#ice cream gender flavor
trx34ksh · 1 year
In honor of pride month, I have asked my good close friends a simple question:
If u could describe your gender like icecream, what flavor would it be and what cone or bowl would it come in?
The answers came in and I stock pilled them here for your viewing pleasure.
Friend 1:
Comes in your hand, is red and blue flavor
Friend 2:
Neapolitan. It’s not defined as one flavor because it has several. It’s not seen as just chocolate or just strawberry. It’s Neapolitan.
Friend 3:
hm...a bowl of...cookies and cream or neapoltian. In like...a glass bowl with flowers on it.
Friend 4:
Maybe like either a French vanilla, coffee, or salted Carmel in a waffle cone with and or without sprinkles. Or chocolate bc that’s my fav.
Friend 5:
Strawberry cheesecake on a waffle cone.
Friend 6:
Watermelon sorbet or black cherry in a pretty pink ceramic bowl.
Friend 7:
My ice cream would be a great white shark ice cream
Friend 8:
errmmmm i would be chocolate chip in a waffle cone😋
Friend 9:
Oreo ice cream flavor, in a cone I think. One of the big waffle cones.
Friend 10:
i would prolly be lemon sorbet with gummy bears and whipped cream with cone bowl.
Friend 11:
Okay definitely a waffle cone bowl and it would be specifically Jeni’s ice cream flavor Cream Puff because it’s sweet but has little bites of pastry in it and it’s a little like burnt sugary you know? It looks like you’re getting what you expect but it’s also ✨complex✨.
Friend 12:
Prolly like cookies and cream in a little plastic yellow cup. Scooped with the spoon you're gunna eat it with.
Friend 13:
chocolate icecream in a translucent olive green cup and like a small gold spoon and also sherbet in a cone with a baby pink napkin around it
Tbh I did this just for funsies but if you want a more deep meaning, I wanna show how everyone experiences their gender or sexuality or ANYTHING abt themselves differently than others. No one is the same :) and I really appreciate that about people in the lgbtq community and even outside of that. We can all go through the same thing and come out of it with different conclusions.
ALSO!!! If you want, plz reblog or comment with your answer to my question and tag it with “ice cream gender flavor” (bc that sounds funny but also so I can see all the replies) <3
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Type Of Boyfriend They Are
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Karasuno x Gender Neutral!Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Language. That's pretty much it.
Author's Note: I've been having a pretty heavy case of writer's block especially with a lot of things going on in my life right now. My mental health is a bit unstable, but I had this idea written down in my list of writing ideas and thought that it was so cute. I hope you all enjoy, and I'll probably make headcanons for the rest of the schools too!
Hope you all enjoy and I hope that you all are doing well <3
~Mod Shoyo <3
-Kageyama, Shoyo, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Daichi, Asahi, Sugawara, Tanaka, Noya
Kageyama Tobio:
He’s very stand-offish when the two of you first meet
“uh… can I help you?”
Once the two of you get to know each other though, you find out that he’s actually a closeted crackhead under that harsh exterior he has
After dating for a couple of months, he’s very comfortable with you and loves spending time with you
Whether you like volleyball or not, he’s asking you to help him practice, come to his games, come to his practice matches, he wants you to be there for EVERYTHING
If you manage to show your support by making him a sign or putting his number on your cheeks at one of his games??????
He definitely will deny it, but he absolutely adores it.
“You should do this more often, it was sweet.”
Shoyo teases you guys all the time and says that you’re the only one that brings out the rational side of Tobio
That will normally end with Shoyo getting hurt somehow, no matter how much you tell Kageyama to leave him alone
You still love him though <3
Hinata Shoyo:
The absolute biggest ball of sunshine ever
Golden. Retriever. Boyfriend. 
He’s very heavy on physical touch and quality time
No matter what you’re doing, Shoyo always wants to be there just to see what you’re doing
“Ooh whatcha up to lovey?”
He’s like a lap dog. He will lay his head in your lap just so he can stare up at you while you’re doing whatever you’re doing
Whenever you show up to his games he gets SO NERVOUS???? Like his stomach issues multiply by a hundred because you’re literally in the stands to watch HIM.
In the end, he always tries his best because he wants you to be so proud of him and enjoy watching him play!!
Everyone on the team loves you, you’re literally the only person that can make Shoyo shut up for more than five minutes because he just LOVES to admire you and appreciate how perfect you are.
“You’re so gorgeous… we should like… kiss or something.”
He’s so affectionate it’s too cute.
Yamaguchi Tadashi:
Tadashi just loves when you’re being you.
He’s always sneaking glances at you and just thinking about how soft your features are and how lucky he is to have bagged someone like you.
“Hey love, I found this super cute keychain while I was at the store with Tsuki the other day and it reminded me of you!”
“I remember you saying that this was your favorite and they only had one left, so I had to get it before someone else that wasn’t you did!”
He’s just so thoughtful. He always remembers the little things.
The very first day you kissed him? He celebrates it every year by giving you a million smooches.
You only like one very specific flavor of ice cream? He will never ever give you a different flavor and goes to multiple stores if he has to when they don’t have it
He isn’t the biggest with PDA, but he will most definitely hold your hand and kiss your cheek, forehead, or your hand.
He just gets a little shy when he’s out in public with you, but only because he doesn’t want other people looking at you and thinking that they have a chance with you.
He’s so non-confrontational, but if push comes to shove, he’ll make sure that everyone knows you’re his.
He just loves you so much and he’s so glad that you’re his. Forever. <3
Kei Tsukishima:
Likes to play this game in public where he acts like he isn’t your boyfriend
“Excuse me, do I know you?”
You can be sarcastic too, so he’s just glad that you can take jokes and rip on his teammates or randos in the street
This dude has such a killer resting bitch face when he notices people eyeing you.
Noya tested his luck flirting with you one time and, despite Noya being his upperclassman, Tsuki almost killed him with just one look
He secretly loves how much you fuss over him.
“Babe, your glasses are so DIRTY. Here let me clean them before you run into something,”
He literally stopped the habit of cleaning his lenses because you’ll just take them and clean them for him
He loves watching you fog the lenses up with your breath and wipe them with the microfiber cloth that came in his case
Even if you only look like a big blur of colors to him and you’re all blurry <3
Tanaka Ryuunosuke:
The most respectful yet horny boyfriend at the same time
“What the hell do you mean that guy cat called you?”
He says as his hand is resting on your ass, giving it an occasional squeeze from time to time.
Very overprotective, but not in an overbearing way
Despite how loud and chaotic he may be (especially when he’s with Noya) he always picks up on your small cues and knows when you’re uncomfy or feeling a little out of place
He loves to bring you up at all times
“You know that’s crazy, because my baby loves to eat meat buns and can easily smash like seven of them in one sitting. *sigh* I’m so in love.”
Daichi literally just told him what he ate for lunch today when Tanaka asked.
PDA is his JAM.
Always has a hand somewhere on you and loves how you just nuzzle into his touch whenever he’s with you
It’s everything he’s ever wanted in life and he’s so stoked that he finally has it
His favorite place is your ass though. It’s easy access and it’s very soft and comfy in his palm
Nishinoya Yuu:
The type of boyfriend to annoy you and push your buttons all day and then just lay a million kisses all over your face at the end of the day as he tells you how much he loves you
He’s so hyped up to do anything with you
He’s definitely the type to enjoy running errands with you because he pretends that you’re married already and that these errands are just married couple tingz
He loves to embarrass you in public
Yall will be at a store while you’re just looking at clothes and trying to find some new outfits before he starts yelling as loud as he can so that people from five aisles down can hear him
You literally walk away and act like you don’t know him for the rest of the day
Nonetheless, he’s so appreciative of you and makes sure you know how much he loves you
The second that you first announced to the team that you were dating, you could’ve sworn you saw tears of joy falling from Kiyoko’s eyes
You keep him grounded and always help bring him out of the dark places his mind goes to when he messes up during games
Hearing you tell him how good of a libero he is and how amazing he is always snaps him out of things. He’d be a wreck without you
Daichi Sawamura:
The most caring boyfriend ever literally what the fuck-
He worries about your well-being all the time and isn’t afraid to show how much he cares about you no matter where you guys are
Sure, he’ll scold you for being clumsy and tripping in the gym, but also?
“Why the hell did they wax the floors before we started practicing? We’re just gonna dirty them again anyways?”
He’s such a passionate lover
“Hey, you look like you’ve got a lot on your mind. What can I do to fix that?”
He’s so good with communicating his feelings to you and wants you to know whatever’s going on with him and reassure you no matter what
Absolutely adores pressing kisses to your temples. He loves how you just stare into his eyes with the biggest smile ever and can see your pupils shift into hearts every time he does it
The two of you just make so much sense being together? Match made in heaven type of shit
His very older brother/dad morals have rubbed off on you and now you’re yelling at the boys the same way that he does. 
He always whispers to Suga or Asahi about how proud he is of you while watching you scold someone for being immature 
Asahi Azumane:
The literal definition of Cottage Core
When you hung out with him at his house for the first time, he had so many succulents and well-cared for plants
He’s so soft, he just loves you so much
He loves when you give him scalp massages after taking his bun down
Whenever you go to his house after practice, he’ll shower and have you wash his hair for him because he can’t relieve the tension he feels on his head like you do
He writes you love letters and leaves them in such random places for you to find
“Hey honey, did you leave a letter in my bento box? When I opened it, it had a little bit of curry sauce on it.”
He just blushes and giggles slightly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
Loves to call you the cringiest/cutest pet names ever.
Honey pie, sweetums, sugar plum…
You giggle every time he says it out loud because his teammates can’t help but make fun of him whenever they hear it
They’re so cringe coming out of anyone else’s mouth. Not his though <3
Sugawara Koushi:
You will never ever catch Suga smelling bad.
Even after practice, you can’t smell that musty stench of sweat on him because it’s masked by all the deodorant he puts on.
MOST DEFINITELY smells like a bath and body works scent. It changes depending on the season and he loves smelling good according to the season
“Suga, is that… champagne toast?”
You bet your sweet ass it is.
Suga gives the most heartfelt and warm hugs in the world, it’s like hugging a warm blanket.
He’s so loving and it shows in all of his words and actions.
“Aww darling, let me wipe your nose. I told you it was going to be cold and to wear a thicker sweater when we talked on the phone this morning,”
When he says stuff like that his face is literally just >:(
His kisses are so soft. He loves to kiss your nose because of the way it scrunches up after his lips leave
“Do you not like my kisses?” Smooch. “Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” Mwuah. “I won’t stop until you accept my kisses.”
You just keep scrunching it because you love when he kisses you. He knows that, he just loves to make it a little fake argument between you two <3
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chimielie · 1 year
what it is
summary: Oikawa x Reader. he makes it out of the friendzone (with some help)
word count: 1.3k
cw: nothing, oikawa in glasses
a/n: i wrote this in under an hour while heavily caffeinated?;!;!4& brain melting
“You’re late,” you say with a grin. Oikawa Tooru pouts at you, his team jacket folded over his arms. He’s already changed out of uniform, you notice; must have exchanged it for a white t-shirt and slacks in the locker room.
“I was swarmed,” he claims as the two of you start to walk together. You roll your eyes and don’t even bother making a jab about his popularity with the girls (and people of all genders, really). At this point, you’ve accepted that deranged fans come with the territory of being friends with the volleyball team captain.
You met Oikawa on the first day of your first year at Aoba Johsai and had been friends ever since. Even though you had no interest in the sport at first, his love for volleyball was infectious. He had even roped you into being the team’s manager. You still weren’t sure how he had pulled that off, but you didn’t mind too much—you’d grown to love the team and the sport too, in your own way.
Despite your closeness, you’d never really understood why he had a fan club, especially as a teenage school athlete. You expected his popularity to grow when (not if) he went professional, but the idea of swooning over some guy you had pre-calculus classes with was totally foreign to you. It was a running joke among your friends that you were immune to Oikawa’s looks and charming magnetism (and, honestly, to all four of the team’s upperclassmen. You could acknowledge how objectively attractive they all were even though none of them seemed to fit your niche).
Sometimes, you caught Oikawa making strange expressions while your friends teased you about not liking him. It felt like you were the only one who noticed these kinds of things, sometimes. You really liked being able to read him so easily: both of you had saved each other under the contact name “Platonic Soulmate” in your phones.
You chalked up the weird faces to your friend’s first-rate ego, and even though you knew that the notion of one person not being desperately in love with him wouldn’t scratch the surface of his self-esteem, you always found yourself taking his hand surreptitiously or leaning your head on his shoulder when you did see him looking mopey. He always perked up, after that, and all would be sunshine again.
Today, everyone else had bailed on you when you suggested a joint ice-cream-and-study-date before next week’s exams. Iwaizumi had claimed that Oikawa was too loud and always distracted him, so he couldn’t seriously try to study together. Matsukawa had to babysit and refused to bring the brats, as he affectionately called his siblings, to get sweets. Hanamaki had just quirked his eyebrows at you and said, “I don’t feel like third wheeling. Thanks, but no thanks.”
You hadn’t really understood what he meant, but you hadn’t questioned it.
Oikawa had almost begged off to do some solo practice, too, but you’d made a fuss about nearing the end of your high school experience and worrying that you would fall out of touch when volleyball became his whole life (even moreso than it was now!), and he’d caved with an overdramatic sigh and a soft look that told you he wasn’t all that mad about your guilt-tripping.
You’re broken from your thoughts when you reach the ice-cream shop, Oikawa jabbering in your ear about some drama you can’t keep up with.
“And then she told me—ah, I can’t read the menu. You know, they were late refilling my contact prescription this month, so I’ve been carrying around my glasses, I hate it. So unflattering.”
You worry your lip as you stare at the flavor chart, barely listening to him talk.
“I’m sure it’s,” you start, turning to him as he slides the case out of his pocket and puts the frames on his face in a smooth motion. “Um.”
The glasses are not unflattering, you think dumbly, staring at him, your sentence hanging unfinished. The glasses perch on his nose perfectly, making you appreciate, for the first time, the shape of his nose and his cheekbones. Had they always been that sharp? And since when had his eyes been so pretty, reflecting the sunlight in so many shades, framed with long eyelashes that would have made you jealous if you weren’t so—
You reach out and lift the glasses off his face slowly, hoping that the old, familiar features that you’d never felt anything but friendship-friendly feelings towards would return. You can still see it, though: the divot of his Cupid’s bow is appealing, now, his smooth skin glowing to you, his surprised expression fucking adorable. You drop the frames back onto his nose.
Very abruptly, whatever immunity you once had to Oikawa’s looks is demolished in one fell swoop.
“I have to go have a midlife crisis,” you say decisively, and march out of the shop.
“Hey! What—where are you going? You’re not even middle-aged?” Oikawa calls after you, and you try steadfastly to ignore him, but every sense seems to have been awakened to your friend. Your face flushes, and you start walking faster, nearing the pace of a jog even though your limbs are stiff.
You finally pull over in a quieter, slightly more secluded spot between two buildings. You lean against the wall, closing your eyes, trying to remind yourself to take deep breaths.
“Are you okay?” Oikawa says, and you curse his long, athlete legs for having followed you so swiftly. “What’s wrong?”
You open your eyes. He’s still wearing the fucking glasses. Rest in peace, you think to yourself, surely my heart is going to give up soon, at the rate it’s going. Your lips part, but you can’t seem to get the words out. His worried gaze studies you until he finds something—exactly whatever you didn’t want him to see. A slow smile unfurls over his face, and you narrow your eyes. Ugh, how dare his smugness be attractive too, now?
“I should wear the glasses more often, huh?” He says, and you shake your head no frantically.
“Please don’t,” you say. “It’s, like, it doesn’t even matter anymore, anyway, I can’t unsee it now.”
“Unsee what?” He cocks his head, and he’s getting closer, and there’s nowhere to back away from him because you’re up against a wall—
“You’re hot!” You wail. “I saw it and I’m never gonna stop thinking it now, it doesn’t even matter what you wear, I’m doomed! This is the worst thing ever, ‘Kawa, how’m I supposed to go on… I can’t be your friend and a part of your fan club. I don’t think I can even be a part of your fan club ‘cause I don’t just think you’re hot, I think I have a crush on you—oh, my God, I have a c—”
Your increasingly frantic rambling is cut off by Oikawa sealing his lips to yours. The kiss is quick and sweet, and when he pulls away he still looks so, so handsome, and so concerned.
“Please breathe,” he says, and you nod, gaping at him in shock. “I like you too, okay? Please stop having a crisis.
“Okay,” you exhale, bracing your hands on his shoulders. “Okay. I’m still freaking out, though. I think the only way to stop it is to keep kissing me.”
Oikawa heaves a big, overdramatic sigh, and leans in, his glasses bumping your face; giving in to you, just like he always does.
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yoongiseesawmp3 · 1 year
all things end - mingyu
summary: you grew up with mingyu. he was your first kiss. your first boyfriend. the first man you ever loved. some things just aren’t meant to last, but during some time apart you struggle to forget mingyu, and he does his best to get you back. because who could ever love you as much as he does?
word count: 12.7k
warnings: afab reader, some gendered terms. ex!mingyu / childhood friends to lovers so plenty of fluff and angst, uhhhh scheming cheol too 
“what?” cheol groans, answering the phone despite being in the middle of a workout.
“can i come over?” you ask meekly on the other end, and his heart twists.
“bad day?”
“sure, i’ll be there in 20. come by whenever.”
“thank you,” you sniff, and he hangs up, finishing his last few reps before rushing to get back to his apartment. this is your third bad day this week. your breakup is, understandably, hitting you hard. cheol can’t help but wonder, if you’re so torn up about this, why did you leave mingyu at all? maybe one day he’ll finally ask, but for now he just heads home and shoots you a text asking what kind of ice cream you’ll need tonight.
“so i was walking my dog,” you say, scooping a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth before you continue, “and you know how gyu always liked taking him by that lake at sunset?” 
“sure,” cheol nods. “was it sunset when you walked by and it made you think of mingyu?”
“well. yeah.”
“and that’s what prompted today’s spiral?” he asks, grabbing the ice cream from your cold hands so he can hack at it with his spoon. 
“i am not spiraling,” you say, trying to swoop your spoon in but getting knocked away by your best friend. “rude.”
“you spiral every time something reminds you of mingyu,” he says, “or when someone mentions him, or, the most idiotic part, when you see him because someone thought you should stay friends despite the messy breakup.”
“i hate when you try to be the voice of reason,” you complain.
“i’m not trying, i am.”
“it’s annoying.”
“stop having problems then,” he says with a mouthful of ice cream. you get up and toss the blanket in your lap back onto the couch, and cheol whines, “where are you going?” 
“you’re obviously no help so i’ll just go back home and cry myself to sleep or something.”
“no fair! don’t make me feel bad for you! you put yourself in this situation! i don’t even know why you and mingyu broke up in the first place!” 
“i’ve told you a million times,” you whine, sitting back down and tossing your head into the armrest of the couch. “we just weren’t meant for each other anymore.”
“god, why does your answer get more vague every time?” cheol teases, kicking you lightly with his foot. “am i ever gonna get the real reason? did you have a big fight? he doesn’t want kids? you called his mom a hoe?”
“we didn’t fight, i didn’t call mrs. kim anything mean, and we definitely didn’t fight about kids,” you reply, and cheol smiles like the cheshire cat.
“lemme guess. you’ve both already agreed on baby names?”
“shut up.”
“is one of them at least seungcheol? cheol junior? come on, i deserve it,” he pleads, finally getting a laugh out of you.
“if by some act of god mingyu and i get back together and decide to have kids we will consider naming a potential child after you,” you say just to appease him, your heart twisting because you know you and mingyu won’t be together again for that to even be a possibility.
“i’m holding you to that,” he says smugly, and you roll your eyes, leaving it at that. you’re both quiet for a while, passing the ice cream back and forth. you like that cheol doesn’t take you too seriously when you’re like this, because you need the break from your own thoughts. but it’s nice like this too, just being around each other. you decide to break the silence when you notice what time it is, getting up for real. “where are you going now?”
“home,” you sigh. “i have to get up early tomorrow to take fred to the vet, so i should go to sleep.”
“ok,” cheol nods. “text me what flavor you want tomorrow night and i’ll pick it up on the way home from work.”
“i’ll try my best not to need this tomorrow, but thank you,” you say. “i appreciate it more than you know.”
“anytime y/n,” cheol smiles. “let me know when you get home!” 
“will do. night cheol.”
you’re up bright and early the next morning to take fred in for his appointment before you have to go to work. it’s allergy season, and no one warned you that your sweet little man could have allergies worse than any human you’ve ever met. fred has a rash on his back that he keeps trying to lick, bite, and scratch, so your vet gave him some medicine and a cone of shame to keep him from bothering the area for a while. you’re laughing to yourself as you take him home, eager to put the cone on him, just to see what it looks like. once you have it on, you laugh again and snap a picture because, yes, he looks silly. you post it to your story and forget about it as you go about the rest of your day.
a little after lunch, mingyu is taking a break from staring at his computer and goes to check his phone. after refreshing instagram, his heart leaps when he sees your icon at the top of his page, alerting him to what you’ve posted. yeah, yeah, he shouldn’t still follow you technically, but he can’t help himself. he only lets his conscious stop him for a couple seconds before he’s tapping your icon and viewing your story, which is fred in his cone of shame. mingyu, who loved you so much but quite possibly loved fred more, freaks out. something must be wrong, and before he thinks better of it he texts you to ask what’s wrong. 
you’re in a meeting when you get the text. you’re bored out of your mind, otherwise you would’ve just let it be. but your mind keeps wandering and now that you’ve heard the buzz of a message come through you can’t help yourself. you lift your phone just slightly to take a look, and you slam it back down when you see mingyu’s name lighting your screen. you do your best to ignore it through the rest of your meeting, but your mind keeps wandering back to him.
your lack of a reply has mingyu freaking out even more. he texts a couple more times, asking questions so hopefully when you do reply mingyu will get the information all at once. but all of those go unanswered too, and he can’t take it anymore. he calls you, biting his lip anxiously as he waits to find out what’s going on.
your phone rings as you’re leaving your meeting, and your heart drops when you see that it’s mingyu. you haven’t had time to read his texts, but if he’s been bothering you this much it must be serious. you take a breath, preparing for the worst, and then you accept the call.
“hello?” you ask meekly, and you hear mingyu sigh on the other end.
“y/n,” he says, relieved. “finally. what’s going on?”
“uh, nothing?” you reply. “i’m at work.”
“huh? why?!”
“it’s a wednesday? most people with jobs work on wednesdays,” you explain. 
“no, i mean what’s going on with fred?” mingyu clarifies, and that’s when you notice the worry in his voice. you used to be able to pick up on his emotions instantly, and it sends a jab to your chest that it took you this long to realize he was upset.
“oh, he has allergies,” you laugh. “he uh, he was bothering a spot on his back so the vet gave him that collar to stop him from licking it.”
“so he’s ok?” mingyu asks, and you nod as you respond.
“he’s fine, just inbred probably,” you joke, earning a little nose snort from mingyu. “listen, uh, i’m at work, so-”
“yeah, yeah, go, sorry for bothering you,” mingyu replies. “give fred a hug for me.”
“will do. bye mingyu.”
“bye baby,” he says without thinking. he hangs up, realization hitting him a second too late. he thinks about texting you to apologize, but he’s bugged you enough today. maybe you didn’t hear it? he can just ignore it, right? it’s not like you’ll be talking to each other soon anyway, so maybe you’ll forget it eventually.
the first time mingyu called you baby was an accident, too. you were really close friends, but nothing more. you’ve known mingyu since you were five, when his family moved in next to yours and your parents made you play together because you were both around the same age. 
for you, he was the stinky neighbor boy who would make your heart flutter when he pulled up weeds and handed them to you like a bouquet of flowers. for mingyu, you were the pretty neighbor he wasn’t quite sure how to talk to, so he did things like pull up weeds for you. he usually showed his love for you like that, in more physical ways than verbal. one time, when you were about ten and he was almost twelve, you told mingyu you really liked another neighbor’s bike and you wished you had one like it for yourself. he still remembers asking poor dokyeom if he could borrow it, and he also remembers how much his parents yelled at him when they found out he had given it to you as a surprise. you teased mingyu about that constantly, still laughing over the memory of him walking the bike back to dokyeom’s house with the saddest look on his face. that was the first time he realized he only wanted to do things that made you happy, and it was the first time you realized mingyu was more sweet than he was stinky. 
the first time he called you baby was late one night at his house. you had been friends so long your parents weren’t worried about leaving you alone together (secretly hoping you would wipe the idiocy from your eyes and fall in love already). you were in the basement at mingyu’s, sitting comfortably next to him on the couch and watching a scary movie, despite your protests. mingyu wasn’t usually a scary movie guy either, but your friends at school had talked about this movie so much that mingyu got teased for not watching it. 
he had summoned you like he always did, standing on the fence in his backyard and shouting your name until you opened your bedroom window. your houses were so close you didn’t have to yell once the window was open, so you spoke normally as you told mingyu firmly that you would not be watching that with him. it only took a few seconds of him pouting for you to cave, and once you were settled on the couch he said passively, “don’t worry baby, i’ve got you if it gets too scary.” 
that one little word had haunted you for days, by far scarier than the movie you watched that night. mingyu had called you baby. that’s not what friends call each other, that’s boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. and that definitely wasn’t you and mingyu. 
at least to the two of you it wasn’t. to everyone else, you were an item. it was so obvious you liked each other that guys wouldn’t approach you, and girls knew not to fall for mingyu because he would never fall back. it took ages for you two to notice, but once you did, your life had never been more lovely. to love mingyu and be loved by him is one of the best things you’ve ever done. his love is deep and he loves hard, and for some people that kind of passion can be a little scary. it was definitely scary for you, even if took a while for you to notice.
just like the first time he called you baby, that one slip up on the phone stuck with you. you couldn’t tell cheol about it, because he’d just question the whole break up again, so you sat with it quietly as you played the sound of mingyu’s voice over and over again in your head. 
days later, mingyu had already forgotten about it. he was worried at first, but when the world didn’t implode immediately after he basically let it go. you’d assume it was a mistake, not him still pining for you despite what happened. so he pushed it to the back of his mind.
that weekend, you found yourself at hoshi’s for a party. his apartment was packed, so you were prepared to get tipsy and then head home. cheol wasn’t there yet so you were bothering seungkwan instead, and he was doing everything he could to get rid of you. that includes pushing you into someone’s firm chest on accident, and you almost fall through the floor when you look up and see mingyu staring back at you in shock. you’re just drunk enough that you want to have a little fun with him, a mischievous smirk slowly forming on your face.
“hey, baby,” you emphasize, watching as mingyu’s face starts out hopeful and then falls slightly. 
“oh, haha,” he laughs nervously. “hey. um, so you noticed that the other day.”
“i did.”
“s-sorry,” he stutters. “old habits die hard.” 
you nod in agreement as you take a sip of your drink, not so sure now, with his big brown eyes staring you down, why you thought talking to him was a good idea. you usually spent these parties pressed up against mingyu’s chest, back to front, his arm wrapped around you lazily. suddenly you’re cold just at the thought, and you ache to feel mingyu wrapped around you again.
“how’s fred?” he asks, trying to keep you next to him for as long as possible.
“he’s good,” you nod. “doesn’t need the cone anymore.”
“aw, lame, those pictures were funny,” mingyu pouts, and you have to look away so you don’t have the urge to kiss him. 
“yeah, well, i still have it so i can put it back on him if he ever gets annoying.”
“that’s good,” mingyu nods now, awkwardly looking around for a way out of this conversation without being rude. he misses you, and he was totally aware of that, but it’s easier to push it away when you’re not standing so close, your perfume encasing him in memories of when you were his. now you’re not, and mingyu wants to go home. he’s searching the room for someone to talk to so this moment won’t be so pathetic, but cheol comes to the rescue. 
“hey ex lovebirds,” cheol teases, bumping into you enough to make you stumble. mingyu reaches out to steady you, but cheol grabs you by the waist to keep you in place, and mingyu has to look away or else he might light on fire with anger. it’s a simple touch, he knows cheol doesn’t mean anything by it, but it always bothered him when other people tried to take care of you. that was his job, and he didn’t like anyone getting in the way of that. “why do you both look so miserable? it’s a party. drink, have fun, maybe kiss a little-”
“i do need another drink,” you say, taking the first chance to leave this situation. you look to both guys before asking, “do you need anything?” they shake their heads, so you escape to the kitchen and mentally mark the living room off. you can’t go back out there now. maybe it’s time for you to just leave.
“so,” cheol says, smirk hiding behind his cup. “how’s your plan going?”
“what plan?” mingyu asks, obviously confused.
“your plan to get y/n back,” cheol replies nonchalantly. “you have one, right? otherwise i don’t see why you aren’t leaving my friend alone after such a devastating break up.”
“i’m your friend too?! what about me and my feelings?” 
“you annoy me more than y/n does, so i’m on her side,” cheol jokes, and mingyu groans. “but seriously. what’s going on here? she won’t tell me anything.”
“we broke up.”
“i know that. elaborate.”
“no,” mingyu says stubbornly, crossing his arms. “that’s between me and y/n. she won’t tell you so neither will i.”
“god, forget it. i’m on no one’s side, you’re both annoying,” cheol scoffs. “match made in heaven, you two.”
it’s quiet between them for a moment, both men just sloshing their drinks around in their cups, looking around at their drunken friends ruining hoshi’s lovely home. mingyu thinks for a second, deciding if he’ll actually admit this to cheol or not, but he slams the rest of his drink and turns to his friend before he can change his mind. 
“i don’t have a plan,” he starts off. “yet. i’m trying to feel things out. i tried giving y/n space, and that’s not working for me. i love her, dude. i’ll only ever love her.”
“then go get her!” cheol says incredulously, motioning for the kitchen. “she’s hiding in there so she doesn’t have to see you, she’d be easy to corner-”
“but,” mingyu interjects. “but. i don’t know if she wants me back. she broke things off, so i’m trying to respect that. i just...i don’t know if she loves me anymore, man. so i want to make a plan, i want to get her back, but i’m afraid of what would happen if it doesn’t work. if she really doesn’t love me anymore.”
“hm,” cheol hums before he finishes his own drink. he takes a minute, smacks his lips, then turns to his idiotic best friend. “get her back. as soon as possible, actually. she’s a wreck without you. whatever happened for her to break up with you, i’m sorry. but she hasn’t stopped talking about you since. she still loves you man, no doubt. so i think you should try. and let me know how i can help, because, man, she’s really been bumming me out lately being all sad like this.”
“she’s sad?” mingyu asks, sadness appearing on his own features, making cheol roll his eyes. 
“i said a whole essay and that’s the only thing you picked up on?”
“no, i get it,” mingyu nods. “i’ll think of something.”
“good,” cheol nods, then points to mingyu’s cup. “you want a refill?”
“do you mind grabbing it for me?” mingyu asks sheepishly.
“no,” cheol says in disbelief. “you can’t be hiding from her too.”
“what if i am!”
“i’m so close to revoking my offer to help,” cheol complains as he snatches mingyu’s cup from him. “i’ll be back.”
mingyu’s conversation with cheol set his mind in motion. he hasn’t stopped thinking about you since, as if that was new. but now he has a reason to spend all his time thinking about you. truthfully, mingyu isn’t sure he knows why you broke things off. at least, he doesn’t know how to explain it to people. he knows it must have made sense to you, and to him, enough for him to let you go. but he just remembers one very tearful conversation where you told him you couldn’t do this anymore, and that was it. he’d steal the sun to make your world brighter, so if he wasn’t making you happy anymore he wasn’t going to stick around if you didn’t want him there. 
but now. now he’s wishing he had fought back. asked questions. tried to fix things instead of just running away. he still loves you, and if cheol’s right and you still love him, then what the hell are you doing? 
your first date with mingyu was simple. since it took you both years to realize your mutual feelings for each other, there wasn’t much you hadn’t already done together. you already tried out new restaurants together, went to arcades and movies and concerts just the two of you. you even forced mingyu to get a membership at your favorite museum so you could drag him along anytime there was a new exhibit you were dying to see. so when mingyu finally asked you out, he wasn’t sure what to do. he wracked his brain for the fanciest restaurant he could think of, or searched for romantic movies playing around town, but none of it felt right. none of it felt like you. 
that’s why your first date was simple. he knew he didn’t have to do something grandiose to impress you, so instead he invited you over to his dorm and made you dinner. he wouldn’t tell you what he was making, but when you walked in it smelled familiar. not just because mingyu’s scent wafted up around you when he welcomed you in, but because the food on the stove instantly reminded you of home. you tried peeking at the pots to see if you could figure out what it was, but mingyu cutely pushed you away. 
“you’re gonna ruin the surprise!” he whines, childishly pushing you out to the living room. “you can’t be in here!”
“so you’re telling me i can’t be around my boyfriend on our first date?” you challenge him, and his force falters. “i want to spend time with you gyu, let me at least be in the kitchen with you.”
“promise not to look at the food though,” he says with a finger in your face. you grab his hand and wrap yours in his sweaty, warm grasp. 
“i’ll keep my eyes on you, deal?”
“deal,” he smiles shyly, squeezing your hand before pulling you behind him into the kitchen. he starts working with just one hand, so you let go of his other one to make it easier for him to cook. “why’d you do that?”
“do what?” you ask, leaning against the counter so you can sit back and watch.
“let go,” he pouts, reaching for you again. 
“you have to use both hands to cook, baby,” you laugh, and you watch with love in your eyes as he blushes a deep pink.
“right,” he nods. “ok. it’s almost done, but if you’re hungry there’s snacks in the fridge.”
“i’m good,” you say quietly, watching as mingyu returns to chopping something. you silently admire him as he works, your heart warming as it settles in your mind: mingyu is finally yours. your first love. your only love, probably, is your boyfriend. how amazing is that?
“baby?” mingyu repeats, snapping you out of your trance. there’s the hint of a smile on his face as your eyes meet his. “did you hear me?”
“no, what did you say?” now it’s your turn to blush. mingyu takes a step closer, carefully placing his hands on your hips. 
“i said it’s ready,” he smiles. “you were staring at me.”
“yeah, i told you i was gonna do that.”
“what were you thinking about?” mingyu barely whispers, his face incredibly close to yours now. 
i was thinking about how much i love you.
“um, you?” 
“what about me?” 
“i was mentally critiquing your form,” you tease, a smile breaking out across both your faces. 
“and how was it?” he asks, close enough now that you can feel his breath on your lips.
“you’re gonna chop a finger off one day,” you reply quietly, eyes drifting down to mingyu’s lips as you speak. he notices and the side of his mouth quirks up in a smirk. 
“how’s my form now?” he asks before hastily pressing a kiss to your lips, pulling back almost like the touch sent a shock through him. 
“could be better,” you squeak out, and he nods before leaning back down to capture your lips in a real kiss. it’s warm, delicate but strong, and it’s mingyu. you can’t seem to wrap your head around that part. mingyu is kissing you right now. you’re kissing mingyu. and he’s really good at it. sooner than you’d like, he’s pulling away again. 
“how was that?” he asks, lips just barely grazing over yours.
“better,” you reply breathlessly. “you take criticism well.”
“i’m just here to please you baby,” he says, his words dripping with double meanings. you feel a chill run down your spine as you notice the hungry look in his eyes, and you clear your throat before speaking. 
“so, um, can i see the food now or do i have to eat with my eyes closed?”
“depends,” mingyu replies. “you want me to feed it to you?”
“stop being weird,” you laugh, pushing him away playfully but instantly missing the warmth of his chest against yours. you ignore his smile and lean over the stove, heart picking up as you try to see what he made. mingyu puts his arms around your waist fully and moves you out of the way, back to his childish shoves and whines about ruining the surprise. 
in a few minutes, you’re sat on his couch, eyes closed with a bowl of something warm in your lap. mingyu was serious about feeding you, at least the first bite, because he wants to keep the meal a surprise. as you complain about it for the millionth time, mingyu brings a spoon up to your lips and quietly asks you to open your mouth. you welcome the food, and your eyes shoot open when you immediately recognize the taste. 
“chicken and dumplings?” you ask, and mingyu smiles proudly. “how’d you learn to make that? it tastes just like home. i can’t...i don’t believe you made this.”
“please,” mingyu scoffs. “i was over at your house enough that i saw your grandma, your mom, even you, make this a million times. i made it the exact same way.”
“i can’t believe this,” you shake your head. “i...this is perfect, gyu. thank you.”
“no problem baby,” he smiles as he cuddles into your side, handing you another full spoon. “your turn.”
“what?” you ask, confused, just to turn and see mingyu waiting with his mouth open. you laugh, letting your head fall onto his shoulder. “you’re embarrassing.” 
“yeah, but you love it,” he laughs along, taking the spoon back so he can start eating too. as he goes on about how perfectly he cooked this, he misses the way your face heats up as you think, yes, you do love it. you love him, and you’re trying to figure out how soon is too soon to tell him that. 
part one of mingyu’s plan is a little concerning. he’s not following you, no, he’s not doing anything that would make you uncomfortable, but...he is hanging around your favorite coffeeshop in the mornings. he knows he’s bound to catch you here at least once this week, and he doesn’t mind doing a little work in such a cozy place anyway. if he sees you, great. if not, also great. he’s been more productive the past two days than he has all month. 
he gets lucky on the third day, because he hears a familiar laugh at the door and his ears perk up like an excited puppy. he sees you holding the door open for someone, and he tries to not make it obvious that he’s staring. you’re wearing one of his hoodies. if he had any doubts about this, now they’re all erased, because you’re wearing one of his hoodies. he didn’t even remember giving it to you, so it must have been one you stole from him. it’s old too, he can tell there’s a hole near the wrist that you’re trying to not accidentally slip a finger through. he keeps flicking his eyes up to you as you ask for your usual, mouthing the words along with you just to make sure he’s still got it. café con leche, sprinkle of cinnamon. when you turn around after paying, mingyu ducks his head down and goes back to work. he won’t approach you just yet, so he tries to lay low.
but you saw him the moment you walked in. a big dude like that? he sticks out immediately. your blood ran cold when you caught him staring at you, mentally cursing yourself for not changing shirts before you left the house. it might be a little pathetic, but you slept in this hoodie last night. the heat in your place hasn’t been working well and it was unusually cold, so you needed the extra coverage. this hoodie was the first thing you pulled from your closet, and you were too lazy to find something else. you won’t admit being wrapped up in mingyu’s scent helped you have the best sleep you’ve gotten since the break up. you try to ignore the feeling of mingyu’s eyes on you as you order, and when you turn back to the seating area you laugh to yourself seeing mingyu look away like he wasn’t boring holes into your back. you scan the room for an empty spot and find one, but your own eyes pull back to mingyu. you wait at the counter for your drink, and take a deep breath before walking over. 
“should i go ahead and sit with you, or did you wanna stare a little bit longer?” you ask once you reach mingyu’s table, his head snapping up in shock at you approaching him without noticing. 
“uh, i, um, i wasn’t, this isn’t what it looks like,” he blubbers, and you roll your eyes.
“you know if you wanted to talk to me you can just call,” you mumble as you pull the seat out and sit down. 
“hey, i’m actually working,” he says, sliding his laptop around to prove it. “maybe i’m just here to enjoy the ambiance.” 
“fine,” you nod, sipping your drink and loving the way it instantly puts you at ease. “don’t let me interrupt.” you start pulling out your own things, setting up your laptop before deciding you might want to read instead. you compromise and send some emails first, the rapid sound of your typing somehow comforting to mingyu. he resettles himself, accidentally bumping your leg with his under the table. 
“sorry,” he whispers.
“it’s okay,” you reply, a sympathetic grin on your face. “with your long ass legs i’m used to it.”
“still,” he tries not to smile back like an idiot. “sorry.”
you fall back into silence, both of you working on your own things and “enjoying the ambiance.” you’re not sure how much time passes before mingyu interrupts the quiet.
“hey,” he whispers, grabbing your attention. he nods to your laptop and asks, “what are you doing?”
“i’m working, mingyu,” you laugh. “what are you doing?”
“working,” he replies quickly. “been a busy week for me.”
“hm, same here.”
“cold too,” he tries, smiling proudly when you shift in your seat. he caught you. “did you magically lose all your other hoodies and jackets, or does someone miss stealing my clothes?”
“i didn’t steal this,” you counter, accusing finger pointed in his direction. “you insisted i take this one because you didn’t want it anymore but you said it was too sentimental to donate. i did you a favor by taking this ratty old thing.”
“but you kept it,” he says happily, finishing his coffee and pointing to your long empty mug. “you want another?”
“sure,” you reply sheepishly, “a café co-”
“café con leche, sprinkle of cinnamon,” mingyu finishes in unison with you. then a sly smile as he says, “i remember, baby. be right back.”
“what the hell did you say to mingyu?” you bark at seungcheol over the phone. “why was he at my coffeeshop this morning? and why’s he suddenly calling me baby all casual like we’re still dating?”
“this is news to me,” cheol says, but you can hear the smirk in his voice. “i didn’t say anything to him. at least not anything i think he heard. that boyfriend of yours can be an airhead sometimes.” 
“he’s not my boyfriend,” you grumble.
“but he bought you coffee this morning?” 
“he told you?!”
“i’m not at liberty to say,” cheol laughs. “just enjoy it, y/n. whatever he’s up to, it can’t hurt to see where it goes.”
“i hate you both,” you groan, hanging up as cheol mumbles a “right, sure.” when the call is over, you fall back down onto your bed, mind working top speed to decide what to do next. you could move and change your name, leaving mingyu and cheol behind. that’s a bit dramatic. you could tell cheol to get fucked, but he’d find a way to bring mingyu into it. and mingyu. you don’t know what to do about him. you could just ask him to leave you alone, and you think he would. but a little part of you does want to see where this goes. 
you wake up the next morning to the smell of something coming from your kitchen. you rush up, afraid you somehow left dinner on the stove and you’re seconds away from burning the building down. but when you crash into the kitchen, ungracefully, you’re met with mingyu’s muscular back as he looks for something in your fridge. at the sound of your frantic movements, he looks over his shoulder and grumbles out a good morning in the deepest voice you’ve ever heard. you’re stunned, not totally sure how he got here, and totally confused as to why he’s shirtless. 
“um, whatcha doin?” you ask casually.
“i was gonna make french toast,” mingyu starts out, coming closer to you. “but you’re out of milk. so now it’s just eggs and toast.” as he gets closer, his hands reach out for your waist, and you let him pull you against his warm chest. “is that ok?”
“mhm,” you nod, not sure what to do with your hands. you don’t want to put them on his chest, afraid the skin to skin contact would ignite something dangerous in you. you also don’t want to put them around his neck because that territory feels just as dangerous. so that leaves you with your hands bunched up by your chest and mingyu looking on, amused.
“afraid to touch me?” he asks, a smirk on his stupidly kissable lips. 
“no, um, i just-” you stutter, but what sounds like a phone alarm cuts you off. was mingyu baking something?
“you gonna get that, baby?” he asks, seemingly referring to the alarm but you don’t know where it’s coming from. 
“what? it’s not mine,” you say, and you miss what mingyu says next as you’re jolted awake by something furry laying on your chest. you carefully open your eyes, afraid that maybe mingyu just forgot to shave and somehow he would be the one on top of you right now. but it’s just fred, and the alarm is yours. your phone is going off, reminding you that you’re probably gonna be late to work. you scramble to get up and start your day, but you can’t stop thinking about mingyu. 
about halfway through the day, you get a text from cheol asking if you want to get dinner that night. his friend jeonghan, who’s always kinda scared you, has tickets to some concert out of town and cheol wants to make it into a big trip. cheol wants you to come, and he knows you two will be the only ones competent enough to plan the whole thing so he needs you as back up tonight. you agree, eager to get a break from work and from mingyu. going out of town will be a nice distraction, and even though jeonghan is intimidating he’s still really fun to be around. 
speak of the devil, he’s the first to wrap you up in a hug when you get to the guys’ table that night, and he whispers something to you about mingyu being annoying and you’re better off without him. you smile at the condolence and let him drag you into the open seat next to him. he and cheol start filling you in on the plans, when you’ll leave, where you’ll stay, day of the concert, etc. you give some advice on things to do in your free time, and jeonghan types it all into his phone while cheol price checks your options. 
“so there’s one airbnb with enough beds for each of us, but it’s $100 more a night, compared to this one with a queen, a twin, and a sofa bed, which is the cheapest option and also closer to everything we want to do,” cheol says, nose still in his phone. 
“book the cheap one then,” you shrug. “one of y’all can take the queen bed as long as i don’t get put on the pull out.”
“i can take the pull out,” jeonghan offers. “i’ll sleep wherever.”
“and i’ll take the twin,” cheol says. “gives me my own room.”
“so we won’t be able to hear you snoring?” you ask. “thank god.”
“ignoring that,” cheol mumbles, writing something down on his napkin. “so that would make it $80 even for each of us for the whole weekend. i can book it and you can send me your money whenever.”
“sounds good,” jeonghan nods as he pours you all more soju. 
“wait, that makes no sense,” you start. “it’s only $80? for the whole weekend?”
“yep,” cheol nods, waving the napkin in your face. “wanna check my work, teacher?” 
“no, jack ass,” you laugh, pushing his hand out of the way before graciously taking the glass jeonghan hands you. “just shocked you found such a steal.”
“speaking of stealing things,” jeonghan says, “whose car are we taking?”
“mine is in the shop,” cheol sighs. “and y/n doesn’t drive.”
“guess we’ll take mingyu’s then,” jeonghan decides. cheol’s eyes flick over to you on instinct, and when he doesn’t see a reaction from you he smiles.
“cool, i can pick everyone up on friday then?” he asks, and you nod. with everything planned, your conversation can stray off to other topics while the drinks flow, and that’s how you end up flipping through jeonghan’s tinder for him later in the night. you’re maybe too tipsy to be doing this, but jeonghan likes the chaos of it, and cheol is just happy to see you having fun. he hopes this trip will help with that too.
cheol comes to pick you up, as promised, but he texts you when he pulls up that you’ll have to sit in the back. you get out of your building and recognize mingyu’s car immediately, tossing your bag in the trunk before grabbing the door to the backseat. when you slide in, you almost jump out of your skin when you see mingyu sitting back there too. 
“told you it’d surprise her,” you hear cheol and jeonghan laugh, but you’re too busy trying to sputter out a question. 
“hey y/n,” mingyu says shyly. 
“hi?” you reply, looking to cheol who’s staring at you through the rearview mirror. “um? hello?”
“hey,” he smiles. “you buckled?”
“no she’s not,” mingyu replies for you, and you roll your eyes before you put the seatbelt in place.
“sorry, but what’s he doing here?” you ask. “you stole the car and the owner?”
“no, he’s coming with us,” jeonghan replies. “i thought i told you i had four tickets to the show?”
“no?” you say, voice at a higher pitch than you’d like it to be.
“is there a problem, y/n?” cheol asks, looking at you through the rearview again so if you really weren’t comfortable with this he would see. 
“no,” you sigh after a second. “just didn’t expect it, that’s all.”
“for the record,” mingyu whispers, leaning close to you, “this was not part of my plan. i swear.”
“but it was part of mine!” cheol jokes, and mingyu kicks his chair. “hey, don’t make me pull this car over.”
“you mean my car?!” mingyu screeches back, and you lean up to whisper in jeonghan’s ear.
“why did you think bringing these two on a trip would be fun?” you ask loud enough for cheol and gyu to hear, making the car erupt in whines and cries while jeonghan laughs. it’s gonna be a long ride, you think to yourself.
you’re able to sleep most of the way there, only getting interrupted every once in a while when mingyu moves his long limbs to get comfortable. each time it’s an awkward half smile in apology, and you just nod in recognition. you don’t really want him here, to be honest. this trip was supposed to take your mind off him. now how will that be possible?
mingyu feels bad for surprising you like this, really. cheol asked him to come on this trip and didn’t say you’d be joining them until it was too late for mingyu to back out, so he wants a minute alone with you to explain. he wants to tell you that he can hang back, if you want to enjoy some time with the guys sans your ex boyfriend. he’ll do whatever makes you happy, like usual.
mingyu’s desire to talk to you is what leads him to follow you to your room at the airbnb, saying he’s looking for the bathroom but really he wants to apologize for the ambush. you turn back to the door once you’ve placed your things on the bed, jumping when you see his large form cowering in the doorway.
“bathroom’s not in here, gyu,” you tell him. “think it’s the next door on the left.”
“i’m not looking for the bathroom,” he says, taking a careful step into your room. “i wanted to say i’m sorry, for this. i didn’t know you were coming either, or else i would’ve backed out. i don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“i’m not uncomfortable around you, mingyu,” you say firmly. “i just-”
“you forgot your stuff dude,” cheol says, popping up behind mingyu and handing him his bag. then he looks at you quickly, smiling before he teases, “i see you’ve found the honeymoon suite?”
“the-what?” you ask, confused.
“you ended up with the biggest bed, y/n, so you gotta share with the friendly giant over here,” cheol explains as he nods in mingyu’s direction. “he’s definitely not fitting on the twin with me.”
“and i don’t like him enough to share a bed with him!” jeonghan shouts from somewhere else in the house. 
“you’re fucking kidding me.”
“no time to complain right now,” cheol says as he checks his watch. “we’ve got dinner reservations. mingyu, bathroom is next door, you might wanna change your shirt before we leave. i don’t wanna stare at y/n’s drool while i eat.”
“my what?” you ask, looking at mingyu to see what cheol is referring to. there’s a spot near mingyu’s collarbone that looks slightly wet, and your hand flies to your mouth as you gasp, “i drooled on you?! how? why didn’t you push me off?!”
“you were asleep!” mingyu replies, voice an octave or two higher. “i felt bad! you just kinda fell onto my shoulder, and i didn’t wanna wake you up!” 
“we’re leaving in five minutes, whether you’re ready or not,” cheol tells mingyu. he walks away, and mingyu grabs a new shirt out of his bag before heading back to the door. 
“uh, gyu?” you call, and he turns immediately. “s-sorry..for, that, i guess,” you say, pointing to his shirt. “next time you have full permission to push me. promise i won’t get mad.”
“it’s okay,” he shrugs. “you know i don’t mind.” and with that, he leaves for the bathroom. you can tell there’s a blush on your cheeks, so you close the door and lock it while you take a minute to chill out. you decide to change too, not wanting to wear your old sweats to dinner even if it’s supposed to be laid back. you’re afraid now that you’ve got drool on your own shirt, so you change into something casual quickly and then join the guys in the living room. 
once you’re there, cheol checks that everyone’s good to go, and you all walk out to the car. you don’t catch the way mingyu stares at you the whole time, or maybe you’re just ignoring it. you’re wearing a matching set with a jean jacket, nothing extravagant, but mingyu has the exact same outfit packed in his bag. you bought the sets together, for a last minute trip you took a year ago. mingyu wanted to get matching vacation shirts and you vehemently refused, so you compromised with a his and hers loungewear set. once again, mingyu’s heart soars at the little nod to your time together, because clearly you’re not as detached from it as you claim to be. 
at dinner, jeonghan insists on sitting next to you again, so you’re squished into the booth next to him while mingyu looks on in not-so-hidden jealousy. he’s sitting across from you, scanning the menu and trying not to flick his eyes up to you. jeonghan starts talking about what he wants to try, and cheol asks if they should just order a bunch of plates and share everything.
“eh, you guys can do that, but there’s really just one thing i wanted to try,” you say, pushing the menu away now that you’ve found what you want. 
“lemme guess,” cheol says as his eyes scan the menu. “you’re gonna get something lame, like chicken alfredo.”
“no,” you shake your head. “i’m trying something new, but it’s not as tomato heavy as the stuff you want, which all sounds nasty, by the way.”
“why’d you agree to come to an italian restaurant if you think the food is nasty?” cheol counters.
“you all seemed excited about trying it,” you shrug. “and like i said, there’s one thing i want. that’s enough.”
“what’s that one thing?” jeonghan cuts in, trying to stop cheol from bickering further.
“let me guess this time,” mingyu smiles. your eyes meet his and you blush under his gaze, thankful for the low lighting at the table. hopefully the guys don’t catch it. you nod and encourage mingyu to take a stab at it, and he pretends to look at the menu again even though this was the first thing he noticed. “you’re getting the gnocchi in the truffle sauce, but you really agreed to italian because you want to get tiramisu for dessert.”
“i, yeah, you got me,” you stammer out. 
“what drink is she gonna get?” cheol asks with a smile, head leaning on his hand as he watches in amusement.
“hm,” mingyu looks at the menu seriously. “maybe an espresso with the tiramisu, but i bet you’ll try to make us order the digestif spritz thing at the end of the meal.”
“shut up,” you say, kicking his foot lightly under the table. “i was gonna try it myself, i won’t force y’all to try it if you don’t want to.” jeonghan, not picking up on the eyes you and mingyu are making at each other, joins in.
“i thought about trying that too,” he nods, looking at cheol and asking what he wants to order to share. while they discuss an inordinate amount of food, you’re just staring at mingyu, who’s looking at you smugly. finally you just shake your head and look back down at the menu, judging whatever the other boys decided to order. when the waiter comes back, mingyu smiles proudly as you order exactly what he predicted. mingyu nudges your leg playfully under the table, and you’re about to fight back when jeonghan cuts through your thoughts. “wait, did i tell you guys about the dream i had in the car?” 
“i didn’t know you fell asleep,” cheol shakes his head.
“i did, when you were complaining about that girl who wouldn’t call you back.”
“anyway,” jeonghan starts again. “i had a dream that i was at work and y/n came in,” he smiles at you. “i guess you complaining about your job made me subconsciously think we should hire you at my office?”
“anything is better than my job right now,” you laugh, imagining how nothing would get done if you and jeonghan worked together.
“but you came in, and i was going to start training you, and then mingyu comes out of the boss’s office and is like no she’s here to take your job-”
“wait, mingyu was there?” you ask before you can stop yourself.
“yeah, i was there?” mingyu teases. “you in love with me or something?”
“y/n why is that so shocking,” cheol asks more as a statement than a question. “i told you about my mingyu dream, we’ve all got one.”
“please don’t bring that up again,” mingyu groans, head dropping. you smile at the memory of cheol’s legendary mingyu dream, which was basically just dream mingyu being so drunk he somehow climbed a telephone pole and got stuck so he called cheol to come help because he’s “strong and manly.”
“y/n do you have a mingyu dream?” jeonghan asks, and you blush deep enough that they can clearly see it this time, despite the lighting.
“um, i don’t really remember any from when, uh, from recently,” you start. “i guess i had one the other night, but it was one of those dreams that i barely remembered when i woke up. i just know mingyu was there.”
“where was i?” he asks, totally invested now. 
“yeah, where was he?” cheol parrots.
“um, my kitchen?”
“can he even fit in there?” jeonghan jokes, but you ignore him.
“so i was cooking for you?” mingyu pesters you, and you nod.
“well, kinda,” you reply. “i don’t really remember.” 
“was it a dirty dream?” cheol jokes. “is that why you don’t remember?”
“no, asshole,” you reply. thankfully, the first round of plates arrives to the table then and everyone is distracted for a while. you have to shake the feeling of mingyu staring at you though. it’s like he knows there’s more to the dream than you let on, but you’re not gonna unpack it with the other two sitting right here.
“y/n,” mingyu calls your name quietly. you look up and find him holding a small plate out very politely, and then he gives you his sweetest smile before asking, “can i try a gnocchi?”
“sure,” you nod, scraping one off your plate onto his. “it’s really good.”
“give me one,” cheol says, and before he can even finish you shake your head.
“nope,” you say as you pop another piece into your mouth. “you didn’t ask nicely.”
“whatever,” he grumbles. 
the rest of dinner is nice, the food is great, you got your tiramisu and your weird drink at the end of the night, and cheol and jeonghan got sloshed on an expensive bottle of wine. you’re laughing with mingyu as you guide the two drunkards back to the car, struggling to get cheol to put his seatbelt on. once the toddlers are settled you turn to ask mingyu if he’s gonna drive, just to see him waiting for you by the passenger side. 
“what are you doing?” you ask quietly.
“being a gentleman,” he replies simply, opening the door for you and handing you the jacket you almost left in your seat. you thank him quietly, heart picking up speed. he closes the door for you before he gets to the driver’s side, and then you’re on your way back to the airbnb. mingyu wordlessly hands you the aux, and you take it as you shuffle your library, not concerned with whatever song comes on. the first one to play is mary’s song by taylor swift, a song that has always reminded you of the way mingyu loved you. for a second, you let yourself reminisce and feel the warmth that mingyu’s love always gave you. absentmindedly, your hand reaches for his on the center console, and when you realize what you’ve done you just pull back like it was an accident. mingyu knows it wasn’t, though. he drives on in content, happy just to be sharing this moment with you, regardless of the circumstances.
back at the house, the guys let you take the bathroom first so you can shower. you promise to be quick, but while you’re in there you relish having a moment to yourself. it’s always nice, even when you’re with people you love, to have a second to yourself on a trip like this. it turns out doing you dirty this time, because the longer you’re left to your own thoughts the more they wander back to mingyu. back to how much you love him, how much he loves you, and how much that scares you. it wasn’t like you left because you didn’t care about him anymore. you were afraid you cared too much, and that it would end up hurting you one day. as all these thoughts pass through your head, you notice you’ve started crying. the shower quickly wipes your tears away, so you finish up and try to collect yourself as you get dressed. you take a couple extra minutes to pamper yourself, using the products the airbnb host left out for guests to try and steady your breathing. you take note of the fancy lotion, contemplating whether or not to steal this one, when jeonghan yelling in the hallway brings you back to reality. 
clean and ready for bed, you emerge from the shower with your things in your arms. you almost drop them when you bump into mingyu leaving your room, arms laden with blankets and pillows. you look at him confused before asking what’s going on.
“where are you going?” you ask as you move further into the bedroom, noticing that mingyu has moved all of his things. 
“i’m setting up my bed,” he replies.
“i thought you were sleeping with me?” you say, noticing too late how that sounds. “i mean, wait, sorry-”
“yeah, i was supposed to sleep in here, but jeonghan said i can make a bed on the floor and sleep in the living room with him,” mingyu explains with a small smile. 
“i don’t wanna bother you, y/n,” he says. “i don’t mind.”
he stands there, staring at you, almost like he’s waiting for you to say something. you want to tell him he doesn’t have to sleep on the floor, you want to tell him it’s not a bother, but above all you want to tell him not to leave. with an aching heart you realize, you really want him to stay. but he takes your quiet demeanor as a sign to go, so he turns around and steps back into the hallway.
“mingyu,” you call out quickly, pulling his attention back to you.
“yeah y/n?” he asks, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“mingyu,” you repeat, this time with a touch of sadness in your voice. “just come to bed with me.”
his heart jumps into his throat for a few reasons, first, because you asked him to come to bed with you. to share space with you after so long. he could jump and clap with joy right now, but the sad way you said his name is the other reason his heart is in his throat. that’s when he notices your puffy eyes, and he asks quietly, “have you been crying?” 
you don’t need to respond. mingyu already knows. he drops everything in his arms, kicking them out of the way so he can wrap you in his arms instead. you sigh into his chest, willing the tears burning at your eyes to go away, but you let a few slip through as you whisper “i’m sorry” over and over again right above where mingyu’s heart is.
“baby,” he says, pulling your gaze up to his face, then, when your eyes meet his warm ones, “my love. what are you sorry for?” 
“for running away,” you whisper. “i got sc-scared, and i’m s-sorry,” you explain as the tears start to fall again. mingyu wraps you back up in his embrace, awkwardly waddling you both toward the bed. his sounds of struggle make you giggle, a happy reprieve from the heart breaking cries mingyu so deeply wishes he could stop for you, but he knows you need to get this out.
“what were you scared of?” he asks as he helps you sit on the edge of the bed, your hands wrapped tightly in his. 
“you,” you laugh lightly, making mingyu whine. you smile and put your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb over his soft skin as you continue. “it was like one day i woke up and realized how much you loved me. and that was scary. you’ve always been my mingyu, you always will be, but life has just changed so much from when we were kids. things aren’t as easy anymore, and i guess i preemptively got scared that we wouldn’t be easy anymore. the idea of losing you,” you take a deep breath, “of you not loving me anymore one day. that scared the shit out of me.”
“things haven’t changed that much then,” mingyu says with that teasing lilt in his voice you know so well. he looks at you mischievously as he goes on, “you’re still that little kid who runs away when our games stopped going your way.” 
“don’t be a dick,” you laugh, head falling onto mingyu’s shoulder. “i know it was silly. but it’s like, once i made that decision, once i decided i had to leave, i couldn’t just come running back the next day when i missed you. i had to sit with it. i made the decision, i needed to face the consequences.”
“you missed me the next day?” mingyu asks, and you scoff.
“you haven’t changed either,” you tell him. “you’re still the world’s best selective listener.”
“i heard what you said,” he nods. “and i won’t say i understand it, but i still love you, y/n. i can promise you that will never change.” 
“no buts,” he cuts in, pushing your head off his shoulder so he can cup your cheeks and make sure you’re looking at him as he says, “i’m yours. till the end of forever.”
when you were maybe fifteen - that awkward age where you wanted a boyfriend but didn’t want to admit it - mingyu was over at your house. you were so into him, but didn’t realize it yet. mingyu was warming up to the idea of you being his girlfriend, but he was afraid of asking and you turning him down. so you just remained closer than friends, and kept doing what you always did together. 
that day, you were trying to do homework, but mingyu kept going through this pile of things under your desk. your mom made you clean up the storage closet, and you had found y/n relics that you wanted to keep. one of which mingyu was digging for. 
“i’m telling you, it’s not in there,” you say for the millionth time, laughing when he bumps his head somewhere underneath your desk. 
“ouch,” he whines, and you kick his butt to add to the pain. “ouch!”
“get up!” you whine back, pulling at his ankle. “even if you find my diary i’m not gonna let you read it.”
“yeah, but,” he says as he crawls out, “i am bigger and stronger than you, y/n.”
“so i could throw you if i wanted.”
“then i’d tell your mom you’re being mean to me.”
“she knows you probably deserve it at this point in our relationship,” he mumbles. your ears warm at hearing him call this a relationship, but the way he’s not moving his right hand from under your desk is more important to you right now.
“whatcha got there?” you ask calmly. 
“nothing,” he smiles the biggest grin you’ve ever seen. 
“show me both your hands.”
“why do you even wanna see it,” you whine as you join him on the ground, trying to swipe for your diary in his hand. “it’s embarrassing.” 
“i’m looking for something,” he says as he starts flipping through the pages of your pink velvet powerpuff girls diary. you laugh together over the many different ways you spelled diary as a child, until he stops on a page that makes you sick to your stomach.
it’s a picture. of you. and mingyu. on your wedding day. you’re in a big poofy dress and you’ve drawn mingyu with...a ponytail? and a bowtie bigger than his head. it’s clearly the two of you, because baby y/n took the courtesy of labeling you both for future historians (mingyu) to use against you. then down at the bottom, in horrible handwriting, are the words “me and gyu till the end of forever.” 
after you’ve both taken a moment to stare at the page, you in disbelief and mingyu in complete adoration, he tears it right out. 
“bye y/n,” he says, standing up and heading to your door. 
“where are you going? give me that page back!” you shriek. you want to get up and take it from him, but he was right: he’s bigger and stronger than you, so that wouldn’t end well. you kick at his ankles instead, but he just folds the paper up and puts it in his pocket before making a face and leaving.
you didn’t think about that day, or that drawing, until just now. until mingyu said those words to you again. you watch in shock and admiration as he finds his wallet amongst his things and pulls out a small, folded piece of paper. he hands it to you, but you already know what it is. you rub it between your fingers, letting every moment that you’ve known mingyu, that you’ve been loved by mingyu, wash over you. you want to cry again. his love is so strong that it makes you feel the most intense emotions, but right now you just feel...content. you hand the paper back to him, and wave away the questioning look in his eyes. 
“like i said, i’m sorry gyu,” you start out. “i’m sorry i ever doubted how much you loved me. i’m sorry i ever doubted how much i love you, too. it’s just scary. we’ve got so many big life things ahead of us, and i know i can’t do it without you by my side, but i don’t want our love to change. i always want you to be my playful, clumsy, perfect mingyu. and i just let my thoughts..and my pride..get in the way of that. so i’m sorry, lovebug.” 
“lovebug?” he smiles, his whole face blushing at your favorite nickname for him resurfacing. he stares at you deeply, his hands itching in his lap to hold you again, and you think for a moment he’s going to kiss you. instead he lets out a breath and says, “i’m sorry too.”
“what do you have to be sorry for?” you laugh nervously. 
“for ever letting you think for a second that i don’t love you as much as i do,” he replies. “i’ll work harder from now on.”
“no,” you say quietly, and you watch the confusion wash over mingyu’s features. “let me. i think it’s my turn to show you how much i love you. you’ve been doing it for years.”
“well if you insist,” he smiles shyly, eyes flicking down to your lips. you don’t have to nod for him to know it’s ok, and then he’s kissing you again. when you pull back, mingyu’s eyes are still closed, savoring the feeling of having your love all to himself again. 
“cmon lovebug,” you whisper over his lips, “let’s go to bed.”
the next morning, you wake up sweating. your body amazingly forgot what it was like sleeping next to your mingyu shaped space heater, and it’s made worse by the fact that his arms have been tightly wrapped around you all night. you laugh when you wiggle and he pulls you closer, surprised that you can still breathe despite his tight grip. you get a hand free from his hold and try your old trick to get mingyu to unwrap you, lightly flicking his nose until he brings an arm up to swat you away. 
you use this as a chance to slide out of bed, determined to make it to the kitchen to make good on your promise to mingyu last night. you want to show him how much you love him, and the first step to reminding him of that is to make his favorite breakfast. you think there’s enough ingredients in the kitchen, cheol packed groceries so you wouldn’t have to rely on take out all weekend. so you find one of mingyu’s sweaters and pull it over your pajamas before heading to the kitchen. you put your mingyu playlist on so you have some quiet background noise, careful not to wake jeonghan up in the next room. as you’re searching the spice cabinet, you feel a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“why are you awake right now,” mingyu’s groggy voice whines into your neck. “come back to bed.”
“no,” you say simply. “i’m hungry. you can go back to bed and i’ll be there in a minute.”
“no,” mingyu replies. “miss you too much.”
“no, i’m calling you a baby,” you laugh, turning in mingyu’s arms once you find what you needed. “can you at least let go so i can cook?”
“what are you making?” he asks, loosening his grip but not letting go completely. you shuffle back to the kitchen island, mingyu coming with you, his hands still lightly on your waist.
“french toast,” you say shyly, feeling the warmth of mingyu’s smile without having to look at him. 
“i love you, you know that?” he whispers into your ear, kissing your cheek quickly before he lets you go. you hear him shuffle to the sink, water running as he asks, “how can i help?”
“can you slice the bread for me?” you ask. “and warm the pan up.”
“yes chef!” 
your giggles at mingyu’s behavior are what finally pull jeonghan out of his deep sleep, and he smirks when he sees you two moving happily around the kitchen together. he doesn’t want to ruin the moment so he just snaps a picture and texts it to cheol, hearing the man react with a cheer once the text goes through. jeonghan laughs and rolls back over, falling asleep to the sound of mingyu humming a song to you as the sweet smell of breakfast fills the house. 
when it’s time for you all to head back home, mingyu offers to drive and the other two insist on you taking the front seat. mingyu starts planning who to drop off first, beginning with jeonghan, then cheol, then you. 
“you’re dropping y/n off last, hm?” cheol says with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “starting the honeymoon already?”
“shut up,” you groan. 
“yeah, shut up,” mingyu mimics you. “it just makes sense though, y/n’s place is closest to mine and i need to drive my own car home. so it works out.”
“sure,” cheol nods. “no ulterior motives.”
“really!” mingyu shrieks, his ears turning red so you know this is getting to him. “i mean, i want to see fred too, but-”
“babe, stop talking,” you say quietly, placing your hand on his in the center console. “you’re just egging him on.”
“please listen to her,” jeonghan grumbles, obviously trying to sleep.
“she called him babe though,” cheol whispers to jeonghan, and they start giggling like little girls.
“ok, now everybody stop talking!” you say, looking at the boys in the rearview mirror. “quiet game, starting now. first one to speak has to buy lunch.”
“and gas!” mingyu adds.
“hey, doesn’t that mean mingyu just lost?” cheol asks, and you shake your head. “but he spoke first!” you just stare harder. “you’re playing favorites.”
“no i’m not,” you reply. “game starts now.”
after mingyu drops jeonghan and cheol off (who bought mcdonald’s and filled mingyu’s gas tank), he finally takes you home. when he pulls up outside your building, he stalls awkwardly at the wheel, unsure of what to do with his hands. you watch in admiration, a smirk playing at your lips. when mingyu looks over to you at last, he smiles shyly.
“hey,” you laugh. “you gonna come in?” 
“really?” he asks, whole face perking up. 
“either come in with me or kiss me goodbye, it’s up to you-”
“what if i come in with you and we make out in your apartment?” he asks with a smile of his own. 
“deal,” you smile, “let me just get my bags.”
“nope. i got em,” mingyu says as he rushes out of the car, running around the front so he can get to your door in time to open it for you. you start to protest, and mingyu’s response is, “complain and i won’t come in!”
“you’re a liar,” you laugh. 
“maybe, but i’m still not letting you carry anything,” he says while you get your keys out. when you’re done you turn and see him staring at the bags in the back really hard. 
“what are you doing? trying to solve a math problem?” you tease, and mingyu looks at you with a blush on his cheeks. 
“um, no, sorry,” he shakes his head, pulling your things out of the back before reaching to close the trunk.
“you’re not bringing your stuff?” you ask nervously. 
“you want me to?” he asks hopefully, and you nod. he smiles and grabs his bag too, hoisting everything onto one arm before joining you by the door. his sweaty hand reaches for yours, squeezing it tightly as you open the door. 
you make the familiar walk back to your apartment, mingyu’s heart beating out of his chest the closer you get. he’s waited for this moment for weeks, coming back home with you. but that’s just it, he’s been racking his brain over what could’ve scared you into running away, and he finally figured it out on the ride here. right before you broke up with him, he started talking about moving in together. he hadn’t asked you yet, but he was planting the seeds for it, and that must have scared you off. now he’s worried that once he walks through the door, he’s won’t want to leave ever again. he just hopes this time you’re ready for him to stay. 
when you get to your apartment, you try to shake mingyu’s hand out of yours so you can open the door, but he just whines and tells you to deal. laughing as you stumble into your place, mingyu looks around excitedly only for his face to fall. 
“fred’s not here,” he says with a growing pout. 
“nope,” you shake your head. “he’s at my mom’s because i was gone for the weekend. sorry i didn’t tell you.”
“you tricked me,” mingyu says accusingly as he places the bags on his arm on your kitchen table. 
“yeah, well,” you shrug. “you would’ve come up anyway.”
“how is your mom, by the way?” he asks as he walks toward you “missing his favorite person?”
“hm, no?” you reply. “she actually said you were stinky and she never liked you.”
“she did not,” he says with a smile, snaking his arms around your waist. “tell her i say hi.”
“and mrs. kim?” you ask as you drape your arms across his broad shoulders.
“she’s good,” he nods. “thrilled that you didn’t give up on me. i got chewed out after the break, by the way, so thanks for that.”
“you’re welcome,” you tease, kissing his chin. mingyu smiles without letting it reach his eyes, and he takes a deep breath.
“speaking of,” he starts cautiously. “the..break up.”
“the bad time, yes,” you nod. “have i said i’m sorry about that today?”
“can we..talk about it a little more?” mingyu asks, and your heart clenches. “if you don’t want to, that’s fine, i just...have questions before we go back to being us.”
“go ahead,” you encourage him. “do you wanna sit down?”
“no,” he shakes his head. “i’m good right here,” he says, squeezing your hips. “i just need to know what made you freak. was i coming on too strong with the moving in thing?”
“the what?” you ask, obviously confused. 
“baby, i’ve been dropping hints since new year’s about moving in together,” he laughs. “you didn’t notice?”
“no?” you cry out. “why didn’t you just ask me?”
“i was scared!” he cries back. “why did you break up with me?”
“i was scared,” you joke in return. “i had no clue you wanted to move in with me.”
“well, i did,” he sighs. “i already have an extra key for you.”
“really?” you smile. he nods, and you lean your head on his shoulder as you reply. “you know my lease is up next month.”
“is it?” he replies, leaning his cheek on your forehead. “how convenient. i’ll make room in the closet then.”
“cool,” you smile, comfortably floating at the idea of living with mingyu. when mingyu clears his throat above you, you know what he wants. you pull him over to the couch as you say, “i know. i’ll explain.”
“kiss me first?” he asks, and you think about it. 
“just one,” you say with a stern finger in his face, mingyu bites it, and then with your finger between his teeth he says, “no promises.” you pull away from him just for mingyu to reach back and cup your face, pulling you softly toward his lips. as soon as your lips meet you melt into him, his arms grabbing you so you’re sitting on his lap. “hey,” you say into his mouth, mingyu trying to kiss you deeper. “hey!” you giggle, pulling back. “i said one.”
“and i said no promises,” mingyu replies. “now cmere.”
“no,” you laugh, holding him at bay. “we need to talk.”
“i’m listening,” he says, playing with your hair. 
“i was serious before when i said i was scared,” you start out. “but no, the move in thing wasn’t what scared me. i was, uh, i was out to lunch, with some of my friends, and one of them just got engaged-”
“mingyu,” you whine. he mumbles out a sorry and let’s go of your hair, placing his hands on your hips. “she just got engaged, and we started talking about..wedding..stuff, and then the girls all turned to me.”
“oh?” mingyu asks with a smirk.
“yeah,” you nod. “and um, that freaked me out. they started asking why we hadn’t..weren’t..um, whatever. they started asking me questions, and i didn’t know what to tell them, and that just made me go down a very dark hole.”
“how dark?” mingyu asks with concern laced through his voice.
“dark like, what if you didn’t want to marry me? what if we got married and everything went bad? what if-”
“and you never thought to talk to me about it?” mingyu cuts you off. 
“did i mention how sorry i am?” you try sheepishly. “that was the big life stuff i mentioned the other night. moving in, getting engaged. starting the rest of forever together. that’s scary stuff, and i forgot how easy you make things. i just got scared of the concept, i guess, and didn’t consider how you make everything feel okay.”
“i do?” 
“yeah,” you nod. “you’ve made my life so wonderful, gyu. even though everything ahead of us scares the shit out of me, i can’t wait to do it all with you.”
“let’s wait on all the scary stuff,” he says, grabbing your hands to play with your fingers as he speaks. “we’ll take it step by step. starting with moving in together?”
“starting with that,” you agree. “i love you, kim mingyu.”
“i love you too baby.”
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jaybug-jabbers · 8 months
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Gelatopod - Ice/Fairy
(Vanilla-Caramel Flavor is normal, Mint-Choco is shiny)
Artist - I adopted this wonderful fakemon from xeeble! So I decided to make up a full list of game data, moves, lore, etc. for it. Enjoy! :D
Abilities - Sticky Hold/Ice Body/Weak Armor (Hidden)
Pokedex Entries
Scarlet: Gelatopod leaves behind a sticky trail when it moves. A rich, creamy ice cream can be made from the collected slime.
Violet: At night, it uses the spike on its shell to dig into the ground, anchoring itself into place. Then it withdraws into its shell to sleep in safety.
Stats & Moves
BST - 485
HP - 73
Attack - 56
Defense - 100
Special Attack - 90
Special Defense - 126
Speed - 40
Lvl 1: Sweet Scent, Sweet Kiss, Aromatherapy, Disarming Voice
Lvl 4: Defense Curl
Lvl 8: Baby Doll Eyes
Lvl 12: Draining Kiss
Lvl 16: Ice Ball
Lvl 21: Covet
Lvl 24: Icy Wind
Lvl 28: Sticky Web
Lvl 32: Dazzling Gleam
Lvl 36: Snowscape
Lvl 40: Ice Beam
Lvl 44: Misty Terrain
Lvl 48: Moonblast
Lvl 52: Shell Smash
Friendship Level Raised to 160: Love Dart (Signature Move)
Egg Moves
Mirror Coat, Acid Armor, Fake Tears, Aurora Veil
Signature Move - Love Dart
Learned when Gelatopod's friendship level reaches 160 and then the player completes a battle with it
Type - Fairy, Physical, Non-Contact
Damage Power - 20 PP - 10 (max 16) Accuracy - 75%
Secondary Effect - Causes Infatuation in both male and female pokemon. Infatuation ends in 1-4 turns.
Flavor Text - The user fires a dart made of hardened slime at the target. Foes of both the opposite and same gender will become infatuated with the user.
TM Moves
Take Down, Protect, Facade, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rest, Substitute, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Avalanche, Snowscape, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Struggle Bug, U-Turn, Mud Shot, Mud-Slap, Dig, Weather Ball, Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, Power Gem, Tera Blast
Other Game Data
Gender Ratio - 50/50
Catch Rate - 75
Egg Groups - Fairy & Amorphous
Hatch Time - 20 Cycles
Height/Weight - 1'0''/1.3 lbs
Base Experience Yield - 170
Leveling Rate - Medium Fast
EV Yield - 2 (Defense & Special Defense)
Body Shape - Serpentine
Pokedex Color - White
Base Friendship - 70
Game Locations - Glaseado Mountain, plus a 3% chance of encountering Gelatopod when the player buys Ice Cream from any of the Ice Cream stands
I'm not a competitive player, but I did my best to balance this fakemon fairly and not make it too broken. Feel free to give feedback if you have any thoughts!
I have a huge bias for Bug Pokemon since they're my favorite type, and at first I wanted to make it Bug/Ice, since any intervebrate could be tossed into the 'Bug' typing. But ultimately I decided to keep xeeble's original idea of Ice/Fairy. There's precedent of food-themed pokemon being Fairy type, and Ice/Fairy would be very interesting due to its rarity (only Alolan Ninetails has it). Its type weaknesses are also slightly easier to handle than Bug/Ice imo
The signature move is indeed based on real love darts, I could not resist something that fascinating being made into a Pokemon move, even if the real games may possibly shy away from the idea. (Honestly it could be argued "Love Dart" is based on Cupid's arrow so Gamefreak might actually get away with making a move like this though.) Its effectiveness on both males and females is a nod to snails/slugs being biological hermaphrodites. I can see this move also being learned by Gastrodon and Magcargo in Scarlet/Violet
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forest-hashira · 2 months
Cool Touch
hello hello everyone!!! i know i just updated Noble Blood a few days ago, but the mental image of this one wouldn't leave me alone, so i went ahead and wrote it. this is the first of my entries for @threadbaresweater's "summertime (and the livin' is easy)" collab event! my chosen prompt for this was gojo + sunburns. not much happens here, but nonetheless i hope you enjoy it! also as usual this is not proofread at all so please forgive any mistakes haha
read on ao3 | wc: ~1.9k | cw: gender neutral reader, ambiguous relationship (can be read as romantic or platonic!), kinda implied autistic gojo (mentions of sensory issues & such), sunburns (obviously), that's pretty much it!
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“Wow, you really weren’t kidding.”
Your words earned you a glare from Satoru as he stood in the doorway. His sunglasses had slipped down his nose as he looked at you, and for once, the dark lenses stood out less against his skin than the stark blue of his eyes.
“Do I look like a liar?” he retorted, opening the door a bit wider so you could come inside.
“More like a lobster,” you said as you stepped around him, before you could even really think about the words. “Sorry! Too soon, I guess,” you added quickly, dancing away from him as he reached out, probably to pinch you in retaliation for your comment on his appearance.
“Yeah, too soon,” he grumbled, shutting the door. “I don’t think I slept at all last night, I was so uncomfortable.”
“That’s what you get for not reapplying sunscreen like we told you to.”
“‘We’?” Satoru asked indignantly, dropping down to sit in one of his dining table chairs as he looked up at you with wide eyes. “Who else told me to reapply?”
“Me, for starters.” As you spoke, you set the shopping bag down on the table in front of you and began to pull out the things Satoru had asked for: multiple bottles of aloe vera gel, four flavors of ice cream, a box of popsicles, ice packs to be stuck in the freezer for later, and a few large bottles of water – your own addition, not something Satoru had requested. “And Suguru, Shoko, Kento—”
“Yes,” you confirmed. “He does actually kind of like you, you know. And we’ve talked about the interrupting thing.”
“Right,” he sighed. “Sorry. I’ll put the money in the jar later.”
“Good,” you hummed. You tried to hand him the receipt from the drug store then, but he waved you off.
“Just leave it on the kitchen counter when you grab spoons,” he told you, leaning against the back of his chair, though h e quickly sat up straight again with a hiss when his skin made contact with the wood. “Hurryyyy,” he whined as you walked off. “I’m literally going to die if you’re not slathering me in gel in the next five seconds.”
“First of all, why the fuck did you have to phrase it like that?” You opened the silverware drawer, grabbing two spoons for the various ice creams you had gotten. Before you left the room, you stuck the receipt to the fridge with one of Satoru’s kitschy little magnets – you were pretty sure the one you grabbed was some sort of fish, but it was a little chipped and faded, and you didn’t bother to look at it for too long before you were walking away again. “Second of all, you are not going to die, you’re just uncomfortable.”
“And itchy. Soooooo fucking itchy.” Satoru was quick to snatch one of the spoons from you, already having the pint of cotton candy flavored ice cream in his lap. 
You wrinkled your nose at the sight, never quite able to understand how he was able to enjoy the flavor, but you said nothing as you came to stand behind his chair. Setting your own spoon on the table, you picked up one of the bottles of aloe gel.
“This might be cold on your skin,” you warned, though he barely acknowledged your words with a hum, his mouth too full of pink and blue ice cream for him to be thinking about much of anything. With a shrug, you squeezed some of the gel out into the palm of your hand, then set the bottle aside. You took a moment to rub the gel between your hands to warm it up a bit, then placed your hands on his tomato red shoulders.
Immediately, Satoru jumped, making an almost hilarious squawking sound as he moved away from your touch. “What the hell?” he demanded, ice cream and spoon still clutched in his hands. His eyes were open wide and his sunglasses had slipped all the way down his nose, seeming to cling to his face for dear life. “Warn a guy next time!”
More than a little shocked by his reaction, you blinked dumbly at him for a moment. “But… I did warn you?” Your brows furrowed as you spoke, and you cocked your head a bit as you looked at him, more confused than anything else.
“You definitely did not,” Satoru argued, now scowling at you.
“I said ‘this might be cold’,” you reminded him. “That counts as a warning.”
“But you didn’t say it would sting!”
Though part of you wanted to roll your eyes at Satoru for his dramatic reaction to the feeling of the aloe gel on his skin, you managed not to; you were well aware of how jumpy and antsy he could be in moments of vulnerability – physically or emotionally – and that generally he didn’t take well to perceived judgment during vulnerable times. Instead, you took a deep breath before apologizing.
“I’m sorry for not warning you about that part, too, Toru. If you’d like to come and sit back down I’ll put the gel on your sunburn. It’ll help you feel more comfortable in your skin, for at least a little bit.”
He eyed you for a moment longer, and you were certain if he had cat ears, they’d be in airplane mode as he decided whether to trust you again or not. Eventually, he let out a somewhat exaggerated sigh, then walked back over to the chair you still stood behind. “I appreciate and accept your apology,” he said quietly, settling down and taking another bite of his cotton candy ice cream. 
A small smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you watched him, glad that he was comfortable enough with you to be vulnerable, and that he trusted you to take care of him this way. He’d come a long way since you’d first met; he’d never been standoffish, really – he was the life of every room he walked into, party or not – but he’d kept anything he deemed “too personal” close to his chest, not wanting to give anyone a reason to dislike him. He’d been slow to open up to you, but once he’d realized you could be trusted? He’d become your closest friend, constantly in your space whenever you were in the same place. It had surprised you, the sheer amount of love he was capable of, when he deemed someone worthy – and trustworthy – enough to show that side of himself, but you felt honored to have his love directed at you.
Even if he was dramatic and difficult sometimes.
“Thank you,” you told him. “Now, I’m about to touch your back and shoulders again, alright? It might be cold and it might sting again, but hopefully not much.”
“‘Kay,” he replied around a mouthful of his frozen pink and blue treat, and you shook your head at him, a small chuckle escaping you.
Doing just as you’d said, you placed your hands on Satoru’s shoulders again, spreading the gel over as much of his skin as you could reach from your current angle: across the tops of his shoulders and down around to his collarbones; up his neck to his undercut; back down below his shoulder blades, rubbing it all in and doing your best to make sure it wasn’t layered on too thick, knowing that would aggravate his sensory issues.
Satoru tensed and shuddered for a fraction of a second when your hands came in contact with his fried skin, but he quickly relaxed again, letting you do all the work for him, since the worst of his burn was on his back and shoulders, where he couldn’t get a great angle to rub the gel on himself.
Grabbing the bottle of gel, you squeezed a bit more of it out into your palm. “I need to get the rest of your back,” you told him. “Could you lean forward a little more so I can reach it better?”
“Sure.” He did as you asked without complaint, even setting aside the now empty pint of ice cream and reaching for one of the water bottles you’d bought, twisting off the cap and taking a large sip of it.
“Someone’s thirsty,” you couldn’t help but tease. It was so rare to see Satoru drink anything that wouldn’t give anyone else a cavity just from looking at it that you had to make note of it any time it happened.
He grumbled at your words, but if he blushed, it was impossible to distinguish from the red that already tinted his cheeks. “I am thirsty.”
“I know,” you soothed. “That’s why I bought those. I always get really thirsty when I get a sunburn.” You uttered another warning before placing your gelled up hands further down his back than before, once again working the substance into his skin as well as you could. From the new angle, you could tell the burn ended where the waistband of his swim trunks had been, so you didn’t let your hands wander any places they weren’t needed. Though you didn’t need another reason to keep your hands to yourself (so to speak), the way Satoru shivered when your fingers dipped the tiniest bit below the waist of the current shorts he wore was reason enough.
“I’m done with your back,” you told him after a bit, stepping out from behind the chair to better look at the snowy haired man you had just thoroughly aloe-d. “Do you need help with getting the gel anywhere else?” The smile he shot you struck you right in the heart.
“No, I think I can do the rest of it. Thank you.” 
Keeping eye contact with him suddenly felt too intense, so you looked away. Your gaze landed on the open water bottle on the table, and you were pleased to see that he’d nearly emptied the bottle; the sight made you smile.
“You’re welcome,” you said back quietly. Then you remembered the ice packs and popsicles, so you picked them all up and walked back into his kitchen, sticking them all in wherever you could them, in between all his boxes of frozen chicken nuggets and other microwave meals – his kitchen skills were minimal, and the man knew what he liked, so you couldn’t really fault him for sticking with the ease of frozen food.
When you returned from the kitchen, you saw Satoru beginning to rub the aloe gel along his arms, so you were satisfied that you had completed the job you’d come here to do. You pulled your keys out of your pocket, making sure you had your phone before you made for the door.
“Wait!” Satoru called after you, and you stopped, turning back to look at him. His brows were furrowed, and his expression was some combination of confused and… dejected? “Where are you going?”
“You said you didn’t need any more help with the aloe, so I was gonna leave you to it.”
“Oh.” His face fell at your words, but he spoke again anyways. “Do you have somewhere you need to be?”
You tilted your head slightly. “Not really, no. Why?”
Satoru perked up so quickly it was enough to give you secondhand emotional whiplash. “Oh, good! I was hoping you’d stay, maybe watch a movie or something?”
You couldn’t help but smile at him, with his sunglasses hanging crooked on his nose, his frosty white hair falling into his eyes, his boyish grin aimed full force at you.
“Yeah,” you said quietly. “I’ll stay. What movie were you thinking?”
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taglist: @mitsuristoleme @kentohours @peachdues @ghost-1-y @witchbybirth
@marinnnnnnnnn @dr-runs-with-scissors @enchantedforest-network
divider by @/saradika
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noahsresources · 2 years
munday asks!
🌈 — name(s) & pronouns 🎈 — gender and/or sexuality 🎂 — age and/or birthday 🕗 — time zone 💕 — single or taken? ⭐️ — sun, moon, & rising signs, if known 💭 — MBTI and/or enneagram, if known ❓ — three adjectives that describe you ❤️ — what are some of your best qualities? 💔 — what are some of your worst qualities? ✨ — what would you change about yourself, if anything? 💘 — what and/or who do you consider near and dear to you? 🚗 — what vehicle(s) do you drive? ✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting? ⌨️ — what operating system(s) do you use? 📱 — mobile or desktop version of tumblr? 🖥 — favorite platform besides tumblr? 🎮 — favorite video game(s)? 🖱 — any cool devices/tool(s) of the trade? (i.e. type of mouse, monitor, keyboard, tablet, etc) 💍 — any piercings? 💎 — want any (more) piercings? 🖊 — any tattoos? 🔏 — want any (more) tattoos? 🎄 — favorite holiday(s)? 🍝 — favorite food(s)? 🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)? 🍰 — favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)? 🐶 — any pets? 😍 — celebrity crush(es)? 😊 — any career desires? 📚 — if you’re in college, what’s your level (undergrad, grad, phd, etc) and/or degree program? 😖 — what annoys you? 🎶 — favorite song at the moment? 📕 — favorite book/series? 🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests? 📺 — favorite movie(s) and/or tv show(s)? 📇 — does your url have a meaning? if so, what is it? ✏️ — how long have you been roleplaying on tumblr? ✍️ — what other platforms have you roleplayed on? 🗒 — what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write? 🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most? 😁 — what’s your favorite part about being part of the rpc? 😤 — what do you dislike the most about being part of the rpc? 💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them! 🎧 — do you write while listening to music/podcasts/videos/etc, or do you need total silence? 🤗 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’d like to meet irl? 😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before? 💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc? 🖤 — what was one of the worst/most depressing moments you’ve had in the rpc? 😳 — what was your most embarrassing moment in the rpc? 🎁 — what have you accomplished in the rpc that you’re proud of? 🫂 — how many friends are in your irl friend group(s)? 🎉 — what are some of your favorite things to do with your irl friends? 😗 — what are some of your favorite things to do when you have some time to yourself? 💯 — share three random facts about yourself that your mutuals may not know about you.
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greenapplebling · 2 years
Tim after getting to that part where Dracula says "I too can love" to Johnathan: Wait- Is Dracula gay??
Jason, a literature nerd: What kind of vampire novel isn't gay?
Tim: *nodding* That's fair
Dick, who had a vampire phase on his teens: To be fair, if you were an immortal being who didn't care about anything but satisfying your own desires, wouldn't you at least be curious?
Dick: It's like if you had a whole ice cream stand all for yourself and you only get vanilla
Tim: Did you just compared genders to ice cream flavors?
Dick: My point still stands. I bet everyone had fantasized about someone from the same sex at least once. Right, Jason?
Jason with his face slowly turning bright red: *trying to cover his face with the book he was reading*
Dick:... Is there something you want to share with the rest of us mortals?
Jason: Not particularly, no
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justblades · 1 year
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⟢ CHARACTERS : dan heng, gepard landau & sampo koski x gender neutral! reader WC : 1.4k
⟢ IN WHICH they celebrate your day in their own special way <3 tooth rotting fluff
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dan heng — beams a sweet smile as he fixes the little gift's wrapping that nestles in his gentle soft palms. he closes his eyes for a little while, envisioning your reaction once he finally gives the item he carefully prepared for you. although silent most of the time, dan heng is the type to pay attention to your preferences, your dislikes, almost everything that you babble about to him.
with his eidetic memory and meticulous nature, his present, without a doubt will cater to your liking. but apparently, two hands cover his eyes, making the male flinch from the sudden presence behind him. "oh, what could this be?" you query, scooting closer to the male, scrutinizing the gift box before him.
"wait, remove your hands first." dan heng protests as he attempts his best to gain his vision back. a chortle slips from your lips and eventually gave in, letting the male breathe free again without the restraints of your hands plastered on his face. he arises from his seat and hands you the gift, teal eyes glimmering with excitement although not that evident from his expression.
sometimes, a small smile from his lips and his long lashes fluttering are all you need to know his heart is brimming with happiness and excitement. dan heng is usually perceived as a cold yet nerdy type, it's actually a privilege you get to see him like this.
gepard — whisks the mixture carefully, having a full on chef look from the apron tightly wrapped around his snatched waist and a hand towel draped on the front pocket. aquamarine irises glancing from one dessert to another he intricately made for you, euphoria pools inside him - feeling satisfied with everything he did so far.
every dessert is different from the other in spite of each one belonging in the same category, he made sure that your taste buds won't cloy from eating too much sweets of the similar variety. the blonde male suddenly takes a trip down the memory lane, moments of when he tried to perfect each sweet dish flash in his mind.
with enough perseverance, he finally perfected the arts of it— thus, he calls you from your room, masculine yet gentle, affirming voice chiming into your ears from the other side of the wall. "coming!" you respond with such enthusiasm and once you got to meet up with your partner face to face, your eyes avert to the desserts prepared on the glossy tabletop.
pudding, ice cream, muffins, everything. the extra toppings were even in your favorite flavor, you also noticed how majority of the courses were also in your favorite color. a miniature doodle adorns the pudding's gleaming surface, supposedly a chibi version of you and gepard together bound by a small heart.
the doodle looked different yet adorable in its own way, baby pink hues flushing his pale cheeks. "it's not much but . ." you immediately cut him off by pressing a quick chaste kiss on his lips, "this is everything to me already. it's a lot, it's not 'not much'!" gepard's heartbeat picks up, embarrassed from how he looks disoriented in front of you. "i'm lucky to have you."
sampo — is usually deemed unreliable and a ridiculous person, leading you to doubting yourself how did you fall for someone like him. sometimes it's unbearable to hear people dissing him and even the male knows it well. however, he sports that usual smug look on his face and shrugs it off by saying "it's not a big deal."
you knew him very well so it was natural for you to not heed any mind to those comments. your perception of your boyfriend is always a 50/50 and never exceeding past that number. 50 of happy for having him, 50 of wanting to strangle him because he always does questionable things that irk you.
no matter the outcome, sampo never fails to grant him a saccharine smile from your lips. he has his ways to make you happy - but he might be crossing the line just now. today is your birthday but the male is nowhere to be seen, he was gone since yesterday and you couldn't help but heave a sloth sigh in the end.
traversing the boulder town with no particular plans in mind, you find yourself seeking companionship from whoever could improve your solitude in the streets. your eyes land on the moles and they do so too; hook trekks towards you followed with her other two playmates, curiosity glinting in her eyes. "huh? isn't it your day? where's your blue haired lover?"
kids can really rub salt on the wound sometimes and your nervously chuckle, "it's okay, he's probably busy." when suddenly, a confetti pops from above, glittering shiny paper shreds fall down in a horizontal blur from your sight. you quicly whip your head, your eyes greeted by the lush green ones- and the iconic cocky smile.
he bows lightly with a gloved hand on his chest, sampo gestures for you to look at your left and three unknown men make their entrance. one man was holding a bouquet of roses, one was holding a box of chocolates, and the remaining guy hands you an envelope, seemingly a handwritten letter for your lover. "i hope i'm not late." he says, holding your right hand and seals a lingering kiss on the back of your palm.
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my masterlist !
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tsuy4n · 5 months
Finally onto the last one! After this I'm gonna go back to lurking (I don't trust my own words).
Cutie patootie x Unstable/Unhinged, (add more and name the dynamic urself!)
[Leo] [Donnie] [Raph] >Mikey<
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*sneaking in the snack bar*
[Y/n]: Okay, let's go.
Mikey: Wait! *points finger* It says no trespassing.
[Y/n]: Bro there's only dos of us, not tres.
Mikey: ...Bro
Mikey: Did you know that when breaking a bone, it typically will heal back stronger than before?
[Y/n]: So what you're saying is I should break every bone in my body until I become invincible?
Mikey: Please don't.
Raph: You lied?
Mikey: We may have.
Raph: You may have or you did?
[Y/n]: We may have did.
Mikey: Tell me the scariest horror story you know.
[Y/n]: Life without you bro.
Mikey: Bro.
[Y/n]: Bro.
[Y/n]: *after tracking down, beating up a couple of villains and setting their hideouts on fire*
[Y/n]: As long as I strike fear and terror into the hearts of my enemies what does it matter what my 'gender' is.
[Y/n]: I don't identify as a 'male' or 'female' I identify as a fucking threat.
Leo: *nods* Don't mess with Miguel, noted.
Raph and Donnie: *nervously agrees*
[Y/n]: It costs $400 to go see a therapist, it cost $0 to tell myself it be like that sometimes.
Mikey: *softly* no.
[Y/n]: Here's a fun idea. We hang a mistletoe but instead of kissing the person underneath, we have to fight them.
Donnie: That's kinda dumb.
Raph: Exactly, so we are not doing that–
Donnie: Though at the same time interesting and kinda fun! Winner gets to obviously ask the loser whatever they want!
Leo and Mikey: *nodding* Mistlefoe.
Raph: Stop encouraging them!
Raph: I'm in.
[Y/n]: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?
Mikey: What?
[Y/n]: I want to be on Buzzfeed unsolved.
Mikey: Can we go back to the part when you said "When I get murdered"?
[Y/n]: *trying to flirt* I really like your name.
Mikey: *smiles brightly* Thanks! Splint's the one who gave it to me.
Leo: *whispering into [Y/n]'s ear* Are you sure you want that one?
Mikey: I think I'm in love with [Y/n].
Raph: You think you are?
Donnie: You just ranted about how perfect their smile is for over half an hour.
Leo: *pats Mikey's head* We know you do, lil' bro.
Mikey: How do you feel about art?
[Y/n]: I mean, you're pretty cool.
[Y/n]: Without you, 60 minutes feels like an hour.
Mikey: Aww, how cute!
Donnie: *From the distance* The fuck?
Leo: I accidentally ate Mikey's sandwich. How long do you think I'll have to live?
[Y/n]: *calmly* 5.
Leo: five what?
[Y/n]: 4.
[Y/n]: You seriously need to calm down.
Mikey: But how can ice cream be birthday cake flavor if birthday cake can be ANY flavor???
[Y/n]: Huh...you actually do have a point there.
Villain of day: I'm going to kill you!
Mikey: Hold on, let me ask [Y/n].
Villain of the day: It's not a choice-
Mikey: They said no. *smiles* And they're on their way here!
Mikey: *realizes* I think you should start running.
Donnie, Leo, and Raph: *nods in agreement*
Mikey: I love you!
[Y/n]: I trust you.
Mikey: *confused*
[Y/n]: That's bigger to me than "I love you".
[Y/n]: *Dramatically watches rain fall through the window* We're born alone and gonna die alone.
Donnie: *Done* Mikey literally just left to get pizza.
[Y/n]: I am clearly not cut out to help make people life choices.
Mikey: Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. You helped me choose you!
[Y/n]: Okay, that time I was a genius.
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imavillainok · 1 month
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Feitan Portor x Reader | Watermelon🍉
Masterlist / Menu
ー ♡꒱・!Tags : no warnings, gender-neutral reader, fluff, established relationship, oneshot
Pairings [Feitan Portor x gn reader]
ー ♡꒱・!Summary: It's summer, Feitan visited you with a small surprise. He got you watermelon and some sweet ice cream for the very hot day.
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You were sitting on your couch, sweating and feeling very miserable in the hot summer weather. You were bored and hungry. Suddenly, there was a knock on your door.
"Come in," you called out, wondering who could be visiting you on such a hot day.
Feitan walked in, carrying a plastic bag in one hand and a cooler in the other. "I have a surprise for you," he said, grinning mischievously.
"What kind of surprise?" you asked, curious.
Feitan set down the cooler and opened it, revealing a cold, juicy watermelon. "Thought we could cool down with some sweet watermelon," he said, grinning.
You couldn't help but smile at his thoughtfulness. "That's a great idea," you said. "I love watermelons!"
Feitan pulled out a knife and expertly sliced the watermelon into bite-sized pieces, handing you a plate and taking one for himself. You both savored the juicy sweetness of the fruit, feeling refreshed and energized. "Knew you like it so I bought one, only for you," he said.
But that wasn't all Feitan had in store for you. He pulled out a second bag from the one he was carrying, revealing a selection of your favorite ice cream flavors. "Thought we could have some ice cream too," he said, grinning.
You took a spoonful of your favorite flavor, feeling the coldness of the ice cream contrast with the heat of the day. Feitan sat down next to you on the couch, taking a spoonful of his own ice cream. You both sat in comfortable silence, enjoying the cool treats and each other's company.
When you finished, Feitan took care of cleaning up, making sure to put everything away in the cooler so that it would stay cold. You couldn't help but admire his thoughtfulness and attention to detail.
As he was getting ready to leave, Feitan leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek. "Had a great time," he said. "Hope we can do this again soon."
You smiled, feeling grateful for Feitan taking care of you. "Thank you for everything," you said.
Feitan grinned, looking pleased. "Anything for you." He walked out the door, leaving you feeling happy and refreshed on a hot summer day.
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
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— “ SUGAR DATE ! “  Commissioned by anonymous user Gender neutral reader/ Fluff
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He waited for you all bit patiently, checking his phone every now and then, as he sat there waiting for you to arrive at your designated meet up spot. It wasn't that you were late, no.. far from that, Rollo was unbelievably early to your meet up spot, but he couldn't help it, he wanted to see you, the two of you went to separate schools and had separate classes, it was rare for you to meet up with him, so how could he not, make sure to come early.. Maybe coming over half an hour early was a bit overkill though.. 
But it was worth it, coming early, waiting for what seemed to be hours for you to arrive.. Was all worth it, when he saw your face again. He greeted you happily with a smile, as he excitedly guided you throughout the city. Today was your three month anniversary, and Rollo has decided that they should explore the City of Flowers, trying out many different pastries and exploring the sights together. He wasn’t one for long sluggish walks in the hot sun, where he felt like death, yet today, the weather was perfect, as he guided you throughout the park, where you two met up. 
The two of you looked around the park, going on a couple of rides in the park, there wasn't many as the target demographic was definitely not you both, however you both enjoyed your time there, mid way through, Rollo found an ice cream booth, and you both couldn't help but try one of the odd special options, it was new and you both did plan on exploring the area and trying all of the sweets, they had to offer, so why not start off strong? 
The ice cream tasted good actually, the combinations of flavors seemed a bit unsatisfactory to look at but it tasted amazing, the two of you finished your dessert, and Rollo offered you a hand, which you graciously accepted, he lead you throughout the outskirts of town, and the two of you found yourselves, going through town and the many shops on the street, enjoying the view and scenery, and the affordable prices! 
The two of you found yourselves looking around the boutiques and antique shops, looking around for things you wanted, seemingly window shopping, sometimes stopping at street vendors and buying an occasional snack, for the 'city of flowers', the food there was probably the best part of it all, though that's not to say that the scenery was inferior.  
Rollo found himself taking multiple photos of you, asking you to pose for a picture as he took them, he wasn't often in these photos as he sat there admiring your beauty as he shot many pictures of you under the sun, in many different beautiful settings, basking in your beauty, he complimented you multiple times throughout the day, though it wasn't as blunt as one would expect, as he'd get shy when admitting how he felt, and how beautiful he actually thought you were. 
The two of you had bought quite more stuff than you had expected as the trip's main intention and goal was to just sightsee and experience the culture and taste the sugary treats, but both of you enjoyed your anniversary nonetheless, buying matching bracelets, they were made of sterling silver and they held a mini charm of sorts, and the magnet on the charm was laced with magic, so it would only connect to it's missing pair, which Rollo wore. 
Rollo had also gifted you with small handmade hair clips, they were purple and white in color, with a simple design and charm on them, the gesture was cute, especially when you knew that he hand made them, taking the time to make it specifically for you. He put the matching set of clips on your hair, decorating your bangs, as he smiled, “You look so pretty…”, he said unconsciously, blushing slightly when he realized what he had said. You chuckled in response, which only made the man all the more flustered.
The two of you had finally made a stop, at an actual cafe, tired from walking with all these bags, especially you, you who refuted Rollo's help and made a front about how you could carry all your bags, confidently, only to be shocked with the revolution, that you cannot actually carry all the bags around, continuously, and function while walking for an hour straight. 
As the two of your orders are taken, Rollo sighs, laying his head on the table and looking at you with a soft smile, "Thank you for spending the day with me today dear... I love you…", he said with a big smile, as he closed his eyes, drifting to sleep…. maybe you should wake him up after your order arrives, he looked adorable in this state.
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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a1307s · 7 months
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Kinks #1
(Conner Kent Smut)
[Art is not mine! Credit to kămenOWL ]
Request By: dogma0325
Y/N - Your Name
E/C - Eye Color
Word Count: 3,527
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Mild name calling/bickering/cursing
Hair pulling
Lost virginity (Conner)
Mentions of degrading
Thigh cum shot
Conner's POV
     The living room is super noisy this afternoon. Wally and Robin decided to invite Roy Harper for what they called a 'boys night' in. Apparently a 'boys night' is all the boys hanging out without any of the girls on the team around. In a counter action to this, Artemis invited Zatanna over to hangout with Y/N, M'gann and herself for a 'girls night'. I have learned that the only difference between a 'boys night' and a 'girls night' is the genders who are hanging out in what room.
     If I'm honest I would much rather be at the girls' night in Y/N's room than in the living room with the boy teammates - and Roy. The boys are loud and only talk about this thing called 'football'. I was interested in some of the conversation when Roy was talking about fixing his motorcycle. I like machines, they're understandable and unchanging; unlike humans.
     A whistle pulls me out of my thoughts, pulling my attention towards the direction it came in. "You're looking hot, Y/N," Roy - who I assume whistled - says with a smirk and a wink.
     My head snaps upward at the sound of Y/N's name. I'm not sure what I feel about her yet. When she's around it's hard to breathe and my stomach feels upset but when she's talking to Wally or Kaldur touches her back I get angry. I explained these emotions to Canary last week when she was here for our training and she told me it sounded like a 'crush'. After some research and an explanation from Robin apparently a 'crush' is when you have romantic love feeling things for a person. From how he explained it, it's supposed to make me feel good, but it just makes me feel confused and angry.
     "Keep your tongue in your mouth, Harper," Y/N says, a small giggle following her words. Y/N leans over Roy's chair, her chin resting on his red hair and her arms folded under her chest. From what I can see she's wearing one of my shirts along with her tight velvet necklace. Last month Y/N explained to me the tight necklaces she wears are called 'chokers'. Her conversation with Roy makes my nervous boil with anger but seeing her wear my shirt makes my stomach warm up.
     "Hurry up and get out of here! It's boys night," Wally whines, throwing a piece of his popcorn at Y/N. "What are you even doing out here?"
     "The girls wanted a snack and I lost the drawing so I got the great joy of seeing you boys pig out in the common room," She says, letting her feet fall back on the floor before walking over to the kitchen.
     "It's only Wally that is pigging out," Says Kaldur with a sweet smile. The smile makes my anger even more unbearable.
     "Suck my dick, Captain," Y/N mocks with a slupy salute.
     "You don't have one," Roy reminds her as if that's something a girl could forget. Maybe Y/N did forget she doesn't have a penis.
     "And yet my cock is bigger than yours," She snaps back at Roy, opening a cabinet and pulling out two bags of chips. "Maybe if you pulled some of your dick out of your personality you could keep a girlfriend," Y/N finishes before walking out of the living room and back down the hallway. Her comments towards Roy make my stomach even warmer, but this time it starts to tighten in a way I haven't felt before.
     "God it would be so fun to sleep with her," Mumbles Roy, getting a chuckle out of Wally.
     "Gosh not very humble, are we?" Wally asks, making himself chuckle even more. "Honestly Y/N is probably super vanilla."
     "Vanilla? As in the ice cream?" I ask, confusion over taking me. How can Y/N be an ice cream flavor?
     The guys laugh at me before Robin grabs my shoulder. "Big Guy, Vanilla is a term used for someone that isn't kinky in bed. Like you!" He explains, giving me more questions instead of answers.
     "Dude I swear Y/N is a hundred percent into choking," Roy says before taking a drink of his pop.
     "We are aware. Her chokers are a dead give away," Kaldur adds on before going back to his book.
     "I know she's into hair pulling," Robin says, catching the attention of Roy.
     "What makes you say that?"
     "I accidentally pulled her hair the other day and instead of saying 'ow' or being pissed off she said 'hey'," The youngest boy explains.
     "I'm still confused," I say as my confusion starts quickly turning into anger.
      "Ask one of the girls to explain it later," Wally says before going back to talk to Roy about Artemis's 'kinks'.
     A little after ten everyone left the mountain for the night. Well everyone that doesn't live here anyway, which leaves Kaldur, M'gann, Y/N, and me.
     The question from earlier still eats at my brain and after talking to M'gann it's come to my attention that Y/N is my only hope for an explanation. So, here I am, standing outside her door. My stomach is upset again and my lungs feel like the air is being forced out of them. Is my question really important enough to disturb Y/N?
     Before I can make up my mind her door comes swinging open. "You know, your heart beat is really loud right now and is making it hard to sleep," She tells me, but it's hard for me to focus on her words. She's standing in her doorway with nothing but my T-shirt from earlier on. The warm and tight feeling comes back from earlier.
     "What?" I ask, completely forgetting to register her words.
     Y/N sighs and rolls her eyes at me before repeating herself. "I said your heart beat is too loud right outside my door so I can't fall asleep, so what do you want?"
     My mind struggles to make sense of Y/N's words as I look at her. She has to have shorts on or something under my shirt, right? Right?! "Because of your super-senses?" I manage to push out as I focus on the ended hem of my shirt. It rests gently against her thighs. If there's even a gentle breeze it'll move and expose everything. That's very pervy of me to think, isn't it?
     "Good conclusion captain obvious," Y/N says, crossing her arms over her chest, causing her boobs to plump up on top of her arms. I'm definitely a pervert. "What do you want, Sups? I'm tired and want to go to bed."
     "Can I ask you some questions? The boys were talking about some stuff today and I don't really know what they mean," I ask, tugging my eyes away from her chest and nervously scratching the back of my head.
     "Sure," Y/N says, turning around and heading back into her room but keeping the door open for me to follow. "Close the door when you walk in," She says, plopping down on her bed. Y/N lays down on her gray bedding. Her knees are bent up, causing my shirt to pool as high up her thigh as possible without showing anything. Her arm is over her eyes and her hair is fanned out in all directions across her pillows.
     I walk in and softly swing the door closed. The click of the door closing and the view of Y/N causes that pressure in my groin to grow more. "What were the boys talking about?" She asks, not moving her arm from her eyes.
     "Umm..." I mumble, walking over to her bed and folding myself in a seated position at the foot of it. "I think they called them 'kinks'," I finish, willing myself not to reach out and touch Y/N's knees.
     "What?" Y/N's question comes out sharp as she sits up. She folds her legs under her in a criss-cross sitting position. Her underwear pokes out from under my shirt, exposing the red color of it. I quickly snap my eyes away from that area and decide to focus on her E/C eyes. "Do you not know what a kink is? Is that your question?" She asks, reaching her hands out to hold my shoulders. Her eyes are tense as they focus on my face.
     "No I do not," I say, taking a quick glance down at her chest before snapping my eyes to the wall parallel with us. "Roy and Robin said you have a choking and hair pulling kink. That sounds like it would hurt".
     Y/N's cheeks go red at my words and she quickly moves her hands off my shoulders. "They're not wrong," She mumbles, fussing with her hair like she usually does when she's flustered. "I mean, it does like hurt but like... it's a good hurt, I guess? I don't know how to explain it..." Y/N slides off into thought after she tries to explain it to me.
     The thought of wrapping my hand around her throat takes over my thoughts, I want to know how she'll react. I want to know what she means by a 'good hurt'. Before I can stop myself I reach out and gently wrap my hand around her throat. "Wh...What are... what are you doing?" Y/N questions, her cheeks getting redder and her pupils widen some.
     "I wanted to see what you meant by 'good hurt'," I answer, carefully watching how she reacts.
     Y/N wiggles around, moving herself into a kneeling position in front of me. Her hands reach up to mine, filling my head with worry. What if I'm not doing it right? What if I upset Y/N? "You're doing it wrong," She says, moving my fingers to a certain spot on the side of her neck and gently pushing my palm up and off her windpipe. "You're supposed to gently squeeze the veins next to my neck. If you push down on my windpipe you'll break it. For someone like you I strongly suggest being extra careful," She says, looking up into my eyes again when she's done moving my hand into the right spot.
     "Can... Can I squeeze?" I ask, glancing down at my hand before looking back up at her. She nods yes, biting the bottom of her lip. "I want to hear you say yes."
      "Yes," She says, gently leaning into my hand. I gently squeeze, afraid of hurting her, "You can squeeze harder," Y/N says, her voice soft and her eyes half lidded. I obey, squeezing slightly more. "Perfect," She says, her voice coming out husky.
     "Is this a kink?" I ask, my eyes raking down her body. Gently I place my hand on her thigh so my fingers barely touching the hem of my shirt on her body.
     "Mhm," Y/N hums, her eyes completely closed now. "A kink is something someone likes to happen to them in bed. My kinks are choking - obviously. I also like getting spanked, my hair pulled, and being degraded. Sometimes I dabble in being a submissive too," She explains, scooting herself closer to me. "Can I sit in your lap?" She asks quietly, opening her eyes to look at me.
      "Umm... sure," I say, reluctantly letting go of her throat. Y/N gently climbs into my lap, wrapping her legs around my torso and softly resting her arms over my shoulders. Her area feels warm pushing up against my jeans. "Can you teach me how to pull hair?" I ask slowly, waiting to see how she responds.
     "Sure!" Y/N chirps out, her pupils growing even bigger. "So you're going to want to take a good chunk of my hair in your hand. You can take all of it if you want," She explains, and I obey, taking her hair in my hand and making a sort of ponytail out of it. "Next you're going to want to pull it back until I'm looking up at the ceiling. Don't pull super hard though or you'll actually hurt me."
     I listen to Y/N again, using the same amount of strength as I did on her throat. A strange sound comes out of Y/N as her head leans back from me pulling on her hair. "Am I hurting you?" I ask, losing my grip on her.
     "N... no..." She murmurs, blanking her eyes a few times before leaning her head back again. "You're just... turning me on..." She says, focusing on the ceiling. "Can you pull my hair again?"
      I pull her hair back again, focusing on the skin on her neck. It's slightly bruised from where I had my hand before. "What does that mean? 'Turning you on'?" I ask, trying to ignore the hard feeling forming in my pants.
     "Umm... being turned on... it ahh... it's the feeling where you want to have sex. I'm not sure how it is for guys but when us girls get turned on it's... it's like this pressure around our stomach, I guess? When girls get turned on they start,.. Like... leaking? That's not the right word..." She mumbles, rotating her hips to move forward. The feeling sends chilling waves through me. "When girls get turned on we... we form these like... juices? I don't know. Our pussies just get super wet. When guys get turned on though their dicks get a rush of blood and that's how boners are formed."
     "I think I'm forming a boner," I mumble, slowly leaning down to Y/N's neck. Every nerve in me wants to kiss the skin on her neck. It's just so smooth and beautiful that I can't help myself. "Is that wrong?" I am worried that I'm crossing some imaginary line I'm not aware of.
     "No... no it's... it's not," Y/N mumbles, tapping on my arm. In response I let go of her hair. Y/N's head flips up and she looks at me, her eyes burning into mine. "I really want to fuck you right now, Conner." She tells me, making the boner in my pants grow even more.
     "As in like... wanting me to put my... in... in your?" I ask, awkwardly resting my hands on her shoulders.
     "Ya, but we don't have too! We don't have to do anything you don't want!" Y/N yelps, starting to push herself off of me.
     "No! I... I want to... to do the... the sex..." I mumble, pulling her back into my lap. "How's... how's it going to feel?"
     "First, never call it 'doing the sex' again. It's just 'having sex'. Second, Roy explained it as a like warm and tight feeling."
     The mention of Roy makes my anger bubble and before I can stop myself I have my hand back into Y/N's hair and her head snapped back up. "Roy isn't here so I don't know why you need to say his name. Is he here? Are you sitting on his lap? Do you ask him to fuck you?"
     Y/N's woman hood beats under me like her heart has fallen from her chest. "Fuck Conner," She mumbles, rolling her hips aginst mine again. "N... no he's not here right now."
     "I'm sorry," I mumble, finally giving in and letting myself kiss her neck. "How do we...?" I ask, releasing her hair.
     "Don't apologize, I like when guys say stuff like that," Y/N says, crawling off my lap. She positions herself on all fours in front of me with her ass sticking high in the air towards me and her weight leaning on her forearms. "Can you... um... spank me?" She asks, slowly moving her hips so her butt shakes in front of me.
     "Umm... sure... if you explain how to do that," I say, my eyes following her butt as it moves and my penis straining against my pants.
     "Just smack my ass. Just be aware of how much power you're using, I don't want to get badly hurt," Y/N answers back, turning her head to look back at me.
     I roll her words over in my head as I gently rest my hands on her waist. "Just smack it?" I ask, getting a humming yes from the girl exposed in front of me. "Okay," I mumble, settling her hips in place before taking a hand off of her. I draw back my hand before swinging it forward and connecting it with Y/N's behind. A soft mew spills out of her as she hangs her head. "Like that?" I ask, rubbing the redding spot.
     "Ya," Y/N breathes out as her legs start to shake. I take that as a good sign, drawing my hand back a few more times and connecting it back into the same spot. With every smack her noises get louder. By the sixth time Y/N's voice is shaky. "Please Conner," She whines, rubbing her thighs together.
     "Please what?" I ask, rubbing the tender skin. Y/N wasn't lying when she said women leak. Sticky clear liquid coats her thighs. Curiosity gets the better of me, causing me to stick my hand on her thigh and coat my hand in the watery substance.
     "Please fuck me," She whimpers, moving her hips back and rubbing her butt aginst my penis.
     "I don't... I don't know how to do that," I say, rubbing the liquid between my fingers. "Can you show me?"
     "Ya," She says, turning around and pushing me back into a seated position. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Y/N asks, starting to undo my pants.
     "Yes, I'm sure," I answer, watching her movements carefully.
     Y/N wastes no time undoing my pants. Her hand presses against my boxers when she finally manages to undo my bottoms. The touch is small but still manages to shoot sparks through my body. I clench my jaw, holding back noises as she gently pulls out my cock. It stands up on its own but that doesn't stop Y/N from running her hand up and down on it. "I'm going to sit on it," She says, letting go of me and wiggling her way out of her underwear.
     "Isn't that going to hurt?" I ask, focusing on the ceiling to avoid looking at her womanhood.
     "No it won't. There's this... hole? That your dick goes into so like I'm not sitting-sitting on your dick. I'll just be sitting on your lap... with you.. In me..." She explains, glancing to the side before she rests her hand on my face.
     Gently, Y/N pulls my face down so I'm looking at her. She's so close to me that our noses are rubbing. "I'm going to kiss you," She says, rubbing her thumb on my cheek.
     She takes her time to lean up and close the gap between us. When her lips touch mine they're soft and puffy against my own. The feeling of us kissing is a nice break from the heat and tension in the room. After a minute or two Y/N pulls away from me, dropping her hands from my face to my shoulders. "I'm going to put you in me now," Y/N mumbles, lifting herself and hovering herself over my dick.
     Slowly, Y/N settles herself on my lap. The feeling in her is exactly as she explained. It's nice and warm. Her insides wrap tightly around me which I take as a good thing because Y/N lets out a little gasp. "You're... you're so big," She mumbles, gripping tight on my shoulders.
     "Is that a bad thing?" I ask, settling my hands on her lower back.
     "Fuck no," She whispers into my ear, slowly lifting herself up before plopping back down on me. She goes slow a few more times before picking up her pace. "Fuck," She whines, sliding her hands up to my hair and gripping on to the strands. "You... you should... Um... buck your hips."
     I obey her wish, lifting my hips up as she falls back down. "God damn it!" She yells, tugging on my hair. I repeat the actions a few times, feeling Y/N's insides tighten around me, causing the tension in my groin to grow and making my dick quiver in her. "Y/N?" I ask when the feeling becomes overwhelming. "My... my dick... it feels-"
     "Like it's going to explode?" She asks, kissing the side of my neck. "When that feeling gets really really tense tell me to get off because you can't finish in me," Y/N says, bouncing on my lap some more.
     "You... you should get off... like now," I say, gently pushing her away. Just as Y/N slides off of me a white liquid comes spilling out. Unable to stop myself I let out a low growl and dig my hands into her side.
     Once the tension is all done spilling out I look down at Y/N. She stretched out on the bed with her knees still folded at my thighs. Her chest rises and falls fast as her heart beats faster than usual. Her hair is a mess and her thighs are coated with the juices from the both of us. "That was fun," She says, looking up at me with sparkles in her eyes.
     "Y... ya..." I say back, leaning down and gently brushing a kiss to her lips.
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nights-at-crystarium · 3 months
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. B A S I C S ∙ ✦
Name: Vivien Rell Nicknames: Vivi Age: 23 ARR - 26 ShB (he lives and ages further, his story just spends years of real time in ShB) Nameday: 9th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon Race: Wildwood Elezen Gender: Male Orientation: Gay Profession: Warrior of Light
. P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S ∙ ✦
Hair: Ash blonde Eyes: Cold whitish yellow, naturally glow in the dark Skin: Fair Tattoos/scars: None (My addition: Abnormally short for an elezen, slim, funky long limbs)
. F A M I L Y ∙ ✦
Parents: Elezen mother and father, alive and well, but wip Siblings: Older sister Grandparents: tbd/wip In-laws and Other: None Pets: Red chocobo Paprika
. S K I L L S ∙ ✦
Abilities: Standard dragoon stuff, monoclass. In ShB he starts testing custom spells that look like stars and inky darkness, based on his own aether Hobbies: Reading tales, novels and other fiction, keeping a journal, fishing, tailoring/designing outfits. Vivi has a personal tailor/designer that's stationed in Gridania, therefore isn't always available, so he had to learn the basics for himself
. T R A I T S ∙ ✦
Most Positive Trait: Sincere, emotionally intelligent Most Negative Trait: Fickle, unreliable
. L I K E S ∙ ✦
Colors: Black, white, grey, muted browns Smells: Grass, forest, lumber, sun-heated straw (scent from his childhood when he'd wallow on the roof of his home), sea breeze, bread and pastry, cosmetics, freshly printed papers Textures: Smooth rocks and glass pebbles polished by water, grains and beans in a bag, soft young leaves, fabric of his own clothes, metal accessories like buttons, spikes, necklaces, chains Drinks: Fruit-flavored teas, coffee with milk or cream, iced drinks, smoothies and juices
. O T H E R    D E T A I L S ∙ ✦
Smokes: Tried once, didn't like it Drinks: Has a rather high alcohol tolerance, enjoys it in company, or to cope alone after a shitty day. Not addicted. Drugs: Definitely tried some stuff out of curiosity, not addicted Mount Issuance: Paprika is still wip, due to her being a red chocobo she's unlikely to have come from a grand company, probably a special gift Been Arrested: Probably been. I genuinely haven't thought about it yet, so wip
Tagged by @tinygamertris , thank you :> Tagging @just-a-nerdd @backseatfishing @absolem0 though only if you want. Anyone else who sees and wants to do this, go for it!
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datingdonovan · 1 month
a/n: wake up. food's ready. just sat here for a few minutes and rehabbed an old draft that was probably based on this fabulous onceler drabble, I think? also VERY pg13... not really any explicit sex but. it's a lot about sex. my blog and my writing used to be so sfw but cece is back after her most recent troubling sexual relationship and is probably sexier than ever. he he ha ha help me. I hope you enjoy. also reader is gn but does get called beautiful so if that feels gendered or triggering to you please be aware! also mentions of tipsy/inebriated sex!!!! so dubcon in that way? I tried to make everyone not drunk drunk but if tipsy sex is slimy for you watch out for that too
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Yamaguchi wakes up slowly, eyes halfway open, naked body warm. And then he remembers what happened. The muscles in his body all tense at once, and it takes every fiber of his being to stay still. No no no no no. That hadn't happened. Shit. That hadn't happened, right?
But it had. His palm is resting on the soft skin of your hip and despite his best efforts he's squeezing lightly, so fucking nervous, and you're squirming toward him, still asleep, smiling softly, and it had, it had happened, oh god, it had.
Fuck. His ears are ringing with anxiety. What had happened? What had happened? He hadn't drank nearly enough last night for this to possibly have fucking happened.
And the information floods his mind as you nuzzle closer to his chest, your skin flush against his, a soft kiss where your mouth meets his shoulder. You, Tsukki, Tsukki breaking up with you — meanly, meaner than was necessary. You, Yamaguchi, and Tsukki, best friends, best friends since freshman year and Tsukki dating you and Yamaguchi shutting up and enduring it and you feeling tired of Tsukki's pretentiousness and his mean jokes and you telling Yamaguchi about it and Yamaguchi telling Tsukki about it and instead of fixing it making it worse and then you. You. YOU.
You with no more Tsukki, crying into his shoulder, and saying you just want to fuck someone. You're not even angry, you knew this was coming, you just want to fuck someone to forget. And Yamaguchi, the ever-loving asshole that he is, saying yes, yes, that makes sense, instead of saying, no, it's a bad idea. And then your dorm room, and then your sheets, and then your skin, god, your fucking skin. And now probably a hundred missed calls from Tsukki when Yamaguchi can chance a look at his phone, and the swirling feeling of bile coming up his throat, but what the fuck was he supposed to do? Wouldn't anyone have done the same?
He'd been in love with you since he first laid eyes on you, and in better, kinder ways than Tsukki, he knew. You were so beautiful, a ray of sunshine, someone who deserved the world, and to be treated with tenderness, and care. Tsukki just treated you like he did any other adoring idiot who was obsessed with him. Yamaguchi knew you deserved someone who was obsessed with you, and he knew he could be that. He knew he could love you. He had to constantly fucking remind Tsukki how you took your coffee in the morning, and what your favorite flavor of ice cream was, and that it did in fact matter when he got home if you were waiting up for him, and that you actually cared about him more than he knew and he shouldn't be wasting this opportunity treating you like an annoyance, like you didn't deserve his attention. Hell, with everything Yamaguchi tried to do to make sure you were treated right, you might as well have been dating him the whole time.
And he hated how his heart twinged with jealousy every time you chose his best friend over him, but he let it happen, because he loved you, even though he just fucking knew that wasn't how it was supposed to be. And then last night, everyone was tipsy, and you were crying, and he saw the chance to show you what really being loved could look like, and he took it. Fuck.
You mumble something soft and sweet against his shoulder and he remembers what he said last night with you on top of him, the only thing he could find the words to say, in every cadence he could think of, even after you laughed and told him to stop:
"I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you."
Yamaguchi swallows hard.
It hadn't been sex. It had been love. And that was so, so much worse.
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cock-holliday · 9 months
Gonna start talking about everything in my life the way people talk about gender—as binary opposites.
Oh, you like chocolate ice cream? Guess you hate vanilla then. No, there aren’t any other flavors. Are you a dog person or a cat person? You have a hamster? That’s made up. Do you want to go up to the 15th floor or down to the ground floor? No, you can’t go to the 8th floor, touch the elevator buttons again and I’ll bite your fingers. What the fuck is “overcast”? There is sunny or rainy and that’s it! Snow? Oh, You believe in snow, huh? Way to get indoctrinated by The Weather Truthers.
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