#id in alttext
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hyruleconcerto · 2 years ago
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The curtain rises 🎶
We are excited to announce the start of The Great Hyrule Concerto: An Octavo and Cadence of Hyrule focused zine! Join us for the opening act with the interest check opening June 18th!
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kineticallyanywhere · 9 months ago
regarding id's for comics, please make ids for comics you post! it is far better for your comics to be accessible and you absolutely should do it. you can just write the dialogue characters are saying and any relevant expressions/gesturing, like a script format. writing "page x of x comic" isnt accessible, as it wont tell people relying on id's whats happening in the comic at all. people who rely on id's, well, rely on them--id's are primarily for people with low-vision, so they cant accurately tell what an image looks like by sight. id's are the only way theyll be able to understand what an image is! so it is very necessary and helpful to the disabled community for you to write them ^^ i wish you luck on foraying into id's!
sorry my response took so long to respond to this but I also have a follow up question about IDs, for anyone who knows
on screen readers, does it read alt-text? Like if I put the script of comic pages in the post, would it be most effective as alttext or as under a readmore?
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sevvys · 1 year ago
hi there, could you provide plain alt text for at least your coining posts? the symbols you tend to use are inaccessible and are unfortunately notorious for breaking screen readers (Id ask to just completely use plain text but I feel like thatd be asking for too much, though it may be simpler and neater than alt text so its up to you) /lh /nf
YES ! i can, im so so sorry i havent been doing it recently :(( i know on my pther acxount I had a space in my template where i did use plain text , but i'll 100% edit my posts beforehand ^^ and ik all screenreaders are different but i go based on mine ( default apple ) and ik it doesn't read out alot of symbols so thank u for telling me :) i'll edit all my posts to havr plain text when i get 2 school and start retagging an id blog in my posts for alttext on imgs !!
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tananansad · 3 years ago
ok once again ah pls have cultural knowledge if you're going to id/alttext anything. i know you're doing it voluntarily but it's not hard to look up what a maori feather cloak is called. there's a reason why journalists don't hire someone else to describe an image for their piece (they have context and the background for the article).
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weepingfireflies · 3 years ago
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[Photo ID - a chain of Twitter replies to a blacked out account labeled as "Police Department." The first reply is from a person with #DefundthePolice in their username and reads as "hey as an official account you really ought to be using #AltText when you post images and screen shots"
Another person replies with "You know...they probably would but they're being defunded like you wanted so, priorities you know?"
The third person replies with "[PD] has not been defunded and writing alt text is free" End Photo ID]
...the lengths ppl will go to defend the police for the most minor criticisms
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sketchbuck · 4 years ago
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Give us a smile! [id] A collection of portraits of a wide variety of species such as dragons, canines and even an armadillo. #sketchbuck #illustration #digitalillustration #digitalart #art #artwork #drawing #veganartist #veganart #veganartivist #furry #furryart #anthro #anthromorphic #anthroart #igart #artistsoninstagram #instagramart #clipstudiopaint #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #characterdesign #dailyart #animalart #commissionedart #imagedescription #alttext ��� view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3oqiScn
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leonardkevinmobergsworld · 2 years ago
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SUBJECT&nbsp; FEMALE NAME:___________.NETIC. <br>
Johnstone Peak - W6GLN<br>
San Dimas, CA<br>
Repeater ID: 06-2692<br>
Offset:+2.455 EMI<br>
Uplink Tone:141.3<br>
Downlink Tone:141.3<br>
County:Los Angeles<br>
Op Status:<br>
<img src="content://com.samsung.android.memo/file/8e917cdf-c22d-af26-0000-0184f40032ad" orientation="0" altText="onair.png" width="409" /><br>
&nbsp;On-Air <br>
Sponsor:Glendora Emergency Amateur Radio ServiceFM:Yes; analog capable.Analog Bandwidth:Coordination:TASMA<br>
Last updated: 2022-12-08<br>
Last reviewed: 2022-12-08<br>
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metsuke · 4 years ago
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Captura de IDE 65xx una herramienta múltiplaraforma para trabajar con esta familia de procesadores #alttext https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2B1TWlqzt/?igshid=62k51l478pc0
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masaa-ma · 5 years ago
【30分でやる】Google Spread Sheetで管理するLINE BOTの作り方
from https://qiita.com/WdknWdkn/items/b78ae572e7cb5c9dfdca?utm_campaign=popular_items&utm_medium=feed&utm_source=popular_items
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// 利用しているシート var SHEET_ID = '(①スプレッドシートのIDをコピペ)'; // 利用しているSSのシート名(※変えるとみえなくなる) var SHEET_NAME = 'faq'; // 利用しているもしかしてSSのシート名(※変えるとみえなくなる) var SHEET_NAME_MAYBE = 'maybe';
// LINE Message API アクセストークン var ACCESS_TOKEN = '(②LINEのdevelopersアカウント上で取得したTOKENをコピペ)'; // 通知URL var PUSH = "https://api.line.me/v2/bot/message/push"; // リプライ時URL var REPLY = "https://api.line.me/v2/bot/message/reply"; // プロフィール取得URL var PROFILE = "https://api.line.me/v2/profile";
/** * doPOST * POSTリクエストのハンドリング */ function doPost(e) { var json = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents); reply(json); }
/** * doGet * GETリクエストのハンドリング */ function doGet(e) { return ContentService.createTextOutput("SUCCESS"); }
/** * push * botからメッセージを送る */ function push() { // リクエストヘッダ var headers = { "Content-Type" : "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Authorization" : "Bearer " + ACCESS_TOKEN };
// メッセージ(確認テンプレートサンプル) var postData = { "to" : "U9b2a595da4f15b8781e53898e2b03644", "messages" : [ { "type" : "template", "altText" : "もしかして検索キーワードは「SUUMO」ですか?", "template": { "type": "confirm", "actions": [ { "type": "message", "label": "はい", "text": "SUUMO" }, { "type": "message", "label": "いいえ", "text": "いいえ、違います。" } ], "text": "もしかしてこちらの検索キーワードですか?" } } ] }
// POSTオプション作成 var options = { "method" : "POST", "headers" : headers, "payload" : JSON.stringify(postData), muteHttpExceptions: true, }; return UrlFetchApp.fetch(PUSH, options); }
/** * reply * ユーザからのアクションに返信する */ function reply(data) { // POST情報から必要データを抽出 var lineUserId = data.events[0].source.userId; var postMsg = data.events[0].message.text; var replyToken = data.events[0].replyToken; var action = data.events[0].message.action; // 記録用に検索語とuserIdを記録 // debug(postMsg, lineUserId); debug(action, lineUserId);
// 検索語に対しての回答をSSから取得 var answers = findResponseArray(postMsg);
// 回答メッセージを作成 var replyText = '「' + postMsg + '」ですね。かしこまりました。以下、回答です。'; // 回答の有無に応じて分岐 if (answers.length === 0) { // 「類似の検索キーワード」がないかチェック var mayBeWord = findMaybe(postMsg); if (typeof mayBeWord === "undefined") { // 回答がない場合の定型文 sendMessage(replyToken, '答えが見つかりませんでした。別のキーワードで質問してみてください。'); } else { sendMayBe(replyToken, mayBeWord); } } else { // 回答がある場合のメッセージ生成 answers.forEach(function(answer) { replyText = replyText + "\n\n=============\n\nQ:" + answer.key + "\n\nA:" + answer.value; });
// 1000文字を超える場合は途中で切る if (replyText.length > 1000) { replyText = replyText.slice(0,1000) + "……\n\n=============\n\n回答文字数オーバーです。詳細に検索キーワードを絞ってください。"; } // メッセージAPI送信 sendMessage(replyToken, replyText); } }
// SSからデータを取得 function getData() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SHEET_ID).getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME); var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
return data.map(function(row) { return {key: row[0], value: row[1], type: row[2]}; }); }
// SSから「もしかして」データを取得 function getMayBeData() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SHEET_ID).getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME_MAYBE); var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues(); return data.map(function(row) { return {key: row[0], value: row[1], type: row[2]}; }); }
// 単語が一致したセルの回答を配列で返す function findResponseArray(word) { // スペース検索用のスペースを半角に統一 word = word.replace(' ',' '); // 単語ごとに配列に分割 var wordArray = word.split(' '); return getData().reduce(function(memo, row) { // 値が入っているか if (row.value) { // AND検索ですべての単語を含んでいるか var matchCnt = 0; wordArray.forEach(function(wordUnit) { // 単語を含んでいればtrue if (row.key.indexOf(wordUnit) > -1) { matchCnt = matchCnt + 1; } }); if (wordArray.length === matchCnt) { memo.push(row); } } return memo; }, []) || []; }
// 単語が一致したセルの回答を「もしかして」を返す function findMaybe(word) { return getMayBeData().reduce(function(memo, row) { return memo || (row.key === word && row.value); }, false) || undefined; }
// 画像形式でAPI送信 function sendMessageImage(replyToken, imageUrl) { // replyするメッセージの定義 var postData = { "replyToken" : replyToken, "messages" : [ { "type": "image", "originalContentUrl": imageUrl } ] }; return postMessage(postData); }
// LINE messaging apiにJSON形式でデータをPOST function sendMessage(replyToken, replyText) { // replyするメッセージの定義 var postData = { "replyToken" : replyToken, "messages" : [ { "type" : "text", "text" : replyText } ] }; return postMessage(postData); }
// LINE messaging apiにJSON形式で確認をPOST function sendMayBe(replyToken, mayBeWord) { // replyするメッセージの定義 var postData = { "replyToken" : replyToken, "messages" : [ { "type" : "template", "altText" : "もしかして検索キーワードは「" + mayBeWord + "」ですか?", "template": { "type": "confirm", "actions": [ { "type":"postback", "label":"はい", "data":"action=detail", }, { "type": "message", "label": "いいえ", "text": "いいえ、違います。" } ], "text": "答えが見つかりませんでした。もしかして検索キーワードは「" + mayBeWord + "」ですか?" }
} ] }; return postMessage(postData); }
// LINE messaging apiにJSON形式でデータをPOST function postMessage(postData) { // リクエストヘッダ var headers = { "Content-Type" : "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Authorization" : "Bearer " + ACCESS_TOKEN }; // POSTオプション作成 var options = { "method" : "POST", "headers" : headers, "payload" : JSON.stringify(postData) }; return UrlFetchApp.fetch(REPLY, options); }
/** ユーザーのアカウント名を取得 */ function getUserDisplayName(userId) { var url = 'https://api.line.me/v2/bot/profile/' + userId; var userProfile = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,{ 'headers': { 'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + ACCESS_TOKEN, }, }) return JSON.parse(userProfile).displayName; }
// userIdシートに記載 function lineUserId(userId) { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SHEET_ID).getSheetByName('userId'); sheet.appendRow([userId]); }
// debugシートに値を記載 function debug(text, userId) { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SHEET_ID).getSheetByName('debug'); var date = new Date(); var userName = getUserDisplayName(userId); sheet.appendRow([userId, userName, text, Utilities.formatDate( date, 'Asia/Tokyo', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')]); }
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marthawelsh · 7 years ago
Lotus of Siam Restaurant Opens New Location
It’s been a roller coaster of emotions for fans of Lotus of Siam, considered by many to be the best Thai restaurant in Las Vegas.
Others say it’s the best restaurant, period. While we appreciate their enthusiasm, they’ve never been to Pizza Rock. Moving on.
The original Lotus of Siam is located in a seedy shopping center (sorry, Commercial Center) on East Sahara Ave., and recently suffered a roof collapse after an intense rainstorm in September. Yes, it’s rained in Las Vegas. But just that one time.
A new Lotus of Siam is here!
Siam was once an exonym for Thailand. We’ll wait while you look up “exonym.”
As repairs continue on its longtime location, Lotus of Siam has opened a second location at 620 E. Flamingo Road. Just go east on Flamingo (away from The Strip), past Silver Sevens casino, it’ll be on your left. It used to be Roy’s restaurant.
The only “downside” to the new Lotus of Siam location is it’s virtually on top of another fantastic restaurant, Mint Indian Bistro. You’ll survive.
It’s what’s on the inside that counts.
Lotus of Siam has an expansive menu of northern Thai foods we can’t pronounce, but everything we’ve ever tried has been delicious.
You can check out the menu on Lotus of Siam’s fancy new Web site.
One caveat of the new Lotus of Siam: They don’t have their liquor license yet, but it’s in the works. The bar is perfect for solo dining.
The service at Lotus of Siam is preternaturally good. Getting a lot of use out of Google today, aren’t you?
The new Lotus of Siam is about half the size of the original location, and features a number of colorful murals imported from Thailand.
How one orders a mural from Thailand, we may never know.
The company that built out the new Lotus of Siam location, Breslin Builders, can now focus all its attention on the closed venue, and it’s expected the original restaurant will open again in March 2018.
Lotus of Siam is well worth seeking out, as the restaurant’s legions of die-hard fans will attest.
We prefer American broccoli on our Pad See Ew, don’t hate.
Welcome back, Lotus of Siam! And we are reminded of an old Thai proverb, “Don’t borrow another’s nose to breathe with.” We don’t entirely know what that means, but it was the best Thai proverb we could come up with on short notice, other than “Frog in a coconut shell.”
So, yeah, the nose thing.
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Lotus of Siam
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The post Lotus of Siam Restaurant Opens New Location appeared first on Vital Vegas Blog.
Lotus of Siam Restaurant Opens New Location published first on http://ift.tt/2lsgkJd
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ayay · 4 years ago
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sketchbuck · 4 years ago
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Rinku's new reference sheet taken on Etsy. [id] Reference sheet of an anthro chihuahua-shark hybrid. They are blonde and brown with long, spiky hair and blue eyes. They have a brown spotted shark tail, and a blue tentacle tongue. #sketchbuck #illustration #digitalillustration #digitalart #art #artwork #drawing #veganartist #veganart #veganartivist #furry #furryart #anthro #anthromorphic #anthroart #igart #artistsoninstagram #instagramart #clipstudiopaint #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #characterdesign #dailyart #animalart #commissionedart #imagedescription #alttext — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3aMRbFa
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sketchbuck · 4 years ago
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A old favourite of mine! [id] A watercolour portrait of a wire-haired dachshund and a border terrier. Alongside their natural colours are splashes of blues, purples and oranges. #Fineart #art #artwork #watercolor #painting #paint #mixedmedia #vegan #veganart #veganartist #veganartivist #animalart #portraitdrawing #portraitpainting #watercolour #watercolor #commissionedart #sketchbuck #contemporaryart #animalpainting #igart #artistsoninstagram #instagramart #buylocal #britishartist #britishart #veganfounded #veganfoundedbusiness #imagedescription #alttext — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3aYvdyZ
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sketchbuck · 4 years ago
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My 2nd newsletter will be landing in your inboxes on the May 11th. This month will be about colour! Full of artwork, plus the raffle winner's doodle will be released! Another raffle to come soon, sign up to keep up to date and make buck happy! https://ift.tt/3ebQ8Aq [id] Buck the roe deer holding a brown paper envelope with a smile. They are posed in front of a photograph of a collection of Sketchbuck's traditional work, framed on a wall. #sketchbuck #illustration #digitalillustration #digitalart #art #artwork #drawing #veganartist #veganart #veganartivist #furry #furryart #anthro #anthromorphic #anthroart #igart #artistsoninstagram #instagramart #clipstudiopaint #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #characterdesign #dailyart #animalart #commissionedart #imagedescription #alttext — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3uikjM4
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sketchbuck · 4 years ago
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Finally, I have a few slots for icons open at the moment. I'm not taking on a lot because my queue is a bit busy with larger work, but you folks have been so patient! Featuring my new prices. More info & order here - https://ift.tt/2Toz6az My queue - https://ift.tt/3fTnFPw Easy navigation to both on my website! [id] 1.A fossa character with purple accents and eyes, they have a mischievous expression. 2.A canine character, they are dark grey and purple with red hair and yellow eyes. 3.A dragon-type character, they are blue and yellow with a cheeky expression. 4.An elephant character with trunk markings, and blue hair. #sketchbuck #illustration #digitalillustration #digitalart #art #artwork #drawing #veganartist #veganart #veganartivist #furry #furryart #anthro #anthromorphic #anthroart #igart #artistsoninstagram #instagramart #clipstudiopaint #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #characterdesign #dailyart #animalart #commissionedart #imagedescription #alttext — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2QZZbMg
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sketchbuck · 4 years ago
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A little heads up, I will be raising my prices in June. I've been blown away at the support over the past decade of working, and certainly the last few years my queue has been permanently filled which has me also working in the evenings and weekends to keep up with demand. Thank you all so much 💕 [id] A colourful cat with an orange background, in front of a photograph of wild flowers. #sketchbuck #illustration #digitalillustration #digitalart #art #artwork #drawing #veganartist #veganart #veganartivist #furry #furryart #anthro #anthromorphic #anthroart #igart #artistsoninstagram #instagramart #clipstudiopaint #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #characterdesign #dailyart #animalart #commissionedart #imagedescription #alttext — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3yHio6e
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