#icosahedron net
art-of-mathematics · 1 year
Icosahedron net - slightly colorful visualization
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Currently I am obsessed with polyhedra nets - and crafting tiny models and creating visualizations.
For this one I created a template for the net that somehow reminds me of the cornu spiral - as this kind of net can be "coiled up" to fold the polyhedron.
Furthermore, I used 12 colors for the 12 vertices - in a gradient-like arrangement (it starts at red and gradually follows the route at orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and ends at pink.)
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I thought I'd do some polls of projections with similar purposes, so I'm starting with a poll comparing projections that aim to show the entire world without interrupting any land.
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From left-to-right then top-to-bottom we have the CALM, Lee-Concialdi, Grieger Triptychial, Canters W23, Danseiji IV, and Dymaxion projections. Three conformal projections followed by three compromise projections
The CALM (Conformal Authagraph-Like Map) and the Lee-Concialdi projections on the first row, are both rearrangements of the Lee Tetrahedral projection with different centres to move the distortion to different places depending on which you prefer, I really like the half-hexagon layout of the Lee-Concialdi. The CALM is designed to have the same layout as the Authagraph projection, which I can't include here as they haven't published the equations so no one actually knows how to make it. Both of these are conformal.
The Grieger Triptychial is a rearrangement of the Peirce Quincuncial. It and the next two have very similar layouts, with the Grieger being conformal and the Canters and Danseiji being compromise projections. The other differences between these are mainly in where the distortions are, for example the Galapagos are massive on the Grieger but Antarctica has a weird shape on the Canters.
Last we have the Dymaxion, probably the most famous of these, based off the net of an icosahedron it has a pretty complex layout but a good balance of distortions for a compromise projection.
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paulfc · 8 months
Pull up nets, cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron
I was reading a paper about pull up nets and it suggested that not all of the nets of a cube necessarily can be made to pull up.
Challenge accepted, I have made all eleven of the cube nets and depending on your definition of 'pull up' all of them can be made to pull up.  I accept that not all of them do so elegantly but they do pull up into a cube.  Given that there are many ways to loop thread through them improvements may be possible if there were an easy way to determine the most effective route.
When considering this, knowing which bit of the net end up where in the cube, that is to say which corners in the net end up in which vertices in the cube helps in choosing a thread route that pulls these together.
Tacked on to the end are the only two unique nets of the tetrahedron, one of the eleven nets of the octahedron and one each of the thousands of nets of the dodecahedron and the icosahedron.  I may get round to the other ten nets of the octahedron but not the thousands of the dodeca and icosahedrons.  The number of nets increases geometrically with the number of faces and side of the polyhedron I don’t know if there is a formula but it does get very silly very quickly.
These are card with sticky tape hinges and the eagle eyed will have seen that sometimes they flex the wrong way and yes the card came from pizza boxes, I eat a lot of pizza and always save the cardboard for making maquettes.
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amused-geek · 6 years
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How to make a Regular icosahedron aka a D20.
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ledians · 3 years
printing a net for a truncated icosahedron this is gonna be so epic
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kitwallace · 4 years
Paths on Polyhedra
Bob Bosch posted a picture of a rather lovely wooden object.  A grove had been machined around a cube in which a steel ball was free to run.  
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Ever willing to steal other folk’s great ideas, I set about implementing the object in openSCAD.  My first attempt was a hack.  I made a quarter-circle tube out of hulled spheres and translated and rotated copies to lie with the right orientation on the sides of a cube. The tubes were then removed from the cube using difference(), leaving a continuous grove. Displacing the tube inwards created a lip to capture the ball bearing.
It was only when I had made the construction that I realised that the path was closed and touched every face so it was a Hamiltonian circuit around the cube faces. [I noted later that it was the waist of the cube too]
A better construction would take a list of face indexes and convert to the sequence of quarter tubes.  Given the definition of the polyhedron as a set of faces and vertices, it should be possible to construct the tubes in their position on the surface. 
It helps to number the faces:
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In openSCAD you can rotate this object to find a cycle of  [0,1,4,3,5,2] .  Each tube runs across a face from mid-point of one edge to mid-point of the next. 
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The construction interpolates along the arc to to create a path as a sequence of points, then places spheres on the path which are hulled together. Now any path can be constructed, like the loops around the bare vertices:
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This code is generalised so we can construct paths on other polyhedra:
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When edges are adjacent, the path is an arc.  If they are not, the path is a straight line between the edge midpoints.  This is also a circuit, but less symmetrical :
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Performance is slow and an alternative construction using a constructed polyhedral net would be faster and allow a tube profile which could also round the sharp edge.
It would be fun to commission one of these objects - with a captive ball - in metal from Shapeways.  I fancy making a dodecahedral version, using the vertex Hamiltonian of its dual icosahedron. I think its rather curious that Hamilton’s Icosian game was played on the vertices of a dodecahedron, rather than on the faces of a icosahedron, which would seem to be easier to draw. 
 Code on Github.  
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Inspiration for workshop.
For the longest time I have been into shapes and for the folded form workshop I had said I was into polytopes and this was because I was researching theories on the 4th dimension. 
It started with a couple of pictures I had acquired over the years.
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Through finding the link of the book Traité élémentaire de géométrie à quatre dimensions et introduction à la géométrie à n dimensions by Esprit Jouffret and his use of hypercubes and other complex polyhedra in four dimensions helped lay a foundation that helped Braque and mostly Picasso (the book was given to Picasso by Maurice Princet, a French mathematician) that started a revolutionary form of painting called Cubism. This was my starting off point of theory.
I didn't really understand it but the look of the schematics were astounding and really lit my eyes up with wonder as to explore this more. 
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Traité élémentaire de géométrie à quatre dimensions et introduction à la géométrie à n dimensions by Esprit Jouffre
The next logical step was to go backwards from that and look at 4d shapes in relation to 3d shapes. 
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Stringham, W. 1880. Regular Figures in n-Dimensional Space. American Journal of Mathematics, 3, 1: 1–14. John Hopkins University Press.
Stringham really helped my realise the forms or vessels that I had envisioned to begin with and hope to push forward in terms of space and shape.
Coming from the most abstracted sense of cubism to go back to the form of a 2d shape was confusing but I had to see where it stemmed from and my curiosity got the better of me. I feel much better in knowing that it came from a form of pure mathematics rather than nothing at all.
This lead me into looking at the tesseract as a model of shape theory and complex understanding relating to something we dont understand but are fascinated by. It is by all manner of things “stranger” to me. Its confusing but cant look away and need to know more about it.
I know that a tesseract a four-dimensional analog of the cube. 
The tesseract being to the cube as the cube is to the square. 
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These are images from Charles Howard Hinton's The Fourth Dimension (1904).
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That about sums it up as to where I got my first dose of inspiration to use that shape as the form I made for the stranger workshop.
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All of this got me questioning mathematics in art and it led me to look up and reading about it on wikipedia. Yeah, its not good for academic reliability but it can influence ideas and can lead off into innumerable chance tangents.
One of the parts of the page has small section on Albrecht Dürer who was a painter, printmaker, and theorist of the German Renaissance and was was the first to introduce his 1525 book; Underweysung der Messung (Education on Measurement) the idea of polyhedral nets, polyhedra unfolded to lie flat for printing.  
So I went on my wee way to look up polyhyra and their nets which was a whole host of links;
The last one got me and I decided I was going too big too soon and needed to calm down. So I opted to choose a shape and find its net and make one (which has already been posted).
I chose something that was interesting enough that it could maintain its symmetry and maybe also be torn askew.
Icosahedron. I chose it because from looking at a book of sacred geometry I bought, an icosahedron has an element of “water” which I thought had a major disconnect to it. How can a shape have an element? 
I decided to not give it a second thought and just look up how to build one and this is the video that helped me create the net as I did during the workshop task.
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billyskullknits · 6 years
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I have this weird fondness for building geometry.
Several times in my school life I remember having to build cubes - did anyone else do this? You started with a net grid on some card, you cut it out, someone inevitably cuts the tabs off so it won’t stick together, then you make a few folds and apply some glue and voila! You’ve made a cube, or a die for a game you designed, or a small box for a Mother’s Day present, or the body of a cardboard car, or…
I loved those. I loved the nets, like someone had ripped the shape open in just the right places and stamped it out over card. In middle school we moved on to bigger shapes, like octahedrons, dodecahedrons, and of course, icosahedrons.
This might be partly why I like roleplaying games. So many interesting 3D polygons to play with…
This was an experiment to see if I could knit an icosahedron, or a D20 as they are more commonly known by normal people. And I did! I knit the sides, sewed most of it together in about a weekend and then… left it. It’s been sat on my shelf half-stuffed and lumpen for almost a year. I think it’s time to finish this off.
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Projections of the world onto convex polyhedra.
In the chapter Courious Maps of M. Gardner's Time Travel (W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1988), many world's maps are presented, some of them use a projection on a convex solid, that is unfolded into a plane net.
The mathematician Charles Sanders Peirce designed a conformal map, namely a projection on eight isosceles right triangles that may be regarded as the faces of an octahedron, flattened until a space diagonal is zero. B.J.S. Cahill patented his butterfly map in 1913. The world is projected onto a regular octahedron. R. Buckminster Fuller's first Dymaxion map was a projection of the world onto the fourteen faces of a cuboctahedron. In March 1, 1943 the map was completed by staff artists of Life. At about the same time, Irving Fisher designed Likaglobe, which folds into an icosahedron. In 1954 Fuller copyrighted his Dymaxion Skyocean Projection World Map, which slightly differed from Fisher's Likaglobe.
The following animations use LiveGraphics3D animation applet. To invoke an animation click on a figure. Then drag to rotate, press Shift and drag vertical to change size, or horizontal to rotate. Press S to get stereo view. See more at here. [mi.sanu.ac.rs]
The next figure shows a cylindrical projection with a maze on it. The task is to join the black and the grey dot on it or for instance to find a path from Belgrade to New York. A set of 19 figures of this sort can be downloaded from here.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Icosahedron net - "coiling up"
This icosahedron net is really cool, as it is just like a "string of triangles" you can just roll up to form the icosahedron.
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The hexagon grid is really helpful for drawing equilateral triangles.
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It reminds me of this:
Diffraction - Source: German PDF [found at TU-dresden website]
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Dymaxion Polyhedral Compromise Round 1: [Dymaxion vs Stab-Werner] Round 2: [Dymaxion vs Lee Conformal Tetrahedron] Round 3: [Dymaxion vs Equidistant Conic]
Stereographic Azimuthal Conformal Round 1: [Stereographic vs Eckert IV] Round 2: [Stereographic vs Azimuthal Equidistant] Round 3: [Stereographic vs Spilhaus-Adams]
The second semi-finals sees Buckminster Fuller's futurist map face off against the oldest projection in this tournament, in use since the Ancient Egyptians.
The Dymaxion projection was presented as a new way of looking at the world. Without the constraints of north and south it uses the net of an icosahedron as a basis to show all the continents without interruptions and how they're laid out compared to each other (the Peirce Quincuncial gets close but still splits Antarctica), because of this it's often used for projections that show human migration from Africa across the continents, and because of its accurate shapes and low size distortion it has become a popular choice for people's "favourite projection".
The Stereographic on the other hand has a very simple construction (projecting from a point on the surface to a plane opposite it like this for each hemisphere), and as such has found many uses over the past 2000+ years. Originally used for star charts, it was commonly used for world maps in the 16th and 17th centuries. As it is the only projection that shows all small circles on the globe as circles on the map, it is also often used for mapping circular features such as craters on the Moon, so they show as true circles rather than ovals.
[Direct comparison on map-projections.net]
[link to all polls]
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jonathanalumbaugh · 7 years
Weekly Digest
Dec 16, 2017, 3rd issue.
A roundup of stuff I consumed this week. Published weekly(ish).
Whoever your graphic design portfolio site is aimed at, you have to remember that people’s time and attention is limited. Employers, to take one example, may look at dozens of portfolios in the space of 10 minutes. So you only have a few seconds to really grab their attention and enthuse them.
—8 great graphic design portfolio sites for 2018
Paying for more than 3,500 daily drinks for six years, it turns out, is expensive. The NIH would need more funding—and soon, a team stepped up to the plate. The Foundation of the NIH, a little-known 20-year-old non-profit that calls on donors to support NIH science, was talking to alcohol corporations. By the fall of 2014, the study was relying on the industry for “separate contributions to the Foundation of the NIH beyond what the NIAAA could afford,” as Mukamal put it in an e-mail to a prospective collaborator. Later that year, Congress encouraged the NIH to sponsor the study, but lawmakers didn’t provide any money. Five corporations—Anheuser-Busch InBev, Diageo, Pernod Ricard, Heineken, and Carlsberg—have since provided a total of $67 million. The foundation is seeking another $23 million, according to its director of development, Julie Wolf-Rodda.
When Starbucks (SBUX) announced that it was closing its Teavana tea line and wanted to shutter all of its stores, mall operator Simon Property Group (SPG) countered with a lawsuit. Simon cited in part the effect the store closures might have on other mall tenants.
Earlier this month, a judge upheld Simons' suit, ordering Teavana to keep 77 of its stores open.
—America's malls are rotting away
The Dots claims to have a quarter of a million members and current clients include Google, Burberry, Sony Pictures, Viacom, M&C Saatchi, Warner Music, Tate, Discovery Networks and VICE amongst others.
—Aiming to be the LinkedIn for creatives, The Dots raises £4m
The Cboe's bitcoin futures fell 10 percent Wednesday, triggering a two-minute trading halt early Wednesday afternoon.
—Bitcoin futures briefly halted after plunging 10%
Through a very clever scheme, the people behind Tether can continue to send Bitcoin into the stratosphere until it reaches a not-yet-known breaking point. 
—Bitcoin Only Has One Way To Go If This Is True
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—Bitcoin Price Dilemma: Bull and Bear Paths in Play
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—Botera – Free Font
"He is being a huge assh*le and avoiding you so it literally forces you to be the one to break up with him because he's too much of a coward to do it himself. GOD, I HATE GUYS."
—"Breakup Ghosting" Is the Most Cowardly Way to End a Relationship
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—Britain rejected the EU, and the EU is loving its new life
“Although the science is still evolving, there are concerns among some public health professionals and members of the public regarding long-term, high use exposure to the energy emitted by cellphones,” Dr. Karen Smith, CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer, said in a statement.
—California Warns People to Limit Exposure to Cellphones
There is a way CSS can get its hands on data in HTML, so long as that data is within an attribute on that HTML element. 
—The CSS attr() function got nothin’ on custom properties
“The recent coverage of AI as a single, unified power is a predictable upshot of a self-aggrandizing Silicon Valley culture that believes it can summon a Godhead,” says Thomas Arnold 
—Former Google and Uber engineer is developing an AI 'god'
Here are two facts: 1) Throughout the tail end of Matt Lauer’s tenure at NBC’s Today, ABC’s Good Morning America beat it in the ratings, and 2) In the two weeks since Lauer was kicked to the curb for sexual misconduct and replaced by Hoda Kotb, Today’s viewership has surpassed GMA’s by a considerable margin.
Here are two opinions: 1) No one ever really liked Matt Lauer, but tolerated him as you would a friend you’ve known for 20 years but have nothing in common with anymore, 2) Hota Kotb makes everything better.
—A Funny Thing Is Happening to Today Now That Matt Lauer Is Gone: Its Ratings Are Going Up
The game challenges you to build an empire that stands the test of time, taking your civilization from the Stone Age to the Information Age as you wage war, conduct diplomacy, advance your culture, and go head-to-head with history’s greatest leaders.
—Get the newest game in 'Sid Meier’s Civilization' series for 50% off
Amazingly, despite the mind control and hypnosis, the girl resisted being totally drawn into her father’s “cult of three.” But she suffered from self-loathing and took to self-harm as a coping mechanism.
—Girl’s father tortured her for a decade to make her ‘superhuman’
The most searched for dog breed was the golden retriever.
—Google's top searches for 2017: Matt Lauer, Hurricane Irma and more
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"A few months ago, I started collecting stories from people about their real experiences with loneliness. I started small, asking my immediate network to share with their friends/family, and was flooded with submissions from people of all ages and walks of life.
"The Loneliness Project is an interactive web archive I created to present and give these stories a home online. I believe in design as a tool to elevate others' voices. Stories have tremendous power to spark empathy, and I believe that the relationship between design and emotion only strengthens this power.
—Graphic designer tackles issue of wide-spread loneliness in moving campaign
While the Windows 10 OpenSSH software is currently in Beta, it still works really well. Especially the client as you no longer need to use a 3rd party SSH client such as Putty when you wish to connect to a SSH server.
—Here's How to Enable the Built-In Windows 10 OpenSSH Client
In America we have settled on patterns of land use that might as well have been designed to prevent spontaneous encounters, the kind out of which rich social ties are built. 
—How our housing choices make adult friendships more difficult
Today was "Break the Internet" day, in which many websites altered their appearance and urged visitors to contact members of Congress about the pending repeal (see the gallery above for examples from Reddit, Kickstarter, GitHub, Mozilla, and others).
—How Reddit and others “broke the Internet” to support net neutrality today
“He’s the Usain Bolt of business for Jamaica,” Richards said. “For each Jamaican immigrant, Lowell Hawthorne is me, he’s you. He was the soul of Jamaica, the son of our soil, and all of our struggles were identified with him.”
—How the Jamaican patty king made it to the top — before ending it all
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—How to break a CAPTCHA system in 15 minutes with Machine Learning
After the trap has snapped shut, the plant turns it into an external stomach, sealing the trap so no air gets in or out. Glands produce enzymes that digest the insect, first the exoskeleton made of chitin, then the nitrogen-rich blood, which is called hemolyph.
The digestion takes several days depending on the size of the insect, and then the leaf re-opens. By that time, the insect is a "shadow skeleton" that is easily blown away by the wind.
—How the Venus Flytrap Kills and Digests Its Prey
Back at The Shed, Phoebe has arrived. She's an intuitive waitress who can really get across the nuances of our menu, like how – by serving pudding in mugs – we're aiming to replicate the experience of what it's like to eat pudding out of a mug. 
—I Made My Shed the Top Rated Restaurant On TripAdvisor
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In order to create a candlestick chart, you must have a data set that contains open, high, low and closevalues for each time period you want to display. The hollow or filled portion of the candlestick is called “the body” (also referred to as “the real body”). The long thin lines above and below the body represent the high/low range and are called “shadows” (also referred to as “wicks” and “tails”). The high is marked by the top of the upper shadow and the low by the bottom of the lower shadow.
—Introduction to Candlesticks
The object in question is ‘Oumuamua, an asteroid from another star system currently zipping past Jupiter at about 196,000 miles per hour, too fast to be trapped by the sun’s gravitational pull. First discovered in mid-October by astronomers at the Pan-STARRS project at the University of Hawaii, the 800-meter-long, 80-meter-wide, cigar-shaped rock is, technically speaking, weird as hell—and that’s precisely why some scientists think it’s not a natural object.
—Is This Cigar-Shaped Asteroid Watching Us?
I tried out LinkedIn Career Advice and Bumble Bizz over the course of a work week and compared them in terms of how easy they are to use and the kind of people they introduce you to.
—I tried LinkedIn's career advice app vs. dating app Bumble's version and discovered major flaws with both
“The Bitcoin dream is all but dead,” I wrote.
—I Was Wrong About Bitcoin. Here’s Why.
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—Jessen's Orthogonal Icosahedron
In the study, depressed patients who got an infusion of ketamine reported rapid relief from suicidal thoughts—many as soon as a few hours after receiving the drug.
—Ketamine Relieved Suicidal Thoughts Within Hours in Hospital Study
We are trying to create an Open Source Website that searches through an open database of Interactive Maps focused on learning in a linear way. It leverages all of world’s knowledge in a unique way. It takes the Wikipedia model of curating knowledge but applies it to curating links in a meaningful and visual way.
—Learn Anything White Paper
"It was a very new word [in 1841]," Sokolowski said. "[Noah Webster’s] definition is not the definition that you and I would understand today. His definition was, 'The qualities of females,' so basically feminism to Noah Webster meant femaleness. We do see evidence that the word was used in the 19th century in a medical sense, for the physical characteristics of a developing teenager, before it was used as a political term, if you will."
—Merriam-Webster's word of the year for 2017: 'Feminism'
The Wall Street Journal issued a new note on its style blog earlier this week, suggesting the publication not write about millennials with such disdain.
"What we usually mean is young people, so we probably should just say that," the new WSJ note reads. "Many of the habits and attributes of millennials are common for people in their 20s, with or without a snotty term."
—'Millennials': Be Careful How We Use This Label
As of writing, the CoinDesk's Bitcoin Price Index (BPI) is at $16,743 levels. The world's largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization has appreciated 0.72 percent in the last 24 hours, going by CoinMarketCap data.
—No Stopping? After New High, Bitcoin Price Eyes $20k
People who tested as being more conscientious but less open were more sensitive to typos, while those with less agreeable personalities got more upset by grammatical errors.
"Perhaps because less agreeable people are less tolerant of deviations from convention," the researchers wrote.
Interestingly, how neurotic someone was didn't affect how they interpreted mistakes.
—People Who Constantly Point Out Grammar Mistakes Are Pretty Much Jerks, Scientists Find
Hydrogen particles are made up of an electron and a proton. Exciton particles, then, are made up of an electron that’s escaped and the negative space it left behind when it did so. The hole actually acts like a particle, attracting the escaped electron and bonding with it; they orbit each other the same way an electron and a proton would.
For reasons that people are now trying to determine, this weekend the internet turned its collective gaze to a short story called “Cat Person.”
Response to the story has varied from praise for its relatability to flat dismissal to jokes about how everyone is talking about a—Who’da thunk it?—short story of all things.
—The reaction to “Cat Person” shows how the internet can even ruin fiction
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—Regular Icosahedron
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—Repeal Day Poster – Summit Brewing Co.
[Dr. Simon Bramhall of the UK] pleaded guilty to charges that he etched his initials, “SB,” onto the livers of two transplant patients with an argon beam in 2013. Bramhall admitted the assaults in a hearing in Birmingham crown court on Wednesday, according to several news outlets.
—SB WUZ HERE: Surgeon pleads guilty to burning initials into patients’ organs
I get what you’re doing. Really, I do. You’re trying to shit on people’s musical tastes to either appear more well-versed in music than them or you just want to see the shocked look on people’s faces as you besmirch their favorite band. And listen, I don’t blame you for either. They’re both fun activities that I partake in on the reg. If you name me a band you like, I will find a hundred different ways to judge you on your taste. If the band happens to feature a white guy with dreads, make it three hundred. But The Beatles, dude? The fucking Beatles? You are really scraping the barrel if you are knocking people for liking The Beatles, you moron. 
—Shut Your Dumb, Stupid Mouth about the Beatles Being Overrated
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—Sonakinatography I Movement #III for Multi-Media
The font the menu is written in can convey similar messages; for instance an italic typeface conveys a perception of quality. But using elaborate fonts that are hard to read could also have another effect – it could alter how the food itself tastes.
A study conducted by researchers in Switzerland found that a wine labelled with a difficult-to-read script was liked more by drinkers than the same wine carrying a simpler typeface. Spence’s own research has also found that consumers often associate rounder typefaces with sweeter tastes, while angular fonts tend to convey a salty, sour or bitter experience.
—The secret tricks hidden inside restaurant menus
On Allison Benedikt, Lorin Stein, and the perils of extracting universal principles from fairytale endings...
“My career, at the time, was in his hands,” Allison Benedikt wrote at Slate this week, about the beginning of her relationship with John Cook, her husband of 14 years. They were colleagues at a magazine when they first kissed, and he was her senior. That kiss took place “on the steps of the West 4th subway station,” Benedikt writes, and Cook did it “without first getting [her] consent.” The piece is an intervention into the conversation on office sexual harassment, with Benedikt fearing “the consequences of overcorrection” on this issue.
—So You Married Your Flirty Boss
“We encourage the use of Teslas for commercial purposes and we’ll work proactively with these customers to find charging solutions that work best for them,” the statement said.
—Tesla Tells New Taxi, Uber Drivers Not to Use Its Superchargers
The deep web refers to anything you can’t access in a search engine, either because it’s protected behind a password or because it’s buried deep within a regular website. The dark web is a subsection of the deep web that you can only access with a special browser like Tor to mask your IP address.
—Things You Can Do on the Dark Web That Aren't Illegal 
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—This Graphic Explains Just How Crazy The Cryptocurrency Bubble Is
One such study published in the journal Neuroimage and highlighted on PsyBlog actually found that some forms of daydreaming cause measurable changes in the brain. This suggests that, done right, daydreaming actually requires attention and control.
—This Is the Correct Way to Daydream, According to a Harvard Psychiatrist
"VR can be stored in the brain's memory center in ways that are strikingly similar to real-world physical experiences," said Stanford's Bailenson, author of the forthcoming book "Experience on Demand," about his two decades of research on the psychological effects of virtual reality. "When VR is done well, the brain believes it is real."
—The very real health dangers of virtual reality
Respect for children means respect for the adults that they will one day become; it means helping them to the knowledge, skills, and social graces that they will need if they are to be respected in that wider world where they will be on their own and no longer protected. For the teacher, respect for children means giving them whatever one has by way of knowledge, teaching them to distinguish real knowledge from mere opinion, and introducing them to the subjects that make the mind adaptable to the unforeseen.
—The Virtue of Irrelevance
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—You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think 
—Jessen's Orthogonal Icosahedron
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fisullivan-blog1 · 7 years
“One Earth” Project Documentation by Fiona Sullivan
I wanted to create a project that involved a capacitive sensor.  I was attracted to the concept of harnessing and using human electricity to trigger an electronic reaction by the touch of a finger.   I originally used sound as my output for the capacitive sensor, but I decided to change my output to light after recently visiting many art museums, exhibits, and galleries in London and noticing how enamored and fascinated viewers always were with light interactions or installations. So, I decided it would be more satisfying and fun to interact with light through touch and try something new.  
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Original Project Proposal and Plan
After I brainstormed all the feelings and ideas I could associate with “touch” and “light” to create an interesting 50x50x50cm interactive sculpture, I developed the project, “One Earth.”  My original plan (Figure 1) was to create two different, capacitive sensor spherical abstractions of the Earth from the laser cutter or 3d printer so that when an area on one Earth was touched, a different area on the other Earth would light up and show a connection.  I wanted to create an art piece that could visibly show how people, places, feelings, energies, anything from all over world are connected.  
After searching for spherical shape ideas on Thingiverse, I found a laser cutting geometric net design for a dodecagon (2) and an icosahedron (3).  For the next few weeks I experimented with size, design, and fabrication logistics (Figures 2 ,3) for my interactive touch sensitive light spheres. I also created my MVP circuit by developing and building on the capacitive circuit code from the Arduino Project Book (import Arduino CapacitiveSensor library; create long variable type to store sensor value until capactiveSensor() command returns sensor value; input = two capacitive sensors; output = two LED’s; threshold) (Figure 4) (1).
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Original Cardboard Prototypes
The original cardboard prototypes I made from the laser cut dodecagon and icosahedron lamp shade SVG files downloaded from Thingiverse included small joints that were meant to connect the panels into their formations.  However, the joints were to flimsy for my smaller shapes, so I deleted the joints and added small circles to the corners of every panel thinking I would either wire wrap or glue my final panels into their shapes.  I also redesigned the SVG geometric net files by adding new patterns and formations I created in Adobe Illustrator that were based on river rock patterns, cloud formations, and continent shapes (Figures 5-7).
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After I had my cardboard prototypes (Figure 8), I wrote my final Arduino code and built my final circuit on the breadboard with an input of three capacitive sensors and an output of six LED lights, two LED’s per capacitive sensor (Figure 9).  After uploading the code to the Arduino, I had to adjust the threshold which determined whether someone was touching a capacitive sensor and consequently turning on two LED’s or not.  In the end, the threshold was adjusted to six-hundred because six-hundred was higher than the average capacitive sensor values read into the serial monitor when the sensors were alone, and six-hundred was lower than the capacitive sensor values read into the serial monitor when the sensors were touched.  Thus, when the sensors were touched, the LED’s turned on.  Because my code ended up running three capacitive sensors and six LED lights, I decided to create three instead of two abstracted Earths for “One Earth.”   When one earth is touched, the other two light up showing the worldly connection in a group of three.
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Illustrator design of icosahedron river rock patterns.
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Illustrator design of clouds sphere.
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Illustrator design of continents sphere.
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Cardboard prototypes of actual shapes.
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Final Prototype Done on Breadboard
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Quick sketch of successful soldered circuit.
Next, I drew out the soldering schematics and soldered my final circuits (Figures 10-14). Once the final soldered circuit was working, I made a quick acrylic prototype panel for each shape.  I then laser cut the final shapes and their respective designs out of transparent blue 3mm acrylic.  I quickly discovered while assembling my smallest dodecagon it was time consuming to wire wrap panels to one another.  Thus, I used copper tape to assemble the final panels into their shapes (Figure 15). The copper tape was strong, conductive, and hidden from the user because I taped the inside of the panel edges for the shape formations.  I then placed my Arduino in the center of my larger continent dodecagon and led the LED’s to the other two shapes and the capacitive touch sensors to a touch board that consisted of one panel from each different sphere.  In order to turn on the lights, the user touches any single panel or combination of panels, and the corresponding lights and earths will illuminate (Figure 16).
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User Interaction
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Soldered final.  Battery not included.
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Final Adobe Illustrator File to Laser Cut
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Schematics of “One Earth.”
1.     Fitzgerald, Scott, and Michael Shiloh. “Project 13: Touchy Feely Lamp.” The Arduino Projects Book, Arduino, 2012, pp. 137–142.
2.     Thingiverse.com. “Dodecahedron Shadow Lamp by michael3.” By michael3 - Thingiverse, www.thingiverse.com/thing:1462353/#files.
3.     Thingiverse.com. “Icosahedron Lamp by NAJMEDDIN.” By NAJMEDDIN - Thingiverse, www.thingiverse.com/thing:2026199.
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massofamooneh-blog · 7 years
#Phi Pt 9 . . ***The one flows as a 12 (#dodecahedron) moving in 30 directions (#icosahedron) with 3x3 opposite triangle groundings (#hexagram, #Star & #tetrahedron) emitting in 8 poles (#octahedron) . . *****The #Sol "stone" is a #constant convergence between the last #two stones and this #current #one, the #data on both ends is #recycled to crunched #compiled data ready to be reinput on a new fractal layer, #balanced experiencing the full fractals of the #full #meta gem sol stone individually at different balanced points. . . Gaining "C-ontrol" of the full Stone requires net access to every #fractal. The process of convergence is the process of gaining #natural access to this #net . . What type of #earmuffs are we listening too??😇 🕯🔦🔎🎧🔍🔦🕯
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Net of icosahedron cut out and put back into the paper and hung from light bulb. Looking at how space can play a part in looking at pieces of work. 
The look of the piece, the middle seems foreign to the paper itself, alien etc. Stranger things happen when things go back together after coming apart.
This marking could be seen as a language itself. The wonderful non-direct action to create the marks as the paper was taken away then marked then put back.
The splatter had a wonderful sense of play when making something else and looked interesting when put back together.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
I wanted to carry the icosahedron model - but didn"t know how to carry it without causing damage - as my backpack is pretty stuffed.
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I quickly grabbed 12 tiny strips of foil with holes in their ends, 6 screwable rivets, and a lanyard - and built an octahedron net I can carry around my neck.
The chance I might lose the icosadron model/ "inlay" is a bit higher as with my other plastic foil and rivet constructions - as - if I lose one rivet the hole in this net is large enough for the icosahedron inlay to fall through. (The rivets are just screwed in - so I can also take the inlay icosahedron model out. ). And losing one rivet is very probable.
But I take the risk - as I would most certainly notice the colorful icosahedron falling down if I lose a rivet. (The tiny rivet would most certainly be lost...But that loss is rather unimportant.)
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Side thoughts:
I love how such strips-and-rivets models are helpful for visualizing graph networks.
The rivets are nodes.
The strips are edges.
-> Also:
[Sorry for the incoming word salad/ thought gibberish:]
The stability of the physical models is better the more connections(/strips/edges) exist between the rivets/nodes. (More connections per rivet and more stability go hand in hand - literally. Losing one rivet/node would have less impact on the overall stability the more connected all rivets/nodes are towards each other.)
[ Further thoughts: Similar principles exist in the memory and how more connected memories are less prone to be forgotten. This is often the case for the learning technic of "Eselsbrücken" - i dont know the english equivalent rn- it means using associations to memorize stuff more easily - so it sticks better in the memory. (I might add an example later. But am too lazy rn)
Memory works like a dynamical graph network... ]
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