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Uma Thurman en “Los Vengadores” (The Avengers), 1998
#The Avengers#uma thurman#idamariapan#MonaCoion#AreYouVincent#idealeconcepts#Palmer#theJudge#quentin tarantino#Ducklings#ROSE#CHAŔLIE#CHAPLIN#ProblemaEnUTOPIA#Cars#MonaLisa#LEONARDO DA#leonardo da vinci#joker#theodor w. adorno#walt disney#Social media#idaHUXLEY#aldous huxley#cinematic universe#robert downey jr#idaBUCKY#The Futurist#buckminster fuller#FFFXYZ
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🌙 “Fue el tiempo que pasaste con tu rosa lo que la hizo tan importante” El Principito AZUL #idaKHAN HH 🤴 the Little Prince SuntVerbaRerum Latin Are Words Things 📍🎲 ... Alea Iacta Est‼️⭕️ Chaos 🌹idaEco in The Name of the Rose idaBond UmbertoEco SeanConnery 🎴 DIvina Commedia L'Inferno Dante Alighieri WILST il SOMmo POE PoETA eta beta gamma Delta ♥️♣️♦️♠️ TIME COSMIC virtual Tragedy tragi-comedy patom Tragedia Comica Virtuosa Global COOK chef Miso Soup tweety bird YukiMiaki99 Sushi TheGodfather Stark Mona New York Taiwan Korea Japanese cusine Epicurean Epicurus Spinoza idaSPINOZA idampan s father MarioPan taught us CQFP ♡◇♧♤ Come Quando Fuori Piove = Cuori Fiori Quadri Picche No CARD or Video Game CASINO theGambler 🎱 #WordsInLineSpaceAndTime 🚀 Mona x Mon AMI 🗨 idamariapan idampan ⚖️ panidamaria idapan 🩸mariapan 🚀 idealeconcepts 🎨 idealistamagica IMPan I m PAN am #ART MonaCoion💡 #idaXFiles #Words #Magic ☕️ one more cup of coffee #BobDylan DylanIMP idaTesla Elon Musk ABC 123 Maga Meme 🍒 MDBXyz #idaEINSTEIN zero #Einstein #ATOMIC 💣 explosive idaHUXLEY idaORWELL #AldousHuxley #GeorgeOrwell #idaByrne 🔥 Fire onDe #Waters Meta H20 XYZ Virgin Con #CERN r #Galactic idaVirgin #NASA #SpaceX idaZiggy DB Stardust idaNewton 1st name was Issac NEWTON 🕸 WEB James Webb #Space between me & you InFinite ♾️
Fazza WATTS doYou THINK 🤔 & HH His Highness the Aga Khan #AKDN #AgaKhan the AgaKhan Development Network #Fazza #Faz3 GroupFazza Elon Musk (weNeed2Talk 1on1) noFUN idaNietzsche Dragon Rocket Ss blow FLAMES #FFFxyz MonStreSS Monsters (*) Will write Downey what i found on Twitter yesterday: PRETENDERS not Ismaili w LIES religious IMPostors impostoring & insulting any common decency @fazza3hamdan @groupfazza
#AFRICA #BW #CHiNA #RUSSIA #Ukraine #Syria #IRAN #ISraEL is RA E L im no Engineer have 0 #POWER #UN I worry KANT Usee people R dying WAR Hunger Children Sex Trade Sad NEWS 😔 EU humanitarian Crisis no bricks #LEGO Put in #Putin together = #LAW lex LeGis Legge Law Supreme Court #HumanRights #Justice #Truth Veritas iCC inertnational Criminal Court the Judge KHAN force Giustizia nobody's above theLaw Mann idaMann Thomas idaBIG told Me Isa BIG jobs UTOPIA + #TheodorAdorno #Disney #Marvel #Facebook #FakeNews I get DE #PRESS ed Ted plus Blue cause all these FASCISTS und NAZI right Left n center ... everywhere Fascism I Dispise DIs Di Spies ciencia Science Idiots believe dei are GOD DC gods have la Scienza InFusa in Fusa come quelle che fa il GATTO 🙀 CATASTROPHE idaPicasso idaDALI CAT astrophysicists Fromm d Star 🌟 t Anyhow idaCohen member Leonard COHEN Euler Leo Leonardo Da Vinci b4 asking AreYouVincent ass in ARTIST Vincent Van Gogh EXPERIENCE x MaryCBeal Ally McBeal or Douglas Coupland ... auction Sotheby's Christie's exhibition up COMEY coming Komehini
In FORM pubic OPS Public + readers DATA idaWEI came to Be tube Tubi idaKAPOOR best Friend Sunday Morning idaREED Lou Reed Velvet Underground idaWarhol Andy Warhol shall show share Al Jazeera
Can art change society? - Ai Weiwei and Anish Kapoor | Studio B: Unscripted
From: Studio B: Unscripted
Can art change society? – Ai Weiwei and Anish Kapoor
Artist and activist Ai Weiwei and abstract sculptor Anish Kapoor on the changing role of art in today’s world.
Ai Weiwei is one of the world’s most influential living artists and activists, known for addressing human rights and freedom of expression issues through his work. His memoir, 1000 Years of Joy and Sorrows, shares his family story of growing up in China.
Sculptor and installation artist Anish Kapoor has created large-scale artworks across the globe that challenge us to engage subjectively with them, including Cloud Gate in Chicago and the ArcelorMittal Orbit in London.
The two global icons compare notes on freedom of expression, how art can challenge power, and what subversive art looks like today. PoST SCRIPTUM photograph Screen shot 25.03.23 Someone pretending 2be Elon Musk had been messaging MonaVainy on Pinterest Telegram FOTO below is a sample. Kind to ask about my son... I had mentioned he was suicidal, brought by the POLICE 911 to a psychiatric hospital Now HELD in Emergency CARE @elonmuskfans
Ah ah Joker Sarcastic... Me send Money to his Manager ? ... Not likely Honey Principe AZZURRO EM (Keanu Reeves know also) - whoever YOU Are - i really like ElonReeveMusk Elon Reeve Musk BUTT @elonmuskfansgossipblog TRUST is KING in my not WHITE HOUSE Il Diavolo fa le pentole ma non I coperchi Italian PROVERB Let's see if Richard Branson Picking UP Women Girls Chicks Ducks Ducklings ... Knows the meaning #idaPACINO #idaDENIRO Al Pacino Robert DeNiro help so it Dose dos does not knot get LOST in TRANSLATION comme INA film movie Sofia Coppola (The Godfather Francis Ford Coppola's cop pola s daughter) Star ring Starring 💴 💃 Jojo Rabbit 🐰 Scarlett Johansson in Japan ttss Tokyo Tom Waits link me to RB @richardbransonpickingupwome-blog #photoIMP photography by MonaVainy all copyrights ida maria pan ideale concepts MAGNETIC FIELDS AURORA borealis Global Spectacle ... SCI-TECH daily Notification Invasion ALERT: Disease Fears raised over New Mosquito Spices Species Reported Inn FlorIDA ... SOS VITAMINS I need VITA MINE 🍋 citrus yellow green 🥗 Le mon LEMON Lime oranges 🍊 orange juice 🥤 minerals intake of IRON man my Bones ache sto male Tristezza Triste Elle Amal a mal Male partout ovunque Pain HURT chotto matte okudasai idaSAN Kiki 🤙 call Matte idaMATTA MATTA Mata Matte MATTI Mattel Matan MataHari Doso idaKADOKAWA Kadokawa TentoChito Watashi WA OnnaMusha Ichi Ban SunTzu blind Let's Meditate Focus on Confucius LaoTze Pray LOVE PRACTICE w Dalai Lama Put compassion into Action Dov'e l'AMORE L'Amour QUIBUS qui qùo qua topp Topòlino Paperino Paperne Nonna Papera Duffy Donald Duck n TRUMP Quo Vadis CarpeDiem Iger Ike Fox WB Discovery Co. FunKo POp Oprah PHANTOM of the Opera Ora pro Nobis Pater Noster OMA AMA io Remo REM a anche Tu Verbal Diarrhea idaSARTE idaBARTHES idaCAMUS SHIT idaCATTELAN Maurizio Cattelan ho la Nausea come JP Sartre I feel it coming ind theweeknd VOMITO MUORO emmit Christopher CRISTO Chris Bloomberg Boom Bloom ElstonGunn Robet Allen Zimmerman A Series of Dreams ... HighWater Mississippi MK mark Knopfler note was sweet. Yes Angel Angels 'IBelieve InYou' Don Raffae idaBrando idaDeANDRE Marlon Brando, Fabrizio De Andre' 'Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight' ... 'Volta La Carta' idaKEANU trovi pricipino KeaNu Castello Angelina Jolie ahah Aditya makes the Gioconda SMILE monaLisa Lisa Joe Gio G Johnny Cash or NoCASh 'Era gia' tutto Previso' EraTutto già Scritto Detto Ripetuto e Ribadito. Trascritto, fotografato, archiviato, Cancellato, bruciato, messo rimesso od omesso dal FeSSO ... a Roma se dice 'o fammo Mori ner FOSSO' ma Bruce lo sa Il fiume The River ... la Alma el Karma e poi la CURA tra il DESERTO, la pianura, le Valli ed I Monti... le come le LaMontagne... Neve, ghiaccio, gelo poi laggiu' la tundra, la steppa e nuovamente ilDESERTO erso la sabbia, I serpenti, ragni, scorpions, hawks Falcons avvoltoi ed il Tramonto nell'oasi col cammello O eDAI dimmi ... Dam IA N Elephant un Elefante Dumbo Forse? DONNO dontknow idaDerrida may be she k nows iq GPS Jacques Derrida Algeria Paris Albert Camus Cammo Affa Che si fa ? NESSUNO -come Ulisse- lo sa. Eneide, Iliade, Odessa ne' Virgilio, ne' James Joyce Ne er matto de me figlio SAN dirmi a chi m'appoggio, dove cazzo m'Appiglio U2 Angel XII dove se nascosto Michelangelo
“Fue el tiempo que pasaste con tu rosa lo que la hizo tan importante”.
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#WordsInLineSpaceAndTime #MonaCoion #idaDeNiro #idaPENN #idaPACINO #idaBOND #idaBRANDO yes intothe WOODS #idaCIMINO #idaCROWLEY #AleisterCrowley Crowley #idamariapan #idealistamagica #idealeconcepts KHAN oz KANT we Agree? DREAMS #idaEINSTEIN Albert Einstein CON CERN SS DATA pacino DEVIL Woody Be SEXY #idaJagger Mick #DylanIMP Bob #idaHUXLEY Aldous so #idaBYRNE David #idaDAVINCI Leonardo #IdaFLOYD Gilmour Waters idampan Quibus #MaryCBeal Did u Know #idampan 1st Feature Film SHE worked on was #MichaelCIMINO #YearOfTheDRAGON true ask #GeorgeClooney TIME #idaTARANTINO #idaSPACEY #IdaSPIELBERG for #TheMonumentsMEN AldousHuxley LeonardoDaVinci MonaLisa could Keep her better Dan #CharlieChaplin #SMILE MICHELANGELO cheese #NAZI SS STOLEN #ART brought back #idaCATTELAN #idaPINAULT #idaPICASSO #idaKAPOOR #idaDALI etc Brought back #idaWRIGHT Wright 2D #MUSEUMs ie #idaPEGGY #idaGEHRY #Guggenheim #FrankLloydWright #FrankGehry D do Jumping JACK #idaJOKER idaJACK Joker who #FFFxyz ProblemaEnUtopia Displate TRUMP u later GC
♪ In the city of blinding lights I'm getting ready to leave the ground Oh, you look so beautiful tonight ♪
The Devil Wears Prada (2006) dir. David Frankel
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MonaCOION ORCA pinkFida DATA idaFREUD idaFLOYD idaLENNON idaPINK PINK FREUD WOODY #idaEINSTEIN idaORWELL idaHUXLEY idaWRIGHT Wright deSCRIBE impXYZ KARMA LAW #idaPEI tell PRESS Link B TWINS id&@le💡idealeconcepts @idealec Paul McCartney DavidGilmour IMPei Photography Zuckerberg META DOWNEYDEPP MaryCBeal RDJ MCU WB Disney politics ❌ ida maria pan idamariapan on FACEBOOK (IMPPROFILE since vanished) dedicated own photograph ss PHOTOIMP album architect AndreaPALLADIO LaRotonda idaBARTHES shot in Vicenza ITALY to her virtual FRIEND PinkFloyd s David Gilmour onhis Birthday date remembering RIP IMPei 102 nd bdy FB markEDIt SPAM DELETE #idampan01 @idampan01 #idampan @idampan Pinterest pin interest AUDI💡#idaCHIPPERFIELD idaFAZZA idaHADID #idaBUCKY Miranda idaTESLA ELONMUSK ROYALE Home Style #idaFUKSAS member MARVEL TSCxyz #idaNOUVEL AD design Nouvel #PICTUREthisXYZ #idealeconcepts get JosePALACIOS IIdeale show idaHOLMES ops Home DeCOR #idaPACINO idaDeNiro idaBOND idaSPACEY idaBRANDO GPS idaBRUCE ss COR cuore #DylanIMP HearOfMine #idaEmi photograph idaSheeran edSheeran Eminem Coldplay OneDirection ida1D idaCP idaBARTHES StoryOfMyLife RolandBarthes #idamariapan #idampan01 IIda Maria PAN MeneVado2Volte AttraversoilMioSilenzio #idaBARTHES #PhotoIMP PhotosIMP Image BW Photography Photograph Yellow Adobe Photoshop SUPER IMPosed original TEXT Words Design ARTE BiancoENero ImMAGINE FOTO Grafia Fotografia PAROLE Testi ConcettiiNcompresi DATA 2004 di ida maria pan IMP ImPAN0 ioPAN07 I'm gonna idaREED Reed DIS idaNEWTON Apple News article ops (Sorry idaBIEBER Justin Time) … Elon iMust Read Musk dbLOPS idaEINSTEIN idaPRESS idaFeynman Press b4 idaKhan khan comment WashingtonPost WP ah Will getBack via MONA w my ImpXYZ thoughts Caravaggio onmyMind Saw SpaceX launch idaTESLA 💙 on Twitter & idaEMI idaSHEERAN Eminem + Ed Sheeran in Detroit idaWEI BillyJoel funny follow idaCP Coldplay hot idaFazza Birthday wordsinlinespaceandtime idealistamagica
Paul McCartney and Dave Gilmour
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otd DAViD Gilmour idamariapan idaFLOYD idaEINSTEIN idaMATTA WILDE DANDOINUMERI count idaNietzsche Nietzsche WAGNER see Who SS private JET passenger idaBOND FELLED DOWNEY in Russia Yevgeny PRIGOZHIN Vladimir CHEF idampan RU Putin WordsInLineSpaceAndTime into my idaTED idaCATTELAN idaFREUD TroiaToMare Mouth ? Never idaORWELL idaHUXLEY SILENCE orca idaDALI idaCASH DylanIMP WATTS WANTED MAN JohnnyCASH BobDylan Donald TRUMP Rudy Giuliani Meadows & idaCHOMSKY MIT NC DCC idaDeNiro DeNiro idaTARANTINO Tarantino idaPACINO Pacino CNN show ED idaSHEERAN idaBARTHES MAGA team Shot SS ttSS #idaFBI FBI why Interpol XFILES idaKHAN AKDN KHAN u imagine idaLennon HiM yesterday MALI AFRICA idaFazza Fazza Hamdan Karim H.H. AgaKhan XPlain thePrince Machiavelli Don Get CONFUCIUS idaECO Eco Dimmi NESSUNO idealistamagica Oracle of DELPHI idaOMA Library of Alexandria idealeconcepts HYPATIA idaTESLA use HEAD Mind De LIGHT idaKLEIN ET idaSPINOZA TIME Wittgenstein Spinoza idaRUSSELL RUSSELL Einstein LaMontagne Mohammed Allah id&@le Utopia Dystopia etc AbC #idaABC #idaFeynman Pinterest ForGOT RichardFeynman #MaryCBeal Tragic ALLY Hitler died Zuckerberg Facebook America CambridgeAnalytica politics #idaHOLMES Shakespeare MickeyMouse Ai idaWEI OH Brave New World 21stcent media AldousHuxley MonaLisa SMILE panidamaria WILST BACIo JUDA MonaVainy
David Gilmour, 1978
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MonaCoion #idaLOCKE LUVIN DoWney #idaEINSTEIN Rip Albert Einstein Loki+Lock 🔒 @idampan Pinterest #idampan Hey Joe GOP @Idealec news idaPRESS de PRESS ed idealeconcepts idaHuxley Huxley idaMORRISON idaORWELL ORWELL in memory UN LOCKE TheDOORS lockup TRUMP july20th 2023 re January 6th DC DCC DCCOMICS maga GCARTWORKS RobertDowneyJr GiulsVezzoli TonystiCazzi The Eagles ? Actor as Mussolini s brother CristinaBruno Sherly HOLMES #MaryCBeal see MariaPAN Google Plus idaXFiles #photoimp RayPerez ChiaraNicotra Didiem kartal as MaryCBeal Gautham repeatedly TAGGED panidamaria ex lovers & romantic partners ie MaxBarbot Daniel Guimond back in 2015 on now killed Facebook #idamariapan sickened Vomit Express DylanIMP BobDylan see this idiot on Oppenheimer idaFeynman RichardFeynman ADARSHSStark idaCOHEN leonard Cohen idaFREUD Sigmund FREUD MonaLisa Leonardo Davinci TroiaToMare idaCATTELAN Maurizio Cattelan him HITLER nazi #IndioPerez PerezPaz idaDeNiro Robert DeNiro idaBrando MarlonBrando idaPacino Al Pacino rdj twitter ironman idaKadokawa YukiMiaki99 or 90 idaLennon IMAGINE SaintMona Lennon TheBeatles Paul McCartney idaFloyd PinkFloyd David Gilmour magic Pomme idaNewton Apple 🍏 idaCROWLEY Aleister Crowley quibus Disney DowneyDepp lookup survivor idaPAN pin te reßt idampan01 @idampan01 WordsInLineSpaceAndTime FuckOFFoclock #FFFXYZ idaTesla idaTED bite me
Robert Downey jr. on Esquire Magazine - Russia - June 2009
it has 4 pictures of downey ;)
Download PDF here - size: 89 mb
Click here to view all my RDJ collections
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MonaCOION Y STEVEJOBS KALOKAGATHIA idaXYZ APPLE 🍏 Pomme Antroposofia Agathos KalosKagathos philosophy Bellezza Armonia Beauty Harmony SaintMONA Lennon idaADAMS MonaLisa DaVinci idaEINSTEIN Einstein otter NOBEL Prize MCU pan Filo SOFIA PERALTA AreYouVincent Aristo #FFFXYZ MaryCBeal fin Ally MCBeal sia mo Titanium not CosmikDebris iron RUST NASA super BIG BLUE Moon idaLennon RA Mona Joker Jack DylanImp BobDylan Lux_chiara idaBarthes RolandBarthes idaZIGGY David Bowie RocketMan EL on Musk ops Must Be DISNEY MAGIC idaCROWLEY Aleister Crowley idaLightfoot Light Foot Print DATA idaTesla Tesla idaTED TEDx ida1D ONE Direction idaKANT Immanuel KANT idaCohen Leonard COHEN idaWILDE WILDE WILDER PerezPaz TonystiCazzi Ironman idaXFiles idaMorricone TheSCrIpt idaBRANDO AI idaWEI Weiwei idaKAPOOR kapoor idaDALI Salvador DALi INSTANT KARMA idaHuxley AldousHuxley TheodorWAdorno idamariapan idampan idealeconcepts 💡 idealistamagica AmO OMA idaOMA smART RemKoolhaas idaZERO TroiaToMare RAICultura ARTE RAIStoria Italy idaECO Eco WordsInLineSpaceAndTime RIP PhilippeDaVerio La Bellezza Beauty IdaFUCKOFF TonystiCazzi TonyStark StalkerStark idaDeNiro idaPacino Beautiful ADARSHSStark CristinaBruno GCARTWORKS Didiem Kartal RobertoPocorobba RobertDowneyJr KALO le braghe Si sparo' NA SEGA LoveYou3000 FunkoPop Hasbro Avengers TheodorAdorno BobIger MickeMouse TheManWhoSoldTheWorld
Steve Jobs, photographed byChristian Witkin.
I miss you.
#connecting the dots#Steve Jobs#idealistamagica#Idealeconcepts#idamariapan#MonaCoion#apple#Philosophy#Wisdom#Synchronicity#Idampan#Art#VISION#ethics#Logics#Mathematics#NUMBERS#STUPIDITY#Superheroes#MARVEL#WALTDISNEY#TheodorAdorno#ELONMUSK#RAICULTURA#PhilippeDaVerio
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