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feliciawolfpaw · 6 months ago
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SSO Promptober 2024 ↪ day seven, soulmate
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Random Art AI Shorts Episode 26
Welcome to episode 26 of Random Art AI Shorts! Each episode features a mix of AI-created artworks, with each creation showcased in less than a minute. The first Image is 5 Seconds into the video with a new image every 5 seconds after, a total of 10 images in each episode.
Don't forget to leave a like or dislike—both are important feedback! Subscribe for more content on video gaming and art-related topics and maybe share this short if you enjoyed it. 
For More of my AI Art Shorts Shorts Visit this Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFJOZYl1h1CFc5s2tX9guiYlvkW4jHRZn
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smp0025 · 5 years ago
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Olihan se pakko hakea heti #goalieportrait #goaliesrock #vaasansport #liiga #icehockey #lätkä #sportsphotography #puttingonthefoil #warriorhky #instahockey #hockeygram #hockeylife #instasports #warrior #icewarriors #makehockeyviolentagain #coolestgameonearth #sonyalpha #sonysportshsooter #yksimeistä #ylikovaa #hockeyphotography #kotkasydän #kotkasydämellä #bealpha #semperfi (paikassa Vaasan Sähkö Areena) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3cuW4GgNHJ/?igshid=28afgp61isld
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penelopecat · 3 years ago
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I almost didn’t walk today, but I persevered. I’m happy about that, both for my health and because I got to listen to the next episode of this story. I realized that part of what makes this episode feel different is not just that Fraser Hines isn’t playing the Doctor as well as Jamie, but that it’s rare to get a story of the Troughton Doctor without Jamie. And I know he’ll return eventually, but it’s fun seeing this Doctor away from that friendship. Of course, he befriends another Scot in this story, but she’s a woman, and there also seems to be more to her than initially appears… #thismakesmehappy #bigfinishproductions #doctorwho #bigfinishdoctorwho #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwhoaudios #audiobook #audiobooks #seconddoctor #seconddoctoradventures #beyondwargames #michaeltroughton #jonculshaw #wrathoftheicewarriors #icewarriors #andrewsmith https://www.instagram.com/p/CgUUkJprW81/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phoenixflamez07 · 6 years ago
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Hello everyone. I'm #TheDoctor. I lost my #Tardis and need help to find it. I asked my friends at @bbcdoctorwho @doctorwho_bbca to help find it. We don't need the #daleks #cybermen #icewarriors or #zygons using time travel. If you see my friends #TheRani or #TheMaster better known as #Missy my advice to you is RUN. https://www.instagram.com/p/BpmLYdWngaY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8vmcmbwev6m5
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mardzosek · 7 years ago
Nanga Parbat
I rarely write anything on this blog, mostly because I like it when it's filled only with museums, sculptures, flowers. It looks like it's clean from any dirt that this world can make.
But tonight something happend, something I just can't stop thinking about. It makes me feel so hopeless and dissociate... And it's just me. I am sitting in my comfy room, writing some stories and from time to time checking what is happening on Nanga Parbat right now. But when I think about Mackiewicz's family, about his wife, three kids I just can't...
For some of you, some that are at least a bit curious, who don't know what happend - Tomasz Mackiewicz and Elisabeth Revol decided to go on the top of Nanga Pargat (8126m) in winter without any bottles of oxygen in their rucksacks. They know this mountain very well, have been there couple times. Although they reached the top of the mountain, only Revol has chance to see her family again.
Mackiewicz is unable to come back. Revol left him on the high about 7200m and decided to go down to save herself and bring some help. Her hands and feets are unable to work either, but she made an extraordinary effort to go 1100 meters down (just... how?). Adam Bielecki and Denis Urubko came track that was planned to make in 1.5 day in only 8 hours (still can't believe that) and fortunately - they found and rescued Revol.
But she is the only person they can rescue.
They are not going to go for Tomasz, who (according to what Elisabeth said) is probably still alive and is waiting for rescue team to come and get him. It's too risky because of the weather and the height. But what's surprising - they wanted to go tor him despiting the fact that they had just made something that average person (I mean someone who knows what he's doing) makes in 1 day in only 8 hours at night (just imagine how exhausted they have to be).
They can't take the risk of their own death. That's the rule no one will consider.
I'm full of admiration for these two, another two men who were waiting for them with medical stuff about 400 meters down and so happy that Elisabeth made it.
But the happiness can't hide this weird feeling about Tomasz. To be honest, I read something about him only yesterday, when I had heard about the whole situation for the first time, so I won't say I love him and admire him since I can read and that's why it hurts so much.
I think it hurts because I realised this ugly truth about life. It hit me really hard. I don't say that we should eliminate all the bad things that happen, but you can't say it's karma when a man who was drug addicted in his youth finally keeps chasing his dreams and gets left to die because of them.
At least, I can't say it. I don't want to believe in it.
I saw his face, saw his eyes, saw his happiness in the pictures from mountain trips. And now he is laying on one of them, waiting for rescue team which will be replaced by death.
I can't...
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horrorpaingoredeath · 4 years ago
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#doctorwho #season5 #vhs #dvd #bluray #thetombofthecybermen #theicewarriors #theenemyoftheworld #theweboffear #furyfromthedeep #drwho #vhsunday #patricktroughton #cybermen #thecybermen #icewarriors #salamander #theyeti #yeti #jamiemccrimmon #zoeheriot #bbc (at Horror Pain Gore Death Productions HQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMspGROJ3j0/?igshid=972roypre2r3
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doctorwhoworldsapart · 5 years ago
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The #IceWarriors used Chameleon Fields to hide their battleships before attacking. If you were an evil mastermind, what method of invasion in #DoctorWho is your favourite? #doctorwhoworldsapart #gameart #illustration #artist #digitalart https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJwXCVB3jW/?igshid=1rmbgisxew0pf
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icewarriortony · 2 years ago
Over the coming weeks and months I will be documenting my trip of a lifetime to the Northern Pole of Inaccessibility. Follow the journey here.
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codekamala-blog · 8 years ago
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Same, Empress, same.
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feliciawolfpaw · 1 year ago
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SSO Promptober 2023 ↪ day eight, training
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mfahey1977 · 6 years ago
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Ice Warriors on the march #doctorwho #icewarriors (at National Space Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtGFcpKn2d9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ofkm7trqm27j
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penelopecat · 3 years ago
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Back on the treadmill after a day of feeling under the weather, and back to the new second Doctor adventures! I love how this first episode, at least, feels like the beginning of a Pertwee Doctor and UNIT story, only with the much different Troughton Doctor instead. Even the music feels like a fusion of season six and seven! #thismakesmehappy #bigfinishproductions #doctorwho #bigfinishdoctorwho #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwhoaudios #audiobook #audiobooks #seconddoctor #seconddoctoradventures #beyondwargames #michaeltroughton #jonculshaw #wrathoftheicewarriors #icewarriors #andrewsmith https://www.instagram.com/p/CgRwIIOrzu3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vic-neko · 8 years ago
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#icewarriors #doctorwho #alien
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sophieiles · 5 years ago
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Okay, I’m only having this up for another week (Ending 18th January) so please don’t miss out on these pins, if you want one your best bet is to preorder to avoid disappointment ❤️ Order at sophieilesart.bigcartel.com #doctorwho #doctorwhopins #doctorwhofanmerch #doctorwhos12 #k9 #icewarrior #judoon #doctorwhomerch #doctorwhomerchandise https://www.instagram.com/p/B7QTfXTjz1G/?igshid=zxl72xszuurg
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horrorpaingoredeath · 4 years ago
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#doctorwho #season11 #vhs #vhsaturday #drwho #johnpertwee #elisabethsladen #nicholascourtney #sarahjanesmith #brigadierlethbridgestewart #thetimewarrior #invasionofthedinosaurs #deathtothedaleks #themonsterofpeladon #planetofthespiders #sontarans #daleks #thedaleks #icewarriors #playhousevideo #bbc #cbsfoxvideo (at Horror Pain Gore Death Productions HQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKHSzMOp0tW/?igshid=197o676gjohd6
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