#idek when or how so I’m debating if I should take a rest day today
roylustang · 1 year
I legitimately feel super acclimated to the heat now. I ran-walked 15 miles yesterday when it was 104-106F / 40-41C and I didn’t even die. No one likes global warming but at least I’m ready for it. I do this not only to get better at running but to honestly survive the oncoming apocalypse. I will survive global warming.
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kaashiboo · 3 years
hiii i hope u have a nice day! how would akaashi and kita react if their s/o cries because of how much they love them?? idek if that makes sense nsnsm but i hope u understand ! byeee stay safe
haikyuu boys reacting to you crying because of how much you love them
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┇ akaashi and kita
【warnings: none】
✎ a/n: AAAH this is the first ever request that I've gotten so i was really excited when i saw the notification heh:') i really appreciate the request! i hope i did well on this oneee. stay safe to you too! <3 and thank you for your patience because i know this took a long time hehe.
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you were patiently waiting in the library for akaashi as he offered to study with you for the upcoming exams but since he still has practice, you decided to just wait for him.
you had a mental debate with yourself whether you should start studying already or just use your phone— and you obviously choose the latter.
you stared at your wallpaper, it was a candid picture of akaashi crouched down with bread crumbs on his palms as an attempt to feed the birds. it was honestly such a lovely experience.
a wide grin never left your face. a sigh of contentment escaped from your lips. you propped your elbow on the table, resting your chin on your palm as you continually scroll through your album named 'memories with keiji<3'.
you stop scrolling for a while, starting to realize how lucky you are to have akaashi in your life. memories of you two together flooded your mind and you start tearing up.
"love, try feeding the birds. just try not to... look scary." he teased, you let out a loud and offended 'huh?', startling some of the birds and he gave you an i-told-you look.
"y/n, sweetie. i bought snacks for you since i heard from the school's nurse that you were having some bad cramps."
"sweetheart, it's okay to cry. i'm here now, you don't need to hide your feelings from me because i would always be more than willing to help you, okay?"
"you did great, my love! i am so proud of you. i love you."
you hadn't noticed that akaashi was secretly watching you from afar until you heard a soft thump on the floor and you quickly looked up at him.
"kei—" you were about to greet him but he immediately embraced you.
your eyes widened in surprise, rubbing his back soothingly. "is there something wrong?" you whispered softly, your other hand making its way to play with his hair.
"shouldn't i be the one asking you that?" he pulled away, cupping your cheeks in his hands and wiped your tears with his thumb and you finally noticed that you were crying the whole time.
"oh no," you laughed a bit. "i'm alright, keiji. i was just overwhelmed." you tried explaining but he was still reluctant at your response and so you picked up your phone that you placed on the table as soon as you caught sight of his presence.
"see? i was just looking at our pictures. i swear, i didn't mean and i never even noticed that i started crying." he finally relaxed. sensing that you were still in a good mood.
"but why were you even crying in the first place?" you slowly turned your head to the side where you can't see him. too embarrassed to answer but he held your chin between his thumb and index finger, slowly guiding your head to face him.
you knew you could have looked away but you couldn't help but to just stare back. "i love you." you blurted, causing him to smile.
"i love you too, sweetheart. but i don't think that answers my question."
"well that was my answer." you saw his smile turn into a small smirk, "i don't think i understand what you're trying to imply, my love. could you please explain it more?" you playfully pinched his cheeks before planting a kiss on the same spot.
"it's okay to cry, love." he muttered.
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"how has he been?" granny yumie looked at you adoringly as you prepared a bento box to bring to kita as he was still in practice.
"he's been treating me better than anyone could, granny." you answered honestly.
"that's good to hear, y/n-chan, but i think i would love to hear you talk about him more. come on, it's just the two of us." she insisted. you chuckled before wrapping up the food you had prepared before sitting down on the floor across her. ready to give in and do what she requested.
"shinsuke is a very lovely boy, granny. truth to be told, i was very intimidated when i first bumped into him and the way he looked at me weirdly because i was the one who apologized when he spilled his drink on me,” you laughed as you thought about it.
“but he was also kind enough to lend me his jacket before he rushed off to practice and i was thankful for it because i at least had the reason to find him and return him his jacket.” you glanced at granny yumie who was intently listening to you talk.
“and the day after that, i returned his jacket but he insisted that i should keep it,” you paused again, smiling a bit before pointing at the jacket you were currently wearing. “it’s this one.” you said before continuing with your story.
“and because we were in the same year, he would always give me his notes even though i don’t really need them— well i kinda do need them since i don’t like writing. not only that but he offered to always walk me home.”
“granny, i wonder how he’s able to pull off that kind of thing?” you bit your lips, trying to come up with an answer.
“what thing, dear?”
“he may not be the most affectionate person in the world but i still feel so loved whenever i’m with him. he’s not like me who always craved their partner’s touch but even so, he still manages to show that he cares and that he loves me very much and i am beyond grateful to have him. he’s so patient and understanding with me.” you pouted in a playful manner, trying to hide the fact that you were close to crying.
you’ve never had problems with talking about your relationship with kita to other people but this conversation with granny yumie is different since you were used to talk about the two of you casually but this time, nothing but sincerity lingered in the air and you couldn’t help but swallow the lump in your throat that was starting to build up.
“ah, i think they would have their break in a few minutes soon, granny. i should probably go ahead now.” you excused yourself.
“be careful on the way, y/n-chan.” she reminded you.
“will do, granny! thank you for helping me prepare shin’s food.” you bowed and left hurriedly.
once you are out of the house, you let the tears stream endlessly, clutching tightly onto the fabric wrapped around the bento box to not accidentally let it go.
you were walking at a fast pace not until someone held your shoulders, forcing you to look up.
“shin!” you yelped in surprise, wiping your tears with the back of your hand before smiling at him.
“wait why are you here? aren’t you supposed to be in practice?” you narrowed your eyes. realizing that he was wearing a new t-shirt.
“i could be asking you the same question, darling. but to answer yours, we ended practice early.” he let go of you before scanning your face completely and you felt like melting under his gaze, “do you want to talk about it?” he asked.
“it’s a ridiculous reason, shin. it’s fine.” you insisted before holding your hand out for him to get the food that you made for him and he gladly accepted it.
“nothing is ridiculous if it’s you, y/n. especially if it’s your feelings. you know that you can talk to me about anything, right?” he grabbed your wrist gently, pulling you to the bench near where you two were standing and pushed you down to sit.
shin: y/n, good morning. please do not forget to eat breakfast.
shin: hello. i heard from your classmates yesterday that you would have a quiz later. do not forget to review. if you need my help, just call me.
shin: the nurse told me you were sick. don’t wait for me anymore, we decided to not have practice today. i’ll pick you up from your classroom then walk you home and take care of you.
shin: y/n, love? suna just sent me a screenshot of the songs you’re currently listening to. are you sure you feel fine?
“love. i know that you are great friends with the twins but is it okay if you tell them to not always smother you especially when you are with me?” kita said. trying to keep his tone remain usual but the hint of bitterness was still there.
you felt him squeeze your hand when you chuckled at him. “of course, shin. i’ll make sure to tell them that. i’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable.” you reassured.
you’ve heard kita sigh for the fifth time ever since he arrived at your house.
“shin? is something bothering you?”
“y/n. i know i may not be the most affectionate person but please do not hesitate to initiate affection for me.” you couldn’t help but smile at him. completely placing your phone down on your bed.
“of course, baby. do you have a particular reason that made you say that to me?” you asked, worried.
“you haven’t hugged me ever since i got here.” you almost could not hear him but his straightforward attitude never failed to amuse you and so you pulled him into a tight hug immediately.
“love?” you heard him utter once again and you finally snapped out of your trance. tears threatening to escape once again.
“please tell me what’s wrong.” he looked at you worriedly.
“i love you.” you smiled.
“i know. i love you more, y/n. but i am still concerned about you.”
“nothing’s wrong, shin. don’t worry. i was just thinking of how lucky i am to have you.” he chuckled at your statement.
“is that why you’re crying?” you nodded as a response, laughing awkwardly.
“well, i think that is an odd reason, y/n. however, i know that crying is not only caused when a person is sad. it can be caused my numerous reasons but i think i would rather see you smile.” he gently wiped the tears away with his handkerchief that you two bought together at a mall when you had your first date.
“you still have those?” you pointed at the piece of fabric and he nodded.
“of course i do. i keep everything that has anything to do with you— oh no, love, please stop crying.” he slightly panics.
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stayinzencity · 3 years
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check out the other works written for The BBH Day Event hosted by @supermwritersnet ♡
member: birthday boy baekhyun (yes he's 29 now- it's for the alliteration)
pairing: none 
genre: humor (idk what else to call this)
word count: 1.3K
warnings: sehun doesn’t wear a seatbelt (car safety is important!!), kpop references galore, suspension of disbelief is required to read this, there is no actual plot
summary: baekhyun doesn't remember what day it is. then he does. chaos ensues.  
a/n: i sleep wrote half of this. idek what this is. please don't take this too seriously.
He only has one eye open, his head propped up by his hand and it's too early in the day for Baekhyun to be sure of anything, but he's pretty sure he isn't sitting with his friends.
He'd walked into the lecture hall and flung himself into what he'd thought was his usual seat, but he was sitting next to someone he'd never seen before. 
On second thought, perhaps he did know him. Wasn’t it Chanyeol’s friend? Kim Myungsoo?
Speaking of Chanyeol… Baekhyun twists around to check if the rest of his gang was seated somewhere, laughing at him. Yet they were nowhere in sight. Was this even the right hall or had he gotten that wrong too?
"Excuse me." Baekhyun makes an attempt to get Myungsoo’s attention, however he’s too absorbed in his work to notice. Baekhyun tries again with a louder voice and waving a hand in front of him. "Excuse me!"
This time Myungsoo turns towards him, taking out an earbud and giving him a questioning glare.
"Sorry to bother you,” Baekhyun says with an awkward laugh. He runs a hand back through his hair. “Could you tell me which class this is? I think I might be lost." He apologises again. Just to be safe.
The student sighs and pushes his book towards Baekhyun so that he can read the title. Baekhyun rubs his eyes and tries to focus on the words. Oh. His name was Kyungsoo. And Baekhyun was in fact in the correct class.
Maybe today was bunk day, and that's why there weren’t as many students. Or maybe for once Baekhyun had arrived early. 
This morning he'd woken up, noticed his roommate had already left, and hadn't checked the time as he rushed to get to class. He wasn’t even sure what day it was. Was it the third day of May? Or was it still April?
Suddenly, his friends pop up from the benches in front of and behind him. “Happy birthday, Baekhyun!” Oh right. It was May 6. 
They place the ice cream cake before him. Twenty nine candles were arranged haphazardly on it. His face was on the cake.
At least the cake wasn’t on his face. Yet. There’d by cake flying soon if this went anything like the usual birthday celebration. 
However they were still in the lecture hall. Which was equipped with cameras. That were (un)fortunately working. So maybe the caketastrophe wouldn’t happen. For now. It was always possible that they had something else planned for him outside. Maybe he should stake out in the campus until it was safe.
Someone screams. Soda splashes over him and soaks his clothes. 
Kyungsoo hadn’t escaped either and if looks could kill everyone around him would be dead. Especially Chanyeol who was behind the spill. 
It wasn’t entirely his fault since someone had tripped and bumped into him which had sent the cup in his hand flying. But Kyungsoo did not seem to be in the mood to debate technicalities.  
Baekhyun wakes up when the alarm ring ding dongs. 
He checks the time and the day. It was May 6. And he’d be on time to class if he hurries.
But did he really want to be there? His so called friends were waiting for him to arrive so that they could sacrifice him to the birthday demons. Maybe it be wiser to sneak away while he could.
Also how did he forget his friend? Does Kyungsoo already know somehow? Is Baekhyun going to live to see tomorrow?
With these thoughts racing through his head, he runs out the door, straight into Jongdae. Literally. Head banging, air knocked out of his lungs, man on man. Jongdae shoves him off. His sinister smile makes its appearance.
That was Baekhyun’s cue. He doesn’t wait for whatever Jongdae was about to say and tunes out the screeches as he runs for his life.
At one point he realised he was heading towards the campus. Was that the right choice? He’d be found there, for sure, but maybe the cameras would give him the protection he needed until the day ended. Or would it be better to hide somewhere they had less of a chance of finding him?
“I’mma shake it, shake it, shake it, like it was my birthday.” A car comes around the corner blasting a song at an obnoxiously loud volume.
The front window rolls down and Chanyeol pokes his head out. “Get in,” he shouts.
Kai sports his evil grin from the driver’s seat and Sehun lays asleep in the backseat. Which was definitely not safe. At the moment Baekhyun did not have the time or will to point that out.
Of course, Baekhyun doesn’t get in. He sprints into the woods. Which almost seem to appear out of nowhere. Wasn’t there supposed to be a park there?
When he finally stops to catch his breath, there was no sight of his pursuers. Also he was off trail, and very lost. Plus it was getting dark.
He slumps against the tree and slowly slides to the ground. He was going to perish all alone, he thinks as he becomes one with the soil on the ground.
Someone sticks a flashlight in his face. A security guard peers down at him. “Hey! What on earth are you doing here?” It definitely isn’t a judging look he’s giving Baekhyun. “The park is closed for the night.”
Oh. So Baekhyun hadn’t wandered into a forest where the wild would chew him up and spit him out. It was a park like he'd first suspected.
The light was getting awfully bright. Soon all Baekhyun could see was white. He closes his eyes.
When he opens them, he found himself in a laundromat. There was a woman doing aerobics? Zumba? Where was the door?
Baekhyun walks out and finds himself in front of an apartment complex. There’s a group of boys serenading and dancing. He’d take the time to appreciate their performance, especially since they were being nice greeting everyone hello, however he didn’t have time to spare. His friends were after him. Who knew where they’d come from this time?
Somehow Baekhyun wanders into a warehouse. It’s raining inside even though there isn’t a cloud outside. A group is performing some kind of angsty interpretive dance. There’s mud, sweat and rain. One of the guys rips his shirt open and starts laughing diabolically.
It’s definitely time to leave. One of the doors leads to a room where what seems to be a sing/dance off is taking place.
“Tell me your wish. I’m genie for you, boy. Tell me your wish.  I’m genie for your wish. Tell me your wish. I’m genie for your dreams,” the girl group sings.
Meanwhile, the boy group sings, “It’s your birthday. It’s your birthday. It’s your birthday. It’s your birthday. Now make a wish.”
Slightly flustered, Baekhyun contemplates making a wish. Getting the day to end sooner so he doesn’t have to endure this?
The performances are fine- he hasn’t forgotten his friends are still after him though, even if he hasn’t seen them since he run run run himself into the woods. He is currently convinced all of this is a fever dream.
“Cheer up, baby!” A cheerleader cheers. Baekhyun has no idea how he ended up in a gymnasium.
Someone hands him a paper, he signs his autograph and hands it back to them, before he hurries out.
He finished high school years ago, and he did not want to go back to those times.
There was a group of five boys performing outside on the lawn with sprinklers on. Baekhyun was once again felt the temptation to stay.
How much longer until the day ended? He might actually escape this time.
Hands grab him from both sides.
“I don’t think so.”
© 2021, stayinzencity
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svtmatokis · 5 years
Matchmaker P1
Introducing....Matchmaker! Min Yoongi has made me sooo soft lately and idek how I started stanning him but I decided to write this fic well just because...hope you all like it!
Plot: You’re a small name model who is close friends with Joshua and Taehyung and just moved to Korea after signing with an agency. You’ve been a fan of BTS for as long as you could remember and biased Yoongi. Little did you know, despite not being well known, you had caught Yoongi’s eye a long time ago and now you guys get to meet. Even though the two of you become friends, Yoongi’s apparently too shy and you’re just apparently oblivious to his feelings. Will it take a push from Taehyung and the rest of his members for you two to finally get together or will Yoongi be able to do it on his own?
Words: 3547
Warnings: May contain swearing, slightly intimate touches and Im not sure….
Genre: flufff/ slight angst
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Taehyung sat stirring his drink as his members sat around him as they wrapped up their meal. They had finished their schedules early that day and had the rest of the day free to do whatever they pleased so Namjoon had suggested that the group eat together before splitting off. 
He was debating what to do for the rest of the day when Jimin looked up and saw someone he recognized.
“Hey isn’t that Joshua?” he asked and everyone turned their heads to see the vocalist at the cashier paying with a girl standing next to him and suddenly they were all wondering who she was.
Taehyungs’ lips twitched up when he recognized the woman standing next to his friend, ‘So she’s back eh?’
“Does Joshua have a girlfriend?” Jungkook wondered out loud.
“Maybe a family member…” Hoeseok suggested. “She’s cute though.” 
“She looks really familiar though. I think I’ve seen her picture somewhere...” Jimin said as Joshua and the mystery girl approached the group.
“Hey everyone” Joshua said with a wave, “I thought it was you guys sitting back here.” 
“Hey Joshua” the rest of the boys said but Taehyung continued.
“Hey Y/N.” he said with a wave and grin. 
Suddenly all eyes were on him and they all wondered how Taehyung knew this person.
“Hi Taehyung.” you said with a small wave as Joshua introduced you to everybody.
“Guys this is Y/N, a close friend from the States. Y/N, let me formally introduce you to BTS. As you know, thats Namjoon, Jungkook, Jin, Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi and of course you know Taehyung.” he said pointing to each member who gave you a wave and polite smile. 
“It’s nice to officially meet you all.” you said with a smile shaking each of their hands, “I’m a fan of your music and Josh has told me so much about you all.”
“It’s nice to meet you too” Namjoon said, “Hopefully Josh has only said good things.” 
You gave Namjoon a small smile and shrug, “Maybe” 
“Are you here for work or pleasure?” Taehyung asked. “The last time you were in Seoul was for apartment hunting right?”
“I didn’t find a place back then and went back to the States for a while since my old contract didn’t expire. I just found a place recently though and signed with an agency. I have about a week to settle in before my schedules start.” you answered, “Are you busy right now? Josh and I were about to go furniture shopping.” 
Taehyung looked at Namjoon whose face was in slight awe but the leader shook his head.
“I’m good and you know I’m always down for shopping.” he said with a grin, “Give me a few minutes to finish up and I can get going.” 
“Great” Joshua said happy to have someone else join, “At least I won’t have to carry all her bags now. Just meet us outside when you’re done.”
“I’ll catch up with you guys in a bit.” he said as he started preparing to leave.
“It was nice to meet you all” you said the rest of BTS, “Hopefully we can meet again sometime.”
“Definitely, any friend of Taehyung is a friend of ours.” Jimin said with a large grin, “See you later.” 
The rest of BTS said their goodbyes with promises to meet again soon and you and Joshua went outside to wait for Taehyung.
Once the two of you were out of ear shot, all eyes went back to Taehyung who was just getting up.
“How do you really know her?” Jungkook asked, “She seems too old to be a trainee.” 
Taehyung blinked at the maknaes comment, “Do you guys seriously not recognize her?” 
Everyone shook their heads, even Yoongi was engaged at this point wanting to know too.
“She’s Minyoung’s older sister. The one who’s a model and dancer.” he answered and everyones eyes widened.
“Wait, Minyoung as in Dino’s girlfriend Minyoung?” Hoseok asked and Taehyung nodded. “Wow, daebak...no wonder she’s so beautiful. She was the MC at KCON L.A last year.”
“Bingo” Taehyung said, “She was freelancing back and forth between Korea and the States for a while but her parents have always wanted her to settle back here so I guess that’s why she signed with an agency.” 
“You seem to know quite a lot about her.” Yoongi said and Taehyung looked at the producer with a hidden smirk. “When was the last time the two of you spoke?”
“You guys would be surprised as to how much I do know and probably six months ago. Joshua keeps me updated though..” he said and stood up, “I should get going, I’ll keep you guys posted as to when I’ll be back.” 
“Maybe we can all meet up for dinner.” Namjoon suggested, “You can bring Joshua and Y/N  too.” 
“We’ll see what the plans are. Y/N likes to shop and she said she’s furniture shopping so…I’ll catch you guys later.” and with one last wave, he was out the door. 
The remaining six boys looked out the window to see the three of you walking away, it seemed that Taehyung and Joshua had said something to you because not too long later, both men were holding their arms in pain after you slapped them each.
“So she’s the girl Yoongi was checking out last year but never had the guts to approach.” Jin said with a teasing smile as the producers eyes remained glued on your disappearing figures.
“Maybe if you’re nice enough to him, Taehyung will let you hang out with her.” Jungkook teased and all the boys laughed as Yoongi’s face turned red. “I never thought the day would come that Yoongi would look at a girl like that.”
“Doesn’t he have a picture of one of her magazine covers in his studio?” Namjoon asked making Yoongi growl.
“Shut it guys.” he said and finished his tea angrily while everyone around him laughed and started teasing him.. 
Meanwhile, you, Joshua and Taehyung were walking through the furniture store where they continued to tease you.
“I still can’t believe she was able to keep her cool while meeting her bias.” Joshua said laughing and Taehyung nodded in agreement.
“You know Y/N, I can get him to come meet us if you want.” he teased, “I’m sure he would be just as eager” 
“You guys suck.” you whined, “I tell you both ONE secret and you guys hold it against me for the rest of my life.” 
“You love us!” Joshua said wrapping an arm around you shoulder as Taehyung did the same.
“Your life would be so boring if we weren’t in it.” Taehyung added. “Plus, I’m that connection with your bias...or should I say crush” he gave you a wink and you shoved both men away.
“You know, now that you’re in Korea full time, we’re going to be hanging out a lot more and with the schedule you already have lined up, I wouldn’t be surprised if our paths crossed professionally.” Joshua said, “I’ve always wanted to play matchmaker.” 
“Me too.” Taehyung agreed, “You and Yoongi are a perfect fit and I can’t imagine our fans being too upset...you may have a small reputation in the States but it’s going to grow once you start appearing in CF’s and ads here.” 
“You guys talk as if he’s already interested in me” you said with a roll of your eyes and stopped to pick up a rug that caught your eye while Taehyung and Joshua shared a look.
“Who says he isnt?” Taehyung asked, “Everyone kept pushing him to talk to you at KCON last year but that guy was too chicken shit to make the move.” 
“Plus, you’re beautiful, smart, creative, everything a guy could want in a girl.” Joshua added and nudged you, “I would say it’s only a matter of time.” 
“Whatever you say guys...whatever you say…” you said walking ahead of them to look at other items while trying to push the thought of Yoongi actually being interested in you out of your head.
Once the shopping was all done, you were all ready to split off and that’s when Taehyung extended the invite for dinner to you and Joshua.
“We promised to meet my sister and Dino for dinner today but you’re welcome to join us though.” you said with an apologetic look. “We’re also going to try to get together later this week for a small housewarming once all the furniture is set up.”
“Unless you want to come over tomorrow and give us a hand with setting up too.” ‘Joshua said, “Everyone’s doing something different so it’s only going to be the two of us along with Dino and Minyoung.” 
“I’m going to head back and have dinner with the guys tonight but I’ll see who I can round up for tomorrow.” Taehyung said, “What time were you thinking?” 
“I have a meeting with my agency in the morning so probably early afternoon.” you answered looking at Joshua for confirmation.
“Around there, I have to see who I can round up on my end too. You have a lot of stuff to build as is and with the decorations that you got, it’s probably going to take the whole day, or at least till dinner.” Joshua said and Taehyung nodded his head.
“She and her sister can take care of the decorating. You should leave the furniture building to us men.” Taehyung said trying to act macho and you rolled your eyes.
“Please, I was the one who set up my sisters apartment when she moved here two years ago. I think I’m capable of building furniture.” you stated, “We’ll see you tomorrow then. I’ll text you my address later.” 
“Sounds good. See you guys tomorrow.” Taehyung said and with a wave he headed back to his dorm.
During the day, he and Joshua had continuously teased you about your infatuation with Yoongi and despite you brushing it all off, it was obvious that you really did have a crush on his older member. He also knew that Yoongi kept a copy of one the magazine covers you did overseas in his studio and he started to wonder how he could get his two friends together. 
From what he knew, there were no obstacles between the two of you but at the same time, Yoongi himself could be a big obstacle. That guy had issues opening his heart to people and Taehyung just hoped that he didn’t have to meddle too much to get you two together. Plus, he had Joshua on his side and he was sure he could recruit Dino and Minyoung as well to give him a hand. 
Yes, operation “Get Yoongi and Y/N together” was a go and he just needed to discuss it with the other three.
By the time he got back to his dorm, it seemed that everyone was already home as if waiting for him.
“No Y/N and Josh?” Namjoon asked as Jin poked his head out of the kitchen wearing an apron.
“They have dinner plans with Dino and her sister.” Taehyung said going to his room to put his stuff away, “Why are you all home? I thought you guys had other plans too.” 
It was true, everyone had said that morning that they all had plans though he wasn’t surprised to find Yoongi actually in the living room area for once.
“Easily cancelled.” Jimin said getting straight to the point, “We want to know how you really know Y/N.”
“I made all your favorite foods” Jin said coming out with a variety of dishes and placed them on the table as each member started crowding him.
“Seriously? Did she really catch your attention that much?”  Taehyung asked in disbelief and each member nodded their heads including Yoongi.
“So how do you know her my dear Taehyung?” Namjoon asked as each member started eating as Taehyung started explaining.
“Better question, how are you two already so close?” Hoseok asked with a mouth full of food.
“You heard earlier, she’s Joshua’s friend from the States. I think they met when they were younger and kept in touch throughout the years. She and her younger sister were competitive dancers before Y/N got scouted and started modelling for a small agency.” Taehyung explained before taking a bite of his food. 
“That doesn’t answer our question.” Jungkook stated.
“Sorry, what were they again?” Taehyung asked pretending to forget and he felt himself get smacked upside the head by various members.
“How do you know Y/N and how the heck are you two so close?!” Jimin asked.
“Right...Joshua asked me to hang out with them a few years back when she came to visit and we’ve kept in touch here and there ever since. Remember that one free day we had during KCON and I said I had plans?” he asked and each member nodded.
“Joshua invited me to hang out with him and Y/N outside of the event and the three of us spent the day at Santa Monica” he said simply and felt himself get smacked in the head again, “What the heck!?”
“You met her a few years back but you couldn’t give Yoongi the push to talk to her at KCON last year? What kind of friend are you?” Jin asked with slight irritation. 
“We didn’t even talk during the event!” Taehyung said defending himself, “She was too busy on her side and it’s not like I knew you guys were fans of her. You guys just kept telling Yoongi to go talk to the “Cute MC girl”, there were like five there, how the heck was I supposed to know it was Y/N?” 
“Uh, the fact that he keeps a copy of her magazine cover in the studio would give you a hint, no?” Jin asked with a tilt of his head, “Gosh you kids are useless sometimes.” 
“Hey! For your information, I am currently your only way to get an in with her so I would watch what you say.” Taehyung said as Jin shoved a piece of meat in his mouth.
All the while, he had been watching Yoongi’s reaction throughout the conversation since they were conveniently sitting across from each other and he was happy to see the slight blush that appeared on the older members cheeks when the magazine cover was brought up. Of course he knew about it, everyone knew about it. Taehyung just liked to play dumb sometimes and after this conversation, he was pleased to know that his mission was going to be easier than he thought. Especially if he was able to recruit his five other members to help him out.
Later that night, Taehyung sent out a mass text to all his members minus Yoongi, along with Joshua and Dino.
[9:59pm] Tae - So is anyone interested in playing a little game of matchmaker?
Literally a second later he got various replies.
[10:00pm] Josh - You’re talking about Y/N and Yoongi right?
[10:00pm] Kookie - Y/N and Yoongi?
[10:00pm] Dino - If this is about Y/N and Yoongi, count me and Minyoung in. I don’t know if we can take any more of her inner fangirling. We’re at her apartment right now and Minyoung can’t stop teasing her about how she didn’t say anything more than hello.
[10:01pm] Chimchim - Yes!!! Anything to make Grandpa less grumpy
[10:01pm] Jin - As long as no one gets hurt.
[10:02pm] RM - The only one who’s gonna get hurt is Taehyung when Yoongi finds out what Tae is up to.
[10:03pm] Tae - He won’t hurt me because this plan is going to work. I will keep you all posted.
Taehyung put his phone away and grinned, yes everything was going to work out just fine...or so he thought.
The next day was a semi free day. They had a small meeting with the managers and once it was over, the group hung around the practice room when one of the trainees who had acted in one of their music videos came in to hang out with the members since she didn’t have a schedule that day.
“Hey Hara” the group said together while on their phones. 
“Hey guys” she said with a wave and went to sit next to Yoongi on the couch in hopes to talk to him for a bit but unfortunately for her, he looked like he was napping.
It was no secret among the members that this trainee had taken a liking to Yoongi almost right away, especially since they had been partners in the music video that they shot. It was obvious Yoongi was indifferent to her and treated her like he did everyone else but even when he paid a little attention to her, she was happy. Thats what they all found so weird about her.
A few of the guys were in conversation about upcoming schedules while Yoongi was watching Taehyun intently from the couch while ignoring things Hara was saying. Only nodding and speaking when he had to but in all seriousness, he was curious as to why Taehyung kept looking at his phone and grinning like a mad man. 
All the while, Yoongi was also keeping tabs on a conversation that was going on between Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook.
“I don’t get it though, if she’s a model why isn’t she more well known?” Jimin asked and Taehyung shrugged.
“Josh said she wanted to finish school first before she pursued it full time so not many people in Korea know who she is. It was only by chance that she was scouted after graduation..” he explained looking down at his phone again. When the heck were you going to text him? It was already early afternoon and he had yet to hear a word.
“But her sisters a well known choreographer, it would only make sense that her name is out there too.” Jungkook said, “What did she graduate in?”
“You ask me as if I’ve known her my own life. Why don’t you ask Joshua? The one who has actually known her that long?” Taehyung suggested and just at that moment his phone went off making most of the guys look at him.
“Hey Y/N.” he said into the receiver and Yoongi’s ears perked up. 
“You just finished the meeting?”
“What about Joshua?”
“Okay, I’ll see who I can get and then meet you over there. Do you want me to bring anything?” 
Apparently your request had his eyes narrow, “Seriously? Okay, anything else?” 
Suddenly Taehyung cracked up as he heard Joshua’s voice over the line, “Okay, okay, it’s highly likely that I’ll be able to do that given the circumstances. Text me the address and I will see you guys there.”
“I have no idea what you mean Y/N, I am perfectly innocent. I’ll see you in a bit.” 
He then hung up the phone and looked around the room at his members and Hara.
“So I’m going to Y/N’s to help her set up the apartment...she’s inviting anyone who would want to come and give us a hand. She bought a lot of furniture yesterday and could use a hand in setting it all up.” he said and saw Yoongi’s head shoot up which made him hold in his smirk.
“We’re down to go.” Jungkook and Jimin said together.
“Jin and I have something to do first but we’ll drop by a little bit later.” Namjoon said, “Just text me her address.” 
Taehyung then looked at Hoseok and Yoongi.
“Are any of you interested?” 
“I need to get something done but I’ll see if I have time after.” Hoseok answered, “Tell Y/N I said hi though.” 
“Sure, why not.” Yoongi said boredly shocking Hara who was looking forward to hanging out with him and the guys.
The rest of the men shared a knowing look before Taehyung spoke again. “Great, we need all the muscle power we can get. We should get going, she and Joshua are already on their way there.”
Slowly, each of the members who were going to your apartment with Taehyung stood up and grabbed their stuff before following Taehyung out of the room while Hara looked on confused.
“Y/N?” she asked looking and Namjoon and Jin who were talking about something.
“She’s a friend of Tae’s who just moved here.” Namjoon said and then looked at Jin, “We should get going if we want to make it on time. Let’s go.” 
Jin nodded his head and got up, “Bye Hara.”
“Bye Hara” Namjoon said with a wave. 
Hara was left sitting in the practice room all by herself and she crossed her arms confused. Normally on their off days the guys wouldn’t mind spending it with her when she didn’t have any classes but the moment Taehyung said your name, most of the members attention was diverted and she had never seen Yoongi react so quickly to something outside of his work.
Just who were you and would you be a threat to her friendship with the guys?
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