#idina trash
thecitykeepsevolving · 8 months
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tuiyla · 1 year
I’m shocked idina menzel actually came back for that trash fire storyline
Assuming she was getting the good money but god what a trashfire. I wouldn't be surpried if she'd forgotten all of it as soon as the shooting was done. Wish I could.
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So far the Wicked cast is just too good so I'm gonna get on my knees and pray the film itself will be just as great
Even if the movie is trash I’m gonna love it
I hope Idina and Kristin make cameos
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shop-korea · 1 year
Watch Cinderella (2021) on Prime Video!
Hey I’m watching Cinderella (2021). Check it out now on Prime Video!
1 TBSP - 10 CAL - A - LOT -
RED PANDA - 24/7
DID - SAME - 2 - MY - TABLET -
HELLO - 2 - TAKE - GET - BLK -
WRITE - HOW - 2 - MAKE -
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sure, sure camila cabello is kinda cool......but fra fee is in the movie???????? and i had to find that out??????? this morning???????? instead of as soon as it was announced, when i rightfully deserved to????????
also very important: idina menzel, my QUEEN
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2o2o-kit · 4 years
Rent Ships
Recently I have been listening to aren’t and I noticed you can literally ship anybody (Spolier Warning):
Roger + Mimi: Main hetro couple *canon*
Collins + Angel: The couple that deserved better *canon*
Maureen + Joanne: Opposites attract subplot couple *canon*
Mark + Maureen: If/then lovers turned friends *canon*
Mimi + Benny: The ‘really? They were a couple?’ Couple *canon*
Mark + Roger: Bromance 101
Mark + Mimi: Friend of a friend
Mark + Collins: Hey, the show’s almost over and let’s pair up the last two remaining single people
Mark + Angel: The adorkable with the adorable
Mark + Joanne: The Tango
Mark + Benny: Let’s experiment
Roger + Collins: Depressed musican and an anarchistic who lost an ex due to HIV/AIDS, but also have HIV/AIDS. Let’s move to Santa Fe
Roger + Angel: Pessimist meets Optimist but with HIV/AIDS
Roger + Maureen: Wait a minute, this is not Chess in Concert
Roger + Joanne: Depressed meets Sarcastic
Roger + Benny: We had the same lover (not at the same time)
Mimi + Collins: Drugs, marijuana, and Aids
Mimi + Angel: Preformers with life threatening HIV/AIDS
Mimi + Maureen: Female preformers
Mimi + Joanne: The new girls to the group
Collins + Maureen: Hey there could have been something between them
Collins + Joanne: Actually have successful good paying jobs
Collins + Benny: Pretty similar last names Help me
Angel + Maureen: Calls everyone honey
Angel + Joanne: A puppy and a cat as a couple
Angel + Benny: Don’t tell the dog
Maureen + Benny: Actor shipping, well until their divorce
Joanne + Benny: Okay I’m just running out of ideas
Did I miss any?
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chenoweth · 7 years
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if you were to ask me after all we've been through— 
“still believe in magic?”
oh yes, i do.
of course i do.
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willowstea · 3 years
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Yay, people trashing If/Then on the post announcing the UK production. /s
Never been so interested in getting into an internet fight before.
Anyway: it is not average. Like so many shows that are told from the female gaze (like Anastasia) it doesn't follow the blockbuster style we are so used to seeing in media, and thus gets push aside as "average" or "boring". It's about a woman finding herself, and that's not guns and fighting and pow pow superpowers. It's more down to earth. It resonates with so many fans becuase it talks about pressures that every woman has faced in her life. Every woman has been told they can't have both, and told they will always be happier with a family and children. This show says neither is better. Not only that, it says its never too late. And the visuals in this show! It might not have the most complicated set design out there but the special effects team knew that they were doing.
I'm not even going to get into the Idina Stuff I'm just mad at 10am now.
Secondly, I would like to point out international production where they just *shocker* changed the location. And I ajve a feeling that New York feeling might not be as off putting as you might think, given how wide spread American media is. Or maybe it's just becuase I'm a Canadian, but we're always bombarded with that sweet New York of your dreams stuff so it might not be so forien to a different audience. Not to mention, again, a real shocker, it's not about the location. The core of the story is not running away to NYC, it is following your dreams. Elizabeth's dreams just happen to land her in NYC. You can remove NYC entirely from the equation and still have the same story and impact.
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Following the Unknown
Okay, so sometime ago, I wrote something up about another soulmate au that was inspired from a dream I had (and for some reason I can’t find it in my archives...f* you Tumblr! And if anyone remembers what I’m talking about, think you can send me a link? Cuz I can’t find it QQ).
So the AU concept went something like this:
Some people know they have soulmates because they can hear their soulmate’s voice. If you’re lucky enough, you can actually see them, or rather their silhouette in the form of a swarm of leaves, that trail away once your soulmate stops talking to you. These leaves fly off and sometimes if you chase them, lead you to your soulmate. However, if they go on, that means that your soulmate isn’t close. Some people have feathers as guides, however, those who have seen these feathers and followed them are guaranteed to see their soulmates...but only at the brink of death. People dread to have feathers guide them to their soulmate, despite their gold color. 
The only con of this soulmate bond is that only those with the bond can see the glowing white leaves, no one else can see the leaves but those with that type of bond. 
And I haven’t touched the au until I was listening to Into the Unknown...
With that explanation out of the way, I hope you enjoy it!
Song: Into the Unknown by Idina Menzel | Daminette Soulmate Au
Context: Damian is 17 years old, never once telling anyone he had a soulmate bond. Mari is 16, her soulmate bond appearing that very year, something she always wanted, but hated that it was at the worst time to receive a bond. After all, defeating Hawkmoth was her top priority.
Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak​ @damianette-is-life​
Damian stirred in his bed, a whisper ringing in his ears. Attempting to block them out, Damian wrapped his pillow over his head, his knuckles turning white as he did so.
Damian threw the pillow to the side, wincing at the voice that echoed within his head. Struggling to get up, Damian quickly drew out his sketchbook, flipping to the back of it. There, a meticulously set of dates were written and organized, a tip of a quill meeting the page, Damian writing down a new date.
Ever since his 16th birthday, he had been having these effects, a voice whispered to him. 
It was soft, soothing, but annoying all at the same time. 
Hello. It would whisper. Can you hear me?
I can hear you but I won't.
Of course he was able to. It bothered him to the ends of the Earth, causing him to become distracted at school and during patrols.
He regretted ever answering back to them after they kept trying to contact them for four solid months.
With that single response, he had been able to hear the voice clearer, causing the noise to grow stronger, something that Damian hated. 
Because of it, his grades slowly slipped, but Damian had managed to keep them up. Patrol, however, was another story. 
He kept getting a scolding from his father and brother, causing his mood to sour even more. 
He already had a pretty shitty sleep schedule and the noise just made it worse. 
He would awaken at random times during the middle of the night, ranging from one in the morning to four. He rarely got them at five and six, but nonetheless had them then as well. 
Ignore your whispers which I wish would go away
Damian got back to bed, hoping to fall back to sleep as he heard the noise stay with him. Damian didn’t know when he had fallen asleep, but he did, nonetheless when the noise had whispered to him. 
And the voice remained quiet for the remainder of the night.
“-and only one in every three million have this type of soulmate bond.” Damian paused the video, writing something down in his notepad, circling the new piece of information.
The Wind Bond.
A bond that those who had it describe it to be like a wind itself.
It caused you to hear the voice of your soulmate, ever so softly heard like a midsummer breeze. 
The soulmate’s voice would only grow stronger if they were close by.
Those who had a romantic version of the bond would also see their soulmate’s silhouette in the form of leaves, scattering into the air if you managed to see it. 
However, only the people with the bond were able to see and hear their soulmate.
It was also because of this that people called it the Wind Bond; many only faintly heard the voice of their soulmate and almost never got to ingrain the silhouette of their soulmate, causing them to lose all hope in ever seeing their soulmate.
It was hard to catch, hard to believe, just like the wind.
As Damian tapped in pencil against the table, the noise returned, Damian dropping his pencil to cradle his head.
You're not a voice, you're just a ringing in my ear.
With shaky hands, Damian reached for the headphones laying on his desk.
Damian paired them to his phone and put music to drown the noise, his shoulders relaxing when he could no longer hear it.
I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls.
Damian looked at what he had written, huffing at the paper. 
Why would he ever believe in this?
Damian ripped the paper and tossed them into his metal trash can. Seeing that all of the pieces were inside, Damian opened his desk drawer, rummaging through it until his hand found a small rectangular-like item. 
Flicking the lighter, Damian took the final piece of his ‘research’ and lit it on fire, tossing it in with the rest, watching as smoke rose from the can.
Why would he ever think he had one?
Even if he did have one, he shouldn’t care.
They were unnecessary, a hindrance to him…
At least his mother and grandfather told him. 
As he watched the last ember die, Damian went back to studying, the ringing fading from his mind.
Damian’s eyes widened as his eyes caught the thing behind him. 
He had just gotten past the manor’s gates when he heard someone call out to him.
Turning, Damian found a girl made of softly glowing bluebell leaves.
He watched as they soon scattered into the air, Damian taking a step forward before going into a sprint.
He had the Wind Bond. And the romantic type at that.
Damian quickly came to a stop, watching as the leaves finally left his view.
I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you
Damian didn’t know for how long he was standing at where he was, but when he was done accepting what had happened to him, he let out a long deep sigh.
A soulmate, huh?
He would just have to try his best to ignore it.
Damian dug his nails into his hands, the noise coming back inside his head, and at the worst possible time.
What do you want? 
He was busy trying to concentrate on the math problem in front of him, the clock ticking as his professor reminded the class of the time constraint.
“There’s ten minutes left!”
Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake?
Damian wanted to scoff at the answer, racking everything he learned to solve the integration before him. It was the only thing left, but for some reason he just couldn’t seem to figure it out.
Just breath.
He did.
Recheck your fourth to last step. That’s where-
“Five minutes!”
Damian quickly rescanned his work for the twentieth time, finally noticing where he had gone wrong. Reworking that step, Damian began to internally grin as he confidently finished the rest, smiling when he placed his pencil down and the professor called time.
Damian hated to admit it, but was glad to be able to hear her voice clearly this time around.
The bell rang, signaling the start of the next class, Damian quickly walking out to get to it.
Thank you. 
“-I simply did what I had to do!” Damian yelled, a snarl present on his face.
“You endangered the civilians inside the building!” Dick yelled, throwing a glare at Bruce. “And you allowed him to-”
“It was necessary for the mission.” Bruce simply stated, walking out the cave, leaving Dick with his feelings.
“I thought you had changed B!” Dick yelled, grabbing his coat. “Seems like you haven’t.”
Damian watched as Dick left, wanting to call him back, but knew that he shouldn’t. Instead, he went off to his own room, heading straight to the shower to get rid of the sweat that made his shirt cling to his body as if it were a second skin.
As he stood under the steaming hot water, Damian pondered to himself.
While he always held his father in high regards, Damian struggled to follow his standards, finding himself to lean more towards Dick’s. Who was right? Who did he have to follow? To please? Who’s standard should he even begin to follow?
But he had to.
But don’t you already have your own set?
He did.
Then follow it.
Damian pursed his lips, turning off the water.
Why should he follow his own instead of one laid out before him?
Because if you try to meet the standards someone placed for you, you’re going to burn out quicker. You will start to lose yourself. Believe me. I’ve been there and hated it. Every. Second. 
Damian kept wondering about the words the voice told him, catching the resentment behind them. 
Despite having lived under the same roof as his father and older brother for seven years, Damian could still measure the tension between themselves. The air was suffocating, made his breathing heavy and felt off.
Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me?
They did mention having to choose a decision and regretting it.
They had been through it…
Was it when he told them to take the ring from the other person she was fighting with?
If so, were they once like him? Did they once have these unwanted thoughts? Thoughts of fleeing?
Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be?
Damian shook his head, throwing himself onto his bed, Titus laying beside him. 
As he laid in bed, Damian closed his eyes, replaying the day he stopped chasing the bluebell leaves.
Damian found himself reaching towards the ceiling, grabbing one of the leaves. He watched as the bluebell turned red before it slipped out of his hand.
Damian quickly chased after it, stopping as he reached the edge of the manor’s garden, watching as the red leaf turned bluebell once more and disappeared into the distance.
His hand reached out in an attempt to grab it again, despite knowing it was futile. 
Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go 
Into the unknown
Are you out there?
“-you alright Bugaboo?” Ladybug blinked as she registered what Chat had said, finally facing him after scanning their surroundings. “Is there something-”
“You didn’t hear that?” 
“Hear what?” Chat asked, tilting his head, his ear twitching in anticipation.
Marinette looked to her side once again, wondering what the hell was happening to her.
Migraine? No, definitely not. 
“Do you really-” Ladybug was about to ask, only to get interrupted by Chat.
“Seems like you can do it with a day off.” Chat said with a grin, twirling his baton. “You know, maybe a date at-”
Marinette zoned out Chat’s voice, wondering what was going on. She swore she had heard someone call out to her, a smooth voice that sent chills down her spine. But despite that, she felt curiosity behind that whisper.
“-and who knows? We might find out that we’re actually-”
“You mean soulmates.” Chat tried to correct, watching as Ladybug’s face pale. “Bugaboo. What-”
“My soulmate bond.” She whispered, feeling a lump in her throat. “I got my soulmate b-”
“Does that mean-!”
“No.” Ladybug said, sternly looking at Chat. “We’re not soulmates.”
“How are yo-”
“When I asked if you heard that, you said no.” 
“And what does that-”
“My soulmate bond has to do with hearing each other’s voices. Our thoughts.” Ladybug watched as Chat’s smile dropped, his eyes turning dull. “You’re not my- Chaton!” Marinette yelled out as Chat ran away from her, using his baton to launch himself to who knows where.
Sighing, Marinette called off her transformation, Tikki flying up to Marinette’s cheek. “Why now? Why now of all times?”
“I wish I had the answer to that Marinette, but even we have no knowledge on how soulmate bonds are assigned and given. If we did-”
“I always wanted a soulmate bond.” Marinette confessed, Tikki giving her a small smile. “But to think I would get one right now, with Hawkmoth-”
“It’s going to be alright Marinette.” Tikki assured, snuggling closer. “It’s going to be alright, you’ll see.”
“I hope you’re right Tikki. I really hope you are right.” Marinette said, embracing Tikki in her own way.
Do you know me?
Or rather do you remember me?
Marinette had not heard back from her soulmate in a solid month, wondering what was going on. 
Was it just a fluke?
“I don’t think so.” Tikki said, munching on a cookie. “While we may not know everything about soulmate bonding, we do know some basic principles. Using those, I’m pretty sure you have a soulmate bond. It’s just taking a while to settle into your life. Well, lives.”
Marinette sighed, placing her head on her desk, attempting to reconnect with her soulmate for the umpteenth time.
Months continued to pass, Marinette now dealing with a tantrum-throwing Chat and an unresponsive soulmate.
Yes, the soulmate bonding was supposed to be the least of her worries, but how can Marinette ignore the fact that she hadn’t heard from them in three months?
In attempts to push it to the back of her mind, Marinette focused on retrieving the cat miraculous from Chat. 
Another month passed when a miracle occured. 
Marinette was sick and tired of playing cat and mouse with Chat, promising herself to try this one last time before she officially gave up on taking back the cat miraculous. 
They were once more fighting an appearance changing akuma, the akuma changing the appearance of any person they touched, Marinette doing everything in her power to avoid being touched. What should she do? She didn’t want to be a useless fish nor-
Take it when he gets hit by his opponent. 
Marinette stiffed at those words, feeling as if he knew then from experience himself. 
Marinette didn’t get a response, but stuck with their advice, watching for her opportunity to rise. 
An hour later, there it was. 
As she flung him out of harm’s way, she slipped the ring off of him, her eyes closed as she renounced his ownership of the ring and of Plagg. 
A single tear slipped as he heard him scream at her. As he begged her to reconsider. 
Ladybug simply ignored the growing guilt in her chest, but knew it was for the best. 
With a final tug at her yo-yo, Ladybug took down the akuma and prepared herself to be the hero Paris truly needed. 
Back at home, Marinette hugged her pillow, crying her heart out as she started to doubt her decision from earlier that day.
A month had passed since that day, Marinette slumping into her bed as she de transformed. Plagg and Tikki quickly checked on their Guardian before going off to replenish their own energy. 
With a heavy sigh, Marinette threw her arm over her forehead, feeling the tension in it. 
Hawkmoth was still out there, searching for her, using all her allies against her. All but two. 
Rena Rouge has the first out. 
Then Carapace. 
Lady Guêpe was forced to resign. 
Then Chat Noir. 
Ryuuko and Viperion remained, but at what cost?
But she couldn’t keep burdening them with her duties, with her life. 
The trio were the only ones to protect Paris, although it was majorly Lady Chat in the scene.
Announcing to Paris that Chat was no longer going to aid with the defeat of Hawkmoth ended up turning for the worst, half of Paris wondering why Ladybug would ever do such a thing. 
Why would she ever let Chat go when she needed him the most?
She ignored them, knowing it was for the greater good. She knew that what she did was necessary. 
She wasn’t going to allow Chat to continue to corrupt Plagg, even Viperion and Ryuuko agreed with her. 
And yes, she did always meet up with them...in their slightly hidden civilian forms. 
While the previous guardian told her the importance of keeping their identities, Marinette’s morality began to waver. 
If they wanted any chance of defeating Hawkmoth, they needed more trust with each other. 
Yes, they can potentially leak out each other’s identities if akumatized, but she was willing to risk it. 
So with Ryuuko and Viperion’s help, Ladybug sought a way to take down the enemy, once and for all. 
Marinette’s thoughts soon became muddled, equations blurring into her mind. 
She sat there, cradling her mind as math flooded her head, a concerned Tikki rushing to her. 
They are rushing it. 
They had to use substitution there, not the answer they got in the first part. 
What do you want?
Are you here to distract me?
Just breath.
Recheck your fourth to last step. That’s where-
The voice faded, becoming a soothing hum. Mari felt as her shoulders relaxed, only then noticing she had then square and tense. 
She decided to sit up, eyeing her sketchbook. 
When was the last time she opened it? 
Just as she turned to a clean page, Marinette started to sketch, writing the word red at the side. 
That’s when she heard her soulmate say something she thought they were never going to say to her. 
Thank you. 
Giddiness filled her imagination, Marinette got to designing, Plagg and Tikki smiling as they watched her emerge herself into her work. 
Marinette placed a final pin into her alterations when her head began to angrily hum.
Who’s standard should I follow?
Marinette wondered what was going on with her soulmate that made them question and doubt the morality standards around them. But if she went off experience…
But I have to choose a side.
Don’t you have your own set of morals? Principles?
I do.
Then follow them.
Why can’t I just choose one of the ones laid before me?
Because if you keep trying to choose one of them, you’re going to burn out. You’re going to lose yourself.  And you’ll hate it. Every. Second. That passes.
Marinette began to panic when she didn’t hear anything said back, looking at Tikki for some type of explanation. 
Tikki simply looked at her with sad eyes while Plagg purred against Marinette’s cheek, Marinette deflating upon not getting an answer to her situation. 
Can you feel me?
The voice asked, Damian debating on whether to answer it. 
Because, no. He couldn’t feel them, but certainly did feel their emotions 
He had been for the past half year. 
And he knew that whoever they were, they were either a hero or vigilante. 
He was able to clearly feel their emotions and hear their thoughts when they finally defeated someone called Hawkmoth. 
He had tried to ask them who it was, but they never responded, quickly changing the subject. 
Mostly about their upcoming schedule. 
Something about having to make a dress for some event they were invited to. 
He remembers telling them about him being in the same boat, having to get his measurements taken for a new suit for the gala. 
Can you show me?
Their bond only allowed them to hear each other.
And our silhouettes. They added. 
“Master Damian, there you are.” Alfred spoke, Damian looking over at his grandfather (not that he would ever say it out loud). 
“Is this about the gala? I presume Father wants me to do something for him.”
“More like remind you of how-“
“I won’t let some random harlots try to seduce me.” Damian stated firmly, picking up Alfred the cat. “They can try, but I will not waver.” 
Alfred let a smile out, giving a few words for thought before leaving. 
Damian sighed, going back to his conversation. Or at least attempted. 
He tried to say something to his soulmate, but never got a response…
Not even as he tried to talk to her for the next few weeks.
Marinette stood by the punch bowl, watching as everyone around her talked like old time friends, chatting away into the night. 
She rubbed her hands against her bare arms, wondering why someone like her was even at the Wayne Gala. 
Oh right. She was personally invited because of her other identity: M. 
M - the mysterious designer that had taken the fashion world upside down with their presence and style. 
Marinette sighed, taking her glass of champagne and walking towards the balcony, not a single set of eyes following her crystal embedded red dress that stood out like a sore thumb.
Leaning against the stone railing, Marinette huffed, twirling the glass between her fingers, watching as the champagne sizzled as it swirled. 
Finding herself bored, Marinette hummed to herself, wishing she was still able to talk to her soulmate.
Ever since that night a few weeks ago, she hadn’t been able to contact them, even Tikki growing worried as to why it was happening.
Marinette missed talking to them, even if their relationship did start on the wrong foot.
She missed them...dearly.
As Marinette continued to hum to herself, something caught her attention; a single emerald glowing leaf flew into her line of sight, her breath hitching. 
It continued to fly away, into the hall in which the gala was taking place. 
Where are you going? Don't leave me alone
Without a second thought, Marinette quickly followed it, not caring about the stares she was gathering as she pushed her way through the crowds. 
She stumbled a bit as she saw the butterfly take a corner, almost losing it in the process. 
How do I follow you
Into the unknown
Marinette quickly called out Kaalki, giving out an order to bring Mullo to her. 
As soon as she had made it out into the open, Mullo quickly joined Marinette into the chase, multiplying to help with the search. 
Marinette’s heart beat louder and stronger as she watched the butterfly begin to pulse brighter than ever before, a smile growing unbeknownst to Mari. 
The joy died done when the butterfly stopped going, hovering in the middle of the garden which Mari found herself at. 
Finally having a moment to breath, Marinette looked around herself, hedges and rows of flora surrounded her, shades of camellias encircling her. In the distance, she noticed some blue salvias, the tips peeking from under bushes.
Why was she brought here?
Here of all places?
Her thoughts were broken when she heard a pair of shoes click their way towards her, Marinette watching as the shadowed figure became another person. 
When their eyes met, a group of leaves burst around them, the soft bluebell mingled with the emerald ones, dancing around each other. 
“So you’re my soulmate.” He started, Marinette wondering how he wasn’t breaking a sweat in the layers of formal attire. She also couldn’t help but notice that his suit had kevlar integrated. 
“I must be if the leaves guided us to one another.” Marinette responded, wondering what to do next. 
The two looked at each other, wondering who was going to take the next step when the man broke into a smile. 
“Damian. My name's Damian Wayne.”
“Marinette.” She followed. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’m glad I found you, Damian.”
She really was. 
She was happy to have followed the wind bond into the unknown. 
Dick watched as Damian ran through the crowds in the gala. 
“Damian! Where-“
“Somewhere!” Damian yelled, peaking Dick’s curiosity. 
Dick waited until he saw him leave the hall before tailing him, having to pick up the pace when he almost lost sight of the boy a few times. 
Dick wondered where exactly Damian was running off to, worry growing stronger when they had left the manor and were running into the garden. 
He quickly tumbled into a hedge when he watched Damian slow down, following his gaze. 
There, a few meters away, was a small stature girl with the most captivating red dress. The off-shoulder dress perfected fitted the girl’s small frame, Dick watching with the utmost glee as he saw Damian approach the girl. 
Just as the two were three feet apart, Dick watched as a kaleidoscope of butterflies burst around them, leaving Dick starstruck. 
He’d always heard of the wind bond, some of his friends telling him they had it. But this was the first time he’s ever seen it, let alone seen actual soulmates-
Filled with hurt, Dick curled into a ball and stayed there in shock. 
“Grayson. How long do you plan on staying there?” 
Dick raised his head, watching how Damian attempted to keep a smile in check while his soulmate was wrapped around his arm. “Come on, the gala’s about to end. I need to make an announcement as it does.”
It took a quick second for Dick to figure out what he had meant by that. 
“Damian! Don’t you dare-“
“Watch me.” Damian said with a grin, watching as the girl looked at Dick in confusion as Damian led her back inside. 
Dick, however, didn't make it in time to warn their father, watching as Damian announced to the world about his soulmate… right as his own father was going to propose to Selina on live. 
“That idiot.” Dick muttered, a smile still on his face as he watched Damian glow alongside his newfound love.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Us, January 25
You can now buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Olivia Wilde, Harry Styles and Jason Sudeikis 
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Page 2: Red Carpet -- drop sleeve romance -- Cynthia Erivo, Margaret Qualley, Aja Naomi King, Eiza Gonzalez 
Page 3: Chloe Bennet, Keri Russell, Isla Fisher, Idina Menzel, Kaia Gerber
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Gigi Hadid vs. Khloe Kardashian, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley vs. Haley Lu Richardson 
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Rowan Atkinson on cancel culture, Chrissy Teigen on why she gave up drinking, Busy Philipps on getting used to her 12-year-old child Birdie’s they/them pronouns, Joy Behar resuming her feud with fellow View cohost Meghan McCain who recently returned from maternity leave, Arnold Schwarzenegger on mistaking Chris Pratt for Chris Evans on an Instagram telethon
Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- Angelina Jolie enjoyed a bit of retail therapy in L.A. 
Page 11: Justin Bieber took an electric bike out for a spin while on vacation in Hawaii, Gavin Rossdale holding his beloved dog during an outing in Studio City, Selling Sunset’s Christine Quinn wore pink during a photoshoot in Bel Air 
Page 12: Olivia Munn, Tori Spelling got a smooch from her and husband Dean McDermott’s pups in L.A., Emilio Vitolo Jr. and Katie Holmes walked arm-in-arm during a romantic stroll in NYC 
Page 13: Emma Slater and Sasha Farber stepped out for some fresh air with their dogs Ruby and Grinch in L.A., Dua Lipa and Anwar Hadid spent their days soaking up the sun while on vacation in Tulum, Mexico 
Page 16: Matt Damon was spotted without his wedding ring while visiting BFF Ben Affleck one month after celebrating his 15th anniversary with wife Luciana Barroso in L.A., Sutton Foster filming Younger with Nico Tortorella and Debi Mazar in NYC, during an outing Lisa Rinna took her dance moves to the streets in L.A. 
Page 17: Diplo spent the day exploring the ocean during a scuba diving session in Tulum, Bella Thorne and boyfriend Benjamin Mascolo couldn’t keep their hands off each other while playing in the ocean in Tulum 
Page 18: Jennifer Lopez works her monochrome magic 
Page 20: Winter Wonderland -- ‘tis the season to bundle up -- Kellan Lutz sipping on hot drinks with pregnant wife Brittany in NYC, Irina Shayk posed with a snowman she built in NYC, Kylie Jenner and daughter Stormi kept warm and cozy in fashionable outerwear, Bella Hadid made a snow angel following a storm in NYC 
Page 21: Martha Stewart in her snow plow in Bedford in New York, Rebel Wilson hitting the slopes in Aspen, Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma played with their daughter Banks outside in North Reading in Massachusetts, Ciara skiing for the first time during a trip with Vanessa Bryant, Laura Prepon building a snowman 
Page 22: Stars They’re Just Like Us -- Wells Adams broke a sweat during an afternoon jog in L.A., Gabrielle Union donated items to her favorite organizations through the Amazon Smile Charity Lists in L.A., Jenny McCarthy checked taking out the trash off her to-do list in Chicago 
Page 23: Ellen DeGeneres pedaled to lunch in Santa Barbara, between carrying a huge basket and walking his dog Kuma Justin Theroux has his hands full while out and about in NYC 
Page 24: Love Lives -- Emma Stone baby on board 
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Page 25: Chrissy Metz and boyfriend Bradley Collins met on the dating app Bumble, after spending months in Australia Zac Efron has no plans to return to Hollywood because he’s loving life with girlfriend Vanessa Valladares 
Page 26: Hollywood Moms -- Melissa Joan Hart on her three sons Mason and Braydon and Tucker 
Page 27: Amber Rose’s sons Sebastian and Slash may be six years apart but she says they have the sweetest bond, Rachel Bilson’s daughter Briar has no idea that dad Hayden Christensen played Darth Vader, Melissa Rycroft has ruled out baby No. 4 
Page 28: Hot Hollywood -- Duchess Kate Middleton’s family made her recent birthday very special despite the pandemic -- during her low-key celebration at Anmer Hall she felt the love from Prince William and their kids Prince George and Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis and they gave her a bouquet from the kids and diamond and sapphire earrings from William which she loves -- she even received a card and gifts from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle which was a nice surprise and she may get to thank them in person as Harry and Meghan will reportedly return to the UK in June 
Page 29: After months of dating speculation Michael B. Jordan and Lori Harvey finally confirmed their relationship via Instagram when Michael and Steve Harvey’s adopted daughter posted loved-up photos of each other on their accounts 
* Nearly 17 years after the Sex and the City series finale aired stars Sarah Jessica Parker and Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis are reprising their roles for a revival called And Just Like That...Noticeably absent from the group is Kim Cattrall who’s had an ongoing feud with Sarah Jessica for years and has been vocal about her decision to never return to the show 
* Keeping Up With Us -- Gwen Stefani’s annulment from ex-husband Gavin Rossdale has finally been granted by the Vatican which was a huge relief for Gwen who wants her marriage to Blake Shelton to be recognized by the Catholic Church, Meghan Markle’s estranged dad Thomas Markle says that he’s very pleased with daughter Samantha Markle’s upcoming tell-all book, The Grammys has been delayed to March 14 over coronavirus concerns, Shia LaBeouf and Margaret Qualley have called it quits on their weeks-long whirlwind romance, Dr. Dre said he’s doing great after being hospitalized for a brain aneurysm, Stassi Schroeder and fiance Beau Clark welcomed daughter Hartford Charlie Rose 
Page 30: A Day in the Life -- Catherine Lowe 
Page 31: Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson has a lot to look forward in 2021 -- not only is she releasing a new book this summer which is a historical fiction novel titled Her Heart For a Compass but the Duchess of York is also preparing to become a first-time grandmother to Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank’s child -- though the little one’s arrival is still weeks away Fergie’s already started passing down her motherly wisdom to her 30-year-old daughter whom she shares with ex-husband Prince Andrew -- as for what she’s hoping to be called by her grandchild she says lots of her friends call her Duch so she thinks it will end up being Duchee 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Olivia Wilde’s love triangle -- Olivia’s ex Jason Sudeikis is devastated as her new romance with Harry Styles heats up 
Page 36: Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West behind closed doors -- as rumors of impending divorce swirl what’s really happening inside Kim and Kanye’s six-year marriage -- it was extremely draining to keep pretending that their marriage was OK when the whole world could tell it blatantly wasn’t and things between them have gotten so toxic they have no choice but to live apart 
Page 38: One for the Ages -- it’s nothing but a number -- these couples don’t mind a May to December romance -- Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, George Clooney and Amal Clooney, Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles 
Page 39: Leonardo DiCaprio and Camila Morrone, Jay-Z and Beyonce, David Foster and Katharine McPhee, Holland Taylor and Sarah Paulson 
Page 40: Natalie Portman’s lip service with Dior’s wildly popular Rouge Dior Couture lipstick -- she stuns in a series of images that evoke the splendor of Paris and peep the behind-the-scenes moments 
Page 42: Entertainment -- The Bachelor Matt James teases what’s to come 
Page 43: Dean Hashim of 90 Day Fiance on having a daughter with girlfriend Rigin Bado 
Page 46: Fashion Police -- when bad clothes happen to good people -- Miley Cyrus, Bella Hadid, Alia Shawkat 
Page 47: A$AP Rocky, Kate Flannery, Tessa Thompson 
Page 48: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Tim Allen 
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rules: answer these 30 questions and then tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better.
Tagged by: @haroldtheyre-thespians thank you!
Name/nickname: Colleen
Gender: lesbian
Star sign: gemini
Height: 5'5″ ish (a lil shorter maybe)
Time: 6:29 pm
Birthday: june 12
Favorite bands: The Highwomen (do they count as a band... i think technically they are a “super group” haha
Favorite solo artists: Idina Menzel
Song stuck in my head: Restless - Gabourel
Last movie I watched: We’re the Millers
Last show: I Love Dick (look i’m having a kathryn hahn meltdown. there are actually queer characters in that show tho so it wasn’t a complete waste of time)
When did I create this blog: 2012
What I post: whatever TV shows and actresses i’m currently being gay about
Other blogs: i have a sideblog where i post my fanfic... it’s @lightningmaystrike but i don’t really advertise it here much haha
Last thing I googled: Sessions Live
Do I get asks: sometimes! I seem to be getting a little more than usual lately which is fun
Why I chose my url: because back in 2012 I saw a quote on K Cheno’s twitter bio that i liked and decided to make a url based on it.
Following: 854
Followers: 2,641
Average hours of sleep: idk probably like 6-7... I used to be better at getting 8 but hmm
Lucky number: I always liked 12 and 21
Instruments: piano/keyboard, saxophone, guitar, drums, a tiny bit of flute
What am I wearing: jeans, a plaid shirt, a maroon bomber jacket... yes i am a lesbian.
Dream trip: New York City to Broadway babyyyy
Favorite food: chocolate
Nationality: united states of american
Last book I read: Piranesi by Susanna Clarke (yes i have not read anything since then... and yes i’m still only half way through Gideon the Ninth)
Top 3 fictional worlds I'd like to live in: look. I still want the wizarding world to be real. so some version of a magical world but that’s not built on transphobia and racism. I would also like to live in the world of Artemis Fowl that also has cool magic and fairies and shit. (not the movie version the books. and only books 1-5 count everything after that fucked up the world building too much). oh i get to put three... hmmmm something with dragon riders but i dunno which version.
Favorite color: lately i think it’s been purple cuz i just keep buying purple and wine colored clothes.
not tagging 20 people but @middle-aged-women-trash @gabi-the-sag-mess @rosalie-starfall @justkes @holdwine @pbj-at-the-roadside-cafe @spacedust-sapphic idk anyone else who wants to do it.
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bluezey · 4 years
Pretty Pretty Dresses - extended cut
Someone wanted to see an extended version of the Pretty Pretty Dresses drabble, and I felt inspired to do such a thing.  There’s a lot more fluff in it, and it ends with Ian being humiliated, cause you know me, I’m a jerk to characters I love.
So, for those who haven’t heard or need a refresher, this is just basically Ian being a big brother to his new little sister Judy, in a way that some readers may not expect, and some might.
It was late Friday afternoon when Ian came home.  Willowdale College is about an hour away, so he likes to visit every other weekend. Especially when he doesn’t have that much homework.  This weekend could be a little bit of an exception, he has a report to write, and an exam on Wednesday.
As he opens the front door, he hears the familiar footsteps racing towards him.  It’s not Blazey this time.
“Ian!” the little three year old girl cheered, arms out as far as she could stretch them.
He happily knelt down and caught her in a big hug.  “Judy!”
Ian and Barley were not surprised when Laurel and Colt got married, but boy were they surprised when they found out their mother was pregnant with Colt’s child.  Funny enough, it wasn’t that the child was going to be half elf, half centaur that Ian and Barley had to prepare for.  It was that the child was going to be a girl. Not long after that shocker, Ian had to share Barley’s bedroom, Ian’s old bedroom was turned into their little sister’s bedroom, and Judith was born.
It took some getting used to, the young adult brothers now having a little sister, now three and a half years old.  Especially for Ian.  Not only giving up his bedroom to become Barley’s new roommate (thank Alora for college dorms), but being a big brother in general.  Over time, as Judy grew from a baby to a preschooler, they got the hang of it. Barley seemed to handle the more tomboy things, like rough housing, making mud pies, catching bugs, even playing Quests of Yore once Barley adjusted the rules to make the game easier for her. While Ian…
“Are you here for the tea party?” Judy asked.
“Oh, uh,” Ian stood back up. “I have homework to do.  I wish I could…”
Judy’s glowing smile immediately fell to a frown, her elf ears flopped downward a little thanks to those extra ear muscles she got from the centaur side.
Ian felt terrible, but gave a little grin as he thought aloud, “But Iandelle may be available.”
“Really?” Judy hugged her big brother’s long spindly legs.
Ian patted the top of her brown haired head.  “Go to your room, she’ll see you in a minute.”
“Kay, brother!” Judy went running upstairs, slowing a bit so she can clop each hoof on the stairs.
Ian picked up his backpack and suitcase, took his staff and headed to his bedroom.  Well, his and Barley’s bedroom.  Ian opened the door and peeked his head inside first, seeing if Barley was there.  Nope, their bedroom was empty.  Barley must be working another job.  Let’s see if he can keep this one.
Ian had to step over some dirty laundry, trash and Quests of Yore toys to make it across the bedroom. Barley’s mess sure has expanded since Ian was gone and Barley had their room to himself.  Thankfully, the part of their room that had Ian’s desk, bed and closet still had some clean floor left.  Wish he could do something about the musky smell though.
Ian placed his suitcase and backpack on his bed and his staff by his desk.  He opened up his closet doors.  Thankfully he got the closet while Barley made do with his clothes in a dresser.  Well, most of the closet, there were a few stacks of gaming and “questing” toys on the top shelf.
Squeezing past a wood dresser shoved into his closet, Ian dug deep behind some of the clothes hung up on hangars and grabbed an outfit he purposely hid as deep as he could.  It wasn’t that he was embarrassed, it’s just that he’d be embarrassed if anyone but Judy caught him in it.  After finally unhooking it from the hangar, Ian pulled out a pristine white costume dress, frilly with pastel bows and puffy cap sleeves. Ian draped the dress on his bed before staring at it, giving a soft “this is ridiculous” shake of his head.  But he still had a grin on his face cause, well, it’s for Judy.
Ian got dressed into the pink frilly dress, fumbling a bit to reach the zipper in the back, but he managed to get it.  He sat down and pulled the dress up to his knees, then put on a pair of lacey white stockings that ran up to his mid thigh with matching pink ribbon and bows sewn on the hem.  Yeah it was silly, but he’ll take to the grave that he thinks he looks in them.
Once dressed and ready, Ian peeked his head out the bedroom door, looking both ways to see if the coast is clear.  No one in sight.  Hitching up the skirt a bit so he can walk better, without tripping on the hem that is, Ian crept his way upstairs, easing into a walk to his old bedroom, now Judy’s room.
The walls and floor remained untouched, but everything that reminded Ian of his old room was gone. Where his bed once was instead had a little girl’s bed, well still pretty big since it had to fit her horse half, covered with sheets branded with the many princesses and queens from the Pretty Pretty Centaurs series.  Where his blue rug used to be was a heart shaped rug so pink he could be blinded by it. His old closet was now overflowing with a mixture of toys, butterfly nets, foam play swords and other assorted play things.  The room also included a white wooden dresser, a plastic toy table with a little play tea set, and a small plastic play vanity.
Judy was already dressed as one of her favorite play dresses, complete with a matching plastic tiara.  She backed out of her closet, pulling one of her Pretty Pretty Centaur dolls out of a pile, letting the pile fall as she freed the dollie.  She turned to see Ian standing in the doorway, and her face glowed that cooling pink elf faces are known for when she smiled. “Princess Iandelle!”
Ian chuckled.  It’s just him in a dress, a boy elf in a dress. But since Barley made up that nickname, it just stuck whenever Ian was in a dress.  “Hey Judy.  I heard I was invited to a tea party?”
“Do you want to play makeups first?” Judy asked.
Ian sighed, keeping up that smile, though the rest of his face fell.  He thought it was just going to be a quick play date, but makeovers?  But, how could he say no to that little face? That little face that could throw a pretty big tantrum if she wanted to.
Ian tried to sit in the little plastic kid’s chair by the vanity, making sure to keep his legs together and his skirt covering so only his feet showed.  He may be a boy, but he still has to sit properly in a dress. Judy opened up the small drawer in the plastic vanity, pushing away the fake plastic molded prop makeup for the real makeup Judy and Ian hide in the back.  Just blush and lipstick, nothing too fancy.  And if Ian helped apply them, nothing too messy.  Ian applied a thin layer of pink lipstick, subtle but complimented Judy’s blue elf skin perfectly.  He then added a thin layer of pink blush that gave her freckly cheeks a nice sparkle.  It was Judy’s turn, painting Ian’s cheeks in the same blush, and coating his lips in a soft blue that made his lips just a touch more darker.  He smiled, approving of Judy’s makeover.  Then, when Judy’s back was turned, quickly grabbed a paper towel and mirror to remove a whole lot of it so his makeup looked more like a subtle touch up than clown paint.
Judy returned from the toppled pile with an armful of accessories.  Ian sighed, preparing himself.  Judy picked out some clip on earrings and a pink bow hair clip for Ian, and a toy necklace for herself.  Ian clipped the earrings onto his long blue elf ears and helped Judy with clipping the bow to the side of his head.  At least the hair clip was small and nice.  The costume jewelry earrings, however, were gawdy, and didn’t match the outfit at all.
“And now we’re ready for the tea party,” Judy declared happily.
Ian exhaled.  “Oh.  Good.”
Judy sat down at the plastic kiddie table, the back legs of her horse half perched in a little plastic chair.  Ian chose to sit on the floor, his legs folded so he was sitting on his calves. The skirt puffed up around the lower half of his body, making him look like a cupcake decorated with white and pink icing.  Judy placed her Pretty Pretty Centaur doll at the table, their third member to their tea party.
“Would you like some tea, Princess Iandelle?” Judy asked politely as she picked up the ceramic toy teapot.
Ian offered his little ceramic teacup.  “Why thank you, Princess Judy.”  He smiled politely.
Minutes passed as Ian and Judy shared their little tea date together.  Ian “sipped” on some calming tea and “nibbled” on some imaginary crumpets as they had some polite conversation.  Ian shared what he was learning in college and studying magic, mostly Judy nodded but didn’t understand the college stuff.  Judy told of her art projects and friends she made in daycare, or what antics she and Barley have been up to.  Ian would smile and politely ask a question or two when Judy had her Princess Idina doll speak.
As Ian was in the middle of a sip of tea, he heard a loud snap and a caught a quick flash out of the corner of his eye.  He quickly turned and caught sight of Barley’s janky smart phone ducking behind Judy’s bedroom door.
“BARLEY!!” Ian shot up to standing, but one step later, Ian planted face first onto the floor.
Barley was halfway down the hall, smart phone in hand, laughing loudly, as Ian burst through the door and came running down the hall.  Barley noticed Ian holding up the skirt a bit so he could run better, revealing those lacey white stockings underneath.  Quickly, Barley took another picture.
When Ian heard that loud snap, he nearly died a little inside.  “NO!!” he shouted as he tackled Barley to the ground.
The two brothers wrestled on the hardwood floor of the hallway.  Barley was trying to pin Ian down, while Ian was grabbing desperately for Barley’s phone.  In their struggle, Ian lost one of those costume earrings.
“Come on, Princess Iandelle,” Barley asked, putting Ian in a head lock and giving his head a noogie.  “Where’s your sense of humor?”
Ian struggled to grab the phone off the floor, just inches from his fingertips.  “Delete those pictures this instant!”
“Yay!  Barley’s home!” Judy came bolting out of her bedroom and leaped into the pile, thinking it was time to wrestle.  Barley was happy to play, letting Ian go and grabbing Judy by the waist, picking her up.  Man, Barley can be strong!
This was Ian’s chance. He scrambled to grab the phone, but found it missing.  He did a double take back to Barley’s direction.  Shantar’s Talon, he must still have the phone!
“Kids!” Laurel called from downstairs.  “Dinner’s almost ready!”
Soon as Ian heard his mom’s voice, he caught the smell of dinner baking in the oven.  How long have Barley and mom been home?  How long have he and Judy been playing?
“Okay, kiddo,” Barley told Judy, leading her to  the bathroom. “Time to wash up for dinner.”
“Aww,” Judy moaned.
Ian wiped the lipstick off his face with the back of his hand.  “And delete those photos, Barley!”
“Oh no!” Barley’s voice echoed through the hall.  “They are too good!”
Ian groaned as he stood up, adjusting his feet so he doesn’t step on the hem and rip his dress.  He made his way downstairs and headed to his and Barley’s bedroom to get changed back into his usual clothes.
Laurel was in the kitchen when she caught sight of Ian at the door.  “Will Princess Iandelle be joining us for dinner tonight?” she asked with a smile.
“Mom,” Ian groaned as he shut the bedroom door behind him.
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capturetheatre · 8 years
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broadway divas INVENTED swag, amirite
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itsdaniclayton · 5 years
I went to see Frozen 2
FINALLY it finally came out where I live. It was an Experience and here's what happened and my thoughts (spoilers ahead, if you haven't seen it don't go on reading) (under the cut because it got long, oops):
First we need context: I live in a Spanish speaking country and Disney movies are usually dubbed. They only are available to watch in English with subtitles in some theaters usually at 10pm or later and only for like two weeks. So it's a very particular group of people the one that goes to see it in English and more so on the day it comes out.
There were two guys sitting in the row in front of me and both had purchased the Frozen 2 reusable cups (which were quite expensive) (will attach a picture at the end of this) and the moment they sat down one of them said in a quite loud voice "this is full of homosexual women".
A bunch of girls sat on the row behind me and they talked non stop during the ads before the movie and then during the credits but were surprisingly silent during the movie.
When the Disney castle came on screen with that song from the first Frozen I was immediately thrown back to 2014 when I went to see that one the day it came out and man life was so much easier back then, I wanna be 17 and just graduated from school again.
The. Entire. Theater. Lost its shit with every. Single. Word. Olaf uttered. Like I'm not joking. That's what hell is probably like.
The second Kristoff came on screen I was like I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH and my friend shushed me.
Olaf's recap of the first Frozen was actually so funny and well done.
I might be biased on this but Kristoff's song is literally the best thing that's ever happened in cinematic history and I'm so glad they gave Jon Groff the song he deserved. That whole part felt like a collective fever dream. Will be listening to that on repeat from now on.
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE Kristen Bell's singing, like yeah she sang in the first Frozen and all but what she sings in this one, especially The Next Right Thing, were so fucking beautiful. Please Mrs Bell sing more I beg you.
The smol salamander is fucking adorable.
Spoiler. It was so obvious from the very first scene that it was the mother the one who had saved the father. And I am Tired of Disney doing that one plot twist where one character is presented as Good and it turns out they're actually mean greedy assholes. Was Not a fan of that.
Spoiler. I didn't cry with The Next Right Thing because it was obvious that Elsa wouldn't actually die BUT I was in tears when Anna and Elsa reunited. It was just so pure and I HATE that the moment was ruined by the entire teather laughing at Anna's antics.
I wish Olaf hadn't been remade so the theater would have just shut up for one fucking second ffs it was so annoying.
Spoiler. LOVED the ending, loved that Elsa is living the good life in the woods with her girlfriend (I don't remember her name but you know the girl who she talked to by the fire at night? That's her girlfriend) and LOVED that Anna is the Queen, it's what she deserves and I'm proud of my baby.
Anna and Kristoff are so fucking adorable and I really REALLY hope that they do what they did with Tangled and do a short with their wedding because if they don't I will go to Disney studios and riot.
Anna actually said this to Kristoff, this is a direct quote from the movie (well maybe not direct bc I might not be remembering it exactly as it was but you get the idea): "I like you better in leather" and I LOST MY SHIT, I couldn't stop laughing and my friend didn't understand until I made a joke about it and she lost it too, but like, it was right there and I have a dirty mind and you cannot tell me that line wasn't thrown in there with dirty connotations. They knew exactly what they were doing.
During the credits the girls behind me went on talking and one of them was like "the woman who voices Elsa is called Idina Mensomething" and I, who only got into Frozen in the first place because of Idina and Groff, lost 15 years of lifespan.
They also said something that I was thinking while watching. It doesn't feel like the movie was made for the kids. Like sure good ol' Capitalism played it's part but I felt like the plot is a bit overcomplicated for small kids? Like a lot of things happen and there are a lot of explanations about a lot of things and I can see it being confusing. And some of Olaf's thoughts were hard to follow. But idk because I'm not a kid and I don't remember how smart I was at 6 years old.
I actually enjoyed the movie a lot and I can't wait to see it again (won't be paying cuz I'm poor so whenever it's online).
Guess I'm Frozen trash again folks. Six years dormant, it's going to be Bad.
Here's the picture of the cup I mentioned before (I needed my friend to restrain me from buying it):
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Frozen 2 things because I'm trash
Let me be completely up-front: I cannot stand idina menzel. Like at all. Not just her voice acting, but her singing too. She's Broadway trained, she belts all the time, it does not fit the voice of an animated character.
I really thought Elsa and honeymaren would get together. Like ik they barely interact but a small part if me was still holding out for a wlw character arc
I enjoyed the plot. I thought it was pretty cool. I like the idea of royalty learning about native communities and making efforts to decolonize the kingdom. I get they couldn't go too far down that road (since it's disney, and a kids movie) but I kinda wish they would've just let arendel be flooded.
The salamander was the best character and I will fight you if you say other wise
I cannot stand olaf.
Kristoffs song
I'm cool woth Anna being queen bc even though she can be immature, she wont freeze over her entire kingdom when she gets upset
Also the lizard
I need to mention him again
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