#idc abt anyone but his billy
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half-as-big-as-life · 10 months ago
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wewebaggit · 1 year ago
I never understood what people found in Shawn Levy. Did he direct a couple of nice episodes? Sure. But the way he chooses some things on the show has not been great so far for characters and the tone of the show. But the fandom has an obssession with with men, so they give credit for some random shit which is not surprising.
Shawn Levy being heralded as the god of the gays when his episode had Michael being a homophobic asshole (idc abt intent) to William and not apologising to him is really funny. Also don't even get me started to the Eyewitness "parallels". Lmao. Anyone who's seen that show would know ST is nothing like it. Hence my post about screengrabs and gifs losing meaning over time. He's only a director though and not the writer so I'd still give him more grace than the DBros. The show's emotional beats are FUCKALL. And overtime the sci-fi beat has also gotten FUCKALL. Idek yet what the exact genre of the show is. I mean I know. But that's not how it's promoted. But that's how it's consumed. I'm not dumb enough to believe they're not aware of this. Especially a man with the experience of Mr. Levy.
However the cluster fuck that was ST4, I gotta commend whoever was responsible for Dear Billy and he was the director on that one. So I still trust him MORE. N I guess that's what the fandom's doing without realising? Like the baseline being other ST episodes, I can see why.
But ya beyond that idk.
One day the show would be dissected keeping in mind the tone adopted by the makers and not the seriousness that is projected on to it.
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elizabethshelby · 3 years ago
On my long opinion-I will list why Lizzie Stark(Shelby) is the most important character on the show.
English isn’t my first language, sorry if i misspell things.
I I also had my own opinions as well as others (through private message) help me make this..lol
I don’t care who you like tommy with. Or think Lizzie isn’t right for tommy idc but she is involved in multiple story lines
Starting off with there would be no show without her. She’s a integral part of each season(subtracting Tommylizzie and their feelings) i don’t care if no one likes her but these are facts.
Starting off with the obvious:
•Tommy wouldn’t have the army he has
S1:Ep1-When we first hear of Lizzie, she’s engaged to Tommy’s younger brother John. They all clown him for her nightclub hostess/ part time working girl. John made it very clear no one should talk about her in a negative way. Then we learn about Tommy and her history. Meaning Lizzie specifically withheld that information (sleeping with both brothers) from John and Tommy.
S1:Ep4-Tommy ended that marriage because he needed for another one of his plans. Aka he’s a pawn. He ended his engagement to Lizzie and made a full on pact with the Lee's and married him off to Esme because he needed the man power of the Lee’s and didn’t need to fight 2 wars with different people. Join up with one and become family.
The lee’s and surrounding cousins help Tommy throughout the series based off the marriage between Esme and John. Without their union Tommy wouldn’t have his army.
•Tommy needed someone that was a constant to run his business
Ok in season 2/3/4 it was very clear the “women or wives” were running the betting shop. Esme helped out right after she got married to John. Polly was always in charge of it but like most families they had their fights. Ada didn’t want anything todo with them in the beginning, Polly and Tommy would argue and she would leave. (That’s why Lizzie would count money in her absence and knows the combination) not even esme was trusting(that’s why John got mad)
S3:Ep4-When the women did their walk out, he kept looking at Lizzie. With his eyes said: “I trusted you, you knew better than this, I expect walking out from pol but not you.” When tommy raised his voice a little more Lizzie got the hint and went right back into loyal mode and got esme out of there to not continue to get loud with Tommy.
•War with the Italians that spanned over 2-3 season
Then the Italian war. Tommy didn’t need to pick a fight with them but he did it because he was still small time. Billy was a big fish and that earned him a reputation but he had a good treaty with the changettas but Tommy is power hungry and wants more.
S2:Ep1-Then just by chance Lizzie is dating Angel Changetta!! He told Michael it wasn’t right for a peaky blinder walking with an Italian(he wasn’t approved by tommy but really would anyone?) they had a treaty why would that cause an issue? If anything it solidified their treaty. Why before Tommy’s wedding day when it should be abt him and Grace he’s worried about business (Italian and later on WEdding day-Russian)
Then knowing that they blew up his bars. S3:Ep2-He sent his 2 crazy brothers to talk with angels dad.
Arthur had a reputation for being crazy(killing a kid) and John used to have feelings for Lizzie- to address it. While John was disrespectful, Arthur knew it wasn’t right/ fair and told him to stop but he didn’t.
He went even further and congratulated John and wanted to take everything from them. Disregarding Pol and Arthur.
John with the indirect okay from Tommy, cut angels eyes out and told him to Stay Away From Lizzie,By Order Of The Peaky Fucking Blinders. Which no order is complete without Tommy’s knowledge or Okay. (He always overrules people if need be)The order came from Tommy just like it was his order to blow up and take his bars.
Becuase of Tommy’s order and John rashness with the cutting of Angel the changettas took revenge in killing Grace “for Angel”. Shelby’s took revenge back by killing Angel.
Season 4 opens up and him and his family are estranged. The only constant in his life and person managing- not only being his secretary, unofficial treasurer, and his only friend. [Lizzie]
“You can’t go on another year like this, do it for Charlie, me and Michael decided it’s time.”
Both Michael and Lizzie were technically born outsiders but were an integral part in both business and home life;they wanted to merge the family again.
Because of the brothers' action in s2 and s3 Luca came to collect or take revenge.
Killed John for their father and now wants even more revenge. Their vendetta spanning over a whole season.
In a different reality Luca and Lizzie would be in laws.
In season 5 and 6
In all the people in the world, in all the people that she might’ve slept with, one person she slept with was an up and coming member of parliament that wants to form a new party and have Tommy as his partner???
This is now 3 cases of Lizzie sleeping with someone that is an important part or connects with Tommy. for lack of a better word a “triangle” (ie diana saying Lizzie was part of a triangle) this is multiple storylines not all but a majority of them spanning over different seasons.
Mosley/John/Changretta’s Tommy
My own personal opinion is Mosley only was ever interested in tommy because of his wife’s earlier life. (And their possible connection) How/Why he married her. Mosley obviously has an obsession with Lizzie,it has been shown over multiple scenes.
“If we have met before, your wife and I could even renew our acquaintance. As am invited to stay the night,yes.
It was a bottle of champagne and an evening well spent.
They always come’cum’
Indirectly a response to Lizzie’s previous comment of “you went to sleep prematurely and it was an evening wasted.”
[kissing Lizzie’s hand for no apparent reason]
Now, forgive me I’m going to borrow your husband.
The ballerinas and I were wondering if perhaps you might want to join us”
In no way does this mean I hate the other characters. Or the other women tommy married or had relationships with.
I seen a lot of post how there is no point to her. But lizzie is the best character development on the show. She grew with the show, she grew as a character, she had her own thoughts and opinions and wasn’t afraid to voice them. She was struggling to for money, unlucky twice in love, S1 Lizzie is a different then S6 Lizzie and I think we should appreciate that regardless if you like her or not.
If you have any more to add, comment or reblog feel free todo so. Any hate, I will block you and delete.
I might seem, I am biased but i love Lizzie as a character and I think she’s deserves more recognition
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gunmetal-ring · 2 years ago
Do you have any other stranger things ships?
At the risk of starting Discourse... yes lol
Hellcheer obv - i like eddie and steves friendship dynamic but i find it very, very weird that theres such an insistence that theyre just as canon as hellcheer bc steve like... literally confessed to nancy that hes still desperately be-my-wife-and-mother-of-my-many-children in love with her but whatever. Like I'll concede that sure maybe actors and writers and showrunners all saying that hellcheer was romantic isnt technically canon, fine, but, uh. Idk. Hardcore pushing-for-canon to the point of harassing the joes abt steddie and shitting on grace/chrissy abt steddie is... extremely offputting to say the least, esp given the fact that it could not be more clear that they are not and have never been and will never be canon, even if eddie was still alive. I definitely think eddie is bi tho lol
I like nancy with steve better than with jonathan - yeah steve was a typical high school popular boy asshole for a while, but jonathan 1) literally creepshotted her, 2) manic-pixie-dream-girl'd her, and now 3) is actively lying to her and avoiding her. I've never liked him and his only redeeming quality imo is the way he goes to fuckin bat for will at every chance he gets bc i love will
I like robin and nancys friendship, if i didnt love steve and want him to be happy as much as i do, id want robin and nancy to get together bc vickie is blah and robin and nancy have such a cute dynamic and complement each other so well, but if robin rly likes blah vickie then so be it, i want robin to have a gf that she likes
Jopper but thats a no brainer lol
As for the kids theyre kind of too young for me to really care enough to "ship". Max and lucas are cute together. I rly hope that they dont go the tragic-single-gay-kid route with will bc i love him so, so much and it seems like the writers are definitely angling to keep mike/eleven together, so i hope he finds someone and doesnt spend his life crying and pining for a straight boy who doesn't love him back. Idc abt dustin and susie. Actually i feel like the writers are setting up dustin and erica to get together (like 10 years from now, obv) but i like their friendship its so funny.
I love hopper/joyce/murray 3 musketeers dynamic
I like argyle and jonathans friendship but mostly bc it means i get to see argyle bc i love him lol hes so funny
Is that all the characters? Theres so many characters on this show i love most of them and dont want any of them to die off but i cant keep track of them all lol
Oh and btw i hate billy, glad hes dead, have never and will never ship him w anyone bc he was a racist abusive piece of shit who had one (1) redeeming moment of his entire fucking existence, its sad that he was abused but that doesnt excuse the fact that he was also abusive, sorry not sorry
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