#id appreciate it if a follower or mutual shared the definitions as they understand them
mejomonster · 7 months
Any other trans friends i could use ur personal knowledge input. Ill also look this up though so don't worry im assuming like the definution of bi theres gonna be varied overlapping definitions
(So pre warning these first big paragraphs are preamble on what ive heard as far as more recent definitions, it can ALL be skipped down to my question. Basic summary is: DEI taught about gender identity, gender presentatuon, and sexuality spectrums and how they dont necesarily match the way stereotypes would expect as each Individual experiences those 3 spectrums their own way). Okay so the last time i got proper formal definitions taught was a Diversity Equity Inclusion training. Which was eons ahead of what my schools ever taught but it was still not all encompassing. Training included mentioning: sexuality is a spectrum, pansexuality and bisexuality are being able to feel attraction to multiple genders, heterosexuality and homosexuality are attraction to one gender, asexuality as an umbrella term for people who experience no sexual attraction or various levels different than the other sexualities, queer is an all encompassing umbrella term that lgbt people may use but a person outside the community should not use to refer to a person unless specifically asked to (and its also a label various academic texts use to describe lgbt elements discussed). Also the romantic attaction spectrum was mentioned, as like the sexuality spectrum but not necessarily matching it for any particular person (as in one can be bisexual and demiromantic, homoromantic and asexual, not just say bisexual and alloromantic). Training mentioned gender identity is a spectrum (and nonbinary is an umbrella term, as is genderqueer, for various identites that dont identify as men and women, agender includes people who do not identify with genders - basically gender is diverse as human experience, as with all other points).
Gender Presentation is a spectrum, and they do NOT have to match up (such as a butch woman, a feminine woman who goes by he him, a feminine man who uses he him, a masculine looking man who wears dresses basically in terms of clothing hair pronouns social activities any person can embody any kind of traits along the masculine to feminine spectrum - and may also align them differently as in a country woman may see "girls dont cry!" As a feminine associated expectation while an oldest son might also see "boys dont cry" as a masculine associate expectation to his own life experience, i could go on forever but basically clothes/hobbies do NOT equal gender identity. Pronouns do NOT necessarily equal gender identity). So like. The trainer my nonbinary coworker used examples like them using the pronouns they/he/she and prefering to dress more masculine but still using they/she/he and sometimes really enjoying dresses and still using they/she/he, of how some butch women may prefer he him or she her and theyre women If they simply identify as women, women who wear pants and no makeup and go by she her, men who love makeup and go by he him, some of my coworkers realized that day they prefered they/them (presentation) even if their gender identity was man or woman. Basically the point is Presentation is diverse. There is no one to one perfect list of traits to define what each gender identity "must be." Youre your gender identity because you are that gender, it feels right for you. You express and present yourself how you want, and that doesnt necessarily align with masc for men or fem for woman or androgynous for nonbinary, those are just the basic things strangers might assume. And the person labelling themselves understands more than you. (So in this case like gender nonconforming presentation would be a man who wears glam makeup or woman who never wears makeup, a nonbinary person who leans heavily into clothes that arent associated with androgyny, im not explaining well but i hope u are kinda getting my point).
Anyway my point was Gender Identity (im a guy a girl im nonbinary im agender), is not the same as Gender Presentation (the spectrum of human traits society vaguely interprets as masculine feminine and androgynous and where each individual lands in terms of presenting themselves such as clothing, hair, hobbies, social traits, etc)
Now my question Im really confused about:
Im nonbinary im bi. Im also a few other things and sometimes just saying im queer makes my life easier.
Im a bit confused about what transmasc and transfem as labels mean. Because i can only interpret the words on my current knowledge by guessing the masc and fem in the words Either relate to Gender Identity, or Gender Presentation. The words obviously are for trans people. But i have no idea at all where a trans butch woman falls in this scale, or a trans man who dresses very femininely, or nonbinary people like me who embrace masculinity and femininity a lot (and hey its okay if maybe nonbinary ppl like me just dont fit inside these terms).
Is the masc and fem in those labels referring to "man-spectrum" gender IDENTITY and "woman-spectrum" gender IDENTITY?
So this would mean maybe transfem: trans woman, any nonbinary or genderqueer person who relates slightly more to feeling the gender of woman, this would include trans butch women, and nonbinary people with beards etc who present visually very masculine but identify slightly more with women
Transmasc: trans man, nonbinary or genderqueer person who relates more slightly to the gender of man. This would include feminine trans men who wear dresses and makeup, include nonbinary people who Present visually very feminine but identify slightly more with men
OR is the masc and fem relating to gender PRESENTATION? Which would mean the terms include any trans person of any gender identity, who mainly presents masculine or mainly presents feminine
Transfem: trans women who are feminine presenting, trans men who are feminine presenting, nonbinary people who are more feminine presenting visually (feminine presenting as in clothing, hairstyles, hobbies etc that generally are interpreted by others as feminine)
Transmasc: trans men who are masculine presenting, trans women who are masculine presenting, nonbinary people who are more masculine presenting visually
Can you see where im getting confused? Depending on if masc and fem are refering to gender identity Or presentation, a trans butch woman is transmasc or transfem. So would a trans butch woman be transfem for transitioning to a woman physically, or transmasc for physically presenting masculinely and being trans. Would a nonbinary person who medically transitioned taking testosterone who wears dresses and makeup be a transmasc (for being a trans man) or transfem for being a trans person who presents feminine fashion choices. And im assuming the labels dont include nonbinary people that dont really lean one way or the other but like... if a nonbinary person is included in the terms is it based on the gender they more closely identify to on the spectrum (which for some of us is None, is multiple, is gender identities not within man or woman), or in the terms it is based on their visual presentation (which again! Nonbinary people can be androgynous, can embrace masculinity and femininity, can embrace one more than the other, can present our selves in ways meant to exclude those categorizations).
Tldr: is the masc and fem in transfem and transmasc refering to gender Identity or gender Presentation?
(And i suppose part of my confusion is like. Unfortunately in my social media experience over the last 10 years i saw the rise of "are you afab or amab" which screamed unpleasant unnecessary attempts to drag us back to "but what were u before transition" bullshit, and then recently in the "girl dinner" "boys are academia girls are shopping" and the lgbt community similar memes "lesbians are cottagecore gay men are clubbing" "transmen are so bob the builder transwomen are so my little pony" its giving Gender Expectations. Its giving: old school traditional limiting gender requirements on people if they want to conform to traditionalist norms. Its giving girls are stupid and soft abd emotional and boys are strong and smart and analytical - which isnt true by the way, you can be any traits regardless of gender identity you are. Ive been seeing a lot of "transmascs are army clips" "transfem are delicate jewelry" memes lately and its just like... aside from the fact im already sick of reinforcing gender stereotypes in a broad way. The memes are also confusing me because im like okay so is this implying trans men MUST be masculine, and transwomen MUST be feminine? Cause if its about gender identity, then that sure feels like thats the implication. I dont necessarily think the actual labels imply that necessarily, but i do think the memes of this nature just like ALL the widespread gender-stereotype memes imply some shit about expectations i do not like seeing reinforced as much as it goes around)
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dumbassscout · 4 years
i see a lot of 13 yr olds on tumblr these days, so id like to share some advice i wish i had known using tumblr at age 13.
this is also probably not an original idea from me lol, someone has got to have done this before. i would usually put this under a cut but ive decided not to for now
be aware that this site is like NOTORIOUSLY harmful. you may think you’re above it or too mature for it to hurt you, but trust me, you aren’t. since you will probably not be stopped by that warning, maybe take some precautions/keep some stuff in mind to stay safe.
i had tumblr savior for my first experiences with the site. im pretty sure it still works and it’s regularly updated, so take a look into that. it blocks posts with certain keywords from being seen on your radar, and can also push/allow posts with other keywords to always be shown. i would advise getting it or a similar extension to custom block triggering/harmful content.
don’t put other/more popular users in your fandom/community on a pedestal. they’re people behind a blog, just like you are. don’t feel intimidated by the people in your own community, they are just people the same way you are a person. they can mess up at times, and so can you.
making friends is a great thing on this site, but keep an eye on new online friends’ behaviors. it is exciting to meet new people, but you want to be aware of toxic friends. same goes for your mutuals. overall, keep people on this site at an arm’s length until you’ve gotten to know them enough personally to know that they’re genuine people. as you get older you can relax on this, but as a young teen it’s better to be hyperaware than to be blissfully ignorant as you get hurt.
onto more broad things, your theme doesn’t have to be perfect. you dont have to make a custom html/edited html website theme for your blog, you can leave it as tumblr default. if you enjoy organizing that, then by all means go ahead! but don’t feel like it is necessary for your blog, most of the time you will get a new theme set up and check on it on a month and find that it actually looks terrible to you. if you’d rather just have it as a basic/default site, then that is perfectly normal.
your blog’s theme/topic is your choice, and can be uniquely you. some people have many blogs for many things, just a few, or just one with everything. it is up to you how you want to do it! the themes you choose, topics, are up to you. fads and trends are cool but finding what works for you personally is way more fun. your blog is supposed to be fun. you are supposed to enjoy using tumblr. don’t compromise that for a trend. make your blog(s) however you want, however it pleases you. it can feel pressuring to have a perfect blog, but it’s better to just make your appearance the way it would make you happy.
also, tag systems are awesome! but they are not necessary unless you’re tagging trigger warnings. always tag those! but i know a lot of people have personal tagging systems to organize their blog, which is totally cool! but again, personal tag systems are not necessary, and if they feel unnecessary to you, don’t use them. but again, tag triggering content, especially if you are asked to.
archiving/deleting/creating new blogs is a whole other process. some people like to start with a clean slate every time they switch to a new fandom, and let their old user be archived or deleted. this is perfectly respectable (and probably the right thing to do) personally, i just switch my blog over to whatever im feeling that month and people can unfollow if they no longer enjoy my blog (i dont have that big of a following on this blog). it’s really a personal decision, and if you want to restart your blog you will know when to/if you want to.
reblog art, but never “repost” it. aka dont take the image and post it on your own blog, just reblog it from the original poster. its common sense but not everyone knows? idk
if you end up having some or many followers, make sure to check yourself. appreciate your followers, respect them. they are people with blogs. just like you. don’t let a high number inflate your ego way out of proportion, it’s easy to fall into that sense of power.
respect people’s pronouns. even if you for some reason have a disagreement with them, or you don’t understand why/how their identity works, just use the correct pronouns that they ask you to. it costs you zero dollars and zero cents, and is incredibly respectful
as a young teen, don’t get involved/let yourself get buried in tumblr-wide discourse. examples of this include the bi vs pan debate, flag discourse etc. most ppl who i know who were attentive to things similar to that at a young age ended up being affected negatively by it. pay some attention to what pertains to you and also pay attention to what you can identify as right or wrong, but don’t let people’s opinions on your dash influence you in times of discourse. go and look at both sides of those kinds of debates if you’re interested, and form an opinion from there.
speaking of which, sometimes people will just post their takes on literally anything and youll come across it. take everything with a grain of salt unless there is links to proof (if applicable, not always needed). sometimes bad takes just havent had someone to reblog and disprove yet.
speaking of discourse, there is always discourse on this site in every fandom, every community. form your own opinions always, but keep your moral compass in mind. don’t compromise your morals and sense of right and wrong to enjoy certain fan-media. if something seems off, it probably is.
people make mistakes, and if someone did something kind of shitty/had a terrible take/belief (not irredemably shitty, those ppl do not need ur attention) and they genuinely apologize for the shit they did and learn from it, move on. leave some shit in the past, holding grudges isnt good for your mental health and people change. but again, always take things with a grain of salt.
you dont need a high follower count to get traction on your posts. it might help, but you can have a low follower count with high interaction or a high follower count with little to know interaction. the best advice i have is to tag what it is relevant to, whether it’s a fandom, aesthetic, etc and people who regularly check those tags will find it.
if you ever get anon hate for some reason, just delete it from ur inbox n move on. ppl who send anon hate want to see you post it and respond to it. if they said some really really MEAN shit though, it may be best to talk to a friend about it for comfort, or take a break from tumblr for a hot min. most importantly, report it, close your ask box/change it to no anonymous asks.
if at some point you choose to voice your opinion about a highly debated topic at the time, be aware that people who disagree might attack you for it. be aware, and be safe about it.
a lot of people swear by xkit. i have never used it in my life, but from the looks of it, it makes using tumblr so much more bearable. it breaks sometimes with tumblr updates, but apparently it’s worth it. again, look into it, but it’s not necessary to use the site.
do niche shit. start sideblogs without a plan in mind. make aus, make art, make writing, or make nothing at all. reblog the things you love wherever you want them to be reblogged. comment on people’s creations if you love them, they probably would love to hear how much you enjoyed it. appreciate how wonderful the better part of this site is, enjoy the free access to view and appreciate others’ creations and ideas.
i would put a lot more on here, but i feel like 20 is probably too much already. if anyone has anything to add, definitely rb with ur addition
overall, do the things you love on here, keep yourself safe, and be respectful of others.
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technato · 6 years
How Programmable Calculators and a Sci-Fi Story Brought Soviet Teens Into the Digital Age
In the 1980s, the USSR’s unlikely computer-literacy campaign nurtured a generation of techies
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Illustration: Chris Malbon
Despite the ubiquity of computers in modern society, the vast majority of today’s students never study computer science or computer programming. Those who are exposed to these subjects typically learn low-level skills rather than undertaking any deeper exploration of computational concepts or theory. In earlier decades, a few countries did promote computer education at the national level. In the 1980s, for example, the British government launched a popular and quite successful initiative that brought thousands of BBC Micros into classrooms.
But the most ambitious computer literacy program ever conceived is one you’ve probably never heard of, and it originated in a very unlikely place: the Soviet Union.
Perhaps you’re smiling to yourself, recalling the old trope about how the USSR invented Tetris and yet lost the Cold War. Implicit in this dismissal is the failure of the Soviets to fully appreciate the awesome power of the digital age. It’s true that the Soviet government never embraced a national computer network or provided its citizens with affordable personal computers. But if you subscribe to this narrative of technological stumbles and political failure, then you’re missing an important, not to mention fascinating, part of the story of global computerization—one in which Soviet teenagers latched onto a popular sci-fi novel of adventure and self-discovery and taught themselves and each other how to program using the only means available to them: the programmable calculator.
In September 1985, ninth graders all across the USSR began studying a new subject: Basics of Informatics and Computing Technology. The rollout of the compulsory course, which aimed to make programming a universal skill, was to be accompanied by new textbooks in 15 national languages, training for some 100,000 teachers, and a million computers for the 60,000 or so middle schools across the Soviet republics.
None of this went smoothly. The state didn’t supply schools with equipment, efforts to print and distribute course literature were uneven, and many teachers never received the requisite training.
Meanwhile, the move sparked an international debate among computer experts over the very definition of “computer literacy.” The U.S. computer scientist and entrepreneur Edward Fredkin argued that his country’s experience should inform the Soviets:
We now understand that computer literacy is not knowing how to program. It is not understanding how [a] computer works. It is not knowing about bits and bytes and flip-flops and gates…. We now know that true computer literacy means having the skills to use the advanced application programs, such as word processing and spreadsheet systems.
In response, the computer scientist Andrei Ershov quipped that coding and typing were not mutually exclusive. Ershov was head of the Akademgorodok Computer Center [PDF] in the Siberian science city of Akademgorodok, and he had emerged as the computer literacy campaign’s key promoter. In stark contrast to Fredkin, he viewed computer literacy as nurturing a set of intellectual habits, which he called “algorithmic thinking.”
Photo: Sergei Frolov/Soviet Digital Electronics Museum
Calculator Rules: At a time when few Soviet households had personal computers, programmable calculators like the Elektronika B3-34 took on many roles.
That idea grew in part out of Ershov’s time as a student of Aleksei Liapunov, a towering figure of Soviet cybernetics. From Liapunov, Ershov learned to think in terms of cybernetic metaphors and to draw connections between technology and society. He conceived of algorithms as a form of communication between humans and machines.
Ershov also drew on ideas from the West. In September 1958, he was among an elite group of Soviet computer experts to meet with their American counterparts. His exchange with the computer pioneer Alan Perlis, who would later become the first recipient of the Turing Award, proved particularly fruitful. Perlis shared with Ershov his enthusiasm for developing a universal algorithmic language, called Algol, which aimed to make software portable and international. Ershov embraced Algol’s agenda, and he went on to develop one of the most ambitious compilers for the language in the early 1960s. The universalist aspirations of the Algol community would inform his views on computer education.
Ershov’s educational agenda was also inspired by a visit to MIT in the early 1970s, where he met Seymour Papert and learned of his computer education experiments with Logo, a programming language designed for use by children.
And yet, while Ershov closely followed developments in Western computer science, he believed the Soviet Union should forge its own path to the information age, one imbued with socialist values, less dependent on computers as black-boxed commodities and more focused on building citizens’ skills and habits of mind. By learning to program, he argued, students would develop abstract reasoning and a goal-oriented, problem-solving mind-set. By the end of the 1970s, Ershov and his team in Akademgorodok had formulated their literacy program, developing their curriculum with the help of Siberian students and testing it in local schools.
Of course, Ershov knew he needed much broader support to implement such a curriculum nationally. He began tirelessly promoting his idea of programming as a “second literacy” to Soviet authorities, computer experts, educators, parents, and children, as well as to the international community. Finally, in 1985, in a wave of transformative policies adopted with Mikhail Gorbachev’s ascendance to power, the Akademgorodok informatics curriculum was officially adopted.
Photo: Photographic Archive/Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Algorithmic Thought: Computer scientist Andrei Ershov [standing, left] championed computer literacy for all citizens of the Soviet Union. Beginning in 1985, ninth graders took a compulsory course entitled Basics of Informatics and Computing Technology.
The inefficiencies of Soviet planning and economics meant that most ninth graders studied the curriculum without computers on which to test their new skills. This wasn’t seen as an obstacle by the reformers. Instead, the teaching materials encouraged writing out programs on paper and engaging in imaginative exercises. Students, for instance, acted out the role of a robot named Dezhurik (from the Russian word dezhurnyi, the person responsible for maintaining the classroom), who was programmed to “close window” or “clean blackboard.” When students from the remote city of Khabarovsk complained about the lack of classroom computers, Ershov commended them for taking the initiative to write and emphasized that the youths still had the chance to “catch up to the train to the future.”
But he refused to commiserate with them. What they were learning—how to devise an algorithm and write a program for it—was the essential part, he said, whether or not they ever got to run the program on an actual computer. Ershov’s letter to the students concluded: “If the teacher may have pity on you and give you a satisfactory grade, the computer will not forgive you any errors. It will stay there, an impenetrable piece of metal, up to the end of the school year. Without an algorithm, without a program, without a plan, there is no point in sitting in front of the computer.”
Soviet citizens may have lacked access to PCs, but many millions of them did have access to computational devices, in the form of scientific programmable calculators. These handheld devices could store instructions and numbers in memory for later execution. Popular in the West following the 1974 introduction of the HP-65 by Hewlett-Packard, programmable calculators still have their fans and their uses.
In the Soviet Union, from the mid-1970s on, the microelectronics industry produced electronic calculators by the millions, primarily for use by what was then the world’s largest population of engineers. As in the West, Soviet calculator users were instrumental in shaping the development of programs and applications for the devices. Unlike in the West, few Soviets had home computers, and so the calculator took on many more roles—including as a makeshift computing platform for computer education and a thriving game culture.
In August 1985, the Soviet science magazine Tekhnika Molodezhi began publishing a serialized novel about a pair of explorers trying to fly a lunar lander from the moon to Earth. Each installment included tasks to be worked out on a programmable calculator.
<img src="https://spectrum.ieee.org/image/MzE0MDQzOQ.jpeg&quot; data-original="/image/MzE0MDQzOQ.jpeg" id="1925169948_0" alt="The premise of the novel, Kon-Tiki: A Path to the Earth, was the popular computer game Lunar Lander, in which players controlled thrusters and calculated trajectories to guide their landers to the moon’s surface.”> 1/6
The premise of the novel, Kon-Tiki: A Path to the Earth, was the popular computer game Lunar Lander, in which players controlled thrusters and calculated trajectories to guide their landers to the moon’s surface. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
<img src="https://spectrum.ieee.org/image/MzE0MDQ0Mg.jpeg&quot; data-original="/image/MzE0MDQ0Mg.jpeg" id="1925169948_1" alt="An earlier attempt to popularize computer literacy campaign in TM was a column on programming with the most popular Soviet calculator, the Elektronika B3-34. But reader response to the column was poor.”> 2/6
An earlier attempt to popularize computer literacy campaign in TM was a column on programming with the most popular Soviet calculator, the Elektronika B3-34. But reader response to the column was poor. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
<img src="https://spectrum.ieee.org/image/MzE0MDQ0NQ.jpeg&quot; data-original="/image/MzE0MDQ0NQ.jpeg" id="1925169948_2" alt="Each chapter of Kon-Tiki concluded with puzzles on the physics of space travel and programming tricks. Here, the discussion deals with what happens when the lander’s fuel is depleted or if the acceleration exceeds human tolerance.”> 3/6
Each chapter of Kon-Tiki concluded with puzzles on the physics of space travel and programming tricks. Here, the discussion deals with what happens when the lander’s fuel is depleted or if the acceleration exceeds human tolerance. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
<img src="https://spectrum.ieee.org/image/MzE0MDQ0OA.jpeg&quot; data-original="/image/MzE0MDQ0OA.jpeg" id="1925169948_3" alt="Kon-Tiki‘s illustrations cleverly combined aesthetics with technical elements. This one relates to orbital stations.”> 4/6
Kon-Tiki‘s illustrations cleverly combined aesthetics with technical elements. This one relates to orbital stations. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
This 98-step program, which players entered by hand into their calculators, modeled circular and elliptical orbits near celestial bodies that lacked an atmosphere. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
<img src="https://spectrum.ieee.org/image/MzE0MDQ1NA.jpeg&quot; data-original="/image/MzE0MDQ1NA.jpeg" id="1925169948_5" alt="The Kon-Tiki serial proved an instant hit, and the magazine became a prominent forum for younger users of programmable calculators.”> 6/6
The Kon-Tiki serial proved an instant hit, and the magazine became a prominent forum for younger users of programmable calculators. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
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These two roles converged in a popular science magazine called Tekhnika Molodezhi (Technology for Youth), which was published by the Communist youth organization Komsomol. The publication was aimed at teenagers and had a subscriber base of 1.5 million. In January 1985, the magazine took up Ershov’s computer literacy campaign and began devoting a section to programming with the most popular Soviet calculator, the Elektronika B3-34, which sold for 85 rubles. Reader response to the column was disappointing, however.
Then in August 1985, TM began serializing the space-travel novel Kon-Tiki: A Path to the Earth. In this tale of an epic quest, an engineer and a pilot attempt, against all odds, to fly a lunar lander from the moon back to Earth. The premise of the novel was the popular U.S. computer game Lunar Lander, in which players controlled thrusters and calculated trajectories to safely guide their landers to the lunar surface. The Soviet version was called Lunalet. Each installment of the novel invited readers to take up their calculators, transforming themselves into pilots and their devices into spaceships.
The Kon-Tiki serial was an instant hit, and the magazine soon became one of the most prominent forums for younger users of programmable calculators. The futuristic narrative of each chapter was combined with puzzles on the physical laws of space travel and tricks for programming the B3-34. But what kept readers reading was the dramatic plot and the novel’s focus on overcoming human and technological limits.
A reference to Thor Heyerdahl’s 1947 journey by raft across the Pacific Ocean, Kon-Tiki was also the name of the tiny vessel chosen by the novel’s protagonists for their earthbound voyage. The story line evolved far beyond the game’s original goal of landing the spacecraft. The “path to the Earth” became a journey of self-discovery. At one point, the pilot, called Moon Hawk, reflects on his own fallibility: “I am not a computer; I am a human, and it is typical for me to make mistakes. Because of that I can’t choose a path that does not allow for mistakes. Of course, in cases when I have a choice, I will prefer the way that gives me the right to make a mistake and simultaneously an opportunity to correct it.”
The heroes stumble even at the novel’s conclusion: They arrive back on Earth only to touch down in the ocean and are forced to send out an SOS. “After all, I am a cosmonaut, not a sea captain,” admits the pilot, as they await rescue.
Photo: Tekhnika Molodezhi
Mikhail Pukhov, author of Kon-Tiki: A Path to the Earth.
Credit for the novel’s clever intertwining of programming and storytelling goes to its author, Mikhail Pukhov, who was also editor of TM’s sci-fi section. The son of a prominent mathematician, Pukhov graduated from the country’s most prestigious engineering school, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Abandoning a promising career at the Central Scientific-Research Radio Engineering Institute, he had turned to writing and editing.
Before starting Kon-Tiki, Pukhov thoroughly explored the calculator’s functions as well as its malfunctions. Calculator users in the West and in the East alike were quick to discover and exploit the devices’ undocumented features, pushing them to do things their designers never intended. Such exploration became known as errorology, from the “EГГОГ” message that would frequently appear on the small display at the execution of an undocumented feature. Pukhov’s novel glorified errorology with poetic descriptions of “fishing” for unusual combinations of symbols.
And readers responded, writing to TM about their own calculator exploits. “I inform you that I obtained an easy way for creating any combination from the numbers and symbols ‘Е,’ ‘Г,’ ‘С,’ ‘L,’ ‘–,’ which do not begin from zero on the display of the B3-34,” boasted one reader. To have their programs and names printed in TM was the highest aspiration of many readers.
Thus did TM and its sci-fi editor help cultivate a generation of hackers and computer enthusiasts. If you find it odd that a major state-sanctioned Soviet magazine promoted hacking practices, consider how U.S. hacker culture emerged—as a form of hands-on technological investigation. In his 1984 book Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Steven Levy traced the origin of MIT’s hackers to a club of railroad buffs. Similarly, in the Soviet Union, a combination of state interests and grassroots initiatives had nurtured a hands-on culture among radio amateurs. For a radio engineer like Pukhov, as well as for the educators who used the novel in the classroom, subverting the calculator’s design specifications was a way to encourage technical skills.
The community of readers and players that formed around Kon-Tiki unwittingly embraced the goals of programming literacy as conceived by Ershov. In their letters to TM, many requested more games as well as flowcharts for rewriting the programs for other kinds of calculators. One reader wrote that he aspired “to see the program as a conscious pattern of actions, and not as a thoughtless row of symbols. To be able, with the help of your magazine, not only to execute the available programs but to create [new programs] myself.” In this sense, the novel and its community of calculator users contributed to the spread of Ershov’s vision of computer literacy.
But was Ershov’s curriculum a success? The results of any educational initiative are, of course, hard to gauge. Soviet statisticians no doubt monitored the reform effort in some fashion, but that data would hardly capture real-world experiences in the classroom and beyond.
I posted on several Russian calculator-user forums hoping to hear from Kon-Tiki readers. The responses I received were tinged with nostalgia. Some wrote that their fascination with the novel spurred them to get a calculator. “For half a year, like a vacuum cleaner, I was absorbing all information available on programming and calculators in particular,” wrote one forum member, explaining how he learned the principles of programming before acquiring a device of his own. For others, the calculator was but a stepping-stone; eventually they earned enough money to buy computer kits (available in perestroika-era street markets) and assemble their own machines. Meanwhile, copies of TM continued to circulate via secondhand shops, where new groups of readers discovered the novel long after its original publication. Today you can easily find electronic versions of the magazine online, along with calculator emulators.
The extent to which such school-age experiences influenced people’s professional lives is less clear. Unless you lived through it, you may not fully appreciate the enormous disruption brought on by the economic crisis following the collapse of the Soviet Union—in Russia, those years are known as “the wild 1990s.” Kon-Tiki’s readers came of age as citizens of the emerging sovereign states. Few of them had full control over their career options, and for many, coding became a calling, a gig, and a gateway. These days in Russia, the “universality” of programming skills is no longer associated with creating a computer-literate society. Instead, it raises the prospect of migration, as skilled programmers choose to leave the country to pursue their careers.
Photo: Photographic Archive/Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Paper Programming: At a 1986 summer school for young programmers, Andrei Ershov worked with students. Most Soviet schools didn’t have computers, and students were encouraged to write out their programs on paper. “Without an algorithm, without a program, without a plan, there is no point in sitting in front of the computer,” Ershov wrote.
Soviet-era efforts to foster computer literacy cast Western assumptions about the information age in a different light. Unlike events in the West, the Soviet digital revolution was not one of geeks and geniuses but of state-sponsored academics, writers, and educators, who worked with government officials, industrialists, and programmers toward a shared goal. It was not predicated on the personal computer but instead made do with calculators, pencil and paper, and students’ own imaginations.
Despite the passion of digital enthusiasts like Ershov and Pukhov, the campaign’s ideal of universality was hard to attain. The reform seemed to work best where you would expect it to, in the elite schools of the capitals and in a few remote schools blessed with wealthy patrons, such as those supported by the oil and gas industry. TM transcended some geographical and economic barriers and provided a motivation, an entry point, and a community to students who lacked inspiring teachers or computers of their own. But the magazine failed to bridge another familiar divide—that of gender. Unlike the population of Soviet professional programmers, and unlike the compulsory and gender-neutral informatics classes, the readers who wrote to TM about their calculator exploits were predominantly male.
And so, the digital socialist society that Ershov and others strove for was imperfectly realized. Neither Ershov, who died in 1988, nor the country itself survived long enough for the experiment to run its course. And yet, we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss a vision of computer literacy that considered all students capable of thinking algorithmically. The Soviets did not prefigure the many challenges of the information age. But what we choose to remember from our computing pasts can help determine how we solve our present-day conundrums.
This article appears in the October 2018 print issue as “The Great Soviet Calculator Hack.”
When Calculators Were Revolutionary
Photo: Mattieu Wyart
Historical research can take its practitioners to unexpected places. So it was for Ksenia Tatarchenko. In the article above, she delves into an ambitious 1980s program to make teenagers in the USSR computer literate.
Because most Soviet households and schools lacked actual computers, many students made do with programmable calculators. A popular science magazine spurred on their interest using the computer game Lunar Lander and a serialized sci-fi novel. In the game, you try to land on the moon by entering power levels for your rocket as you descend. In the novel, an engineer and a pilot take their tiny lander from the moon all the way back to Earth. “Many people played the game,” says Tatarchenko, who is a lecturer at the University of Geneva. “And so I thought, Well, it must be easy.”
Her mother, who lives in Novosibirsk, Russia, bought a 1980s calculator and sent it to Tatarchenko. Operating the calculator, she discovered, was far from easy. To play the game, you had to enter its 97 steps into the calculator. But rendering equations in reverse Polish notation, in which you punch in all the numbers and then the operators, was counterintuitive. And the assignments included with each of the novel’s installments required a familiarity with the physics of spaceflight. Some readers went well beyond those tasks, creating their own games. “I tried and tried, but I never reached the stage of inventing my own game.”
Still, she says, she enjoyed learning about this underappreciated device. She welcomes readers’ stories about how they used programmable calculators in their youth. In the West, Tatarchenko notes, the personal computer is what’s credited with sparking the digital age. But in the Soviet Union, the programmable calculator proved just as revolutionary.
How Programmable Calculators and a Sci-Fi Story Brought Soviet Teens Into the Digital Age syndicated from https://jiohowweb.blogspot.com
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Pie Toppers That Are Meaningful
As our company experience show business, you will probably discover several similarities with the method an individual goes through with the reduction of a loved one. What gay males prefer in a partnership is actually to become fully pleasant with their sexual companions that are willing to defend strategies in people. You may have problem limiting down simply the ideal label for your youngster once you open up the planet from meaningful infant titles. A research study coming from the on the internet wage- and also benefits-tracking provider PayScale located that, of all occupations evaluated, doctors measured their jobs as the absolute most significant. Instead you observe whole entire words like canine, or even entire key phrases like hot dog", ice cream", or United States from The United States". A few of the most effective males and females to meet for a connection carry out not head to clubs - they encounter individuals by means of various activities, like cooking training class or manual groups or treking nightclubs. Some of the most attractive Aztec metallic craftsmanship can be looked at to this day such as magnificent ear cylinders or connects intended for make use of along with assessed ears. Human beings are complex and assorted and that is fantastic; however, when our company build a far better understanding from our own selves, our company are a lot better prepped to enjoy a purposeful daily life. I get to have a productive cinquain, not unlike other poetry, the artist needs to pick his phrases meticulously and construct a meaningful and genuine rhyme. Discussing relevant food opens up a door that allows folks in, as well as watching these accounts is actually merely a benefit. 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Make use of normal good sense when making use of a purposeful label such as how effectively the name teams up with your last name and whether the label will definitely be pronounceable and doable in an each day form of method also. Linking as well as identifying with the right folks, along with which you could develop significant relationship, is just one of the principal factors for building a prosperous, mutually supporting system. Although ear assessing has actually been actually popular among men and women from the Masai people in Kenya, young men have actually been actually significantly hesitant to take on the strategy. That is certainly not astonishing that it signs up in our significant Brands Mark as the best meaningful label around all markets. To girls that is actually means of beautifying all of them, while men believe that offers all of them higher strength. 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Human beings are actually complicated and unique which is excellent; nonetheless, when we build a much better understanding from ourselves, our experts are actually a lot better readied to appreciate a significant life. I buy to possess a productive cinquain, like other verse, the poet must select his phrases very carefully and also build a heartfelt as well as significant rhyme. Discussing purposeful food opens up a door that lets folks in, and also seeing these stories is actually simply a privilege. Significant make use of appears to be all about chronicling that the medical doctor is doing every little thing essential to ensure the patient is being actually addressed as a whole person and not simply for his/her presenting complaint. Quotes focused on demeaning, or teasing a person's physical qualities, views or mobilities must certainly never be actually made use of, as they produce the quoter appeal hateful and small as opposed to funny. However when they looked inside, neither could possibly uncover just what was meaningful for all of them. Find out how you can create more meaningful payments to your team-or what you are actually presently performing that truly appreciate-by proactively seeking comments off those you operate closely with. The job from play is for the youngster to know far better cognitive principles in ways that are actually enjoyable, true, cement, and also purposeful to all of them. Sometimes gay males get intimidated and bullied for certainly not conforming to the criteria from the culture. If the body weight loss for his team on the chocolate-only diet plan is actually representative of body weight loss in a large population from middle-aged men, a. Bob desires to understand. Offering a genuinely special teacher gift isn't as challenging as that seems to be if you quit thinking about gifts as traits," as well as instead consider exactly what may be relevant to the educator's lifestyle. Some brands have actually been able to crack free from their business limitations that exist in markets such as economic solutions and electricity, as well as found reliable, significant advertising and marketing tactics. Couple of discovered that the situation through which phrases function relies on the individual definitions of these phrases.
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jenniferramona1 · 7 years
Variable Annuity Investment Lawyers
Variable annuities are a hybrid investment with features of securities and insurance.
Although they can help provide a fixed income later in life, variable annuities have restrictive, complex, and confusing features that make them inappropriate for many investors. They are also a high-commission investment product, which can lead to aggressive broker sales tactics.
Variable annuities are a leading cause of FINRA investor complaints. If you suffered investment losses from variable annuities and feel that their risks were not properly explained to you, your losses may be recoverable.
Typical features of variable annuities include:
Tax-deferred growth
A death benefit
Periodic payment options that can provide guaranteed lifetime income
When an investor buys a variable annuity, they make either a lump sum payment or a series of payments that are invested into sub-accounts (usually mutual funds). In return, the investor is promised a future benefit. The benefit payments can either begin right away (immediate annuity) or be delayed to the future (deferred annuity).
However, as the name “variable annuity” implies, the investment’s rate of return is not fixed. Rather, it varies depending on the performance of the sub-accounts.
Potential drawbacks of variable annuities are:
The investor will not achieve any gains—and may even lose money—since the rate of return is performance-based.
A lack of liquidity.
Fees and expenses such as surrender charges, sales charges, early withdrawal tax penalties, mortality and expense risk charges, and charges for special features such as guaranteed minimum income and principal protection.
While variable annuities have features similar to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), IRAs offer more tax benefits. Investors are often better off maxing out their IRA contributions before they consider a variable annuity.
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has specific rules governing the sales of variable annuities.
When recommending a variable annuity to an investor, a broker must inform the customer of the investment’s risks and features, including things like potential tax penalties, market risk, and fees and costs.
Brokers must also understand the customer’s investment profile and have reason to believe that a variable annuity is suitable for a particular investor. As a secondary precaution against unsuitability, a principal broker with the firm must review and approve the customer’s variable annuity application before sending it to the issuing insurance company.
If these steps are not followed—and the client ends up losing money on the investment—the brokerage firm may ultimately be held responsible for the client’s losses under FINRA’s failure to supervise provisions.
Ponzi schemes—investment schemes that use money from new investors to pay off earlier investors, with little or no real earnings—have been around for nearly a century, and are still going strong.
While major Ponzi schemes such as the Bernie Madoff scam make headlines, many smaller, less-publicized Ponzi schemes result in investor losses every year.
Ponzi scheme masterminds may face civil and even criminal charges for investment fraud, but this rarely results in investors getting their money back. A more practical recovery strategy for defrauded investors is to bring a claim against the broker and brokerage firm that sold them shares in the Ponzi scheme.
Ponzi schemes are named after Charles Ponzi, who scammed thousands of New Englanders in a postage stamp scheme in the 1920s.
The investment vehicles have changed over time, but the basics of a Ponzi scheme remain the same: the scammer offers returns to investors, but rather than reinvesting the money and earning profit-based returns, the scammer simply finds new investors and uses their money to pay off existing investors. In short, the Ponzi schemer robs Peter to pay Paul.
As long as there are fresh investors, the scheme keeps going. At some point, however, new recruits dry up, the mastermind takes the money and runs, or numerous investors request to cash out (often during an economic downturn). When any of these occur, the Ponzi scheme collapses—taking investors down with it.
Bernie Madoff became a household name as the perpetrator of the largest Ponzi scheme in history. Madoff’s $65 billion fraud hurt large and small investors alike. Only a few fully recouped their losses.
Madoff’s fraud made investors more aware of Ponzi schemes. It also put more pressure on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to crack down on Ponzi Schemes, since Madoff flew under regulators’ radar for decades.
But Ponzi schemes are still a major investor threat. In 2016, 59 Ponzi schemes were uncovered in the U.S. with a total of $2.4 billion in losses. Since 2012, about 65 Ponzi schemes per year have been discovered. The mean scheme is worth $6 million.
Recent schemes show that scammers are finding new ways to defraud investors. For example, the SEC has warned about Ponzi schemes using virtual currencies (such as Bitcoin), while FINRA has warned about social media-linked Ponzis.
In 2017, the SEC charged two men with running a Ponzi scheme involving tickets to popular shows like the Broadway musical Hamilton and Adele concerts. Also in 2017, a former NFL player was charged for his role in a Ponzi scheme that targeted professional athletes.
The SEC offers a list of Ponzi scheme red flags that includes:
An offer of high returns with little or no risks
Returns that do not go up and down over time
Investments in unregistered securities
Account statement errors
Promoters offering investors even high returns for not cashing out
When a Ponzi scheme comes crashing down and the schemer is caught, there may be criminal proceedings that result in assets being returned to defrauded investors. But investors are unlikely to recover more than pennies on the dollar through such an action.
It is often more efficacious for Ponzi scheme victims to pursue securities litigation or arbitration against the broker and/or the brokerage firm that promoted investment in the scheme. A defrauded investor may also have viable claims against parties that aided and abetted the scheme, such as banks, attorneys, or accountants.
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from Michael Anderson http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/variable-annuity-investment-lawyers/
from Utah Bankruptcy Law https://utahbankruptcylaw.wordpress.com/2018/03/13/variable-annuity-investment-lawyers/
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Maybe this will be my rantings blog     : 
  Yet that is just what fuels a lot of misconceptions of women in general.  There are a lot of funny references to levels of contribution in the world, like:
* domestic goddess
* Mary Tyler Moore famous role or Donna Reed character from the early years of television (which was invented LONG time before I was born)
* Screen sirens like Marilyn Monroe to wannabes like Madonna and Britney Speers (however you spell that since it confused spell checker, back space, highlight, right click on mouse, then click selection from option or suggestion to go on a bigger digging expedition with Google …. )
* Perky, cute role models like Katie Couric (and I’m Canadian eh?), Maria in The Sound of Music character, Samantha in Betwitched, Olivia Newton John in Grease or whomever you would insert as a name that you relate time for this genre.
The less popular, yet more communicated is the aggressive female executive.
Re: CareerBuilder Job Application : Banking Administrative Assistant
7:20 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Can I confirm you have a valid Canadian securities course?
Talent Management Leader
On Dec 15, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Jeannette Marshall via CareerBuilder
You have received …. by replying to this email. Your Reference ID for this job is CAN_s.  
 Thank you for your response Michelle.  I appreciate the reaction :o)
No, I did not state in my CV or anywhere having taken the Canadian Securities Course certification, however, I did confirm that I have Canadian (Secret-past and Reliability-now) Securities Status issued by the Canadian government.  To some, that is valuable validation:  me, for one, to indicate that I am an honest person.
Intellectually, I have had to go from a newly hired to jump into one of the most critical portfolios by one of my greatest managers who recognized my strength in my ability to parachute in with both feet landing on the ground:  exuding confidence and expertise, building trust immediate.  I could communicate with executives on a personable level after being kicked out of the nest within only a month of onboarding to attending a festive cocktail….. smoozing with distinguished executives of Canada’s most high-powered, rubbing elbows in a small circle where one woman was engaging support and advice from the other women, pretty oblivious to the aggressive antics of single ladies and young manifico males trouncing on former friends to get ahead:  I could actually contribute.  I had the experience of deciding I would not go back to work fulltime unless my children would have no less care than I, myself, would provide [ aka super woman extraordinaire or Yuppy ] settling with a full time live out nanny to enhance my home, children, spouse, career, employer without any sacrifice other than my pocket book.  
But some days don’t you just wanna send an email response like this?  Instead, we’re required to remain refined and poised when all we want to do is scream!
Speaking of screaming
I jump on Quora fairly infrequently but deciding more recently that I really like the experience there.  Since I have this thirst for knowledge and pursuit of really interesting things.  It allows me to keep the vibe of catching the vibe of what is going on online.
Advice About Coping with and Overcoming Fear
I had a best friend who became my enemy. I don’t think she knows or cares, but after winter I’m afraid I’m going to scream at her in class. What do I say or do to avoid that?
  You’ve written an answer
You can edit or delete it at any time.
5 Answers
Jeannette Marshall, in order to reinforce my own learnings and leanings, i try to help others
Answered 5h ago
There are a lot of conflicting statements just in the question alone: i.e. best friend and enemy.
The person is not aware of the change in status? We don’t know what was done for the fall from grace, therefore, we cannot understand what takes someone from best friend to evil enemy?
Most highly emotional triggers can be minimized if one examines what the root cause is.
The best advice I would give is suggesting you go for tea, hot chocolate or coffee so that you can find out the former best friend’s defense of the actions that caused her to become your enemy. It would give you a chance to unload what made you so upset. By definition, a best friend is someone who is a trusted confidante – did they betray that trust or do something that crossed them off.
Before you scream at her in class, and you end up looking like the freak, maybe write in a journal on what the offense was, how it made you feel, whether it was an emotional reaction, or if the offense is even realized by the offender.
Granted, there are many things that can happen to cause a falling out. Nobody can help with whether it is justified or not based on your own feelings, nor should anyone.
A “best friend” designation can sometimes be fleeting and evolving continuously. What defines a best friend to you? How many best friends have you had in the past 6 months, year, etc.? What happens to make someone fall out of favor with rapid descent to enemy?
All may be worth consideration and evaluation before you address your feelings and avoid screaming: you screaming will result in poor public image even if it is warranted. Keep that in mind.
And practice the golden rule: treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. Maybe the former best friend has no idea that they offended your values, morals or beliefs … or did something to make you this passionately emotional.
We all face obstacles and offenses, yet how we react is how we are measured. I guess I’m saying: take a deep breath, write it all down, and consider a face to face in a calm and relaxing atmosphere (not while you’re out at the pub having a drink which makes your inhibitions less guarded) and be the bigger person. Bridge understanding and communicate what they did to make you feel the way you do before you have any emotional outburst that would show you in less favorable light, even if the offense is astronomical.
More questions posed to me
and my responses.   An unofficial, non-compensated version of Dear Abby or who is doing that anymore anyhow? (Search and insert information and link] to which I dole out habitually and consistently.  My take on motherhood and what my takeaways are from the experience:
Honestly? Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease. I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few. I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts. I am truly sorry! I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.
Simply? Go to the Nobel website and determine under which category you feel more aligned with: peace, literature, for examples, then study who have been the most recent recipients that you more closely identify with: can adopt a believable adaptation of anyone of them by providing the skill and talent to stand beside them. Then I’d say: Go for it! Who is anyone that could contradict YOU? YOU are the ONLY person in lives in that house: your brain, body.
I Representing distinguished “Career” mothers
Not the ones who decided to stay home, afforded or forced or otherwise.
That is the stereotypical response to when most people think of what the 
term means.  Immediately conjuring up the names from the past, deeply
entrenched in our subconscious and belief system.
YOU CAN. When you determine the qualities and define what a “good relationship” means to you. YOU CAN. Continuously keep in touch whether it is instantaneous via technology like SKYPE or FACETIME (Apple(c) at a mutually agreed schedule or scheduled time. YOU CAN: Express how important this “good relationship” is to you at every opportunity, whether verbally, over the telephone, video, web, email, post, handwritten or printed letter, diagrams, cartoons or poems, including the person who is whom you share this “good relationship” with. [I am answering from the female perspective, uniquely my own opinion]. YOU CAN: Be devout, devoted, moral, demonstrative, philosophically and physically showing your commitment to both the relationship and continuing to be worthy of the relationship. Understanding, you reap what you sow. YOU CAN: Control your own behavior regardless of circumstance or circumstances you find yourself in. Being worthy of that ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Keep in touch steadfastly and faithfully, divulging periods of blackout due to foreseen or surprise. YOU CAN: Hold the same expectations of yourself as you would the other member in the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Withhold from behavior that you would not have should the object of desire or person within the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Resort to inspiration from scripture or literature or art. Be wary of bad habits or undertakings that can deteriorate the eyes of the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: treat your significant being in the ‘good relationship’ no worse than you would your mother, daughter, friend, military team mate. YOU CAN: continue to be the person to whom the ‘good relationship’ was formed from. YOU CAN: go home or wherever said “good relationship” is at every chance you get. YOU CAN: communicate your love, devotion, feelings, missings, musings, fears, desires, goals, ambitions.
YOU CANNOT: control the other person while you are away. They will make their mistakes, face their consequences, commit niceness or nastiness, without you.
 As it should be. I know, easy eh?
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2kh2tqJ
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Top 6 Tips to Get Your Small Business Noticed on Twitter
With approximately 328 million active Twitter users, it’s safe to say that the popular social media platform is flooded by the thoughts and opinions of public figures, news channels, industry leaders, and more. In the entire Twittersphere, there are over 500 million tweets published DAILY, so it’s easy to be overlooked, no matter how cutting-edge or important your tweet may be.
    This especially applies to small businesses who are using Twitter as a way to get noticed by industry leaders, influencers, and investors. Small businesses, even though they have some of the best content, ideas, and products to offer, are oftentimes neglected. This is partially due to the fact that they do not have the manpower, funds, or knowledge on how to best run their Twitter account to achieve the maximum benefits. So, small businesses, we’re here to help you out by providing you with the top 6 tips to help you get recognized on Twitter!
Twitter for small business audiences:
1: Engage With Influencers
Influencers, or someone who has access to a large audience and can persuade others by virtue of their authenticity and reach,  are the MVPs of Twitter. They have the power and the following to create buzz, increase brand recognition and traffic by sharing your content, promoting your business or product, and inspiring followers. By engaging with influencers, you are expanding your reach and increasing your audience size, which are a factor in increasing overall business.
In order to engage with influencers, it’s important to determine the appropriate ones. Look for influencers that are relevant to your business or industry. It’s crucial that they have experience in what you’re trying to promote, or are well versed in the topic. Additionally, you want to ensure that these influencers post on social media frequently, have an impressive reach, and are trusted by their followers.
After you determine which influencers are most fitting to promote your business objectives, you can dive into in social media. Follow your influencers on all accounts so that they become acquainted with who you are. Additionally, since you are asking them to help you increase visibility, you should return the favor – even if your audience is small! Retweet, tweet at them, and even link to their websites, blog posts, etc. in order to have a mutually beneficial relationship!
2: Increase Online Presence
To be noticed at all, whether it be by influencers or your target audience, it’s necessary to have an online presence. This can be achieved by frequently posting so there is material for your audience to engage with or interacting with other accounts so you’re a part of the bigger conversation. When it comes to tweeting, it’s important to share your links, images, and infographics more than once. Your content is valuable, and just because you’ve shared it with your audience before doesn’t mean that everyone has seen it, or that they wouldn’t like to read it again.
Increasing your online presence can also be done by engaging with your audience. In order to be successful, it’s important to build a relationship by replying to tweets, listening to suggestions, and expressing gratitude for their loyalty. With 77% of Twitter users experiencing increased feelings of positivity about a brand after their tweet has been acknowledged and replied to, it’s evident that engagement and interaction is a top priority. 
3: Take Advantage of Underutilized Features
If you’re on Twitter, you’re familiar with the basic feature of typing 140 characters in order to get your message across. However, people frequently do not utilize simple features that have the potential to increase the quality of their Twitter account. We suggest utilizing the following if you aren’t already:
Twitter Chats
A chat is essentially a public conversation on Twitter in which anyone can join by using the chat’s unique hashtag. According to Social Media Examiner, chats are a productive way to “interact with your fans and followers, to better understand and grow your community quickly, as well as promote your brand and business. If you don’t know exactly what a Twitter chat is or the best ways to get the conversation going, check out this article by Sprout Social.
Twitter Lists
Available as both a private and public option, Twitter lists are an excellent resource to organize people into virtually any category. People you admire, past clients, prospective clients, top news sources, competitors…you name it, and you can have a list for it. Lists can help improve your outreach efforts, segment by industry, or keep a close eye on competitors without having to follow them!
Video & Photo Attachments
While this isn’t necessarily a new feature, to some it’s definitely underutilized. It’s been proven time and time again that videos and images have several benefits. Our brains process images much faster, and “tweets with images receive 18% more click throughs, 89% more likes, and 150% more retweets.” If you aren’t including images or short video clips in your tweet, try it out and watch the retweets grow!
4: Show Off (Just a Little!)
The term “showing off” usually has a negative connotation. It can imply that you’re immodest and bragging, which isn’t necessarily a good thing (especially when you’re trying to gain more followers); however, there is such a thing as showing off in a positive way – and Twitter is the perfect place to do it. As a small business, it’s important to share when you are featured in any magazines, blogs, or social media accounts in order to gain the attention of influencers as well as update your followers. It highlights your accomplishments and what the next steps are for the business, which will help you stand out from the crowd. Influencers and followers will appreciate the transparency, and will likely be willing to help you spread the word!
5: Customer Support Tool
It’s clear that Twitter is one of the best tools to communicate with your audience no matter the reason or time of day. Aside from updating your followers with new blog posts, featured articles, etc. you should consider using Twitter as a customer support tool to stand out from the crowd. In fact, companies that utilize Twitter as a customer service tool 19% increase in customer satisfaction.
When used as a support tool, it allows you to get a better idea of who your audience or customers are, hear their concerns, and easily answer questions. Twitter allows you to connect with your audience on a more personal level, which ultimately results in more satisfied users.
6: Measure Your Successes…and Failures
Oftentimes people view likes and retweets as the only way of measuring the success (or lack thereof) of their Twitter account. While these are reliable metrics, they are not the only ones. There are several tools that can provide additional information in regards to whether or not tweets are successful, like Twitter analytics. It can tell you how many profile visits, tweet impressions, mentions, and followers you have increased (or decreased) by over a specified period of time. These metrics will help you determine if your current Twitter strategy is working for your small business and whether or not your profile is considered successful.
Tweet, Retweet, Repeat!
Twitter is one of the most widely used social media channels for both personal and professional use. In just 140 characters (maybe accompanied by an image of video after this post!), you can interact with influencers in your industry, engage with your audience, and provide valuable updates – all of which are taking steps in the right direction to get your small business recognized on Twitter. So, if you’ve been struggling with how to get people to pay attention, it’s time to stop twiddling your thumbs and start using these tips! Happy tweeting!
The post Top 6 Tips to Get Your Small Business Noticed on Twitter appeared first on The Contactually Blog | For Relationship-Based Businesses.
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technato · 6 years
How Programmable Calculators and a Sci-Fi Story Brought Soviet Teens Into the Digital Age
In the 1980s, the USSR’s unlikely computer-literacy campaign nurtured a generation of techies
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Illustration: Chris Malbon
Despite the ubiquity of computers in modern society, the vast majority of today’s students never study computer science or computer programming. Those who are exposed to these subjects typically learn low-level skills rather than undertaking any deeper exploration of computational concepts or theory. In earlier decades, a few countries did promote computer education at the national level. In the 1980s, for example, the British government launched a popular and quite successful initiative that brought thousands of BBC Micros into classrooms.
But the most ambitious computer literacy program ever conceived is one you’ve probably never heard of, and it originated in a very unlikely place: the Soviet Union.
Perhaps you’re smiling to yourself, recalling the old trope about how the USSR invented Tetris and yet lost the Cold War. Implicit in this dismissal is the failure of the Soviets to fully appreciate the awesome power of the digital age. It’s true that the Soviet government never embraced a national computer network or provided its citizens with affordable personal computers. But if you subscribe to this narrative of technological stumbles and political failure, then you’re missing an important, not to mention fascinating, part of the story of global computerization—one in which Soviet teenagers latched onto a popular sci-fi novel of adventure and self-discovery and taught themselves and each other how to program using the only means available to them: the programmable calculator.
In September 1985, ninth graders all across the USSR began studying a new subject: Basics of Informatics and Computing Technology. The rollout of the compulsory course, which aimed to make programming a universal skill, was to be accompanied by new textbooks in 15 national languages, training for some 100,000 teachers, and a million computers for the 60,000 or so middle schools across the Soviet republics.
None of this went smoothly. The state didn’t supply schools with equipment, efforts to print and distribute course literature were uneven, and many teachers never received the requisite training.
Meanwhile, the move sparked an international debate among computer experts over the very definition of “computer literacy.” The U.S. computer scientist and entrepreneur Edward Fredkin argued that his country’s experience should inform the Soviets:
We now understand that computer literacy is not knowing how to program. It is not understanding how [a] computer works. It is not knowing about bits and bytes and flip-flops and gates…. We now know that true computer literacy means having the skills to use the advanced application programs, such as word processing and spreadsheet systems.
In response, the computer scientist Andrei Ershov quipped that coding and typing were not mutually exclusive. Ershov was head of the Akademgorodok Computer Center [PDF] in the Siberian science city of Akademgorodok, and he had emerged as the computer literacy campaign’s key promoter. In stark contrast to Fredkin, he viewed computer literacy as nurturing a set of intellectual habits, which he called “algorithmic thinking.”
Photo: Sergei Frolov/Soviet Digital Electronics Museum
Calculator Rules: At a time when few Soviet households had personal computers, programmable calculators like the Elektronika B3-34 took on many roles.
That idea grew in part out of Ershov’s time as a student of Aleksei Liapunov, a towering figure of Soviet cybernetics. From Liapunov, Ershov learned to think in terms of cybernetic metaphors and to draw connections between technology and society. He conceived of algorithms as a form of communication between humans and machines.
Ershov also drew on ideas from the West. In September 1958, he was among an elite group of Soviet computer experts to meet with their American counterparts. His exchange with the computer pioneer Alan Perlis, who would later become the first recipient of the Turing Award, proved particularly fruitful. Perlis shared with Ershov his enthusiasm for developing a universal algorithmic language, called Algol, which aimed to make software portable and international. Ershov embraced Algol’s agenda, and he went on to develop one of the most ambitious compilers for the language in the early 1960s. The universalist aspirations of the Algol community would inform his views on computer education.
Ershov’s educational agenda was also inspired by a visit to MIT in the early 1970s, where he met Seymour Papert and learned of his computer education experiments with Logo, a programming language designed for use by children.
And yet, while Ershov closely followed developments in Western computer science, he believed the Soviet Union should forge its own path to the information age, one imbued with socialist values, less dependent on computers as black-boxed commodities and more focused on building citizens’ skills and habits of mind. By learning to program, he argued, students would develop abstract reasoning and a goal-oriented, problem-solving mind-set. By the end of the 1970s, Ershov and his team in Akademgorodok had formulated their literacy program, developing their curriculum with the help of Siberian students and testing it in local schools.
Of course, Ershov knew he needed much broader support to implement such a curriculum nationally. He began tirelessly promoting his idea of programming as a “second literacy” to Soviet authorities, computer experts, educators, parents, and children, as well as to the international community. Finally, in 1985, in a wave of transformative policies adopted with Mikhail Gorbachev’s ascendance to power, the Akademgorodok informatics curriculum was officially adopted.
Photo: Photographic Archive/Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Algorithmic Thought: Computer scientist Andrei Ershov [standing, left] championed computer literacy for all citizens of the Soviet Union. Beginning in 1985, ninth graders took a compulsory course entitled Basics of Informatics and Computing Technology.
The inefficiencies of Soviet planning and economics meant that most ninth graders studied the curriculum without computers on which to test their new skills. This wasn’t seen as an obstacle by the reformers. Instead, the teaching materials encouraged writing out programs on paper and engaging in imaginative exercises. Students, for instance, acted out the role of a robot named Dezhurik (from the Russian word dezhurnyi, the person responsible for maintaining the classroom), who was programmed to “close window” or “clean blackboard.” When students from the remote city of Khabarovsk complained about the lack of classroom computers, Ershov commended them for taking the initiative to write and emphasized that the youths still had the chance to “catch up to the train to the future.”
But he refused to commiserate with them. What they were learning—how to devise an algorithm and write a program for it—was the essential part, he said, whether or not they ever got to run the program on an actual computer. Ershov’s letter to the students concluded: “If the teacher may have pity on you and give you a satisfactory grade, the computer will not forgive you any errors. It will stay there, an impenetrable piece of metal, up to the end of the school year. Without an algorithm, without a program, without a plan, there is no point in sitting in front of the computer.”
Soviet citizens may have lacked access to PCs, but many millions of them did have access to computational devices, in the form of scientific programmable calculators. These handheld devices could store instructions and numbers in memory for later execution. Popular in the West following the 1974 introduction of the HP-65 by Hewlett-Packard, programmable calculators still have their fans and their uses.
In the Soviet Union, from the mid-1970s on, the microelectronics industry produced electronic calculators by the millions, primarily for use by what was then the world’s largest population of engineers. As in the West, Soviet calculator users were instrumental in shaping the development of programs and applications for the devices. Unlike in the West, few Soviets had home computers, and so the calculator took on many more roles—including as a makeshift computing platform for computer education and a thriving game culture.
In August 1985, the Soviet science magazine Tekhnika Molodezhi began publishing a serialized novel about a pair of explorers trying to fly a lunar lander from the moon to Earth. Each installment included tasks to be worked out on a programmable calculator.
<img src="https://spectrum.ieee.org/image/MzE0MDQzOQ.jpeg&quot; data-original="/image/MzE0MDQzOQ.jpeg" id="1925169948_0" alt="The premise of the novel, Kon-Tiki: A Path to the Earth, was the popular computer game Lunar Lander, in which players controlled thrusters and calculated trajectories to guide their landers to the moon’s surface.”> 1/6
The premise of the novel, Kon-Tiki: A Path to the Earth, was the popular computer game Lunar Lander, in which players controlled thrusters and calculated trajectories to guide their landers to the moon’s surface. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
<img src="https://spectrum.ieee.org/image/MzE0MDQ0Mg.jpeg&quot; data-original="/image/MzE0MDQ0Mg.jpeg" id="1925169948_1" alt="An earlier attempt to popularize computer literacy campaign in TM was a column on programming with the most popular Soviet calculator, the Elektronika B3-34. But reader response to the column was poor.”> 2/6
An earlier attempt to popularize computer literacy campaign in TM was a column on programming with the most popular Soviet calculator, the Elektronika B3-34. But reader response to the column was poor. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
<img src="https://spectrum.ieee.org/image/MzE0MDQ0NQ.jpeg&quot; data-original="/image/MzE0MDQ0NQ.jpeg" id="1925169948_2" alt="Each chapter of Kon-Tiki concluded with puzzles on the physics of space travel and programming tricks. Here, the discussion deals with what happens when the lander’s fuel is depleted or if the acceleration exceeds human tolerance.”> 3/6
Each chapter of Kon-Tiki concluded with puzzles on the physics of space travel and programming tricks. Here, the discussion deals with what happens when the lander’s fuel is depleted or if the acceleration exceeds human tolerance. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
<img src="https://spectrum.ieee.org/image/MzE0MDQ0OA.jpeg&quot; data-original="/image/MzE0MDQ0OA.jpeg" id="1925169948_3" alt="Kon-Tiki‘s illustrations cleverly combined aesthetics with technical elements. This one relates to orbital stations.”> 4/6
Kon-Tiki‘s illustrations cleverly combined aesthetics with technical elements. This one relates to orbital stations. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
This 98-step program, which players entered by hand into their calculators, modeled circular and elliptical orbits near celestial bodies that lacked an atmosphere. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
<img src="https://spectrum.ieee.org/image/MzE0MDQ1NA.jpeg&quot; data-original="/image/MzE0MDQ1NA.jpeg" id="1925169948_5" alt="The Kon-Tiki serial proved an instant hit, and the magazine became a prominent forum for younger users of programmable calculators.”> 6/6
The Kon-Tiki serial proved an instant hit, and the magazine became a prominent forum for younger users of programmable calculators. Image: Tekhnika Molodezhi
$(document).ready(function(){ $(‘#1925169948’).carousel({ pause: true, interval: false }); });
These two roles converged in a popular science magazine called Tekhnika Molodezhi (Technology for Youth), which was published by the Communist youth organization Komsomol. The publication was aimed at teenagers and had a subscriber base of 1.5 million. In January 1985, the magazine took up Ershov’s computer literacy campaign and began devoting a section to programming with the most popular Soviet calculator, the Elektronika B3-34, which sold for 85 rubles. Reader response to the column was disappointing, however.
Then in August 1985, TM began serializing the space-travel novel Kon-Tiki: A Path to the Earth. In this tale of an epic quest, an engineer and a pilot attempt, against all odds, to fly a lunar lander from the moon back to Earth. The premise of the novel was the popular U.S. computer game Lunar Lander, in which players controlled thrusters and calculated trajectories to safely guide their landers to the lunar surface. The Soviet version was called Lunalet. Each installment of the novel invited readers to take up their calculators, transforming themselves into pilots and their devices into spaceships.
The Kon-Tiki serial was an instant hit, and the magazine soon became one of the most prominent forums for younger users of programmable calculators. The futuristic narrative of each chapter was combined with puzzles on the physical laws of space travel and tricks for programming the B3-34. But what kept readers reading was the dramatic plot and the novel’s focus on overcoming human and technological limits.
A reference to Thor Heyerdahl’s 1947 journey by raft across the Pacific Ocean, Kon-Tiki was also the name of the tiny vessel chosen by the novel’s protagonists for their earthbound voyage. The story line evolved far beyond the game’s original goal of landing the spacecraft. The “path to the Earth” became a journey of self-discovery. At one point, the pilot, called Moon Hawk, reflects on his own fallibility: “I am not a computer; I am a human, and it is typical for me to make mistakes. Because of that I can’t choose a path that does not allow for mistakes. Of course, in cases when I have a choice, I will prefer the way that gives me the right to make a mistake and simultaneously an opportunity to correct it.”
The heroes stumble even at the novel’s conclusion: They arrive back on Earth only to touch down in the ocean and are forced to send out an SOS. “After all, I am a cosmonaut, not a sea captain,” admits the pilot, as they await rescue.
Photo: Tekhnika Molodezhi
Mikhail Pukhov, author of Kon-Tiki: A Path to the Earth.
Credit for the novel’s clever intertwining of programming and storytelling goes to its author, Mikhail Pukhov, who was also editor of TM’s sci-fi section. The son of a prominent mathematician, Pukhov graduated from the country’s most prestigious engineering school, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Abandoning a promising career at the Central Scientific-Research Radio Engineering Institute, he had turned to writing and editing.
Before starting Kon-Tiki, Pukhov thoroughly explored the calculator’s functions as well as its malfunctions. Calculator users in the West and in the East alike were quick to discover and exploit the devices’ undocumented features, pushing them to do things their designers never intended. Such exploration became known as errorology, from the “EГГОГ” message that would frequently appear on the small display at the execution of an undocumented feature. Pukhov’s novel glorified errorology with poetic descriptions of “fishing” for unusual combinations of symbols.
And readers responded, writing to TM about their own calculator exploits. “I inform you that I obtained an easy way for creating any combination from the numbers and symbols ‘Е,’ ‘Г,’ ‘С,’ ‘L,’ ‘–,’ which do not begin from zero on the display of the B3-34,” boasted one reader. To have their programs and names printed in TM was the highest aspiration of many readers.
Thus did TM and its sci-fi editor help cultivate a generation of hackers and computer enthusiasts. If you find it odd that a major state-sanctioned Soviet magazine promoted hacking practices, consider how U.S. hacker culture emerged—as a form of hands-on technological investigation. In his 1984 book Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Steven Levy traced the origin of MIT’s hackers to a club of railroad buffs. Similarly, in the Soviet Union, a combination of state interests and grassroots initiatives had nurtured a hands-on culture among radio amateurs. For a radio engineer like Pukhov, as well as for the educators who used the novel in the classroom, subverting the calculator’s design specifications was a way to encourage technical skills.
The community of readers and players that formed around Kon-Tiki unwittingly embraced the goals of programming literacy as conceived by Ershov. In their letters to TM, many requested more games as well as flowcharts for rewriting the programs for other kinds of calculators. One reader wrote that he aspired “to see the program as a conscious pattern of actions, and not as a thoughtless row of symbols. To be able, with the help of your magazine, not only to execute the available programs but to create [new programs] myself.” In this sense, the novel and its community of calculator users contributed to the spread of Ershov’s vision of computer literacy.
But was Ershov’s curriculum a success? The results of any educational initiative are, of course, hard to gauge. Soviet statisticians no doubt monitored the reform effort in some fashion, but that data would hardly capture real-world experiences in the classroom and beyond.
I posted on several Russian calculator-user forums hoping to hear from Kon-Tiki readers. The responses I received were tinged with nostalgia. Some wrote that their fascination with the novel spurred them to get a calculator. “For half a year, like a vacuum cleaner, I was absorbing all information available on programming and calculators in particular,” wrote one forum member, explaining how he learned the principles of programming before acquiring a device of his own. For others, the calculator was but a stepping-stone; eventually they earned enough money to buy computer kits (available in perestroika-era street markets) and assemble their own machines. Meanwhile, copies of TM continued to circulate via secondhand shops, where new groups of readers discovered the novel long after its original publication. Today you can easily find electronic versions of the magazine online, along with calculator emulators.
The extent to which such school-age experiences influenced people’s professional lives is less clear. Unless you lived through it, you may not fully appreciate the enormous disruption brought on by the economic crisis following the collapse of the Soviet Union—in Russia, those years are known as “the wild 1990s.” Kon-Tiki’s readers came of age as citizens of the emerging sovereign states. Few of them had full control over their career options, and for many, coding became a calling, a gig, and a gateway. These days in Russia, the “universality” of programming skills is no longer associated with creating a computer-literate society. Instead, it raises the prospect of migration, as skilled programmers choose to leave the country to pursue their careers.
Photo: Photographic Archive/Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Paper Programming: At a 1986 summer school for young programmers, Andrei Ershov worked with students. Most Soviet schools didn’t have computers, and students were encouraged to write out their programs on paper. “Without an algorithm, without a program, without a plan, there is no point in sitting in front of the computer,” Ershov wrote.
Soviet-era efforts to foster computer literacy cast Western assumptions about the information age in a different light. Unlike events in the West, the Soviet digital revolution was not one of geeks and geniuses but of state-sponsored academics, writers, and educators, who worked with government officials, industrialists, and programmers toward a shared goal. It was not predicated on the personal computer but instead made do with calculators, pencil and paper, and students’ own imaginations.
Despite the passion of digital enthusiasts like Ershov and Pukhov, the campaign’s ideal of universality was hard to attain. The reform seemed to work best where you would expect it to, in the elite schools of the capitals and in a few remote schools blessed with wealthy patrons, such as those supported by the oil and gas industry. TM transcended some geographical and economic barriers and provided a motivation, an entry point, and a community to students who lacked inspiring teachers or computers of their own. But the magazine failed to bridge another familiar divide—that of gender. Unlike the population of Soviet professional programmers, and unlike the compulsory and gender-neutral informatics classes, the readers who wrote to TM about their calculator exploits were predominantly male.
And so, the digital socialist society that Ershov and others strove for was imperfectly realized. Neither Ershov, who died in 1988, nor the country itself survived long enough for the experiment to run its course. And yet, we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss a vision of computer literacy that considered all students capable of thinking algorithmically. The Soviets did not prefigure the many challenges of the information age. But what we choose to remember from our computing pasts can help determine how we solve our present-day conundrums.
This article appears in the October 2018 print issue as “The Great Soviet Calculator Hack.”
When Calculators Were Revolutionary
Photo: Mattieu Wyart
Historical research can take its practitioners to unexpected places. So it was for Ksenia Tatarchenko. In the article above, she delves into an ambitious 1980s program to make teenagers in the USSR computer literate.
Because most Soviet households and schools lacked actual computers, many students made do with programmable calculators. A popular science magazine spurred on their interest using the computer game Lunar Lander and a serialized sci-fi novel. In the game, you try to land on the moon by entering power levels for your rocket as you descend. In the novel, an engineer and a pilot take their tiny lander from the moon all the way back to Earth. “Many people played the game,” says Tatarchenko, who is a lecturer at the University of Geneva. “And so I thought, Well, it must be easy.”
Her mother, who lives in Novosibirsk, Russia, bought a 1980s calculator and sent it to Tatarchenko. Operating the calculator, she discovered, was far from easy. To play the game, you had to enter its 97 steps into the calculator. But rendering equations in reverse Polish notation, in which you punch in all the numbers and then the operators, was counterintuitive. And the assignments included with each of the novel’s installments required a familiarity with the physics of spaceflight. Some readers went well beyond those tasks, creating their own games. “I tried and tried, but I never reached the stage of inventing my own game.”
Still, she says, she enjoyed learning about this underappreciated device. She welcomes readers’ stories about how they used programmable calculators in their youth. In the West, Tatarchenko notes, the personal computer is what’s credited with sparking the digital age. But in the Soviet Union, the programmable calculator proved just as revolutionary.
How Programmable Calculators and a Sci-Fi Story Brought Soviet Teens Into the Digital Age syndicated from https://jiohowweb.blogspot.com
0 notes
Maybe this will be my rantings blog     : 
  Yet that is just what fuels a lot of misconceptions of women in general.  There are a lot of funny references to levels of contribution in the world, like:
* domestic goddess
* Mary Tyler Moore famous role or Donna Reed character from the early years of television (which was invented LONG time before I was born)
* Screen sirens like Marilyn Monroe to wannabes like Madonna and Britney Speers (however you spell that since it confused spell checker, back space, highlight, right click on mouse, then click selection from option or suggestion to go on a bigger digging expedition with Google …. )
* Perky, cute role models like Katie Couric (and I’m Canadian eh?), Maria in The Sound of Music character, Samantha in Betwitched, Olivia Newton John in Grease or whomever you would insert as a name that you relate time for this genre.
The less popular, yet more communicated is the aggressive female executive.
Re: CareerBuilder Job Application : Banking Administrative Assistant
7:20 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Can I confirm you have a valid Canadian securities course?
Talent Management Leader
On Dec 15, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Jeannette Marshall via CareerBuilder
You have received …. by replying to this email. Your Reference ID for this job is CAN_s.  
 Thank you for your response Michelle.  I appreciate the reaction :o)
No, I did not state in my CV or anywhere having taken the Canadian Securities Course certification, however, I did confirm that I have Canadian (Secret-past and Reliability-now) Securities Status issued by the Canadian government.  To some, that is valuable validation:  me, for one, to indicate that I am an honest person.
Intellectually, I have had to go from a newly hired to jump into one of the most critical portfolios by one of my greatest managers who recognized my strength in my ability to parachute in with both feet landing on the ground:  exuding confidence and expertise, building trust immediate.  I could communicate with executives on a personable level after being kicked out of the nest within only a month of onboarding to attending a festive cocktail….. smoozing with distinguished executives of Canada’s most high-powered, rubbing elbows in a small circle where one woman was engaging support and advice from the other women, pretty oblivious to the aggressive antics of single ladies and young manifico males trouncing on former friends to get ahead:  I could actually contribute.  I had the experience of deciding I would not go back to work fulltime unless my children would have no less care than I, myself, would provide [ aka super woman extraordinaire or Yuppy ] settling with a full time live out nanny to enhance my home, children, spouse, career, employer without any sacrifice other than my pocket book.  
But some days don’t you just wanna send an email response like this?  Instead, we’re required to remain refined and poised when all we want to do is scream!
Speaking of screaming
I jump on Quora fairly infrequently but deciding more recently that I really like the experience there.  Since I have this thirst for knowledge and pursuit of really interesting things.  It allows me to keep the vibe of catching the vibe of what is going on online.
Advice About Coping with and Overcoming Fear
I had a best friend who became my enemy. I don’t think she knows or cares, but after winter I’m afraid I’m going to scream at her in class. What do I say or do to avoid that?
  You’ve written an answer
You can edit or delete it at any time.
5 Answers
Jeannette Marshall, in order to reinforce my own learnings and leanings, i try to help others
Answered 5h ago
There are a lot of conflicting statements just in the question alone: i.e. best friend and enemy.
The person is not aware of the change in status? We don’t know what was done for the fall from grace, therefore, we cannot understand what takes someone from best friend to evil enemy?
Most highly emotional triggers can be minimized if one examines what the root cause is.
The best advice I would give is suggesting you go for tea, hot chocolate or coffee so that you can find out the former best friend’s defense of the actions that caused her to become your enemy. It would give you a chance to unload what made you so upset. By definition, a best friend is someone who is a trusted confidante – did they betray that trust or do something that crossed them off.
Before you scream at her in class, and you end up looking like the freak, maybe write in a journal on what the offense was, how it made you feel, whether it was an emotional reaction, or if the offense is even realized by the offender.
Granted, there are many things that can happen to cause a falling out. Nobody can help with whether it is justified or not based on your own feelings, nor should anyone.
A “best friend” designation can sometimes be fleeting and evolving continuously. What defines a best friend to you? How many best friends have you had in the past 6 months, year, etc.? What happens to make someone fall out of favor with rapid descent to enemy?
All may be worth consideration and evaluation before you address your feelings and avoid screaming: you screaming will result in poor public image even if it is warranted. Keep that in mind.
And practice the golden rule: treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. Maybe the former best friend has no idea that they offended your values, morals or beliefs … or did something to make you this passionately emotional.
We all face obstacles and offenses, yet how we react is how we are measured. I guess I’m saying: take a deep breath, write it all down, and consider a face to face in a calm and relaxing atmosphere (not while you’re out at the pub having a drink which makes your inhibitions less guarded) and be the bigger person. Bridge understanding and communicate what they did to make you feel the way you do before you have any emotional outburst that would show you in less favorable light, even if the offense is astronomical.
More questions posed to me
and my responses.   An unofficial, non-compensated version of Dear Abby or who is doing that anymore anyhow? (Search and insert information and link] to which I dole out habitually and consistently.  My take on motherhood and what my takeaways are from the experience:
Honestly? Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease. I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few. I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts. I am truly sorry! I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.
Simply? Go to the Nobel website and determine under which category you feel more aligned with: peace, literature, for examples, then study who have been the most recent recipients that you more closely identify with: can adopt a believable adaptation of anyone of them by providing the skill and talent to stand beside them. Then I’d say: Go for it! Who is anyone that could contradict YOU? YOU are the ONLY person in lives in that house: your brain, body.
I Representing distinguished “Career” mothers
Not the ones who decided to stay home, afforded or forced or otherwise.
That is the stereotypical response to when most people think of what the 
term means.  Immediately conjuring up the names from the past, deeply
entrenched in our subconscious and belief system.
YOU CAN. When you determine the qualities and define what a “good relationship” means to you. YOU CAN. Continuously keep in touch whether it is instantaneous via technology like SKYPE or FACETIME (Apple(c) at a mutually agreed schedule or scheduled time. YOU CAN: Express how important this “good relationship” is to you at every opportunity, whether verbally, over the telephone, video, web, email, post, handwritten or printed letter, diagrams, cartoons or poems, including the person who is whom you share this “good relationship” with. [I am answering from the female perspective, uniquely my own opinion]. YOU CAN: Be devout, devoted, moral, demonstrative, philosophically and physically showing your commitment to both the relationship and continuing to be worthy of the relationship. Understanding, you reap what you sow. YOU CAN: Control your own behavior regardless of circumstance or circumstances you find yourself in. Being worthy of that ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Keep in touch steadfastly and faithfully, divulging periods of blackout due to foreseen or surprise. YOU CAN: Hold the same expectations of yourself as you would the other member in the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Withhold from behavior that you would not have should the object of desire or person within the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Resort to inspiration from scripture or literature or art. Be wary of bad habits or undertakings that can deteriorate the eyes of the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: treat your significant being in the ‘good relationship’ no worse than you would your mother, daughter, friend, military team mate. YOU CAN: continue to be the person to whom the ‘good relationship’ was formed from. YOU CAN: go home or wherever said “good relationship” is at every chance you get. YOU CAN: communicate your love, devotion, feelings, missings, musings, fears, desires, goals, ambitions.
YOU CANNOT: control the other person while you are away. They will make their mistakes, face their consequences, commit niceness or nastiness, without you.
 As it should be. I know, easy eh?
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2kh2tqJ
0 notes
Maybe this will be my rantings blog     : 
  Yet that is just what fuels a lot of misconceptions of women in general.  There are a lot of funny references to levels of contribution in the world, like:
* domestic goddess
* Mary Tyler Moore famous role or Donna Reed character from the early years of television (which was invented LONG time before I was born)
* Screen sirens like Marilyn Monroe to wannabes like Madonna and Britney Speers (however you spell that since it confused spell checker, back space, highlight, right click on mouse, then click selection from option or suggestion to go on a bigger digging expedition with Google …. )
* Perky, cute role models like Katie Couric (and I’m Canadian eh?), Maria in The Sound of Music character, Samantha in Betwitched, Olivia Newton John in Grease or whomever you would insert as a name that you relate time for this genre.
The less popular, yet more communicated is the aggressive female executive.
Re: CareerBuilder Job Application : Banking Administrative Assistant
7:20 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Can I confirm you have a valid Canadian securities course?
Talent Management Leader
On Dec 15, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Jeannette Marshall via CareerBuilder
You have received …. by replying to this email. Your Reference ID for this job is CAN_s.  
 Thank you for your response Michelle.  I appreciate the reaction :o)
No, I did not state in my CV or anywhere having taken the Canadian Securities Course certification, however, I did confirm that I have Canadian (Secret-past and Reliability-now) Securities Status issued by the Canadian government.  To some, that is valuable validation:  me, for one, to indicate that I am an honest person.
Intellectually, I have had to go from a newly hired to jump into one of the most critical portfolios by one of my greatest managers who recognized my strength in my ability to parachute in with both feet landing on the ground:  exuding confidence and expertise, building trust immediate.  I could communicate with executives on a personable level after being kicked out of the nest within only a month of onboarding to attending a festive cocktail….. smoozing with distinguished executives of Canada’s most high-powered, rubbing elbows in a small circle where one woman was engaging support and advice from the other women, pretty oblivious to the aggressive antics of single ladies and young manifico males trouncing on former friends to get ahead:  I could actually contribute.  I had the experience of deciding I would not go back to work fulltime unless my children would have no less care than I, myself, would provide [ aka super woman extraordinaire or Yuppy ] settling with a full time live out nanny to enhance my home, children, spouse, career, employer without any sacrifice other than my pocket book.  
But some days don’t you just wanna send an email response like this?  Instead, we’re required to remain refined and poised when all we want to do is scream!
Speaking of screaming
I jump on Quora fairly infrequently but deciding more recently that I really like the experience there.  Since I have this thirst for knowledge and pursuit of really interesting things.  It allows me to keep the vibe of catching the vibe of what is going on online.
Advice About Coping with and Overcoming Fear
I had a best friend who became my enemy. I don’t think she knows or cares, but after winter I’m afraid I’m going to scream at her in class. What do I say or do to avoid that?
  You’ve written an answer
You can edit or delete it at any time.
5 Answers
Jeannette Marshall, in order to reinforce my own learnings and leanings, i try to help others
Answered 5h ago
There are a lot of conflicting statements just in the question alone: i.e. best friend and enemy.
The person is not aware of the change in status? We don’t know what was done for the fall from grace, therefore, we cannot understand what takes someone from best friend to evil enemy?
Most highly emotional triggers can be minimized if one examines what the root cause is.
The best advice I would give is suggesting you go for tea, hot chocolate or coffee so that you can find out the former best friend’s defense of the actions that caused her to become your enemy. It would give you a chance to unload what made you so upset. By definition, a best friend is someone who is a trusted confidante – did they betray that trust or do something that crossed them off.
Before you scream at her in class, and you end up looking like the freak, maybe write in a journal on what the offense was, how it made you feel, whether it was an emotional reaction, or if the offense is even realized by the offender.
Granted, there are many things that can happen to cause a falling out. Nobody can help with whether it is justified or not based on your own feelings, nor should anyone.
A “best friend” designation can sometimes be fleeting and evolving continuously. What defines a best friend to you? How many best friends have you had in the past 6 months, year, etc.? What happens to make someone fall out of favor with rapid descent to enemy?
All may be worth consideration and evaluation before you address your feelings and avoid screaming: you screaming will result in poor public image even if it is warranted. Keep that in mind.
And practice the golden rule: treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. Maybe the former best friend has no idea that they offended your values, morals or beliefs … or did something to make you this passionately emotional.
We all face obstacles and offenses, yet how we react is how we are measured. I guess I’m saying: take a deep breath, write it all down, and consider a face to face in a calm and relaxing atmosphere (not while you’re out at the pub having a drink which makes your inhibitions less guarded) and be the bigger person. Bridge understanding and communicate what they did to make you feel the way you do before you have any emotional outburst that would show you in less favorable light, even if the offense is astronomical.
More questions posed to me
and my responses.   An unofficial, non-compensated version of Dear Abby or who is doing that anymore anyhow? (Search and insert information and link] to which I dole out habitually and consistently.  My take on motherhood and what my takeaways are from the experience:
Honestly? Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease. I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few. I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts. I am truly sorry! I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.
Simply? Go to the Nobel website and determine under which category you feel more aligned with: peace, literature, for examples, then study who have been the most recent recipients that you more closely identify with: can adopt a believable adaptation of anyone of them by providing the skill and talent to stand beside them. Then I’d say: Go for it! Who is anyone that could contradict YOU? YOU are the ONLY person in lives in that house: your brain, body.
I Representing distinguished “Career” mothers
Not the ones who decided to stay home, afforded or forced or otherwise.
That is the stereotypical response to when most people think of what the 
term means.  Immediately conjuring up the names from the past, deeply
entrenched in our subconscious and belief system.
YOU CAN. When you determine the qualities and define what a “good relationship” means to you. YOU CAN. Continuously keep in touch whether it is instantaneous via technology like SKYPE or FACETIME (Apple(c) at a mutually agreed schedule or scheduled time. YOU CAN: Express how important this “good relationship” is to you at every opportunity, whether verbally, over the telephone, video, web, email, post, handwritten or printed letter, diagrams, cartoons or poems, including the person who is whom you share this “good relationship” with. [I am answering from the female perspective, uniquely my own opinion]. YOU CAN: Be devout, devoted, moral, demonstrative, philosophically and physically showing your commitment to both the relationship and continuing to be worthy of the relationship. Understanding, you reap what you sow. YOU CAN: Control your own behavior regardless of circumstance or circumstances you find yourself in. Being worthy of that ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Keep in touch steadfastly and faithfully, divulging periods of blackout due to foreseen or surprise. YOU CAN: Hold the same expectations of yourself as you would the other member in the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Withhold from behavior that you would not have should the object of desire or person within the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Resort to inspiration from scripture or literature or art. Be wary of bad habits or undertakings that can deteriorate the eyes of the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: treat your significant being in the ‘good relationship’ no worse than you would your mother, daughter, friend, military team mate. YOU CAN: continue to be the person to whom the ‘good relationship’ was formed from. YOU CAN: go home or wherever said “good relationship” is at every chance you get. YOU CAN: communicate your love, devotion, feelings, missings, musings, fears, desires, goals, ambitions.
YOU CANNOT: control the other person while you are away. They will make their mistakes, face their consequences, commit niceness or nastiness, without you.
 As it should be. I know, easy eh?
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2kh2tqJ
0 notes
Maybe this will be my rantings blog     : 
  Yet that is just what fuels a lot of misconceptions of women in general.  There are a lot of funny references to levels of contribution in the world, like:
* domestic goddess
* Mary Tyler Moore famous role or Donna Reed character from the early years of television (which was invented LONG time before I was born)
* Screen sirens like Marilyn Monroe to wannabes like Madonna and Britney Speers (however you spell that since it confused spell checker, back space, highlight, right click on mouse, then click selection from option or suggestion to go on a bigger digging expedition with Google …. )
* Perky, cute role models like Katie Couric (and I’m Canadian eh?), Maria in The Sound of Music character, Samantha in Betwitched, Olivia Newton John in Grease or whomever you would insert as a name that you relate time for this genre.
The less popular, yet more communicated is the aggressive female executive.
Re: CareerBuilder Job Application : Banking Administrative Assistant
7:20 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Can I confirm you have a valid Canadian securities course?
Talent Management Leader
On Dec 15, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Jeannette Marshall via CareerBuilder
You have received …. by replying to this email. Your Reference ID for this job is CAN_s.  
 Thank you for your response Michelle.  I appreciate the reaction :o)
No, I did not state in my CV or anywhere having taken the Canadian Securities Course certification, however, I did confirm that I have Canadian (Secret-past and Reliability-now) Securities Status issued by the Canadian government.  To some, that is valuable validation:  me, for one, to indicate that I am an honest person.
Intellectually, I have had to go from a newly hired to jump into one of the most critical portfolios by one of my greatest managers who recognized my strength in my ability to parachute in with both feet landing on the ground:  exuding confidence and expertise, building trust immediate.  I could communicate with executives on a personable level after being kicked out of the nest within only a month of onboarding to attending a festive cocktail….. smoozing with distinguished executives of Canada’s most high-powered, rubbing elbows in a small circle where one woman was engaging support and advice from the other women, pretty oblivious to the aggressive antics of single ladies and young manifico males trouncing on former friends to get ahead:  I could actually contribute.  I had the experience of deciding I would not go back to work fulltime unless my children would have no less care than I, myself, would provide [ aka super woman extraordinaire or Yuppy ] settling with a full time live out nanny to enhance my home, children, spouse, career, employer without any sacrifice other than my pocket book.  
But some days don’t you just wanna send an email response like this?  Instead, we’re required to remain refined and poised when all we want to do is scream!
Speaking of screaming
I jump on Quora fairly infrequently but deciding more recently that I really like the experience there.  Since I have this thirst for knowledge and pursuit of really interesting things.  It allows me to keep the vibe of catching the vibe of what is going on online.
Advice About Coping with and Overcoming Fear
I had a best friend who became my enemy. I don’t think she knows or cares, but after winter I’m afraid I’m going to scream at her in class. What do I say or do to avoid that?
  You’ve written an answer
You can edit or delete it at any time.
5 Answers
Jeannette Marshall, in order to reinforce my own learnings and leanings, i try to help others
Answered 5h ago
There are a lot of conflicting statements just in the question alone: i.e. best friend and enemy.
The person is not aware of the change in status? We don’t know what was done for the fall from grace, therefore, we cannot understand what takes someone from best friend to evil enemy?
Most highly emotional triggers can be minimized if one examines what the root cause is.
The best advice I would give is suggesting you go for tea, hot chocolate or coffee so that you can find out the former best friend’s defense of the actions that caused her to become your enemy. It would give you a chance to unload what made you so upset. By definition, a best friend is someone who is a trusted confidante – did they betray that trust or do something that crossed them off.
Before you scream at her in class, and you end up looking like the freak, maybe write in a journal on what the offense was, how it made you feel, whether it was an emotional reaction, or if the offense is even realized by the offender.
Granted, there are many things that can happen to cause a falling out. Nobody can help with whether it is justified or not based on your own feelings, nor should anyone.
A “best friend” designation can sometimes be fleeting and evolving continuously. What defines a best friend to you? How many best friends have you had in the past 6 months, year, etc.? What happens to make someone fall out of favor with rapid descent to enemy?
All may be worth consideration and evaluation before you address your feelings and avoid screaming: you screaming will result in poor public image even if it is warranted. Keep that in mind.
And practice the golden rule: treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. Maybe the former best friend has no idea that they offended your values, morals or beliefs … or did something to make you this passionately emotional.
We all face obstacles and offenses, yet how we react is how we are measured. I guess I’m saying: take a deep breath, write it all down, and consider a face to face in a calm and relaxing atmosphere (not while you’re out at the pub having a drink which makes your inhibitions less guarded) and be the bigger person. Bridge understanding and communicate what they did to make you feel the way you do before you have any emotional outburst that would show you in less favorable light, even if the offense is astronomical.
More questions posed to me
and my responses.   An unofficial, non-compensated version of Dear Abby or who is doing that anymore anyhow? (Search and insert information and link] to which I dole out habitually and consistently.  My take on motherhood and what my takeaways are from the experience:
Honestly? Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease. I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few. I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts. I am truly sorry! I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.
Simply? Go to the Nobel website and determine under which category you feel more aligned with: peace, literature, for examples, then study who have been the most recent recipients that you more closely identify with: can adopt a believable adaptation of anyone of them by providing the skill and talent to stand beside them. Then I’d say: Go for it! Who is anyone that could contradict YOU? YOU are the ONLY person in lives in that house: your brain, body.
I Representing distinguished “Career” mothers
Not the ones who decided to stay home, afforded or forced or otherwise.
That is the stereotypical response to when most people think of what the 
term means.  Immediately conjuring up the names from the past, deeply
entrenched in our subconscious and belief system.
YOU CAN. When you determine the qualities and define what a “good relationship” means to you. YOU CAN. Continuously keep in touch whether it is instantaneous via technology like SKYPE or FACETIME (Apple(c) at a mutually agreed schedule or scheduled time. YOU CAN: Express how important this “good relationship” is to you at every opportunity, whether verbally, over the telephone, video, web, email, post, handwritten or printed letter, diagrams, cartoons or poems, including the person who is whom you share this “good relationship” with. [I am answering from the female perspective, uniquely my own opinion]. YOU CAN: Be devout, devoted, moral, demonstrative, philosophically and physically showing your commitment to both the relationship and continuing to be worthy of the relationship. Understanding, you reap what you sow. YOU CAN: Control your own behavior regardless of circumstance or circumstances you find yourself in. Being worthy of that ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Keep in touch steadfastly and faithfully, divulging periods of blackout due to foreseen or surprise. YOU CAN: Hold the same expectations of yourself as you would the other member in the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Withhold from behavior that you would not have should the object of desire or person within the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Resort to inspiration from scripture or literature or art. Be wary of bad habits or undertakings that can deteriorate the eyes of the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: treat your significant being in the ‘good relationship’ no worse than you would your mother, daughter, friend, military team mate. YOU CAN: continue to be the person to whom the ‘good relationship’ was formed from. YOU CAN: go home or wherever said “good relationship” is at every chance you get. YOU CAN: communicate your love, devotion, feelings, missings, musings, fears, desires, goals, ambitions.
YOU CANNOT: control the other person while you are away. They will make their mistakes, face their consequences, commit niceness or nastiness, without you.
 As it should be. I know, easy eh?
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2kh2tqJ
0 notes
Maybe this will be my rantings blog     : 
  Yet that is just what fuels a lot of misconceptions of women in general.  There are a lot of funny references to levels of contribution in the world, like:
* domestic goddess
* Mary Tyler Moore famous role or Donna Reed character from the early years of television (which was invented LONG time before I was born)
* Screen sirens like Marilyn Monroe to wannabes like Madonna and Britney Speers (however you spell that since it confused spell checker, back space, highlight, right click on mouse, then click selection from option or suggestion to go on a bigger digging expedition with Google …. )
* Perky, cute role models like Katie Couric (and I’m Canadian eh?), Maria in The Sound of Music character, Samantha in Betwitched, Olivia Newton John in Grease or whomever you would insert as a name that you relate time for this genre.
The less popular, yet more communicated is the aggressive female executive.
Re: CareerBuilder Job Application : Banking Administrative Assistant
7:20 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Can I confirm you have a valid Canadian securities course?
Talent Management Leader
On Dec 15, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Jeannette Marshall via CareerBuilder
You have received …. by replying to this email. Your Reference ID for this job is CAN_s.  
 Thank you for your response Michelle.  I appreciate the reaction :o)
No, I did not state in my CV or anywhere having taken the Canadian Securities Course certification, however, I did confirm that I have Canadian (Secret-past and Reliability-now) Securities Status issued by the Canadian government.  To some, that is valuable validation:  me, for one, to indicate that I am an honest person.
Intellectually, I have had to go from a newly hired to jump into one of the most critical portfolios by one of my greatest managers who recognized my strength in my ability to parachute in with both feet landing on the ground:  exuding confidence and expertise, building trust immediate.  I could communicate with executives on a personable level after being kicked out of the nest within only a month of onboarding to attending a festive cocktail….. smoozing with distinguished executives of Canada’s most high-powered, rubbing elbows in a small circle where one woman was engaging support and advice from the other women, pretty oblivious to the aggressive antics of single ladies and young manifico males trouncing on former friends to get ahead:  I could actually contribute.  I had the experience of deciding I would not go back to work fulltime unless my children would have no less care than I, myself, would provide [ aka super woman extraordinaire or Yuppy ] settling with a full time live out nanny to enhance my home, children, spouse, career, employer without any sacrifice other than my pocket book.  
But some days don’t you just wanna send an email response like this?  Instead, we’re required to remain refined and poised when all we want to do is scream!
Speaking of screaming
I jump on Quora fairly infrequently but deciding more recently that I really like the experience there.  Since I have this thirst for knowledge and pursuit of really interesting things.  It allows me to keep the vibe of catching the vibe of what is going on online.
Advice About Coping with and Overcoming Fear
I had a best friend who became my enemy. I don’t think she knows or cares, but after winter I’m afraid I’m going to scream at her in class. What do I say or do to avoid that?
  You’ve written an answer
You can edit or delete it at any time.
5 Answers
Jeannette Marshall, in order to reinforce my own learnings and leanings, i try to help others
Answered 5h ago
There are a lot of conflicting statements just in the question alone: i.e. best friend and enemy.
The person is not aware of the change in status? We don’t know what was done for the fall from grace, therefore, we cannot understand what takes someone from best friend to evil enemy?
Most highly emotional triggers can be minimized if one examines what the root cause is.
The best advice I would give is suggesting you go for tea, hot chocolate or coffee so that you can find out the former best friend’s defense of the actions that caused her to become your enemy. It would give you a chance to unload what made you so upset. By definition, a best friend is someone who is a trusted confidante – did they betray that trust or do something that crossed them off.
Before you scream at her in class, and you end up looking like the freak, maybe write in a journal on what the offense was, how it made you feel, whether it was an emotional reaction, or if the offense is even realized by the offender.
Granted, there are many things that can happen to cause a falling out. Nobody can help with whether it is justified or not based on your own feelings, nor should anyone.
A “best friend” designation can sometimes be fleeting and evolving continuously. What defines a best friend to you? How many best friends have you had in the past 6 months, year, etc.? What happens to make someone fall out of favor with rapid descent to enemy?
All may be worth consideration and evaluation before you address your feelings and avoid screaming: you screaming will result in poor public image even if it is warranted. Keep that in mind.
And practice the golden rule: treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. Maybe the former best friend has no idea that they offended your values, morals or beliefs … or did something to make you this passionately emotional.
We all face obstacles and offenses, yet how we react is how we are measured. I guess I’m saying: take a deep breath, write it all down, and consider a face to face in a calm and relaxing atmosphere (not while you’re out at the pub having a drink which makes your inhibitions less guarded) and be the bigger person. Bridge understanding and communicate what they did to make you feel the way you do before you have any emotional outburst that would show you in less favorable light, even if the offense is astronomical.
More questions posed to me
and my responses.   An unofficial, non-compensated version of Dear Abby or who is doing that anymore anyhow? (Search and insert information and link] to which I dole out habitually and consistently.  My take on motherhood and what my takeaways are from the experience:
Honestly? Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease. I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few. I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts. I am truly sorry! I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.
Simply? Go to the Nobel website and determine under which category you feel more aligned with: peace, literature, for examples, then study who have been the most recent recipients that you more closely identify with: can adopt a believable adaptation of anyone of them by providing the skill and talent to stand beside them. Then I’d say: Go for it! Who is anyone that could contradict YOU? YOU are the ONLY person in lives in that house: your brain, body.
I Representing distinguished “Career” mothers
Not the ones who decided to stay home, afforded or forced or otherwise.
That is the stereotypical response to when most people think of what the 
term means.  Immediately conjuring up the names from the past, deeply
entrenched in our subconscious and belief system.
YOU CAN. When you determine the qualities and define what a “good relationship” means to you. YOU CAN. Continuously keep in touch whether it is instantaneous via technology like SKYPE or FACETIME (Apple(c) at a mutually agreed schedule or scheduled time. YOU CAN: Express how important this “good relationship” is to you at every opportunity, whether verbally, over the telephone, video, web, email, post, handwritten or printed letter, diagrams, cartoons or poems, including the person who is whom you share this “good relationship” with. [I am answering from the female perspective, uniquely my own opinion]. YOU CAN: Be devout, devoted, moral, demonstrative, philosophically and physically showing your commitment to both the relationship and continuing to be worthy of the relationship. Understanding, you reap what you sow. YOU CAN: Control your own behavior regardless of circumstance or circumstances you find yourself in. Being worthy of that ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Keep in touch steadfastly and faithfully, divulging periods of blackout due to foreseen or surprise. YOU CAN: Hold the same expectations of yourself as you would the other member in the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Withhold from behavior that you would not have should the object of desire or person within the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Resort to inspiration from scripture or literature or art. Be wary of bad habits or undertakings that can deteriorate the eyes of the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: treat your significant being in the ‘good relationship’ no worse than you would your mother, daughter, friend, military team mate. YOU CAN: continue to be the person to whom the ‘good relationship’ was formed from. YOU CAN: go home or wherever said “good relationship” is at every chance you get. YOU CAN: communicate your love, devotion, feelings, missings, musings, fears, desires, goals, ambitions.
YOU CANNOT: control the other person while you are away. They will make their mistakes, face their consequences, commit niceness or nastiness, without you.
 As it should be. I know, easy eh?
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2kh2tqJ
0 notes