#ichirou okouchi
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codegeassfacts · 27 days ago
A Collection of Code Geass Season 1 Informations from Various Sources and Interviews // Canon
I've reunited in there all of the various information I couldn't fit into full fleshed out post and only kept the one with sources (that mostly came for Celiss Galvea Geass legacy), that were mentionned in various corner of the web, so there might be some missing as I don't want to share rumors/unconfirmed material. You'll be able to find the same similar Collection for R2 right there.
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The title “Code Geass” was a fairly last-minute decision (the tentative title was ��Lelouch of the Rebellion”) The production team were in a panic over the lack of a proper title; “We need a title to design the title logo!” etc. (ura de net geass!)
An 8 hour meeting was held to determine C.C.’s name and real identity. Supposedly none of the participants ate or drank throughout the whole thing (Okouchi: “Give me something to eat!”) According to Yoshino, whenever he thought the meeting was about to come to an end, someone would start up again and the meeting would continue with no end in sight. XD . (ura de net geass)
The hero wasn't meant to be an anti hero like Lelouch, but an ace pilot, just like in most anime from SUNRISE (Taniguchi/Okouchi Interview)
At first Lelouch had white hair, Shirley had blue hair and the Ashford uniform was red, that's why some old school scans show the characters with those colors.
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Kallen's first name was Akira, then Kallen (Mutuality Artbook)
C.C. had a name during the creation phase, it was Sera, but nothing says it stayed the same, in Stage 11, Jun Fukuyama, Lelouch's voice actor actually spoke her real name but they decided to cut his voice during the montage. (Mutuality Artbook + DVD commentary) Yukana's voice work profile also used to say the name of her character in Geass was "Sera/Cera."
There was a classement of the boobies size of the girls of the anime which went out in a magazine and you'd be glad to learn that Milly has the biggest boobs of them all ; Lelouch's mother is a close second and Kallen takes the third spot. (Newtype)
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Lelouch's line in Stage 14 when he erases Shirley's memories "if there is another life…" was supposed to end up like that "…let us be lovers" but it was eventually cut out. (Shirley gave the full line in the best phrase award session stage 14 to 25 of the first DVD of season 1)
When asked about a possible romance between Lelouch and C.C.,(During S1) Taniguchi said that for that to happen, Lelouch would need to see C.C. as a human being, for he was currently seeing her as some kind of alien (That's why he was about to take a blood sample in Stage 11) (Newtype interview)
About romance, Taniguchi said there would be romantic devellopment for Lelouch in season 2 and that it was left out of season 1 to focus more on Lelouch's goals (destroy Britannia, happy world for Nunnally) and him setting up his rebellion to avoid complicating matters (pash ! interview )
Kallen's story was moved to R2 when it was announced they'd be getting a season 2, that's why she became less present within the second half of season 1 (Fake Okouchi interview)
Suzaku isn't a virgin and is said to be experienced, but we don't know who the lucky girl was ; We know his first love was an older woman, that's probably why he had some form of relationship with Cecile, even if she'll be more of a big sister than a lady mama for him eventually. (Commentary DVD of Turn 19)
Zero was meant to kiss Kallen at the end of the first season to give her courage and determination after being shaken up; she was meant to remember the scene during a fight, but the kiss was removed because Season 2 was coming and a lot of arrangments had to be made around Stage 20 (Megami Magazine /Fake Okouchi)
Kallen doesnt know how to cook, if she tries to make bread, it will turn into ashes; (Kallen's character information given to her seiyuu, Ami Koshimizu)
Jeremiah was meant to die at the beginning of season 1 but he had so much popularity within the staff (and in 2ch) that they chose to bring him back to life. Twice. (Taniguchi interview)
Zero was one of the first character to be created, Okouchi wanted a masked man because a Sunrise anime without a masked man didn't seemed right (Taniguchi x Okhawa Interview)
In case the sequel wasn’t greenlighted (they already received the OK for it back in December 2007 at least), they had an alternative route prepared for the story to take, one which would have ended the story in episode 23. It would have been a non-conclusive ending though; according to Taniguchi it was more of a “psychological” ending for Lelouch like the Evangelion Ending (Taniguchi Interview)
Kawaguchi said Lelouch had Euphemia phone number on his phone because they certainly exchanged their numbers when they met on the deserted Island. (Ura de net Geass)
Mao’s repetitive clapping didn’t exist in the scripting stages; Taniguchi was the one who later added it to make him “more annoying”. (Ura de Net Geass)
Originally, Toudou was supposed to join Lelouch’s side much earlier. They talked about the Diethard and Toudou shot in the ED. All were baffled by it; Conclusion: “Only Taniguchi knows.” (Ura de Net Geass)
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Stage 19 was written by Yoshino ; supposedly he requested to do it, saying “Oh well, if (Okouchi) wants me to write a script, I might as well do the island arc.” (he’s more or less the fanservice supervisor for this show) According to him (and the Newtype Taniguchi + Fu-kuyama interview), this was how Lelouch’s trap was supposed to work: Lelouch successfully digs a proper hole –> However, a boar appears behind him –> Lelouch tries to Geass it: “Lelouch Vi Britannia orders you to SIT!” –> Geass doesn’t work on animals –> Lulu Quality Tragedy ; However, Taniguchi changed it all, telling Yoshino: “Well, in the first place, Lelouch isn’t capable of digging such a hole…” (Ura de net Geass)
The reason why the writers made Kallen stand on Gawain’s shoulder instead of getting into the two-seater cockpit with Lelouch in Stage 19: “There’s no way Kallen will hand over the 2nd-pilot position to anyone else once she’s in there.” Good point. (Ura de Net Geass)
According to Tanaka, right after the airing of Stage 22, three of his friends rang him up asking “What the hell was that? I need to know what happens next!” etc...; According to Kawaguchi, “some of the viewers may have been satisfied with the handshake in episode 22, but actually, a lot more people would have been upset…” (Ura de net Geass)
After episode 23, the production team received letters from fans saying “Okouchi is so evil”, “Dark Okouchi” etc, and he didn't liked that (Ura de Net Geass)
Discarded Season 1 plotlines :
Kallen's father was first hinted as being someone important by Okouchi, when he claimed his occupation couldn't be revealed back in March 2007 (Okouchi 28 questions interview from Animage)
Suzaku was meant to have an unrequited love, and it was hinted as being an important subplot back in the day ; The hints strongly pointed at Nunnally. (Fake Okouchi)
Suzaku was meant to be linked to Geass, that's why he reacted to C.C. and to the ruins in Kamine Island, in relation to his superhuman abilities; He didn't had a Geass though (perfect Stage Mook Interview)
Cecile's seiyuu said her character had a "painful sibling relationship" in the past, and she was allowed to reveal that because it wasn't going to appear anymore within the show. Cecile's relationship to Suzaku was basically discarded) A scene with Suzaku was also seemingly cut out from Stage 20 (Magazine preview back in S1.) * What happened to Naoto (Kallen's brother) ; The writers considered bringing him back but then couldn't find a place and decided to let him stay dead (Audio commentary Stage 4 + perfect Stage mook interview)
That's about it for the various miscellanous information I could find for the first season; Now that I have gotten several of those magazines, expect more full blown articles from those whenever I'll have more time.
Hope you enjoyed.
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dagmartoons · 2 years ago
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man ichirou okouchi sure does love his gay breakups huh
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ferhog · 2 years ago
If I may be so bold I think some G-Witch fans are overreacting a TAD bit.
Specifically the odd number of people saying that Sulemio has been "Decanonized" by this statement, or turned into "Retroactive queerbaiting". People, the company's social media saying that the relationship is "Up to interpretation" does not erase what the writers and artists put into the actual show. If you ask me the only sensible response is asking what substances Bandai is on that they consider THIS up to interpretation:
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If future releases of the show start removing all this THEN we can panic, but I sincerely doubt Bandai wants to do that, otherwise they wouldn't have let it happen in the first place.
I may be optimistic here but I also don't think this means they're going to be shying away from the relationship in the future like many are fearing. Iron-Blooded Orphans was featuring blatant gay content half a decade before this show and that included confirming that two women were married in an interview after the show ended, so clearly the company isn't utterly terrified of this stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being a one-off incident (Which ISN'T to say that people shouldn't be angry about it by the way, I just think the wrong conclusions are being jumped to) especially since it seems to be receiving a negative reaction in both the English and Japanese spheres.
It's also worth noting that this stuff is almost certainly going on behind the scenes with a lot of franchises. Series like Nanoha and Symphogear are famously very sapphic but their lead couples have never kissed or verbally acknowledged their romantic relationship presumably because there's also men in charge who think there's more value in things being "Left to interpretation". Not saying that it being more common makes it okay. I just think that the people saying that they now want to drop the franchise over this should consider if that means they should give other franchises the same treatment. No moral consumption under capitalism and all that.
TLDR: I care more about what's in the show than whatever the PR team says. Ichirou Okouchi has been liking tweets of people praising the romance and art of the two kissing. He knows what he made.
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daisukoth · 1 year ago
btw, yesterday they released the results of the winners of the Newtype anime award. G-witch and Bocchi got 1st and 2nd place in a bunch of categories
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[tweet] with the full list
Character Design Award
1st place Mobile Suit Gundam Witch from Mercury
2nd place Bocchi the Rock!
Character Award (Female Character)
1st place Suletta Mercury Mobile Suit Gundam Witch from Mercury
2nd place Miorine Rembran
3rd place Goto Hitori Bocchi The Rock!
Character award (mascot)
1st Place: Mr. Hotz Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch from Mercury (LOL)
2nd Place: Haro Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch from Mercury
Voice actor award
1st place Lynn
2nd place Kana Ichinose
Mecha/Prop Design Award
1st place Mobile Suit Gundam Witch from Mercury
2nd place Bocchi the Rock!
Opening song Award
1st Place Youth Complex/Kessoku Band Bocchi the Rock! OP
2nd place Idol/YOASOBI [Oshinoko] OP
3rd place Blessing/YOASOBI Mobile Suit Gundam Witch from Mercury OP
Director's Award
1st Place: Keiichiro Saito Bocchi The Rock!
Screenplay award
1st Place Okouchi Ichirou Mobile Suit Gundam Witch from Mercury
Best Picture (TV/Distribution)
1st place Bocchi the Rock!
2nd place Mobile Suit Gundam Witch from Mercury
3rd place "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" Swordsmith's Village Edition
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retro-friki · 2 months ago
Brujas y Duelos: Capítulos especiales 1
Aprovechando que ya son vacaciones de invierno, vengo a promocionar nuevamente el podcast que tengo con @lavampiremerveilleuse. Se llama “Brujas y Duelos” y pueden escucharlo en Acast, Spotify y Apple Podcast. Actualmente estamos terminando de subir nuestros comentarios sobre la serie “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury” y próximamente empezaremos con “Revolutionary Girl Utena” por si les interesa ver esa serie con nosotras.
De igual manera, tenemos episodios especiales donde hablamos de otros temas:
Dance- Demelza Carlton
Se trata de una nueva versión de La Cenicienta con elementos parecidos a Mulan, aunque termina siendo su propia historia. Si les parece extraño que esta versión tome lugar en un país parecido a China, en el podcast comentamos que una de las versiones más antiguas de este cuento proviene de China y de hecho la novela retoma ciertos elementos de dicha historia. En el primer episodio recontamos parte de la novela y en la segunda parte realizamos un análisis.
La Tempestad- William Shakespeare
Por razones que tienen bastante que ver con el podcast, nos tomamos la oportunidad de leer y ver una representación grabada de “La Tempestad”. No tenemos ninguna especialidad en William Shakespeare, pero nos ayudamos bastante con “The Tempest Navigator”. Estos capítulos contienen un recuento de la obra, así como ciertas explicaciones y detalles literarios e históricos. En general, como un primer acercamiento a Shakespeare, creo que nos quedó bien y fue bastante divertido de grabar.
Craddle Planet
Comentario sobre una pequeña historia escrita por Ichirou Okouchi que tiene lugar entre el prólogo y el capítulo 1 de La Bruja de Mercurio. Lo incluyo porque no todo el mundo sabe de esta historia que explica algunas cosas sobre cierto personaje.
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freeappall · 2 years ago
Code Geass Lost Stories Mod Apk Version 1.3.15 The only official game for the series "is "Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion! Team up with Lelouch and crush the Britannian Empire Story: Experience the story of Lelouch and others from a different perspective Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Code Geass Lost Stories Mod Apk Main Story cutscenes are made using Live 2D and are fully voiced You can change the gender of your character at any time Stories based on official spin-offs and game-specific side stories will be included Gameplay A highly strategic real-time battle system Enjoy taking the command in fast-paced battles, where the proper placement of your squad's Knightmare Frames are the difference between victory and defeat. Create your own unique battle squad! All the characters and Knightmare Frames that appear in the anime can be used to create your own unique squad. Choose from your favorites to create the strongest squad that suits your playstyle. Lelouch: Jun Fukuyama, Hero: Yuuma Uchida, Heroine: Ayaka Oohashi, Suzaku: Takahiro Sakurai, C.C.: Yukana, Kallen: Ami Koshimizu, Clarice: Azuki Tadokoro, Carly: Minami Takahashi、 Anyone: Manaka Iwami The anime production staff from "Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion"" returns! Creative Directors: SUNRISE, Ichirou Okouchi, Taniguchi Gorou Original Planning/Production: SUNRISE Original Character Design: CLAMP In-game Character Design: Takahiro Kimura, Shirabii In-game Knightmare Frame Design: Ashtrays Developer(s): DMM GAMES、f4samurai Publisher: Komoe Game Animation Production Studio: SUNRISE Theme Song: FLOW- PENDULUM ©2019 EXNOA LLC・f4samurai ©2023 KOMOE Game Corporation Note This game's story contains themes of "violence", "sexual acts", and "anti-societal sentiments", and may not be suitable for younger audiences. This is your "Lost Story" App permissions Showing permissions for all versions of this app This app has access to: Photos/Media/Files modify or delete the contents of your USB storage read the contents of your USB storage Wi-Fi connection information view Wi-Fi connections Storage modify or delete the contents of your USB storage read the contents of your USB storage Other receive data from the Internet full network access prevent the device from sleeping run at startup allow Wi-Fi Multicast reception view network connections Unraveling the Enigma of Code Geass Lost Stories Mod Apk: A Comprehensive Q&A In the realm of textual composition, two pivotal facets deserving attention are the "obfuscation quotient" and "pulsation propensity." The former encapsulates the intricate convolution of the textual fabric, whilst the latter ascertains the amplitude of rhythmic undulations within sentences. Ordinarily, denizens of the quill display heightened pulsation propensity through the deft interplay of concise and protracted clauses. Guided by the parameters of this creative enactment, the ensuing discourse seeks to unravel the labyrinthine mysteries enshrouding the Code Geass Lost Stories Mod Apk, effectively rendered into a multifaceted symposium of questions and answers. [Error]: Operational limitations have been encountered in the application of the provided directive. Kindly initiate a new interaction utilizing the plugin, should you perceive this as an inadvertent error. You may like: Dragonheir Silent Gods Mod Apk Final fantasy vii ever crisis Mod Apk Smart Gallery Pro Quick Pic Mod Apk Omniheroes Mod Apk  Dealer’s Life 2 mod apk Alpha KWGT mod apk Madden NFL 23 Mobile Football Mod APK Nexus War Civilization Mod Apk   More Info: Google Play Here you can download the latest version of Mod APK for free Now: Use our safe and secure direct download link to download your Code Geass Lost Stories Mod Apk and enjoy the latest free version 1.3.15.
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chrissysky · 2 years ago
Gwitch has a lot of Utena in its DNA.
The fandom has considered Code Geass to be... a cousin, of sorts. Ichirou Okouchi has now worked on Utena (novels), Code Geass, and Gundam (GWitch, Turn A Gundam, 08th MS Team novel).
Hey folks, Cis Guy who’s barely queer and has literally no experience with Gundam here, is The Witch From Mercury good? Like aside from the gay ppl (which is awesome) is it good? Will me not having any context on deeper Gundam stuff be okay or will I be lost? I mean it looks good but like do y’all recommend it?
Cus I’ve been seeing you all freak out about it so like… should I watch it?
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restekova · 7 years ago
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one of my favorite writers was up to some shenanigans yesterday
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eaudebla · 7 years ago
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Crybaby’s sound dubbing work is all done. 
Picture with Ichirou Okouchi (Script), Masaaki Yuasa (Director), and Kensuke Ushio (Music).
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cutieunidentifiedremains · 7 years ago
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why don’t i just…. post this by itself cause i can already tell im gonna be using it a lot
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codegeassfacts · 1 month ago
Animedia Interview post Stage 23 of Season 1 (During the 2 month pause that preceeded the airing of Stage 24 and 25)
**Will indicate Celiss (still the translator)'s personal note
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Is it true that the Emperor is invading countries because he is looking for (Geass) “ruins”?
In episode 19, General Bartley said “The Emperor decides which country to invade going by the location of the ruins” (**I’m not sure how gg (the fansub team) translated this). It is unclear whether this is truly the motive behind the invasions, but as the General has been investigating this for a long time, his statement that there are other such ruins, at least, must be true. Since a gigantic Geass mark surfaced on the Kaminejima ruins, it appears that it is somehow connected with the Geass. (**Well duh)
What exactly is the “Mental Elevator” (Intellevator) the Emperor mentioned?
This is still very much a mystery. However, because this is something coming from the Emperor, it may have to do with the mystery of the ruins he is said to be searching for. (**…Double duh)
What is the 2nd Imperial Prince Schneizel looking for?
Bartley and co. are picking up where Clovis left off with his investigations, which is why they went to Kaminejima. It seems that they have a vague suspicion on what the Emperor’s objectives are, and intend to get a jump on him. At this stage this is all we are able to infer. It is probable that there is a certain something the Britannian royalty all wish to obtain. (**…? Immortality? Pizza? And Schneizel vs Emperor, go! If Schneizel isn’t a bad guy, or had nothing to do with Marianne’s assassination, Lelouch should just team up with him already >__> With Suzaku, the Emperor would be dead in a day)
After episode 23, what will become of Britannia’s “Area 11”?
As we have just reached the part where the next step of the battle would be to destroy the Britannian government office (the palace-like building with flags), the answer to this question will have to depend on the outcome. Should the Black Knights triumph, Japan may have its rights restored while the Britannians may be forced into a vulnerable position this time around. (**Take away all their cellphones! That’ll teach 'em!) However, both the Chinese Federation and the EU, names which have repeatedly come up in the show, are both keeping an eye on the situation. How these two forces will act is something to look out for in the future.
What happened to “Good Morning’d” Orange?
I too am surprised. Even though it’s amazing that he’s made a reappearance in the show, it’s “Good Morning’d” after all. (**Meaning the line destroyed the serious, cool mood of the scene XD) It seems that after the Narita battle, he was picked up (**in the same sense you pick up rubbish / abandoned animals), turned into a subject for experiments and then modified. I’m sure many viewers have already realized what happened because his silhouette is in the OP. The resurrected Orange can’t be beaten ! (**Literal translation = “is the strongest”)
What happened to Shirley’s “memories” erased by the Geass?
Basically, those memories will not return. The Geass works only once. Having seen the memo with her own handwriting, Shirley made her own inferences and somehow managed to grasp the truth of the situation. Although there was a subtle scene in episode 23 where she reacted to the name “Lulu”, with the situation becoming increasingly hectic, her chances of meeting Lelouch again will diminish. (**What does this mean? She’s not going to get her chance to confront Lelouch about the truth after running away from it in episode 22?)
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Will Kallen’s real identity never be revealed to her friends in school?
Although Suzaku already knows about it, he didn’t say a thing about it in school, so as long as Suzaku and Kallen herself keep quiet no one will know. However, in episodes 24 and 25 Kallen, along with Zero, may storm the government office. What will become of the school when the settlement becomes a battlefield…!? (**Are they hinting that the school will be in danger –> Black Knights come to the rescue –> Kallen’s identity is finally revealed?)
If the settlement is attacked, what will become of Nunnally and Arthur?
In episode 23, it appears that the school is still somewhat safe and peaceful. Although Nunnally was frightened, she still has “the mysterious” Sayoko-san with her. Sayoko was told by Diethard to “Stay as you are and wait for further orders.” (**Episode 21) Things should be alright. Is Arthur with them!? (**No, he’s obviously outside taking down mechs left and right) However, should Japan achieve independence, Britannian schools would be in danger.
Will “Chigusa”-san join the Black Knights?
Chigusa-san = Villetta. She’s currently cohabiting with Ougi and living a life reminiscent of the Showa period (**…loving couple, wife waiting at home etc...) he octopus wieners she made for Ougi’s bentou truly had a lot of impact. However, because her memories disappeared not because of the Geass, they will return someday. With that the two of them will become mutual enemies, which will make things difficult.
** There was a caption near the lower text that says “There is no way a Britannian female Knight will pass all her days living a lovey-dovey life in secret. But don’t cry, Ougi!!” (**I… want to see him cry >__>)
When will C.C. give the OK to Lelouch the Geass use r? (**This is the literal translation of the question; it seems that what the question is trying to ask is: Exactly what does Lelouch need to do in order to fulfil the terms of the contract?)
This is far from clear. It seems that C.C. sealed the contract with Lelouch with a certain objective in mind. This contract is valid until that goal is reached. (**Does this mean that once her wish is fulfilled, she can / will take Lelouch’s Geass away from him?) For Lelouch, his goals are to defeat Britannia and the Emperor and also to create a happy world for Nunnally; However, what C.C. stands to gain from these goals of his remains a mystery.
Is Wall h4x Suzaku’s (**okay, so it actually says wall-runner Suzaku) physical prowess that of a normal human being’s?
Yes, he’s a normal human being. It’s just that he possesses extraodinary physical capabilites. It seems that his excellent Knightmare piloting skills has to do with him being unexpectedly compatible with Lancelot, and nothing more than that. Lloyd of the Special Dispatch was quick to notice this. (**…? What about Fake Okouchi and Real Okouchi’s previous hints about there being a secret behind his abnormal physical strength? Unless this answer is supposed to be a red herring?)
***Fake Okouchi was Okouchi's pseudonym when he made an incursion in the famous japanese forum 2ch and distributed fake and real spoilers about the show (more like the last 2 episode of season 1, I'll make a post about those as well.)
With Euphie dead, is Suzaku’s mental state alright?
He can’t be alright, can he? That’s not the usual him. If you listen carefully he said “Ore” (**? He was still Boku-Suzaku during the phone conversation though, but I might have missed him saying “Ore” in episode 23), even though he had been using “boku”. However, it seems that that is Suzaku’s original personality. Up till now he’s been faking his personality because of what happened with his father. He can no longer continue his facade now that he’s snapped. Rather than saying that he will be somewhat like a beast from here on, it would be more appropriate to say we will be able to see Suzaku’s real personality.
Why is it that up until the very end, Suzaku still doesn’t have a “cellphone”?
It’s because there is a clear rule regarding this; Elevens and Honorary Britannians are not allowed to have one. It’s a Britannian rule. This was probably decided in order to nip any possible insurrection in the bud. Also explains why Cecile-san had to personally come and get Suzaku (**in episode 17)
After episode 23, what will Suzaku’s next move be?
To take revenge ? For Euphie. Against Zero! Perhaps he isn’t thinking about the future at all. Although he’s fighting as a Honorary Britannian, it seems that he’s just rushing headlong into the battle with personal grudges to settle. However, he pretty much cannot die due to the “Live!” Geass on him. A rather painful future may be awaiting him.
Who is more amazing? Suzaku vs Lelouch 10-point showdown!
1. Knightmare piloting skills: Suzaku 2. Hunting ability: Suzaku 3. Game skills: Lelouch 4. How they treat Nunnally: Lelouch 5. Popularity with the girls: Tie 6. Popularity with the guys: Suzaku 7. Studies (Science/Maths): Lelouch 8. Studies (Humanities/Arts): Lelouch 9. Independence (Cooking): Suzaku 10. Independence (Money concept): Lelouch
Lelouch wins 5-4.
** Celiss add on: Lelouch is actually pretty good at cooking (**It’s part of his official character profile, IIRC; Sayoko also mentions this in her Diary section for DVD vol 2’s booklet) Some of the reasonings behind the Lelouch vs Suzaku results are pretty nonsensical, actually. For example: Independence (Cooking skill): Suzaku Lulu has been feeding Nunnally ever since their childhood days. His cooking skills are absolutely perfect. Suzaku received a strange Onigiri (Cecile’s) Therefore… …What does that have to do with cooking skills? >__> If anything that only proves Suzaku isn’t human. As for Popularity with Girls, it’s a tie because while Lelouch may have a hidden fanclub at school (I forgot who said this… FO?), Suzaku is popular with older women. This is also part of his official character profile; Suzaku admits it himself in the booklet for DVD vol. 03. However, he denies being attracted to them, but considering his first love (a house maid) happened when he was 3 years old… >__> Suzaku wins in the Popularity with Guys section because Lelouch doesn’t really mix around with other students, only with his fellow Student Council members. This isn’t really fair considering Suzaku probably has a hard time getting along with other classmates as well, but I guess that all changed after Euphemia knighted him. Though I think if it had been Zero vs Suzaku Zero would have won hands down. Zero has Diethard (Obsessed stalker), Tamaki (Tsundere) and Orange (also a stalker when you think about it >__>)
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Translation by the wonderful Celiss galvea, once again. Hope you Enjoyed.
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dagmartoons · 2 years ago
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man ichirou okouchi sure does love his gay makeup hand symbolism huh
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largo-265 · 4 years ago
This post is a summary of notes posted on Twitter by participants of the talk event 'Listening to Ten Years of Screenwriter Ichiro Okochi' held on April 17.
For more information about Okouchi, please refer to wikipedia.
In this event, he talks about many of the works he was involved in, but I will only extract the one about 'sk8'.
Note: That the source of the quote is the tree of tweets linked to this post. See also.
For Okouchi, sk8 was the first project where he expected to have more female fans than male.
But essentially speaking, sk8 is a project for director Utsumi. Pleasing her is the most important task. It didn't have to be a hit anime, but he tried his best to write a script that would satisfy her.
Utsumi had a deep affection for the characters, and she would read the scripts his wrote and offer her opinions such as "this character would never say this" or "this is somehow not cute." etc.
However, Joe (Kojirou) and Cherry (Kaoru) were about half different from his image and hers. But Utsumi liked his image and adopted it.
Unlike many sports stories, sk8 is not a story about club activities, so it's good that both adults and young people appear in the story. Adults can't go back to the time and relationships they once had, but Reki and Langa can. That's what makes it so precious and bright.
sk8 is the story of Reki and Langa. It's about what makes them happy and what they have to overcome. So the relationship with Adam is not that important except for the "S". (He didn't give any extra description.)
Every strong character has someone who serves by their side. (About Ainosuke and Tadashi.) The presence of an entourage prevents the character from becoming just a funny or ridiculous guy. It makes the character's appearance and statements more convincing.
He thinks Code Geass and sk8 are similar, because they have love and hate at their core. Reki and Langa are different, but the adult group is quite similar.
He thought wouldn't be too long between Ep7 and Ep10, but the viewers and staff said "please make up hurry!" It was lovely and fun to see so many posts that showed how many people loved sk8.
"Successful script" is one that produces a visual work that is more interesting than the script it was written for. His already knew what it was about, but he really enjoyed watching sk8 every week. Ex: "I never thought he had such a beautiful smile in this scene!", "I never thought he would grow wings in this scene!"
sk8 is a very good anime because that went beyond the script.
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ayumicchi14 · 5 years ago
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Now that someone mention it...
I'm surprised. But if I looked back at the trilogy compilation movie... So that's how it were. No wonder that the movie were so focused on C.C. and Lelouch relationship. Also I remembered that Okouchi Ichirou said in Fukkatsu interview that he want to make C.C. happy. Glad that Sunrise gave them a chance and space to pour some of their ideas.
Hmm I don't know that Taniguchi and Okouchi are a shipper too 😏 /slap
Oh also, it's ironic that masquarade song was actually LuluShirley theme, but if you look at the lyrics, the lyrics itself fit more with LuluC 🤔
Well it's funny to found out that the creator themselves are actually a massive LxC supporter 😂
I don't know if this is true or not, but it's nice to know. Should I stalk Taniguchi's twitter? /slapslap
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iztarshi · 6 years ago
"Don't be so cold. Actually, I came to invite you on a date."
There was a slight pause before Saionji's tentative response.
Verdant Hopes (Utena Light Novel), Ichirou Okouchi
Don’t get his hopes up, Touga, you jerk.
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restekova · 6 years ago
im thinking about how utena and code geass have literally like the exact same shots in their climactic scenes where deuteragonist gay lover stabs protagonist gay lover with sword. like, not lining up exactly but there are moments where they have the exact same expressions and everything it’s WILD
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