#idk I jus thought I should mention that
grandmarielaylanen · 8 months
mcd out of context (part 2)
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
siedem 🚑🚑
EMS AU thingyyy!!!
summary: Simon is hopelessly in love with the newest paramedic on base, however he just has the social skills of a five year old…plus what could he deserve someone like you? tw: mentions of a shitty bf and girl code kicks in strong
For the record you had two relationships in your past, however one was from kindergarten and the other was a little high school relationship so weren't sure if those could count lord knew with paramedic school and then the military you weren't exactly...seeking a romantic partner.
however, the terrifying lieutenant seemed to catch your interest. Much to your dismay because he seemed interested as well and that would be a bad thing but- well, you were sure if he did actually or if…maybe he’s just weird.
"Men are shit." The girl next to you had down at least five beers in the past ten minuets, however she seemed somewhat stable. So from where you kept your face buried within your arms you look up from the bar counter.
she looked around your age, if not you if you had the guts to wear a dress like hers- never thought a little black and shiny dress would do you any good. Either way, off topic, you were more concerned with the laceration on the side of her head- habit you supposed.
see person = trauma assessment or something like that so with a little grumble you push the vodka soda had been nursing for the night and look at her. “What happened to your face?” That…sounded so much meaner than you intended it too. The words a bit grumbled together and sleepy.
the girl looks at you and flashes a giddy smile, “You should see the other guy!”
you blink slowly, “There’s a other guy?”
She tilts her head to your remark and then brings the glass to her perfectly painted lips, “You’re not bright, are ya? No, my boyfriend sucks ass and threw my purse at me-“
“that’s mean.”
“men are mean.”
To that you hum and grab a napkin, splitting it in half as you move to stand to the side of her. “M a paramedic, m gonna help you.” she lets you dab the napkin on the small cut, the cloth sticking to it, “Honey bun, how many have you had?”
that was weird question, so you blink and then turns slowly to the glass, “Tw…thrr…four? No…I dunno. A few.”
the bartender chimes in- two vodka sodas and a shot of tequila. So the girl gives a laugh and then hops off of her seat, her heels making her a foot taller than you. And she pats your shoulder, “Let’s get you- oh.” As she tried to redirect you back to your seat and turned she was met with a man.
you let out a laugh, a beaming and giddy grin on your face, “Oh my god!! Lieutenant freaking- oh I shouldn’t say freaking, sorry uh- Lieutenant Riley! Hi!!”
the girl glances to you and slowly moves to make a small barrier, his overall deamor not exactly putting her to ease, “Hi. I’m Genny- and my cousin, Allie.”
to that the lieutenant leans over to catch your eyes and to that you give an exaggerated look of confusion, and he speaks, “You have a cousin?”
you huff and shake your head, tapping the girl on the arm, “She’s jus being nice; this is- this is my boss, kinda sorta but he’s super weird but like…I dunno, but I’m his boss and he’s my boss.”
“You’re not my boss.”
“But Mary-!”
Simon looks to Genny and then gives a brief explanation on who he was and who you were, “Thank you for trying to protect her. But we have a meeting’ at 0600 tomorrow nd’ I need to get ‘er home.” He then looks to you, “C’mon.”
(I’m just yapping. Idk. Idk. Comments and feedback mean so so much, tootles!!)
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realcube · 1 month
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˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖ TROPE GENERATOR for @bobateagojo
𓆩♡𓆪 part of my lovers level — 3k follower event
𓆩♡𓆪 chosen character: kenma kuzome
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ YOUR TROPE IS...
at your favourite bubble tea shop, the worker had just finished your order and calls out your name as they place it on the collection counter. there were other drinks lying there to but you are focused on your own.
you approach the counter with a smile, "thank you." you hum in the direction of the worker, as you stick the straw into the drink and eagerly pick it up.
you spin on your heels to walk out of the shop but you weren't aware of the other customer directly behind you, about to take their drink that was also on the counter, which results in you slamming into them on accident, spilling your drink on them in the process.
it takes a moment for you to fully comprehend what just happened, as you gape at the handsome stranger with blondish hair and hazel eyes that you just bumped into. thankfully because of the seal on the drink, there was hardly any liquid on his hoodie, but the whole drink exploded when it hit the ground so it completely soaked his — what looked to be — designer trainers. some got on to your shoes too but you paid no mind to that.
once you are snapped out of your own thoughts, you gasp and grap a handful of napkins that were conveniently placed nearby, then you crouch down and start scrubbing at the floor and his shoes, an endless string of apologies flooding out your mouth, "i'm so sorry, i didn't even see you there. oh my god, i should be more careful, i'm sorry!"
kenma raises his eyebrows and slowly takes a step back so you are no longer cleaning his shoes, "it's okay, don't worry about it." he says gently, offering you a hand, "i was going to buy new trainers today anyway."
you look up, and suddenly realise how strange it may look for you to be frantically cleaning the floors with napkins at the bubble tea shop you don't work at, so you hesitantly slip your hand into his, allowing him to help you stand up. "well, i feel terrible for spilling my drink on you. would you let me buy you a new pair?"
he shakes his head, discreetly taking the napkins from your hand and throwing them in a bin close by, "it's not your fault, i shouldn't have been so close behind you." he stutters; now that you're on his level again, he finally notices how pretty you are. "plus, i can afford my own trainers."
your eyes widen at the implication of his comment, "oh, i wasn't trying to call you poor or anything, i ju—"
"oh no i didn't think you were, i was saying that bec—"
"right, right, that's good, i was just making sure—"
the conversation quickly devolves into the two of you awkwardly speaking over each other, trying to clarify every little detail until eventually you both landed in silence, staring at one another for a hot second.
that is until kenma clears his throat, shy gaze darting around the shop to avoid eye contact, "wou—" he mentally cringes and curses at himself. he's a grown man, why is he stuttering? spit it out! "would you like me to buy you another drink?"
you blink, "it's alright. i think the least i can do is buy my own drink."
"how about some other time?" he asks sheepishly.
it takes you a moment to figure what he means by that, but when it clicks, a bright smile spreads across your features, "that would be nice."
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for @bobateagojo: hehe i know i already mentioned kenma getting boba spilled on him in your matchup (idk why that's a theme 😭) but i think two shy people meeting is so cute arghh hope you enjoy <3
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hyolks · 2 months
ALso i just said id died for ur wastelands au but I ALSO HAVE QUESTIONS! mainly abt Al. actually all abt al lol
so u explained that it was a blood problem n they had to cut off most of the infected parts (WHICH SOUNDS SO PAINFUL I FEEL TERRIBLE FOR HIM I WISH I COULD GIVE HIM A KITH) so how does his internal organ system work? does he still have his organs? if so, how do the digestive and excretory systems work? (HOW DOES MY BOY USE THE BATHROOM??) does he feel phantom pain? can he bathe or function as a normal being? what can or cannot he do?
honestly just go into more detail if you can bcuz this is brilliant so keep up the good work and i love yu al is so so handsome even w machinery being 85% of him i luv yu (not all questions must be answered. no pressure at all. u don't even have to reply if u don't want to. jus answer what u can!! : 3)
O7 i will try my best !! to be coherent !!!!!!! im word dumping. i love thinkin about this al.
EHHHH so. one of my ideas was that al lost 100% of his arm and legs but a good portion of his torso was still...... there? i guess? and that the automail torso functions more as a shell to both to help operate the limbs and protect everything that was left. I thought of it like this so that he he could retain all of his organs. but also this leads to the imagery that Al is literally a nugget once you remove the automail parts (EXPLODES MYSELF) so i have ignored it bc i didn't like that !!
The main reason i thought of it like that was because it's never mentioned in the manga/anime whether or not theres automail organs and I'd imagine there isn't such a thing, so i wasn't sure whether or not to make the jump myself and give al automail lungs/intestines/stomach/etc. because that makes automail HELLUVA lot more crazy. the absolute magnitude of shit that winry and pinako would have to be able to do to keep al ALIVE would be fucking insane??
Idk if i mentioned it somewhere but i also thought of al particularly losing more and more of his body over time. Like. maybe the legs/arm were gone from the word go, but it would slowly keep leaching further and further up his torso or even down his neck to his chest since they either couldn't cut it all out. hence them being able to keep progressively working on Al's torso and creating/replacing the organs as he both grows older and decays. i primarily went with this because if Al lost all of that body mass right from the initial accident, he literally would not be able to survive. they would not be able to make automail organs fast enough.
it's something i need to do more research on bc currently I'm just word dumping onto this ask and am not looking at anything but! what IS the limit of organs someone can have as mechanical replacements? like there's artificial lungs and hearts in modern medical practice, but would having both put too much stress on the brain?? what is the neurological impact of that??? the amount of shit that al would need replaced would be insane. how the fuck would the brain comprehend that.
i didn't even think about it until just now tbh but i wanna know any opinions on if Al should have a bionic eye...? this would of course mean more facial automail which i'm nooot against? idk........
he very much feels phantom pain!!!!! he is in pain 95% of the time!! i think i mentioned the idea of al having to take sooome kind of pain-reliever to even be able to deal with day-to-day life, but with that train of thought i was worried i would toe into addiction issues coming up (bc. i mean. either he's in cataclysmic pain or he's not. i wouldn't blame him for not wanting to feel like a giant fucking bleeding wound) and i wasn't sure if that is a subject i want to tackle/am confident i could tackle and do justice with.
anyways. yea! i never thought about whether or not he had to use the bathroom honestly lol. i knew that i wanted him to still not be able to eat. which BLOWS he gets to be human (????? are u still human if you're 85% metal??????) but my guy can't have fucking pie??? such bullshit. i'll haveta think about how he gets energy though bc of the lack of food intake. (lol what if hes solar powered . KIDDING)
he bathes! he frequently has to oil the automail. he hilariously still has to brush his teeth. he still sweats on the skin he has left (WATER CONSUMPTION..... adds this to my to do list). being in the heat fucking sucks because that shit's just metal on skin babey ! so he's in more pain. thumbs up. can this guy get a fucking break
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woooyeahbaby · 1 year
a morning with kaveh (ft. alhaitham)
kaveh x gn!reader
warnings: swearing (reader says shit), reader jokingly hints at going to cheat with alhaitham?? idk they just say he looks nice n’ it bothers kaveh, i’m tired and kinda forget what kaveh is like so possible ooc kaveh?
a/n: good morning i love kaveh sm (also if anyone is seeing this from search or whatever if you like my writing i take requests please request please put your hands in the bars of my enclosure)
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waking up next to kaveh is beautiful. the large, colourful blanket that he’d picked out for your bed splayed over his body, all the way up to his chest. you could see his collarbone gently poking from his skin, in the spots that his long blonde hair wasn’t covering, that is.
speaking of his hair, it looks absolutely gorgeous in the orange glow of the sun peeking through the curtains. not to mention his brown eyelashes! you could even see a few faint freckles across his face in the lighting.
his pink lips look gorgeous, yet dry. you should probably remind him to put on some chapstick once he wakes up. or maybe you could put some on, and share it with him through a kiss. you smile at the thought.
you glance at the clock, seeing what time it was. nine am, on the dot.. ah, it’s saturday, alhaitham is home. probably awake already, sipping coffee and reading some book. maybe you should wait to wake kaveh up? no, he needs to wake up eventually…
you place a hand on his shoulder, softly grazing it along his arm. up, down, circles on his bicep.. not working.
“kaveh,” you mutter. “gotta wake up.”
he whines, hearing you, but not quite registering what you said. he flips his body so he’s on his back, placing the arm you were stroking to his side. now his chest is fully revealed, and you know how sensitive he is when you touch him there.
you place a hand on his chest, gliding it across wherever you wanted. he takes a deep breath, opening his ruby eyes slightly to glare at you. he may be beautiful when he’s sleeping, but he isn’t quite as graceful when waking up.
“lemme sleep, please..” kaveh mumbles, shutting his eyes again.
“alhaitham is up, he’ll be upset if you sleep too much longer. how ‘bout i make you some coffee, hm?” you ask, still rubbing circles on his chest.
“fine.” he nods gently. so cute. you think.
after looking at your gorgeous boyfriend for a few seconds longer, you decide to finally get up from your bed. you get dressed, then brush your hair once you get over to you and kaveh’s vanity.
you exit the bedroom, making your way to the kitchen. you see alhaitham at the counter, seemingly making his second cup of coffee.
“oh, good morning, y/n.” alhaitham greets you, a soft smile on his face.
“good morning! kaveh’ll be up in a bit, he’s being stubborn.” you giggle.
“of course he is.” he chuckles a little, sighing. “i’ll be in the living room.”
you nod, proceeding with making your boyfriends coffee as your housemate exits.
once it’s prepared, just how he likes it, you return to your bedroom, seeing that he’d gone right back to sleep.. of course.
“kaveh, your coffee.” you say loudly, placing your hand on your hip.
“jus’ come cuddle…” kaveh groans.
“i’d love to, but no. come on, get up.” you’re starting to get a little annoyed, despite how adorable he was being. still, no response from kaveh. “alhaitham is looking reaaaaal nice today..”
“i’m up!” he darts up, messy blonde hair falling over his shoulders. “you always say that to get me up!”
“because it works, now get dressed. and put on some chapstick.” you remember your thought from earlier.
“yeah, yeah…” he mutters, doing as he’s told.
you walk out of the bedroom, cup still in hand. you go to the living room, sitting next to alhaitham and placing the mug on the table.
“have you brushed your teeth yet?” the grey haired man asks, not looking away from his book.
“oh, shit.” you stand right back up, heading for the washroom.
you brush your teeth, hoping that by the time you’re done kaveh will be in the living room. once you’re done, you make your way back to the living room.
“would you please tell him to put a shirt on?” alhaitham sighs, looking at you with an exhausted expression.
yeah, kaveh was shirtless. it didn’t bother you, of course, and neither did it bother alhaitham, you knew that. so you didn’t know why he was asking this, but because he’s the one letting you and your boyfriend stay here, you agree to help him.
“kaveh! shirt!” you shout, sounding like you’re commanding a dog.
he sighs loudly, stomping back to the bedroom. a few seconds after, he walks back out, his casual white shirt now covering him.
“archons, you’re weird.” you roll your eyes, sitting back on the couch.
“you love me.” he mumbles, taking a sip of his coffee.
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bvckbiter · 17 days
a couple of people were wondering about the pjotwt fiasco i referenced in my filipino!percy post so for those curious im gonna provide the best breakdown i can of that entire convoluted mess
ever since the live action casting, show fans have been saying repetitively that blonde haired blue eyed percy “just makes so much more sense” because blonde hair is like the sand and blue eyes is like the sea
I see a millionth iteration of that tweet and quote-retweet it making fun of how this fandom can’t come up with any actual hot takes of substance
op gets in my mentions all angry asking why the “discourse” makes me so triggered. I reply basically saying “im not triggered? and what discourse, we’re talking about the hair color of a fictional character”
op suddenly moves goalposts and talks about how leah and aryan faced racist backlash for their casting even though we were originally talking about percy's casting. I point that out and how theyre not even remotely similar cases, but she just goes “well it’s your fault you thought we were only talking about walker, and people like you who are disagreeing with my tweet are shitting on walker’s appearance which is harmful! So i will call you out! 🤓👆🏻”
I then proceed to be very baffled about how walker is getting harmed from any of this at all and try to end the convo since i realize that she’s not even arguing with anything I’m actually saying. But op continues being angry in my mentions going “how can you say that telling a 15 yo actor is a horrible casting and that he cant embody percy is not harmful!” and im like “huh???? Why did this come up i never said this you’ve lost the plot” and she says “i never said you said that YOU’VE lost the plot im sorry you’re stupid” ⁉️⁉️⁉️
the thread more or less ends there but op apparently firestormed a lot of people she caught disagreeing in her mentions so i wasnt the only battle she was fighting lol. Other people are talking about how while they enjoy walker’s performance, theyve only ever seen him as a character of color so… obviously blonde blue eyed percy really isnt the first thing they envision. Somewhere along the line, someone reposts THAT iconic fanart of latino!percy (from… well… user latinopercy) with the caption #MYpercyjackson
People jump on it in the comments and qrts saying “JUMPSCARE” who is that?!” “Idk who that man is” “this is your percy??? Be so for real…” One comment even said that he was ugly. Another comment said that he didn’t embody percy’s vibes because he was “too angry.”
I qrt talking about how scummy it is that people are attacking a fan depiction of latino!percy THAT WAS MADE WAY BEFORE THE SHOW WAS EVER ANNOUNCED just so they can make it known that theyre defending walker’s casting. I also point out that the fanart is a repost, so it’s really unfair for the artist that their art is being bandied around like that then receiving all that vitriol
Another motherfucker comes into my mentions saying “i need you to realize that a real life child is worth defending more than a headcanon.” I reply asking to clarify how walker is supposed to be getting harmed by any of this and why defending him should entail shitting on people who prefer dark-haired percy hcs. I also point out that if the actor is a real life person, so are the people who hold those hcs as well as the artist whose fanart was getting dragged into this.
Mf says that people are attacking walker over a drawing/hc, which aren’t real. I try to articulate that the imagined harm walker is facing is not in any way a tangible, material threat. He’s the most popular among the main trio and his acting has never been fully discredited just because of his hair color (unlike leah and aryan who people said only got casted for DEI and woke agendas, yk how the grifters go). “People hoping he’d dye his hair and wear contacts is not tantamount to harm and hate,” I said, and neither is having dark-haired percy and/or percy of color hcs.
I thought I explained it well but mf just repeats like a broken record that thinking like that is thinking that fake headcanons are more important than real life kids. No matter what I say in response. SEVERAL TIMES, AD NAUSEUM. “Headcanons aren’t real, the kids are.”
The final statement that really pissed me off was them saying this
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That’s where the brouhaha ends lol. Since then I’ve also seen tweets making fun of people who genuinely prefer/want a percy of color over a blonde percy because they say and I quote, “percy has been white ever since the books.” Like, YES WE KNOW 😭 But there is a deeply held lore for percy’s ethnic ambiguity in the fandom that was there long before the show was ever in development.
I have no problem with people who prefer the show or blonde Percy or walker or whatever. But to for some reason crusade FOR it on the pretense of protecting the actor from some imagined harm is just fucking ridiculous to me. Just to backtrack, this all came about simply because I made fun of how repetitive the “blonde percy supremacy” take was. And that was construed as shitting on walker. That guy is not seeing any of our tweets if his parents and agents know half a thing about media training??? No one cares! It’s a fucking hair color! Besides, as much as they want to pretend otherwise, the books and the show are invariably separate canons. Not that they can handle an analysis more complex than “yay perca/beth crumbs in the show so show good” lmao
Needless to say, show stans piss me off lol and this is one of the reasons why. A lot of them are show stans primarily because theyre so (parasocially) attached to the actors. It doesnt just show in the crusading, it also shows in how they keep lock and step with every single movement of the actors’ activities on social media. But that’s another discussion entirely deserving of its own post lol.
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mylittlesecrethaven · 28 days
My Anxiety And Depression Growing Up
Forgot this was in my drafts.
Oh well
Here we go I guess.
(it's literally a story of my middle school like, so don't read this if you ain't for that)
I spent most of my early life thinking that the way I felt was normal.
Y'know, everybody wants to hurt themselves and kill themselves and everyone always feels like the world is crumbling around them and trying to squash them like a bug and like nothing's going the way it should.
Yeah, apparently a lot of people don't feel like that?
At least at my age they didn't.
I never told my parents about this cause I'm an only child and if there was anything "wrong" with me, it was quickly beat out of me.
(my dad's pretty hard southern, so.... belts were commonplace around my house. Maybe that's why I never told my dad shit growing up)
Anyway, I had some rough times in junior high because I was pretty childish and all my friends thought I was acting too immature to hang out with me.
So I started 6th grade with all my friends turning from friends to bullies really fast.
And I don't think that helped with how I felt about myself.
I turned to writing dark stories and poems, which got me into a shit ton of trouble with my teachers cause one of my stories got found by another kid and it scared the shit out of them apparently.
Then I had some rough times in a class I hated but had to take cause a new kid came along and he started bullying me for shit, and I was trying to find a friend group to fit into, but there was this "war of the gays" going on at my school which made it impossible for anybody to ever want me near them.
(I'm not even joking about that, btw. My first middle school was kinda in the city, so everyone was pretty open about being gay, but then this war started between groups where they accused other groups of not actually being gay and everyone hated each other? And there were some people who weren't gay but had to say they were gay to be able to keep their friends. It was a whole mess and I couldn't keep any friends cause of it)
Anyway, one day during my dance class (cause I had to take either athletics, dance, or colorguard and the dance class was the only one left with open spots) in the locker room, I got this really weird.... feeling? sensation?.... idk what to call it, maybe an impulse, and I pulled out my mini stapler that I carried around and stapled my hand.
And it didn't really hurt, but it did cause an adrenaline rush. I pulled the staple out and I was fine, it didn't cause any damage besides the two tiny holes. The problem was that I couldn't keep my mouth fucking shut and I was showing it off for some reason?
Anyway, the school found out and that paired with the story got me a trip to the councilor's office and a meeting with my mom. They referred me to a child therapist and.... well..... I guess other stuff happened that also affected my school moving....
Basically, a family friend that I went to school with told the councilors a secret that was supposed to stay within my family, and then the councilors didn't tell my parents when they called CPS about it, got a case filed, and that was a whole thing.
But yeah, I moved middle schools and got a therapist. The first therapist was great. She was there to help with my depression and anxiety cause she was the first person to actually help me understand what was going on and help me explain that to my parents.
But.... she was too expensive, so I had to change therapists. After the CPS case, I had to have a therapist, but this one didn't help with my depression and anxiety at all. She was just there to help me with that event I mentioned earlier.
This event is something I don't like talking about cause it influenced my early life really badly. I couldn't keep my mouth shut about it when I was younger, and that really fucked up my life.
Anyway, we focused on that, but I really didn't want to talk about it cause I was uncomfortable even mentioning it. Honestly, going to therapy just to talk about the event made me really upset and it made it hard for me to want to interact with anybody at my new school.
(this new school was very southern btw and I was very openly gay at my school, so maybe that didn't help)
I also didn't like this therapist cause she made me do things I hated. I had to write a full fucking story over what happened in that event and read it out loud to my mom, and the therapist told my mom everything even when I asked her not to, so I just stopped telling her what was going on in my life and she didn't seem to care.
Anyway, after therapy was over, I went back to a semi-normal life. I learned to bottle up my feelings and I started becoming very dependent on friends, in the sense that I needed friends and I'd follow them like a puppy dog and do whatever they wanted just so that we could stay friends.
Nowadays, I'm pretty ok I guess. My depression and anxiety may be worse now than it ever was, but that's ok. I just keep that shit to myself and maybe spill shit on Tumblr.
But yeah, that's pretty much my story I guess.
Therapists made me distrust other therapists and councilors, so I learned to hide my depression and anxiety and live with what happened when it all comes spilling over.
(also, when I was having suicidal thoughts when I was younger, my mom would call me selfish? and that didn't really help with anything)
So yeah.
Sorry about the long post.
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hamstergiukie · 1 month
being sweet about your bf to another member
fluff / crack
idk if that title makes sense but that’s the best way i can explain it 😂 also double posts today because i really wanted to do this quick hehe
requested by a lovely human<3 thank you for the request!
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Jin Yonghoon
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GIF by
🐶 he might die, just like the gif yall
🐶 he was just coming down to the RBW cafe to get a coffee, when he heard you talking to Harin about him
🐶 he’s flattered and he wants you to know how much he appreciates you too
🐶 literally swoops in to hug you and squish your cheeks aksbsksj
🐶 he starts spilling everything he loves about you in the middle of the cafe, so you shove your straw in his mouth to shut him up 😂
“sweetheart!! i love you too, you’re so cute and lovely, you’re so kind and- mmphf”
Ju Harin
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GIF by cuntryclubs
🦊 the most confident of the group, but also still very shy about it
🦊 like yes of course his s/o loves him, but they love him enough to say all these sweet things about him to Dongmyeong on a random Wednesday??
🦊 what did he do to deserve you? is what he is thinking in that moment
🦊 he’s not subtle and makes very weird squeaking noises that you pick up on very quickly
🦊 he better get ready for you to dial up the mushy comments because they aren’t stopping until he physically makes you stop 😂
“okay okay babe please stop! i think my face is going to be permanently red from now on…”
Kang Hyungu (Kanghyun)
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GIF by choicemillionaire
🐧 really shy that you’re being so sweet about him to Yonghoon
🐧 he often feels really bad that he locks himself in his studio so when he came out to see you and he heard his name mentioned he was a little scared
🐧 but then he heard all of the sweet things you were saying and his entire face turned red:(
🐧 he got super shy and Yonghoon spotted him, the mischievous smile on Younghoon’s face should have alerted you but instead you kept gushing about Kanghyun and he was getting shyer by the minute
🐧 seriously help him, his heart was thumping so hard he thought he might pass out
“thank you love, i didn’t know you felt that way.”
Son Dongmyeong
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GIF by awek-s-archived
☀️ he doesn’t know what to say, or do, or how to act, he might forget his own name to be honest
☀️ who is this Dongmyeong his s/o is talking so nicely about??? oh wait it’s him never mind
☀️ sometimes Dongmyeong has a low self esteem and hearing the way you see him makes him so happy yet so sad? :(
☀️ sad because maybe sometimes he thinks Cya would be a better match for you, but here you are gushing to Cya about how much you love Dongmyeong and he’s just:((( he loves you so much:(((
☀️ he might think about marrying you on the spot tbh, slides up to you and lays his head on your shoulder and wraps an arm around your waist
“i love you honey, you’re the best s/o i could have asked for.”
Lee Giuk
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GIF by awek-s-archived
🐹 smiley baby:( he just, he can’t believe he got so lucky with you:( he’s just so excited
🐹 someone who says such lovely things about him when he isn’t there? he can’t believe you exist and are apart of his life
🐹 Kanghyun was listening intently to you ranting about how much you loved Giuk and everything you loved about him
🐹 Giuk was very close to tackling you into a hug and cuddling you for the rest of the day
🐹 instead he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your cheek (scares you in the process)
“i love you too baby! so so much, let’s go get ice cream!! my treat!”
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
The Devil Judge Live Blogging
I was actually supposed to watch The Eighth Sense or From Now On, Showtime! this weekend but I saw this tweet. It is an edit on the male leads and I didn't even watch the edit really but I was overcome with a great urge to watch the drama, so I'm somehow starting it on Thursday night instead of Saturday :/
Ep 1 (June 1)
It has korean subs... should I try to watch it in Korean? The first ep is already 1h 20 mins lol, it'd take forever to watch with Korean subs. Idk why my "learning" feature on Viki isn't working rip, it'd be helpful to have both subs
at least there were some names and titles of characters at the beginning so that I can come back to it when I'm inevitably lost about who is who
oh Kim Gaon is going in to be a skeptical character in this live court, keeping his eyes and ears open because his teacher does not like or approve of this spectable
first meeting and I have to remember that this tension will not accumulate to them actually getting together rip
Gaon's parents were murdered?
damn, that's dumb to shoot at the bus toward Gaon and the child, no? when you didn't know how the person would react or accidentally shot the people? i think I'm just unimpressed by callous old confident powerful men tbh
ah, of course, Gaon saves a child and the driver and a plant
oh that's not his sister, that's his friend who's in love with him. it could be cute if i wasn't already ogling at the straight-up BL and romance dynamics with the older strict rich powerful man and younger hopeful kindhearted rough childhood man
I keep seeing clearly corrupt men who I've previously seen act as terrible men in kdramas lol
why is Gaon talking about supreme court breaking and entering in public transit T.T
so is Su Hyeon actually Gaon's love interest? I think I heard the love interest dies
Director Jeong Seon Ah's manner of speaking is so fucking irritating my god
also who is the good guy here? Nobody? seon-ah is for the foundation and doesn't want this trial of Ju Il Do to happen but does the Minister of Justice Cha Gyeong Hui want it to happen so that he's not given a sentence? she's the one who's been supporting and getting support from Ju Il Do this whole time
ah he's so annoying, he likes that she likes him
no way he's repeating her joking but kinda not asking him to marry her recording ah they're cute fuck
damn what's going on with the judge at that place with fallen people?
oh slamming against bookshelf and talking about Gaon living alone and the trailing hand across chest?
how did Gaon trail the car while on a bike
oh Gaon mentioned that the judge Kang Yohan survived some disaster, so I guess this fire is referencing that?
this variety show concept is killing me so bad
oh hooooo so the devil judge is making it seem like he's on the chairman and the Foundation's side but he made the doctor react badly to having thought he drank the water... okay, I did wonder this beforehand but was unsure
oh witness coming through okay, was he previously bribed?
ohh the judge met with a different doctor, okay, so he really will play by the books and rules?
is the judge going to say occupational negligence? which will make it seem like ju il do is facing consequences but will have him get off easy? whose side is this man on?????
oh? the judge got the witness to lie to make the stuff worse and mention murder? is that good or bad in terms of consequences omg
ah Judge Yohan keeps playing with everybody on every side, including me. so he is doing occupational negligence but is using the newer ruling to make it a longer sentence
okay chills for real when he's reading the names and accounces 235 years
the groups are: the minister (on the side of ju il do, used to be on the side of kang yohan as well), the Foundation (on the side of ju il do as well), and the tv broadcast people (on the side of money and entertainment), that other guy (on the side of entertainment mans is just watching, I can't rmr who he is or who he's related to heh - oh my bad he's the fucking president lol)
oh the Judge is acteur! a tear down his cheek
please the way Gaon has been gazing at Judge Yohan since he figured out he's probably on their side
the Judge yawning? lmfao
pls okay Gaon was so doey-eyed at Judge Yohan just a moment ago but now he's hardened again
what's this? judge yohan's memories? Gaon reminds him of somebody else?
Fun first episode, purposefully confusing in terms of the judge's loyalties, I got confused about the people and who is who because I was playing solitaire on the side lol
also kinda funny to call it dystopian present-day korea, it's like 2 millimeters to the right of just regular present-day world
Ep 2 (June 2)
Lunch time episode heh
I wonder if this female Judge Oh will be a problem? last ep she mentioned power and this ep she was like ...they're not looking at me
ah intense dinner. so Gaon's father committed suicide to escape from loan sharks while Yohan's father was a loan shark
who is this yellow car racer dude? i wonder if he's gonna be part of this ep's case. also, what happened to the previous lying doctor guy last ep? did he collide with that truck?
the secretary is so irritating like just her mannerism and manner of speaking like obviously everybody here is irritating but somehow she gets on my nerves the mostttttt
damn Mr. Seo looks head
fuck I forgot who Heo Jung Se is but apparently Minister thinks they talked Yohan into sentencing Ju Il Do - oh wait I looked up the MDL cast list and I think it's the president
anyway I hope Gaon's professor doesn't die, they seem to have a great mentor-mentee relationship
plss "It's like you were only watching me, Judge Kim" "...that's not true." bye
ah Gaon insisting it's not just a good result that's desired but also a fair and just trial vs Yohan saying there's no justice no fairness trials are a game
Yohan saying Gaon resembles "him" - the same guy he was hallucinating at the end end of last ep?
lol her being like ah so your cheating lover was the Judge/chief?
i wonder are there rules of cars going to the side when there are police sirens on in korea/seoul or no?
oh judge yohan's black sports car
Yohan reminds me a bit of Dongshik with the laugh and doing inexplicable things like hammering the car and planting drug (?) evidence
ah Yohan is always a few steps ahead huh? Knew that the cop fuck I forgot her name would visit the doctor witness and also found the bug Gaon put in his office
oh Gaon is already thinking that maybe Yohan's tampering is fine since it led to a good outcome, will he also be converted by the end?
who did Gaon call after seeing the car guy? would it be Yohan since he appeared hmmmm
oh wtf Yohan's using that car guy as bait, which makes sense since he was doing all that hammer and drug planting in front of Gaon and the cop
ah Yohan devil coming into play
oh shit Yohan killed the bird and then was ostracized for it
is Chairman Seo treating Judge Oh weirdly creepily?
wait I hope Yohan and the lady who irritates me just by existing won't be love interests or something since they're dancing like this... please
also is she a secretary or a director? no clue
oh Yohan king of planting things and creating chaos from the very beginning. so funny to see these little kids fight
lmfao pleaseee the mom the car guy was seeking is the minister?
oh what the fuck a whole ass bomb? somebody really wants Yohan dead
ofc Gaon saves Yohan and Yohan has to drag his unconscious body away
Ep 3 (June 2)
oh Yohan took Gaon to his house and what? took his shirt off and bandaged him himself or called a doctor?
Yohan just straight up pretending to be injured in front of the reporters
lol Yohan being like oh? are you his gf? and then stops her from knowing his whereabouts. seeing them together like this is just like Gaon has 2 hands! he can have a childhood bestie gf and an intimidating morally ambiguous older bf!
oh also her name is Yun Suhyeon
lol why did the maid(?) get startled just at seeing Gaon, it's as if he's sharing a bed with Yohan or something lol - after the incident of elijah saying gaon looks like him + the Nanny talking to the Young Master photo, I guess she thought he looked like the kid who died
oh yeah I forgot to mention but the mention of Old Testament reminded me that there's so many references to Catholicism/Christianity in regards to Yohan and his past
ah, Elijah doesn't like his face and calls him a knockoff, probably haunted by the same person who Gaon reminds Yohan of
I love the Minister woman so much, idk she's so above it all and a schemer but ah it's appealing and so intense
oh stupid president talking about an intense stare not befitting a woman, it suits the minister perfectly, she's scary
bro literally taking off shirt + wound tending + taking jabs about being old vs young
please I think Elijah and Yohan are so funny. she's his younger sister right? He constantly defending himself from her and her just going like so boring. especially with his unstyled hair after the shower, he looks so unassuming and cute
Judge Yohan is so funny, a public show judge by day and hammering cars and beating up people by night
Yohan avoiding to answer if it's because of Judge Gaon...
oh the social responsibility foundation are raising money to house and aid the poor people in Korea lol meanwhile all the fucked up shit going on inside the foundation. oh lmao they have to move people who already live there and demolish their houses to make this supposed dream village
Director Jeong just straight up stepping on the president's face lol it would've been so good if I didn't hate her
oh damn okay so I did very briefly wonder if he was adopted or something since Yohan laughed at being rich since birth but it does seem that something like that happened. Nanny says this true Young Master is the owner of this house, not "that child" Yohan - is he actually not Yohan but posing as that or something lol like after the kid died he took over his life?
oh this guy is suchhhh a bitch hurting everybody at the restaurant
oof they really got two of the 3 people to agree to a settlement out of court
damn Gaon saying he saw the dude driving dangerously and nothing else
D: all 3 settled?
omggggg Judge Yohan is soooo good at putting on a show with his priest-like robes, it's unbelievable
oh there are multiple locked doors? One is the dead Young Master who looks like Gaon's room? and this other one leads to the basement - is it Yohan's old childhood room?
the fact that the Nanny evil calls him Sleeping Beauty and princess, like this is so BL coded
oh I see, I thought too much - he is indeed an adopted kid but hadn't taken over the other dude Isaac's life. this basement was his room though
why is Gaon asking about dirt on Yohan from the Nanny? and so blatantly too like how do you know you can trust her - just because he saw her talking to that photo in that room? smh
anyway, my guess is that Nanny thinks Yohan purposely caused the fire on purpose to kill Isaac and get his fortune? and maybe he did cause it accidentally, that's why he has regrets related to his brother?
oh wait Yohan is still half related to the siblings, their fathers are the same
not the gloves before a beating
damn, Yohan did what?! made a maid jump off the 2nd floor and poisoned a dog? fr?
ayo wtf Yohan basically murdered this man by making him fall off the roof of several floors. also he was a firefighter during the fire at the catholic church where Isaac died and yohan lived?
ah i'm so curious
Ep 4 (June 2)
oh damn Minister really framed somebody 19 years ago and innocent man ended up committing suicide, so now Yohan's saying if she confesses, he'll let her son go
oh? is the guy who's always doing the sleuthing and tailing for Yohan that guy's son who was in middle school when his dad committed suicide?
oh Nanny even gave him the keys?
when did Yohan chasing down that man even happen?
damn even Elijah is thinking every day about how Yohan became the owner of this house
pls Yohan really looks so cute with this washed hair and homey look wtf
I did miss Yohan and Gaon interacting
ohan even took a peak at Gaon shirtless lol and then checked him out in his new suit like and putting the jacket on him
Elihaj and Gaon ganging up on Yohan and his age ah
pls Yohan literally taking Gaon to this place after choosing his outfit and everything and guiding him with his hand on his back ah (though he took a moment to be the passenger princess heh)
pls this flock of women
oh okayyyy the fucker Foundation CEO or whatever is indeed a creep and assaulter because I thought the way he was grabbing Judge Oh was weird but was like hm? but yeah he's a fucked up dickhead and the Director Jeong bitch is an enabler - oh actually she stopped him this time
agh her slapping him and making him bow. this could've been fun if they both didn't disgust me
agh fuck this might actually make me like her, she's so scary. the way she started slapping him for daring to say he "befouled the women" because even if a dog like him bites humans, the humans don't become dirty. i wonder if she was sexually abused?
oh the way Yohan grabbed and threw Gaon tf
Yhan really went does the Minister have to be the one who protects your assets?
Gaon going crazy watching these interactions between these rich and powerful people wow me too their laughter is wild
is Director Jeong lying about the donation thing? yeah right?
oh Yohan doing that to the steering will is so D:
ahhh scary minister <3 letting own child to the wolves and letting him be arrested than falling from her own position, yessss. even thinking "there's no glory without sacrifice"
oh Gaon and Suhyeon are going to a cop who was the fire incident? or investigated it?
lmfao flogging as the sentence is killing me so bad pls public humiliation and corporal punishment T.T this could be an explicit AO3 fic tbh
(Linguistics) the dude is using banmal and rude words
this public display is genuinely horrifying by the way
oh fuck Gaon probably shouldn't have said "hyung too" bro you don't actually know that
Elijah being Isaac's daughter makes a lot more sense than their sibling
the beauty and chaos of fire
oh that's why Elijah uses a wheelchair now, Minister really didn't gaf
Gaon was wearing the cross bracelet/necklace that belonged to Isaac that belonged to his mom
ah so as expected, that fireman had stolen Isaac's watch
damn Gaon literally just walked away after hearing all that and Yohan smirking while saying "ah people indeed like these sorts of stories" like okay??? it's probably mostly true but with more flair to tug at heartstrings?
I'm ignoring the fact that Gaon reminds Yohan of his literal brother.
Some people on reddit on-air said that maybe Yohan was showing Gaon off to the Foundation people to see if they remembered that face that day from the fire but seems like nobody did. Also, they wondered if Yohan was targeting the foundation people for being there that day of the fire but all running for their lives and leaving his relatives to die.
Ep 5 (June 3)
oh this dream nightmare of Yohan of the fire and his brother
damn Gaon seeing Yohan after the nightmare
Elijah even accusing Yohan of "seeing the face of the man he killed" ah
oh ho, Yohan's past judge experiences where he was simply imagining fucking up the defendant (esp somebody who beat his the son and his own father beat him) and now he's finally getting to live the fantasies out
ah, Yohan saying that Gaon wanting to leave/accepting being kicked off the panel is predictable?
oof Minister is throwing a wrench into Yohan's plans?
what's suhyeon doing? is this just a regular case for her job?
ah Minister had touched up the flogging photos, though it's a cruel punishment nonetheless
oh someone's following Yohan's whereabouts
ah Gaon leaving so much food for Yohan and Yohan actually eating it, despite not trusting others like the Nanny
ah so the foundation paid off that old cop
ah Suhyeon and Gaon childhood friends
pls her becoming a cop because she wants to keep rescuing Gaon, ah he's got Suhyeon on one side and Yohan on the other
oh, this time we don't know much about the defendant
? what's the hard drive hiding?
girl physical castration?
Minister and Director Jeong ah terrible women scheming <3 I still fucking hate the way director jeong speaks though my god I like the character but cannot stand the acting
damn, the show lasted like 3 minutes this time and we're continuing for next time
pls Yohan playing as a hurt, misunderstood man for Gaon is so funny
but Gaon also catching on and throwing the "you do waver when i talk like this" back
oh, Gaon acknowledging Yohan as a victim really touched him, huh?
come onnnn Yohan looking out from the window to see Gaon and his niece Elijah playing together with the cat
omg and closing the curtains as soon as Gaon looks toward his window
Gaon's professor won't be in cahoots with the foundation or something, right?
omggggg??? children flogging each other as play
wait who is that on the bike - spying on Gaon? judge oh?
ah sad Judge Oh
Yohan being pulled all ways to choose whether to castrate or not, ah. rip his pens
ah so Yohan did not choose castration. it's a trick regardless of what he chooses, so it is what
did somebody poison the criminal? omg
oh appendix? wait what's going on are they just castrating him anyway? they as in Yohan? wtf man is this a dream
oh Gaon dreamed it lmfao
oh I see, that's why Elijah was bringing an inmate to prison in Texas
is this homophobia or no
Yohan won the tricky, tricky homework that Director Jeong had set for him
I just hate her acting so much, else Director Jeong as a character could be sooo good
pls they look so boyfriends with Yohan at home and Gaon on the couch playing with the cat, in casual clothes ah
oh i see, it wasn't Judge Oh but this other motorcycle woman. so this is the foundation's doing to trap Yohan?
I would like this display of her having captured Yohan and have him in cuffs so much more if her acting wasn't such a turn off my god and the kiss just looks weird and uncomfortable instead of salacious or whatever
oh? she worked as a maid for their family before? that's why things in the house were familiar
why is she kissing him?
Ep 6 (June 3)
the kiss feels more proprietory and about power (?) than as if she likes him
anyway i hate the way the actress plays her so much omg
oh D: he's scary, he really told young maid Director Jeong to jump off the second floor? her name's Seonah. though we didn't actually see him push her or her actually jump off
omg? she told him to go outside and she'll cover for him but she's telling on him going outside to the Nanny (to get suspicions off her about stealing)... was this before or after she fell off the 2nd floor?
oh that stealing stuff was before the fall
the young Seonah >>>>> this older version agh i hate this actress' acting so much it's actually killing me a bit
this choking/throat-grabbing scene could be so hot if it wasn't played by her
ah she stole the cross necklace fr
wonder if Gaon would fall into the things that Yohan cares about... or if it's too soon
Yohan pls "i was with a tough woman yesterday, she pulled my hair and kissed me" okay
heh casual outfit Elijah likes Gaon and Yohan teasing her about it pls they're so cute
omg? not that disagreeing/arguing about Yohan and the donation file in front of Elijah
poor teary-eyed Elijah
ah Yohan would ofc be very worried about missing Elijah, esp after he himself was recently abducted
aw fractured Yohan and Elijah relationship T.T
:0 woah all the young male idols falling over themselves to light the Minister's cigar
Minister and Director Jeong are so clever ah scary women my beloveds <3
I just hate her acting and manner of speaking agh
ohh that bike belonging to Director Jeong's right hand woman is indeed following Gaon's professor, not Gaon himself
ah so they were trying to catch Gaon's attention indeed oof and ofc the professor's first guess is that Yohan's ot someone tailing him
ah Judge Oh's ambition and greed to be seen will be easy for Director Jeong to manipulate
it's wild that Gaon's literally still living with Yohan lol after all the threats
Yohan's flogging influence, so widespread ah
who is this man who cashed out the money
oh Doctor Safety... money from Yohan? also did those look like flight details?
oof, miss girl you're gonna be killed
damn Gaon really landed a punch on Yohan. though Yohan can just do this and that bc he can't punch back his brother's face I guess
oh, so it wasn't Yohan? but what was the plan he told his right-hand man to execute then?
damn, Yohan's acknowledging that he gave the money, what's he planning??
oh hoooo Yohan's good at crafting stories and putting on a show. where'd the witness even come back from? wasn't he gone?
him openly targeting the foundation now ahhh
the foundation people all being those at the fire incident ah
Yohan loves causing chaos sooo much, he's so good at this
Ep 7 (June 3)
Yohan admitted to Gaon that he did in fact take Doctor Safety and make their stories straight to lie to the nation - oh never mind, not quite
well Gaon doesn't think Yohan attacked
oof Judge Oh is earnest but has the seeds in her head from Director Jeong
ah this talk that Director Jeong is giving these young orphan girls. also seems like CEO Seo did sexually assault her or something bc now he's turned into a dog who obeys her and is tortured by her
not her just killing that lady, similar to how her mother just happened to die
ooh Yohan and Elijah's miscommunications and Elijah feeling like Yohan's overbearing reminds me of Moonlight Chicken's Jim and Liming, though of course Yohan is suspected of murder and scheming by Eli
pls Gaon comforting Eli but then also teasing her
plsssss Yohan reading the book on how to talk to adolescents and trying to talk to Eli T.T he's so earnest and cute even though he's sooo bad at it
Yohan and Gaon deciding what to do together, huh? okayyy team let's go <3
lol Yohan scheming to get the Foundation people to be divided by just playing tricks
lmfao I think it's so funny that he had to do the countdown and do half, half's half, etc to predict the time
heh Yohan doing nothing but still getting these people to be suspicious of each other and saying everything is lies while Yohan just eats well. one of them even bringing up middle school I'm dead
ah, finally Gaon is working on a case lol
pls T.T the live stream to make sure everybody knows where he was so that he won't be found dead
who is Do Yeong Chun? is that Gaon's dad? no right since he already died? is it the guy who made Gaon's dad commit suicide? i was wondering if it's Yohan's father but seems not based on last name Do + Yohan's dad wasn't sent to prison or anything
i don't really know what they're talking about the land and money and stuff except that apparently things are fishy
Ah, Judge Oh realizing that Yohan and Gaon are working together and know these while she's being sidelined... rip girl. will you end up doing what the opposition wants because of it?
omg not Yohan bringing up Gaon's parents like this
they want
scary Director Jeong who wants to make CEO Seo take the fall
damn, CEO Seo is just straight up suggesting they kill Director Jeong lmfao
omg they really have a fake man taking the punishment for Gaon's parent's scammer Do. Yohan brought Gaon here to show his lawful justice system did not punish the man - i wonder if he himself would've orchestrated this or if this switch was from before? Do was happy on the day Gaon saw him so maybe it's not Yohan's doing
ah Director Jeong I d love her, the way she's asking about why Seo did that when she was young and had nowhere to go. she's so scary with the hug and stabbing (and I wish she hadn't kissed Yohan that time)
I feel like I'm gonna lose my mind wondering how much I would have liked Director Jeong's character if she was played by a different person
ah they killed Seo and said he committed suicide not because he embezzled but because somebody else did and had embezzled and fled and so he was doing his duty - so no harm to the Foundation as Jeong becomes the new Chairwoman instead of just Director
Ep 8 (June 4)
ah the foundation members came to the hospital afterward and it really made Yohan hate them more and their hypocrisy, saying all that while they escaped and harmed people while doing so
the devil is the self-pity of the powerful, so true actually
oh so Yohan did indeed change Do? agh
Gaon back at his own home finally
omg? they literally came up with a group of accountants from the Foundation who apparently embezzled the money and disappeared but they were actually trying to give the court show tips
oh hooo the Foundation and companions are powerful and they're turning the wave of support towards them with the "suicide" and the passionate speeches
Gaon has been enticed by the results that Yohan's unlawful court has been getting but he's been brought back to the lawful side by Suhyeon and his professor, but I guess we'll start to see him actually switch now?
pls Suhyeon pretending that it hurts and Gaon giving in is cute
ah when will Suhyeon's meddling get her killed?
oof, so they're "showing support" for the live court and are basically keeping an eye on them and having them work with the Blue House
Jeong Seonah is dom 4 dom, that could be so fun if I liked the actress
lmao Yohan saying I don't discriminate between men and women. well
oh shoot the "how much do you like me?" choking
did Seonah have the necklace in a way that it'd be easy for Yohan to get it back?
or was it in a way that the pin stabbed him when he pulled it? i can't tell
ah Yohan doing his best to get Gaon by his side so that he doesn't have to eliminate him - Gaon's still at least a bit suspicious of Yohan having switching the Do man right?
pls Elijah being like yo let's kill Do
ah Gaon definitely being like yeah seems like only someone with a strange purpose would do this switcheroo
ah Elijah herself reached out to Suhyeon, it's a bit surprising since last time was a bit of a disaster but I guess she's lonely and would take anybody - also I read on reddit that they were worried since Suhyeon left Eli in the car by herself
she confessed every time he cried? but he just cried earlier in this ep and she didn't confess
damn, Gaon's right that drunkards shouldn't be beating people or cops up but he supports the live ammunition stuff? be serious
damn, Gaon's being asked to give info so that his prof can close down live court
ooh, he's meeting all the people that Yohan has working for him, including the right-hand man dude. and they all were upset about the justice system not helping them
oof, Judge Oh you're good and have valid points about the chaos and exclusion but you're falling into Jeong Seonah's traps D:
ah, so it seems like Minister covered up Do's crimes and proceeds seizing? so not done by Yohan.
ah Gaon made his choice and ensured his prof knew he was with Yohan - though i don't fully get his argument like yeah obviously the justice system should've done better but definitely the unrest and chaos of the country isn't just because of that but I also don't get why his prof wants to disband live court as if that's the main cause of all this, the president and Foundation stuff had an even bigger hand now
From the reddit on air thread, people were annoyed by Gaon opposing Yohan and being lawful thus far but I felt like it made sense and this transition into Yohan's side has been fairly satisfactory
Ep 9 (June 4)
I was supposed to be half-done with my assignment or have at least worked for an hour before I came back to this show but uh I did like 10 minutes of work rip
oh, we're getting a little summary so far at the beginning, it's like chapter 2 of this show? second half?
okay please I believe Yohan will show up before anything really happens pls pls pls
oof, if this gets out, Seonah is gonna know what Yohan's weak point is
who was released? do we know them? Bamboo spear?
ah Seonah has moved onto new target to control: Yohan
I hope they don't become a romantic couple but just slap each other around - anyway, Yohan be careful though bc you make her mad enough and she'll fuck you up fr
ah that's when Isaac gave the necklace to Yohan - it's supposed to remind him of not hurting innocent people
oh are Bamboo Spear the people that were causing the riot and the guy who Suhyeon arrested?
ah, how will the ads be manipulated to Seonah's desire? esp since Judge Oh was in the middle for a few and Yohan stepped away for a few
is it a good idea to let the fact that she was a maid at his house get out (to the Minister)? She could talk about her humble background and being tortured by Yohan?
pls I was like why is Elijah saying "will he be okay?" but Nanny is just a v bad cook lol
ahhhhh this found family T.T putting off an appointment bc Elijah said Gaon's not letting anybody eat until all 3 are present
pls Gaon planning on using Yohan's money to get info out of Minister's assistant
T.T Gaon does not know how to interrogate this is so funny
exactlyyyy you should start packing up the gold bars bro
so did the assistant tell the truth? it's always suspicious to know whose word you can trust or not and who knows if the assistant will go back and immediately tell her and then he'll be moved soon
ah, it is indeed him
oof, it's hard to see all this and keep wanting revenge against Do but it's definitely different for Gaon and for good reason
ah Suhyeon immediately saying he'd arrest Gaon
noooo Gaon pls don't go and do something bad to Do right now, Yohan did say it's not just your revenge but it's gonna be useful for many people and things
D: omggggggg Gaon literally choking this man, don't kill him in front of his family D:
oh the money is still there, that's kinda expected but tbh as time went on i bought into his play
anyway don't actually burn the money right? bc you can have proof that the money exists with this man bc they didn't seize it
omg Yohan really made Gaon see that this man would choose to save the burning money than his family, who saved him just earlier
oh fake money, that's good
omg so many beautiful fire shots
I want to know what's in those little gift boxesss
is it to the other Do's victims?
oh it's from Jinyoung? I wondered if it's from Yohan's right-hand man
Ep 10 (June 4)
I wrote another paragraph of my assignment and am back here, rip
damn bruh the president is soooo into hating foreigners
pls the secretary is like 1 second away from dying after betraying Minister
yaas tracking master Elijah and clever girl group photos
ah is Suhyeon doing this now? is she gonna die tryna get the bamboo spears since there's no gun?
plssss secretary man being so shocked at Minister mentioning Kang Yohan
but yeah I'm excited to see Minister and Yohan meet, it's been a while
omg Elijah <3333333 mastermind
goddamn, so many people wtf
ah these people in the minister's office are even tracking the competitors and have bugs and stuff in their office lol
the autopsy thing? is Yohan giving them autopsy report in case they kill Seonah? or is that for something else? or is this her mother's autopsy? but then that shows that Yohan knew that they were looking into Seonah and stuff right or it's like fine that he guesses Minister would be looking into Seonah?
hard to tell if the bamboo spears guy is just overconfident or really has things up his sleeves? the president is on his side so i guess he has reason to be confident
wait hold on T.T the way Yohan and Seonah are interacting and speaking and body language and tone and stuff... I actually do wanna see them kiss or fuck or something, they're kinda... the way Yohan's speaking softly/cutely the way Seonah does ah it's kindaaaaaa
he really stresses the fact that she was a maid and stuff really often smh
everything the bamboo spear says is bullshit but the "our women" keeps killing me like tf are they products? possessions?
Gaon please be good at this show thing bc you're a newbie at this, not as clever as Yohan and not as natural and Judge Oh
omg have it be girl group merch pls
aw, the streamer girl isn't as funny as just TWICE merch
oof, they made him a loser instead of a revolutionary, good going in terms of the bamboo spear and the president's goals and the country's opinions on him
i hope nothing toooo bad happens to bamboo spear because that could turn out to be bad, no? though if yohan or gaon or something rescues him then he could be like okay fine I'll tell you about how the president raised me to be that
gaon as expected feels bad about the live stream
oof, Minister let Seonah know that she knows about her being a maid before and that's Seonah's wear point for sure - I wonder if Yohan wanted Seonah took come after him with vengeance and that's why he leaked it?
I'm getting worried for Elijah's safety though bc Yohan himself even told Seonah about her
Anyway, I think I hate the acting of Seonah less now than I previously did, so the fact that I find her character fascinating and sympathetic is coming out more
Ep 11 (June 4)
This time I at least wrote a few paragraphs before coming back, I've only got 5 hours till the due date and this episode is about to take up 1.5-2 hours.
ah the autopsy
The Minister is too cocky on her high horse, she does not know Seonah whatsoever, the way she's degrading her
ah foolish Yohan sleeping in public
Seonah with the blade omg
the way they interact with each other ahhh like Yohan forcibly remaining calm and relaxed while Seonah's got a blade in her hand and talking so softly and their eye contact
and Yohan basically daring her with the blade and eyes closed and taking her to his house as a guest this is crazy i kinda hope they fuck in there aw her eyes :<
but once again i hope she doesn't interact with or do anything to Elijah
now it's like well Yohan also has two hands <3 having dinner with Gaon on his left and Seonah in front of him
oh yeah does Seonah remember that Gaon looks like Isaac or no?
D: nooo I do feel bad for Seonah how did I even get here but here o.o eyes ever since she came to the house and seen everybody be a family only to be shattered when she realizes that she's being played with when Nanny comes and she's exposed, Yohan you're terrible!!
the necklaceeeeeee omg Yohan what are you playing atttttt he's really taking advantage of her desire to belong to this house and that place
and of course Seonah knows it's a trick but she's so tempted. i hope she's indeed tempted and that it makes her fall in the end but that she takes a gooood swing at Yohan before that
hmm what are these Foundation people planning on doing with Judge Oh? being their spokes person?
Yohan looks like a little stableboy with his sispenders and hair, watching them play Jenga
Yohan is so puppy looking cat-personality I die
oof, Seonah's aligning herself with Minister and rip Yohan's actress who testified against Minister's son is being brought up
oh nooo they've captured the actress' mother. mean Seonah
I hope the actress somehow lets Yohan know or something bc rip or somehow finesse the Minister and Seonah
ahhhh okayyyyyyyyyy so did Seonah and Yohan plan this?
literally like you should have treated the maid/secretary nicely Minister
damn Minister straight up wants to murder Yohan lol but in the end seems like she can't kill with her own hands
oh yeah I forgot that Yohan was looking for those files on the Foundation leaders and the president
ah they've got more in the cards for Minister
ah there really is everything from every side for Minister. the actress, Do Yeong Min & the prison guard there, multiple cases of abuse against defendants, Young Min apparently on drugs as the president knows
the gun on Minister's desk freaks me out ngl I'm like oh she might kill Yohan but also what if she kills herself and now I'm like what if she kills Suhyeon lol
oh she's crying and looking at the family photo I wonder if she really is considering killing herself, or if her love for life is stronger
ah, as expected she committed suicide
don't fucking touch her or step on her blood bruv
omg Gaon really said we must find the files and started rummaging around her clothes and her dead body, he is horrifying, even Yohan's a bit disturbed by it from the looks of it
duh Suhyeon would find them like this + she'd previously said she'd turn Gaon in if he did something bad, so
no like the scene of Yohan looking disturbed as Gaon is literally maneuvering the dead body of about 5 seconds and looking through her clothes for the files woah I didn't realize I'd like it so much. When he has finally succeeded in turning Gaon over to his side but is surprised by the cruelty in him
Ep 12 (June 4)
I finished my assignment!
ah Suhyeon lets them go and even wipes Gaon's handprint from the table woah this is what Yohan always means by opportunity because even righteous Suhyeon wavered despite what she told Gaon before about arresting him if he did something bad
yknow the fact that Suhyeon was so one-note law and righteousness this whole time kinda makes this choice more impactful
the president got the files oof
aw fuck Suhyeon even told Gaon to never face her again
ah, Yohan's pretending he's greedy for the same things that Seonah/others would be greedy for - with the presidential candidate and dream village business
damn even the right-hand man warning Gaon that don't get involved with Yohan or else you'll lose everything, including yourself
Yohan's crazed eye look while talking to Gaon about the plans and cutting out Suhyeon but Gaon saying Suhyeon's his world
this breakup ass montage
ah fuck Elijah D:
Yohan even telling Elijah that Gaon's not her father but then coming to apologize
the president is really just threatening no election, no democracy
agh ofc they'd be like "oh? Seonah you slept with Yohan?" and the president humiliating and yelling at her even though she's been the brains behind the soooo many things
please this intense scene where Yohan's running and thinking about everything with Gaon followed by a vitamin or whatever PPL ad is so
okayyy so Gaon briefly came back to the house? and made a meal?
This breakup ass flashback T.T the fuck
"It's okay if humanity gets destroyed, if you guys are here" he think about Gaon and Elijah? broooo my found family give it back!!!!!!
why is Min Jeong Ho's mind so one track though? Like he's not wrong about the live court brining in unrest but he's not the only one and the president and foundation are also extremely relevant proponents
oh who's tracking Yohan's right-hand man? oh seonah's girl
rip, she's going against Yohan again despite trying to protect him
so indeed the bamboo spear guy is the one who attacked the prof min jeong ho in the name of Yohan when he's not even actually a fan
oof Seonah's threw away the necklace, we really are going head on huh?
omg? they're fucking up the people in the slums, this is what the Foundation wants
ah stupid Yohan, does he still think Seonah's in his clutches? I hope she gets to fuck him up good before she loses or dies or what else
ah so she's captured Yohan's right-hand man too, I hope he survives, I liked him
damn, Yohan's even got loyalty to his right-hand man. he's really become so soft these past episodes
damn, Seonah really killed the right hand man :< and Gaon's being chased by the bamboo spear
where's my comment about how Seonah had lesbian vibes with Judge Oh (esp with the stair fall), some Minister scenes and some with her right-hand? Anyway, she got a good swing with Yohan and is really hurting him where he hurts, which was what I wanted
Ep 13 (June 4)
1 last episode for the night and weekend before Monday starts again tomorrow </3
poor guy Yohan's right-hand man
pls if something happened to Elijah I'll rip Seonah apart piece by piece
oh fuck all of Yohan's informants are being taken? ah to dream village where they're fucking taking all the poor people and people they don't want
oh? so the others who weren't the actress who just woke up were able to escape, that's good
bro why would you not be so quick to tell Elijah to not let Seonah in specifically and then now, tell her that Seonah's the one who shot you and to never let her in again like pls
awkward ass kiss for Suhyeon and Gaon ah pls T.T the aftermath Suhyeon's so cute
ah Judge Oh being used for all this as the spokesperson
everything is so chaotic and erratic in this country now
what's Yohan planning? what does he even have?
Judge Oh now that her eyes have been opened, hope she does well
tell me what grandma said about the right nowwwwwwww
man I was like yknow I don't think the romance is that forced between Gaon and Suhyeon but this confession stuff is making me annoyed because there are more things I'm curious about right now!! but I guess now is as good ofa time as any since everything's in crisis and Suhyeon probably gonna die in the next few eps
ah who is this joseph guy, does he know who set the fire? is it seonah?
yes Judge oh let's go and also now that Yohan's power has dwindled compared to before, his people have to barge into the control room with guns to be able to control the narrative and broadcast lol
also their priest-like robes
pretty cool broadcast
i also don't get what's the phone light supposed to do
woah some lighting and effects and broadcasting power. Yohan looked otherworldly standing up there
oh what the fuck D: that's such a wasteful death for suhyeon no no no and we also don't know what Joseph thing she found out about, was that joseph?
man what's up with the look Yohan's giving Gaon and Suhyeon
Ep 14 (June 5)
I'm watching this in my lunch break but this time my break is split in 2 so I can only watch for 30 mins T.T and then watch the other 40 mins later
ah so she's dead fr rip why they gotta kill her to further Gaon smh her entire character was just Gaon
would Seonah actually go along with the president releasing a virus in poor neighborhoods?
pls Yohan trying to get Gaon to eat
ahh Elijah too even saying ramen, they are so uncle and niece
ah back from the mid-lunch work hour
ahhh Seonah thinking about the poor people and the welfare girls with terrible upbringings D:
Seonah's been drinking so much, is this a new development?
I read on the on-air thread accidentally that apparently Gaon stops the electric chair or something, so I guess he's gonna stop the execution of Bamboo Spear ah I wish I hadn't known that
him using the likes to charge the electricity in electric chair is genuinely fucked wtf
the professor is so hyperfocused on Yohan that it's like? why doesn't he also take as much issue with presidency and the foundation? like they did all this riot and beating and murdering of the poor and no peep from prof, it'd be an oversight if he doesn't end up having been on their side this whole time or something
oh it's kinda interesting "what if Suhyeon saw you murdering someone with Yohan in front of her?" and it's a flashback to her finding them with Minister's body
ah, what's the president planning
he really did look otherworldly back then, Yohan standing up there watching somebody be beaten in his name, waiting for a victim
oh the president is just pulling a trick to make Bamboo Spear not talk and then let him die at the hands of Yohan and the nation with trust in the president
oh that's so harsh, the citizens are pressing and he's just getting more and more shocked omg fuck
ah fuck Gaon really did go behind Yohan's back this time and publicly too
bruh agh i was reading the on-air thread of eps 13-14 and someone was like prof better be working for foundation the way he's going against Yohan and then there was update like haha i was right bitches with no spoilers, warnings, nothing like fuck you
man actually fuck this cuz someone predicted elijah started the fire and then someone's out here commenting that they're absolutely right! like fuck you x2 and also someone was commenting like why are you commenting and spoiling here
Ep 15 (June 5)
I have 3-ish hours to watch these 2 episodes
ah this professor agh
lol the president's allies being like ah he's ruthless
people in the ep 13/14 on-air thread were soooo frustrated by Gaon (and they have been for a while) but like I get him? There might've been a better way to go about this but he needed to stop this. people were playing around with flogging but now everybody has a chance to take part in killing somebody? and Bamboo Spear wasn't even saying anything, so he would've just been killed and for what?
i mean yohan's self-pity is also self-pity of the powerful
hmm the president saying that the prof thinks it's yohan's fans who hurt him but it was indeed him and bamboo spear but does this mean prof isn't working for them? or it's like he's working for the foundation but only seonah knows or something
pls Elijah with "if you get caught, this house will be mine" and Yohan with "It's always been yours, from the beginning"
Seonah kill the president plsssss painfully, horrifically make him regret everything!!
Beautiful, evil, scheming, cunning Seonah
oh, he did say they set up chief justice of supreme court, so indeed he's working for the foundation, president just didn't know about it?
yknow I don't like the way Yohan talks to Seonah sometimes. very cruel and condescending about her upbringing and I don't like how he looks down on her in a way he doesn't on the men
he made her cry?! you fuck! who would have thought i'd have so much love for Seonah by the end
the truth will surely resonate with the people, right?
oh hooo that man left a winner after that speech, huh?
I saw a gif of Gaon trying to stab Yohan or something, so I wonder if Joseph or whoever has been paid off to say that Yohan caused it or something and give Gaon a reason to think that Yohan killed Suhyeon? what if even that grandma lady was paid off bc how'd she suddenly hear that somebody saw him in a random neighbourhood in seoul
last night? yohan's man came to you last night? I'm guessing he's lying but I suppose it could be someone other than K and Yohan wants to make sure nobody knows Elijah's set that fire accidentally
whose house is this? Gaon's own house? that man Joseph's house?
oh damn they got Joseph
bruh we've got Gaon looking through another dead body huh?
ah it really is Yohan's number rip Gaon but Yohan doesn't seem to recognize it? he just asked hello a few times and seems confused
ah Yohan stopped the knife and is bleeding just like Suhyeon
damn, Gaon even called prof and cops? or no? if not, how did they know?
ah, rip Gaon you really fell onto the Foundation's trap but clever cunning forward-thinking Seonah really saw Gaon and knew exactly how to play him
i hope the prof dies so bad just terribly terribly terribly
Gaon was Yohan's weakness, ah
pls Elijah have somehow recorded it all or something idk
ah so the woman and Joseph said the truth but the last car thing was Seonah's doing
as expected, Elijah set it all on fire accidentally
oh no, she only came out right now, no chance she knows what went on
Seonah having Yohan on his knees and pleading and desperate and saying she's only ever wanted to have him look at her like that, Seonah you are so real - although his screams are too loud and harsh for me
you can't decide to die Gaon!!!! you've got to save them!!!
I think the fact that they made Yohan so flawed yes appealing with the sad background and soft touches and loyal and caring and well-meaning and seeker of justice has made me latch onto Seonah even more because she's just evil with soft spots for like young women and is lonely but she's ruthless and cunning.
Ep 16 (June 5)
I didn't stop at all, onto the next ep! oh it's 95 minutes lol
I do know that Yohan has to save Gaon from a bomb though and says "I was too late, huh?"
Gaon said last ep that he's decided to die and now he's saying he'll get Yohan back even if it kills him ummm I don't like that but I also don't think Gaon died bc I feel like I'd be spoiled for that in ep 13/14 and also I was a smiley gif of Yohan from like ep 16 probably and he might be in jail in that idk but yeah it wasn't tragic looks so
oh Elijah T.T poor girl
ah Gaon you cannot be hoping this cop guy would help you much but I believe you've got this
oh yeah it's a prison outfit that I saw Yohan smiling in that gif - so indeed I guess this smile gif could be before Gaon dies but I still don't think that'd be true
oh dumbass prof is actually just stupid lacking braincells 0 thoughts in his head bc I thought he was a more diabolical player in the foundation but he was just sooo one track mind about Yohan and live court that he was tricked up Seonah too agh stupidity like at least Gaon can see that everything is corrupt and Yohan's not the only one causing chaos but this fucker is so hopeless
Seonah's smoking scene slight parallel to Minister's
damn, president and wife are scheming fr, what are they doing at the weekend village and is the wife planning on leaving the other foundation members there?
ah that photo of Yohan sitting in the sun is what I saw in that gif
ah, Gaon in a food box lol
this is giving me slight Squid Game vibes. it really is quite dystopian, like the YA novels from before
oh, they got the actress girl in Yohan's squad in here
I hope somehow whatever Gaon's recording can be transmitted outside immediately like live bc he must have accounted for not getting back, right?
ah the powerful's slow-mo laughter again
these men are sooooo "i don't like aggressive women like Seonah and Minister" "lowly maid" die die die die fuckers
I know Gaon can't just leave this girl who he knows but this is scary
okayyy miss nurse
I think it'd be fun if they used Seonah to spread the word or something because she has heart for the people here and wants these bastards in her clutches too
awww that girl T.T aww Seonah regretting her actions T.T
he's not really dead, right? That makes no sense and it's too early. I wonder whose plans this fake news was
oh wtf Gaon is the one who attached his fucking bomb to himself
of course hero Yohan comes to save the day
now kiss?
Yohan is so beautiful idk what to do, how old is he exactly because he might be the oldest man thus far who I'vebeen enamoured b due to looks. omg he's 46 well he doesn't look it
no way they forgot the fucking Dke app right? pls T.T
imagine being a random citizen though like mans is a ray of hope amongst chaos and corruption, turns out he fucking murdered someone too, ends up getting murdered, than his face is back on your screen and big screens like
also what has the mibo group dude been planning or thinking up or what? like he's been suspicious the past few scenes
pls 10 million likes on Dike app, he's such a showmaster till the end
ah so mnbo group mans indeed spoke with yohan and co. to get them all in the room
I was actually thinking it reminds me of the electric chair voting thing but he recreated the fire church from a decade ago
ahhh the chaos of the powerful once again, these scenes are so fun
yesssssss Seonahhhhh blast his fucking brains out
"Is it the two of us, in the end? Come with me, Seonah-ya (katchi gaja seonah-ya)" while Seonah points a gun at him and he's ready to blow everything up
noooo she died before 2/3 of the men did???? fucking hell she should've killed the other 2 first, no? why did both the cool women shoot themselves in the head and did she die because she couldn't kill Yohan? hope not
oh my dear Seonah TT This show doesn't know what to do except make women die for their men they love. I wish Yohan also liked her just a bit considering she loved him a fair amount
i keep thinking the bomb isn't actually real or something but who knows tbh
damn, the way Yohan threw Gaon out, I guess the bomb is truly real
but would the people really do it when they know that their judge would die too? or is the broadcast over and they just think only those criminals are in the room?
bomb escape plan?
girl would Yohan and Elijah just leave to Switzerland by themselves? what about my trio of found family huh?
Gaon having to do judge duties amongst everybody now ah so
why is this Gaon looking for Yohan like Strangers From Hell lol
Gaon going after Yohan in the airport ah
bro you're supposed to kiss now what is this staring at each other from a few feet away
man sad ass ending for Gaon
The script was apparently even gayer
Good show but after 2 days, I don't think it's one that will haunt me unless I guess I rewatch it and fall in love even more.
Cool concept with the live court, I liked how it played with the viewers and the in-show audience. It was also wild to see people pressing the button to kill somebody or how the flogging was emulated in public.
Ji Sung was a great actor to play Yohan, he's beautiful, he's charming, he's intimidating, he can play both arrogant and cute. Probably the oldest man who I've been attracted to lol, he was like 45-ish here. I think he was an interesting character for sure, though by the end we were getting a hero treatment with him and his tragic story. I'm still aghast at the fact that he was going to get the whole country to kill this dude. He's my puppy cat cutie though and he was a clever schemer, so I forgive.
Seonah my beloved like I don't even know what to say. I hated her acting soooo much in the beginning, it was making my skin crawl and I talked about it in every fucking scene she was in but by the end, she might be my favourite character, who knows. I wish she fucked people up just a bit more when Yohan or the chairmen/president fucks berated her for being a maid or were condescendingly misogynistic. She was so clever and cunning and forward thinking and fearless, yet with hints of loneliness and care for young girls, she was a great villain ah <3
Gaon was fine to be honest, I think people were frustrated by him but I felt like his inability to trust Yohan made sense considering Yohan's a sick bastard and people who he trusted more distrust Yohan.
I wish the girls Judge Oh and Suhyeon were given more depth and utility because they were very flat characters who had some usage sometimes but were often just out of the loop and had little impact on the narrative. agh. Minister was a badass though, that scene of her with the cigar and the idol boys falling over themselves to light it is engraved in my mind. The scene of Seonah shaving Yohan is also engraved in my mind.
Seonah x Yohan sicko dynamic is so good I love it so much - the shaving scene, the way Yohan would trick Seonah in the later episodes by speaking softly cutely to her (although I wish he was less condescending towards her agh), her goal to make him as lonely as she was ahhh I wish they fucked. Suhyeon x Gaon could have really been bodyguard gf x princess bf but alas, they had like a day together after kissing lol
Yohan and Gaon were so homoerotic, this was expected from the reviews. Ah, there were some scenes that were just? truly how could this be not romantic?
I loved Yohan, Elijah, and Gaon so much. Both the uncle-niece relationship and their little found family trio. The meals, the family games, their fun and sarcastic conversations, I'm heartbroken that in the end, Gaon is all alone without these 2, with a dead best friend and a traitor of a mentor being a judge in a system that's just as corrupt.
Rating: 7.5/10 7/10 - same as Strangers From Hell [Jan 25, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating my top shows: 7.5 -> 7]
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shoechoe · 7 months
ok this is real long and rambly im v sorry !! i jus wanted to talk abt music as well heh,, i loved reading ur music commentary under the tag game !! (hehe. i tag u rlly often cuz. i hav this secret inner mechanism where if a mutual tags me in anything *once* ill tag that mutual in literally everything if i remember/if prompted. tis how i roll) tho fr ur segment abt 20 min prog rock songs was so damn accurate. it rlly reminded me of pink floyd's "dogs", king crimson's "lizard" (not the album itself but moreso the sort of. i guess mashup shit they do. another prime example of this is moonchild (including the dream and the illusion), or the devil's triangle. which is honestly more nervewracking rather than boring i guess. JDEVGAVEAHDHGEAVHGAEVDGEVDG. hell ost i guess. w lizard ive listened to it so many times and while it does hav a multitude of lyrics DAMN those 23 minutes are painstakingly longgg ! i guess im a lil biased cuz u know ive played it too often. tho it does hav some v beautiful parts... ! i think a prime example of what u hav mentioned abt prog rock was w king crimson's one red nightmare. it has a cool part and then its jus. Instrumentals after and it gets kind of boring. at least the drums r p damn good!! or u know to some of comus's songs (which isnt prog rock but its prog folk. same damn thing where the songs are INSANELY long and can sometimes b rlly boring in certain portions), some prime examples being their song the herald (only 12min long. but mannn sometimes w prog rock or prog folk they make 10+ min songs feel like HOURS. but its also v mesmerizing!! or drip drip which. holy hell is an AMAZING song but theres this one part thats insanely fucking boringgg YAWN. its a nice break before the very chilling lyrics nearing the end but. come on now!) but yeah. i jus wanted to ramble bc i rlly need to get to listening to kc's entire discography as well. idk what u've listened to jus yet but some song recs if ur inchrested or havent listened to them already... could also apply 2 some of ur followers if they read this long ass ramble. this ask is a 20+ min prog rock song at this point: formentera lady, islands, the letters, ladies of the road, pictures of a city, moonchild, cirkus runthrough / lady of the dancing water (alt take) (why this one? it jus sounds better imo. lady of the dancing water is very very beautiful), thela hun ginjeet (this one is very fun and catchy), the sheltering sky, frame by frame, matte kudasai (VERY soothing), ummm.. dr diamond (live. i wish there was a more high quality ver somewhere), cadence and cascade, book of saturday, probably some more i forgot abt !!!!!! top 5 songs on their spotify also slap (obvs everyone and their mom already knows those songs id imagine! tho for new listeners those r bangers. esp starless.). if u wanna get REAL scared u should listen to da devil's triangle. (exaggerating but its quite diff from what *ive* heard. like hollyyy hell they set the mood down so so so so so well)
I appreciate the extra depth in the commentary- it is thoughtful. (I also appreciate the tag games.)
I agree that progressive rock is a very alluring and simultaneously often frustrating genre as someone who tends to be a fan of it. I consider it the musical equivalent of a sit-down meal; it requires a lot of patience and is best for when you have the time to just appreciate and drift off to it.
Progressive rock is usually lengthy, often slow, very experimental, and tends to utilize a lot of improvisation; as a result, you end up with a lot of songs with pieces that work extremely well, but you do often have to sit through a lot of parts that you just don't care for. Having music be a test of patience is understandably just not for everybody.
I find that my favorite progressive rock songs transform into feeling more like journeys rather than typical musical experiences. I consider Echoes by Pink Floyd to be my favorite prog rock song (and one of my favorite songs in general) for this reason. I end up enjoying the long middle portion entirely made of odd, unnerving, very non-"musical" sounds, because the entire song feels like you are trekking through something strange and unknown.
The slow transition with the buildup of the main tune's return at the very end of the middle portion feels almost like a phoenix rising from the ashes, or the reward at the end of a long journey- I hope that doesn't sound cheesy, lol. I enjoy sometimes playing Echoes at nighttime while I'm lying in bed, and I believe that is the absolute best time to play it. It ends up being a very moving experience for me and it really highlights the great potentials of progressive rock.
Thank you for the recommendations- I'm planning to listen to everything, anyway, but I'm sure any of my followers looking for music recs will appreciate it. King Crimson gets a lot of praise from music enthusiasts, but it doesn't seem as well-known among the mainstream as other progressive rock like Pink Floyd, for example.
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waterb0ttleguy · 1 year
Hey babygirl wsg?
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hey google, show me this guys balls WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
heres a few things about myself you should know ig?
uhh js call me waterbottle atp frfr, I also reblog things a lot so if ur looking for my art js look thru my tags
I go by He/Ey pronouns! and I am also AroAce + Bisexual.
I am Autistic + ADHD, also a system too. Topped with a bonus of severe-ish Anxiety. Quick mention as well, I'm a minor jus incase you were wondering
Current hyper-fixations are: JJK, phighting
Other likes; JJBA, FF7, Underverse, Ultrakill, FNAF, PT
(I'll update it whenever it changes btw)
If you wanna chat or js req sum talk in my ask box or idk dm me, im chill trust
https://rentry.co/watterbottlednis <-<-<- READ IT
I have a retrospring too if you want to bother me there
---> https://retrospring.net/@kIng_krims0n
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Also my tags where you can find my art or silly anons or silly me posting my thoughts stuff will be tagged in this post here as well
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cheswirls · 1 month
quick tangent for i think uh.. like problems i have w writing that i've noticed lately
idek how far back it goes but i make a lot of notes before actually writing for a piece from start to finish. i flesh things out in my head or think of a detail to elaborate on later and jot typically everything down that i can bc my memory sucks and ik i'll forget it later of i let it set too long, or if not forget then it'll be hazy and all the details won't be there.
the thing abt this is that 1) i write most notes all in a big blur and separate big thoughts by semicolons in lieu of any other punctuation, and i feel like most of the time i'm jotting everything down as i think of it (as it is in my head) so i don't have to waste time on coming up w correct wording or what makes sense, i'll figure out what makes sense later yknow? so it's all a giant stream loosely punctuated and if you read it out mostly it'd sound like someone speaking.
which leads to 2) a lot of extraneous detail accumulates and the bits and pieces that DO end up sounding eloquent i end up liking enough that i wanna shive a phrase or line into the story as is. which is !!! part of the bigger problem, exhibit a
when i come up with something for a story, i want to somehow insert it into the story no matter what. this means that i have trouble letting go of older ideas that no longer fit, but it also means (and this is the main problem i feel i have) that i feel the need to put a lot of extraneous elements into the story just because.
sometimes this is fine!! but sometimes, like this past week skimming old notes for a wip fic abt a yr old, i feel like this is not great and that i could be going abt it all in a better way.
let me give an example. i have a fic where a character is not quite human, is adopted by human parents for power gaining purposes later, is never told they're not human and ends up running away at a young age, but starts exhibiting non-human qualities later in life.
also, this fic is from the pov of another person in conflict with the one above. they meet after the first has already run away from home, so from a story perspective, there is no reason that the pov character should know any of the information i listed above. the story is about them trying to figure out what exactly the other character is, species-wise, and both of them are not on good terms so there's no opening to inquire directly with each other to puzzle it out.
what i've realized is that this plot point is interesting and can add to the story, but not as a direct quote, because it doesn't fit and would hinder the narrative to introduce. however! just because it can't fit doesn't mean i can't use it indirectly. idk where to go just yet, but today i thought about tossing aside a mention of the parents and such directly and instead using that information to build characteristics. i know it happens and that this person experiences it, so i can use that to puzzle out how it influences them, maybe showing how it contrasts them to the pov character, or possibly alluding to it as what's probably necessary information that the pov character simply doesn't have ('if i could just figure x out, if i just knew about y, then i could solve for z')
which is to say that uhhhhh basically! i'm slowly realizing that there are (probably better?) ways to use extraneous information besides directly. i usually don't worry about padding a story, but i have written plenty before where there's a word cap and for that purpose i feel like this will be helpful to keep in mind so the "padding" can be reduced but still serve its purpose.
it helps too that i never really delete my notes, so it's not like all the bits and pieces i think are ingenious are gone forever jus bc it doesn't make it into the story. i've thought abt actually taking screenshots or straight up copy/pasting some of my fic notes here, especially for completed fic i'm not liable to think abt again in terms of editing, as a sort of archive but also jus so i have somewhere i can point my fingers at and say 'oh look! i wrote smth cool come look at it!'
anyway this isn't uh anything tangent and i need to learn to kill my darlings i think first before i can implement this idea, or perhaps starting this way (with indirectly adding to a story) will enable me to do that better (discarding unnecessary things altogether). again bc i'm writing fic for fun i'm not rly stressed abt forming a perfect cohesive story that cuts out irrelevant details bc if i'm writing for me and i like those details then why not? but i do also think overall this will help me improve writing quality and i'm excited to test some things and go from there :) even if i like where i'm at now, i also think challenging my comfort when writing is never a bad thing bc i'll look at smth i write now a yr ago and go oh! i've definitely gotten better!
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srlkiller · 2 years
my mom is up to some shady shit… i need to jus say fuck everything n take her to court to sort it all out 4 good. from now on im gonna move in silence.. im gonna gather all my evidence & meet w the ppl i need to meet w. in 2023 im going to live for me, no one else. if you have parents that love you… please realise how truly blessed you are. i am so envious of those of u who do, that’s all ive ever wanted. idk what my parents are up to.. but i jus know it’s not good. i couldn’t imagine ever treating my child this way… n going around acting like some kind of ‘amazing mom’ knowing full well that u couldn’t care less if i was alive or dead lmao. we jus had a conversation about how much money SHE would get if i died… that’s how fucked up she is. i am being so serious when i say this. if i die… she did it. she knows the EXACT amount that she will get from my death.. she knows the terms in which i have to die in order to collect the money. she told me if i kill myself she doesn’t get anything so if I plan to ‘commit suicide anytime soon’ atleast make it look like it was accidental or from other causes so that she can collect.. who the fuck says that shit to their child? while laughing. she’s serious.. she’s said it many many times & tells me when ‘my policy changes’. im not being dramatic. im 10000% sober & keeping it that way.
what’s worse is that my dad has been texting her about his own ‘death beneficiary’ & asked for my full name??? i was already on his will so im almost positive that they are conspiring (she would have said something to make him do it - most likely so that i don’t get any of his money or his house??? which is SO FUCKED UP like WTF) together to basically take me off of it & put her on it. they’ve been divorced since i was not even 2 years old. how evil can someone be… all she gives a fuck about is MONEY. ive never been like that.. im sentimental. i spent all my $$ on the ppl i love n they all fucked me over. i still.. to this day.. buy her whatever she wants.. anything she likes.. just to try & get her to be nice to me… to pay me some attention.. to spend time w me.. it works for about 30 seconds if that. she usually RETURNS my gifts for the cash bc she knows how much money i have spent on her. she doesn’t buy me a single gift for any fucking thing. yet id still give her the world if I could. i hate myself for it. i will NEVER FORGET my dad calling me around the time my nan was dying and telling me how much of a piece of shit i am & saying that im “nothing but a fucking bitch” bc my mom straight up lied to him n told him the only reason i talk to/see my dad is so that when he dies I’ll be able to get his house & money. LIKE WTF. she saw my dad one day when he came to visit my nan & he mentioned he started seeing some girl & the first thing she did was run home & tell me.. “you better start talking to ur father more.. he has a gf now so ur gonna end up w none of his money when he dies.” i was like where the fuck did that even come from… who thinks like that… who says that shit to their only child about their kids father???
he wasn’t sick.. he wasn’t dying… but i immediately panicked n thought something was wrong. that’s all i cared about. n she was like no he’s fine just though u should seriously rethink talking to him more before he changes his will…… i was like I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HIS WILL OR HIS MONEY???!!??!! so this makes COMPLETE SENSE for her to do to me… total sense. i should have seen this coming. especially from her. i jus never expected it from him.. but she’s so manipulative & has him twisted around her little finger now to the point where she’s somehow convinced him that this is ‘what is best’. she’s already stolen all of my own money… she took the money that my nan left me when my nan died. hid it in a secret bank account & most likely has already spent it (BUT I BET MY FAMILY DONT KNOW THAT RIGHT?! NOR DO THEY KNOW HOW SHE RLLY IS BC SHE ACTS FAKE AF) now she’s trying to take over my dads shit n he’s too blind to see wtf she’s doing. this is so fucking upsetting. like wtf…………….. who the fuck does this. then goes around talking shit about me to every family member?? to the point where i can no longer attend any family gatherings bc they think she’s so sweet n innocent n im some crazy delusional bitch? IM NOT UR FUCKING ENEMY IM YOUR CHILD. I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING WRONG TO YOU. i never wanted to take her to court.. i never wanted it to go this far… but holy shit… she is so evil. it hurts me so much. i just want a mother. that’s it. it hurts so bad. longing for something that’s so close.. yet so far removed. i genuinely do not know where the fuck to go from here… i just want her to give me everything that is legally & rightfully mine so i can LEAVE if she wants me gone so fucking bad. i feel like that’s the only way out. so i guess im gonna have to just do whatever it is i have to do to get all my shit legally & then just cut ties completely. she doesn’t deserve any of my kindness or my love.
& to anyone reading this n thinking/saying shit like “omg stop complaining if it’s so bad then why don’t u jus leave.” - im not stupid. if it was that simple don’t u think i would have left a long ass time ago? no one wants to be in an extremely toxic & abusive environment day in & day out. no one knows all of the shit i have gone through & it’s VERY HARD to just up & leave when you have been manipulated, brainwashed, exploited, controlled, & abused in every single way but the only two people who brought you into this world & were supposed to show you love, protect you & care for you. i have NEVER HAD THAT. EVER. this shit isn’t something new.. this is life long… i have only jus started to become aware of how bad the situation actually is within the last few years with the help of other adult professionals which i used to never be allowed to talk to. unless you have been subjected to the same exact shit you won’t understand it & pls realise how truly blessed u are to not know that kind of pain. it’s a miracle i am even still here standing on my own two feet. even if this legal shit doesn’t work.. atleast i can honestly say that i tried. but i need to start using my fucking smart ass brain instead of following my heart bc when has that ever worked out for me/helped me lmao? i need to now remember to always b alert of absolutely everything when it comes to her, i need to stay on my toes & make sure that i remain 10 steps ahead of her at all times. rn i feel like idk what’s going on n im extremely scared n it’s the worst feeling ever. that’s why i have written this n put this here for documentation & also evidence just incase. todays date is 13/12/22
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theinevitablegay · 2 years
These past couple of months have been eventful. Both good and bad things have happened. I got a boyfriend and he’s pretty nice. I am probably ganna flunk outa college cuz I’m a stupid piece of shit. Idk things are weird. I’m more happy than sad most days and when I’m sad I’m really sad. But I’m just going through shit so it’s natural for me to feel like that and also cuz around this time I tend to feel worse ¯\_(ツ)_/ guess it just reminds me of when I first started feeling awful. I really do like the holidays though so it kinda sucks but I just hope that I can make better memories to hopefully replace the bad feelings I have. I went to counseling for a lil bit but then got scared cuz she said she’d buy me in pills and I didn’t want that but maybe I should go back. I’ve been really stressed out but it’s always nice to be with people I like. It’s almost like I don’t have any worries:^) and I’m happy I’m alive right now to be with them. Never thought I’d say taht (or type that lol) not that I wasn’t happy with people before but I would say that I definitely don’t think about dying as much as I used to. Maybe I’m getting better ? Idk though cuz I see people (?) or like figures of people (?) sorta LOL they aren’t scary but it’s kinda off putting and I think they are the other me(s) just embodied? That’s what I think cuz I’ve talked about how sometimes I don’t recognize myself in the mirror and how I have like a little council of people in my head and they fight with each other and stuff like taht. But I also think that maybe I’m just doing that to myself????? Idk if I can explain it clearly but it’s kinda like how you think something and the go “no” to yourself but imagine there’s like 3 or so of those and they all have different opinions. LOL anyway that’s kinda what’s happening rn but idk if I should mention that to the counselor if I go back. I’m jus typing a bunch of shut rn cuz I don’t want to write my essay and I’m not feeling amazing but that’s okay cuz I like being alive for the people taht care for me. But tahts also scary cuz if anyone stops caring I will not know what to do anymore. Hopefully if that ever happens I can be okay with myself and if not then I guess it would be my time to get off this planet if u know what I mean.
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survivor-north-sea · 2 years
Episode Three: "I’m gonna get served up a big ol’ plate of blindside butter beans" - Tyler
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ALL RIGHT JINX I'm so sorry for my doomsday confession earlier. It worked!! I still think we wasted an idol but whatever, chaos rules again and AJ is still here and that's all I care about
Seeing the first one voted out from Hidra gave me a shock. And especially the idol play to save the target by majority. It’s literally 7.30am here for me and waking up with an Energizer
Tyler Frazier
So AJ is still here which is SO awkward. Anyways on another note Esteban just casually mentioned a theory of an “all non mens alliance” which isn’t something he floated around to me ab all before so like I’m interested to see his reasoning. I think that there could potentially be some backing to it though because apparently the people who were originally throwing my name around were AJ, Trinica, and Tori. Obviously Jinx is working with AJ and Trin bc they played an idol on AJ so that’s 4. But Im still not entirely sold based on the vote count.
damn why not aj and why not me?
Thats a very good game though. I already knew by gut feeling that jinx had an idol. I just have no time to turn the votes away and actually idk. Nut i know the votes are fake! Trinica and jinx and aj voted clefford. But the bethany and toni vote is jus tto cover there assess to pretend that there is no Non-men alliance. Like seriously? Im not that dumb or maybe a bit.
Sorry Clefford that you are the first casualty. My bad.
So after that i told trinica and AJ (on a freakin groupcall) that i am sorry if i hurt there feeling but not sorry for voting AJ out (coz why should i?) then i told them i was played by cleffords lie. (Sorry again clefford) lmao. It was a good conversation. Everyone is faking and everyone is trying to cover their assess (counte me in). As much as i wanted to be the villainish again though i know i am not coz my actions are just a counter attack coz i discovered their lieees!
Toni assuring me that we are tight i’ll take it til no more ( i love her genuinely but i know she is a smart queen)
Bethany atleast she didn’t sealed it with a kiss YET. But i am pretty sure her loyalty is with the power puff girls.
(Ohh my i miss the rowdy rough boys) lol
I thought i will seal this last VL with a 💋 and sorry to pedro but we are still baby!!! Lol. At least for another round.
Now azri, tyler and I are in the bottom
Now i feel like a disposable bag ready to be 🗑 disposed.
Lol. Fun cheetos fun! Till the next crazy tribal
NOT A TRIBE SWAP!!!! I'm screwed if I end up with any of the guys at this point, even Esteban. AJ asked me if I thought we should campaign for one of us for captain and I told her no because it would make it seem like we're playing too hard, but she immediately said in our pink venom (Jinx, me, Toni, AJ, and Bethany) chat that she wants to be captain... I went to Jinx and Toni in our vecepia/WOC alliance to see what they think. Jinx would probably pick Toni and I first and second, and I *think* Toni would do the same. I know AJ is my #1, but she's very vocal in every chat we're in and I think she shows her cards a little too soon sometimes. Also, I don't want her to have the most coins out of any of us lol.
Oh shit just realized I can vote for myself byyyyyeeeee maybe that's the move???
This whole voting for captains thing is not a slay. Especially if our votes are revealed. I didn’t vote unanimously with my tribe for the other captain so if that’s revealed then my tribe will know that Jinx and I were able to talk and then the jig about our game is up. Um was also not expecting Jinx to play the idol that quickly. This game is already turning up.
Jinx finding an idol that fast is impressive! She’s someone to keep a lookout for
I knew a swap was potentially coming but this soon? Jay stop :’)
I have a huge plan for this tribe swap and I want to be captain. It’s for my long game.
Arvin Bentonon
I was so sad to see my fellow Filipino going home.
So this game is starting to get really interesting! I’m more invested in it then I thought I’d be.😅 I’m so ready for the results in this next challenge, id like to think that my answers were pretty unique to where they don’t cross with anyone else’s. Fingers crossed! As far as alliances go, I have made one with Hairie and Champ considering we’re newbies to the game and have to stick together. My first thoughts and go to were Raffy since he knows what’s he’s doing and could coach me a bit, however when I asked him if he had anything going on he completely ignored me so that was a red flag for me! I feel really confident in the two I chose to align myself with though. Champ and I went on an idol hunt and received 10 coins each. We also found out Hairie has 10 coins as well. We decided to go with him as our team captain so that will also give him another 25 coins in our favor! We banking over here! Lol we’ll see what’s to come with this challenge and our tribe swap. We’re planning on just picking off Hydra one by one after splitting the team on both sides. Hope it all works out in our favor!
Okay potentially being a captain is harder that I actually thought it would be. Especially when there’s so many thinking and so much time space to let my thoughts sink and in. I’ll be like okay this is what I wanna do and the next hour okay maybe not and I should do this Gahhhh!!
Jinx is an icon and I can't wait to try and work with them. I am just vibing here with my two alliances. I would prefer an AJ and Hairie tribe leaders since AJ seems at the bottom of their tribe and Hairie I trust. If we do a one world, I am hoping to get out someone from Hidra. Maybe Esteban based on my own bias. Other than that, I really am just rolling with the punches here. I feel like I'm in a good position and don't need to do much in this game atm.
I am concerned that people are already seeing me as a threat, but there is nothing I can do. I don't like throwing challenges, so I won't change who I am to cater to anyone's preconceived notions of me. So far, I am letting Hairie take the reins in terms of strategy talk as I want someone else to take the lead.
I was lowkey campaigning for AJ NOT to get tribe captain, but I feel....middling to okay about my odds of surviving this tribe swap now that she is. I'm just seeding doubts in my vecepia alliance with Jinx and Toni, suggesting that AJ is closer to Tyler than we know, that she's playing hard, that she makes emotional decisions, etc. (Am I the drama??) I want them to still think I don't talk to AJ much and also when I inevitably have to vote AJ off (because I just can't sit next to her at tribal) hopefully I'd have Toni and Jinx's votes.
I survived another day, and a very tense tribal council. Honestly I worry we're heading back with this 30% disadvantage but yeah. I've done all I can and enjoyed a nice day off, found a fun 5% advantage for my next challenge so that's nice. Also I got elected tribe captain for the tribe swap which is great! Stay tuned, fingers crossed we somehow manage to win this one
Theme: "Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice."
Hello world,
A LOT has happened. With the last tribal came the realisation of party lines. So let me catch you up. *DEEP BREATH*
Last time I was here I was firmly with my girls Trinica and Jinx! I still am and we're doing well. I was unsure about Esteban but I hesitate no longer. I was initially very open to Esteban and pretty sure I had a good read of him but Jinx alerted me to the idea that he may be working with Clefford. He came to me with a suspicious question asking whether I did an Idol hunt with AJ to which I responded honestly as I trusted him at that point. He then proceeded to make a really big deal of the fact that AJ lied and said she didn't Idol hunt with anyone else. He then asserted that Trinica and AJ were close and that we needed to break them up. We need to break up an alliance of TWO people out of NINE?! something wasn't adding up. It seemed so extreme so when I floated the Idea of working with Clefford saying he's probably misunderstood (we'd previously been talking about how Clefford was playing HARD already) and he agreed to work with Clefford my suspicion grew. Jinx suggested an alliance with AJ and Bethany to me and after feeling them out I decided it was a good idea to align with all the girls so I suggested to Trinica that we make a girls alliance group chat so I could stay under the radar. Clefford and Esteban all this time I believe thought they were playing us. Clefford suggested a POC alliance to me but excluded the two other black women. :') In the end I made up my own mind that Clefford and Esteban were both playing pretty hard and that it was better to cast my lot with the girls who i'd been able to build some genuine trust with. Yes! That's right ALL THE GIRLS WERE IN ON THE CLEFFORD BLINDSIDE! I'm not convinced that the boys bought the idea that we all voted with them but at least we have plausible deniability. I heard every version of everyones plan but Esteban and Clefford never earned my voice (vote). I think that's it for the recap. Bye Clefford hope to play with you again lovely!
Moving on to today the twist is really going to shake things up I may potentially need to create new alliances and build new connections so I need to read the other tribe's intros. On the current alliance front Jinx, Trinica and I are solid though I have noticed that Jinx can bulldoze a decision in her favour so I'm trying to set clear boundaries. Jinx playing so hard may cost her so I've started creating contingencies to strengthen our alliance in the event of that. Bethany and AJ are great and really trustworthy so far. AJ practically fell on the sword and put her life in our hands last tribal so we could vote Clefford out. I'm really vibing with AJ which is funny given I didn't think we would get on at all. In the event Jinx is eliminated AJ is the backup plan. Additionally, if I am moved to play with a whole host of other people i'll be checking to see who else I can pull into our alliance.
I can't currently think straight because I haven't slept properly since Friday so i'll sign off now with a migraine. buhbye!
Arvin Bentonon
I am very happy that we won again, it gives us more number in the tribe swap, but I'm still nervous about it.
We lost the challenge, as was to be expected, and now Esteban is scrambling, as was also to be expected. I stayed up way too late the last several days working alliances and doing challenges, so I'm trying to just take a moment to myself tonight before things get nuts tomorrow. Hopefully an easy vote for Esteban, though he said something about "doing whatever I can to stay" which made me a bit nervous. Still, we don't have the numbers to split a vote so all we can do is stay 5-strong in the pink venom alliance with Jay, Toni, Bethany, AJ, and myself and try to get Esteban gone.
I did raise voting Tyler out with AJ-- mostly because I've now tried to chat with Tyler twice and he's put up a pretty clear wall both times-- but AJ doesn't want to get rid of him because "he seems to trust" her. And I think an ally of my kinda-ally is my enemy, so I may need to work a Tyler vote out with Jinx and Toni separately. But we'll see what happens with tomorrow's tribe swap!
Legit have decided I have an undying alliance with someone due to both of us loving Taylor swift. I stand by this decision and even if they voted me out later…… I’m not gonna regret it
i know this is kinda sound villain idea but… I told azri to rally the cote to aj again and ask bethany, toni and tyler (which i know it wont work bcoz of the black widowws or whatsoever non-men Alliance name is)
Then i will tell bethany , toni if someone mentioned a name. And play it their to plant a vote to azri. (I am so sorry!) just to save my ass.
I will tell tyler about this plan about azri
I will tell trinica and aj about azri rallying a vote against AJ.
I hope that works. 1 in a million shot. But maybe this will be a bob part 2 scenario.
Winner winner chicken dinner! Now Tromoya is 9 strong against 7 Hidra
Tyler Frazier
Okay. So I’m in 0 alliances and starting to believe the non men alliance theory (I’ve become the type of man I hate to see on the show 🥰) so im really not slaying this game. Anyways the plan is to throw Azri to the wolves to keep Esteban and I safe so hopefully that’s what happens 😄
So regarding the plan to throw Azri to the wolves he’s actually doing a lot of the work himself by targeting AJ, if the theory is true and he’s openly targeting a non man that incentivizes the alliance to target him and not me or Esteban. However, Esteban is getting really paranoid so he could mess it up for himself. And if I get voted out that’d be goofy
i must confess my loneliness and relentless internal dialogue is killing me
wait …i literally got a britney spears lyric wrong im such a bad zilennial 😭😭😭
my loneliness is killing me (and i) i must confess i still believe (every conspiracy!) when i’m not on skype i lose my mindddd give me a signnnnnnnnn (that’s not the relentless angel numbers omg) hit me (telepathically) one more time!
missing my shitpost one line confessionals that i used to make sure i even submitted on this thing. i HATE THIS THING I NEVER REMEMBER!!! would rather have the whole VL in my confessional than have to submit to this 😭 even though it’s really useful like WE GOTTA DO SOMETHINGGGGGGGGGGGGG DIFFERENT
anyways thank u for doing an amazing job hosting i appreciate it ty to the cast for being very lovely ppl and thank u for coming to my horrible spoken word confessional poetry jesus DIED FOR OUR CYNTHIAS!!!!
yessss! Perfect! We got picked into our new tribes. 3rd pick from original Tromoya, right in the middle of the pick list. And three of the alliance on our team. Although I have a feeling Raffy and Hairie were kinda the leaders and they’re both there now, so we’ll just have to go on without them….alas…
Honestly I felt that the tribal swap went perfect!
Me making the tribe guess a movie where with a weird made up phrase and getting 2 tribe mates to respond is giving me anxiety.
This swap is so going to fuck me I just feel it in my bones. We are easily the weaker tribe when it comes to overall challenge performance and it isn't even close. I can definitely see us losing every single swap challenge, especially when there is for sure going to be a video challenge or something along those lines. I feel good though that I'm guaranteed to have at least one of jinx or aj which is chefs kiss so hoping we can get them to flip
Nervous for the tribe swap! I feel like I’m in a decent position! Just tying to keep reaching out to everyone on my tribe
What a morning! Brandi told me that Hairie was trying to find an idol by saying a secret phrase in the tribe chat. He needed people to reply to his message. Brandi, also, had the same task so she put her message in the tribe chat. They both got the replies that they needed around the same time. However, neither will admit that they received the idol. So, now I know one of them doesn't trust me. I am inclined to believe that Hairie has the idol. He seems like he wants to play this game very strategically. However, he should get better at his lying if he has the idol. At the very least, I know where my tribe idol is. Now, I just have to play around it. It helps that both of them are working with me, so I don't have to worry about the idol being used against me for now.
My swapped tribe is... not ideal. Bethany, Tyler, and Esteban know how I tend to play Survivor. For all I know, they could be plotting to turn my allies against me at the swap. I want to change my gameplay genuinely, but will they even give me that chance? This is what worries me. I've managed a good position thus far, but it could all come tumbling down. At least I have Champ and Hairie. Though, with JayJay, I remain unsure if she trusts me. I'll put my trust in her though. I really want to connect with her, but I've been having trouble keeping conversations going. Hopefully by tonight we can bond.
Tyler Frazier
So the plan to target Azri seems to be in motion and unless I’m gonna get served up a big ol’ plate of blindside butter beans then he will be leaving tonight. It almost felt too easy but I’m not gonna get overly paranoid bc not everything needs to be complicated and things do get complicated when people start to get paranoid.
The more I think about it, the more I’m like….Raffy’s gotta go. I don’t want him getting too far. We will be on separate tribes now for the time being, so I’m biding my time but this needs to happen. I will be very sad if I go before he does…
jinxcast for round 3: on being of heart and fearing nothing (local queer cries NOT CLICKBAIT)
kay so sorry this confessional is so late, i was extremely busy yesterday/today!! but basically, the last vote went perfectly. jinx had their messy moment with the idol play and our non-men alliance was kept under wraps as far as i know!!
unfortunately, i contributed to our tribe having a 30% challenge disadvantage this round, so there were basically 0 chance of us winning. thankfully, that didn't seem to make anyone feel any sort of way about me. and today i got a 10% advantage for the next challenge so that's a slay!! so we are back at tribal because we had lit rally no chance of winning that unless the other tribe decided to throw on purpose.
going into this tribal, a lot of the people from pink venom wanted esteban gone, for painting targets on aj and trinica's backs from the first day. this was not ideal for me, as i do think esteban trusts me and i can continue to work with him moving forward. but i also wasn't going to put my neck out for him as i'm sure there is already the perception of us being a duo just from playing the same season together before. however, thankfully the target changed!!! honestly idek why it changed but it changed to azri which is perfect because i have pretty much 0 relationship with him and he's more inactive with me than other people.
the swap is a little scary but i'm also excited for it!! i know champ from another org, so i am excited to talk to her and then just excited to meet all the other new people. i need to be more social on this swapped tribe because i've kind of dropped the ball so far on hidra because i've been so busy and i'm just thankful there are a bunch of girlbosses who welcomed me in because otherwise, my game hasn't been great.
as long as i can make the merge, i think i will be in an amazing position being the only one from pink venom to come to this tribe. AJ told me that she told hairie to protect me (slay) and i am going to have an advantage over them by forming new connections. if everything goes according to plan, azri will go home tonight, tyler will receive votes, i will play dumb, and my game will improve moving forward!! i plan to be a lot more active in both the game and confessionals and i promise to deliver on that <3 ttylxox
Tyler Frazier
I didn’t know Toni was british that’s so fun
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gresiniracing · 4 years
*has a fucking breakdown*
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