bepsibae · 6 years
continued // @hakoneonii
shinkai wasn’t so much of a picky eater that he wouldn’t at least put it upon himself to try and take a bite out of the rather unfortunate - looking cake. 
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picking up his fork … he positioned it as if he were going to stick it into the cake. “do you think that it will … stay together …” the icing was practically bubbling up from being baked in the oven, which it clearly should not have been. it was a big oopsie on their part.
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The sight was stomach-turning; and as much as he did not want to insult his boyfriend’s baking abilities (or rather, their team up on it, but really, Arakita did not do much -- he was useless in the kitchen, unless it was prepping hot water for instant ramen), he just could not imagine putting it into his mouth.
Watching the other approach the mess with a fork, he lifted his brows in fear when he stopped, addressing to Yasutomo. Will he ask him to try it? Arakita really did not want to hurl and puke and make it obvious that he would not enjoy that cake...! Instead, he wanted to be safe and pass on trying with an excuse like ‘I know how much you love food, please enjoy it by yourself’ -- that would work, right?!
“Huh...? U-Uh... uhm...” Stammering as he was thinking about this, he started scratching his head and tended his head left and right like a dog being curious about an object or sound, trying to understand that... thing’s... physics. “Wanna bet? I say, it won’t stay together.” Now his true self was showing, actually betting against his own boyfriend for shits and giggles. “I’ll bet 1000 yen... what aboutchu...”
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bepsibae · 9 years
“In retrospect, I should have baked the cake before icing it.”
       Admittedly, the cake looked… disgusting… to say the least. But he didn’t have the heart to say so.
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                  Inspecting it once more, he shrugged in the most unfazed way possible, muttering a quiet “I think it’s not too bad, right? It’s still edible. So we good.” in hopes that Shinkai wouldn’t question his commentary.
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