#idgaf about mistagging
ashpkat · 9 months
i was thinking earlier (which isn’t a good thing) about the series and here’s my thought: how popular do you think the magisterium series would be if calron had been canon?
the magisterium series came from two (semi) well known authors that are worth hundred of thousands — maybe millions — of dollars, and observing stuff from other VERY popular fandoms like percy jackson and seeing how feral they go over canon LGBT characters in POPULAR media i just had to think. these lgbtq+ characters aren’t even main characters— well, yes they are main characters but they aren’t THE main character— but these characters like nico are practically worshipped purely because they are lgbtq+ .
and so i began to spiral: how feral would the gays have gone over a canon lgbtq+ main main character? cc and hb could have MARKETED IT. not to say i condone it, but they could’ve capitalized the lgbtq+’s community want for representation and they very well could’ve grown a fan base much larger than what they had. instead, they chose a straight ship over a fan favorite (sorry callmara shippers, i love you, but it isn’t very popular) and pushed the magisterium series low onto their priorities and gave it the BARE minimum because it wasn’t getting nearly as much money or attention as their own more popular series.
(i will say this, the magisterium was never extremely popular from the get-go and it only declined further and further because hb and cc more than likely completely gave up on the idea of it being as popular as folk of air or shadowhunters after TCG dropped. however, and i’m reiterating this, by marketing/ writing the new books to incorporate lgbtq+ main characters into the story it would’ve multiplied whoever was reading their books by 10x purely due to the fact of good representation and more than likely could still have been semi relevant today. but maybe im being dramatic)
here’s the last thing ill add: the fandom now includes three active people and a shoelace. hate to say it, but compared to cassandra clare and holly blacks other works, it wasn’t successful at all. i don’t want a sequel series or a prequel series or even CLOSURE at this point, what i want is something that’s no longer possible or obtainable. i want a redo.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I reported a fic on AO3 for the first time the other day, having been on the site for around a decade. The author had tagged it as the most popular m/f ship in the fandom, full relationship tag, smut tag, characters tags - and only these tags. When I clicked into it, it was actually a fic where these characters talked to each other about how “disgusting” they would find it to be together, and surprise, it was partly because it was for the most popular m/m ship in the fandom instead. And then the author took it a step further by outright saying that they hate m/f ship - the one they exclusively tagged for - and insulting m/f shippers with various rude names.
Like ship whatever you want, idgaf, but don’t purposely mistag a stupid little fic as an excuse to insult a rival ship in their own damn tag. It’s just so unnecessary. This particular ship is my comfort ship, the one I read when I’ve had a bad day or haven’t been doing so great mentally, and idk it just felt really shitty to go in expecting a cute little fic only to be met with another ship entirely and targeted insults about my own ship and myself as a person.
Long story short, it shouldn’t be too much to expect that people not be absolute assholes. It takes zero effort to not do shit like this.
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mihai-florescu · 1 year
Don't be shy. spill the body neutrality claim... I'm feeling like a little hater today I need something to hate on
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No normal person thinks like this^ also incoming rant: a good chunk of body neutrality posts online are not body neutrality at all, theyre body positivity mistagged. And there is certainly a place for body positivity, but i for one want to detangle the perception of my personal worth from my looks altogether. Ideally, while focusing on myself and not other people because idgaf about others' appearances, which is the true point of body neutrality.
(i do recognize that body neutrality is an ideal that will never be attainable on a global scale, and that different people have different needs, and for some those needs involve validation. But my god this take was so bad faith and misinterpreting body neutrality, at this point it's so misinterpreted that im questioning whether *i* got the wrong idea? Should it not just be staying in your lane appreciating bodies not for their aesthetic qualities but for the things they provide to sustain you? I just dont think a person who actually believes in body neutrality would say what op is implying, it just feels really disconnected from the actual concept. It's more telling of op's mindset than anything else.)
I do personally think people who hate on body neutrality when they dont even really get it are inferior and that has nothing to do with their body and everything to do with their mind^_^ im gonna be a hater based on my own morals and values instead of the low hanging fruit that is appearances. Peace and love<3
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