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Tagged by @talesofsorrowandofruin and @mariahwritesstuff, thank you both! See their posts here and here, respectively.
Tagging (gently): @captain-kraken @tabswrites @sarahlizziewrites @outpost51 @dragonedged-if @thewardenofwinter @thelivingdeceased and anyone else who'd like to do this!
One (Axtapor's POV)
Perhaps many would be intimidated by the sight of Lord Rojundrog, Seer of Clan Oxlo, laying eyes on them like this, but to me, he was just a crooked old man with a talent for making himself bigger than he ought to be. He was born from my grandmother’s first clutch and had unusual crimson scales, or rather, unusual for Clan Oxlo. While we lizards came in a variety of colors, certain clans tended to favor certain shades. Ours were hues of blue, black, gray, and purple with the exceedingly rare orchid pink that appeared once every few generations, so his crimson was, at the very least, curious.
Two (Axtapor's POV)
“That is why the start of each social season begins with a reading of rites. A stupid commemoration of those ineffectual ones who fail to consummate their union in that place, the way true Dreamers should, and instead end up with their brains splattered all over their marriage bed. However, it is a rather effective culling tool to eliminate those who should not be trusted with our power or with the duty of representing our House.”
Three (Axtapor's POV)
“I could bore you with the details, but I doubt you are all that interested when it comes to ladies’ fashion, so I will spare you.” She responded, folding her hands neatly in her lap. “I be plenty interested in lady clothes when it be on the ground...” I remarked under my breath. Egra and Ulsei both eagerly slapped my head, while Idhi and my grandmother shared similar looks of dissatisfaction. I frowned as I rubbed the warm spot of impact and turned my focus back on Lord Haphrex. “How will ye be gettin’ to the Hefredies?” “I’m afraid that is where we will have to impose on your expertise at sea, my lord.” He said, “Fisla has told me about how talented you are at sailing.” “Has she? Ye’s be right familiar usin’ given names...” I muttered. Egra kicked me and shot me a frown. I growled at her. “Ye wee bitch.” “Grandmama!” She whined. “Settle down.” My grandmother admonished us both with a frown.
Four (Axtapor's POV)
“Well, now that we are on the subject of my beau.” She teased, “What is your opinion of him?” I sighed, not really wanting to provide her with my thoughts about him. I didn't dislike him, but it was still odd for me to see them so close to each other all the time. My grandfather had never been tender with my grandmother the way that Lord Haphrex was. The most I’d ever seen my grandfather do was kiss her hand, and that was only because we’d been at a social event where he was obligated to do so. I supposed Lord Haphrex’s intimacy with her was strange because I wasn’t yet accustomed to seeing someone be so openly affectionate towards her in a romantic way. There was something sad about that.
Five (Axtapor's POV)
“Then, if you can’t say, please, look out for yourself. You know that I care for you very much. But how you worry me, you troublesome boy—!” She let out a strained laugh in a poor attempt to hide the glittering of tears in her eyes. I squared my jaw and did my best to hold her gaze, but it was hard to when she cried. “What be ye on about? I be a man grown now, proper as so, nay a boy.” I teased her weakly. She let out another laugh, and this time her tears fell. “Oh no, you will always be a boy to me, hatchling. That same little boy who loved eating sweets from all the town stalls. When was the last time I treated you to something like that, hmm?” I laughed softly this time and pulled her into an embrace. “Right, long while.”
Six (Fay's POV)
Their coin was clean, and if the knights were pleased with that merchant’s quality of goods, they would certainly return with their business and that of other knights. And knights were easy to swindle. They paraded around in their fancy armors and capes, blithely unaware of how absurd they looked, dragging their velvets through piles of shit and stepping in vomit with their ignorant boots. They didn’t care for their belongings; that much was clear, so for a greedy merchant, they were endless fonts of gold.
Seven (Axtapor's POV)
“Lord Haphrex.” I greeted him with a small dip of the head. “Lord Axtapor.” He responded with a similar gesture. “Tendin’ to business?” I asked as I saw him fold what looked like a bill of sale into his pocket. “One could say so.” He said, gesturing that I follow him with something of a busy look on his face. I didn’t really want to have an extended chat with him, but I followed along anyway. “Fisla is saddened that you will be leaving us so soon, my lord.” He voiced as we took a leisurely pace toward one end of the harbor. It still irked me that he used her name so casually, but there was no real reason why he shouldn’t be able to, given their involvement. “Aye. I know.” “I do not like seeing her distressed, my lord.” He shot me a sidelong look this time. “That be...good.” I replied somewhat awkwardly. What was he getting at? And what was that look from before? I hardly knew him well enough to be able to guess. He halted his advance and turned to face me. “So your mind is made up? You will not stay?” I sighed. “Did she put ye up to this?” “A man never reveals what a woman says to him in confidence, my lord.” He said with a slight frown. I pushed the leaves to the other side of my mouth impatiently. “I nay have time to be waggin’ tongues as so, my lord. What be it that ye want?”
#tag game#seven snippets seven people#writeblr tag games#aasoaf#aasoaf 2#axtapor#lady fisla#lord haphrex#egra#ulsei#idhi#seer rojundrog#i should just rename aasoaf 2 to axtapor hates grandmas new bf#need to spray him with a water bottle lol#my writing
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#i feel saoooooo bad for him#entra idhi#monnativaraku baane unindhi appatikappude edupochelaaga undhi#reading jjk was thw worst decision ive ever made#fomo...
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IDHI BM-29 'Foulke'
another bomber, this one huge for no practical reason
[IDHI Strikecraft Engineering Branch, Year 92 P.A.] "Naval has informed me that the Horikoshi Block 2 will feature a triple-sized launch tu-" "Oh, god no." "-be, and that management would like us to design a craft specifically designed to launch from it. As such, we shall be resuming Project Foulke." "…are they including triple-sized hangars, too? Triple-sized flight crew?" "No." "Then how the fu-" "Instead, the torch will be detachable and stored in a separate hangar." "Fine, sure, whatever. What about the payload racks?" "Foldable." "…f-foldable?" "Foldable. Unfolded in the maintenance bay, just before loading the mission payload." "Completely fucking unarmoured missile racks on huge, expensive bombers, great, sure, like that will get through a PDT screen. Do you want a repeat of the Wasp?" "The shield specialist division will be designing something of appropriate scale." "An… energy shield?" "Yes." "On a strikecraft?" "Yes." "…where does the power come from?!?" "An MHD tap on the torch core." "…the… corvette-scale fusion reactor… right, I'll… I'll tell the team."
all folded up to fit in the hangar :)
and here's one with an inverted paint job with missiles;
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Menjaga Kondusifitas Pemilu 2024, Ormas Hindu Nasional Deklarasi Pemilu Damai
BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Menyambut pesta demokrasi pada tanggal 14 Februari 2024, Sepuluh Pimpinan Organisasi Masyarakat Hindu Nasional menggelar diskusi publik dan deklarasi untuk menyerukan pemilu damai. Para pimpinan ormas Hindu berkumpul diantaranya Parisadha Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI), Wanita Hindu Dharma Indonesia (WHDI), Prajaniti Hindu Indonesia (PRAJAN ITI), Kesatuan Mahasiswa Hindu Dharma Indonesia (KMHDI), Perhimpunan Pemuda Hindu Indonesia (PERADAH), Ikatan Cendikiawan Hindu Indonesia (ICHI), Ikatan Dosen Hindu Indonesia (IDHI), Perkumpulan Acarya Hindu Nusantara (PANDU NUSA) dan Persatuan Pengajar Pasraman Indonesia (PPPI) serta Pinandita Sangraha Nusantara (PSN) Sabtu, 27 Januari 2024 “Menjelang pemilu, segenap komponen bangsa harus merawat dan menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa ditengah perbedaan pilihan. Jadikan pemilu ini damai dan senantiasa menciptakan demokrasi yang bermatabat,” Kata Mayjen (Purn) Wisnu Bawa Tenaya sebagai Ketua PHDI.
Mayjen (Purn) Wisnu Bawa Tenaya sebagai Ketua PHDI saat diwawancara awak media. sumber foto : istimewa Dalam kesempatan yang sama, ketua Prajaniti Hindu KS Arsana menyampaikan bahwa nilai persatuan dan kesatuan harus dijunjung diatas kepentingan lain untuk tetap menjaga kondusifitas menjelan puncak pemilu tahun 2024 “Untuk menjaga kondusifitas pesta demokrasi nanti, maka nilai persatuan dan kesatuan harus diutamakan diatas kepentingan lain. Hal ini harus dipegang teguh oleh seluruh komponan bangsa, pimpinan umat dan tokoh Masyarakat,” Ujar KS Arsana Ketua WHDI, Rataya Kentjanawati Suwisma juga menyerukan bahwa segala situasi yang akan terjadi saat pemilu harus disikapi dengan bijaksana dan mengedepankan musyawarah dan mufakat “Menyikapi tahun politik dengan segala potensi konflik kepentingan yang ada, ini harus disikapi secara bijaksana dengan tetap membangun narasi politik yang positif, menciptakan ruang musyawarah yang baik serta pengambilan keputusan secara mufakat,” terang Rataya Kentjanawati Suwisma Selanjutnya, ketua ICHI Nyoman Widia menambahkan dalam proses pemilu nanti untuk menghormati dan menghargai segala bentuk perbedaan pilihan dan dukungan. “Kita harus menghargai dan menghormati apa yang menjadi pilihan dan dukungan politik setiap individu, karna itu merupakan kebebasan dan hak setiap warga negara yang dijamin oleh undang-undang,” terangnya Ketua Umum KMHDI I Wayan Darmawan dan Ketua Umum PERADAH I Gede Ariawan bersepakat bahwa pentingnya partisipatif umat Hindu dalam menjaga kondusifitas menjelang pemilu “Pemilu 2024 adalah ajang untuk memilih pemimpin yang akan menahkodai kapal besar Indonesia menuju dermaga kejayaan, oleh karena itu umat Hindu harus menggunakan hak suaranya dalam menentukan pilihan berdasarkan hati nuraninya dan ikut serta dalam menjaga kondusifitas pelaksanaan pemilu yang damai, ” Pungkas Wayan Darmawan Atas pandangan-pandangan tersebut, Ormas Hindu Nasional mendeklarasikan 7 poin yang menjadi sikap dalam menghadapi Pemilu Tahun 2024. Pembacaan Deklarasi Pemilu Damai Ormas Hindu berlangsung di Pura Widya Dharma Cibubur, Jakarta. Berikut adalah 7 sikap Ormas Hindu pada Pemilu 2024 : 1. Menyerukan kepada seluruh komponen dan anak bangsa untuk senantiasa merawat, menjaga dan memperjuangkan KEBHINEKAAN dan PERSATUAN Indonesia yang menjadi KEKAYAAN dan KEKUATAN bangsa sebagaimana dimaksud dalam sesanti “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” yang merupakan karunia luhur dan indah dari Hyang Widhi Wasa, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Seluruh komponen dan anak bangsa harus mengeluarkan segenap upaya efektif untuk mewujudkan substansi dari sesanti tersebut agar hidup dan menjadi nafas dalam keseharian masyarakat. 2. Menyerukan kepada para Pemimpin Bangsa, Pemimpin Umat, dan Tokoh-Tokoh Masyarakat, agar senantiasa mengutamakan persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa di atas kepentingan yang lain. Tekad tersebut harus diwujudkan dalam keseluruhan pikiran, ucapan dan tindakan tanpa dinegosiasikan, sehingga menjadi komitmen yang utuh dan konsisten. 3. Menyerukan kepada segenap anak bangsa agar menyikapi tahun politik dan segala implikasinya dengan bijaksana, diantaranya dengan senantiasa membangun narasi positif baik secara langsung maupun melalui berbagai saluran media sosial, dan kemudian pada akhirnya menggunakan hak pilih secara cerdas dan merdeka sesuai hati nurani. 4. Menyerukan kepada seluruh komponen Penyelenggara Negara agar memberikan contoh dan teladan kepemipinan yang arif dan bijaksana selaras dengan nilai Guru Wisesa, serta mencegah narasi-narasi perpecahan dan konfrontatif. 5. Menyerukan kepada seluruh komponen bangsa untuk menolak dengan tegas Adharma (ketidakbenaran) dalam segala bentuknya: kecurangan, ketidakadilan, fitnah, caci maki, hoax dan lain sebagainya yang dapat merusak sendi-sendi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Sebaliknya kami mendorong seluruh komponen bangsa agar senantiasa memperjuangkan dan menegakkan Dharma (kebenaran) dengan menjunjung tinggi etika, moral, dan hukum/konstitusi. 6. Menghormati dan menghargai perbedaan pilihan dalam berbagai bentuknya sebagai penghargaan atas kemerdekaan individu dan implementasi dari sesanti “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”, baik dalam menjalankan Dharma Agama maupun Dharma Negara. 7. Menyadari bahwa konflik adalah bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Oleh karenanya kami mengajak seluruh komponen bangsa untuk mengelola setiap konflik secara efektif, solutif dan produktif agar bangsa Indonesia dapat melalui semua tantangan dan mengambil peluang untuk menjadi bangsa yang kuat, maju, dan sejahtera. (*/bpn) Read the full article
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"Waxaan ka Raaligalinayaa Musharax Cirro Hablahayagii Erayada ku idhi.." Rooda C Muuse
Hargeysa-(Berberanews)-Guddoomiyaha Urur-siyaasadeedka Ogaal Rooda Cabdi Muuse ayaa raalligelin ka siisay musharraxa Xisbiga Waddani Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdillaahi dhallinyaro ku shimbiro waaqlaysay Degmada 26ka June xilli uu ku gudo jiray indho indhaynta habsami u socodka kaadh qaadashada. “Waxaan ka Raaligalinayaa Musharax Cirro Hablahayagii Erayada ku idhi Maalinti dhawayd.” Rooda Cabdi…
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Yendhi Ra Life Idhi Song Lyrics | Ori Devuda Movie
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Nopal! Please, please tell me more about lizardfolk women - I don't recall seeing them on page that much?
What's the current fashion? What's their typical role in the society? Anything else about them you want to share?
Sam! Thank you for the ask!!
Oh my Lizardfolk ladies! This is going to be SUPER LONG because this topic is so loaded and you are getting me so STARTED on it lol so I'll put most of it under a cut because I have A LOT to say! i think you may have just unlocked the longest info-dump/unprompted close reading of my own work so congrats lol Before we get into the meaty lore, I'll address this point!
I don't recall seeing them on page that much?
This is both intentional and something that happened as a by-product of who the main characters are in AASOAF. Let me explain.
CW: misogyny, aggressive patriarchy, mentions of enslavement
AASOAF is primarily told through the lens of Mariel and Axtapor, joined later by the POV's of Fay and Wilkes in AASOAF 2 and 3, but of that cast, Axtapor is the closest to typical Lizardfolk society and experience. But here's the thing: he's a male and because he was brought up in the highly patriarchal system of Lizardfolk, he (and we as readers) start the series from that perspective. That is, mostly blind or flat out ignoring the experience and role of women in Lizardfolk society aside from reciting the surface effects that directly impact him and his experience as a man.
To quote him from AASOAF 1:
[My grandmother] had always resented my grandfather for turning her children into cruel, unfeeling people. Her daughters were not that way, but she never saw them again after they were wed. That was customary since a wife should live with her husband to raise his children and support his clan. As a result, she was left surrounded by her sons, and sons were rarely influenced by their mothers in The Empire. Most men saw them as a bother more than anything. I know I certainly did. My own mother was a stifled, sad creature who had to simper and bow just right lest she offend my father. It was exhausting to bear witness to. And grandmothers were, more or less, nonexistent to their grandsons, making the relationship that my grandmother and I had a strange one. They didn’t form connections with them, let alone write and visit with one another as we did. I was well past marrying age too. If there should be anyone I should be spending time with of the opposite sex, it should be my wife.
There are a few other instances where in AASOAF 1 when he speaks about women in a pretty derogatory/selfish and frankly, misogynistic way that reflects his upbringing:
In the past, I’d never imagined a woman doing anything for me beyond being intimate. And it had never mattered to me if a woman enjoyed being in my company or if she wanted to spend time doing simple things with me. Their opinions of me also didn’t matter too much so long as I was satisfied...
I narrowed my eyes in her direction. She wasn’t even in half-mourning. Husbands had the option to be in half-mourning after the passing of their wives, but wives weren’t given such a choice.
This, along with the intentional omission of their mention is not only meant to construct Axtapor's character, especially because these criticisms are largely omitted when he speaks about his grandmother, but the Empire as a whole since we don't physically visit that location in any significant way until AASOAF 2.
So the absence/narrow representation of Lizardfolk women is there precisely to make you ask the question that you posed and to make you uncomfortable. You are forcefully put in the shoes of someone who has benefited from that position in the overall hierarchy and presented with his view which is taken and supported as fact in the context of the story. His grandmother, Lady Fisla, tries to knock some sense into him but he mostly brushes her off and decides shutting up is easier than having it out with her. This contributes to the overall narrative of the female experience and unseen struggle that is both a prominent theme and undercurrent throughout the work.
Snippet of that here:
“And your luck is much better than that of your sisters’, who, despite being born into the same family as you, have no choice but to live under [your father's] thumb until they are married. At which point, they are to be crushed by their husbands instead. You, Axtapor, have the world laid at your feet because you are male and because you are nobility. You have the great fortune that your legs can simply walk you to freedom. Those around you are not the same. They are not your equals. Never forget that and do not use it as a weapon or measure for which you pass judgment upon others.” I didn’t know how to respond, so I just nodded instead. She so rarely lectured me and was usually rather calm, even unbothered, but for those few moments, she changed completely. I wondered how such a transformation might be possible given her usual demeanor, but I supposed I had stricken a nerve.
This starts to change in AASOAF 2 and definitely in AASOAF 3, with the introduction of Lizardfolk women to the cast and the perspective of an eye-opened Axtapor who has become more aware of their struggles and circumstances due to the events of AASOAF 1. In AASOAF 2 especially, we start to examine how the nature of his upbringing is also harmful to him via his internal monologue and interactions with Mariel and in AASOAF 3 things come to a head and a lot of his core values are challenged along with that of other Lizardfolk men around him. But I won't get into that here!
What's the current fashion?
So I talked a bit about fashion here but I'll pull the more relevant bits out of that!
Each house has a style they prefer. House of War prefers styles similar to traditional Thai dress, the House of Law prefers styles similar to 17th-century Japanese garments, and the House of Dreams prefers styles similar to Mughal period Indian fashion. Their winter wear, when they have need of it, is heavily inspired by Mongolian fashion. Additionally, corsets are favored by women of the Holtep Empire. These are not the undergarments you might imagine for human people, nor are they worn all the time, usually only for special occasions and usually only by the nobility. They are worn with special robes that expose the midriff and are made of steel. They are more like armor than anything else, and unlike human corsets are meant solely for aesthetic purposes; they don't support breasts (bc they don't have any) and are intended to emphasize how small a woman's waist is. It is the most desired of traits in the Empire.
Those of nobility would of course wear finer, more elaborate garments than those of the lower and working classes.
What's their typical role in the society?
Their role is seen exclusively as a method to continue lineages, to form clan alliances via marriage, to raise her husband's children (no, they are not considered hers), and support his clan. They have little to no agency over their own affairs or lives unless they are widowed or otherwise "socially encumbered" (I'll come back to that in a second).
To quote Axtapor from AASOAF 2:
Daughters did as they were commanded in The Empire. They married the man her father selected for her and popped out as many clutches as her husband demanded of her. The practice didn’t bother me for a long time; it just seemed like a fact of life, but that was no longer the case. It wasn’t right; how could it be?! But unbelievably, to every man here, and quite possibly every man in The Empire, it was. It was as right as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. These women were not living beings with feelings; they were playthings, pawns in their game to move upwards, being crushed over and over and expected to smile like they were grateful for it!
So despite being awarded, lands, titles, and wealth upon completing their ikismals, they are mostly named as custodians of those things to hold them as a kind of dowry to be absorbed completely by her husband when she marries. I should note, even the ikismal ceremonies for women are unbalanced against those for men.
Men are instructed to survive in the wilds for five days with nothing but a knife and bring back a kill by the end of it. Women are symbolically thrown out into the desert to survive, by way of being placed in a hut where she must meditate for the whole of the five days. By the end, she is expected to have shaken off her girlhood mentality via this meditation and is deemed patient and rational enough to enter society properly. They are left without food or water though, just like the men, so it is possible that they can perish during this time as the men do. Once they enter society the expectation is that they fully support their husband's endeavors and largely remain silent about it.
This is not the case if a woman is widowed or "socially encumbered." If she is widowed, Oepus law states (yes this is for all women on Oepus, not just the Empire) that she observes mourning practices (clothing, rituals, etc) according to her country of residence and that she cannot take another partner for two years. This is the doing of The Pale Kings and their relationship with Priestesses of Shanta which is a separate thing that I won't get into here.
However, in the Empire, a woman is not forced to remarry once she is widowed. The idea behind this is that she has served her "purpose" and as long as she's had children with her late husband, then she is no longer of use. She is typically bequeathed with some amount of wealth and a private estate or residence according to her husband's station and a portion of his slaves. She has no rank and is not recognized as a matriarch of her family, despite bearing the clan name and still being associated with her late husband's station. She may come and go as she pleases and is at the top of the "woman pecking order" because she has done her duty. Lady Fisla falls into this category, and is cited as a great lady by Axtapor and female peers in her circle, but the men of Clan Oxlo still don't treat her with much respect.
Now for the "socially encumbered." These are women that for one reason or another, are deemed not fit for marriage. Either because they don't have a large enough dowry, they come from a clan of low repute, have committed a social taboo, etc, etc. Basically if they have any "undesirable" trait they can fall into this category. This is highly subjective but can be enough to punt someone down several social ranks. Other women in this category are those who are considered caretakers to other members of their family, be that children, the disabled, or injured. This means that professions like nursing, teaching, and childcare provided to those outside the home, including extended family, are frowned upon and not considered feminine or proper for a lady to engage in. Axtapor's cousin, Lady Idhi, falls into this category.
She, however, is not afforded any wealth or other luxuries as her grandmother is due to her widowed status. Instead, she thrives off her own dowry, another thing which is seen as taboo because it's considered theft. As a result, she is largely excommunicated from Clan Oxlo goings on and does not have the 'rights' to enter the marriage market. This status essentially means you're invisible which can be a good and a bad thing because you're pretty much isolated from any help if you ever need it.
Anything else about them you want to share?
They are incredibly shrewd and bold, something that you can see in almost all of the Lizardfolk women mentioned in the series including, Lady Fisla, Lady Idhi, Lady Phreldra (Axtapor's mother) and historical figures like the woman behind Solas Week, Mother Mazvah, and Lady Maliah, First Empress of The Holtep Empire, more on her here. As experienced members of society, they understand that to get ahead in their world they must operate underhandedly and silently, gaming the system in their favor where they can. This is pretty apparent in the beginning of AASOAF 2 and will play a pretty big role in AASOAF 3. As a side note, this shrewdness is also demonstrated by Fay due to her closeness with her adoptive Lizardfolk family.
Axtapor's sisters, Lady Ulsei and Lady Egra, don't fall into this category and are portrayed as quite transparent and lacking substance but this is because the two of them are used to explore the effects of their upbringing in the wider world of Oepus similar to the way Axtapor is used throughout the series. What I will say is that these two are key players in the latter half of AASOAF 3.
And finally, we have Alma, Fay and Wilkes' adoptive mother, who is more representative of the lower/working class experience of Lizardfolk women that I didn't even touch on in this post. I might make a separate one about her with that context in mind since there is a lot to her story that deserves to have it's own place.
#aasoaf#aasoaf lore#meta aasoaf lore#lizardfolk#lizardfolk women#info dump#axtapor#lady fisla#idhi#ulsei#egra#lady phreldra#alma#fay#mariel#cw: misogyny#cw: patriarchy#cw: enslavement#aasoaf 1#aasoaf 2#aasoaf 3
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning aids in improving accuracy of diagnosing the disease, efficient management of electronic health records (EHR), and reduction in surgical errors with enhanced decision making. Additionally, AI-based tools for elderly care and patient monitoring, AI technology for drug discovery and development of AI and computer vision based non-invasive robotic systems are truly defining the Future of AI in Healthcare. A common use of artificial intelligence in healthcare is the Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications that can analyze unstructured clinical notes on patients, to provide incredible insights about patient’s health history.
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Is This Just a Story?/Idhi Katha Matramena (Yugantar, 1983)
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Is This Just a Story?/Idhi Katha Matramena (Yugantar, 1972)
In the midst of the very active autonomous women’s movement in India, Yugantar collaborated with the research and feminist activist collective Stree Shakhti Sanghatana, provoked by an urgency to broaden discourses and political practice on domestic violence. Through an intense period of a consciousness raising style sharing of their own varied and multi-layered experiences of domestic violence, members of both collectives created a script that focuses on isolation and depression while also developing a complex female character in the process of articulating her situation and finding support in female friendship. Given the prescribed screen presence of female characters in other Indian fiction films at the time Idhi Katha Matramena radically expands the figure of woman as victim and subject. The film travelled extensively, spoke powerfully to diverse female audiences and sparked debates amongst feminist activists. Filmed within one week, with limited resources and enacted by members of the collectives, the film’s capacity to speak to multiple experiences appears equally strong today.
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IDHI Chandrasekhar-class Battleship
once i finished the foulke, hubris overtook me, and i decided to try my hand at a Capital Ship (in night sky falling, ships are either Escorts without FTL drives, or Capital Ships with an FTL drive and ability to carry escorts)
the Chandrasekhar is an experimental battleship design made by Ishikawa-Douglas, unlike any other capship, it can use it's jumpdrive on a tactical scale, granting it's fleet mobility unlike any other (in spite of it's low thrust)
i've also made a V2, which is actually capable of carrying escorts;
carrying a Talabot and an Edison
then, some silly edits:
"The Chandrasekhar battleship guarantees that the Ishikawa-Douglas astromilitary has a wall of battle that is-"
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Idhi Katha Matramena // Is This Just a Story? (1983) dir. Yugantar
#idhi katha matramena#is this just a story#i cant stop thinking abt this#!#and look!#sridevi#in the background
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KMHDI Nyatakan Pentingnya Umat Hindu Menggunakan Hak Pilih dan Menjaga Kondusifitas Pemilu 2024
BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Organisasi Masyarakat Hindu Nasional berkumpul menggelar diskusi publik dan Deklarasi Pemilu Damai di Pura Widya Dharma Cibubur, Jakarta. Sabtu, 27 Januari 2024 Acara ini dihadiri para pimpinan organisai Hindu diantaranya Parisadha Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI), Wanita Hindu Dharma Indonesia (WHDI), Prajaniti Hindu Indonesia (PRAJAN ITI), Kesatuan Mahasiswa Hindu Dharma Indonesia (KMHDI), Perhimpunan Pemuda Hindu Indonesia (PERADAH), Ikatan Cendikiawan Hindu Indonesia (ICHI), Ikatan Dosen Hindu Indonesia (IDHI), Perkumpulan Acarya Hindu Nusantara (PANDU NUSA) dan Persatuan Pengajar Pasraman Indonesia (PPPI) serta Pinandita Sangraha Nusantara (PSN). Dalam kesempatan tersebut Ketua Umum PP KMHDI I Wayan Darmawan menyampaikan pandanganya terkait pemilu tahun 2024 harus dimaknai sebagai momentum untuk umat Hindu berpartisipasi dalam menentukan pemimpin bangsa dengan menggunakan hak pilihnya. “Pemilu kali ini harus dijadikan momentum bagi umat Hindu untuk menggunakan hak pilihnya. Suara umat Hindu tentu memiliki peran dan posisi penting dalam menentukan pemimpin bangsa pada pemilu 2024,” Kata Wayan dalam penyampain di Diskusi Publik dan Dekalarasi pemilu Damai Ormas Hindu. Wayan menuturkan bahwa posisi umat Hindu jangan hanya menjadi penonton dalam konstelasi politik, namun harus ikut serta dalam segala proses tahapan pemilu hingga puncaknya pada tanggal 14 februari 2024 untuk menggunakan hak pilihnya. “Umat Hindu jangan hanya sebagai penonton saja, kita harus mengambil peran di tahun politik hari ini, baik sebagai peserta, penyelenggara dan pemilih sesuai dengan swadharma kita masing-masing,” Tutur Wayan. Ia juga menyampaikan bahwa KMHDI berkomitmen untuk menjaga kondusifitas pemilu yang damai, dan demokratis bersama dengan seluruh pimpinan organisasi Hindu nasional. “Tentunya sebagai bagian dari komponen bangsa, KMHDI berkomitmen untuk menjaga kondusifitas pemilu agar pelaksanaanya berjalan dengan damai, dekmokratis. Ini adalah tanggung jawab bersama dengan seluruh pimpinan ormas Hindu di Indonesia,” Tutupnya. (*/bpn) Read the full article
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TÜRK MİTOLOJİSİNDE "İDİ" (Tarihçi) - Türkçe Tarih
JEAN PAUL ROUX Kâşgarlı Mahmud’a göre “Hükümdar, Efendi,Tanrı”. Bu, idiz, idi, iti, ita, iyii, iyi, seyrek olarak iga, ika, iii olarak da rastladığımız bir sözcüğün eski biçimidir. Bu sözcük, şüphesiz Kâşgarlı’nın idhuq diye yazdığı ve önceleri aynı kavramı ifade etmiş...
Devamını okumak için: https://turkcetarih.com/turk-mitolojisinde-idi/
İdhi, idi, idiz, İduk, iga, iii, ika, ita, iti, iyi, iyii, Jean Paul Roux, Kaşgarlı Mahmud
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