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icynebulae · 1 year ago
Five years ish, post-canon. Their log-pose led them to a serene, yet wild, island in some corner of the New World. Upon disembarking the Victoria Punk, everyone from the Captain through the crew starts acting strange, saying things they'd normally never say, or think. All - except Pascha. No one remembers her, or really cares about why she's there with them on the island. But Pascha cares, and she's gonna make her crew care again, too. Kidd Pirates with minor roles or cameos: Noe, Oscar, Mosh, Dive, Quincy, Ema, Heat, UK, Bubblegum, Wire, Hip, Killer,
M, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Gen, Complete.
18k+ words.
Fic inspired by @magnuspirate 's Pascha, in a striking fight scene with Eustass Kidd. Deep thanks to Magnus for allowing me to dabble! :D
Also borrowed the names "Noe," "Oscar," and "Haikei" -- all canon, initially unnamed, characters that were given life and personality from Ceej @ask-bolthead-crew. They have great life over on Magnus' blog as well.
Further AO3 tags (potentially spoilers/hints) below the cut:
Post-Canon, Canon Related, Canon-Typical Violence, Action/Adventure, Action,
Memory Alteration, False Memories, Original Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit,
POV Female Character, POV Third Person, Original Character(s),
Major Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), Minor Canonical Character(s),
Original Character Death(s), Minor Character Death, Antagonist Death, Skeletons, Death,
Friendship, Based on a Tumblr Post, Loyalty, Cussing, Platonic Cuddling,
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icynebulae · 2 years ago
You’re super welcome!! Ah, so your AU would, in theory, be after the Canon stuff and whatever end-point Luffy ends up to?
OOoo the controlled by something trope is so interesting to me. Lots of exciting tension moments!
Yes, very true re: Eustass! And he’s such an asshole about it too but we love that from his character, at the same time xD
Thank you for sharing these details! :D
No promises that I’ll finish anything, but is it ok if I dabble with writing a ficlet about the scene? Would you want to see a draft of it (again, if I finish anything lol)?
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Thank you!!
I imagined that the Kid Crew lost their memory, and the last thing they remember is the events before Pascha joined the crew. (My AU takes place 5 years after the Canon story.)
They are being controlled by someone or something (similar to the "Ocean's Dream" Filler Arc) and are acting extremely confused as they woke up 5 years in the past. Since Pascha is immune to psychic and many physical Devil Fruit abilities, she now has to figure out what happened.
In this scene, Pascha tries to prevent Eustass from doing something, and as we know Eustass, he doesn't like to be easily deterred by anything.
Based on this post (x)
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caalaadd · 4 days ago
ICYF Young Volunteers Camp 2025 in Turkey | Funded
The ICYF Young Volunteers Camp 2025 is a unique platform for young aspiring leaders to gain valuable insights into addressing the growing social and humanitarian challenges. As the 7th edition of this international camp, it offers promising and enthusiastic youth the chance to engage in diverse projects, expanding their understanding of tackling significant issues under various circumstances.…
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darkyayincilik · 10 days ago
‘Uluslararası Kurumların İsrail’e Karşı Etkili Bir Yaptırım Uygulayamadılar’
İstanbul Üniversitesi ve İs lam İşbirliği Gençlik Forumu (ICYF) iş birliğiyle düzenlenen “Küresel Siyasette Belirsizlik ve Filistin’in Geleceği” Konferansı, 17 Şubat 2025 tarihinde, İÜ Rektörlüğü Doktora Salonu’nda gerçekleştirildi. Gazze Mahkemesi Başkanı ve Birleşmiş Milletler Eski Filistin Raportörü Prof. Dr. Richard Falk’un katılımıyla organize edilen, “Küresel Siyasette Belirsizlik ve…
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jellibelli123 · 6 months ago
- Programmer's (like current favorite Thor) have all said it wastes time having to go through most code it spits out just to basically rebuild the code yourself
- Varients of Chatgpt like Gemini have incorrectly identified & recommended LIVER MELTING MUSHROOMS as safe to eat!!!!
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- The only reason you can't look up things without adding reddit to the end of a search (this was before ai was a thing) is because CAPITALISM'S TRAIT OF INTENDED DEGRADATION of a product!!!! Examples for why this happens: to force reliance on a new product that restarts that speedy growth for investors pockets, to break someone else's product or service in order to push more customers off that product or service, mismanagment, and ofc the good ol cutting corners when there are no corners to cut in order to pad the investors wallets more. (Ceos are investors that hold the most shares icyf)
- generative Ai is not as convenient as a calculator because there's is no possible way to make a fucking digital calculator any more convenient than asking google or siri or pulling up the BUILT IN CALCULATOR app from your homepage or taskbar after adding it there!!!!!!
- the reason why siri and hey google are broken now is because both companies are trying to force reliance on their new ai products. Why? More data scraping, and ofc to create a new investment for ceos/investors to keep that "growth" speed going. It has never been to benefit you because you are the product in this, not a consumer. Hell they may just try to find a way to replace consumers with robots too.
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scholarshipunion · 12 days ago
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goriaucom · 2 years ago
Dirjen ICYF Dorong Banyak Partisipasi Pemuda Indonesia di Ajang Internasional
TENGGARONG - Director General Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) atau Dirjen ICYF Rasul Omarov berharap pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga (Kemenpora RI) dapat mendorong lebih banyak pemuda Indonesia dapat berpartisipasi dalam acara seperti Organization Islamic Cooperation - Cultural Activity (OIC-CA) 2023 di masa depan. http://dlvr.it/SrxSRB
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alwatanalyawm · 2 years ago
قدم الآن.. تذاكر سفر وإقامة مجانية في تركيا وبتمويل كامل
تذاكر سفر وإقامة مجانية في تركيا وبتمويل كامل، تشمل راتب شهري والإقامة المجانية والتنقل داخل أنطاليا، تركيا، قدم الآن مجانًا. في هذا المقال من (الوطن اليوم) نتعرف معًا على التفاصيل أدناه واحصل علي تذاكر سفر وإقامة مجانية في دولة تركيا. الدولة: ■ تركيا. المدينة: ■ أنطاليا. الجهة المانحة: ■ منظمة ICYF. نبذة عن السفر: يعلن منتدى شباب التعاون الإسلامي (ICYF) بفخر عن “معسكر التدريب الإعلامي الدولي…
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cloooudmilk · 9 days ago
icyf :3
★ Oh, dear! - a blue lock fanfic
inspired by mamma mia
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main masterlist
status ongoing, slow updates
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preparing for your daughter’s wedding takes a turn when three men from your past arrive outside your rundown hotel. little do you know, these men were invited by your daughter, in the hope of meeting her real father and having him escort her down the aisle on her big day.
tags exes to lovers, smau
content, warnings kinda cringe humor im sorry, semi serious, kys/kms jokes, brainrot, they’re all in their mid 30s, daughter oc!!!!
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emi’s trust fund || 3 strangers
1. honey, honey
2. money, money, money
3. mamma mia
4. chiquitita
5. dancing queen
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taglist is open! feel free to ask :)
taglist: @rybunnie @mivqko @imas1mpp @inu1gf @definitelynotanalien @lorisheaven @jajanicee
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likes, comments, reblogs are appreciated !!
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icynebulae · 2 years ago
Chapter 3: Chasing Peculiarity
There is one who had been watching it all. One who, now, is taking action among the Toa and Turaga.
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haberyazari · 4 years ago
ICYF Genel Kurul Başladı
ICYF Genel Kurul Başladı
İslam İşbirliği Gençlik Forumu (ICYF) 4. Genel Kurulu başladı. İstanbul Grand Cevahir Otel'de iki gün sürecek kurulda, ICYF Başkanı Taha Ayhan, Forum'un çalışma ve strateji raporunu İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı üyelerine sunacak. Programın ilk oturumu basına açık gerçekleşti. Açılış konuşmasını gerçekleştiren ICYF Başkanı Taha Ayhan, gerçekleştirilen Genel Kurul’un çok özel bir anlam taşıdığını…
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hergunolay · 4 years ago
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2020’nin en uygun teşebbüsleri seçiliyor Bu yılki aktifliğe 18 ülkeden 30'dan fazla proje katılacak.  Her iştirakçi için 3 dakikalık sunumun akabinde, uzman ve yatırımcılardan olumlu dönüş alanlar ödüllendirilecek.
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darkyayincilik · 10 days ago
‘Uluslararası Kurumların İsrail’e Karşı Etkili Bir Yaptırım Uygulayamadılar’
İstanbul Üniversitesi ve İs lam İşbirliği Gençlik Forumu (ICYF) iş birliğiyle düzenlenen “Küresel Siyasette Belirsizlik ve Filistin’in Geleceği” Konferansı, 17 Şubat 2025 tarihinde, İÜ Rektörlüğü Doktora Salonu’nda gerçekleştirildi. Gazze Mahkemesi Başkanı ve Birleşmiş Milletler Eski Filistin Raportörü Prof. Dr. Richard Falk’un katılımıyla organize edilen, “Küresel Siyasette Belirsizlik ve…
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sahrahaber · 5 years ago
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İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı Gençlik Forumu'nun düzenlediği “Medya Kampı” başladı https://sahrahaber.com/islam-isbirligi-teskilati-genclik-forumunun-duzenledigi-medya-kampi-basladi/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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aajjks · 2 years ago
Dont post your anime fics on here but on a different account you are just making things messy and harder to find make it make sense hon
Just block the tag: non-bts n icyf? This is my blog so my decisions.
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theolderguards · 6 years ago
... also, am I the only one disappointed by the lack of scars on Billy’s face because, icyf, Frank really, really, messed up his face... like REALLY!!
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