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bettysafespace · 2 years ago
Icnever imagine that ai finally having my peace, away from negative people and surrounded by stressful environment ☘️
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gotmeup · 6 years ago
I was tagged by @owlglas omg thank youuu😱
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Favourite colour: all of them...but light&dark blue and a reeeaaally soft yellow💙💛
Top three ships: hard one. First one has to be Larry stylinson. Nope, all three top ships are Larry stylinson. I love them. (I also don’t know If i ship anyone else lmao)
Lipstick or chapstick: another hard one. Chapstick is my life, but lipstick is just so.....I love both but I’m goning to stay with chapstick.
Last song: wake me up when September ends by green day. Love them.
Last movie: bohemian rhapsody. Or spirited away? I’m not sure Which one😅
Currently reading: WAY TOO MANY BOOKS. I got „der Insasse“ from Sebastian fitzek. „Der Menschenmacher“ frooom cody mcfadyen. Also, a Book about hitlers Death. But I’m not in the mood to read ugh..,
Tagging: no one because I don’t know any blog names. Just do it if you wanna do it😅🎀
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romqnticstylez · 2 years ago
why do I startnstslkingnppl when I'm sutydingnitn DOES NOT work out
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bunycube · 3 years ago
mutual n i were talking abt how cool an usui dmmd figure would be How have icnever thought of thattt itd be insane so cool. esp w like usuis design in rhyme w all the detailed decorative clothing n ornaments n all the rhyme symbol circlecstuff YEAHHHH (we were talkinh ab the kouao fig so we got to this topic hsfbs)
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ptsdghoul · 7 years ago
Thot the feeling would go away but i just feel sick to my stomach again and i wbt to fucking die icnever want to feel this again i seriously want to kill myseld
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queenhee · 4 years ago
@incheon_airport 올해로 개항 20주년을 맞이한 인천공항🎉 여객 여러분께 감사의 마음을 담아 인천공항이 #당신의인천공항 에어그래피 이벤트를 진행합니다. 인천공항은 여러분께 어떤 추억으로 남아 있나요? ⠀ 사진첩 속 잠들어 있는 추억을 여러분의 사연과 함께 #당신의인천공항 해시태그로 공유해 주세요. 🎁 ⠀ #하늘을열다 #세계를품다 ⠀ 📆 참여 기간 : 2020.03.18 ~ 2021.04.08 ✈ 참여 방법 : 인스타그램 계정에 인천공항에서의 사진 업로드하기(#에어그래피 #당신의인천공항 해시태그 필수) 📸 응모 가능한 사진 원본 사이즈: 정방향의 경우, 최소 1080X1080(px) 정방향이 아닌 경우, 세로 기준 최소 1500(px) * 당첨작은 원본 이미지 공유가 필수이며, 최소 원본 사이즈 미충족 시 당첨이 취소될 수 있습니다. * 당첨작은 인천공항 SNS 콘텐츠로 활용됩니다. 🎙 당첨자 공지 : 2021.04.21 * 해당 게시글 댓글을 통해 발표될 예정입니다. * 해당 이벤트는 국내 이동통신사를 이용 중인 내국인을 대상으로 진행하는 이벤트 입니다. #인천공항 #IncheonAirport #Airport #Korea #추억 #기억 #공항인증샷 #사진공모 #공항사진 #공항에서 #가족여행 #배낭여행 #허니문 #신혼여행 #우정여행 #커플여행 #인증샷 #포토스팟 #ICNevent https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMq1PtDJA6r/?utm_medium=tumblr
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