#idk I’m kind of buggin tbh
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vacantgodling · 2 years ago
i ask about art style because i'm currently trying to develop one myself. i can do realism well but that's not what i want to do, and it's harder to do that from imagination anyway (at least for me). i always need an exact reference, which really narrows down what i can draw. but i really can't figure out how to stylize things kajsfkjs.
AHHH i see what you mean lmao. it’s not really a problem i’ve fully dealt with (i’ve never been good with realism so i never tried 💀) but a couple of tips that i’ve found help me with drawing what i want to draw:
the first one is gonna sound sacrilegious in some circles but like hear me out tbh: reference / *trace / examine styles that you like or that are close to what you’re looking to go for in your art. directly reference them when you’re drawing and mimic them so you can get a feel and understanding for how the style itself operates. i say trace with an asterisk bc i know people are like OMG DONT TRACE but to me personally tracing is bad when you trace over someone’s art directly and claim it as your own. p shitty. tracing to understand style is a completely different thing bc you’re using it as a learning tool. i do it all the time tbh and i find learning from actual art vs real photos is super helpful in understanding how to stretch your limits artistically. it helps you think more in a “this is stylistic how are they capturing that” versus capturing the image as close to real as possible.
secondly, using reference isn’t bad, but use them like stepping stones—don’t be afraid to patch different references together so you can “see” something. it takes a good while to get to a point where you can just dream up whatever and have it happen lol. but i tend to use references more like “fill in the blanks” when i can’t figure things out. it’s gonna be uncomfortable but think of it like writing a scene or describing something — a place, a character, etc. you can’t “reference” that writing to life, you have to prod and poke and fiddle with it to get it sounding how you like in your head. drawing is very similar just with images. sometimes what helps me personally is i will list out what traits i want a drawing to have or i’ll discuss them with myself beforehand of what this character looks like (bc i mainly do character art lol) and what things i need or want to include. then i go reference hunting if there’s certain things i can’t picture just so i can make it a clearer visualization. then i start drawing. a kinda example is this picture here, where you see on the side i have a list of characteristics and then the finished oc (verin) in the middle lol.
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or, in this i literally found a stylized wig to help me figure out how to draw the hair (the bun specifically) bc i was BUGGIN about it i could not figure it out and it was making me Angry
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but that’s what i mean by using a piece of a reference. i didn’t use a ref for the rest of the drawing i kind of just said hey i want her to look like this this and this let’s go. that’s why first step of finding styles you like and trying to emulate them is important bc obvs i can’t just say “oh yeah just write it down you’ll visualize it” like the more you practice drawing near a style you like the more it’ll help you build and branch on your own.
finally, tbh it takes a long time and a lot of practice to get to a point where you can say “yep this is my artstyle” and feel happy with it. like i draw a lot and i’m still not really sure what constitutes my own style but like. i can recognize my art. it’s just not where i want it to be yet. your art style will constantly be growing and changing just based on the media and art you consume no different than writing. you’ll notice yourself incorporating the most random shit you didn’t think had an impact on you but did. for instance, i used to have such a shit time drawing noses until i saw (1) artist draw that little line that i do under noses and i just assimilated that into how i draw now lmao.
idk if any of these are PARTICULARLY helpful bc i’m like. not good with skill and terminology terms my brain when i draw is literally “brrrrr” so much subconscious thinking when i draw tbh lol. i can definitely try giving you more pointers if it’d help?? or i can upload some of my drawing videos that my ipad records bc idk for me something that does help is when i watch other people draw i can see How they did something or built it up for the most part 💀
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scraya-blog · 8 years ago
                       「 I ALWAYS WANTED TO LIVE THIS LIFE !                          I ALWAYS WANTED TO WEAR THAT ICE 」
       I     A L W A Y S     W A N T E D     P A R A D I S E
❝ — look, now it don’t take a lot to make you rich. i’m addicted to a lot of ( c r a z y ) shit. man, i feel like money is the best kind of drug. sometimes hate can be the best love. ❞
        jordan alexander blake. xxiii. socal born ‘n raised.
woWOWOw !!! i’m so friggin excited to be here w/ all y’all .. . . like i deadass just spent the past hour just flippin thru all the pages in the main again ‘cos my ugly ass was TOO ready 4 this .. ok so before i introduce my son , jordan (joe, danny boy, joey, j-jo, jojo, jordy o-lordy, lmfAO), let me introduce myself first smh. 
so i’m rox lol........ well tHAT’S IT!!! ok but seriously tho... i’m fukin boring. uHHh? so, i’m 9teen ‘n i talk a lot ‘n idk i lov pasta ,.. i like garlic bread... i like italian food in general.. rofl . i also have a dog ‘n a cat ‘n i buy 2 many books that i’ll never read 
ok now that that’s over w/ let’s get to the good stuff:
— first of all, jordan is an emo ass fuccQboi lol.. he’s always brooding off set tbh contemplating shit ‘n has trouble understanding the whole concept of monogamy rofl. the interns find his moody behavior sexy in that weird vampy way lmao but everyone who actually knows jordan thinks he needs 2 lighten the fuck up ‘n smile more cos his angsty shit can get tiring so fast
— noah fence but he’s like the worst person to talk to abt anything bcos half of the time if u try to get deep w/ him he’ll just walk away. he finds talkin abt stuff like that to be a waste of his time ‘n he hardly ever has the patience to indulge ppl abt them. this is why it’s so difficult for ppl to get an interview w/ him bc he hates small talk ‘n he also hates deep talk-- ok so he hates talking in general
— despite his unwillingness to rly converse w/ ppl, he’s kind of, in a strange way, charismatic like idk ... he’s super considerate when it comes down to it like he’ll hold the elevator doors for u if he sees u sprinting down the hallway, he’ll begrudgingly come 2 ur aid if someone is buggin u, and he is overall just lowkey a sweetheart. jordan doesn’t seem like the type of person to care abt the welfare of others but he’s actually extremely generous w/ his money and donates a good portion of it to lesser known charities in order to raise awareness for their causes
— jordan has never had a real long lasting relationship b4 bcos he always finds a way to sabotage himself lol, ‘n bcos of that, he is unsure if he’s even ... how u say... “boyfriend-material” rofl. he’s just allowed himself to fit the mold of a hollywood heartbreaker
— if u manage to earn jordan’s trust ‘n affection, u will also earn a v powerful ally . he’s a great friend ‘n once he opens up 2 u, u will see a much more simpler side to him than everyone else believes. ppl write him off as an unapproachable complexity but tbh he’s the most basic ass person to exist. he fukin loves pho, he watches dexter late into the night, has a poor diet which mostly consists of energy drinks and black coffee, and doesn’t know how to use a laundry machine. once yall r friends u can best bet on getting a call at 2 in the morning asking if u’ve read stephen king’s cujo...
— so jordan is an intellect deep down beyond all the emo “dont wanna talk about it” layers lol and craves a good book more than he does someone to sleep w/ (although the latter is always nice). i think bc ppl perceive him as a casanova who spends more time dressing himself than actually learning a thing or two-- he just lets ppl believe what they want. but my son loves 2 listen to NPR ‘n jazz more than go to a concert
— TW: DEATH family is a bit of a sore topic for jordan bcos when he graduated college at 21, his dad wanted him to take over at the hedge fund he owned. jordan tried for a year before deciding that it really wasn’t for him and that he wanted to go into the film industry instead. his dad took it p hard and had a stroke that he did not survive. his mother blamed his death on jordan and, as a result, he officially left the company and abandoned his family surname ‘price’ and went by a new name instead.
— the blow of losing his entire family and having to start new cost him his friends and social life as jordan spent the next two years following his dad’s death working harder than ever. he’d always been ambitious but with nothing to his name and everything to prove, he went above and beyond with his acting career so he could start his own legacy . but the grief of not just losing his dad but his whole fam has driven him 2 do some stupid things.. like getting into fights w/ paps ‘n rly rude ppl who have said some unsavory things to the girls he’d been seeing briefly
—  bcos of his devil-may-care attitude ‘n dangerous behavior, he’s a tabloid favorite since he’s always making headlines w/ what crazy stunt he just pulled off . he just nEEds a niCE PErsON TO TAME HIM OK HE’S TOO MUCH SOMEtIMES N HE NEEDS A GOOD PERsON TO BALANcE HIM OUT sMH!??!
— jordan may come off as a v serious and cutthroat actor but he’s a fuckin mess lowkey. he’s only friendly to the select few within his social circle and doesn’t rly care much for anybody else. ppl have called him selfish for the way he uses ppl to his advantage, but others have called him pragmatic. after all, one cant be faulted for knowing what they want in life and doing whatever possible to get it
— he’s always typecasted as the goofy sidekick or the frat brother who does dumb things-- so playing raleigh in university is a bit different from his usual range. he’s actually not used to playing someone who’s more along his own personality— what with the inability to maintain a relationship and whatnot— so this is a v personal experience for himself. although one would think that he’s a rather difficult person to work with given his aloof and apathetic attitude, he’s rly hard working ‘n more than willing to cooperate w/ everyone bc he loves the industry ‘n wants every project of his to succeed!! so esp. w/ uni and this new experience for him, he wants tru criticism from his peers ‘n will send those waves right back at them!
— ok lastly, he’s literally... just a baby inside of a grown man who wants 2 lov ‘n trust ppl the way he used to do b4 he was hurt?? (maybe a past ex who tragically broke his heart ‘n he never got over it? plot this w/ me lol) and he is kind of an idiot w/ emotions ‘n he means well ‘n sometimes he doesn’t communicate it effectively so be gentle w/ my son bcos he does want to be better!!!
so i know i wrote a lot ‘n thanks so much for giving me this time to ramble.. now it’s ur turn! like this post so i can hit u up and u can tell me everythign abt ur chara so we can PLOT TO TROT
idk i thought that made sense but apparently not
ok thats all i gotta jet now ily bye
also ... yk... if ur interested in listenin 2 his playlist ;)
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