morethansalad · 2 years
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Blue Butterfly Pea Idlis with Coconut Chutney (Vegan)
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iconsturkish · 1 year
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pastoralkirsiiri · 2 years
Ayva çiçek açmadan önce.
Meyvelerin içi geçecek
Rüzgâr başka çeşit esecek
Yağmurlarla ıslanacaksın.
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Meztelenül a hotelben az ágyban
cigizni szex után Prágában
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kybelles · 6 months
bells for him
damen love fest 2023 | day 5: relationships | 3/3
“Do you feel some sort of misguided gratitude for me?” he questions. “Is that why you feel like you need to marry me?”
“Gratitude,” Laurent repeats. A short, jarring laugh bursts from his lips. “You think I’m fucking my brother’s killer out of gratitude? ”
This time, Damen can’t control his movements well enough to hide his flinch. 
But it hardly matters now. The ugliness between them has already spread through the whole room. There is no coming back from this.
“You tell me,” he responds quietly. “You clearly don’t respect me as a king or as a lover. So I’m a bit lost.”
read the whole chapter on ao3
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A vidék hangjai beszűrődnek a szüleim házának ablakain. A madarak csiripelése, a fák lombjának susogása… a szomszéd gyerekek üvöltése, mintha nyúznák őket.
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senfonikankara · 24 days
Bartok | Piano Concerto No.2 (Idil Biret)
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Sarah Jane Smith by Idil Sukan
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nofatclips · 2 years
Şahmeran by Gaye Su Akyol from the Rakınrol Musiki Cemiyeti live session
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aleesabella · 1 year
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Idil Ahmed
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neonkonnycseppek · 2 years
Az egyik nap elaludtam 27 évesen, a másik nap már 28 évesen keltem fel. Ugyanolyan nap volt mint a többi. Annyiban volt más, hogy amiket elterveztem még anno gyerekkoromban; a Házasság, a Család, a Gyerekek, a tóparti ház ~ az Otthonunk, és ezek csodálatos kis egyvelege, ezek közül egyik sem valósult meg. Ez miatt életem egyik “legboldogabb” születésnapja volt a 28. Egy másik életben hátha sikerül önfeledten boldognak és gondtalannak lenni…
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yalnzardc · 9 months
Türklerin kısa tarihi / Tufan Gündüz
Oğuzlar :
Oğuzları Uygurların batıya sürdüğü On Okların devamı oldukları yolunda bazı görüşler de bulunmaktadır. Fakat bu defa On Okların niçin Oğuz adını aldığı hususu belirsiz kalmaktadır.
§ Oğuzlar, Seyhun Irmağı boylarına geldiği sırada tam bağımsız olmayıp kuzey komşuları Hazarların tahakkümü altında bulunuyorlardı. Bu dönemde 24 boya ulaşmışlardı.
§ Oğuzların Müslüman olanlarına Türkmen deniliyordu.
Öyle ki 13. yüzyıla doğru Oğuz adı unutulmaya başlanmış ve bunun yerine tüm Oğuzları ifade etmek için Türkmen adı kullanılır olmuştur.
İdil Bulgarları :
İdil Bulgarları Türk toplulukları arasında İslâmiyet'e topluca giren ilk Türk boyu olmakla beraber bölge siyasetinde ağırlıkları olmadığı için İslâmiyet'i diğer Türk boyları arasında yayabilecek kudrete ve heyecana sahip değillerdi.
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frenchish-water · 9 months
Back when I was a kid we actually rescued a pigeon who was lost during a competition (we called the owner and he said to make soup of her) and then bought another pigeon so she wouldn't be alone... So yeah I could have sent you a messenger pigeon if I had known you earlier
1 so sweet you bought it a feiend instead of what the ex-owner suggested
2 competition pigion owners are a wierd breed of ppl ngl
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rowingturkey · 1 year
İngiltere: Gelenek ve değişim
Dün akşam  bir tiyatro eserine gittik. Eser İngiltere’yi milli takımının antrenörü Gareth Southgate üstünden inceliyor. Southgate son altı yılda İngiltere’yi düzlüğe çıkarmış ve takımına bir çok korkusunu aşmayı öğretmiş bir antrenör. Oysa kendisi de 96 Dünya Kupası’nda penaltı kaçırarak İngiltere’nin elenmesine neden olmuştu. Bu bölümdeki yazılarımda genelde Türkiye’de ve dünyada yaşanan…
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kybelles · 1 year
beautiful boy
read on ao3
He hears it just as he’s retiring after an extended dinner with Kyros Heiron, more than ready to go to sleep: the constant, shrill and bitter cries of a baby. Next to him, his personal slave Jase freezes up as he recognizes the sound as well. “Exalted–”
Theomedes starts marching towards the noise before he has a chance to speak further, fear slowly rising under his skin. How hard can it be, he thinks, to make sure one infant is well cared for?
The guards who stand in front of the door open it without any instruction needed. Theomedes quickly passes the threshold and takes in the view. “Why is the prince crying?” he asks loudly, booming voice suppressing Damen’s cries for a moment.
There are three people in the room. Phoebe, one of the slave girls who look after Damen; Agapetus, the court physician and Liviana, the wet nurse Agapetus recommended for Damen. His son is hanging from Phoebe’s arms and he looks absolutely miserable. His little face is red and bloated from crying, his eyes swollen, his lips quivering. He looks so sweaty and exhausted and when his gaze finds Theoemedes, he begins crying even louder. Theoemedes feels his fury rise second by second.
“Exalted,” Liviana starts after she gives him a deep bow. “The young prince is teething. That is the reason why he’s so distraught.”
“Distraught doesn’t even begin to describe his current state!” Theoemedes snaps. “His cries are probably audible from all over the palace! At this rate he’ll definitely have a sore throat by tomorrow. Is that how you take care of my son? My heir?”
Both Liviana and Agapetus bow their heads in apology but Phoebe’s arms start shaking after she hears his angry voice, her gaze trained on the floor. Theoemedes feels a lick of guilt for frightening the slave girl but at the moment, he is more concerned with her ability to hold Damen. Wordlessly, he reaches out and pulls his son into his arms in one quick motion.
Miraculously, Damen’s loud cries turns into weepy sobs as he leans his head against one of Theoemedes’s biceps. He puts a small kiss to the sweaty curls on the baby’s head.
“I don’t remember Kastor ever being like this when he was teething,” he says quietly. When he runs a gentle finger through Damen’s cheek, he notices his son is running a slight fever. An icy shiver passes through his spine. “Surely this isn’t normal.”
Agapetus sounds like he’s picking his words very carefully when he speaks. “Every child is different, sire. Fever, lack of appetite, restlessness, crankiness… These are all normal signs of a baby who’s teething. It doesn’t mean our prince is unhealthy.”
It doesn’t mean our prince is unhealthy. Theomedes used to hear sentences in similar context over and over again, back when he was still coping with the shock of losing Egeria and grappling with the possibility of losing Damen as well. His son was born too small . The first two months after Damen’s birth, Theoemedes would wake drenched in sweat; convinced Damen’s small heart gave up when he was indulging something so trivial as sleep. He commanded Damen to stay in the room right next to his at first and whenever he went to check up on him at night, he would find one of the palace physicians by his son’s side and they all would say the same things to him. Our prince is a bit smaller than usual. It doesn’t mean he is unhealthy.
Eventually, Damen’s condition improved and he began to fill out considerably. Nowadays, anyone who looks at his rosy cheeks and chubby arms and legs can see he’s a happy and healthy baby.
But whenever he’s in Theomedes’s arms, he feels impossibly small.
Theoemedes was blessed with the chance to be a father twice, but Damen only has him as a parent in this big, cruel world. The realization brings a knot to his throat sometimes.
“What can I do to help?” he eventually asks.
If they are surprised by his question, no one dares to show it. “A warm bath would be good to soothe his fever, Exalted.” Agapetus says.
“Go, prepare it.” he says to Phoebe, who practically runs out of the room after a deep bow. “What else?”
“Holding a cold spoon to his palate.”
This time, he simply stares at Jase; who’s standing at the door sill. He disappears after a bow as well. Now that there’s nothing to do but wait, he gently bounces his fussy son, thankful he’s mostly calm now. He notices Damen’s gaze fixated on one spot and when he looks that way, an amused huff falls out of his mouth. “Hand me that blue fish.”
Liviana dutifully walks over and retrieves the toy. “Our little prince is very fond of this toy.” she comments as she gives it.
“Kastor gave it to him.” Theomedes says in a distracted manner, placing the toy in his arms. His amusement grows when Damen immediately puts it into his mouth. “Do you like the toy, cub? Your brother carefully picked it for you. Because he loves you.” I love you. I love you so much that sometimes it feels like my heart is going to burst open.
Damen’s big brown eyes find him again and without a warning, he pulls the toy out of his mouth, biting Theoemedes’s finger instead. He allows as his son chews on his finger to relieve his aching gums and cover his finger in slobber.
“You’re alright now, Damen.” Theomedes murmurs after another kiss to Damen’s dark curls. “Everything is alright. Baba is here.”
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