#id set up paid substack subscriptions soon i dont want to rely on donations without giving anything back
mistninja · 3 months
hello guys, i'm trying not to feel embarrassed about this, there has been many times before where i thought of asking for help and decided not to because there are thousands of people who need it more, but things are going to be really though this month for me and my family, our car isn't working and it was my dad's only source of income, me and my mom have full time jobs but we are barely able to cover our rent and bills, and we have a lot of debt that we aren't going to be able to pay this month
the main reason im asking for help now is because i need to get a new ID, i can't put it off anymore because without it i cant get a new bus card and i wont be able to afford going to uni without one, the ID costs 200 R$, which is around 30 dollars. it doesn't seem like a lot, but I'd be super thankful for any help, even just a couple dollars go a long way for me
this is my first time using stripe, so i hope this works, i've been trying to set up paypal for a week and it still doesn't let me take transfers
Edit: I also set up a ko-fi, im not sure how that works but here it is
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