posts I see about her as seriously as I would if they were about anyone else. I talk to her on a daily, I know the thoughts she puts into her work, into her daily life, into her friendships, past and present. Her opinions and goals and the things she puts up with. I know that the specific group of people against her would try to warp my words around and say she controlling or manipulating me but honestly, one, those people claiming something like that in itself is a manipulation tactic and two, you dont know fuck about me and my past and what I’ve experienced to understand who to trust and who to drop. I don’t put up with that sort of shit. Over her time on youtube she has very openly showed her support to the black lives movement and tried to bring light to it in her works. She has always been very aware of making sure her cast represents real people, that includes the struggles they face. Its rare to find poc and lgbtq media, especially in the sims community and especially without characters following harmful stereotypes or being the token black or gay character. 1998sims has always shown care for these communities in multiple series for multiple years, taking every opportunity she can to make a PSA. The blackface episode was no exception. I dont want to speak on her behalf and have stayed quiet about what people have said about her because of her wishes, and I will message her about this issue. But in the end, its my blog that has recieved the asks and thus, my response is what will be made. This will be long (if its not already) and its up to you to skip or read this, your mental health is what should come first. Nothing can excuse racist imagery or jokes about race. I never want to tell someone they’re in the wrong or that their feelings do not matter, your feelings and opinions matter. What 1998sims choses to do from here onward is up to her. But as I said, you approached me and I will take that as invitation to share my opinion. In the episode ‘Blakkkface’ of YOUTH, the title alone already explaining the episodes intention to be around the black lives matter movement, racism and mention of blackface and the KKK. Its halloween, 2 racist background characters walk in dressed in blackface and as a member of the KKK. Instantly the main cast is disgusted. This scene is not intended as humour or a joke, rather the main cast showing disgust in a background character’s actions. Lucas responding with a “what the fuck?” and Jo, a black character, also the only one not dressed up, stating that costumes like that are why she hates halloween. I believe here its intended to mention how during holidays, people think its okay to wear costumes like that. be it blackface, KKK members, indiginous costumes, chinese etc. Peoples race and culture arent a costume and 1998sims attempted to show how costumes like that happen often irl and how hurtful and racist they are. Next scene. I’m Not Racist by Joyner Lucas plays in the background. Teacher rants about inappropriate costumes. Cut to a close up of Jo’s face obvious waiting for the issue to be addressed. Teacher mentions girls wearing costumes that are inappropriate, too tight or short, makes no mention of racist costumes or issues with it. Clearly Jo and her classmate, Trey (also a black cast member, wearing a shirt that states “not your costume” as a protest to the racist costumes during halloween), aren’t happy and chose to silently protest by sitting while the class pledges alleigence to the flag. The teacher gets mad at the two who are quite calmly explaining their rights, which starts a debate. The blackface and KKK costumes are brought up, Jo calls out racism and the two take advantage of their priveledge, claiming its just paint telling Jo not to be offended and that shes being sensitive. This is a clear case of racists making excuses, trying to victimize themselves and using their privelege against Jo. Teacher, unable to respond to Jo’s retort then takes it out on Trey, Saying his shirt is inappropriate and promotes violence (does that sound familiar to the black likes matter movement at the moment?), that he needs to go to the office. Trey questions if the teacher himself is racist, calls everyone disgusting for their actions. Teacher sends both students to go to the office and as Jo walks past, the racist students call her a monkey which is the final straw and she punches them. She regrets it later knowing the outcome will be terrible on her behalf as a black girl. Trey beside her, tries to validate her and she mentions how shes the one whos going to be suspended but the person whos actually in the wrong will play victim as their actions will be forgotten about. she says “I played into the narrative he wanted me to play into.” saying she doesnt want to be the stereotypical black person that solves issues through violence. Trey once again tries to validate her actions, telling her that she had the right to defend herself. “dont let them make you feel bad for their crappy actions.” What 1998sims shows here is the real life struggle that black people face. Them being seen as a costume, their history being a joke to racists. That people of privelege and power can manipulate situations and try to paint themsleves as victims and black people as violent, often gaslighting until, in some cases (like Jo’s) the real victim takes actions in their own hands since the system cant protect them and they need to protect themself. This is a serious and real topic and yes, understandably it can be triggering to some people who have experienced these things themselves. I dont think 1998sims’ goal is to hurt people though. Rather show a character you care about or relate to going through something thats very real and make her viewers aware of said issues, use empathy to make people mad or upset and maybe stand up to make a change to stop these things from continuing to happen in the real world. Once again, I apologise for posting any content that has been hurtful to you. But morally I felt the need to at least add some context on why this episode and scenes were intended to, from the perspective of someone whos against racism, someone who wants equality, someone who wants to share a message. 1998sims’ series is raw in the sense its real and inspired by reality. Some people like that sort of representation in the media they consume, some dont. And if you dont, thats up to you to not watch her content. If you prefer media that escapes reality, her series isnt for you and thats okay. And I just need to say this once again. I’m not defending her or the episopde because shes my friend. If I find out her or anyone I know has made content thats intended to be hurtful to anyone, I will drop them. I have no intention ever in my life to be associated with people like that. I’m sorry that you can no longer feel safe on my blog though, its sad that has to be the case but I hope at least with the context of the episode brought up, maybe you can see things in a different way. If not, I hope you find safety somewhere else. Its what you deserve after all, don’t put yourself through any more harm, you should always come first.
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some-spooky-stuff · 6 years ago
I finally caught up with the Saw franchise. Yay
Here are some thoughts on that, as well as my favorite trap from each movie, and my rating. How I choose to rate the franchise: LIVE or DIE. _____________________
Saw: When I first watched this years ago, it was not the first Saw movie I had seen. My first Saw movie was Saw II because it was on TV and I just ended up seeing it. So when I was younger I went to Saw 1 and was bored. Now as an adult I sat down and watched it and boy is it GOOD. its damn good. Weird editing which has aged but its easy to forgive. The weird “panic” film editing scenes werent needed but now it just feels normal to the franchise. i like at the end when the two main victims realize the game isnt just an isolated incident involving the two of them but more complex involving more people with their stories colliding. Amanda in the reverse bear trap was pretty iconic though... 
FAVORITE GAME: Reverse Bear Trap
LIVE OR DIE: LIVE ________________
Saw II: traps felt like minigames. Dat needle pit tho. The recap scenes get old real quick. I get it. I put the puzzle together. Amanda returns, doing pretty well. This was my first introduction to Saw so Im fond of this movie. Reminds me of the old days when the syfy channel was once “scifi” and had scary movies on a lot. John is awesome in this movie. I love the scene where he asks for a glass of water. Also memorable traps
FAVORITE GAME: tie between The Needle Pit and The Razor Box
LIVE or DIE: LIVE _______________
Saw III: the traps were secondary to the plot. Why. But the traps were way more interesting and complex machines. Amanda gets annoying. I dont really like her, shes just gasping with wide eyes in every scene. I like the traps in this one but I feel like this is where the series took a turn with the traps, instead of a player being IN their own trap, they now have to decide the fate of other people trapped because of the player. TBH I feel like this was bad for the series and made a huge impact on the rest of the movies. I remember when I was younger thinking the pig guts drowning scene was stupid and wacky, but now watching it again its pretty intense. I liked this movie and i liked the traps despite it setting up failure for the franchise. Also John dies WAY TOO SOON to allow a handful of movies to continue.
FAVORITE GAME: The Rack (Honorable mention to the Pig Vat)
LIVE or DIE: LIVE ______________
Saw IV: John Kramer dick and balls for the world to see. THANKS. Bad cg blood. Not sure where the budget went. Weird scene transitioning, weird over the top traps, to the point of being unbelievable. no one is going to build a head crushing machine with two massive slabs of ice, its way too big, too complicated, and too stupid. Every white guy in this movie looks the same, its hard to tell characters apart, i get lost with the timelines and story. 
FAVORITE GAME: The Knife Chair
LIVE or DIE: hmmmmm LIVE ______________
Saw V: boring, with stupid traps, and dusty gray characters. If people would stop screaming, they could easy make it out alive. Also the gore in this movie is just for gore. they didnt need it, and characters could have easily avoided it but its Saw so you gotta have the gore in there.. somewhere..
FAVORITE GAME: The Glass Coffin
LIVE or DIE: DIE PLEASE _____________
Saw VI: "RIGHT NOW YOU’RE FEELING HELPLESS"  ... Such a cool scene.. Okay this movie was much better than Saw 5. the traps are getting bigger which is dumb and the traps are killing everyone BUT the player which is dumb, but this movie is entertaining and its brutal. Also.. Amanda redemption? Maybe she’s not so annoying? Also why they keep editing Jill’s eyebags? Stop trying to make her young and sexy, let her age like a human god damn.
FAVORITE GAME: The Shotgun Carousel
LIVE or DIE: LIVE ______________
Saw VII the final chapter: pandering af. It felt like the writers were thinking “hmm what do our young dumb audience want to see get killed.. hmm.. cheaters?.. dumb sluts? racists? yeah thats good enough.” Dumb reasons. Dumb dumb. John would never, he has more thought into his players.. they pissed all over the character and made it just so dumb i offended on behalf of John Kramer, you all should be in a game and realize you suck balls.. This is all so against the entire purpose of Saw, also bad acting, stupid tropes, weird sound editing, every victim except one was a female just sitting there screaming and then dying so yeah. The only good thing about this movie is the ending, which ties in all the movies and has a nice victory lap for the fans. I really appreciate that. I sat through every movie, give me some fanservice. RIP Chester Bennington.
FAVORITE GAME: Reverse Bear Trap (yes, again. the only good trap in this movie)
LIVE of DIE: DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE _______________
Jigsaw: too humorous. But much better than saw 7. The filming felt more tight as well. An overall better movie even though the timeline if fucked. I mean its been fucked for a while so im not really mad. I expect no less. The traps felt odd. But still a fun time. This movie is lacking something in all the Saw movies idk what it is. There’s something about Jigsaw that is more sterile than the Saw franchise. I feel like the only thing dirty about Jigsaw is the blood. It felt clean. Also wHY does Saw have LASERS????
FAVORITE GAME: Backwards Shotgun (I cant find trap names on the fan wiki)
LIVE or DIE: ...LIVE __________________
What i like about the series: john kramer real OG. Traps are cool af (though they get wackier and wackier), the classic Saw theme music plays at the end with a 5 minute recap with weird editing followed by the signature “Game Over”. Hated it at first, but i took the stick out my ass and i enjoy it. 
What i dont like: every character who isnt John (after movie 1) is kind of empty and shouldnt be on screen as long as they are. John’s wife was so uncooperative the ENTIRE time she pissed me off. also for the love of god i cant keep up with the fucked up timeline and please get actors who dont look the same. _________________ No one’s above the SAW! LIVE OR DIE! Enjoy “The Jig is Up” by ICE NINE KILLS
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yourjughead · 7 years ago
Sweet Pea x Reader.
A/N: aahhhhh idk what this is but it's a thing so, enjoy.
Sweet Pea POV
“Nah dude forget it, yn is Champagne and Caviar, you're more like tap water and a Mars bar”
“I could be Champagne and...whatever the second thing was Fangs” I pushed his shoulder as he laughed. Damn my best friend for being right. Yn was those things, I was just a peasant, a simpleton...a Serpent, not good enough for her.
“Besides dude Kevin says she's super into guys who are sporty and I don't think she counts motocross as a sport, snob”
“She's not a snob!...I think and thanks for asking anyway, you get a wingman point” he did a little bow and I laughed before returning my attention to cheerleader surrounded by her admirers. Who am I kidding, out of my league.
I sat in the back of AP Physics class, lost in doodles while Ms. Curie droned on about magnets or her husband or something when my interest suddenly peaked. My cheerleader walked in, handed Ms.Curie a note before they both smiled and next thing I knew YN was sitting next to me, physics book in hand. She gave me a little confused look and then a smile, shit, I was clearly staring at her.
“Okay so why don't you discuss with your partner that theory and I'll be back in a few moments I just have to ring my husband” she made her escape and the class began to hum to life with anything and everything except for physics.
“Im Yn...thats a cool drawing” she gestured to the combustion engine I had absentmindedly penned.
“Oh thanks, I'm Sweet Pea...I thought Kevin said you did Chemistry?”
“Excuse me?” She was laughing and it was then I realised I had let slip that I was doing recon. Stupid Sweets Stupid! My eyes darted back to the engine I could easily make sense of.
“Umm well you tell Kevin he needs to update his intel-” okay so she's laughing so she's not annoyed or creeped out...maybe she is and she's just polite.
“-i was doing Chemistry but I finished the course at home over winter and I just thought I'd try AP Physics”
“oh right right, casual for a cheerleader to do, nothing easier left?” I smiled and she didn't.
“Why isn't it? I'd prefer if you didn't lump all Cheerleaders into the same stereotypical category. I know you're a Serpent but i haven't stereotyped you, you're in a gang from an underprivileged school, what are you doing in AP Physics?” The last comment dripped with sarcasm, the rest with annoyance, whoops.
“i didnt-I-eh”
“Yeah, I thought so” she swivelled back to her book and I was almost cursing myself aloud as the bell rang.
“Oh and by the way, I find Physics easy, jerk” she said in passing as she gathered her things and practically stomped out the door.
I told Fangs later what happened and he very nearly almost fell off the bench laughing. He then did actually fall when I pushed him. Toni just shook her head in disapproval and Jughead joined Fangs laughing on the the floor I guided him towards.
“It's really not that funny, she hates me now!”
“It's hilarious Sweet Pea but don't worry about it, really. Yn is really lovely once you get to know her...and don't underestimate her.-” Jones laughed through his sentence but I still believed him slightly. He knew more about this concrete world and it's inhabitants than we did, I'd just have to take him at his word.
“-Anyway, really you're barking up the wrong tree if you wanna get further than friends. Rumor is she only dates athletes and I don't think pool counts”
“Wow everyone just loves attacking my idea of sports….what else could I do here?”
“Boxing?” Toni offered and Fangs laughed.
“Nah SP, you'd win every fight but not by following the rules”
“They're on hiatus for the winter” I sighed aloud as my friends racked their brains, I found myself locking eyes with YN as she passed. She bit her lip and then returned to her conversation. Ugh god what a mess, I buried my face in my hands and that's when it hit me. No I mean, it literally hit me.
“WHO THE FUCK THREW THIS BASKETBALL!?” I stood to my feet after retrieving the ball, Fangs standing too. Archie jogged over and apologised, explaining he was attempting to teach Betty. Unlikely story but I saw YN stare and decided to simply return the ball... for a favor. I just found my new hobby.
Archie was helpful in getting me easily into the tryout, I dragged Fangs along to as he enjoyed basketball but mostly he wanted to impress Kevin.I was warming up with Fangs as Yn, Cheryl and the rest of the cheerleaders sauntered in for practice. Damn I'm going to be distracted. The sight of me seemed to catch her off guard and she raised an eyebrow at me when I caught the ball Fangs threw. Let's do this.
Damn I forgot how much I loved Basketball, it was nice to have a coach that actually cared about technique for once. I had never been so in the zone and clearly it made me cheesy.
“So YN wouldn't shut up about you after your try out today” my new friend Veronica smiled at me before I ducked inside Physics where yn sat. We both remained in silence for a little while before I broke.
“Yn I'm really sorry I offended you, I didn't mean to and I know that doesn't make it okay but I'm sorry”
“It's alright Sweet Pea, I'm used to it...you were great at tryouts today, hope you make it” she batted her eyelashes and my heart melted. Damn her.
Next day we were called into the gym to see who made the team. Yn and the rest of the cheerleaders were practicing, this didn't help with my nerves. I had spent the night previous texting her and her constant reassurance both settled and put pressure on me all at once.
My name was called and it was like this huge weight shattered from my shoulders, they handed me that blue and gold jacket I hated so much. Yn ran over to me when they finished with the names, wrapping her arms around me.
“Congrats Sweet Pea!” I tried my best not to completely squish her in the hug but I simply wanted to always be this close.
The following time after I became entirely immersed in this world, in her world. Whenever she was on the sidelines I was winning and let's just say I spent a lot of time winning. We became kind of inseparable, the stereotype of star athlete and head cheerleader. I kind of loved it. To add to this developing relationship was a little thing involving basketball. The championship. We were in it! Never in a million years did I think we'd get this far but we were here!!! And wow did training get intense. Too intense.
“Wanna hang out later Pea?”
“Can't, practice” she sighed in annoyance at me while leaning against my locker. If I was honest I had been blowing her off a lot lately but she only dates athletes and that's what I'm doing sooo. Fangs threw himself alongside her with Jug and Toni close behind.
“Come on SP we're going to the quarry”
“We can't Fangs, we have practice”
“Nah I'm not going today, need a break and besides Kevin is going to come to the quarry” this was met with sounds of oohs and ahhs as well little shoves. They were almost as cute as Yn and I.
“Alright alright leave it” he was defensive but was was slowly warming to our teasing.
“Anyway come on SP let's go”
“Nah I'm going to practice”
“Fine, yn?” Her head snapped to his with pure shock. In general they had a turbulent relationship, just kind of existing in my world at once. She was entirely happy to be invited along and after kissing my cheek goodbye she disappeared off with them.
I was still training by myself when the Serpent's ascended on the place, my wonderful weird friends, who were getting in the way of practice.
Toni snatched ball from me and began passing it around me much to my protest, yn watching laughing from the bleachers. I didn't find it funny.
“Guys come on stop! I need to practice”
“No way dude, it's time to take it easy” I fumbled at Fangs managing to take the ball, shooting and making the hoop. The Serpent's cheered and then stole the ball again and were running circles around me.
“Guys seriously fuck off I need to practice!”
“Dude relax! You're taking this too seriously!”
“No I'm not fucking joking Toni!” This only poked the dragon.
Toni passed to Jug and Jug to Fangs. I went to intercept Fangs pass to Ryan, missing and falling in possibly the awkwardest way possible. There was a deafening crunch met with searing pain. Fuck. The pain coursed through me until I actually blacked out.
I took the tendon in my foot almost clean off the bone and after they had almost fixed it, I was left unable to play...or walk...or breath too much. Yn wheeled me out of the hospital with Fangs carrying my things. Their guilt was immense but my worry was worse. This was the end for yn and me. No foot. No game. No jacket. No girlfriend. No hope.
“Right I'll go get the car, you two wait here by the entrance” he was missing the championship to be here with me, did I mention that he felt guilty?
“I'm sure you'll be able for next season Pea, don't worry"
“And if not I suppose you'll be off”
“Excuse me?” I huffed at her confusion, turning my wheelchair from here, the painkillers a godsend.
“It means you'll be off with some other guy by then”
“And why do you think that”
“Because yn, everyone knows you only date athletes and I don't know if I'll ever be one again” she caught the handle of my chair and swung me around. She bent down so she was eye level with me, her hands still gripping the handles. Kind of hot.
“Who said that?”
“Everyone, everyone says it”
“Well everyone's wrong. I date whoever I want and yes they do tend to be athletes but that's only because I'm around them 6 days a week! The first time you spoke me you stereotyped me and now you're doing it again!” she pushed slightly from the handles but not enough to move me. She tucked her arms into her chest very clearly annoyed.
“So now you're going to break up with me?” I said smally.
“No! Of course not! We're just having an argument and that's okay! Ugh it's like you've never had a girlfriend or something!” The air between us suddenly changed. Oh shit.
“Wait...you've never had a girlfriend have you” I could only shake my head slowly, eyes locked on her feet. Her arms dropped to her sides and she sighed.
“It's okay Pea, but you just need to know I'm not going to dump you for something stupid like this conversation” she crouched down by my side and leaned in to kiss me. I gladly accepted, loving every moment I was this close. We were interrupted by Fangs as he attempted to break the horn of my car.
“oh I see you're using a different kind drug SP” He called from the driver's seat.
“Yeah same one you and Kevin are using” I could only smile at my girlfriend at her comeback while she wheeled me to the front seat of the car. We ultimately lost the championship, but I couldn't care less.
325 notes · View notes
chimericarchitect · 7 years ago
gallionicTrickster 5
-- gallionicTrickster [GT] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 21:47 --
[09:47] GT: nerd
[09:47] TS: Hey dude. You've been offline for a while.
[09:48] GT: oh you know
[09:48] GT: i been busy
[09:48] TS: With what? Your corpse party?
[09:48] GT: yeah pretty much
[09:48] TS: Is that REALLY what you've been doing?
[09:49] GT: did you know that seadwellers REALLY dont take kindly to criticism?
[09:49] TS: Oh no
[09:49] TS: What did you do?
[09:49] GT: same thing as always
[09:50] GT: talk shit from the safety of my hovel
[09:50] GT: #yolo
[09:50] TS: They came after you? #UFuckinIdiot
[09:50] GT: well its fine
[09:51] GT: my lusus was kinda hungry anyways
[09:51] GT: theyve developed a taste for seafood
[09:51] TS: dude
[09:51] TS: So
[09:51] TS: Are you okay?
[09:51] GT: yeah im fine
[09:51] GT: i do this all the time
[09:51] TS: To seadwellers
[09:51] GT: well
[09:52] GT: they tend to last alot longer
[09:52] GT: but since my trap infested hive isnt where im actually hiding im not really in a whole lot of danger
[09:52] TS: Wait
[09:52] TS: You invited me over
[09:52] GT: pffft
[09:52] GT: yeah to my actual hive
[09:53] TS: PleaseExplain.exe
[09:53] GT: well
[09:53] GT: i kind of have a little bunker close to my "legitimate hive"
[09:54] GT: as a cerulean im given quite a bit of freedom in designing my hive
[09:54] GT: i live in a tiny underground box
[09:54] GT: right next to a giant deathtrap
[09:55] GT: im not much of a hunter myself
[09:56] GT: so i figured if i lured enough easily offended assholes to my hive i can just let them die to a bunch of traps
[09:56] GT: and my lusus get fed ma boi
[09:56] TS: Yeah, but... I mean, I'm surprised you'd go to such lengths. 'Specially considering hives are designed by wrigglers. You were a creepy grub.
[09:56] GT: yeah pretty much
[09:57] TS: So, if everything is fine, why've you been hiding out for days on end?
[09:57] TS: you haven't said a word
[09:58] GT: that last violet blood was a bit smarter than i gave him credit for
[09:58] TS: What happened?
[09:58] GT: almost made it out alive
[09:58] GT: gave my lusus a run for his money
[09:59] TS: Is your lusus hurt?
[09:59] GT: not too poorly
[09:59] GT: just a few scratcges here and there
[10:01] TS: Concerned.exe
[10:02] GT: shouldnt be.exe
[10:02] TS: AreYouSureAboutThat.meme
[10:02] GT: dankasfuckbro.mem
[10:02] TS: You ruffian.
[10:02] GT: pretty much
[10:02] TS: Do you know the seadweller's name?
[10:03] TS: Did you get their lusus too?
[10:03] GT: nah
[10:03] GT: unless you count clamSmasher69 as a "name"
[10:04] TS: I don't think so. Do you know the names of ANY of your victims?
[10:04] TS: Or is it just usernames?
[10:04] GT: usually just usernames
[10:04] TS: Does that make it easier?
[10:04] GT: yeah basically
[10:05] GT: i also usually target the upper end of the hemospectrum because the lifestyle of the high and mighty makes it easy to piss them off
[10:05] GT: but stupidity is universal
[10:06] GT: i get the occasional lowblood here and there
[10:06] TS: You've probably made a few enemies
[10:06] TS: to say the least
[10:06] GT: yeah basically
[10:06] GT: i kind of hate our species anyways
[10:07] GT: either i end up dead or i cull so many highbloods that our society changes in some slightly pleasant way
[10:07] GT: either way i kind of win
[10:07] TS: Wow. Bit of a black slut, huh?
[10:08] TS: JK
[10:08] TS: It sucks
[10:08] GT: eh
[10:08] GT: it is what it is
[10:08] GT: its why most of my freinds are lower on the spectrum
[10:10] TS: Nobody's ever figured out your secret technique?\
[10:11] GT: not yet
[10:11] GT: i give out my location so they dont really need to "track me down"
[10:11] GT: avoids them finding my hidey hole
[10:12] GT: i keep a few tricks up my sleeve just in case
[10:12] TS: And no one's been smart enough to think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, the fact that you hand out your coordinates is a touch strange?
[10:12] TS: Bleh
[10:12] GT: its almost like i specifically target trolls that arnt very bright
[10:13] TS: You can't know that as an absolute
[10:13] TS: You barely resaerch your targets at all
[10:13] TS: You don't even know their names
[10:13] GT: no
[10:13] GT: thats true
[10:14] GT: i usually pick people who consistantly act like an ass over trollian
[10:15] TS: Does that mean you'd cull yourself if you met you?
[10:15] GT: yeah basically
[10:15] TS: datk
[10:16] TS: *dark
[10:16] GT: the main difference being that i can laugh at myself and let it go
[10:17] GT: if someones so up their own ass that they need to go hunt someone down for calling them a pussy
[10:17] GT: then they kind of are just asking to get killed
[10:18] TS: *shrugs*
[10:18] TS: I wouldn't know
[10:19] GT: *shrugs*
[10:20] GT: *shrugmageddon*
[10:20] TS: *the shruggening*
[10:21] GT: so tell me about yourself lowblood
[10:21] GT: your one of like
[10:21] GT: 4 people i cponsider friends?
[10:22] TS: You have four friends? That's pretty wild
[10:22] GT: yeah basically
[10:22] TS: You seem okay, so...
[10:22] TS: What do you wanna know?
[10:22] GT: eh
[10:22] GT: nothing specific
[10:23] GT: so why do you roleplay a lime blood over trollian?
[10:23] TS: Well, I mean...
[10:23] TS: Mystery is cool, right?
[10:23] GT: thats fair
[10:24] TS: I mean, what if you ACTUALLY met a limeblood?
[10:24] GT: well idk
[10:25] GT: i dont really care much
[10:25] GT: i mean sure itd be rare and thats cool
[10:25] GT: but eh
[10:25] GT: blood color only really means how long you live and how beefy your arms are
[10:26] TS: You make an interesting point, Teivel. Why do you think the limebloods were hunted to extinction, then?
[10:26] GT: although i heard limes were crazt strong with psionics
[10:26] TS: Is that why?
[10:26] GT: well i mean
[10:26] GT: probobly
[10:26] GT: either that
[10:27] GT: or some petty grievance betweenthem and the highbloods
[10:27] TS: If THAT was all it took, I don't think limebloods would be the only extinct caste
[10:27] GT: because the highbloods tend to cull anything that displeases their delicate sensibilities
[10:27] TS: to a degree
[10:28] GT: so it was probobly because a caste that was lower on the spectrum had crazy strong powers
[10:28] GT: and the higher bloods wanted to maintain the status quo of "being top dog"
[10:30] TS: Most lowbloods have stronger psychic abilities, and besides. You're a highblood too.
[10:30] GT: blegh
[10:30] GT: dont remind me
[10:30] TS: Haha! Is it really so bad?
[10:31] GT: no not particularly
[10:31] GT: im just kind of a pansy
[10:31] GT: that and well
[10:31] GT: i dont exactly get the highblood treatment anymore
[10:32] TS: Not after killing off so many others, right? Or is it because of something else?
[10:32] GT: well highbloods killing highbloods is basically the morning salute for our people
[10:32] GT: its because of this thing
[10:32] GT: idk
[10:33] TS: What thing? :/
[10:33] GT: blegh
[10:34] GT: a couple sweeps back i developed a weird mutation
[10:35] TS: A couple sweeps ago?? That's unusual. I thought most mutations happened during wrigglerhood
[10:35] TS: WHat is it?
[10:35] GT: well fuck it
[10:35] GT: i have a third horn
[10:36] GT: its small and it grew in much later
[10:36] TS: Huh. That was enough for you to get excommunicated?
[10:36] GT: well
[10:37] GT: its not really commonly known
[10:37] GT: i stopped going outside basically
[10:37] TS: Oh. SO you've only recently become a shut-in? I thought that was just how you'd always lived.
[10:37] GT: well i tend to stay indoors anyways
[10:38] GT: i dont live to close to anyone in particular
[10:38] GT: but still
[10:39] GT: less its known less problems ill have
[10:39] TS: Then how have you lost your highblood status if no one knows?
[10:40] GT: its not like a club or anything
[10:40] GT: we dont have membership cards
[10:40] GT: its just how people talk to you and react to you
[10:41] TS: What's changed?
[10:41] GT: idk actually
[10:42] GT: mostly that ive become scared of going outside and that its inevitable that im going to get culled at some point
[10:43] GT: i never really exerted much of my highblood authority before that anyways
[10:43] TS: Join the club, I guess
[10:43] TS: It's interesting
[10:43] TS: I think
[10:43] TS: Yeah
[10:44] TS: Krolio is the only normal friend I have now
[10:44] GT: krolio rules
[10:44] TS: Tru.net
[10:44] GT: i find that olive bloods tend to be pretty chill
[10:46] GT: not constantly being stepped on by litterally everyone while not exactly being encouraged to treat everyone like shit tends to produce trolls that arnt that awful
[10:46] TS: I'll tell Krolio you think he's cool
[10:46] TS: So like, does it hurt? Your new horn, I mean.
[10:46] GT: oh like a sonuvabitch
[10:46] TS: :(
[10:47] GT: i can feel it growing
[10:47] TS: (lewd.gov)
[10:47] GT: its like if a knife decided to grow out your forehead
[10:47] TS: Oh
[10:47] TS: That's... awful, right?
[10:47] TS: Have you been stabbed before?
[10:47] GT: no
[10:47] GT: but i imagine its pretty awful
[10:48] TS: Not that you have a lot to imagine, I guess
[10:53] TS: Is that it, though? Just a new horn?
-- gallionicTrickster [GT] is now an idle chum! --
[10:58] GT: well
[11:01] GT: i can like
[11:01] GT: move stuff
[11:01] GT: if i think hard
[11:02] TS: Wait, really? I wasn't actually expecting you to get bitchin' powers or anything.
[11:02] TS: You're not pulling my leg, are you?
[11:02] GT: no
[11:02] GT: it makes my head ache a little when i do it
[11:02] GT: but its no so bad with tiny things
[11:03] TS: That's...
[11:03] TS: Really cool!
[11:03] TS: ^_^
[11:03] GT: dfgfcgcgvhbjkjhgfcgvhbjnnhgfg
[11:04] GT: im not used to compliments
[11:04] GT: you dont think im a freak?
[11:04] TS: Well, not really
[11:04] TS: I'm more freaked out by the killing, honestly...
[11:04] TS: I'm a shit troll
[11:05] TS: SHHHHH.exe
[11:05] GT: thats fine
[11:05] GT: you got better stuff to do with your life anyways
[11:05] GT: considering that statistically your like
[11:06] GT: not gonna live as long as others
[11:06] TS: Maybe not.
[11:06] TS: Hm.
[11:07] TS: I don't spend a lot of time thinking about my own mortality
[11:07] GT: well
[11:07] GT: its good to be aware of it
[11:07] GT: most highbloods think theyre gonna live for centuries
[11:08] GT: im sure youve already outlived several of them
[11:08] GT: yikes.superyes ;D
[11:09] TS: You're a real wild one
[11:09] TS: It's interesting
[11:09] TS: I appreciate you
[11:09] TS: Uh, sorry
[11:09] GT: dfghjnhgfccgvhbjhgvcf
[11:10] GT: thats very nice of you
[11:11] TS: WOWZERS/[email protected]
[11:11] GT: #capslockisgangsta
[11:11] TS: #bitchyouknowit
[11:12] GT: so what is your actual blood color?
[11:12] TS: Oh, well...
[11:12] TS: MMMMMMM
[11:12] TS: Okay
[11:12] TS: But stay shushed about it
[11:12] TS: I really am lime
[11:12] GT: wait
[11:13] GT: what
[11:13] GT: fo sho?
[11:13] TS: Yeh, for reals
[11:13] GT: fuck
[11:13] GT: thats awesome
[11:13] GT: i mean im sure its actually kind of terrible cause like
[11:14] GT: most trolls would kill you on sight
[11:14] GT: but still thats super cool
[11:14] GT: congrats
[11:14] GT: but also my condolenses
[11:14] TS: Dude
[11:14] TS: Nice
[11:14] GT: so like
[11:15] GT: can you shoot lasers?
[11:15] GT: ive heard you guys shopot lasers
[11:15] TS: I... Lasers? I'm surprised you believe me. Unless you're just being an ass.
[11:15] TS: Are you being an ass?
[11:16] GT: well idk
[11:16] GT: i was just trying to be polite
[11:16] GT: i figured you were telling the truth
[11:16] TS: Well, I AM, but...
[11:16] TS: You don't need proof? You just... trust me?
[11:17] GT: well sure i guess
[11:17] GT: i trusted you enough to mention my freakazoid horn
[11:18] TS: Huh. Well, I mean, it's not like I can hurt you for having a mutation
[11:18] TS: Not from here
[11:19] GT: then maby you should come to my hole in the ground and hang out
[11:19] GT: by hanging me
[11:19] GT: or something
[11:23] TS: You and your sinister overtones of drama and despair
[11:24] TS: Classic Teivel
[11:24] GT: yeah basically
[11:25] TS: That's swiftly becoming your catchphrase, you know
[11:25] GT: yeah
[11:26] TS: exhasperated.autorun
[11:27] GT: so are we like moirails?
[11:27] GT: or just shitheads?
[11:27] TS: Shitheads
[11:27] TS: definitely
[11:27] GT: ok cool
[11:27] GT: shitheads fo life
[11:28] TS: shithead_fistbump/DOIT.edu
[11:28] GT: fuck
[11:29] GT: dank
[11:29] TS: Is your lusus actually okay?
[11:29] GT: yeah they fine
[11:29] GT: they a big tough lizard
[11:29] TS: Lizards are the master race confirmed
[11:30] TS: stay tuned for more useful facts
[11:30] GT: YO
[11:30] TS: So, how big is that new horn? Does it match your others?
[11:30] GT: thats lewd
[11:30] GT: its tiny
[11:30] TS: dude
[11:31] GT: but its vlike
[11:31] GT: still growing
[11:31] TS: It's been growing for, uh... two sweeps, you said? And it's still tiny
[11:32] GT: compared to my normal horns yeah
[11:32] TS: Huh
[11:32] TS: So wait
[11:32] TS: how tall are you?
[11:35] GT: 6'4''
[11:36] TS: Huh
[11:36] TS: Still tall, but not as dramatic as I though
[11:36] TS: Aren't highbloods supposed to be massive?
[11:36] GT: eh
[11:36] GT: thats rascist
[11:37] TS: Nice
[11:37] GT: ye
[11:37] TS: SO are you a shrimp or not?
[11:39] GT: not particularly
[11:40] TS: Okay, that's a relief
[11:40] TS: I've never seen anything other than the Jade bloods
[11:40] TS: so I wouldn't know
[11:40] TS: Ignorant racism, I guess
[11:40] TS: caste-ism?
[11:41] GT: its fine
[11:41] GT: friendly cast-ism is a-ok in my book
[11:41] GT: be careful tho
[11:41] GT: might mistake it for a black-rom flirting
[11:42] TS: That's just because you're an idiot
[11:42] TS: and everything has to do with romance
[11:42] TS: Hey, dude?
[11:42] TS: I gotta go
[11:42] TS: prior arrangements
[11:43] GT: okey dokey
[11:43] GT: ima go sleep in my cacoon
[11:43] TS: You do that
[11:43] TS: Catch you later
[11:43] GT: cya later limey ;)
-- gallionicTrickster [GT] gave up trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 23:44 --
1 note · View note
train-whistles-at-night · 8 years ago
Lmao im a dumbass and accidentally deleted the ask this went to but i still have the answers oH WELL HERE WE GO ANYWAY @anakinkshamer​ Without further ado this is all the asks on that one post, for Hooker Green. (Under a cut to save space and not clog up everyone’s dashboards.)
1. Are they a good liar?
Depends on the lie. White lies? Sure. Big ones, nope. He get’s nervous and shifts around a lot and usually doesn’t make eye contact.
2. Thoughts on tattoos, piercings?
A+++ He has an eyebrow peircing and I think some ear piercings I never draw? Also he thinks tattoos are hella (and tbh a weakness of his lmao) but he doesn’t have any of his own.
3. In which historic era would they like to live?
hfdskhg iDK MY DUDE. He likes now. Idk maybe he’d like to see what the 1920s were like or maybe thats just my general love for the 1920s speaking.
4. Do they like to watch movies? Read books?
He loves watching movies. When he can keep his attention focused or smth he’ll try reading, but he’s not as big on it.
5. How do they act when they are sick?
Lazy afffffffff. He whines for Sunglow to come take care of him 100% of the time when he’s sick.
6. Thoughts on one night stands?
AHAHA Well he’s participated in them, so he’s certainly not against them. He legit just is like, yknow, wear a condom and shit. Don’t be stupid.
7. Are they funny?
Yep, whether he means to be or not he’s p funny sometimes.
8. Are they scared easily?
I wouldn’t think so, no.
9. Are they stubborn?
He can be, depending on the topic. Most times he give tf up and just lets the other person think they’re right, even if he knows he’s right.
10. What would they do if they found out their best friend was cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend ?
”Dude what the fUCK QUIT THAT SHIT. You know that’s gonna end in hell for all three of you by the end of it if you keep it up.” And generally kinda. Doesn’t let them forget what they’re doing is shitty.
11. Thoughts on abstinence? He’s cool if they want to do it, he didn’t though.
12. What would they do if their best friend told them they were doing drugs?
”Cool, whatever you want. Just either don’t do that hard shit, kay? Or at least keep it from me, I’m good w/ just smoking pot”
13. If they drank a truth serum what would they say? What’s their biggest secret?
”Sometimes it really frustrates me that I never feel romantic love for people, I’d love to be in a relationship, but I can’t give love back the way they’d want.”
14. How would they take if their friend, family member, lover died?
Sob. A lot. A not get over it for a long time. He doesn’t take loss easy.
15. Do they smoke?
Weed? Yep.
Cigarettes? Nope.
16. Do they worry about physical appearance too much?
Nope, not really.
17. Most extreme thing they’ve done?
I mean? One night stands and smoking pot is really as bad as he gets? He’s drove drunk and stuff before when he knew he shouldn’t? Idk he’s not really that bad.
18. How are they under pressure?
P okay I guess??? Idk he could be a lot worse. He gets a little shaky, but he can more or less hold it together if he needs to.
19. How would they react if they saw someone on the street being robbed?
Grab the robber if he could, if he couldn’t, he’d at least tell the police
20. How would they react if one day their best friend or boyfriend/girlfriend woke up and it turns out he/she has amnesia?
Be really sad tbh, but y’know kinda try to help jog their memory if he could.
21.Thoughts on anal sex?
A+ 10/10 in his opinion, but y’know, if ur not down w/ it thats ur deal and he’ll respect that.
22. One thing they would never ever do, under any circumstances?
I answered another one with a different answer, so another one is rape, or just generally take advantage of anyone like that. He couldn’t even force himself to if it’d keep him alive.
23. Do they have any sexual fantasizes?
Yep yep.
24. Most weird place they had sex?
Not His House. Like at a party. Idk it weirds him out to have sex in a place he’s not familiar with.
25. If they can meet anyone on this earth, dead or alive, who would they want to meet?
Maybe his granny. People always talk about her in a good manner, but she died before he was born.
26. Would they rather travel to past or the future?
Future, I’d think.
27. In what movie, book, tv series would they enter if they could?
Harry Potter. Magic is cool af.
28. What would they do if they won the lottery?
He wouldn’t know what the fuck to do w/ the money. Mainly I think he’d help Wenge and his friends and family. Then put the rest in a bank. Bc otherwise I don’t think he’d know what to do with it.
29. Who do they love more, mom or dad?
Momma. Not that he doesn’t love his dad, just his dad was at work more, so he spent more time w/ Momma.
30. If they are on the deserted island and they see a box, what would they like to be in that box?
A way to get home.
31, How do they express their love towards friends and family? (Presents, words, actions?)
Actions when he can. Otherwise, words.
32. Who is the most important person in their life?
Wenge tbh?? Idk he’s just? Been through a lot w/ Wenge.
33. What powers would they like to have?
Healing powers.
34. Do they like to travel?
Nah, he likes being at home.
35. Where do they travel most often?
To mom and dad’s house, or to Wenge’s. Though that’s not really traveling. The biggest traveling he does is to a lake most people don’t visit. He kinda sits by himself for a bit an smokes and thinks n whatnot.
36. How much luggage do they carry?
Just what he knows he’ll need.
37. Favourite transportation?
Walking. Or a car if it’s Long Distance.
38. Do they have a life motto? Or just a quote they really love?
”Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.”
39. Favourite season?
The spot inbetween Fall and Winter when all the good things and parades happen.
40. Favourite holiday?
Thanksgiving. He loves the warmth and family attitude that comes with it.
41. Do they and how do they work out?
Nope. So N/A I guess.
42. Do they sleepwalk?
43. What’s their astrology sign? (You can do a test here)
44. What’s their temperament? (You can do a test here)
45. What’s their personality type? (You can do a test here )
46. What’s their strongest intelligence? (You can do a test here)
Nature w/ a 4.57
47. Do they know how to ice skate?
I mean, probably not but he wouldn’t find it that hard to learn.
48. Where was their favourite and where their worst vacation?
Fave - To see cousins states away
Worst - A different time they went to see their cousins so much shit went wrong he gets mad thinking about it
49. Do they have a bad sexual experience?
I mean? Yeah, of course. Everyone who has sex does at some point. It just wasn’t major. More like, it just didn’t work or no one had an orgasm or they had a fight or something idk.
50. Do they masturbate?
Yeah, sometimes. Not as often now as he used to.
51. Biggest regret?
Not being able to help more.
52. How do they dress?
Comfy mainly. If looks can be added, cool. But mainly just for comfort.
53. Who was their childhood love?
He didn’t have one.
54. What they wanted to be when they grow up?
I don’t know. Maybe a zoologist.
55. Who in their family do they like the most?
56. Did they ever did something in school they were grounded for?
Yeah of course. Probably snuck out.
57. Thoughts on abortion?
To each their own just don’t hurt others for disagreeing.
58. Biggest adventure?
He’s on it fam, being a god father.
59. How they react when someone offends their friend/boyfriend/sibling?
He get’s defensive.
60. How would they react if they found out they were pregnant?
”Well.. This is a.. Predicament. To say the least.”
61. Who would they tell first about the pregnancy?
Sunglow probably?
62. Do they pay with cash or credit card?
Cash, mainly bc he never remembers if he has money on his credit card.
63. Best childhood memory?
Going to a waterpark during summer w/ some cousins.
64. Worst childhood memory?
Idk probably like?? Something that happened at school. People are dicks.
65. Are they scared easily?
I think I said no already.
66. Did they tried weed?
Multiple times fam lmao
67. Did they try more serious drugs?
68. Quirks?
He taps drumbeats on stuff when thinking
Talks to plants
Can recite the alphabet backwards w/ out fucking it up
69. Pet peeves?
Saying “Let there be light” every time any light switch is flipped on.
People who read over your shoulder on public transportation.
Suburban kids who think they are gangstas.
70. Do they have phobia?
Scared of spiders, cockroaches, and things flying in his face
71. Do they have any mania?
Nah I don’t think so.
72. Are they allergic to something?
Nope, not currently.
73. Do they sing in the shower?
I think he hums maybe, but not outright sings and belts a song.
74. What are they most embarrassed about?
His lack of romantic love.
75. Favourite art?
Starry Night probably. It’s makes him feel happy.
76. Who they call when their car breaks in the middle of nowhere?
His dad.
77. With whom did they lose their virginity and where?
His best friend in highschool. In their house, not his. I think he actually id get teary-eyed if not actually crying during/after. Wasn’t bc he was sad, just bc so many thoughts ran through his head at the time and it was all a little overwhelming.
78. How would they react if someone tried to rob them?
Punch the dick in the fucking face.
79. Did they have any family tradition when they were young?
Mhm. Visit cousins and other family every Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve.
80. Do they cry at weddings?
Depends on the wedding. If it’s someone close like Sunglow or Family, of course. He’s a teary-eye’d mes. But they’re good, happy tears.
81. Who do they like to spend more time with, significant other or friends?
Friends. Doesn’t have a significant other and he doesn’t want one.
82. What’s their theme song? Some Hozier song, but I’m not entirely sure which? Hooker Green just has a very Hozier kind of feel. Perhaps Like Real People Do would be it?
Relationship Questions
1. Did they ever give/received a blowjob? Yep, he’s gave and recieved one. 2. When did they say they love each other? He says platonic ‘i love you’s all the time, but when he kinda? Meant it was to Wenge, when they kind of figured out this was gonna be a regular thing. 3. Favourite memory with a boyfriend/girlfriend? Look okay, Wenge is/was the closest thing he’s gonna have to a boyfriend. Anyway, favorite memory is probably laying around with Wenge, probably after it was very established they were good friends, best friends even, and Hooker Green could’ve called Wenge anytime for his Services and not have to pay, but he still did. They laid together on Hooker Green’s bed and talked for a long, long time before Hooker Green began to get sleepy and passed out in Wenge’s arms. He still remembers it, and thinks fondly on it often. 4. Biggest fight? Hooker Green is usually very non-confrontational, and avoids fights when he can. The worst fight he’s gotten into was when he was younger, someone said in public about how ‘that brown guy deserved it, the little bitch. He should’ve enjoyed it, getting that dick like he did, he’s a whore anyway..” among other things. Hooker Green stood up to him, and when the guy punched him, Hooker Green punched right fucking back. It escalated from them as you can imagine, and while I don’t have all the details worked out, I can assure you that Hooker Green won. 5. Who usually starts the fight? Other people. Like I said Hooker Green is super con-confrontational.
6. What do they mostly fight about? Hooker Green and Wenge specifically? Minor things, it never lasts long.
7. Who is most likely to cool off and forgive first after the fight? Hooker Green. He avoids fights any time he can, and likes making up better than arguing. 8. Who pays the wedding? They’re not in a relationship, I want to make that very clear. Most of these questions are hypothetical. But they would pay together. 9. Where will they have they wedding? And when? It’d be a small backyard wedding. Outside Hooker Green’s home because there’s much more greenery and forest-type of things back there.  After 5 years of being together. 10. What kind of dress will the bride be wearing? Hooker Green would be wearing the dress tbh Tea length illusion cap sleeves lace tulle rustic A-line wedding dress so this one: http://www.luckybridals.com/tea-length-illusion-cap-sleeves-lace-tulle-rustic-a-line-wedding-dress-768.html 11. How old will they be? Uhh Hooker Green would’ve been about 27-28 and Wenge would’ve been about 30-31 12. How will he purpose? At home, after just spending the day together, no sex or nothin it’d probably when they were laying together, he pulls out the box and sits them both up and with nervous mind and shaky hands, pulls out the box and asks quietly if he would marry him hooker green wouldn’t be able to hide his smile if he tried when he hugged him and said yes. 13. How many kids will they have? Does Cotton Candy count? bc 1 then. 14. Who will kids love more? Their kid? Wenge probably? Only a teeny tiny bit more. Other kids, Hooker Green. 15. When did they meet each other’s parents and how? Wenge met Hooker Green’s about 2 and a half years after meeting him Hooker Green met Wenge’s a few months after meeting him 16. How do your character parents get along with his/hers boyfriend/girlfriend? They get along really well on both sides 17. How do your character parents get along with his/hers boyfriend/girlfriend’s parents? Get along a little less, but overall really well too 18. Who cries over movies? Depends on the movie, if it’s enough, both cry. Hooker Green is more likely to cry, though. 19. Who starts the snowball fight? Wenge! He’s a silly dude. 20. Who is friendlier with neighbours? Hooker Green. Wenge is still a little anxious sometimes. 21. Who is more jealous? Also Wenge. He’s a bit nervous of the possibility of Hooker Green leaving him sometimes. 22. Where did they had sex first? Hooker Green’s house. When was the first night they met. 23. Who worries more about wedding plans? Wenge. Hooker Green is positive things would go fine, as long as they had each other. 24. Who would decorate the house? Mostly Wenge. It’s a beautiful forest-y kind of feel when they’re done.
25. Who cooks? Wenge probably. Hooker Green helps, though!
26. Who is more organized? Wenge out of habit. Can’t do what his job was without being organized.
27. Who initiates things in the bedroom? Hooker Green. Wenge was always asked if he would come over so they could go for it.
28. How often do they had sex? *shrugs* Like???? At least 2-3 times a month????????? I Don’t Know.
39. What’s the craziest place they had sex? In the living room. *shrugs* they’re not public-sex type of people.
30. Favourite non sexual activity? Hooker Green’s would be if they laid together an got high, just talking about whatever. Or going out to movies.
31. Who kills spider and all the bugs? Wenge. Hooker Green doesn’t like killing things.
32. Who drinks more? Eh, neither really? Wenge thought about drinking away the problem, but never went through with it.
33. Who steals blanket in the middle of the night? Wenge probably. He Needs to be warm.
34. Who is more romantic? Probably would be Hooker Green but mainly just bc sometimes out of no where he’d bring home flowers for Wenge bc they made him think of him.
35. Who falls asleep first? Hooker Green tbh. Sleepy boy.
36. Who wakes up first? Also Hooker Green. Early to bed, early to rise. He likes watching the sunrise.
37. Who takes care of chores around the house and waters the plants? Hooker Green! He’s really good with plants.
38. Who reads bedtime stories to the kids? They take turns, but Wenge does it more often
39. Who experiments more? In general normal life: Hooker Green Sexually: Wenge By Far.
40. Who is louder? Normal life: Wenge but not by much Sexually: Hooker Green. By no means a ‘screamer’ but he’s vocal and makes his opinions heard by Wenge
41. Who is more of a risktaker? Wenge I guess. Hooker Green would rather stay in a pattern while Wenge is open to the schedule changing. Sometimes. Not really after the Incident.
42. Who is more patient? They’re both patient. But I guess Hooker Green because Wenge gets twitchy and nervous after waiting long enough for something, especially after the Thing.
43. Do they have some kind of rituals? Morning rituals. Hooker Green makes some warm morning drink, it might be coffee. But with a lot of creamer and sugar and a splash of milk. He hates it black. He takes it to the porch in the spring and fall with a jacket or blanket and wakes up with it. Wenge gets up when his body lets him, goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth and watches morning cartoons with CC or some other show if she’s not awake yet.
44. Who makes all the travel plans, books the tickets and packs the suitcase? Wenge, but mainly because Hooker Green doesn’t like traveling much at all.
45. Where do they go on honeymoon? God I can’t imagine them Going Anywhere. Maybe?? A town or 2 over? Where they’d just get away from stuff for a bit.
46. Who likes to take pictures more? Hooker Green. Most all of ‘em go up on his IG when they come home.
47. When they are going together somewhere, who is driving? Hooker Green, steadier hands.
48. What kind of presents do they buy? Simple stuff. Or food related little gifts. Lil snacks n stuff.
49. First thing they noticed about boyfriend/girlfriend? Their Colors(tm) but also Wenge noticed Hooker Green’s hairstyle and Hooker Green noticed his like, his face in general, but specifically his eyes. They set him easy.
50. Do they lie in the relationship? Nope, first thing they made clear was to not lie, especially if they were uncomfortable.
51. Do their boyfriend/girlfriend turn around after other people on the street? If so, how do they react? Eh? Not really considering they aren’t really dating tbh. An even then it’s usually men they turn at and they actually discuss if he was cute from their glance at him lmao
52. Would they forgive an adultery? No, probably not, depends on the situation.
53. Would they confess an adultery? Noo?? But neither have been married so?????
54. Have they ever fantasized about someone else during sex? Who? Yes, I’m sure they have, but they’re also Not An Actual Couple sooooo? HG was a ‘crush’ he had at the time and Wenge doesn’t really fantasize about anyone else, he keeps his mind occupied on pleasing whom he’s with at the moment.
55. Do they take showers together? Sometimes, yes.
56. Who is their inspiration for love? Not TV Stars. Wenge’s parents are his inspiration. HG’s are probably his own parents lmao
57. Perfect date? Later at night, walk around town holding hands, maybe get something to eat (tbh like pizza or Mcdonalds or smth lmao), and come home and lay together and talk and fall asleep together.
58. How they spend anniversaries? More or less doing that lmao. Less walks around town at night but still def the pizza thing and laying and talking together. They watch movies on their ‘anniversary’
59. Favourite date? Maybe their ‘first’ one. It was just?? Weird and special and nice tbh?? They kissed a lot and tbh planned to have sex but never got around to it lmao. They ended up getting sleepy before they could and just fell asleep together on HG’s bed.
60. In what moment did they realized that they love each other? When they woke up the next morning from that first date and saw the light gently slanting over them from in-between the slats of the blinds and thinking ‘i wouldn’t mind waking up next to this everyday for the rest of my life’
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