#id say the remakes are worse about her characterization
resizura · 9 months
i love ada wong and i so badly want her to have ANY and i mean ANY backstory/content outside of leon like please!!!!!! separate ways remake is the closest thing we’ve got on any expansion of adas character in almost 3 decades please im starved
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Sorry if some of what I say doesn’t make sense, I do not speak English that much.
Honestly Claire in DI is one of the worst things Capcom has done to a character. Revelations 2 happened before RE6 around 2011 I believe and there we have an older (mentally and looking) Claire who is badass and mature. With an adult attitude and appearance.
Death Island happens in 2015, Claire is closer to 40 than 30. So why does she still look 17? Characters age and it is okay, in REV2 she is older and more mature but still funny, old doesn’t mean boring. I found her character really consistent (i know REV2 had a few issues with her character but aside from that I found her consistent) until Death Island.
Rebecca is even worse IMO, she is the same age as Claire yet literally acts like a kid. And Jill acts as if she were the older version of Moria Burton and Leon also has little personality in the movie (and both were still the most decent characters in Death Island). And Chris…he looks like him but it definitely doesn’t feel like him. This Chris literally seemed like he didn’t GAF about Claire at all. I don’t see the RE6 or RE8 Chris it literally feels like a new Chris (with no personality)
Maybe I missed something because it looks as if Chris is the only character allowed to age, because the rest don’t even look almost 40 and they almost all are… but Rebecca is worst on that. Hoping that I am not the only one who thinks since so I would love to hear your opinion on all of this.
So Capcom already admitted outright that they haven't shown the female characters aging literally because they didn't want to and didn't think they'd look good. So that's definitely a thing. Not much we can do about that, but it is what it is.
I don't know how people look at DI Leon and don't see 38, though. Straight up. His character model for that movie was a slightly tweaked version of his Infinite Darkness one, and I felt that Leon looked way too old for 29 in ID to begin with. I assumed he was 34 in ID before I learned when it was actually meant to take place. He looks very normal for his age in DI.
In fact, I would say that Chris looks too old. He's 43 in DI. He looks at least ten years older than that. At least. I would've placed him at 56 if I didn't know better.
Like. I don't know if this is a case of people just... not being around people in this age group often enough to know what people in this age group are supposed to look like, but Leon does not look too young, and Chris looks very old.
Source: am 34 with a brother who's turning 40 in a month, whose friends are mostly older than him.
In terms of the characterization, I really strongly disagree with most of this. The only one I agree with you on is Chris. DI Chris didn't feel right.
But everyone else felt perfect to me. Like, the best versions of the characters we've seen in over a decade (remakes not withstanding).
I actually hated Claire's portrayal in Rev2. I don't know how someone fucks up Claire's character to the point of making her not know how to handle or talk to children, but Rev2 pulled it off. I have very few kind things to say about Rev2 in general, but I thought whoever wrote it completely missed the point of Claire's character.
DI felt like the most authentic version of Claire since Code Veronica. She was pissed off, yet compassionate, and she was smart and got shit done. That's Claire in a nutshell.
Rebecca seemed absolutely no different to me at all. RE0 Rebecca is RE1 Rebecca is Vendetta Rebecca is DI Rebecca. I don't see what you're seeing there.
I've talked about the changes in Jill's character a few times; basically, Jill is still the same character that she always was, she's just less subtle now. Jill was always fiercely independent and domineering and stubborn -- it was just way more low-key before. She's just louder now, basically.
And Leon...
Death Island is the best portrayal of Leon in the OG timeline, period, and I'm not kidding. Death Island Leon is Leon. That's who he is.
DI takes all of the different facets of his personality that this series has played with over the past 25 years and blends them all together at the correct ratios to create what is, I believe, what Capcom has wanted Leon to sound like since RE6 but has never been able to pull off.
I'm kind of feeling like... if you don't like DI Leon, you just don't like OG Leon as much as you think you do lmao
OG Leon is a tired, cynical man who hates himself and resents his position in life but does what he does because basically no one else can -- and despite hating himself, he's actually very vain (likely to mask how much he hates himself), so he shows off a lot, specifically BECAUSE he knows that no one else can do what he does. He's used to being the smartest person in the room, so he comes off as arrogant, even when he's not trying to be. And then he tries to make himself seem more palatable by trying to be the funny guy, but he's the only one who thinks he's funny.
Like. That's OG Leon. And that's exactly who he is in DI. DI was pitch perfect with him.
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