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May I ask for an IchiRui au please? Thx!
Of course you may!
Fair warning that this idea ended up being really tragic and sad, which (while not unheard of) isn't typically the direction I like to go, and definitely isn't everyone's cup of tea, so if you'd rather have a happier au, please just ask and I will make you another one.
With that said, Content Warning for multiple mentions of character death.
(Also, this is another long one folks, so buckle up)
Once upon a time, there was a prince, named Rui Kamishiro.
This prince was a lonely one. He tended to spend most of his time in his personal study, messing around with magic and teaching himself the art of alchemy. This didn't earn him the greatest reputation across his or any other kingdoms, as most people were either scared of magic or didn't truly care for it as he did. There were few who could look past this and see the kind, caring prince that he was, but he treasured those close friends very deeply.
One such friend was his personal knight, Ichika Hoshino. She had started off as just another member of the kingdom's royal guard, one that Rui took a particular liking to. Ichika would stop by his study, and she would spend hours listening to him rambling about his work. And when she was later assigned to watch over Rui personally, the two only grew even closer.
No one was allowed to know the full extent of their connection, aside from a few close confidants, but that was alright. The late evenings gazing at the stars twinkling in the sky as Ichika told him all about the different constellations, or the nights spent snuggled under the prince's covers as she listened to Rui's heartbeat, or the early mornings they would hold each other close as they watched the sunrise before surrendering to their duties- that was more than enough for the two.
But one day, war broke out between them and another kingdom. The conflict was brutal, and Ichika had to be sent into the heat of battle to protect their people. She had left him with a soft kiss, and a promise that she would return to her prince as soon as she could. And he smiled, squeezing her gently as he told her he'd wait as long as it took.
The war came to an end, and Ichika Hoshino returned home in a coffin.
To say the prince was devastated would be an understatement. Ichika had been sweet and kind, hard working and diligent, intelligent as she was beautiful- and most importantly, she had been his Star.
Rui didn't know what to do anymore. Not a day went by that he didn't miss her, that the image of her pale face didn't haunt him, that he didn't wonder how he could possibly live without her.
But, maybe there was hope for their happy ending after all.
For as long as Rui could remember, he'd wanted to learn to control time. To be able to see and change the past or the future. Few believed him to be capable of such a feat- Ichika had been one of them.
With a sense of determination he had never felt before, he worked day and night to figure out the secrets to time travel. If he could do that- if he could go back in time, if he could make different choices- then maybe, just maybe, he could save his Star from her cruel, undeserved fate.
Finally, he had cracked it. He had crafted a device- a magical hourglass, which he could use just once to travel through space and time.
In the back of his mind, a voice screamed at him about the potential ramifications of such a thing. He had no clue how this would affect the world as he knew it, and the consequences for this could be dire.
But he didn't listen to that voice. All that mattered to him now was saving Ichika.
The first time he went back felt like a dream. Or waking up from a horrible nightmare. That's what he'd played it off as when he woke up long before the war, clinging to his beloved knight and sobbing hysterically as she held him comfortingly.
This time, when the war arrived once again, Rui tried to convince Ichika to stay behind. He told her that there were more than enough knights already fighting in the war, and he begged her not to go out there. Still, despite his desperate pleas, all she did was smile sadly at him and kiss him before she left, promising once again that she would be sure to return.
Of course, he knew that she wouldn't. And she didn't. He'd failed her.
So he tried again. He made the hourglass again, and he went back in time.
When he started training alongside the knights, hoping he could join the war effort and save her directly, all he'd achieved was watching her be impaled right before his eyes.
When he finally managed to make peace with the other kingdom, stopping the war before it could even start, it wasn't long before she was killed on a different mission instead.
When he grabbed her hand and begged her to run away together, to find someplace they could love each other freely, they had barely made it past the gates before she'd been shot down.
He had tried again. And again. And again. And again.
Nothing ever worked.
He went back again. He tried to rack his brain for any ideas, anything he hadn't tried before.
Nothing. He was all out of options by now.
When the war once again reared it's ugly head, and Ichika once again wished him farewell, he broke down.
He couldn't do this anymore. He couldn't keep losing her again and again. He couldn't keep failing her.
He begged again, desperately and pathetically, for her not to go. That he couldn't live with himself if she died out there.
Unexpectedly, she gave in this time. Somehow, the two were able to convince his parents that she was needed at the castle, to keep him safe.
Rui had never felt such relief in his life. This might work. Ichika might be okay now. This may have all been worth it.
Of course, things could never be that simple. Enemy knights found their way to the castle, intending to take out the royal family and end the war.
Of course, Ichika planned to protect her prince with her life. It was her job, and Rui was the most important thing in her life. If she had to die to insure his survival, then so be it.
But when the enemies came to take him, Rui gave himself up with open arms. So long as their leaders promised to stop the fighting once and for all, they could do with him as they pleased.
Ichika was shocked and horrified at this, knowing what they had in store for him. She tried to stop him, to convince him not to do this.
Still, despite her desperate pleas, all he did was smile sadly at her and kiss her, whispering against her lips that everything would be okay. That she would be okay.
Rui Kamishiro was executed shortly after this, and the war came to an end.
The knight was beyond devastated. Rui had been one of the kindest, most amazing people she had ever met- how was it fair for him to be murdered like this? How could anyone believe he deserved that? And how on earth was she supposed to go on now without him?
Some time after his execution, Ichika had been tidying up his old study when she made a curious discovery.
Tucked away, in the back of his desk drawer, were a collection of notes. Notes on time travel, and how to build a hourglass- one that would allow one to travel to the past.
Ichika had no idea when he created these, or why he had hidden it from her, but she didn't care. If these notes were true, if this worked, then maybe she could use them herself. She could save her prince from his unjust fate.
It took months for her to figure out how to put it together. Once she did, she hesitated only a moment before she went back.
Ichika was going to save her prince from death, or she was going to die trying.
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proseka-headcanons · 11 months ago
From this I noticed a travesty... NO ROMANTIC ICHIRUI FICS
As a huge Ichika and Rui fan, and someone who does actually ship Ichirui, here are some Ichirui hc's
Saki and Nene go "eww" ironically, but shipped them since day one. Tsukasa didn't, and was completely gobsmacked to see them date
PLANT GAYS. They go on garden dates, give each other flowers with the appropriate meanings, and will garden together at Kamiyama after school (it has no security)
They work on each others shows, background music and staging respectively, as well as writing scripts together. They adore how easy they work together, and have created masterpieces of storytelling.
T4T in any way that you want
Infodumps to each other and actually will understand the hidden references/techniques the other uses and while they gush about the techniques used, Ichika and Rui will just stare lovingly.
Ichika learns about robotics from Rui and Rui learns music and guitar from Ichika.
These two should get more fics, and when I can eventually sort out my WIP I will write one
Imagine how funny it would be if they went shopping together. No fashion and clown fashion, the duality of man
Also I've said this before but the PARALLELS BETWEEN THEM. OURGH I hauve covid.
Ichika doesn't so much with her hair but Saki has said that she thinks it's fun to play with, so what if Rui sees that and tries it. That'd be so cute, they can style each other's hair
Sorry, the lobotomy. -🦈
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pjsk-headcanons · 5 months ago
IchiRui headcanons. Because I love them
Ichika has a guitar that shoots flames, made specifically by rui as a gift..she genuinely treasures it so much, and pulls it out whenever she can. Rui, in return, got a little cactus that Ichika bought, and it lives on his desk always
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sekaiships · 8 months ago
DAY 49!
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crime-soncloud · 5 months ago
the aforementioned hyperfixation gave me this headcanon
(tw implied ichirui maybe)
Rui once “borrowed” Ichika’s cactus and made it speak while inventing stuff. Ichika then said “bro why u wanna be Ed Petrie”
I'm definitely, very normal about ichirui. Mhmmm definitely very normal about that ship. Anyway I absolutely adore that idea
Ichika and rui watch tv together. Kids tv especially, they have a lot of genuine happiness and wonder from it. And Rui absolutely would make Ichika's cactus talk,.I can picture that so easily. They then kiss probably.
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tomatosoupandpasta · 6 months ago
I keep writing Rui + the lesbians I can't stop
Enarui /p???? sUrE!!!
Minoichirui /p??? OF COURSE
Ichirui /p????? WHY THE FUCK NOT
Minorui /p???? YES!!!!!!
It's also funny because I headcanon Rui as gay. You really got the whole wlw mlm solidarity over here
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rockdrop · 2 months ago
hi im new around here so sorry if someone's asked you this before (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠) but what's your favorite rarepair? i LIVE off of rarepairs (sakiena.... ichirui... save me)
Okay INTERESTING...what made you ship sakiena and ichirui? My rarepairs are ichikana, shizumafu, mafuemu, and mafurui 😊
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soundfil3yy · 2 months ago
Are you the person who made the dangonronpa pjsk au or am I tweaking😭
sekai of despair? ichirui protags? YEAH LOL
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sekaicards · 1 year ago
Your attitude to pjsk ships is like exactly the same as mine. Almost all ships are "huh that's neat" and often they haven't even interacted much at all
Ichimizu/Ichirui my beloved's
entering the fandom i was prepared to simply accept whatever the popular ships were going to be and for that to be that. but then. beckoning me closer. emurui. and from there we snowballed
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swaggyrazzles · 1 year ago
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❍ㅤintroductory  postㅤ🔵🌜🎸
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hullo ! my name's terra / scythe , this is the sideblog for @fukki-retta ! i will write pjsk ship aus . my hugest otps are emurui , ichirui , and ichisaki ! my main focus is on mmj , l/n and wxs ! i will also write aus for n25 and vbs too .
ive enjoyed rhythm games && writing for 3-4 years now . im a huge book person , i love writing && reading ! i have alot of hobbies , so pls bear with me !
im 15 , enfp , shx / it / her . my identities r gxrl , ambiamorous and bisexual ! <3
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fandoms im in :: project sekai , idolmaster , bandori , the lorax , hololive id , fnaf , horimiya , mlp
ytbs i love :: haylo hayley , carter kench , trisha paytas , oishiipan
music :: mcr , falling in reverse , soad , toby fox , powerwolf , kanaria , aiobanh , ado , queen , cannibal corpse , deco27 , leo/need , go_a , marina , nightcord at 25 , bach , evanescence , maneskin , slipknot
ships : ichirui , ichisaki , honashiho , anhane , akian , emurui , emukasa , kanamafu , parechu
reminder :: if top = my current focus !
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cross-armageddon · 2 years ago
Yep my brain has done it again here are what I speculate the powers are
Saki - so idk how to explain it but it's like redirecting electricity. If something has electricity she can redirect with surprising precision. It's like the opposite of tsukasa who can summon electricity but isn't very good at controlling it
Mizuki - so she can control how people perceive/view her. It's kinda like Kano from kagerou but op. I thought of this bc love can change how you perceive someone and blah blah blah idk I think that's how my thought process went. I remember a while ago I had this au where Mizuki had the power to sew things together by touching them but that has nothing to do with love so
Ena - I feel like she has the power to heal but in order to do that she has to inflict a wound equal to the one you have. Like if you got stabbed she's going to also have to stab you in order to heal you. That's why she rarely uses it unless someone is in a life or death situation
I feel like she would also be absolute trash at archery. Like the one time she actually tried she gave up and chucked the arrow and the target. This is really random.
Akito - he can remove any downsides to abilities or boost it or smth. The only downside is that for some reason he's really cranky for the rest of the day so he avoids using it. I have 0 idea why I gave both Shinonome's abilities that they avoid using that was entirely on accident
Kohane - I'm still figuring out her's but maybe it's kinda like piper? Able to sweet talk her way through situations? I'm still figuring it out
(I should probably let you know that I haven't gotten a lot of ideas for camp Jupiter maybe I'll update this list later)
Tsukasa - I mentioned it at Saki's part but he can summon lighting but is absolutely trash at actually aiming at people. If they teamed up they would be way to op
Kanade - like hazel she can summon diamonds and other gems and with enough energy she can form them into different things (the only issue is that Kanade usually looks like she's about to pass out at any moment)
Shiho - I feel like she has the power to amplify her and inanimate objects volume (who needs speakers when you have Shiho!). Like during a battle you need your troop to hear you somehow. Thank God tsukasa doesn't have this
Mafuyu - able to cancel out abilities (INCLUDING the veil or mist or whatever they call it) by staring at them for more than 3 seconds. I think she's the only person who is semi aware of another camp bc of that (outside of Rui but more on that later). Honestly it's kinda like dazai from bsd but oh well
Toya - why is Apollo the god of so many things it's so hard to choose an aspect of him to focus on lol. I gave him the ability to see a few seconds into the future for about 10 minutes. The only issue is that after using the power he's going to be out of commission for a while
Shizuku - I don't have many ideas but I thought maybe the ability to teleport certain distances? Bc mercury is the god of travel of smth. Maybe she can fight like those Genshin characters where they teleport every 5 seconds behind their opponent
Ichika - I think she's actually Greek (specifically dionysus bc I need to spread my ichirui sibling propaganda) and is how both camps find out about each other
I feel like both Ena and Toya have perfect pitch to some extent and are naturally able to write lyrics. Ena helps Mafuyu with her lyrics sometimes
Now to rant about random ideas that have no specific theme (they sound more like headcannons lol)
For WXS the signs are so obvious but they're too dense to even notice. Like Nene would notice that during the summer when she, emu, and Rui are all at camp half-blood tsukasa is also out of town but then thinks "ig since we're all gone he's spending more time with outside auditions" and Tsukasa see's Rui holding a giant bronze sword and thinks "Wow Rui has improved so much over the years with his inventions! I'm so proud of him." They all go to Rui and compliment him on his "practical effects" for Tsukasa (electricity flying out of his hands) and Tsukasa compliments Rui sword skills and gives him pointers and he is somehow the only one who thinks "huh this is kinda weird" but he doesn't say anything bc he's scared that he might be wrong and have tsukasa think he's a weirdo or smth.
Akito also at some point also suspected something but when approaching Toya and asking he lies and says that his dad takes him to a lot of concerts to try to indoctrinate him into classical music again and Akito believes him bc 1. He's dumb and 2. He believes everything Toya says.
Capturing the flag with the Shinonome's would be wild. Usually when they're on separate teams their teammates will try to keep each other separate as much as possible or they'll drop everything they're doing and start arguing. Sometimes their teammates use this as a bait to distract everyone to run over to get the flag. And when they're on the same team they keep trying to out do each other which leads to some of the most ridiculous plans or fighting ever seen (I'm talking about using a machine gun for close combat and taking fallen arrows to use as daggers which usually work??? Somehow???) It's absolutely ridiculous.
There's also a smuggling system ran by Rui and Mizuki which the Shinonome's use a lot (they can't survive for more than a week without cheesecake). The Shinonomes are ridiculously in debt thanks to this. They also smuggle things other then food which is how Nene owns a whole gaming setup and PS4 (hidden in a panel made by yours truly, Rui)
Camp Jupiter also has a smuggling system ran by Tsukasa, Toya, Kanade, and occasionally Mafuyu. This system mostly uses the fauns to their advantage. They have to avoid An though bc for some reason she's trying to (and failing) to take the role of hall monitor in the camp.
I think that's it for now. I'm so sorry for making this so long 😭. I feel like at this point I've made my own au based on yours lol. I'll probably be back with another essay (unless you don't want me to which is fine)
Tysm for this brainrot this is probably going to be living in my head for the next few months
Now brb I'm going to binge read the entire pjo series again
I just woke up and I got flashbanged with a wall of text /pos
Tsukasa and Saki sound incredibly silly, thank you I love that. The idea of them covering up each other's weaknesses has been in my head for some time already, I just need to figure out the specifics. When I was reading through that I subconsciously compared them to Aether and Lumine, because they have NA animations that mirror each other, which is amazing.
Mizuki was already in the plans and to be fair, your idea isn't that far off from what I had. I didn't post anything because I'm trying to figure out any other niigo member to pair them up with for the post.
Ena's simply reminds me of Yosano from BSD. I was wondering why the healing, but then I remembered "Oh right, Apollo's the god of healing too". The power would really fit her. And the archery thing is very Ena, she would do that. She still tries because she wants to make Apollo proud though (doesn't know Apollo doesn't give much shit as to what his kids use as a weapon).
In what way would using his powers make Akito cranky? Is it just a personality switch thing? If so, I don't find it much of an issue and why he would avoid it. It would be kinda OP for rap battles if he could do that to singing.
"Me when Vivid Bad Squad tells me to use my power"
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I just feel like for Akito there could be something more.
As for Kohane, I was trying to avoid Piper-ing her too much, but that power fits her a lot lmao
Kanade's gemstone powers would be like Hazel, but with more control and without the curse methinks. But yeah, Kanade passing out isn't an unusual thing, that is like her average Tuesday
I'm a bit sceptical for Shiho's power - yeah, it's definitely useful and of course could be used for the battlefield, but it doesn't feel like a Mars kid power to have? It does feel like a Zeus/Jupiter (wavelengths in the air getting affected) or Apollo (Apollo moment) kid power to have, in which Tsukasa could have that anyway (Camp Jupiter's worst fear).
Mafuyu being more perceptive with the veil thing (thanks for telling me how that ability is called btw, I have read the books in my native language and it's translated to "fog" there), is a good idea, it would definitely help her out with a lot. I can imagine her as a kid having some misunderstandings over it, but she had to play around it. Imagine at one point some monster replacing her mom to attack her and she's like "wow that is already way better than usual", but still has to run away from home.
As for Toyer - a different Apollo kid is already getting tormented with prophetic visions, because I got too silly </3
TECHNICALLY for anyone that wants to remix this AU it would be fine as an additional power him or Ena have.
It's honestly pretty wild how many different attributes Apollo has, but we're still having troubles coming up with powers.
When you mentioned the teleportation thing with Genshin characters I immediately thought of Ayato's E skill. Surprisingly, I think it fits perfectly, because it's already pretty graceful by default and her having slashed a training dummy to bits in a bunch of consecutive sweeps with a sword (probably a gladius since it's shorter) just for her to go "oh my, I did that?" afterwards is a funny vision to have.
Finally - Ichika is up to anyone's interpretation when remixing this AU. I did very much audibly "aww" at the ichirui sibling thing. Could be fun, could be cute.
As for the misc. thoughts:
1. WxS is definitely too dense to not realize until it's put RIGHT in front of their noses. Rui could have the "yeah, I had a slight idea", but still be surprised. I can imagine they tried a fighting scene in one of their plays and all of them were like "wow, Tsukasa/the other's feel like they were born to battle with weapons like that".
2. I already had an idea for the "Toya tries to tell Akito about his demigod self", but that ALSO includes my OC, so yeah, if you act like he doesn't exists (which he doesn't and I'm only delusional), your idea is completely valid for your own remix
4. I think if Akito and Ena get put on the same team however, they also keep arguing, but they argue in a way they don't see anyone or anything else. They will be as loud as possible, but they won't even notice someone's attacking them, they will just slash through without looking and move on after defeating an ambush. They won't even know what hit them (literally).
Same thing will happen if you put Akito with another OC of mine. They both hate it.
5. Didn't Camp Halfblood have something going like they could request any meal they wanted or was it Camp Jupiter??
I'm trying to remember, because I feel like if Camp HB had it, Akito and Ena wouldn't have to smuggle cheesecake. Getting Nene her gaming consoles must be a massive feat to achieve though, since monsters get drawn to electric devices when used by demigods.
As for Camp Jupiter - Mafuyu doesn't seem like the type of person that would think of smuggling stuff for others, because why would she do so? Personally none of the Camp Jupiter people really feel like the type of people to want to smuggle something in, most of them have morals. Using fauns is a good idea though. Maybe very occassionally they ask them for some things.
Hayato would be the guy to smuggle stuff in, but he is one of my prsk OCs, so for any remixes I can imagine people skipping him
And yeah, An is trying to police everything, but actually ends up in a lot of trouble anytime she trains with Haruka... Their rivalry gets out of hand 9/10 times. An is trying to make up for it by being a snitch lmao
Haruka is already spared because it's Haruka - she'll smile and suddenly "Yeah true, she couldn't have done that on purpose"
And like I said before - this AU is free to get remixed.
I like keeping it open, because it will spark some creativity in others. People are free to add their own additional powers, people are free to write stories or make art, there's a lot of room to work on it!
I feel like I'm only laying down some sort of base, a foundation on what others could do with it. You are free to brainstorm ideas and pitch in to help me. Working on an idea like this, especially YEARS after having last read PJO, is pretty dang difficult and it's easy to hit an artist/writer block.
I really enjoy getting asks like that, because it's amazing to engage in a community like that
PS How do you feel about including the sekai aspect of project sekai into this..? I've been wondering whether or not to include it. Would their powers work in Sekai? How would the Virtual Singers react? I suppose whether Sekai exists or not in this AU is also up to all sorts of interpretations while remixing.
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proseka-headcanons · 1 year ago
Hey mod Ichika I wanna hear you ramble about Ichika ships (/pos) can you talk about Ichihane, Ichirui, and/or Ichiena because these are all rare as hell
Ok sorry my demons
Ouuugh the sillies. The skrimblos.
They've interacted a fair amount of times but it'd be so cool if they did street performances together for funsies
Just playing some fun songs and Kohane dancing and them singing together... very cute
They also both have neurotic prey aninal energy but they will deck someone with no hesitation for their friends frfr rizzless girlflops
The fuckig parallels...
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The way they were pushed away and labeled weird for one reason or another... Ichika because of how she hung out with Shiho and Honami who became the targets of bullying and Rui for his ideas and inventions... how they dealt with their isolation differently... Ichika becoming hyperfixated on Vocaloid, that being the only thing keeping her going, Rui pushing people away and doing solo shows and inventing... how they love their friends so much and would do anything to keep them from leaving again...
I think Rui would engage in some kind of shenanigans and Ichika would follow along because it's something new and interesting and maybe a bit of her more reckless side she suppressed as a kid is resurfacing and and and I think they would so totally garden together and share flowers and their meanings
They are AMAZING. The shuffle unit for April's fools. They are in it. They should kiss
Ena being a little hesitant to go along with Ichika's ideas because they're "odd", but finding that she has a lot of fun and feels like she belongs? Good fucking shit, I eat that up. They would share their interests together and also. Ena bringing Ichika shopping is so silly to me. Ichika dresses like me and has such bland bi loser fashion and Ena is NOT accepting that she is SPICING UP that wardrobe whether it means ripped jeans with Vocaloid patches, cropped shirts with cacti/succulent designs, etc. ENA IS ADDING FLAIR TO THAT WARDROBE
Sorry my demons
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pjsk-headcanons · 3 months ago
since (according to the wiki) rui calls ichika with "kun" , i like to believe that Rui had a suspicion that Ichika was transmasc before Ichika even knew.
imagine Ichika being so confused like "why does Rui keep calling me ichika-kun?.??..." and then like a few months later when ichika came out , he ran over to Rui and was like YOU. YOU KNEW.
- 🎀 🎸 anon (if there isnt one already)
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sekaiships · 10 months ago
🌟 - request
🎮 - requests from moots/friends
🍀 - my ideas
shihan 🎮 (posted)
poly/need 🍀 (posted)
emunene 🍀 (posted)
ruikasa 🌟 (posted)
polysquad 🌟 (posted)
anhane 🍀 (posted)
kanamafu 🎮🌟 (posted)
airui 🌟🎮
akinene 🌟🎮
kanamai 🌟🎮
akian 🌟🎮
kanahona 🍀
shizukasa 🌟
shizuruikasa 🌟
kanakito 🌟
tsukanene 🌟
shihane 🍀
shizuakian 🍀🌟
akimafu 🌟
minoasa 🌟
ichikasa 🌟
minoharu 🌟
akitoya 🌟
akiruikasa 🌟
haruan 🌟
emusaki 🌟
ichikana 🍀🌟
anakirui 🌟🍀
haruhona 🌟🍀
ichisaki 🌟🍀
akikoha 🌟
poly 3rd years (as of jp srv) 🌟🍀
poly pink🌟🍀
poly blue🌟🍀
white day trio🌟🍀
mafuena 🌟
shizurui 🌟
class 1-A 🌟🍀
polystupid 🎮
mizukasa 🌟🍀
akinenekasa 🌟🍀
mafunene 🌟🍀
ichiaki 🌟
harutoya 🌟🍀
akisaki 🌟
emurui 🌟
kohakana 🌟
kanairi 🎮
kanaena 🌟🍀
akimafuemurui 🌟🍀
mafuharunenetoya 🌟🍀
enaanruikasa 🌟🍀
kanamizuminoshiho 🌟🍀
ichinene 🌟
shihosakiakimizu 🌟
ruihane 🌟
harushiho 🌟
emuairi 🌟
ichimizu 🌟
anhanemizuena 🌟
polysmart 🎮🌟 (idk which one it is more lmao)
polysho 🌟
akirui 🌟
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smashpages · 2 years ago
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Comics publisher Ablaze will bring four of manga master Osamu  Tezuka’s titles to the English-speaking world via a publishing agreement  with DI Books, including One Hundred Tales:
An adaptation of the Faust legend as a samurai period piece. Ichirui Hanri is an ordinary accountant servicing his lord. Though innocent, he is sentenced to death by hara-kiri after being entangled in a power struggle. A witch named Sudama appears and offers Hanri three wishes in exchange for his soul. Hanri accepts. Is it worth it?
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crime-soncloud · 11 months ago
Time to write an Ichirui fic... Once I've finished my two wip that I haven't worked on in too long
Ever wonder how many fics a ship has?
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Well, wonder no more! For I have spent the last... 3-4 hours creating a chart to show how many fics a pairing has romantically and platonically!
Some things to keep in mind: fics can have multiple pairings, so the totals per character may not add up perfectly. This also means the averages aren't exact either, but they'll give you an idea of how rare a pairing is. The totals also give an idea of how popular a character is.
Only 2-character pairings are listed - I didn't want to figure out how to list every possible poly combination. I may add poly-units in the future though, but I won't include them in the averaging at all.
Also, fun fact An is the most annoying to search up because her name is within Kohane and Kanade's, so I had to use Shiraishi to search for her instead.
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