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A Book Review by our High Priest, Lord Tanys: A Secret History of Witches: A Novel by Louisa Morgan . . . "So few novels, movies, and TV shows portray Magick and Witchcraft in an accurate way, one could think of such a work as a Unicorn- the mythical animal we have all heard of, hope to see some day, and of course, are still waiting. A Secret History of Witches is this kind of Unicorn. It is a work of fiction, so if you only like to read How-To Wicca books, theory or history books of Wicca, then shine on. But I love a good novel, especially old-timey novels, and if you weave in some Witchcraft, exciting yet realistic, I am all over it." http://ow.ly/MRal50wOhfa . . . #Wicca #witchcraft #book #bookreview #LouisaMorgan #ASecretHistoryofWitches #novel #InnerCircleSanctuary #ICSWicca https://www.instagram.com/p/B3-JJo1HT3z/?igshid=d1pgnzor5nce
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Hello August! See @innercirclesanctuary 's August / Lughnasadh newsletter here: http://mailchi.mp/40331781b300/the-lughnasadh-august-edition Inner Circle Sanctuary website: http://www.innercirclesanctuary.com/ Inner Circle Sanctuary Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/InnerCircleSanctuary Inner Circle Sanctuary Twitter: http://twitter.com/ICSWicca Inner Circle Sanctuary Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/innercirclesanctuary/
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A Book Review by our High Priest, Lord Tanys: Wicca: A Modern Guide to Witchcraft & Magick by Harmony Nice . . . "I have been noticing comments on Amazon and commentary on YouTube that many of the Wicca-Witchcraft-Pagan-Magick books I had grown up with are considered “out of date.” So, I bought a few New Generation type books to see what is going on out there, and which books I may want to recommend, rather than the ones I love so much." https://www.innercirclesanctuary.com/updates-and-info/book-review-wicca-a-modern-guide-to-witchcraft-magick-by-harmony-nice . . . #Wicca #witchcraft #book #bookreview #HarmonyNice #Magick #InnerCircleSanctuary #ICSWicca https://www.instagram.com/p/B3c2FbEnTW9/?igshid=1j891oo4sa028
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“Mabon very well may be my favorite Sabbat on the Wheel of the Years. If the summer heat has not broken yet, it surely will soon, and that is something to be thankful for.” https://www.innercirclesanctuary.com/updates-and-info . . . #Wicca #witchcraft #ritual #AutumnEquinox #thankful #Mabon #holiday #InnerCircleSanctuary #ICSWicca https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nMDarHdGy/?igshid=1aai8p8rrbsds
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A Mabon Story from Lady Sisterwolf: A Very Pagan Thanksgiving https://www.innercirclesanctuary.com/updates-and-info/a-very-pagan-thanksgiving . . . #Wicca #witchcraft #family #Mabon #holiday #InnerCircleSanctuary #ICSWicca https://www.instagram.com/p/B2fzzoAHo3T/?igshid=z9m6jh2rmzc5
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A Book Review by our High Priest, Lord Tanys: Thorn Mooney’s “Traditional Wicca: A Seeker's Guide.” . . . "I have been noticing comments on Amazon and commentary on YouTube that many of the Wicca-Witchcraft-Pagan-Magick books I had grown up with are considered “out of date.” So, I bought a few New Generation type books to see what is going on out there, and which books I may want to recommend, rather than the ones I love so much." http://ow.ly/2xfA50wadvU . . . #Wicca #witchcraft #book #bookreview #ThornMooney #TraditionalWicca #InnerCircleSanctuary #ICSWicca https://www.instagram.com/p/B2a7kmGH2E2/?igshid=1odgc55d78634
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Come join us out at Pagan Pride Las Vegas on Sep 29. We’re going to have small Q & A Demonstrations on “Drawing Down the Moon” - “The Great Rite” & “Calling The Quarters” along with a presentation in the lecture hall for “Wicca with Inner Circle Sanctuary.” #InnerCircleSanctuary #ICSWicca #Wicca #GreatRite #DrawingDownTheMoon #DDTM #PaganPride @paganpridelv https://www.instagram.com/p/BnkLegjB79A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nrjo0mntxpz0
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