#idc if shes only got 7 minutes of screen time shes one of my favorite characters
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Tiny Frieda plushie, I meant to make her way more skrunkly but whatevs
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ivory-haired-queens-blog · 6 years ago
I just played ep 3 and you wanna know what things fucking ripped my heart out and fucking stomped on it and tried to shove it back in with scotch tape and glitter glue? SPOILERS, DUH.
*Also this might be the most in-depth and analytical thing I've done so... it's long.
A) When Louis picks up Minnie's crossbow and fucking accidentally shoots that woman and he's like "i..I didn't mean...fuck" or something like that. That fucking voice acting shredded me and I will never be over that. Louis, Louis of all people, the lighthearted jokester that just wants everyone to be happy was forced to shoot a woman in the skull! In one of the most grisly deaths in the season at that! Skybound can throw hands with me for that one. Also when Clem goes to get Aj Louis, even as broken and torn as he is at this point, he still tries to come with her. The best boy honestly.
B) Look, I know Lilly is the villian of this season. I'm fully aware of this. But she obviously still kinda cares about Clementine, as in ep 2 she said, and I quote "this SHOULD be easy." But it's not. It's not easy to shoot clem. But then she just fucking takes Aj? And then tries to strangle Clem on the side of the boat? And then when I mercied her and tried to let her live, she just???fucking kills James??? Like, I already didn't like James (I'm sorry James stans) but he didn't deserve that. And then the bomb goes off and we don't even get to Aj in time??? Like, 👊👊👊 throw hands.
C) When Aj talks about Clem getting bit and how he'd want her to bite him. Like, fucking James just had to say something. This boy is 6, maybe 7 at the absolute latest. He's impressionable, he learns from what he hears. You can't just tell him that walkers are still kinda human. If they had any shred of humanity left, they would not kill people. Especially those close to them, like Lee's brother tried to kill Lee when he was under that lamppost. Just fucking stop I'm crying.
D) LOUIS' STORY. If you did the Violet path and didn't hear Louis', basically he was rich. Like, filthy rich. But the only thing his dad wouldn't buy him was singing lessons. Louis got so mad at what his dad said to him, "You can either be happy or you can be rich," that he wanted to teach his dad a lesson. He started buying things on his dad's credit card that eluded to his dad having an affair (jewelry, hotel rooms, etc.) And when this worked, his parents got the divorce, he came clean. He told his dad "You can either be rich or you can be happy." A week later he was at the school. And just fucking??? How much his character has grown in the 8-9 apocalypse years??I'm so proud of him. Sure, younger Louis was a little shit, but he knows how fucked up what he did was. If you watch the scene, it's so....heartbreaking. like it's his biggest regret, even with all the Marlon shit thrown in. I love Violet with my whole heart, but I fucking love Louis' storyline.
E) VIOLET WHAT THE FUCK??? As I stated before, I love Violet. She's my favorite gay/gal in the whole apocalypse. But what the fuck? Like, you...I get it. I saved Louis instead of you, but wait a fucking minute I made it blatantly obvious that I love Louis (my son) and when you see me in the prison cell you're like "fuck you I'm staying here with my psychotic gf." Like??? I think the writers made a huge character mistake with that because there's no way Violet would have actually done that to me. Also especially after Minnie admits to killing Sophie, which I'll touch on later. Like, her character would NOT do that. Idgaf if she still loved Minnie or not, she'd be fucking pissed.
F) We have to talk about Minnie. Just....ugh. Props to telltale/skybound because holy fuck. That got me. That got me good. She just??? Is completely brainwashed by the delta and lilly? She killed her own sister, and despite me telling her what Tenn told me to she still locked me in the cell? Also she doesn't say one loving thing to Violet, who literally is willing to get herself blown up just to be with her. And when that woman tells her her family is the delta and to forget about Tenn she just fucking accepts it? Like??? Fuck off bitch?
G) Louis' date was the cutest shit
H) I'm sorry but at the party that first bio sounded a fuck ton like Marlon and Idc what anyone else says you cannot convince me that my love Ruby ever did such things.
I) I hate that the story is so compelling that, even after all she's fucking done, I still care about Lilly. I call this "the Kenny effect." We have history, and that matters a lot to me. Even if I don't agree with her ever, I still don't want her to die. (Like with the Kenny/Arvo thing) I see her as family, which is why in s1 I let her stay after she shot carley and in ep 2 of this season I told her we were family. I do care about Lilly, and then she just kills James??? Like, ugh. I wish she would just fucking stop and I could hug her and everything would be fine and Lee isn't actually dead and Christa and Molly and Kenny and everyone's alive and AAHHHHH.
J) The scene where Minnie has clem's knife against clem's chest and is pushing down is so fucking similar to the Kenny/Jane situation is s2. Minnie is Jane and Clem is Kenny, this time all of the kids from the school is clem. Both Minnie and Clem want them to be safe, but they have very different ideas on how they'll be safe. Clem wants to protect them at all costs, and Minnie wants to protect them by getting rid of clem. (Like how Jane wanted to get rid of kenny) I'm crying in the club.
K) James fucking making me walk in the barn full of walkers to touch the wind chime. I was literally so anxious during this and I knew that it's a game but just??? That would have been a pointless death.
L) ABEL. NO! Look I don't like this guy as much as the rest of ya'll, but they way he just breaks down??? I refused to torture him, and I put out his cigarette. He begs to be killed because he doesn't want to turn. This is so visceral and raw that I almost cried when my knife went through his head. Then the screen thing told me I tortured him in front of Aj?? Hello? When did I do that??? I gave him mercy, I gave him peace.
M) Louis toasting to the fact that he thinks he's gonna die at the boat just fucking destroys me.
N) Rosie is the goodest girl and didn't get enough screen time.
O) Louis helping clem up when she gets pulled under water by a walker is cleansing for my soul
P) Omar and Aasim got like 4 lines between them and that's fucking breaking the law
Q) I literally only found 1 collectible where the fuck where they all???
R) I was legitimately going to not kill any of the walkers when James was getting his mask, but I honest to God kept dying over and over so I literally had to kill one of them.
S) the fact that James kept bringing up how much of a heartless bitch I am for not caring about dead people that are walking and killing the living and everyone I've ever cared about.
T) The sheer genuis of the dialogue option that asks James if he knows the names of the walkers and he's confused and clem is just like "Omar, Aasim...Violet." like, he doesn't know the walkers. They're killing machines that he has no attachment to. Clem's friends are alive, and she cares about them deeply. Like fuck off m8.
U) Aj is so broken and confused and scared I don't know how to fix him he's a murderer but he's trying to atone and I just hope to God Lee would actually be proud of Clem and I just wish he was alive and Clem and Aj and him were a family and he could meet the boarding school kids at then Louis would learn about history, something I hc him as never being good at in school, and Louis teaches him how to play the piano and he teaches Violet how to actually map the stars and she teaches him all the fighting skills she's learned and Lee takes a liking to Tenn and makes sure to thank Omar for cooking and appreciates willy and mitch and what they do and supports and learns medicine from ruby and stops Aj from killing Marlon and talks him through the bad shit and helps him atone for his sins and then he meets Rosie and when he sees Lilly again she stops being a hateful cunt and we kill all the delta people and go back to the school and everyone, including mitch and James and Minerva and Sophie is alive and this is getting way to long aahhhh.
V) When Louis is freaking out about the responsibility of planting the bomb, and it gives you to either slap him or kiss him and that's the fucking cutest shit
W) the fact that it never let's me hug Tenn or Willy, nor have a funeral for Mitch. Like I know we were crunched for time, but it would've taken 10 minutes tops.
X) to my knowledge, Tenn and Menerva never see eachother. Maybe she would have changed if she saw him? I don't know...
Y) I don't have the option to cuddle with Rosie and that's an actual crime.
Z) When the kids are talking about all the people they've lost. 34 people. 34. We've lost a lot, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's 34. It might be close, but some of those people we weren't close to nor knew for very long. Also the fact that they've lost 34 but only have like 5 graves. Wtf?
*Edit: I'm not saying I love Lilly as much as I do Kenny, I could never like her that much, even if she had a change of heart and died protecting clem or Aj. I'm saying "the Kenny effect" because he was being an asshole, however you try to defend him. He wasn't in the right, and harmed an innocent kid (Arvo) just like Lilly does. Cool? Cool.
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skywalkersays · 8 years ago
tagged by the Lovely @rnyfh​ 💖💖💖 
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: clara @loserxvi​ 3. Text message: my sister 4. Song you listened to: uhhh “save a prayer” by duran duran 5. Time you cried: i cried like 2 minutes after getting out of bed this morning im Depressed
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: not technically but like... i never learn so .. i guess 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yup 8. Been cheated on: not really 9. Lost someone special: yeah 10. Been depressed: yes big Time boys 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yep
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: red, pink.... yellow? beige...
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes 16. Fallen out of love: nah 17. Laughed until you cried: yes constantly 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yea always gotta keep an eye out for Snakes 19. Met someone who changed you: of course 20. Found out who your friends are: lol 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes... 💀
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them i hate it i deactivate my facebook like twice a month 23. Do you have any pets: yea my lil boy lewis 24. Do you want to change your name: nah i always thought my name sucked and now i think it’s great 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: uhhh nothing shattered my phone screen and went to an 8am class 26. What time did you wake up: uhh well my alarm goes off at like 10:30 every day and then goes off every 10 mins until i get up so.... ngl i got out of bed at like 2 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: blowdrying my sister’s hair 28. Name something you can’t wait for: war of the planet of the apes........ 💀 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this morning... 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my financial situation and like 80% of my relationships 31. What are you listening right now: “Twenty miles” by NBSPLV 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: unfortunately 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: literally All right now 34. Most visited Website: tumblr fml
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: yea 36. Mark/s: yeah a big weird scar space in my right eyebrow...... idk....... 37. Childhood dream: idk i guess i always wanted to write. i used to want to act 38. Haircolor: blond right now but naturally like a dark brown 39. Long or short hair: stupidly long i need to cut it 40. Do you have a crush on someone: not really i can’t remember the last time i genuinely was like “i have a Crush” 41. What do you like about yourself: some ppl think im funny 42. Piercings: 2 on each ear + cartilage + nose piercing 43. Bloodtype: suspicious 44. Nickname: clem. also alex is kind of a nickname i guess 45. Relationship status: single n depressing 46. Zodiac: pisces/aries cusp 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Shows: broad city, community, xfiles, hannibal... b99.... adventure time.... futurama... i watch a lot of tv
49. Tattoos: two one on each ankle 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: only dental.... my front teeth r fake 52. Hair dyed in different color: yeah blond rn fml 53. Sport: ive played like all sports and sucked every time 55. Vacation: i just want to be in the sun or like... the woods 56. Pair of trainers: whats this question....
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: i made a meat pie last night it’s ... my masterpiece 58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: shower and drink a quadruple espresso i wish i was kidding 61. Waiting for: my life to make sense and Improve 62. Want: to see the big sick and to have a neat bedroom fml 63. Get married: idk perhaps. yes. maybe 64. Career: probably something writing related
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: depends whom.... i prefer a kiss if it’s from someone i want to kiss and i don’t like Love to be hugged 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: idc 68. Older or younger: roughly same age i guess 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idc 71. Sensitive or loud: both? im loud :/ so i guess sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: yeah :/ 75. Drank hard liquor: yeah :-l 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Broken someone’s heart: maybe 80. Had your heart broken: yeah i guess 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yeah 83. Fallen for a friend: not really
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: i try my hardest 85. Miracles: idk 86. Love at first sight: nope 87. Santa Claus: no 88. Kiss on the first date: yeah??
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: idiot savant bot 8000 91. Eyecolor: blue 92. Favorite movie: alien covenant... obvious child..... 
i tag @loserxvi and @galaxygalpals and @noncaf and also anyone who wanna do this
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