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cilorine · 2 years ago
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my sweet heart 💗
i want these two to end up together so badly back then.. and now too i guess 🥲
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userkamikis · 1 year ago
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" Thank you for always protecting me "
Commission by Arri on twitter 🤗
This year has been a really tough one for me so I haven't been around much. Even though many shows I like have returned I just don't have the energy to make anything these days....but I still love them ❤️‍🩹
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camellcat · 1 year ago
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I remember when I was first watched TMM and was DEVASTATED when I realized we wouldn't be getting more of these two lol
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myjudsie · 1 year ago
Ichigo x Ryou「AMV」|| Bad Dream - Nerv
I L O V E T H I S ❤️❤️❤️
Ichiryou is my favourite ship since almost 20 years, I love them so much, and so do @amy24r, who made this beautiful AMV. ❤️
Ryou and Ichigo deserve(d) more. ❤️
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sweetichiryou · 7 months ago
Ichigo x Ryou 「AMV」
This isn't mine, I don't know who the owner is, but I hope to thank her one day for making this beautiful editing! I uploaded it 'cause I like the AMV. I had saved it a long time ago on my pc and rummaging through the folders I found it again. I was sorry not to show it since it's no longer on youtube unfortunately.
Besides since childhood I love Ryou and Ichigo! ♥️
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deadwhimzy · 2 years ago
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lay with me on a bed of daisies and I will speak to you of my fondest wishes of my sweetest desires, my blissful daydreaming and know that you are at the center of it all the sun that I circle, enraptured by your light
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bloobluex · 1 year ago
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Tokyo Mew Mew Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Momomiya Ichigo/Shirogane Ryou Characters: Momomiya Ichigo, Shirogane Ryou (Tokyo Mew Mew), Aizawa Mint, Fujiwara Zakuro, Midorikawa Lettuce, Fong Pudding, Akasaka Keiichirou Additional Tags: Christmas Party, Mistletoe, Jealousy, Minor Original Character(s), Miscommunication, Ichigo is 19, Ryou is 20, No Beta, Christmas Kisses, New Year's Kiss, New Year's Eve Summary:
After a year away from home, Ichigo arrives in time for Christmas with her friends. What she wasn’t prepared for was the reunion with her former boss, her potential old flame, the man that could have been hers.
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laylinara · 2 years ago
Is there a discord for ichigo x ryou shipper 🥺
I need to find people who also love them together.
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pinkbowsandprettyprose · 2 years ago
@sqwick just pointed it out in my mentions and—
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wotcherangie · 2 years ago
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The sweet @kiyonogashilc asked me something under a ryoutasu post and since my answer will be long and I wanted also to share my opinion on ships too.. I wanted to dedicated s long post to that. She asked this:
“We'll still have some ichiryou scenes from what we can see in the hidive trailer. I don't know if this means that Ryou is gonna break her heart, if Lettuce won't know or won't care about Ryou's interest in Ichigo (if there is one, that is)”
So, here we are. From my personal pov, Ryou is a character that isn’t really romantically interested in someone, nor Retasu or Ichigo, and I think that he won’t end up with someone specifically, maybe hints or interest or affection, but nothing more. With Retasu I can see affection, care and a genuine interest in her that MAYBE it is romantic, maybe it is not; with Ichigo I see the flirting and the teasing and the mocking her and of course being worried about her… MAYBE it is romantic, maybe it is not.
The fact that I prefer a ship over another is just a matter of personal taste in character and storytelling, in this particular case I do not have anything against ichryou, which is such a cute ship, but I prefer ryoutasu over that cause I like their dynamic better, I find that more interesting: the main concept and what started ichigo and Ryou in the first place, is the main girl blushing at the good looking and mysterious guy, so having him worrying about her and flirting and teasing her … it truly makes her lose her mind EVEN THOUGH SHE IS CANONICALLY IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE. It is a cute concept and I can totally see why shippers like that kind of dynamic, such a fun and cute ship, one of the best in the show if you ask me…. But I personally don’t like it so much as a concept, the hot guy and the main girl, but that’s just me.
I like Ryoutasu better just because of the development: she hadn’t really a crush on him because he was a handsome guy standing there, she fell for him the moment he was kind and encouraging and truly cared about her and I find this beautiful. Him on the other side, really worries about her and it is happy everytime she really is genuinely happy … and I find his beautiful too, it is one of the strongest foundations of a good relationship, wanting the other one to be happy and being happy because of that.
I know there will be lots of ichiryou teasing scene because of the main plot, as you said we saw those in the hidive trailer, those scenes are in the manga, are part of the story, are teasing and funny and I like that and I see no reason why that should change, I am actually so excited to see how New will handle those and I cannot wait to see that part cause it is one major part of the plot, Ryou’s backstory, and I am happy that ichiryou fans will have something so good 😎 I don’t know how and if Retasu’s falling for Ryou is gonna be affected by that, cause we don’t know not only how Ryou feels about Retasu and also about Ichigo too.. and, as I already said, imo he really isn’t into someone specifically, at least romantically speaking.
So, in the end, that is why I always say that I don’t care my couple being canon and that I am fine with every ship even if it is in contrast to my fav, that is why I hate ship wars, thinking that your non canon ship is superior to another, trying to find excuses and justification why one ship is plausible and another not.
And yes, answering to your question. I am worried that my girl will be heartbroken, I truly am, cause she deserves all the happiness in the world, but in my personal experience… being in love is not someone’s fault and it is always beautiful even though it can makes you suffer. Also the main concept of the serie (from production and screenwriters interview, ask the amazing @berrychanx about that) is proving girls that they do not have to give up on something to achieve something else, it is also said in the trailer, so I hope that Retasu’s journey will make her realize that she won’t have to give up on her love, not now, not yet… that she deserves love, every kind of love.
Thanks again for the question 💚
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classysassy9791 · 2 years ago
Outside of IY what are your other big OTPs
AH! I have so many anon, but I'll keep it strictly to animes!
Fairy Tail: Graylu
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Boku no Hero Academia: Kacchako
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Bleach: Ichihime
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Fruits Basket: Kyoru
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Yona of the Dawn: Hakyona
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Psycho-Pass: Koaka
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Attack on Titan: Levihan
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Edwin
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Oran High School Host Club: Tamaharu
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Kamisama Kiss: Tomoe x Nanami
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Snow White with the Red Hair: Zenyuki
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Tokyo Mew Mew: Ichiryou
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And then for funsies I'll just post my most recent obsession that's non-anime:
The 100: Belarke
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Thanks so much for the ask anon!!
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userkamikis · 2 years ago
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What should’ve happened at the end of episode 36 🤧
Commission done by @handsome-kakigori 🖤
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thefangirlrant · 2 years ago
Season 2 is less than 24 hours away!
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Before the premiere, I wanted to quickly jot down (in no particular order) some things I hope to see in this new season.
1: Parents. The whole time rewatching season 1, I kept thinking, “where are these kids’ parents?” 😆 Even when Ichigo is taken to Aoyama’s house as a cat, his parents are no where to be found. Mint and Ichigo at least mention their parents, but we never see them. Now, we do have confirmation that Ichigo’s parents will make an appearance in the first episode (about time!), but I really want them to explore the other girls’ parent situations.
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2: More backstory for the other girls. We’ve gotten some for Mint already (but I won’t say no to more), and Pudding has at least had her siblings introduced early on, but we have virtually nothing for Lettuce and Zakuro. Those two were snubbed in the manga and OG anime too, so I really hope they don’t get the shorter end of the stick yet again. Give us Lettuce’s brother! Seiji got to be a prominent side character, why can’t Uri?
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3: I want the follow up to the IchiRyou scene in episode 2!
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Ryou has to walk her home (for whatever reason, it doesn’t really matter why), and he has to apologize, it was such a huge moment for his character development in the manga, and if they throw it out, I’m going to riot (ok , maybe not riot, but I will be very upset, and this version will lose points for me)!
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4: I want a birthday episode. I know that’s really random, but I just want it 😆 Since this seems to start at the beginning of the school year (so like mid April in Japan), Ichigo’s birthday is out, and probably Lettuce too. The next birthday would be Ryou in June, which I think would be hilarious, because he totally seems like the kind of person that would like to ignore his birthday, and it would be funny to see the girls (and Keiichiro) make him celebrate it! 😆
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That’s assuming we didn’t pass his birthday (because season 1 does seem to end around June, given the rain, and the fact the Mint only has a couple days to decide if she’s going to an American school), in which case, the next birthday would be Pudding. That could be a lot of fun!
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5: More original episodes that help expand the story and develop all the characters better. In other words, I don’t them to try to finish off the series in this season, I want them to take their time, then they can wrap things up in a third season. There was so much build up to Mint using the Mew Aqua rod, that I feel it would be too fast paced if the other three all used the rod in the same season. The mid season climax can be Lettuce using the Mew Aqua rod, and then the season finale can be Pudding using it; season 3’s mid season climax can be Zakuro using the rod, and the finale would obviously be the fight with Deep Blue. Then we can have a season 4, where Berry actually gets introduced properly, and the story isn’t a rushed mess 😅 Maybe we can get a movie adaptation of the PS game and see Ringo animated. And then we can end the series with an expanded ReTurn; and since we start the series with them all (except Pudding) in high school, we can end the series with them graduating, and Ichigo and Aoyama actually getting married. In fact, I hope they don’t end the first series with the mock wedding, because I feel like an actual wedding would be a much better pay off (as much as it will hurt Ryou’s little heart 😭)
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myjudsie · 1 year ago
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My OTP forever ❤️
Ichiryou ~ Ichigo Momomiya x Ryou Shirogane (Tokyo Mew Mew)
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cerinelle-stellarium · 2 years ago
Just a bit of advice: If you see a amy24r in the replies of your post, just ignore her. She's one of the (admittedly/fortunately) few roided out Ichiryou shippers around Tumblr who keep insisting that the ship must be made canon in New even though it's very clear that it's practically impossible/not happening at all anyway with the reboot being faithful to Ikumi-sensei's story/improvements to her characters and pacing. So don't argue with her and you won't be bothered.
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deadwhimzy · 2 years ago
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