tigertaurus22 · 1 year
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Original characters for an original story I’m working on.
The story is called A Kitsune in Camelot, and features five individuals who are isekai’d into another world.
They all played a game similar to Yggdrasil from the Overlord series called Sengoku Rift. They pretty much became their characters upon transfer, but not without a few hiccups.
This is three of them.
From left to right:
Arianna Coral a.k.a. Ari-chan
Real name: Arisa Sango
She is half Huldra, half Sphinx
She is twelve years old and the youngest of the five. She specializes in earth elemental magic as well as confectionery, clothes making and beast taming. Sengoku Rift didn’t really have many clothing options that she liked, so she decided to make them herself. She wanted to make her own sweets too.
Irl, Arisa is hospital bound and uses Sengoku Rift to escape into a world where she could be free to socialize with others and discover herself. Her mother is actually one of the developers, giving her some special privileges.
This is why she can play the game despite her young age.
Upon transfer, she woke up as her character but she didn’t feel comfortable in a body that was older than she actually was. She eventually finds a way to age herself back down, storing the years inside a pendant that she would later give to Ayame.
Takeshi Icescale
Real name: Takeshi Midorikawa
Irl, Takeshi is a nice old man with a loving wife and a family that had already left the nest.
He and Ayame virtually adopted Arianna after they first met her. They made an agreement with her mother to keep an eye on the girl and help her out when necessary.
They even visited her at her hospital when they could and took her to conventions (with parental permission of course.)
Takeshi is half merman, half satyr. He is essentially a Capricorn creature
He was the one to introduce gaming to his beloved wife back before they were married, and they’d use VR to talk to each other when Ayame was on tour.
He used to be in Choir, Theater and even Swimming clubs in school. He is passionate about swing music and 1920s- 30s fashion.
In the game, he is a mob boss that specializes in water/ice elemental magic and gunslinging. He’s also a talented singer and musician, as well as a thief.
Ayame Fenhuang
Real name: Ayame Midorikawa
She has been happily married to Takeshi for a little over forty years. Ayame specializes in fire elemental magic and is the chef of the group.
She is also a talented ballerina, having lived in France for a time to study ballet. This lent itself well to her becoming the first battle dancer in Sengoku Rift, inventing a new Trade Class.
She is half swan maiden, half firebird
Upon transfer, Ayame woke up in the body of an eight year old. She uses Ari’s pendant to age herself up.
Trade Classes are what they call Job Classes in Sengoku Rift and the Other World, which is called Alania.
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a-kitsune-in-camelot · 6 months
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Part Nine of the Voice, featuring Hiroshi’s friends who also got isekai’d.
Top left: Zero Redfrost, dragon-human hybrid
Top right: Ayame Fenghuang, firebird hybrid
Lower left: Arianna Coral, lion-huldra hybrid
Lower right: Takeshi Icescale, capricorn (satyr-mermaid hybrid)
They all played the same RPG together as a team
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borkwolf · 3 months
Attack on IceCreamSodaaaaa's icescales oc Fairy :]
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moulin-in-deep · 10 months
I've been wondering if Icewings have their own version of firescales. My headcanon is that icescales are definitely a thing.
I've also been wondering what a icewing/Skywings mix would look like, and now I have a character concept of someone named Zircon. A dragon who can freeze people with one talon and melt people with the other.
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
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sug4r-melon · 1 year
Hey, so, what do you mean Bumblebee is there in spirit?!?! If Blitzy has icescales how was anyone able to (for lack of a better term?) breed her?!?!?! I think I've dug through all of your TFA WOF AU and I crave more! 👀👀👀👀 I love TFA! I love dragons! We need more dragonformers stuff!!! I absolutely love what you've got so far and you've got me hooked!!!!!!!!!! 💗💓💕 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
as for the... reproductive issues...
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jk jk jk
Blitzwing had been gifted an animus enchanted bracelet when she was a dragonet that gave her normal scales(as well as hiding other attributes that are related to how i adapted the triple changing)
when she climbed Megatron's ranks, and he discovered her unique attribute, he took the bracelet away, forcing her to use her icescales in the war considering how useful they are
when she starts falling for bumblebee, she takes a risk and steals back the bracelet, only wearing it when she goes out to meet with him, and then putting it back in it's hiding spot
it is a very dangerous game, but anything for love, right?
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cataqu33rz · 1 year
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Spicata posting!! (She/any)
Shes the royal guard assigned to Prince Horizon (pictured in the first picture and owned by @authorcallinarts ) because of the Queens trust in her and both of them possessing icescales and could safely interact with each other
She has made enemies out of nearly everyone she has met save for the prince himself, even developing a nasty rivalry with her eldest brother, Krampus (icewing in the second and third image), who she unfortunately sees often in the Kings Arena where the prince has made his home.
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fox-daddy · 10 months
Wings of the arcana (Animus magic)
Animus magic in wings of fire is to put it mildly massively over powered. Having no limitation, you can use it directly on a dragon, on an item, inanimute object, anything pretty much. You can make it do whatever you want, I.E 'have Fathom do whatever I say' unless you've already enchanted yourself to be protected by others animus magic there's nothing you can do about it.
In wings of the arcana this is diffrent. Firstly you can't enchant a dragon directly. Although you can still have an item enchant a dragon indirectly. You cannot make an innaminate object move by itself. So you can't tell a coocnut to hit Lucio in the face. However you can encahnt it so that whoever picks it up feels the urge to throw it at Lucio's face. Which brings me into how Animus magic is messured in this world and how exactly it works.
Any dragon can be hatched with Animus magic and weather Mc had it before they died or not having the fools magic means they have the animus magic of an arcana. Or what is known as 'true animus magic' This allows Mc to encahnt dragons directly, to make innanimate objects move and has almost no limitation for what it can do. However, the strength of their magic depends on how trained Mc is in it. For example Mc who is still new to speaking can enchant a necklace to make Asra speak only the truth but being weak in their magic Asra can break out of it rather easily and be disappointed in Mc for doing that.
This is due to Animus magic running on two factors. Mental strength and idenfitication and the strength limit being tested by if the magic can impact emotions, perceptoions or reality itself.
Asra being a strong animus themselves has a strong mental resilance against Animus magic. Making it hard to enchant them without them being willing. Working around animus magic means they can identify it quickly and effectively only making their ability to resist stronger.
Compare that to Julian who is scared of Animus magic and doesn't understand it. That fear and uncertanty makes him weaker to Animus magic making it easier to enchant him. However, due to working with Asra he does have a higher chance of realizing it's animus magic. This won't help him fight it himself but could allow him to tell the others and get help. Unless the spell fores him to stay quiet about it.
When it comes to animus dragons magic stregnth there are two factors at play, natural power and worked on magic. I'll explain this more as I go down the list of the M6 and their relaiton to animus magic. Before I get onto the arcana.
Asra: On the higher half of those hatched with animus magic. Both parents having nautrally baseline strength. This means Asra is more likely to notice they're an animus early on in life. Especially with both his parents keeping an eye out. However, his natural ability wouldn't allow him to do something like turn a bolder into gold. Rather they would be able to do smaller spells like making an earring make the wearer warm no matter the tempature, making a ring that causes Julian to be unable to see the colour green, or make a bolder look like it's made of gold. At this level Asra can influence the feeling and look of objects but not actually change what the object is. Messing with perspective and emotions. Even as Asra trains themselves up their magic mainly focuses on tricking the sensors rather than changing the actual object. Although at the time of the game Asra is able to change smaller objects entirely. Able to do things like make a firescale dragon's scales not burn or an icescale dragons scales to not freeze. While Asra could try and change a dragons memory it would take his full concentration and a lot of time for them to make the item powerful enough to change a dragons memories.
Muriel; has weak animus magic. Unable to use it to change objects or mess with many perspective elements he can use it to help calm emotions using charm to have a soothing effect on those nearby. Allowing him to gently use it to check how a plant or animal is feeling. Being emotion based. Due to his connection to it he is just as fast at picking up on enchanted items as Asra is, although lacks some of the ressistance Asra has from their exposure.
Nadia has no animus magic however is one of the most resiliant against it only matching Asra maybe even beating Asra at it. Having a fortified mind it's hard for enchanted items to effect on her unless she is willing or doesn't realize it's animus magic. However her ability to pick up on animus touched items is rather high so good luck with that.
Portia has less resistance or the ability to pick up on animus items but has a better chance than your avrage dragon.
Lucio has a stronger ressistant against animus magic than Portia but a much harder time idenitying Animus items. Making him more supsetible to falling for it than Portia.
Julian has a weakness to Animus magic due to his fear making it harder for him to mentally fight back against it. However, they have an easier time picking up on animus touched items than Lucio does.
Mc has a naturally strong resisitance to animus magic and a natural ability to idenity it. This is due to having the fools magic.
With that segway; the major arcana and animus magic. The major arcana have the strongest animus magic ever. Said to be the first dragons with animus magic they have all the abilites as in the wings of fire. Almost no dragon outside those resilant can fight back against their magic, even then certian arcana have animus touched items even those mose resilant can't beat. I.E the devils chains. Only the fool has the power to break them, not even the star can. In return the star has her water, able to heal almost any injury and able to catch glimpses of the future.
They are seen as the only 'true animus' dragons due to having no limitation on their power.
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scrdurin · 5 years
    frerin launched across the valley as fast as his legs could carry him, leaping over stone and upturned earth, battle axe in hand and travel pack slung over his shoulder as he sprinted over rolling green hills, an idyllic slice of paradise faltered only for the great beast at his back. the dragon was monstrous -- deep purple in colour with a head the size of a castle and teeth as thick and as long as he was. he could feel electricity in the air, the rush of breath as the beast sucked in a breath. his hair stood on end, his ears popped and he ran with gritted teeth, springing forward frerin plowed directly into a human man with all of the force that a sprinting dwarf could muster.
together, they hit the ground hard and frerin shouted a string of rapid curses, kicking off the ground as they rolled one over the other before landing in a heap of tangled limbs. frerin jerked upright as best he could and bulked when the earth quaked beneath the pounded steps of the dragon far too close for comfort. the dwarf had no idea where the man had come from, nor could he find it within himself to care, he snatched a handful of his coat and dragged him up as if he intended to haul him across the ground and away from the beast single handed.
     “  dragon  .  .  .  dragon ! ”  frerin shouted, he stumbled up to his feet, released the man’s coat and grabbed his axe in both hands, he raised the axe in front of him and faced the great beast, beautiful in it’s terrible splendor but certainly not a monster that frerin intended to let eat him without a fight.
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 the creature roared and frerin roared back.  //  @icescale  ♡‘d  for  a  starter
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laly-481 · 2 years
Hc that a dragonnet that doesn't have enought fire (such as Sky) get sick and most likely die young because their body lack that fire.
The point wasn't to kill Sky in the first place, but more killing my OC that has that condition (icewing with a lack of ice due to her sibling's icescale). So yeah collateral damage, sorry Sky, thought you were dead.
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dragonprincedrake · 4 years
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New oc of mine
Name: Snowstorm
Age: 8 years old
Gender: cis female
Sexuality: bisexual
Tribe: IceWings
Occupation: Queen
Abilities: icescales (IceWing varient of firescales), stronger then normal frostbreath
A little background~
For the first few years of her life, Snowstorm was largely ignored by her parents and looked down upon by most IceWings. Other then her twin brother (who later mysteriously disappeared one night), many of her tribe treated her like a tiking time bomb, an accident waiting to happen. To everyone’s shock, the queen, Queen Seal and grandmother to Snowstorm, took her under her wing. Seal saw amazing potential in her granddaughter, so she set her up with her most trusted advisor and friend to become Snowstorm’s mentor.
When Snowstorm reached adulthood, Queen Seal met with her in private to confide with her. Seal was a very old and ailing IceWing Queen. She did not want to die of illness or old age, her last wish was to die in battle. So she asked Snowstorm to challange her the next day for the throne. And so she did, she granted her grandmother’s and best friend, her last wish. She made sure the battle was great, to truly honor her grandmother. One of her first acts as the new Queen was to commission the best ice sculptor in the kingdom to make a statue of Queen Seal, to honor her.
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mossgroveart · 4 years
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These are the guardians of the Barrens in Erudite Gift:
We have the guardians of nitrogen: Orsur Glowwings and his apprentice Kyras Sirenback.
The guardians of wind; Typhon Featherhorn and his apprentice Namielle Beaknip
The guardians of sound; Echo Tatterwing and his apprentice Krash Bonehorn
and finally the guardians of dark ice; Blizzar Icescales and his apprentice Yaiger Glaizer
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fortheloveoflizards · 4 years
Any ideas/Hc’s about IceWing FrostScales? (icescales? I prefer FrostScales-) one of my oldest And most-loved oc’s Is flurry, n she has FrostScales :>
Omg, let me just say Flurry is such a cute name! I always struggle coming up with names for Icewings and Mudwings, so it amazes me how people come up with such great ones. As for Frostscales, I’ve heard a bit about it, and I think it’s a really cool idea! It would be a good expectation subversion if it turned out Icewings really respected anyone born with Frostscales. I always thought of Icewings as both hyper literal and logic driven.
Skywings have loads of superstitions and quick to shun anyone too different. Icewings, however, don’t see the point in getting rid of dragons that are basically guaranteed a win in any scenario? Frostscales dragons are automatically stronger, bigger and deadlier than any regular Icewing, and immune to frostbreath to boot.
Any Icewing born with Frostscales would probably be ranked up if they aren’t already in the First Circle. Or better yet, maybe there’s a separate Circle specifically for Frostborn? Where they’re trained and raised by an older Frostscales dragon to be as dangerous as possible. I think even dragons born outside of the Circles would be brought closer to the palace. They’d be separated from their families and maybe even given a new name, but it’s a small price to pay for the power they’ve been given. They should be happy to serve their tribe in such a way.
Obviously there’s the not being able to touch anyone without hurting them, but hey, what can you do. I do think Frostborn would have a harder time with things like swimming or really just standing anywhere that isn’t snow or ice. Fire doesn’t travel over stone, and water combats it. But water freezes and ice travels over pretty much anything. Any Frostscales dragons would need a separate cave system if they were to attend Jade Mountain.
Do you think Peril would be able to touch a Frostscales dragon? Or would their scales hurt her as well? OOH would a Frostscales dragon’s scale crack like ice when they’re injured? I bet their frostbreath is so cold it burns! Anyone who gets hit by it probably dies almost instantly from the shock. I also think Frostscales dragons would find it difficult to live outside of the Ice Kingdom for long, maybe their scales would start melting or something?
Okay so appearance-wise, I’m thinking semi-transparent wings and tails? Frostborn are probably bigger by default, with more spines. I doubt they’d have any colouration aside from a hint of blue? They’re considered incredibly attractive by most Icewings, although don’t usually land mates outside of other Frostscales.
I actually really liked doing this! I hadn’t given Frostscales much thought before now. I’d love to learn more about Flurry, it would be interesting to hear about her life and struggles.
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the-ringalan-tribes · 5 years
Canon: Skywings with firescales have blazing blue eyes
Canon I'm willing to ignore: Only SkyWings can get firescales (and there are no similar conditions for other tribes)
Headcanon time! HiveWings:  Can be born with too much venom, called Venomscales. They are often much shinier than other dragons. Queen Wasp loves them, as they are very good at terrifying.
IceWings: IceWings get Icescales, in which they freeze anything they touch in a layer of frost. This leads to frostbite very quickly. They have bluish veins along their scales. Icescales and Firescales cancel each other out. LeafWings: Treespeak is an advanced form of Leafspeak which does not require any focus; rather the plants are more drawn to the dragon and react at even the slightest thought. These dragons are often covered in various plants that try to make themselves at home on their scales. They do not mind this.
MudWings: It’s rare for a MudWing to be born with firescales, but when they are  they prefer to stay submerged in mud. MudWings also get blue eyes, but darker. Ocean instead of sky.
NightWings: Instead of having coppery veins in their wings, their ‘stars’ take on the coloration if they have firescales. Their eyes are almost white, as if they’re about to start spouting prophecies at you. RainWings: Can also be affected by Venomscales. Their scales are black with an iridescent sheen, and they can only turn dark colors. Their eyes are also black. SandWings: SandWings can get Firescales and Venomscales, though the latter is rare. A firescales SandWing has bluish-white eyes, darker golden scales, and coppery veins. Venomscales give the dragon a slightly greener tint. SeaWings: SeaWing glowscale development has a chance to get out of control, and as a result they may be able to glow all over their bodies instead of their stripes. Glowey bois. SilkWings: SilkWings may have ‘silk-scales’, in which the silk glands form all over the dragon. They sort of... ooze silk, usually uncontrollably. Flamesilks can have a form of Firescales in this way. This also makes Metamorphosis slightly easier. SkyWings: See Canon.
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creamy-jam · 4 years
Thoughts on Icewings & Skywings
My thoughts on the evolution of phyrrian dragons and similarities between Icewings and Skywings. This will be more specifically about firescales.
This is all HC with no textual evidence
Feel free to add your own thoughts about this! 
Links: Thoughts on Winter, Thoughts on Qibli
In my opinion Icewings and Skywings either descended from one common ancestor at similar times or the Icewings evolved from the Skywings.
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The major similarities can be seen in the lower jaw, the hind feet, the size and structure of the wings, and the curve of the back. 
What could have happened is an early group of Skywings, before palaces and royalty were truly a thing, departed and began travelling far north [or south]. Skywings are already quite tolerant of bone-chilling torrential winds so it wouldn’t be far-fetched for them to be capable of acclimating to colder and colder temperatures.
Now to the reason I was thinking about the evolutionary track of these two is I was thinking about Peril and all the dragonets born with too much fire. I then wondered why there isn’t such a thing as dragonets born with too much ice in the Icewings. There is no reason as to why there can’t be an Icewing born with too much ice.
What would a dragon born with too much ice look like? What would be the ramifications? How would the Icewing tribe handle them?
We know from Peril that dragons born with too much fire seem to glow from how hot their scales are. Other than that, she appears to be a normal looking Skywing. Her eyes are either a product of her firescales or her father Chameleon, despite him being ‘full’ Skywing at the time of her conception. 
Taking that all into account we can come up with a few designs for a dragonet with what I now dub ‘icescales’. 
I’d imagine the scales would be a bit thicker and more translucent and look similar to a layer of thins sea ice over the regular white scales of an Icewing. The claws and spines are especially where this difference can be noted. The claws and spines tend to be longer. It can be noted that the spines tend to get a little more knobby [including the horns] to appear more like icicles. This appearance develops over time and gets more extreme the older the dragon is because it is a result of the humidity freezing to the body of the dragon. 
Another option is they look completely normal however their eyes are an extremely saturated purple. The idea for purple eyes comes from the common depiction of Y dwarf objects in space who live their lives like stars, but only get as hot as 350 F / 175 C which in terms of living life like a star is freezing cold. 
Icescales and firescales function quite the same in how they affect the temperature of the body. You can always tell if an icescales has been in the area from how dry and cold the air is and the state of the ground where they may have stood. Unlike firescales, most metal decors can withstand the chill of an icescales body if they are careful enough to not smack it against anything.
Now how would the Icewing tribe react to the hatching of a dragonet with icescales. Comparing to their reaction to Icewing Animus dragons, I’d imagine they’d take a similar path. 
There would be a special schooling for icescale dragonets where responsibility and decisive caution are the main focus of their education. Outside of that they are a specially trained class of soldier meant to be kept secret from all who don’t need to know. At most it is only the first circle and generals in the Icewing army who will know of this special battalion. The schooling of these dragons takes place in an island far off in the broken sea ice north east towards the Sky Kingdom. 
This battalion is rarely ever used and kept almost entirely separate from the Ice Kingdom other than the Queen and her daughters visiting to meet the dragons. The Queen is the only one who can give the dragons any sort of mission. The mission can vary from protecting royalty in battle [for example, the only reason Icicle almost always came away from battles with Mudwings uninjured were because of these dragons] to going down and destroying and removing frozen bodies from the diamond trial caves. To put it in blunt terms they essentially are a fully trained ‘super-powered’ clean up crew for the Icewing royalty’s mistakes. 
To protect from dissenters among the icescale dragonets, an animus princess, or perhaps Queen Diamond, had made the school where they train inescapable if the dragon leaving was an icescale intending on abandoning the Icewing kingdom. 
That’s all I have, feel free to add your own thoughts to this! I would love to see this become an amalgamation of different ideas and a lot of people pitching in!
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leavaloo · 4 years
For all 3 of ur OCs! 3, 19, and 74 ☺️
Oh!! Thank you so much for being interested in them!!
3: What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames? 
19. What is their occupation? 
74. What weather is their favorite? Do they like storms?
3. Derrik was actually a fun thing to put into modern fantasy, kind of a jest on the over-the-top fantasy type names we see in high fantasy. Now that everything is modern, he’s stuck with a name that continues to be extra haha! His nickname is Dirk, given to him by Rie, and it continues to stay.
19. Derrik is a master tracker and hunter, not by his own accord but still one of the best in the lands. His extreme excellence in this time made the process of hunting magical beasts so easy that his guild contract no longer had any use for him. But he still had criminal charges, and the contract was still in place, so he was sent a military base instead to serve the rest of his sentence. He didn’t think his skills would be needed, however, until a patrol party was killed with a beast of strange tracks. He’s kinda done with the whole thing, lol
74. His favorite weather is rain! After my own heart. Even though it’s not good for tracking, though that’s kind of the point. The harder it rains, the more he doesn’t have to do. So yes, I’d say that he loves storms! (They’re also very calming for him).
3. I needed a normal name in here somewhere lol I tend to go extra with names in fantasy so a normal one is nice. Also, he was named by my roommate! She thought Logan would be a good fit and I ran with it. He does indeed have a nickname. It’s Log. This is also given by Rie, and continues to stay.
19. Logan is another solider on the base with Derrik. He connected with the guy pretty immediately, but Derrik never really said anything about his past. Now, he gets to go on a very intensive tracking mission with him, because Logan is the only one Derrik trusts there. He’s flattered by that, honestly.
74. Logan, gods bless his soul, loves sunny weather, specifically because he can get a damn good tan. He’s perfected the method of tanning in natural sun, and he knows he looks good to both men and women. He uses that to his advantage (still has yet to get a partner).
3. Rie has been a character in my head for god knows how many years. She’s gone through different names, different personalities, and Rie is what ended up sticking, finally. I decided that I would make her an actual character for once, especially since the dream that sparked this book had her as a main character. I couldn’t complain after that. Her nickname that doesn’t come up too often is Riri! Given by her dragon, Mila.
19. She is the last of the dragon riders, and is really as much of a tarzan character as you can get. She’s wild, free, and doesn’t really know anything about society. She just knows she has a dragon, and is trying to find other dragons. It’s very weird for her to see another humanoid out in the icy forests of the Icescale Alpes.
74. Snow! Lots of snow. Snow doesn’t bother her! It feels like home, really. She doesn’t really enjoy storms as often cause it’s harder to hunt, but she enjoys a nice little flurry of snow!
Thank you so much for these questions! If anyone else wants to know anymore, please send in some asks cause I loooove talking about my beans!
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lotus-the-rainwing · 6 years
Tribe Mutations
Anyone want to hear some ideas I have for mutations for each tribe? No? Well here we go!
Keep in mind this if for the first seven tribes (even though I've only covered six) as I haven't read into the third arc yet.
IceWings: Icescales
Same concept as Firescales but IceWing specific. A IceWing who's hatched with Icescales has a body temperature that's below freezing. While it generally isn't as fatal as Firescales, any living creature would quickly have an extreme case of frostbite, and smaller creatures or hatchling dragonets will die within seconds. Because of the cold within them, Icescale dragons CAN touch a Firescales dragon with no repercussions. They also tend to breath ice that's completely clear
SandWings and RainWings: Dragonbite Toxin
Both tribes share a common ancestor so this rare mutation occurs for both tribes. Named after the Dragonbite Viper, it's a more extreme version of their venom, where the normal venom does tend to be deadly it has a degree of uncertainty. The Toxin, when used, causes blackening of the effected area, then quickly runs through the book veins causing them to turn black and pretty much bleed out the creature without the blood. Unfortunately, even though it's rather fast it causes pain close to a Bullet Ant bite. Because of RainWings having a spray of venom the victim tends to die more quickly.
MudWings: Venom Bite
This one is like a Komodo dragon bite, where the venom in their saliva encourages blood loss and infection, slowly killing off their prey. When another dragon is bitten by a MudWing with this mutation, the dragon doesn't know until days later when infection finally takes over, and by then it's too late.
NightWings: Silverscales
Silverscales doesn't have any effect on the dragon with it, but it's more in appearance. Exclusive to dragons with the future seeing ability, Silverscales causes the dragon to have a silver iridescent in their scales. It's said that this becomes more apparent if the NightWing sleeps under the moons on a normal basis.
SeaWings: Extended Fins/ Whiskers
Almost exclusive to the Royal SeaWing family due to selective mates, the extended fin and whisker mutation is exactly what it sounds like. Fins on the belly and back tend to be longer, same for the whiskers. It's said that SeaWings with this mutation are better at maneuvering in pitch black as the whiskers are sensitive to touch.
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