#idek i just needed something ridiculous to let off some steam/stress over all this and
bytheangell · 6 years
Support System: Chapter 1
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(moodboard courtesy of @kindaresilient <3) 
 When Alec’s favorite show gets cancelled and he takes to messaging customer service repeatedly to show his support, he doesn’t expect to connect so easily with the support representative he keeps getting paired off with. 
(Read on AO3!)  
Alec can’t believe that his favorite show is cancelled. Gone, just like that, with one decision from someone who decided the cost of production wasn’t worth the impact it had on the fans, nevermind the fact that it is easily the most popular show on the network. It’s bullshit, and as much as he tries to be mad over the whole thing he can’t seem to get past sad first. It hurts. It hurts because he saw himself in so much of that show; in the stories being told, the characters telling them, the words they said and the way they laughed and loved and hoped…. it feels like the death of a friend more than the end of a television show.
He goes to bed upset, and sleep comes uneasily that night, uneven and restless. His mind won’t stop, the sadness refuses to lift. And it isn’t until he turns on the computer early the next morning, the scent of freshly brewing coffee floating to mix with the aroma of french toast from the plate beside him, that he sees it: there’s a movement. Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook… it’s everywhere, on every platform, aimed at every company. It’s amazing.
Alec reads for a while, sifting back through the hours of attention the fans generated as he slept, before deciding to do his part as well. His french toast sits forgotten, coffee cold. A tweet here and a tag there turns into sitting in front of his computer for two hours that feel more like 2 minutes, ending with a suggested message to the Customer Support Chat to make sure they are aware that this fandom, his fandom, was nothing to ignore.
Support: You are chatting with Magnus B. Magnus: Hello! What may I assist you with today?
Alec: Hi! I was just writing to say that it sucks you guys cancelled The Hunt, and if there is absolutely any chance of reconsidering, well, that would be great! Alec: I really like that show. No, I love it. It menas so much to me and honestly, not to be dramatic, but I’m a little heartbroken that it’s going to be over so soon. Magnus: I’m sorry to hear that. I don’t have any information on it being picked back up, but I’ll definitely pass along the sentiment. Alec: Thanks! Magnus: Anything else I can help you with? Alec: Uh, no, I guess that’s it. Thanks again. This chat has ended.
Alec’s surprised to find his heart beating faster than usual - why do conversations with strangers have to be so anxiety-inducing? -  but he did it. And he feels better knowing he tried, if nothing else.
As the day continues the stories do, too. People talking about how much the characters mean to them, how they helped them through tough times, or in learning to accept themselves, or about how much inspiration they found there for works of fanart and writing. The hashtags and e-mails and chats continue. Shared screencaps online show people holding entire conversations in them, sharing personal stories, getting real reactions from the people on the other end. Once isn’t enough, Alec decides. Another message couldn't hurt. It's midnight now, but there's a 4 minute wait this time, and Alec smiles knowing what the other people in line before him are there for, too.
Support: You are chatting with Magnus B. Magnus: Hello, is this about The Hunt? Alec: ...you’re getting a lot of this aren’t you? Magnus: You don’t even know the half of it. Alec: Sorry.   Magnus: No, don’t be sorry! I didn’t mean for it to come off that way. It’s the job, after all. Please, let me know what’s on your mind about it! Alec: Probably a lot of the same. This show just means so much to so many of my friends and me. Magnus: So I’ve heard! If the representation is half as good as everyone keeps telling me today, I’m actually a little upset I didn’t watch it myself. Alec: It’s probably twice as good as people are letting on. Honestly. Magnus: Well, if they don’t put us on overtime for all of this, maybe I’ll watch some later. Alec: Hah. Thanks for listening again. Good luck. Magnus: I’ll need it. This chat has ended.
He takes a bit of a break to clean up the apartment and eat a little food before contacting support one last time before bed, though Ragnor F. is a lot less amiable to talk to than the first guy was. He doesn’t think about it again until the next morning when he opened up the chat again at 6:30 am to find a 6 minute wait this time.
Support: You are Chatting with Magnus B. Magnus: I can’t wait to talk with you about The Hunt. Sorry if that isn’t what you’re here for, I’m playing the odds today. Alec: ...I think we spoke yesterday. Magnus: It’s entirely possible, Alec. But with this sort of volume you’ll have to forgive me for not remembering specific interactions. Alec: Oh, yeah, of course not. Alec: Well, you’re right. That is why I’m here. Magnus: You know, the lot of you were so convincing yesterday a bunch of us went back to my place after our shift and watched a few episodes? Alec: What did you think? Magnus: I wasn’t so sure at first, but it was just starting to pick up a bit when we had to call it a night. I almost didn’t want to stop watching, but I knew I’d need my energy to keep up with all the messages today. Just try not to spoil too much for me, I’m only three and a half episodes in but I’m going to watch more later. Alec: Oh my god that’s amazing. I’m glad you like it!   Magnus: I’m not sure I want to get too invested in something I know is cancelled, though. Alec: I mean, hopefully it isn’t! Any word on that yet? Magnus: Sorry, nothing official from the higher ups. Just that they see your interest and note your concerns. Touching, right? Alec: Totally. Well, thanks anyway. This chat has ended.
He has work, a welcome distraction, and then another polite but short conversation with a Catarina L. with the same lack of any new updates during his lunch break at work, but falls asleep early back home. When he jolts awake at 3 am and can’t fall back asleep he decides to give Support another chat, since it couldn’t hurt, and it isn’t like he’s doing anything else at 3 am anyway.
Support: You are Chatting with Magnus B. Magnus: How long is the wait to talk right now? Alec: Only 5 minutes. Also you again? Are you the only person that works here? Magnus: The graveyard shift is a lot less staffed than the others, but you guys are certainly  keeping us on our toes. I haven’t actively spoken to this many people between 1 and 6 am since I started here… Maybe even the entirety of all my shifts combined. Alec: Well, at least you’re more fun to talk to than some of the others. Magnus: Oh dear, have you been sent to Ragnor’s chat? Honestly, I keep telling him he needs to find a new job but the higher-ups appreciate his ‘efficiency’. Alec: I want you to know I literally laughed out loud just now. Magnus: I’m honored.   Alec: Did you get to watch any more episodes? Magnus: YES. I’m halfway through the first season now and if I wasn’t sold before I certainly am now. I figured it had to get better, and it IS. Come back tomorrow night and I’ll likely be through the whole season at this rate. Alec: Well, if I’m going to do this all day to get the show picked back up I can at least make sure to recruit a new Hunter out of it. Magnus: Hunter? Alec: Fandom term, for someone who likes the show. Magnus: Makes sense. I like it. Alec: Guess I’ll talk to you tomorrow, then. Magnus: It’s a date. This chat has ended.
It’s a date? Alec brushes off the words, though there’s a small smile playing on his lips at the idea of Magnus, whoever he was, wherever he was, waiting for his name to pop back up in that chat box the next night. Don’t be silly, he chastises himself. He didn’t mean anything by it. He has to be nice to everyone, it’s his job. Of course it is.  Though something about it feels… more than that, somehow? Which is ridiculous, though it doesn’t stop him from blushing at the realization that he’s actually looking forward to tomorrow night.
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Stress Reliever - Jin
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Pairing: Seokjin x reader (nicknamed Angel)
Wordcount: 2.9k words
Genre: smut, angst (very), fluff
Rating: 18+
Hi everyone! I’m back with a new scenario for the “Stress Reliever” project, or how the guys would blow off some steam with their s/o. 
And this time, it’s all about Jin!
Let me warn you, this is smutty and filthy and dirty in more ways than one, so read at your own risk.  Also, in my scenarios, Jin and his s/o have been frequently discussing and getting to know more of their preferences in the bedroom, I see this as the official turning point within their relationship where Jin decides to get kinkier with his partner. You’ll see more of this in The Conversations.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Jin gets dommy. Like dom dom. Like hard dom. It just happened, I don’t know why but I sorta liked that??? And idek because normally I see him as vanilla as it can be? Anywaysss... unprotected sex in and established relationship (wrap it before you tap it and GET CHECKED REGULARLY!) slight bdsm, sub!reader and sir!seokjin, quite angsty at the beginning but I swear it’s super soft at the end (yay, aftercare with Jinnie), a bit of a degradation kink, nothing too extreme, Jinnie is a bit mean, tho. Cumplay, handjob (both male and female receiving), the smallest mention of oral (male and female receiving, if you squint), also, big dick Jin (’cause we all know it), jackhammering (he can, and he would), y/n discovers she can orgasm without touching her clit and levels up ;))))))))
About 2900 words.
Here is my masterlist, enjoy!
The mood was right. Everything felt right. Jin was always dedicated to creating the right atmosphere, making sure you were relaxed, not a care in the world as he laid you down on the sheets, kissing you fondly, brushing his nose against yours. But sometimes all you needed was a surprise, a twist, a change of habit. 
Sometimes making love to you was good, some other times you just wished he took you down like a hurricane. You wished you didn’t feel like you had to hold back not to scare him off, and you wished he still wasn’t holding back, even though your conversation about sex had opened up a little after him discovering your toys and you watching him getting himself off, which showed you exactly what he was capable of with his hips. 
“Are you feeling good?” He asked, his hands climbing under your shirt, massaging your breasts from over your bra. 
“All great.” You caressed his face, pressing your thumb against his lips. The background instrumental was quiet enough to ease any embarrassment, covering the quiet but also letting you hear each other. 
“Do you need me to, I don’t know, grab something for you? Close the blinds? Change music? Anything?”
You giggled. “It’s perfect. I would shut the candles though, unless they’re battery operated.” You hand-combed his hair.
“All battery, no risky open flames in this bedroom.” He reassured you.
“Anything else?” You offered. Rather than you relaxing, you needed him to relax. He was a bundle of nerves. Probably because he was using tonight to make amends for upsetting you the other day over something absolutely dumb. You didn’t even remember what it was, you just had a major fight on it, ending with him smashing the door as he went out, reminding you of your various shortcomings and mistakes. 
“No. If you’re good, I’m good.” He kept delicately kneading your breast. “Is my hand too cold?”
“Jin, it’s june, I’m sweating my soul off, your hand’s nice.”
“Maybe it’s sweaty, clammy. Do you--”
“Quit it.” You playfully reprimanded him. “We’ve been together for months, why would you worry about all of this.”
“I really don’t know, I’m trying to make it good for the two of us!” He snapped. 
“Then stop being so doubtful of everything and get down to it? Maybe?”
“You see, you’re always so controlling!” He snapped. “I’m trying to be gentle and you just barge into it, diving into stuff headfirst.” He sat up, moving his hand away from under your shirt. 
“Why do you need to always be so careful?” You snapped right back, kneeling at his side, now at eye level with him. 
“I’m trying to be a gentleman, making it romantic, right for you. I’m trying to make it perfect, every single time. And you don’t even consider it. I help you around the house, I cook, I do the laundry whenever I can, I iron my own clothes, I clean after myself-”
“That is not the point and you know it. Housekeeping has nothing to do with sex.” You argued, eyes wide and voice slightly louder than before.
“I hold myself back, I keep my needs at bait to make it loving and perfect and romantic--”
“I don’t fucking want it.” You screamed. At that he stops, absolutely still. He makes to stand up but you stop him. “I have never wanted it perfect.”
“Then why the hell--” He started screaming back, but you threw him against the sheets, shutting his mouth with your hand, straddling his waist. 
“I want you to be real with me. Not perfect. I want to see you lose it. I thought we had come clean with this last time we talked it out.” You took your hand off his face, now that he looked calmer. “We said we would lead each other through this. We would discuss likes and dislikes and fool around more.”
“I don’t wanna fool around. I want you to lose your mind because it’s so good.” His eyes were pleading, but also dark and demanding.
“Then just take what you want, you fool.” You offered in return, caressing his face.
“Stand up.” The volume of his voice made a shiver run down your spine. You obeyed. Everything suddenly felt ice cold, but at the same time vibrating in anticipation. 
“I don’t intend to stop until you use your safeword. What is it?” 
You marvelled at him needing a safeword. You marvelled at him even knowing its existence and knowing what it was. After a few seconds of meditating the right word, you replied: “Vanilla.”
“Good. So if you want me to stop, what do you say?”
“I say vanilla, sir.” You bit your lip.
“Good. Now kneel.” He ordered, spreading his legs as he sat on the bed. 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Let’s see if you’re worth all the fuss.” He was furious. He was tired of feeling too soft, too plain, too normal for you. He had been trying to make it perfect and with every step he thought he was taking towards perfection, he was actually stepping away from what you needed, frustrating himself in the process. 
He undid his trousers with nervous tugs and twists, making you almost feel like you should be helping him. You motioned towards his button, but he swatted it violently. “Stay put.”
You once more marvelled at the complete turn of events. “You said you wanted me to get what I want.” He finally freed his erection from his boxers and trousers. “Then you’re gonna watch me. So you can see whether you can handle this. And you’ll see why I wanted to be nice with you.”
“Yes, sir.” You said for confirmation. The sentence slipped out naturally, just like you’ve used before. The title didn’t feel like a taunt, but more of some sort of small way to protect yourself from his sudden change of character.
“You’re ridiculous. So easy for you, sir this, sir that. You love it, don’t you?” He started touching himself. “I know you got some lube for when you fool around with your toys. Just hand it over.” He said coldly. 
You rummaged in your bedside table, fishing out a bottle of vanilla scented gel. In the meanwhile he had undressed, now deliciously naked from head to toe. 
He smirked sardonically. “Keeping it in the bedside table, ready for whenever you fancy. Makes me wonder how often you use it. How often you take care of yourself instead of coming to me.” He poured some on himself, smiling at the scent. “How fitting for it to be vanilla, uh?”
He closed the lid and gave it back. “Look at you, you’re so eager to watch me. Wishing my hand were yours.” His strokes were slow and powerful, a pained groan coming out when he reached the tip. “Take off your shirt.”
You felt like complying to his every request. Your chest now covered only by your bra, you noticed how he stared at its movements, at the rhythm of your breathing. 
“Will you let me cum there? On your tits?” He asked, his strokes intensifying in pace and tension, hips moving slightly to deliver what his hands couldn’t. His size had always fully satisfied you, thickness and length making your mouth water -- and also thank every deity that made him repulsed by deepthroating: he was too big for you to handle that safely. You knew he was nearing the edge, his chest blushing, his eyes crinkling shut, teeth clenched, and his palm focused on the tip. 
“Open up.” Your eyes blew wide as he addressed you, bringing the tip of his cock to your lips. “You better make it good.” As soon as he felt the opening of your mouth he slipped in, stroking his shaft while he pushed the blunt head past your teeth, you eagerly sucking on it. His breath grew quick and loud and before you knew it, he was pulling out, spilling over your lips, chin and chest. The loud shout he let out was absolutely uncharacteristic, much like his uncontrolled orgasm. 
“You like it, uh? Is this what you wanted? For sir to cover you up in his cum? You wanted it dirty? Is it dirty enough for you? Or am I still too vanilla?”
“Anything you want, sir.” You replied obediently.
“Then lick it up clean. I don’t like dirty girls.” The statement hurt you slightly, a side of you feeling called out by those words. You proceeded licking your lips, reaching out with your tongue as far as it went. “How can I clean my chest, sir?”
“You’re the one who wanted it. Work it out.” The coarse answer made you clench your teeth in irritation. You undid your bra, your chest now entirely naked. with your fingertip you collected the white blobs of liquid and brought them to your mouth. 
“Do you like it?” he asked, looking down at you. 
You nodded. 
“Little rascal.” He dragged you to your feet, pulling at you through the waistband of your sweats. “Come here.” He undid the ribbon there, dragging your trousers down. “No vanilla yet?”
“No, sir.” You murmured. 
“Then I might as well test your limits.” As you stepped out of your sweats, he licked from your navel down to your hips, placing his open mouth over your pubic bone, your panties still in place. His lips looked almost too erotic, plump and soft against the plain cotton. And you lost focus when he started teasing you with his teeth. “But you like it, don’t you, little devil?”
You nodded eagerly. 
“Such a shame tonight it doesn’t matter. Tonight only what I like matters.” He parted his face from your crotch and stood up, now towering over you, obstructing your visual with his wide shoulders. He gripped your arms and spinned the two of you around, throwing you on the mattress quite violently, your body slightly bouncing. Next thing you knew, he was tugging at your underwear, finally undressing you entirely. 
“Not a sound. Only thing you can say is your safeword, understood?”
“Yes, sir.” The reply was going to be indented on you by the end of the night. 
“Good, now quiet.” He threw your legs apart and kneeled on the bed, between your parted thighs. His palm cupped your intimate parts, lightly massaging up and down, feeling the slickness there and finally letting a finger slip into your warmth.
You bit your lip to keep quiet, Jin’s eyes fixed on your face, almost expecting you not to hold back. After a couple minutes, his touch lost any mercy, turning into a full on assault, the other hand pressing against your belly to add pressure on your nerve endings, but also to tame the buckling of your hips. 
“Look at this little devil. All you need is a scolding from sir and your dirty mouth shuts up.” He reached your cervix and teased hard, strong circles around the soft spot there. “I’m almost tempted to let you talk, so I could see what a babbling mess you become with nothing but my fingers in your cunt.” He scissored his fingers inside you. “A devil. That’s what you are.” You pushed your hips into his hand hopelessly.
“Move them one more time and I’m going to stop.” He warned you. 
You were absolutely still after that, pretending that the lack of friction due to your overly wet folds didn’t bother you. His ruthless attack on your clit, his thumb dragging it sideways while his middle and ring fingers teased your g spot, finally shoot you towards your first orgasm, after what felt like a century, but was at worst ten minutes. Your hands gripped the sheets as your body receded into some brainless state. “Eyes on me, lest you forget who’s getting you hot, ____.”
You did everything you could to keep your eyelids from closing, but your eyes sort of crossed for the pleasure, his fingers relentless as he kept gripping you, without any intention of letting your writhing body go, until you escaped his torture, shaking your head and pressing your knees together, hands crossing over your legs.
"That good, uh?" He laughed at you. "You're almost ridiculous." He brought his fingers to his mouth, licking up the taste of you. "Do I need to remind you that you asked for this?" He was laying at your side, propped on an elbow, looking down at you with half closed lids, lust unadulterated in his eyes. "How about I take what I want most?" 
You nodded, almost desperate by now. 
He snickered. "As if I cared about your answer. Let me think, do you deserve to see me as I come apart? Do I want to look at you as you cum? You were such a sorry mess right now."
That was mean. And hot. But still mean. You didn't know he had such a talent for degradation. You probably would address this later. 
"I'm feeling kind. Open up. Let me claim my nasty devil." 
Grabbing his hard-on, he stroked it a couple times, laying on top of you, one elbow propping him up as he aligned himself with your entrance and sinked in with one smooth motion. He hardly ever allowed himself to, since you were quite tiny and the stretch could result difficult and almost unpleasant. With a breathy moan he stilled inside you, holding there until your grip eased a little, allowing him to slide out and settle in again. The first few thrusts were patient and pained, but at the fifth or sixth slide of his hips you moved slightly against him. He looked at you tentatively, his anger momentarily subdued by his insecurity and the mild discomfort creasing your brow. However, as your face relaxed and you offered a little nod, searching for his hand, he nodded back, picking up his pace. 
You let out a sudden breath, as if someone had punched your stomach, the pain dissolving into the pleasure contorting Jin's face. His pace turned manic, with fast jabs of his hips, upward and forward, the angle and force making the tip of his cock show on your belly. You couldn't help but look at where your bodies joined, the vision almost too much to handle. 
His brain was suddenly devoid of words, and his talkative foreplay turned into an almost silent fucking, nothing but the sound of skin and the bed creaking at your anthem.
Unexpectedly, before you could start touching yourself, you felt the familiar pull of an orgasm, Jin himself looking at you with a surprised face when you crumbled out of the sheer force of his thrusts. The tightening due to your climax made him stumble and impossibly quicken his rhythm, a cathartic scream announcing his own undoing. 
He fell heavily on you, his hair drenched, his hips deadly still as the muscles of his behind twitched after the prolonged effort. 
And then suddenly he broke out of character, blinking as if he had been possessed before and was now finally himself again. 
"Oh my god did you just?" 
"It-- I thought I couldn't, I swear. Usually I don’t cum without my clit--" You were at a loss yourself. 
"This was the best sex we've ever had." He whispered. "I mean… It's not like it wasn't good before but…" 
You smiled kindly. "I know what you mean. This was--" you searched for the perfect word, "earth-shattering."
He laughed his lovely laugh, then suddenly turned serious. "I was very mean to you, though. In my defense, I was a bit furious, but still I was mean. I said very bad things, my love." 
He lifted his head to look you in the eyes. 
You nodded. "A couple things were sort of… Harsh." You caressed his hair. "It hurt to hear you say you don't like dirty girls. I feel a bit dirty when I'm with you. You sort of expect me to like all that," you thought about the wording, "that vanilla stuff. I guess I get uncomfortable. I feel bad for liking nasty stuff. Ashamed."
"I'm so sorry, love. But I'm glad we can start from here now." He kissed your lips. "I missed kissing you. But I felt like if I did, I wouldn't be able to keep the scene up." 
"It's okay." You kissed him again, with more fervour and adoration. 
"I feel like I need a shower. And I feel like taking care of you now." He kissed your shoulder. "I feel a but guilty."
You laughed. "I feel guilty too. Like I tricked you into this."
"I loved every second of it, though. So if you tricked me into this, I'm glad you did. Next time trust me, I won't need convincing." He giggled.
"I loved you breaking me, so don't apologise and don't feel guilty. If it had bothered me, I would have used my safeword. But please now cuddle me cause I think I can't properly move. My body is currently resetting to non-clitoral orgasms."
He outright laughed. "Do you think it can reset while we take a bath? My soul needs cleansing."
"Let's go. But please carry me."
"So bossy." He teased, picking you up and heading for the bathroom. 
"Says you, Sir." You teased right back. 
He blushed to the tip of his ears. "Careful." He said pinching your butt playfully, once more turning into your funny, charming boy next door.
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