#idc these pairs meeting somehow is so real to me
inspectordookie · 19 days
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we’ll still prob never see warden again but in my brain this is what my zevran-romanced cousland is like after seeing rook & lucanis
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 11 months
Josuke Higashikata & Okuyasu Nijimura from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (ship name: josuyasu) vs Cole Brookstone & Jay Walker from lego ninjago (ship name: bruise)
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Josuke is fairly decent, but okuyasu, you know how in math, if you multiply a negative number with a positive one it is always negative, that is josuyasu for you. Josuke has 6 braincells and Okuyasu has -6734. Their first meeting was okuyasu trying to kill josuke, then he shows up at his house a few days later and goes "hey lets go to school! btw your mom is hot!" Josuke punches a plate of spaghetti because he thinks the chef is evil, they both fight a middle schooler who stole their cash. Okuyasu got the third most op ability in his part but he is too stupid (and kind) to realize it. Somehow they survive their entire part. They are thus far the second jojo and jobro duo to not lose each other. the second one? THEM IN AN ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE! (okay but okuyasu is swapped for koichi in that one, but still).
Josuke normally is pretty smart, but somewhat silly, but Okuyasu. Isn’t incredibly bright but he’s the best jojo character idc. Okuyasu brings out josukes stupid and then they are just besties and totally bouncing off each other’s stupid ideas. Idk what Okuyasu does to josukes brain but I’m here for it
I saw the post title and without reading anything else immediately went to submit them, only to go back and read the full post and realize they were included by default. They are THE dumbass duo. Ever. The worst protagonists for a detective story, but they dumbassed around so hard they somehow caught a genius serial killer. No matter who wins, they’ll always be the number 1 dumbasses in my heart.
they are the best of friends, which of course means they met by trying to kill each other.
They’re both so stupid. Like josuke isn’t that stupid on his own but he’s kinda dumb and when you put him with dumbass incarnate okuyasu they multiply each others’ stupidness. Together they are a menace.
Okuyasu and Josuke share a braincell and they lose that braincell at least 5 times a day
The majority of Diamond is Unbreakable is those two getting themselves and their friends into absurd situations. There's no way the sportsboys can compete with discovering aliens are (maybe???) real and immediately trying to use the alien(??) to cheat at dice. Then they burned down someone's house
#josuyasu are DUmbass Incorporated and i love them#its literally canon that okuyasu has one of The Most Powerful Abilities In The Entire JJBA Universe#but is too dumb and good natured to put it to world ending use
this gif
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don't ask about the weird space
They both come up with the dumbest ideas on the team and make jokes all the time
They got into a love triangle/fight because they were just dumb and missed each other. Also they’re canonical besties who are so fucking stupid but also love each other so much
They’re both just so silly… anxiety dumbass and emotional support dumbass…
They ended up in jail once because they broke a dangerous criminal out with good intentions, had a fight over a girl but in the end said that they were more upset about losing each other
part of the bruise propaganda being "they fought over a girl but actually they just missed each other too much" is RIDICULOUSLY funny to me they also were paired off at the start of season 8, resulting in jay mimicking cole, cole getting INCREDIBLY annoyed because jay doesn't understand how vows of silence work, and then the two of them getting into an argument which leads to an entire monastery of monks breaking their vow of silence. they singlehandedly caused an entire monastery of monks to break their vows of silence because they're that stupidly annoying. jay also got really jealous that the princess they meet in season 13 was interested in cole. like bro literally said "the princess seems interested in cole. i mean, he's my best friend and all, but, cole??" vote bruise.
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Together Again
♡ [a/n]; I love these two so much!! :(
✧ Pairing: Sonic x Shadow
✧ Word Count: 4,457
✧ Summary: Sonic and Shadow have not seen each other in a very long time, and old feelings get rekindled when they meet face-to-face again.
✧ Warnings/Tags: Fluff, aged-up, I know hedgehogs don’t actually wag their tails but idc, Shadow POV, legal alcohol consumption/mentions, confessions, first kiss, wholesome, lmk anything else I should tag !!
✑ You can find all my stories here!
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It was funny. 
To Shadow it was, at least. 
He and Sonic had slowly grown apart over the years, though not of their own volition. It was occupational, really. Team Dark had decided to pursue broader horizons, leaving them no choice but to move away from Green Hill. Tails and Sonic had moved closer to the city and Amy had made the full leap to city life. Knuckles was the only one who stayed rural at all. 
At least they were all within a town of each other,  Shadow brooded. He’d had no such contact with any of their old friends since they’d left. Not that he didn’t enjoy the company of Rouge and Omega; he’d decided to move across the world with them, after all. But he was not the type to upkeep online appearances and soon enough Sonic’s bright demeanour and even brighter smile were all he could remember amongst the constant missions and assignments.
He couldn’t recall how close he’d actually been with Sonic before they’d parted ways; how much of it was real, how much was twisted in the mind of his younger self and warped further by time. 
Yet somehow Shadow could still recall how naive he had been about it all, nonchalant and insensitive. He wished he had left in a kinder manner. He regretted coming across as though he did not care. He still distinctively remembered the aching in his chest after finally coming to terms with it all.
No more petty arguments. No more spontaneous sparring matches. No more of that smug smile he so desperately wished he could punch clean off Sonic’s face at times.
And then when Team Dark had finally decided to move back home- or at least closer to it- Shadow so desperately did not want to. Being forced to face them all again and deal with the repercussions of a younger Shadow’s ego and pride was something he was not ready for.
It had been three years. Almost four. 
He felt like he knew nothing about them anymore. It made him so inexplicably nervous not to know something, especially when it was people he used to know so well. Shadow wanted to preserve the good memories he had instead of trying to make new ones. He knew he was being drastic- but he didn’t much care.
So only Chaos knows how Rouge managed to convince Shadow to move back near Green Hill with her and Omega. Perhaps there was a part of him that was curious enough to oblige. But all curiosity had left him the moment that they arrived.
And there he sat, neatly placed at one end of a couch. The walls were bare and smelled of fresh paint. The air was cold and felt abnormal. He did not like having a new home.
“Come on, Shadow- you’re sitting on a couch, why do you look so stiff?” Rouge chided. The sound of her heels clicking against the floorboards became louder as she neared.
“I do not like it here,” he muttered.
“Not yet, you don’t,” Rouge replied, moving to stand in front of him. “We still have to unpack everything. It’ll start feeling more like home after that.”
Shadow’s ear flicked. Rouge sighed.
“Can you at least pretend you’re happy to be here?” She joked.
“No.” Shadow moved to fix his quills, smoothing them several times before his hands returned to sit neatly on his lap again.
“Well, regardless, can you please help Omega bring up the rest of the moving boxes-”
“NEGATIVE,” a robotic voice rang out, and a moment later Omega appeared through the front door. “I AM PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF COMPLETING THE ASSIGNED OBJECTIVE SINGLE-HANDEDLY.” A large box was positioned on one of his shoulders as he ambled his way farther into the room. Then he stopped suddenly.
Shadow and Rouge watched as Omega outstretched his arms and purposely dropped the box, a loud shattering noise ringing throughout the house. He offered a nonchalant thumbs up before turning around and leaving- presumably to grab another box.
Rouge sighed again, pinching above her nose. “I guess we’re going to be using paper cutlery for the housewarming party...”
Shadow’s ears perked suddenly and he turned back around to face her. “The what?”
He sounded panicked and Rouge felt herself cringe at her own callousness. “Sorry, Shadow. I meant to tell you at a better time.”
“When is it?” He asked quickly, referring to the party. 
Rouge looked off to the side anxiously. “It’s... still a little while away...”
“Omega!” Rouge exclaimed. “We talked about this! You promised you wouldn’t say anything!”
Shadow began to fidget with his inhibitor rings.
“NEGATIVE. I NEVER SETTLED ON SUCH AN AGREEMENT.” Shadow heard another box crash to the ground before Omega’s heavy footsteps trailed away again.
“You need to cancel it,” Shadow said, staring at the ground.
“I can’t, hon, I’ve already sent out all the invites- I’d feel horrible if I had to cancel everything now.” A moment of silence passed. “I’m sorry, Shadow. I just thought you’d like to see some familiar faces again. I know you don’t like sudden changes, including us moving back here in the first place, so I was hoping that meeting up with all of our friends again would lessen the blow.”
Rouge moved to sit beside Shadow on the couch. “I’m sorry if I just ended up making things worse.”
Shadow swallowed a harsh remark. He knew she was only trying to help. “It’s... okay.” He sighed, looking up from his inhibitors finally. “I appreciate that you attempted to do such a thing for me.”
Though his expression was blank, Rouge had known Shadow for long enough to know that he was speaking sincerely. 
“It... will be okay,” he continued. “This new house will be okay. The... party will be okay. Maybe it won’t be so bad.” 
He ignored the anxiety clawing at his stomach, screaming and pleading with him to beg Rouge to cancel the party anyway. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Rouge placed a comforting hand on Shadow’s knee, offering a small smile. “I’m glad. Now let’s go stop Omega before he destroys any more of our dinnerware.”
What was funny to Shadow was how inexplicably nervous he was. He tugged at the hem of his jacket- Rouge said he would look nice if he wore it tonight. He felt like a little kid again.
He’d been through much worse, surely. The past few years had presented him with many unique and dangerous scenarios, yet somehow nothing held a candle to this.
There’s not even anyone here yet, Shadow scolded himself. Yet somehow that almost makes it worse…
It was the waiting that got to him the most. Far different to staking out undesirable individuals or the stealth required to infiltrate a building. At least with those scenarios his stomach didn’t churn with anxiety and his quills didn’t stand on end.
Shadow glanced around the house; once empty only a few days earlier, now covered from head to toe with tacky streamers and cheap balloons. Multicoloured lights were strung along the walls and loose ends hung down, an inch or two too short to finish tying up.
The first knock on the door had been Amy which was less than a surprise. She was early, and Shadow immediately noticed how different she looked. Her quills were cut differently and she was wearing a stylish colour of eyeliner which matched her long dress.
Upon seeing her Shadow finally realised just how much everyone must have grown up. Surely not everyone had changed so much! Though his fears were all but confirmed when more guests began to arrive. Even Knuckles had changed to some degree; various beads and wraps decorated his spines and looked as though they had been a staple of his appearance for a while.
Shadow tried his best to greet everyone alongside Rouge, though other than that, he remained reserved and away from the loud music and blinking lights that were assaulting his senses.
Then eventually Tangle and Whisper arrived, hands entwined. Rouge made some playful comment that Shadow didn’t hear and Tangle replied to it.
“Man, I forgot how long you guys have been gone for… yeah, Whisper and I have been together for a while now,” Tangle explained bashfully, glancing over to her girlfriend for a moment.
“I’m so happy for both of you!” Rouge moved to embrace the two excitedly. “I was wondering when you two would finally get together,” she added playfully, though Shadow had stopped listening after that. He had begun to feel quite ill.
I wonder if Sonic will be with anybody. He thought anxiously. Shadow thought for a moment.
It doesn’t matter, he snapped quickly to himself. Why would I care, anyway?
Soon fewer and fewer guests began to arrive until eventually the flow stopped completely. Shadow now stood at the edge of the main room beside Rouge, red cup in hand as he stared at the front door. Rouge was catching up with Amy and Blaze. He hadn’t the brightest idea what they were talking about, too entrenched in his own thoughts.
“Shadow?” He heard Rouge’s voice. She snapped her fingers in front of his face and he turned to look at her.
“What is it?” He asked.
“I was worried the door was about to burst into flames,” she muttered. “What’s wrong? Is it too loud in here? I can get Omega to turn down the music if you’d like-”
“No, it’s fine,” Shadow reassured her quietly. He honestly hadn’t been focused enough to hear the music until now.
“Then what’s wrong?” Rouge pressed.
“Are you waiting for someone?” Amy asked, turning to glance at the door as well. Shadow began to feel his face heat up and he took a sip from his drink, burying his face in the cup.
“Who’s not here yet?” Amy asked, turning back to Rouge and Blaze. “I thought everyone would have arrived by now.”
“Sonic and Tails,” Blaze pointed out, and Amy rolled her eyes. “Sonic isn’t exactly known for his punctuality.”
“You’d think he would have learned some responsibility by now,” Amy jokingly agreed.
Shadow stared into his cup still, using the strong smell of the alcohol to ground himself. His ears flicked towards the door as he heard Omega move to open it. He must have been too distracted to have heard anyone knock.
The door opened and Shadow was unable to see who it was from behind Omega, but when the robot finally moved he felt his breath hitch in his throat.
“Speak of the devil!” Rouge exclaimed, Sonic ambling through the front door behind Tails. Shadow barely processed that Tails was about as tall as Sonic now, if not taller.
“Sorry we’re late, everyone!” Sonic called out bashfully, and the entire cohort seemed to sigh and roll their eyes communally.
“It was Sonic’s fault,” Tails muttered, though that seemed to be collectively agreed upon already.
“For the fastest hedgehog in the world, he sure does love being late all the time,” Amy muttered.
“Uh… Shadow?” Rouge whispered, trying not to gain the attention of Amy or Blaze. Shadow managed to drag his concentration from Sonic to turn and look at her again.
“Why are you doing that?” She asked. Shadow was about to ask for clarification before he followed her line of sight, realising that his tail had begun to wag involuntarily.
He quickly leaned back against the wall behind him with a loud thud, making Blaze and Amy turn to see what had happened.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He moved to take another drink from his cup.
“Rouge, Shads!” Came Sonic’s voice suddenly. Before he could even redirect his attention Shadow was engulfed in a tight embrace, the blue quills that were mere inches from his face clueing him into who was responsible. From his position in the hug Shadow could see that Sonic’s tail was wagging very quickly.
“Oh, right- sorry!” Sonic stumbled over his words for a moment as he pulled back from Shadow abruptly. “I forgot that you aren’t really a hugger,” Sonic apologised. Shadow wasn’t sure how to respond, frozen in place.
“Well I am,” Rouge said, moving to embrace Sonic once he’d distanced himself from Shadow.
“Hey, Rouge!” Sonic greeted her, returning the embrace happily. “It’s so good to see you guys again- Are you happy to be back?”
“I am- Shadow’s having a harder time adjusting, though,” she replied as they parted. Shadow’s ear flicked at her comment.
Now that Sonic was standing in front of him Shadow could take in his appearance fully. Surprisingly, Sonic looked majorly the same as he had before Team Dark left- albeit being taller now, and slightly scruffier somehow.
He was wearing a red and white letterman jacket. Shadow also noticed that Sonic had new shoes, wondering if they were what he usually wore or if they were just for the party.
“I like your jacket,” Sonic said suddenly, nodding towards Shadow. Shadow felt himself startle at his words.
“I like yours too,” he replied. Shadow then became acutely aware of the fact that he had begun to crease the plastic cup he was now holding far too tightly.
“Hon, why don’t you go show Sonic where the drinks are?” Rouge suggested, pushing him off the wall and almost directly into Sonic. Shadow caught himself quickly before glaring back at her.
“Looks like you need a new cup, anyway,” she pointed out. He tried to ignore the knowing smirk on her lips.
“Fine. Sounds like a great idea.” It took all of Shadow’s willpower not to crush the cup entirely at that moment. He turned back to Sonic.
“Follow me,” he muttered quietly before sauntering off.
Shadow could feel Sonic’s eyes on him as they walked and decided to pull his jacket down over his tail before it began to wag mindlessly again.
Chaos, this can’t be happening. He was thankful for the current darkness of the house and tried desperately to focus on the lyrics of whatever generic pop song was playing.
A moment later they arrived at the kitchen and a large ice-filled cooler was now visible on the floor.
“There’s more in the fridge,” Shadow said, standing so his tail was once again squashed against the wall.
“Wow, and you guys are just letting people have whatever they want?” Sonic asked in disbelief, opening the fridge and staring in awe at the sheer amount of alcohol.
“G.U.N gifted us a large amount of money for our services,” Shadow explained.
“What, did you guys retire for good, or something?”
“No, just taking a step back from it all.” Shadow turned to toss his crinkled cup into the trash. “They wanted to organise a ‘thank you’ gift for us. Some of it was alcohol but it was mostly money. Rouge wanted to buy some extra refreshments for tonight and Omega over-spent on everything, so now we’re stuck with it.”
“Omega bought all of this?” Sonic laughed, grabbing from a shelf before finally closing the fridge.
“Yes,” Shadow held back a laugh of his own. “Though unfortunately, Rouge is particularly partial to wine, alcohol has little to no effect on me, and Omega cannot ingest it at all. So we’re letting people take what they like.”
“I’m certainly not complaining,” Sonic said as he twisted off the bottle’s cap. “I was in such a rush to get here that I forgot to organise my own drinks.”
“Why were you late, anyway?” Shadow asked. Not that he was upset about it- only curious.
“Er…” Sonic took a quick sip of his drink. “Do you still have Dark Rider?”
Shadow blinked at him. “My motorcycle? Of course, I do.” He wondered what the question had to do with Sonic’s punctuality.
Sonic reached into his quills and his hand returned a moment later holding a small parcel, handing it to Shadow.
“Sorry it’s kinda messy,” he apologised, taking another anxious sip from his drink.
Shadow took the box gingerly and looked it over. It was wrapped in crumpled red wrapping paper and taped crudely along the edges, as well as in places where the paper appeared to have torn. It was accentuated with a black ribbon that was poorly tied around the entire box and finished into a bow on top, the ribbon barely long enough to hold itself in place.
“Oh.” Shadow looked between the gift and Sonic for a moment.
“You can open it now if you want, you just can’t tell Rouge or Omega about it, yeah? I haven’t exactly got anything organised for them yet…” Sonic rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
Shadow untied the bow and began to tear the wrapping paper away to reveal a plain cardboard box. He lifted the top and stared down at a pair of black motorcycle gloves.
“I hope you like them! I wasn’t even sure if you still used your motorcycle- or if you already had a pair of gloves-  or if you’d even use them-” Sonic had begun to ramble, looking anywhere but Shadow and waving his hands around as he explained himself.
“Th-Thanks,” Shadow said suddenly, and Sonic stopped speaking to look at him. “They’re… perfect. Thank you, I really like them.” He felt his face get hot again as he stumbled over his words.
Sonic looked elated by this response and Shadow could see his tail wagging again. Sonic must have noticed him staring before he realised what was happening, moving to grab his tail quickly.
“S-Sorry! This thing’s got a mind of its own, I swear,” his face reddened.
Shadow could feel his own tail begin to move as well, moving to grab it too. “I’ll be right back. J-Just need to… put this away quickly.” He cursed himself for stumbling again and sped off before Sonic could respond.
Shadow dashed to the stairs and quickly climbed them, turning into his room and all but slamming the door behind him. He stood pressed back against it for a moment, trying to calm himself down.
All this time he had thought his anxiety stemmed from the idea of the party itself, maybe even the sheer amount of old faces he felt terrible for feeling distanced from- but everything only felt so much worse when Sonic had finally arrived.
Worse? Is that what he was feeling? Surely not, if his tail insisted on having a mind of its own. Shadow felt anxious and like his heart was racing a million miles an hour. But every time Sonic did something- anything, really- he was overcome with such immense joy and his face would feel like it was on fire, his thoughts becoming foggy.
This was very unusual behaviour for Shadow, and he feared that he might have been coming down with something, stomach twisting with nausea suddenly.
He moved to sit on the edge of his bed, staring down for a long moment at the gift Sonic had gotten him. It was extraordinarily thoughtful, especially for someone Shadow considered to be quite air-headed at the best of times.
There was a light knock on the door and Shadow looked up at it. When the door didn’t immediately open he deduced that it mustn’t have been Rouge coming to collect him- who else could it have been, then?
Whoever it was knocked again and Shadow was brought back to the present, moving to place the gift box down delicately on his bedside table before standing to answer the door.
“Hello-?” He started as he opened it, stopping short when he was met face-to-face with Sonic again. Shadow could feel his quills standing on end.
“Hey, Shads… Um, Rouge said your room was up here, and that I should come and check up on you. She said she didn’t think you’d be returning to the party any time soon.” Sonic looked nervous, face still flushed. “But if you want me to go, I can-”
“No!” Shadow said far too quickly. He cleared his throat in an attempt to recompose himself, opening the door wider. “No, it’s fine. You can come in if you’d like.”
He moved to the side and Sonic walked into the room, Shadow closing the door behind him.
“I brought you a drink,” Sonic offered, holding out an alcoholic beverage.
“Oh. Thank you.” Shadow took it before moving to sit on the edge of his bed again. Sonic glanced briefly around the room before deciding to sit beside him.
“I was a little surprised when we received the party invite from Rouge,” Sonic began.
“Oh?” Shadow took a small sip of his drink.
“Yeah, I didn’t think you would want to throw a party in the first place.”
“I… didn’t.” Shadow corrected him. “It was Rouge’s idea. She tried to keep the party a secret from me so I wouldn’t ‘freak out’,” he added.
Sonic laughed, the sound making Shadow’s stomach do somersaults. “Well, I guess some things never change.”
“I see Tails is starting to grow up, though,” Shadow said, trying to keep the conversation going. Sonic sighed.
“Yeah, he’s as tall as I am now. And he’s only- what, 14?”
“Time flies, as they say.”
“Sure does,” Sonic agreed lightheartedly. A moment of silence passed.
“So…” Shadow began slowly. “Are you… seeing anyone at the moment?” He covered his question with another, very long, sip from his drink.
“Are you?” Sonic replied, a wide smile on his face. Shadow looked away from him abashedly.
“Sorry. You don’t have to answer that question, it’s none of my business.”
“Nah, I’m not with anybody,” Sonic replied after a moment, leaning back on one of his arms as he looked around the minimally decorated room. “I just… haven’t got enough time, I guess. I move too fast for most people.”
“I don’t think so.” 
Sonic turned to meet his eyes and Shadow began to fiddle with the zipper on his jacket. He turned away suddenly. “And to answer your question, no; I am not seeing anyone, either.”
Sonic looked like he was about to say more when something caught his eye. “Hey, is that what I think it is?” He asked, leaning across Shadow to retrieve the item from the bedside table. “Wow, I can’t believe you kept this!” He exclaimed excitedly.
“Of course I did,” Shadow replied almost timidly, turning his head to the side in a shy manner. He glanced back at what Sonic was holding; a black coffee mug with some corny pun on it pertaining to the owner.
“Why isn’t it in the kitchen?” Sonic asked, looking it over in his hands.
Shadow shrugged. “I packed it separately from the rest of our things. Omega is prone to mishandling delicate items.”
“Aw, you care about it that much?” Sonic teased. “I mean, you’ve kept it all this time.”
“It… helped remind me of home. I didn’t let it leave me for the whole first week after we moved,” Shadow admitted embarrassedly. 
“I told Tails you’d like it!” Sonic smiled brightly. “He kept insisting I could have picked a better going away present.” 
“No, it was perfect.” Shadow reassured him.  Just like always. Everything you do seems so perfect. He had to stop himself from speaking the rest aloud.
Sonic gave the mug back to him and Shadow’s hand lingered for a moment before he finally took it. He placed it back on the bedside table.
He turned back to see that Sonic was staring at him. “What is it?” He asked.
Sonic startled and his ears flicked back in embarrassment. “Sorry, I just…” He looked away for a moment. “I’d almost forgotten how handsome you are, after all these years.”
Shadow’s heart lurched and he began desperately wondering if he’d heard him correctly. He froze up completely and Sonic must have taken this for discomfort.
“Sorry! Sorry,” Sonic began frantically. “I know you’ve only just got back and are still trying to adjust to things, I shouldn’t have just said something like that out of the blue,”
“I just haven’t stopped thinking about you since the day you left, and- and then I showed up late to the party anyway which I’m sure made a great first impression- but it isn’t technically a first impression if we know each other, so it was a second impression, I guess-?”
“Sonic…” Shadow could feel himself beginning to blush again, noticing Sonic was also becoming increasingly flushed.
“-And I wish that I’d done more before you left, then maybe then you wouldn’t have gone- or we could have at least kept in contact or something, and maybe it would have been better to tell you how I really felt before all of this- oh, I feel like I’m just making everything worse, and- and-”
“Sonic,” Shadow interrupted him more sternly this time, grabbing his hand.
Sonic fell silent and immediately turned to their entwined hands, face still a bright red. Shadow could hear Sonic’s tail wagging against the bedsheets.
“It’s okay,” Shadow began quietly. “I…” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I… like you too.”
They stared at each other for a long moment, both hedgehogs stunned and not quite sure what to do.
“You… you do?” Sonic finally broke the silence.
“Yes, of course I do,” Shadow laughed quietly. “How could I not be so hopelessly in love with somebody like you?”
Shadow could hear the sound of Sonic’s tail managing to wag impossibly faster, laughing again. Sonic was snapped from his daze at the sound and moved to grab his tail.
“Ah, I really wish I could control this thing sometimes…” He muttered through gritted teeth.
“I think it’s endearing,” Shadow commented, watching as Sonic tried feebly to immobilise his tail.
“Sonic?” He started after another moment. Sonic immediately abandoned his task and looked up to Shadow almost expectantly.
“Yes?” He replied quietly.
“Can I kiss you?” 
There was no immediate response as Sonic stared back at Shadow with wide eyes and a startled expression.
“Sonic?” Shadow prompted him, worried that he was moving too quickly.
“Yes- yes, of course you can,” Sonic finally spluttered out somewhat breathlessly.
Shadow suppressed another chuckle, instead leaning forward and meeting Sonic halfway with a delicate kiss.
When they parted Sonic appeared even more dazed than he had before and Shadow felt himself swell with adoration. He brushed his thumb over Sonic’s hand which seemed to bring him back to reality.
“Come on,” Shadow said, standing up and leading Sonic by the hand. “Let’s get back to the party.”
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 2 years
Hii 🥰
I saw this picture and thought it might inspire a fic or an edit (no pressure 🥰)
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omg this cake looks so good!!! i am literally obsessed ty!!! this may be angstier than i thought but:
Once A Shattered Heart
Book: Open Heart (Post Book 3)                     
Pairing/Characters:  Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Chandini Ramakrishnan), feat. Aishwarya Pillai (F!OC)
Rating: Teen     
Warnings: Childhood trauma/Insecurities                 
Category:  Angsty Fuff                
Words: 1.7k
Summary: As Chandini and Bryce work on planning their wedding, he helps her deal with a heartbreak that never healed
A/N:  lol i don't know what came over me idc how tired i am i love angst <333 also a lot of Tamil people have their last names as their father's first names just a random note in case anyone was curious
Of all the things Chandini went through, it was a surprise to find that wedding planning would be so excruciating. Why on earth were there so many things to look through? Venues, guests, catering, and organizing between a Hindu wedding or a classical reception. Not to mention her phone's incessant buzzing. She sighed as she planted her face into one of the couch pillows.
She felt a strong urge to nap after such a day. She would have collapsed on their couch earlier if it wasn't for Bryce helping her. He currently sat at the island calling Keiki and asking her opinion on the table settings.
"Ugh, I don't know Keiks, that's why I'm asking you! I'm 100% sure she would prefer the NAVY blue tablecloth"
She chuckled to herself, keeping her gaze on her fiance. Her charming, hilarious, supportive husband who she still felt like she didn't deserve. He cut the phone call and walked towards Chandini, planting an eager kiss on her forehead. A giggle slipped before she could control herself.
"You're so adorable, you know that?"
"How dare you insinuate I am anything less than bold or intimidating," she retorted before taking his arms and placing them around her cold shoulders.
"Whoa, Nini you're freezing!" he said. Chandini rolled her eyes. "Are you sure you don't have a fever or something? I don't think we can move our wedding to a hospital on short notice."
"I'm always cold. Besides all the sweaters are in the wash because someone keeps stealing them."
"Okay, that was only one time-"
Her phone rang, for what felt like the tenth time that day. Who could it be? She craned her neck to see the lock screen on her phone and saw one person she would never want to see in her life ever again. 
"I...have to go Bryce. After all the work we just did I believe I deserve a nap." She left his arms and he was able to see the woman who kept calling her. 
Oh for God's sake. 
He played the voicemail she sent and physically restrained himself from throwing a pillow across the room. 
"Chandini. I know you are purposefully ignoring my messages and frankly, it's just disrespectful. I'm sure none of your other friends do this to their mothers. I need to speak with you immediately after I meet with one of my clients."
There are moments in Bryce's life where he regrets everything he does during intense moments.  This was not going to be one of them. 
He rang the doorbell to Chandini's mother's condo that she coincidently bought a month after she announced their engagement. He scoffed when she tried to argue she wanted to have more real estate in the Boston area. The woman answered shortly after the first ring and gasped in surprise when she saw her future son-in-law in front of him. 
"Miss Pillai." 
Sometimes, he forgot how similar Chandini was to her mother. From the thick wavy hair cascading off her shoulders to her prominent facial features, not to mention her intelligence. It wasn’t a surprise. Banerji was a brilliant doctor on her mother’s side and that family genius must have passed on somehow because there was something about the woman in front of him that exuded a feeling of superiority. She knew she was better but unlike Chandini, she wouldn’t feel guilty tearing other people down to bring her up. 
She laughed deeply. "Please, Bryce. If we are to be family I insist you call me Aishwarya.” 
He squirmed before continuing, eager to leave back to Chandini as soon as possible to make her a bowl of soup for her potential cold.  "Okay, fine. Aishwarya, you need to leave Chandini alone."
Her facial expressions tightened with anger and stared deeply into his. “Excuse me?”
"She doesn't want you there, and you need to get off her back."
“I can’t believe this,” she muttered, delicately bracing her head with a hand, something Chandini did all the time whenever she was in distress. 
"For the record, she doesn't want Mr. Ramakrishnan there either. Or Ramakrishnan? I guess that's his first name, right?"
She ignored his somewhat rhetorical question and muttered something under her breath. "After so many years she's still being this dramatic."
His blood started to boil against his wish. "Excuse me?" he asked, repeating her tone. 
"I believe your hearing is working just fine, Doctor Lahela. She's so dramatic. She has the audacity to leave and go against her mother’s wishes not even thinking of apologizing. Even you forgave your mother. What is her excuse?"
He balled his hand into a fist at his side. “It’s not an ‘excuse’ to not want to talk to a parent who took her anger out on her daughter because of her cheating father. God, how do you not understand how messed up that is?!”
She wasn’t startled at his exclamatory tone, almost as if she was prepared to make him mad. “I did no such thing! I don’t care for what her cowardly father did. I know for a fact that I raised a poignant, hardworking, and successful young woman or she wouldn’t be where she is today!”
Bryce stepped closer to her and laughed scornfully. “You’re the reason where she is today?! In a career, you didn’t want her to pursue?”
“Don’t speak on things you don’t understand, Doctor Lahela. I admit she would have been a better lawyer but I can admit I am proud that she is a well-known doctor. You would have never met her if it wasn’t for me. It’s simply pointless to deny my role-”
“In what? Making your daughter feel like she doesn’t deserve to be loved? For making her feel like she has to do everything all on her own or she’s a burden?” his hand started shaking, and it took him so much of his willpower to not tremble with emotion.
“It’s not my fault she thinks of herself that way. I don’t know what she did with her father but I know for a fact I gave her all the tools she needed to succeed,” she threw her hands in anger. 
"That doesn't mean she's happy!" he yelled. He took in a deep breath before proceeding. "When I started talking to her for the first time about her family, she never said anything. She always seemed closed off and she never told anyone anything. Do you know what that does to a person? Shoving your emotions so low to the point where you feel weak for being human?"
“Speechless huh? Not something you see every day in a lawyer,” he jests. She glowered at him, and Bryce could have sworn he saw tears forming in her eyes.
"You don't know my life, Dr. Lahela, and you never will. I have made sacrifices for her-"
"That doesn't mean you didn't make mistakes!" his voice started rising again. "You need to accept that she's not ready to see you right now. Even after helping her in the Martinez trial. Even when she was almost on her deathbed."
He was almost out the door before she spoke again.
"I don't think we'll be getting along as much as I thought, Bryce."
He scoffed. "If it means being on Chandini's side, I'm alright with that..."
The slam of the door sent a ripple of pain through Aishwarya. Was it guilt? Anger? Shame? A text from Chandini popped up on her screen. 
I am tired of arguing with you and Appa. I’m not changing my mind. Please stop texting me.
Aishwarya cradled her face in her hands. She cut a gaping wound in their relationship from the day she was born and now she would bleed the consequences.
He made it back to their house and sighed happily when he saw Chandini, making a large pot of soup with baked bread. She heard his footsteps and turned around eagerly. "Bryce, you're home!"
He raised an eyebrow. "You're excited. Did you think I would get lost?"
She laughed. "No, I found a cake you would like!" Chandii swiped through messages on her phone Sienna sent her. "She sent me a few pictures from the first bakery we went to together to pick up Rafael's birthday cake, remember? And look at this!"
A glazed marble cake with intentional cuts seeping with candy jewels and a heart-shaped jeweled decoration dominated his vision. He fell in love. "This is perfect!"
She squealed, unexpected for someone like her. "I know! Sienna really did a good job finding a cake, though I should probably request a navy blue color instead..."
Bryce wrapped his arms around Chandini as she was talking, desperate to hold onto this moment forever. "You're amazing, you know that, right? I'm so excited to wake up and spend the rest of my life with you." He kissed her nose softly.
She smiled, sniffling to hide any unwarranted tears. "Well, at least I'm glad I'm marrying someone with excellent taste."
Perma Tags: @peonierose, @jamespotterthefirst, @choicesficwriterscreations
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pookiesatoru · 3 years
late night lessons
pairing : fem!reader x mikey x draken x kazutora
includes : heavy oral (fem receiving), spitting, subby & inexperienced tora, dom!mikey & ken, ken's a lil mean at times hehe, some degrading but lots of praise, lots of smut (obviously) n fluff if you squint
word count : just over 4.5k...🧍🏽‍♀️
summary : an alternate timeline where mikey and ken teach their dear friend, kazutora, how to eat pussy. specifically, yours.
this is very very very self indulgent of me but idc i want all of them 🙄 i uhh, i can't write endings to save my life so let's ignore how bad it is, thank u. almost named this 'two and a half men' cause mikey's shorter but i decided to be nice to him lmfaoaofhd. please don't repost on other platforms. likes / reblogs are appreciated & feedback is always welcomed <3
!! minors & ageless blogs, dni !!
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The events of the night were sort of a blur. What was meant to be an innocent movie night had suddenly turned into something, not so innocent. You faintly remember Kazutora mentioning he’d never touched a female intimately, and somehow the conversation led to more. The words “teach me… please?” fell from Kazutora’s lips, directed at Mikey and Ken while his eyes glanced over at you. You’re not too sure what happened after, but now you’ve ended up on the bed with three of your friends around your semi naked body.
Your back was against Ken’s chest, his large hands holding your legs apart by your knees as Mikey and Kazutora situated themselves in between them. Mikey’s hand gently tapped your thigh, smiling back up at you warmly. “Let us know if you want to stop at any time, alright?” You simply nodded, the room feeling a little too warm as you finally processed this was really happening.
You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t ever thought of your friends in that specific way. Countless nights you had gotten off to at least one, if not, all of them, countless fantasies and positions played out in your mind but for it to actually become real? The whole thing felt like a dream.
“Use your words, baby.” Ken spoke, his deeper voice resonating against your ear.
“I understand. I’ll let you know. P-Promise.”
“Good…” Mikey trailed off, looking down at your panties before looking at Kazutora. “You gotta tease them a little. Make them needy for something, yeah? It sorta sets the mood.” Kazutora’s eyes were wide, you could see him making notes mentally and hanging onto every word Mikey spoke.
“H-How– How can I do that?” He asked nervously, throat becoming dry. Rather than speaking, Mikey hummed to himself and pulled your leg a little closer to his face as he placed gentle kisses that continued up your thigh, inching closer and closer to your centre. His actions made you shiver in excitement, which didn’t go unnoticed by the blond between your legs, a small smirk overtaking his features while he continued. Kazutora focused on the two of you longingly, licking his lips that had gotten dry and awaited his turn.
“Just like that. You see how she shivered a little, Tora?”
“Y-Yeah…” The boy swallowed deeply, his eyes darting to meet yours. They were full of lust while equally being laced in nervousness. “Can I… Can I touch you, like ‘Jiro did?”
“Mhm, please. Touch me.”
Kazu inhaled, letting his lips press against your other thigh, his eyes locked onto your face to see your reactions and noticed how you bit your lower lip. Your skin was soft under his lips. When both their kisses eventually reached your upper thighs, you couldn’t help but let out a little whimper. They were both so close to where you needed them. You’ve never been more embarrassed, they’d barely done anything and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter with every passing minute.
“S-She’s wet, that’s good, right?” Kazu mumbled against your skin, sitting back as he noticed the slight wet spot in the middle of your panties which had your face burning up. He’d seen enough porn during his lifetime to know being wet was a good thing, at least that was the conclusion he had come to. “Yeah, that’s right Tora. Means she’s enjoying it.”
Kazu’s heart was pounding against his chest at the mere thought of you enjoying everything that was happening. You’d gotten so wet, so fast… All because of him and Mikey? Fuck. It was so hot to think about.
“Are you still good?” Mikey questioned, his fingers dancing around on the soft skin of your stomach teasingly as he waited for a verbal answer from you.
“I’m good, please... Please, continue.” It was almost too embarrassing to ask the two of them to continue with their actions, but alas, you’d be disappointed if they stopped now. You hated to admit it, but your friends had made you wet and needy with just their lips and you were sure they would continue to make you drip more as the night went on.
Mikey nodded at your answer, hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties and pulling at it a little but letting it snap back into place, ultimately giving you false hope of it being taken off. His fingers then slid down a little more as he pushed the pad of his thumb against your clit through the fabric of your underwear. The teasing action drew a soft whimper from you.
Kazutora’s eyes dilated a little, the small noise of pleasure from you was tempting to his ears. He wanted to draw noises out of you like that too, he wanted to feel you up like Mikey did. He just wanted to make you feel good, just thinking about making you moan from him made him flustered and he blushed.
“Kazu, c’mere.” Mikey waited for the boy to shuffle a little closer, sneaking his free hand into Kazutora’s hair ever so softly and pushing his head directly over your clothed pussy, letting Kazu have a clear view of how his thumb was continuing to rubbing circles against your clit.
“Y’know what this is?”
“That’s t-the clit, right?”
“Mmhm. Good boy.” Kazutora wasn’t expecting the praise. His eyes fluttered closed almost immediately as he bit back a noise of pure happiness while his cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink than before. It almost felt like he was drunk off the two words. The blush overtaking his pretty face didn’t go unnoticed by Mikey, or Ken.
“You like that? Being called a good boy?” Ken smiled, letting go of your thigh for a couple of seconds as he used his thumb and pointer finger to hold the males chin, making Kazutora look up at him. His entire face was red at this point from embarrassment, unable to speak up, the words ‘good boy’ kept bouncing around in his head, over and over.
“Asked you a question y’know.” Ken’s voice was stern enough to have the shy male snap out of his drunk daze, eyes focused on Ken’s dark ones this time. “Gonna be a good boy and make her feel good. Isn’t that right, Kazutora?”
“Yes! Wanna be good. Wanna be a good boy!” It was like a light had flicked on inside Kazutora’s head all of a sudden, the shyness dissolving away for a split second as he eagerly replied. He was eager to please, eager to make you feel good, eager to listen and hopefully garner some praise once more from everyone.
The three of them conversing had you growing needier (if it was even possible), seeing Kazutora so excited and flustered had your stomach doing backflips, hips bucking into Mikey’s touch as he also observed his friends, smiling at how fucking cute Kazutora looked.
“You’re so obedient already.” Mikey spoke this time, offering Kazutora a warm smile while Ken’s hand fell back on your thigh once more, using his strength to hold your bucking hips down with ease.
The blond continued to play around with your middle, alternating between pressing his fingers against your clit and trailing his hands up and down your slit, still keeping your panties on. The barely there touches had you shaking above him, little mewls escaping your lips every time Mikey began to rub your nub again. Kazutora’s throat began to dry up again this time, heart almost beating out of his chest as he kept his eyes focused on how his friend was touching you up and making you moan.
“Shit baby, you’re so sensitive. Tell me, does that feel good princess?” Both of their eyes darted up to your face. Your throat felt dry as you tried to answer Mikey’s question. He even pressed down a little harder on your clit while waiting for a reply and making it even harder for you to say a coherent sentence.
“Feels… Feels good, Jiro, ‘s good.” Your hips chased more of his fingers, your bottom half rising off the bed little by little again to get more from him. It had you whimpering. The friction of your panties and Mikey’s fingers sent goosebumps all over your body.
A soft whine from Kazutora had Mikey turning his head to listen to the male. “I… Wanna touch too, Mikey…”
The blond smiled, letting his hand fall as he moved over to the side to allow for Kazutora to get comfortable between your legs. “Go ahead baby, touch her like I did.”
Kazutora nodded, his hand shaking slightly with nerves as he tried recalling Mikey’s movements in his mind. As his hand brushed over your clothed centre, you bit down on your lip in anticipation of what was coming next. A couple seconds later he finally pressed his thumb against your clit, like Mikey did a few moments before.
That was when Kazutora’s mind went blank. The action had you letting out a noise of pleasure. That was exactly what Kazutora had been wanting all night, and now that he had finally got it? He almost lost his sanity then and there, cock twitching in his jeans as the sound replayed in his head.
“Keep going Kazu… She liked it.” Mikey’s voice was soft, lips close to Kazutora’s ear. Gaining some confidence from the noise of pleasure from you and Mikey encouraging him, Kazu began to move his thumb in slight circles, copying what the male before him once more.
“Feels good ‘Tora, fuck.” Your head tipped back into Draken’s chest, eyes fluttering closed as waves of pleasure ran through you. But it was still not enough, you wanted to cum and the teasing touches from those two had been going on for far too long.
“Touch me properly. Please… Want more.” Your voice was quiet as you spoke, looking down at the boys between your legs with desperation.
“Hmm, hold on a sec Kazu,” Mikey began as he pulled Kazutora’s hand away from your clit – Kazutora, who had been so intent on touching you and making you feel good, whined at the loss of contact from your middle without even realising. The noise from him earned a chuckle from Mikey. “You’ll get to touch her cunt again, be patient for now. Thought you were a good boy, hm?”
“I am…” Reluctantly, Kazutora moved to the side, licking his lips as he patiently waited, hands in his lap, itching to start touching you again.
“Gonna take these off, ‘s that alright princess?” Mikey’s finger tugged at the band of your underwear as you whispered a hurried “yes” back at him. He didn’t hesitate in taking the fabric off this time though, thank god, sliding it down your legs and tossing it to the side, focusing on how your pussy was finally on display.
Kazutora’s heart felt like it was about to beat out of his chest the second his eyes landed on your exposed centre, his voice quiet. “Oh fuck…”
“Fuck indeed. What a pretty little cunt you’ve got, baby.” Mikey began, his fingers playing around with the slick seeping out of your hole. “Are you as tight as you look, hmm? It looks like I can barely stuff a finger in you right now.” His voice was quiet, eyes glossed over with excitement as he took in the sporadic clenching of your yet untouched hole.
“‘M not sure… Dunno…”
“So ‘m gonna have to find out, huh? What a tease…” Gently, the tip of his finger teased your opening, pushing inside your hole just for a brief moment before he withdrew it. The male admired the way even with a small action like that, your cunt began clenching around nothing once more. “So fucking desperate to be filled…”
“More, Mikey please, need more.”
A soft chuckle fell from Mikey’s lips as his fingers stroked your folds a couple of times, avoiding your clit on purpose to tease you again – He was thriving seeing you so needy for him, so starved and desperate. This time, his finger dipped into your cunt with ease and a groan radiated from his chest as your walls kept his finger sheathed inside. He was right, you were tight. “Shit… You’ve got such a greedy cunt baby, sucking my finger right in.”
Every so gently, the male retracted his finger. It came out soaked, dripping with your slick – It also had Kazutora squirming in his place, seeing how wet Mikey’s finger had gotten was making him needy too.
Mikey bent over a little, hair falling over his face and tickling your thigh, thrusting his finger back inside you slowly as the tip of his tongue came out and flicked against your clit. You were unprepared for it, eyes already shut closed with pleasure when you had felt Mikey’s thick finger push into you. The movement made you shake above him, whimpering as your hand fisted into the bedsheets as his movements got a little faster.
Kazutora’s fingers pulled the strands of Mikey’s hair back to see his tongue licking your clit over and over. His cock twitched in his pants again as he watched how the tip of his tongue was touching your nub, the way your pussy had drenched Mikey’s knuckles and how there was a slight ring of cream around Mikey’s digit. Your hips moved on their own accord again, moving up into Mikey’s face, throbbing for more than just the tip of his tongue.
Eventually Mikey pulled back, pushing in another digit and watched you with a smug smile as your back arched off the bed at the intrusion. “Kazu, touch her for me. On the clit, like before yeah?”
Kazutora’s mind was racing, Mikey’s voice drawing him out of his daze as he lifted his hands from his lap. The pad of his thumb made contact with your now wet clit and earnt a gasp from you. His thumb pressed against your little nub a bit harder, rubbing circles against it while Mikey kept pumping two fingers into your heat. Sloppy sounds of your cunt being fucked by Mikey’s fingers and your moans filled the room.
Draken, who had been awfully silent behind you, spoke this time. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” You nodded quickly, head spinning as pleasure ran through your veins. “You’re doing so good for us, so fucking pretty and slutty for all your friends, princess.”
Your cunt clenched around Mikey’s digits with Ken’s praise and degradation, and it clenched down hard. A deep groan came from the blond, his spare hand prying your thigh open more and fucking into you harder than before. “Like being called a pretty slut?”
There was no way Mikey expected you to answer him, right? Not when your mind was already in a daze, Kazutora’s thumb rubbing your sensitive clit so deliciously while Mikey’s fingers were fucking you. Not able to say anything coherent, your mouth opened as moans fell from your lips.
“Dirty little cunt clenched around me so hard, fuck – Loosen up baby. Can barely fuckin’ move my hand.” He was right though, your pussy was holding his fingers in tightly. But it’s not like you could help it – It all just felt too good.
Kazutora bit his lip as his hand wrapped around Mikey’s wrist. The blond looked back at him, blinking silently before he groaned. A glob of spit fell from Kazutora’s mouth, landing right on Mikey’s digits before he slowly pushed the male’s fingers back into you till Mikey was knuckle deep in you. Kazu recalled seeing a porn video that did that… He wanted to try it out, hopefully the added wetness would help make your pussy a little looser for his friends fingers.
“Holy shit, Kazu–” Ken was stunned, eyes wide as he looked down at the two of them between your thighs.
“S-Saw it, in a video…”
“Fuck…” Even Mikey’s mind went blank, shocked but so ridiculously turned on, his own cock stirring in his sweats as he saw Kazutora flush a deeper shade of red and lick his lips at all the sudden attention.
Mikey withdrew his hand from your cunt, earning a disappointed whimper from you. But when you finally opened your eyes, you were faced with what had to be the hottest sight of the night. Mikey holding Kazutora’s jaw open. The fingers that had been inside you mere moments ago were stuffed deep inside the males mouth now. “How does she taste?”
“‘S g-good… Hnngh–” Ever so gently, Mikey had pushed both his digits even further down Kazutora’s throat. Little droplets of spit coated Mikey’s hand as Kazutora choked on them, eyes beginning to glisten with tears but no part of him wanted to pull away. You tasted so fucking good on Mikey’s fingers, and the dull pain of the two fingers against the back of his throat was addicting.
“G’nna let you taste our princess for real now, ‘kay? Been so obedient, you deserve it.” Mikey cooed, smiling as Kazutora nodded back as best he could and slid his fingers out of the males mouth. Mikey licked his fingers clean of your slick and Kazu’s spit. It had your walls clenching again and made Kazutora squirm, breathing deeply as he awaited instructions.
They both found their way between your thighs again, Kazutora’s heavy breaths blowing against your slick folds and causing goosebumps to rise on your skin from the sudden coldness. “Go on, taste her with your tongue.” Kazutora sat frozen for a couple of seconds, hesitant. Not because he was nervous (okay– maybe a bit of it was from nerves), but because he was so god damn close to your cunt now and seconds away from tasting you.
“Don’t tell me you’re shy now Kazu?” Ken spoke, raising an eyebrow at him. “You spat all over Mikey’s fingers like a whore, and now you’re shy? Surely you know how to eat pussy from all those pornos you’ve watched?”
“Now now, Kennie, don’t be so mean to our pretty boy, he’s just shy. First time seeing such a pretty cunt up close, bound to be a little starstruck.”
“I-I can do it– Saw it in videos, ‘m gonna do it… ‘s that okay?” Tenderness from choking on Mikey’s fingers made Kazutora’s voice sound a little croaky as he asked you for permission. There’s no chance you would ever deny him, not when his face was centimeters away from your sloppy cunt. Gently, you brought your hand to his head, pushing it closer to your centre with urgency.
“Please Kazu, wanna feel you.”
“Let’s not keep her waiting, hey?” Mikey hummed from beside him, using his thumb and index finger to spread your folds apart, letting Kazutora have a clearer view of how wet you had really become.
Ever so gently, Kazutora inched closer to your heat, flattening his tongue and licking a stripe from your hole to your clit and drawing a breathy inhale from you.
“That’s it, keep going Kazu, she’s shaking right now.” Ken spoke, strong hands spreading your thighs apart even more than before as he places a soft kiss to the top of your head.
Kazutora whimpered a little, praise going to his head once more. He kept licking up your folds a couple more times before tightening the tip of his tongue, deciding to do what Mikey had done before and focus on your clit. Mikey got even closer to the male, looking on closely and humming when he saw how needily Kazu was using his tongue on you.
Your head was spinning – How was he so good… Maybe he was just a fast learner. You were at a loss for words as Kazutora’s tongue swirled around your clit, slick seeping from your clenching hole only to be licked up by Kazutora. He wasn’t letting a single drop of yours go to waste.
“Looks like all those pornos did teach you something… Just needed a real cunt to practice on, didn’t you?” Mikey sat up on his knees, moving away from the boy who was so adamant on pleasing you.
“Kazu… You’re doing so good, fuck– Feels ‘s good!” Your back arched, clit that had been throbbing so hard before finally getting the attention it deserved and it had you shaking in Draken’s arms, one hand gripping Ken’s wrist for stability while the other went to grab your breast over your bra that was still left on.
Mikey began to move away from between your legs, Kazutora’s eyes wide as he looked at the male – Almost scared of him moving away. “You’re doing well, keep going, alright? Making her feel real good, take a look at her.” Mikey’s voice was soft, giving Kazutora a little pat on the head as he took a seat beside your shaking body.
Sure enough, as Kazutora flicked his eyes over to you, he was met with such a pretty sight. Your body was lined with a layer of sweat, but under the lights and with the flush over your body, you looked fucking stunning, chest heaving up and down as your hand clutched to Ken’s wrist with desperation. You were so beautiful.
Ken tapped Kazutora’s head softly, getting the male to look up and asking him to pull back for a little. He used his strength to lift you off his body, placing you down on the bed as Mikey and Ken got comfortable on either side of your body. “Go on pretty boy, gonna make our girl cum, aren’t you?” Ken asked, voice a little gentler this time.
“Mhmm! Gonna do a good job, gonna make you feel good, promise.” He chanted, causing you to smile at how excited he was to keep eating you out. Kazutora shuffled down a little and got comfortable on his stomach, groaning at the friction between his clothed cock and the bedsheets. Gulping deeply, he exhaled, spreading your cunt apart with his fingers and took a taste of your juices leaking out from your hole once more, letting out a moan at the taste, savouring it on his tongue before going back to eat you out properly.
Meanwhile, Mikey and Ken’s lips were both pressed against your neck from either side. Mikey’s hands made their way to your chest, moving aside your own hand that had been squeezing your breast. Filled with need himself, Mikey simply slid down your bra just enough to let your tits pop out, hand immediately groping the flesh.
You almost sobbed when you felt Ken’s hand touch your other breast, his fingertips brushing over the nipple teasingly. You pushed your chest towards his hand a little, wanting more. The action caused Mikey to let out a small chuckle. “Don’t tease her more Kennie.”
“Hmm, yeah yeah. Just wanted to hear her beg.” He mumbled in return, this time properly pinching your nipple and making it stand perky. Mikey couldn’t help himself though. Your tits and nipples looked so pretty, he had to have them encased in his mouth. So he did just that – Letting his tongue swirl around your nipple before humming and wrapping his pretty pink lips around the bud, sucking so harshly it had you crying out.
The poor boy between your legs couldn’t help himself once he saw what was happening above him, rutting his hips desperately against the bedsheets, cock straining against his jeans – It was painful to a certain degree. Seeing how your eyes flutter shut as his tongue swipes over your clit, how you kept moving your hips into his face to chase more of his tongue, tits out and being putty in both Mikey and Ken’s hands, paired with those sweet, sweet moans, it was all too much for Kazutora. His head was spinning at this point.
Ken brought his hand to the back of Kazutora’s head, gently but firmly shoving his face even deeper into your cunt if it was somehow possible. It was the grunt of surprise from Tora and how you felt his nose rub against your swollen nub that made you open your eyes to finally see what was going on.
“There you go, that’s better. Looking so pretty like that Kazu.” A hum of approval came from the male to your left as he kept Tora’s face pressed against your pussy.
“K-Ken! He needs to breath– Fuck...”
“I’m sure he doesn’t mind, do you, Kazu?”
“Mmfffph–” Kazutora in fact, did not mind – Not a single bit. Not when he was so drunk off your pleasure. He shook his head, nose brushing against your clit once again, drawing another cry of pleasure from the back of your throat while his tongue pressed into your clenching hole to gather some of your slick, groaning at the sweet taste before diving back to suckling on your clit.
“Gonna cum, ‘m close. Please, wanna cum...” Your hips had a mind of their own, bucking up into Tora’s face as you pleaded for permission to cum from the men latched onto your sides.
“Mmh, what d’you think Mikey?” Ken’s deep voice rang in your ears, a large hand still pulling and pinching at your swollen nipple meanwhile Mikey’s tongue circled around your other nub. “Guess she deserves it, don’t you?” Mikey spoke up, words slightly muffled against your tit.
“Yes! I-I do, please… Fuck, let me cum, please, been s’ good for everyone.”
Kazutora groans against your cunt at how fucking desperate you sound. It’s driving him insane, his cock is leaking, his face soaked with your slick, hair a mess from Ken’s grip on it. He’s losing it. Kazutora’s hands grip your thighs and he decides to throw them over his shoulders rather than holding them apart, face pushing deeper into your heat.
“Go ahead then, be good and cum for us, princess.” That’s all you needed to hear from Mikey. Immediately feeling the knot in your stomach burst while your toes curled. Your vision was blurred, God, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d cum that hard.
Kazutora’s eyes were locked onto your body, noting how you tossed your head back, not missing the way your body shivered as you reached your high and how you weakly tried to push his face away as overstimulation got the better of you. If that was how you looked every time you were being pleasured, fuck, he’d be eating you out every second of the day, Kazu was sure of it.
“Pretty…” You mumble, eyes droopy with sleep as your fingers thread through Kazutora’s coloured hair. He finally pulled back from your centre, bottom half of his face wet from your cunt but he didn’t seem to care. Especially when you called him pretty – It’s official. Kazu was a sucker for praise after tonight.
“Let’s get you two cleaned up, yeah?” Mikey spoke up, pulling your nipple one last time, earning a surprised gasp from you. You hum in response though, sitting up so you could ask for a glass of water to drink.
As you tried rubbing the sleepiness out of your eyes, only then did you notice just how hard Kazutora was… But not just him, Mikey and Draken too.
“You’re all… So hard…”
Maybe the events of the night weren’t finished just yet. Not when all of their cocks were straining against their pants right in front of you.
bye i was so h word while writing this kfkhsfh
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coldshrugs · 3 years
idk u yet
pairing: teddy malone/nakedtoaster word count: ~775 Teddy is feeling cool and fine and totally normal as she closes her laptop and shoves it onto her cluttered nightstand. She shuffles down into her sheets a little more dramatically than necessary, as if convincing herself this is, indeed, the bedtime of a responsible adult.
She's got work in the morning–movie and book review columns to deliver to her local newspaper–and she can't be late. Again.
Keeping her eyes shut is taking near-full concentration, and even more effort is being spent on containing a grin.
The past week hasn’t felt real. Between work and writing for herself during her free time, there’s been the urge to click on a highly suspicious link, whirlwind friendships, some rogue code gaining sentience (she’s still ??? about that one), and… Toasty.
Toasty likes her.
“Fuck,” she whispers, hands flying to her face.
No. Toasty loves her. And she said it back.
It’s too soon, right? Definitely too soon. People don't do this after meeting a week ago. But after the week she's had, it was... kind of nice to look forward to seeing them at the end of each day. He’s so unexpectedly sweet, and clever, and kind, and funny, and–
Yeah, there’s no way in hell she’s getting any sleep right now.
Squinting against the light of her phone, Teddy opens a new text thread and punches in the number with no hesitation.
hi, it’s teddy💖 i can’t sleep
He asked for a text in the morning, and technically it’s morning now. If this were anyone else, she’d worry about coming on too strong. Somehow, she knows he won’t mind. But just in case:
hope this is okay. and also i hope this is actually toasty because awk af if not…
It only takes a couple seconds more before she has an answer.
it’s been 10 minutes, did u even try to sleep?
The grin breaks in full now, spreading just like the giddy warmth in her chest. Yep, that’s Toasty.
no, not really 😔
kinda hard to sleep after the last few days, y’know? i’ve got cold brew in the fridge, dw
oh u mean coming down from this shitshow of a week
well… mostly 🥴
i think??? we started dating??
LMAO i mean, if we’re not dating, we’ve really got to reevaluate these declarations
like “i love you! (but just as friends)” or something 😂😂
Toast takes a long time to reply to that one. Teddy can perfectly picture their furious blush, the stifled groan.
fuck off, we’re dating
i know it’s fast but idc if u don't
fuck it, can i call you?
And before she can shoot back a “yes,” Teddy’s phone is buzzing in her hand. She’s laughing, so hard she can barely squeak out “hello?”
“Yeah, I needed to hear that again.” Toasty’s smile is evident in their voice. “But why aren’t you fucking sleeping?”
“I’m horizontal! I’m under blankets! Are you even in bed yet?”
The pause is too long for the answer to be anything other than “no.”
“Okay but I don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow and–what timezone are you even in?”
They spend most of the next hour fake bickering about the logistics of it all. He’s on the west coast, she’s three hours ahead in Atlanta. And when can they meet? Her job’s not great about vacation time; they’d have to find a guest columnist and she’d miss out on pay. He tells her to quit her job and it’s a joke, but probably not one he’ll mean forever. It’s fine, she can live with video calls for now. He can too, but he’ll take a look at flights tomorrow.
Actual tomorrow, after they’ve both had some sleep.
She’s yawning now. The excitement is there but it’s already settling into something comfortable. This is real. This is happening.
There’s just one more thing. “Toasty?”
“Yeah?” He’s starting to sound wrecked too.
“You still haven’t told me your name.”
“To be fair, I still don't know yours either.”
She laughs conspiratorially at that. “Well, my full name is Theodora. Teddy for short–”
“You got your name past BloomBot?!” An edge of alertness bleeds into their voice. “How in the world?”
“You tell me, you built the thing! Sort of.”
“Goddammit, this is so unfair. But, uh, your name is adorable, not that that’s a surprise.”
“Did you think I was a beanie baby aficionado? Actually, don't answer that. Your turn,” she yawns again. “And hurry it up; I’m closing in on 3 AM over here.”
Even through his drowsiness, a rich giggle rings from the phone, seems to fill Teddy's chest.
“Okay, okay. My name is–”
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imaginedxlan · 4 years
Alpha Pt. 3 (Grayson Dolan)
a/n: I think its actually been two years since I wrote the first two parts of alpha but idc I’m actually in college now i feel like I have actual insight on how Mr. Alpha of ATO would act around y/n. 
After their date, or forced casual hangout according to y/n, Grayson doesn’t necessarily keep his end of the deal. 
y/r/n = your roommate’s name
warning(s): sexual allusions, cussing, drinking
(part one/part two)
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When you return home from your, well you’re not actually sure what to call it, with Grayson, your roommate immediately sits up to see your face, looking for any indication of how your night went. She throws her chem textbook to the side and give you a look as to say well?
You close the door behind you before putting your face in your hands and taking a seat at your desk. You keep shaking your head, there is not a chance in hell you have feelings for this boy. The boy who preyed on a freshman at her very first college party. The boy who stalked you around all of your classes, got your phone number and somehow found out all about your life in the span of a week. You keep reminding yourself of the weird and uncomfortable things he’s done to distract you from the way he planned out an entire evening for the two of you, or that he actually helped you find your sister and her friends or how good he looked when the setting sun hit his tan skin in his topless Jeep only hours ago. Jesus, y/n, snap out of it. 
“Come on, spill!” Your roommate begs, she had to deal with your ranting about not wanting to go all afternoon, she deserves to at least know how it went. “What did you do? What was he like? How’d he dress? Oh my god did you hook up?”
“Ew, y/r/n, no!” You gasp at her last question. How could she expect you to hookup with someone you hate? “It was fine. We ate dinner in some park then he took me to that neon sign museum. Nothing fancy, he had a shirt on which was a first. He acted nice but I don’t buy it for a second.”
“Neither,” She replies, knowing the boy only from how you’ve described him. “He’s probably just trying to get in your pants so he can bug your sister about it.”
She’s right. You can’t fall into his trap, he has ulterior motive. They always do. You just have to go on and find some boy on your floor to kiss and get him out of your head for good. Every part of you wishes your sister hadn’t broken up with her boyfriend, he would’ve given Grayson a piece of his mind if he knew that he was bothering you. Unfortunately for you and her ex, y/s/n does not like to be tied down and she needed to “have her fun” for her last first semester. You and y/r/n talk for a little while longer, about classes and whatnot, but mostly end up talking about Grayson again. 
“We should go to bed.” You finally say, yawning and looking down at your phone screen that read 12:47 am. Your roommate huffs, obviously wanting to hear more about your night with the infamous Alpha Dog of ATO. “Recruitment starts tomorrow, we have to meet our groups at eight in the morning, remember?”
“I know, I know,” She replies, slipping out of her bed so she can gather her things to get ready for bed. You grab you toiletries bag as well and head toward the bathroom with her. “We’re talking about this tomorrow, don’t think I’ve let up.”
Recruitment happens over the span of four days, this weekend and next. It’s a dry rush period so no potential new members can be seen on frat property, giving you a good enough reason to avoid Grayson. Going into recruitment you’re already around ninety-two percent sure you’ll end up in Delta Gamma, just like your sister and your mom. The next few days of recruitment go well, you meet new friends from your rush group who help through the stressful process. Throughout the week you get sporadic texts from none other than Grayson Dolan wishing you luck with those days rounds, giving you unsolicited pointers of where to pref, and telling you that he saw you walking on greek row. You don’t respond to any, hoping he gives up on trying to woo you. So much for leaving you alone after one date. You pref Delta Gamma and Kappa Alpha Theta, but end up ranking DG first, not wanting to end your legacy but also because you felt you fit in most there. It was no surprise when you got a bid. Your sister is over the moon, shrieking over how her biological sister is now her deegster. You still have to get used to the lingo.
You come to find during bid day, which is Space Cowboy themed of course, that your new pledge class will be going out for bid-night with your bid day bigs. You don’t understand half of the things they’re saying to you, the language of sorority girls still lost on you. You’re added to a GroupMe with the new pledges of Alpha Tau Omega, just when you thought you could escape that fraternity as a whole, your bid night is with them. You almost immediately get a text from Grayson.
following in sissy’s steps? see you tonight miss delta gamma, anchor down ;)
What is it with him and these nicknames? You show your sister and she fake gags, saying she can’t believe he’s still texting you after all this time. She still has no idea about last weekend, you intend to keep it that way. When you get back to your dorm, you and your roommate talk all about bid day, she ended up going Kappa. Her bid night was with Phi Gamma Delta, or Fiji. If only you could have been so lucky. She can’t help but snort at the fact that you’re going to ATO tonight, she says it’s the universal pulling you and Dolan together. 
Your sister won’t being coming out with you tonight, having a lab tomorrow morning that she simply cannot miss. You’re partly grateful for it, now Grayson can’t let it slip to her that you two went out together. You end up getting ready in the room of a girl of your floor who you met today at bid day, wanting to base your outfit on someone else’s to blend in as much as possible. With the massive group of girls coming into his house, surely he won’t be able to find you. You meet up with your bid day big along with the girl on your floor’s and you all walk toward the ATO house together. You’re nervous, extremely nervous, but you don’t show it. As you near the house, you’re met with the mix of conflicting basses coming from any frat basement on the block. There are a few girls waiting outside the familiar house, and thats when you see it.
Grayson Dolan at the door, personally greeting every single one of your new sisters, his eyes scanning over every single one of the freshman walking into the door, earning him plenty of groans from the older girls. You don’t mean to say anything out loud, but you let an oh god slip. Your bid day big turns to you with a confused look.
“My sisters warned me about him,” You tell her, which is half of the truth. “Real scumbag I’ve heard.”
She just laughs, not even needing to agree with you for you to know she feels the same way about him. The closer you get to the front door, the more your stomach aches. If only you could be in your dorm watching Barbie Mermaidia with your roommate like last night. You try your best to hide within the group you came with, but it’s no use, he has his single file, one over strategy down to a science. 
“Hello you.” He greets you with a shit-eating grin. You hope the girls with you don’t catch him singling you out. “I’ll see you inside.”
“Fuck off Dolan,” Your bid day big calls over to him. “She’s not one of your play things.”
She pulls you inside before Grayson can say anything else. Luckily he doesn’t follow the two of you either. She gets you a drink and you socialize with the girls and some of the guys. You’re more focused on making girl friends tonight, as much as you’ve loathed your time at ATO, finding a group of girls to wander around greek row on a Saturday night is and essential part to your freshman year plan. You don’t even realize how drunk you’re getting, you follow your sister’s order to never take a cup from a brother, only ever allowing something you or one of your sisters have mixed to travel down your throat. You recall the words of your sisters earlier in the night, ‘bid night means black out ladies.’ You certainly don’t want to black out, but getting a little tipsy won’t hurt anyone. Toward the middle of the night you’re all dancing, body to body in their packed and sweaty basement. You have to admit, you’re actually kind of having fun. When you feel a pair of hands dig into your hips you don’t even flinch, simply moving your hips along to whatever shitty remix is coming from the massive speakers. You swing yourself around to face the boy and wrap your arms around his neck while his stay on your hips. You don’t recognize him, but from what you can see under the dim colored lights he’s cute. Mostly everyone in ATO is. He gives you a grin, letting one of his hands travel closer toward your ass, you don’t mind it, at least it’s not Grayson.
Grayson. Where is that boy? He said he’d meet you inside and it’s been at least an hour and a half. You don’t know why your mind is suddenly wandering off to Grayson. How he must look right now, definitely shirtless with some stupid phrase painted across his chest. How the sweat from the sheer amount of bodies in the house is probably making his tan skin glisten under the LED lights. How his hands are probably wrapped around a red solo cup so perfectly. You don’t even realize you’re biting your lip until your lips are connected with the boy you’re dancing with. You don’t hesitate to kiss him back, suddenly feeling all hot and bothered after picturing Grayson, wherever he is in this house. Snap out of it. Finding Grayson even remotely attractive would go against everything you stand for, your sister would probably smack your head to make sure there is still a brain in there. 
You keep drinking, everything practically going down like water at this point. Your speech is slurring and the room spins around you. You leave the boy you’re dancing with for another drink, finding the stairs to the main floor and gripping onto the handle for dear life. You stumble towards where some boy is pouring a mystery liquid into a cup and stop in front of it. Your new drink is swiftly taken from you and placed back on the table and you’re pulled from the crowd of people.
“How much have you had to drink.” It’s Grayson. He looks so good, you think. He’s shouting over the music for you to answer him. “I’m serious y/n, I need a number.”
You try and do the mental math but the only clear thought in your brain at the moment is how good he looks with his shirt off. You start to count on your fingers but lose track at five so you just shrug. He rolls his eyes, knowing that if anything were to happen to you your sister would beat his ass like it was somehow his fault.
“Why do you care, dad.” You mock him as he tries to think about what he should do with you. “I have to drink this much, I’m in a sos-sorotity you know?”
He can’t help but laugh at the way you’re butchering the words coming out of your mouth, the slurring evident on your tongue. “Okay, miss sorotity, follow me.” He grasps your hand, interlocking your fingers and begins to pull you up another flight of stairs that you’ve never been up. This house is massive. He pulls you into a room and locks the door behind him. Even with the room spinning you can make out a few features. A bed with a white comforter that lies low to the ground, a big frame holding what looks like a yearbook page of girls, and a lava lamp. 
“Is this your room?” You ask, leaning up against the wall for some stability. He just nods, fiddling with something in his drawers. “I’m not having, s-sex with you Grayson. You can’t make me.”
“I don’t want to have sex with you, sweetheart.” He mumbles back, pulling an article of clothing out of the open drawer. Once you process what he says all you can think is ouch. He’s fucked practically every girl on at this school, are you so repulsive you’re excluded from the campus wide Grayson Dolan body count? “Oh don’t be sad, I meant I’m not having sex with you tonight, y/n. Contrary to your hilarious nickname you came up with for me the first night we met, I don’t fuck drunk girls.”
You realize you may have said ouch out loud, have you been doing that all night? He’s only telling you this because he’s almost one hundred percent certain you’ll remember none of this in the morning. Between the jungle juice and natty seltzers, the only thoughts in your brain tomorrow will be getting to a toilet bowl immediately. He pulls out a shirt and a pair of boxers and tosses them your way. You don’t catch them, just start stripping your shirt off.
“Jesus, y/n, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were giving me a little strip tease.” He jokes with you, turning his head away from you, letting you keep at least part of your dignity. “Tell me when you’re done.”
“I can’t put them on, Grayson.” You whine, your drunken brain unable to comprehend how to put on a t shirt. You pick it up off the ground and hold it out for him to grab. “Help me.”
He huffs out and takes the shirt from your hands, he should at least be getting paid for babysitting you like he is. He pulls his shirt over your head and forces your arms through their respective holes. As he’s about to walk away from you again, you put and point at your shoes and jeans. He rolls his eyes and pulls both your shoes and socks of both feet before carefully undoing your zipper and shimmying the fabric off your sweaty legs, then pulling the pair of boxers over your hips. He’s usually taking underwear off girls, not putting a second pair on. His breathe hitches at the oddly intimate moment he’s sharing with you, you won’t remember any of it but he doesn’t usually do this. You suddenly feel very tired, almost collapsing on top of Grayson before he steadies your hips. He pulls back his comforter for you to slide under. You sink into his mattress and smile at your need for a bed being fulfilled. The lights shut off and you hear him unlock and open the door.
“Wait!” You call after him, making him stop in his tracks. “Can you stay?”
“You’re one needy chick when you’re drunk, huh?” He asks, walking back into the room and locking the door behind him again. “You’re lucky you’re pretty, you know that?”
You just give him a cheesy smile, not sure if he can even see you in the dark room, but you don’t care. You hear his shoes hit the ground and the bed dips next to you. You can still hear the music coming from the basement, it’s muffled but you can still make out every word. You roll over to face Grayson and he’s already looking at you.
“What’re you looking at?”
A goofy grin graces your lips when he says it. If you were sober you’d probably protest, whack his arm or something, but now you don’t care. You let your index finger drag along his bicep, up over his shoulder and neck, around his face and then boop his nose. You can feel his face shift when he smiles. 
“You have a pretty smile,” The words leave your lips before you can even think if it’s an okay thing to say. He lets out a short laugh, finding your drunk self’s inability to filter your thoughts amusing. “You’re handsome, Grayson.”
“You’re drunk, y/n.” He teases you. “You need to stop talking before you say something you regret.”
You whine, faking a pout on your lips. “I think it when I’m not drunk too.”
He can’t contain his smile, pushing a piece of hair that has fallen into your face. “We’ll talk in the morning. Goodnight, y/n.”
You wake up with a pounding headache and no recollection of last night past kissing some boy in the basement of ATO. You rub your eyes, shielding them from the light coming in the large window. Large window? This isn’t your dorm, you’re not in your bed and that is certainly not your roommate passed out next to you.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck.” You whisper repeatedly as you try your best to slip out of the bed you’re currently in. Your shirt and jeans and shoes are strewn across the floor and your in someone else’s shirt and pants. Underwear is still on, two pairs now which is comforting. In your attempt to sneak out of whoever’s room this is you ram your knee into the dresser beside the door. “Goddamnit!”
Before you can continue gathering your things, the figure that you were just sleeping next to takes in a deep breath and let’s out a loud groan, stretching out his arms. “Y/n?”
You know that voice from anywhere, you’re so fucked. “Grayson?”
He sits up and runs his hands through his hair. The contrast of his tan skins against the white comforter is breathtaking. His hair is going in all different directions but he still looks good, how does he always looks good? His silver chain hangs loose around his neck and falls just belong his collar bone. You genuinely believe, at least physically, he is without flaws.
“Obviously I am!” You shout back, hurting your own head in the process. “Oh god, oh fuck, did we?”
“God, no, y/n.” He stops your spiralling. You let out a breath of relief that you didn’t even know you were holding. “You think I would have sex with you if I had any doubt that you would remember it in the morning? No, you were hammered and about to keep drinking and I saw where the situation was going so I room you out of it. End of story.”
“So I changed myself?”
“You were meant to, but you started whining like a three year old that you didn’t know how to put a shirt one.” He replies. You’re not really sure how to feel about it, but it’s better than the alternative. “I put your clothes on and put you to bed.”
You let out a sigh, plopping yourself back onto the bed now that you know who it belongs to. You wish you could remember last night, knowing you probably did and said some things in your drunken state that you’re sure you’ll regret if you ever hear of them. Grayson just looks at you, wondering what’s going on in your mind and thinking about what you said to him last night. How you complimented his smile and called him handsome. He couldn’t get it out of his mind. When you turn your body to face him, he scans your features. Hair a mess from both the dingy basement and the hours of sleep you just got, your mascara has collected under your eyes but you still look pretty.
“Stop looking at me like that.” You pull him from his thoughts of you, he didn’t even realize he was staring. He shakes his head and puts on his signature smirk to prevent you from thinking anything other than that he’s an asshole who’s mind is on girls 24/7. He has a reputation to keep and all.
“Like what?”
“Like you’re about to kiss me or something.”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you.”
“Oh fuck off, Dolan.” You scoff at him before he makes the decision to bring himself just inches from your face. So close that you can feel the warmth from his body. Your first instinct is to touch him somewhere, anywhere, but you don’t act on it. “What are you doing?”
“Just getting a better look,” He replies making your eyes roll. Anytime you think you’re letting yourself fall for him he says something gross. “Do you want me to be doing something?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, y/n.”
It’s silent. There’s nothing to say. Your chest is moving up and down at a rapid pace, you’re not sure why you can’t seem to catch your breath but you can’t. His eyes flicker between your and and your lips. Before you can stop yourself you reach your hand to sit on his cheek and inch your body closer to his. The closer you get the more you can feel his hot breathe on your lips and without a second thought you bring your lips to meet his. Your brain is fuzzy and your body feels like it’s on fire but it feels right.
It doesn’t take long for Grayson to kiss you back, he’s actually shocked you gave in given the way you ignored him for weeks. He rolls over so that he can steady himself with him one arm beside you and the other gripping your waist. You can still barely breathe and he notices. He pulls away from you and give you the biggest shit eating grin. “Can believe you gave in.”
“Shut up before I change my mind.”
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thetoffeefox · 5 years
16. “I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.” Polygamous where you dating both Dante and Vergil. Idc about the rest, go wild.
Hello anon! Thank you so much for requesting a prompt, when I was writing this I will admit I struggled because even though I know what a polygamous relationship it I have never been in one or really know too much about them. So I talked to some friends who have been in one or are in one. I hope I portrayed it to your liking! 
Prompt 16.”I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.” Dante X Reader X Vergil
         There are very little instances where Dante and Vergil agree with one another over something. When they did, it was surprising to not even themselves but everyone else. It ranged from anything too mundane to serious and it just so happened this was serious. Serious being that they were absolutely pissed about how you lost your job today, granted they didn’t tell you that they knew the real reason. You thought that they had were still under the impression that it was for your call in’s and your occasional situations of being late. When it was far from that reason and they knew it. To be honest, both men knew you were a terrible liar if it wasn’t for the obvious ticks you displayed when lying, then they still would have been able to to pick it up in your nervous heartbeat and your scent. Not to mention your bosses grubby scent was on you. They weren’t oblivious to your boss's lecherous gaze and just a tad too friendly touch when they would visit you at work during your lunch break. The first time Vergil visited you with Dante he had wanted so bad to chop the man's hands off and it took all his self-restraint and some of Dante’s to keep him from doing so. Today though when you came in shaking like a leaf in anger and there was a residual smell of fear, both men had a good idea what had happened. It was something that happened often in public. Your good looks drew a lot of unwanted attention from men and women both.  So here both boys were in the back of the grocery store that had closed an hour ago towering over your poor manager who dared to try to put a hand on you.  However, Dante could see his twin holding back from gutting the man. In fact, he was holding back completely, possibly fearing that if he let go, he would lose control of himself. “Hey Vergil, I’ll kick his ass if you want me to. That way you won’t dirty that fancy coat of yours.” Dante cracks trying to lighten up the situation in some weird twisted way. After all threatening violence against someone isn’t a superb way to make light of something. Vergil looks at Dante from the corner of his eye and let's out a ragged sigh before inhaling slowly. “That won’t be necessary little brother.” He growls out before his gaze shifts to the man who was now trembling before him. He would not kill him that much he determined, but he would MAKE SURE he would never dare think about trying to touch a woman inappropriately again, especially HIS woman. 
        Your eyes snap open and instantly they go to the clock on your nightstand. It was 11 pm; you grab your phone you check to see if you have any messages on your phone and find one and it’s from Vergil. It states that he and Dante went out and that they would return soon. Both of them….went out? You raise an eyebrow and then suddenly a pit drops in your stomach realizing the words that just ran through your head. Dante and Vergil never “go out”. They don’t have the conventional brotherly love others did. Their show of love and affection involved pointing their swords at one another and duking it out. Shit, then that meant they...went to your previous place of employment. You hop out of bed only to fall to the floor due to the covers being tangled and wrapped around your legs. Son of a bitch! Growling you get the covers off of you as quick as humanly possible and jump into a pair of jeans. They wouldn’t kill the guy, would they? No, Dante wouldn’t kill a human, he’s against killing them unless it was absolutely the last resort. Vergil….Oh god...Vergil would kill a human. He totally kill a human that put their grubby fingers on you if not at least rip their arm off. After sliding your tennis shoes on you bolt down the steps and head to the door. You almost, almost miss the fact that both men were currently in the shop. Dante was in his office chair reading a magazine while Vergil was sitting on one of the two leather couches reading a book. Then you spot him. You old boss, he’s sitting on the other couch pale as a ghost and frozen like a statue. From where you could see from here he looked no worse for wear slowly you make your way to the middle of the floor looking at all three of them. His gaze goes to you but the inhuman sound of hissing coming from Vergil makes him yelp and look at his lap. You look at Vergil everything about him seems to scream with the intent to kill or at least severally maim but luckily he seemed to be keeping a good check on his emotions but you weren’t exactly sure how long that would last.
“Oh hey, babe!” Dante exclaims as he kicks his feet up off his desk to get up and make his way to you. When his lips press against your forehead you feel yourself slightly relax, but lord did you have some questions. “Um...can one of you explain...what is going on?” Your voice is slow as you look back and forth between the twins. Vergil’s gaze softens instantly the moment your eyes meet, it is full of nothing but love. “Dante, please explain why this VERMIN is here?” He growls out and from the corner of your eyes, you see your old employer jump in fear from the tone of Vergil’s voice. Then again, you had never heard such a tone with him and it even made a shiver tingle down your spine. The closest that came to it would be when you were bedding him. “Well, we ran into your old boss here he was wondering if it was ok to swing by and give you an apology but we didn’t want to wake you up since you looked so peaceful.”  He responds looking at your boss who somehow seems to get paler than he was before. Honestly, it looks like his soul was leaving his body. Despite the fear, you had a moment ago the look on Dante’s face was priceless. Absolutely priceless. To anyone else, he probably looked relaxed and even genuine but just beneath the surface of those beautiful eyes you loved to look into you saw the mischievous in them and all you could do was laugh.
          Vergil watched with annoyance as you and Dante continued to laugh about your bosses fear. He had left nearly half an hour ago in terror at the horrible antic you and Dante had pulled. Honestly, the man would probably have to be committed after you got Dante to devil trigger before the man. He was all for you getting your justice with how you saw fit. Which was Dante’s idea, one that was good. Despite your down to earth and serious disposition though, Vergil forgot that there was a side of you that was much like Dante. One that he would never admit to but secretly he enjoyed from time to time. Right now it was downright aggravating. How could you be taking this so lightly?! How could you even joke about what happened and almost happened not even 5 hours ago? He stops when he sees your vibrant eyes much closer to his a soft smile playing your features. It was easy to tell when he was frustrated with you, but you could tell it was nothing serious. You sit in his lap grinning and watch as his frustration reaches its peak and as you predicted you watch as he deflates. His arms wrap around you and pull you into him as if to shield you from the world, but all it does is make Dante come over jealous that his older brother was monopolizing you. 
“Ok you two knock it off, there’s plenty of me to go around.” You state yawning out the last bit.
“It’s been a long day guess we should take our girl to be.” Dante says with a small smile.
Vergil hums in agreement and as both men get ready for bed, you can’t help but smile. How did you get so lucky? How did you get so lucky to not just have one but both Sparda brothers to give you love and affection and offer their endless devotion and protection? You know how things went, the series of events that took place, but you in some ways could never grasp yet alone guess what had been going through both of their heads as you came to know them and love them. You were back at the conclusion you always came to and that was sometimes the best things in life have no explanation.
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sm-entertain-me · 6 years
Liquid Courage (M)
Requested by @sarangtae-vante: Hey love hope you've been doing well:) I'm back with another Taehyung imagine where you go the same university and he have always caught your eye and you've been observing him from afar and your friends used to tease you etc etc then one day you hit the club and were he was there with his friends make them meet anyhow idc then things ended up getting heated (dom sub is possible ) *enter jungkookie wink ;)* thank you so much 
(A/N: Ugh I’ve been doing okay. Got some school shit that went down. I\’M SO SORRY I DIDN’T HAVE TIME TO WRITE THIS BECAUSE I HAD OTHER STUFF QUEUED AND MEHHHH. But I am back so here we goooo!)
Contains: Kim Taehyung x (f) reader, university!au, adult language, smut, sexual themes, depictions of sex, exhibitionism, mirror kink, quick sex, unprotected sex, cum eating.
Synopsis: Taehyung was the kind of guy you were way too shy to ever approach in normal circumstances. But add a little Liquid Courage and the constant pestering of your friends and you start to lighten up a bit... Maybe a little too much?
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“Drink it!” Your friends shouted at you as the three of you remained glued to the bar of the hottest club in town. To be honest, they were all pretty popular given the only purpose of this town was to cater to the needs of drunk and horny college students, but who are you to judge? Especially since you’re currently chugging down a shot of tequila and wincing as the liquid burns down your throat. The look on your face was rather painful looking as you looked desperately for something to wash the taste out of your mouth, or to at least cool down the increasing temperature of your throat. 
Alas, your friends just stood idly by and laughed at the pained expression on your face, refusing to give you the complimentary lime like decent human beings. “You two are evil,” You groaned as you looked to the bartender to help you out with your situation, the bartender nodding understandingly as he shoved a mini bowl of limes in your direction, earning a swift thank you from you as you sucked desperately on the lime for some relief.
As you turned to your friends to chastise them, you noticed that both of them had left you alone. Your eyes darted from each end of the bar in search of them but ended up empty, you sighing in annoyance as you played with your empty shot glass, thinking of ways to get back at them if you ever did find them. They’ve been known to ditch you in hopes of getting themselves laid, but this was the one time you were willing to let loose in the best kind of ways and this is how they repay you? They forced you to drink the worst tasting drink, refused to give you a lime to calm the burning in your throat, and left you alone at the bar like some chump? What the hell? 
After a couple minutes of contemplating how to handle the situation, your thoughts were cut short when a small hand gripped at the muscle of your shirt, whipping you around with a lot more force than you would’ve like since you were steadily building up a buzz from the alcohol you consumed.
When your body was completely turned around, you came face to face with the very people who left you and three more guys who you’d seen around campus before, one of which caused your throat to tighten up the minute you saw his light brown eyes staring right back at you. The one who caused such a reaction was none other than the university’s most popular student, Dean’s List holder, and talented football player Kim Taehyung. Shit.
“Y/N! We’d like you to meet a couple of our friends,” Taylor sang out to you as she was semi-grinding against the boy who stood behind her, the boy in question holding her by her hip and pressing his crotch against her ass. You sighed to your drunken friends, rolling your eyes at their shameless ways of getting into the guys’ pants, “Yeah, I already know them. Hi Hoseok, Jimin.” 
You made sure to skip over Taehyung as you didn’t feel like you were worthy of speaking to him, especially since you had the biggest crush on him since high school and your friends would constantly make fun of you for being so head over heels for someone who didn’t even know your name until he needed to copy your lecture notes. 
“What about me?” Taehyung asked with a chuckle in his voice as he sipped on his red solo cup, making sure to look you in the eyes as he spoke in order to get a read on you. He needed to figure you out a little bit before he started his quest of getting you all riled up. Of course your friends had promised that he would get laid like the rest of his friends, but he needed some time to gauge the situation because as of right now, you didn’t exactly look ready to accept his advances.
“Oh, hi Tae, I didn’t see you there,” You lied, giving him a fake smile that seemed as real as it could get, trying to avoid the awkwardness of this situation altogether. Your friends were already rolling their eyes at you since they knew damn well by the way your jaw tightened upon seeing Taehyung that you were lying, but that doesn’t need to be shared with anybody else.
Still, your friends grabbed you by the wrist as they chorused, “Come on, Y/N! The guys wanna dance and Taehyung is without a partner. Are you really going to leave him hanging?” Your eyes flew over to Taehyung as you drank in his appearance: simple white tee with a figure fitting leather jacket, tight jeans that showcased every dip of his leg muscles... He was looking mighty fine. A little too fine for your liking. 
Normally, you would say no to dancing with Taehyung in fear of embarrassing yourself, but you just couldn’t help letting your mind wander to what could come of just having a little fun. Another factor in your decision making was the fact that your inhibitions were lowered thanks to two beers and a tequila shot, so you were feeling real good about dancing with Taehyung. Confident, even.
So you nodded your head at the group as your friends squealed, happy that they could continue to tease the boys they were with in hopes of getting their bones jumped later. Taehyung chuckled at their reaction as he looked over at you with a kind smile, extending his hand out to grab yours, “May I have this dance, my lady?”
The affect the music had over your body was nothing short of euphoric as you swayed your hips to and fro, maintaining a dangerous amount of eye contact with Taehyung as your body writhed in front of him. Taehyung’s eyes were focusing on the way your face evoked pure bliss and how you would bite your lip as you ran your hand down the supple skin of your breasts and all the way down to your hips, him licking his lips at how delicious you looked. The longer you danced like that in front of him, the harder he got in his pants, and he was determined to let you know one way or another.
You soon felt a pair of hands on your waist and were quickly turned around, Taehyung leaning forward to push his erection against the swell of your ass. He kept one hand firm on your hip while the other one snaked up to your hair, giving you a slight pull as he swayed your hips for you, groaning out when you started to push your ass even harder against his cock to feel it throb through the layers of clothing. 
“Fuck baby, don’t do that. You’ll be in a lot of trouble if you keep doing that to me,” Taehyung growled in your ear as he moved a piece of your hair away from your neck, exposing the bare skin to his plump lips. A small moan fell from your lips as Taehyung began to work on the column of your neck, still being focused and burying his cock in between your clothed cheeks to let his intentions be known. That action alone caused your panties to become slick as you pushed your ass even harder against his cock to let him know that you were not going to back down any time soon. Not that he minded. Taehyung loved the feeling of your ass pushing his cock from side to side as he worked it hard against you, moaning out from the pleasure it gave him.
Now that the both of your were completely high in the sky from your pleasures, Taehyung stopped sucking your neck to form painful hues of red and opted to licking the shell of your ear before he growled, “You’re getting me so worked up baby. How about we take this to the bathroom and you help me with the mess you’ve made? You’re just begging to take my cock.”
Again, the liquid courage that was surging through your body had you more than happy to have a one night stand with the university’s star pupil. Licking your lips at the offer, you turned around in Taehyung’s grip and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, tilting your head to the side cockily, “What are you waiting for then?”
It was all a blur on how exactly you got there, but you somehow managed to get hoisted up on the counter of the bathroom, legs wrapping tightly around Taehyung’s small waist as he gripped the bottom of your ass. Taehyung’s lips tasted faintly of alcohol as they were molded onto yours, his tongue occasionally coming out to play as he teased at your bottom lip. Your hands were too busy working with Taehyung’s belt of his pants to notice that he hand managed to slip your panties down your legs with record speed, eventually pocketing the drenched material in the back pocket of his jeans. 
With a bare pussy, you leaned forward and began to grind your throbbing clit against the rough fabric of his jeans, easily finding a rhythm you enjoyed thanks to the sizable length protruding from his jeans. As you ground against his clothed cock, you could hear Taehyung moaning from the sensation of your wetness coating the front of his jeans and how you rubbed so diligently against his cock. But it was enough foreplay for Taehyung as he was on a mission to have you screaming his name for everyone to hear, even over the loud music playing.
Taehyung worked quickly to pull you off of the counter and bend you over the sink, slipping his jeans down just enough to have his cock spring free without having to take off his jeans completely. “I want you to look at yourself while I fuck you, you got that baby girl?” Taehyung asked as he spit on his hand and gripped his cock tightly in his hand, rubbing himself to his full length and making sure to smear the stubborn bead of precum that refused to slide down his length. You nodded at his request as you arched your back for him to give him the best angle, careful to comply with his wishes as you watched his every movement from the reflection of the mirror.
The minute Taehyung’s cock entered your sopping wet pussy, he had you moaning out from the feeling of his cock sliding effortlessly against your walls. Your hands gripped the edge of the counter as you closed your eyes tightly, trying to get used to the girth Taehyung carried between his legs. As if on cue, Taehyung’s hand stroked your hair lightly to comfort you, him leaning forward to whisper reassuring words in your ear, “It’s okay, Y/N. You’re doing great, just let me know when you’re ready and I’ll start moving okay?” You could only nod at his words as you willed yourself to relax in order to take him properly, opening your eyes quickly to make eye contact with him through the reflection of the mirror, signalling he could move now.
Good thing you got used to his length when you did because Taehyung was not gentle at all when it came to fucking you. Taehyung’s strokes were slow but very deep as he pounded into you, grabbing you by the hair and yanking you back to make sure you were watching the way he fucked you. He wanted you to watch how deep he would go inside of you and how your face would twist into shapes of sheer pleasure, making you watch the way your mouth hung open and cursed to the ceiling above the longer you went. 
“Look at you taking my cock! You look s-so fucking beautiful,” Taehyung groaned out as his free hand dug into the flesh of your skin, only leaving to deliver a hellish smack to your ass. Any time his hand would land on your ass, you found yourself becoming a moaning mess at the addition of the sensation mixed with the feeling of Taehyung’s cock pushing against your G-spot. 
You didn’t have to imagine how pathetic you looked while taking his cock because Taehyung made sure you watched every minute of him burying his cock in your soaking wet pussy, Taehyung occasionally looking down and admiring the way his cock slid all the way in and came out with a thick sheen coating his length. The sight of your arousal coating his entire length had his hips beginning to stir against you, indicating he was close. However, Taehyung was one of those lovers who refused to cum until his partner did, forcing to use alternative measures.
Taehyung resulted to taking his hand that wasn’t buried in the strands of your hair and pressing it firmly to your swollen clit that seemed to be neglected. The feeling of the pad of his finger pressing harshly against your clit had you reeling, arching your back even more for Taehyung as you let your release take over, cumming hard around his cock with a loud cry of his name and the clenching of your walls around his thick cock. 
“Fu-Fuck don’t do that! I-I’m cumming, Y/N! Y/N!” Taehyung bellowed as he gripped both of your hips in each hand, his nails sinking down into your flesh and leaving small crescents in their wake. With another shout of your name, Taehyung released his thick ropes of cum deep inside of you, filling you up to the brim and giving you a couple more thrusts to ensure he completely busted inside of you. 
No matter how long you two wanted to stay in that position, your friends were probably worried about you, so you had to force Taehyung to slip out of you. Taehyung groaned as he pulled out, reaching over to grab some paper towels but stopped when he saw his cum dripping slowly down your thigh. The sight of it was pretty hot as he ran his finger up your inner thigh, careful not to touch your sex since you were still pretty sensitive. 
“Here,” Taehyung said as his cum covered the tip of his finger, grabbing your shoulder with the opposite one and flipping you around to face him, pressing the finger to your mouth. “Suck it.” You smirked up at him as you took his finger in your mouth, allowing your tongue to roll over the salty liquid and savoring every bit of him as it rolled down your throat. In comparison to the hellish tequila shot you had earlier, you preferred Taehyung’s cum any day. But to be fair, that tequila shot is what got you into this situation in the first place, and it was so worth it.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
  who is me?
- my name's mae i'm 20 - i'm an asexual biromantic cis girl - i love animals and videogames - i don't write like this in rp i swear - i cannot hide who i am.... the truth is i'm a fucking dork and will laugh at memelord shit. i love to weave a lil bit of humour into things when it's in character. - ooc plotting and chatting would be nice over disc, also - i like to draw sometimes. once in a blue moon. i may or may not slide you pics of our characters lemme know if thats ok. no real life face claims pls
- i will reply 2/3 times a week at the very minimum but tbh i will vary and may slam several replies in a day if i am up to it. - would like at least 2/3 a week from you in return unless you lmk something's come up - word count limits feel limiting so like, write what you feel like and i'll do the same but - my normal is probably 200-500 words - i do third person but with a lot of introspection - pls no singular main characters i want to rp a small group of mains w/ few sides and would like you to do the same. - slams my hands on the table on that note i love found family. romance is a-okay but i also want a nice bunch of platonic relationships between characters - discord or gdocs as a platform preferred but you can suggest other
- i don't have any preferences about mxm/mxf/fxm/fxf but i would prefer there's a nice spread? like not all one flavour, variety - i don't like to pair characters off in ships in advance i like to see how things build and grow. - break ups/ love triangles /cheating can be a thing if the relationship develops like that but pls warn in advance - oc/oc is *italian chef kiss*. canon/oc is cool. canon/canon i would like to avoid because that's what fanfic is for u kno?
limits n restrictions
- it turns out somehow every character i write ends up ace as well (or at least i gloss over their sexual sides because how write) so if you want smut i am not the person to roleplay with. - tho that said idc if you have sexual things important to your characters and their backstory and nsfw stuff is fine to be mentioned? like no roleplaying thing1& thing2 babymakin', but thing1 can have their past sexual experiences influence them and they can confide in thing2 about it. - violence, swearing and abuse (other than animal and child) is a-ok. character death as well! - continuing from above child abuse/death is ok for mentions but animal i personally cannot deal with - i like to write lgbt characters. it is not the focus of their characterisation and will only get brought up if relevant or said character is comfortable with it, but because of that i want my partner to be accepting and ok!! flip wise you're welcome to write lgbt characters as well but it's not a requirement - in character bigotry is ok if it is not a focus but ooc bigotry is one of my limits.
what i want in a plot
modern day preferably urban city, seemingly same world as us, but actually there's yokai/ghosts/hidden powers.- i really want to do a "mystery club" where a few of our normal characters investigate rumors and mysteries that are going around or problems people have with those sorts of things. it starts off for fun / they don't know jackshit about it and some of them are 100% skeptic but they slowly learn more and more about the hidden goings on around them. there may or may not be a secret yokai/ghost among them because "man humans r interesting".
i was thinking high school or college level and the club is an actual school club, but it could also be a bbs club where the characters are various ages/backgrounds/jobs and meet over the supernatural.
this is where the action/suspense/horror/drama comes in because let's be real what else is going to happen when a bunch of normal people try to get involved with this shit? i uh. may not be the best at writing that compared to slice of life but i really would like to incorporate it.
i am Set on that plot above, and honestly would love to do it as a wholly unique world with ocs but i would also not mind at all if we incorporate it into a canon world? either just the world or with their canon characters appearing! in series with powerful canon characters i still want to keep the suspense of helplessness when dealing with unknown idk
(in that case we decide who plays what canon in addition to our ocs! i have a limited repertoire of canons i am proficient at but tbh i am open to trying out any with some exceptions. also we can throw some canon characters on the bus if neither of us want to write them or cast is too big)
anything you can think of that could be moulded to match the "normal humans solve spooky rumours" setting tbh just suggest it? if it's something i've watched and enjoyed it'll probably be cool to go, but i am also open to bingeing things if it's especially suitable and seems like a genre i would enjoy email me @ [email protected] or maetropa#2418!!!!!
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ladywolfmd · 7 years
Can you write some arthur/lyanna (friends or more idc 😊)
This is hard and it’s a first but I’ll give it a shot. Thanks nonny! 
                                                    ~ o ~
The North Star  and The Sword of the Morning
Even without asking, he knew where his lady would be at this time when the sun had just set. 
Just a small ways at the back of the Tower of Joy was a wild bushel of blood red roses. Ever since he showed it to her to somehow give her some cheer, this was where she would go when she needed a few moments just to herself. And it was only here that Arthur would get a glimpse of a real smile from the lady he was assigned to guard with his life. 
He passed by Oswell who stood a good distance away, nodding at him to be relieved while he took his usual post at night to guard his prince’s new consort. 
Arthur tried his best to hold his tongue on his prince’s actions, thinking about the Princess Elia and their two children but as Prince Rhaegar had explained to him, There must be one more. And Elia and I… Targaryens have taken two wives before. Elia and I have already spoken after the Tourney. And Lyanna…
He could still remember the night Rhaegar begged him to help him take the Northern girl. He remembered because that was the first time he raised his voice and tried to convince his prince not to do it. But it was Lyanna who had managed to make him agree. He had already failed Queen Rhaella, and to some extent, he had failed Princess Elia. He would not want to add another unwilling woman into the Dragons’ nest. 
Arthur shook off those thoughts because what was done was done. A war was already looming, and there was nothing to do but abide by his duty. 
Besides, there she was. Young still but already becoming more and more the the beautiful and strong woman Rhaegar saw fit to crown as more than just his queen of love and beauty. And now she was round with possibly the second-in-line to the throne once Rhaegar is king. 
“Ah, Ser Arthur. Is that you, I hear?” Lyanna asked without turning, fingering one of the petals. 
“Yes, my princess.” 
She turned then and gave him a frown. “I told you to call me Lyanna.” 
Arthur half-smiled. “A pleasant sundown to you then, Princess Lyanna.” 
Lyanna huffed and rolled her eyes as he chuckled but soon she joined him in laughter, patting the boulder beside her for him to sit on. 
Arthur took off his helm then and placed it on the ground next to his feet and ran a hand over his hair. 
“What news?” Lyanna tilted her head at him while her hands absently stroked her belly. 
“I’m afraid no new ravens have come since the last.”
She looked away then and sighed. “He won’t be here in time, won’t he?”
He looked at her sadly then and nodded once. “I’m sorry.” 
Nothing but the sound of winds rustling over the few trees and plants were heard as the sky transitioned from golden to indigo, bathing them in shades of blue and purple. It was a full moon that night and cloudless, stripping the sky naked to expose the stars. 
Never one to withstand the silence, Lyanna broke it. “It’s a boy.” 
Arthur looked at her then. “How do you know?” 
Lyanna smiled at him then serenely. “When my mother was pregnant with Benjen, she couldn’t stand the scent of leather.” 
She nodded,”Leather. It happened with my other brothers too. My father had a hard time of course, dealing with that as he was mostly decked with something leather that he had to improvise and bark at the household to not set so much as a yard between my mother and leather,” she laughed lightly then before frowning a little. “That wasn’t the case with me.” She looked up at him then with her lovely grey almost silver eyes shining. “I on the other hand, was the perfect babe.” She gestured with her hand, “Not a single problem at all.” 
Arthur couldn’t help but smile then. “Until you came out, that is.” 
Lyanna gasped and hit him truly, that it actually hurt his arm a little, yet as he rubbed his arm he kept laughing at her scowl. 
She sniffed and held her chin up yet there was that hint of a smile. “Anyway, though it’s not at the same amount of aversion as my mother, being too near them does make me want to be sick. And that’s how I know.” 
“Hmm…sounds plausible, considering your explanation,” he agreed turning to grin at her when his smile faded when he saw tears. 
She wiped her eyes quickly then and tried to give him a wan smile but they poured all the same. 
Word had already found them that Lord Stark and his heir were killed by the Mad King. Robert Baratheon allied with his other brother, Ned were already on the move and it was only a matter of time until they meet with his prince somewhere in Riverrun. 
He knew Lyanna was filled with guilt and sadness, but things were already set in motion. There was nothing to do but wait and face whatever battles to come. Plus she was going to have her babe soon. She had to be strong for the babe. 
He unsheathed Dawn then and held it to her. 
She looked up at him curiously but like the trained hand that she was, she took it with ease and admired it as she balanced it on her knee. 
“You know the story of Dawn?” 
She smiled then. “That only a worthy knight from House Dayne could wield it and be called the Sword of the Morning. There’s no need to gloat, Arthur.”
He chuckled. “Yes. But do you know the story behind that title as well as the name of the sword?”
She nodded at him proudly. “A falling star was tracked on the Torrentine by your house’s founder and from then, Starfall was built and there a stone that had no equal, was forged into this sword that rivaled that of the finest valyrian blade.” 
He nodded then. “You know our history well.” 
She beamed. 
“I know a thing or two about the North as well.”
She tilted her head as she gave him back his sword. “Oh?” 
He looked up the sky until he found it then and pointed. “There. How did it go? Chase the blue star in the rider’s eye and there you’ll see the Ice Dragon in the sky.”
He glanced at her and saw her looking up with her mouth slightly open but now the tears were gone so he smiled and looked back up. 
“If I’m right–now please correct me if I’m not, but if you ever find yourself lost, I was told that if you want to head South, follow the dragon’s tail. But if you want to head North–”
“–you follow the Ice dragon’s blue eye - the North Star,” she finished for him. 
“So in a way, my princess. You may be in the Southern lands, but whenever you feel lost, you can always go out at night and look for the North Star. The North won’t ever be lost for as long as you can see it.”
Silence for a beat and it was Arthur who broke it this time when he turned and saw Lyanna’s eyes glistening with tears once more as she looked at him. Really looked at him with those eyes of hers. 
Still she didn’t say a word so he tentatively reached out, wiped her tears, and held her cheek. 
“You may feel like you’re less of a Stark right now but that is false, Lyanna. Not when half a wolf grows in you and though your boy might grow up in the Dragon’s den, take him by the hand at night and show him that with your blood he could be the Ice Dragon. Which are far larger and stronger than Valyrian fire dragons.” 
She smiled softly and gratefully at him then, giving him a soft nod that made him smile back. With one last brush of his thumb against her cheek, he withdrew his hand from her face and gripped her hand in his instead. 
“He is as much yours as he is his. And more importantly, he is as much the North’s as he is the other kingdom’s.” 
He reached behind her then and plucked one of the roses growing from the wall behind her and handed it to her. “On a lighter note,” he cleared his throat. “It’s not your winter rose, but here in the night, what is red could be blue.” 
Lyanna cracked a smile then and laughed as she took it from him and looked at him gratefully, giving his hand a squeeze. 
Send me a pairing + an AU setting and I’ll write short fic. 
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starrykiwis · 7 years
i was tagged by @thepinkufo to answer this 92 truths thingy thank uuuu agatha my love,, well i did it quite a while ago but here i am again. hope u had a nice day.

[1] drink: water

[2] phone call: my sister i guess

[3] text message: my sister

[4] song you listened to: landslide by fleetwood mac thank u agatha for sending me that audio i loved it

[5] time you cried: like... a month ago or a few weeks ago

 [6] dated someone twice: nope

[7] been cheated on: nah

[8] kissed someone and regretted it: i havent reaaally kissed anyone... ever

[9] lost someone special: yep

[10] been depressed: idk tbh i’d say . . .almost or maybe

[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: no omg i h8 throwing up ugh,,, not to be random but i recently found out i like beer.. .  no one asked but i’m saying it anyway bye

[12] purple

[13] yellow

[14] orange

[15] made new friends: i did i’m happy bout it

[16] fallen out of love: noooo  oo 

[17] laughed until you cried: thanks lord i have it’s gr8

[18] found out someone was talking about you: idk really idc

[19] met someone who changed you: yeah i guess so

[20] found out who your true friends are: hm no

[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: again, no

[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: basically everyone i don’t have too many people on my fb

[23] do you have any pets: one dog, my angel

[24] do you want to change your name: no i don’t

[25] what did you do for your last birthday: hm i watched the olympics on tv and yeah spent the day with my family at home doing nothing at all i don’t really like birthdays tbh

[26] what time did you wake up: today at 10am i’ve been sleeping a lot lately

[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping

[28] name something you cannot wait for: finding myself somehow? also coming out as a lesbian (i guess?) bc i’m fucking claustrophobic in this closet binch narnia can choke bye

[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: i live w her and she’s in the same room as me <3

[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: not a lot actually? it’s not abt my life at all, it’s me ..my life is okay

[31] what are you listening to right now: the tv but i’m not paying attention as usual

[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: i don’t think so lol

[33] something that is getting on your nerves: myself (leaving agatha’s answer here)

[34] most visited website: lately i’d say youtube and tio google mesmo

[35] elementary: nice

[36] high school: it was okay a bit messy but okay

[37] college: i’m about to start uni next month send me good vibes

[38] hair colour: brown

[40] do you have a crush on someone: atm i don’t think so (((and btw agatha i love u)))

[41] what do you like about yourself? i can easily see beauty in stuff

[42] piercings: just the ears and i dont like it but it wasnt my choice

[43] blood type: A+ (i spent a lot time thinking it was O+ wtf)

[44] nickname: isa, ing, indie

[45] relationship status: *sighs* i’m single and gay

[46] zodiac sign: leo don’t judge me

[47] pronouns: she/her

[48] fav tv show(s): everything and every type of stuff? okay then pll, criminal minds, madeline, friends, fresh prince of bel air, voltron. . .idk i forgot something whats my name where am i oh hi

[49] tattoos: i want flowers!!! but i have none atm rip

[50] right or left handed: right handed

[51] surgery: i took some teeth out

[52] piercing: ears

[53] best friend: julia i guess she was my neighbour

[54] sport: swimming

[55] vacation: i cant rmr rn lol

[56] pair of trainers: cant rmr

[57] eating: hm i guess fruits

[58] drinking: milk from my mother surely (leaving agatha’s answer again)

[59] i’m about to: sigh

[60] listening: nothing specific

[61] waiting for: watch dunkirk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11khkshjskfhdjJHSKJASHKJ

[62] want: to meet the sea again during the night and feel the fresh wind in my face and the sand through my toessss

[63] get married: i don’t plan on that & can’t really see this happening

[64] career: well idk??? but.. . probably a librarian

[65] hugs or kisses: idk hugs i guess maybe both

[66] lips or eyes: idk??yeah

[67] shorter or taller: idc

[68] older or younger: my age or older

[69] romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous

[70] nice arms or nice stomach: idc

[71] sensitive or loud: hm idk whaTAT

[72] hook up or relationship: probs relationships?? idk

[73] troublemaker or hesitant: idk.. . man these were hard i’m telling you

[74] kissed a stranger? no

[75] drank hard liquor? yeah

[76] lost glasses/contact lenses? no i dont wear them

[77] turned someone down? yep

[78] sex on first date? nein

[79] broken someone’s heart? i hope not :// idk

[80] had your own heart broken? no wow

[81] been arrested? oh no

[82] cried when someone died? yes

[83] fallen for a friend: nevah

[84] yourself? sometimes...

[85] miracles? hmmm...maybe

[86] love at first sight? não

[87] santa claus? i never really did

[88] kiss on the first date? ?? w?w?it happens??obvs

[89] angels? i do

[90] current best friend’s name: i don’t have a “main” best friend. my friends are the best people ever i love them

[91] eye colour: brown

[92] favourite movies: oh omg idk im lazy rn bye!!!!
idk who to tag so yeah i’ll do it randomly @walkingintheamm @fairylightsstyles @harrystylesgotmefuckedup @magic-view @stardustsharry @harrysera @androgynoustyles (i hope u come back soon) @cheshirepuddin @eyy-jenny @mizpahes @latelatestyles @sweetcreatured ignore it if you don’t want to do this! hope yall had a nice day
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jxyi · 7 years
So autumnsunshine10 did this tag and passed it on a while ago and I’m only doing it now because I’m bad at tag games (but I also think they’re kinda cute)
THE LAST: 1. Drink: green tea 2. Phone call: Rosanne, two days ago 3. Text message: Ricarda asking me what time I’d like to hang out 4. Song you listened to: The Knife – Heartbeats 5. Time you cried: when someone told the story about the meaning behind a tattoo HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: nein 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I wouldn’t say “regret” but 8. Been cheated on: hmmmm not really  9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: guess not 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no to the way
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. red 13. white 14. black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes 16. Fallen out of love: probably 17. Laughed until you cried: that happens quite easily 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes 19. Met someone who changed you: doesn’t everyone you meet and hang out with have some kind of influence on you? 20. Found out who your friends are: I already figured that out 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: 100% (but honestly I don’t give two shits about Facebook) 23. Do you have any pets: NO and I am mad 24. Do you want to change your name: no 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: ate too much food, drank too much wine, danced on the street with A. 26. What time did you wake up: 10am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: daydreaming 28. Name something you can’t wait for: getting paid lol 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 3 days ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I had kept a diary 31. What are you listening right now: Trentemøller – Never Fade 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: the wires of my laptop, the lamp and my brother’s electric guitar keep getting tangled up somehow 34. Most visited website: this dumb website
LOST QUESTIONS: 35. Mole/s: a few (what kind of answer are we looking for here?) 36. Mark/s: a few 37. Childhood dream: traveling the world 38. Hair color: black/brownish 39. Long or short hair: literally depends on my mood but atm short-ish 40. Do you have a crush on someone: eh, no 41. What do you like about yourself: my ability to chill tf out (most of the time) 42. Piercings: my ears 43. Blood type: I actually have to look that up 44. Nickname: Moon, B, Monica, Luverd 45. Relationship status: according to the wristband I had to wear at a party the other night, it’s “complicated” lol (single) 46. Zodiac: Capricorny 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: I still don’t know. Black Mirror probably? 49. Tattoos: yet to happen 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: just once 52. Hair dyed in different color: yah, just a slightly lighter shade 53. Sport: martial arts 55. Vacation: I’d love to go to Scandinavia, China and West-America 56. Pair of trainers: 4 or something
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: a lot 58. Drinking: not enough 59. I’m about to: eat more snacks (exciting life ikr) 61. Waiting for: money 62. Want: to figure out what I want 63. Get married: unreal 64. Career: professional life enjoyer (full time) 65. Hugs or kisses: depends on the person 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: for what tho? (idc) 68. Older or younger: older? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice person with arms and a stomach 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive but I’m also screaming a lot 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: depends on what would be defined as “stranger” 75. Drank hard liquor: yes 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no (i don’t wear them) 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex in the first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: my own 80. Had your heart broken: yes 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: hahaha. 85. Miracles: I believe in the power of believing in miracles 86. Love at first sight: love is a big word 87. Santa Claus: only when he buys me presents you know 88. Kiss on the first date: if I believe in that? what 89. Angels: yes
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Adriënne 91. Eyecolor: black 92. Favorite movie: (I can’t pick one) Consider yourself tagged if you feel like it
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nintendo-666 · 7 years
OPEN CALL TAGGED from @carvedfrxmstone lolol I need attn
THE LAST: 1. Drink: 7/11 coffee mu uber driver bought me lolol 2. Phone call: Gazzy 3. Text message: also my Gaz 4. Song you listened to: Dope Hat by Manny-Chan 5. Time you cried: 4th of July cause my bf’s mom is super mean to me :c
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: unfortunately 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: oh yeah dude 8. Been cheated on: yeah apparently I’m really good at it 9. Lost someone special: yeah dude 10. Been depressed:  all the time B) 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: lol yeah once I blacked out on a totally empty stomach and unblacked out over the toilet.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. black 13. purple 14. blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends:  yeah dude! I think. 16. Fallen out of love:  idk if it’s fair to say I loved him, more he controlled me and every aspect of my life so I was like really stockholmed. but I got out of that shit this year. 17. Laughed until you cried:  lol yeah last night over “biladelphia” 18. Found out someone was talking about you:  all the time 19. Met someone who changed you:  I didn’t meet him, but we got close. 20. Found out who your friends are:  no? 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list:  lol ya
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life:  like 75% 23. Do you have any pets:  yeah my kitty Marmalade! 24. Do you want to change your name:  absolutely 100% yes 25. What did you do for your last Birthday:  went downtown with a bunch of my friends, got bought many beers, and ate salad 26. What time did you wake up:  6:30, then 7:30. I slept in twice. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night:  ugh sleeping cause I work mad early. 28. Name something you can’t wait for:  tomorrow night presumably. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom:  yesterday when I went to go get my shoes! 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life:  I NEED more money to survive 31. What are you listening right now:  Wrapped in Plastic 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom:  that’s my old pill dealer lmfao 33. Something that is getting on your nerves:  I’m hungry but too fat to eat. 34. Most visited Website:  this hellsite
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s:  none 36. Mark/s: birth? on my butt. 37. Childhood dream:  be an astronaut 38. Haircolour:  right now black blonde and blue 39. Long or short hair:  short af 40. Do you have a crush on someone:  I love my boyfriend an insane amount 41. What do you like about yourself: I got off drugs 42. Piercings:  lip, two in my eyebrow, anti eyebrow dermals 43. Bloodtype:  O- 44. Nickname:  Cam, Eli, Court, Scotia 45. Relationship status:  super happily taken 46. Zodiac:  Saggy 47. Pronouns:  literally any 48. Favourite TV Show:  Broad City and South Park tbh 49. Tattoos:  star on my left wrist, majora’s mask on my left forearm, elephant on my right hand, “try again?” in 8-bit on my right forearm, sheikah eye on the right of my ribcage, power symbol above my pubes, hylian crest under my left collarbone 50. Right or left hand:  right 51. Surgery:  sepsis in my uterus from a baby I wanted but couldn’t afford and wouldn’t leave my body fully during the abortion. gruesome stuff. 52. Hair dyed in different color:  yah but part of it is just my natural color but enhanced kinda 53. Sport: noooo 55. Vacation:  idk man 56. Pair of trainers:  I just got some hella new shoes man. they’re metallic and I put black laces and sparkly lace wings on them!
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating:  nope 58. Drinking:  nope 59. I’m about to:  get back to work lmfao 61. Waiting for:  2:30pm when I buss outta this bitch 62. Want:  more $$$ 63. Get married:  one day 64. Career:  I work in the office category at a contracting company. it works for now.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: both simultaneously 66. Lips or eyes:  eyes for the most part I guess but I love me some nice lips 67. Shorter or taller:  taller by default tbh 68. Older or younger:  older generally 70. Nice arms or nice stomach:  armz. I like a little soft tummy :} 71. Sensitive or loud:  idc 72. Hook up or relationship:  relationship at the moment 73. Troublemaker or hesitant:  hesitant to make some trouble maybe but still doing it ofc
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger:  pretty much 75. Drank hard liquor:  always 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses:  yeah I never found my last glasses 77. Turned someone down:  no I’m too scared to lolol 78. Sex in the first date:  not even on dates I’ve just invited people over and it happened lol 79. Broken someone’s heart:  allegedly 80. Had your heart broken:  oh god so much 81. Been arrested:  thankfully somehow no 82. Cried when someone died:  soooo so so so sooo hard 83. Fallen for a friend:  yis :3
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself:  occasionally 85. Miracles:  nope 86. Love at first sight:  neh 87. Santa Claus:  well of course 88. Kiss on the first date:  duh 89. Angels:  uhm.
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name:  Adam is forever and always my number one, but I currently talk to/hang out more w my weed dude actually lmao he goes by Sweeney 91. Eye colour:  blue grey green idk depends on the light 92. Favorite movie:  I can’t focus on movies
tagging @thenimbus @hotalienexgirlfriend @ghoul-thirst @copy-paper @undrjoyed @nohomosuperior and ofc @aeternas
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anoverflowingsea · 8 years
92 truths tag game
tagged by @oikawaisagenius ♡ thanks naz!!!!!!!!!
LAST… [1] drink: water [2] phone call: nghia lmao [3] text message: amanni [4] song you listened to: gotta be you by 2ne1 [5] time you cried: 2-3 weeks ago
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: yeah [7] been cheated on: nope [8] kissed someone and regretted it: nope [9] lost someone special: yes [10] been depressed: chronically [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: *flashbacks to nightmares of 21st bday*
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] black [13] rose gold [14] dark blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yup fosho [16] fallen out of love: lmao how you gunna call me out like that [17] laughed until you cried: nah but i’ve laughed until i’d almost suffocated b/c i wasn’t getting enough air lol [18] found out someone was talking about you: yeah [19] met someone who changed you: not sure about changed but yes to meeting people that helped me grow [20] found out who your true friends are: yeah, but i mean you’re always discovering more and more the scope of who they are [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: no
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: idk i’m pretty sure everyone tho  [23] do you have any pets: i want a shiba so bad [24] do you want to change your name: nope, it’s one of the only things i have of my culture [25] what did you do for your last birthday: kris amanni and nghia all stayed in a hotel room and hung out and got drunk on everclear LMAOOO [26] what time did you wake up: it really depends but it can be from 6am-4pm [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: reading shoujo manga [28] name something you cannot wait for: TO SEE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE PORTER AGAIN  AND MAYBE SEE HIS WORLDS LIVE SET ONE LAST TIME BEFORE HE MOVES ONTO A NEW PROJECT [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: 2 hours ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my laziness and horrendous time management abilities [31] what are you listening to right now: frank ocean’s blonde and channel orange, khalid’s american teen, cudi’s passion pain and demon slaying, the weeknd’s starboy, future’s two new albums, childish gambino’s because the internet but idk there’s more i need to get to but i keep coming back to these right now but i need to diverge into the other genre’s i have been behind in like i’m so behind in edm and the indie scene and etc etc [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: lmao my boss is named tom, i call him uncle tom (Chú in Viet) tho but he gets butthurt b/c it makes him sound too old so he’s always joking with me telling him to call him “Anh” (which is used for like an older brother or something) and i have to politely tell him no b/c that’s too fucking weird like you’re my friend’s dad LOL [33] something that is getting on your nerves: when i wake up to yelling or when things are not actually a big deal, but i somehow make it end up seeming like it’s a big deal [34] most visited website: tumblr or twitter [35] elementary: prefer not to mention [36] high school: prefer not to mention [37] college: prefer not to mention [38] hair colour: i dyed it a dark black b/c it resonated with me at the time and i really liked it but my hair faded back to its dark brown now [39] long or short hair: it’s the longest it’s ever been but i wanna cut it so bad but i refuse to until i do something for myself that i’m proud of [40] do you have a crush on someone: love doesn’t exist my guy [41] what do you like about yourself? i’m funny and compassionate and my shit’s fire when i actually make good shit
[42] piercings: ear piercings
[43]blood type: my red cross ID says it’s O+???? [44] nickname: i have a lot of miscellaneous one’s but nothing people use consistently  [45] relationship status: single  [46] zodiac sign: gemini sun, cancer moon, virgo rising [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: gintama, haikyuu!!, hunter x hunter, yu yu hakusho, i’m rewatching cardcaptor sakura atm and i forgot how much i love this fucking show, tengen toppa gurren lagann, fmab....honestly there’s just so much anime and too many shows to name in general [49] tattoos: none atm but so many ideas that will come into fruitation [50] right or left handed: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: none [52] piercing: ears [53] best friend: janeta [54] sport: basketball [55] vacation: florida probably [56] pair of trainers: what does this even mean
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing but i just had lo mein and a muffin lol [58] drinking: nothing [59] i’m about to: supposed to be doing hw but i really might just go to sleep [60] listening to: nothing [61] waiting for: nothing [62] want: to get my fucking life together [63] get married: fuck no [64] career: animator
[65] hugs or kisses: hugs--long, big hugs like i don’t really hug people in general but i appreciate those when they come around esp from boys goddamn goddamn [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: it’s honestly not hard to be taller than me lmao [68] older or younger: someone maybe either my age or within 1-2 years older/younger than me [70] nice arms or nice stomach: idc [71] sensitive or loud: in the middle [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? nope [75] drank hard liquor? yes [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? yes i’ve done everything you can possible do wrong with contacts jfc [77] turned someone down: i fucked up and couldn’t turn them down only to turn them down two days later over the phone lol [78] sex on first date? not my cup of tea [79] broken someone’s heart? yeah... [80] had your own heart broken? yeah [81] been arrested? no [82] cried when someone died? yeah [83] fallen for a friend: yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? yeah somewhere deep within me [85] miracles? yes [86] love at first sight? no [87] santa claus? no [89] angels? yeah
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: amanni, gaby, kris, nghia [91] eye colour: brown [92] favourite movie: there’s too many i can’t choose
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